• How to make a crossbow out of plasticine. How to make a crossbow with your own hands so that later it would not be unbearably painful. Create a crossbow from pencils


    A copy of an ancient crossbow is a very interesting thing both in terms of appearance and when shooting from it. Now let's talk about how to make a crossbow at home so that it really looks like an ancient weapon. Nowadays, there are many modern crossbows, but their cost is quite high, and I want to hang a working copy of the ancient crossbow on the wall in the bedroom.

    Now let's take a step-by-step look at what is needed to create a wooden crossbow. Few tools are needed.

    1. Well sharpened knife.
    2. Drill.
    3. Hacksaw for metal.

    Material preparation, or How to make a crossbow out of wood

    To make the product look and shoot like a real weapon, you need to make it from suitable wood:

    1. poplars.
    2. Ash.
    3. Pines.
    4. Oak.
    5. Maple.
    6. Acacias.

    These trees are perfect.

    The crossbow consists of two main parts - the bow and the stock. If we make weapons with a power of up to 20 kilograms, for a bow you need to find an even branch five centimeters thick and a meter long. If the power of the crossbow is planned to be more than 20 kilograms, then it is better to take a blank 10 centimeters thick and a meter long. For the crossbow bed, we select a branch with a diameter slightly thicker than the blank for the bow. If there are branches on the sawn material, in no case should they be completely cut off. You just need to shorten them so that the length is from three to five centimeters. If you cut off the knots completely, they will immediately crack, and the workpiece will be spoiled.

    Drying of harvested wood

    Before you make a crossbow with your own hands, you need to ensure that the material dries gradually. To do this, you need to cover the saw cuts with varnish so that moisture does not come out through them too quickly. Slices on knots are also covered. If this is not done, then due to rapid evaporation, the tree will crack, and this is undesirable. After that, the blanks should lie for a month in a dry and dark place. The longer the tree dries, the better.

    Primary processing

    The material is ready, we can proceed. Let's start with the bow. We examine the annual rings of the tree. Where they are thinner, the north side, that's what we need. In this place, the structure of the material is much denser. Now you need to cut the workpiece in half and take the north side for the product. After everything is done, the tree must be allowed to lie down for another week so that the remaining moisture comes out.

    Making a crossbow bow

    We start making a bow, during which we will see the structure of the tree and learn how to make a crossbow at home using ancient technologies. So, let's get started, you need to cut the layers of the tree, where its core is present. If you leave it, then there is a risk that longitudinal cracks will go. After we measure the middle of the onion and begin to cut off the excess material, making the onion. When processing, it is necessary to ensure that his shoulders are the same. We check for bending all the time. As soon as the shoulders begin to bend even a little, you need to make a trial bowstring.

    A trial bowstring is a strong rope, on which there is one loop on one side, and several, located at different distances, on the other. They are needed in order to measure the bend of the bow limbs. The more material is cut off, the more they can be bent, while changing the loops to the nearest ones. By pulling the test string constantly, it is easy to track whether the bow is even after processing the bow. After all, if you look only visually, you can make a big mistake. The density of the tree is not the same in all places, so a seemingly perfect bow can bend unevenly. Sometimes it happens that a thick section is a weak point, and a thinner one, on the contrary, does not bend. In order not to make a mistake, you need to constantly check the bow. Only by studying all the nuances, you can make a working copy, understand how to make a crossbow with your own hands, and fully display the power and beauty of the ancient weapon.

    Making a crossbow stock

    In front of the bed, you need to cut a two-centimeter recess where the bow will be located. After we mark 30 cm from the edge, a bowstring and an arrow will walk on this surface. We level this plane if it has bends or branches. After you need to measure the place for the gutter 1 cm thick and 0.5 cm deep, then cut out the holes for the bow and the trigger. It is better to do this with a chisel or a carpenter's cutter, and in order to understand in detail how to make a crossbow, drawings to help.

    Trigger mechanism

    Take the simplest hold, called a nut. It is a cylinder that rotates freely on an axle. On the one hand, its hooks for the bowstring, on the other - an emphasis for the L-shaped trigger. If the crossbow is up to 30 kg of tightness, the descent can be wooden. However, if the power is greater, it should be made of metal.

