• What is the rarest stone. The most expensive mineral in the world. The rarest minerals and their deposits


    Our planet is very rich in a variety of minerals that play a critical role in the daily life of all organisms on Earth. People have learned to use these stones and metals in construction, transportation, and many other purposes. We have become almost completely dependent on certain natural resources, without which even the simplest car will not start and it will not be possible to create a reliable shelter. Economy, medicine, industry and many other areas of our life are unthinkable without some very rare and valuable minerals. They are considered precious and incredibly expensive because they are not easy to obtain, or because there are very few of them in nature. In this list, you will learn about the rarest and most valuable minerals on Earth.

    10. Rhodium

    Rhodium is a very rare mineral, and this noble metal is highly valued for its demand and scarcity. It has excellent catalytic properties and is therefore ideal for automated processes in industrial plants. In addition, rhodium is used in the manufacture of mirrors and in jewelry. Russia and South Africa are the leading producers of the highest quality rhodium on the planet. Now this unique mineral is estimated at an average of $ 56 per gram.

    9. Painite

    Just 1 carat of painite costs a whopping $ 60,000! This mineral is so expensive for a fairly simple reason - it is one of the rarest in the world. Painite was first discovered by the British, and more recently, in the 1950s. An amazing mineral was discovered by a seller of precious stones by the name of Pain, in whose honor the find got its name. Painite is red-orange or red-brown and owes its color to the presence of iron in its composition. Painite is said to be the most expensive mineral not used in industry.

    8. Diamond

    Diamond is another very valuable stone that plays a vital role in many areas of human life, although it is most often associated with jewelry. 1 carat usually costs about 55 thousand dollars. Diamond is a solid substance in the world, and that is why it is actively used in the manufacture of the most durable drills. Natural diamond is formed under the influence of very high temperatures and extremely high pressure, and closer to the Earth's surface, it falls during volcanic activity.

    7. Black opal

    Opals are very different. Black opal differs from all its other counterparts, because it is extremely rare and therefore very expensive stone. Green opals are much more common and therefore less valuable. Australia is famous as the country where black opals are found the most. Ethiopia is also listed among the other leading countries in the extraction of this precious stone.

    6. Platinum

    This mineral is valued all over the world. It is very rare, but we still manage to apply it in a variety of areas. For example, people have learned to use platinum in the manufacture of high quality cables that conduct electricity, because platinum does not rust and lasts a very long time. Did you know that platinum-based drugs are actively used in the treatment of cancer? There are many other uses for this expensive mineral, the list goes on and on.

    5. Gold

    Most people believe that gold is the most expensive and precious mineral in the world. In fact, there are at least 3 other types of minerals that are more expensive than gold. Gold is mined in mines around the world, and it is used in very different fields, although we increasingly see it in jewelry. 1 gram of gold costs approximately $ 56.

    4. Rubies

    Rubies are precious stones. They are considered practically the most expensive stones in the world. The attractive red color of this mineral is due to the presence of chromium in its composition. Myanmar is the main supplier of rubies (90% of world production), and stones from this country are valued most of all.

    3. Jadeite

    Outwardly, it strongly resembles jade, but jadeite still has a more granular structure. In addition, it is much less common, and this stone is not so easy to get, which explains its high cost. The only known birthplaces of this emerald green mineral are Guatemala and Mexico. The price of jade continues, and now they are asking for as much as $ 3 million for 1 carat!

    2. Blue pomegranate

    This mineral comes in a variety of colors, including purple, blue, brown, yellow, and red, but blue garnets are considered the most expensive of all their counterparts. It is one of the most recently discovered minerals in the world - it was discovered in 1990 in Madagascar. Since then, the mineral has been found in only a few countries around the world. The United States, Turkey and Russia are among them. To date, the gem is valued at $ 1.5 million per carat.

    1. Lithium

    Our rating will be completed by the mineral, which was discovered by the Swedish chemist Johan Arfvedson in August 1817. Lithium is an extremely demanded metal, which is actively used in the manufacture of rechargeable batteries, metallurgy, nuclear power, lubricants, medicine, pyrotechnics, electronics, flaw detection and many other areas. The main share of lithium production lies in Afghanistan.

