• Does a person really need his own experience. Life experience. What is it and do we need it? Other types of knowledge


    We made a cult out of things

    Lamborghini on Wall Street, celebrity bags from Louis Vuitton, mansions in which they live. The list goes on.

    We delude ourselves into believing that the only thing that determines happiness is the brand of our car or the number of zeros in our bank account. We put financial success on a pedestal and convinced everyone to share these beliefs.

    In a society that idolizes material values, life turns into a useless, endless journey.

    The key to happiness is not to spend money and time on things. The key to happiness is to invest money and time in your life experience.

    MasterCard speaks the truth: "There are some things you can't buy."

    Our experiences define us

    In December, while on a trip to Hawaii, I attended a ten-day meditation course. It was the hardest yet most enlightening experience I've ever had; I've never felt such a close connection between my mind and body before. More importantly, it pushed me to make a change and fulfill my dream of leaving the company I joined last year and moving to New York.

    Every experience brings with it a mistake or a triumph, as well as an understanding of one's own personality. Experience helps us sort out our thoughts, understand what kind of people we want to be around, and ultimately find what makes us happy.

    At the end of the journey, it doesn’t matter how many days there were in your life. What matters is how much life there was in your days.

    Abraham Lincoln, American statesman, 16th President of the United States

    We live in a society where material things are the highest value. We love being able to hold what we buy in our hands. This happens because things are linked to a currency, which dictates its value in the market.

    It is impossible to physically feel the experience of cliff diving on a Sunday afternoon. The situation is exactly the same with our first experience of fighting with partners: we cannot sell it.

    If we could sell our own experience at the price we got it for, we'd all be millionaires.

    Abigail Van Buren (Pauline Phillips), 20th century American journalist and radio host

    We accumulate everything we have ever seen, heard, tasted and felt. This is an experience that teaches us not to count hours in a tiny office, but will lead to a breakthrough idea for.

    In other words, experience brings with it life lessons. Material assets do not bring anything, but they bill us.

    Experience stays with us

    What are our most pleasant memories? I remember not the gifts I received for the holidays, but the guests who came to my birthday, or the smell of hot chocolate on Christmas morning. I remember my first cycling lesson with my brother and my first date, which, by the way, went terribly. This is what brings a smile to my face to this day.

    The main disadvantage of investing in things is their limited shelf life.

    When we buy a thing, not only does its value on the market decrease, but after a while we cease to feel its value. The situation is completely different with experience. It is emotionally durable and can be multiplied as we develop throughout our lives. At any moment, the experience remains with us.

    According to research, more than 80% of people more often remember their mental purchases than those actually made. This means that experience brings us happiness not only at the moment we acquire it, but also when we simply think about it.

    How to gain experience

    We give three tips that will help you give up things in favor of impressions.

    1. Change your financial priorities

    If we want to have a real experience, we must set our priorities to suit the adventure ahead of us. It's as simple as saving up for a TV instead of going to South America.

    Think about what you really need and what you need seriously and for a long time. In reality, we need very few material things to enjoy life. Learn to be rational when buying things: one day saving change will help you gain an experience that will change everything.

    2. Say yes more often

    As we become adults, we learn to make decisions, calculating risks, and thinking things through carefully. If we want more experience, we will have to push these principles into the background. The best adventures begin when you least expect them. Constantly telling yourself “what if” is a sure way to spend your entire life lying on the couch watching other people’s adventures.

    Start saying yes. Learn to live in the present. The next time you have an opportunity to gain experience, ask yourself a simple question: “Will I regret if I don’t take advantage of this opportunity? Tomorrow, next week or next year? If the answer is "yes" or "maybe", the adventure should also answer "yes".

    The future is uncertain. But you can manage it by thinking less and doing more.

    3. Start with small (and cheap) adventures

    Are you one of those people who watch the same thing over and over again, walk the same paths to the same office, eat at the same restaurants?

    You need a break from your daily routine. Be open to new experiences. Instead of going to the usual Italian restaurant near the office, visit some new place.