    Making a bowstring

    You need to take a board and insert pegs 1 cm thick. They should protrude 3 cm. The field of which, from one to the other, we wind a nylon thread in a circle. When the thickness of all the threads is about 5 mm, it is necessary, without removing from the pegs, to wrap this skein around once in a circle so that all the threads are tightly wrapped. After that, near the peg, we collect two halves of the bowstring with our fingers and wrap it again, but already much denser, until the next peg. So, we get a bowstring with two loops. A diagram of how to make a crossbow will help you understand everything. Everything about her is very clear.

    We collect the crossbow and pull the bowstring

    First you need to attach a bow to the stock, then we mount the trigger mechanism, after that we pull the bowstring. You can’t just pull it, so you need to use the trial. Next, you need to pull the crossbow. When the bow is bent, we hang the bowstring. After that, the test is removed. Everything, the ancient weapon is ready. Here's how to make a crossbow at home using only the simplest tools.

    Making a toy mini crossbow

    For fun at home with the kids or for fooling around with friends, you can make a mini crossbow from improvised materials. What is needed for this:

    1. Two wooden skewers.
    2. Carpenter's cutter or knife.
    3. Scotch.
    4. Wooden clothespin.
    5. Bead.

    Scheme, or How to make a mini crossbow from what can be easily found at home

    1. We take wooden skewers and cut off the sharp ends from them. After that, we tie them together at the edges. This will be the crossbow bow.
    2. We take a bead, mark two segments on it, equal to the length of the bow of our miniature weapon. After we cut off these two parts and connect them together with adhesive tape. This is the stock of a crossbow. Tape the bow on the front.
    3. After that, we pull the bowstring on the crossbow.
    4. We delay it and look at what distance to set the hook. They will serve as a clothespin, or rather, its spring and one half of the wooden part.
    5. On the bed of the crossbow we cut out the necessary grooves so that it becomes instead of the missing part of the clothespin. We collect our hook.
    6. The crossbow is ready, we press the clothespin from above, thereby unclenching it, we pull the bowstring along with the arrow and clamp it. To shoot again, press the top.

    We figured out how to make a mini crossbow, and now we can go ahead and create weapons from pencils.

    Create a crossbow from pencils

    For this you need to take:

    1. Four pencils.
    2. Seven rubber bands
    3. Ballpoint pen case.
    4. Scotch.

    Shall we start?

    1. First you need to take the pencils and connect them two by two together. You can use rubber bands or tape. This will be the bow and crossbow bed.
    2. In front of the bed, we wind the bow from below.
    3. From above on the bed we tape the body from the handle with tape, this will be the guide for the arrow. It can be made from the core of the same pen.
    4. Now we put one elastic band on the ends of the bow, and we tie their edges with threads or tape to make a single bowstring. Now we grab the bowstring with the enclosed arrow, run it into the guide from the handle body and release it.

    Here's how to make a pencil crossbow that shoots great.

    Let's start creating a paper crossbow

    This requires:

    1. A4 sheets - 9 pieces.
    2. Popsicle sticks - 4 pieces.
    3. Scotch.
    4. Durable nylon thread.

    How to make a crossbow out of paper that will shoot pencils?

    1. We put three sheets of paper in front of us lengthwise. We bend from left to right. Cut in half along the fold line. It turns out six sheets, the width of which is 10.5 cm and the length is 29.7 cm. We divide them into two piles of three sheets.
    2. Using a pencil, we twist one, and then the second stack of sheets into tubes. Their length should be 10.5 cm, and the diameter should be slightly thicker than a pencil. So that they do not unwind, we fasten with tape.
    3. We insert into one end of the tubes a popsicle stick a third of their length. We break off the protruding part. On the free side, we insert a whole stick of popsicle also by a third. These are the shoulders of the bow. Now you need to bend them in the center of the paper tubes in half.
    4. We take five more sheets of paper, twist them with a pencil, this will be the bed of the crossbow.
    5. We wind the shoulders of the bow to the resulting tube in front. It is necessary to evenly wind them in front of the bed of the product. Here's how to make a crossbow at home out of paper. Now he needs a hold, a trigger and a guide.
    6. We tie the thread to the shoulders of the bow and pull it to understand where the hook will be. Having decided, we cut through the bed in this place. After that, we cut off a piece of the stick 3-4 cm in size and insert it into the hole so that it protrudes 5 mm from above and is a trigger from below.
    7. And the final touch. We make a tube 3 cm long so that a pencil can freely pass into it, and we fasten it with adhesive tape in front of the crossbow above its bow. This is a stele guide. That's it, now you can pull the string, put, for example, a pencil into the guide and shoot.

