• Ancient Neil Art: How nails decorated in former times. Pages from the history of Neil-Art as it is called Art Neil Art


    Neil-APT (Nail Art) (from the English. Nails - "Nails", Art - "Art") - Decoration and painting of nails.

    Today, Neil-Art is one of the trends in aesthetic cosmetology. It is the art of nail decoration gives women, on the one hand, to express their image to the most clearly, and on the other hand, it allows you to hide the flaws of nails.

    The date of the solemn counterpart of the nail design as a service in its modern form can be considered the moment of the appearance of the French manicure, which has changed efficiently with recent times. Only the principle of two-color nail coating with varnish, which in many types of design plays only a background role.

    Today's master of manicure, perfectly possessing the art of nail decoration, not only acquire the authority of high-class specialists, but also feel more confident in the material plan. With a skillful approach, the costs of purchasing materials for nail design are low. Design can be done on one, two or all nails. It depends on the desire and material opportunities.

    The phenomenon of Neil-Arta nails originated among the lower layers of African Americans and for a long time did not cause interest in the White Population of the United States and Europe. Suddenly, the design was very liked by the whole female population and quickly won the world. The invention of artificial nails pushed clients, and masters to the decoration of nails - how not to decorate the nails of the perfect shape and sufficient for this length. Since then, Neil-designers are all bolde begin to use new various materials - stones, feathers. Companies began to produce special rhinestones for nails, and large companies for production jewelry - Decorations of gold, silver and precious stones Especially for nails. Nail companies began to actively fill out a new niche, offering special paints, tassels and other nail tools. Thus, by the mid-80s. There was a whole direction that began to call Neil-art. Gradually there were whole styles and directions in this craft, and the cabin clients are all bolder and more actively began to experiment with various nail decoration materials.

    In the early 90s. First in the United States, and then in Japan, Europe and Russia began to be held shows and contests for Neil Art. The art of Neil-designers has developed rapidly, and to today, it is possible to talk about the present direction in aesthetic cosmetology. Neil-art uses non-standard materials - velvet, glass, skin and suede, expensive paper, precious metals and stones. The master for the embodiment of his idea uses the technique of modeling and extension of nails using different materials - acrylics, light-cured gels and cyanacryl glue. All key elements of such a design are created by the designer himself, and it never uses factory blanks and ready-made elements, with the exception of rhinestones. The Nail Art space is not limited to the surface of the nail, even even very long. This complex design actively uses various techniques Body Art (Body Art), or art decoration art. The composition moves from the surface of the nail to the fingers, wrists, brushes, and even the forearms of a beautiful necklace, emphasizing its basic elements.

    Neil-art is far from always the journey of bizarre forms. Emphasized exquisite options May look very simple, but using non-traditional materials.

    The ideas of high Neil-Art sometimes go to everyday life. It happened with rhinestone, which today orders each second client in the cabin. A few years ago, the airbrush and the picturesque nail miniature became the usual services in the menu of nail studios, and the three-dimensional design appeared in the most bizarre forms on the covers of magazines. Three-dimensional design moves from the nails of top models to nails of Nail-designers clients and no longer seem so unbearable and pompous. Three-dimensional design simply gained simplified, suitable forms and lost the importance of initial unavailability, elitism.

    The art of Neil-Art deservedly took its place among other professional aesthetic disciplines. At the same time, such a long existence of this type of applied aesthetics serves as good proof of its need.

    Nail design forks

    There are several types of nail design.

    1. Plane design or art painting.
    The most common technique of Neil-Art is painted with paints. Professionals draw paints, as a rule, on dry lacques. The base of the paints for this technique may be laptop or water. The first is bred by diluents for varnishes, the second is simply water, which is natural, more preferably. Water-based paints have a number of advantages: they can be mixed with each other to obtain the required tone and the most bizarre drawings. And, which is very important for beginners, the resulting pattern is easily flushed with water without affecting the pre-applied varnish background. After drying, the paint becomes matte, so the top coating is needed on the finished design.
    Drawings on the nails are made by professional brushes, chopsticks and needles. Brushes come in different sizes, forms and quality. These include: point brush, brush-hairs, large round brush, angular brush, flat brush, fan brush, etc.

    2. Tattoo design.
    Tattoo design is made on the finger just above the nail or on the entire brush. A nail pattern can be repeated in a mirror reflection. Tattoo can be drawn with special paints, henna or buy a set for tattoo application. To apply such a tattoo, you just need to dip the marker in the inkwell and put the stamp. Mastering perfectly working with brushes, you can move to more complex options.

