• Lesson in the preschool group "family traditions". Lesson summary: “What is tradition? Why are traditions necessary in the life of a person, family and society? Tradition lesson


    Topic: Family traditions. 4th grade

    Goal: deepen students' understanding of the value of the family and the observance of good traditions that unite relatives and friends


    Expand the meaning of the concept of "family traditions" on the example of hard work, hospitality, caring for loved ones, holding holidays and organizing joint recreation

    Develop the skills of responsible family behavior

    Show the need for respectful treatment of family and friends.

    Lesson equipment : printouts of texts; A3 sheets for making a collage; drawings, clippings on the topic of the lesson, scissors, glue, little suns for each participant, musical accompaniment lesson: song "The Road of Good".

    During the classes

    Circle of joy

    Stand up, join hands in the group and greet each other with the words:

    Good morning people and birds!

    Good morning to smiling faces!

    Today we will continue to talk about the most important thing in the life of every person. This is his family.

    At home, you were given a homework assignment - to compose a small essay - a story about your family and its traditions.

    (homework survey)

      What is family to you?

      Why does a person need a family?

      Are you proud of your family? Why?

    Words are written on the board. How do you understand this entry?

    "I + I \u003d happy and friendly, reliable and loyal family"

    Conclusion: In a family, everyone is somewhat similar to each other: face, voice, look, character; there may be common interests, hobbies.

    Each family has its own traditions. - What it is? Let's figure it out together.

    Traditions are customs passed down from older generations to younger ones.

    Everyone is well aware of such folk traditions as Sabantoy.

    Sabantoy is a traditional Muslim holiday, with national games and food.

    Shrovetide is a holiday that has survived since ancient times. This is a mischievous and cheerful farewell to winter and welcome to spring.

    Many folk traditions have now become family traditions. What are family traditions?

    Family traditions are family rules that are constantly observed by adults and children.

    Working with the tutorial

    We read pp. 48-49 the story "What the guys told about." Let's find out what family traditions are.

    Which tradition seems to you to be the most important for family cohesion?

    Thinking together

    Each family has different traditions. I did not give you big texts, let's read them and explain what family tradition is being said here.

    Text 1 - hospitality

    Text 2 - outdoor recreation

    Text 3 - spring-cleaning

    Text 4 - Caring for each other

    Warm up

    You all love to relax with your family. And I suggest you rest now during the warm-up. Listen to assignments and complete.

    Those with an older brother, clap your hands

    Who has a sister or sister wave your hand over your head

    Who helps loved ones at home, clap your hands

    Who has pets in the family, raise your hands up

    Clap those who love their family very much

    Guys, today we talk a lot about family traditions. And now let's talk about the holidays and traditions of our state.

    Why do you think people came up with the holidays?

    Why do we need to know about the holidays that have been celebrated since ancient times?

    Conclusion: Folk holidays and traditions are part of cultural history. Therefore, every educated person should strive to know both the holidays and the traditions of his land, his Motherland.

    Creative work

    Make a collage and guess "What is this holiday here?" and you will have to tell about this holiday, what you know about it. (Nauryz; President's Day)

    Guys, we talked about the Family today. The family is our common home, and therefore the traditions are common. The more traditions. Topics more interesting life in family.

    In the suns that lie on your desk, write your wishes to your family.

    Text No. 1

    The long-awaited guest has arrived

    It has been a long time since he was in our house.

    We happened to meet him

    With cordiality, in a polite bow.

    And they brought a treat

    Dostarkhan with hospitality.

    Bishparmak boils in the cauldron

    From the meat of a fat ram.

    While our lunch was cooking

    We greeted the guest together

    He was warmed with care

    And a fragrant cup of tea.

    And on a platter bishparmak,

    The ram's head is smoking ...

    Knowledge of tradition is not a trifle

    It will be useful to me in life!

    Text No. 2

    We are very fond of outdoor activities, so nature trips are our family tradition. How wonderful it is on a cool August morning to put on a jacket, boots, a jacket, pick up a stick, a bucket and a knife and go into the forest for mushrooms! You never know which mushrooms and how many you will pick. And swimming in the summer in the river, skiing in the winter down the hill with the parents in a race. What could be better? Is it fishing?