    Here we looked at the creation of a copy of an ancient crossbow. However, it was also interesting to create throwing weapons from improvised materials, as they say: on the knees. From paper, they even showed how to make a crossbow out of pencils, and a mini-weapon that turned out to be quite powerful for its size. So it’s worth looking at the world more broadly and always improvising, only in this way you can achieve excellent results in deeds worthy of admiration by people around you.

    Make a crossbow with your own hands, you won't regret it!

    To make a homemade crossbow you will need:
    * A bar of non-resinous wood species, size 700x10x40 mm.
    * The second sheet of the spring of the car Moskvich.
    * Profile pipe 50x50x2 mm. 10 cm long.
    * Profile pipe 15x15x1.5 mm.
    * A small piece of sheet metal 2 mm.
    *Metal stainless steel 4 mm thick. and 0.5-1 mm. (for the descender).
    * Corner steel 50x50x4 mm. 35 cm long.
    * Bar D=8 mm. 40 cm long.
    * Bolts with nuts D=8
    * Stainless steel molding from the door VAZ-2106 2 pcs.
    *Metal rollers 2 pcs., glass lifting mechanism from the door of a VAZ car.
    * Rope D=3 mm. 3 m long, two terminal loops.
    * Epoxy resin, wood stain, wood varnish for outdoor use.
    *Two small springs (working in tension).
    * A dozen nails for roofing felt, one nail two hundred, tube D = 6 mm., Small washers.

    We will use the following tools:
    *Welding machine.
    *Saw circular manual.
    * Electric drill with speed control, carbide drills for metal D=3, 5, 8, 10 mm.
    *Bulgarian, cutting discs for metal, grinding discs for wood.
    *Keys, pliers, screwdriver, vise, narrow chisel, knife.
    *File, sandpaper.
    * Goggles.

    Item 1. Making a bed.

    Let's take a well-dried wooden block, I had a birch, sketch a bed on it. We make the size of the butt each for ourselves (for our height), and the bed, depending on the length of the arrows that you will use. I use 440 mm arrows, but I had to save money on the butt, I left only 300 mm, the total length turned out to be 740 mm, I didn’t risk doing it anymore.

    Let's draw a markup for the selection of the guide, for the plumage of the arrow, width 5 mm, depth 10 mm.

    Using a circular saw, we cut out the groove for the entire length, to the end of the trigger (lock).

    It should look like this.

    Using a drill D=12 mm. we select the cavity for the trigger, level the ledges with a chisel and a knife. We drill a hole for the trigger, bore it with a chisel and a knife.

    Point 2. Making a lock or trigger.

    For the basis of the lock we take the type "nut". So that nothing rusts, we will use stainless steel, take a sheet 4-5 mm thick, if you can’t find one, make a typesetting of several sheets glued together and riveted. We draw the shape of the details on the metal.

    Using a cutting disc and a grinder, we cut out according to the marking of the workpiece.

    In the center of the "nut" we drill a hole for the axis of rotation D = 6 mm.

    We process all sides with a file.

    We grind with sandpaper, achieving a completely smooth surface.

    It should turn out something like this.

    We grind the rest of the elements of the castle, sear.

    I lengthen the trigger with two thin sheets of stainless steel, fix it with homemade rivets.

    On the grinding machine we achieve the desired shape of the blanks.

    From a thin sheet of metal we make the body of the trigger mechanism.

    We drill three holes D = 2.5 mm in the body of the sear, one for the mounting axis and two for mounting the springs.

    Attach the trigger spring in place.

    Let's see how the parts become in the cocked state on the table.

