• Guards Panther what perks to download. G.W. Panther - express delivery of suitcases. Research and leveling


    This self-propelled gun has a unique set of characteristics. The widest horizontal aiming angle, the highest accuracy, range and projectile speed. The relatively low damage is compensated by the high rate of fire, and the chances of escaping enemy fire are very high thanks to excellent mobility.

    Predecessor of the German self-propelled gun Gw-Tiger


    Compatible Equipment

    Compatible equipment

    GW Panther in game

    Research and leveling

    Modules GW Panther

    GW Panther can be researched after Hummel for 116,580.

    Combat effectiveness

    Possibly the best artillery in the game. And definitely the most profitable. Fast leveling, cheap repairs, the highest speed among artillery self-propelled guns, fast reloading and aiming - all this allows you to earn good money. Minimal differences from Hummel, which will allow you to use the same style of play.

    Equipment, equipment and ammunition


    • 150 mm HE SprG31 - regular HE shell
    • 150 mm KS Gr 39H2A G is a cumulative projectile with increased armor penetration. Does not cause damage from fragments, i.e. requires a direct hit.
    • 150 mm HE SprGr36 - HE projectile with an increased radius of fragmentation
  • The rate of fire of the 15 cm sFH 18 L/30 gun is set at 3.24 rounds per minute.
  • The gun's rate of fire is 15 cm sFH 36 L/30 Ausf. 1943 is set at 2.92 rounds per minute.
  • Damage from 15 cm gun shells sFH 36 L/30 Ausf. 1943 increased to 1200/900/1200.
    • projectile cost increased from 12 to 13 gold
    • explosion radius reduced from 5.38 to 5.11
    • damage increased from 950 to 1200

    Screenshot gallery

    GW Panther rating

    • - the characteristics of this self-propelled gun as a whole often make it possible to make a decisive contribution to the team’s victory
    • - for the high accuracy of the top gun.
    • - for the gun’s rate of fire and large horizontal guidance angle, which allows you to quickly transfer fire from one target to another

    G.W. Panther is a German Tier 7 self-propelled artillery unit. It has a large horizontal guidance angle, good rate of fire and excellent mobility. Disadvantages include the low-power weapon and small radius of damage when a shell explodes.

    Research and leveling

    Self-propelled gun G.W. Panther can be researched on Hummel for 61,000 experience. The standard research procedure is as follows:

    • Gun 15 cm s.F.H. 43;
    • Chassis G.W. Panther verstärkteketten;
    • Engines Maybach HL 110 P30 and Maybach HL 130 P50;
    • The FuG 12 radio must be studied on a Hummel self-propelled gun.


    According to the playing style of G.W. Panther is similar to Hummel. Excellent mobility allows you to frequently change position, fire at the enemy from unexpected places, and retreat in a timely manner in case of danger. Large horizontal aiming angles allow you to keep a significant part of the map in the firing sector.

    However, the paramount importance for self-propelled guns is the indicators of damage and radius of fragmentation, and these are the G.W. Panthers are comparatively weak. Among the disadvantages, one can also highlight the high silhouette, which negatively affects the camouflage of the vehicle.

    Having a turret gives the G.W. Panther is a huge bonus. Since when choosing a target, sometimes you can not tighten the body, and this makes it possible to maintain camouflage and remain unnoticed.

    27-01-2017, 16:35

    Hello to all fans of powerful explosions and big numbers, the site is here! Today we will talk about a very dangerous vehicle that is hated by many tankers, the German Tier 7 Artillery Self-propelled Gun - this G.W. Panther guide.

    Without a twinge of conscience, we can say that this is one of the most comfortable self-propelled guns at its level, play on G.W. Panther World of Tanks it’s a pleasure and this is evidenced by most of the parameters of our car, but first things first.

    TTX G.W. Panther

    Let's start with the fact that we have at our disposal a typically low safety margin for our class of equipment, but at the same time the best among the self-propelled guns-7, as well as a very mediocre basic visibility of 275 meters.

    There is no need to talk much about the survivability of our machine, because it is quite obvious that G.W. Panther characteristics reservations are very weak. In most cases, we are easily penetrated by absolutely all opponents encountered in battle. However, it is worth noting that our VLD is located at a very good angle, due to the given armor values ​​here reaching 87 millimeters. This figure suggests that under a successful combination of circumstances sau G.W. Panther may catch a ricochet from some firefly, but it will really be luck.

