• How to treat prickly heat in children, why it occurs, treatment and child care for prickly heat. Prickly heat in newborns How can you spread sweat flakes in newborns?


    Miliaria manifests itself in newborns against the background of increased production of sweat by the glands. As a rule, there are small red pimples on the bottom of the baby, and a rash is also noted on the face, neck, and less often on the legs. It is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner and get rid of prickly heat with special medications, given the type of pathology. Otherwise, the child will soon develop diaper rash and diaper dermatitis.

    How to recognize prickly heat in newborns?


    It is necessary to fight prickly heat in infants after the type of ailment has been established. Each parent needs to know what prickly heat looks like, therefore the main types and their features are presented in the table:

    VarietyPeculiaritiesLocalizationDuration, days
    RedSmall pimples and blisters appear, surrounded by a red borderIn the groin, on the neck, under the arms, on the cheeks, on the back of the headNo more than 14
    Painful and itchy signs are noted
    CrystallineRash that is white or silveryOn the back and belly, behind the ears, on the forehead and neck2-3
    Merging bubbles into one large formation
    Spontaneous rupture of blisters, in place of which crusts form, delivering itching
    PapularObserved when the baby overheatsOn the arms and legs, on the buttocksNo more than a week
    Blistering rash is colored beige
    InfectedRunning prickly heat in babies, in which the deep layers of the epidermis are damagedOn the body, limbs, faceFrom a few weeks to a month
    Blistering with yellow-gray exudate inside
    Increased body temperature

    If prickly heat is not cured in a timely manner, then after a short period of time an infection will join, in which antibacterial drugs will be required.

    Why does prickly heat appear?

    High humidity in the apartment is one of the reasons for the appearance of prickly heat in babies.

    Miliaria in newborns occurs for various reasons. Most often, it is noted in those places where fresh air does not enter the skin. It is especially important to know what a prickly sweat looks like for parents whose babies were born prematurely or with excessive body weight, since such babies are at risk. When a baby has a lot of sweat on its skin, it can irritate the skin. There are such sources for the development of prickly heat in infants:

    • extreme humidity, stuffiness, or heat in the children's room;
    • rare water procedures;
    • applying a fat cream to the baby's epidermis, as a result of which the pores are clogged and the skin does not breathe;
    • allergy under a diaper;
    • an allergic reaction to synthetic materials from which the clothes are made;
    • high body temperature;
    • lack or absence of air baths;
    • clothes that are not suitable for the weather or for the size.

    Signs that distinguish prickly heat from an allergic reaction

    It is necessary to find out what prickly heat looks like in infants, since it is often mistaken for other dermatological disorders. Often, prickly heat is confused with an allergic reaction. The table summarizes the main differences between prickly heat in newborns and allergies:

    In what places does prickly heat appear?

    In most cases, prickly heat in infants appears on the bottom, due to the frequent use of diapers.

    Sweating most often occurs in children at the age of 7 months and at 1 year, since it is during this period that the activity of the baby increases, he begins to move more, as a result of which sweating increases. Prickly sweat appears all over the body or is constantly localized in the same place. Often, the groin area of ​​the baby is affected, the cause of which is a tight or poor-quality diaper. A distinctive feature of prickly heat in a newborn from other dermatological diseases is the special localization of rashes. Typically, the problem occurs in places like this:

    • Prickly heat on the priest. It worries if a greasy cream is regularly applied to the delicate skin of children's buttocks, which does not allow the skin to breathe.
    • Neck area. It occurs with insufficient adherence to the rules of hygiene, often worries newborns in hot weather.
    • Upper back. It manifests itself against the background of overheating and wearing synthetic clothing.
    • Face area. It is a consequence of an allergic reaction or the transition of pimples from the neck.
    • Prickly heat on the head. Frequent wearing of a headdress, especially if he is not dressed for the weather.

    The most effective treatment

    Treatment of prickly heat in newborns is carried out individually and depends on the type of ailment and the severity of skin lesions.

    If an insignificant area of ​​the epidermis is damaged and the infection has not joined, then doctors prescribe a folk remedy or cream, which is recommended to treat the child's skin every day. To remove multiple rashes complicated by an infectious lesion, an antibiotic is required. After applying the necessary therapeutic manipulations, the sweat will soon pass.

    Drug therapy

    When are antibiotics required?

    To avoid fungal and viral infections, it is worth using an alcohol solution "Chlorophyllipt".

    If a newborn's prickly heat does not go away for a long time and is complicated by a bacterial, viral or fungal infection, then it is required to treat the disease with antibiotics. The most effective and approved solutions are:

    • 1% alcohol solution of "Chlorophyllipt". The solution should be used to treat the area affected by prickly heat. The remedy is effective for staphylococcal infections.
    • Alcoholic solutions of salicylic and boric acid. They have a drying effect and fight infection.

    Prickly heat in infants is a fairly common occurrence. Often it occurs through the fault of inept parents and mistakes in caring for a newborn.

    The rash is usually localized in the folds, most often unpleasant symptoms are observed in the cervical fold, in the groin areas and in the armpits. The spread of prickly heat to the face or head indicates the neglect of the disease and is much less common. Late treatment provokes itching and anxiety in the baby. Some babies do not react in any way to prickly heat, while others become moody, refuse to eat, and often cry.

    Basically, prickly heat develops due to the regular unreasonable wrapping of the child, with poor care for the delicate skin. The newborn should be bathed every day and washed after each bowel movement. As a rule, the incidence of prickly heat increases with the onset of summer time.

    Adult skin is less prone to prickly heat. The sensitive skin of an infant cannot provide sufficient protection against environmental factors. In addition, babies' sweat and sebaceous glands are not fully functional.

    Untreated prickly heat in itself does not threaten the health of the newborn. But when itching occurs, there is a risk of scratching, through which pathogenic bacteria can easily enter the body. The vessels in babies are close to the skin surface, therefore, inflammatory processes develop easily.

    What does prickly heat look like in infants

    Depending on the type of rash, prickly heat is classified into 3 types.

    Most often, newborns have crystalline prickly heat. In this case, the rash looks like a collection of white or pearlescent blisters. Their diameter, as a rule, does not exceed 1 - 2 mm. These bubbles burst with every touch, leaving slight peeling on the skin. This form of the disease affects, first of all, the upper half of the body, neck.

    Red prickly heat has more serious symptoms. Homogeneous bubbles and nodules form, the skin around the formations turns red. Elements usually do not fuse together, but they can cause perceptible itching, tenderness and soreness when touched. At high temperatures and high humidity, unpleasant manifestations intensify. The localization of this form of prickly heat is the armpits, groin areas and the skin of the neck.

    With deep prickly heat, flesh-colored bubbles appear. Their diameter is no more than 1 - 3 mm. Symptoms appear several hours after the skin is exposed to sweat. With proper care, prickly heat is quickly eliminated. The disease spreads to the skin of the legs, arms and trunk.

    If the skin is in an inflamed state for a long time, an infection can join the prickly heat. The body temperature rises, redness with purulent contents and bubbles appear.

    Prickly heat in infants treatment

    Prickly heat in infants does not require specific treatment. It is enough to regularly take care of the baby's delicate skin. Care should be taken so that the child does not scratch; scratching of the affected areas should not be allowed. If, nevertheless, the skin is damaged, it is necessary to prevent infection from entering the wound.

    Crystalline prickly heat develops due to the immaturity of the sweat glands. This type of disease does not cause concern for the child. With proper care, the symptoms disappear completely in a few days without special therapy. Soft, lightweight cotton clothing that allows fresh air to pass through helps quick healing. It is necessary to ventilate the room as often as possible, with the development of prickly heat in the groin area, the change of diapers should be more frequent, for a while you can completely abandon them. A baby at the age of 2 - 5 months does not need to be treated with ointment.

    With red and deep prickly heat, first of all, it is required to eliminate external provoking factors, such as high body temperature, warm indoor air, and others. It is unacceptable to wrap a newborn, skip bathing. The baby's skin should not be affected by sweat.

    Bathing is best done in boiled water. This condition is especially true for children less than 1 to 2 months of age. A little manganese can be added to the water, which has a disinfectant effect. If necessary, the affected areas should be treated with any safe drying agent. It is recommended to wash itchy elements with boiled water, you can dilute a small amount of soda in it.

    Toddler's nails should be trimmed short to prevent scratching. You can put scratches on your hands.

    Excessively profuse rashes, which cause a lot of anxiety to the baby, and are difficult to treat, require medical attention.

    Ointment for prickly heat in babies

    It is possible to use any medicines for the treatment of a newborn only after consulting a specialist. Some medicated ointments and creams contain addictive hormones. It is better to refuse such drugs.

    Ointments and powders are prescribed for the topical treatment of prickly heat in infants. Therapeutic ointments are usually required for children 6 to 8 months of age. During this period, the child's sweat glands are practically formed, but if indicated, the doctor may prescribe the ointment earlier.

    The drying and anti-inflammatory effect is provided by zinc ointment. It must be applied to clean and thoroughly dried skin of a newborn. The procedures should be repeated several times a day. Also, for prickly heat, powders and creams made on the basis of zinc are effective.

    Sometimes symptoms persist after topical treatment. In this case, internal antimicrobial therapy is indicated.

    Prickly heat on the face of a baby

    Prickly heat is extremely rare on the face. Basically, the disease spreads to the facial surface from the neck. But often the rash on the face is of an allergic origin.

    You can independently try to distinguish an allergic reaction from prickly heat.

    If you slightly push the element to the sides, then with prickly heat it will burst and become almost invisible.

    Washing with baby soap and processing with baby cream will lead to the disappearance of manifestations the next day.

    There are known cases of the development of a "three-week rash". It occurs on the scalp and face before the age of 4 to 5 months. To make the rash disappear faster, you can wash the child with water in succession.

