• Children's massage from zero to eighteen years. Children's massage: types and techniques of implementation General strengthening massage with gymnastics


    Baby massage consists of rubbing, kneading and stroking his arms, legs, neck, back, and abdomen.

    If you massage your child correctly, it can correct many health problems. Good massage:

    • improves digestion and relieves colic;
    • makes sleep longer and more restful;
    • normalizes the functioning of the nervous system;
    • tones muscles, develops coordination of movements;
    • stimulates metabolism;
    • increases immunity.

    How often should you massage your baby?

    Pediatricians recommend giving your child massage in courses of ten procedures at three, six, nine and 12 months. The best time for massage is the first half of the day, an hour after feeding or an hour before it. Massage can be started from two to three weeks of age if the child is healthy and in a good mood. The room should have a comfortable temperature - 22–26°C.

    If a mother gives a massage to a child, the baby calms down and tunes into a positive mood. How to give a massage to a three-month-old child so that he quickly begins to roll over onto his stomach and then sit down, how to massage the legs of a 12-month-old child so that he can walk faster - we will tell you more about this in this article.

    How to massage a newborn baby?

    Newborn babies are tender and fragile, so many mothers worry about how to massage their infant without harming him. Touching the baby's body should be light and gentle. Before the massage, it is important to warm your hands, trim your nails or at least round them, and remove jewelry so as not to accidentally injure the baby’s thin skin. You can use baby cosmetic oil to glide your hands over the skin.

    The rules on how to massage a one-month-old baby, as well as a child weighing up to 5 kg, are universal. Stroke your baby's legs, back, tummy and chest with light movements, returning to each part of the body three to four times. Stroke the tummy clockwise, do the “bicycle” exercise with the baby, pressing his legs to his chest. The total duration of the massage for children of this age is about five minutes.

    How to massage a two-month-old baby?

    If the baby already weighs 5 kg or more, the massage becomes more serious. While you massage the baby's legs or back, add rubbing to the stroking movements. After preparatory stroking, you can also try gently “sawing” movements with the edges of your palms and pinching. It is better not to touch the knees, elbows, inner thighs and mammary glands during massage. The total duration of the massage is about 10–15 minutes.

    How to massage small children weighing more than 8 kg?

    Massage for children aged 6–12 months also begins with stroking and pinching, after which new movements are added - patting with palms or fingertips. The total duration of a massage at this age can already reach 25–30 minutes.

    You can massage a specific part of the child's body or combine different types of massage in one session.

    How to give a child a relaxing massage?

    If the baby is capricious or tense, you can give him a stroking massage: start from the back, walk lightly along the spine, and then massage the tummy in a circular motion.

    How to give a child a drainage massage?

    Drainage massage helps remove mucus from the bronchi or lungs, so it is indispensable if a small child coughs a lot. The technique of this massage is simple: place the child on his stomach (you can place a cushion under the chest) and pat him on the back in the direction from the middle of the back to the shoulders.

    Please note that drainage massage is contraindicated for children under six months of age.

    How to massage a child's back?

    To carry out a strengthening back massage, you need to place the child with his stomach on a hard surface or fitball and massage his back in the direction from the spine to the sides, using stroking, and then patting and pinching movements. The massage should be completed with stroking.

    How to massage a child's hands?

    Take the baby's hands and shake them lightly, lift the baby's arms with rhythmic smooth movements and swing them - this will help get rid of hypertonicity. Stroke your baby's hands, bend and straighten them. Stretch each finger on the hand, “draw” with your fingers on the baby’s palms, tickle the fingertips - such a massage will not only relax the muscles, but will also indirectly stimulate the development of speech.

    How to massage a child's feet and legs?

    Place your baby on his back, wrap your fingers around his ankles, and gently shake his legs. Bend the child’s legs at the knees, press them to the stomach, and then spread them to the side (exercise “frog”). Such exercises are effective in preventing colic.

    A stroking massage of the legs is done with light circular movements from top to bottom, while avoiding the inner surface of the legs. Pay attention to your feet: massage all your toes, bend and straighten them.

    How to massage a child's belly?

    To massage the baby’s abdomen, you need to place your baby on his back, place your palms on his stomach, on both sides of the navel, and begin stroking the abdomen with light movements from left to right - this massage also helps get rid of colic.