    The most valuable experience does not cost much. He's nearby. You just need to find it.

    There are a lot of negative reviews about advice sites for every day, but you will find such resources useful. Personally, I've tried everything from salsa ($15 for ten classes) and medieval dinner cooking classes ($39) to flying lessons ($88). Coupon sites are the cheapest way to have incredible adventures with friends or on your own. Start taking a little risk. You'll be surprised how quickly it will grab you.

    One day we will all die. But before that, let’s ask ourselves questions:

    • Did I live?
    • What do I regret?
    • Did I experience everything I wanted to experience?

    Only you can decide what is most important: the brand or adventure and freedom. But try to invest in things that will give you experiences, not bills. Your assets may be minimal, but your experience is rich.

    Every adult can boast that he has his own life experience. All events that happen to us remain in memory, forming a certain baggage. Depending on this baggage, it is easy or difficult for us to go through life.

    Suitcase without handle

    Imagine that all our lives we carry a suitcase in two hands: one of them with a “Good” sticker, and the other with a “Bad” sticker. Each incident in our life has a certain weight.

    Depending on the situation, we purchase life experience positive or negative. That is, cargo is added to each suitcase.

    Agree that you often see people “skewed” to one side, not believing in anything, not hearing and not seeing.

    Because they have a negative experience, i.e. a suitcase with a "bad" one is much heavier.

    Most often, these suitcases also have no handle - it’s completely inconvenient to carry, but it’s also a shame to throw them away.

    Therefore, there is nothing to take with a suitcase with a “good” experience - your hands are busy. Such people are closed to new opportunities due to their “rich” life experience.

    Success depends on a correctly made decision; a correctly made decision is a consequence of experience, and experience, in turn, is a consequence of a wrong decision.

    Why is life experience needed?

    An ancient man living in a cave needed experience in hunting, making fire, and preserving life in those difficult conditions. Thanks to natural selection, the strongest and healthiest always survived.

    Every little child receives experience communication with fire and sharp objects, so that later you can treat them carefully throughout your life.

    Growing up, the baby already receives experience communication with peers, with the outside world, and the life of an adult already directly depends on the experience of all the years lived.

    The wisdom of men is not proportional to their experience, but to their ability to acquire it. (Henry Shaw)

    Life lessons

    What do we learn from our experience? If our mistakes are repeated, i.e. we are constantly “stepping on the same rake”, can we say that we have experience?

    Psychologists say: “That experience that has not been transformed into a situation that would bring you joy and happiness does not count as an experience.”

    Experience is a lesson to remember and use to improve your life. Experience - these are the skills that we use in our profession, in dealing with people, in the family, so that our life becomes better and happier.

    If you gave birth to a child, then you received experience birth of children. And when the child grew up, did you acquire experience raising a child? After all, some people actually buy it, and some don’t.

    A fool learns from his own mistakes, and a smart man learns from others' mistakes. It turns out that smart people learn from fools.

    Is experience a bridge or a wall?

    The more we live in this world, the more different situations we live, the more experience we gain. Often we react automatically to similar moments, without thinking, missing opportunities and chances.

    Every moment there are many options of unlimited possibilities waiting for us. But we don’t see this, because our experience, (and often not only ours, but someone else’s, imposed in the process of education) makes us react to the situation, relying on the old “baggage” of past years.

    The only thing you need to learn from your life experience, is that every second, every moment you need to live to the maximum.

    Do not compare it with previous moments, seconds, hours, days and years of past experience. Every moment is a new chance, a chance to live better, happier... a chance to know real life...

    Experience is the comb that gives us life when we have already lost our hair. (Judith Stern)

    Whose experience attracts us?

    With some kind of sixth sense, we determine which people with what experience can be trusted, and who for us no one will ever become an authority.

    In the environment, probably, of every person there are people who impose their point of view, their opinion, their experience.

    They don't even think about what they are experience can be called a failed experiment, since it did not lead to anything good.