    Prickly heat on the neck of a baby

    It is believed that prickly heat in the neck and back of the head is caused by profuse sweating. Sweat evaporates from the skin, resulting in irritation. This arrangement is most common for prickly heat.

    Often, the disease appears as a result of elevated temperatures in the room, with unreasonable wearing of a hat, non-observance of general hygiene rules. Sometimes rashes are the result of previous illnesses, in which there was an increase in temperature.

    Wiping with a cotton pad soaked in soda or iodine solution has a good effect on the skin. You can carry out processing with a decoction of medicinal plants: calendula, celandine, chamomile. Bathing with the addition of herbs, oak bark, walnut leaves or potassium permanganate has a strong healing effect.

    Skin irritation from overheating, excessive moisture, or high temperatures sometimes occurs in infants. Treatment of prickly heat in infants is an easy task, if the necessary measures are taken in a timely manner. The ducts of the sweat glands in newborns are still imperfect, therefore they cannot cope with the removal of excess heat from the body. Finding no way to escape, sweat accumulates in the mouth of the glands, affecting nearby tissues.

    Sweating can have unpleasant consequences. The rash itself is not dangerous and goes away quickly. But microbes can penetrate the thin, vulnerable skin of children. Inflammation and pustules are a more serious problem. How can parents beat a child's sweat so as not to harm a small body?

    Making adjustments to the baby's life

    The following measures provide a quick effect. To begin with, you will need to adhere to a certain temperature regime - the ideal option is + 20-22C, the humidity in the room is 50-70%. Then you can start using special products that reduce redness or inflammation.

    You can use a powder, as well as a special mixture for diaper rash. Similar products are prepared in pharmacies using recipes from zinc oxide, talc, glycerin, distilled water. They have a light texture, form a protective film on the skin of babies and stop the further development of inflammation. The addition of panthenol to the powder has a healing effect. You just need to dip a cotton swab in the powder and powder the affected skin.

    Important! Powders are applied exclusively to dry skin surfaces.

    An effective remedy for prickly heat is air baths. It is advisable to arrange them more often and make sure that the diaper is clean. This is a good prevention of illness in newborns.

    Take a look at the wardrobe

    Conduct a thorough audit of clothes, remove all synthetics, replacing them with items made from natural fabrics - cotton, linen, wool. Only natural ingredients are able to provide high-quality removal of heat and moisture from young skin. In summer, children should be dressed lightly enough. A cotton undershirt, bodysuit, blouse, pants will do. Buy only warm items that can absorb excess sweat.

    When the baby is sleeping, check if she is hot. Touch the nose. If everything is ok, then it will be warm. Carefully run your finger along the neck and back. If you feel that the skin of the newborn is too wet or hot, then remove excess things from him, do not wrap him with a warm blanket.

    Water procedures

    Bathing should be a daily routine. And if rashes appear on the body, it is advisable to take baths up to four times a day. Pediatricians advise to bathe babies immediately after the umbilical wound is tightened. Until this happens, you can wipe the skin with a damp soft sponge or cotton swab. You can wash the groin area and folds on the thighs in babies during a diaper change. Use warm boiled water for this purpose.

    If watery blisters appear on the skin, add a weak solution of potassium permanganate to the bath (it dries pimples) so that the water turns pink. Before bathing, the skin can be treated with a soda solution in the proportion of 1 tbsp. lies. soda per liter of water. Use baby shampoo or soap to wash once or twice a week. The optimum water temperature is about 37.

    Herbal extracts of chamomile, oregano, string, thyme help well. They have excellent antiseptic properties, soothe and soften the skin. Prepare them in advance. With a decoction of oak bark, you can process folds, wipe problem areas.

    Cosmetics for children

    When changing diapers, bathing your baby, always keep hygienic cosmetics for a newborn, containing extracts of calendula, chamomile, gels with aloe vera juice, zinc oxide, on hand.

    Caring products will successfully complement lotions (without alcohol), oils, milk, always marked “for children”. Use cleansers in the morning, rubbing your face and skin folds.

    Baby oil will protect delicate skin from excessive moisture and, conversely, moisture loss. Suitable for dry, irritated skin.

    Features of medicinal components

    Baby cream moisturizes, relieves skin inflammation. Apply it several times a day on your face and body. Treatment of prickly heat at home can be carried out using ointments. Dermatologists, together with pediatricians, advise you to first mix the medicinal ointment and baby cream with each other, and then use it as directed.

    1. Irritation can be treated with topical agents containing dexpanthenol. This substance is a synthetic analogue of pantothenic acid, has the ability to restore damaged tissues. Together with chlorhexidine, it actively relieves inflammation, normalizes the condition of the damaged skin surface. Apply products containing dexpanthenol to the affected areas of your baby's skin. Another component - vitamin B5 - is responsible for the development of local immunity.
    2. Ointment for prickly heat in babies "Desitin" due to the content of zinc oxide, lanolin, cod oil provides a positive effect during the first day after use. Its elements protect the skin from the harmful effects of urine and sweat.
    3. A good helper for eliminating redness is Fenistil gel.
    4. A solution of turquoise shade "Chlorophyllipt" is also a disinfectant, quickly soothes irritated skin.
    5. Means of the Bepanten line are made on the basis of almond oil, white petrolatum and lanolin, and contain 5% dexpanthenol. On the shelves of pharmacies, you can find three varieties - cream, ointment and lotion. Cream "Bepanten-plus" also contains an antiseptic - chlorhexidine. The deficiency of pantothenic acid, which heals the skin, can be replenished with Bepanten or D-Panthenol ointments, Depanthenol cream.

    Antibacterial solutions

    One percent alcoholic solution of chlorophyllipt is the best herbal remedy. It can be used in many cases for disinfection. This drug is a must-have in your home medicine cabinet. Other alcoholic solutions, for example, boric or salicylic acid, have a drying effect, but they are not suitable for frequent use.

    Rules for applying medicinal products

    1. Rinse the skin with warm water, pat dry with a towel.
    2. When changing diapers, lubricate the area of ​​the buttocks, near the anus, areas of the body with redness with ointment.
    3. Use dexpanthenol cream twice a day for prophylaxis. It is suitable for daily use if the baby's skin is prone to irritation or diaper rash.
    4. It is advisable to use Bepanten ointment four times a day.
    5. Use an alcohol solution to treat areas where signs of infection have appeared. Chlorophyllipt successfully fights staphylococcus and other microbes.

    An experienced mother knows that if you warmly dress your baby in a well-heated room, use synthetic clothes, use low-quality baby cream, the baby's skin will be covered with small bubbles. Miliaria in newborns is a common occurrence that can occur from the first days after birth. With her appearance, the baby needs proper care and treatment. Mom's main task is to recognize her in time. Otherwise, seemingly not a terrible irritation can develop into diaper dermatitis.

    What is prickly heat

    It looks like prickly heat like red or pink small pimples filled with liquid, often not giving the baby pain, discomfort or fever. Mom may find pink spots in the baby after a walk or sleep. Prickly heat in newbornsnot contagious. With the elimination of irritants and with proper treatment, it quickly goes away. But if the rash is not treated, infections join them. A common rash turns into pustules, which are a threat to the health and general condition of the baby.

    Why do children have prickly heat?

    The cause of prickly heat is sweat that clogs the pores of the skin. Trying to protect the child from freezing, parents wrap him up or lubricate the body with a thick layer of cream that does not allow air to pass through. Drops of sweat accumulate, provoke irritation and bubbles appear, which soon become covered with a dry crust. The more the child's sensitive skin is overheated, the more it will sprinkle. Newborns are prone to temperature changes and their skin, due to immaturity, cannot cope with the elimination of fluid in full. Premature babies especially suffer from prickly heat.

    Rashes can occur with fever, fever, or medication that increases sweating. Prolonged exposure to diapers, wet diapers, also contributes to irritation.

    Where most often occurs

    Mickey heat appears in a newborn anywhere, but more often in folds that sweat and are subject to friction most of all. Sometimes the rash spreads to the back, neck, buttocks, arms and legs, and appears on the face. Underarm prickly heat occurs when rubbing with clothes or due to tight swaddling. On the bottom and groin, extensive bright red rashes are often aggravated by the addition of diaper rash or infections. On the face, prickly heat occurs, passing from the neck or head when the child overheats. The forehead, cheeks of the baby, and sometimes the chin are covered with a rash.

    We read: It is undesirable to use wet wipes for newborns on an ongoing basis, otherwise it is important to make the right choice.

    What to do if a baby has prickly heat

    First you need to decide what type of prickly heat belongs to:

    • if the bubbles are small and filled with a clear liquid, this is crystalline prickly heat. It occurs when overheating on the face, back, chest, groin of a newborn, in all folds of the body. With proper treatment, you can get rid of it quickly, within 2-3 days;
    • prickly heat is often confused with allergies, as they are similar in appearance. Large red spots appear on the elbows and knees. The reason is profuse sweating. The areas affected by prickly heat hurt, swell slightly, itch. This form can be cured in 2-2.5 weeks.

    In order for the rash to pass faster and not spill over into a severely infected form, the baby should be bathed in herbal infusions, preventive measures should be taken, and high-quality creams, ointments, and powders should be used.

    Remember: the treatment will be effective only if you know how to properly care for the skin of the newborn!

    Sweating on the head of an infant. Photo

    Medicines for prickly heat

    The most effective medicines are zinc-based creams and ointments:

    1. Zinc ointment. The simplest and most affordable. After bathing and thorough wiping, the baby's body is smeared with ointment. It contains zinc oxide, which dries up rashes, and petroleum jelly, which softens the skin and opens the pores.
    2. Desitin- zinc ointment, drying and healing irritated skin. Relieves inflammation, prevents the appearance of diaper rash and diaper dermatitis, has antimicrobial and absorbing effect. One tube is enough for a long time, since the ointment has a viscous thick consistency and is applied in a thin layer.
    3. Sudokrem- a hypoallergenic cream that protects and regenerates the skin. Reduces inflammation, has an astringent effect, protects the baby's bottom from moisture when applied under a diaper. It contains antiseptics, antibacterial and antimicrobial components that help get rid of prickly heat, rashes, inflammation and irritation on the face, buttocks, neck and other parts of the body of newborns, older children and adults.