    And as after the shot.

    We attach one side of the case to the inside of the mechanism and drill holes for all the axles in place.

    From a two-hundred nail, 6 mm in diameter, we will make an axis for the "nut".

    Saw off the sharp end of the nail.

    We measure the length of the future axis, saw off.

    From thin nails for roofing material, we will make the rest of the rivet axles. We will remove the ebbs on the nail heads with a grinder.

    Now they fit well to the body.

    Install the sear on the axis in the body, use the intermediate washers.

    Saw off the excess length of the nail, leaving 1 mm. on both sides for rolling.

    Using an anvil, hammer the end of the axle with a hammer.

    We drill a hole for the axle with a spacer, for fastening the spring sear.

    From a suitable tube, cut off the spacer sleeve on this axis.

    Move to one side of the body.

    We install the axle, bushing and hook the spring.

    Assemble the body halves together.

    We saw off the excess length, leaving a protrusion of 1 mm. under the hammer

    Let's roll.

    Now you can put the largest axis-rivet of the lock. Align the holes.

    Let's take the previously measured and sawn off axis D = 6 mm., Immediately tap a little with a hammer on one side.

    We install in place.

    And we will also roll, the main thing is not to overdo it, so as not to pinch the movable mechanism inside.

    Point 3. Installing the lock mechanism in the box.

    If something prevents the castle from sitting well in place, we refine it with a chisel or knife. After installation, we check how the trigger goes.

    If everything is fine, you can drill holes for the mounting screws and screw them into place.

    Now we need decorations from the VAZ-2006 door, they are also made of stainless steel, which is very good. To give them additional rigidity, epoxy resin was poured inside.

    After complete hardening, in a day, we will drill four holes D = 3 mm in each, for fixing screws.

    With a large drill, we will make hiding places for the heads of the screws so that the bowstring cable does not catch when it slides along it.

    We polish the exits of the holes with fine sandpaper to remove all the burrs that damage the cable.

    We install the finished guides on the bed.

    We make sure that the screws do not go through in thin places.

    We check that the lock goes without hooks on the guides.

    Item 5. Making an arc or shoulders.

    From the same donor doors, we extract with the help of a grinder, the rollers of the glass lifting mechanism.

    Of these, we will make blocks for the shoulders, and the arc itself from the second leaf of the spring, an old Moskvich car.

    Let's make blocks, for fastening of a spring to a bed.
    To do this, from a corner of 50x50 mm. we cut out the constituent elements to assemble by welding, here is such a mount (block).

    We will process the welds with a grinder. Drill mounting holes D=10 mm. under the bolts.

    According to the finished sample and the dimensions of the resulting block, we make grooves for fastening in the box. We try on the fit, achieve a tight entry and fastening. According to the calculated position of the future bowstring, we outline and make a through groove in the sidewall of the bed, 70 mm long. 10 mm wide, lower bowstrings will go here.

    We bend and weld the leg brace (stirrup).

    Ears for blocks.
    From a profile pipe 50x50 we will make lugs for attaching roller blocks to the arc (spring).

    The most difficult thing in making the arc itself from the spring at home is to drill holes in it. It is necessary to drill with a drill at low speeds so that the drill does not burn, constantly apply water. If possible, drill with drills of different diameters, from thin to thick in increments of 0.5-1 mm., constantly sharpen the tool.

    We fasten the brackets to short M8 bolts, grind off the hats.

    We fasten the spring to the block with two M8 bolts, followed by a small welding along the edge of the fastening.

    Now you need to open the bed with varnish and dry.
    We install a block with an arc on the bed, upset with a hammer for a tight fit of metal-wood.

    We insert and tighten the bolts on M8.

    From long M10 bolts we will make axle bolts reduced in length with a short thread for blocks.

    We take a tube from the anchor and make spacers for the axes of the blocks out of it.

    Let's drill holes D = 10 mm in the ears. to install blocks. Install rigid loop ends on the cable.

    We install a block with a cable on one side of the shoulder. Do not overtighten the nut so as not to pinch the rotation of the roller.

    We drill a hole for the stud in the nut and bolt.

