• Photo of the fetus, photo of the abdomen, ultrasound and video about the development of the child. Photo of the fetus, photo of the abdomen, ultrasound and video about the development of the child 31 obstetric week of pregnancy


    If one baby grows in your belly, it means that at exactly thirty weeks you received a "release" from work for the next 140 days, it is for this period that a certificate of incapacity for work is issued.

    Now you will have more free time, which you can spend on yourself and your future baby.

    Now is the time to realize everything that was conceived - to tie a dowry for the baby, go shopping, collect a first-aid kit, buy a stroller and much, much more.

    It does not at all mean that you yourself have to make repairs in the apartment, or general cleaning - just enjoy, rest, it is unlikely that after giving birth you will succeed.

    Your baby is as big as ...

    1600 gram
    380-390 mm
    120-160 bpm

    Fetal development

    The baby becomes cramped in the womb, his movements are constrained, more rare, but strong.

    This is what your baby looks like at 31 weeks

    The fetus continues to gain weight, because in the remaining time it needs to grow at least another 1000 g in order to be considered full-term and mature.

    The baby reacts to light, which becomes clear by the increase in activity, when bright light hits the mother's belly.

    The subcutaneous tissue evens out the skin color, making it less red and more natural.

    The nervous system continues to mature and develop, convolutions and grooves are formed in the cerebral cortex, nerve fibers are covered with a protective sheath, which significantly increases the speed of passage of impulses through them.

    The production of surfactant in the lungs continues, but it is not yet enough for spontaneous breathing - the baby is born early.

    The liver prepares to perform its functions, its structure becomes more perfect, hepatic lobules are formed. The number of cells in the pancreas significantly increases; immediately after birth, its secret will participate in the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

    The nails grow and almost reach the fingertips, the hair on the head becomes thicker. But the cannonballs on the body gradually fall out.

    Ultrasound at 31 weeks of gestation

    You may be scheduled for your third and final scheduled ultrasound this week.

    If, during the last study, the baby was shy and did not show you his gender, you can find out everything this time. The specialist, according to the protocol, will make all the necessary measurements, exclude organ malformations, measure the heart rate, the amount of amniotic fluid.

    Already at this time it is possible to detect malformations of the gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system. It is mandatory to assess the state of the placenta and blood flow in it. Also, the state of the uterus, wall thickness, muscle uniformity are assessed, the length of the neck, the degree of opening of the cervical canal is measured.

    What happens in your body at 31 weeks?

    Not only your baby is changing, but also your entire body:

    • the belly grows due to an increase in the uterus (its bottom is now 11 cm above the navel), as well as due to the deposition of fat in the lateral parts;
    • the amount of amniotic fluid increases to a liter, this is quite enough to protect the baby from compression by the uterus and injury - water plays the role of a protective buffer;
    • weight gain this week will average about 9.5 kg;
    • under the influence of the hormone relaxin, the pelvic bones expand - it is preparing to let your baby through itself into the light;
    • excessive weight gain and increased swelling may indicate that it is very difficult for the kidneys to cope with the load, and without support, they can simply fail, so do not hide your true weight about the doctor, especially if the increase is significant;
    • a frequent companion of a pregnant woman is candidiasis, which occurs due to a decrease in immunity /

    Your feelings at 31 weeks

    The pressure of the pregnant uterus on the gastrointestinal tract leads to heartburn, which is difficult to relieve without special means, and constipation.

    Heartburn and constipation will certainly be accompanied by shortness of breath, fatigue and lower back pain. Get used to it, you will part with these "friends" only after childbirth.

    Diet, walking in the fresh air, limiting salt, and wearing a bandage will help to dull these unpleasant sensations a little.

    Discharge from the genital tract

    Be sure to continue to monitor the discharge from the genital tract.

    Minor spotting on the panties appears when mucous membranes are injured, as well as hemorrhoids. Blood in large quantities is an alarming symptom, and may indicate the onset of labor, placental abruption, especially if combined with painful sensations, or appears after a blow to the abdomen, heavy exertion or sudden movements.

    The appearance of green, yellow, foamy or flocculent discharge with an unpleasant odor indicates the development of an infection and requires the earliest start of treatment - the baby must pass through a clean birth canal, and there is not much left before delivery.

