• The history of the makeup of the emergence of makeup brushes. The history of make-up since ancient times. s - makeup is in vogue


    The history of makeup is the history of the origin, development of makeup and cosmetics, which dates back to ancient Egypt. Fashion has changed over the centuries, and of course, each era has had its own impact on the art of visage today. In this article (small abstract) you will see how makeup art for a whole century, vivid images and photographs of celebrities will help to plunge into the atmosphere of those times.

    The history of makeup and cosmetics of the 20th century (creation and development)

    In the 20th century, makeup has changed dramatically every decade. Fashion depended on cosmetic innovations, which began to be actively produced only by the newly opened factories. Women all over the world wanted to match the famous Hollywood actresses and singers who were considered style icons. Historical events also played an important role in shaping the fashion preferences of those times.

    Early 20th century characterized by the events of the First World War. While the men were at war, women stayed at home, worked in factories and industries. This influenced the makeup of those times, or rather, its absence: the face was slightly dusted with pinkish powder, and petroleum jelly was applied to the lips.

    Makeup in the 20s was a stark contrast to the early twentieth century. The image of the femme fatale vamp came into fashion, and in many ways this was manifested in makeup. Women heavily powdered their faces, and applied bright pink blush to their cheeks. Eyes were a characteristic feature of the makeup of those times: they were generously summed up with eyeliner, shadows of dark shades were applied to the entire upper and lower eyelids, and they were shaded slightly down. were summed up with a clear dark line, which went down sharply, creating the effect of "sad" eyes. The lips were given a clear outline, and covered with lipstick in a rich red or burgundy shade. Eyelashes in several layers were covered with mascara, false ones were often used. Women everywhere and everywhere carried with them with the necessary cosmetics.

    30s makeup became calmer. Aristocratic restraint was in vogue. The emphasis, as before, was on the eyes: they were let down with a dark eyeliner, and on top they put eye shadows on and shaded them. The eyelashes were heavily colored with ink to visually make them more fluffy. The eyebrows looked like thin "threads" curving in an arc. The look was mysterious and surprised. The lips, as before, were contoured, but they used muted, softer shades of lipstick.

    In the 40s in makeup the emphasis went to the lips - bright scarlet lipstick came into fashion. Eyes were drawn with black eyeliner, mascara was applied to the eyelashes. The eyebrows have become thicker and more natural. At the same time, the skin looked even and flawless, and the cheekbones stood out with red blush.

    50s in makeupcharacterized by femininity and sexuality of the image. The skin of the face was perfectly even shade, the cheeks were emphasized with delicate pink or red blush. Eyes were brought up with black eyeliner, and shadows of dull natural shades were applied to the eyelid. The fashion was thick, beautiful eyebrows slightly curved shape. For lip makeup, lipstick was used in red or pink shades. To make the image more seductive, "flies" came into fashion.

    In the 60sone of the main rules of makeup began to be applied - the emphasis either on the eyes or on the lips. Mainly, the eyes were highlighted, to give the image more innocence. A light shade was applied to the upper eyelid, and the outer corner was highlighted with darker shades. Eyes were brought up with black eyeliner, and eyelashes were thickly painted with black mascara in several layers. The skin was light, almost no blush was used. With bright eye makeup, the lips were naturally beige or slightly pinkish.

    70scharacterized by the emergence and development of various subcultures - hippies, punks. Both clothes and make-up were an absolute mess. The eyes stood out with dark shades of shadows and were carefully shaded. The lips were not painted at all. In the punk culture, on the contrary, lips stood out strongly with dark shades - black, blue. The eyes were lined with black eyeliner and shadows.

    Disco time - 80s of the 20th century... Bright neon shades came into fashion, which were used in everything - in clothes, make-up. Crimson, blue, violet, yellow, light green, lilac, blue ... Eyes were painted with bright shadows, and the shadows were applied to the entire upper eyelid, up to the eyebrows. The eyelashes were emphasized with thick black or colored ink. The blush and lips were highlighted in bright shades. Moreover, very often the colors did not match at all.

    90s completed the 20th century... The makeup of those times acquired a certain slovenliness, had an individual character, no characteristic features and he didn't have a devil. We used more muted shades in eye makeup: brown, gray, marsh green. The lips were covered with brown, dull burgundy-red or red-orange lipstick.

    As you can see, decades have changed, fashion and makeup have changed in the same way. From time to time, echoes of those times come to us: red lipstick, arrows, beautiful thick eyebrows. Such is short story makeup and cosmetics of the 20th century. But do not constantly chase fashion - be an individual, create your own style and be beautiful from the site!