    In addition, the car in our hands, although not the largest, is also far from the most compact, which means the camouflage coefficient at our disposal is not as good as we would like. I note, disguise tank G.W. Panther WoT still has good, but could be better.

    As for the driving characteristics of this car, everything is not so bad. First of all, this German self-propelled gun has a good maximum speed, but the specific power of the engine is weak, which is why it accelerates reluctantly, and the turning speed of the chassis is also low.


    It is the armament that is the main part of every artillery installation and our case will not be an exception, since a powerful 150-mm howitzer is installed on board.

    It is immediately worth noting that G.W. Panther gun has not a top-end, but very serious alpha strike, and in terms of rate of fire we occupy an honorable third place among our classmates, right after the French and British art.

    Separately, I would like to talk about the penetrating ability of the gun and the types of shells, of which we are offered two:
    1. Land mines are a standard option for any artillery, we will shoot with these cartridges most of the time, but their penetration ability is G.W. Panther WoT is small, as is the radius of scattering of fragments.
    2. Gold landmines - this is the second type of “golden” shells for Art-SAU G.W. Panther World of Tanks, which differ from ordinary ones only in the increased radius of scattering of fragments. You can buy up to 10 pieces, it all depends on your reserves of silver and gold, but you shouldn’t travel without them after the release of update 0.9.18, because the larger your splash, the higher the chance of stunning enemy vehicles, temporarily reducing their performance.

    As for accuracy, in the case of artillery this parameter is always high. However, in our case, this parameter is worthy of respect, since in terms of speed of mixing G.W. Panther art again takes third place, and our spread is far from the greatest.

    But the most important advantage of our self-propelled gun is its excellent horizontal aiming angles. The total degree of rotation of the cabin is 52 millimeters (26 in each direction). Thereby sau G.W. Panther can fire in a very wide sector without additional rotation of the hull; accordingly, we spend less time on aiming.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    We have already said earlier that this self-propelled gun can be considered very comfortable and strong. However, for a more complete picture of the capabilities of this machine, it would be nice to highlight the main strengths and weaknesses Art-SAU G.W. Panther WoT.
    Powerful alphastrike;
    Good maximum driving speed;
    Good accuracy indicators;
    The presence of a rotating cabin;
    Decent rate of fire;
    Flat trajectory of the projectile.
    Quite a large silhouette;
    Weak armor;
    Small radius of scattering of fragments;
    Poor dynamics and maneuverability;
    Small overview and safety margin.

    Equipment for G.W. Panther

    To make your stay in battle more comfortable and effective, you need to choose the right additional modules. But in the case of artillery, this point is often standard, and given the fact that our conning tower is open, tank G.W. Panther equipment set the following:
    1. – even with a relatively good rate of fire, we still have a long reload time, and it’s very important to shoot more often.
    2. – information on art is also never too fast, that is, speeding it up is a mandatory task.
    3. is an obvious choice that will increase the survivability of the vehicle by improving the quality of camouflage, which is especially important in this case.

    Crew training

    The specifics of leveling up skills and consistency in this matter, as always, require special attention. For artillery, this nuance is no less important, and first of all, it is better to give preference to stealth and everything that affects the process of causing damage, that is, for sau G.W. Panther perks download the following:
    Commander (radio operator) – , , , .
    Gunner – , , , .
    Driver mechanic - , , , .
    Loader – , , , .
    Loader – , , , .

    Equipment for G.W. Panther

    Another standard completely concerns the purchase of consumables before the battle, and I would immediately like to say that the most optimal solution, albeit expensive, would be to take , , , where the last option, for obvious reasons, can be replaced with . But this choice is distinguished by its high cost, so in order to save on G.W. Panther equipment It’s better to buy in the form , , . This will be much cheaper and in the case of art it is practically not critical.

    Tactics for playing G.W. Panther

    In our hands we found a really very strong and comfortable vehicle, but as in the case of other self-propelled artillery units, G.W. Panther tactics combat is initially based on occupying an advantageous position.