    Abundant, odorless, watery discharge with a yellowish tinge may be amniotic fluid and appear when the membranes are torn or completely ruptured. If a pregnant woman suspects such a condition, it is impossible to hesitate - a defect in the shell is a good entrance gate for infection. If childbirth occurs in this period, it is possible to leave the baby, but nursing an infected child is much more difficult.

    Any change in the nature of the discharge at this time should be a signal for seeking medical help.

    Photo of tummies at 31 weeks

    Surveys at 31 weeks

    On the eve of your visit to the antenatal clinic, you will need to pass a general analysis of urine (to monitor kidney function), blood (to exclude anemia and inflammation in the body), blood for sugar (if gestational diabetes mellitus developed during pregnancy, or there was diabetes before pregnancy ). With Rh-negative blood type in mom and positive in dad, it is necessary to regularly donate blood for an antibody titer.

    Upon arrival, the pregnant woman will be weighed, the pressure on both hands will be measured, the height of the uterine fundus and abdominal circumference will be measured, the fetal heart will be listened to with a stethoscope.

    Risks at 31 weeks

    The belly should not hurt at 31 weeks, the appearance of any painful sensations should attract your attention. A pulling, aching pain that lasts a long time may indicate uterine hypertonicity and the possible development of labor. Severe abdominal pain, even not accompanied by bloody discharge, can occur with placental abruption.

    If any pain lasts more than 30 minutes - go for a consultation, or you can go directly to the ambulance to the hospital. If all is well, they will just send you home, but if something is wrong, the chance to save yourself and your baby's life and health will increase significantly.

    After the 30th week, gestosis often develops, which is manifested by the appearance of edema, protein in the urine and increased pressure. Without adequate therapy, it can progress to life-threatening preeclampsia and eclampsia. This is an extremely serious condition that can only be treated by eliminating the cause - i.e. only by delivery, regardless of gestational age and fetal viability. Symptoms of preeclampsia - blurred consciousness, flashing "flies" before the eyes, headache. The main thing is to have time to call an ambulance.

    Important at 31 weeks

    Do not forget to prepare the breast for feeding, for this wash it daily with warm water and soap, dry it with a hard towel. Use stiff fabric pads in your bra to help harden your nipples.

    Be sure to wear a bandage that will not allow the baby to go down prematurely and will help relieve the spine.

    If you have not had time to attend childbirth preparation courses - it's time to sign up. You will receive information on the upcoming birth, learn how to breathe correctly, and in what ways you can relieve pain.

    Do not lie down and do not sit for a long time in one position, this will not benefit the baby, but you should not go hiking and climb mountain peaks - everything should be in moderation, extremes are never beneficial, especially during pregnancy.

    Meals at 31 weeks

    The dietary recommendations remain the same - to ease the symptoms of heartburn, eat in small portions, while reclining. Vegetables, dried apricots, prunes, dairy products will help to cope with constipation. To provide the baby with everything necessary, the menu should include meat and fish, eggs, vegetables and fruits, cereals, and hard cheeses. You need to drink clean water, green tea, fruit drinks, fruit drinks.

    Alcohol, coffee, soda remain under the ban.


    Daytime sleep should become an integral part of the regimen - due to disturbing thoughts and nightmares, the expectant mother cannot always get enough sleep at night. Sleeping is best on your side, with special pillows. Walking outdoors before bed and sleeping in a well-ventilated area will help provide you and your baby with adequate oxygen.

    Time flew by quickly, and it’s time for a young mother to go on maternity leave. Her interesting position is obvious to those around her. The abdomen is already visible with the naked eye and under any clothing. How many months is it - 31-32 weeks of pregnancy? Based on obstetric calculations, this is seven and a half months of pregnancy. Normal pregnancy resolution occurs at 38-42 weeks, which means you have a maximum of 10 weeks left. Hurry up to enjoy this state, because the little legs that are actively kicking you today will very soon start running on their own, and mom will remain nostalgic for these exciting, but such wonderful moments.

    Estimated due date

    Since now the 31-32 week of pregnancy is already underway, every woman is interested in when to wait for her baby to be born. The baby has already become quite heavy and every mother wants to get rid of the burden as soon as possible. But do not rush, your child is already a fully formed organism, however, it is still very useful for him to stay in the bosom of his mother, to build up subcutaneous fat and how to get stronger. Although if the pregnancy proceeded with the threat of miscarriage, now you can breathe a sigh of relief. A child born on any subsequent day will be quite viable. However, 31-32 weeks of pregnancy is only the beginning of the third trimester. To calculate the day of birth, obstetricians use special tables, and, of course, take into account the day of the last menstruation. In this case, it is necessary to make a discount on the duration of the cycle, which is individual. If you have it up to 30 days, then most likely the baby will be born on time or a little earlier. If the cycle is more than 30 days, then there is a high probability that the child will appear a little later.

