• Baby care 1 month. The first month of a child's life. What is natural and what is disturbing


    Last updated article: 03/25/2018

    It seems like yesterday you just returned from the hospital. Happy, tired. And a little confused. First of all, this concerns the parents of the first-born. What to do with the child now? There is a lot to learn. Get used to life with a demanding little man.

    But the first month of a baby's life passes quickly. In everyday chores and worries, in getting used to, in the child's cognition of the world around him. Over the past month, parents have become more proficient in newborn care skills and are feeling more confident.


    One month of life for a baby is a milestone. The baby is gaining about 700 grams in weight, growing a few centimeters. The head and chest increase in volume. And as the growth of the child does not stand still, so the development is striding by leaps and bounds. During this time, the baby manages to acquire certain skills and abilities.

    Under the influence of information from the senses, emotions, impressions from the surrounding world, the nervous system does not stop developing. And, above all, the brain. This is what ensures the development of the body's motor functions. The child begins to learn to control the movements of parts of his body. First of all, with a glance.

    Fixation in a certain position of the body or its parts indicates the development of statics. The very first sign of it in a baby is an attempt to hold the head.

    Adequate baby's reactions to irritating factors are reflected in conditioned reflex activity. When the child is hungry, expresses dissatisfaction with the cry. Ate - calmed down. By the end of the first month of life, the response becomes more difficult.

    The baby examines the mother's face, touches the breast, begins to smile. At the sight of a loved one, he touches more vividly in the air with his arms and legs. This is how conditioned reflexes are formed.

    The posture of the child also changes. In a healthy newborn, the body is in a state of physiological hypertonicity. The arms and legs are bent at the joints. The fists are clenched and pressed to the chest. The thighs are slightly apart.

    This posture does not change even during sleep. The movements are shaky, chaotic. Both physiological tremor and physiological hypertonicity begin to fade after the first month of life.

    What can a 1-month-old baby do?

    For more information on seeing, smelling, see the pediatrician's article.

    Since the baby is growing very quickly, it will be useful for parents to know.

    1. A month-old baby should already begin to hold his head. This is best seen when the baby is lying on its stomach. The head does not rest in the diaper, like a newborn's. The kid will hold her in weight for some time.
    2. Begins to recognize mom, make eye contact with her.
    3. Fixes the gaze. At first it is literally a second. Then, every day, the child can focus on a stationary object longer and longer. By the end of the first month of life, children not only fix their gaze, but also follow moving objects with their eyes. This is usually a bright rattle.
    4. New sounds begin to appear in speech. They are guttural or gurgle-like. This is not your usual monotonous infant "waa". These are the first conscious sounds, the beginnings of speech, the beginning of humming.
    5. The baby begins to listen to speech, the sounds of the world around him. Over the past month, the baby was either frightened by sharp sounds, or, on the contrary, calmed down. By the end of the month, he already reacts more consciously, distinguishes intonations. Calms down at the sounds of parents' voices and may be frightened by unfamiliar timbre.
    6. First smile. Parents have seen the smile of a newborn before. During sleep. The corners of his lips twitched, forming a touching expression on his face. But in a month, the baby can smile consciously for the first time, in response to the smile of mom or dad.
    7. Reacts to the touch of a loved one. So, mom is capable of taking him in her arms. Caught in the arms of a stranger, the infant is more likely to react negatively.
    8. Formation of the internal clock. Someone of his own begins to emerge. Some babies wait for feedings at their usual times. At a certain time, they are awake and asleep.
    9. Reflexes. The newborns' reflexes have not faded away. During a medical examination, the child must clearly demonstrate them.
    10. With the disappearance of physiological hypertonia, the child's posture becomes more relaxed.

    Creation of ideal developmental conditions

    To create optimal conditions for the development of skills and abilities, you need to apply certain efforts:

    • favorable environment.

    The kid perceives the world around him, absorbing impressions and emotions like a sponge. And not only their own, but also their parents. Calm atmosphere in the house, measured conversations, smiles of loved ones. Under these conditions, the child develops a basic sense of security and trust in the world around him.

    • tactile contact.

    This is vital for the kid. In conditions of attention deficit, anxious tendencies are formed, phobias develop.

    The child grows up to be capricious, sleep and appetite suffer. Adequate contact contributes to the development of the senses and, as a result, the nervous system.

    • massage and gymnastics.

    Ideally, these treatments are performed daily before an evening swim. They contribute to the normalization of muscle tone, have a beneficial effect on blood circulation.

    At one month of age, the choice is limited. The most important of the games is the rattle. Bright color attracts attention, focuses the eye. The sound makes you try to twist your head, which develops the neck muscles.

    An attempt to grab a toy with your hand triggers a whole chain of reactions in the baby's nervous system, forcing the brain and muscles of the limbs to work in concert.

    A whole developmental complex. All senses are stimulated during feeding. Growth and development factors come with milk, the presence of which has a beneficial effect, first of all, on the maturation of brain structures.

    The baby, who has just been born, seems to do nothing but lie almost motionless in his crib. Meanwhile, a lot of physiological changes take place in his body. He "looks closely" to this world and, although he still does not know how to express his emotions, he experiences them to the fullest.

    What a 1-month-old baby should be able to do

    • when a stationary object appears in the field, he concentrates his gaze on it;
    • squints his eyes if he sees a bright light source;
    • quite consciously examines the face of a person bending over him, looks into his eyes;
    • lying on its stomach, the baby is trying to raise its head and hold it in weight;
    • reacts to sounds and when calling for help;
    • can grab an object, but still cannot hold it in the handle;
    • leads his eyes, observing moving objects;
    • recognizes parents by voice and smell;
    • at the end of the first month, the first inclinations of speech appear - the baby gurgles and utters individual sounds.

