• The baby seems to be pushing. Why do newborn babies groan, push and toss and turn in their sleep: how to help the baby? Why does a newborn grunt and push


    A young newly-made mother treats her baby with special trepidation and even some fear. After all, she knows almost nothing and does not know how, and caring for a newborn causes her many questions and concerns. Many mothers face a problem when their child pushes and blushes, and at the same time may still groan or growl. As a rule, such a sight does not inspire them optimism.

    It is very good and right that you pay attention to such manifestations. But just do not rush to do anything: it is likely that everything is fine with the child, and your actions can only harm him. Why is the newborn pushing, and what to do in this case? Let's try to figure it out.

    Don't rush to heal

    The fact that a newborn child is pushing does not mean anything bad. This is done by almost all (or very many) babies up to 3-4 months and even longer, and doctors explain this behavior in different ways.

    The most common version: the baby cannot go to the toilet in any other way, because his abdominal muscles are not yet developed, like the anal muscle. Despite the fact that the baby turns red and makes sounds frightening you, he can feel quite comfortable while doing this. Just to poop or even pee, he has to push a little. In addition, the newborn is always in a horizontal position, and even gravity cannot help him in this matter. And on top of that, a soft, mushy stool puts insufficient pressure on the anus to make bowel movements easy and effortless.

    Some experts believe that straining and grunting is associated with an imperfect work of the gastrointestinal tract. While the intestine is colonized by bacteria, forming its own microflora, as well as while it is learning to digest food, the baby experiences new, incomprehensible feelings, as if getting used to the natural processes taking place.

    It's not surprising that the child blushes at the same time - do not worry. If you want to help the baby at least with something, then press the legs to the tummy or make him a bicycle to activate the intestines and facilitate the movement of feces.

    Also, pediatricians advise to attach the baby to the breast: perhaps he is worried about something or is experiencing some kind of discomfort. The embryo position will help to calm the baby: roll it up and press it to you. Doctors assume that by pushing, the baby expresses his displeasure. Perhaps he doesn't like something or something bothers him. Just try to find out the cause of the disturbance and eliminate it (feed, change, go for a walk). By the way, there is also an opinion that newborns express any emotions in this way, because they still cannot do otherwise. This is a kind of first language of a baby: he is trying to convey something to you - and pushing, and maybe even groaning.

    If, apart from straining, nothing else bothers you, then most likely there is no cause for concern. The main thing is for the baby to feel good: he slept calmly, ate enough, and emptied regularly. However, it is likely that the newborn is struggling due to disturbances in the digestive system. In this case, the baby behaves rather restlessly: cries, rushes about, presses his knees to his tummy, kicks with his legs.

    When should a child be helped

    To push and at the same time to freak out and cry the newborn is forced by intestinal colic. Almost all new parents face this problem. Do not rush to treat the baby even with such harmless, as you think, means like dill water. First, adjust your diet. Eliminate salt, sugar, flour, legumes, cabbage, cucumbers, bell peppers, radishes, grapes, and other gas-forming foods from your diet.

    If the baby is an artificial, then it is extremely important to choose the right milk mixture (perhaps it is because of it that the baby is puffy). Children who are bottle-fed should be supplemented with some water.

    Make sure that the baby does not swallow air during feeding: apply it correctly to the breast and correctly hold the bottle of formula.

    Analyze all the latest changes and appointments - yours and childrens - and try to find the cause of gas in the child. For example, the mothers of some children note that colic and straining in their children appeared after the introduction of vitamin D3.

    To stimulate the work of the digestive tract and in order to release the swallowed air, lay the baby on his tummy as often as possible between or before feedings, and then lift and carry it in a "column", in an upright position. Massage your abdomen, stroking it with your palm clockwise, draw in your legs, slightly pressing them on your stomach.

    Local warmth will help relieve spasms: press the little one with your stomach against your stomach or put a heated diaper on his tummy.

