• Why does the baby cry when pushing. Why does a newborn grunt and push. Difficulty breathing due to crusts or mucus in the nose


    With the birth of a long-awaited baby, parents feel not only indescribable joy, but also a huge responsibility about a small "ball of happiness". Each respectable family tries to create the most comfortable living conditions for its child and does everything possible so that nothing threatens his health. But without difficulties, as you know, it is not possible to raise a child.

    Crying, colic and abdominal pain are the most common concerns. Many are worried that the baby is constantly pushing and groaning, even while in a dream. To identify the root cause, you need to understand at least a little what this may be due to. Our task is to deal with this problem and find out why this is happening.

    and pushing: the reasons for this behavior

    All babies begin to make strange sounds during bowel movements and become very tense. There is nothing scary and frightening in this, if there are no other signs of discomfort (fever, crying, screaming, convulsions, bloody mucus). If this behavior is observed constantly - day and night, accompanied by grunting and straining, then, most likely, the child is worried about something. In this way, the infant expresses emotions and sensations. The most common reasons include:

    • The appearance of dried crusts in the nasal passage, which impede the penetration of oxygen - the baby tries to inhale and cannot, all this is accompanied by various sounds and strong tension. Mom should regularly clean the nose with a nasal aspirator.
    • Pediatricians believe that the baby is constantly pushing and grunting after overeating. This is a normal reaction to discomfort in the intestines (digestion). If at the same time the chair does not change, and emptying occurs in a timely manner, then you can do a tummy massage or exercise "bike", which will contribute to the rapid activation of the digestive tract.

    Intestinal colic

    Colic usually appears in the third week of a child's life and can last up to a year. These cramping attacks in the abdomen are combined with the following symptoms: poor appetite, frequent regurgitation, pinching of the legs, altered bowel movements, vomiting, flatulence, weight loss, belching. The child grunts and struggles all night, and also cries in pain.

    Every second parent is faced with this problem, since the baby has not yet developed the intestinal tract. A nursing mother needs to choose the menu more carefully so as not to provoke colic. Be sure to exclude products that cause strong gas formation. It is advisable to give your baby a drink that improves digestion.

    Swallowing air

    Constantly pushing, makes grunting sounds and spits up if air gets into the intestines along with food. It is recommended to keep the baby upright after each feed. Then put it on its side so that when belching, the baby does not choke on the milk mixture. Periodically put it on your tummy, it is in this position that gas formation occurs better, and the muscle tissue of the peritoneum is strengthened.

    Stool retention

    The problem of changing the normal rhythm of bowel movements is becoming common. As a rule, bowel movements are performed every few days and with great difficulty. The baby is constantly pushing and grunting, while blushing and crying. The root cause is inappropriate infant formula (for artificial persons), a disturbed mother's diet (the use of prohibited foods), frequent use of laxatives, the use of enemas and pathologies of the intestinal tract.

    Only a doctor can diagnose the problem with a full examination. Solve it on their own and find out why a newborn grunts and struggles in a dream, it is dangerous for the child's life. You should not get carried away with enemas, suppositories and laxatives, as they flush nutrients from the growing body.

    How to prevent constipation?

    Always pay attention to the behavior and habits of your child. If you notice that the child is constantly pushing, crossing his legs and straining strongly during emptying, then this is the first alarm signal about possible gastrointestinal disorders. To avoid this, strictly control the diet, monitor the amount of liquid you drink, do not introduce complementary foods earlier than six months.

    If the baby is mixed or breastfed, then the mother should keep track of her menu. It is better to choose an adapted mixture on the advice of a doctor and try not to change it. Physical activity and massage also help relieve the baby from constipation. Neurologists and pediatricians advise the child to do gymnastics every day: bending the legs, "bicycle", stroking the tummy (clockwise). A specialist will teach the correct technique.

    Many doctors recommend giving the baby products containing lactulose. The drug normalizes microflora and has a mild laxative effect. In the first months of life, a baby can be treated with carminative medications, but only as prescribed by a specialist.

    and pushing in a dream? Norm or pathology

    The baby spends most of the time asleep, and this is considered the norm. In this case, sleep should be calm and not intermittent. It is considered quite natural when a child sobs, groans and sniffs. Tension, constant crying, and pinching of the legs are bad signs.