    This is just a rough list of what a 1 month old baby should do. Early development in all children proceeds according to an individual plan, which often does not coincide in everything with the standard memos from the children's clinic or online articles.

    Despite the fact that the baby is active no more than 2-3 hours a day, while awake, he enjoys studying the world around him and is quite ready for new knowledge. He listens carefully to your lullabies, and generally responds very well to my mother's voice.

    When the child is awake, do everything possible to make it comfortable for him to be in his crib: change positions more often, take him in your arms, talk, laugh and be happy with him! Give your son or daughter as much of your attention as possible, because he only recently came to this world, and in order to quickly adapt to it, he needs contact with his mother.

    Features of the development of a child at 1 month

    During the earliest stage of life, an infant has several basic reflexes. So, the "plantar" reflex is expressed in the fact that when you run your finger along his foot, he will certainly pull the leg back. You can observe the sucking reflex if you run your finger along the baby's lips: he will fold them in a tube and try to “suck” your finger. From the very first days of life, the child also has a developed grasping reflex: put your finger on the child's palm, and you will see that he will squeeze the handle into a fist.

    Norms of weight and height of children in 1 month


    The weight,

    head, cm













    So, from this table it is not difficult to determine how much a child should weigh at 1 month. The deciding factor is the weight of the baby at birth and on the day of discharge from the hospital. These data are entered into the baby's card. It's good to have a baby weighing at home.

    But how much a child should gain at 1 month is what worries most newly-made mothers. At the end of the first month of life, the child gains an average of 100-900 g. In premature babies, these indicators are lower. In the first month, a healthy baby grows by an average of 3 cm. Other indicators are also important. So, in a children's clinic, a pediatrician at a scheduled examination at 1 month should measure the circumference of the child's head, abdomen and chest. Such indicators are very important so that all possible violations can be identified and corrected in time. Recommended at the end of the first month of life and examination by a neurologist.

    Baby's day regimen at 1 month

    When asked how much a child should sleep at 1 month, children's neurologists answer: all the time. In theory, this is true, but in practice, a few weeks after birth, the baby will spend much more time awake than before. Normally, a newborn should sleep 20-23 hours a day, but it happens that he is.

    He usually wakes up - a feeling of hunger. Today, pediatricians recommend feeding the baby on demand.

    The main rules for mom

    Take your baby to the changing and feeding handles when he is calm. This will help establish an emotional connection with him. You need to talk to the child gently and quietly. Create a calm atmosphere in your child's room. Then the baby will be calm and balanced.

    Probably, even in the maternity hospital, they explained to you how to properly hold a newborn. Be sure to instruct all family members, as well as guests who come to you and want to take the baby on the pens. (In the first months of life, however, it is better not to allow strangers to take your child in their arms. Learn to refuse politely, your friends will understand you). Warn everyone that you should definitely support the baby's head with one palm, since his neck is still weak for this.
    Today, we often find kangaroo backpacks on sale that have the 0+ mark. However, pediatricians, pediatric neuropathologists and orthopedists unanimously argue that the use of devices in which the baby sits is not permissible until the age when the child learns to sit by himself, that is, his bones and muscles will be ready for this. And marking 0+ on such products is nothing more than a marketing ploy.

    A newborn baby, if he does not mind, except just in her arms, the mother can carry in a sling, where the baby will lie. Moreover, the time spent in the sling should also be limited. Now the most comfortable and useful surface for a baby is moderately hard, like an orthopedic mattress in his crib. And, of course, mom's hands are in favor.

    Day regimen of the baby of the first month of life

    The daily regimen of a newborn consists of two periods: sleep (as we have already said, this is about 20 - 23 hours a day) and periods of wakefulness. The "vigorous" watch is designed for feeding, changing clothes and performing the simplest gymnastics for newborns (the district pediatrician will tell you about it at the first visit).

    In the first month, it is too early to talk about establishing a clear regime for the child. Modern pediatrics teaches us to feed the baby on every need. Feeding should end when the baby has released the breast on its own. If the child fell asleep without opening his jaws, carefully insert your little finger, open his jaws and easily release the chest from the mouth of the crumbs. in the first month they do not have constant regularity: the baby may ask for a breast both a few hours after the last meal, or a few minutes later. In the first month, be ready to devote almost all the time to the child and feed him as often and as long as he wants.

    Nutrition for a baby 1 month old

    Our mothers were once taught to establish a feeding schedule for newborns: 10 - 15 minutes every 3 hours. However, today this approach is considered artificial and painful for a child - it is better to trust his instincts, he himself knows when to consume how much milk.

    On average, the answer to the question of how much a child should eat at 1 month is calculated based on standard formulas:

    daily dose of milk (in grams) for a child under 10 days of age = N x 80, where N is the age in days,

    conditional dose of a single feeding = N x 10.

    However, it should be understood that this norm is conditional, since at one time the baby can drink half of the one-time norm, and in the next feeding - one and a half. That is why the control weighing of the child before and after feeding is not indicative, because you can get to just that feeding when the baby has eaten less than usual.

    For children over 10 days of age, the daily intake of milk is approximately 800 - 1000 g.

    It's clear with breast milk. And if the baby receives, then how much formula should the baby eat at 1 month? The answer is this: single portions of the mixture should be measured in accordance with the above nutritional standards, while observing the standard regularity and not exceeding the dosages. The fact is that the mixture, unlike breast milk, can overfeed the child, than to make him problems with the gastrointestinal tract and excess weight in the future.