    3. Aquarium design.
    Aquarium design is performed on artificial nails. The pattern is performed in the nail itself. In the process of extension, the wizard creates a drawing using color acrylics. The pattern is complemented at the request of sequins, rhinestones, foil, dried materials. Then an acrylic coating is applied to the nail. The effect is obtained, as if the whole drawing is under the convex glass. First, a thin layer of modeling material is laid out on the nails. This is a certain base: type, acrylic or gel thin plate. She determines the length of the future nail. Then they apply a drawing. The pattern seems like. The painter gives the embossed form of acrylic basis, putting pressure on it. There are applied acrylic paints And another decoring material. Next, the nail is covered by simulating material. Nail poured, polished, polished. The nail attaches form. After that, a protective coating is applied to the nail. Thus, nails acquire a natural look. To the touch, it is as smooth as without a pattern. And the drawing is obtained volumetric, and visible as if under the glass of the aquarium. Another nail design is called internal acrylic.

    4. Volume (three-dimensional) design.
    The bulk design appeared in the most bizarre forms first on the nails of top models. Thanks to the holding of contests and the show, he firmly won the heart and turned into an exquisite and unique art, a sign of which, of course, is handmade masters.
    To implement his idea, the master enjoys the technology of modeling and extension of nails using various materials - color acrylics, special gels and cyanacrylic glue, of which Neil-designer sculpts flowers, leaflets, features of animals and birds, and even men - all at the request of the client. All key elements of such a bulk design are created by the master itself, which never uses factory blanks (with the exception of rhinestones).
    Volumetric design is far from always the absorption of bizarre forms. Exquisite compositions are emphasized with the use of non-traditional materials may look very simple. Neil-art ideas, captured simplified forms, sometimes go into everyday life to nails of ordinary women.

    5. Photography.
    To a new type of design in Neil-Art, conquering popularity and thus expanding the range of salon services, of course, refers to photosene nails. The main advantage is extraordinary economy. Using this method, you can transfer any picture from a colorful magazine to the nail. For photo photo photos currently use professional printers, providing excellent quality even the most complex design. Printers can apply millions of colors, create an incredible amount of fashion drawings, printing on 8 artificial nails at the same time.

    All types of manicure design are mutually connected. The most common is the following:
    1. For Neil-art services, it is necessary to allocate enough time, so you need to introduce a client with the services offered and tell how much time you need to the requested procedures.
    2. Another client with samples of the proposed manicure design should be found.
    3. Before proceeding with Neil Art, it is necessary to give a lacquer on the nails to dry completely.
    4. For nail murals, you need to have a wide range of painting brushes, it is important to know the purpose of each brush.
    5. When working with various paints and varnishes in Neil-art, the Master must have basic information about the colors and how they depend on each other, mix, conflict and complement each other. Most art stores have special laminated colored atlases (color circles), which show various colors.

    Masters of modern Neil Art use a whole arsenal of materials and tools specifically made for these purposes.

    Since ancient times, women sought to appear in front of the men's half of humanity in the most advantageous light. They dressed in beautiful outfits, unusual hairstyles, imposed bright makeup. But, perhaps, the biggest attention of the woman was given to their hands, which not only decorated with jewels, but also underwent special cosmetic procedureswhich are now called manicure. After all, the cavalier from the first minutes of dating communicated with the lady through her hands.

    And it was not only easy charge, or gallant kisses. After all, hands, like eyes, are able to express a storm of feelings and emotions. That's why care about appearance Hands always rightly considered an integral element of the care of female beauty.

    There are many conflicting positions regarding the origins of manicure and nail design. But most professionals are inclined to the fact that the prerequisite for the emergence of this procedure was the ordinary painting of nails, which was practiced oriental beautiesstarting from ancient times. For this, bright paints made on the basis of natural components were used, as various plants, Henna and even egg whites were performed. The color scheme was distinguished by a great variety: from flame red to burn-black shades. But, as you know, oriental women are prone not only to bright colors, but also to brilliant decorations. It is known that Chinese women lengthened their nails with the help of gold and silver tips.

    The design of the nails, in its modern understanding, originated in Japan, where the fragile geishes skillfully painted their sharp marigold with watercolor paints, depicting on them all sorts of floral compositions or enchanting sketches.

    Then the varnishes appeared. And their invention has produced a truly revolutionary coup in fashion. Now no lady appeared in society with natural nails. Nails should have looked perfectly and well-groomed, brightly glitter and shimmer in various colors.

    Years passed, the quality of varnishes was significantly improved, the color palette was changed and expanded. Famous manufacturers decorative cosmetics Competed by each other, improving their range and attracting the attention of potential customers to their products.

    Today support beauty and grace female hands It helps a completely new approach to nail care is an artificial nail extension. With it, you can not only lengthen your nails and give them an ideal shape, but also hide various flaws and disadvantages.

    Today, the masters can give nails any shape, for example, a square, almonds or peaks, to grow nails on paper or typses, make a design with color acrylics, organza, driedstone, lace, foil or rhinestones. It all depends on the fantasy, creative abilities And the ability of the author.
    Of particular interest are nails with a surround design. An acrylic basis is applied with a surround image or a variety of accessories are placed, which are then poured with a gel layer. The effect of the aquarium is created, that is, a surround image.