    Text No. 3

    It may seem ridiculous to some, but cleaning the apartment on Saturdays is also our tradition! Each of us has our own responsibilities that suit our age. Everyone is busy with work - mom sings the floor, brother dusts, and I wash the dishes and take out the trash. We always do our work amicably, with care and support.

    Text no. 4

    The most important tradition in our family is caring for each other and helping those who need it. No wonder they say that a friend is known in trouble. And it is so wonderful when there are relatives and friends nearby who can help and help out, provide support in any situation. Quite recently, my grandmother needed to undergo a complex operation. And literally in a few days, the relatives collected the required amount of money and gave it to us without hesitation. Grandma has already recovered, and I am very grateful to my big family for help, support and care for each other.

    1. Competition "Who is this?"

    1) Wife's brother.

    2) Husband's brother.

    3) The husband's sister.

    4) The wife's mother.

    5) The wife's father.

    6) Husband's mother.

    7) The husband's father.

    8) The daughter of a brother or sister.

    9) Brother of father or mother.

    10) Sister of father or mother.

    2. Working with proverbs.

    Explain the meaning of proverbs:

    What a treasure, if the family is okay.

    The whole family is together, and the soul is in place.

    The apple never falls far from the tree.

    A willing family and grief does not take.

    The family is a stove: how cold it is, everyone is going to her.

    A friendly family turns the earth into gold.

    In the family, love and advice, and there is no need.

    Which proverb is right for your family?

    Nurtdinova Liliana Ramisovna

    Extracurricular activity on the topic "Family and family traditions"

    Talk about your family more often….

    “Correct upbringing is our happy old age; poor upbringing is our future grief, these are our tears, this is our fault before other people. "


    Upbringing is one of the most important components of education in the interests of a person, society, and the state. The main tasks of education at the present stage of development of our society are: the formation of students' civic responsibility and legal identity, spirituality and culture, initiative, independence, the ability to successfully socialize in society.

    Extracurricular activities are an integral part of the educational process and one of the forms of organizing students' free time. The upbringing of children occurs at any moment of their activity. However, it is most productive to carry out this upbringing in their free time from training.

    Family is of great importance in the life of every person. The foundations of the most important human qualities are laid in the family. Feature family education is that children constantly see an example to follow in the person of their parents. This example is not always positive, but also negative. By imitating adults, the child learns to build his relationships not only with relatives, but also with those who are outside of it. Therefore, a positive experience of family education is very important.

    The purpose of this event: exchange of positive experience of family education, its dissemination. It allows you to get to know each other better, helps to determine family values.

    Extracurricular activity "Family and family traditions".


    1. Raising feelings, love and pride for your family, respect for parents, developing interest in the history of your family.
    2. Formation of a positive attitude, respect for the families of classmates.
    3. Formation of ideas about the life ideal of the family.
    4. Building a classy team.

    The course of the event.

    1. Organizational moment.

    - Hello dear guys! We have an unusual activity today. Today we will talk about the most important things in the life of every person. Each of you will have to grow a flower. But what kind of flower, we will now find out.

    Look at the blackboard. Solve the puzzle.



    2. Conversation "What is a family"

    What is family? (answer options)

    Today our conversation will focus on the family and the relationship in it, about family holidays and traditions. Our family is the closest people who will help in difficult times and will enjoy your success more than anyone else in the world.

    Words on the board.

    How did the word "family" appear?

    Once upon a time the earth had not heard of him.

    But before the wedding Adam said to Eve:

    Now I will ask you seven questions:

    Who will give birth to children for me, my goddess?

    And Eve quietly replied: "I am."

    Whoever sews the dress, washes the linen.

    Will he caress me, decorate my home?

    Answer the question my friend ..?

    - "I, I, I" - Eve said - "I".

    She said the famous seven "I's".

    And so a family appeared on earth.

    People who live together and are related by consanguinity or marriage are called a family. The family is a small part of society in which a person acquires the first knowledge and skills. The basis of the family is love, respect and attention to each other.