    There are minerals on our planet that are much rarer and more valuable than diamonds, sapphires and similar jewelry, the names of which are on everyone's lips

    Until recently, jadeite was one of the most mysterious minerals on our planet, but gradually the mineral began to be found here and there. Today, the main sources of jadeite are in Upper Myanmar, China, Japan, Guatemala, Mexico, the United States and Russia. In November 1997, a record price of jadeite jewelry was recorded at Christie’s auction - the "Double Luck" necklace, consisting of 27 half-millimeter jadeite beads, went under the hammer for $ 9.3 million

    This bluish-green mineral was discovered in Madagascar, and the first and so far the only pure faceted specimen of grandidierite originally from Sri Lanka. Mineral named after French historian Alfred Grandidier

    One of the rarest and most exceptional types of gemstone in the world, it is named after the Austrian Count Eduard Taaffe, who in 1945 discovered in a batch of cut stones an unusual stone that differs from the rest by its shade. The range of shades of taaffeite ranges from lavender to almost scarlet. If you put together all the taaffeite found to date, it hardly fills half a cup.

    Painite, found in Myanmar by Briton Arthur Pine in the 1950s, was also considered to be the rarest mineral on Earth. When it was confirmed that it was a completely new, hitherto unknown mineral, it was named after Pine. In the second half of the 20th century, only three paintite crystals were known, by 2005 their number reached 25, of which only two crystals are still perfectly faceted. Their cost is unknown, since so far not a single paintite crystal has been sold.

    Natural red diamonds are so rare that most jewelers have never seen or seen them. The world's largest red diamond is known as the Red Shield, and weighs only 5.11 carats, which seems negligible compared to the size of ordinary diamonds (the size of the largest diamonds of almost any kind exceeds 600 carats), but red is the rarest color for a diamond.

    Another rare precious mineral - Jeremievite - is a transparent bluish crystal, the first instance of which was found in Namibia on the ocean coast. In 1999, searches at this site were resumed, but so far only pale yellow crystals have come across. Blue Jeremievite was found again in 2001, this time in the Erongo Mountains, but the find is also scanty, and the crystals remain priceless

    The precious garnet has already been found in many colors, including red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, brown, black, pink, and colorless. But the rarest of these is the blue garnet, discovered only in the late 1990s in Madagascar. Around the same time, blue garnet was also found in the USA, Russia and Turkey. In daylight, such a pebble shimmers in different shades of the blue-green spectrum, and indoors, in the light of a lamp, it becomes dark purple. Such color metamorphoses are due to the content of a large amount of vanadium in it. The most expensive blue garnet weighs 4.2 carats - in 2003 it sold for $ 6.8 million

    We also invite you to get acquainted with the most famous diamonds and plunge into the magical world of more ordinary, but no less expensive

    The bowels of our planet are fraught with countless treasures - minerals. Their indescribable variety and beauty have always conquered human hearts. We offer you to admire a selection of these beautiful examples of frozen natural harmony.

    1. Opal-Veined Petrified Wood

    Under certain conditions, fragments of a felled tree do not decay, but mineralize, turning into real stones of a bizarre shape. This requires hundreds of years and lack of air access to the material, resulting in a unique mineral that resembles shards of frozen wood, dotted with sparkling splashes of opal or chalcedony.


    2. Uvarovite

    Discovered in the 19th century in Siberia, a stone related to garnets was nicknamed by the people "the Ural emerald". The mesmerizing green color gives the mineral chromium. In nature, it is extremely rare, and the few finds are very modest in size. By the way, this very mineral was meant by Alexander Kuprin in his work "Garnet Bracelet".


    3. Fluorite

    This mineral, which has long been used for decorative purposes and has delighted the eyes of high society with graceful translucent vases and figurines that glow in the dark, has now found a more applied use in optics, becoming an excellent material for creating lenses.


    4. Kemmererite

    A very fragile fuchsia-colored stone - kemmererite - is considered a collector's item. To make a piece of jewelry out of it, the master needs to apply all his scrupulousness and accuracy. For this reason, the cost of the processed mineral is extremely high.


    5. Hematite, rutile and feldspar

    The ability of the black mineral hematite, when processed, to color water in a blood-red color has become the cause of many ineradicable superstitions regarding this stone. But it is popular not only for this reason - hematite is very widespread in nature and is used in addition to decorative in many applied fields.


    6. Thorburnite

    As bewitchingly beautiful this mineral is, it is just as deadly. Torbernite crystal prisms contain uranium and can cause cancer in humans. In addition, when heated, these stones begin to slowly emit radon gas, the most dangerous for health.


    7. Clinoclaz

    A rare clinoclase crystal has one little secret - when heated, this exquisitely beautiful mineral gives off a garlic scent.