    Design can not be applied to all nails, but choose, for example, unnamed fingerwhich will be spectacularly highlighted and harmonized with a light pattern made by special lacquers for drawing, on all other fingers.

    Nails with gel coating, having a holographic effect look quite exquisite. Such gels are intended not only for use in building, but also to strengthen a natural nail. In the latter case, they perform the function of varnish.

    Each modern woman Must carefully care for your nails. After all, if you are always in order of hand and hairstyle, you have nothing to be afraid of the expression: at any time you are ready for participation in business meetings and workshops, and to a party to the most refined restaurant.

    Modern representatives of beautiful sex seek to be perfect - each part of the body should cause admiration for others. It's no secret that the business card of any woman is her hands. Looking at the hands of the girl's hands, you can understand how neat it is, and whether she loves himself. Stylish manicure is a spectacular completion of any image, thanks to which it is formed holistic picture Well-groomed woman. Stylish Neil-Art is an important part of the self-expression of a girl who helps grow personality personality.

    Ladies' hands have long been demanded special care. In the past, there was a tradition that binds men to give the kisses of the hands of women's hands. Ladies In order to give a well-kept view of their hands and attract the attention of men used for their hands all sorts of aromomasla and spicy chambers. Later, rich and noble ladies began to cover their nails with special mixtures and masks, with the help of their strengthening and nutrition. Often, in the composition of these mixtures were dyes, which left a shade on the nail plates after washing. It is believed that this was one of the first manifestations of Neil-Art.

    What is Neil Art

    Excursion to the fascinating and immense world of the nail decor should begin with definition, and what actually means the phrase "Neil-Art" (English Nail Art)? So, this is a certain kind of art, thanks to which beautiful drawings, patterns and other design elements appear on the nails. With it, you can not only express your personality, but also hide the existing nail defects.

    Modern manicure masters have the skills to create all sorts of designs, whether it is a discreet pattern or an incredible Neil-art, causing surprised views of people. Many girls practice the so-called homemade Neil-art - the most simple manicure version can master any modern lady. Creative personalities Love yourself to invent drawings and patterns for your marigolds.

    As appeared and changed

    In ancient times, the inventive Chinese found a way with which it was possible to give nails with various shades. For example, beeswax, mixed with gelatin, vegetable paints, rose petals and protein attached to nails an interesting red-pink shade. Moreover, the staining of the nails did not occur immediately after applying the mixture, the color appeared after a few hours. But the August Chinese wanted to stand out from the crowd and emphasize the high position in society, because they decorated their nails with special stickers of gold or silver colors.

    Representatives of various ancient civilizations used design on nails and hands. For example, on the territory of India in ancient times, they began to decorate the brushes of hands with drawings of henna - girls applied symbolic patterns of red-brown. The Egyptians painted nail plates in bright colors, representatives of the lower estates could only use paint pale shades. The neat hands of the ancient Romans talked about belonging to the highest layer of society. African Americans often decorated nails with exotic drawings or signs.

    In our era, Neil-Art did not immediately find popularity in the global society. Representatives of the ancient peoples, all continued the traditions of the ancestors and applied drawings on the nails, fingers and brushes. The revival of the fashion for leaving the hands and decoration of the nails occurred in the Renaissance era. The popularity of the procedures have become popular with representatives of noble Lords of the European Community. Manicure salons began to open at the end of the nineteenth century in Europe and America and immediately became in demand among the rich ladies. Some young ladies preferred still to invite specialists to the house.

    It is known that in 1925 the first nail polish was created in the history (Nail Lacquer) - he was red, and he was created by the type of automotive paint. Brothers Revison already in 1932 developed a coating for nails, which are used to today. It is a special pigment in its foundation, so that it is possible to create a variety of shades and colors. In those days, Revlon was created by Revlon, which was able to become famous in a short time and become a leader among competitors in the Beauty Industry. In the Nail Service area, a new stage began, Neil-Art became more popular and began to enjoy becoming increasingly popular among consumers.

    The appearance of artificial nails served even greater growth of the popularity of Neil-Art in the masses. Fashion girls began to wear long bright nails, in the decoration of which not only various shades of varnish were used, but also different additional elements. Different drawings have increasingly began to appear on the scorched nails, one of which became the "French manicure" - this pattern is certain for many more years will not come out of fashion.

    Photo Gallery: Modern Nail Design Trends

    Modern Nail-Art

    The current employees of the nail service are capable of surprising by their skills and talents of anyone. Many girls who are fond of neil art or working in this area are often fantasized on the topic of nail design. An excellent place where you can draw inspiration or borrow someone else's idea, is the Internet. On thematic sites are posted photos of a manicure, and often detailed description His execution. Beginners artists can comprehend Aza Neil Art without unnecessary effort, and then improve the skills.