    Having done makeup, you can not only refresh your face, give it a healthy look, but also correct minor imperfections (small eye size, short and uneven eyebrows, narrow or, on the contrary, too plump lips, light and short eyelashes). And with the help of corrective make-up, you can correct (oval of the face, shape of the nose and lips). It is necessary to observe the measure in the application of paints, remember that a thick layer of makeup can only ruin the face. Make-up requires a serious individual approach. You can't blindly follow fashion. However, no matter what type of makeup you prefer: daytime daily or evening in the style of "femme fatale" - first of all you need to prepare your face. This is done with the help of several creams, including foundation, correctors and powder.

    Purpose: to study the role of face correction and modeling in makeup.

    Tasks: - review the history of makeup and cosmetics

    • -explore makeup technology
    • -explore corrective makeup
    • -perform corrective makeup in practice

    The history of the development of makeup and cosmetics

    The word "make-up" has French roots, and it entered the Russian language recently, just a couple of decades ago. However, the history of make-up began many centuries ago. Word " cosmetics"is of Greek origin from the word "kosmetike", and means the art of decorating. Only now, each nation had its own ideas about this art.

    Initially, makeup, or rather, face painting, was used in rituals - religious and magical.

    Make-up, if it could be called that then, was used for war paint of warriors, as well as a sign of belonging to a particular caste. Therefore, he did not play a "decorating" role, but had a serious social or religious meaning. Of course, then they thought little about the decorative aspect, such a make-up - it was more important to frighten, amaze, throw into confusion an opponent or enemy, inspire respect, horror, adoration, close to deification. The Nuba tribes in Sudan and the Criapo in Brazil, as well as the inhabitants of New Guinea, still have the most creative, one might say, primordial makeup ritual.

    Still people of the stone age tried different ways decorate your faces by making a wide variety of images on them. These were ornaments, elements of flora and fauna, symbolic designations and much more.

    For example, the Maiori tribes of New Zealand were famous for their mask-like facial tattoos called "mocha". The mocha pattern was a rather complex and highly individual pattern. He performed several functions at once. This is both an indicator of merit, and a designation of social status, and a special element of decoration. The soldier with the "mocha" mask who died during the battle was given special honors - his head was cut off and carefully kept as a memory of the past. But with the unfortunate, who happened to die without such a face decoration, they were treated quite severely. Their bodies were left to be torn apart by wild animals and birds.

    But this did not last so long - women began to use makeup out of the desire to be beautiful. Since ancient times, special attention has been paid to painting the faces of women. So, the wives of the Japanese Ainu aborigines had marks on their faces, giving away their marital status, the number of children. In addition, the facial image was a sign of endurance and fertility.

    The pioneers of the art of beauty were the ancient Egyptians. It was they who, inventing compositions for embalming, discovered many different therapeutic and cosmetic substances that were able to correct skin imperfections, beautify the face and body. Already in the days of Nefertiti, there was a traditional makeup kit - lipstick, blush, eyeliner and eyebrow.

    Archaeological excavations have proven that in Egypt, they did not just use cosmetics, here the art of makeup was brought to a cult. Carved on the walls of tombs and temples, recipes for numerous cosmetics: incense, ointments, creams, paints, which were originally used by the priests to perform divine services. It was the ministers of the temple who were the first consumers and creators of cosmetics. But quickly gaining popularity, rich people began to use it, wanting to improve their appearance, both men and women. And the less rich were looking for a replacement in simple and improvised means. Taking care of your appearance was a priority for every Egyptian. Egyptians used an eyebrow pencil, lipstick, nail and hair dye, and even "odorless water" our perfumery in the future. And also, blush - for this they used iris juice, which caused skin irritation, thereby giving the skin a red tint. And powder - a powder that gives the skin a matte tone and conceals possible defects. Of course, the recipe was kept under seven locks. In some cases, cosmetics were of preventive value. For example, eyeliner not only by women, but also by men prevented inflammation of the eyelids from the blinding sun and dry wind. By the way, it was the great Cleopatra who created the first textbook in the history of cosmetology, the book - "About medicines for the face"

    However, makeup in those days was not welcomed everywhere. For example, the Jews considered cosmetics a great sin, because it emphasizes a person's sensuality. But the inhabitants of Carthage not only used makeup on a daily basis. They went further - and in addition to eyeliner, blush and lipstick, they also began to use facial tattooing. In Ancient Greece, only natives of Asia, courtesans, were painted. And only after the campaigns of Alexander the Great did the Greeks begin to cover their faces with whitewash, draw lips, eyes and eyebrows, blush cheeks and lighten hair. After them, this fashion was adopted by the Romans. The well-known myths of Ancient Greece introduced us to such a character as Aphrodite. Everyone and everyone knows about her beauty, so it is not surprising that the Greeks consider her the progenitor of means to maintain beauty. Greek women in their "cosmetic bag" also used white for the face, black paint for eyeliner, inked eyelashes with soot, and lips and cheeks were blushed with the help of red lead plant. Although, perhaps thanks to the pharaohs, Greece learned about cosmetics. But this is not so important, given the contribution that the Greeks made to the history of make-up, having written many books on facial care, including "Cosmeticon", the works of doctors Galen, Cretius and Hippocrates.

