• Club for women who want to get married. Julia Shchedrova: how to get married quickly and successfully. Club "I want to marry" Yulia Shchedrova. Yulia Shchedrova playlist


    Julia Shchedrova was born March 15th. She is a well-known women's trainer in the field of interpersonal relations, the author of numerous trainings, courses and books that really help hundreds of thousands of women solve their problems.

    Julia, even when she was little, most of all loved to play in the wedding. In kindergarten, she put a sweater on her head, imagining that it was a veil, her five-year-old friend Sasha proposed to her, and they slowly walked down the imaginary crown. The teacher told them: "Do not rush, you will still have time to get married, play other games." The girl changed her games, but thoughts about the prince did not let her sleep peacefully. Julia grew up and dreamed that as soon as she turned 18, she would go down the aisle with a handsome prince.

    But even at the age of 18, the wedding did not happen. There were no princes on the way of the girl. Sometimes you came across a sissy, sometimes Don Juan, and even a married one. But no one was in a hurry to make an offer. Having entered the Faculty of Journalism at Moscow State University, the girl worked hard on herself over the next five years. She wanted to figure out why she came into this world, what kind of person she could be happy with, how to push the right man to propose, and so on.

    Julia applied not only the trial and error method, but also went to various psychological trainings. She visited more than 50 of them! And then she even entered to study as a psychologist, because she really wanted to help create a family not only for herself, but for all women, regardless of age. As a student, she also made bold experiments. For example, for several days I visited places of congestion of men in a T-shirt “I want to get married”, collected more than a hundred phone numbers, handed out my business cards, etc.

    Julia got married at the age of 23 and, by the way, then she was far from a model appearance and not with slender forms. The girl realized that in order to be happy and successfully marry, you do not need to be the owner of a beautiful appearance, the main thing is a positive attitude and knowledge of a step-by-step methodology.

    Today, Yulia Shchedrova is a happy wife and mother - more than 15 years of marriage. She founded the women's club "I Want to Marry", thanks to which she became known not only to Russian-speaking women, because the club already has more than 350,000 women from all over the world. From the very beginning, many media outlets, and even central television channels, spoke positively about this project from the very beginning: First, Ren-TV, Culture, etc.

    In addition, Julia began to produce training courses for women. The very first, which was released in 2008 under the title, made a splash and became a bestseller. Thanks to him, many thousands of women have found their soul mate and found happiness. In 2015, the author updated the course to take into account time and seven years of research, as well as analysis of the most successful relationships and the most effective paths to marriage. The new course was released under the name "The Wheel of Marriage or Married in Two Months with a Triple Guarantee", it also immediately sold out in huge circulation.

    It was followed by other training courses, which also became famous. For example, video trainings, etc.

    The books by Yulia Shchedrova “He is yours. School of a successful bride”, “I am a bride”, “Find, seduce and keep. Look at yourself through male eyes”, “School of a successful wife”, “How to get your ex back and keep love forever” and many others. These simple, effortless materials for women are very effective. They give a probability of almost 100% that, subject to the recommendations and methods, any woman will marry the person she needs.

    As part of the “I want to get married” club, Yulia conducts paid and free ledinars (this is the author's term for webinars for ladies who want to develop femininity in themselves). The broadest issues of women's life are touched on at the ledinars, from dating men and finding a husband to creating a prosperous family to questions about how to become a happy and successful woman.

    Platinum package- this is a personal coaching by Yulia Shchedrova with a selection of exclusive bonuses especially for you. Get married or get your money back.

    Gold package this is a course with daily checks of tasks by the curator, as well as a standard bonus package for 48,480 rubles as a gift.

    Silver package- you independently study video lessons and complete all tasks (without verification), but you can consult with participants and graduates of the course on any issues in the general WhatsApp chat.

    Questions and answers

    Yes, if you complete all my tasks and on time, every day for 60 days. Elephant is easiest to eat in pieces. You yourself will not notice how you find yourself in a happy relationship.

    If you do not complete all the tasks, then you will simply know almost everything a woman needs to know about relationships with men, and you will be able to give smart advice to your friends.

