• Children's knitted sweater with a garter stitch hood. Knitted jackets, sweaters, vests, coats for children Knitting for children sweater with a hood


    Dimensions: for the age of 3/4 (5/6) 7/8 (9/10) years; product width by chest girth: 69 (74) 80 (85) cm; product length: about 42 (46) 50 (54) cm.

    You will need: yarn (100% merino wool; 50 g / 125 m) - 7 (7) 8 (9) skeins of light gray, 1 skein of pink and black; knitting needles number 3 and 3.5; circular needles No. 3 60 cm long and No. 3.5 40 cm long.

    Knitting density: 22 p.x 28-30 rubles = 10 x 10 cm, knitted with front stitch. Attention: if the instructions indicate only one number / series of numbers, then these data refer to all sizes. Knit edge loops in all rows with front loops.

    1 decrease: Remove 1 p., Knit the next loop with the front loop and pull the removed loop through the knitted one.

    Front surface: front rows - front loops, purl rows - purl loops.

    Back : on needles No. 3, cast on 86 (90) 98 (102) sts with black thread and knit 7 p. rubber band: * 2 persons., 2 out. *, repeat from * to *, finish 2 persons. Go to light gray thread and knit 1 person. a row of facial. In the next out. continue to knit in a row with an elastic band and perform 8 p. (= end faces. next). Go to needles number 3.5 and knit 1 out. a row of facial. Next, knit with front stitch and in the next person. row evenly subtract 8 (6) 8 (6) sts. = on the needles 78 (84) 90 (96) sts. With a part length of 26 (29) 32 (35) cm, close on both sides for armholes of 3 (3) 4 (4) p. In the following persons. a number of start raglanny decreases: persons. chrome chrome. Repeat these decreases in every 2nd p. - in total, perform 22 (24) 26 (28) decreases on each side. The remaining 28 (30) 30 (32) p. Close in one row.

    Front : knit like a back, up to the length of the part 8 (11) 14 (17) cm. From the next person. row in the middle of the front, start knitting the "Flamingo" motif, distributing the loops of the motif from the middle, as shown in the diagram. The motif is performed using the tapestry knitting technique, i.e. for the side background fragments, small balls of yarn of the main color are used to avoid long broaches on the seamy side of the work. When the length of the part is 26 (29) 32 (35) cm, close the loops for the armholes, as on the back. Perform regular decreases in the same way as described for the back - in total, perform 12 (14) 16 (18) decreases on each side = on the needles 48 (50) 50 (52) p. Then close the middle 8 (10) 10 ( 12) p. And finish both sides separately. From the inner edge, close for the neck 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 p. Simultaneously, from the outer edge, continue the ragged decreases = perform 8 more times until there are 3 p. On the needles. Break the thread, 1 p. remove, knit 2 sts together, pull the removed loop through the knitted one and pull the thread through the last loop. Finish the second side in the same way.

    Right sleeve: with black thread, dial 42 (46) 46 (50) sts and knit with an elastic band, as described for the back. Finish knitting with the front row. Go to needles number 3.5 and knit 1 out. a row of facial. Next, knit with the front stitch and in the next person. In a row, evenly subtract 0 (2) 0 (2) sts. = On the needles 42 (44) 46 (48) sts. In the 5th p. of the front surface (= front row), perform 1 increase on both sides (after / before the edge loop). Repeat these increments in every 4th p. (alternately in every 4th p. and every 6th p.) alternately in every 4th p. and every 6th p. (alternately in every 4th p. and every 6th p.) - in total, perform 13 (14) 16 (17) increments on each side = on the needles 68 (72) 78 (82) p. When the sleeve length is 27 (30) 33 (36) cm, close for armhole on both sides by 3 (3) 4 (4) p. In the next person. a number of start raglanny decreases: persons. chrome chrome. Repeat regular reductions in every 2nd p. - in total, perform 20 (22) 24 (26) decreases on each side = 22 p. Then at the beginning of the faces. close rows in 6, 7, 7 p., continuing at the end of the front rows to perform raglan reductions = 2 more times.

