• Getting a haircut during pregnancy: is it possible or not. Why pregnant women should not cut their hair - superstition or a threat to health? Why pregnant women shouldn't cut their hair


    Pregnancy is one of the states when the expectant mother becomes the most feminine and mysterious, and so you want to look attractive at this time. Without a neat haircut or beautifully styled hair, the image is unlikely to be complete. But immediately I recall a lot of signs told by older relatives, the observance of which supposedly protects the young mother and her baby from everything bad. One of the most common, surviving to this day, is just a sign that warns a pregnant woman to cut her hair. What is the reason for such superstitions and should a modern woman pay attention to them?


    The origins of signs

    Almost every woman who told her relatives about her interesting situation has to hear from a caring grandmother or aunt that in no case should she cut her hair at this time. Well, if the pregnant woman is the owner of long hair that can be braided. What to do for those whose hairstyle requires almost a monthly update? Heed the advice and walk with shapeless hair for 9 months or still continue to visit the hairdresser?

    The sign, of course, did not arise from scratch and is associated with the ideas of our ancestors about the strength that hair gives to their owner. It was believed that it was through the hair that a person receives vital energy; not only women, but also men did not cut them without special need. In addition, hair was responsible for the preservation of information, so the short hair of the ancient Slavs was a sign of not being smart.

    Long hair is not only a symbol of femininity, but also energy, health, strength, enabling a woman to become a mother. Having cut her hair in girlhood, before marriage, the girl “tied up the womb”, that is, doomed herself to infertility.

    The hair of a pregnant woman is a kind of conductor through which the baby receives everything it needs from the mother. That is why it was impossible to cut hair during pregnancy, so it was possible to deprive the baby of the necessary energy. It was believed that because of this, he would wither or even die in the womb. Thus, the importance of hair in the development of the fetus was equated with the functions of the umbilical cord, about which ideas were very vague at that time.

    They also said that cutting hair during pregnancy can affect the life expectancy of an unborn person: along with hair, the mother cuts off the years of her child's life.

    Cut hair, according to grandmothers, has a direct impact on the development of the baby, who will be born "with a short mind." By the way, the future mental abilities of a newborn were judged by the hair: children born with hair on their heads were predicted to have a great mind.

    The sign warned that the harm from cutting hair would be not only for the baby, but also for his mother. It was said that the energy of life is contained in the hair, shortening them, a woman loses the strength that she needs so much during pregnancy and during childbirth. By cutting her hair shortly before the birth of a child, a woman dooms herself to torment during childbirth. If you cut your hair in the early stages, then the child may even die in the womb, our grandmothers believed.

    Video: Signs associated with hair care during pregnancy: myths and reality.

    The opinion of modern medicine

    It has been noticed that for many pregnant women there is no need to visit a hairdresser at all. Split ends, because of which young mothers mostly worry, stop bothering, and the strands become thick and elastic. It's all about the hormones produced during pregnancy. They have a beneficial effect on the appearance of a woman as a whole. She becomes more feminine, skin and hair look healthy.

    For the same reason, owners of a fashionable haircut that requires constant updating have to worry, especially if they are not indifferent to folk signs. To maintain external attractiveness and psychological comfort, such pregnant women should listen to the opinion of obstetrician-gynecologists.

    From a medical point of view, hair cutting does not affect the condition of a woman during pregnancy, intrauterine development of the fetus and the health of the newborn. In confirmation of this, an example can be cited by many women who continued to look after themselves in an interesting position, visiting a hairdresser. This did not prevent them from safely enduring and giving birth to a baby in due time.

    It is worth noting that not all women know that it is not recommended to cut their hair during pregnancy. Is it possible in this case to speak of the selective action of signs?

    To finally calm the expectant mother and rid her of unreasonable fears, we can give an example of an ancient Chinese custom. In China, women, on the contrary, cut their hair short when they learned about pregnancy, as a sign of their changed position.

    hair care during pregnancy

    Proper and systematic hair care will be a good alternative to a haircut and will minimize or even help to avoid split ends and other troubles that make hair cut:

    1. Hair type can change during pregnancy, so it is necessary to review hair care products and choose them according to hair type.
    2. Cosmetics should be natural, contain a minimum of chemicals. Most women during pregnancy prefer to use self-prepared care products.
    3. Split ends are the most common problem that makes expectant mothers worried and tormented by doubts about a haircut. Regular nourishment of dried tips will help to avoid this problem. For this, masks based on natural ingredients or a properly selected cosmetic oil are suitable, which need to lubricate the ends of the hair before washing the head and leave for half an hour.
    4. If the body of a pregnant woman lacks trace elements, the hair begins to fall out. You can strengthen them with a rinse made from herbs: nettle, hop cones, St. John's wort and others.
    5. Do not forget about hair masks, selected in accordance with the type. Natural homemade masks made from improvised means will not make the expectant mother worry about its composition and the content of harmful substances in them.