    Your baby's physical development

    Today he is actively growing and gaining weight, the accumulation of subcutaneous fat is the main task that the child faces when the 31-32 week of pregnancy is going on. Now his weight is still not very large, about 1.4 - 1.6 kg. Its height reaches 30-45 cm, that is, the baby is already large enough for your belly and its every movement is very noticeable. Now, before the onset of childbirth, he needs to grow another 5-15 cm and gain one and a half kilograms of weight, and all this in less than two months. At this time, the doctor leading the pregnancy will definitely send you for an ultrasound scan to determine if the 31-32 week of pregnancy is really in progress. The weight of the fetus is also determined based on the results of this examination. Too small as well as too large a figure is an alarming symptom that should be analyzed by doctors. The reasons may be poor blood supply to the placenta or a violation of the mother's diet, as well as various pathologies of intrauterine development.

    Mental development

    Today, no one is surprised by the fact that a baby in the womb begins to learn about the world. This is true, especially in the third trimester, when all the senses are fully formed. The end of their formation is just 31-32 weeks of pregnancy. The weight of the fetus is now increasing every day, and the brain develops in proportion to it. Connections between nerve cells are formed at an amazing speed, while the brain is already able to analyze the incoming information, although there is not so much of it in the child's living space. However, the little one from his shelter watches everything that happens in the outside world. He successfully processes information signals from all five available senses.

    Development of sensory channels

    Let's look a little deeper into the world of the baby in order to understand why the 31-32 weeks of pregnancy are significant, what is happening at this time. So, the child is rapidly developing all the senses. This is due to the survival instinct. It reacts especially strongly to light. If you direct a light source to the stomach, the baby will squint and turn away. The second source of information is sounds. He already well distinguishes voices, knows how to distinguish the voice of his mother, calms down at the sounds of classical music and, conversely, gets excited when he hears a cheerful, rhythmic melody. When the 31-32 week of pregnancy is going on, the movements become very noticeable, but they do not cause much discomfort to the mother, therefore this period is considered the most favorable for playing with her unborn baby.

    Good time

    Games for mothers and children, and even better if dad and older children are involved in this, is a great way to unite the family and make it clear to the baby that he is loved and expected. The simplest games are stroking and patting on the stomach, in response to which the baby also starts pushing from the inside. Some mothers try at these moments to try on a bootie on the leg, which protrudes from the abdomen. You can go even further and play soldiers who will march across the stomach. And the drawing of the future baby on the mother's belly, made with the help of fingers and paints by the rest of the family, will also be a great activity. Such games guarantee a lot of new impressions for the future baby and a great mood for everyone else, which is of no small importance.

    What is your child doing right now?

    How do you think he while away his leisure hours? Now he is big enough to stay awake long enough. This is well noticed by all women who are 31-32 weeks pregnant. Moves often, for a long time, which is the norm. But if the crumb calms down for more than 3 hours, you should think about it. Try to challenge him to the game by lightly patting his stomach. If you felt jolts, everything is fine, he just fell asleep. However, if the lull continues, see your doctor, it could be a sign of oxygen deprivation.

    If the child is overly active, pushes for many hours in a row, does not calm down to the sound of music, or even on a walk (when the mother is walking, all children usually sleep), then this is a cause for serious concern. Immediately see a doctor for a referral for examination.

    During periods of wakefulness, the baby usually makes faces and pushes, hiccups and swallows water, breathes and pushes the walls of the uterus with its arms and legs. A favorite pastime is sucking your fist or thumb and swinging your legs. These skills are honed over the course of 31-32 weeks of gestation. Photo 3D will allow you to see your unborn child in one of the interesting poses to leave as a keepsake for a family album.