    With the help of various decoration elements (stickers, rhinestones, stencils, manicure sand and so on) Neil-art can be truly original. Artists do not forget about whether you need to follow the trends in the fashion world, interested in the novelties in the manicure industry and communicate with colleagues, sharing useful advice And finding out new information from them.

    At the end of January, in Facebook, the South Africans of Iolanda Austin Becker appeared a photo on which she in a gentle-pink fitting dress hugs two smiling blondes in exactly the same outfits. In the background - pink, in the tone of the dresses, the logo of the Nyl-Art Art E.mi.mi. "The launch of E.Mi today has passed perfectly!" - It is divided by one of the collapses captured in the photo just opened in Cape Town schools.

    E.mi is a Russian brand owned by the family of Neil-designer Ekaterina Miroshnichenko. Now the company develops on the franchise of the Nyl-Art School and the line of means for modeling and designing nails. Iolanda learned about E.mi from Facebook. It was so impressed by the color and technique that she went to the course of study from Miroshnichenko to Dubai. Then he went to Rostov-on-Don to become a Brenda Ambassador and open his school.

    "I work in the nail industry for 17 years," says Joland "Secret". - A couple of times was at trainings in the United States, but they do not come in any comparison with what E.MI offers. She has complicated high quality work - I like it. "

    New schools E.mi are opened worldwide every year. Now they are in 54 Russian regions and in 17 countries of the world. Over E.mi, in addition to Catherine Miroshnichenko, members of her family work. Nikolai Father is the Chief Investor, is responsible for the strategic development of the company. The younger sister Vera is the Executive Director. But Catherine remains the face and main asset of the company, it is the author of all models of nails and techniques. The turnover of E.MI is estimated at $ 350 million a year, of which the school brings 150 million, and the line of funds E.mi - 200 million "Secret" tells the story of the family nail empire.

    Power of manicure

    "Please note: when you do something new on your nail, then he constantly touch it. A woman from this gets aesthetic pleasure. If you every time you offer her something new, believe me, she will not leave you to another master, "the high blonde on heels Ekaterina Miroshnichenko hypnotizes the public. At the Rostov Exhibition of the Beauty Industry "Sharm" section of her school occupies the largest platform. Here, all those who wish for free of free modeling of one nail and design on it. For this, the queue of E.mi was lined up to the masters - while there is one girl behind the counter and is waiting for the end of the procedure, the rest are followed by the process because of her shoulder. All of them are specialists in manicure from different regions who want to learn Ekaterina's technique and earn more.

    "The manicure salary can be like a deputy," says "Secret" Ekaterina Miroshnichenko. "My students told that they earn 200,000 - 300,000 rubles per month, calmly pay a mortgage, buy cars and travel a lot." But this also applies to those masters who rented jobs and serve their regular customers. The masters operating in the salons receive less - in E.mi, for example, from 30,000 to 60,000 rubles.

    Although the volume russian market Nobody's nobody appreciated separately, experts say that its potential is huge - the number of salons for the number of residents in Russian cities is many times less than the same indicator in Europe and the United States. According to the General Director of the Group of Art Style GROUP, Vyacheslav Kutza, in Moscow today there are 14,500 salons, that is, 1300 residents of the capital and the region account for one salon. In the US, one salon accounts for 350 people.

    Considering that, according to Miroshnichenko, the manicure is on average working in a specialty no longer than five years due to monotony and harm that this work is affixed, the need for training new professionals will always be.

    Catherine and Faith Miroshnichenko

    Photo: © Tatyana Smirnova / "Firm Secret"

    Family business

    Family Miroshnichenko - not newcomers in the beauty industry. Love Miroshnichenko, Mother Catherine and Faith, since 1997 he has been maning his beauty salon in Armavir, and Nikolai Miroshnichenko sells equipment for beauty salons.

    At the beginning of zero, Nikolai Miroshnichenko decided to open the nail studio in Rostov, so that the daughters left there to learn, there was a stable earnings. In November 2002, Vera registered an IP, and her father took off the 40-meter premises and hired two masters. He immediately decided that at the cabin you need to open school and shop of professional materials. "The idea of \u200b\u200bNikolai Ivanovich spied at his friend, who belonged to a similar business in Krasnodar," says Vera. "We sent the first teacher to study in Krasnodar to this friend to adopt a business model." A learned specialist unexpectedly insisted on reading at school exclusively theoretical part, without practice. Then faith had to go to Krasnodar to the courses.