    Also used drugs based on panthenol, effective in the fight against prickly heat:

    • Bepanten- used to treat and prevent diaper rash, prickly heat, dermatitis, skin inflammation. The remedy eliminates cracks in the nipples during the nursing period, heals wounds and scratches, heals burns, ulcers and eczema. Bepanten, quickly absorbed into the body, restores and moisturizes the epidermis even in areas covered with hair. To combat prickly heat in newborns, the cream is applied to dry skin every time you change diapers or diapers.
    • D-panthenol- an analogue of Bepanten, which has the same properties that allow treating prickly heat. It is produced in the form of ointment and cream and is much cheaper. Perfectly eliminates rashes, relieves inflammation, heals burns.

    It is necessary to use a cream or ointment after consulting a doctor, since the treatment of prickly heat in newborns depends on the degree of damage and the individual characteristics of the baby's body.

    Traditional methods

    To get rid of prickly heat, medications are combined with bathing in herbs. Be sure to bathe a newborn not in clean water, but in decoctions of a string, chamomile, calendula. Decoctions of birch buds, oak bark, yarrow are added. These herbs reduce sweat production, improve sweat gland function, relieve inflammation and heal wounds.

    You can also fight prickly heat on the face, chest, priest, armpits, neck using folk recipes:

    • the bath is filled with water and a glass of diluted starch is added to it. After the bathing procedure in such a bath, the body of the newborn is not rinsed, but wiped dry. Then prickly heat is treated with medicinal cream;
    • use ordinary laundry soap. They wash the affected areas, rinse and wipe the child;
    • a manganese solution dries the skin well. It is made light pink and added to the bathtub;
    • Baking soda is considered an excellent effective remedy for getting rid of irritation, rashes and prickly heat. A teaspoon of powder is stirred in a glass of water. In the resulting solution, moisten a gauze or cotton pad, wipe the inflamed areas on the skin;
    • decoction of bay leaves. Take 3-4 leaves in a glass of water and cook for 5-10 minutes. Sore spots are moistened with a cooled broth.

    Important! If prickly heat looks like infected, abscesses with green or yellow liquid have appeared, the temperature rises, the newborn baby is worried and naughty, an urgent need to consult a doctor.

    Prevention of prickly heat

    It is easier to prevent a disease than to cure it. In order for prickly heat in infants to appear rarely and pass quickly, without complicating the infectious form, mommy must take preventive measures.

    1. Breastfeed your baby and follow a diet.
    2. Bathing the baby every day in the heat, every other day in the winter. At the same time, you can alternate clean water with anti-inflammatory herbal decoctions from a string, calendula, chamomile and pharmacy extracts for bathing - a list of herbs suitable for bathing. Baby ru extract is considered a popular remedy.
    3. After bathing, do not wrap the child, but pat the body with a towel and let the skin dry completely.
    4. The newborn should receive air baths for 5-10 minutes every day. At this time, you can do gymnastics, give him a relaxing massage.
    5. In the summer, wear clothes made from natural fibers that absorb moisture on the baby. Bed linen should also be natural, without synthetics, which does not allow air to pass through.
    6. Ventilate the room and maintain the temperature no more than 22 degrees. It is necessary to temper a newborn from birth.
    7. Tight swaddling is a thing of the past. In the first months of life, the baby can wake himself up with his hands, so he does not need to be swaddled much, giving him the opportunity to wiggle his limbs - we read about swaddling.
    8. Diapers and diapers should be changed immediately after a bowel movement to avoid friction and contact with urine and feces. To reduce the appearance of rashes on the bottom, breathable diapers should be used. Diapers are selected according to the baby's weight, providing him with maximum comfort.
    9. After changing the baby's diaper, wash and treat with powder or cream that does not form a film - the technique of proper washing.
    10. Use powders when no cream or ointment has been used. Talc, rolling into lumps, can rub the delicate skin of the child and provoke prickly heat.

    It is useful to study:

    • Pemphigus of newborns: how it can be dangerous

    No matter how you take care of the baby's delicate skin, unfortunately, you are not immune from irritation on it. Miliaria in a newborn can occur both from overheating and from improper use of the diaper, the child may have a sensitive skin type, prone to irritations and rashes.

    In any case, you need to understand the reasons and take all the necessary preventive and therapeutic measures.

    What is commonly called prickly heat?

    The formation of small spots or pimples of pink and red color that are located in the folds of the skin and in areas of increased sweating is called prickly heat.

    Sometimes, small pimples may contain a small amount of fluid and crust over when damaged. This type of rash is most common in the summer or after sleep, when the child is exposed to the greatest sweating process.

    Miliaria can form in the first days after birth, and in the absence of proper child care, manifestations become systematic.

    Most often, the newborn practically does not show signs of prickly heat, however, there may be cases when the newborn becomes less active, this is due to the formation of a large area of ​​skin lesions.


    • Crystalline - rashes in the form of small bubbles with liquid, which combine into large spots, burst and dry out after 2-3 days.
    • Red - individual nodules and red bubbles filled with an opaque liquid. The nodules do not merge with each other, they cause discomfort to the baby with severe itching.
    • Papular - small colorless vesicles that form most often in the summer and are accompanied by dryness and peeling of the skin.
    • Yellow and white - a more complex type of prickly heat, because a secondary infection joins, the rash turns into pustules and crusts.

    The appearance of a rash with chickenpox in a child

    Why are babies most affected?

    Miliaria can form at almost any age, however, this type of skin rash is most often formed in babies.

    This is facilitated by the following features:

    • Children's skin is much thinner than the adult epidermis;
    • There are many small vessels on the skin of newborns, which leads to the rapid spread of the slightest inflammatory formation;
    • The newborn quickly overheats, this is due to the weak functioning of the sweat glands;
    • The skin of newborns is very sensitive and reacts to perspiration;
    • The baby's integument does not produce pigment, therefore, the reaction to heat is the formation of prickly heat.

    The epidermis of newborns is very sensitive and when various irritants in the form of dust come into contact with the skin, protective functions can appear in the form of increased sweating, which leads to the formation of prickly heat.

    What is prickly heat

    Sweating is an unpleasant but not dangerous condition. It is more common in infants, although it is also familiar to adults. The name of the disease reflects its essence. Normally, sweat is secreted by special glands of the skin, and consists of water and harmful substances dissolved in it: salts, toxins, toxins.

    Under certain conditions: high temperature, insufficient air exchange, tight, non-breathable clothing, excess weight, sweating increases. The glands, clogged with cosmetic compounds or sebum, do not cope with their function. As a result, sweat lingers and causes irritation. Untimely removal of its excess creates a favorable environment for the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria, which provokes inflammation.

    In addition, the ducts of the sweat glands in the infant are finally formed only by the fourth week. And the full development of all layers of the dermis ends by 5-6 years. It also takes time for the formation of its correct microflora and neutral reaction. This is why baby skin reacts so much to tight swaddling and heat.

    Causes of prickly heat

    The following types of causes most often contribute to the occurrence of prickly heat on the skin of a newborn:

    • The use of diapers;
    • Tight and uncomfortable collar on things;
    • Swaddling the baby too tight;
    • Wearing warm clothing during hot seasons;
    • The use of baby cream in large quantities;
    • Finding a newborn in a stuffy room;
    • Long-term presence of the baby in one position;
    • The child's hair is too long, which falls freely on the shoulders;
    • Poor quality material from which the clothes of the newborn are sewn.

    In the summertime, thick fabrics should be avoided, which can lead to poor air penetration. At a young age, when using a baby stroller, it is not recommended to cover it with a cover during long walks.

    Prevention of prickly heat in children

    A common unpleasant condition has a good prognosis. Symptoms disappear quickly after treatment. To avoid prickly heat will help:

    • Daily air baths in sweltering hot weather and when the baby is extremely active.
    • Regular water procedures with examination of all folds, behind the ears and in the armpits.
    • Purchase of high-quality diapers, which are recommended to be changed every 2 hours, and it is advisable to use it only during sleep and walking. In hot weather, give up diapers in favor of comfortable and comfortable baby clothes that will replace diapers.
    • For the prevention of dermatoses, give the baby time to be hardened in the nude.
    • Change underwear daily.
    • Under the diaper, apply a thin layer of a special ointment or oil against diaper rash to prevent clogging of the ducts and the appearance of prickly heat.
    • Wash baby clothes with hypoallergenic detergents.
    • Apply water-based formulations. Instead of cosmetic oil, it is better to use baby milk.

    Observing the rules of caring for a newborn, parents will save the child from prickly heat, and themselves from unnecessary worries.

    Types of prickly heat and symptoms

    Miliaria in newborns can be of several types:

    • Red;
    • Crystalline;
    • Deep.

    Prickly heat red

    It manifests itself in the form of inflammatory formations of small size, red. Most often it forms in the armpits, groin and on the inner side of the arms.

    Most often it manifests itself with the following symptoms:

    • The rash is red;
    • Increased body temperature;
    • Slight swelling of the epidermis;
    • Painful sensations when touched.

    This type of prickly heat most often appears in the summer, it can occur not only in newborns, but also in older children. The duration of such a rash is more than 14 days.

    Very often flows into more complex types of diseases, contributes to the formation of red acne with purulent blotches.

    Crystalline prickly heat

    It manifests itself as a small rash, which most often disappears within a few days and does not cause discomfort to the child. This prickly heat can be white and yellow.

    It differs from red prickly heat in the substance contained in the blisters that appear with prickly heat.

