• The child does not want to wash his hands. How to influence the little “dirty”? What to do if a child refuses to wash his hands What to do if a child does not want to brush his teeth


    An adult perfectly understands the deep meaning of the word “need”. It is not at all necessary for him to explain why he needs to go to work, brush his teeth or iron his clothes. A child is a completely different matter! For most children, the word “need” is an empty phrase, and not an argument at all. Have you tried explaining to your child that you need to wash your hands before eating? He listened and obediently ran to the bathroom? Congratulations, you got a unique baby! For many parents, the issue of teaching a child to a simple hygiene procedure is a real headache.

    "Don't want! I won’t!” - the child screams and refuses to pick up the soap. Meanwhile, insidious microbes, infections and banal dirt lie in wait for the child at every turn. Played in the sandbox, stroked the cat, fed the pigeon on the street and after all this did not wash your hands - you have an intestinal infection or something worse. What to do if no admonitions have any effect on a stubborn child, and he categorically refuses to wash his hands?

    Write a fairy tale about a little boy (or girl, depending on what gender your offspring is) and very evil, albeit invisible, microbes. Just don’t overdo it with horror stories, otherwise you’ll get a mysophobe instead of a neat one.

    P play the game"soap gloves" Wet your child's hands, and then show how to “put on” soap gloves - thoroughly soap each finger. Explain to your child that taking off such gloves is easy - just put your hands under running water.

    Buy baby baby soap small in size (to easily fit in a small palm) with a pleasant smell. Bright colors and unusual shapes are also welcome. Choose a bright towel, with a cheerful print or an image of your favorite cartoon character.

    Create to kid comfortable conditions in the bathroom. Buy a special footrest or a small chair so that the child can easily reach the sink, and hang the towel at a comfortable height for the child. Adjust the water temperature, it should not be too cold or hot. Do not scold your baby if he splashes himself or splashes the entire bathroom. Over time, he will learn to be careful, and the good habit of washing his hands will remain.

    Irina Bazarova, psychologist of the children's development center, notes:
    - The natural harmonious development of the child, good contact and trusting relationships with parents are the guarantee that the baby will not have any problems or difficulties. If the child suddenly protests, begins to refuse to wash his hands, and no arguments work on him, then perhaps it is worth visiting a psychologist. A specialist will approach the issue systematically and find out what is happening in the family, because a small protest in reality can be a symptom of a much larger problem.

    Fortunately, in the vast majority of cases, it is enough just to help the child consolidate a useful skill. The little ones perceive everything best in a playful way, and if the child is older, you can appeal to reason, explain the need for hand washing, give examples, remember poems and fairy tales on this topic (for example, the classic fairy tale “Moidodyr”). A very effective way is to demonstrate a useful habit by your own example, washing your hands together with your baby, while trying to positively color the process, causing positive emotions in the child. This needs to be done systematically, and then hand washing will become a habit for the child.

    Does your child like to wash their hands?

    A long time ago, scientists proved that personal hygiene is the basis of good health and immunity. Of course, hygiene skills must be instilled in a child from childhood. And by the time he reaches kindergarten age, I would really like the child to learn to wash his hands on his own and without unnecessary reminders, because in kindergarten there will be no one to tinker with him and waste time on persuasion...

    But unfortunately, mothers very often, after a walk or before a meal, hear from their beloved child, “I don’t want to wash my hands! I won’t!” Then it develops into crying, or even worse - into a real hysteria of the child... What can an angry mother do? Scream? Swear? Calm and force at all costs?

    How can you ensure that your baby reacts normally to the request and overcomes his dislike of washing his hands?

    Souvenir baby soap will come to the aid of parents!

    The combination of interesting shapes and delicious aromas of soap will be a discovery not only for the child, but also for his parents! Soap in the shape of a bunny or a bear, an orange, ice cream, or with a picture of his favorite cartoon character will not leave any child indifferent - he will happily accept all the water treatments. The pleasant aroma of fruit, cookies or chewing gum literally attracts the child’s attention, leaving a pleasant hand washing experience!

    When inviting your little one into the bathroom, remind him that what awaits him is not a simple hand-washing procedure, but a meeting with a fairy-tale character who has turned into a piece of soap to help get rid of evil and harmful microbes for your son or daughter.

    An older child can have a soap with his favorite comic book hero - and Batman or Spider-Man will enter the fight for his immunity. And now your miracle sits down at the table happy and with clean hands, and you calmly heat up his lunch!