    Is it too late for a 55-year-old lady to get married?

    No matter how old you are, this is the most suitable age to love, dream and enjoy life! If you no longer believe that happiness is possible for you, I will help you to believe it.

    How often will you give assignments?

    You will have access to a special website where 1 lesson will be opened every day for 2 months. Tasks can be completed at any time convenient for you during the day.

    There will be a fun quiz at the end of each week. You will have several attempts to correctly answer the questions to move on to the next block.

    Necessarily! I will divide all the participants into WhatsApp groups for inspiration and help to each other. There you can get an answer to any question from your like-minded people. I also recommend meeting classmates every week to work out assignments. And then the whole team go to each other's weddings.

    Will it be possible to communicate with you?

    Yes, my husband and I will hold webinars every 2 weeks with answers to questions and new information. You can attend them or listen to them in the recording in your personal account. The time of the webinars will be determined by voting of the course participants.

    Participants' feedback

    Evgenia: I was in despair for 4 years, and recently I received an offer on a helicopter!

    Contrary to popular belief that it is difficult for a woman with a child to find a worthy man, Evgenia was able to arrange her personal life. Moreover, her daughter not only did not interfere with this, but also helped her. Watch a video:

    How it all began: when my daughter was 3 months old, her husband approached Zhenya and said: "I played enough in the family." Zhenya packed her things and went nowhere with her daughter.

    4 years after the divorce, Zhenya had a relationship that did not lead to anything serious. And then she enrolled in the course “The Wheel of Marriage. How to get married in 2 months and remain yourself.

    After completing the course, many more men began to pay attention to Zhenya and offer a serious relationship. And most importantly, a beloved man appeared in her life with serious intentions. He courted romantically - cinema, cafes, walks along the embankment ... And one day he invited Evgenia for a helicopter ride. At the height, he took out a ring and proposed to Zhenya.

    “The daughter was not superfluous - we were all like one friendly family,” Evgenia shared. “Volodya often invited us for walks with her daughter, gave her gifts, we rode the carousels together. This was an important moment that pushed me to accept the offer. And I wasn't wrong."

    Victoria (@mama.detective): Married in the fifth month!

    “I am one of the long-term unmarried. They didn’t take it. Until the age of 26, not a single serious relationship. If I had continued to rely on myself, I would have married at all - it is not known, writes Victoria.

    When my boyfriend found out I was pregnant, we broke up. There was no thought of returning him, it was necessary to find a decent person. Then I realized that I couldn’t cope without help - and began to study the course “Wheel of Marriage”. There is psychology, and tasks for ingenuity, and energy practices, and a lot of experience has been collected on how to get married after all. And I realized that it is not necessary to wait for the right guy, but you can find it. Even in position!

    But the truth is - why do you choose your own shoes, and the guy should sit and wait, who will come up first? Well, if you are a pop star, then it's understandable - there are many suitable ones. In other cases, pride and stupidity - in the furnace! Hands to feet and went to look for a man herself, otherwise, as in the market, fresh fruits will be sorted out by frisky birds, and you will eat up the rest. I thought.

    So, at the 5th month of pregnancy, I found a guy whom I married. I did not meet, but found, please understand the difference!

    He supported me at such a crucial moment and I am extremely grateful to him and I think that this is true love. We got married right after the baby was born.

    Many people do not believe in books and courses and are looking for a catch. And he is not. It's just that a person is not always able to admit that he lacks knowledge in some area. Especially if this person is a girl, and knowledge is needed about marriage, and how to get into it.

    Elena: Married at 48?! Why not?

    Many complain that after 40 years of falling in love and getting married is almost impossible. Or they say that it is no longer necessary. And Elena Prokofieva, a graduate of the Wheel of Marriage course (before Yamshanova's marriage), proved by her own example that all ages are submissive to love and the creation of a happy family!