    Symptoms of manifestations:

    • The formation of bubbles that are close to each other and contain liquid;
    • Redness of the skin;
    • The appearance of slight swelling.

    Deep prickly heat

    It is observed in older children and adults.

    It manifests itself in the form of red spots that form in the places of the greatest accumulation of sweat glands.

    May be accompanied by unpleasant symptoms such as high fever and ulceration of the epidermis.

    The symptoms of prickly heat can differ depending on the individual characteristics of the newborn.

    Effective treatment for certain types of rashes

    Infant skin rashes are of several types.

    Each of them has certain characteristics and requires slightly different treatment. Knowing how to treat prickly heat of different types, you can quickly get rid of unwanted manifestations and prevent possible complications.

    How to treat diathesis

    1. Quite often, crystalline prickly heat is found in an infant. This type of disease is characterized by the formation of white (sometimes pearlescent) vesicles. The rash is usually not very large, up to 2 mm in diameter, but the rash often covers a large area of ​​the skin and can coalesce to form large spots. Affected areas are most often seen on the face and neck of newborns. In most cases, prickly heat of this type does not require treatment with pharmacy products and quickly disappears. If, after a few days, the rash is still visible, you need to see a doctor.
    2. If the irritation of the skin is accompanied by itching, and the slightest touch causes pain, the child has red prickly heat. Painful sensations in this form of the disease intensify at high air temperatures and excessive humidity. The rash is small, red-bordered blisters that need to be treated with medication selected by your doctor. The affected skin must be treated with disinfectant solutions, for example, potassium permanganate. In addition, baths with the addition of decoctions of plants such as chamomile and calendula are useful. After water procedures, apply Bepanten powder or zinc ointment to the rash. If traces of red prickly heat are visible in a child's arms, legs and buttocks, it is worth using products based on dexpanthenol or zinc oxide. Often the doctor can prescribe antihistamines, for example, Fenistil drops.

    As a result of wearing a warm hat, overheating occurs, as a result of which signs of prickly heat on the face of newborns become noticeable. Having noticed such a manifestation, it is necessary to eliminate the influence of factors that affect the formation of the rash.

    First of all, you need to stop swaddling the baby tightly and make his sweat glands work hard. Treatment of prickly heat is also impossible without careful hygiene - every mother should remember this.

    To prevent the child from overheating during sleep, it is necessary to maintain the temperature in the room that is optimal for his body (from 20 to 22 degrees)

    Places of localization of prickly heat

    It can appear in various parts of the body.

    However, the most common places of localization of prickly heat in a newborn are:

    • Face- the appearance of such a rash on the face of a newborn is very rare, the causes are the transition of the infection from the neck to the face;
    • Head- this type of rash occurs due to increased moisture in the epidermis. Such a rash occurs when wearing thick hats and too long hair;
    • Neck- in newborns, the neck area most often sweats due to skin folds and too tight collars;
    • Groin and butt- such a rash appears as a result of excessive evaporation. The most common causes are diapers, poor body hygiene;
    • Armpits- the area of ​​the armpits sweats most often due to the increased work of the sweat glands, the reaction of the skin to sweat.

    In addition to the main places of localization, prickly heat may appear under the knees, on the bends of the elbows and on the back.

    In newborns who are overweight, prickly heat can form in all folds of the skin. Therefore, after bathing the baby, parents should carefully examine the body for the timely elimination of the problem.

    Where does it most often occur?

    The spread of this disease throughout the body can be very heterogeneous. The rash can appear almost all over the body, or it can be located locally in one of the areas most susceptible to its occurrence. It is not uncommon for prickly heat to appear in the groin, which gives the child additional discomfort. As a result, disturbed sleep and capricious behavior.

    Where rashes occur most often

    As mentioned earlier, prickly heat is the result of high activity of the sweat glands when the baby overheats. The most vulnerable areas for her are the neck, back and face. At the same time, there is a lot of controversy about the appearance of prickly heat on the face. Each of these places is at risk for specific reasons that you should be aware of.

    Prickly heat on the neck of a baby.

    Since the neck of the newborn is short enough, it falls into the risk zone. Miliaria can form on it when swaddling is too tight and due to the accumulation of saliva on the chin. High room temperatures and inappropriate childcare are usually catalysts.

    Prickly heat on the back.

    In addition to overheating, risk factors include poor hygiene, too active wearing of diapers without resting the skin, and improperly selected organic creams. If you add to this sleeping clothes and clothes made of synthetic materials, then the active spread of prickly heat is guaranteed.

    Prickly heat on the face.

    The face is the most controversial area for the manifestation of prickly heat, according to pediatricians. Some of them are of the opinion that there is no prickly heat on the face and all redness and changes in the skin indicate the presence of allergies.

    Another part talks about the possibility of prickly heat spreading to the face from the neck or from behind the ears, if the child too often wore an overly warm and uncomfortable headdress. It is best to deal with prickly heat on the face by wiping it with a decoction of string and chamomile or a weak solution of soda (no more than 1 tsp for 1 tbsp of water).

    What does prickly heat look like?

    A photo of what a sweaty sweat looks like:

    Causes of prickly sweat

    • hot weather conditions that cause increased sweating;
    • overheating of the baby due to excessive wrapping;
    • irritation of the skin as a result of friction against fabric, diapers, clothing;
    • frequent use of oily creams that clog pores;
    • staying for a long time in a poorly ventilated room;
    • non-observance of baby hygiene, rare bathing (on this topic we have a detailed article: How to bathe a newborn? >>>);
    • an increase in body temperature, leading to profuse sweating.

    Know! But even in the presence of these factors, it is far from always possible for a sweat to appear. Much depends on the sensitivity of the skin.

    Among the symptoms accompanying this disease, the following can be noted:

    1. blisters on the skin that are reddish or pink in color;
    2. the child sweats a lot;
    3. the appearance of "weeping" skin.

    "Favorite" places for sweaty sweat are: priest, back, groin, neck, head, face.

    How to distinguish prickly heat from an allergic reaction?

    Many parents confuse the appearance of an allergic reaction and prickly heat, for this reason, there is a lack of timely treatment.

    The following distinguishing features of prickly heat and allergic reactions in babies are distinguished.

    Allergic reaction:

    • The rash is accompanied by severe itching and may increase after exposure to an allergen;
    • Allergies can get worse and wounds appear on the epidermis;
    • Severe inflammation is very common that is causing the infection;
    • Fluid is observed and the formation of a crust with allergies at the site of the rash of the rash;
    • Cracks form in the skin that may become inflamed;
    • A skin rash most often covers the entire area of ​​the body merging into one spot.

    Prickly heat has the following features:

    • Miliaria most often appears as a burning sensation;
    • The rash goes away quickly and is easy to treat;
    • With proper care, rashes and redness from the epidermis disappear;
    • Skin lesions do not turn red after contact with water.

    If parents cannot independently distinguish prickly heat in a newborn from allergies, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician for advice.

    What is and why a mysterious rash occurs

    A child's sweat is a rash on the skin that is accompanied by irritation and redness. There are two groups of reasons for its occurrence: internal and external.

    External causes

    • Improper hygiene of the child. Untimely diaper change and infrequent bathing provoke the growth of bacteria and a rash appears.
    • The use of creams with a greasy texture in the summer leads to the formation of a dense film that prevents the evaporation of sweat.
    • Clothing made of synthetic fabrics, incorrect diaper size provoke skin irritation.
    • The stuffiness and low level of humidity in the nursery have an adverse effect on the condition of the skin.

    Internal reasons

    • Insufficient development of the baby's sweat glands makes it difficult to sweat.
    • The thermoregulation center in young children has not yet been fully formed, therefore it does not always cope with fluctuations in ambient temperature.

    The main cause of prickly heat in young children is overheating of the body and lack of proper care. Here you can learn how to properly rinse a baby's nose - such a manipulation causes a number of problems for inexperienced parents.

    Why is prickly heat dangerous?

    Most often, the appearance of prickly heat in a newborn is not considered dangerous, experts advise simply to properly observe the hygiene of the baby's body.

    However, there are some peculiarities:

    • Formation of wounds and scars on the body with improper skin care;
    • A child can get an infection in damage to the epidermis, which often leads to the appearance of purulent discharge;
    • Swelling and inflammation of the skin in the absence of the necessary care;
    • May lead to impairment of the protective functions of the epidermis;
    • Pyoderma, can affect internal organs, cause diseases such as kidney damage, respiratory failure, skin damage.

    In addition, with an advanced form of prickly heat, babies may experience fever, lack of appetite, which also negatively affects health, slowing down the natural processes of development.

    What you need to do to quickly get rid of a child's rash

    Several rules that young mothers should know about will help to effectively treat prickly sweat in a baby:

    • To avoid aggravating the situation, the affected areas of the skin should not be lubricated with creams. It is best to treat rashes with special powders, which will dry out the inflammation and prevent the formation of weeping wounds.
    • After the child has defecated, it should be thoroughly washed, and then the skin folds should be treated with talcum powder.
    • Having noticed signs of prickly heat, it is necessary to increase the number of baths of the baby, for example, up to 3 times a day. However, soap should be used no more than 1 time per day. Such a measure will ensure the timely elimination of skin secretions, due to which the spread of the disease occurs.
    • After the baby has been bathed, it should not be swaddled tightly. Diapers that are too tight to the body block the flow of oxygen. As a result, delicate skin overheats and fluid-filled blisters form on it.
    • If the baby shows signs of a skin disease, not only water, but also air baths are useful.
    • The bedding on which the baby sick with prickly heat sleeps should be made of natural materials. His clothes should also be of high quality fabrics.
    • When going for a walk, you need to be guided by the weather conditions. It is best to dress the baby in several light sweaters than in one very warm one. If the child becomes hot, some of the clothing can be removed, thereby preventing overheating of the body. To find out if a child is cold, you need to touch his nose. If it remains warm, the baby is not in danger of hypothermia.
    • Try to use diapers only during night sleep and long walks. Thus, you can avoid rashes on the buttocks and legs. When dressing a child in such underwear, it is better to use a cream designed to be applied to dry skin under a diaper, such as Johnsons Baby or Bubchen.