    The Roman Empire at one time identified two main directions in cosmetics - decorative and medicinal. At the same time, many decorative products were prepared on the basis of toxic, and sometimes even poisonous substances.

    In the Roman Empire cosmetics was a lucrative business. Huge money was spent annually on the purchase of ointments and creams from Egypt. They were credited magical propertiesbecause they looked great, giving the face a unique glint of gold. And also in Rome, all kinds of oils and fats were often used as ointments, women began to remove unwanted body hair, brush their teeth and dye their hair more rich tones... It was the Romans who produced "Thelium", the "solid perfume" for the body, from the olive oil and orange peel that Julius Caesar adored so much. By the way, the slave, adorning the body and face of Greek women, was called "cosmetics", and now they are our irreplaceable cosmetologists.

    The Ancient East. China, Japan, Korea- women preferred whitewash and blush, trying to hide the yellowish skin tone.

    Lunar-faced graceful Chinese women used cosmetics sometimes without measure. They whitened thickly, gave a special object of pride - arched eyebrows - they gave a green hue, dusted themselves with rice starch, added saffron to the blush, and gilded their teeth. Since all these cosmetics were extremely expensive, only a few representatives of the chosen class could use them. But for ordinary women, there has always been a place for experiment with the help of the gifts of nature, namely: plants, leaves and fruits of trees, berries.

    There was a real cult in these countries female beauty, for the maintenance and improvement of which they used balms, plant extracts, mascara, white for the face, nail polish. A thousand years before our era, the Indian writer Sustruta even described nose plastic surgery in his book "Knowledge of Life". Cosmetics have always had the same roots with medicine. Medicine papyri contain cosmetic recipes often mixed with prayers and spells.

    And fabulous India, with its light saris, original jewelry and sophisticated traditions, used cosmetics to a minimum, only emphasizing the beauty of the face. Both women and men painted their eyes with antimony, their eyebrows were painted with charcoal, their cheeks were painted with cinnabar, their lips were given a golden hue, and their teeth were brown. The nails on the hands and feet, as well as the parting in the hair, were dyed red or orange. In Muslim countries, especially in harems, women paid special attention to their appearance. Massages, baths with added different oils, removing unwanted hair, caring for nails of hands, feet and of course, face - this is an everyday ritual.

    Ancient Russia.We can say with confidence that women in Kievan Rus knew a lot about skin and body care. The girls often washed themselves with morning dew, which gave a unique freshness and energized for the whole day. Facial cosmetics were mainly based on natural ingredients and animal origin. For example, they washed their hair with an egg, and rinsed them with infusions of herbs. For the elasticity of the skin of the face, neck and hands, they used fermented milk products, for softening and restoration - fats and oils. Collected herbs also came to the rescue: mint, chamomile, cornflower, St. John's wort, coltsfoot, plantain, burdock, nettle, hops, oak bark. They made all kinds of ointments, tinctures, often of a medicinal nature. And it was noticed in the "cosmetic bag" of Russian young ladies: for blush, they used cherries, raspberries and beets, for whiteness of the face - flour, eyebrows and eyelashes they inked with coal or soot. In Kievan Rus, women did it extremely ineptly and, in the words of Olearius, looked like "painted dolls". In 1661. the Novgorod metropolitan forbade the admission of "clean" women into the church.

    After the fall of Rome, makeup traditions were preserved only in Italy, Byzantium and Muslim countries - the Christian Church strongly condemned cosmetics.

    At the same time, the Europeans at that time did not observe basic hygiene rules. Imagine: Catherine de Medici washed only twice in her life - at baptism, and when she was washed before burial. What can we say about commoners. Rickets became a scourge of that time. At the end of the 14th - beginning of the 15th, women, imitating rickety ladies, began to pluck their eyebrows and hair over their foreheads. And to emphasize the whiteness of the skin, they released one playful curl from under the headdress or tied a narrow black ribbon around their foreheads.