    Left sleeve: knit like right, but only in mirror image, i.e. close the loops for the upper bevel at the beginning of the wear. rows.

    Assembly: Run ragged seams, sleeve seams and side seams.

    Hood : on circular knitting needles No. 3.5, 40 cm long, with a light gray thread, dial 92 (96) 96 (100) sts along the edge of the neckline and knit in a circle: 1st p. - purl, then 3 p. - front satin stitch. In the 4th p. of the front surface, close the middle 30 (32) 32 (34) p. of the front (for the front opening). Continue knitting the hood on circular needles No. 3.5, 60 cm long, in forward and backward directions. All rows begin and end with the front edge. On the needles - 62 (64) 64 (66) sts. Mark 2 middle loops - the middle of the back neckline. In the next person. in a row, perform increases on both sides of the marked back hinges and decreases at the front opening: persons. chrome. (from the front hole), knit 2 stitches together with the front one, knit up to 2 marked loops, 1 increase, knit 2 marked loops, 1 increase, knit until the last 3 points on a knitting needle, 1 decrease, persons. chrome. Repeat the decrease at the front opening in every 2nd p. - only 6 times, and the increments in the middle of the back in every 4th p. - only 10 (10) 11 (12) times = on the needles 70 (72) 74 (78) sts. When the length of the hood is 21 (22) 23 (24) cm (measure from the back in the middle), divide the loops in the middle and finish both sides apart. Transfer the loops of one side to the auxiliary knitting needle. From the inner edge (back) close at the beginning of every 2nd p. 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 14 each (1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 15) 1, 1, 1, 1, 2 , 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 15 (1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 17) sts. Knit the other side the same way. Sew the halves of the hood (sew from bottom to top).

    Hood placket: on circular needles No. 3 60 cm long, cast on a light gray thread along the edge of the loop hood: 1 st from each closed loop horizontally; on beveled sections and along vertical edges - 1 st from each row, skipping every 4th row (the total number of loops should be a multiple of 4). Knit in a circle: 1st p. - purl, then 7 p. - elastic band = alternately 2 persons. and 2 out. Break the thread and turn on the black thread. Knit 1 p. facial, then perform 8 p. with an elastic band, while in the last row close the loops.

    Children's sweater knitting with a hood

    Children's knitted sweater with a garter stitch hood

    To dress your baby in spring, knit this children's sweater with garter stitch needles.
    Conveniently shaped, easy to put on with a slit neckline and one-button buttoned.

    a) 3 months-b) 6 months-c) 12 months-d) 18 months-e) 24 months
    Aviso quality knitting thread, ultramarine color,
    Knitting needles number 5.5

    Patterns used: garter stitch.
    Sample: 10x10 cm in garter stitch, needles number 5.5 = 14 sts and 27 rows.

    Children's sweater knitting, description:

    Back: dial a) 42 p-b) 44 p-c) 48 p-d) 50 p-e) 54 p., knitting needles number 5.5 and knit in garter stitch.
    Close on each side:
    a) in each 12th row: 2 times 1 p.
    b) in each 14th row: 2 times, 1 p.
    c) in each 16th row: 2 times 1 p.
    d) in each 18th row: 2 times 1 p.
    Remains a) 38 p.-b) 40 p.-c) 44 p.d) 46 p.-e) 50 p.
    Having knitted:
    a) 14 cm. (38 rubles) - b) 16 cm. (42 rubles) - c) 18 cm. (48 rubles) - d) 19 cm. (52 rubles) - e) 20 cm. (54 p.) close for the armhole on both sides of the work in each 2nd row: 1 time in 2 p. and 2 times in 1 p.
    It remains: a) 30 sts - b) 32 sts - c) 36 sts - d) 38 sts - e) 42 sts
    Having knitted:
    a) 25 cm. (68 rubles) - b) 28 cm. (76 rubles) - c) 28 cm. (76 rubles) - d) 31 cm.
    (84 p.) - d) 33 cm (94 p.) From the typesetting edge, close for the shoulder bevel on both sides in each 2 row:
    a) 2 times 4 p.
    c) 2 times 5 p.
    d) 2 times 5 p.
    e) 1 time in 5 p. and 1 time in 6 p.
    At the same time, complete the neck, closing each
    a) 14 p-b) 14 p-c) 16 p-d) 18 p-e) 20 p. center, then close the side in one go. Close the other side of the neck in the same way.

