• Effective methods of dealing with children's intestinal colic. How to deal with colic in newborns. Colic in newborns: emergency care


    Approximately 25% of newborns cry for no reason and cannot be reassured. This condition is caused by colic. This problem begins in the first weeks of life and is often most severe around six weeks of age. Colic will go away on its own within three months.


    Some children with colic may find music, singing, or the humming of a vacuum cleaner soothing.

    Living with colic

    If all else fails the child with colic, you will have to go through several unpleasant weeks before the problem goes away on its own. Avoid other stresses during this time and try to get more rest when your baby is asleep.

    A child with colic may cry for several hours a day, most often in the evening. He pulls his knees up to his chest, and his stomach is firm to the touch and looks bloated. When the child falls asleep, after an hour, he may wake up again with a loud cry.

    Most babies with colic appear healthy. The cry with colic is easy to distinguish from the rest. Pain occurs due to muscle spasm of the intestinal wall. Explanations can be different

    • Accumulated gases.
    • Feeding problems.
    • Reaction to inhaled tobacco smoke or nicotine in breast milk.
    • Sensitivity to formula or anything in the diet of a breastfeeding mother.
    • Feeding solid food before the age of three months.


    Nutrition. Give your baby some late milk that comes out of the breast only after a few minutes of feeding. If you give the baby the other breast too quickly and then wean the baby before he can drink the late milk, then the baby only gets the early milk — the low-fat milk that came out first. Early milk passes quickly from the stomach to the intestines. Lactose (milk sugar) can ferment in the intestines to form gas. If you have a lot of milk, feed your baby from only one breast at a time.

    Change your diet to ensure that no irritants enter your breast milk. For some babies, dairy products are undesirable in the mother's diet, while others are sensitive to substances contained in eggs, bananas, apples, oranges, strawberries, tomatoes, chocolate, coffee, cola and alcohol.

    Traces of substances from certain foods can enter milk, leading to the formation of gases: cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, peppers, onions, garlic, beans, rhubarb and cucumbers. Add gut-soothing herbs and spices to your meals - ginger, cumin, fennel (dill), and cinnamon.

    If your child is on artificial formula, do not switch to another formula without a doctor's recommendation.

    Comforting caress

    When a child has colic, walk around with him tightly hugging him. The warmth of your body soothes the baby and makes him feel safe.

    Rocking babies

    Many children with colic are soothed by the gentle swaying of the stroller or car.

    Baby massage

    When the child is calm, place him on your lap or on a towel on the bed. Massage your tummy gently in slow, clockwise circular motions. Before the massage, lubricate the skin with a teaspoon of warmed olive oil or jojoba oil mixed with a drop of marjoram, Roman chamomile or tangerine oil. All of these oils make the stomach and intestines relax.

    Phytotherapy. Give your baby a few sips of warm herbal infusion before each feed. Fennel, chamomile, ginger, lemon balm, or peppermint can help relax the stomach and intestines and prevent painful cramps. Give no more than a quarter cup of herbal infusion per day.

    Homeopathy. Magnesia phosphorica is an effective remedy when the baby pulls the knees up to the breast. It is advisable to combine it with warmth and gentle massage. If the child looks very upset, try giving Chamomilla or Colocynthis.

    When to see a doctor

    • It is difficult to cope with the child or you cannot suppress the irritation in yourself.
    • The child cries for a long time even after he is four months old.

    Seek medical attention immediately if

    • The child has vomiting, unusual or bloody stools, fever, rash, or a very hard stomach.
    • Your baby is eating less or not responding to you.
    • Go to alphabetical list of diseases(symptoms and treatments)


    Colic in newborns what to do? (signs, symptoms, treatment)

    Immediately after birth, for some time, most babies cry only when they are hungry or because of wet diapers. And the rest of the time - up to 20 hours a day - the children, sniffing with their noses, sleep in a restful sleep. But after 2-3 weeks this calmness comes to an end. The child suddenly goes into hysterics, his sleep disappears somewhere, and his mother panics. The reason for this is most likely colic in newborns. What to do in such cases? Why is this happening? And most importantly, is it possible to help the child?

    Colic in newborns is a fairly common occurrence that occurs in perfectly healthy children. Colic is more common in newborn boys, but this problem does not depend on the sex of the child. Over time - by 2-3 months, it goes away. But, despite the fact that colic in the abdomen in newborns is considered a normal physiological phenomenon, no mothers want to watch the torment of the crumbs.

    What is infant colic?

    Colic is a consequence of increased gas production in the baby's intestines. Colic in newborns, the causes and treatment of which we will describe below, is also called the process of adaptation of the child's body to adult food. That is, if in the womb the baby feeds through the umbilical cord, then after birth he eats, like all adults. Now the baby needs to get used to swallowing and digesting food, which is not easy for all children.

    Colic in newborns. Signs

    Any mother can recognize the appearance of colic. Newborn symptoms are usually the same. First of all, the baby becomes restless, which manifests itself mainly during or after feeding. The kid is crying and twisting his feet. His tummy is swollen and hard to the touch, while the navel seems to crawl out. When colic begins in newborns, they sleep much less than usual, and the baby can only be reassured in the arms, and even then this does not always work. When newborns have colic, their tummies become soft and the babies fall asleep peacefully.

    Colic in newborns. Causes

    In addition to the main cause of infant colic, which is the adaptation of a child to a new food, there are several other factors that can provoke bloating and painful intestinal colic in a newborn. Let's name the most common ones.

    • Improper attachment to the breast of the baby, in which, when sucking, he swallows a lot of air.
    • Lack of lactase, an enzyme that helps digest the lactose found in milk and dairy products.
    • Colic in newborns can occur due to the presence of "gas-forming" products in the mother's diet - cabbage, peas, grapes, etc.
    • Sometimes intestinal colic in newborns appears due to frequent crying. When a child sniffles, he swallows a lot of air. For the same reason, hiccups often occur in newborns.

    Colic in newborns. Treatment

    In general, medicine does not provide for a special treatment of abdominal colic in newborns. Since this physiological phenomenon passes without a trace after a short time, the treatment of intestinal colic in newborns is the business of mothers who do not want to put up with this, although temporary and safe, but still an unpleasant ailment. Of course, no one calls for this, and every mother is capable of fighting bloating in a baby, and most importantly, relieving his suffering.

    So now let's see how to treat colic in newborns. Firstly, it should be noted right away that, despite the fact that now there are some medicines for colic in newborns, you need to try to cope with the problem without them. In many cases, having eliminated the above causes of colic in newborns, treatment is reduced only to eliminating them.

    To understand how to deal with colic in newborns, you need to neutralize all the factors that provoke them as much as possible. Namely:

    • - learn how to properly latch on the baby to the breast,
    • - exclude from the diet foods that cause colic in newborns (nursing mothers),
    • - check the child for the functioning of the lactase enzyme in the body,
    • - do not lay the baby horizontally after feeding, but hold him with a column until he burps,
    • - do not let the child cry a lot.

    Often, colic and gas in newborns, the treatment of which consists in eliminating their causes, do not completely go away, but preventive measures greatly alleviate the suffering of the child. There are several other ways to deal with colic in newborns. But here in some matters you will have to consult a doctor.

    Colic in newborns. Massage treatment

    Many babies from infant colic are well helped by a tummy massage. By the way, when colic begins in a newborn, it is better not to touch the tummy yet, because this can provoke even greater pain. First, it is better to calm the baby by picking him up and gently press his tummy towards you. The heat radiated from your body can provide some relief from the pain. When the child has calmed down a bit, you can start the massage.

    Before doing a belly massage for colic in newborns, it is necessary to check that your hands are warm. It is not necessary to lubricate them with cream, the main thing is that the hands are clean and dry so as not to infect the umbilical wound. Tummy massage is not difficult to do. To do this, you need to put the child on the back and with light stroking movements clockwise move your palm around the navel. Then, using light pressure, repeat the movements without massaging the liver area. You need to do the massage no more than 2-3 minutes.

    Intestinal colic in newborns. Pharmacy treatment

    Sometimes a mother cannot cope with colic in a newborn on her own. How can you help your child in such cases? Fortunately, medicines can come to the rescue, which can be bought at any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. But, of course, it is better to consult a pediatrician before giving your child any medicine.

    One of the safest pharmaceutical remedies is dill water. Its recipe is simple, and any mother can cook dill water herself. First of all, doctors recommend trying to drink dill water for the child, after which many newborns have colic immediately and for a long time.

    Another popular remedy is medicine that relieves pain and prevents gas. These include Espumisan, Bobotik and Bebinos. These medications are intended to help newborns from colic only with attacks, but they do not eliminate the problem itself.

    What if the colic in newborns does not stop?