    And only if all these methods have been tried, but have not yielded any result, seek the help of medicines and drugs, after consulting a doctor (most often in such cases, children are prescribed Espumisan).

    Constipation or Malnutrition?

    Slightly worse if the baby is constipated. Naturally, at the same time, the baby will push, making considerable efforts to poop. Do not allow this, but if it was not possible to avoid constipation, then immediately adjust the feeding and principles of caring for the newborn.

    If the baby is breastfed, then the regularity and consistency of the stool will largely depend on the mother's diet. Therefore, it is often enough just to change your menu - and the child will stop pushing to poop. Be sure to drink plenty of fluids and introduce fresh kefir into your diet.

    The situation is different with artificial trees. It is not uncommon for children to have stool in response to formula milk. Finding the right mixture can be very difficult, and, perhaps, it will not be possible to do without the help of specialists.

    In addition, unfortunately, our care and support can result in a whole range of problems for the baby. It is worth several times to panic ahead of time and put a gas tube or a cleansing enema to the child unnecessarily, as soon the baby simply will not be able to fart and poop on its own. You should be extremely careful with this and think three times before resorting to such methods.

    Actually, babies very rarely have constipation. Mother's milk in the best way meets the abilities of the newborn's digestive system, therefore, as a rule, there are no difficulties with stool in "milk" babies - they go "big" much more often than artificial ones. Infants who are bottle-fed are more susceptible to constipation.

    If a newborn suffers from constipation, then during a bowel movement he strains a lot, blushes and growls, he may even cry or be capricious - an attempt to poop brings some discomfort and even pain to the baby.

    But keep in mind that we are talking about constipation only in the case when the baby does not walk "on a large scale" for more than 2 days and he certainly has hard stools (like pebbles). If the baby poops infrequently, but the feces have the usual consistency - soft, mushy, and at the same time the baby is underweight, then, most likely, we are talking about the so-called "hungry constipation". This is observed when the newborn does not receive enough milk. A situation arises where he simply has nothing to defecate due to constant malnutrition. In this case, it is necessary to feed the baby, pediatricians assure.

    Summing up, I would like to once again appeal to young mothers: do not rush to treat your children. At times, medications do more harm than good. And problems with the tummy, because of which the baby is pushing and blushing, can almost always be solved without medication. Moreover, many pediatricians consider this to be normal in newborns. The child can push until he begins to receive solid food (by the way, from this moment it is important that there is enough dietary fiber in the children's menu). The main thing is that nothing bothers him.

    With the birth of a long-awaited baby, parents feel not only indescribable joy, but also a huge responsibility about a small "ball of happiness". Each respectable family tries to create the most comfortable living conditions for its child and does everything possible so that nothing threatens his health. But without difficulties, as you know, it is not possible to raise a child.

    Crying, colic and abdominal pain are the most common concerns. Many are worried that the baby is constantly pushing and groaning, even while in a dream. To identify the root cause, you need to understand at least a little what this may be due to. Our task is to deal with this problem and find out why this is happening.

    and pushing: the reasons for this behavior

    All babies begin to make strange sounds during bowel movements and become very tense. There is nothing scary and frightening in this, if there are no other signs of discomfort (fever, crying, screaming, convulsions, bloody mucus). If this behavior is observed constantly - day and night, accompanied by grunting and straining, then, most likely, the child is worried about something. In this way, the infant expresses emotions and sensations. The most common reasons include:

    • The appearance of dried crusts in the nasal passage, which impede the penetration of oxygen - the baby tries to inhale and cannot, all this is accompanied by various sounds and strong tension. Mom should regularly clean the nose with a nasal aspirator.
    • Pediatricians believe that the baby is constantly pushing and grunting after overeating. This is a normal reaction to discomfort in the intestines (digestion). If at the same time the chair does not change, and emptying occurs in a timely manner, then you can do a tummy massage or exercise "bike", which will contribute to the rapid activation of the digestive tract.