    In December 2002, the Nail Fashion Center - so then the company Miroshnichenko's family was called - began to work. The salon was located in the Sleeping area of \u200b\u200bRostov-on-Don, in Halturin Lane. Patency was low, and the first masters worked no more three months old. Although the salon had only two visitor a week, they still had to be serviced. Vera began to walk classes and sat down for a manicure table. The number of customers gradually grew, regular visitors began to bring friends with them - and Vera decided to attract to work younger sister: "Katya at that time studied at the Pedagogical Institute in the specialty" Decorative and Applied Arts ". We sometimes called her to draw us or our customers something interesting, but she constantly did not work. When the number of customers has grown so much that I did not cope myself, asked Katya to learn how to build nails and sit down with me for the next table. "

    From the next year, Sisters Miroshnichenko began to participate in the Russian industrial exhibitions, where they talked about school and services. In the first year, their small stand told the masters from Stavropol and asked Catherine to hold a master class in her city.

    First pupils

    In 2002, manicure and pedicure courses in Rostov offered two training options: either a week or three months. The "Nail Design Center" chose the middle of the middle - the program was designed for a month. And on weekdays, there was a modeling classes, and on weekends - on nyl-design. "As a result, there were specialists of a wide profile. The design courses in Russia then for the most part were primitive - painted with chopsticks and needles. Katya as an artist drawn tassels, and in our school everything was up to the level, "continues faith.

    The first group Miroshnichenko scored in the first month of work - there were only three student in it. The next year of students had five, and then seven. The school began to gradually figure out students from the nearest regions. Some masters came even from Tyumen and Vladivostok. Today, classes in the Rostov school go every day, including the weekend, in each group - ten people. The nail modeling course in 2003 cost about 6,000 rubles. Now the same program will cost 18,000 rubles, and the classic manicure is 13,000.

    According to the Russian Perfume Cosmetic Association, today in Russia there are about ten major manicure schools, including "Ole House" (CND training center), Alex Beauty Concept, CNI ("Center for Nail Industry"), E.mi, Victoria and a huge number of small training centers. Recently, online schools are gaining popularity.

    Development of franchise

    In 2007, Ekaterina Miroshnichenko wrote and released her first allowance for nail design "Nail design. Art painting. Basic course ", and next - a few more books. For educational literature, a brand "Author's School of Design Ekaterina Miroshnichenko" was invented.

    Thanks to the books, the sisters appeared the first franchisees. "The masters from Pyatigorsk and Irkutsk read my books and asked how to get permission to open our school in their cities. We did not have branding, so we did not sell franchises, but taught instructors and gave them the right to teach our program, "recalls Catherine. Training and the right to be considered an official instructor of the company in 2008 were worth 30,000 rubles.

    A year after the release of the first book, Catherine went to an international competition in Italy, where he met the local Russian. She asked Catherine to carry out a course for Italian specialists. Soon after that, the Russians from Germany and other European countries began to ask her about lectures.

    The popularity of the brand abroad grew. The first schools appeared in Germany and Cyprus. "Russian schools are the strongest on the nail service. In Europe and the United States can not increase nails. And Russian speaking girls want there beautiful nails, I want to carry beauty in the masses, "faith is sure. Catherine agrees with her: "The mentality of a Russian woman is radically different from the European mentality. Our woman in the store unwrapped will not be released. "

    Gradually, the project of Rostov manicure began to penetrate and foreigners. Since 2011, specialists in manicure are regularly arrived at the courses. different countries: Someone studied in English, someone takes a translator with him. "We want to promote us in my homeland, those who saw what we do, and fell in love with E.mi, in our techniques, they are fans," says Catherine. One of these fans is Marlis Kalliker from Switzerland. Two years ago she met Catherine at the exhibition in Munich, after which he opened school E.MI At home. "Catherine has very high-quality materials and interesting ideas. After the launch of E.mi, the income of my company increased significantly - this school has many customers in Switzerland, "Kallikor recognizes. Also, E.MI schools belonging to non-Russian-speaking masters, there are in Israel, Romania, Latvia, Lithuania, Korea and South Africa.

    Miroshnichenko is trying to support their fans. So, this year they provided preferential conditions to representatives of the brand in Donetsk. "Their school blew up, but they want to open a new one, despite not very favorable conditions for business development. We understand that our plans are now not the main thing, but most importantly - to survive, "says faith.

    In 2011, Miroshnichenko first released their line of material for nyl-design. This sharply increased the number of queries for the opening of schools under the brand E.mi - a year was reported on 10-20 sentences. "As a result, we converted the contract and finally launched a franchise instead of official instructors," the faith remembers. Depending on the region, the annual payment for the right to use the brand is from 40,000 to 100,000 rubles, another 120,000 - 130,000 rubles is the training of the instructor. All schools under the Miroshnichennikovo brand undertake to sell E.MI products. "Each professional product has its own technology to be trained. When you teach the masters to work on your product, you get a faithful client - a specialist who will always be purchased with you, "explains the principle of such a business model Member of the Board of the Russian Perfumery and Cosmetic Association Anna Mukheva-Smirnova.