    8. White barite covered with vanadinite crystals

    Vanadinite got its name in honor of the Scandinavian goddess of beauty Vanadis. This mineral is one of the heaviest on the planet as it is high in lead. Store vanadinite crystals away from sunlight, as they tend to darken under their influence.


    9. Fossil egg? No - a geode with an opal core

    In places rich in minerals, you can find geodes - geological formations, which are cavities that melt inside a variety of minerals. On cuts and chips, geodes can look extremely outlandish and attractive.


    10. Silver stibnite with barite

    Stibnite is an antimony sulfide, but it appears to be composed of high purity silver. Thanks to this similarity, one day someone decided to make elite cutlery out of this material. And it was a very bad idea ... Antimony crystals cause severe poisoning, even after contact with the skin, you must thoroughly wash it with soap.


    11. Chalcanthite

    The enchanting beauty of these crystals hides a mortal danger: once in a liquid medium, the copper contained in this mineral begins to rapidly dissolve, threatening all living things that are in its path. Just one small blue pebble can destroy an entire pond with all its flora and fauna, so you should treat it with extreme caution.


    12. Cacoxenite

    Acting as an inclusion, this rare mineral is able to give quartz and amethyst a unique color and higher value. As a representative of needle crystals, cacoxenite is incredibly fragile.


    13. Labradorite

    The mineral, mined in the northern regions, with its appearance seems to reflect the sky under which it was found: the color play against the background of the stone's blackness dotted with sparkling stars resembles the aurora borealis blazing on a long polar night.


    14. Black opal

    The most valuable type of opal. Despite the word “black” in the name, this mineral gets the highest value if it has multi-colored sparkle on a dark background. The more varied the shades of its radiance, the higher the price.


    15. Kuprosklodowskite

    Needle crystals of kuprosklodowskite attract admiring attention with the depth and variety of their green color, as well as their amusing shape. However, this mineral is mined in uranium deposits and is highly radioactive and should be kept away not only from living things, but even from other minerals.


    16. Halite and sylvite blue

    Milky white or off-white sylvite is often found in volcanoes, and blue halite (sodium chloride) is found in sedimentary rocks.


    17. Bismuth

    Cultured bismuth crystals have a recognizable iridescent sheen on their dark surface. This effect arises from the oxide film covering it. By the way, bismuth oxide chloride is used in the creation of nail polishes as a means to give them shine.


    18. Opal

    Opal, a noble gemstone, is picky about the surrounding humidity: if it is kept in excessively dry conditions for a long time, it can fade and even crack. For this reason, opals should occasionally be “bathed” in clean water, and worn more often if they are presented in the form of jewelry, so that the stones are saturated with moisture emanating from the human body.


    19. Tourmaline

    Juicy reds and pinks, smooth transitions of shades with the most unexpected ranges make tourmaline one of the most popular collectible minerals. According to historians, it was these stones that were crowned with many jewelry and accessories of members of royal families and eminent persons: from Catherine II to Tamerlane.


    20. Bildonite

    The rare crystal of bildonite owes its color to the copper contained in its composition, and its luster is due to a high percentage of lead.


    21. Osmium

    Having the status of the most dense natural substance, osmium is extremely difficult to process. The widespread use of this metal in medicine, manufacturing and the defense industry makes the demand for it incredibly high. And given the rarity of osmium in nature, the cost of one gram of its isotope is currently equal to twenty thousand dollars.


    22. Malachite

    The whimsical arrangement of copper layers in the voids of karst caves, where malachite originates, determines the future structure of its patterns. They can be represented by concentric circles, star-shaped placers, or chaotic ribbon patterns. The age of the malachite beads found in the ancient city of Jericho is determined by archaeologists at 9 thousand years.


    23. Emmonsith

    A rather rare mineral, Emmonsite, presented in the form of small acicular crystals with a glassy luster, is found in mines in North and South America.


    24. Aquamarine on potassium mica

    For the likeness of the edges to the purest sea waves, the Roman thinker Pliny the Elder gave this noble stone the name "aquamarine". Blueer aquamarines are more valuable than greenish ones. This mineral is very popular among designers and jewelry lovers, and its high strength helps to create jewelry of any configuration.