    In the first weeks of life, alas, not uncommon. Their cause is the immaturity of the baby's gastrointestinal tract. Children who receive formula are especially susceptible to this scourge. It is not difficult to determine that the baby is tormented by colic - if the baby is screaming, pulling his legs to his stomach - most likely, the reason for this is colic. In such cases, the frequent spreading of the baby's tummy on the mother's belly helps - your warmth will ease the torment. In addition, there are pharmaceuticals - drops of fennel (they are also dill water), drugs such as espumisan, etc. It is strictly forbidden to use any of the medicines without consulting a pediatrician.

    Baby and toilet

    To find out if the baby has enough milk, the so-called. "wet diaper test" - the number of urinations per day should be at least 8, ideally 10 - 12.

    As for bowel movements, the individual rhythm is established in a child on the 4th - 5th day of life. The main indicators of the norm here are the well-being of the baby, the absence of crying during the process (that is, the child does not experience pain in the process), the absence of a fetid odor and impurities in the feces (in a healthy child, the color of feces is yellowish, the consistency of cream). As for the regimen - the norm is as well as 1 bowel movement in 2 days, and 10 - 12 per day. Everything is individual.

    If the mother notices that the child cannot go to the toilet and suffers from this, it is necessary to urgently contact your pediatrician who will tell you what can be done (usually in such cases, an enema or glycerin suppositories are recommended for infants).

    In general, the main indicator that everything is in order is how a baby looks at 1 month old. If the baby is cheerful, cheerful, smiling, has a persistent good appetite, but at the same time he has stools 1 - 2 times a week, this is not a reason to worry.

    Sleep of a baby 1 month old

    Since when the baby is full, he immediately falls asleep, change the baby's clothes before putting it to the breast. If the baby objects and demands food right now, gently coax him, stroke his back and tummy while you change.

    We risk upsetting you, but in the first month of his life, a newborn does not distinguish between day and night, and, to put it mildly, it does not matter to him that you are used to living differently. That is, the night mode of sleep and feeding will also be quite chaotic. Although it is believed that at least 5-6 hours at night the baby should sleep continuously. But remember: how much a child sleeps at 1 month at night continuously does not say anything. The kid can wake up every 1 - 2 hours at night as well as during the day to refresh himself, and this is also normal.

    It helps many moms to get enough sleep. The baby sleeps in the same bed with his mother (or in his own crib, but close to the parent’s one from the mother’s side, with the wall removed) and, as soon as he demands the breast, the mother will be able to give him what he needs, while continuing to doze herself. Naturally, for this you have to learn.

    Also, if necessary, you should be able to change your child's clothes at night. Therefore, always keep wet wipes on hand (by the way, you can read how to choose diapers).

    Surely you have heard the amazing stories of those young mothers who, almost from the first month, taught their child to sleep all night in their own bed in a separate room, without waking up for feeding even once during the night. In all honesty, one can consider such stories, firstly, fantastic (although you never know what miracles do not happen in the world), and secondly, it should be remembered that long breaks between meals can be harmful to a newborn. It is believed that during the first 6 months of life, night feeds are a physiological requirement of the baby. Later - it's already a matter of habit. That is, we do not advise you to try to wean your baby from food at night until he is at least six months old. Who said it would be easy?

    The exception is formula-fed children. They really should be offered a bottle no more often than once every 2 - 3 hours, after which they should be given a vertical position and worn around the room for 10 - 15 minutes. Since formula is digested much longer than mother's milk, artificial children often sleep most of the night without waking up. Talk to your pediatrician about your baby's nightly feeding schedule. Because, unlike breast milk, formula can really overfeed a baby.

    For a crib, the mattress should be sheathed with a waterproof cloth. Next, put on the cover. The sheet for the baby should be well padded under the mattress. It is important that it does not get lost in folds and thus does not cause inconvenience to the child. A baby under 1.5 years old does not need a pillow, because it can bend the spine. It is necessary to wash children's underwear in the first year separately from an adult, moreover, with. The linen of a newborn in the first month of his life should be ironed with an iron on both sides.

    Bathing and washing

    Particular attention should be paid. Firstly, you can start bathing only after the clothespin that was attached to him in the maternity hospital during the cutting of the umbilical cord falls off from the navel of the newborn. Secondly, all the time until it completely heals after bathing, it will definitely need to be treated with hydrogen peroxide and brilliant green, and the bathing water must be boiled. The latter is now considered optional, but will not be superfluous.

    The water temperature in the baby bath should be about 36 - 37 degrees, that is, equal to the baby's body temperature. Modern baby baths are equipped with temperature indicators (usually they have three levels: cold, normal, hot). If you don't trust such a device, use a regular alcohol thermometer.

    Important! If you still boil water, do not pour it into the bath until it cools down - this can, firstly, make the temperature indicator unusable, and secondly, cause unforeseen reactions between the water and the plastic of the bath, thereby causing its toxicity.

    You can add herbal infusions to the baby's bath (string, chamomile, celandine), but it is better to consult with your pediatrician first, since the same recipes are not suitable for everyone (for example, the same pharmacy chamomile dries the skin, and therefore I do not advise using it, if the baby already has peeling).

    Bathing children is recommended with the use marked "from birth" - such gels and shampoos are produced based on the needs of the skin of the newborn. And, of course, make sure that the one you are using does not really irritate your eyes - just test it on yourself (put a little mild shampoo solution in your eye). If the baby does not suffer from dry skin and peeling, you can use baby soap (it is usually liked by mothers who want to minimize the use of cosmetics. The fact is that soap, unlike bathing gels, does not leave any film on the baby's skin).