    How to massage a child's head and neck?

    This type of massage is not recommended for children in the first months of life, and even when the child grows up, it is better to have a head massage performed by a specialist. If you want to do this massage yourself, massage your baby's head and neck with very gentle movements, as if you were lathering them with shampoo.

    There are different methods of studying techniques for giving massage to children: video lessons, observing the work of a massage therapist, viewing diagrams and drawings in brochures on the development of a baby in the first year of life. But if, after studying the issue, you still have doubts about how to massage your child’s feet or how to massage his back, and also if your baby requires a course of professional corrective massage, you need to seek help from specialists.

    Master of children's massage. Masseur.

    — “We just completed a course of restorative massage for a 9.5 month old child. In the end, we were very pleased and the result even exceeded our expectations! The child was generally very strong, sat up independently, stood on knees at the support, masters crawling on all fours and lifting at the support. In addition, Maria is a very pleasant, tactful person, a professional in her field, our child really liked her and he behaved wonderfully with her, always smiling, although he already distinguishes between friends and strangers very well and rarely lets anyone in right away.»

    - “We just started classes. So far so good)"

    — “We received one course of massage, Maria was very pleased, the child began to sit, his posture was more straightened, during the course of massage the child never cried. Maria is punctual and very polite. Let's rest a little and start the massage course again. I recommend Maria, she is a master of her craft.”

    Hello, dear parents, let's get acquainted! My name is Maria, for more than 10 years I have been doing only children's massage in all its manifestations. This includes massage, exercise therapy, aqua gymnastics, fitball exercises, elements of acupressure, etc. Everything that helps a little person grow and develop harmoniously. Giving a huge bookmark for the future.
    I always try to find a special approach to each child in order to give him only positive emotions, working for results.

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    Two or more children at the same address, in the same or neighboring houses.

    Departure: Center, North, MCC: East, North-East, East, MCC: North, MCC: North-East, Big Circle North, Mytishchi.

    Children's massage: from 2000 rub. /h( General strengthening for children up to one year - 2000 rubles.
    Children's therapeutic massage for various disorders of muscle tone, hip dysplasia, varus, valgus feet and deformities of the limbs, umbilical hernia, etc. The session includes massage, gymnastics, fitball exercises - 2000-2500 rubles.
    Massage with aqua gymnastics – 2500 rub.
    Therapeutic massage with elements of exercise therapy for children from 1 to 14 years (depending on age and pathology) – 2000-3000 rubles.

    Massage: 2000 rub. / h

    The most important thing in the life of every parent is the health of their children. Much depends on the parents themselves: how responsibly the parents approach the issue of the child’s health will determine their future life and well-being. According to many experts, the first year of life is very important. This time is significant - what the parents instill in the child at this stage of life is how he will move along the entire path of life.

    Regular activities with a child, regardless of whether he is healthy or with any disabilities, will only benefit the baby. Massage for children under one year of age is one of the regular activities and is quite important.

    With the help of a properly performed massage, the baby will be ahead of his peers in development and will also have good health. There have also been cases in which children with quite serious illnesses miraculously recovered. Don't waste precious time; massage children under 1 year of age right now.

    The healing properties of baby massage

    Massage for children under 1 year of age should be divided into three groups:

    • prophylactic;
    • correctional;

    Through preventive massage, you can completely tune the child’s body to the correct development of the body. Preventive procedures can be performed independently or by seeking help from a specialist. It is recommended to start performing procedures at the age of 1.5 – 2 months. In any case, consultation with a pediatrician is necessary before performing it.

    As for therapeutic and corrective massage, only a doctor prescribes it. Depending on what abnormalities were identified in the child, appropriate appointments are prescribed. Don’t be shy when visiting a doctor; ask all the questions that interest you and everything that worries you, as well as your child. The diagnosis will be made faster and more accurately depending on how accurate and detailed your story is. If at any point you stop trusting your doctor, contact another specialist. The life and health of a child is not worth risking.

    In the first year of life, a child may develop the following problems: diseases of the musculoskeletal system, various therapeutic diseases, diseases of the central nervous system, as well as problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Remember, consultation with a specialist in this field is required.

    Basic rules

    If you decide to carry out the procedure yourself, you should pay attention to several important and basic rules.