    You should stand as far away from enemy forces as possible, ideally cover yourself with bushes and provide cover or escape routes in case you are discovered. At the same time, playing on German Art-SPG G.W. Panther It is important to position ourselves so that nothing interferes with the free flow of fire, but in this regard we have a significant advantage in the form of a partially rotating cabin.

    As soon as you take a position, you need to start moving towards the place where the enemy should appear or to where your fireflies have already detected enemy tanks. Of course G.W. Panther art must select the most dangerous or armored targets that would be difficult for conventional equipment to deal with.

    But we take such actions throughout the battle, and at the very beginning, if you know well the location of troops on the map and the main key points, you can try to find enemy artillerymen using tracers. Here you need to understand that tank G.W. Panther WoT has a small radius of scattering of fragments and for greater effect it is better to initially charge a gold mine.

    Otherwise, I would like to remind you that when playing art, you should not constantly stand in one place, after a shot you should move at least a little, and if the position has lost its relevance, you need to change it. Besides, sau G.W. Panther World of Tanks It has weak armor and a small margin of safety, which means getting caught in light is extremely dangerous, as is letting opponents get close to you.

    Review of video guide tank Gw Panther World of Tanks

    In World of Tanks Gw Panther, perhaps the most fan art, no one will call us a “pedobear” (this is for fans of the Su-26), but we will also have a lot of fun. This guide will help novice Gw Panther art enthusiasts understand the intricacies of this machine. Even with STOKE, Givi influences the outcome of the battle and can even delay it. You can install all the equipment and modules on the stock chassis, so first we download the TOP gun (penetration 88/240/88, damage 1200/900/1200, dispersion 0.43m/100m, reduction 6.3s; it will bring us credits and experience. We inherited a walkie-talkie (710m) from Hummel. After upgrading the gun and installing the walkie-talkie, it makes sense to think about developing our driving characteristics. The base from a medium tank allows you to move around the map perfectly, at a speed of 48 km/h, and powerful engines allow you to quickly reach this speed and spin in place.In the TOP configuration, the Gw Panther poses a huge threat to the enemy.


    • Excellent dynamics, allows you to quickly take key positions and move as needed
    • Fast aiming and accuracy of the gun
    • Fast recharge
    • Best UGN
    • Although we are large in size, surprisingly Givi is perfectly camouflaged
    • Large ammunition allows you to distribute “suitcases” throughout the battle


    • Just like Bumblebee has a small splash
    • Small one-time damage

    Crew and additional skills I

    Because Many people leave the Gw Panther in their hangar, so you need to have an appropriate crew for it. Actually, if you transferred the crew from Hummel, then there is no difference in leveling up your skills, the sequence is still the same. We are trying to make our artillery “invisible” and squeeze all the “juices” out of the crew with the help of the Combat Brotherhood

    • Commander: “The Sixth Sense”, “Combat Brotherhood”, “Disguise”
    • Gunner: “Smooth turn of the tower”, “Combat brotherhood”, “Camouflage”
    • Driver-mechanic: “Disguise”, “Combat Brotherhood”, “Virtuoso”
    • Loader 1: “Disguise”, “Combat Brotherhood”, “Repair”
    • Loader 2: “Disguise”, “BB”, “Repair”

    Additional modules

    If you decide to sell your Hum, then remove the Rammer and Aiming Drives from it, these are the modules we will need on the Gw Panther. And of course, don’t forget to wear a “net” to hide from prying eyes.


    GwPanther is essentially a continuation of Hummel's ideas and tactics. Therefore, the same tactics apply as on Huma.

    1. Classic - even before the start of the battle, we decide where we will stand, quickly take a position and begin to converge in the area where the enemy is expected to appear. After each shot, I recommend changing your position. Also, when the situation on the map changes, move depending on the need. Use your agility and dynamics. If there is a possibility that the enemy will appear in the field of view of direct fire, feel free to switch the art mode to normal, Gw Panther hits perfectly with direct fire.
    2. If you find yourself in city maps, don’t worry, our mobility, the presence of a turret and the flatness of the TOP gun allows us to serve as a tank tank, and after firing, quickly move away from our pursuers. Of course, we are not a full-fledged tank destroyer, but planting a landmine with 800 HP is quite possible, especially against the Germans.