    Intestinal colic

    Colic usually appears in the third week of a child's life and can last up to a year. These cramping attacks in the abdomen are combined with the following symptoms: poor appetite, frequent regurgitation, pinching of the legs, altered bowel movements, vomiting, flatulence, weight loss, belching. The child grunts and struggles all night, and also cries in pain.

    Every second parent is faced with this problem, since the baby has not yet developed the intestinal tract. A nursing mother needs to choose the menu more carefully so as not to provoke colic. Be sure to exclude products that cause strong gas formation. It is advisable to give your baby a drink that improves digestion.

    Swallowing air

    Constantly pushing, makes grunting sounds and spits up if air gets into the intestines along with food. It is recommended to keep the baby upright after each feed. Then put it on its side so that when belching, the baby does not choke on the milk mixture. Periodically put it on your tummy, it is in this position that gas formation occurs better, and the muscle tissue of the peritoneum is strengthened.

    Stool retention

    The problem of changing the normal rhythm of bowel movements is becoming common. As a rule, bowel movements are performed every few days and with great difficulty. The baby is constantly pushing and grunting, while blushing and crying. The root cause is inappropriate infant formula (for artificial persons), a disturbed mother's diet (the use of prohibited foods), frequent use of laxatives, the use of enemas and pathologies of the intestinal tract.

    Only a doctor can diagnose the problem with a full examination. Solve it on their own and find out why a newborn grunts and struggles in a dream, it is dangerous for the child's life. You should not get carried away with enemas, suppositories and laxatives, as they flush nutrients from the growing body.

    How to prevent constipation?

    Always pay attention to the behavior and habits of your child. If you notice that the child is constantly pushing, crossing his legs and straining strongly during emptying, then this is the first alarm signal about possible gastrointestinal disorders. To avoid this, strictly control the diet, monitor the amount of liquid you drink, do not introduce complementary foods earlier than six months.

    If the baby is mixed or breastfed, then the mother should keep track of her menu. It is better to choose an adapted mixture on the advice of a doctor and try not to change it. Physical activity and massage also help relieve the baby from constipation. Neurologists and pediatricians advise the child to do gymnastics every day: bending the legs, "bicycle", stroking the tummy (clockwise). A specialist will teach the correct technique.

    Many doctors recommend giving the baby products containing lactulose. The drug normalizes microflora and has a mild laxative effect. In the first months of life, a baby can be treated with carminative medications, but only as prescribed by a specialist.

    and pushing in a dream? Norm or pathology

    The baby spends most of the time asleep, and this is considered the norm. In this case, sleep should be calm and not intermittent. It is considered quite natural when a child sobs, groans and sniffs. Tension, constant crying, and pinching of the legs are bad signs.

    This indicates the presence of intestinal problems. Infectious and nervous diseases can also be the cause. It is possible that he was simply overfed, or vice versa - he wants to eat. Maintain a comfortable room temperature for a restful and satisfying sleep for your child.

    Ventilate the room regularly, maybe the baby is just stuffy. Lack or lack of fresh air, physical activity and emotional warmth negatively affect the state of the child. Try to follow a rest and feeding regimen, especially up to a year. Do not forget to be hygienic: after each emptying, wash, change diapers and lubricate the folds with cream.

    Often, puffing and grunting is caused by tingling hair on different parts of the body. This irritates the baby's delicate skin, provoking discomfort and anxiety. Wash the baby with a decoction of a string, chamomile or potassium permanganate before going to bed, wear clothes made from natural fabric. Traditional medicine recommends lubricating irritated areas with honey. This tip may not work for everyone. Better consult a pediatrician.

    When to see a pediatrician?

    If the baby groans and pushes around the clock for a long time, then, without hesitation, contact your local pediatrician. Try to remember how long all the baby's sound cries last, how much he strains and when this is most often observed. Also pay attention to accompanying signs or their absence. All this information is extremely important during the examination.