    Elena got married at the age of 48 to 46-year-old Anatoly. Before that, she had been alone for more than 18 years, and all this time she dreamed of getting married. But not just to get married, but to live in a happy marriage. In the depths of her soul, she did not believe that this was possible and normal. The negative past experience of the past and the fear that "men are not such good guys" interfered.

    It was only necessary to change the settings (remove the so-called "crown of celibacy" and "seal of loneliness"), as the Man of her Dreams appeared in her life - Anatoly. He proposed to her in the second month after they met! But in order to get from the proposal to the registry office, Elena needed to try, because "promising does not mean getting married." They got married 7 months after they met.

    This is Elena's second marriage, the first time she married in her youth. “I can’t call that marriage marriage - everyone pulled the blanket over himself. And now, this is a real marriage, considered and desired !!! ”This is Elena’s second marriage, the first time she married in her youth. “I can’t call that marriage marriage - everyone pulled the blanket over himself. And now, this is a real marriage, considered and desired !!!

    Julia: For 10 years after the divorce, I could not get married, I thought that no one needed a child!

    After completing the Wheel of Marriage course, Yulia from Ryazan found a beloved husband, and her 12-year-old daughter found a caring and loving dad, which she had long dreamed of! ‘Your advice is very helpful, you just need to believe you, as a doctor - what you say, do it, and don’t doubt at all!’ - this is how Yulia describes the secret of her success. Watch the video to find out the details of Yulia's path to female happiness.

    Ekaterina Klimova: Thanks to the course, I got 20 fans and one from Switzerland!

    I realized that all my 37 years I had chosen the wrong man. The course included questions and exercises aimed at understanding what kind of man I need and how to choose him. It was very useful for me to figure out how to choose a man. All my life I've made the wrong choice. And now in my environment there are several men of a different type than I usually communicated with such qualities that I dreamed of. And I feel as good with them as I have never had in my life. ” Listen to the continuation here:

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    Tickets to Switzerland:

    The other day, this story had an unexpected continuation. Katya sent me a video in which she said that she had received a marriage proposal. Watch the video:

    Eugenia: Married with 2 children

    Recently, the wedding of a graduate of the Wheel of Marriage online course, 37-year-old Zhenechka from Novosibirsk, took place.

    Evgenia had a fear that after the divorce, and even “with luggage in the form of two children”, no one would need her. With this conviction, she signed up for the course. And gradually, pumping her "Wheel of Marriage", she began to look at herself with different eyes - wise and loving.

    When Evgenia was working on the area of ​​Self-Love in her “Wheel of Marriage”, she had to take a bath of love every day and devote time to herself. And she decided to go to a sanatorium, where such baths are included in the program, and there is time for herself.

    It was in this sanatorium that she met her future husband, Maxim. And all the other tasks of the course - and energy flirting, and questions on dates, etc. - she worked out already on it.

    Since Evgenia created a feeling of lightness in herself, communication with Maxim turned out to be easy and pleasant. Evgenia quickly realized that it was He. And Maxim realized that it was She. And when he found out that she had two children - a boy and a girl - he was even delighted with this.

    “I devoted my younger years to growing my business, and I missed a lot in my life - I never married and I have no children. Therefore, the fact that you have children is a big plus!” Maxim said.

    Antonina: I did not believe the author of the course, but I got married in 2.5 months!

    I signed up for the "Wheel of Marriage" course when I was 34 years old, I lived in a small town, raised my son on my own and was already desperate to meet a worthy man. However, 2.5 months after the end of the course, I got married! And what is most surprising, not just like that, but out of mutual love and for such a person as I needed.

    I am an ordinary woman, nothing special, not outstanding, in general, like everyone else. At 23, she got married, gave birth to a son, lived with her husband in marriage for 7 years, but then they could not stand the crisis of relations and broke up. It was hard. And here I am, a 30-year-old fool, then I thought that I would definitely not be mistaken for the second time)))) Naive. For so long and carefully, I sorted out the gentlemen who, for some reason, followed me in droves, but I didn’t reach the wedding with any of them.

    After another difficult parting, I didn’t live for half a year, but simply existed, and then, Yulia, your recordings and programs entered my life.