    25. Pallasite meteorite

    In 1777, the German scientist Pallas brought samples of a rare metal discovered in Krasnoyarsk at the site of a meteorite to the Kunstkamera Museum. Soon, the entire block of extraterrestrial origin weighing 687 kg was transported to St. Petersburg. This material is called pallasic iron or pallasite. A similar substance from those that are mined on our planet has not been found. According to experts, this meteorite is an iron-nickel base with numerous inclusions of olivine crystals.


    26. Ailing

    Small cubic crystals of blue color - boleites - are especially prized in the countries of South and North America. So far, this rare mineral has not been seen in use in Russia.


    27. Crocoite

    The name "crocoite" comes from the ancient Greek word meaning "saffron", since the similarity of the crystal surface with this spice is noticeable to the naked eye. Red lead ore, which this mineral is, is of particular value to collectors and connoisseurs.


    Precious stones have amazing magic - they conquer a person at first sight. In ancient times, they were used to decorate amulets. It was believed that they can protect a person from diseases and evil spirits. Some believed that stones could predict the future. Later, when they began to study them, it turned out that each gem has its own strength. The most expensive stones in the world are valuable precisely because of this property.


    A diamond is a gem that has a simple structure. It consists of a single chemical element - carbon. The atoms of matter are located deep underground, where they are subjected to strong heating and pressure for a long time.

    It is believed that diamonds are the most expensive stones in the world. A high-quality one in just one gram can cost hundreds of thousands of rubles.

    What determines the price of a diamond:

    • quality;
    • form;
    • color.

    The weight of a diamond is measured in carats. By the way, a very interesting fact: in ancient times, “karat” was the name given to special seeds, which were used to compare the size of gems. One carat is 0.2 grams.

    The most expensive stones in the world are uneven in weight. For example, a diamond in one gram will cost several times cheaper than a stone that weighs 0.99 g. It is believed that such a gem is unique and special. The reviews of those people who managed to get such a stone are enthusiastic. They say that he is of unprecedented beauty and just "burns" in the sun.

    The cost also depends on the cut and color. Most often, a diamond can be found in a round shape. Of all the variety, only a few stones are colorless. The more transparent the gem, the more expensive it will cost. As for colored stones, it is worth noting that they are more expensive than white ones. They can be pink, green, yellow, or red.

    Which diamond can be said to be the most expensive stone in the world? The name is very interesting - "Cullinan". The stone weighs over 600 grams (3106 carats).


    This stone is also known as corundum. The structure is crystalline, of chemical elements it contains only aluminum oxides. On the hardness scale, sapphire is considered to be the strongest gem after diamond.

    One of the main factors determining the value of a stone is its origin. Quality sapphires can be found in Kashmir and have a delicate cornflower blue hue. An interesting fact is that the gem does not change its hue even under artificial lighting. That's great rarity.

    The most expensive stones in the world are those sapphires that are of natural origin. The purer the shade of the gem, the higher its value will be. Gems that are too dark or pale are cheaper.


    The crystal structure of the stone is composed of aluminum and beryllium. Under artificial lighting, the gem retains its natural shade.

    The emerald, which has been recognized as the most expensive gem in the world, is about the size of a watermelon. Its weight is 57.5 carats, which is about 12 kilograms. It is believed to have been mined in Brazil. The stone is called Teodora.

    Most natural emeralds have internal defects, uneven color and surface cracks. The brighter the color of the gem, the higher its basic value will be.

    It is not difficult to distinguish a real stone from a synthetic one. The natural emerald is neither perfect nor transparent. As for high-quality synthetics, such gems are completely transparent and have a rich green color.

    The most expensive gemstones in the world are those whose color resembles the shade of dill. They are extremely rare and in great demand.


    When the question arises about what are the most expensive stones in the world, the name "ruby" cannot be ignored. The structure of the gem consists of a natural stone characterized by internal defects that are visible to the naked eye. The color can be brown, red.

    The most valuable is the ruby ​​that has a shade of "pigeon blood" - a pure red color with a slight purple tint.

    What determines the cost of a ruby:

    • number of defects;
    • clarity and beauty of color;
    • purity.

    The highest quality ruby ​​is considered valuable regardless of its weight. In Upper Burma there is a "pigeon blood" gem. It has 5 carats and is 10 times more expensive than the exact same stone from Thailand.

    As for the reviews about the ruby. The fair sex is very fond of jewelry with this stone. It is believed that the ruby ​​adorns a girl, reveals her femininity.