    But this is not all the advantages of this soap! It will also help you when bathing your baby. It would seem - what child doesn’t like to splash around in the bathtub with warm water? But it is no secret to many that bathing a baby does not always bring him joy and delight. Often a child is afraid of water - he remembers the last time shampoo got into his eyes, or his mother made the water too hot and he got burned...

    To rid the child of all his fears and somehow interest him while taking a bath, you can come up with various games with soap figures, create a whole fairy-tale production and much more.

    Of course, the first and most important question that will interest any mother is whether this soap is harmful?

    Let's consider this issue in more detail. Souvenir soap is made from a soap base combined with dyes and fragrances. The composition of soap base of any type and any manufacturer consists of natural ingredients without the addition of chemicals (unlike store-bought soap). Next, various cosmetic dyes (pigments) and cosmetic fragrances are added to the finished base. It is thanks to them that the soap ultimately becomes so attractive and alluring. And of course, soap molds play an important role - 3D molds allow you to create soap in the form of animals, flowers, confectionery, and 2D molds (or flat ones, as they are also called) make excellent soaps with pictures. Any inscription, drawing or even photograph is applied to special water-soluble paper, which is then “melted” into the soap. During the washing process, the paper dissolves without leaving any traces.

    The size of the form is also important. When buying baby soap, take small pieces so that they can easily fit in a child's palm.

    And finally, I would like to add - when choosing and purchasing handmade souvenir soap, contact only experienced and trusted soap makers. You'll see - over time, your baby will learn to wash his hands on his own and without reminders, and bathing will turn into a fun and interesting procedure - because next time the children will look forward to meeting the world of fairy-tale soap.

    You can order handmade soap from our partner - master of handmade souvenir soap Lyudmila Dolgopolova.

    20 07.2016

    Hello, dear readers! The issue of children's hygiene worries many parents. From a very young age, we teach our children to brush their teeth, wash their face, and wash their hands after going outside or visiting the restroom.
    But not all children obediently run to the sink when we ask them to. And no matter how much you insist, your child runs away from this responsibility like fire. The child does not yet understand how important hygiene is and what it can lead to if it is not followed.

    So what to do? Scream? Swear? Complain about a naughty baby? Or maybe force it?
    Let's better come up with other ways to solve the problem.

      • 1. Firstly, it is necessary make the process convenient and enjoyable. Buy a special stand that will allow your child to easily reach the sink. The towel should hang at baby level. Buy an interesting soap dish and bright soap so that your child has something to lure.

    Buy a chair-stand on Ozone

    Buy baby liquid soap on Ozone

    But it’s better if you come up with a fairy tale in your own interpretation, with your child’s favorite characters.

    1. Place a deep bowl of water and soap in the sink. Invite your child to play (don't wash your hands). The baby's task is to catch the soap and hold it in his hands. Repeat several times.
    2. Ask your child if he can hold the toy in his hands with soapy hands. If the baby refuses, then show by your example, and the toy should constantly slip out of your hands))) Choose a toy with a round shape, even a Kinder Surprise egg or a matryoshka doll will do, if you don’t mind.

    This is how you can turn your least favorite activity into a fun activity.

    Photobank Lori

    There is probably hardly anyone who would dispute the need for hand washing. The number of bacteria on our hands is truly enormous, and most of them can cause illness. In summer, these are mainly intestinal infections, many of which doctors call diseases of dirty hands. In winter, these troubles are replaced by numerous ones, which are much easier to get infected through a handshake or household objects than just through the air.

    But for children, the need to wash their hands does not seem so obvious. And even heartbreaking stories about terrible microbes that will settle in a small tummy and hurt him do not always achieve their goal. On the contrary, our little experimenters can test this fact by licking a toy picked up from the floor or their own palms right in the sandbox. And if this experiment does not result in at least diarrhea (and most likely, everything will work out, and immune mechanisms will cope with the microbes), trust in parental words will be undermined for a very long time. How to overcome children's dislike for something so important? First of all, making it interesting and attractive for the child. Here are some tips to help you achieve this.

    How often should you wash your hands? Doctors advise to always do this before and after meals; before, during and after cooking; after visiting the toilet or changing a diaper; after returning from the street; after drawing, modeling from plasticine, working with glue; after caring for indoor plants; after playing with pets.

    We wash our hands with pleasure

    Kids love it when they have something of their own. Get a special soap that only the child will use. Go to the store with your baby and turn shopping into a whole event! Invite your little one to decorate the soap container themselves: for example, with stickers, paints, bows - fortunately, the choice of such decorations is now simply huge.