    Learn more about the treatment of prickly heat in adults here.

    Diagnostic methods and when should you see a doctor?

    When prickly heat develops in a child, it is necessary to contact a medical institution in the following situations:

    • The child becomes too restless;
    • Skin rash does not disappear for a long time;
    • The formation of puffiness and inflammation is observed;
    • There is a high temperature that does not respond to drugs;
    • If parents cannot independently establish the cause of the appearance of changes on the skin.

    When contacting a doctor, a visual examination of the child takes place. Most often, this type of diagnosis is sufficient to establish a diagnosis.

    However, when an advanced stage of prickly heat is observed in a newborn, additional tests may be prescribed, such as:

    • Blood test;
    • Bacterial sowing;
    • Taking the contents of the bubble for analysis;
    • Scrubbed off the bubbles.

    After receiving the results of the analysis, the doctor prescribes the appropriate treatment and care for the newborn, if necessary, the child is assigned to be under the supervision of a specialist.

    Treatment projections and possible unpleasant complications of the pathology

    Full recovery after previous skin diseases develops in more than 90% of cases. This is directly related to the fact that the baby's body has a high ability to regenerate. The skin is constantly renewed, and metabolic processes in the body of a child are 2-3 times more intense than in an adult. This explains the relatively low risk of developing various complications. In babies with weakened or absent immunity, the treatment of prickly heat lasts several times longer.

    Responsible parenting is essential. Unfortunately, I happened to participate in the treatment of an infant who was removed from a dysfunctional family. Since the baby was in dirty diapers and stale bedding for a long time, he developed prickly heat. Because of the intolerable itching, the boy scratched the skin, and from under the nails an infection was brought in. The child's body was covered with tiny sores, from which ichor and purulent discharge oozed. Only long-term and stage-by-stage skin treatment saved the baby from developing a serious complication - infectious-toxic shock.

    What unpleasant consequences can occur in children with prickly heat:

    1. Formation of scars. If the baby accidentally injures the skin and peels off the formed crusts, after a while, connective tissue begins to actively grow in their place. A rough scar is formed in the damaged area. Correction of this complication is carried out using laser resurfacing at an older age.
    2. Accession of a secondary infection. Often, wounds and scratches form at the site of prickly heat, which serve as an entrance gate for various microorganisms. The most common pathology of this group is streptoderma, which manifests itself in the form of rashes covered with yellowish crusts. When rejected, the skin begins to bleed. Therapy for such an ailment is carried out in the infectious diseases department with the use of antibiotics.
    3. Formation of dermatitis and diaper rash - inflammatory processes that affect the deep and superficial layers of the skin. She becomes more sensitive and tender, as a result of which contact with diapers, diapers or bed linen provokes the appearance of injuries. Treatment is carried out according to the same principles as therapy for prickly heat.

    Photo gallery: possible complications of the disease

    Streptoderma is characterized by the presence of a rash with a dense crust.

    Diaper rash is a defect in skin care that is much more severe against a background of prickly heat.

    Dermatitis is an inflammatory process that can involve the scalp

    Prickly heat treatment

    It is worth treating prickly heat with proper care, the use of local drugs to relieve unpleasant symptoms.

    Experts advise to observe the following recommendations:

    • Give clean water regularly to avoid dehydration of the newborn;
    • Observe the optimal room regime no more than 22 degrees, monitor the cleanliness of the room;
    • Refuse to use diapers at the time of treatment;
    • Do not use greasy cream for newborn skin care;
    • Bathe a newborn twice a day with the addition of a manganese solution to the water;
    • Gently pat dry damaged skin with a soft towel, do not produce friction.

    It is also very important to reduce the incidence of touching the damaged area by the newborn to prevent infection.

    Drug treatment

    In acute forms of prickly heat, the following drugs are used to eliminate unpleasant symptoms:

    • Bepanten- the action of the drug is aimed at restoring skin cells and eliminating unpleasant symptoms. Use a thin layer three times a day on cleansed baby skin. Used until symptoms have subsided. It is allowed to use from the first days of life. average cost 500 rubles;
    • Zinc ointment- used to relieve inflammation and eliminate discomfort. The petroleum jelly included in the ointment forms a film on the skin of the newborn, which protects against infection. Recommended to apply three times a day to previously cleansed skin. Duration of use is 5 days. It is used from the first days of life. It is forbidden to use with individual sensitivity to the constituent components of the ointment. average cost 40 rubles;
    • Fenistil- a preparation in the form of a gel, the action of which is aimed at restoring skin cells. Has a calming effect and relieves redness. It is used after reaching the age of 1 month. Average cost 360 rubles;
    • Sudokrem- used to treat various skin lesions, including prickly heat in newborns. It is applied twice a day with a thin layer, the course of treatment is 3 days. The ointment has a rather greasy consistency, so it is necessary to apply it pointwise to the affected area. Otherwise, the problem may worsen. Recommended for use from the age of 1 month. average cost 280 rubles;
    • Pantestin- an antiseptic preparation on a helium basis allows you to quickly eliminate inflammatory formations and discomfort. The gel is applied twice a day for 5 days. Not recommended for use up to 3 months and in case of an allergic reaction on the body. average cost 110 rubles;
    • Desitin- it is used to treat skin irritations and effectively eliminates redness and burning. It is applied twice a day for 5 days. It is used from the first days of a newborn's life. It is forbidden to use in the presence of purulent formations. average cost 200 rubles.


    Zinc ointment




    For children over one year old, the use of the following drugs is allowed:

    • Azithromycin- a special antibiotic in the form of tablets is aimed at eliminating inflammation and has an antimicrobial effect on the skin. Used once a day for 3 days. Not applicable for formations of a viral type. Appointed from the age of 3 years. average cost 80 rubles;
    • Trimistin- cream with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. It contains hormones, it is recommended to use it once a day for a course of no more than 3 days. Not for use on children under 5 years of age. Apply with caution to the skin in the face and mucous membranes. average cost 150 rubles;
    • Fukortsin- an antiseptic solution is used to relieve redness and inflammation from the skin. It is necessary to wipe the damaged area with a moistened cotton swab twice a day. Used from the first days of life. After applying the solution, it is recommended to apply a baby cream. It is forbidden to use the solution to treat prickly heat on the face and groin area. average cost 50 rubles;
    • Levomekol- a drug that has a combined effect, accelerates the process of regeneration of skin cells and eliminates inflammation and burning sensation in the epidermis. Reduces the likelihood of the appearance of purulent formations. It is used twice a day for 5 days. Not used under the age of 4. average cost 50 rubles.




    In addition to special drugs, bathing in a manganese solution is widely used. This helps to reduce inflammation and eliminate bacteria.

    Traditional methods of treating prickly heat

    For the treatment of prickly heat in children, alternative methods of treatment are very often used, which are aimed at eliminating unpleasant symptoms and relieving redness.

    The following recipes are most commonly used:

    • Soda lotions- allows for an antibacterial effect and reduces skin inflammation. For cooking, you need to pour a spoonful of soda with a glass of warm water, and using cotton pads, attach it to the damaged areas on the epidermis. Recommended for children over one year old. The procedure is carried out twice a day for 3 days. Closely monitor the child's well-being, soda lotions can cause a burning sensation. After treating the skin, apply a nourishing baby cream;
    • Iodine solution- add 5 drops of iodine to a glass of warm water. With the resulting mixture, wipe the area of ​​damage twice a day with a course of no more than 5 days. Regular use will speed up the skin regeneration process and reduce the likelihood of further development of prickly heat. Recommended for children over one year old. It is forbidden to use with individual sensitivity to the drug;
    • Decoction of bay leaves- has a quick antibacterial effect and quickly eliminates the problem. It is necessary to prepare a strong decoction of the leaves and add while bathing. Take a bath for 10 minutes. Used for children over 2 years old. Use with caution in the presence of wounds on the skin, the use of the solution may cause allergic reactions;
    • Infusion of calendula- has a healing and anti-inflammatory effect. Pour a small amount of calendula flowers with vodka in equal proportions, leave for several days. Wipe the damaged area twice a day. It is used until the symptoms disappear completely. Not recommended for children under 2 years of age. In case of increased skin sensitivity, use is prohibited, as it can cause irritation and burns.

    Traditional medicine methods for children under one year old:

    • Chamomile decoction- has a calming effect, relieves inflammation and itching. It is necessary to prepare a strong decoction of the herb and add it to the bath when bathing. It is recommended to use it daily until the symptoms of prickly heat in a newborn disappear completely. It is used from the first days of life;
    • Broth of a string- it is used to eliminate all types of rashes on children's skin. Bring the herb to a boil and leave to infuse for 20 minutes. Add to water while bathing. Recommended from the first days of life;
    • Vaseline oil- helps to reduce discomfort on the skin. Lightly rub a small amount of warm oil into the skin of the newborn. Use once a day before going to bed for 3 days. Recommended for use from the first days of life;
    • Oak bark- pour a spoonful of bark with a glass of boiling water and leave to infuse for 10 minutes. Add to water while bathing. Has a tanning effect on the skin and reduces the likelihood of infection. It is not used in its pure form, it tends to dry the epidermis. Recommended for use from the age of 3 months.

    When using traditional medicine methods, it is recommended that a sensitivity test be performed first, and a pediatrician is consulted.

    If any side effects appear, stop treatment and contact a medical institution.

    Treatment and prevention of red prickly heat

    Treatment of prickly heat will not require you to have super skills, everything will be extremely simple if you manage to determine the cause of the rash and carry out simple manipulations.