    This indicates the presence of intestinal problems. Infectious and nervous diseases can also be the cause. It is possible that he was simply overfed, or vice versa - he wants to eat. Maintain a comfortable room temperature for a restful and satisfying sleep for your child.

    Ventilate the room regularly, maybe the baby is just stuffy. Lack or lack of fresh air, physical activity and emotional warmth negatively affect the state of the child. Try to follow a rest and feeding regimen, especially up to a year. Do not forget to be hygienic: after each emptying, wash, change diapers and lubricate the folds with cream.

    Often, puffing and grunting is caused by tingling hair on different parts of the body. This irritates the baby's delicate skin, provoking discomfort and anxiety. Wash the baby with a decoction of a string, chamomile or potassium permanganate before going to bed, wear clothes made from natural fabric. Traditional medicine recommends lubricating irritated areas with honey. This tip may not work for everyone. Better consult a pediatrician.

    When to see a pediatrician?

    If the baby groans and pushes around the clock for a long time, then, without hesitation, contact your local pediatrician. Try to remember how long all the baby's sound cries last, how much he strains and when this is most often observed. Also pay attention to accompanying signs or their absence. All this information is extremely important during the examination.

    It is quite possible that the body of a newborn is adapting to new conditions of life. Usually grunting stops when digestive work is getting better. But even if your baby is cheerful, vigorous and eats well, you should not postpone the visit to the doctor. It will not be worse. The pediatrician will recommend suitable remedies for the prevention of intestinal disorders and colic.


    So we found out why a newborn grunts and pushes, and also described the main reasons leading to a similar problem. No child is immune from illness and discomfort, but parents can help the baby cope with gas, colic and constipation. Correct nutrition, make sure that air does not enter the child's intestines, give him regular water to drink, and avoid hypothermia.

    And of course, do daily gymnastics, pay attention to the baby and walk more. Remember that even minor symptoms can turn into a huge problem if they are not seen in a timely manner. Study the behavior of your child well, since the baby is constantly pushing and grunting when he experiences new emotions or expresses dissatisfaction.

    When a newborn appears in the house, the whole family enthusiastically watches his every movement, new action or sound. The kid, of course, cannot speak yet, and his mother is trying to understand by his behavior what is happening to him now, what he is doing and what he wants. Sometimes a newborn baby grunts and pushes, sometimes screams demandingly, and sometimes makes sounds similar to singing. Every mother can compose a whole dictionary of such sounds. Until the moment the baby starts talking, mommy manages to learn it so much that she begins to understand her child from a half glance.

    When you don't have to worry

    Some inexperienced parents may not understand at first Why does the child groan and push? There may be several reasons. Before you do something panicky (for example, call your mom or run to the pediatrician), just watch the newborn. Maybe he just liked the sound he learned to make, or he realized he needed to practice lifting his head.

    Sometimes, while sucking breast milk, the baby grunts with pleasure or because of the fact that he is making an effort. If, then he also begins to groan - all the muscles of the newborn work, he tries to "crawl". All these actions (that is, those associated with effort and muscle work) should not make mommy worry - this is normal. Sometimes the baby, if something does not work out for him, begins to get angry, grunting and shouting. In this way, he shows his character. All such manifestations should not bother mom and family.

    But there are times when the child is constantly pushing and grunting for a reason.

    There is cause for concern

    There are some cases when a newborn baby grunts and pushes for a reason.

    Most often, newborn babies up to six months are worried about the tummy. A special period, when the child is constantly pushing and blushing, comes from one to one and a half months to four to five. At this time, firstly, the formation of the gastrointestinal tract of the newborn is taking place, and secondly, due to the constant "lying", swallowing air during feeding, air begins to accumulate in the tummy, which does not give the baby rest. He needs to be sure to release it (that is).

    The solutions to the problems are pretty simple. First, ten to fifteen minutes before feeding, put the newborn (over a month old) on the tummy for a while. And after each feeding, hold the baby with a column until air comes out of his tummy (this is usually very audible).

    Fighting Infant Colic

    The child is constantly pushing and grunting from behind. Infant colic torments the child due to increased gas production. Gaziks accumulate in the baby's intestines, the child pushes and stretches his legs. To gaziki "Gone" from the intestines, there are several ways.