    Bathing crumbs lasts an average of 5 - 15 minutes. Undoubtedly, the first bath is the shortest. After that, wrap the baby in a soft towel and gently blot the moisture from his skin. Do not rub your baby's skin in any way - it is too soft for that. Next, unrolling the baby, examine the folds on its body. Perhaps in some of them there are small podparivaniye, which should be treated with sudokrem, bepanten, baby powder or cream under a diaper (experience of using these funds, as well as the formation of preferences comes only with time :)) If there are areas due to dry skin, lubricate them baby cream or oil for newborns. Attention! Under no circumstances should you cover large areas of baby's skin with cream or oil, as this will obstruct breathing and may seriously harm the baby. Creams should be used only locally - at the site of redness or irritation.

    After that, dress your baby as usual.

    There are certain rules for such a procedure as washing girls and boys. And, if bathing is usually arranged in the evenings, then you need to wash the baby every morning, after waking up before feeding, and after each bowel movement. Only warm tap water is enough for washing, there is no need to use soap.

    Girls should be washed with a stream of water from front to back. Boys shouldn't pull back the foreskin and try to flush the head of the penis! Nature took care of its isolation and the presence of bactericidal lubricant under the foreskin - smegma, which protects the baby's genitals from bacteria. Therefore, harmony must not be disturbed.

    Remember that when washing a child (both a boy and a girl), you should wash the genitals only from the outside!

    As for washing, it should also be done in the morning before feeding. In the first weeks of life, it is worth using boiled water for this. Soap and other cosmetics are useless here. Only if skin irritations are noticeable on the baby's face, treat them as directed by your pediatrician after washing.

    The baby's eyes are washed with a damp cotton swab in the direction from the outer corner of the eye to the inner one. The spout is cleaned with cotton twisted into a thin tourniquet (a cotton swab will simply not fit in there). The ears of the baby should be washed only from the outside! Otherwise, you risk damaging the auditory canals. Therefore, there is no special need for special cotton swabs with stoppers - reasonable mothers still do not try to get into the ear canal, but only wipe the auricle from the outside.

    Often for inexperienced mothers there are "surprises" behind the ears. The fact is that the baby sometimes spits up when feeding, and this milk flows over the ears. And my mother didn’t know. Unscrew the ears, see if it's clean behind them. Otherwise, it will be very embarrassing to appear in front of a pediatrician at 1 month old, when the doctor sees heaps of dirt behind your well-groomed smart baby.

    Video: Caring for a baby in the first days of life

    Walking with a child

    You need to walk with your baby every day, but if it's not lower than -10 degrees outside. Clothes for a newborn should only be made of natural fabrics, comfortable and spacious. The child will need undershirts for flannel and cotton (about 15 pieces), warm flannel, thin cotton and flannel diapers (about 35 pieces), warm and thin caps, diapers. Dressing the baby must be multi-layered. For winter walks, you need a special envelope. A stroller for walking should be deep, comfortable, with a moderately hard mattress.

    Educational games for babies 1 month

    It would seem, why do children who have just been born need all these games? After all, they are still very tiny and helpless, and they are unlikely to be interested in anything other than a rattle. In fact, this is not the case. Games are essential for a newborn. It is they who can ensure its all-round early development. Moreover, both mental and physical, and social.

    Mom is the best toy

    Yes, yes, the main rule that a mother should take into account when working with a child in the first month of his life is that the best game for him is herself. And, of course, the closest relatives. Moreover, when playing with the baby, mother and family should behave naturally, trust their instincts and feelings.

    Game for the development of the child's eyesight

    You have to take the child in your arms, hug him and look him straight in the eyes. The baby will concentrate on you, and will look mom in the eyes for a long time ... Yes, he will be distracted later, but if you continue to look at him, the baby will also return his gaze to you. You can play such "peepers" until the child gets tired.

    In addition, you can also use a dim light bulb or night light for the game. Try moving the lamp in different directions in a slightly darkened room in the child's field of vision. The kid will keep a close eye on the light. This game is great for helping the child learn to concentrate. You can also cut out different pictures from old magazines with the image of smiling bright objects, children, flowers. Place the pictures in the child's field of vision, it is best to attach them to the side of his crib. Move the pictures little by little, and you will see how the little one will follow them with his eyes.

    Toddler Development Games

    Place your fingers on the baby's palms. You will see how he reflexively squeezes your finger, and then grab onto it. During these activities, constantly talk to your baby or sing funny songs. Remember that this game is aimed at stimulating the kid's grasping reflex. You can also play a bike. Take his feet in your handles and rotate gently, just like when riding a bicycle.

    Fun games for kids

    At this age, children like hanging toys. Attach them to the crib, let them slowly spin to the melodic and pleasant music. Today there is a huge abundance of such "mobiles" for sale. Take regular walks with your child around the house. Show and tell everything that you see around. Do not worry that the child cannot get a good look at everything yet. Such walks are still very important, because they are designed for the future, so the baby develops the first visual memory.

    How to develop a baby at 1 month

    What can be done for the development of a baby who has just been born? To begin with, it is important for mom to realize what the right start of this development should be. So, for this, early attachment of the baby to the breast, the joint stay of the mother and the baby immediately after childbirth, feeding "on demand" with breast milk is important.

    Feeding is the first development

    Breastfeeding is the most natural process in the world. It is pleasant and useful for both mother and child. It is important to breastfeed on demand. This is how you lay the foundation for health for your child. But, in addition, this is also the basis for the successful development of a child, because if the baby is emotionally stable, he is much more ready to receive information.