    When choosing soap, do not forget about its quality. It should be harmless to sensitive baby skin, have a pleasant aroma and foam well. By the way, the delicious aroma of soap is another helper for you. Ugh, how bad your hands smell after! And how wonderful they smell, washed with soap scented with chocolate, vanilla or raspberry!

    Give your soap magical properties. Is your little one trying hard to overcome some kind of disadvantage, such as a fear of dogs or big cars on the street? Let there be magic soap in your house that conquers fear! And for the little princess who dreams of growing up to be the most beautiful, beauty soap is suitable. Now the child will be doubly motivated and will certainly not forget to wash his hands with his miracle soap.

    While washing your hands, sing a little song or recite a poem on behalf of your little fingers and palms, which felt so bad while they were dirty, but now they are very pleased to wash themselves under warm water. The experiences of hands - having played enough, worked hard and got dirty - will touch the child more than a set of facts and harmful microbes. Another option: read a colorful book about children’s hygiene with your baby (there are many such publications now).

    Photobank Lori

    Organize a little competition: who can create the most foam while washing? Moreover, the baby can compete both with adults and with his own children. The winner can be rewarded with a small prize - for example, a sticker. If there are two or three kids, you can even get special posters (you can print them yourself) to stick these stickers on them, and at the end of the month, count which of the children is the handwashing champion.

    Let your child be given the position of being the head hand-washer in the house. Children love “grown-up” responsibilities that make them like their elders. Let the baby remind the household members who return from work or sit down at the table that they need to wash their hands and give them a cleanliness check - then he himself will certainly not forget about this important ritual.

    We wash our hands according to all the rules

    Hands should be washed with warm water and soap for at least 30 seconds. To increase interest in the process, you can even get a special children's hourglass - by the way, they will also come in handy when brushing your teeth. Don't forget to roll up your baby's sleeves and let him stand on the bench if the sink and faucet are too high for him.

    Wet your hands, scoop a little soap into your palms (or rub a bar of solid soap in your hands), and whip up foam in your palms. Thoroughly lather each finger, the spaces between the fingers, and the wrists. Dirt is removed with a special soft brush - this also takes some getting used to, but usually kids really like washing their hands with a brush: the bristles foam the soap even more, and this is so much fun! Rinse your hands thoroughly with water and dry them with a towel.

    Do children need antibacterial soap? Most doctors are inclined to think not. A certain amount of bacteria, which still remains on the skin after washing hands, is necessary to maintain the activity of the immune system. In addition, antibacterial soap is merciless not only to pathogenic bacteria, but also to normal microflora, which is dangerous to disturb. At the same time, such a hygiene product is necessary in a children's group, in the house during the illness of one of the family members (for example, with ARVI), and also if the family has a pet that regularly visits the street.

    Teach your child by example and religiously follow the rules of hand washing yourself. For example, a dad coming home from work will have to remember that he must first wash his hands, and only then hug his beloved child and hand out gifts.

    Make hygiene habits a given and your child will take them for granted.

    Hi all! Glad to see you as a guest! Tell me, who among you doesn’t want his little one to have good habits? And first of all, this concerns hygiene and appearance. After all, we all know that relationships with people, career growth, and personal life largely depend on “clothes.” It was always used to meet, judge and decide how to treat a person. So the question is how to teach a child to wash was and remains important for all parents who think about the happiness of their little one. But there are other reasons that should encourage us to devote time and attention to this issue.

    Let's build a conversation like this. First, let's find out what are the reasons why we are raising this issue at all. Let's talk about at what age it is worth devoting special time to accustoming children to water procedures. And all that remains is to discuss the question: how to do this?

    Why is hygiene important for children?

    I already mentioned that habit Keeping your clothes and body clean can make all the difference now and in the future. But you yourself must decide what kind of reputation you want your little one to have. And although dirt under the nails or bad breath does not mean that a person is bad, he will have much fewer friends, and he certainly will not be a favorite of the opposite sex, and at work they will not soon understand him, if they want to understand him at all.

    But there is a much more compelling reason to teach little ones to be clean. And when the baby doesn't want to wash his hands, let her guide you. Probably, many of you have heard that there is such a disease as “dirty hands disease”. This is hepatitis. So, not only hepatitis can be avoided if you have rule bathe every day, brush your teeth and take care of clean clothes, but also many other serious illnesses. Clean skin, good immunity, disease prevention, in other words – beauty and health, that’s what we strive for.

    When and how is it time for kids to “get to know Moidodyr”

    In order for a baby to develop a skill, you need to instill good habits. from birth. First, we ourselves follow the schedule of water procedures. Of course, then he will understand little, but the bathing process will be natural for him. Fortunately, now there are a lot of means thanks to which you can swim without tears. Our job is only to carefully study the components of these compositions in search of natural remedies that would suit your little one.