    We are attracted by the experiences of successful people. People who, despite difficult life circumstances, had the courage to gain experience in achieving SUCCESS and VICTORY!

    Buy with us experience positive thinking, pleasant communication with the outside world, experience HAPPINESS and JOY in life!

    We cannot change our start, but we can change our attitude towards life and change our FINISH!

    to the winners!

    People who love to teach others how to live believe that they have the right to do this, since they have a wealth of life experience behind them, they can give a hundred examples of various situations and correct behavior in them. But can such advice be effective?

    Why do we need life experience?

    On the one hand, the answer to this question lies on the surface; we need life experience so that we have the opportunity to gain knowledge, skills and abilities. If we didn’t remember what happens to us, that is, if we didn’t get this experience, we would have to learn to walk again, hold a spoon, etc. every time. Life experience helps us not only gain new knowledge, but also remember our erroneous actions so as not to repeat them again. Lack of experience is often the source of people's fear, in most cases it is the fear of failure. If a person has experience in performing any work, even if it is insignificant, he can solve many problems faster and easier than people who do not have any skills in such work.

    Thus, life experience is a powerful mechanism that allows us to adapt to the surrounding reality.

    Is life experience always useful?

    Despite the fact that in many cases our life experience can be useful, it may not always be useful, and if we are talking about someone else’s experience, we often simply cannot perceive it. There are many examples when a mother, guided by her rich life experience, teaches her child what to do and what not to do. What does the child do in this case? Almost always goes against the mother’s words, sometimes out of a sense of contradiction, but most often because we don’t always perceive other people’s experiences even in adulthood, we need to try everything on our own.

    Having matured, we acquire the ability to listen to the opinions of others, but we can listen to other people’s advice, that is, we can take on someone else’s life experience only when we ourselves want to. That is, if a person needs advice, he will ask for it (go to training or courses), unsolicited recommendations will not be heard.

    With our life experience, too, not everything is so simple - we need it, but sometimes we find ourselves in its trap. When we find ourselves in a similar life situation, it seems to us that everything will happen the same as last time, and therefore we act accordingly. The problem here is that there are no absolutely identical situations, and by looking at the world through the prism of the past, we lose the opportunity to see other solutions. So experience is a good thing, but you also shouldn’t forget about living in the present.

    We made a cult out of things

    Lamborghini on Wall Street, celebrity bags from Louis Vuitton, mansions in which they live. The list goes on.

    We delude ourselves into believing that the only thing that determines happiness is the brand of our car or the number of zeros in our bank account. We put financial success on a pedestal and convinced everyone to share these beliefs.

    In a society that idolizes material values, life turns into a useless, endless journey.

    The key to happiness is not to spend money and time on things. The key to happiness is to invest money and time in your life experience.

    MasterCard speaks the truth: "There are some things you can't buy."

    Our experiences define us

    In December, while on a trip to Hawaii, I attended a ten-day meditation course. It was the hardest yet most enlightening experience I've ever had; I've never felt such a close connection between my mind and body before. More importantly, it pushed me to make a change and fulfill my dream of leaving the company I joined last year and moving to New York.

    Every experience brings with it a mistake or a triumph, as well as an understanding of one's own personality. Experience helps us sort out our thoughts, understand what kind of people we want to be around, and ultimately find what makes us happy.

    At the end of the journey, it doesn’t matter how many days there were in your life. What matters is how much life there was in your days.

    Abraham Lincoln, American statesman, 16th President of the United States

    We live in a society where material things are the highest value. We love being able to hold what we buy in our hands. This happens because things are linked to a currency, which dictates its value in the market.

    It is impossible to physically feel the experience of cliff diving on a Sunday afternoon. The situation is exactly the same with our first experience of fighting with partners: we cannot sell it.

    If we could sell our own experience at the price we got it for, we'd all be millionaires.