    Front: knit in the same way as the back.
    Having knitted:
    a) 14 cm. (38 p.)
    b) 16 cm. (42 p.)
    c) 18 cm. (48 p.)
    d) 19 cm. (52 p.)
    e) 20 cm. (54 p.)
    complete the armholes, closing on both sides of the work in each 2nd row: 1 time in 2 p. and 2 times in 1 p.
    Having knitted:
    a) 15 cm. (40 p.)
    b) 18 cm (48 p.)
    c) 20 cm. (54 p.)
    d) 22 cm. (60 p.)
    e) 24 cm. (64 p.)
    make a hole splitting the work in two and finish the side in one pass.
    We have:
    a) 15 sts - b) 16 sts - c) 18 sts - d) 19 sts - e) 21 sts
    Having knitted:
    a) 22 cm. (60 rubles) - b) 25 cm. (68 rubles) - c) 27 cm. (74 rubles) - d) 29 cm. (80 rubles) - e) 31 cm. ( 84 p.), Complete the neckline, closing the side separately in each 2 row:
    a) 1 time in 3 p., 1 time in 2 p. and 2 times in 1 p.
    b) 1 time for 3 points, 1 time for 2 points and 2 times for 1 point.
    c) 1 time for 3 points, 1 time for 2 points and 3 times for 1 point.
    d) 1 time for 3 points, 2 times for 2 points and 2 times for 1 point.
    e) 1 time for 3 points, 2 times for 2 points and 3 times for 1 point.
    Having knitted:
    a) 25 cm. (68 rubles) - b) 28 cm. (76 rubles) - c) 31 cm. (84 rubles) - d) 33 cm. (90 rubles) - e) 35 cm. ( 94 p.), Complete the shoulder, closing the side of the armhole in every 2nd row:
    a) 2 times 4 p.
    b) 1 time in 4 p. and 1 time in 5 p.
    c) 2 times 5 p.
    d) 2 times 5 p.
    e) 1 time in 5 p. and 1 time in 6 p.
    Finish the other side of the hole the same way.

    Sleeves: type: a) 25 sts - b) 26 sts - c) 27 sts - d) 30 sts - e) 31 sts, knitting needles number 5.5 and knit in garter stitch.
    Add on each side: a) in each 10th row: 2 times in 1 loop and in 8th row 1 time in 1 st.
    b) in each 10th row: 1 time for 1 st. and in the 8th row 3 times for 1 st.
    c) in each 10th row: 1 time for 1 st. and in the 8th row 4 times for 1 st.
    d) in each 10th row: 4 times for 1 st. and in the 8th row 1 time for 1 st.
    e) in each 10th row: 1 time for 1 st. and in the 8th row 5 times for 1 st.
    We have: a) 31 sts - b) 34 sts - c) 37 sts - d) 40 sts - e) 43 sts
    Having knitted:
    a) 13.5 cm. (36 p.)
    b 15.5cm. (42 p.)
    c) 18.5 cm. (50 p.)
    d) 20.5cm. (56 p.)
    e) 21.5cm. (58 p.)
    To make the sleeve, you need to close on both sides in every 2nd row:
    a) 1 time for 3 points, 1 time for 2 points, 2 times for 1 point and 2 times for 2 points.
    b) 1 time for 3 points, 1 time for 2 points, 2 times for 1 point, 1 time for 2 points and 1 time for 3 points.
    c) 1 time in 3 p., 4 times in 2 p. and 1 time for 3 p.
    d) 2 times in 3 p., 3 times in 2 p., 1 time in 3 p.
    e) 3 times for 3 points, 1 time for 2 points and 2 times for 3 points.
    Knitting: a) 18 cm. (48 rubles) - b) 20 cm. (54 rubles) - c) 23 cm. (62 rubles) d) 25 cm. (68 rubles) –d) 26 cm. (70 rubles), close a) 9 p. - b) 10 p. -
    c) 9 sts - d) 10 sts - e) 9 remaining loops.
    Knit the second sleeve in the same way.