    • exercise against infant colic. It can be done one hour after feeding. The baby's legs are both alternately and together pressed against the tummy. The gasses accumulated in the intestines immediately come out.
    • massage against infant colic. About an hour after feeding, rub your baby's tummy with some effort from left to right and right to left for five to ten minutes.
    • pacifier against infant colic. If your newborn is on artificial feeding, purchase a special one. And while feeding, try to keep the bottle perpendicular so that excess air does not enter the baby.
    • the correct position of the baby during breastfeeding. Sometimes the baby is in an uncomfortable position or incorrectly while breastfeeding. Because of this, he begins to swallow air along with milk. And as a result, the child is constantly pushing and grunting because of infant colic.
    • diet for a nursing mother against infant colic. Infant colic can be caused by food consumed by a nursing mother. Foods that contribute to increased gas production (cabbage, cucumbers, beans, peas, flour, sweet, fatty, some fermented milk products) do not allow to live peacefully, and the newborn baby groans and squeezes due to the gases accumulated in the intestines.
    • natural remedies are very helpful in treating infant colic. They are absolutely safe and quickly cope with a sore tummy. Quite effective drugs based on "Simethicone"... This "Espumisan", "Bobotik", "Simetikon", "Subsimplex"... Another option is drugs based on probiotics (lactobacilli and bifidobacteria). This Bifiform, Acepol, Linex, Khilak Forte, Bifidumbacterin... And another option is herbal medicines. There are industrial herbal medicines and homemade medicines. Industrial include "Babyinos", "Plantex", "BabyKalm"... At home, you can make dill water yourself, from the fruits of fennel or the fruits of anise.
    • dry heat against infant colic. A warm diaper placed on the baby's tummy will calm him down for a while.
    • a pleasant warm bath will also save the newborn from a colic attack. Water is very soothing and relaxing for children.
    • a special duct for evacuating gases will help in an emergency. Its doctors do not recommend using it often, only as a last resort.

    Fighting constipation in newborns

    Newborn baby grunts and strains because of constipation. If you realize that the baby is constipated, the only solution to the problem is to revise the diet of the newborn. A baby who is bottle-fed needs to change the mixture. And the mother of a baby who is fed with breast milk needs to be introduced into the diet "Laxatives" products. These include prunes, kefir, yogurt, dried apricots, beets, vegetable oil. In addition, it is better to give up rice, potatoes, peas, beans, beans, bananas, coffee, muffins and fatty meats.

    When the baby does not have enough fluid, constipation also happens often. With a lack of vitamin "D" the newborn may also be constipated.

    When your child is pushing but not pooping, you can help him by doing a special exercise. Just press the legs against the tummy with reinforcement. It helps very well with constipation. And if the child is constantly pushing, but he does not succeed, try putting a small enema or special baby candles for constipation. In addition, a gas outlet tube is used. It is smeared with petroleum jelly and placed in the baby's anus. After a while, the baby will relieve itself.

    Discomfort in a newborn

    There are also reasons why the child grunts and pushes. This is a common discomfort - a wet diaper, itchy diaper rash, or severe skin irritation due to a poor-quality diaper. Sometimes baby cosmetics (baby oil, cream, shampoo) are not suitable for a newborn and causes allergies.

    Too dry air in the room can also cause anxiety to the newborn, who shows his displeasure with his groaning. In this case, you must first moisten the baby's nose, and then clean it with a cotton swab. In dry rooms where the newborn is constantly, it is better to install a humidifier. You can easily do it yourself. Just put a container of water near the heating radiator, the water will evaporate and humidify the air in the room.

    Why does a child groan and push in a dream

    This is normal behavior for a newborn. Defecation in babies up to six months can also occur in a dream. Therefore, do not be surprised at this behavior, but just check the diaper. A baby may groan in a dream due to the fact that he had a dream, or he just wants to change his body position.

    When is it time to see a doctor?

    Usually, due to the fact that the baby groans and pushes, they do not go to the doctor right away. Watch the newborn for a day or two. Try to cope yourself with colic, one by one using all the methods given. These are tummy massage, exercise, proper feeding, mother's diet (with breastfeeding), vertical retention, colic medicine for newborns. But if you notice that your actions are not helping your baby, and you notice that his stool does not get better (at least once every two days), be sure to consult a doctor. Because the cause may be dysbiosis, allergic manifestations, or even an infectious disease.