    Bottom line

    If you liked the Bumblebee, then the Gw Panther will take pride of place in your hangar. On my own behalf, I will say that for me this is the most fun car and at the moment, although the art has been shamelessly cut since version 7.0, it pulls, and will always be feared. On this unit, I took my first 10 frags in a battle, and there are players much more experienced than me. In terms of profitability, you can play on a basic account and even go into profit; with straight hands (50% wins on average) you will receive +10k in net credits.

    gw panther guide World of Tanks

    → Beast machine - world of tanks gw panther

    While the developers are nerfing the world of art tanks in the game, trying to reduce the number of people who want to play this class of equipment, the players are not at all going to justify their hopes for success.

    One of the most popular artillery tanks in the world is the Guards Panther. In a sense, the wot gw panther can be called the successor to the Soviet artillery Su-26 - for its, albeit inferior, turret and for its extremely annoying rate of fire.

    Performance characteristics and level in the world of Guards Panther tanks

    In wot gw, the panther occupies the sixth level in the development tree and costs 1,500,000 silver. Characteristics of this art-sau in a fully upgraded state:

    Quantity HP: 350

    Maximum speed: 48 km/h forward, 12 km/h reverse

    Rotational speed: 28 °/s

    A gun: 15 cm sFH 36 L/30 Ausf. 1943

    Gun ammunition: 30 pcs.

    Damage and armor penetration (HE, cumulative, HE premium): 1200/900/1200; 88/240/88 mm

    Rounds per minute: 2.55

    Scatter: 0.43 at 100m

    Horizontal aiming angles: -26…+26 deg.

    Vertical aiming angles: -3…+45 gr.

    Before us is a maneuverable and fast-firing vehicle. Due to its high speed, gw panther wot can quickly move away from dangerous directions and occupy non-standard, but advantageous places for self-propelled guns. This also allows you to successfully avoid counter-artillery fire.

    But the most important thing for a wot artillery gun is, of course, the weapon. The Guard Panther's cannon is far from the SU-14 gun in terms of parameters such as damage and explosion radius: the Panther's explosion is only 3.57 meters, and the average damage is 1200 HP. However, in return we get a pleasant rate of fire and aiming speed, as well as an incomparable horizontal aiming angle. The fact is that GW Panther World of Tanks has a turret. It cannot rotate 360 ​​degrees, but it makes it possible to cover a huge firing sector compared to other self-propelled guns.

    Among other things, in the game the world of tanks, the Guards Panther is the most accurate artillery tank at the sixth level. The gun spread at 100 meters is only 0.43, which is comparable to the accuracy of conventional tank guns in the game. This accuracy more than compensates for the low damage and small radius of scattering fragments, because you can hit the enemy much more often than with other self-propelled guns. Well, no one forbids you to buy wot gold and spend it on premium shells, whose fragments fly as far as 5.11 meters. Game pleasure and fun are guaranteed!

    When playing the most accurate level 6 artillery in the world of tanks - gw panther, first of all you need to know and correctly use the features of the gun of this machine. Firstly, the projectile trajectory is flatter than on a stock gun. On the one hand, this reduces the time it takes for a projectile to arrive and makes direct fire easier. But there are also disadvantages: the shell more often hits the side and frontal armor, which is much thicker than the tank’s roof. If a tank is hiding behind a low obstacle (a damaged tank), your landmine may hit exactly this obstacle, whereas on another artillery the shell would fly from a steeper trajectory and hit the enemy.

    In the game world of tanks, Guards Panthers are not liked for the density of fire. The gw panther platoons of the tank world are especially effective: correctly calculated shooting does not allow the enemy to repair the tracks. And even if he succeeds, the panthers can have time to reload and fire before the enemy gains speed or hides behind a rock or building.

    We can also recommend that owners of World of Tanks Guard Panthers immediately change their position, even if it seems that the firefly has flashed somewhere very far away. Even if you have pumped up the “light bulb”, it will work only after three seconds, and during this time you can already go to the hangar - reinsurance will not be superfluous.

    Thanks to self-propelled guns like the Givi Panther, the world of tanks brings a lot of fun to those players who don’t like playing classic tanks or want variety. In general, this is a fairly easy to learn art, which is ideal for any wot player: high accuracy, fast projectile flight and good maneuverability make the guard panther a good choice for both company games and random rides.

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