    Sometimes mothers complain that the child does not stop pain from bloating, despite all efforts to help the baby. In such cases, the treatment of colic and gas in newborns should be under the supervision of a doctor, who must identify the real cause of colic. In general, before treating colic in newborns, it is advisable to consult a pediatrician. Sometimes, very rarely, the causes of the bloating of the baby's tummy can be pathologies of the digestive system, which are treated surgically.

    Now you know what to do when a newborn has colic. All that remains is to be patient and wait until the baby is three months old. Usually, by this time in most children, colic becomes less and less frequent, and by six months it completely disappears without a trace.


    Fight colic

    How to stop evening crying.

    Parents of newborns are often lost when their child screams and worries for several hours (and more often in the evenings).

    Attentive mothers and fathers, carrying an exhausted crumb in their arms, feel how his tummy literally walks. They would be happy to help the baby, but sometimes they are not sure of the correctness of their actions and do not know what to do on their own, and with what symptoms you should consult a doctor.

    The term "colic" refers to episodes of acute abdominal pain in children in the first six months of life. Usually colic begins in the 3rd - 4th week of a child's life, more often in the evening. Initially, they are repeated 1-2 times a week and last no more than 30 minutes. But then they become regular and can last 3-5 hours. After the discharge of gas and feces, abdominal pain usually subsides, but in advanced cases it recurs.

    There are quite a few reasons and theories explaining the occurrence of intestinal colic in children. This is the improper preparation of infant formula; and too fast sucking, swallowing air; and the reaction of the baby's intestines to foods consumed by the mother and penetrating into breast milk; and some components of mixtures. It was noted that intestinal colic is more common in first-borns and in babies, whose mothers experience increased anxiety for them. There is an assumption that colic may be due to a lack of the hormone progesterone in the mother.

    Finally, intestinal colic can be a manifestation of a number of bowel diseases.

    Where should parents start? First, answer three questions:

    1) At what age did colic begin?

    2) What are the manifestations of colic?

    3) What is their frequency and duration?

    If attacks of intestinal colic began before the age of 4 months, manifested the above symptoms and disappear after the passage of gas and feces, are not observed every day, and their duration does not exceed 4 hours, then you can start treatment without consulting a doctor. Let's call it the first option.

    If intestinal colic is daily, prolonged, resumes after the passage of gas and feces, if the child's stool is changed or colic has arisen at an older age, it is necessary to start with a doctor's consultation. Bowel diseases are possible, which require additional examination and treatment. This is the second option.

    In the first case, one must start with non-drug measures. During and after feeding, hold the baby upright to allow him to regurgitate air. If your baby is bottle fed, make sure that it grips the nipple tightly and that the hole is not too large. At the first sign of pain on the baby's tummy, you need to put a heated diaper or warm heating pad in order to reduce spastic contractions of the intestines. You can make a warm bath, and when going to bed, turn on quiet music or sing a lullaby to your baby.

    If the child is breastfeeding, limit or exclude dairy and gas-forming products in the mother's diet - cabbage, especially sauerkraut, onions, tomatoes, apples, pears, watermelons, mushrooms, black bread, kvass, etc.

    If the baby receives mixtures, then you should check if they are bred correctly. It is recommended to choose soy-based formulas that do not contain iron or cow's milk; it is good to include fermented milk formulas in the child's diet - about 1/3 of the total daily amount.

    If the nutritional correction does not bring success within 3 - 5 days, the child should be added to the drug, the emulsion "Espumisan" of the German company "Berlin-Chemie". Espumisan is available without a prescription because it is safe. It is not absorbed in the intestines and does not affect the body as a whole. Its action lies in the fact that by destroying the shell of gas bubbles formed in the intestine, espumisan prevents the intestinal wall from stretching and the development of pain. On the other hand, it facilitates the passage of gases, their accumulation and bloating are reduced. The effect of the drug is usually noted on the 3rd - 5th day of treatment, depending on the severity of intestinal colic.

    The lack of effect from drug therapy for 7 days indicates the presence of another bowel disease, in which intestinal colic is only one of the manifestations. This is a reason for going to a doctor, since without examination and treatment of the underlying disease, the above measures will not lead to success.

    And further. All types of treatment should be combined, gradually adding and choosing, focusing on the child's response. Don't expect immediate results. Treatment of the first variant of intestinal infantile colic usually takes 2 to 3 weeks. In the second option, treatment lasts from 3 to 4 to 8 weeks and is always carried out under the supervision of a physician.

    Galina SAMSYGINA

    In the first three months of life, more than 70% of children have functional intestinal colic. In the overwhelming majority of cases, these colic is not a pathology (disease), but the adaptation of the baby's gastrointestinal tract (GIT) to new conditions (after all, before that, for 9 months, the baby's gastrointestinal tract did not "work", and the first 2-3 weeks was under beneficial effects of maternal hormones).

    Usually, in the first two weeks of life, the baby receives exclusively breast milk. Its volumes are small, so digestion is easy enough. By the third week of life, the volume of milk necessary for the baby increases, and in many mothers, due to improper attachment or insufficient time spent at the breast (remember the old recommendations - 15-20 minutes - no more!), The milk "decreases" and the baby receives more "front milk "excessively saturated with carbohydrates, which can increase gas production. All parents are familiar with this picture: against the background of feeding or shortly after it, your baby suddenly begins to draw his legs to his tummy, show anxiety. And then he blushes sharply and begins to scream, this situation can continue for a long time. This is "intestinal colic".

    The term colic is derived from the Greek colicos, which means pain in the colon. Colic - paroxysmal pain in the abdomen, accompanied by severe anxiety in the child. The causes of colic are manifold: they are functional immaturity of the neuromuscular apparatus and the enzymatic system of the intestine, a tendency to gas production, resulting in increased pressure on the intestinal wall and muscle spasm.

    There is a certain pattern in the manifestation of colic, the so-called "THREE" rule: - colic begins by three weeks of life; - lasts about three hours a day; - are found mainly in children of the first three months of life.

    What can parents do to help their baby? Calm down first. Relieving stress and creating an aura of confidence can help relieve pain. The kid should feel that you are not afraid of anything and will definitely help him.

    In order to make it easier for the pediatrician to understand this situation, you must answer the following questions:

    * when colic occurs: before or after feeding (this will allow you to choose the most convenient position for the child and clearly know at what time it is better to give drugs that relieve the pain attack);

    * the duration of colic in time and their increase during the day;

    * time of the most severe colic - morning, evening, night. Is it always the same clock? Reaction to the weather;

    * type of feeding (breastfeeding; artificial formula, what kind).

    If your baby is breastfed it is much easier: make sure the baby is correctly attached to the breast and allow him to suck for as long as he wants - and this alone can solve all the problems.

    If the mother does not like cow's milk and rarely drank it before pregnancy or after it appeared nausea, flatulence, loose stools, then it is better to replace milk with fermented milk products during breastfeeding.

    If there is not enough breast milk, and you are forced to supplement the baby with formula, if your baby was born a little earlier, if the birth was difficult - these reasons, unfortunately, can contribute to the occurrence of more pronounced and frequent colic. Frequent changes in the weather can aggravate the symptoms of intestinal colic.

    In pediatrics, the following measures are used to treat functional intestinal colic and relieve pain in infants:

    * To relieve the severity of pain at the time of colic, they are used sequentially (each subsequent action in the absence of effect from the previous one): heat, change of position, as well as mechanical means - a gas outlet tube or an enema.

    * For prophylactic purposes, it is advisable to use background preparations of carminative and mild antispasmodic action based on plant materials. The best results are shown by the use of PLANTEX tea, which contains fennel fruits, its essential oils and lactose.

    Fennel fruits and essential oils stimulate digestion by increasing the secretion of gastric juice and increasing intestinal motility, so food is broken down and absorbed faster. The active substances of the drug prevent the accumulation of gases and promote their better discharge.

    It should be noted that Plantex tea contains lactose. Now, when all parents are hearing the diagnosis of lactase deficiency, this can cause alarm. But:

    * firstly, the frequency of this diagnosis is incredibly overestimated;

    * secondly, the study of fecal carbohydrates (on the basis of which this diagnosis is sometimes made) does not indicate the diagnosis of "lactase deficiency";

    * third and most importantly - lactose is necessary for a child to develop the brain, it's not for nothing that there is so much of it in breast milk!

    At the Center for Correction of the Development of Young Children of the Federal State Institution of the Moscow Research Institute of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery, a special study was carried out on the use of Plantex as background therapy in children with intestinal colic of an early age. Studies have shown that Plantex tea has a calming and carminative effect. It is recommended to give Plantex to children after feeding or in between feedings. If the baby is artificially fed, Plantex tea is recommended to be given as a drink. Appropriate dosages: 1 sachet per day for young children, with an increase up to 2 sachets per day for children after 2-3 months.