    Internal organ development

    Despite the fact that the foundations of all organs have already been formed, the future baby continues to grow actively. This is understandable, because only 31-32 weeks of the fetus are going on in full swing, since in a short month and a half it needs to prepare for an independent life. Now all organs and systems are fully functional. The baby's head becomes proportional to the body. Now she is 60% of an adult. Wrinkles on his skin are gradually smoothed out. This is due to the accumulation of subcutaneous fat. Hair grows on the head. Every day, the nervous system is improving, now the pupils can already narrow, the baby is no longer afraid of bright light. The fetus at 31-32 weeks of gestation trains the lungs and tries to inhale. At the same time, a little amniotic fluid gets inside him. This is how the lungs prepare for their first breath after childbirth.

    We grow by leaps and bounds

    A child at 31-32 weeks of gestation is changing just before our eyes. Every week he adds about 200-300 grams. That is, by the end of 32 weeks, he will most likely reach a weight of 1700 - 1900. Such significant gains cannot be overlooked by the mother. It's getting harder and harder for her. It is this period that is transitional, a little time will pass and it means that it will become a little easier. In the meantime, the large uterus presses on the diaphragm, making it difficult to breathe. The uterus is now 10 cm higher than the navel, which means that all organs are displaced to give the child more room for development. It affects everything. Pressure on the stomach leads to severe heartburn, digestive problems, and constipation. The bladder, which is also under pressure, requires frequent emptying. However, if this calms you down, then all these moments are temporary; they can be compensated for by longer walks in the fresh air and rational nutrition.

    What's new

    What changes does pregnancy of 31-32 weeks give us? increasing, changes await you in the near future. As we have already said, all organs in a child are fully formed. Now one of his main tasks is to roll over and take a position upside down, which will ensure a normal delivery. In this position, he will have to remain until birth. The child is now developing an immune system. Mom during this period is very worried about heartburn and shortness of breath, constipation. In the case of toxicosis, nausea and increased pressure are possible, sometimes edema or even protein in the urine. If all these signs are collected, then the mother can be hospitalized, since such a complication as gestosis is possible.


    This is a diagnostic method that allows the doctor to assess the condition of the child, and the mother to see her baby for the first time. Recently, technology has made a huge leap forward, now going to an ultrasound scan is like visiting an auditorium. Usually, the expectant mother comes with the father, and sometimes the grandmother of the child, and everyone can watch the movements of the baby in the stomach.

    We would like to consider in more detail what an ultrasound procedure is at 31-32 weeks of pregnancy. Ultrasound at this time is intended to determine whether the size of the fetus is appropriate for development. The second point is to find out if the child has turned head down. Usually he will not be able to roll over back, as he continues to gain weight. In parallel, the doctor will assess the amniotic fluid index. It should be around 80-250 mm. If less, then they diagnose oligohydramnios, and if more, then polyhydramnios.

    Sometimes the doctor performing the ultrasound procedure may notice signs of inflammation of the placenta. It can be caused by fungi or viruses, as well as pathogens. In this case, the specialist transmits information to the attending physician, and he, in turn, decides how to treat this pathology. But the entanglement with the umbilical cord, which sometimes doctors scare mothers, at this stage is not a big deal. In the next few hours, the baby can free itself from entanglement, and in childbirth it will no longer be found. It may be the other way around, there was no entanglement on the ultrasound, but it was during childbirth.

    Feelings of a future mother

    Every day more and more worries are added to her. How will the childbirth go, will the baby sleep peacefully, is everything in order with his health. These and other questions sometimes give a woman a lot of excitement. But now the main thing is to calm down. Listen to nice music, go for a walk, sleep. Now it is extremely important to gain strength, soon they will be needed.

    Now the baby is turned upside down and all of it falls on the area of ​​the mother's chest. This is painful. Therefore, doctors recommend that expectant mothers monitor their posture and keep their back straight, so you can slightly reduce the discomfort.


    Very soon, you may encounter such a problem as the retention of excess water in the body. During pregnancy, this is almost inevitable, leading to swelling of the limbs and swelling of the veins. The best prevention will be getting rid of tight clothing and jewelry, normal physical activity and a water-salt diet. First of all, you need to minimize salt intake, and if this does not help, then the doctor will determine the maximum dosage of liquid (including soups) per day.

    Uterine contractions

    For the first time, they can appear exactly during the 31-32 week of pregnancy. This is how many months, you already know. If we proceed from the usual calculations, then seven and a half, and by obstetric standards, a little less. Be that as it may, it is this week that frequent uterine contractions appear, which are training and do not pose a threat to the child's life. Pressure from the uterus on the bladder can cause uncontrolled urination. There may be minor pains from this, which are relieved with valerian and other sedatives.