    Around the same time, the custom of blackening teeth with antimony appeared in Italy (all from the same imitation of rickety "beauties"), and Catherine and Maria Medici brought this custom to France. Unusual fashion, having passed through Europe, reached Russia, but somehow did not take root. According to Radishchev, in the 18th century, only merchants blackened their teeth.

    Cosmetics, despite the opposition of the church, finally took root in Europe in the 15th century, and it was used not only by women, but also by men.

    The Duchess of Newcastle invented the famous flies to hide skin defects. They were cut out of taffeta or velvet in the form of various circles and flowers. They were glued to the face, neck, chest, and each fly had a specific meaning. So, a fly above the lip meant coquetry, on the forehead - majesty, in the corner of the eye - passion. Ladies quickly picked up the fashion for a novelty, and began to use a special, "fly" language. In 1680, the Marquise de Montespan, mistress of Louis XIV, began to appear at the Court in full "war" paint - she was very whitened and blushed brightly. The dandies of the court quickly took up this fashion, and thanks to this, it lasted until the beginning of the 18th century.

    Already at this time, doctors were seriously concerned about the condition women's health... It turned out that their whitewash harms not only the skin, but also the kidneys, contributing to the accumulation of toxic substances in them. In 1779, the French Royal Society of Medicine began testing cosmetics. However, their system remained only a theory until 1906.

    False eyebrows appeared in the 18th century. They were made from pieces of mouse skins. Well, since such a "beautiful" lady could seriously captivate the heart of even the notorious Casanova, the Senate in Frankfurt issued a decree that invalidated a marriage if a man was forced to marry by deception, using various counterfeit means, such as blush, whitewash, lipstick , false hair, false teeth and the like. The woman was then tried for witchcraft.

    In the 18th century, cosmetics began to be produced in large quantities at factories. Advertising of cosmetics appeared in newspapers and on special posters. The cosmetics were sold in beautiful porcelain jars and were very expensive. At the beginning and middle of the 18th century, contrasting makeup was in vogue: white skin (to emphasize the whiteness of the skin, women of fashion painted thin blue veins on the temples), scarlet lips, crimson cheeks, black eyelashes and boldly drawn eyebrows, as well as a powdered wig. Cosmetics continued to be hazardous to health - for example, there were cases of lipstick poisoning.

    In Russia in the 17th century, with the advent of European outfits, the use of cosmetics began to be much wider. Powder and blush were applied in a thick layer. At the balls, the ladies had to correct their make-up several times during the evening, as zinc white, which was very fashionable at that time, dried up and fell off the face in pieces. In the 18th century, decorative cosmetics based on mineral salts appeared in Russia. In the era of Peter I, Russian ladies were no longer lagging behind European ones. At the same time, they washed more regularly, which greatly surprised the foreigners.

    The 18th century was the heyday of French cosmetics. It was believed that the whiteness of the face should be uneven: the forehead should be lighter than the temples. In the almanac "Library for Ladies", published in 1764, it was written that "around the mouth white color should cast yellow alabaster. "Favor was a red color, so bright that it produced an unnatural effect. This was especially noticeable on the bleached face.

    In 18th century France, secular lionesses had no right to ignore blush. The Versailles court of the time of Louis XV was shocked when the Dauphin's bride arrived in France, who did not know anything about blush in her country. It took a court verdict to make the princess blush.

    In the US, cosmetics were also not welcome. Until the 20s of the XX century, she was favorably treated only on the stage. Subsequently, it was Hollywood who was able to convince the Americans by setting an example in the use of makeup.

    The beginning of the scientific era in cosmetics is usually attributed to the 19th century. The concept of "Cosmetics" began to include procedures for the treatment of skin diseases, prevention and elimination of cosmetic defects, skin care for the face, neck, scalp, arms and legs. Gradually, cosmetics were divided into medicinal and decorative. This circumstance is very important, since it is associated with the redistribution of financial flows - any assurance about the therapeutic effect must be confirmed.

    Snow-white leather was still in vogue at the beginning of the 19th century - however, already natural, without any whitewash. Beauties hid from the sun under a veil. Lipstick has become the past, and cleanliness of the body and teeth was considered the height of civilization. The era of romanticism has come with its ideal of "airy" beauty - white skin to transparency and dark hair... Wigs were done away with for centuries. However, even here it was not without overkill: young beauties drank vinegar and lemon juice, starved, did not sleep at night, in the confidence that the pallor and blue under the eyes would give them aristocratic chic.

    Meanwhile, the production of cosmetics developed, more and more new products were invented, the beauty market expanded, and cosmetics became cheaper.

    In 1863, Bourjois, a cosmetics firm, released rice powder that became an instant bestseller. In 1890, they also invented the compact powder "Manon Lescaut", opening a new era in cosmetics. Powder was followed by dry compact blush "Pastel joues".