    The main thing to remember is that all this is passing, with the correct use of all the recommendations, this period can pass quite easily and not overshadow the joys of the first months of motherhood!

    Head of the Center for Correction of the Development of Young Children of the Moscow Research Institute of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences Keshishyan E.S.

    Here is the opposite view of this problem.

    What is "colic" Not a single newborn or breastfeeding child complained to the doctor "Doctor, my stomach hurts!" Therefore, the diagnosis of "colic" is not abdominal pain, but the characteristic behavior of the child. "Colic" refers to the continuous crying of a child at certain times of the day, and more often in the evening. In this case, the child can pull his legs to the stomach and twist them, as if the stomach hurts. It may seem that the baby wants to suckle, but he refuses to breast and it can be difficult to calm him down. Babies with this crying pattern may have active digestion and gas. However, even in a calm state, they have seething in the abdomen and the release of gases, which do not cause crying. Usually, with a more detailed study of the condition of such a child, the cause of crying remains unclear. This condition is called colic. What hurts the baby? Parents always associate the child's behavior with colic (kicks his legs, starts crying when gas comes out, etc.) with abdominal pain. They do not even suspect that a child, unlike an adult, does not have a localization of pain. This means that when a newborn has pain, for example, in the elbow, he feels that his whole arm and even the whole body are in pain. Therefore, in case of pain in any part of the body, the child behaves the same way, because he is in pain all over. For example, when a child is bled from a finger and his finger hurts, he cries, screams, kicks his legs and throws up his arms. He does the same when blood is taken from his heel. Therefore, according to the child's behavior in response to a painful stimulus, which is hidden from the eyes of an adult, it is impossible to say with certainty what exactly the child hurts. Why did everyone decide that the child had a tummy ache? We decided to take a closer look at this problem and decided to observe the patterns of the appearance of "colic". Thanks to careful observations, it was possible to establish that causeless crying occurs in babies with a drop in atmospheric pressure, when the weather changes. Children behave anxiously before a thunderstorm, in windy weather, in cloudy and rainy weather with a significant decrease in atmospheric pressure. With an even more detailed consideration of the issue, we found out that this behavior most often occurs in children in two cases: with a not entirely successful birth and with a diagnosis of "increased intracranial pressure." Analysis of the condition of adults on difficult days, when children suffered from "colic", showed that almost all meteosensitive people suffered from headaches or experienced migraine attacks. This leads to the conclusion that the mysterious "colic" is an infant migraine. Any adult who has suffered a migraine attack at least once in his life will understand well how a nursing child feels during a headache. With a headache in infants, as in an adult, peristalsis increases, nausea, lightheadedness, vomiting and indigestion may occur. During sucking and seething in the abdomen, the headache of the crumbs intensifies, and this is precisely why his crying increases when gas comes out and when his mother invites him to take a breast. Since migraines are associated with stomach symptoms, everyone decided that "colic" was pain in the abdomen. This is how the myth arose that a child has a stomach ache. Who suffers from "colic" It is interesting that "colic" is the privilege of an exclusively civilized person. Such behavior of children is not known in any primitive society. The absence of "colic" in children of those peoples who have preserved a primitive culture has attracted the interest of many researchers. Thanks to this, it was possible to find out that natural childbirth, good physiologically grounded care and breastfeeding, when the mother feeds the baby on demand, is a reliable protection against "colic". We decided to check if a civilized person is so bad? Is he not able to relieve his child of a headache? To carry out such a check, we organized several dozen natural non-drug deliveries, which were painless, as it should be in nature. Then we taught the mother physiological care and breastfeeding, where the mother responds to any signal from the baby, and often applies it to the breast. All women from the first days have mastered all the necessary skills that distinguish a good mother. And what is the result? Not a single child had "colic" symptoms. Based on this, we concluded that modern mothers, no worse than primitive ones, can provide their child with good care if taught. If the mother gave birth without intervention and pain, she is breastfeeding and competently caring for the baby, then he will not suffer from migraines. It's just that not all modern mothers can provide such a health base for their children. What to do? This is a completely natural question. If a woman is still pregnant, then she should try to ensure herself a normal childbirth without intervention - not in the water and not in the clinic. Any deviations from the natural course of childbirth, determined by human biology, lead to the unhappiness of the child. According to extensive statistics, medicalized childbirth carried out in the clinic leads, first of all, to chemical injury to the child being born, and this will certainly affect the state of his health. Stimulation of labor and pain relief in labor is a 100% chance of trauma to the fetus, which subsequently leads to infantile migraine. Water birth, despite the widespread promotion of this method, is stressful for the newborn. And the subsequent exercises of baby yoga and dynamic gymnastics, swimming and diving lead to an increase in the child's intracranial pressure and even hydrocephalus. As a result, children suffer not only from "colic", expressed in inconsolable crying and frothy stools, but also sleep disturbances. Having endured such treatment, the baby is constantly in an anxious state and simply cannot afford to fall asleep. The next thing that the expectant mother should take care of is to find in advance the opportunity to learn how to properly care for the baby and establish full-fledged breastfeeding. If the mother is lucky, and she was able to give birth to her baby with minimal trauma, then training in physiologically grounded care will help maintain the health and psycho-emotional comfort of the child. In this case, infant migraine can be avoided. If the birth was unsuccessful, and the child's health has already suffered, maternal professionalism will help to cope with the painful conditions of the baby and reduce them to the possible minimum. Should colic be treated? I would like to warn mothers and future ones and those who have taken place that in case of "colic" the child does not benefit from dill water, "Espumisan" and other means "for the tummy." On the contrary, they only worsen the baby's condition, disrupting the natural balance in his digestive system. After all, the child's gastrointestinal tract is designed only for mother's milk - all foreign products injure him and lead to a variety of disorders in addition to existing problems. The baby for the first time is ready to receive foreign products only by 6 months. Therefore, for a child suffering from infantile migraine, full breastfeeding is especially important. This will relieve him of unnecessary stomach pain. But, most importantly, breast milk contributes to normal growth and even restoration of the infant's nervous system. That is why exclusive breastfeeding without supplementing and supplementing the baby up to 6 months, latching on to the breast at the first squeak or a sign of anxiety is the prevention of "colic". And yet, in no case use gas tubes and enemas. Be merciful to children. The misconception that these means "help" the child makes many mothers use this barbaric method. However, mothers should be aware that a gas outlet tube does not relieve headaches, but in the future it leads to sexopathologies, for example, homosexuality. Many parents are misled into believing that these remedies bring relief, since the child gradually becomes addicted and the irritation of the anus begins to give him pleasure. When will the deliverance come? If "colic" persists with well-established, competent care and breastfeeding, you just need to wait. By the age of three months, headaches in a child associated with a drop in atmospheric pressure and changes in the electromagnetic background practically disappear or at least become less active. From this time on, the baby begins to cry much less. Finally, the child is relieved of headaches by 6 months. This always happens, without any treatment. Perinatal psychologist Zh. V. Tsaregradskaya The article was published in the journal “Liza. My child "August 2001


    Colic in newborns: treatment

    Newborns up to 3 months old are often tormented by colic, this phenomenon is quite normal. But all the medical validity of this phenomenon does not allow parents to calmly and inactively observe the baby during colic. Statistics show that colic occurs in 70% of babies. For a baby, colic is a cutting sensation and sharp pains that are caused by gas in the digestive system. Most often, boys and children, whose mothers are prone to depression, suffer from colic.

    The process of colic in newborns is natural, but each parent will give everything so that even nature does not torment the baby. Medicine is still working on a universal way to combat colic, but so far there is no such thing. Doctors suggest using local methods of exposure to reduce the frequency and severity of colic manifestations.

    How to identify colic in a newborn

    In order to successfully deal with this symptom, you need to understand what it is, why it occurs, and how to determine colic in a newborn.

    Colic is pain that occurs due to the formation of excess gas in the intestines. This phenomenon is a consequence of the process of adaptation of the child's body to an older type of food intake. This means getting milk, because earlier the baby received all the necessary substances through the umbilical cord. The body adapts to the processes of sucking, swallowing, digestion, colic usually stops by itself at the age of 3 months, which means the end of the adaptation process.

    In fact, only those who have not yet experienced the torment of their baby can ask themselves the question “how to determine colic in a newborn”. Bursts of unrestrained crying, a frantic scream, close to agony, for a long time cannot be confused with other symptoms. The calm life of the child and the parents ends when the child sharply strains his limbs, bends his back, screams, lifting his legs to his stomach and jerking them helplessly. The child's eyes are now wide open, then closed tightly, the face is distorted, the eyebrows are drawn over the eyes, the mouth is perfectly round, and the child does not stop screaming for a second. After several hours of agony, the baby may fall asleep, but soon everything will start all over again. This is colic.

    Causes of occurrence

    As already mentioned, the reason for everything is nature, and the factors that give rise to colic are mass.