    It is quite possible that the body of a newborn is adapting to new conditions of life. Usually grunting stops when digestive work is getting better. But even if your baby is cheerful, vigorous and eats well, you should not postpone the visit to the doctor. It will not be worse. The pediatrician will recommend suitable remedies for the prevention of intestinal disorders and colic.


    So we found out why a newborn grunts and pushes, and also described the main reasons leading to a similar problem. No child is immune from illness and discomfort, but parents can help the baby cope with gas, colic and constipation. Correct nutrition, make sure that air does not enter the child's intestines, give him regular water to drink, and avoid hypothermia.

    And of course, do daily gymnastics, pay attention to the baby and walk more. Remember that even minor symptoms can turn into a huge problem if they are not seen in a timely manner. Study the behavior of your child well, since the baby is constantly pushing and grunting when he experiences new emotions or expresses dissatisfaction.

    A child under one year old gets used to new environmental conditions. Most often, this period is accompanied by colic, abdominal pain. The child constantly groans, thereby frightening the parents. It is important to learn to distinguish between a condition when medical attention is needed, and when you can cope with a problem on your own.

    A month-old baby sometimes groans and struggles in a dream. Parents are ready to stand at the baby's crib all night. But don't worry too much. This is a completely normal phenomenon that accompanies almost all newborns. If there are no other reasons for concern, then it is worth waiting a little, and these symptoms will pass.

    Some parents start to sound the alarm when strange signs appear. And they begin to ask the question: "Why is a baby grunting?" It doesn't matter when he grunts, sniffs and pushes, in a dream or while awake. It is worth paying attention to this if the baby often wakes up and cries in a dream.

    During a night's sleep, a child may groan for the following reasons:

    • dry air;
    • high temperature (the optimal air temperature in the room where the baby is located is about 20-23 degrees);
    • warm blanket and clothing (baby may sweat);
    • uncomfortable clothing: seams, ties, prickly material.
    • hunger;
    • I can't poop.

    There are 9 main reasons why a child grunts:

    When the baby grunts during feeding for the entire first month, this may be for the following reasons:

    • the desire to empty the intestines, while the child turns red and farts;
    • manifestation of dissatisfaction with the lack of milk;
    • the presence of strangers in the room.

    When do you need to see a doctor?

    There are three main factors that indicate a serious health problem.

    1. Against the background of groaning, vomiting appeared, the baby was crying a lot. This may be due to the ingress of food into the respiratory tract, pathology of the stomach, disorders of the nervous system.
    2. Decreased appetite. This condition can be observed during an infectious disease.
    3. The kid is not gaining weight. It can be associated with a viral or bacterial disease, poisoning, intestinal infection, asthma, diabetes.
    4. Rash on the skin.
    5. High body temperature.
    6. There is constant flinching and twitching during sleep.

    If the child groans, but at the same time sleeps peacefully all night, is cheerful, eats well, has no problems with stool - there is no reason for concern.

    If the baby constantly presses its legs to the tummy, farts, cries, turns red or, conversely, turns pale, you should definitely consult a doctor.

    If you do not recognize the problem in time and do not consult a doctor, then serious complications can arise. Therefore, only a doctor will help to clarify the situation.

    How parents can help

    In order for parents to figure out what to do, it is necessary to understand the causes of anxiety. This requires the consultation of a pediatrician.

    In some cases, the doctor may prescribe additional diagnostic methods (ultrasound, blood and urine tests), on the basis of which treatment will be prescribed. General recommendations can be given without any medication courses. Colic usually appears as early as the third week and continues to disturb until the end of the year.

    They may be accompanied by other symptoms:

    • poor appetite;
    • frequent regurgitation;
    • weight loss, belching;
    • the child is constantly pushing and grunting.

    With colic, the following actions are shown:

    Constipation very often becomes the cause of grunting and whims. Symptoms that indicate this problem.