    • The child must be in a good mood and not be capricious. If the child’s mood has deteriorated, reschedule the procedure for the next time.
    • Remember, it is best to massage one hour before feeding and 40 minutes after it.
    • You should also be in a good mood, be affectionate and friendly to the child.
    • Your hands must be clean, without unnecessary decorations, without long nails.
    • If there is no need to use cream or oil, do not use them so as not to cause an allergy.
    • The room in which the massage is performed must be ventilated and well lit.
    • The massage area should be on a hard surface.
    • All movements should be smooth, gentle and careful. No sudden movements.
    • It is not recommended to massage before bedtime.

    In addition to all the health benefits, the baby should enjoy positive emotions during the massage.

    Technique for restorative baby massage up to one year

    Before you start performing, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic technique of performing techniques. Make sure that the first sessions take no more than 5 minutes. Over time, you can increase the time, reaching 15 minutes. But still, each baby is individual, and if he begins to act up, you should refuse the session.

    Four basic techniques are performed: stroking, rubbing, kneading and vibration.

    All exercises performed should be smooth, gentle and soft. No sudden movements.

    The main rule is that all movements must be performed towards the center, i.e. from elbow to shoulder, from heels to knee.

    Four basic techniques are performed: stroking, rubbing, kneading and vibration. About each in more detail.


    This technique can be used literally from the first days of a baby’s life. Warm and gentle touches have a beneficial effect on the central nervous system. In the first three months, stroking is used exclusively. In the future, this type of technique can be used to complete subsequent techniques and be used between kneading and vibration. Gentle stroking serves as a kind of preparatory process for further manipulations.


    This technique is recommended for use when the baby is 3 months old. Rubbing is performed with more intense but gentle movements. The technique is performed with rubbing movements, not stretching. Rubbing is performed using the thumb or the base of the palm.


    The kneading technique is performed with energetic but gentle movements. Remember that baby's skin is very sensitive and delicate. Through this technique, the child’s muscles are affected. The first sessions will be unpleasant for the baby. You can distract your child with a bright toy, talk to him. Subsequently, he will get used to massage sessions. You should start with a few minutes, gradually increasing the time. The technique is performed using the fingertips, gently pinching the skin.


    Vibration is received using the fingertips and the edge of the palm. Soft tapping and tapping are performed. Strong pressure is prohibited. As a rule, vibration is used for back and chest massage.

    Basic techniques for baby massage up to one year old

    The child develops gradually. The preparatory process for certain periods is of great importance. With the help of a massage for a certain age, you can perfectly prepare your baby’s muscles for the upcoming loads. That is why we recommend using a certain technique suitable for a certain age of the baby.

    Baby massage up to one year old will perfectly prepare the baby's muscles for the upcoming loads.

    Massage for 1-3 month old baby

    Massage for a 1 month old baby is practically no different from massage for a 2 month old baby. Massage for a 3-month-old baby is aimed at maximally adapting the child to the world around him. At this age, stroking is used.

    1. It's worth starting with your hands. First, we place the child on his back and begin to perform stroking movements. Movements are performed strictly from hand to elbow, from elbow to shoulder.
    2. Let's move on to the legs. The child still lies on his back. The massage is performed over the entire surface of the thigh, with the exception of the knee area and the front of the lower leg. Foot massage is performed with the thumb in a circular motion.
    3. Breast massage is performed from the middle to the sides, gradually going down to the stomach. Here circular movements are performed clockwise. They are also useful and effective for abdominal pain.
    4. Afterwards you can move on to a back massage. To do this, stroke from bottom to top, alternately changing your palm and the back of your hand. Five repetitions for each technique will be enough.

    Massage for a 4 month old baby

    As a rule, at this age the baby should hold his head well while lying on his stomach. in the form of rubbing will be an excellent preparatory basis for muscles. Remember, each procedure begins and ends with stroking.

    1. We also start with our hands. To do this, you need to grab the child’s wrist with your thumb and middle finger and move towards the elbow, and from the elbow to the shoulder. Movements should be smooth and twisting. First, massage one hand in this way, then the other, and proceed to massage your legs in the same way.
    2. Foot massage is performed in a circular motion using the thumb from the heel to the toes. You can add light tapping to the main technique.
    3. Breast massage is performed very carefully and energetically. You need to move from the middle of the chest to the edge. Under no circumstances should you press. “Draw” circles clockwise.
    4. Rubbing the back and buttocks is performed using the pads of bent fingers. The hands should move one by one, moving the skin up and down.