    Hood: type: a) 58 sts - b) 62 sts - c) 66 sts - d) 66 sts - e) 66 sts, knitting needles number 5.5 and knit with garter stitch.
    Knitting: a) 14.5 cm. (40 rubles) - b) 14.5 cm. (40 rubles) - c) 17 cm. (46 rubles) d) 18 cm. (48 rubles) - e ) 19 cm. (52 p.), Divide the work into two parts and finish one side at a time, closing on both sides in each 2nd row: 2 times 1 p., 1 time 2 p., And 1 time 3 P.
    Knitting: 18.5 cm. (50 rubles) - b) 18.5 cm. (50 rubles) -c) 21 cm. (56 rubles) d) 22 cm. (58 rubles) - e) 23 cm. (62 p.), close a) 15 p-b) 17 p-c) 19 p-d) 19 p-e) 19 p.
    Finish the second side the same way.

    Sew shoulder, side and sleeve seams.
    Attach the sleeves to the armholes.
    Fold the hood in half and sew.
    Sew the hood around the neckline.
    Sew 1 buttonhole over the top of the hole (right side of the opening) and sew on the button.

    Children's blouse with a hood is crocheted of natural yarn, the pockets are decorated with a bright pattern of "bear tracks", funny ears are sewn on the hood.
    Size description given for a child's age 6 (12, 18, 24) months.

    To knit, you need 2 (2, 2, 3) skeins of yarn (70% wool, 30% cotton, 170 m / 113 g) sand color (MC), 1 skein of fern color (A) and 1 skein of bright orange (B ); circular needles No. 4 60 cm long and No. 4.5 60 cm long; stitch markers; loop holder; 4 (5, 5, 5) buttons.
    Knitting density: 18 p. And 26 p. = 10x10 cm with front satin stitch with needles # 4.5.
    The main knit is the front surface. Pearl pattern (the number of loops is a multiple of 2):
    1st p.: * 1 persons., 1 out., Repeat from *;
    2nd p .: * 1 out., 1 person., Repeat from *. Repeat rows 1 and 2.
    The blouse is knitted with one fabric, starting from the sleeves.
    Sleeves .
    On knitting needles # 4, cast on 26 (30, 32, 34) sts with A thread and knit 6 rows with a pearl pattern. Then go to knitting needles No. 4.5 and knit with MC yarn with front satin stitch. Starting from the 9th row, add 1 loop on each side in the front rows 5 times = 36 (40, 44, 48) sts. Knit until 13 (15, 17, 19) cm from the beginning of the sleeve, end in the purl row. Cast off 2 sts at beg of every next 2nd row and transfer 32 (36, 40, 44) sts to loop holder. Tie the second sleeve in the same way.
    With thread A, cast on the needles No. 4 88 (96, 104, 116) loops and knit 6 rows with a pearl pattern. Then go to knitting needles No. 4.5 and knit with MC yarn with the front stitch to a height of 15 (17.5, 18, 18.5) cm from the typesetting edge, finish in the front row. In the next purl row, knit as follows: 19 (21, 23, 26) loops for the left side of the front, close 4 loops for the sleeve, 42 (46, 50, 56) loops for the back, close 4 loops for the sleeve, 19 (21, 23, 26) loops for the right side of the front.