    Plan how to get rid of prickly heat in a newborn:

    1. determining the cause;
    2. elimination of the irritant;
    3. drying the skin;
    4. elimination of unpleasant symptoms;
    5. direct treatment.

    Now in more detail on each item.

    Causes of skin irritation and their elimination

    When the cause is determined, it remains only to remove the irritant, but be prepared for the fact that prickly heat in your baby could appear due to the interaction of several factors.

    • If you suspect that diapers are the cause of your troubles and redness, and the place of the rash in the buttocks and between the legs is evidence against diapers, then it's time for you to add air baths to your daily routine. It is better to minimize the use of hygiene products during treatment: only during sleep or a walk;

    You may need to change the brand of diapers, opt for breathable, fragrance-free and non-impregnated products. And one more thing: the diaper needs to be changed every 3 hours, or even more often, as it becomes full.

    • Remember, baby's hygiene is in the first place, so everyday baths are the law, washing under the tap is a must, soap is used only after bowel movements. When bathing your baby, be sure to wash every fold, neck and area behind the ears. After bathing, it is necessary to thoroughly blot the body of the newborn. How to properly bathe a newborn is described in detail in the article How to bathe a newborn baby? >>>;
    • Since overheating is the main accompanying prickly heat, then carefully monitor the temperature regime both at home and on the street, before going for a walk. It is better to cover the baby with a blanket after, than to pull a hundred clothes on him and not be able to take them off, since the baby is already puffing up and may catch a cold.

    Know! The room where your baby lives should be regularly ventilated. About how warm the room should be, read the article Temperature in the room for a newborn >>>;

    • If you think that low-quality synthetic clothing has become the cause of the rash on the back and chest, then urgently change your wardrobe. Only cotton, linen, chintz. These fabrics and air are permeable, and will be able to cope with excess moisture in the skin;
    • You cannot understand where, after using a diaper cream, prickly heat in newborns came from and how to treat it, if not with this special remedy? It's simple: the oily film of the cream and the greenhouse effect have done their bad job and caused redness;

    Know! It is permissible to use only powder under the diaper. More about baby powder >>>

    • Please note that wet clothes can cause sweating on your baby's breast. The baby may spit up or drool. In such cases, an ordinary bib is enough to solve the problem.

    Skin Drying Methods

    Miliaria is a small blistering rash, which means that it needs to be dried, and the irritation will go away. What you can do:

    1. Air baths after each diaper change are an excellent drying agent;
    2. Use of panties with inserts made of natural fabrics instead of a regular diaper;
    3. Everyday evening baths with medicinal herbs. Chamomile, calendula, string has a beneficial effect on inflamed skin. You can make local lotions from the decoction of these plants. Read the article on the topic: Herbs for bathing a newborn >>>;
    4. The method of our mothers is potassium permanganate, in the case of prickly heat, it may well come in handy. It is important not to overdo it with crystals: the water should be slightly pinkish.

    Choose one or better all of the listed methods, but remember that it is unlikely that you will be able to get rid of the rash in one session.

    Treatment with drugs and cosmetics

    How to cure prickly heat in newborns and how to smear it is the next question.

    • Remember: the only baby skin care product that can be used under a diaper is powder. You buy it exclusively in pharmacies and monitor the integrity of the packaging, the expiration date.
    • You can also find ointments for prickly heat in the pharmacy chain. This is the well-known zinc ointment with a drying effect. Bepanten (related article: Bepanten cream for newborns >>>), Panthenol will help restore the skin. Sudokrem - has an additional effect as an antiseptic.
    • Each special series of cosmetic products for baby skin care contains a zinc cream for prickly heat in newborns, but how to treat is another matter. After smearing the affected area, you need to wait until it is completely absorbed, and only then put on the diaper.
    • Fukortsin is a good remedy for prickly heat, especially on the bottom and between the legs.
    • A simple remedy - lotions from a weak soda solution - will also help relieve burning and itching during pruritus.

    All of these funds are permissible with the usual red prickly heat in newborns. How to treat a deep or purulent rash is a separate topic.

    Prevention of the appearance of prickly heat

    The formation of prickly heat in infants is a very common occurrence, which can only be avoided by observing the correct methods of care and preventive methods.

    Prevention methods:

    • Undress the child twice a day and leave for 10 minutes without clothes;
    • Use a minimum amount of preparations for the care of the newborn's skin. Large amounts of baby cream may cause extra sweating;
    • Use clothes made from natural materials that allow air to pass through well;
    • Monitor the room temperature it should not exceed 22 degrees;
    • Make sure that no moisture collects in the folds of the newborn's skin after bathing;
    • Change diapers every 2 hours, regardless of their occupancy;
    • For children under one year old, it is recommended to use clothing without seams.;
    • Do not swaddle your baby too tight, the skin must breathe;
    • Using a powder, it is necessary to apply the substance to the hands., rubbing between the palms to apply to the child's skin.

    Using simple preventive measures can reduce the likelihood of prickly heat and stiffness.

    Prevention of prickly heat in babies.

    Knowledge of preventive measures will help prevent the formation of prickly heat, and if it has already appeared, it will save you from relapse. All of the following actions must be applied in combination:

    1. Provide an optimal temperature regime in the room (about 22 degrees) and the absence of drafts. But at the same time, do not forget about the need for regular ventilation.
    2. Do not swaddle your baby too tight.
    3. Reduce the time you wear diapers.
    4. Review moisturizers and wipes. Leave only non-greasy water-based creams, and use napkins only in cases where you cannot wash the child with water (on the road, on a walk).
    5. Use powder more often.
    6. Review your baby's clothes and bedding. Leave only natural fabrics for everyday wear.
    7. Do not overheat the child. Outfits for walking and home wear should be appropriate for the weather. Apply the principle of layering. You can check if the baby is cold or hot by touching his nose.
    8. Daily bathing, including with herbal decoctions.

    Taking air baths

    Taking air baths on a regular basis is an excellent way to prevent prickly heat, as well as to strengthen the baby's immunity. During the procedure, the room should be at a comfortable temperature, without drafts. The duration of the session is no more than 10 minutes. During all this time, the child should lie completely undressed. You can combine this action with massage procedures or gymnastics with your child.

    Avoiding dense protective and moisturizing creams

    During the treatment of prickly heat, you should stop using oily creams, as they clog the pores and prevent the skin from breathing and increase the steam effect (especially under diapers).

    Control methods

    You can get rid of prickly heat only if you find out the reason that caused the development of irritation. If you just fight the manifestations of pathology, then it will appear again and again, so it is important to act directly on the very cause that provokes the development of the disease.

    You can get rid of prickly heat in a newborn through the use of disinfectants, solutions and creams. Treatment of prickly heat should be comprehensive and include the following:

    • medicinal baths. Chamomile, string, oak bark, yarrow - all these herbs can fight irritation and inflammation. Medicinal herbs are prepared half an hour before taking a bath. Treatment with baths should be continued until the clinical symptoms disappear. Baths based on a weak solution of potassium permanganate are also useful. After taking baths, the skin should be dried and then powdered with baby powder;
    • disinfectant solutions, such as chlorophyllipt, salicylic acid, boric acid, methylene blue, is another way to quickly remove an ailment;
    • baby powder. It may include anesthesin, which has a cooling effect, as well as panthenol, which has healing properties;
    • it is important to choose creams and ointments carefully for the child. They should be based on zinc, boric acid or panthenol. Products should not irritate delicate skin.


    Sweating is a skin disease that occurs due to increased sweating. The disease itself is not dangerous if the parents take action, but rather unpleasant. It is not always easy to deal with pathology, so parents will need to be patient.

    Without competent normal treatment, itching and rashes can be accompanied by a very long time. The child will be capricious, sleep poorly, eat. Before proceeding with the treatment of the disease, it is necessary to consult a doctor and establish the cause of prickly heat. Only after that, the specialist will prescribe a therapy regimen and a suitable drug.

    Diaper rash: "top view"

    Diaper rash in a newborn is characterized by inflammation on the skin, provoked by the activity of certain types of bacteria and fungi. Their favorite places are moist and warm parts of the body, skin folds, which the baby has plenty of.

    The mechanism of the onset of diaper rash is simple: when at high humidity (the child is sweating, lies in a wet diaper, etc.), the skin rubs against each other or against clothes, a diaper, primary irritation occurs. The skin turns red, and because some of these areas produce sweat and urine, it creates an ideal breeding ground for bacteria. Therefore, scabs, ulcers and severe redness can form very quickly, causing great discomfort in the child.

    How to get rid of prickly heat in a child at home

    At home, untreated cases of prickly heat can be treated. First of all, you need to exclude further sweating in the child.

    If the area of ​​skin lesions with prickly heat is large enough, bathe the baby in warm water with the addition of 2 - 3 crystals of potassium permanganate. This procedure will help dry the skin and avoid infection of the wounds.

    IMPORTANT: After bathing, lightly pat the baby's skin with a dry cotton towel or diaper. To avoid opening bubbles, do not apply force when wiping.

    Then additionally treat the redness in the folds with a soda or iodine solution using a disposable cosmetic sponge or cotton swab.

    To prepare a soda solution, take 1 tbsp. warm boiled water and dissolve 1 tsp in it. baking soda. For iodine water, add 1 drop of iodine to a glass instead of soda. After completely drying on heavily damaged areas, use baby powder.

    IMPORTANT: The simultaneous use of cream and powder is unacceptable, as a dense crust may form, which, rolling down, will damage the delicate skin of the baby.

    If you cannot get rid of prickly heat at home, contact your pediatrician for help.

    How to cure babies with folk remedies

    The use of folk remedies can be of great help in treating prickly heat, but cannot completely replace pharmaceuticals, especially in difficult cases. In addition, we must not forget that many herbs and products included in folk recipes are allergens and can harm the health of the baby.