    Launch of production

    By 2010, the total turnover of the company per month reached 4.5 million rubles. The main money brought the salon - about 2 million per month. School - from 500,000 to a million depending on the season. Another 1.5 million rubles in the turnover of Miroshnichenko accounted for the sale of professional materials from different brands.

    The sisters thought about her production when they realized that in regional schools could not guarantee the quality - all the masters used different products. "We ourselves taught Father's friend on the brand, but could not impose it to other masters. And much depends on the material, it explains faith. - My husband and Katya visited several European exhibitions and eventually stopped at the German factory. There we ordered our first gel paints. "

    Nikolai Miroshnichenko was against this venture. First, he did not understand how to organize production, and secondly, I did not want to quarrel with a friend, whose materials were well sold at the school of his daughters. "He was upset, of course, but still understood that he had a daughter, whose talent could be chopped into the ground, or develop. He chose the second, "beliefs faith. In the family, Miroshnichenko with reverence refer to the abilities of Catherine: "Kati all this is rushing itself, and we only run behind it and help, organize that her gift is not just so."

    For the first time, the author's gel paints for the design of nails from Miroshnichenko were presented in 2011 at the InterSharm exhibition in Moscow. Since then, the sisters are trying to create new products every year. "Everyone was released then colored gels, and we came up with the name of this material with gel paints and pour it into tubes. There we became pioneers of gel paints, - shares marketing running Catherine. - Then I came up with technology "Velvet Sand" which uses the secret material that did not apply before in the manicure. He gives the effect of sand on the nails. "

    New strategy

    When the number of masters in the cabin exceeded 18 people, and school classes began to take place every day, Miroshnichenko decided to move away from the rented area and build their own four-storey building. The construction site was chosen next to the same - despite low passability, the salon and the school had already made a name: Rostov fashion program was used to coming at a specific address.

    "You go, it happens, in a grocery store and accidentally hear how two girls talk:" Oh, what nails do you have, did you do on Halturin? " We were so called everything - "Nails on Halturin", "remembers faith. Money in advertising Miroshnichenko did not invest, a sorrolhed radio worked.

    Only once decided to conduct an experiment and showed a commercial with different nail models on the local canal. There was no clients' stream after that, but the next day a woman was standing for the opening of the cabin at the entrance: "I didn't sleep all night, I got up at seven in the morning and came to check, there exists in Rostov such a salon or not." The enthusiastic client left the faith on the tea of \u200b\u200b1000 rubles, and next week girlfriends led. "At first we served only our area. There are many elite houses where people live the middle and slightly above the average wealth - it turns out faith. "And after advertising, five new clients came to us, but already from other areas of the city, they led their girlfriends."

    Despite the rapid growth, by the beginning of 2014 the company was still not profitable. Miroshnichenko decided to seek help in consulting. As a result of marketing research, it turned out that on the popularity of Catherine Miroshnichenko more brands, copying the products of the company and selling them cheaper: "We developed the market, offered new products, but sales were not actively engaged in sales. Schools worked as plants for the production of masters, who eventually worked on someone else's material. " Ekaterina Miroshnichenko had about 90,000 subscribers in "Instagram" and almost 60 000 On YouTube, and the company's share on the market was no more than 5%.

    E.Mi decided to change the strategy and focus on distribution instead of the development of schools and shops. One of the key mistakes was that professional cosmetics for nail design were sold in retail when it was necessary to promote the brand in beauty salons. In early 2014, three managers were engaged in sales in the company, and after six months there were already 12. The turnover began to grow. The new strategy began to launch partners in the regions - those who did not cope with the sales plans began to replace.

    As a result, the number of Rostov salons using E.MI materials in the work, in 2014 increased from 200 to 900 (2400 salons operate in the city). But it was easy, a real challenge is to increase sales in big cities. "To get to all Moscow salons, you will need a staff of 40 people. Our representative in the capital while about ten managers are engaged in the development of distribution. The same applies to other major regions - Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Kemerov, Samara, St. Petersburg, Almaty, Kiev and Minsk. If you take all the regions, the percentage of the presence at points on our average is 10%, "the vera Miroshnichenko argues.

    As an example of a company with a successful business model, it leads to CND, whose shllac varnishes are standing in each salon. According to it, the share of this company on the Russian roar of gel varnishes is about 35%. Chinese inexpensive Bluesky brand holds another 20%. E.MI accounts for 10-15% of the market.

    The results of the new brand strategy are already visible. The first quarter of 2015 was unprofitable for the company, and the second and third - with marginality of 7-10%. In the last quarter of the year - 20%.

    However, the school is not a priority for the Miroshnichenko family. The main task for the company today is to build distribution of products in Russia, CIS countries and Europe. Of the 160 employees of the company 90 people work on the development of the brand of materials for professional manicure E.MI. Plan for this year is to sell your materials in 80% of the salons of Russia. One of the tools to achieve the goal - the start of sales franchises of beauty salons E.mi.