    Sense organs

    An adult perceives the world through the senses. These are sight, touch, smell, hearing, taste. Kid as well. The development of a baby at such an early age is also based on the stimulation of these senses. So, most of all information babies in 1 month receive through the organ of touch. Vision and hearing are not yet sufficiently developed. In the first month of life, they need stimulation. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the stimulation of the development of touch.

    What can you do?

    It's simple. Prepare pieces of fabric of different textures. It can be cotton, silk, fur, wool, satin. Let the kid touch these blanks several times a day. Don't forget about tactile contact as well. Mom and Dad should often stroke the baby, kiss, lay out the naked one on their belly. This is how not only the sense of touch develops, but also the emotional sphere. You can also walk around the apartment with the crumb and touch objects with its handle. Tell him what it is, comment on your actions. Do not think that the little one hears nothing and does not understand. This is a very important flow of information. It comes to the baby in the first months of life, and most importantly, it is well deposited at the subconscious level. So you will help to lay a solid foundation for further perception of the world around you. Following these recommendations, in the first month you can start develop baby... This period is very important in the development of the child, and these easy exercises are available for the mother. Develop your baby from the cradle!

    The baby is becoming more and more like children from the cover of glossy magazines. Postpartum edema disappears, the skin straightens, most of the transient conditions of the newborn's skin pass (toxic erythema, infant acne, milia, physiological jaundice).


    Girls, such a thing, I don't know what to do. There will be a lot of letters, excuse me. In general, my Cutie 3740 was born (the baby lay for 8 days under IV drips with antibiotics in the acute renal failure), in general on January 30 we will be 4 months old. We keep our heads well, we ghoul, we laugh, although we do not turn over yet (but I think massage will fix it). Everything would be fine, but we are gaining weight very badly. In the first month, 800g is still normal, but then it is barely 300g. I decided to examine the crumb in this regard, I want to know how you collected feces from the crumb? We collected from a diaper for a coprogram for the first time and the result was good, but the set is not large. Today we have collected again from a diaper. I don’t know if it’s true. She poops at different times, it is difficult to predict. And one more question. The baby began to sleep all day, practically without waking up (though there are short dreams at night and almost never sleeps). She can stay awake for several hours in a row, then sleep for 30 minutes and then festival again. Falls asleep at 9-11 in the morning and sleeps all day, you won't even get to shoot from a cannon. Wakes up, eats a little and sleeps on a bottle (we are on IV). A month ago they donated blood, everything is fine. What tests still need to pass in order to understand the reason for such a long sleep (sleeps for 10-12 hours) practically without waking up (if anyone had this, tell me how they did it. There is a suspicion that this is from Elkar (we were prescribed 10 drops 3 times a day, testimony). In general, I will be glad to any answer)


    Newborn sleep

    By one month, the child himself forms a peculiar one. He already has quite clearly distinguished periods of wakefulness, eating and sleeping. The kid is active for about 40-60 minutes, after which he gets tired quickly enough and falls asleep.

    Children at this age still do not distinguish between day and night. They haven't developed their circadian rhythms yet. Remember that the baby's stomach is too small and quickly digests breast milk or formula. That is why the baby can wake up every 2-3 hours at night.

    If you are lucky and your baby sleeps for more than three hours in a row at night, then you do not need to wake him up for feeding (unless there is any medical indication for this). If the baby wakes up at night and does not want to fall asleep again after feeding, then you can play with him, but do not turn on the light. So he will eventually get used to distinguish between night and day.

    In addition, a child, like an adult, has two phases of sleep. AND in one-month-old babies, the phase of shallow sleep prevails over deep sleep, so they can easily wake up.

    Baby food

    The baby's gastrointestinal tract has already adapted to the new type of nutrition. Even if he still has infants, then you already understood that this state is self-passing, and you need to go through it. During the first month, children on average gain in weight 600-1000 g. Someone can put on more, and someone less, but it is important to understand that weight gain must be mandatory.

    With breastfeeding, on-demand feeding is still maintained, but the infant is already learning to shape its own regimen.

    Remember that the baby can swallow air while feeding. If he fell asleep on his chest, then there is no need to wake him up and carry him in a column. The kid will burp air when he wakes up.

    If the child receives the formula, then he needs to be hand-fed at an angle of approximately 45 0 so that he can release air while feeding. In this case, it is also not necessary to hold the children in a column after feeding, it is better if they will be in their arms for some time at an angle of 45 0.

    What can a child

    ♦ Humming appears. He learns to make sounds other than crying.

    ♦ Knows how to fix the gaze on bright contrasting objects, and best of all - on your face.

    ♦ Knows how to distinguish mom from all other adults.

    ♦ Keeps the head in a prone position for a few seconds.

    ♦ Actively moves arms and legs. By the end of the month, physiological hypertonia begins to go away.

    Child psychology

    The infant is already learning to smile in response to your smile, or simply when you bend over it. He tries to copy your facial expressions, and sometimes he even succeeds. The more often you smile, the more smiles you will receive in return.

    Motor development

    Independent conscious movements of the child are just beginning to form. Lying on his stomach, he already knows how to hold his head for a few seconds, but then he again buries himself in bed. If you hold him upright, then he already knows how to hold his head quite well.

    Active movement during wakefulness contributes to the faster development of the baby. That's why during the period of wakefulness of the child, it is not needed in any case. Laying out on the stomach on a sufficiently hard surface promotes the development of motor abilities in children.

    How to play with your child

    The child already knows how to keep attention on bright objects and toys. Can track moving objects for a short time. The playing time at this age is about 2-3 minutes.