    If a newborn grunts, stretches his legs, turns red and cannot calm down for a very long time, and he also has a fever, this is also a serious reason to call a doctor at home or not go to see him.

    Every mom knows by heart "language" his baby and can determine why he is screaming, anxious or just demanding, painful or missing something, he wants to eat or a wet diaper causes him discomfort. And no matter how young the mother is, and what kind of experience she has, everyone feels their child.

    Seeing a doctor again is also a good idea. He must definitely look at the newborn, explain why the baby grunts, strains, blushes, and excludes various types of infection. But in the end it all comes down to the nutrition of the newborn and his mother.

    Baby colic - This is the main cause of pain in the tummy in babies from one month to four, five months of age. With so much The "arsenal" solutions to this pressing problem coping with newborn colic is very easy. This includes a warm dry heating pad, tummy stroking, special exercises, holding "Column", a diet for a nursing mother and a whole set of medicines for colic in newborns.

    If the reason is not infant colic, but constipation, then the baby needs help either with a special baby candle for constipation, or. Charging here also remains relevant.

    Still, the main thing that parents should do is to revise the diet of the newborn and his mother. Eliminate foods that cause colic and constipation in newborns. This is the case if the baby is breastfed. If your baby is being formula-fed, just change the formula and see how your baby's behavior changes.

    In any case, try to give your newborn plenty of water. Lack of fluid greatly affects the baby's digestion.

    Any mother worries about the question: why does a newborn grunt and push in a dream. After all, parents cannot find out from them the true reasons for anxiety. To save your baby from discomfort, you need to figure out what worries him.

    Why does a child sleep badly: causes of discomfort during sleep

    The life of newborn babies consists mainly of sleep and food. Their proper sleep can last from 14 to 22 hours a day and is a necessary source of health and energy. You can find out the sleep rates of children from 2 months.

    In order to avoid moments that affect the quality of sleep, parents need to follow certain rules if:

    Sleep in the arms of parents is always stronger - all worries go away, but you should not abuse it, it is difficult to wean from hands
    • Children should sleep on their backs or on their sides. This prevents them from choking syndrome. must be flat and firm. In this case, the spine of the newborn will be in the correct position.
    • The air temperature in the room should not exceed 20 ° С... It is better if the room is cool than hot. Every day before going to bed, it is necessary to do wet cleaning and ventilate the room. A good solution is to buy a humidifier for a children's room... We will tell you how to choose the right humidifier.
    • Do not use toys, bathing and emotional games before bedtime. The body of children should be calm and not overexcited.
    • Clothing should be made from natural materials and comfortable.
    • Observe, if possible, the feeding regime. Infants sleep a lot, and it is difficult to establish a diet strictly according to the clock. But if the opportunity arises to set a specific schedule, this will only be a plus.
    • Regular walks in the fresh air. during daylight hours and sleeping in the fresh air will positively affect the quality of the sleep itself.

    Failure to follow the recommendations for proper sleep often leads to discomfort and explains why the newborn grunts and struggles during sleep. It also leads to a violation of the health of children, has a negative effect on the central nervous system.

    E. Makushina, pediatrician, "Alpha Health Center", Moscow

    If during wakefulness children behave actively and sleep at night - this is natural for them. If the sleep is accompanied by grunting, then it is probably emptying, or he is sweating, or has difficulty breathing.

    You need to look and, if possible, help the baby: remove dried lumps from the nose or change the diaper. You should not worry about this. This is a normal process for babies under 3 months old.

    Reasons not to worry

    Mom needs to learn to understand all the requirements of the baby. . The behavior of children at this age is due to their reaction to the environment or to their own well-being. A baby can groan and push in a dream if there are simple reasons, after the elimination of which everything will return to normal.

    The main reasons why a newborn baby grunts and struggles in sleep may be:

    High indoor temperature.

    The room where children sleep should always be fresh. If the baby gets hot, he begins to sweat, which makes him feel uncomfortable, the baby begins to groan.

    Sleeping on your stomach prevents colic

    Overexciting children before bed.