    How to have a dialogue

    But now the child is growing up, he is already 2- 3 years. Of course, we want him to respond peacefully to our request to wash his hands, so that sometimes he does it on his own after a walk outside or after visiting the toilet. What to do? First, and most important, be patient! Repeat the request 100, 5000 times, or even a million, but do it gently each time. Doesn't respond or doesn't want to wash his hands baby?

    And it’s important not to ask: “Are you going for a swim?” He will say “no” and then a conflict will begin, it is clear that the mother will win, but the child will feel depressed and bathing will be associated with negative emotions. Therefore, we say: “Baby, go for a swim” in a calm tone, without emotions.

    Then take it and wash his hands yourself. Without nerves, without screaming, bring him to the tap with water, and with soft, gentle movements, soap the little one’s paws. And let him wash off the foam himself. For anyone boy this will be a great game. Yes and girl will be impressed by this enjoyable activity.

    How to wash your hair without tears

    1. there are special visors to prevent soap from getting into your eyes,
    2. show before bathing how to close your eyes with your hands,
    3. get used to washing your hair in the bathroom so that water doesn’t get in your face - learn to tilt your head back, hold it with your hands,
    4. if your little one was diving in the summer, invite him to dive in the bathtub; children like to manage the process on their own

    How to brush your teeth without crying

    A at what age should you brush your teeth?should the toddler learn? He will learn only when we show him how to do it. And while many parents are waiting for teeth to appear, others start with a silicone finger guard. They massage the gums. And from a very early age, the baby gets used to the fact that in the future a brush will appear in his life, and then toothpaste, with which his parents, and then he himself, will brush his teeth.

    But what if you're a child? doesn't want to brush his teeth? Here it is not enough to simply explain the benefits of the process; some additional steps are needed: Choose a “tasty” paste that is not scary if the baby swallows it. All the same, the little ones have not yet learned to spit. Therefore, there should be little paste (even a safe one), but the little one should like it, or clean without paste at all

      1. Teach from infancy to brush your teeth using a silicone brush. brushes getting dressed on your finger
      2. The design on the packaging of the paste, the shape and color of the brush should encourage the little one to use them, as if they were playing with these objects or had come to visit their favorite characters. Our son chose the brush himself and for a week after purchasing it he asked to brush his teeth himself.
      3. Teach him to clean himself
      4. Giving an imaginary choice: Will you clean it yourself or will it be cleaned for you?
      5. Pretend that you forgot to brush your teeth so that he will proudly remind you.
      6. Don't skip it and don't be lazy yourself. It often happens that adults want to avoid bickering about hygiene and they think: “I don’t even want to start, I’m tired, we’ll wash ourselves tomorrow, it’s okay.” But this just prolongs the period of adaptation. To bring a habit to automaticity, you just need to do it without emotions, panic and excuses.
      7. Brush your teeth together and try to show your baby that you like it and are having fun.
      8. Praise your little one.
      9. Get a brush for his favorite doll too. Let him brush her teeth too.

    It is important not only to teach how to do this daily, but also correctly. It is very important! I know from myself that if you brush your teeth incorrectly, stones form and, as a result, inflammation of the gums and periodontal disease.

    Learning by playing

    So I come to the most important thing: the game! I have said many times that kids learn by playing. So, do you want your child to WANT to wash his hands by the age of 4? Play! And yet, although we are talking specifically about hands now, this also applies to washing your head and body. For example, if the baby cries when I wash my head to him. But games help us out.

    What kind of games could these be?

    • Start by having a competition (babies love this) to see who can have the most and thickest foam. Your little ones can participate in competitions, and if there is only one baby in the family, then his opponent can be any of the adults: dad, mom, grandma, etc.
    • Another way to create interest is to tell a fairy tale in which the child himself is given a special, leading role. Evil bacteria attacked the baby's hands. But the baby takes out his soap sword and defeats all enemies.
    • If we are talking about bathing in a bath, then there is room for your imagination to run wild. You can foam everything, or let your favorite ducks swim. You can have water fights!

    With this approach in 7 years The child should already have acquired a good habit. If this does not happen, do not despair, just remind and teach by example.

    I hope our children will always delight us with their appearance and their habits. A lot depends on us in this matter. All you have to do is put in a little effort in the right direction, and we will help children acquire a valuable gift for life.

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    And I say goodbye until the next article! Bye bye!

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