    This may be an individual sensitivity to food components that the mother consumes in the case of breastfeeding. If the baby does not like something from mom's menu, this can lead to allergic reactions, bloating and gas. These products include legumes, dairy products, grapes, cabbage. At the same time, fermented milk products can, on the contrary, have a positive effect.

    Improper feeding can lead to colic. If the baby is not properly attached to the breast, it can suck in air with the milk, which will lead to bloating.

    Not least among the causes of colic is the lack of lactase, an enzyme that promotes the processing of lactose. This version should be confirmed by a pediatrician and be under control, because colic with this reason will not leave the baby for a second.

    The temperament and temperament of the baby can also cause colic. If the child is often angry and screaming, then in the process he swallows air, which leads to colic.

    Before you start fighting colic, make sure that they are the cause of concern. It can be other diseases, colic should not be accompanied by fever, the stomach should not weaken, and after eating there should be no vomiting.


    • Colic, of course, can be fought, but it can be prevented altogether.
    • To prevent the child from being tormented by colic, perform special exercises with him.
    • We spread the baby for a few minutes on the tummy, then change the position of the baby and stroke the tummy. Repeat the process several times.
    • Even before feeding, you can observe a swollen tummy in a baby, do not feed him until the body gets rid of gas.
    • Watch for proper attachment to the chest. The baby should hold the breast tightly and not swallow air. Bottle feeding requires a nipple to prevent air from being swallowed.
    • After the child has eaten, he needs to be kept in an upright position for some time, he must be pressed to himself and the back is massaged until the child spits up.
    • "Grandma's" recipe with dill water and herbal teas will also come in handy.

    Fight colic

    There are times when the inevitable cannot be prevented, and the colic still began. Some parents immediately think about what to give a newborn with colic, but first you need to perform some techniques that may well help.

    Read also


    Colic is a common cause of anxiety and anxiety for many parents who, faced with the inconsolable crying of a child, do not know how to help the baby and how to deal with colic in newborns. After the pediatrician makes sure that there are no specific diseases, tummy colic should not be considered as an alarming situation, as this problem usually goes away after 4-5 months of life.

    In 10-20% of cases, colic in children usually appears in the second week of life, and disappears in the 4-5th month. Sudden, uncontrolled and continuous crying, which begins mostly in the late afternoon, is the most well-known symptom, but often the baby also has a flushed face, tight stomach, and bent legs, sometimes the baby stiffens and begins to twitch, releasing gas from the intestines.

    Causes of colic in children

    The cause of infantile colic has not yet been clarified, or why some children suffer and others do not. Many pediatricians are inclined to believe that the crying of a child is the result of painful contractions caused by an allergy to cow's milk (or lactose intolerance), others believe that it is simply excess gas in the intestines.

    What to do?

    Faced with this problem, parents, of course, want to know how to deal with colic in newborns and how to ease the suffering of a toddler. First, it is wise to rule out some of the common causes of crying. Perhaps your baby is not eating enough (you need to check if the baby is gaining weight according to the norm) or has other medical conditions, such as colds, ear pains, etc. Some simple steps can help the newborn to calm down: try to minimize external irritants (light, noise), take the child in your arms and shake it, a gentle massage of the abdomen also helps. It is necessary to remain calm: the child understands your anxiety and nervousness.

    Offer your baby herbal teas based on chamomile, licorice, fennel and lemon balm. In some cases, a teaspoon of sugar dissolved in water (directly on the tongue) helps, and the child calms down for several hours. There is no medical confirmation of the effectiveness of this treatment, but since sugar is completely harmless, it is worth trying. You can try to reapply the sugar solution as needed, several times throughout the day, but if the child does not respond and continues crying for two days, do not try again.

    Although there is no conclusive evidence of clinical efficacy to date, Simethicone is the most commonly used drug for treating neonatal colic.

    True and False About Infant Colic

    • Do not cut out specific foods (such as legumes, spinach, or kale) from the diet of nursing mothers. Certain foods can make milk taste bad but do not cause colic in babies. Instead, you should reduce the consumption of such drinks and foods as tea, coffee, chocolate.
    • Fatty breast milk also cannot cause colic.
    • It is not true that colic occurs due to excessive anxiety in the mother (it is much more likely that the mother's anxiety is a consequence, not a cause).
    • Belching after eating is optional and should not become an obsession.
    • It is not necessary to use rectal catheters or a thermometer to help the air out of the intestines; on the contrary, this often causes irritation and nervousness in the child.

    When to see a pediatrician?

    A pediatrician should be called in in case of vomiting or intestinal dysfunction (diarrhea or constipation). If there is a suspicion of an allergy to cow's milk (for example, someone in the family was sick, there is redness and dryness of the skin, vomiting and diarrhea), and the child is bottle-fed, the pediatrician may advise you to try replacing the milk with a mixture with a hypoallergenic formula. If the baby is breastfed, the mother needs to exclude dairy products from the diet.


    Mom and baby are at home, it would seem, everything is behind. But suddenly the child begins to cry, kicks his legs and sleep problems appear. New parents face another challenge - newborn colic. Rarely does a child manage to avoid them. How to help a baby and when does colic in newborns go away?

    What it is

    Colic in a newborn occurs due to the immaturity of internal organs and systems. Until the age of 3 weeks, their functioning is supported by hormones that the baby received in the womb from the mother. When stores are running low, the child's digestive system is forced to adapt to a new lifestyle and diet. Some children start to have serious problems.

    Colic in infants is caused by increased gas production in the intestines. The kid cannot cope with it on his own, strains the abdominal muscles and this causes pain.

    Possible causes of newborn colic:

    • Flatulence caused by the immaturity of the digestive system;
    • The cause of colic in newborns may be imperfection of the nervous system;
    • Colic can be infectious;
    • Allergic reaction to food. The cause of colic in newborns may be a change in formula or a switch from breastfeeding to artificial nutrition;
    • Swallowing air during feeding, improper position or gripping of the nipple (bottle nipples);
    • Violation of the diet during lactation. Often the cause of colic in newborns is an illiterate mother's diet.

    It is very difficult to determine the exact causes of colic in newborns, and if parents want to save the baby from suffering, then they will have to act in a comprehensive manner.


    Not always whims and crying of a child means the presence of colic in the intestines. Sometimes your baby is anxious for other reasons. Despite the prevalence of newborn colic, 25% of children do not suffer from this problem. How to diagnose, and what are the signs of this ailment?

    Colic in newborns symptoms:

    1. Sudden and high-pitched crying. Can last for several hours in a row;
    2. Colic in infants begins during or immediately after eating;
    3. In the interval between bouts of colic, the newborn is calm and cheerful, nothing bothers, he eats and sleeps well. If not, then the baby needs to be shown to the doctor;
    4. Intestinal colic in newborns is manifested by bloating and tension in the abdominal muscles. The tummy is enlarged and firm;
    5. Relief of the condition occurs after gas or bowel movement;
    6. Intestinal colic in children may be accompanied by profuse regurgitation.

    If the baby has similar signs, then you can safely begin to fight the disease.

    When the problem passes

    Intestinal colic begins in newborns from the age of 3 weeks and lasts on average up to 3 months. Sometimes you can hear the opinion that it is useless to fight the disease and the problems will go away on their own. But this is not the case. If everything is left to chance, then the condition of the baby can be complicated. For example, from strong crying and tension of the abdominal muscles, an umbilical hernia may appear in a baby. And if a woman does not follow a diet, you can seriously disrupt the work of the baby's internal organs. And what kind of mother can calmly look at the suffering of her child?

    How to help your baby

    1. Laying out on the tummy. To cope with bloating, and to facilitate the exit of gas, before each feeding, the baby needs 10 minutes (or more) to lie on his stomach. This remedy is a kind of massage and strengthens the intestinal walls;
    2. Warmer. Colic in newborns will improve if warmth is applied to the tummy. A small heating pad will do. It can be used while sleeping. If there is no heating pad, then you can apply a compress with a warm cloth. To do this, it is heated with an iron or kept on a battery. During a sharp attack of colic in a child, when the heating pad is not prepared, you can undress the baby and press it against your naked body. Often this technique helps to relieve pain;
    3. Massage. Promotes the discharge of gas and the elimination of bloating. Massage for colic in newborns should be done with circular strokes in the navel area in a clockwise direction. How long to do depends on the mood of the baby. Some children can lie quietly for half an hour, while others do not give a massage for 5 minutes;
    4. Mom's diet. Colic in the abdomen in newborns will not go away soon if a nursing woman eats foods that provoke gas formation. Even in preparation for motherhood, literate women studied the lists of foods prohibited for breastfeeding. And if they have not done this, then nothing prevents them from establishing diets now;
    5. Diversion of gas workers. If it is difficult for a baby to release gas, he cannot cope with this, cries and cannot empty the intestines, then a gas tube will help. How to use it, how many times it is possible and the pediatrician will tell you about the possible danger. You should not experiment with this device on your own.