    If, nevertheless, the expectant mother firmly believes in folk signs and believes that cutting her hair will negatively affect her condition or the condition of the baby, then you should not force her to update her hair. The calm and balanced state of a pregnant woman is more important, because it is this that contributes to the health of both the woman and the child.

    Almost every woman who has been pregnant has come across a superstitious omen that you should not cut your hair during pregnancy. This is explained by the fact that by cutting off her curls, a woman, as it were, shortens the life of her unborn child.

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    There is also another concept: fallen or cut curls can fall into the hands of a bad person, who will subsequently cause damage to a pregnant woman. In ancient times, the ancestors of the cut curls were collected and burned in a home oven.

    What is the reason for the ban?

    It's all about superstition, from the point of view of medicine - you can

    Because of such conversations, every expectant mother suffers during the carrying of a baby with the question: why can't you cut your hair during pregnancy? After all, a woman always wants to remain beautiful, and such superstitions only demoralize her, spoil her mood. Many well-wishers are regularly reminded of such signs associated with a haircut, such as fading pregnancy, as well as the possibility of miscarriage.

    If we talk about modern opinion, is it possible to cut hair during pregnancy, then it is worth noting that there are no unambiguously clear opinions. It all depends on the understanding of the life of the pregnant woman herself, as well as on what level her superstitious part is.

    From the point of view of medicine, there are no prohibitions. On the contrary, most doctors who lead the period of bearing a child advise girls, if necessary, to go to the hairdresser to update the image, as this helps to maintain the beauty and excellent mood of the expectant mother in such a special period.

    The best time is the first trimester

    If, nevertheless, a young mother actively believes that it is impossible to cut her hair during pregnancy, then folk remedies for hair care should be used. Such methods will help to maintain the qualitative composition of the hairs, preventing the cross-section of the ends, and, therefore, will help the young mother to refuse haircuts.

    The best time for a haircut

    It has long been proven by scientists that in an “interesting position” a large amount of amino acids and nutrients are produced, which not only accelerate growth, but also help strengthen the hair. That is why many note that during the bearing of the baby, the hair becomes thick and shiny - they receive good nutrition. But if the future mother likes to be always well-groomed and beautiful, then you can visit a hairdresser.

    The best period for a possible haircut is the period of the first trimester. At this time, all the functions of the young embryo are fully established, therefore, no external influences will greatly affect it.

    The signs of a haircut for pregnant girls are very different. It should be noted that there are many such signs. Here are some of them:

    • it is forbidden to have a haircut throughout the entire period of gestation, and especially immediately before childbirth, to everyone who disobeys, evil forces promise the death of the baby;
    • according to other stories, it follows that a haircut leads to the early birth of a long-awaited baby, as well as a decrease in the duration of his life;
    • according to old signs, it is not recommended for women to simply comb their hair, it is especially forbidden to do this on Fridays.

    Most hairdressers also willingly believe in omens and completely refuse to take on sin, cutting off the life span of a future person.

    What do the stars think?

    Among star women, opinions also differ. When asked if a woman can cut her hair during pregnancy, girls answer differently. Someone believes in the existence of signs, and someone simply takes and cuts their hair, and does it many times during a special period of their life, in order to emphasize their beauty and shine on the covers of a film magazine.

    1. From the stories of the stars it follows that everything depends directly on the upbringing of a person. If, for example, a woman is intimidated by talk that her child may die if she cuts her hair during pregnancy, then such a woman will obviously not cut her hair. And for those who do not believe in such signs, there is only one reason to panic - what kind of haircut should I get?
    2. Many star women claim that such signs are unfounded, and there is no reason to believe in them. Life is already full of various incidents, why complicate it for yourself, they assure. Everything that is necessary, they comply. These are the rules of sitting, lying, walking, so as not to damage the fetus - that is, everything that the specialist advises them.
    3. Even the stars themselves assure that there is not a single cited fact that the child died precisely because the expectant mother in an “interesting position” changed her haircut or simply cut her curls.

    To cut or not, it's only your decision

    Thus, it is worth noting the fact that signs about the prohibition of cutting hair during pregnancy are only superstitious traits that have no justification. Most women listen to this sign only because of their uneasy state for the health of the unborn baby, as well as his well-being.

    So, if you can do without trimming curls throughout the entire period of gestation, do not cut your hair. If you need to cut your hair during pregnancy - you should not be afraid for the health of your future child, nothing bad will happen from a haircut.