    What you need to pay special attention to

    The training contractions of the uterus will get stronger as the day of birth approaches. This is normal, however, you need to know how to distinguish them from real contractions. Harbingers are usually not intense and pass with a little movement. Real contractions from physical activity will only intensify.

    Various diseases are the most dangerous for mom at this time. One of the most dangerous is late gestosis, or placental abruption. A heavy load can cause back pain, for the correction of which doctors may recommend wearing a special corset and doing a set of exercises. It's time to sign up for gymnastics for pregnant women, where, under the guidance of a trainer, you will not only do useful stretching and breathing exercises, but also share your experience and gain new knowledge.

    Especially now one should be afraid of diseases of a cold and infectious nature. The course of the disease, as well as the medicines that are used to treat it, one way or another, will affect the health of the baby. Therefore, even with the smallest illness, for example, a runny nose, you should consult a doctor so that he examines you and prescribes adequate treatment. Most often, expectant mothers are prescribed herbal remedies or homeopathic treatment. Such medicines are more gentle and harmless, but they give a good effect. In addition, doctors recommend a variety of herbal preparations. But, of course, prevention is the main task of every expectant mother. Rational nutrition and optimal physical activity, avoiding crowded places, airing and wet cleaning the room are simple actions that help to avoid unpleasant consequences and survive without diseases until the very birth.

    At the eighth month of pregnancy, the mother goes on maternity leave. She has more time to communicate with her baby, who will soon be born. It is during this period that the expectant mother will have to undergo the third, final prenatal screening. And at 31 weeks pregnant, she can get a referral for an ultrasound scan as part of a third trimester screening study. We will tell you about what awaits her in the ultrasound office and what her baby has become in this article.

    Objectives of the survey

    At 31 weeks, a third prenatal screening is scheduled, the task of which is to summarize the results of the first two and find out how the baby is feeling at this stage. The study is now very informative in terms of planning tactics for the upcoming birth. Many babies already at this time take the final position of the body, in which they are to be born. This makes it possible to minimize the number and risks of birth injuries as much as possible, because with a breech or transverse presentation, a cesarean section may be indicated for a woman.

    Ultrasound at 31 weeks of gestation allows you to clearly and carefully examine the structure of the baby's internal organs, since they are all already large enough and perfectly visualized. An ultrasound examination is considered routine, it is carried out free of charge in consultation at the place of residence of the expectant mother.

    In addition to screening tasks, ultrasound of the third trimester is also assigned additional - the scan should clarify the child's condition, features of uterine placental blood flow, to show the growth of the baby in dynamics, to clarify the expected date of birth, which is just around the corner.

    Outside of the plan, at this time, pregnant women with twins or triplets, who become pregnant through IVF, as well as women with a severe obstetric history, including after a previous cesarean section, can count on ultrasound, since it is important to monitor the state of the postoperative scar on the uterus for such a long time.

    Indicate the first day of your last period

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2019 2018

    Carrying out the procedure

    Ultrasound at -31 weeks is done by an external, transabdominal method, in which the sensor of the apparatus is located on the anterior abdominal wall of the woman. The uterus is so large that the complexion of the pregnant woman no longer plays any role; excess weight and fatty folds on the abdomen cannot impede visualization.

    The doctor uses a vaginal sensor only if the woman has a threat of premature birth, or rather, the obstetrician-gynecologist is inclined to believe that there is an abnormal opening of the cervix for a given period.

    No preparation for ultrasound is required... If a woman wants to do a three-dimensional or four-dimensional ultrasound scan, then she should know that such an examination takes longer than a traditional ultrasound scan - from 40 to 55 minutes. It makes sense to take an exchange card and passport, changeable shoes and a clean diaper with you for any type of ultrasound scan so that you can cover the couch with it, on which you have to lie down during the scan.

    What will the study show?

    The size of the fetus at 31 weeks is large enough, so there is no way to see the whole baby, no sensor gives such a wide view. The child will be examined in parts - the head and face, neck and chest, spine and abdomen, limbs. The baby's height has exceeded 40 centimeters, and the weight is more than one and a half kilograms. In some babies, the weight may approach 2 kg.