    To be honest, I almost hated you for the positive and confidence that you conveyed from the screen of my computer and, reading your books and articles, I thought, “how she is lying.” Forgive me, but these were my feelings, but I stubbornly continued study everything and write these "stupid" leaves with a portrait of a loved one, and weaved a mandala.

    Oh, how long I wove it and cried a lot. The mandala did not work out, the sticks broke and the threads were torn. But then I did a ceremony with a prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker and went to church for Epiphany. And then there were many tears. But from that moment on, the mandala began to turn out, and by March 8, I wove it. On this day, we began to meet with Serezha, and we met a little earlier.

    True, we got married not after two months, but after two and a half, since he broke his leg and we had to postpone the date of the wedding.

    Now we have three children and we are very happy! I want the girls to believe too and use this chance. And they were happy too!

    Larisa Nikolaevna (64 years old): "The train never leaves!"

    A few years ago, Larisa Nikolaevna was widowed and retired. But she didn’t want to put up with lonely old age at all - she decided to get married a third time. Since she was worried about whether it was possible to get married at her age and weight, she first began to increase her self-confidence and develop positive thinking.

    Since she is a very energetic person and did not intend to retire within four walls, she ordered a website for renting real estate in the Crimea. She was happy to communicate with clients, but she could not administer the site. And then she decided that the request for technical assistance from her ex-husband is a great reason to renew a relationship with him.

    And so it happened - Vladimir Vitalyevich, a former programmer, gladly responded to her request and began to administer the site remotely.

    After a couple of weeks, Larisa Nikolaevna needed a photographer who would shoot real estate. She again turned to Vladimir, and he again agreed to help her.

    Two weeks later they began to live together. And a month later they announced that they got married AGAIN!

    Now they are full partners of a small business, very respected people in the Crimea, they have their own income from the site, and most importantly - family happiness!

    Ksenia: He said: “What, can we really get married?

    I took the course "Marry in 2 months" 7 years ago, 6 years already married ... - writes Ksenia. - And recently my friend broke up with her husband and asked me a question: "How did I meet my husband?". And I googled for her the course of Yulia Shchedrova, without whose help I definitely would not have met my husband)))

    Firstly, on the advice of Yulia, I registered on certain dating sites. Although I was sure that normal men are not "found" on the sites, but only perverts ...

    Secondly, I went on dates with several guys, which raised my self-esteem insanely. And before, I was afraid that I would scare away the man I liked.

    Thirdly, I gave my future husband Dima a chance to show up, although on the first dates I DID NOT LIKE IT TERRIBLY. Outwardly, he was completely not to my taste, besides, Sagittarius according to the horoscope, and I swore off dating Sagittarius after two unsuccessful “civil marriages” (6.5 years and 1.5 years).

    Two months after we met, in June, we went to the sea together. In the company of his brother, Dima relaxed and was himself: cheerful, groovy and with a wonderful sense of humor.

    After returning home, I told-purred that “I had a wonderful dream. Like, the two of us just walked along the street, and walking we saw the registry office, went in there and decided to sign. It's as simple as that - without rings and in jeans, as they were. His reaction - silently got up and went to make tea (I'm used to it, he often does this when he has a difficult question). Then he came with two cups of tea and said: “What, can we really get married?”))) Then I even burst into tears of happiness.

    Therefore, girls, even if you didn’t like a man at first sight, this does not mean that this is “not your” man)))) And if he does not propose to you, this does not mean that he himself is to blame for this.

    Olga Maksimova: I forgave my father and got married!

    My parents divorced when I was very young. And when I grew up, I looked for the Father in every man. Long-term relationships did not work out, as men got tired of relationships with their daughter, who every minute demands to make her happy.

    It was only during the course that I realized this, I was able to forgive my parents (first of all, my dad - I know the most powerful practices on the topic of forgiveness) and learn to build Adult-Adult relationships with men, and not Daughter-Father.

    And as soon as I felt the joy of being able to become happy on my own and provide for myself, a wealthy man appeared in my life who likes to take care of me - my husband Alexander. It looks like a miracle, and at the same time everything is logical.