    In the end, whether to get a haircut or not will be the decision only of the future mother, and not the influence of outsiders. It is difficult to convince someone, and is it necessary? For all those who believe in the existence of signs and are afraid to harm their baby, folk recipes have now been used.

    Useful folk recipes

    First of all, you need to know what type of hairline a woman has in order to select the most suitable curl care product. Such tools will help improve the structure of the hairs:

    • among obvious examples, it is worth noting the use of chamomile, St. John's wort in the process of hair care;
    • for normal hairline, burdock roots or chamomile infusion are excellent;
    • for women with oily hair, St. John's wort or yarrow is suitable;
    • Worst of all, women with dry and brittle hair will have it, they can use mint infusion, or an infusion of dry birch leaves.

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    Summing up, it is worth giving expectant mothers a few tips on hair care.

    1. Due to hormonal changes during pregnancy, a woman needs to choose the right shampoo. It is best to use products from a special series for pregnant women. After washing, it will be necessary to use rinses based on natural ingredients.
    2. It is necessary to choose and use a hair mask correctly.
    3. Wash your hair only with warm water to avoid dryness and brittle hair.
    4. During pregnancy, wash your hair only if it is dirty.
    5. Use a hair dryer to dry on the lowest setting.
    6. Perform head massage with a massage brush.

    : Borovikova Olga

    gynecologist, ultrasound doctor, geneticist

    Many expectant mothers are wondering if it is possible to cut their hair during pregnancy? The popular sign is unambiguous in relation to this issue - it is impossible. But who among us now believes in superstition? Units.

    Is it worth believing in superstition

    During pregnancy, many women tend to believe in all sorts of "fables". Various signs frighten some, while others simply laugh. But not all grandmother's advice should be ridiculed and ignored.

    Superstitions about cutting hair during pregnancy

    Below are the most common superstitions about women's hair.

    • One legend says that all life force is concentrated in the hair. And if you shorten the length of your hairstyle, then not only strength and health are lost, but also the number of remaining years of life decreases. Simply put, by cutting your hair, you can shorten your time on this planet. And for pregnant women, such haircuts were considered almost a “crime”. After all, the life of not only the mother is shortened, but also the baby who is inside her. It was even believed that the pregnancy would end much faster than expected. And this has been believed for many centuries.
    • There was also a superstition that hair is something like an antenna for communication with space. And the longer these "antennas", the more cosmic energy is captured by a pregnant woman. And transmitted, respectively, to the baby. Therefore, if you cut your hair, then the pregnant woman and her unborn baby will not have enough energy and strength.
    • It was also believed that a woman's short hair was a sign of a serious illness. Several centuries ago, the hair was cut off by the sick. And the woman sat in her house until the length was the same. And the strands were cut off because the body spends a lot of energy on its nutrition. But these forces should be used exclusively for recovery.

    Is it possible or not to cut the hair of a pregnant woman

    If you answer about whether it is possible to cut your hair during pregnancy, then the answer depends solely on you. If you want - cut it, if you don't want - don't. Believe in superstitions, then you do not need to neglect them. But in defense of a haircut, we can say that in some cases it really helps.

    For example, you have very long hair. You understand that the body spends a large amount of nutrients on their food. Here and vitamins, and selenium, and magnesium and other elements. Many have noticed that while you are carrying a baby, your hair begins to grow more actively. Therefore, if you cut the length, then more useful substances remain with the mother, and she will pass them on to the child. Everyone remembers that hair will grow back, unlike teeth. Don't be afraid to shave.

    In some cases, precisely because the vitamins are not enough for the hair, they begin to look very deplorable. They fall out more, the tips do not have enough care at all and they dry, split, break. And then only a haircut is the right decision. Believe me, length is not as important as beauty and health. You can have waist-length but straw-like hair, or shoulder-length hair that is silky, shiny, well-groomed and manageable. And in the second case there will be more enthusiastic looks and pleasant compliments. In the first case, unless he regrets and will discuss.

    With care, you need to be careful. It's one thing if you make homemade masks according to grandmother's recipes. And then some components must be excluded so that they are not absorbed into the body through the scalp and do not harm the baby. With purchased masks, you should be extremely careful. The more chemistry in them, the less often they can be used.

    Where to get a haircut? Again, it all depends on your superstition. Someone can cut the ends himself, while the rest prefer to go to the hairdressers. If you choose a day, it is better for the growing moon. This is inexplicable, but it has been proven that haircuts during the younger moon have a better effect on the condition of the hair. And the hair recovers faster, grows back to its previous length.

    And again, if you believe in this superstition, then you can turn into a shaggy monster, and not into a beautiful flowering woman. There are plenty of such grandmother's warnings. And sat down to believe all of them, then by childbirth you will become overgrown, with unplucked eyebrows, unshaven legs, washed on holidays. Do you know that according to such ancient legends, you can’t even comb your hair on Fridays? Therefore, rely only on your desires. You can listen, but it's up to you to follow or not.