    Attachment of sleeves.
    1st p .: 19 (21, 23, 26) persons. loops of the right side of the front, put on the marker on the right knitting needle, 32 (36, 40, 44) loops of the sleeve from the loop holder, marker, 42 (46, 50, 56) loops of the back, marker, 32 (36, 40, 44) loops from the second stitch holder, marker, 19 (21, 23, 26) sts left front = 144 (160, 176.196) sts.
    2-4 p .: in purl rows purl. Loops, in the front rows - persons. loops;
    5th p .: * for 3 loops in front of the marker, 2 loops are removed in turn as front, then the left knitting needle is inserted inside all three, after which they are knitted with one front, 1 person., Marker, 2 persons. together; repeat from * 3 more times = 136 (152, 168, 188) sts;
    6-8 p. knit without deduction;
    9-12 p.: Repeat from 5 to 8 p. = 128 (144, 160, 180) p.;
    13-22 (26, 30, 34) p.: Repeat 5 and 6 p. 5 (7, 9, 11) times = 88 (88, 88, 92) p.;
    23 (27, 31, 35) p .: close 3 (3, 3, 4) loops, * 3 sts in front of the marker 2 loops are removed in turn as front, then the left knitting needle is inserted inside all three, after which they are knitted one facial, 1 person., marker, 1 person., 2 persons. together, 4 persons., 2 loops in turn are removed as facial, then the left knitting needle is inserted into all three, after which they are knitted with one front, 2 persons. together, 4 persons., 2 loops in turn are removed as facial, then the left knitting needle is inserted inside all three, after which they are knitted with one front, 1 person., marker, 1 person., 2 persons. together; repeat from * 1 more time = 73 (73, 73, 76) p.;
    24 (28, 32, 36) p.: Close 3 (3, 3, 4) p., Then purl to the end of the row = 70 (70, 70, 72) p.;
    25 (29, 33, 37) p.: 2 loops are removed in turn as front loops, then the left knitting needle is inserted inside all three, after which they are knitted with one front, * 3 sts in front of the marker 2 loops are removed in turn as front, then the left knitting needle is inserted inside all three, after which they are knitted with one face, 1 person., a marker, 1 person., 2 people. together; repeat 3 times from *, 2 last. persons. together = 60 (60, 60, 62) p.;
    26 (30, 34, 38) purl p.;
    27 (31, 35, 39) p.: 2 loops are removed in turn as front, then the left knitting needle is inserted inside all three, after which they are knitted with one front, * for 3 sts ped with a marker, 2 loops are removed in turn as front, then the left knitting needle is inserted inside all three, after which they are knitted with one front, 1 person., a marker, 1 person., 2 people. together, repeat from * 1 more time, 2 last persons. together = 46 (46, 46, 48) p .;
    28 (32b 36b 40) p.: Purl p.;
    29 (33, 37, 41) p.: Repeat 5th row = 38 (38, 38, 40) p.;
    30 (34, 38, 42) p.: Purl p.;
    In the next row 10 (10, 8, 8) persons., Move the markers, from one loop, knit two front ones: one for the front wall, the other for the back each 18 (18, 22, 24) sts., 10 (10, 8, 8) persons. = 56 (56, 60, 64) p.
    Next, knit with front stitch 6 (7.5, 8, 10) cm from the beginning of the hood, finish with a purl row. In the next front row: 19 (19, 20, 21) persons., Marker, 18 (18, 20, 22) persons., 19 (19, 20, 21) persons .;