    Preparations for the newborn

    What remedies will help in the treatment of colic in newborns:

    1. Espumisan. The active ingredient is simethicone. For babies, a product in the form of an emulsion or a drop is suitable. Espumisan is diluted in breast milk and given to the baby with a spoon. If the baby is bottle-fed, then it can be added to the bottle with the formula;
    2. Plantex. Contains fennel extract and oil, lactose and glucose. It is produced in the form of dosed powders, 5 g each. There are 10 sachets in the package, in pharmacies you can buy a plantex piece by piece for a sample. The solution must be made immediately before use. Eliminates colic in newborns, improves food digestion and intestinal motility;
    3. Bobotik. Opaque drops for oral administration. The active ingredient is Semiticone. Eliminates flatulence, improves intestinal motility. It tastes good. Unlike its counterparts, it has a lower cost and economical consumption. One bottle is enough for a long time. The high concentration allows a few drops to be applied directly to the mother's nipple before feeding;
    4. Bebikalm. Drops based on fennel, mint and anise. They have a herbal taste. Calms the baby's tummy and improves the functioning of the entire digestive system. After opening the package, the product is suitable for a month. It is a kind of analogue of Plantex and dill water, but it is more convenient to use, since not all babies drink liquid;
    5. Dill water. It is made from fennel oil (pharmaceutical dill). You can order some water at a pharmacy or make it yourself. It eliminates gas production and relieves unpleasant symptoms. You can also use fennel-based teas for babies.

    These drugs should be used if no other remedy helps. Comprehensive elimination of the disease will certainly give a result. And if you can't cope with the problem, then you need to remember that this is a temporary phenomenon and very soon the baby will become calm and cheerful again.


    How to deal with colic in a newborn

    Colic is the term used to describe attacks of uncontrolled crying of a healthy child... About 20% of children suffer severe colic, so if your child is suffering, then you are not alone. Intestinal colic in children usually starts at 2–3 weeks and ends before the baby is 3 months old. If a child has colic and cries for a long period of time (usually in the evenings when the parents are already tired enough), then this can be quite difficult for mom and dad. We asked advice from experienced mothers About, how to deal with colic in newborns to help you and your baby.

    Be kind to yourself.

    One of the main points in the fight against intestinal colic in children that the moms singled out, is taking care of yourself too. Severe colic difficult not only for the baby, but also for the mothers, as trying to calm the baby can be exhausting and stressful. Try to find help and support from family or friends. It is very important to be able to share the load, take turns to calm down the child. You need to sleep when possible during the daytime and not refuse if someone offers you help with your child.

    You shouldn't blame yourself or feel like you're not doing your job as a parent. And if the tension has already crossed all the boundaries, make sure that you put the child in a safe place or in the arms of your husband or relatives, and take a break for a while.

    Remember, this won't last forever.

    It is very important to understand and remember that severe intestinal colic in children don't last forever. Most babies stop having colic by the time they are 3 months (12 weeks). Intestinal colic in children often "turn off" as suddenly as they started. And one day you will understand that crying attacks in a child stopped. Until that happens, keep telling yourself that this is just a stage, that it will soon be over. Let this be your mantra now.

    Ask for help.

    It can sometimes seem difficult to reach out to or accept help from someone. After all, the new mother wants to cope with her child herself. But advice from experienced mothers They say that the support of loved ones is very important. If friends or relatives offer help, then say yes, and if not, then take courage and ask for help yourself! Even half an hour or an hour can be a salvation for you, because at this time you can sleep or be distracted by other activities.

    Colic remedies.

    There are a number remedies for colic which you can buy at the pharmacy. Experienced mothers advise try to give your baby Plantex regularly. Bobotik was another popular colic remedy, and Espumisan is also worth trying. Monitor your baby's reactions to various medications. Be careful as the consequences remedies for colic can be cumulative.

    Calming positions. Experienced mothers advised us on several positions that really help calm the baby and relieve pain from severe colic... Mothers advise to put the baby on your shoulder with a tummy on your shoulder, stroking it on the back. You can also put the child on the back and make a "bicycle" with the legs.

    Fresh air and walks.

    One of the best options at the moment intestinal colic in children, this is a walk in the fresh air. Put your baby in the stroller or sling(choose what is more comfortable for you and for the baby) and go for a walk. Fresh air and walking will help you and your baby to calm down. Many mothers say that this was the only way to recover and gain strength during crying attacks in a child.

    Warm baths.

    Experienced mothers advise give the child a warm bath, which will give some relief from gas and colic. After the bath, put the baby on a warm towel and make the baby a "bicycle", or lay him on his tummy and stroke his back.

    Swaddling and sling.

    Often salvation during severe colic is swaddling or latching a baby closer to your body. Sling often helps to save a lot of energy for a modern mother, since the child is as close as possible in a comfortable position, and your hands are free, and you can do other things.

    Monotonous noise.

    Try to reassure your child by stepping on squeaky floorboards, swaying in an old rocking chair, or even with a fan or hairdryer on (no need to point at the child, just enough to hear the sound). There are applications for the phone that play monotonous noise - Sleepy Sounds (free for Android), White Noise Lite (demo version, free for Android and iPhone). Many babies calm down to such sounds, others, on the contrary, love silence - you will soon figure out what works best for you and your child.

    Change bottles.

    If you are feeding your baby from bottles, make sure that these are special bottles equipped with an anti-colic system. Most mothers buy these bottles from Avent.

    Cranial osteopathy.

    Some moms say that in the fight against colic in a newborn they were helped by cranial osteopathy. While doctors say it is an alternative therapy, there is no real evidence that it works.

    Fennel tea.

    Experienced mothers advise give your baby herbal teas to soothe severe colic. Chamomile, dill, mint ... Give your baby one teaspoon to drink or dilute in a bottle of water. You can also drink herbs yourself if you are breastfeeding.

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    Intestinal colic in infants is a fairly common occurrence. When faced with colic for the first time, a young mother may become confused, not understanding what is bothering the child. Let's try to figure out what intestinal colic is, for what reasons can they occur and can they be prevented? Why do some children never get colic? How can colic be relieved, and are there remedies that can help prevent symptoms that are painful for a child?

    Colic is an unpleasant experience that almost every baby goes through. In order not to panic, it is better for mommy to prepare in advance and learn more about the causes of this symptom.

    Intestinal colic - what is it?

    There is no scientifically established definition of intestinal colic. The medical history is as follows: a well-fed and healthy newborn child periodically shows anxiety, cries, and experiences obvious discomfort for several hours. This is how pediatricians describe the malaise. If we consider the painful manifestations from the side of the processes occurring in the body, then colic is a consequence of the accumulation of air bubbles in the child's intestines.

    The first manifestations of discomfort are observed in an infant at the age of two weeks. In premature babies, intestinal colic may occur later. Statistics show that they appear in children under 4 months of age, then disappear altogether.

    The people are of the opinion that the accumulation of air bubbles in the intestines often occurs in boys. Such a statement is devoid of any reliable confirmation - they visit girls at least often. The problem is not connected with the method of feeding the newborn: both breastfeeding and artificial feeding can be encountered with it.

    By the way, in European countries babies are not diagnosed with intestinal colic and are not prescribed any treatment. Western doctors attribute the problem to the physiological characteristics of the body of a newborn child. They do not consider them a disease, do not try to treat them, and explain as a kind of process that accompanies the child's attempts to adapt to the environment.

    Up to 4 months, the newborn's digestive system adapts to new types of nutrition and development of the body.

    In some babies, it passes gently, without visible discomfort, while in others, the accumulation of gas becomes a natural process of strengthening digestion. It is certainly not worth considering colic a disease.

    Symptoms: how does intestinal colic appear?

    There is no one pronounced symptom by which you can understand and accurately determine that the baby has intestinal colic. Each child reacts to problems in the intestines individually: one baby closes his eyes, and the other, on the contrary, opens them wide, while tightly squeezing his fists. Feeling uncomfortable, the newborn tries to communicate this by crying loudly:
    (we recommend reading :)

    • The baby pulls his knees to the tummy, as they say, shrinks. This behavior of the baby indicates that he is pestered by colic.
    • Another characteristic factor that helps to recognize the ailment is the frequent passage of gas. Frequent regurgitation of food is possible.
    • The tummy, in which a lot of gas has accumulated, inflates and becomes stiff (we recommend reading :).
    • The behavior of the infant also changes. He is capricious, refuses to feed, does not sleep well.

    If the child is sick and vomiting, he has frequent and loose "stools", it is better to immediately seek medical help - colic does not behave this way. After examining the newborn and taking tests, the pediatrician will understand what the problems are associated with, and will prescribe competent treatment.