    Russian industry also did not stand still. In 1843, the first perfume factory was built, its founder was a French citizen, merchant Alfons Antonovich Rale. Raw materials were still taken from abroad, but the finished goods were successfully exported. The Ralle factory produced soap toilet water, toilet vinegar, perfume, powder, lipstick. On the basis of this plant in Soviet times, a factory was founded, which bore the name "Freedom".

    At the beginning of the 20th century, a matte complexion came into fashion. The development of cinematography has made cosmetics great advertising, movie stars have become trendsetters. At the same time, the first beauty institutes were opened.

    1919 became a truly revolutionary year in the fashion world - fashion models began to appear on the catwalk in full make-up. Their makeup looked quite peculiar - a thickly powdered face, lips with a "heart" of a purple-burgundy color, eyebrows are completely plucked out and painted again in a thin semicircle.

    The fashion for pallor was replaced by a tan, which has become a symbol of well-being. The first tanning creams appeared in 1930. Doctors began to recommend sea rest - and immediately waterproof mascara was born.

    Cosmetologists began to actively cooperate with physiologists and chemists. From that moment on, the requirements for cosmetics changed radically: it became not only harmless, but, if possible, also curative.

    The second half of the 20th century introduced the concept of image - a harmonious image of a woman: clothes, cosmetics and hairstyle were combined in a single stylistic ensemble. Each new collection of haute couture has been accompanied by a new style of makeup.

    In the 60s, skirts above the knee, shirt dresses, trousers, platform shoes were in fashion. The image of the "good-girl" was completed with pastel shades, lipstick of a light, natural shade, false eyelashes, which gave charm and a special "childish" naivety.

    In the 70s, the accent was put on the eyes, the color of powder and lipstick approached the body. Glitter was added to the evening make-up. And in the early 80s, "femme fatale" women were again in vogue. Fashion designers offer a wide selection of clothes in dark colors, stylists - contrasting makeup: white skin, bright blush and red lipstick.

    Conclusion: Recently fashion magazines constantly publish reviews of trends in makeup, and from different makeup artists. The freedom of creativity is truly unlimited, and fashion does not dictate strict rules. With the development of mankind, a lot changes, and so does cosmetics. And now more and more new tools, technologies and manufacturers appear. This is already a market where the strongest survive. And also, this is a whole art, the art of makeup. Where the main rule is to emphasize the advantages and hide the disadvantages.

    Make-up is the application of various decorative cosmetics to the skin in order to decorate or mask significant flaws. This is the interpretation that applies to modern makeup. But if you look at the history of the first person, then you can add a few more makeup features. For example, it was used to give a frightening look or to indicate differences between classes of society. Modern makeup is decoration and disguise.
    The history of makeup. It is almost impossible to determine the day of the appearance of makeup or a specific ethnic group that gave us the art of face decorating, because even primitive people applied various natural elements to the face. When make-up began to be treated as the art of facial skin care, the list of products used was significantly limited. These were fruit juices, various herbal infusions, clay and mud masks, and even animal droppings. It's so good that in the era of the cosmetic revolution, a lot of cosmetics were invented that replace not very flattering natural ingredients.
    The makeup of each of the eras of mankind is significantly different from each other in colors, and in highlighting certain facial contours. Like clothes and shoes, makeup also has its own fashion. If he talks about makeup today, then it is difficult to single out certain trends prevailing among beauties. The 21st century has combined all the best that has inherited from previous fashion trends.

    Let's start with the lips. In the early twenties, every girl tried to look as gentle and feminine as possible, so the lipstick was almost colorless. The modern equivalent is lip gloss. In the late twenties, the situation is fundamentally changing. And fatal women come into fashion with bright makeup and rich scarlet lips. Love for red lipsticks today is not alien to the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. Plus, cleverly defined lips are half the battle.

    Eyes. Whatever the era, the girls' eyes were always highlighted. Of course, we are not talking about rough arrows and bright shadows. Elementary vaseline shine on the eyelids should be present. The fashion to draw the arrows came from the fashionistas of the fifties. For the most part, the shadows were always chosen pale or matching the color of the eyes. And bright colors conquered the world of beauty only in the era of disco. Read also about.
    Eyebrows. Well-groomed and neat eyebrows are one of the main elements of modern makeup. In the mid-forties, very thin eyebrows like strings became fashionable. They were tinted to acquire a rich black color, but the eyebrows that the fifties era gave us look more attractive. The eyebrows have become a little thicker and have acquired a beautiful curved shape.
    Powder and blush have always been used. But to shade the cheekbones and experiment with the shape of the face with the help of the play of colors began only in the forties. Today, a skilled make-up artist with the help of several shades of blush can give the face almost any shape. Thanks to the mid-20th century fashionistas.
    We should not forget about the complexion in general. If at the beginning of the 20th century a pale skin color was in vogue, then already in the late fifties it was replaced by a light tan.
    Due to the fact that the modern art of make-up has absorbed the trends of all previous times, every girl can choose an image to her liking and the fashion of makeup today is limitless. Read also about and makeup for


    Make-up in the modern sense is the art of beautifying the face with decorative cosmetics.