    • Lack of stool for a long time.
    • The baby bends its back, knocks its legs, the tummy becomes hard.
    • The feces are hard, unformed (in peas).
    • The kid does not sleep well all night, cries, blushes.
    • There may be streaks of blood in the stool.

    Parents can help with constipation by:

    1. A woman's diet should contain foods that improve the digestion process (prunes, dairy products, vegetables, fruits).
    2. The kid should get enough fluids.
    3. Be sure to do gymnastics with your child.
    4. Frequent warm baths will help.
    5. In extreme cases, you can use laxatives (glycerin suppositories).
    6. In case of emergency, you can do a water enema. Pure water at room temperature is injected into the rectum. For babies one month old, the volume of water is 30 ml.
    7. In case of frequent constipation, the doctor may recommend a course of treatment with Duphalac.

    It is sometimes difficult for the parents of a newborn to understand what exactly worries the baby, because he himself is still very young to explain something. How can he communicate his discomfort, let mom and dad know that something is bothering him? The baby may groan and squeeze during sleep or while eating. Sharp twitching of the legs is also a sign of a "complaint". What do these signals mean and how should parents be to help the baby in time?

    If the baby groans and pushes, and his movements become hysterical, the baby experiences some kind of discomfort

    The reasons for the grunting and attempts of the child

    There may be several reasons why the baby is constantly pushing and grunting in a dream. Each of them will suggest its own individual solution. How to be and where to start to act? It is necessary to solve the problem that has arisen by identifying its root, so first we will deal with the root causes of such restless behavior.

    Adapting to a changed environment

    When a newborn baby groans and at the same time stretches, but does not cry, then the adaptation of the baby to the outside world is to blame for this behavior. These symptoms are common in children under 2 months of age. The appearance of such signs at an older age will be a signal of completely different reasons.

    Difficulty breathing due to crusts or mucus in the nose

    The reason that a newborn baby grunts may be precisely the blockage of the nasal passages. Grunting may also occur as a result of difficult breathing. It will be possible to relieve the crumbs of discomfort by daily rinsing the nose in the morning and in the evening. Any salt solutions for children (Aquamaris, Aqualor) are suitable for this procedure.

    Intestinal colic

    All moms and dads know that excessive gas formation in the intestines leads to pressure on the walls - this pressure is felt by the baby very painfully. How does the baby signal this? When a newborn baby groans, bends and blushes at the same time, then it is probably colic that torments him (we recommend reading :). He can kick, scream, fidget, toss and turn. The baby sleeps in such a situation extremely restlessly all night. Undoubtedly, parents should be aware of how to help the baby and relieve him of pain.

    Stool retention

    When mothers notice that the newborn is pushing and has not had a bowel movement for several days, the problem of constipation is quite obvious. It should be solved as follows: it is necessary if the baby is breastfed, or change the mixture if the baby is on an artificial type of feeding.

    Assuming a child has constipation, parents should not choose a laxative or use an enema on their own. The best option is to consult a pediatrician. The impossibility for any reason to visit a doctor necessitates the use of children's glycerin suppositories.

    Glycerin suppositories effectively solve the problem of bowel movements, but they can only be used as a last resort.

    Physiological age characteristics

    Parents do not need to worry if, during a bowel movement, the baby is pushing and groaning, but there are no other exciting symptoms - for example, a newborn baby does not tighten its legs and does not cry, does not moan. Difficulty defecation occurs as a result of an unformed anal muscle, in addition, the baby's soft stool does not affect the rectum too actively. In connection with these features, the newborn baby pushes during the bowel movement, but he feels good. It is important to monitor the regularity and quality of bowel movements. They should be within normal limits.

    Inconsistency of clothing with temperature conditions

    A newborn grunts if uncomfortable. Aside from the troubles associated with abdominal pain, your baby's clothes that are too hot or not warm enough can cause troubled sleep. Parents should also make sure that the sheet or diaper does not crumple at night, otherwise this can cause discomfort and anxiety to the baby.