    The baby is stocked with subcutaneous fat, which allows him to quickly gain weight, and after childbirth, he will protect the baby from freezing, because the thermoregulation functions have not yet been debugged. Due to fat, the body of the baby takes on a more attractive appearance - cute folds appear on the arms and under the knees, dimples on the cheeks, wrinkles are smoothed out. A baby at 31 weeks looks almost the same as it will look immediately after birth.

    The child has fully formed all the senses. He hears and even partially sees, distinguishes the voices of people close to him from unfamiliar and frightening sounds, distinguishes darkness from light. If you direct the switched on flashlight to the stomach, the baby will reflexively close his eyes. He already opens his eyes when he is awake, and if he is lucky, then during the ultrasound, he can demonstrate this.

    The lungs prepare for spontaneous breathing. So far, the baby does not know how to do this, but a special substance begins to be produced in his lungs - a surfactant, which will not allow the alveoli to stick together during exhalation after the baby is born.

    At 31 weeks, the formation of furrows or convolutions in the child's brain continues, he becomes "smarter", and the connection between the brain and muscles is more streamlined. The baby's movements are now, although less active than before, but they are filled with meaning - he can purposefully pull his fists into his mouth, grab the umbilical cord, touch his face.

    Motor activity is not as intense as in the second trimester, because the baby is already becoming noticeably closer in the mother's womb.

    The baby takes a compact position, which makes it difficult to see the genitals, so it is more difficult to determine the sex in the third trimester than in earlier periods.

    The stomach and intestines, bladder and kidneys work actively. The baby swallows amniotic fluid, hiccups, pees, and the original feces, which is called meconium, are deposited in the intestines. The baby is asleep and awake. During periods of wakefulness, he can play with his fingers or a cord, which can also be seen on the monitor of an ultrasound scanner.

    Decoding and norms

    To understand what is written in the conclusion of the ultrasound scan is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. The doctor necessarily measures the basic parameters, which are called fetometric. These are the dimensions of the head - frontal-occipital and bipariental, as well as the length of the paired bones of the legs - the femur and lower leg, and the arms - the humerus and forearm bones. Also, the diameter of the chest is subject to measurements, and two circumferences - the abdomen and head. Then the results obtained are checked against a special table.

    Fetometry table at 30-31 weeks of gestation (only average values):

    In the conclusion of the ultrasound, the anatomical features of the child's development are necessarily described. At this time, the doctor has every opportunity to examine the internal organs of the baby, making a conclusion about the presence or absence of congenital defects.

    The placenta at 31 weeks has the first degree of maturity, in some cases it qualifies as transitional - from the first to the second, although aging of the placenta to the second degree after 35 weeks is considered normal. The amount of water gradually becomes less, because the baby is growing, and he needs more and more space in the uterine cavity. This week is considered normal amniotic fluid index equal to 82-88 mm (on average).

    Possible problems

    Deviations of the indicators of a particular child from the average values ​​indicated in the table can be both physiological and pathological. If an ultrasound scan at 31 weeks reveals a developmental delay, then the lag is quite significant - about 2 weeks from the established obstetric period (at 31 weeks, the size of the child corresponds to 29 weeks). Exceeding the indicators by the same difference can also indicate pathology - edema, genetic abnormalities, developmental defects, intrauterine infection.

    31 weeks pregnant: how many months is it and what is typical for this period?

    The thirty-first week is most often calm in all respects: the expectant mother is already taking a break from work, in anticipation of a wonderful moment of meeting her baby. One should not expect any completely new sensations at this time, however, the increased weight of the baby is already felt. The bandage is becoming an urgent need, more and more often you want to lie down, relax. Let's see what characterizes thirty-one weeks of waiting for a baby and what happens to the baby.

    1. 31 weeks pregnant: what happens to the duet "mom-baby"
    2. 31 weeks pregnant: what happens to the baby
    3. Ultrasound at 31 weeks of gestation
    4. Illness at 31 weeks

    31 weeks pregnant: what happens to the mom-baby duet?

    At 31 weeks, the development of pregnancy goes on as usual. The mother-to-be knows that her pregnancy has come to 7.5 months.

    The third trimester is in full swing. The onset of the 31st week means that it is time to collect a little bag of things in the hospital. You can familiarize yourself with.

    By this time, the woman gained about 10-12 kg. She sometimes experiences not very pleasant sensations:

    • shortness of breath;
    • pain and cramps in the legs;
    • heaviness in the calf muscles;
    • recurrent abdominal pain;
    • heartburn.

