• Raising statistics. Raising statistics and training Which tanks are better to buy to raise stats


    We answer the question of how to increase the statistics in tanks. Statistics in the cult game WoT are not limited to the percentage of wins and losses. I want to become the best and most successful, to show off my achievements and awards in front of my colleagues and opponents. Gamers are puzzled by the question of how to increase the statistics in the game, having already reached certain heights. With experience comes an awareness of the importance of a personal rating (such as WN8 for example) in terms of authority among other players.

    It's time to think about the rating.

    As a rule, at the beginning of their gaming career, tankers pay little attention to the problem of how to increase statistics. At the first stages in the process of mastering the mechanics of the game, annoying mistakes are made, which in the future will have a significant impact on the comfort of being in the game.

    Lack of experience

    Desire for team play

    Order WN8 lifting on On-Skill

    The urgent need for WoT players to raise their stats arises with the growing need for team play. You feel the strength to fight as part of an advanced clan or company, but even a platoon does not want to accept you. The reason for refusal is your low percentage of wins (low efficiency).

    Enlist the support of professionals.

    Choosing a tank to increase stats in WoT has a number of features.In the game, the following requirements are imposed on the statistics of the tank on which battles will be conducted:

    • The tank must be in top configuration
    • The required modules must be installed or there must be enough silver to install them
    • The crew must have at least one additional skill point (in some cases two), and there must be enough gold to retrain the crew if necessary

    If you have any special wishes, you can contact the operator on the site for a preliminary consultation, in which you will indicate all the necessary parameters for the boost and clarify the conditions under which you can increase statistics in World of Tanks for your specific case. The cost and timing of the service are calculated accordingly.

    A WoT account with high efficiency has significant authority in battle, and its owner has significant authority in the profile chat. You will be glad to see you as part of the top clans, and your future gaming career will be more successful.

    I started playing World of Tanks purely for fun and until a certain point I didn’t question my game statistics. I simply took a tank and rushed into the thick of the battle and somehow fought through 1000 battles with varying degrees of success.

    Like most beginners, I started pumping up Soviet light tanks and, naturally, due to a lack of understanding of the game mechanics, I often failed. Gradually I was drawn into the game, and by the time the number of battles exceeded three thousand, I began to pay attention to the numbers in the accounts of other players.

    After looking at my stats, I came to the conclusion that something needed to be changed, since the win percentage was 47. I thought about how I could increase my statistics in the game World of Tanks by playing solo in random games.

    For myself, I developed one recipe that helped increase the winning percentage to 50% or more. It really works and has been tested in personal practice.

    Recipe for a successful stat

    The whole point of your being on the battlefield is to live as long as possible and during this time do as many useful things as possible: inflict a ton of damage, disrupt the capture of a base, illuminate half of the enemy’s tanks, etc. Under no circumstances should you merge, even if you are at the bottom of the list.

    Just wait until the situation with the placement of tanks on the map becomes clearer - and you will see how much you can do with just patience. If you are at the top, then try to save as much of your HP as possible by the end of the battle, since in this case everything depends on you.

    It also happens that all your allies merge, and you are gradually left alone. Don't rush to repeat their mistakes. Continue doing your job and you will see that even in the most hopeless battle you can not only recapture your HP, but also pick up a few weaklings, or even drag them down.

    Playing in a platoon

    Over the many hours you spent playing the game, you probably made clan friends or acquaintances who were ready to share with you the bitterness of defeat and the joy of victory.

    We unite into platoons and leave the hangar with experienced players. Remember that victory will mainly depend on your coordinated actions.

    If there is no one in the contact list who could help you, then we go to random and look for skilled players.

    Sandbox game

    Change to low-level tanks and use your skill to the fullest. Before I returned to the sand, I discovered that only one battle had been played on the tanks of the first level.

    I corrected this misunderstanding, easily winning several dozen victories. But keep in mind that in battle you will definitely meet freebie lovers like you.

    Components of success

    1. Skill. There is nothing more important than personal experience playing World of Tanks, so this point comes first.
    2. Top. Play on top technology. The stock is unacceptable to me for two reasons. Firstly, only the top-end configuration allows you to realize the full potential of the combat vehicle. Secondly, a tank that is unable to provide effective fire support and crawls like a turtle brings little pleasure. Don't play with stock technology. It is better to bring your technique to the top with the help of free experience.
    3. Crew. A well-pumped crew will share with you any hardships in battle. I train/retrain the crew for gold.
    4. Consumables. I don’t leave the hangar without a repair kit, first aid kit and fire extinguisher. I install an automatic fire extinguisher on vehicles from level 6 and above. I take a large repair kit and a large first aid kit depending on the tank or for the company/main battery.
    5. Golda. Be sure to carry gold shells with you. The principle is simple: the more often you shoot, the more benefit you bring to your team. How can you deal damage if ordinary shells do not penetrate the armor of a tank at a higher level?