    Install the stud and tighten it with a nut in the direction of unscrewing.

    We push the cable through the hole in the bed and do the same with installing the roller on the other side of the shoulder.

    Point 6. The upper part of the castle.

    From a profile pipe 15x15 mm. saw off two segments of 120 mm. We cut out two (L) shaped blanks from sheet metal with a grinder, one rectangular plate (on top) and a triangle (on the back).

    By welding we connect all the parts together, we clean the welding seams with a grinding disc to get a kind of one-piece part.

    From an old folding steel meter, we make an elastic arrow holder.

    The photo shows the bolts for mounting the rail under the optical sight.

    The same thing, only the bolts also clamp the boom holder at the same time.

    The sight rail itself (dovetail) is made of the same 2 mm sheet metal, with the sides ground off for mounting the optics.

    A square lining is visible along the optics rail to raise the back and thereby tilt the sight down, for proper aiming at a target beyond 25 m.

    We install the lock bracket on the bed and drill holes for fastening, self-tapping screws and an M6 bolt.

    We twist small self-tapping screws so that they do not go into the channel of the plumage of the arrow.

    We twist the back screw.

    In addition, we drill a hole and install the last bolt.

    Installing an optical sight.

    Twenty years ago, a bow or crossbow for individual use did not exist in nature. Some eccentrics and fanatics of historical reconstructions undertook their manufacture at their own peril and risk, having absolutely no idea what they would get in the end. And all because the process of accumulating experience and honing skills in the manufacture and use of throwing weapons, which lasted several tens of thousands of years, was once interrupted and anathematized in our time.

    Now all this rare knowledge has been taken out of dusty chests, people have learned to make bows and crossbows using modern technologies, and the army of followers of William Tell and Robin Hood is growing exponentially. And today we have prepared for you drawings and diagrams that will tell you how to make a crossbow at home.

    Despite the abundance of online stores selling throwing weapons, as well as the fantastic breadth of the product range, there are many who want to make a crossbow on their own. Most of them don't know where to start. Today we will tell you about the main design features of the crossbow. This knowledge will help you avoid manufacturing errors, as well as frustration and injury when using it.

    Before starting work, you should know two main points.

    1. In our country, a crossbow is recreational and sporting weapons. Hunting with him is prohibited. Any throwing weapon with a pull force of more than 43 kilograms is considered combat, the right to use which is given by the licensing authorities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
    2. The crossbow is design that experiences enormous loads during operation. Therefore, any carelessness in its manufacture is likely to result in injury. Any part of it must have a multiple margin of safety.

    So, let's find out how to make a simple crossbow at home.

    The video below will tell you how to make a crossbow at home:


    The energy source of the crossbow is a bow - an elastic plate of complex shape, which has one main bend and, as an option, two additional ones at the ends. It is necessary to start making a crossbow with this part and adjust everything else to it - the choice of the type of tension (recursive or block), the size of the stock, the type of trigger mechanism.

    Wood and composite

    There is an acute question about what to use as a material for a bow: wood, composite or metal?

    • Tree is the worst choice. Available "wood" lying underfoot is garbage, suitable only for kindling stoves. Branches cut down in the forest, as they dry out, lose their elasticity, crack and fall apart. From this material you can only do something for short-term entertainment in the country. Of the models sold in stores, and having a tree in their composition, it is very popular, as well as.
    • Composite, created from fiberglass and epoxy binder, is very tempting and outwardly simple. But there is an obstacle - the need for scrupulously precise adherence to the technology of all work. The proportions of the mixture, drying, exposure. At home, this is almost impossible.


    There remains one uncontested option - metal. If you have an old Moskvich with a set of leaf springs on hand, then consider yourself lucky. One sheet is taken from the entire package - the second. If you are not too afraid of the dimensions, then the first one will do. Moreover, he has at the ends of the tube - an almost ready-made bracket for attaching blocks or bowstrings.

    A block is used to attach the bow to the stock. This is a U-shaped design, clasping the box in front. It can be welded tightly to the spring leaf, but in this case, when the bow is bent, the welds will experience excessive pull-off stress. Therefore, it is better to fix the ball joint from the VAZ 2108 on the block. The bow is attached to its pin. This is also convenient because there is a hole on the spring leaf.