    The use of cosmetics helps to improve the complexion, correct not only minor skin imperfections, but also emphasize the advantages.

    In order for the makeup to look spectacular, it must be done taking into account an individual approach, a sense of proportion and taste.

    When applying makeup, it is very important to observe the measure. Even the most expensive and high-quality cosmetics will look bad if applied too thickly.

    Obeying fashion trends, you should never forget about the individual characteristics of not only the face, but also the character. What looks spectacular on a model may not always suit her. A wide range of decorative cosmetics is commonly used for makeup. The most common ones are tone cream, powder, eye shadow, blush, mascara and lipstick.

    When applying makeup, a variety of special tools are commonly used: combs, combs, brushes, feathers, applicators, etc.

    It is known that makeup makes the face brighter and more expressive. It can be everyday, business, festive and, of course, wedding. When choosing the type of makeup, you need to remember one thing: whatever it is, the main thing is that it looks natural and emphasizes beauty.

    Objective: To develop evening makeup with emphasis on eyes and lips - Achieved.

    1. Analysis of the literature on makeup.

    2. Execution evening makeup with emphasis on eyes and lips.

    Theoretical part (creative part)

    The history of makeup

    Fashion and beauty, like everything in this world, have their own history and development trends. And if our contemporaries still remember the laws of makeup and the rules of haircuts of the 90s of the 20th century, then the carefree eighties are already lost in the haze of the past. What can we say about the traditions of earlier eras. Meanwhile, these traditions were very diverse, interesting and sometimes even life-threatening.

    People want to make themselves more beautiful and graceful than they really are, not only for several foreseeable past centuries, but for many millennia. It is in this depth of time that the history of cosmetics goes.

    The ancient Greeks turned the creation of hairstyles into a real art, lining them with gold and silver stripes.

    The Greeks also invented such a popular make-up product as white powder. Only then and many centuries later was the powder made on the basis of such a monstrously harmful component as lead. Lead white powder was applied in a very thick layer, which gave faces a languid and alluring look, while hiding the consequences of various skin diseases and problems. This was irreparably dangerous, as the lead over a period of time only exacerbated the tissue damage caused by ailments. But, in spite of everything, the nobility continued to use this tool until the 19th century. Since pallor was held in high esteem, Greek women tried to use minimal makeup in order to look as natural and soft as possible. Lipsticks are known for the following: a paste of clay, red iron oxide and ocher, or olive oil plus beeswax. The popular eye shadow was olive oil mixed with earth or charcoal. In addition, Greek women loved to connect their eyebrows in one line, for this they also used coal powder.

    The ancient Romans often used strong bleaches and hair dyes, so both men and women were bald by a certain age. Secular ladies were forced to wear wigs if such a misfortune happened. In addition, Roman matrons persistently killed their own skin, covering their face, neck, shoulders and arms with that very white lead powder.

    Makeup of the 30s is the time of make-up. Many cosmetics of that time were very different from their modern counterparts. For example, today it is difficult to imagine lipstick in a jar used by women in the 19th century. The modern metal tube lipstick used by women today appeared in America in 1915. Any makeup of the early 30s really looked too defiant, and its composition was very harmful to the skin.

    The 40s of the twentieth century are a difficult, difficult time. These are the war years, which subjected a huge number of people to severe physical and psycho-emotional torture. This is also the post-war years - a time of revival of the destroyed and dynamic economic growth. But, despite all the difficulties of life, women still strived for beauty and perfection. True, the fashion of the forties turned out to be very economical. AND distinctive features of that time, large curls, a soft feminine image, a rounded face and small hats became. The make-up was made in two versions: natural - for every day, and expressive bright - for an evening out.

    In the late 50s, everyone loved sensuality and femininity. The standard of beauty was considered Marilyn Monroe, with her short curled bleached hair and lips covered with that very bright red shiny lipstick.