    Crying, poor appetite, passing gas more often than usual, hard stomach - these are the main signs of intestinal colic in an infant

    What can cause colic?

    There are many reasons for the problem. The main one, according to experts, is the gradual adaptation of the child's digestive system to the environment.

    When breastfeeding colic can appear after mom has eaten a certain food. Pay attention to what you are eating. It is better for a nursing mother not to eat foods such as hot spices and sauces, coffee, sweet pastries with a lot of cream, legumes, fermented vegetables, carbonated drinks.

    For artificial milk formula can become a negative factor causing painful sensations. At the first sign, try changing your diet or talking to your pediatrician. The composition of the mixtures is different - perhaps some substances are poorly absorbed by the body of your baby. Each baby, who is on artificial feeding, needs an individual selection of the mixture.

    However, it is not only inappropriate nutrition that causes colic and gas. Often they are formed from the fact that the baby swallows a large amount of air when sucking on the breast or nipple.

    When breastfeeding, an uncomfortable posture or improper breastfeeding can provoke the problem. In case of artificial feeding - incorrectly selected bottle teat.

    How to get rid of colic in a child?

    Long-term observations of pediatricians have made it possible to develop several effective ways to combat colic, they help relieve infants from unpleasant sensations. There are also known folk remedies that have long been used by our grandmothers. Of course, you should not immediately apply all the methods, you need to find one that will really effectively stop the unpleasant ailment. Let's consider each of them.

    Drug therapy

    1. Synthetic... The basic active ingredient is simethicone, which hinders the formation of gases and contributes to the destruction of already accumulated gas bubbles. The drugs in this group include: Espumisan, Bobotik, Sub Simplex, Infacol (for more details, see the article :).
    2. Natural... The basic active ingredient is fennel and dill, which have an antispasmodic effect and enhance the secretory function of the gastrointestinal tract. This group includes: Plantex, Bebinos, BabyKalm (for more details in the article :).

    Change in nutrition

    • If you experience colic while bottle feeding, try changing the formula. Observe the baby's behavior, see how his digestive system reacts.
    • Pay attention to the pacifier through which the baby is fed. Nipples are available in conventional and orthodontic versions. The latter are given a shape identical to the nipple of the female breast. They reduce the risk of the baby trapping large amounts of air, which can lead to colic. Of the latest developments, we note the nipples with an anti-vacuum system. They do not stick together when sucking, again preventing air from entering the stomach and intestines.
    • A topical solution for breastfeeding moms is to balance their own diet and not eat certain foods. Include tea with oregano, chamomile, peppermint in your diet.
    • Your doctor may advise you to take a special enzyme that promotes the absorption of lactose. It has a low price and is sold in all pharmacies. Many mothers note the effectiveness of probiotics. They have a beneficial effect on the fragile digestive system of the child, normalize the absorption of food, improve its digestion, restore the intestinal microflora of the newborn, and help reduce the risk of the problem.
    • Frequent regurgitation of food indicates overeating. Because of this, colic can also appear. Try to reduce the amount of food your baby gets in one meal.
    • Hold your baby upright for 15 minutes after feeding so he can regurgitate air. This is a fairly common technique that our grandmothers are familiar with.
    • You can not delay feeding time. When very hungry, the baby greedily grabs the nipple or breast, allowing a large amount of air to enter. Feed the baby strictly on schedule.
    • A tried and tested remedy is dill water. It has long been used to solve this problem. It was often used by our grandmothers to calm colic.
    • Use medicines and homeopathic remedies, but only after consulting your pediatrician.

    Sensory simulation against colic

    • Do not swaddle your baby tightly, leaving him more freedom of movement. With sufficient activity of the baby, gases will leave the body easier.
    • As a preventative measure for flatulence, lay your baby on her stomach before each feeding. Perform the procedure 20 minutes before latching the baby to the breast.
    • In some cases, you can take a warm bath before feeding to help the newborn relax and eat.
    • Put warm compresses on your tummy to soothe or relieve colic intensity. Use a heating pad for this or apply the baby to your body.
    • For some children, walking outdoors can be a good remedy for colic.
    • An effective way is. From time to time before meals and a few minutes after it, stroke the baby's tummy, this method allows you not only to remove, but also to help avoid intestinal colic.
    • An extreme method is to use a flue gas pipe at home. If none of the above helped the child, and colic is observed for a long time, take the gas outlet tube, lubricate one end of it with oil, insert it into the baby's anus about 2 cm.Do the procedure carefully so as not to harm the baby. Before inserting the tube, bend the crumbs of the legs and press them against the tummy.

    If the methods described by us do not allow you to cope with colic, refer to the lessons of Dr. Komarovsky. He authoritatively states that there are no effective methods to completely eliminate the problem.

    Of course, you feel sorry for the baby, and you are worried about him, but Komarovsky says that there is no need to fight, because after 3-4 months this problem goes away by itself. To reduce the child's torment and your own peace of mind, you can use homeopathic remedies and medicines - maybe the child will feel better.

    Colic is a painful condition in infants that occurs due to abnormalities in the gastrointestinal tract and is manifested by an attack of prolonged crying. This causes significant discomfort for both the child and the parents. In this article, you will learn how to deal with colic in babies.

    Before you learn how to deal with colic in newborns, you need to figure out why they occur:

    1. Imperfection of the digestive system. In infants, the gastrointestinal tract is immature, since until recently the child received all the building elements with the mother's blood through the umbilical cord, and there was no need to use his intestines. Due to the fact that many enzymes are poorly produced, increased gas production occurs. The gases increase the volume of the intestine, press and stretch its walls, which is accompanied by pain.
    2. Gastroesophageal reflux When acidic gastric contents are thrown into the esophagus, painful sensations can also occur. Most often, this is facilitated by the horizontal position of the newborn after eating.
    3. Feeding errors. Regardless of whether the baby is breastfed or bottle-fed, attention should be paid to his position and the grip of the food source (mother's nipple or bottle). During feeding, the baby can swallow air, which will directly lead to painful sensations.
    4. Improper nutrition of the mother. Frequent consumption of foods by the mother that lead to increased gas production can lead to colic in the baby if he is breastfed. These are products such as cabbage, legumes, black bread.
    5. Mom's stress, unfavorable emotional background in the family, postpartum depression. All this is the reason for a change in the hormonal background in a woman. The increased level of hormones is passed to the newborn in breast milk and provokes an attack of colic.
    6. Short feeding times. If you put the baby to the breast for a few minutes, then he will receive only the first "carbohydrate" portion of milk, and receive less fats and proteins. Excess carbohydrates can also lead to increased gas production.
    7. Artificial mixture not suitable for a particular child.


    The causes and means of struggle are always closely related. This should be remembered, and not the symptom, but the cause itself, should be treated.

    In the event that the cause of colic is excessive gas formation, the fight will be aimed at reducing the production of gases and facilitating their removal:

    1. An effective way to deal with gas in newborns is massage and special gymnastics. Before eating, massage your newborn baby's belly with gentle clockwise movements. Do this massage for about 5 minutes.
    2. During an attack of colic, you can use the drug "Espumisan". It destroys gas bubbles in the intestinal lumen, which can reduce the stretching of its walls and cope with a painful attack.
    3. The herbal preparation "Plantex" has proven itself well, it helps to effectively fight gases, reduces their production and stimulates intestinal motility.
    4. In extreme cases, doctors use a gas tube. This is a fairly effective remedy that allows you to quickly cope with colic, but it is not recommended to abuse it.

    In cases where colic is provoked by an incorrect feeding regimen, then it is necessary to normalize it:

    • after eating, the child must be kept upright in order for him to belch air;
    • feed the baby "on demand", do not pick it up from the breast after a few minutes;
    • make sure that the baby grasps the nipple completely during feeding.

    If the mother is constantly under stress, and this negatively affects the child, it is necessary to normalize sleep and rest, to ensure peace of mind. You can contact a psychotherapist or support group for young mothers if you cannot cope on your own.

    In the event that all of the above methods do not help, colic is daily, and does not go away after the passage of stool and gas, then you should consult a doctor. Although this condition is usually functional and disappears after the onset of 4 months of age, sometimes organic pathology occurs, which must be treated differently.


    The most effective way to deal with colic in a newborn is to prevent colic from occurring. To do this, adhere to a rational feeding regimen, avoid the baby's horizontal position after eating. Normalize your diet and reduce the impact of stressful situations if possible.

    Video "Fight colic in newborns"

    In this video, you will learn how to deal with colic in newborns.

    Having returned with a newborn from the hospital, young parents can enjoy the addition to the family for a very short time. Soon, the baby begins to be bothered by colic and gas, which give him so much suffering. A baby can cry for several hours in a row, causing a lot of trouble for his parents.