    You can move the bright toy close to your child's eyes so that he keeps it in sight. You can just make faces and watch his reaction. Sometimes you can bring the child to the mirror and watch how he reacts to his reflection.

    What does a child feel

    All children are empaths. AND the younger the child, the stronger his bond with his mother, the more clearly he captures all her emotions. Try to smile at your baby as often as possible, give him your positive mood, and he will answer you in kind.

    The child is interested in the world around him. He already recognizes the mother, and a whole complex of reactions can occur to her approach - a smile, a vocal expression of emotions, motor revival (the baby unbends arms and legs). It is fully formed by 2 months.

    A baby cannot yet see pastel colors, so when choosing toys or furniture for the nursery, be guided by the principle of bright colors. They will help develop his ability to distinguish colors.

    What the child hears and understands

    When a baby is born, sounds begin to sound very clear and bright for him. The child loves to listen to yours. Try to talk to him more: when standing in line at the store, cooking dinner, or walking down the street. Even when you are talking to someone else, the child learns a valuable lesson and starts babbling back. Thus, you create the prerequisites for his first words.

    Various musical toys, rattles, classical music and other sounds of the world - all this develops the hearing of children. However, hearing screening needs to be done. This is to make sure that the child hears well. Notice if the child flinches at harsh sounds.

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    Thirty days of the baby's new life are distinguished by universal adaptation - both of parents to a new routine, and of a small person to extrauterine life, which until recently was a fetus in the mother's belly. The development of a baby at 1 month is a period of increased attention and observation.

    In the first half of the day after birth, the baby has already received a compulsory injection against viral hepatitis. A few days later - a vaccination against tuberculosis. He has already passed his first acquaintance with viruses. What's next for him?

    Physical development of the child

    In the first month, the child loses several indicators of body weight, which sometimes worries the parents. But there is no need to worry - this is a natural process.

    The child will soon need to quickly recover and grow up in order to gain the necessary indicators. After all, the first week the body works in an enhanced mode: the entire circulatory system is rebuilt, the protective functions of the body are activated, the respiratory and digestive systems get acquainted with the surrounding microbes.

    Visual apparatus

    A child from 0 to 1 month is still myopic. He sees objects only up close, but he can already recognize his mother's face. He sees large objects that are 20-30 centimeters from the eyes.

    Sometimes it is noticeable that the baby is squinting his eyes, but this is normal. Thus, he focuses his gaze. But if the strabismus continues at three and four months, the child should be taken for examination by an ophthalmologist. In the first month of life, the baby can already consider contrasting pictures. You can hang a mobile with toys over the bed - it will examine them with interest.

    Hearing aid

    Children in the first month of life hear poorly, since their hearing is still poorly developed. But they already distinguish sharp sounds distinctly. A child at this age loves high-frequency sounds. Therefore, the habit of some parents to talk to their children in a childish squeaky voice can be very helpful in this case.

    This instills the first communication skills. If the parents noticed that the baby does not react even to loud sounds, then it is necessary to visit the neonatolga.

    Baby's sleep in the first month

    The child spends a significant period of time in a dream - about twenty hours a day.

    Different phases of sleep:

    1. Crying in a dream and whimpering can mean that the baby is hungry, he is tormented by gas or he is wet.
    2. Half-closed eyes characterize the stage of drowsiness, which occurs at the end of feeding.
    3. Rapid breathing, the so-called disturbed sleep. Sometimes the baby's limbs twitch.
    4. The deep sleep phase, when the baby's body is relaxed, breathing is even and the eyes are tightly closed.

    In the first month of a newborn's life, he is already trying to raise his head, lying on his tummy. He succeeds for a few seconds.

    Baby development chart in the first month:

    How to check basic reflexes:

    • When putting his finger on the baby, he grabs it - this is how the grasping reflex is revealed.
    • If you hold the nipple near the baby's lips, he will try to grab it with his lips and tongue - this is a manifestation of the sucking reflex.
    • If you run your finger in the baby's footsteps, he will most likely pull back the leg and exhibit a plantar reflex.

    Child mental development

    It has long been known that a person's character is formed from the first hours of his life. Therefore, a 1 month old baby is already a developing personality. And it only depends on the parents what it will be. How to develop a child? At this age, he already copies and repeats the movements and sounds of adults.

    All the mimic changes in the face of those bent over his bed will certainly be reproduced by him after some time. Therefore, you should constantly come into contact with him and maintain communication. The mother's mood is immediately transmitted to the baby, therefore she needs to try not to get upset so as not to harm him. The mood of the main person in his life plays an important role. Better to let the baby smile more often.

    Feeding a baby in the first month

    The nutrition of the newborn during this period is mainly mother's milk. But sometimes the mother does not have enough milk, especially the primiparous. In this case, you can prepare a mixture. How much should a baby eat in the first month? The norm of milk or mixture is 50 grams.

    You need to give the child food every 2 hours, remembering to apply the regurgitation procedure at the end. This will get rid of the excess air that the baby has trapped during the feeding process.

    Baby development in the first month

    Many parents are interested in what the development of a child should be in 1 month of his life, because he is still very small.

    What parents need to do:

    1. It is necessary to talk to the child. You can tell him fairy tales, read poetry, coo and even lisp - this is the main preparation for normal speech perception.
    2. You can sing comic songs to your child and make faces at him. Sometimes the kid tries to copy them.
    3. It is permissible to include calm classical music while the child is awake.
    4. You can show educational pictures from books, photos of animals.
    5. Hang a variety of bright toys over the bed (at least 70 centimeters). This will develop color perception and vision.