    From a simple lacquer coating to the insanely complex drawings on the nails, a manicure with a miserable speed becomes an equal part of the fashionable industry: trends, timeless designs and options that are better to avoid, are generally complied with all the rules of fashion trends. The word "manicure" itself occurred from the Latin words "Manus" (hand) and "CURA" (care, care). Even if you judge this fact, the art of manicure has ancient history. Today, manicure is a way to care for the skin and nails, which includes medical procedures, lacquer or the creation of Neil Art. But how was the development of what we have now? Each era had their heroes and their styles, which were more preferred. Let's see together!

    Brief history of manicure

    3500 years BC In ancient Babylon, men cared for nails and painted them using a special powder (different colors meant belonging to a specific class). Higher echelons used black colors, and the lower - green. The first and most luxurious manicure set was invented there - nothing but gold was used to make tools!

    1300 years BC Cleopatra and Nefertiti have become the ancestors of modern nail care arts - they cared for hands with expensive oils and used henu for painting nails. Of course, it was believed that such procedures personified wealth, and the bright color became the decoration of mighty power, the red was the most running tint.

    1368-1644 The Ming Dynasty at one time paid a little more attention to the manicure: all Chinese rulers and before them did not neglect the treatment procedures, but it was representatives of mines that the mines occurred to mix together egg protein, wax, plant dyes and some other ingredients to get a special paint Different shades.

    1500th. Do you think Neil-art - invention recent years? It turns out that the Inca began this excellent tradition of the drawings on the nails, at the time they portrayed the eagles.

    1900s. At about this time, porcelain falter nails were presented. They were specifically manually made the client nail to the nail, it was possible to use several times, but also it was expensive - $ 600.

    1920 - 1930 With the prosperity of the automotive industry, a new round of development received and manicure - women began to paint nails for cars. In 1932 "Revlon" released a revolutionary product - varnish, in the manufacture of which pigments were used instead of paint, and it was possible to buy it in a pharmacy.

    1940-1950s. At the beginning of the 40th women, the nails were painted as at home, and the special salons for manicure were visited, where a novelty also appeared - acrylic false nails. By the way, before they became the component female beautyThe dentists were used for medical purposes, - so that the patients do not nibble nails. With the transition to color television, popular actresses have become trend legislators on red nails.

    1960-1970s. At this time, there was no attachment to bright colors, and soft pastel shades came to replace them. This includes the French manicure, which in 1976 invented, attention ... American Jeff Pink!

    1980-1990s. Just in the 80s, with the motto "more-better", and neil art originated - the most right time for trying different combinations of prints and decorations. By the way, Madonna introduced neon yellow tint Nail polish. But in the 90s, with the arrival of grunge culture, all rushed to paint the nails in dark shades (purple and black).

    2000s. Over the past two decades, many new techniques, trends, salons and masters who are creating wonders with nails have appeared. So, we can say that the possibilities of manicure today are endless. At least we recently told you - the techniques of coating for manicure are becoming easier. There are no borders of fantasy throughout the fashion. For example, on a recent New York Week, fashion models Libertines showed except clothes and a very unusual Neil-art - the nails of the girls were decorated with fur!

    Look for your type of hand care and nail decorations - in this women today feel complete freedom.

    Types of manicure

    Visiting the master or arranging home Salon Beauty, fashionable before the procedure itself is trying to choose the style and, most importantly, the way, with which the most desired manicure will turn out. Some prefer a simple manicure with lacquer (which, by the way, a lot of types, but about it below), and some choose the paths more complicated, but as a result, everyone comes to a satisfactory result. To make it easier for you, let's deal with all types of manicure.

    Basic manicure

    If you are new to this question, then start with this type of manicure. There are no excesses, simple classic hand care and nails, plus a varnish coating of any color. In the cabin, the master rubs the cream, butter or lotion on the cuticle, can twist it in warm water, copes with it, and then you solve what form and length of the nails you would like (about the form of nails we also say below). We decided this question - proceed to the coating. First, the base layer, then two layers of the varnish of the selected shade and the final layer of the fixing agent. Loves remained dry!

    French manicure

    Now this type has already become classic, two shades of varnish are used - colorless or light pink for nail plate and white for the tip of the nail. Ideally, the shape of the nail - the square.

    The variant of the French manicure on the contrary, too, looks great - a contrast strip in the form of a crescent will be located at the base of the nail.

    If you are not a conservative mood at all, then choose bright colors and your Franch will become much more interesting!

    Gel manicure

    The gel varnish is different from the usual the fact that it is necessary to put nails under the ultraviolet lamp for its fixing. To keep such a manicure will be much longer, but you need to care for him.