    Massage for a 5-6 month old baby

    As a rule, at this age babies roll over onto their tummy. Therefore, the abdominal and back muscles must be well prepared. The kneading technique is added to the basic techniques. This means that all exercises are performed according to plan, only after rubbing is kneading added.

    Massage techniques for a 4 month old baby are similar to those for a 6 month old baby.

    1. Foot massage is performed by kneading. Don't forget, all exercises are soft, neat and gentle.
    2. complemented by a new technique - pinching around the navel. With this technique you can strengthen your abdominal muscles well. The child will get great pleasure from this.
    3. and the buttocks are also added with a new technique - sawing. Sawing is performed using the edge of the palm, moving up and down. Finish the massage with light stroking.

    Massage for a 6-12 month old baby

    Massage for a 6-month-old child is performed using identical techniques as massage for a 4-month-old child. With age, you can increase the time of massage. It is better to start performing massage from the very birth of the baby, after consulting with your doctor. you can start at this age and.


    Before you begin the procedure, be sure to consult your pediatrician. If your doctor has identified the following diseases, you should not perform the procedure.

    • Acute febrile illnesses;
    • Inflammatory lesions of the skin;
    • Diseases accompanied by bone pain;
    • Acute forms of arthritis, nephritis;
    • Congenital heart defect;
    • Prolapse of abdominal organs;

    Video instruction-lesson

    You can learn more about the massage by watching the video presented.

    With the help of massage, you can protect your child from many diseases for up to a year. But, do not forget about the mandatory consultation with a doctor. The health of your child is in your hands.

    According to the classics, baby massage is a massage for a child under 1 year old.
    Of course, massage and gymnastics are useful at any age, but they are especially important for children. Several courses of health massage conducted in infancy will significantly accelerate not only the physical, but also the mental development of the baby, will contribute to the emergence of motor skills and their consistent improvement. By regularly working with your child, it is easy to notice and eliminate minor deviations in the state of the nervous or musculoskeletal system, the presence of which could lead to serious problems in older age. Young children respond much more actively to therapeutic massage than adults, because their skin surface area in relation to body weight is much larger than that of adults.

    Massage and therapeutic exercises will help you cope with various diseases, significantly reduce the amount of medications used, and sometimes even do without them. Of course, when a child is seriously ill, treatment must be carried out only by a professional massage therapist. But massage is not a mechanical medical procedure, but an interaction, a dialogue between the massage therapist and the patient.

    Massage has a versatile, extremely beneficial effect on the infant’s body. Under the influence of massage, countless streams of impulses are sent from the skin along the nerve pathways, which, reaching the cerebral cortex, have a tonic effect on the central nervous system, and therefore its main function is improved - control over the work of all organs and systems.

    A powerful tactile stimulus, such as massage, is especially important in infancy: it has a significant impact on the development of positive emotions and the formation of motor reactions. Stroking or lightly patting the cheek causes a smile in the baby already in the first days of life, when other stimuli: visual (an adult’s smile) and auditory (affectionate conversation) are not always able to stimulate it. Pediatricians call this a physiological smile, as opposed to a smile in response to treatment. Psychologists who study the development of speech in children know that the first speech reactions (humming) more often occur in response to stroking the legs and abdomen, while other forms of communication with an adult do not cause revival in the child. These observations received theoretical justification in the works of physiologists, who indicate that the conductive pathways of the skin analyzer mature before all others (visual, auditory) and are already ready for birth. Therefore, a child in the first months of life is most accessible to exposure through the skin; touch causes not only emotional, but also certain motor reactions

    Five main age complexes of massage and gymnastics for children under one year old.

    • From 0 to 3 months. Elementary stroking of a child includes a process of internal correction; the child begins to correct himself. Simple stroking already gives good results. Massage is a treatment by touch. This is a conversation at the level of “touch language”.
    • From 4 to 6 months. Massage techniques: stroking, rubbing, kneading, vibration. We are actively preparing the child’s muscle tissue. In case of pathology, the massage time increases.
    • From 6 to 9 months. Massage techniques: stroking, rubbing, kneading, vibration, percussion techniques.
    • From 9 to 12 months. Massage time is 30-40 minutes. All massage techniques are actively used. The emphasis is on the areas involved in upright walking (back, with emphasis on the lower back, buttocks, legs, stomach). If the child is ready, massage techniques can be used ahead of this schedule.