    There are several mystical coincidences in my story - I met my future husband on the day of the end of the course, when I completed the last assignment. He offered to meet me on my birthday, when I turned 35. And we got married exactly 2.5 months after we met, like most of the graduates of the course:

    Liana: Thanks to participation in the training, I happily married and moved abroad!

    Natalia: Married in 4 months!

    When Natasha signed up for the course, she had a protracted relationship with the "wrong" man. And on the course, she decided to end this relationship.

    “After parting, I immediately performed a ceremony with slippers,” Natalia told me. It might sound funny, but it worked in the end! I bought the best slippers I could find in a good company store, I chose the size myself at random ... and guessed it! My husband had exactly the same shoe size as these slippers! My husband keeps these slippers as a souvenir.

    But that's not all. Natasha continues. - On your advice, I guessed in detail what kind of man I need. I described all this on paper, and almost 100% of what I described turned out to be in reality the qualities of my husband!

    At the end of April, Natasha met him, and in September the young people already applied to the registry office. Four months)))

    “We worked in neighboring organizations, but did not intersect before. He is the best man on earth! Thank you, Julia, for your help and participation in the lives of people! It is difficult to overestimate your help, because you give hope to everyone who has already stopped hoping!”

    Margarita: I got married within six months after we met!

    Valentina: "There are 3 times more single women than single men"

    Hello Julia!!! I am writing to thank you! I could not arrange my personal life, I came across the wrong ones. And already age 30 with a ponytail. Because of this, there were constant scandals with parents, they say, there are already 3 times more single women than single men, and I am looking for a prince on a white horse, so I can’t get married in any way. And I decided to take part in your online course "Wheel of Marriage". Began to study. You said that you need to declare openly that you want to get married. I posted my profile on the site, after 2 weeks I met Misha, and we immediately began to live together, and recently got married! We are now expecting our first child!

    Elina: "Good men were taken apart by "puppies"

    Thanks to the "Wheel of Marriage" course, I have changed a lot, become more confident in myself, have a joy in life and many admirers. I changed and it's great! And most importantly, I successfully married. And now I have a new life experience. Best regards, Elina.

    Elena: "Princes live among us!"

    Thanks to you, I got married and we are expecting a child. For me - a smart and successful woman - it was a revelation that the issue of finding a husband should be taken seriously and not simply rely on "fate". I painted for myself the man of my dreams, realized who I needed, began to be filled with love and carefully look around. I took part in the online course "Wheel of Marriage". And I not only met these deadlines, but went ahead of schedule!

    We dated for 3 weeks. Now we are preparing to become parents!

    We are happy and wish happiness to everyone, everyone, everyone!!!

    Thanks again!!!

    Nelly (60 years old): "I am happy in spite of envious people and gossips"

    I studied the course "The Wheel of Marriage" - the results are simply wonderful.

    We met Timofey at work. We started dating and soon he proposed to me. I somehow immediately realized that this was my man, although before that I had been married 5 times. I always thought that the difference in age is important, I was embarrassed by gossip and whispering behind our backs. Thanks to the "Wheel of Marriage" course, I realized that all this is complete nonsense. Age difference is not a barrier to true love.

    My beloved husband is younger than me and I am proud of it. You ask: "What topics and problems are relevant to you now, after marriage?" I will answer you with pride - we have no problems.

    Svetlana: "We are together again!"

    Julia! I want to thank you for what you did first of all for me, as well as for many, many girls and women!!! I got married!!! I'll tell you how it was.

    I was 27 years old when I met the man of my dreams. Before that, all my relationships with men did not end well, and I already came to the conclusion that I just want to give birth to a child for myself. I started dating a man I liked and soon became pregnant. And a month later he disappeared. I gave birth to a beautiful girl and realized that the child needs a father, and I need a loving and caring husband. But if men didn’t like me very much before, then who needs me now with someone else’s child ???