    What are the most expensive stones in the world? The list of gems is large. Pearls take pride of place. It is formed in the body of an oyster. If an object of foreign origin somehow gets into the shell, for example, the smallest grain of sand, then the mollusk immediately begins to push it out. He selects mother-of-pearl to cover the "stranger" with it. The thicker the layer of mother-of-pearl is, the more elegant and expensive the pearl will be.

    By the way, a very interesting fact is that this is a unique stone that jewelers use without preliminary processing.

    The pearls that can be found in stores today are cultured. Its creation takes place with human participation. The bead is attached to the oyster. The properties are the same as those of natural stone, except that the layer of mother-of-pearl turns out to be much thinner, and these stones are collected much earlier.


    Everyone knows this gem. Its main feature is the ability to change its shade. If in daylight the gem shines with bluish-green rays, then when artificially it will show itself as olive or blue-green.

    The very first stone was found in Yekaterinburg in 1833. He amazed people with his unusual shape and play of colors. The cost of alexandrite can be different, it depends on its quality and cut - from 9 to 16 thousand conventional units.

    Blue tourmaline

    The first time such a stone was found in the east of Brazil. The gem has a blue-turquoise hue. The most expensive stones in the world are mined there to this day. However, their deposits were also discovered in Madagascar.

    Blue Tourmaline is a very rare gem. Lovers of jewelry note that the cut, shape and uniqueness of this stone amaze with their unique beauty. The price varies from 12 to 15 thousand dollars per carat. However, if the gem is of the highest quality, then it can cost even more.


    Translated from this name means "sunrise". This sapphire has an amazing shade - something between soft orange and pink. Once mined in Sri Lanka. However, now there is practically no stone left there. The man found another way to get it. In a special oven, mineral corundum is heated to a certain temperature. The last stone quarried in this way in Sri Lanka was sold for 18 thousand dollars. It was more than 20 years ago.

    Today padparadscha weighing 5 carats is considered a collectible gem. Its cost is approximately 30 thousand dollars per 1 carat.


    This mineral is considered the most mysterious of all that have been found on the planet. It has a beautiful, even green color and a rounded shape. The approximate cost on the market ranges from 20 thousand dollars.

    Now the gem is mined in Mexico, Japan, China, USA and Kazakhstan.


    Some time ago, the value of this gem was known only to a few collectors. The mineral is considered a type of beryl, only now it is very rare. Has a rich burgundy hue, uneven cut.

    You can only get the gem in New Mexico and Utah. It is almost impossible to find a stone on sale. Collectors note that a copy of this mineral is extremely expensive. For one carat, you will have to pay about 12 thousand dollars.

    Determining the true value of stones is difficult precisely for the reason that there are very few of them.


    This is one of the rarest gems. There are no more than 10 copies all over the world. The average cost per carat is 6-8 thousand conventional units.

    The only place where the gem was mined is the San Benito County. The first time the stone was discovered there was in 1906. It was later recognized as the state treasure of the state.

    Red diamond

    Many people wonder what is the most expensive stone in the world. This is a diamond. But not simple, but red. It is very rare and is considered the most significant gem. For the entire existence of mankind, only a few copies of this mineral have been found. Most are relatively lightweight - 0.5 carats.

    A red diamond is mined at the Argyle mine. Gems weighing more than immediately are put up for auction. The price of such a pebble can reach over a million dollars. Many collectors of unique jewelry dream of getting a gem for their collection.

    In the geological literature, it is argued that diamonds are common minerals, so they cannot have a high price. According to scientists, the claim that diamonds are the most expensive precious stones is controversial. But not all crystals are suitable for jewelry. In addition, marketers and advertisers joined the work, creating a reputation for diamonds as the most expensive stones. In the 1930s, A Diamond Is Forever advertised diamonds as an essential element of luxury living. The initiator was the Rothschild Bank, which owns diamond mining and processing enterprises.

    Distinctive qualities of a diamond: the highest unit of hardness and sparkling luster, which appears only when a ray of light hits the crystal. The most famous and valuable among jewelers and collectors are specimens with unique properties and beauty.

    The cost of a stone depends on its weight, transparency and purity, and color. Most of the diamonds require further jewelry processing. A cut mineral inserted into a jewel is about 60% more expensive than raw materials. For a crystal, the main criterion for evaluation is the absence of external damage and foreign inclusions. A top quality sample costs about $ 20,000 per carat.

    Jewelers value sapphire and ruby, corundum, and emerald more expensive than a diamond gem.

    The most expensive gem in the world is the red diamond from Australia. Gems are small and few in number. Small specimens can be priced in excess of $ 300,000.