    Heartburn and shortness of breath are characteristic of this period, these phenomena occur due to the raising of the uterus into the abdominal cavity and displacement of internal organs. During peristaltic movements, bending and changing the position of the body, the contents of the stomach are thrown into the esophagus. The diaphragm raises the lungs and the lung tissue is partially squeezed. With the help of raw carrots or freshly juiced carrots. They are alkaline and neutralize the contents of the stomach without consequences.

    If the lower abdomen hurts, pulls the lower back, the pubic bone and back hurt, you should know that the joint tissues and ligaments soften, the center of gravity shifts more. The birth canal is preparing for the passage of the baby. All these sensations and pains do not add joy, but the expectant mother should be reassured that this will soon pass. The uterus continues to train - the abdomen becomes numb for a short time and becomes soft again.

    The abdominal circumference is from 85 to 95 cm. At this time, the skin quickly stretches and becomes thinner. A woman can be upset with stretch marks - stretch marks on the abdomen and other places subject to the most rapid build-up of subcutaneous fat: on the thighs, on the shoulders, on the back. Do not worry too much about this: you need to buy a cream for stretch marks and use it more often, then the skin will suffer much less.

    Periodically, the expectant mother feels fetal movements. They should be observed daily, often enough. Since the weight of the fetus is already substantial, the baby is able to push quite hard. If a breech presentation of the fetus is established, he will push the mother with his head under the ribs. If the position of the child is head down, then he will "kick" the mother with his legs, and this is not the first gentle movements. Some mothers note that the baby moves less. The baby is growing, gaining weight, and it is not so easy for him to "swim" and tumble in his mother's belly, as before.

    31 weeks pregnant: fetal development

    Looking at any ultrasound photo taken during this period, a woman can be convinced that the child is almost fully formed. What does a future inhabitant of the Earth look like? It resembles in its appearance the usual newborn, which appeared in due time, only a little smaller in size and "slimmer".

    The child is functioning:

    • genitourinary system;
    • liver;
    • nervous system;
    • organs of hearing and vision.

    The hematopoietic organs are working, the respiratory organs are almost ready for the beginning of functioning. The immune system is ready to defend the body.

    The child's gaze is focused. Interestingly, all unborn children have gray-bluish eyes. Only then, after a while after childbirth, the baby acquires the eye color that he will have for the rest of his life.

    Childbirth at 31 weeks gestation

    31 obstetric week of pregnancy not so rarely ends with the birth of a baby. Of course, this is a bit early. However, at the 31st week of pregnancy, the development of the child is such that he is quite ready to “say hello” to this world.

    Premature birth with breech presentation of the fetus should not be independent, but carried out using a cesarean section. Despite the fact that the fetus has still reached its full development, it is quite large, and if it is not properly positioned, it can cause serious injuries to the mother's birth canal. Besides, there is a danger for him too.

    A baby at 31 weeks pregnant is capable of survival if suddenly born. He has a lot of chances. Therefore, if the expectant mother noticed such signs of the upcoming birth as:

    • regular contractions;
    • copious discharge (meaning that the water has moved away), -

    an urgent need to go to the hospital. You should not give in to panic (although you really want to in such a situation): everything will be fine with the child, even if he did not “wait” for the time measured by nature, but “decided” to be born prematurely.

    Fetal weight at 31 weeks gestation: normal

    The weight of a child at 31 weeks of gestation is approximately 1500-1700 g. But there is no absolute norm: this is an individual indicator. If the parents are thin, then the child, most likely, will be small. If they are overweight, the fetus has an increased risk of gaining a little more. How much the baby weighs, you can find out exactly after his birth. In the meantime, the data is still very approximate. The weight of the child, calculated for ultrasound, is close to the true, but this ultrasound indicator also has an error.

    The baby's height reaches 41 cm.

    Sex at 31 weeks pregnant

    Sometimes a woman is surprised to note that the changes taking place with her have affected her libido. If the libido is increased and the orgasm becomes brighter than before, no one interferes with lovemaking with your spouse. Of course, the doctor must give permission for this. Any deviations in the development of pregnancy impose a ban on this pleasant pastime.

    31 weeks pregnant: what happens to the baby?