    It is desirable to maintain a positive emotional background in the family. All conflicts must be resolved not in the presence of the child.

    Baby bathing

    Until the navel falls off, most mothers living on women's forums prefer not to bathe their child, limiting themselves to rubbing. However, it has been proven that bathing during this period is not harmful. The skin of babies is very delicate and the lack of proper bathing can provoke a rash in the groin areas and between the folds.

    Boiling and adding potassium permanganate to water are relics of the past, which will only dry out the skin of the crumbs. These precautions are of no benefit to the child. You can bathe in broths of nettle, especially if the child is restless. After three weeks, baby swimming can be started. This will develop muscles and reduce hypertonicity in children with congenital injuries.

    Baby regimen in the first month

    The biorhythms of a newborn are debugged from the very beginning of his life. Parents should only support them.

    The baby basically sleeps for 2-3 hours, then eats for 30-40 minutes and is awake a little. You should learn to recognize the baby's requirements and respond to them in a timely manner. Already in the second month of his life, he will have a special regime.

    What procedures are mandatory for the baby:

    • regular trimming of marigolds on legs and arms;
    • close examination of the skin
    • washing off with warm water several times a day, especially after he pooped;
    • careful combing with a special gentle comb for newborns;
    • elimination of seborrheic crusts;
    • daily face washing.

    Possible problems and solutions

    Why is the baby crying?

    • Perhaps the child feels uncomfortable, a seam on his clothes or diaper presses on him. Due to the likelihood of allergies, all the materials from which the child's clothes are sewn must be natural. Clothing is worn with seams outward.
    • The child is thirsty - in order to prevent dehydration of the baby, you need to give him sweet tea from a small spoon every 2 hours.
    • The baby is hungry: perhaps he already does not have enough breast milk and should be introduced to complementary foods.
    • The kid pooped into the films, and the feces irritate his delicate skin. In this case, you should change the diaper and sprinkle the bottom with powder.

    How to avoid diaper rash?

    Frequent diaper rash is an eternal problem for mothers of newborns. In the first months of life, a child has weak immunity, therefore, if diaper rash is not treated, they will develop into pustules and become a serious problem.

    To avoid this, it is worth wiping problem areas with a damp cloth and changing diapers frequently. Treat diaper rash with special ointments.

    Bloating and colic

    Excessive gas formation is a frequent companion when the baby is 1 month old. Because of this, the baby screams loudly. You can help your child with colic and bloating with massage. You need to stroke his tummy clockwise.

    It is also recommended to put the child in the "on the stomach" position for 2-3 minutes several times a day. When he has a stomach ache, you can give him some dill water. A gas outlet can be used to remove gases.

    How to avoid dysplasia?

    Underdevelopment of the hip joint - this pathology is often found in young children. How to avoid such consequences? The baby is swaddled on a special table, using the so-called wide swaddling. Then the baby remains in the "frog" position. Such a position at this age is natural and convenient for him. This will serve as an excellent prevention of dysplasia.

    Alarming manifestations:

    • Blocked nose, runny nose - it is very difficult for the baby to breathe through the mouth, so you should urgently clean the nose and find out the cause of the runny nose.
    • Pustules with a yellowish liquid, pimples - this leads to the onset of the inflammatory process. You should urgently see a doctor.
    • Wet umbilical wound after falling off the navel. The area nurse or pediatrician should deal with this issue.
    • A sudden change in normal behavior - from calm to moody and vice versa. You can ride the baby in a stroller when he is naughty If the baby does not calm down and remains nervous after using the usual methods, you should consult a doctor to find out the reasons.
    • Loss of appetite, apathy. The baby looks bad. There can be many reasons for this behavior. Only the pediatrician on duty can establish the true cause.

    Gymnastics and Exercise

    If the child has no contraindications, you need to do simple gymnastics with him, taking turns stretching the legs and arms, and doing a light massage. You can invite a specialist for this purpose, observe him and learn how to make simple movements on your own. Thanks to regular positive tactile sensations in children, harmonious psychological and physical development is formed for 1 month of life.

    Monthly baby's bowel movement and urination calendar

    • Urination - every 15-20 minutes. At least 7 times a day. Urine should be clear and light.
    • Emptying - about 11 times a day, immediately after feeding. The feces should be bright yellow with a faint odor.

    General advice for parents of babies in the first month of life - a list of recommendations

    1. Hygienic care of the baby's body should be regular daily bathing.
    2. The daily routine should be as convenient as possible for the baby.
    3. Regular play and activities with your child will allow him to develop faster.
    4. Mandatory walks in the fresh air for at least an hour a day.
    5. It is necessary to monitor the weight and growth of a month-old baby, so that it is within the normal range, measure the head circumference.
    6. To pass all scheduled examinations by specialists on time and take all the necessary tests.
    7. Give your baby all the vitamins it needs.
    8. Provide him with vigorous activity while awake.
    What can a baby at 1 month old do?

    The most important thing a newborn baby needs is to feel peace, warmth and security. He receives all this from his mother, if he feels that she is near, if you are talking with a baby in a gentle voice, gently pressing him to his chest (after all, he heard the beat of your heart for all 9 months - this is a familiar, familiar sound, indicating safety).

    When the baby is awake, create eye contact, talk to the baby as if he is an equal interlocutor. When swaddling or changing clothes for a baby, you should not do it with cold or sweaty hands - babies are distinguished by tactile sensitivity.

    Already in the third week after birth, on the basis of unconditioned reflexes, conditioned reflexes begin to form in the child, contributing to adaptation to the external world. This means that the baby is "ready to learn." It's too early to read, count and write. But the science of "correct" behavior (that is, the one that can most fully satisfy his needs), the little man will master quite quickly.