    If you are very strong, then you can stop at the recursive method of pulling the bowstring (as in, etc.). But it is better to choose a block one (as in models, etc.). To attach blocks to the bow, if you have chosen a second spring leaf, you need to fix the brackets at its ends. A bolted (and even better riveted) connection is preferable to welding, since this assembly experiences strong vibration loads. As pulleys, use the parts of the glass lifting mechanism of the same Moskvich.

    Regarding the bowstring, an obvious solution suggests itself: a thin metal cable. But it is not entirely true, since steel cables do not withstand variable loads well. It is better to choose a climbing cord with a diameter of 5-8 mm.

    Having made a bow and fastened a bowstring to it, you can conduct natural bending tests. It’s great if at the same time you have a dynamometer of kilograms for 100-150. As a result, you will find out two parameters necessary for further work: the length of the bowstring and the load.

    How to make a stock on a powerful crossbow at home, read below.


    For this part of a homemade crossbow, a tree is an uncontested option. But not everyone. In any case, not aspen, alder, spruce or pine. Better beech, elm, oak. A blank dried for twenty years. It is clear that you will never find anything like this anywhere. Therefore, use moisture-resistant plywood with a thickness of 7-9 mm. 3 or 5 contours of the stock are cut out of it, and then this package is glued with epoxy. Not very pretty, but extremely reliable.

    • Regarding the form - give up the semi-pistol, use a straight English box. It is not only easier to manufacture, but also stronger.
    • When assembling a stock package, both the course of the bowstring and the load must be taken into account. The first determines the distance from the shoe to the groove for the trigger. The second is the thickness of the stock walls at the place of its attachment. It is a straight English stock that will allow you to avoid excessive thinning when moving from the forearm to the butt.
    • The most important detail of the crossbow lodge is the arrow guide. It should be smooth and durable. For it, you can use plates framing the side windows of the Moskvich, furniture fittings, and other parts similar in shape.
    • If you are using a block type of bowstring tension, then in the fore-end under the guide there should be a groove for the cable system. This is another element that weakens the stock, so give up on the thought of making the forearm graceful. High will protect your fingers from falling under the bowstring and traumatic amputation of the phalanges.

    Usually crossbows have a plastic stock, such as models, and others.

    We will talk about how to make a homemade trigger for a crossbow at home below.

    This video will tell you how to make a crossbow out of wood (plywood) with your own hands:

    Trigger mechanism

    If you are not a mechanic of the sixth category, then give up the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bmaking this element yourself. Apply force and find the trigger from any spring-piston air rifle. In the most difficult case, you only have to modify its tooth holding the piston - it may be small for a thick bowstring.

    A casing 2 to 5 cm high is arranged above the trigger mechanism, which is necessary in order to protect it from moisture and dirt, and which is also the basis for sighting devices - slats for optics or a rear sight. Weaver, Picatinny or dovetail rails can be bought at any online store that sells pneumatics.

    The front part of the casing above the trigger mechanism is made in the form of a long (no more than 10 cm) elastic "tail" with which the rear part of the arrow is held on the guide.

    Arrow making

    Canonically correct ammunition for a crossbow is called "bolt". But many online stores sell crossbow arrows. For crossbows with a rifle stock, lengths of 14, 16, 20, 22 inches are suitable. To be absolutely frank, you won’t find better store arrows. Unfortunately, none of them costs less than 150 rubles. Therefore, it is worth trying to make them yourself.

    They can be made from wood, straight-grained, without knots. As an option - use furniture details - balusters from chairs, railings of cribs. Good arrows are made from aluminum tubes up to 2 cm in diameter. If desired, even electrodes of the maximum diameter can be used, but they hopelessly bend when hit and it is difficult to screw plumage to them.

    For plumage, thin plastic is used. Natural bird feathers can give an unexpected effect of a chaotic change in flight direction, since they have natural curves that must be taken into account.

    The main condition for a good, smooth flight is balancing. The center of gravity of the crossbow bolt should be after the first third of the length from the tip. If it is not metal, then the end of the arrow can be loaded with lead wire wrapped around the shaft.