    How to increase your win rate

    It's simple - play one short session a day! This is the simplest, but at the same time complex method, which I think everyone knows about, but few people apply it in practice. Yes, sometimes I myself cannot resist breaking it.

    It doesn’t matter how many fights you have played - 3, 8, 10 - it is important that the number of victories is greater than defeats. Once this goal is achieved, that’s it, forget about World of Tanks and exit the game. The difficulty lies precisely at this stage.

    As a result, the percentage of victories will depend on the systematicity and number of victorious battles.

    Tanks for raising statistics

    Many will say that it is best to play on immobile tanks, which give you an advantage due to the fact that they have outstanding characteristics. At different times these were different tanks until the developers nerfed them.

    I can definitely say that you need to raise the stats on those tanks that you like to play on. Even if this tank is not immodest, and everyone says that it does not bend, the main thing is that you like it.

    Why do people need beautiful high statistics? Do you like the purple or blue color in the deer gauge? I want to join the TOP clan ? Or do you want to be a king and god for everyone? In any case, we can help you. Advantages of a player with a high efficiency and win percentage:

    • with high statistics you can get into an excellent clan, company or platoon;
    • will not be ashamed in front of friends and acquaintances;
    • your advice will be listened to on the battlefield;
    • numbness and fear of the enemy


    We do not raise the statistics from % to % (for example, from 47% to 50%), because this will be extremely costly for you, and sites that do this create cost calculation formulas that are directly beneficial to them. We raise statistics in sessions of 20-30 or more battles, and per session we have 60%+ and high efficiency. Accordingly, the statistics on a certain vehicle and the overall % of wins and efficiency increase. And accordingly, the more fights you order, the higher the result of statistics will be both for the session and overall, respectively.

    Our session is 60% or more victories in battles. And if for the ordered number of fights the victories are less than 60%, then the payment for these fights is 50% of the total order! Why do we only return 50% you ask? Because it happens that we are completely unlucky with the team, and despite all our efforts, defeat still happens. But don’t forget that even with defeats, our drivers have high performance per battle (average damage, experience, etc.), and therefore significantly increase the efficiency of your account. And given that this service has a certain amount of risk, therefore such conditions.

    The necessary conditions:

    • the service is provided only with an active PA status (Premium account), or there must be gold to purchase it for the duration of the battles;
    • minimum order amount 30 fights ( 1 battle = 20 rub);
    • We improve statistics only on “TOP” vehicles of any level (TT, ST, LT and PT) and nation;
    • having 400-600k silver on your account for expenses during battles;
    • the presence of 100 gold for the ability to install three modules, at the driver’s choice, if necessary;
    • you need the opportunity to retrain the crew, the choice of the driver, if necessary (for gold or silver it’s up to you)

    The skills of the crew should look like this:

    100% - “main skill”

    100% - “first skill” (minimum)

    As a gift you receive:

    • experience on vehicles earned by improving statistics;
    • medals;
    • incremental achievements;
    • crew leveling;
    • we often take “Master” on the ordered equipment;
    • We often put distinctive marks on the tools of the ordered equipment;
    • possible implementation of LBZ on the ordered equipment;
    • very often we make a record for experience, both overall on the account and on individual ordered equipment

    If you want to improve your personal level of play and learn how to play World of Tanks well and competently, we offer you a service - « PRO -platoon" or "Training at the training ground"


    « PRO-platoon" ( 10 fights) = 500 rubles
    (only battles in “Random Battles” (random))

    « Training at the training ground » = 1500 rubles
    (1 hour of training + 10 battles in a platoon to strengthen skills on the battlefield)

    Discounts for regular orders!


    • communication with more experienced players;
    • improving personal playing skills;
    • improvement of tactical thinking;
    • obtaining information about the mechanics of the game and various game aspects;
    • obtaining information about various subtleties and positions on certain maps


    • you are wasting your time, not ours as in the first method;
    • if you use the service « PRO -platoon" only for the purpose of increasing the percentage of wins, it costs you more, it’s more expensive;
    • The efficiency of the tank will increase more slowly than if our driver did it


    Contact us in advance (at least an hour, preferably a day) before you want to play in a platoon with "PRO-players" and reserve the number of desired battles (minimum 10).