    Probably all people who have a child begin to pay a lot of attention to him. In addition, many parents are concerned about the question of whether they should get a restorative massage? This question is relevant because people care about the health of their children, as well as their happy and long life.

    If you look at a small child, carrying out such manipulations with him at first glance seems wrong. He has a very small body, arms and legs. But at the same time, most pediatricians recommend massage to parents. I wonder why?

    It is worth noting that massage is useful not only for children, but also for adults. At the same time, each person will be able to benefit from it. Why is this so? The answer to this and many other questions can be found in the article.

    Why is it needed?

    A restorative massage for a child is necessary for his full development. And this applies to both physical and mental health. Let's consider the main reasons why you should pay attention to this procedure, because massage:

    • relaxes the child’s body and allows him to rest and gain strength;
    • prevents toxins from remaining in the body;
    • leads to better absorption of nutrients;
    • normalizes the functioning of the sweat glands;
    • allows children to become stress-resistant;
    • makes the child healthier and stronger.

    It is also worth noting that children's restorative massage helps to cope with the problem of chronic fatigue and hyperexcitability. They can often be observed in young children.

    As you can see, the benefits of restorative massage are great. Therefore, parents may think about holding it.

    The need for massage for adults

    It is also worth thinking about whether a restorative massage is needed for adults and older children? The answer is obvious. It is simply necessary for several reasons.

    Firstly, massage helps a person strengthen muscles and improve posture. Most people experience scoliosis, kyphosis and other types of spinal curvature. For some, the reason is an incorrect lifestyle and carrying a bag, while others simply have a weak muscle corset. As a result of regular massage sessions, you can cope with this problem. Of course, the degree of curvature should also be taken into account here.

    In addition, it improves human immunity. This is one of the important functions. It is worth noting that if a person has back problems, then most likely he often suffers from colds. This is why massage is important.

    It is also needed to improve the functioning of all body systems as a whole. With its help, you can improve the functioning of the kidneys, heart, breathing, digestive and musculoskeletal systems. As you can see, there are a lot of advantages for any age. Therefore, if a person has such an opportunity, he should definitely visit a massage therapist.

    Types of massage

    It is worth noting that there are different types of massage. For example this:

    • prophylactic;
    • medicinal;
    • correctional.

    Let's look at them in more detail. Preventive massage strengthens the child's immunity. It can be performed on almost everyone in the absence of contraindications.

    Therapeutic massage, as the name suggests, helps a child cope with certain diseases. For example, such as flat feet, scoliosis, rickets, clubfoot and many others. Both it and corrective massage should be carried out by specialists. They are the ones who know what to pay attention to and with what intensity to do it.

    Can be carried out after treatment. He consolidates and corrects the results obtained. During the procedure, the doctor will be able to assess the entire situation.

    Each type of massage is successfully used today. In addition, for infants, a general restorative and therapeutic type of procedure can be distinguished separately. In this case, the first one is done for infants up to 3 months. And he has his own special technique of execution.

    Preparation for the procedure

    A restorative massage for infants should be carried out according to all the rules. It is then that he will deliver only pleasant sensations to the baby. To begin with, you should properly prepare for it.

    The surface on which the massage will be performed must be smooth and safe. In this case, you need to cover it with a soft blanket and a diaper. This is how it will be much more comfortable for the baby to lie.

    It is important that there is no draft in the room. That is why you should cover all windows and vents. If this is not done, the child may get sick.

    It is also worth remembering that the one who will perform the massage must be in a good mood. This is important to ensure that the child is comfortable.


    A restorative massage for babies has its own algorithm. However, it is important to adhere to it in order to get a good result. It is worth noting that it will differ significantly from a massage for adults. And this moment is also worth paying special attention to.

    To begin, the child needs to be undressed and placed on his back. After this, it is worth stroking with your palms. It is best to start from the feet and move gradually upward. They should be done carefully, passing over the child’s entire body.

    After stroking, you need to move on to rubbing the baby’s body. In this case, the movements should be more intense. With the help of such manipulations, blood circulation can be improved.