    Pregnancy is an important and special event in the life of every woman. During this period, the expectant mother tries to take care of her health as carefully as possible so as not to harm the baby. During pregnancy, many pregnant women are faced with a huge number of signs that they strive to teach the expectant mother.

    The history of the occurrence of signs

    One of the signs - pregnant women should not cut their hair

    One of the most common folk signs is that a pregnant woman should never cut her hair. But why you can’t get a haircut and whether you need to walk the whole pregnancy with overgrown hair, let’s figure it out together.

    The belief that it is impossible to cut hair during pregnancy originated with our ancestors. It used to be that a thick shock had a special power, so the longer a woman had hair, the more female power she had. Hair was especially carefully monitored during pregnancy, since it was believed that if hair that had fallen from the head or cut off fell into evil hands, then this could harm the health of the mother and child.

    Women cut their hair only once in their lives, when they got married. The scythe, which has been growing with a woman since childhood, was given into the hands of the groom's mother and kept by her. Thus, the woman left her clan for the clan of her man. If a woman cut her hair during pregnancy, she shortened not only her life, but also the life of her unborn child. Therefore, a woman could not perform a variety of hair manipulations. Why do many women still believe that you can not cut your hair.

    Signs regarding cutting hair during pregnancy say a variety of things, ranging from the fact that, in this way, the mother shortens the life of the baby and ending with the fact that the child may not be born at all. Of course, hearing this is always very difficult and scary for a future mother, so she tries to follow all the beliefs and signs so that the baby is born healthy. But it is worth understanding that each look is just a look, a relic from the past, especially since it is not based on any scientific research.

    Modern approach to the procedure

    Today, every woman must independently answer the question of why it is possible or not to cut hair during pregnancy. Some women prefer to walk with long hair and continue to grow their hair, relying on the experience of their ancestors and believing that they should never cut their curls. And those who are used to relying on their own feelings and listening to themselves can do whatever they want with their hair.

    Many women consciously choose short haircuts during pregnancy for two reasons:

    • firstly, it becomes much easier and more convenient to take care of your hair without spending a lot of time on a variety of styling and hairstyles.
    • secondly, every woman with a long mop who has given birth to a child is jealous of the owners of short hair, because the baby constantly strives to grab her mother by the curls.

    If you are not convinced by the above arguments, then you should turn to science and logic. No science can answer why you should not cut your hair during pregnancy.

    During the haircut, there is no harmful effect on the fetus, it is simply physically impossible! Hair cutting does not affect intrauterine development or any internal changes in the body system.

    The baby feeds and develops inside the body, and not outside, which means you can cut your hair the same way as nails. Agree, it would be ridiculous if a woman stopped cutting her fingernails and toenails during pregnancy. Let the signs remain signs, but do not forget about common sense.

    The importance of taking care of your appearance

    For some reason, some women stop caring for themselves during pregnancy, you should never do this! For those women who decide on a haircut, it is worth not running their hair and continuing to care for them. In principle, hair care for a pregnant and non-pregnant woman is not much different, except that it is not recommended to dye your hair and apply a large amount of varnishes, sprays and other cosmetics that can harm the baby or exacerbate toxicosis.

    Styling can be done with a hairdryer using a light mousse. You can replace hair masks with herbal decoctions, such care is not only useful for mom, it will also make your curls incredibly well-groomed and healthy.

    Many women wonder: “why does hair grow faster during pregnancy?” This is due to the fact that female hormones begin to work more actively to provide a healthy and favorable environment for the development of the unborn baby. If you additionally provide your curls with healthy care, then you will be pleasantly surprised at how your hair will change. But do not forget that growing hair needs to be trimmed from time to time so that they better absorb the beneficial trace elements that make up the care products, and also look healthy and well-groomed.

    Especially you should not deny yourself the desire to get a haircut during pregnancy, if you feel some kind of change, because really, why should a pregnant woman deny herself something. Often, a pregnant woman can be capricious and worry a lot about her appearance, because her body is changing, and her stomach is growing. If a haircut will help a woman feel more attractive, then you should not limit yourself in this desire.

    It should be understood that the health of the baby is in the first place for a pregnant woman, but do not forget about yourself and your appearance. Going to an experienced master and updating the image will cheer up the future mother, so you can feel stylish and well-groomed.

    You can get a haircut during pregnancy, even if no signs scare you, but you should listen to yourself and your desires. For some women, pregnancy is a great way to grow beautiful thick hair, because at this time, the hair of a pregnant woman practically does not fall out!

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