    We can also discuss all service proposals individually; we are confident that we can provide you with a profitable and reliable service for a comfortable game in World of Tanks. Anything that is not completely clear to you, you can clarify with me personally at

    How to increase statistics in World of Tanks

    Previously, a player's skill was judged only by his win-loss percentage. And not only for the account as a whole, but also for a specific machine. At that time, experienced and advanced commanders calculated some semblance of a player's effectiveness in battle. For these calculations they used a regular calculator. In the current conditions of game development, everyone relies on the XVM Olenometer mod. He will show everyone all the data of interest, directly in battle. Such data will not always reflect the player’s real skills, because no one knows who is on the other side of the monitor. Still, tankers with good efficiency are treated with great confidence. Of course, even they are not immune to mistakes. But if such a player makes a serious mistake, he can always respond with the following:

    No one is immune from errors in World of Tanks, because everyone is living people;

    My stats are generally good, but once, this is not an indicator.

    What data is used to make up the final efficiency figure?

    In general, efficiency is the average indicator of achievements for all battles conducted. It is calculated using the following parameters:

    Average damage dealt;

    Number of tanks killed (on average);

    Average number of detected vehicles;

    Average number of base capture points;

    Average number of base hit points;

    Total number of account battles;

    Average level of tanks.

    These indicators are used to an uneven extent in different calculation formulas. For example, the amount of damage is selected as a priority, and the rest have a lesser impact on the final value.

    Depending on the efficiency, an olenometer table has been compiled, which displays the values ​​in a spectrum of colors. So all players are divided into 6 skill levels (colors):

    ● Red is a bad player;

    ● Orange color - below average player;

    ● Yellow color - average player;

    ● Green color - a good player;

    ● Blue is a great player;

    ● Purple is unique.

    How to increase statistics in World of Tanks

    On the Internet, if you want, you can find all the formulas used for calculations. But with so many mathematical signs, you obviously don't want to deal with it. You don't have to know how it works to use something.

    2) WN8 is a rating that is rapidly gaining momentum, since it is assigned as the initial rating in the deer meter during installation. Its popularity is growing every day and may soon displace other ratings. The hangar statistics mod for the WN8 session is popular among players, measuring the player’s contribution to the team’s victory and his combat effectiveness.

    We will not consider such calculation formulas as WN6, WN7 and others. Their influence is very low in the tank world, so let's leave them aside.

    I will explain with an example to make it clearer. If a tank in one battle shot down an almost successful capture of a base, but did nothing else useful, then it will have good RE indicators. And if he does a lot of damage and doesn’t kill anyone, then the WN8 rating will rise. From all this we can conclude that there is no perfect indicator of skills. And judging a player in battle only by the type of statistics that is turned on is not entirely correct at the moment. Each of the ratings has a defining indicator, although the overall calculation process is more complex.

    The material described above suggests that any indicator can be raised. You just need to know what to focus on. In the WN8 formula, the amount of damage dealt per battle has a strong influence. The RE rating depends more on the defense of the base and the number of enemy vehicles killed.

    These are the indicators you need to focus on in order to increase your efficiency. It is worth noting that the WN8 rating has damage values ​​for each vehicle. Having reached this or that value, you can get the coveted numbers, but that’s a completely different story.

    A very important aspect of the game is the mini-map, look at it often, since all the main information of the battle is on it, learn to use the mini-map! In every battle, try to deal damage to your opponents equal to the strength of your own vehicle; this will increase your average damage! For additional help, select and install mods for yourself; they can increase the sight, add various marks to the mini-map, and help you in various ways in battle. If you follow all these tips, I can say with confidence that after 5000 battles your statistics will become much greener.

    Tankers who want to increase their efficiency and improve statistics will find this article useful - how to survive and win in a World of Tanks battle. Good luck in the battles, tankers!

    Game experience /how to increase efficiency in world of tanks/

    You need to constantly gain experience, without this nothing will work out, this is the most important thing in the game. Learn cards, techniques, game mechanics.

    Technique /how to raise stats in world of tanks/

    Everyone must choose this for themselves. There are as many as 5 types of equipment in the game: heavy tanks, medium tanks, light tanks, self-propelled artillery (SPG) and anti-tank self-propelled artillery (PT-SAU). Some people are lucky with this or that technique, but others are not.