    You should not actively play with your baby if you need to put him to bed in the near future. You need to calm him down and create a calm atmosphere for the baby.
    Colic in the abdomen.

    During adaptation in a new world for children, their body gets used to the environment and nutrition. When a baby is worried about colic, he knocks his legs, bends and cries. In such cases, you can give. It contains fennel oil to help relieve colic.

    The medicine recommended by many doctors can be given to babies with food. Add 25 drops (that's 1 ml) to your feeding bottle. Beforehand, the bottle with the medicine must be shaken. Overdose is not allowed.

    To alleviate the condition, the baby's tummy should be stroked or something warm and warming should be applied to it... You can heat the diaper with an iron and put it on your tummy. If these methods do not help, use.

    The kid wants to go to the toilet.

    If you notice that the baby is pushing, then you can assume that he is preparing to defecate. There is no cause for concern here. You need to try to help him, stroke his tummy and calm him down.

    Pichurina L.G., pediatrician, "Nearmedic Clinic on Polezhaevskaya", Moscow

    If you pay attention, you will notice that the child is pushing and grunting during emptying. This is due to the fact that they do not yet have strong abdominal muscles, as in adults.

    This behavior is quite natural and they do not need help in this case.

    If during wakefulness the baby is active, cheerful, and nothing bothers him, parents should not worry.

    He may have already emptied and he has a wet diaper, which makes him uncomfortable. Which diapers are best for newborns, read this.

    Worrying about why a baby grunts is largely unfounded. You should carefully study the behavior of the baby.

    It's hard for the kid to breathe... His nose may be clogged with crusts or snot. In this case, having cleared the nose, the baby will calm down and fall asleep soundly.

    Reasons for worry and anxiety, problem solving

    With hypertonicity of the muscles, the baby does not relax even in sleep, his body is tense, so the child seems to be pushing

    Impaired muscle tone... Most often, these violations occur in the direction of increasing the tone, i.e. ...

    Children behave restlessly, react sharply to light and sounds. Their chin may tremble while crying. They often regurgitate after feeding.

    Can help:

    • warm relaxing baths;
    • limb massage;
    • aromatherapy.

    If the problem becomes more serious, you need to see a doctor.
    Diaper rash... In children, they can occur even with the most careful and careful care. They appear more often in places where the skin is in contact with urine and feces. Expressed in the form of redness on the skin is called diaper dermatitis.

    Treatment in such cases should be as follows:

    • herbal baths. Read about bathing the baby in a row;
    • baby cosmetic creams, powders.

    To prevent such dermatitis, it is necessary to monitor the correct temperature regime in the room, wipe the baby's folds with a damp cloth, wash after each act of defecation, leave periodically naked for air baths.

    If the newborn has other ailments, for example, vomiting or diarrhea, incessant crying, whims, you should definitely consult a doctor.

    Constipation... This is not uncommon in infants. may occur due to improper diet, insufficient fluid intake.

    You can get rid of constipation with the help of:

    • correct diet;
    • medicinal laxatives.

    If a mother is breastfeeding a newborn, she should pay attention to her own, perhaps something needs to be changed.

    Lobzin Yu.V., Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor, Chief Freelance Specialist of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation for Infectious Diseases in Children

    Many parents worry about why the baby is constantly pushing. Most often, he wants to perform an act of defecation. Perhaps he will cry and blush.

    If your baby cries while pooping or before, it may be constipated or upset. To find out the cause and treatment, you need to see a doctor.

    Diarrhea... The main cause of diarrhea is infection or allergy. Also, the disorder can occur due to the use of antibiotics.

    Treatment methods:

    • pay attention to whether it is accompanied by vomiting, if it is present, an urgent need to consult a doctor in order to avoid dehydration;
    • a nursing mother needs to reconsider the diet;
    • in the event that the disorder began in connection with the transition to artificial nutrition, you need to approach the choice of the mixture more carefully.

    Night pains in children - nyctalgia. These are headaches that can occur as a result of increased intracranial pressure during sleep. Such causes of sleep disturbance can be diagnosed by clinical analysis and EEG. Treatment if such a diagnosis is suspected should be prescribed only by a doctor with a thorough examination of the baby.

    If the baby is groaning, he has no appetite, he is not gaining weight and there is a constant one, you should definitely consult a doctor. Self-medication in such situations is contraindicated.