    If in order for mom to appear, you need to shout loudly and for a long time - he will strain and yell at "joy" to you and the neighbors. And if it is enough to squeak, and mom appears, there is no reason for screaming. It may turn out that the baby will firmly learn: the world into which he came is not ready to "respond" to his desires. This, as a rule, takes place if the baby is fed, not when he is hungry, but when it is "necessary" for adults; if the child is ready to leave one, because "the time has come", for example, to sleep.

    Child development: facial expressions and speech

    At 2-3 weeks, the baby gradually masters the science of copying. Of all the surroundings, he is most attracted by the human face - first of all, his mother's. Therefore, he constantly examines the faces bending over him or talking to him (the rest is still drowning in a misty haze - this vision is just beginning to form).

    If in the process of communication you make active mimic movements, soon the child will begin to repeat them, "answering" you. Mom sticks out her tongue - and a tiny tongue appears between her lips. Mom smiles - the baby's face also breaks into a smile. Mom sticks out her lips - the baby echoes her ...

    Also intuitively, the baby feels the emotions emanating from the adult. If the mother is happy and calm, the child is also comfortable. If the mother is annoyed, angry, swearing, the baby instantly reacts with protesting crying.

    By the end of 1 month, “speech” is added to facial expressions. Kids, with whom they talk a lot, walk in response, make squeaking, snorting sounds. Those who are more active, "talk" with their whole body - they reach out to their mother with their arms and legs, lift their ass, arch the back. These actions are not yet conscious, but they perfectly train the muscular apparatus of the crumbs.

    The newborn signals his emotional state by crying or smiling. Crying expresses discontent, discomfort, fear, pain, coldness or heat. Smiling in the first weeks of life is a sign of calm contentment. At first, the baby smiles involuntarily, almost only in a dream. Later, the smile can be observed both after feeding and while bathing. In all these cases, they speak of a physiological or gastric smile.

    But by the end of 1 month, the baby's smile begins to fill with social content, appearing in response to contact from a loved one. And soon the so-called "revitalization complex" will appear - a bright emotional reaction of the baby to the appeal of an adult to him.

    The key to the normal development of the child

    The main condition is the presence of a mother at his “complete disposal”. Don't be afraid to spoil your child or raise an egotist. On the contrary, your instant response to all needs and desires will help the child to become a self-confident, strong and kind person. Knowing that the mother is always there, the baby will not bother and demand your attention "just like that", "in reserve" - ​​this behavior is just the same inherent in children experiencing a constant deficit of maternal affection.

    At 1 month, you should focus on the physiological development of your little son or daughter. The intervals of wakefulness are very small. Try to distribute them so that you have enough time to exercise, massage, swim and play in the water. It is very useful to maintain unconditioned reflexes given to babies by nature: crawling, walking, grasping.

    The child has not yet learned to listen well and attentively. For the development of hearing, firstly, be sure to talk to the baby. The kid distinguishes sounds by pitch, prefers meaningful speech to a set of words. When mom speaks to him, he can freeze, listening - this is the first experience of sound concentration.

    Secondly, let the child listen to music. The more varied it is, the better. Studies show that the works of Mozart, Vivaldi, Haydn contribute to the normalization of various physiological processes in the infant's body. So, if possible, include the works of these composers for the kid. Lovely music can be played quietly when the child is awake and when asleep.

    Activities in the water

    So that the baby is not afraid of the water, lower it into the water gently, starting from the heels. After all, children are very sensitive to changes in the "physical data" of the world around them - they just have to get used to their weightlessness in the water.

    It's great if the first days you swim together, the presence of your mother immediately removes all possible negative emotions. If you are in the bathroom together, place your baby so that his back and back of his head rests on your chest and shoulder, and with your left hand support him under the tummy. Right at this moment, you can water the crumbs with water or show him toys.

    By the way, you can swim "together" with your dad. It's even more interesting - daddy's knees and long legs will make amazing slides for your baby! If you are standing "overboard", place the child on his tummy, supporting it under the chin and chest, or just under the chin, and roll it all over the bath, swing up and down, slightly turn from side to side.

    Surely the baby will like to push off with his feet from the side of the bath. To do this, turn the baby at the very edge so that it rests against the wall with bent legs. The child should push off on his own and slide a little on the surface of the water. When you bring it to the opposite edge, repeat the steps. If the baby does not immediately understand what you want from him, make a few springy movements that imitate shocks from the side.

    Another fun and useful exercise for those who are just starting to explore the water space is walking on the bottom of the bath. To help the baby move freely, hold him under the arms, leaning slightly forward, stimulating reflex step movements. After the child has "walked" - preferably on the back (unless, of course, your child prefers to swim exclusively on his stomach).

    By the way, swimming on the back, when the baby sways slightly from side to side on your hands, perfectly develops the vestibular apparatus and a sense of balance. This "sea roll" is an excellent prevention of future "transport" problems.

    Child development: vision and hearing

    Place a bright toy (ball, rattle, ring) on ​​an outstretched hand in the child's field of vision at a distance of 60-70 cm above his face and wait for the baby's gaze to linger on the toy. After that, start swinging it to the right and left with an amplitude of 5-7 cm and a frequency of about 2 times per second.

    In the future, move the toy in different directions (right, left, up, down), bringing it 20-30 cm closer to the baby and removing it at arm's length. The duration of the lesson is 1-2 minutes, the frequency is 1-2 times a day. Similarly, you should deal with a toy that makes a quiet, soft sound.

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