    You need to massage your hands from bottom to top. In this case, all movements must be repeated 3-5 times. Only with regular, proper massage can you achieve the desired result.

    Next, you should gradually move on to massaging the baby’s body and legs. In this case, the abdominal massage should only be done clockwise. After the massage is performed on the back, the child should be shifted onto the stomach. This is also useful for its development.

    When performing a massage, it is also necessary to use techniques such as vibration and kneading. They have a beneficial effect on all organs and systems in the baby’s body. Moreover, they must be done carefully and gradually increase intensity.

    It is important to remember that all movements must be smooth and calm. At the same time, you can also turn on relaxing music or gently communicate with your baby. All this will help improve his mood, which means it will charge him with positivity and vigor for the whole day.

    Features of the procedure

    It is worth paying attention to some features that can help each person properly massage a child. Firstly, it should be done before or after meals. In this case, the interval must be at least 30 minutes. The massage itself should last at least 10 minutes.

    It is important that the room in which the massage will be performed is warm. At the same time, the baby will feel comfortable and will not catch a cold. If the room is warm enough, the baby can be undressed.

    It is also worth taking your child to this procedure regularly. You should not skip it to achieve the desired result. And it is best to contact an experienced specialist to carry it out.

    In addition, it is important that massage is not a painful procedure for children. It is desirable that it does not cause any discomfort at all. If the child is capricious and protests, then the massage must be stopped.

    Massage points and lines

    It is worth noting that acupressure is safe for the baby’s health. Moreover, it is easy to implement. It also helps to cope with a large number of diseases. This is probably why it is very popular.

    This massage belongs to alternative medicine and has been successfully used for a long period of time.

    Performing acupressure with a general strengthening effect should be carried out along special massage lines and points. This method has been used since ancient times. It is especially often used in Chinese medicine. But today it has reached us.

    It is worth noting that each point is responsible for some organ. Proper influence on them allows you to improve the general condition of the child, as well as improve his health.

    To carry out this massage, you need to gently press with your fingertips on special points on the baby’s body. For example, to strengthen the child’s entire body, it is necessary to massage the center of the baby’s wrist. Gradually you should move towards the fingers. At the same time, the movements themselves should draw the rays of the sun.

    To strengthen the child's respiratory system, he needs to gently massage his chest. Movements should be carried out in a bottom-up direction.

    To improve mental development and activity, you need to run your thumbs along the eyebrow line from bottom to top.

    This massage should only be done while talking and playing with the child. It is worth noting that self-massage should be carried out carefully. Here you need to familiarize yourself with all the nuances. Therefore, it is better to first contact a specialist.


    General restorative massage has a number of contraindications. In addition, it is best to consult a doctor before using it. He is the one who will be able to say for sure whether the child can undergo it or not.

    The main contraindications include:

    • the child has a fever;
    • tuberculosis;
    • skin diseases;
    • some forms of heart disease;
    • liver and kidney problems;
    • diseases in the acute stage;
    • hernias;
    • hepatitis;
    • bone diseases (arthritis);
    • as well as blood diseases.

    In other cases, massage can be performed after consultation with a doctor. Although, it is worth noting that there may be a number of other contraindications. In this matter, everything is quite individual.

    Who performs the procedure?

    Of course, a restorative massage is best done by a specialist. He has the necessary knowledge and experience that he can put into practice.

    It is worth noting that the massage therapist should not use creams or powders for this massage. In addition, he should not have rings on his hands. After all, the most important thing is the safety and comfort of the child.

    When choosing a massage therapist, you need to take into account his experience. At the same time, you can also pay attention to the cost of the procedure. It shouldn't be too high. In this case, you can agree with a specialist to carry out the procedure at home. This will be much more comfortable for both the baby and his parents.

    Some parents believe that they can independently perform such a massage for their child. In fact, it is possible. But to do this, you need to carefully read the specialized literature and study the technique so as not to harm the baby.


    A restorative massage is beneficial for people of any age. But it is especially important for a young growing organism. It is he who launches all restoration processes.

    Today there are a huge number of massage therapists, so there should be no questions when choosing a specialist.

    It is worth noting that massage is especially necessary for children who are often sick, have problems sleeping and often slouch. But even if all of the listed symptoms are not present, you should still at least sometimes bring your child to a massage therapist. And it is best that the procedure is carried out in combination with health-improving exercises.

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