    Baby's sleepwear and bedding must fully comply with the temperature regime of the room.

    The baby spits up and strains after feeding

    These two actions do not signal a common problem. Most likely, one action triggers the next. For example, if a child makes attempts after feeding, and the reasons for this can be very different (colic, constipation, or physiological characteristics), then it can manifest itself, as after any active actions immediately after a meal.

    Noticing the capriciousness of the baby during feeding in the absence of any signs of colic or constipation, the mother must conclude that the problem lies in the feeding process itself. Make sure that milk is flowing freely from the breast or bottle. It is important to exclude possible milk stagnation.

    Causes of attempts to sleep

    It does not matter at what time the newborn is pushing. Such situations are absolutely natural for both sleep and wakefulness. Struggling in sleep and not waking up, the child feels quite comfortable - there is nothing to worry about.

    It is important for a mother to find out the reason for waking up at night and understand why the child makes attempts, bends, moans or just grunts. An overly agitated state and crying should also alert parents, because the above may be symptoms of one of the problems mentioned earlier.

    If the baby is pushing in a dream, but does not even wake up, you should not wake up the child - at this moment he does not feel discomfort

    When to contact a specialist?

    Common problems encountered in newborns can be solved on their own, without seeking medical help. We are talking in this case about colic or constipation that does not have a chronic basis. Continuous pushing, unusual sounds and crying are signals to call a doctor. A serious gastrointestinal disease, in addition to characteristic attempts and groaning, has a number of additional symptoms. We list 3 signs indicating the severity of the problem:

    1. Vomit. Children with narrowed nasal passages experience suffocation, as well as severe tension in the abdominal muscles. All this complements the existing groaning and is accompanied by vomiting. Gagging is also possible when the airways are blocked, such as with food. Lesions of the stomach and the so-called "plugs" in the esophagus are another reason for vomiting. The main source of vomiting in combination with attempts is disorders of the nervous system.
    2. Decreased appetite. Infectious diseases like viral stomatitis can cause poor appetite. Children cannot eat due to pain.
    3. Weight loss. Infectious diseases accompanied by an increase in temperature can lead to weight loss. Also, this symptom is typical for children with bowel disease, asthma or diabetes.

    We treat ourselves

    It is believed that time is the best medicine for newborn tummy problems. After 3 months, all the troubles end - the baby and the parents begin to sleep peacefully. So, you just need to wait and watch how the newborn baby groans in his sleep and suffers? Of course, this is not the case. Doctors recommend in such cases to use various methods, both medication and more gentle. Having identified the source of the problem, they begin to apply the appropriate measures of assistance.

    Colic (increased flatulence)

    • ... It is necessary to make stroking movements with the palm on the baby's tummy. Movements should be circular, clockwise.
    • You can help a baby during seizures by giving a dummy. Sucking reduces gas in the intestines.
    • ... This can be done before every meal and during waking hours.
    • After each feeding, it is recommended to hold the baby in a "column" for at least 5 minutes. After that, the baby should be given the opportunity to lie down calmly.
    • The exercise "bicycle" is very useful. Alternate pressing the legs to the tummy, as well as synchronous movements to the stomach and back.
    • When feeding, make sure that the baby is properly gripping at the breast or nipple. It is important that the baby does not swallow air.
    • will help during periods of attacks.
    • Warm compress. Place a warm, ironed diaper on your baby's tummy.
    • Breastfeeding mothers should adhere to the diet as strictly as possible up to 3 months of age in order to reduce the likelihood of increased gas production (we recommend reading :).
    • Fennel decoction is an excellent companion in eliminating gases.
    • Emergency help - gas pipe. Use it only as a last resort.

    Carminative drugs containing simethicone will help relieve. Such medicines should be prescribed by a doctor. In this case, preparations based on lactic acid bacteria will be useful.

    Special massage techniques can help relieve your child's colic pain. They are performed strictly according to the instructions.