    A lot of beautiful lines can be found about the family. But I wanted to introduce you to the following lines. The poem is handed out to children in advance, line by line. Read by heart.

    1. Family is happiness, love and luck,

    Family is summer trips to the country.

    1. Family is a holiday, family dates,

    Gifts, purchases, pleasant spending.

    1. Having children, the first step, the first babble,

    Dreams of good, excitement and awe.

    1. Family is work, caring for each other,

    Family is a lot of homework.

    1. Family is important!

    Family is difficult!

    1. Always be together, take care of love,
    1. I want friends to talk about us:

    What a good family you are!

    You have named 7 important lines. Think about it. In which line you could see your family.

    (called lines from the poem)

    And who wants all these lines to be about your family.

    Which line says that one person cannot live happily.

    But it is impossible to live happily alone!

    Why do they say that?

    Tell me, 2 people are a family.

    There is such a concept -the large family

    A family from the Voronezh region, marked in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest family in Russia. It has 20 of its own children. This is the Shishkin family.

    Another large family.

    Nikolaevs - Tatiana Evgenievna and Sergey Ivanovich.

    - Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on awarding Tatyana Nikolaeva with the Order of Honor. The award was given for raising 27 children. Soon it will be exactly 21 years since the Nikolaevs - Tatyana Evgenievna and Sergei Ivanovich - took the first five orphans into their family.

    The family is a whole world, a separate universe, which has its own charter, its own rules and customs. For the sake of his family, a person is able to move mountains. And how nice it is to know that the family that we create and cherish is the happiest and strongest, the most independent and friendly.

    3. A conversation about traditions.

    Are all families the same? (no)

    - Families are all different. How do they differ? Of course, by their habits, way of life, customs, atmosphere, quantity, nationality, relationships, traditions. Traditions that have been passed down from generation to generation.

    The words “family traditions” usually cause people to associate with old families, large families, some rigidly established rules and strange customs. In fact, family traditions are all that people adhere to in the circle of their family, no matter how large it may be. If you have a habit of reading books to your child every day before bedtime, and on Sunday you go out into nature with your whole family, then you are keeping and observing the traditions of your family. They can be expressed in customs, things, celebrations of anniversaries, and more.

    Family traditions bring all close relatives closer together, makes a family a family, and not just a community of blood relatives. In addition, family traditions and rituals allow the child to feel the stability of the way of life: "whatever the weather", your family will take place as usual; give him a sense of confidence in the world around him and security;

    Take a look. What kind of game is it. Puzzles. (Made from any magazine page that depicts a family. The sheet is cut)

    We need to break up into small groups. (for 4 people)

    Once you put the puzzle together, think about what family tradition is involved here. Name it and tell us about it.

    (walks with the family, visiting theaters, playing sports, family holidays, going out of town, going for berries or mushrooms). Puzzles are glued to a piece of paper, hung out on a board.

    4. Let's talk about family relationships.

    Take a look at your tables. There are a lot of petals on them. Choose the petals that you think show the relationship between family members.

    Name them: d russian, envious, trusting, rude, patient, vindictive, fair, loving, respectful, kind, disinterested, bad, affectionate….

    Choose the 7 most important concepts in your opinion.

    Let's connect these petals. You have a flower. The petals are glued. The flower is being drawn.

    Tell me, if you tear off at least one petal, what will happen to the flower. (It will not be complete, not very pretty).

    Each team receives a yellow leaflet.

    Read the questions. Everyone should answer. Don't repeat yourself.

    1. What needs to be done to make the relationship friendly (obey your parents, don't yell at each other ....)
    2. Who in the family should give in and why? (The younger ones always give way to the older ones ....)
    3. Which petal is suitable for the proverb "In a family in agreement, this is how things are going well."
    4. Who in the family should help (all each other)
    5. How is respect shown in family relationships?


    Let's make one big circle. We pass the ball in a circle to the music. As soon as the music stops, you need to quickly list the names of all family members and name what they like to do the most. The teacher starts.

    Here's how much we learned about each other. Sit down.

    1. Working with proverbs

    Read the proverb.

    A family is strong when there is one roof over it.

    What kind of family quality are we talking about? About strength.