    Gulsara: "I did not believe that everything would work out"

    Good afternoon My name is Gulsara. I am 32 years old. Not so long ago I ordered the course "The Wheel of Marriage". I ordered, to be honest, out of hopelessness, not really hoping for anything. But just a few days later, I was introduced to a guy who soon became my husband! (probably, this training works somehow at the energy level :)

    From the recommendations in this training, I used a portrait of my husband, which almost one-to-one coincided with the portrait of my husband, also in this portrait I wrote about his relatives and our relationship with them. I also liked the "funnel", I try to maintain it now.

    In general, after 4 months I got married (probably, if I had used all the advice, I would have married earlier :)), the other day we had a wonderful girl. I told all my friends about the trainings of Yulia Shchedrova, some of them have already placed an order.

    Svetlana (52 years old): "I was sure that the children would judge me"

    I am 52 years old, my husband is 54 years old. My husband's name is Miroljub, he is a Serb. We met him on the Internet, after I took part in your online course "Wheel of Marriage".

    My first husband died, I was left a widow. I have three children from this marriage. For a long time I did not think about a new relationship - I was afraid that the children would not understand me and consider it a betrayal of the memory of their father, whom they loved very much. But it turned out differently.

    After meeting and talking on Skype for three months, Miroljub invited me to visit Serbia. I came for two weeks to get to know each other better, to see his house, family, to get to know each other better ... Two weeks later I returned to Russia, took my youngest daughter, quit my job and left again for Serbia. Already for good. We've been together for seven months now. And the children really liked Mirolub and they are happy for me.

    Elmira (50 years old) and Konstantin (53 years old), Ufa: 2 unsuccessful marriages - not a verdict yet!

    I've had two failed marriages in the past. The first husband turned out to be a womanizer, and we broke up with the second because he turned out to be cruel (he mistreated children). I have two children, an adult son and a schoolgirl daughter. I thought that I would no longer be able to get married, and then (I don’t remember how) I registered on the site and I began to receive a daily newsletter from Yulia Shchedrova.

    You will not believe it, but as soon as I began to complete tasks in the mailing list and adhere to the recommendation, I met a very interesting man, whom I married. At the same time, more; reassessment of values, a look from the outside and many other useful skills in terms of communication and the ability to be happy!

    We had a rather unusual acquaintance. At table tennis competitions, they played first as rivals. And then I realized that when I meet this amazing person, I feel joy and comfort. And since my husband’s skill in table tennis is much higher than mine, she came up in between games and said: “You play so well, please help me prepare for the Gazprom competition and be my coach!” To which he kindly agreed and we began to train together. After about two weeks, I realized that this is the man with whom I want to meet old age.

    He looked after me very nicely and a year later he proposed. I was beside myself with happiness! After all, this is my third marriage and it will be the last. The children received my new husband well.

    The first marriage lasted 7 years and broke up due to her husband's infidelity. The second - lasted 15 years, the reason was the quarrels between my son and from the first marriage and the husband from the second and the cruel treatment of the second husband with our common own daughter. Now it is very important for me to create an atmosphere of friendship and joy in the family. To create a common interesting leisure for all. And most importantly, that everyone wanted to go home and could rest and relax at home. To regulate interpersonal relations between all family members imperceptibly to them, so that everyone would be friends with each other even in my absence.

    In parting, I want to add on my own: Some tasks from the book "Wheel of Marriage" helped a lot, especially those where all types of men were sorted out and what features each type has, including sexual characteristics by date of birth. In general, the course "Wheel of Marriage" is a very deep scientific work that needs to be studied like a textbook and be sure to train on familiar men, having completed all the exercises. Thank you for your help!

    Ulyana (30 years old) and Evgeny (32 years old). There were no worthy men around me, but at the age of 30 I got married!

    I was helped by the mailing of the club "I want to get married" from Yulia Shchedrova and her course "The Wheel of Marriage". My future husband and I met on January 5 after a three-day correspondence on the Internet on a dating site. We met for 1.5 months and already on February 18 he proposed to me. We got married in September.

    This is my first and only marriage. I have always believed that there are no worthy men around.