    When an image of a baby is placed in magazines, on postcards, billboards or anywhere else, it is always a calm and serene creature. This is exactly the kind of association that the image of a newborn baby evokes in most of us - cute, sleeping, smiling, charming! And only mothers know that in reality this picture does not always look like that. Very often, newborns cry, scream, grimace, and also behave completely incomprehensible for many and even frightening for some parents. For example, they push, and at the same time grunt, blush, growl or cry.

    When a newborn child pushes, every mother has a reciprocal desire: to help him with something. But with what? And, in fact, from what help? Let's talk today why a newborn is pushing and what to do in such cases.

    Newborn baby pushes and groans

    If your child is pushing, then he falls into the number of the absolute majority of normal babies. Children of the first few weeks and months are characterized by this behavior, and it does not portend any violations, deviations and health problems.

    Doctors cannot name the exact reason why the newborn is pushing, more precisely, there may be several reasons in reality, and there are also just versions. But if the baby does not express other signs of anxiety, then do not be afraid of child straining. Moreover, it is very often accompanied by grunting or moaning, which can also be the absolute norm. Pediatricians say that a newborn can normally push and groan without any harm and danger until solid food appears in his diet, so do not worry.

    Since the baby does not know how to express himself in any other way, except with the help of his voice, and a little later and facial expressions, then a kind of grunting together with straining can be one of the variations of the infant “language”. At the same time, it is not at all necessary that such behavior has a negative connotation (experts believe that this is how babies can express any of their emotions), but still more often in this way (some mothers say that the baby growls and is angry) the baby expresses his displeasure: he is hungry, wet, hot, bored, and so on.

    By the way, this may be one of the reasons why the baby is pushing and groaning when feeding: milk flows poorly or does not exist, it has a "wrong" taste or a problem with the baby's gastrointestinal tract, about which a little below.

    Newborn baby struggles while feeding

    Another feature of the fact that the baby is pushing just under the breast or during bottle feeding may be the processes of natural bowel emptying. Most of the kids relieve themselves just under their mother's boobs: at this moment they relax completely, the tone in the intestines also disappears, which is why a natural emptying occurs. But sometimes you still have to work hard: almost any mother will understand that the child is pooping or peeing at this time.

    Newborn baby pushes and blushes

    In general, doctors believe that the urge to defecate (and even urinate) in newborns can normally very often be accompanied by grunting and straining, and in addition, the child may also blush. Redness of the skin (primarily of the face) is caused by physical efforts applied by the baby when straining. And he pushes when he wants to go to the toilet, for a completely harmless reason: the immaturity of the processes responsible for defecation.

    So, the sphincter of the rectum of a newborn is not yet able to contract properly, helping to defecate; the abdominal muscles are not yet developed and are not able to contract, moving the contents of the intestine; the baby's stool is very soft and does not put enough pressure on the anus; On top of that, the baby cannot even “rely” on gravity, because he relieves himself in a horizontal position, which does not make the task easier.

    So, if a newborn baby is pushing and blushing, trying to poop, this does not mean at all that he cannot do it or is experiencing difficulties. He just helps himself as best he can. Meanwhile, constipation in a newborn is not at all excluded, moreover, this problem is quite common today.

    A newborn baby pushes and does not poop

    Constipation in a newborn is a difficult and controversial topic. There is no consensus among different doctors on what can be considered a real constipation in an infant, and discussions around this issue continue very actively. And yet, if a child is pushing and does not poop, then the likelihood of developing constipation is very high.

    Let's say right away that breastfed babies almost never have constipation if the mother eats properly, does not abuse foods that hold the stool together and drinks a sufficient amount of water. This problem is more characteristic of "artificial" women, but both of them may not have constipation.

    First, the intestines of the newborn work in a test mode for a certain period, experiencing different patterns of emptying: frequent and rare. That is why “constipation” and “diarrhea” of infants are often of a transient, training nature, are not health disorders, and do not require any intervention on the part of parents and doctors.

    Secondly, one can speak of real constipation when the child's stool is very hard and dry, resembles stones or goat feces and leaves painfully.