    About physical strength? When do they say that?

    (Family friendly, they do everything together)

    Are there many roofs in the house? (no)

    What the words can mean:when there is only one roof above it.

    (When the family has one goal, common views and do everything together)

    Try and you will make up proverbs correctly.

    Envelopes with words. If used interactive whiteboard, then you can give the task to connect the two halves.

    • The porridge is thicker in the family.
    • Family consent is the most expensive thing.
    • A land without water is dead, a person without a family is a barren flower.
    • In a family where there is a harmony, happiness does not forget the road.
    • The whole family is together, and the soul is in place.
    • The tree is supported by the roots, and the person by the family.
    • Close together, but apart boring.
    1. Outcome

    What conclusions have you drawn from today's lesson.

    What traditions did you like the most?

    Think about what is missing in your family?

    Take a look at the flower you make. Remember that it depends on you what kind of relationship will develop in your family.

    Guys, let's talk in the next lessonfamily tree.

    I will ask everyone to ask their parents about their grandparents. Find out what their names were. How many children they had. And in the lesson we will try to figure out what kind of tree it is.

    Close together, but apart boring. When you get home, be sure to say how much you missed your family.

    Lesson summary in senior group "Family traditions"

    Summary of classes in the senior group "Family Traditions"

    The purpose of the lesson:

    foster love and respect for members of your family, relatives, relatives, ancestors, form elementary ideas about the pedigree as about the history and image of your family, about traditions and customs, develop cognitive interest, logical thinking.


    Lead children to understand the word "tradition",

    Encourage them to tell

    Learn correctly, build simple and complex sentences.

    Dictionary activation: family, tradition;

    adjectives: musical, athletic, caring, large,

    Teach children to work in a group, work in pairs, analyze, find a way to solve a problem or problem situation, be able to negotiate.

    Preliminary work:

    Viewing family photos, talking;

    Collaboration with parents and children.


    doll bi - ba - bo - bear; cards; flower - proverbs; children's drawings; photographs of families, presentation "Family tree".

    Methodical techniques: articulatory gymnastics, finger

    exercises, riddle, play, conversation, story.

    Course of the lesson

    1. Introductory part.

    Host: Guys, let's remember the game "House" with you.

    Finger exercise "Home"

    There is a house on the meadow

    Well, the path to the house is closed.

    We open the gate

    We invite you to this house!

    2. The main part.

    Who lives in this house?

    If you guess the riddle, you will find out!

    Picture "family"

    Why did you decide that this word is "family"? (Children's answers).

    Each of you has your own family.

    Host: We gathered today to talk about the family. What do you think is a family? (a family is people who love each other, take care of each other, help, regret, sympathize, treat each other respectfully, speak affectionately with each other). The family unites relatives: parents and children, grandmothers, grandfathers, brothers, sisters. These are our relatives, relatives, relatives.

    Question answer

    1) If everyone in the family cares about each other.

    What kind of family is this? (answers)

    Caring family -

    2) - In the family, everyone is friends with each other.

    What family? (answers) - A friendly family -

    3) -In the family, everyone plays musical instruments, listens to music.

    What family? (answers)

    Musical family -

    4) - Everyone in the family goes in for sports.

    What family? (answers)

    Sport family,

    5) - There are many children in the family.

    What family? (answers)

    The large family -

    Finger exercise "Family"

    The first finger is grandfather

    The second finger is a grandmother

    The third finger is daddy

    The fourth finger is mommy

    The fifth finger is I.

    That's my whole family! "

    Conversation: In a family, people live together, amicably in one apartment or house, under one roof. Every family has its own TRADITIONS. - What word did you hear?


    Today Mishutka came to visit us. He wants to tell you about his family and its traditions.

    The character Mishutka appears.

    Mishutka. Hello guys. I came to you from a fairy tale about three bears. I have a small family, but very friendly. My dad's name is Mikhailo Potapych, my mother's name is Nastasya Petrovna, and I'm Mishutka.

    We all love to walk in the forest together, my dad introduces me to forest rules (be careful, dexterous, fast, etc.) to teach me how to hunt in the forest. Mom talks about medicinal herbs and edible berries, mushrooms and roots. This is our family, and what is your family?