    In the next. row: * for 3 loops in front of the marker, 2 loops are removed in turn as front, then the left knitting needle is inserted into all three, after which they are knitted with one front, 1 person., marker, 1 person., 2 persons. together, repeat from * 1 more time, knit to end of row = 52 (52, 56, 60) sts. Knit next 3 rows with front stitch. Then repeat the previous 4 rows 2 (2, 2, 1) times = 44 (44, 48, 56) sts.
    In the next. row: * for 3 loops in front of the marker, 2 loops are removed in turn as front, then the left knitting needle is inserted inside all three, after which they are knitted with one front, 1 person., marker, 1 person., 2 persons. together, repeat from * 1 more time, tie to end of row = 40 (40, 44, 52) sts.
    Track. row: purl loops. Then repeat the previous 2 rows 3 (3, 4, 6) times = 28 sts. Close all loops.
    Cast on 16 sts of MC yarn on knitting needles No. 4.5 and knit as follows:
    1st (front) p .: 1 person., 1 out., Repeat to the end of the row;
    2nd (purl) p .: 1 person., 14 out., 1 person .;
    3rd p .: knit according to the pattern;
    4th p.: Repeat 2nd p.
    Determine the central 8 loops and knit 12 rows of the "bear's footprints" pattern according to the counting pattern. Then repeat the first 3 rows. Next, knit with needles No. 4 with yarn A 6 rows with a pearl pattern. Close the loops. Tie the second pocket in the same way.
    On knitting needles No. 4.5, cast on MC 11 loops with yarn and knit as follows:
    1st (front) p .: 5 persons., From one loop, knit two front ones: one for the front wall, the other for the back, 5 persons. = 12 p.;
    2nd and all purl rows: purl loops;
    3rd p .: 5 persons., From one loop, knit two front ones: one for the front wall, the other for the back in every 2nd loop, 5 persons. = 14 p.;
    5th p .: 5 persons., From one loop, knit two front ones: one for the front wall, the other for the back in each 4th loop, 5 persons. = 18 p.;
    7, 9 and 10th p .: knit according to the pattern without increments;
    11th p .: 5 persons., 2 persons. together 4 times, 5 persons. = 14 p.;
    13th p .: 5 persons., 2 persons. together 2 times, 5 persons. = 12 p.;
    15th p .: 5 persons., 2 persons. together, 5 persons. = 11 p. Close all loops. Tie the second ear.
    The finish .
    Planks: for the boy, perform the loops on the left side, for the girl - on the right.
    From the front side with MC yarn (you can A or B, if desired), on needles No. 4 along the edge, dial 61 (70, 76, 82) sts and knit as follows:
    2nd p .: 1 out., * 2 out. together, k1., repeat from * to end of row, purl last loop = 41 (47, 51, 55) sts;
    3rd p .: 1 person., * 1 out., 1 person., Repeat from * to the end of the row;
    4th p .: 1 out., * 1 out., 1 person., Repeat from *, finish 1 out;
    5-8th p.: Repeat 3 and 4 p. twice. Close all loops. Mark the sewing areas for the buttons. Knit the bar with loops in the same way, but in the 5th row, perform loops as follows: make a yarn in the designated places, remove the loop as front, remove the next loop as front, insert the left knitting needle into the just removed loops and knit them with one front (loop) ; complete 3 (4, 4, 4) more sts in the row;
    6th p .: 1 out., * 1 out., 1 person., Repeat from * to the end of the row, last. purl loop;
    7th p .: 1 person., * 1 out., 1 person., Repeat from * to the end of the row;
    8th p.: Repeat 6th p. Close all loops.
    Sew on the pockets. Sew side and sleeve seams. Fold the ears in half with the wrong side inward. Sew the halves along the outer edge. Sew on the side ears to the hood. Sew buttons to placket.