    What happens to the mother - we have already found out, but what is the state of the fetus during this period? The fetus at 31 weeks gestation has assumed the position that is likely to remain until delivery: it is difficult for him to freely "swim" in the uterus, since he is already large.

    The baby develops a physiological sleep, similar to the slow sleep phase of an adult. Most of the time the child sleeps, occasionally wakes up to change his position.

    Every day there must be periods of wakefulness when the mother feels regular tremors. What happens to the fetus? He moves his arms and legs, opens and closes his eyes, listens to sounds from the outside, and often hiccups. A child hiccups is a normal phenomenon, thus there is a "training" of his digestive system to function. The fetal hiccups are noticeable to the mother: she feels it.

    If the weight of the child during pregnancy is 31 weeks slightly different from the norm, do not be alarmed: the main thing is that the doctor on the ultrasound scan notes that the deviations are not pathological. A baby at 31 weeks pregnant may weigh less than normal if he is not alone in the womb: twins are often born a little less "singles", but they quickly "get" the missing grams after birth.

    Too large a fetus may mean that mom has started to get carried away with various goodies. The doctor may recommend that she reduce portions and switch to fractional meals.

    Ultrasound at 31 weeks of gestation

    The procedure is desirable at 31 weeks. It allows you not only to determine the weight of the fetus at 31 weeks of gestation, but also to find out other sizes and parameters.

    In the decryption, the doctor will write what size the child has. These indicators are called "fetal fetometry". There are many of them, let's name some:

    • biparietal size (it must be at least 73 mm);
    • head circumference (from 280 to 300 mm);
    • the length of the femur (54-64 mm).

    After explaining to the woman what month it is - 31 weeks of pregnancy, the doctor will tell you about pregnancy - 31 weeks in detail. The expectant mother will find out, will be able to calm down, realizing that everything is in order with the child. The doctor will note how long the fetal nasal bones are. This is the last date when such an indicator is informative. After - weeks, this indicator is usually no longer measured.

    If symptoms such as are observed:

    • uterine tone;
    • high degree of maturity of the placenta;
    • premature aging of the placenta, -

    the doctor will definitely mark them in his conclusion. He will explain what to fear, whether to expect an early birth. The card will record the weight and height of the baby at 31 weeks of gestation.

    On ultrasound, there will be a noticeable entanglement of the umbilical cord around the neck. This is a dangerous phenomenon, and the doctor will explain what measures need to be taken.

    When a woman is 31 weeks pregnant and knows she is pregnant with twins, she should be prepared for a possible early birth. In this case, she often has training contractions and other signs of an imminent onset of labor. Premature maturation of the placenta, noted on an ultrasound scan, indicates an imminent birth. The stomach sank, it became easier to breathe - also a sign of the imminent birth of an heir.

    The twins will be clearly visible on the ultrasound. At this time, the doctor will say which children should be born: if it is written: "dichorial diamniotic twins", it means that the woman simultaneously matured two eggs and were fertilized with two spermatozoa. In this case, children can be heterosexual and completely different from each other. Monochorionic twins - children developed from one egg. They are always of the same sex and are practically indistinguishable from each other.

    Illness at 31 weeks

    Sometimes the expectant mother may lie in wait for illness, so she is reduced. Among them, colds are leading, accompanied by cough, fever, runny nose. not scary if treated in time.

    Another danger, more serious, is. Signs of its appearance:

    • nausea;

    Gestosis can lead to serious problems if you do not take action in time.

    Often, due to the increased load on the body of a pregnant woman, diseases of the urinary system are exacerbated. After all, the fetus already excretes waste products - they are filtered by the mother's kidneys, which significantly adds work to the kidneys. If cystitis appears, the doctor may prescribe fosfomycin.

    To reduce the load on the kidneys (and at the same time unload the spine), you can periodically take a knee-elbow position for 10-15 minutes and sleep on your side.

    And hemorrhoids are common problems in the third trimester. There are special medications for the treatment of these diseases, but they must be prescribed by a doctor.

    A frequent companion of pregnancy is thrush. Which suppositories to use - the gynecologist must decide.

    So, on the pregnancy calendar - the eighth month. Premature maturation of the placenta and childbirth are quite likely during this period. Of course, this is not the norm, but you do not need to be afraid: if your blood is born at such a time, the doctors will be able to leave it.

    If there is no reason for alarm, then try to relax as much as possible and get only pleasure from life. Now you need rest, because soon you will need a lot of strength.

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