    Example: Everyone gathers for evening tea, they talk.

    There is a tradition in my family: every holiday we bake pies or

    big cake. We knead the dough, make different fillings: from cabbage, from apples.

    Leading. Let's tell the guys about your families and their traditions of the bear.

    Children's stories. (showing the presentation "Family tree")

    Mishutka. I thank the children - they really liked your stories!

    3. The final part.

    Surprise moment:

    Leading. Guys, look while we were talking about our families, we got a flower. A complex flower is magical! There are good sayings on its petals - proverbs about family, let's listen to them!

    Family proverbs.

    Good children grow up in a good family.

    It's good everywhere, but it's better at home.

    The whole family is together, and the soul is in place.

    The tree is supported by the roots, and the person by the family.

    A man without brothers and sisters is a lonely tree.

    A man without a family is like a tree without fruit.

    Brotherly love is better than stone walls.

    Leading. Do you think our group can be called a family? (Answers)

    Let's come up with our own traditions for our family group.

    And I came up with a tradition for you.

    (Tray with items)

    What is it? Paints.

    Who draws with them? Painter.

    You and I will be artists, and we will draw a large beautiful house for our family - a group.


    Do you like this tradition?

    Summing up the lesson:

    Did you enjoy the activity? What did we talk about? What did you like the most?

    Good children grow up in a good family.

    It's good everywhere, but it's better at home.

    The whole family is together, and the soul is in place.

    The tree is kept by the roots, and the person is kept by the family.

    A man without brothers and sisters is a lonely tree.

    A man without a family is like a tree without fruit.

    Brotherly love is better than stone walls.

    Outline of the lesson on the topic "Our family traditions."

    The purpose of the lesson:

    Introducing children to family values and traditions.


    Further acquaintance with the concepts of "family", kinship;

    Acquaintance with the family traditions of the peoples of Transbaikalia;

    Development of cognitive and creative activity of children, memory, imagination;

    Fostering love and respect for the family, family values \u200b\u200band traditions.


    Cards with assignments, paper, explanatory dictionary, colored pencils.

    Course of the lesson

    I. Organizational moment.

    Acquaintance of children with the topic and purpose of the lesson.

    Guys, today we will continue our conversation about the family, about what a family should be, what role it plays in the life of every person. We will find out what family traditions are and what they are.

    II. Repetition and consolidation of the passed material.

    1) - So, let's remember what kind of relatives there are (mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, son, daughter, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, etc.).

    Which of them most often live together in one house, one apartment? (parents and children).

    2) Performing tasks 1, 2 on pieces of paper.

    Explanation of the teacher for the 1st task:

    The meaning of this or that word can be found out from the explanatory dictionary. All words in the dictionary are arranged alphabetically. We find words starting with the letter "S", looking for the word "family", we read: "A family is a group of close relatives living together (husband, wife, parents and children)." Children write down the meaning of the word on pieces of paper with the task.

    3) In the last lesson, we talked with you about the fact that every person is given a name at birth. Each name carries some meaning, signifies something. They say that the name affects the future fate of a person, therefore, the choice of a name must be approached seriously and responsibly.

    One group of children was given the task of finding out what their names mean. Many names came to Russian from other languages \u200b\u200band have their own translation. Let's find out the meaning of some of them.

    1.Alexey (Greek) - defender

    2. Alexander (Greek) - defender of people

    3. Anastasia (Greek) - resurrection

    4.Andrew (Greek) - brave

    5.Anna (egypt.) - grace

    6. Valery (lat.) - - healthy, strong

    7. Daria (Persian) - the winner

    8. Eugene (Greek) - noble

    9. Catherine (Greek) - immaculate, pure

    10. Elena (Greek) - light

    11.Igor is power

    12. Irina (Greek) - world

    13. Constantine (lat.) - permanent

    14. Ksenia (Greek) - hospitable

    15. Lyudmila (Slav.) - dear to people

    16.Maxim (lat.) - the greatest

    17. Marina (lat.) - sea

    18.Maria (egypt.) - mistress

    19. Natalia (lat.) - native

    20. Nikita (Greek) - winner

    21. Tatiana (Greek) - organizer

    The other guys had to find out how their surnames appeared and what they mean. Who coped with this difficult task?