    The size: for 4 (2-6-8) years.

    You will need:

    • 150 (100-250-300) g each of white and dark blue Cometa yarn (100% cotton, 125 m / 50 g);
    • knitting needles number 3 and number 3.5,
    • auxiliary spoke;
    • 2 buttons.

    Double elastic band: with a contrasting thread, dial half of the required loops;
    1st p .: knit with a working thread * 1 person., 1 yarn, *, repeat from * to *; 2nd p.: * Knit a yarn over persons., Remove 1 p. As out. without knitting, thread before work *, repeat from * to *;
    3rd and subsequent p.: * 1 persons., Remove 1 p. As out., Thread before work *, repeat from * to *; dissolve the contrasting thread in the finished part.

    Front surface: persons. R. - persons. n., out. R. - out. P.
    Elastic band 2/2: alternately 2 persons., 2 out.
    Knitting density, front surface, knitting needles number 3.5: 22 p. and 30 p. = 10 x 10 cm

    Description of knitting a sweater with a hood


    On needles No. 3 with white thread, dial 82 (75-89-96) sts and tie 6 p. double elastic band and 8 p. elastic band 2/2. Go to knitting needles number 3.5 and knit faces. satin stitch, alternately 3 cm in dark blue and white thread to the beginning of the armholes, then to the end of the part knit alternately 2 p. white thread and 2 p. dark blue
    thread. After 27 (24-30-33) cm from the typesetting edge for the armholes, close 1 x 4 sts on both sides and subtract after the first 2 and before the last 2 loops in each 2nd p. 4 x 1 p. After 42 (38-46-50) cm from the typesetting edge, set aside all remaining loops.


    Knit like a back, but after 27 (2430-33) cm from the typesetting edge, starting to perform armholes, as for the back, close the middle 4 sts for the cut and knit further separately. After 42 (38-46-50) cm from the typesetting edge, set aside the remaining loops for each shoulder.


    On needles No. 3 with dark blue thread, cast on 57 (52-62-67) sts and tie 6 p. double elastic band and 4 p. elastic band 2/2. Go to knitting needles number 3.5 and knit faces. satin stitch alternately 2 p. white thread and 2 p. dark blue thread (to the end of the sleeve); at the same time, immediately after the gum, add on both sides in each 4th p. 3 x 1 p. After 7 (5-9-11) cm from the typesetting edge for the ridge, close the sleeves on both sides with 1 x 4 p. And subtract from both sides in each 2nd p. 6 x 1 p. After 13.5 (10.516.5-19.5) cm from the typesetting edge, close all the remaining loops.


    With a dark blue thread, dial 26 stitches along the edges of the cut, tie 2 cm with an elastic band 2/2, making 2 holes for buttons on the right edge; then tie 2 p. double elastic and close all loops with a knitted seam. Sew shoulder seams, joining the stitched loops with a knitted stitch.
    For the hood, with a dark blue thread, cast on the loops along the neck, including the pending loops of the back neck, and knit as follows: the first and last 6 sts with a double elastic band, one loop behind the double elastic bands - wear. satin stitch, the rest of the loops of the faces. satin stitch. In this case, the extreme on both sides 7 p. Knit to the end of the hood with a dark blue thread, on the remaining loops knit alternately 2 p. white thread and 2 p. dark blue thread. After 2 cm from the beginning of the hood, add on both sides of the middle 4 points in each 4th p. 6 x 1 p.
    After 8 (7-9-10) cm after the end of the additions, subtract on both sides from the middle 4 points in each 4th p. 4 x 1 p. And in each 2nd p. 3 x 1 p. Having finished the decrease, fold the hood in half and connect the loops of both parts using the auxiliary knitting needle.
    Sew in sleeves, sew sleeve seams and side seams. Sew on buttons.

    Children's pullover knitting with a hood

    Children's pullover knitting wool

    A children's pullover is performed with knitting needles with a front satin stitch - it seems to be nothing special, but it also has a zest. Contrasting lines with white thread, using the method of skipped and knitted loops, become voluminous with a peculiar pattern.

    The size: 6 (12, 18, 24) months
    Chest circumference: 51 (56, 61, 66) cm.
    Length: 26.5 (30.5, 34.5, 38) cm.
    Materials: SMC Baby Wool yarn (100% wool, 25 g / 85 m.) - 5 (6, 7, 8) skeins of blue and 1 skein of white, children's pullover is knitted with 3.25 mm needles.
    Knitting density: 22 p. * 32 p. = 10 * 10 cm. Front surface.