    If the child is pushing and does not poop, but the stool is, as expected, soft, mushy (only it happens quite rarely), then there is "hungry constipation" - a condition in which the baby does not defecate due to the fact that there is simply nothing. In this case, stool delays are accompanied by a decrease in the child's body weight.

    Constipation in a child should definitely be treated. The pediatrician will give the necessary recommendations, but medications, even the most "useful, harmless and natural" ones, should be considered the last thing when other methods of treating constipation in children are tried.

    By the way, many mothers note the same reaction of their children to the introduction of vitamin D: soon after the start of the course, the child pushes and groans, often in a dream, and may even stop emptying regularly. Therefore, it is worth analyzing not only your diet, but also the "diet" of the baby.

    In addition, straining can be caused by a number of disorders in the baby's body, for example, infant colic.

    Newborn baby pushes and cries, screams

    If a newborn is pushing and crying, and especially if it is crying and clearly suffers from discomfort and pain, then it is no longer necessary to say that this is normal and characteristic of most babies. However, this happens quite often, but only the reasons in this case need to be looked for and eliminated.

    Colic is most common in babies in the first weeks and months of life. In response to pain in the tummy, the child not only begins to cry, but also strains, and he needs help. By the way, regurgitation often occurs along with straining and colic.

    It is best to do prevention and focus your efforts on preventing the development of colic:

    • put the baby on the tummy as often as possible shortly before feeding;
    • use various positions in carrying the baby in your arms, giving preference to those in which light pressure is applied to the tummy area;
    • regularly massage a newborn baby and do gymnastics (it is especially useful to squeeze the legs in bent knees to the tummy);
    • learn how to properly attach the baby to the breast, make sure that he completely captures the nipple and part of the areola and does not swallow air during feeding;
    • if you are feeding a baby from a bottle, then its location must also be monitored so that the baby does not swallow air;
    • immediately after feeding, within a few minutes (until the child belches air), the baby should be abused vertically - "in a column";
    • adjust your own menu if you are breastfeeding. Exclude from it all foods that are gas-forming and heavy for the stomach;
    • for babies who are on artificial or mixed feeding, it is very important to find a suitable mixture: there are often cases when the baby's body reacts poorly to adapted "milk";
    • you should not dress the child too warmly, wrap him up, as overheating also provokes colic.

    All these recommendations will be relevant even if you have already encountered the problem of colic. But now some more tricks can help. This mainly concerns the use of local heat, that is, it is necessary to warm the baby's tummy. To do this, you can lean his tummy against his own belly, cover the baby's tummy with a warm scarf or a heated diaper, stroke the tummy with your palm, making movements along the esophagus, that is, clockwise (and heat it up and massage it at the same time).

    If the newborn is pushing and crying, then it should be worn on his hands with his tummy down or put in the position of the embryo, pressing him to himself. Of course, a mother's breast can calm an upset baby and will be the best medicine in any situation!

    The pediatrician can advise parents on anti-colic drugs for babies: Espumisan, Baby Calm, Bebinos and others, various rectal suppositories for children, or at least the simplest and safest remedies - dill water or fennel tea. Do not rush to resort to any of them, including the last.

    Try to alleviate the condition of the crumbs using the methods described above, and only if they do not work, go to the pharmacy. Please note that different drugs are effective for different children. But with a gas tube and enemas, be extremely careful and always consult more than one doctor before putting them into practice!

    During bouts of colic, the child cries and squeals, languidly screams, kicks his legs and presses them to his stomach. Colic is almost always activated in the evening, at approximately the same hours, but there are times when the child is pushing during sleep.

    Newborn baby struggles in sleep

    The very fact that this happens in a dream should not be given special attention. Because it usually doesn't matter when - during periods of wakefulness or sleep - the child is pushing. For any of all the existing reasons, this can happen in a dream. If the baby does not wake up (that is, he does not hurt anything, he does not cry, but only pushes or moans), then most likely he is hot or hungry, perhaps he is experiencing some other discomfort or simply decided to relieve himself. A common cause of children's "noises" in their sleep is excessively dry air in the bedroom, due to which the nasal mucus dries up, forming crusts in the child's nose: keep the humidity in the children's room at least 50%.

    Or maybe the baby is dreaming about something? .. We wish that nothing would interfere with your child's sleep!

    Especially for - Margarita SOLOVIEVA

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