    III. Explanation new topic lessons.

    Almost every family, especially a strong and friendly one, has its own traditions.

    What does this word mean? Let's look in the explanatory dictionary:

    "Family traditions are certain norms of behavior, customs, attitudes that are accepted in the family and are passed from one generation to another."

    What does “from one generation to the next” mean? (from great-grandfather and great-grandmother to grandfather and grandmother, from grandmother and grandfather to father and mother, from mother and father to children, from children to grandchildren). That is, it turns out such a "chain" through which family traditions are passed from one generation to another.

    The longest preserved are those family traditions that are associated with good deeds, good and noble deeds, happy memories.

    For example, respect and reverence by younger family members of elders; respectful attitude of men to women (husband - to wife, son - to mother, brother - to sister, grandson - to grandmother).

    These traditions can be kept in families for many years.

    And there are traditions that are not so ancient and significant, which appeared recently, in only one family. For example, celebrating the New Year outdoors (in the forest); a joint vacation trip with the whole family to the village; going to the cinema, theater, museum on weekends. That is, there can be very, very many family traditions, very different, old and new, important and not very important.

    Many family traditions are associated with folk traditions, and they appeared a long time ago. In our region - Transbaikalia, family traditions came from the customs of those peoples who lived here. For example, in Buryat families, many family traditions are already several centuries old. Buryats have very strong family ties: they help in need and misfortune, help poor relatives, orphans and widows. Until now, the Buryats almost never abandon their children, and orphans are not sent to orphanages, they are taken to their upbringing by relatives. Each Buryat should know his ancestry (that is, who their ancestors were: grandfathers, great-grandfathers, great-great-grandfathers, etc., what were their names, what they did). Observing this tradition, some Buryats know their ancestry up to the tenth generation.

    Unfortunately, in many Russian families this tradition has been lost: some Russians do not even know their close relatives well, especially if they are not alive.

    The so-called "Semeiskie" strictly observed their family traditions - these are Russians who were exiled to Transbaikalia in the 18th century for their religious beliefs.

    First of all, they were strict healthy image life: the Semeiskys were forbidden to smoke, drink alcohol, swear. They ate only healthy, fresh, home-grown food. The Semeiski said: "He who loves wine ruins himself," "Drink less, live longer," and said about smokers: "He who smokes tobacco is worse than dogs."

    Secondly, the Semeiskys were very hardworking, they worked a lot: they ran a large farm, were engaged in agriculture, planted large vegetable gardens, kept cattle, spun and weaved themselves, i.e. completely contained themselves, did everything with their own hands.

    Therefore, the Semeiskie always looked very good: they were tall, beautiful, and most importantly, they had excellent health.

    They strictly observed the semeyskie and another tradition: they kept their houses and yards in order.

    In our time, many descendants of Semeiski try to observe the family traditions of their ancestors.

    IV. Completing a creative assignment.

    "What should be in a good friendly family"

    V. Summing up the results of the lesson.

    What new things did you learn in class?

    What are family traditions?

    Vi. Homework

    Complete task number 3

    Svetlana Novikova
    Abstract of the lesson "Russian folk traditions"

    goal: To generate interest in the history and culture of our ancestors in preschool children.


    1. Educational: Continue to acquaint children with household items, their names, purpose. Use russian folk nursery rhymes, riddles, proverbs. Continue to acquaint children with elements of material culture

    2. Developing: Develop coherent speech of children, enrich their vocabulary, higher mental functions (logical thinking, speech, memory, imagination, fine motor skills, auditory and visual attention, To develop creativity and cognitive abilities of children, taking into account their age psychological characteristics.

    3. Educational: Instill an interest in culture russian people through familiarity with customs, folk art, art. Contribute overall development child, instilling in him love for the Motherland.