    In the late 60s, women's lips darkened and turned into a minor detail against the background of exaggeratedly large eyes. Black mascara, often applied in three coats to highlight the lashes and accentuate the contours of the lids, was reinforced with bright shadows and long false lashes, while the lower lashes were often painted directly on the skin. In order not to distract the eyes from such a spectacle, the lips were painted in the most faded, pastel pink tones. The boyish features that were fashionable in the late sixties were embodied in the image of the fashion model Twiggy, with her short hair and pale lips. In the seventies, the hippie movement breathed life into a new direction and many women abandoned cosmetics altogether and stopped taking care of their hair. But this current quickly faded away. And in the history of fashion there are elegant haircuts of the late seventies, suggesting neat lines and excellent hair condition.

    The 1980s saw a resurgence in demand for natural beauty products. Lanolin, oatmeal, herbs, fruits have become an integral part of skin and hair care products. There have been many innovations in hair styling and new directions in makeup. No matter what century is in the yard, external attractiveness always remains one of the most desirable qualities. Modern woman has a huge selection of cosmetic, perfumery and medical products for skin and hair. Moreover, now the beauty industry uses not only the achievements of modern chemistry and plastic surgery, but also developments associated with high technologies.

    The make-up of the 90s is characterized by the transformation of colors and textures. The history of make-up describes this period as a time of real transformations not only in colors, but also in the textures of cosmetics. First of all, this time was marked by the appearance of bright pink and raspberry tones in makeup, the fashion for plum lipstick and the appearance of lip gloss. Mascara has become better quality and more varied in color. Bright shades of mascara came into fashion. Black lipstick, which became popular thanks to the singer Linda, did not last long on the catwalks. In general, the makeup of the 90s can be called bright, bold and doll-like at the same time, since many women of that time imitated the image of a Barbie doll or heroines from Mexican TV series.

    Art visage humanity has been using it since time immemorial. Makeup every decade is very interesting, beautiful and informative.
    Delving deeper into the history of visage, studying its features in each epoch, meeting different fashionistas, and famous women those times, you can learn a lot of interesting things.

    Today, we will look at the history of this art, get acquainted with the most prominent times and the makeup techniques that accompanied them.

    Let's start with '20s Makeup'.

    The beginning of the XX century - The end of the First World War.

    Female images of this time: modesty and cordiality itself, "sweet girl", "selfless mother."

    Eye makeup: almost no makeup, only a transparent petroleum jelly sheen.

    Lips: the same Vaseline.

    Face: A pink powder that gives a natural look to the face.

    Hairstyle: before the war - curled in flirty curls, during the war - separated by a clear parting.

    Time impersonation: Lillian Diana Gish, Juna Barnes.

    Post-war time. 20s. Decadence

    Features of the female image: femme fatale, vamp woman.

    In makeup, accents are simultaneously on the eyes and lips, in cosmetics, the use of saturated colors.

    Eyes: eyeliner: bright blue, emerald, or purple; mascara in color is combined with eyeliner (accordingly, for bright blue, dark blue is suitable, etc.)

    Eyebrows: Plucked and painted on in a clear, black line with a drooping end.

    Lips: clear contour, bright lipstick dark red, often a small heart-shaped mouth.

    Face: blush of delicate shades, applied as a round stain; the skin is smooth, matte.

    Hairstyle: short haircut under a boy, a clear parting, with or without bangs, waves or straight hair.

    Time impersonation: Gloria Swenson, Teda Bara, Paula Negri, Constance Tallmage, Louise Brooks, Clara Bowe, Marjorie Brooks.

    30s makeup

    Focus on the eyes: highlighted and underlined. The contour is applied with a black pencil (eyeliner) along the lower and upper eyelids, be sure to connect in the corner of the eye.
    Shadows in dark shades that are applied over the contour. All lines are shaded, no clear outline. The eyelashes are fluffy and richly colored.

    Thin eyebrows, plucked into a "thread", and drawn in an arc, as if "surprised face".

    Lips with a clear contour, muted shades. At that time, a light tan came into fashion, which became a sign of wealth and a rich life. Pale faces with vulgar bright spots of blush are no longer fashionable. Now the blush is well shaded, and emphasizes the aristocratic lines of the face.

    Hairstyles: with wavy hair, with side parting - the most fashionable.

    Time impersonation: Marlene Dietrich, Greta Garbo, Joan Bennett, Jean Harlow, Vivien Leigh, Lee Miller, Norma Scherer, Joan Crawford

    Makeup 40x.

    The makeup of these years is characterized by a matte base, thick heavy eyebrows and scarlet lips. Light skin tone, black eyeliner, red lips create a sophisticated and elegant style. Cheekbones stand out.

    Eyes: multiple layers of mascara for an intense shade.

    Lips: rich deep reds.

    Hairstyles: More complex, shoulder length or longer. Styling: glossy waves.