    • When feeding a baby with breast milk, you should avoid in your diet food that provokes gas formation or has a fixing effect. The preferred products will be: fermented milk products, plums, zucchini, vegetable oils, bran bread, prunes, dried apricots, buckwheat porridge. Let's list what it is better to refuse: potatoes, bananas, premium flour in any bakery products, coffee, legumes, rice, rich broths, fatty meat. The list can be modified according to your preferences. Be aware that some foods can cause an allergic reaction in a child. We advise you to keep a food diary in which you will enter information about what food you ate and how it affected your child.
    • Drink must be sufficient.
    • A breastfed baby should receive additional vitamin D. Its deficiency negatively affects bowel function and provokes constipation.
    • Warm baths should be regular and as long as possible, of course, at the request of the child.
    • Do infant gymnastics regularly.
    • In acute situations, it is possible to use a gas outlet pipe.
    • When constipation has become regular, you should pass "feces for carbohydrates" - an analysis that will help identify lactose deficiency. Lactose contributes to the creation of beneficial microflora in the intestines and aids in the absorption of calcium and iron. Its lack provokes constipation and other tummy problems.

    Constipation, which does not have a chronic form, does not require taking medications on a regular basis - this is what pediatricians, for example, Dr. Komarovsky, say. The doctor may recommend in extreme cases, if there is no bowel movement for more than two days, the use of glycerin suppositories. Also, sometimes pediatricians are advised to use microclysters. They contain a special solution that is designed to liquefy the contents of the intestines. Never choose a drug for the treatment of constipation on your own - only an experienced doctor should do this.

    Heal, but not harm

    The grunting and attempts of the baby without other additional symptoms require initially non-drug help from the parents. Potions can irritate an already congested stomach. Treatment "just in case" is not acceptable. In the absence of serious pathologies, parents are able to help the baby without resorting to medication.

    Mothers begin to worry if the child is pushing, grunting, while his face turns red. There may be several reasons for this behavior:

    • uncomfortable clothes;
    • uncomfortable air temperature;
    • wet diaper;
    • crusts in the nose;
    • colic.

    Feeling discomfort, the baby instinctively tries to crawl away from the source of unpleasant sensations, pulling the legs to the stomach, trying to attract attention by panting. He may find tight clothing, hard fabrics, and a prickly blanket as an irritating factor. Also, babies are protesting against tight swaddling. There is only one way out - to change the baby's clothes and change the blankets and diapers to softer ones. When washing children's clothes, fabric softeners should be used.

    Since the processes of thermoregulation in infants are very poorly developed, the child may push and groan if he is hot or cold. It is easy to determine this when the child is hot, he turns red, the skin becomes noticeably hot. Freezing, the baby becomes pale, cold to the touch, tightens the legs. If it is not possible to change the air temperature, it is necessary to undress the child, if he is hot and, conversely, add warm clothes to keep him warm.

    The reason that the baby is pushing and grunting may be a wet diaper. In this case, it is enough to change the child's clothes.

    Even in healthy babies, mucus is constantly secreted from the nose. If the air in the apartment is too dry, the discharge dries up, forming crusts. They interfere with the flow of air, the child begins to push and grunt, trying to get rid of the obstacle. In a dream, babies can make strange sounds: growl, sniff, grumble. Sleep often becomes restless. The crusts must be removed several times a day. In order to reduce their number, you need to monitor the humidity of the air. The hot battery near the baby's crib must be covered with a wet cloth.

    If everything is simple with the first points, then colic can become a real problem.

    What to do if a child has colic

    The exact cause of colic has not yet been clarified. Most often, doctors associate this behavior with imperfect digestion processes in an infant. When a child pushes and grunts, he instinctively tries to free the intestines from the gases that interfere with him. This process can be painful for a child. There are several ways to relieve discomfort.


    The safest and most effective way to help your baby get rid of colic.