    Colic and gas in a newborn

    Gaziks are accompanied by bloating.

    Due to the discomfort experienced, the baby begins fart hard, groan, pull the legs to the stomach ... However, gaziks are not capable of delivering severe suffering to a child, and are rarely accompanied by crying.

    Often gaziki appear as a result of overfeeding a baby.... An imperfect digestive system is not able to cope with a large volume of food, and its remnants begin to rot, while releasing a large amount of gas. By reducing the amount of food a little, you can noticeably improve the well-being of the baby, without resorting to medication.

    Features of colic

    But intestinal colic, on the contrary, gives the baby extremely painful sensations.

    Colic is painful for the newborn.

    Often this is a sharp, intense pain that causes bouts of continuous tearful crying for a long time. To date, the mechanism of the appearance of colic is not fully understood, however, they are always accompanied by gas drinks, which together give extremely unpleasant sensations to the baby.


    The causes of colic include taking antibacterial drugs by the mother, excessive irritability, an unhealthy psychological environment, and improper feeding techniques for the baby.

    One of the causes of colic is the use of antibacterial drugs by the mother.

    The most common reason is the consumption of foods that cause colic in your baby:

    • corn;
    • cabbage;
    • nuts;
    • tomatoes;
    • yeast baked goods;
    • cow's milk;
    • carbonated drinks;
    • hot spices.

    How long do babies have gaziki and colic?

    Parents, who have fully learned all the delights of a baby's discomfort, are very interested in how long such a state will last.

    As a rule, bloating, flatulence and acute pain begin to appear by 2–3 weeks of a baby's life, reaching its apogee by about two months.

    And only by 3-4 months of the baby's life, the digestive system fully adapts to a new mode of work and the digestion of new food for him. Gradually, the painful symptoms begin to subside, and the parents can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

    By 3-4 months of life, the digestive system fully adapts to the regime.

    However, in this, as in other issues regarding the health and development of the baby, everything is individual. So, colic begins to torment some babies closer to two months of age, developing into a real problem by six months. This pattern is especially common in premature babies.

    Colic pain is often more difficult for boys than for girls.

    What is better for colic and gas in the stomach in newborns?

    Unfortunately, there is no magic bullet that can help reduce painful symptoms in infants.

    One method helps someone, but for someone none of the listed means will bring relief. It is necessary, acting in a holistic manner, to eliminate discomfort in infants.

    So, in the fight against colic and gas, the following recommendations are used:

    • Medication intervention - taking drugs that reduce the manifestation of flatulence. Medicines that can be taken by newborns to combat increased gas production include Plantex, Baby Kalm, Bobotik, Bebinos. However, before use, you should consult a pediatrician who will prescribe the exact dosage.
    • Psychological - close bodily contact with the mother helps the baby to forget about pain for a short time, to calm down faster. The heartbeat of the mother, as well as the smell of milk and her body, can give a disturbed baby a sense of security. This recommendation should not be neglected.
    • Physiotherapy - applying dry heat to the tummy. For these purposes, diapers are used, which are ironed with a hot iron, and applied warmly on the baby's tummy. In this form, the diaper is kept until it cools down. Heat is able to relieve spasmodic pains, to have a relaxing effect on the muscles.
    • Mechanical - special gymnastics and gentle tummy massage;
    • Special diet - the use of only neutral food products in the menu of a nursing mother, which will not cause fermentation processes.
    • ethnoscience - the use of decoctions of medicinal herbs. However, before using folk remedies, you should first consult a pediatrician. To improve the well-being of a baby, it is most often recommended to take dill water or a tincture of carrot seeds or chamomile to the mother.

    Plantex is a drug that reduces the manifestation of flatulence.

    Preventive measures

    Reducing pain caused by colic and flatulence is always much more difficult than preventing their occurrence. After all, colic is not an independent disease, it is a symptom of a not fully functioning digestive system.

    In this difficult period for the baby, the main task of the parents is to help get through it with the least discomfort.

    To do this, you should adhere to the following rules:

    1. 15 minutes before each feed put the baby on the tummy .
    2. After latching on to the breast or taking a mixture of the baby, you need hold upright for a while , in the form of a "column". This position is optimal for the free release of air that has entered the stomach along with milk. So it comes out with the help, and does not penetrate the intestines, causing cutting attacks of pain.
    3. From the first days of a baby's life, it is important to ensure that he took the mother's breast correctly ... He should take into his mouth not only the nipple, but also the areola - the pink area around the nipple. At the same time, his lips should be turned out, and the nose should fit snugly against his mother's chest. If everything is done correctly, during feeding, the baby should not make any extraneous sounds: smacking or clicking. If the correct technique for latching on to the breast is violated, then during the grasping of the nipple and feeding, the swallowed air will enter the infant's digestive tract and contribute to the formation of gas and colic.
    4. If the baby is artificially fed, it is important to use not simple, but special nipples designed in such a way that the baby does not have colic after feeding. But mom also needs to make sure that air does not accumulate at the bottom of the bottle.
    5. Mothers whose babies are breastfed should rethink their previous eating habits, and completely eliminate from the daily diet foods that contribute to the development of a large amount of gas in the children's intestines... In this case, it is better to have a little patience and not eat a piece of your favorite product than to hear the hysterical cry of your child suffering from.

    15 minutes before feeding, you need to lay the baby on the tummy.


    Colic and gas in infants, despite the rather acute nature of the course, are not a serious illness and do not need treatment.

    Colic and gas in babies is not a serious illness.

    In this case, a pediatrician is needed only in order to exclude possible diseases with similar symptoms and to give recommendations on how to make the child feel better.

    Proper nutrition of the mother, regular massage of the abdomen and elementary gymnastics of the baby, competent feeding technique, as well as, if necessary, taking approved medications, will help eliminate or minimize pain attacks in the baby and give a restful night's sleep to all family members.

    Video about colic and gazik in babies

    You bring a newborn baby home and for several days, and sometimes weeks, you are in a joyful high spirits and the feeling that you have the calmest baby in the world. However, after a while, one evening, a heartbreaking cry of a child is heard, he blushes, clenches his fists and pulls his legs up to his tummy. All attempts to calm the baby down lead to nothing but tears, fatigue and irritability of the parents themselves. The episodes of this heartbreaking cry are repeated every day at about the same time, in the late afternoon, and it seems that they will never pass. This is how colic manifests itself in newborns.

    All children have gas in the abdomen, which is a normal part of the digestive process. However, due to the imperfection of the newborn's digestive system, so-called infant colic may occur. More than 70% of all newborn babies suffer from infant colic. How does infant colic manifest itself and how to get rid of them, thereby alleviating the condition of the child? Why do babies get colic and when do newborns get colic?

    Abdominal pain in a baby occurs due to the accumulation of gases in the intestine, which makes it difficult for feces to pass through it. Against this background, there are short sections of the intestinal tract with increased pressure (swelling). And behind all this, colic occurs - impulsive pain spasms. And this phenomenon provokes flatulence. Doctors around the world are still arguing about the true causes of colic. However, it is known for certain that colic in a newborn is caused by air (gas) in the baby's digestive tract.

    Where does a baby get a large accumulation of air? About 60% of its total volume enters the digestive tract by ingestion. The kid simply does not yet know how to belch, so the air is pushed into the duodenum, and from there into the intestine. He cannot go back, since each section of the gastrointestinal tract is divided by a sphincter - a specific organic valve. The remaining 40% of the air is released during the digestion of food, during the formation of microflora, as well as from the food itself.

    Gas formation in the digestive tract

    Gas is produced in the digestive tract from the moment the baby drinks his first sip of breast milk or formula. Gas production in newborns is a natural byproduct of the digestion of lactose, protein, and other nutrients.

    There is no reliable evidence, but many pediatricians and breastfeeding specialists argue that during lactation, traces of gas-producing foods, such as cruciferous vegetables (such as cabbage) and legumes, can be passed from mother to child. Other experts also warn about the acidity in mom's diet. Citrus fruits and juices, strawberries and tomatoes that are high in acidity can irritate a child. Dairy products in the mother's diet can also lead to "intolerance" in the baby. The problem is usually associated with milk protein found in milk, cheese, butter, yogurt, etc., in addition, products containing soy can cause intolerance to milk protein.

    What foods cause colic in newborns? Nutritionists recommend that nursing mothers give up in the early stages after pregnancy:

    • Cabbage (especially sauerkraut), radish, turnip;
    • Legumes;
    • Grapes;
    • Whole cow's milk;
    • Sour cream and fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt, cheese);
    • Raisins;
    • Soy products;
    • Bakery products (yeast baked goods);
    • Sweets (chocolate, marmalade)
    • Eggs (it is the yolk that enhances flatulence, and can also provoke allergies).