    Here's what should help get rid of skin rashes:

    1. Bay leaf. It is brewed with boiling water (50 g per bowl of water), and then the inflamed areas on the body of children are washed with a solution cooled to the required temperature. This procedure is allowed to be done almost daily.
    2. Pharmaceutical camomile. It is convenient to use a packaged pharmaceutical product (2 sachets per glass of water). With the prepared infusion, you need to smear the areas covered with a rash, while making light massage movements.
    3. The sequence. The broth is prepared from 1 liter of water and 15 g of medicinal raw materials. Use in the same way as pharmacy chamomile.
    4. Lavender oil. Five drops of this essential oil in a baby bath is enough not only to reduce inflammation, but also to help strengthen the baby's nervous system.
    5. Manganese. This popular disinfectant must be used very carefully if it is used when bathing a child (some pediatricians generally exclude the possibility of such treatment for babies). The bath water prepared using 1-2 manganese crystals should be slightly pink. It is allowed to arrange such baths for a baby no more than 1 time a week, so that a month-old baby (or a little older) does not suffer from excessive drying of delicate skin - cracks may appear on it.
    6. Aloe. A large succulent leaf of the plant is kept in the refrigerator for a day. Then it should be cut lengthwise and the pulp should be smeared on those places on the skin where there is a rash. Excess juice is removed with a napkin, blotting the skin.
    7. Sea salt. This remedy is used for baths, when, due to the baby's tendency to allergies, medicinal herbs cannot be used.

    Could there be prickly heat on the cheeks?

    In this case, we can safely say: there is no prickly heat on the cheeks! The fact is that the sweat glands on the cheeks of infants do not function. And in adults, they show extremely low activity in these places.

    Agree, you hardly felt sweat on your cheeks in life. On the forehead, on the temples, under the nose, but not on the cheeks!

    Remember! If you notice that the baby's cheeks are reddened or covered with small bubbles, then remember that this is definitely not a sweat. This is most likely a manifestation of either food allergy or atopic dermatitis. An accurate diagnosis will be made by a dermatologist.

    In the case of food allergies, pay attention to your diet first. Probably, it should be reviewed, and sometimes go on a hypoallergenic diet.

    Atopic dermatitis is a skin disease that is associated with the diet of a nursing mother in only 15% of cases. In atopic dermatitis, the focus is on proper care for damaged skin, so a correct diagnosis is important.

    What should be included in a safe diet for a nursing mother, as well as recommendations for skin care for atopic dermatitis, see the online course Nutrition for a nursing mother without harm to the baby >>>

    How to treat

    First degree diaper rash is easy to treat. Basic principle: dry and soften the skin. Therefore, at the initial stage, a drying ointment, for example, zinc or Bepanten, is sufficient, and preventive measures in the form of taking air baths, bathing in herbs, regular washing, etc.

    But if the diaper rash persists, it is recommended not to self-medicate, but to consult a doctor. Together with the doctor, it will be possible to develop an integrated approach to the disease using drugs that accelerate the healing process and have a bactericidal effect.


    The main requirement for medicinal ointments is that they must be non-greasy. Why is that? The fact is that too fatty ointments form a film after application to a body area, since their goal is the maximum long-term effect of the drug. But in this case, they will only interfere with the healing process. Therefore, use proven remedies specially formulated for the treatment of diaper rash.

    Creams and ointments

    Desitin is an excellent zinc-based remedy for diaper rash. It is approved for use by both adults and children. The affected area is washed and dried (the skin is blotted with a towel). The ointment is applied three times a day. However, it is only suitable for the initial stages of the disease or for prophylaxis. If the skin is infected, the ointment should not be used.

    Good old zinc ointment also helps in removing inflammation. The undoubted price advantage makes it as relevant as it was decades ago, when it was the only representative of a zinc-based ointment.

    Bepanten comes in several forms: cream, ointment and lotion. The main active ingredient dexpanthenol, or provitamin B5, simultaneously moisturizes the skin and accelerates the regeneration process. For the treatment of diaper rash, it is preferable to choose an ointment form, since it "stays" on the skin longer, while maintaining the therapeutic effect. It is useful to have a bepanten plus in the medicine cabinet, which, in addition to dexpanthenol, contains a second component, the antiseptic chlorhexidine. This cream can be used to treat infected areas.

    Baneocin is an antimicrobial agent that contains two antibiotics: bacitracin and neomycin. Available in ointment and powder form. A very effective remedy when there is severe redness and oozing, diaper rash is infected, however, due to the serious composition of the drug, it is prescribed only by a doctor if there is an indication for this. The powder is used in children from birth. The ointment is at the discretion of the doctor, after weighing the possible benefits and risks.

    A well-known remedy for the treatment of diaper rash

    Oils and talkers

    An indispensable drug in the treatment of diaper rash is sea buckthorn oil. It softens and heals the skin. Apply after changing a diaper or after bathing on clean, dry skin. Under the armpits, in the groin area and in places of folds, you can simply smear with oil. If there is redness on the arms, neck or legs, make lotions. Other oils are also used as a prophylaxis: olive, sunflower, petroleum jelly.

    Fukortsin. The drug is used as directed by a doctor. The solution has antifungal and antibacterial action, it is applied externally to eroded skin with a cotton swab or cotton swab.

    Disease period

    Now you know how to remove prickly sweat from newborns. Depending on what type of rashes your baby had, the following terms for restoring the skin are recommended:

    • Crystalline prickly heat with bubbles filled with a clear liquid is treated within 3-4 days.
    • Treatment red prickly heat will take 1-2 weeks.

    If prickly heat persists, or the type of rash has changed, it is necessary to urgently consult a pediatrician, since the symptoms of prickly heat can be confused with allergies or hives.

    A nursing baby is a fragile organism, and it takes him a long time to get used to this big world. The task of the parents is to protect him from all sorts of troubles, so keep an eye on the daily routine of the baby, walk more often and surround the baby with your love.

    Therapeutic tactics for pruritus on the face

    As you might guess, adults first need to eliminate the cause of prickly heat. Pediatricians say that frightened parents often resort to them, complaining of a rash on the baby's face. At the same time, it's hot outside, and the baby is not in a thin cotton hat, but in a warmer headdress. Of course, he is very hot and sweats profusely.

    Or it happens like this: the mother saw a small red speck on the baby's cheek. Just in case, she decided to lubricate it with a special baby cream (of which there is a decent amount in the arsenal of a young mother). The speck has not disappeared and Mom uses the cream again. But such formulations are often distinguished by high fat content, and on the delicate skin of the baby they form a film that prevents dermal breathing. All these reasons are from a series of overprotectiveness.

    But there is also a violation of hygiene rules. For example, a baby does not take air baths. Every young parent should know that air baths take pride of place in the normal routine of a child's day. Without them, nowhere! This is both the prevention of prickly heat and its main treatment. Give the baby 10-15 at first, and then 35 minutes a day for this procedure - wash the baby and put it in a crib or playpen naked. Only pre-ventilate the room.

    Prevention of diaper rash in newborns

    To effectively fight the unpleasant manifestations of dermatitis, parents need to adhere to careful hygiene of the baby: change the diaper every 3 hours or after each bowel movement, and when the baby is at home, often arrange air baths for him between diaper changes. Prevention of diaper rash also provides for a careful selection of detergents for the child: these should be specialized products without pronounced fragrances and other potentially harmful chemical compounds.

    Popular remedies

    It is worth noting that the treatment of a child cannot be limited only to compliance with hygiene standards. They must be observed in conjunction with the use of drugs.


    The cream is highly effective in treating prickly heat of a child, due to the fact that its active ingredient is provitamin B5. When the substance hits the skin, it turns into pantothenic acid. The cream helps to moisturize the skin and repair damaged areas.

    A child's prickly heat will cure faster if the affected areas are lubricated with zinc ointment. Thanks to zinc oxide, as well as petroleum jelly - the substances that make up the product, the site of the lesion has an antibacterial effect. And thanks to the creation of a protective film, moisture is retained. Zinc is able to dry out pathological sites.

    What does prickly heat look like in newborns and babies (photo)

    Degrees of defeat

    There are three degrees of damage.

    • I degree - the skin turns red, but remains intact.
    • II degree - the skin becomes bright red, inflamed, cracks and erosion are visible in places.
    • Grade III leads to ulcerative lesions, pustules appear, indicating an infection. There are weeping spots on the body, possibly peeling of the epidermis. The child is extremely restless, because the skin itches, hurts, the baby has a desire to scratch it.

    If you see a similar picture, you cannot do without the help of a doctor.

    Treatment of prickly heat in the face area

    Before you get rid of prickly heat in a newborn on the face, you need to determine its type. Treatment is selected depending on the severity. Light manifestations of the rash can be removed with decoctions of herbs, in other cases, complex treatment is required with the use of creams and oils.

    In no case should you rip off pimples, violate their integrity. Such actions will lead to the addition of infection. It is forbidden to apply any compresses on the inflamed face, this will provoke inflammation.

    Prickly heat on the face of a baby requires daily treatment of the skin with decoctions based on medicinal herbs - chamomile, calendula, string. Preparation of broths: pour 2 tablespoons of the selected ingredient with 500 ml of boiled water, insist until it cools completely, drain. Use the resulting broth for washing, or soak a cotton pad in it and wipe your face.

    To cure the rash faster, it is recommended to bathe the child in water with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. You can organize a bath with potassium permanganate no more than once a day. The best way to get rid of prickly heat on your face and not provoke an allergy to potassium permanganate is to first bathe the child in a bath with a decoction of herbs, and then rinse your face with a solution of potassium permanganate.

    You can fight prickly heat with baby powder, but without any flavored additives. The powder will help remove the rash by drying it out and prevent it from spreading further. Before using talcum powder, wipe your face with a chamomile-based decoction.