    Now everything is in order :)

    The most interesting moment was even before I met my future husband. In one of the mailing letters, I read information about some "rites for the betrothed."

    To be honest, at first I was skeptical about this and smiled to myself.

    But one of them, about slippers, I remember. They recommended buying room slippers for your betrothed and putting them at home and they will attract male energy. I didn't attach much importance to it. A couple of weeks later, quite by accident, in the supermarket I saw a rack with branded men's slippers, and I liked them so much. I decided to experiment and buy, although they were not cheap and, in fact, completely unnecessary purchase at that time. I decided, if not needed, in 2 years I will give it to my father or godfather. I wanted to buy a larger size (just in case), but there was a maximum of 43. But their color was chic - a warm dark green shade. It was somewhere at the end of November... A little more than a month passed, I met him. With shoe size 43 and dark green eyes. :)

    Hard to believe, but true. This is a story that I will tell my children and grandchildren.

    I realized that he is The Same Man after my little scene of jealousy (foolishly and emotionally). Then I saw how afraid he was of losing me, and I realized how afraid I was of losing him. He asked me for forgiveness for what I myself was wrong!? Now the only problem for me has become - how to save love for many years.

    Most of all, I remember Yulia's phrase: "Why, when we lose our job, do we activate all our internal resources to find it, and when we have a man, we sit by the window and wait?"

    Think about it!

    Olga Ulyankina (27 years old): We must always choose the best for ourselves!

    Julia, dear women, good day! I, Olga Ulyankina (the city of Murom, Vladimir region), believe that the CD "The Wheel of Marriage" is ideal, because the sequence of passing the material gives a 100% guarantee of success.

    Every person, probably, strives for the ideal in all spheres of life, including the ideal in his personal life. I liked the sequence of the lessons. This makes it possible to first understand yourself, then, as you develop, move on with the maximum effect from the result. The most interesting thing is that it all works.

    For example, I will describe what gave me the greatest pleasure from the implementation of the proposed tips:

    Your strength is in positive thinking!

    Dear girls and women, remember that everything we think about increases in size. Therefore, try to always think positively, and everything will be in chocolate!

    I really liked the tests "test the gentlemen for strength." This helps to draw the right conclusions and, most importantly, to make the right decision. After all, we love ourselves, ladies! So, you should always choose only the best for yourself! Yes!

    I really liked the definition of the character of men by blood groups, and especially the definition of the type of men by date of birth. Perfect hit!

    Very useful section "is there sex on Mars". With the help of a certain table, you can find out the level of sexuality of a partner, and it is not at all necessary to check this empirically. I don’t know where Yulia got this table from, but, my dears, I want to say that this is a masterpiece. Everything works, everything converges with the realities of life!

    You will learn what ego-massage is and secrets of venus. You will know everything about your man. Who owns the information, owns the world!

    I love the Become a Geisha section. You will learn that it is actually very easy to hook a man. To do this, just throw a lasso on it. Honestly, I had fun and amused myself with this experiment for a very long time like a child))))) The most important thing is to decide for what purpose you need an object (man). The most interesting thing is that it all works, everything turns out. And Julia is right: the most important thing is not to rush!

    The main thing to remember: self-respect is the best way to impress a man.

    So, dear women, I have a husband as a result!

    We live in Murom, Vladimir region. Yes, yes, it is in this city that the annual concert is held in honor of the holiday on July 8 (the Feast of the patron saints of love and marriage of Peter and Fevronia) - the Day of family, love and fidelity. The president arrives with his wife and show business stars. This concert is broadcast on the first channel.

    In the photo, I, along with my husband, are opposite the monument to Peter and Fevronia at the registry office. Enjoy watching and enjoy with me! All love and good luck!

    Yulia Efremova: Now I feel good with myself and am not afraid of men!

    Before this wonderful course, I was already familiar with Yulia's book "Wheel of Marriage". At that stage of my development as a woman, this book helped me a lot. And, to be honest, I had some doubts "Is it worth taking the course? I already know everything!"))) It turned out - not everything!