    Massage movements should be soft and smooth. The palm is placed on the baby's belly, the fingers are on the right side of the baby's body, then slowly moved clockwise. After completing the semicircle, the palm is moved to the starting point and the movements are repeated. During the massage, the baby often bends, bends, pulls his legs to the stomach, this does not mean that he is in pain.

    The massage session lasts about 5 minutes, if the child feels better, you can end it earlier.

    Do not massage immediately after eating, the child may vomit.

    Laying out on the stomach

    This method is used for prevention, if the child is already crying, it will not help. The baby is laid out on his stomach half an hour after eating, if the baby does not want to sleep. Immediately after eating, the newborn must be held upright, waiting for regurgitation. To make the procedure more enjoyable, you can sit next to him, talk, stroke the back.

    Gas outlet pipe

    It is inserted into the anus of the child, promotes the rapid removal of intestinal gases and feces. Before using, be sure to grease the end of the tube with baby cream. The vent tube is only used in extreme cases, daily use is not recommended.

    Important! It is necessary to carefully monitor the cleanliness of the tube, after each use wash in warm water with baby soap, dry after washing.

    Warmed up diaper

    One of the oldest ways to deal with colic.

    A natural fabric diaper is heated with an iron or a central heating battery. The diaper should be warm, never hot. The temperature is tested on the bend of the arm, the sensations should be comfortable. If the diaper feels hot, you should wait until it cools down.

    The baby is laid out with his stomach undressed on a heated diaper, or the diaper is placed on his belly when the baby is lying on his back. It is advisable to try both methods to determine which one is more suitable for the baby.

    Warm bath

    Safe and enjoyable way. Warm water relaxes the baby's muscles, including the abdominal muscles. This indirectly contributes to the relief of colic. In addition, pleasant sensations distract the baby, he calms down faster.

    You can make baths with decoctions of chamomile or motherwort, herbs will give an additional sedative effect. Essential oils should be used with caution, many of them can cause allergies or irritation to the skin and mucous membranes.

    Medicines for colic

    Pharmacies may offer the following types of drugs to help relieve colic pain:

    • preparations based on simethicone or dimethicone;
    • herbal preparations based on fennel;
    • probiotics;
    • sorbents;
    • enzymes;
    • antispasmodics;
    • glycerin candles.

    Simethicone and dimethicone act directly on the surface of the intestinal gas bubbles, promoting a more rapid elimination from the intestine. They are used directly during colic; they are not suitable as a prophylactic agent. Some babies may be allergic to fragrances that are included in the preparations.

    Herbal teas or tinctures contain natural plant ingredients, based on fennel seeds, which reduce gas formation. It may also contain herbs that have a calming effect, such as chamomile.

    Probiotics contain bacteria necessary for proper digestion. It is necessary to use drugs after consulting a doctor.

    Sorbents are drugs that bind and promote the removal of toxins from the body. They are usually prescribed after various enteroinfections. It is advisable to consult with a pediatrician about the appropriateness of admission.

    Since the baby's digestive system is not fully formed, the doctor may prescribe enzyme preparations to facilitate and speed up the process. It is categorically impossible to give them to a newborn on their own, this can cause irreparable harm to the digestive organs.

    Antispasmodics, analgesic drugs, relieve spasm and reduce pain in colic. They are used only in the most severe cases and exclusively under the supervision of a doctor, since all antispasmodics have side effects dangerous for the child.

    Glycerin suppositories help to remove feces faster and less painfully. They are used for prolonged constipation. Not suitable for frequent use, as they irritate the mucous membranes. It is advisable to consult a doctor before use.

    When to see a doctor

    Most often, the baby squeezes and grunts for physiological reasons. You should consult a doctor if your child has:

    • rash;
    • temperature above 37 degrees;
    • frequent loose stools with an uncharacteristic odor.

    If the temperature does not exceed 38 degrees, it is not necessary to call an ambulance, it is enough to contact your local pediatrician.

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