    TT- AMX 50B, T57 Heavy, T110E5, E100, Maus, IS7, S.Conqueror, WZ-111 5A, 113.
    ST- E50M, T-62A, Object 140, TVP T 50/51, E50, T-54,121, B-C 25 t, M46 Patton, M48 Patton.
    LT- AMX 13 90, Ru251, WZ-132, M41 Walker Bulldog, T71, Type 64 and LT 10 lvl
    PT- Hellcat, T110E4, T110E3, Object 263, Object 268, Grille 15, Foch B, FV4005, Strv 103B.
    self-propelled guns- Object 261, Conqueror Gun Carriage, Т92,M40/M43, FV304, G.W. Panther, M53/M55.

    10 levels France: Bat.-Chatillon 25 t, AMX 50B, Germany: E 50 Ausf. M, Leopard 1, USA: USA: M-48 "Patton", T57 Heavy, Japan: STB-1, China: Heavy 113, WZ-111 model 5A.

    Completed equipment /how to raise the stat to here/

    Whenever possible, always install the best crew and all modules on your vehicle. Buy equipment and consumables. With all this you will feel confident on the battlefield. Repair kit, first aid kit, fire extinguisher, gold shells.

    How to increase statistics in World of Tanks?

    Damage dealt /how to increase efficiency in world of tanks/

    The main indicator that greatly influences various performance ratings is the damage you deal in battle. You won’t be able to get large amounts of damage on low-level equipment, so get at least level VI equipment as soon as possible. On low-level tanks you can only get your win percentage, but this is not certain either. The percentage of victories has little effect on the statistics as a whole, but high average damage... The more damage you deal, the higher your indicator of various statistics ratings will be. In each battle, try to inflict damage equal to the sum of your strength points - this is your minimum task for each battle.

    Thinking about actions /how to raise your stat in world of tanks/

    You must set yourself the goal that you only want to win and cause damage. If you can convince yourself of this goal, then you will do everything to achieve it. In the game you will begin to connect your head. Before the start of the battle, evaluate the equipment of your opponents and allies. Over time, you will begin to understand where this or that enemy tank will go, which sector of the map and from where the self-propelled guns can shoot. If you have already installed the so-called Deer Messenger, then be sure to try to kill the player who has good statistics. It is he who can bring a lot of trouble to your team. But this must be done wisely, and not just fly at such a player. In a fight with a skilled player, when you simply fly at him, most likely your tank will be destroyed by this player. It’s better to think about how best and harmlessly to inflict damage on yourself. And most importantly, if your team has a player with very good statistics, don’t stop him from playing. Do not interfere with the movement of his tank, do not cover the sight. And even if you need to cover it, cover it with your tank.

    Position on the map /how to raise the stat in here/

    During your time playing World of Tanks, you have probably already found some places on each map where you are good at playing. There is no self-propelled gun fire there, there are no destructible objects. There you can deal damage to enemy tanks with impunity. Hold this position until the battle enters the offensive phase. The allies went to press the direction - help them do this. You shouldn't go anywhere alone.

    Use the advantages of your equipment/how to increase efficiency in world of tanks/

    Each vehicle has one or another advantage that allows it to be used on the battlefield. So, for example, if your tank has good vertical aiming angles, then take a position in some kind of hollow and inflict damage on enemies without showing your entire tank. The enemy will only see your gun, and if you hit the gun, the damage will not go away. If your tank has a strong turret, then again find a hollow where you will hide your hull and deflect enemy shells with the forehead of the turret. If you are playing on a tank destroyer with high average damage, then simply do not get caught in the light and wait for the enemy vehicles to be illuminated.

    Team play/how to raise stats in world of tanks/

    World of Tanks- a team game and you need to remember this every battle. You play not alone, but together with other 14 players. By teaming up with another player, you will be one step ahead of those who play alone (but do not forget about what we talked about at the very beginning of the material). Find yourself a player who is equal to or slightly superior to you in terms of statistics. Be sure to communicate by voice during the game, so you can coordinate your joint actions and bring success to the team as a whole.

    Your condition/how to raise your stat to here/

    If you have no desire to play, then simply do not enter the game. If you have a headache, don’t sit down to play, but rather eat, sleep, etc. Neither the computer nor the game itself can escape you. They will obediently wait for you when you come and sit down to play.


    In order to get a lot of RE and WN8 points in each battle, you just need to do a lot of effective actions in battle: deal damage, highlight enemy tanks, “put” them on the tracks, break the capture and capture yourself.

    Try to never expose yourself or take damage, play thoughtfully, keeping an eye on the minimap, the location of allies and enemies, change positions in time, I emphasize again, take care of your tank as long as possible, because the longer you live, the more useful you are to the team and the more you can deal or shine damage. Watch your allies and enemies, remember the golden rule of a good field commander - do not forget to “shorten the barrels” - after all, even a tank with the amount of health for one of your shots is still alive and can fire.

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