    Of course, you should also give up carbonated drinks, smoked meats, mayonnaise, preservation, foods with food additives (crackers, chips, corn sticks, instant noodles).

    Are there any products that reduce gas production? Mom's nutrition for colic in a newborn should include the following foods:

    • Lean meat;
    • Vegetables (boiled);
    • Fruit (preferably baked or stewed).

    When breastfeeding, a mom can test how foods might affect her baby by eliminating all of the listed foods from her own diet for a period of two weeks. The introduction of foods from the list of restrictions is necessary very slowly, one product every 10 days, in order to control the child's reaction.

    The baby swallows air during feeding

    Air bubbles can also enter the digestive tract through the baby's mouth. Most often, it is the result of sucking on the breast or bottle. For this reason, it is important that the baby regurgitates air every 5 minutes during feeding or between breastfeeding changes. After feeding, it is also recommended to hold the baby in an upright position, pressing his tummy towards you, and holding his head until he regurgitates the swallowed air. Sometimes it is required to hold the child like this for up to 10 minutes, it can be uncomfortable, however, this is the most effective way to get rid of the air trapped in the stomach. If your baby is bottle-fed, make sure the bottle teat has the correct hole size. If the opening of the nipple is too large, it will cause the baby to drink the entire mixture too quickly. Since the baby is still too young, if the formula is quickly dispensed from the bottle, he may choke or gasp for air. Try to choose bottles with the so-called anti-colic effect or anti-colic system. The teat shape of these bottles is designed to reduce the likelihood of accidental ingestion of air.


    Colic in a newborn can occur due to the so-called hyperlactation syndrome. The milk in the breast of a nursing mother differs in the front and back. Foremilk contains more water and lactose and usually flows out of the breast under pressure during feeding. Hindmilk is rich in nutrients that a baby needs for growth and development, it is more fatty and nutritious. We can say that the child gets drunk with the front milk, and the back milk is full. However, it happens that the child drinks only the front milk, not getting to the back. With frequent feeding, the body simply does not have time to digest the lactose-rich milk, and it begins to ferment. The child, not gorging on the front milk, asks for breast more often, and the problem of hyperlactation and colic is aggravated. To solve this problem, experts recommend that you maintain a two-hour break between feedings and keep the baby at the breast for longer so that he can get enough hind milk. Also, it is not recommended to soothe the baby by latching on to the breast during colic, as the baby receives a dose of milk again, which may not be digested.

    Overexcited child

    Excessive agitation in a child can also lead to a risk of colic, similar to how many adults experience intestinal distress in stressful situations. In general, the more activity (guests, TV, telephone, extraneous loud noise, bright light, etc.) during the day in the child, the higher the chances of colic in the child in the evening and at night. This is one of the supposed answers to the question: why does newborn colic develop at night? Overexcitement during the day affects the nervous system, provoking stress, which is expressed by intestinal problems and provokes painful cramps.

    Changing the baby's diet

    The nutrition of a baby and an artificial child can also cause colic. Changing a baby to formula or changing formula can cause colic in newborns. The introduction of solid food in older infants can also create uncomfortable situations, and it will take some time for the child's body to adapt and learn to digest new food with the help of various enzymes and probiotics. In addition, foods that cause gassing should be carefully introduced: cruciferous vegetables, some fruits and beans.

    Swallowing air when crying

    Crying in infants in a certain amount is normal, since it is their only means of verbal communication. Crying may indicate that the baby is hungry, lonely, cold, hot, uncomfortable, or needs a diaper change. Many children cry for no apparent reason, as they just get used to a new world for them. While crying, babies swallow air that enters their digestive system. These air bubbles can become trapped in the stomach and / or enter the intestines. Colic in newborns can also be a direct result of air swallowed while crying.

    Why does gas in a child's digestive system cause pain and discomfort?

    As a rule, gas is not a problem and does not cause pain or discomfort because it is quickly and easily forced through the digestive system. However, babies are born with a very immature digestive system. Most experts agree that during the first thirteen weeks of life outside the uterus, a newborn's digestive system is literally just learning to function. The muscles that support digestion have not developed the correct rhythm (peristalsis) to move food efficiently through the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, newborns lack the beneficial bacterial flora (probiotics) that develop over time. Gas pockets are trapped in the upper and lower intestines. The gas acts as a plug, obstructing or stopping the flow of gastric juice and creating pressure, causing painful bloating and abdominal swelling. An infant's immature digestive system is unable to deal effectively with the situation. When gas pockets form in the stomach, it can cause the stomach to swell and this is also the main cause of hiccups.

    Colic in a newborn: symptoms

    Doctors usually diagnose colic based on the "rule of three." Crying in a child:

    • Lasts at least three consecutive hours;
    • Takes place at least three days a week;
    • The episodes are repeated for at least three consecutive weeks.

    How do you know for sure if your child has colic? There are several symptoms of colic in a newborn and, in addition to the three rules, there are additional signs and symptoms that characterize colic in a newborn:

    • Crying occurs at the same time every day (usually at the end of the day);
    • The child cries for no apparent reason (he is not cold, not hot, he is not hungry and does not need a diaper change;
    • The child can pull the legs to the chest, clench the fists and, in general, move the legs and arms more than usual;
    • The child closes his eyes when crying or, on the contrary, opens them wide, holds his breath when crying for a short time;
    • Intestinal activity may increase and he may regurgitate or fart;
    • Eating and sleeping of a crying child is disturbed - he frantically searches for a nipple, but throws it as soon as he began to suck it. Sometimes he falls asleep for a few minutes and wakes up again from his own screaming.

    What is the Difference Between Colic Crying and Normal Crying

    There is no clear definition of how crying for colic is different from crying for another reason. But doctors, as a rule, agree that the difference is that with colic, the child breaks down in crying, crying inconsolably, crying gives way to screaming, and this ordeal lasts for several hours, and sometimes much longer. More often than not, periods of colic recur on a daily basis.

    Important! Be sure to consult your pediatrician, even after one episode of such crying. Not only colic in a newborn Such behavior of a child can cause serious illness.

    When does it start, how long does it last and when does colic go away in a newborn

    How long does colic last in a newborn? The good news is, colic doesn't last forever. In most babies, colic peaks around 6 weeks and then usually begins to taper between 10 and 12 weeks. By 3 months (usually a little later in premature babies), most infant colic seems to miraculously disappear. Colic can suddenly stop, just as it began, or end gradually: the period of days with colic gives way to days without colic, more and more often, until they completely disappear.

    Important! Colic begins in newborns, usually at 3 weeks, and ends by 3 months, but there are exceptions, in boys, colic can begin earlier: from the second week of a child's life and last longer: up to 4 months.

    Colic in newborns home treatment

    How to alleviate the condition of the baby? What methods can help to treat colic in newborns at home?

    Finding the perfect newborn colic remedy is partly a matter of trial and error. Some babies are helped by some means, others by others, but all non-drug treatment is reduced to the following simple methods:

    Reduction of gas in the child's gastrointestinal tract

    Babies have an innate reflex that gets triggered when we do things that mimic life in the womb. Sometimes it is like a “switch” of crying. These actions include: swaddling, rocking the baby, sucking on the nipple or breast, lying on your stomach or on your side. Of all the actions in the fight against colic in newborns, one should stop at the "white noise" and on the position of the child lying on his stomach in the "football player" position.

    Colic Newborn Pose

    Footballer pose for a newborn. This position in many cases helps the child with attacks of colic, calm down and fall asleep. The baby's head is on the elbow bend of the adult's hand and the child's bottom is supported by the same hand, and the other hand passes between the child's legs and supports the tummy. There is a similar version of this pose, only in this case, the child's head rests on the palm of an adult.

    Footballer pose for a newborn. Option 1

    Footballer pose for a newborn. Option 2

    "White noise

    "White" noise is soft, monotonous sounds that imitate the sounds that the baby heard in the womb, calmed down and fell asleep under them. Most often, for these purposes, they use a vacuum cleaner working in the next room, a working washing machine or an included hairdryer.

    Dill water

    Dill water is widely used in folk medicine to eliminate gas production, bloating and other painful symptoms in young children. Also, the remedy is popular in pediatrics, since pharmaceutical dill (fennel) is the leader in the list of drugs designed to eliminate colic.

    Important! Colic in newborns is not a disease, it is a condition of most newborns that disappears without a trace over time. The most difficult thing for parents, especially for a mother, is to feel powerless in a situation when her baby is crying in pain and she cannot help him. Ask your family to help with the child, distract yourself for at least 20-30 minutes. Peace of mind is very important for a young mom. Remember: you must control the situation, only with your calmness and confidence, this period will pass and, after a while, you will again enjoy the development and growth of the crumb.

    Remember that only a doctor can make the correct diagnosis, do not self-medicate without consulting and diagnosing a qualified doctor.

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