    The issue of equipping an arrow with a tip should be treated without fanaticism. Turning metal on lathes, milling and polishing, giving exquisite forms - these operations are accessible to a few. In addition, such a tip is extremely dangerous. If you do not need to pierce knight armor, then a wooden bolt can simply be sharpened at an angle of 30 degrees using a regular knife.

    We will tell you how to make a crossbow that shoots with your own hands from paper, pencils and other materials.

    Cool shooting games

    A toothpick or match shooter can be made from a wooden clothespin. To do this, disassemble it and redo it:

    1. expand the narrow groove for the spring of one half to 1 cm, on the second make the same, but indented by 1 cm;
    2. at the front ends of both halves, from the side of the narrow grooves for the spring, make a longitudinal groove 1-2 mm deep;
    3. collect the halves of the clothespin "inside out" by twisting them with a thread;
    4. install the clothespin spring with the paws in the cut grooves, and with the spiral outward;
    5. insert a toothpick into the hole between the halves;
    6. press the spring coil, shifting it into a semicircular cutout;

    The foot of the spring will slide down the long slot, snapping the toothpick and causing it to fly out.

    To learn how to make a mini crossbow out of pencils with your own hands at home, see the video below.

    Evgenia Smirnova

    To send light into the depths of the human heart - this is the purpose of the artist


    How to make a crossbow - this question worries both hunters and shooters. Shooting from a crossbow, as from a military weapon, was left far behind. Today, crossbow shooting is mainly practiced by professional athletes, as well as amateurs who want to shoot at targets. Crossbow shooting has a number of advantages over shooting firearms. Firstly, it is the noiselessness of shooting, and secondly, the availability and comparative safety. The crossbow does not require any permission and a medical examination to purchase it. It is enough just to buy a ready-made one (for which you will have to pay from several hundred dollars and more), or you can make a weapon yourself. That is why your favorite site of useful tips site will tell you today about how to make a crossbow yourself.

    How to make a mini crossbow - instructions

    Before you start making a crossbow at home, you should familiarize yourself with the structure of this weapon. It consists of several main parts: a wooden base, called a bed, a bow with a bowstring, as well as a sight and stirrup.

    Types of weapons and ammunition

    Experts distinguish between two types of crossbows - field and match. Feathered arrows are considered ammunition for both types. On sale there are carbon and duralumin feathered arrows. You can learn and compete in shooting with the help of a standard five-color archery target, which is also on sale. Shooters from field crossbows usually compete at distances of 35, 50, 65 meters (in the air) and 10, 18 meters (indoors). Shooters from match analogues usually compete only in special rooms - shooting ranges at distances of 10 and 30 meters.

    Hunting with a crossbow is an activity for real men

    Many owners use their devices for hunting. Hunting with a crossbow is fundamentally different from hunting with a gun - not everyone likes to shoot animals from a tower, a helicopter or drive an animal in a large crowd. Hunting, on the contrary, loves silence and solitude. In some ways, this type of hunting resembles the well-known heroic fun - walking on a bear with a horn. In fact, for a shot, you need to get closer to the beast at a distance of 50 meters and closer. Not everyone will be able to approach a boar at such a short distance, and approaching it at such a short distance requires special hunting skills. Well, the more valuable the prey!

    How to choose

    All devices for hunting can be divided into two categories - block and recursive (classic). Recurve ones do not have the increased power of block crossbows, but they are much easier to use and are more reliable. The force of their tension is approximately equal to 50 kg. From recursive, they hunt birds, small and large animals. For hunting large and dangerous animals, more powerful block models are used. It is almost useless to shoot from them at a flying target - it is almost impossible to hit.


    For hunting a bird or a small animal, a crossbow with a pulling power of 50 kg is enough. With a tension power of 50-70 kg, you can hunt a large ungulate animal. For hunting wild boar, crossbows with a capacity of 80 kg are used.