    Abigail Van Buren (Pauline Phillips), 20th century American journalist and radio host

    We accumulate everything we have ever seen, heard, tasted and felt. This is an experience that teaches us not to count hours in a tiny office, but will lead to a breakthrough idea for.

    In other words, experience brings with it life lessons. Material assets do not bring anything, but they bill us.

    Experience stays with us

    What are our most pleasant memories? I remember not the gifts I received for the holidays, but the guests who came to my birthday, or the smell of hot chocolate on Christmas morning. I remember my first cycling lesson with my brother and my first date, which, by the way, went terribly. This is what brings a smile to my face to this day.

    The main disadvantage of investing in things is their limited shelf life.

    When we buy a thing, not only does its value on the market decrease, but after a while we cease to feel its value. The situation is completely different with experience. It is emotionally durable and can be multiplied as we develop throughout our lives. At any moment, the experience remains with us.

    According to research, more than 80% of people more often remember their mental purchases than those actually made. This means that experience brings us happiness not only at the moment we acquire it, but also when we simply think about it.

    How to gain experience

    We give three tips that will help you give up things in favor of impressions.

    1. Change your financial priorities

    If we want to have a real experience, we must set our priorities to suit the adventure ahead of us. It's as simple as saving up for a TV instead of going to South America.

    Think about what you really need and what you need seriously and for a long time. In reality, we need very few material things to enjoy life. Learn to be rational when buying things: one day saving change will help you gain an experience that will change everything.

    2. Say yes more often

    As we become adults, we learn to make decisions, calculating risks, and thinking things through carefully. If we want more experience, we will have to push these principles into the background. The best adventures begin when you least expect them. Constantly telling yourself “what if” is a sure way to spend your entire life lying on the couch watching other people’s adventures.

    Start saying yes. Learn to live in the present. The next time you have an opportunity to gain experience, ask yourself a simple question: “Will I regret if I don’t take advantage of this opportunity? Tomorrow, next week or next year? If the answer is "yes" or "maybe", the adventure should also answer "yes".

    The future is uncertain. But you can manage it by thinking less and doing more.

    3. Start with small (and cheap) adventures

    Are you one of those people who watch the same thing over and over again, walk the same paths to the same office, eat at the same restaurants?

    You need a break from your daily routine. Be open to new experiences. Instead of going to the usual Italian restaurant near the office, visit some new place.

    The most valuable experience does not cost much. He's nearby. You just need to find it.

    There are a lot of negative reviews about advice sites for every day, but you will find such resources useful. Personally, I've tried everything from salsa ($15 for ten classes) and medieval dinner cooking classes ($39) to flying lessons ($88). Coupon sites are the cheapest way to have incredible adventures with friends or on your own. Start taking a little risk. You'll be surprised how quickly it will grab you.

    One day we will all die. But before that, let’s ask ourselves questions:

    • Did I live?
    • What do I regret?
    • Did I experience everything I wanted to experience?

    Only you can decide what is most important: the brand or adventure and freedom. But try to invest in things that will give you experiences, not bills. Your assets may be minimal, but your experience is rich.

    Technological map of the lesson.

    Teachers: N.V. Zakharneva, L.I. Smirnova. Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 6 of the city of Kondopoga, Republic of Karelia

    Education system: "School 2100" Item: The world

    Class: 1 class Lesson type: Learning new things Subject: Why do we need life experience?

    Goal for the teacher: Instill in students the skills to use the life experience of other people and their own, learn to model various situations of behavior, learn to evaluate various forms of behavior, learn to analyze the presented material and draw conclusions.

    Goal for students: Learn to apply life experience.

    Tasks: 1) Educational: familiarize students with the concept of “life experience” and its application.

    2) Educational: creating conditions for the development of operative memory, voluntary attention, verbal-logical and visual thinking, speech development.

    3) Educational: fostering a culture of behavior in frontal, individual, and collective work.

    4)Formation of personal, regulatory, communicative, cognitive UUD.

    Planned result: 1) Subject-specific UUD: understand what life experience is, find a way to apply it.
    2) Personal UUD: Conduct self-assessment based on the criterion of success of educational activities.