    Paraffin manicure

    Such a manicure is needed especially those who have dry or very tired hands. After the procedure with paraffin, the skin becomes soft and looks well-groomed. Processing the cuticle becomes much easier.

    Manicure using hot stones

    Take care of your handles - make a massage to relax your hands and soften the skin.

    Choose a form for your nails

    In fact, it is not so difficult to choose the nail shape, as it may seem at first glance. If you thought that there are only rounded and square nails, we tell you right now that there are actually seven major forms. Learn a little more about the manicure so that you can experiment and give your hands a new and always beautiful and unusual look!

    Square (Square)

    The square form is suitable for any length (still there is a minimum, since a beautiful square should be visible above your finger), but only if the nail bed is narrow from your nails.

    Rounded Square (SquaVal: Square + Oval)

    Universal form for any length.

    Round Shape (Rounded)

    This form is ideal for short margins and visually makes a little nail plate.

    Oval shape (OVAL)

    Perfectly lengthens, make on long nails.

    Almond-shaped (Almond)

    Need to actually make your fingers thinner? Such a form will help you, grow up with an authentic and glamorous nails. oval form Nails are provided.

    Ballerina (Ballerina)

    On the form resemble pointes, although in English there is another name - Coffin (coffin). For such a form, we need long nails and a narrow nail bed.


    Sharp, like heels-studs, such nails are not always comfortable, but this is not less beautiful. Another plus - they and the fingers visually do longer. But, unfortunately, it will not be possible to give this shape with natural nails (maximum - almond-shaped), so you have to visit the salon if you wish the same "dangerous" image.

    And what to do those who have eternal problems with nails, or if you cut them too short, but, after reading the previous few paragraphs, they wanted such beauty to themselves? Of course, the easiest way to build nails, but it is possible to provide your handle without it. beautiful manicure. Here are some tips:

    1. Apply every evening the oil for the cuticle. If the nails are sufficiently moistened, they will grow faster.

    2. You can repel your perfect shape from zero! From the very beginning, sign the nails under the desired form or ask for your master.

    3. Use gel coating. The gel manicure helps grow natural nails, because it strengthens them and they will not be afraid. Do the correction every two weeks and do not attempt to remove the coating yourself.

    Nail Art and everything you need to know about it

    We have already discussed the main varieties of manicure, now it's time to talk and directly about nail ornaments. Neil-art today is part of aesthetic cosmetology and a bright example of Body Art, which is used both in everyday life and on the podiums, for example. Together with Makeup, Neil-art helps women to emphasize the beauty and hide disadvantages. And with the help of it you can introduce a piece of art in your life, because the painting on the nails is becoming luxurious and luxurious. Nails grow rapidly (on average 3 mm per month), so they need to constantly care and constantly invent something new for the beauty of the handles - in this and helps Neil-Art, when each fashionista can brightly show their individuality. There are many techniques for the creation of decorative nail decorations - applying several layers of varnish or gel varnish, using false nails or applying an extension procedure.

    Now you can find in stores many types of nail polishes with different textures, with which you can create certain effects. Initially, nail polish consists of an organic polymer with the addition of different plasticizers and pigments. There are a number of effects that can be created with varnish:

    Crème. - opaque "basic" coating, matte or glossy, shade soft and without black.

    Duo-Chrome. - the effect of "chameleon", the color is overflow different shades Depending on the incident light.

    Frost. - the flickering effect, the lacquer is shuddered by strokes. With a pearl tint, considered vintage.

    Glitter. - Coating with a large number of glitters that can be of different sizes. A beautiful overflowing effect is created.

    Holographic - Created a holographic effect of rainbow transfusion.

    Matte. - Plating with velvety effect, glitter is missing.

    Shimmer - coating with the addition of flickering particles.

    Jelly - Translucent coating, can glisten.

    Metallic. - Coating with a metal effect.

    Sheer - Translucent coating, maybe pink or beige shade, "office" option. It is also widely used to create a French manicure.

    Independently at home you can make a stylish "Ichor" manicure (Caviar), consisting of small beads of one or different colors. You can buy a special set with thumbs and experiment! In addition to round beads in the manicure, various pebbles and other decorations are used.

    Neil-art secrets at home:

    1) Use gel handles - this is the easiest way to apply the drawing on the nail. Apply varnish, let him dry and then create! If you use the handles of several shades, do not forget to leave each layer dry.

    2) And for a simple, and for sophisticated Neil-Art, you can use the usual tape! Choose, which stripes, thin or wide (for the first, respectively, we take a thin adhesive tape), which drawing you need, and train!

    3) If you are afraid that you cannot spend a straight line from the first time, draw it to points.

    4) Original marble art can be easily done using a conventional food film. Ensure yourself:

    If you want to make divorces other than the basic shade, then apply it before starting work on the film itself. Alternatively, you can apply a second tint to the base, and until he managed to dry, and then make divorces using crumpled polyethylene.

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