    It is possible to cure prickly heat in infants if there is liquid in the bubbles only with the help of local drugs - ointments and creams. Treatment is carried out mainly with the drug Bepanten. The ointment dries the face, relieves redness and swelling on the skin, eliminates itching and pain. Use baby cream 1-2 times a day, after pretreating prickly heat in newborns with a decoction of herbs and letting the face dry.

    It is recommended to treat prickly heat in infants with a rapid spread of the rash with a weak solution of furacilin. A cotton pad is moistened in the solution, the face is wiped.

    How to treat prickly heat, when there is no positive dynamics from the use of simple remedies - in such cases, medications are prescribed. What to treat is determined by the pediatrician. As a rule, salicylic ointment, Depanthenol, Sudocrem become the drugs of choice. You can fight prickly heat in a newborn, which is accompanied by severe itching, with the help of antihistamines - Zirtek, Fenistil. It is forbidden to give them on your own, only a doctor prescribes drugs in case of urgent need for this.

    “How to cure prickly heat and prevent it from turning into a more complex form - with severe itching, a child can scratch the skin on his face, violating the integrity of pimples. Such actions will lead to the addition of an infection, and then antibiotics will be needed. To prevent this, it is necessary to regularly trim the nails of the child, or put on the hands of special mittens "scratches". "

    If an infection has joined the prickly heat, treatment is carried out with antibiotics and drugs of an antifungal spectrum of action. To relieve symptoms, the drugs Nystatin, Sudokrem, Synthomycin ointment are prescribed.


    Very often, parents ask themselves what are the symptoms of prickly heat in babies. It looks like a pink or red rash that looks like irritation. On the face, pathology manifests itself quite often.

    Prickly sweat in babies is in the form of pinkish specks at an early stage, red nodules, or small blisters of fluid. It can manifest itself even in the first days of a baby's life after sleeping or walking, when the child sweats quite a lot.

    Parents often face such a problem in the third week of a baby's life. It is during this period that the sweat glands begin to function vigorously, but the ducts are just forming. that is why perspiration is not fully functional.

    Localization: face, neck, cheeks, butt, whole body

    Localization of prickly heat in certain areas, as a rule, is due to specific reasons. The rash can cover:

    • neck and head (back of the head, forehead) - if the baby constantly, even in a warm room, wears a hat;
    • face (cheeks, chin) - it can become inflamed if prickly heat spreads to it from the neck (in general, rashes on the face are most often of an allergic nature, you can read about how allergy symptoms differ from prickly heat in a separate article);
    • the back (mainly its upper part) and chest - due to excessive wrapping of the child, the use of underwear made of synthetic materials;
    • butt and groin area - due to the constant wearing of a diaper;
    • arms (especially often - the area under the armpits) and legs (under the knees, feet) - a restless, often crying child sweats more.

    Cosmetics for children

    When changing diapers, bathing your baby, always keep hygienic cosmetics for a newborn, containing extracts of calendula, chamomile, gels with aloe vera juice, zinc oxide, on hand.

    Caring products will successfully complement lotions (without alcohol), oils, milk, always marked “for children”. Use cleansers in the morning, rubbing your face and skin folds.

    Baby oil will protect delicate skin from excessive moisture and, conversely, moisture loss. Suitable for dry, irritated skin.

    Possible consequences

    Miliaria does not cause any particular complications in the health of children, but it often provokes unbearable itching. Such discomfort can become the primary reason that a seemingly harmless phenomenon will develop into an infectious disease. After all, if a child is constantly combing the places affected by prickly heat, an infection can get there, causing the appearance of bubbles filled with a clear liquid.

    An acute inflammatory process of infected skin is often accompanied by suppuration and often leads to an increase in the child's temperature. He becomes moody, restless, does not sleep well. With improper and ineffective treatment, the baby's health may deteriorate. In such a situation, you need not hesitate, but consult a dermatologist for help.

    Problem prevention

    Regular adherence to some simple rules for caring for a newborn baby will help avoid prickly heat or quickly get rid of it at the initial stage.

    1. Dress your baby so as not to overheat. The crumbs body temperature indicator is his nose. If it is warm, then the little one is comfortable, if it is hot, it is hot, overheating is possible, and if it is cold, it freezes.
    2. Clothes of a newborn should be exclusively made of "breathing" natural fabrics, synthetics provoke increased sweating.
    3. Bathe your baby every night. Use decoctions of medicinal plants for water procedures - string, chamomile, thyme. Do not forget about the face of the crumbs, wash it with the same decoctions.
    4. Wipe the skin of the buttocks with a damp cloth every time the little one poops, or better yet, wash it off with warm water.
    5. Use baby powder as soon as you notice irritation in the groin folds. Apply talcum powder, starch or powder to your sore skin every time you change a diaper.
    6. An excellent effect for the prevention of prickly heat is achieved from regular air baths. Leave your baby without diapers and clothes several times a day.
    7. Do not forget about regular ventilation of the room where the little one sleeps. Try to keep the temperature at 20 degrees.
    8. Take special care when choosing disposable diapers. They must be of high quality, breathable and appropriate for the age and weight of the baby. Change them promptly.

    Very often, mothers confuse this type of rash in newborns with hives, allergies and other diseases, a symptom of which is a rash. If in doubt, then do not hesitate to contact your pediatrician.

    It is he who is able to quickly determine its true nature and give recommendations on how to treat the problem. Do it for the health of your treasure and personal peace of mind.

    Your attention is invited to a video that tells about one of the methods of treating prickly heat in a baby.

    Preventive measures

    In the hot season, when prickly heat occurs, it is important to follow simple preventive recommendations to help prevent the appearance of a rash. Clothes for a newborn should be selected only from natural fabrics that allow the skin to breathe.

    The room in which the child is located must be regularly ventilated, the air should not stagnate in it and be too dry.

    The baby should be bathed in the summer from 2 to 4 times a day, it is recommended to let the skin dry naturally, without using towels. The water temperature should not be high; the optimal temperature regime is 38-37 degrees.

    In extreme heat, you can wipe the child's face with a decoction of chamomile or plain water to reduce sweating. To strengthen the protective functions of the body, it is recommended to prolong breastfeeding as long as possible.

    Rules for applying medicinal products

    1. Rinse the skin with warm water, pat dry with a towel.
    2. When changing diapers, lubricate the area of ​​the buttocks, near the anus, areas of the body with redness with ointment.
    3. Use dexpanthenol cream twice a day for prophylaxis. It is suitable for daily use if the baby's skin is prone to irritation or diaper rash.
    4. It is advisable to use Bepanten ointment four times a day.
    5. Use an alcohol solution to treat areas where signs of infection have appeared. Chlorophyllipt successfully fights staphylococcus and other microbes.

    Pathological sweat on the face

    All of the above is physiological prickly heat on the face of a newborn. That is, it can be considered a normal baby's skin reaction to negative factors that increase sweating. But in some cases, however, they are still recorded less often, prickly heat will be a symptom of the disease.

    Diseases of infants, accompanied by prickly heat:

    • Hyperhidrosis - pathologies in the work of the sebaceous glands, leading to increased sweating;
    • Diseases of the thyroid gland and other endocrine disorders;
    • Infectious and inflammatory diseases;
    • Problems in the work of the heart and blood vessels;
    • Disorders of the central nervous system;
    • Diseases of the digestive tract;
    • Pathology of the urinary tract.

    There is no need to "try on" any complex ailment to your specific case. Sweating happens to almost every child.

    But with proper hygiene, it goes away pretty quickly on its own. If prickly heat is just a symptom of a really serious illness, then it won't go away so quickly. If you have any concerns, hurry up to see your pediatrician.

    Home remedies

    At home, parents can use a variety of recipes to help cope with the problem. How to treat prickly heat in a child on the face? parents can take advantage of these tips:

    1. Oatmeal... It is an effective home remedy for fixing the problem. Add a little cereal to the bath and mix well. Bath your baby for 10-15 minutes. Repeat the procedure twice a day. Thanks to the manipulations, the skin will become more tender and inflammation will pass.
    2. Ice... A lifesaving remedy for prickly heat in a baby, which is triggered by heat and an excessively humid climate. Wrap the cubes in cloth and rub over the skin. This will help to cope with the acute inflammatory process, as well as reduce sensitivity.
    3. Sandalwood powder... Mix 2 large spoons of coriander powder and sandalwood powder. Add a couple of tablespoons of rose water and mix thoroughly to form a homogeneous paste. Spread the paste on the damaged areas and leave to dry completely. After the session, wash off the paste with cool water so that it does not get into your eyes.
    4. Margosha leaves... Take some leaves and grind them into a paste. Add water to them to make a paste of uniform consistency. Apply the ointment to the affected areas and wait until it dries. Then rinse off the composition with cool water. The plant is characterized by antibacterial properties. This helps to kill bacteria, which promotes a speedy recovery.
    5. Corn flour... Take cornmeal or powder and mix with water. Should get a thick, uniform consistency. Apply it to the affected area and wait until it dries. Then rinse with cool water.
    6. Aloe vera... Take a couple of leaves, peel them and grind them to a paste. Apply the resulting gel to damaged areas and wait for it to dry. Then rinse with cool water.

    Before using any method, you will need to consult a pediatrician and dermatologist.

    Take a look at the wardrobe

    Conduct a thorough audit of clothes, remove all synthetics, replacing them with items made from natural fabrics - cotton, linen, wool. Only natural ingredients are able to provide high-quality removal of heat and moisture from young skin. In summer, children should be dressed lightly enough. A cotton undershirt, bodysuit, blouse, pants will do. Buy only warm items that can absorb excess sweat.

    When the baby is sleeping, check if she is hot. Touch the nose. If everything is ok, then it will be warm. Carefully run your finger along the neck and back. If you feel that the skin of the newborn is too wet or hot, then remove excess things from him, do not wrap him with a warm blanket.

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