    3) Metasubject UUD: determine and formulate the goal in the lesson with the help of the teacher; plan your action in accordance with the task; make the necessary adjustments to the action after its completion, based on its assessment and taking into account the nature of the errors made (Regulatory EALs). Be able to listen and understand the speech of others; express your thoughts orally (Communicative UUD). Be able to navigate your knowledge system; analyze objects; establish cause-and-effect relationships; build a logical chain of reasoning; transform information from one form to another; compose answers to questions (Cognitive UUD).

    Interdisciplinary connections: literary reading, fine arts, rhetoric.


    1. A. A. Vakhrushev, O. V. Bursky, A. S. Rautian “The world around us” 1st grade: textbook in 2 parts, part 1. - M., Balass, School House, 2010.

    2. A. A. Vakhrushev, O. V. Bursky, A. S. Rautian Workbook for the textbook “The World Around us”, 1st grade. – M., Balass, School House, 2010.

    3. Presentation for the lesson.

    4. Smiley cards, sets of cut cards.



    During the classes

    Elements of educational activities





    to educational activities.

    Verbal game Psychological attitude.

    - Good morning!

    Good morning eyes!

    (stroke the eyelids)

    You woke up?

    (look through binoculars)

    Good morning hands!

    (we stroke the arms)

    You woke up?


    Good morning feet!

    (open their arms towards the sun)

    Slide №3



    Communicative UUD :

    establishing communication contact.

    2. Updating knowledge.

    Collective completion of tasks.

    -What topic did we study in the last lesson about the world around us?

    (valuable advice)

    What valuable advice can you give to your teammates? (children's answers)

    Where did you get this information from?

    (from relatives, acquaintances, loved ones, people, from books, at school, etc.)

    Do you love fairy tales?

    Guess the fairy tales. Slide No. 4 -7

    Let's remember what the parents told the girl from the fairy tale “Geese and Swans”?

    Children's answers.

    (Look after your brother Alyonushka, don’t leave him alone, and we’ll bring you a pie and a new handkerchief from the city)

    Why did the parents know that trouble might happen?

    How in the fairy tale “The Snow Queen” does the grandmother warn Kai and Gerda about the danger when meeting the Snow Queen?

    Why doesn’t the mother goat from the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats” allow strangers to open the door?

    In the fairy tale “Sleeping Beauty,” the Good Fairy warns about a dangerous spindle.

    The fairy tales “The Frog Princess” and “Little Red Riding Hood” also tell us that

    that you need to listen to the advice of adults and follow them. And why?

    What can adults teach us?

    (fathers, mothers, etc.)

    Where do you think they got this knowledge?

    Activities to establish cause-and-effect relationships. Observation, analysis, judgment. Children's assumptions, question-and-answer communication.

    Cognitive UUD :

    We develop the ability to navigate our knowledge system, the ability to analyze objects. Communication UUD:

    We develop the ability to express our thoughts orally.

    3. Statement of the educational problem. Shared discovery of knowledge.

    Leading dialogue.

    Collective solution of a situational problem.

    Sometimes there are unforeseen situations.

    Acting out the situation “Lena cut her finger.”

    You need to choose your answer.

    (answer options are attached to the class stanzas: mom, I myself, I’ll call, book).

    (Children choose and come up. We get groups).

    Justify your choice.

    Why did you turn to your mother?

    How does mom know how to act in this situation? (She has some experience. She is older.)

    Question for those who chose the “I-myself” sign. You can provide medical assistance. Do you already have some life experience?

    Lesson topic message.

    Slide No. 8

    Do we need someone else's experience?

    Let's open the textbook. Slide No. 9

    How will he answer this question? Page 22

    Look at the pictures.

    slide number 14

    Thanks for the work! Slide No. 15

    Carrying out self-assessment.

    Regulatory UUD:

    We develop the ability to carry out cognitive and personal reflection.

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