    What ammo can be used

    Hunting large game requires special ammunition. You need to hunt large prey with the help of special professional arrows made of fiberglass or carbon. These arrows have sufficient strength and lightness, they are correctly centered, which guarantees a successful hit. On sale there are also sometimes excellent arrows made of aluminum. But such ammunition is suitable for hunting only small animals or birds. Arrow manufacturers provide for the possibility of turning hunting ammunition into sports ammunition - for this you just need to change the arrowhead. The threaded connection allows you to do this very quickly. A hunting arrow weighs from 30 to 35 grams, the length of such an arrow is from 45 to 50 cm. As a rule, the length of the plumage of a hunting arrow is greater than that of a sports arrow, because the arrow needs to stabilize faster in flight to assume a combat position.

    For fishing

    Some shooters use a crossbow not only for hunting, but also for fishing. For fishing with a crossbow, harpoon arrows of a special needle shape are used, which allow the arrow to move in the water. At the end of the fishing arrow there is a hook to which the fishing line is attached. The other end of the fishing line is tied into the crossbow itself.

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    It will be a great gift for a child. With it, you can organize a small shooting range. The power of the crossbow is not great, since an elastic band is used here as a bowstring. Such a crossbow shoots almost anything, the author, as an option, uses small arrows made from a ballpoint pen and a tip in the form of a needle from a syringe. The crossbow is assembled quickly and easily, it requires a minimum of materials.

    Materials and tools for homemade:
    - steel strip;
    - plank made of wood;
    - an ordinary wooden clothespin;
    - handle from a ski pole;
    - thin spring or elastic band;
    - a piece of steel wire;
    - a trigger from a children's toy gun;
    - sheet iron or elements from a mechanical designer.

    Of the tools you will need: drill, hacksaw, pliers, fixing tool and file.

    How to assemble a mini crossbow:

    Step one. Shoulders and crossbow stock
    How the shoulders and stock of the crossbow are made and attached can be seen in the photo. The bed is assembled very simply, for this you need three boards. They are connected to each other with ordinary nails.

    As for the shoulder mechanism of the crossbow, it is made from a piece of steel strip. The shoulders should not bend, since an elastic band or spring is used as a bowstring. Screws are used to attach the shoulders to the stock.

    Step two. Device Trigger
    The trigger mechanism for a crossbow is also very simple to make. For these purposes, you will need an ordinary wooden clothespin. From it you need to cut off one grasping part. How exactly, you can see in the photo.

    Step three. Crossbow handle
    To make a handle for homemade, the author used a handle from a ski pole. It can be attached to the bed with glue.

    Step four. Additional crossbow arms
    To make the crossbow a little more powerful, a second mount for rubber bands was made, that is, a second pair of shoulders. Such details have been found in old parts. How to fix them to the box, you can see in the photo.

    Step five. How to make a pusher
    To make a pusher, you will need a piece of wood. It must be carefully fitted under the clothespin. To secure the bowstring, a groove is made in the pusher. As a result, paired with a clothespin, the pusher works as a very simple and practical trigger mechanism.

    Step six. bowstring
    The author used an elastic band as a bowstring. This can be found in the fish store. In the middle of the gum, which will go into the pusher, you need to put on a tube (cambric). This is necessary so that the gum does not wear out from friction against the tree.

    Step seven. Making a trigger
    As a trigger for a crossbow, a trigger from a children's pistol is perfect. You need to attach a thin metal mount to it. For these purposes, an element from the constructor is well suited.

    Step eight. We start to assemble the structure
    In the photo you can see what the design will be like after installing additional shoulders. A top view and a bottom view are shown.

    At this stage, you can already install the trigger. It is attached with a screw.

    That's all, now the crossbow is almost ready, you need to connect the elastic. Rubber bands are attached to the shoulders, as well as the pusher, which moves freely in the groove of the crossbow bed. This design allows you to shoot almost anything with a crossbow, you can even shoot balls. To fix the pusher, a clothespin is used. To shoot, you need to click on the clothespin.

    Step nine. Final assembly steps
    As you can see in the photo below, the author decided to equip the crossbow with a sight. It was decided to abandon the gum, it was replaced by a thin spring.

    After the trigger is attached, it must be connected to the clothespin. To do this, you need to make traction from steel wire. As a result, when you press the trigger, the clothespin releases the pusher and a shot occurs.
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