    Time impersonation: Veronica Lake, Helen Parker, Lauren Bacall, Joan Crawford, Ingrid Bergman, Bette Davis.


    The decade of the 1950s is a period of elegance and glamor. The image becomes very feminine (even puppet), the waist is prominent in the clothes. Pencil skirts and puffy knee-length dresses came into fashion.

    50's makeup is feminine, soft, natural.
    Tone, powder and blush - with a peach tint, matte smoky shadows, black eyeliner on the upper eyelid, mascara.

    The eyebrows have become thick, quite dark with a beautiful curved shape.

    The cheeks are pink and ruddy.

    Lips pink or red lipstick. Eyes: upper lid arrow. The most fashionable element in makeup is red lipstick. Bright lips, thick black eyelashes and ruddy cheeks are characteristic features of 50s makeup.

    Hairstyle: the hair was gathered in a ponytail, and from them small hairstyles with milled strands were made.

    In the 50s, flies began to be used in order to emphasize their sexuality and give a veiled sign to men. For example: a round front sight located between the temple and the eye was called "killer" or "passionate person." If there were two or three flies on the face, then the interpretation depended on the age, position in society and the woman's reputation. "Majestic" front sight was glued almost in the middle of the forehead, "flirtatious" near the lips.

    Time impersonation: Brigitte Bardot, Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn, Elizabeth Taylor, Gina Lolobrigida, Sophia Loren, Grace Kelly.

    Makeup 60x

    The main trend of the 60s is an emphasis on one thing, both in clothes and in makeup. It was necessary to choose only one defiant thing and in no case mix the pictures.

    In makeup, the emphasis is either on the eyes or on the lips.

    Eyes: Basically, everyone was trying to achieve the effect of "innocence". The emphasis was on the eyes, they painted thickly with ink and drew swallow arrows. Light shadows with a shiny effect, darker shadows were applied to the fixed eyelid. Then, using an eyeliner, a rich line was drawn along the growth of the upper eyelashes, ending with a thin tail. Ink was painted in several layers.

    Face: light and even tone.

    The cheekbones were slightly emphasized with light blush.

    Lips in neutral light beige, no pencil.

    Time impersonation: Twiggy, Jane Fonda, Gene Shrimpton, Julie Christie, Mia Farrow.

    Makeup 70s.

    Immediately after the great 60s, with their gentle and innocent image of the ideal woman, the extravagant 70s and 80s take on life.

    Hippie times. During this time, their culture was at the peak of its popularity and development. Children of flowers, free love and peace ruled in the meantime.

    The hippie style of dress: it used different notes of folklore, everyone had long hair, which was woven with flowers and colorful threads. Either there was no makeup at all, or they accentuated the eyes, shading them with dark shadows of smoky, deep colors.

    Lips: light gloss, natural lipstick color.

    Eyebrows: natural, thick, tousled.

    At this time, a completely opposite subculture began to develop, like punks.

    Clothes: old-fashioned rags, worn jeans. The jewelry was made of metal. This image was complemented by a mohawk of a wide variety of colors - green, pink, red.

    Makeup: no rules, complete chaos reigned on the face.

    Eyes: dark or very bright shadows.

    Lips: black or blue lipstick.

    The personification of time: Catherine Deneuve, Liza Minnelli, Jane Birkin; Angela Davis, Nina Hagen, Patti Smith.

    80s Makeup Disco Style

    It is generally accepted that the 80s is the era of disco. This style combines vibrant colors and rich textures. The combination of bright colors: pink-purple, deep blue, plum jam, purple-lilac, lilac-pink. These bright colors were used wherever possible - the eyes had to be bright and stand out, and sparkles, or neon shadows, were also applied on top.

    Features of the image: activity, healthy image life.

    Eyes: bright shadows all over the lids, well shaded, no clear contours.

    Lips: Variety of colors, no clear lines. Face: radiating health and freshness.

    Hairstyle: lush long hair, comb, "she-wolf".

    Impersonations of directions: Alla Pugacheva, Madonna, Meryl Streep, Cher, Iman, etc.

    Makeup 90s.

    Mixing styles. Anti-fashion

    The peculiarity of the image: grunge, feigned sloppiness, later - a clear mixture of styles, natural freshness, emphasis on individuality.

    Face: as if washed, fresh from the shower, very fresh and natural, with a slight sheen.

    Hairstyle: a variety of colors and shapes, Rachelle haircut, ponytail in a knot, page-style haircuts and curls.

    Impersonations of directions: Courtney Love, Sharon Stone, Jennifer Aniston, Bjork, Julia Roberts, etc.

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