    Top 10 most expensive minerals

    The list includes unique gems - rare minerals with high quality cut:


    Pearls are the most expensive organic gem in the world. This natural mineral does not need any special processing. Although a large number of pearls are mined and grown in the world, rare white, gray and black specimens cost up to $ 3,000 per bead, and a Lao Tzu pearl weighing 6 kg is estimated at 3.5 million. Exclusive jewelry, where beads are ideally matched in size and shade, are dearly appreciated. Such necklaces are sold at Christie's, the price starts at $ 1 million.


    Emerald with a color from light to rich green, without blotches. Pure crystals, which are rarely found, are especially appreciated. The largest Bahian emerald was estimated at 400 million dollars, its weight is almost 2 million carats.


    Sapphire is a type of corundum. It is a bright blue mineral. The most expensive pieces sold at auctions are cut stones framed with diamonds. For example, a 22-carat sapphire pendant sold for $ 3 million.


    Bixbit is an unusually beautiful crimson beryl. The high cost is due to the rarity of the mineral. Pure, unadulterated specimens are sold at a price of $ 10,000 per carat.


    Alexandrite is a stone with a changeable color that changes shades depending on the type of lighting. Natural minerals are small in size. Alexandrites are a good investment: the stone has been no longer mined, so its value only grows over time.


    Turquoise tourmaline, called paraiba, was found in Brazil. The mineral is also mined in Africa, but of poor quality. The Brazilian field has long been depleted, so prices for real Paraib tourmalines simply go off scale - from 2-3 thousand dollars per carat.


    Ruby from the corundum group. Gems from Asia have a high cost, the price per carat is from $ 15 thousand. Large specimens with perfect coloration are sold at auctions, for example, a ruby ​​from Burma in a ring from Cartier was bought for $ 30 million.


    Absolutely transparent diamonds are highly valued, as well as multi-colored specimens, which are extremely rare. Colored stones of pink, yellow and blue colors are in the lead in the list of the most expensive diamonds. At Sotsby's auction, the Pink Star was sold for $ 83 million.


    Jadeite stone with a deep green color is found very rarely, so it is expensive. The crystal, transparent by nature, is called imperial, the price starts from 20 thousand dollars.

    Sapphire padparadscha

    Red-orange padparadscha sapphire. Large minerals are sold from 30 thousand per carat. Small stones with small defects are much cheaper.


    Grandidierite is a light blue stone with trichroicity, that is, shimmering in three shades of turquoise. Small gems start at $ 2,000 per carat.

    Rare representatives of the kingdom of gems

    Such minerals are valued very highly, some of them are simply priceless and are kept in museums and private collections.


    Serendibite is a gem that gets its name from the ancient name of Sri Lanka. The existence of 1000 small specimens has been officially confirmed. For example, there are only three light blue stones available, their weight does not exceed 0.55 carats.

    Purple pomegranate

    Purple garnet is a rare mineral. The first specimen was discovered in 1970 in Australia. They called it majorite after the explorer of these gems.


    Eremeevit outwardly resembles aquamarine. Only a few examples of the cut stone are known.


    Demantoid from the pomegranate group, yellow-green or green.


    Taaffeite is distinguished by birefringence, shimmers with all sorts of shades of pink and purple.


    Pudrettite is a rare gem, mined in Burma and Canada in single quantities. Rose color interspersed with rutile threads.


    Musgravite resembles taaffeite in appearance and physical properties, the color is green and purple.


    Benitoite is mined in California. The deep blue mineral is the symbol of the state. When it hits the surface, ultraviolet radiation exhibits a fluorescent glow.


    The bright blue tanzanite is mined in the vicinity of Mount Kilimanjaro. Heating makes the color of the mineral brighter. The stone has an alexandrite effect.

    Tourmaline Paraiba

    Tourmaline Paraiba has a turquoise color. When the sun's rays pass through the crystal, a "neon" glow appears.


    Raspberry red beryl bixbit is found only in the United States and Mexico. Gemstones, due to their small size, cannot be cut.

    Black opal

    Black opal belongs to an expensive mineral, the surface shimmers with all shades of the rainbow - this is its individuality.


    Painite is a rare orange mineral. The only copy is kept in the London Museum.

    Nature has created placers of beautiful and unusual precious stones. Some gems can only be seen at the auction or in the museum. But the talent of a jeweler can transform a crystal into a chic and expensive piece of art.

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