    Crossing loops to the right: without removing the loop from the knitting needle, knit the next knitting loop for the front wall, then knit the missing knitting loop, remove the loops from the left knitting needle.
    Crossing loops to the left: without removing the loop from the knitting needle, knit the next knitting loop behind the back wall, then knit the missing knitting loop, remove the loops from the left knitting needle.
    Elastic:* 1 person., 1 out., In the next rows knit over the front and purl over the purl

    Children's pullover knitting, description:

    Knit with an elastic band - 2.5 cm.

    Continue knitting with front stitch for another 11.5 (12.5, 14, 15) cm (measure from the marks).
    Finish the purl of the front surface.
    Close the loops.

    Front: cast on 55 (61, 67, 73) sts with blue thread.
    Knit with an elastic band - 2.5 cm.
    Next, knit with front stitch to a height of 15 (18, 20.5, 23) cm.
    Place a stitch mark on each side of the work.

    White thread:

    2nd row: purl loops.
    Blue thread:

    6th row: out. loops.
    White thread:
    7th row: knit.
    8th row: purl loops.
    Blue thread:

    12th row: out. loops.

    At a height of 6.5 (7.5, 9, 10) cm from the marks, finish the purl of the front surface.
    Track. row (front side): 20 (23, 25, 28) persons., connect another skein of yarn, close the central 15 (15, 17, 17) loops with it, knit 20 (23, 25, 28) persons.
    Next, knit the sides from different skeins.
    Close from the side of the neck in every second row 2 loops - 3 times = 14 (17, 19, 22) loops for each side.
    Close the loops.

    Sleeves: sew shoulders.
    On the front side with blue thread cast on 49 (55, 61, 67) sleeve stitches between front and back marks.
    Knit with front stitch, at the same time decrease 1 loop on each side in each 4th row - 9 (11, 13, 15) times = 31 (33, 35, 37) loops.
    Next, knit with the front stitch without any decrease to a sleeve length of 12.5 (15, 18, 20.5) cm.
    Finish the seamy side of the work.
    Knit with an elastic band - 2.5 cm.
    Close the loops.
    Repeat for the second sleeve.

    Children's pullover knitting, assembly: sew the sides and seams of the sleeves.

    Hood: cast on 85 (91, 97, 103) sts with blue thread
    Knit with an elastic band - 2.5 cm.
    Knit 4 rows with front stitch.
    Connect a white thread, then knit the pattern as follows:
    White thread:
    1st row (knit side): knit.
    2nd row: purl loops.
    Blue thread:
    3rd row: 5 persons. * remove 3 loops, thread at work, 3 persons., repeat from * to last. 2 loops, 2 persons.
    4th row: 5 out., * Remove 3 loops, thread before work, 3 out., Repeat from * to last. 2 loops, 2 out.
    5th row: 4 persons., * Crossing loops to the right, 1 persons., Crossing loops to the left, 1 persons., Repeat from * to the last 3 loops, 3 persons.
    6th row: out. loops.
    White thread:
    7th row: knit.
    8th row: purl loops.
    Blue thread:
    9th row: 2 persons. * remove 3 loops, thread at work, 3 persons., repeat from * to last. 5 loops, remove 3 loops, thread at work, 2 persons.
    10th row: 2 out., * Remove 3 loops, thread before work, 3 out., Repeat from * to last. 5 loops, remove 3 loops, thread before work, 2 persons.
    11th row: 1 persons., * Crossing loops to the right, 1 persons., Crossing loops to the left, 1 persons., Repeat from *.
    12th row: out. loops.
    Rows 13-18: Repeat Rows 1-6, changing thread colors as indicated.
    Then continue to knit with the front satin stitch only with a blue thread.
    At a height of 15 (16.5, 18, 20.5) cm, close the loops.
    Fold the closed edge of the hood in half and sew.
    Sew the hood to the neck of the pullover.

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