    Integration with educational areas: cognition, socialization, music, communication, physical culture, reading fiction

    Preliminary work:

    1. Reading oral works folk art,

    2. Consideration of illustration for oral works folk art(artists: Yu. Vasnetsov, V. Pimenov,

    3. Acquaintance with the native land, its crafts

    4. Learning folk games,

    5. Consideration of household items.

    Materials and equipment:

    1. Listening to music

    2. Using file cabinets: « Russian folk toys, "Nursery rhymes",

    "kitchenware", "Kokoshniks", « folk games» .

    4. Using didactic games: ("Make a pattern", "Izba")

    Course of the lesson:

    Children together with the teacher are included in the group. They sit down.


    It's good in the bell tower

    Ring the bells

    To make the holiday more spacious

    So that the soul can sing.

    Like angelic singing

    This wondrous chime

    Bright hymn of Sunday,

    It sounded from all sides. (Bell chime sounds)

    -Educator: Guys, what's the main orthodox holiday all Christians celebrate?

    Children's answer (Easter).

    -Educator: correctly. Every spring, Christians around the world celebrate Easter, Bright Resurrection Christ. Let's listen to a poem read by Katya.

    -Katya: How I love Easter!

    Get ready for Thursday

    Grandma paints the testicles

    I'll help her too.

    On a fragile, thin shell.

    For people, for beauty.

    I paint with a brush quietly:

    Cross, sun, flowers.

    -Educator: What else do you know russian holidays?

    Children's answer options.

    -Educator: there are a lot of calendar and ritual holidays, these are Maslenitsa, Christian Easter, Christmas, Agrafena Kupalnitsa and Ivan Kupala. And ceremonies dedicated to major holidays included a large number of different works folk art: songs, sentences, round dances, games, dances, dramatic scenes, masks, folk costumes... So on Shrovetide they made a stuffed animal of Winter from straw or rags, they usually dressed it up in women's clothing, carried through the whole village, leaving the village, the scarecrow was either drowned in an ice hole, or burned or simply torn to pieces, and the remaining straw was scattered across the field, this is how spring was welcomed. On Easter, the custom came to greet each other with the words "Christ is Risen", to give colored eggs for Easter and to decorate the table with cakes and cottage cheese Easter. And Christmas is a holiday when the whole family gathers together at a common table.

    -Educator: it's time to play kids.

    R.N. game "Magic scarf!"

    -Educator: They knew how russian people work, knew how to relax. Following principle: "Business - time, fun - an hour", the peasants rested mainly on holidays.

    Guys, let's remember about russians proverbs and sayings. There are a lot of them.

    Children pronounce together with educator:

    Living life is not a field to cross

    Not knowing the ford, do not poke your nose into the water.

    Life is given for good deeds.

    Red speech is a proverb.

    Trust in God, but don't do it yourself.

    They are greeted by clothes, but escorted by the mind.

    Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.

    -Educator: guys, and what p. n. games do you know?

    Children's answers. ( "Carousel", "Pie", "Grandmother)

    A round dance game is held "Grandmother":

    Grandma grandma

    Bake pancakes, pancakes

    Hot and curvy

    With raspberries and cherries,

    With raspberries and cherries.

    Grandma grandma

    Bake pancakes, pancakes

    Fragrant and tasty

    With mushrooms and cabbage

    With mushrooms and cabbage

    Grandma grandma

    Bake pancakes, pancakes

    With raspberries, sour cream

    Like a ruddy grandmother.

    -Educator: Now guys, guess the riddles.

    They looked at the window

    Lies white cloth (Snow)

    Crackling vigorous

    Covered the bridge;

    I ran through the yards

    Painted all windows (Frost)

    It flowed, flowed and lay under the glass. (Ice)

    It flies free, but not a bird. (Blizzard, blizzard)

    Held didactic game "Make a pattern".

    -Educator: Guys, National culture is national memory people, what makes the given people among others, allows him to feel the connection between times and generations, to receive spiritual support and life support.

    -Educator: so guys, what new did you learn today at occupations?

    Children's answer options.

    What holidays were we talking about? (Children's answers)

    What customs have you learned? (children's answers)

    What games and proverbs did you remember? (children's answers)

    -Educator: guys, how well you worked today, listened attentively, answered questions, played together. Thank you all, Well done!

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