    There were many discoveries and realizations during the course. "Wheel of marriage" turned out to be very small and crooked! I had to build it up and straighten it. I learned about the existence of "seals of loneliness" and "crown of celibacy".

    Whatever you call them, but these mindsets really exist in our heads and make it very difficult to go to a happy relationship (and we often don’t even realize them!) Our "bags of insults", our "offended little girls" do not let us, such adults and beautiful into an adult happy life. I also managed to figure it out thanks to Julia.

    So many answers in a short time and in a fun way! As a result - an excellent even "Wheel of Marriage", a beautiful Mandala of Marriage and increased interest in me from men - attention, help, compliments ... And most importantly - now I feel good with myself and not scared with men. And I am sure that among a large number of wonderful worthy men around me, I will be able to feel a kindred spirit and create a strong happy family! Thank you Julia!!! Sorry to leave!!!

    Larisa Stepanenko: I didn’t understand women who wanted to get married at all, but during the course I wanted to and surrounded myself with fans!

    I had a very negative attitude towards family, marriage. There were no families in the environment to want to take an example from them. I didn't understand women who wanted to get married at all. Everything changed when I played the board game "Wheel of Marriage" in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, and after the game I went straight to the online course "Wheel of Marriage"

    To say that I liked it very much, that I learned a lot of new things, that I am delighted is to say nothing! Courses like this should be taught in schools! There will be many happy people and families.

    Julia, THANK YOU SO MUCH for this amazing course, for interesting practices, for unusual assignments, for valuable advice, for what you do!! The course exceeded all my expectations! Julia, THANK YOU for reminding me who I am, why I am Here, why so! Thanks for what you do! THANK YOU

    Julia Shchedrova is an expert on how to get married and strengthen family relationships, a recognized master of bringing her readers to the doors of registry offices.

    In the Internet club of Yulia Shchedrova "Want to get married" consists of more than 350 thousand women. With the help of her free online newsletter and courses, more than 20 women get married every day!

    Why do so few women from the club get married - only some 2% per year of the total number of members? The answer is simple, according to Yulia Shchedrova, not everyone is unbearable to marry immediately. However, many women are interested in being ready at any moment to realize their intentions in this aspect of life.

    If you set a goal, then becoming the wife of a worthy man is quite realistic in two months, Yulia Shchedrova is sure. At one time she did just that, now thousands of her students are getting married according to her method.

    Yulia Shchedrova graduated from the faculties of journalism and psychology of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. Journalistic experience, outstanding creativity and a subtle sense of humor have made her club's website the best source of advice and support for women who want to get married, as well as married women who continue to engage in self-improvement.

    Library of Yulia Shchedrova

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    Books, courses, trainings, seminars
    Yulia Shchedrova

    Free course: "Where and how to meet your betrothed"

    What's stopping me from getting married? We learn with the help of the Wheel of Marriage by Yulia Shchedrova

    "Why am I not the same as someone else's, different. I'm good, I'm handsome, only such a share?" sings Nadezhda Kadysheva. Together with her, thousands of girls and women ask themselves this question.

    How to remove what prevents me from getting married?
    How to choose what helps?
    "15 years ago I sat on a bench in Gorky Park and cried because my man Alexei, whom I had been dating for more than two years, said that he was a "lone wolf" and would never marry me.

    He announced this to me on the eve of my birthday, and a year later he married another ...
    I didn’t understand men at all then, but I swore to my best friend that I would understand men myself and teach millions of women to understand men. So that none of us cry from the pain and disappointment in relationships with men.

    I graduated from the faculties of psychology and journalism of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. As a writer, psychologist and relationship coach, seven years ago I created the Internet club "I Want to Marry".
    It already includes 350,190 women from all over the world.
    My dream has almost come true.

    I have been happily married for 12 years and have a son. According to my method, more than 20 women get married a day. I became an established writer - the author of 5 printed books that you can buy in any bookstore. Marriage expert on federal TV channels.

    The wheel of marriage ... What progress has come! To unimaginable miracles!

    *Wheel of Marriage is an author's method of diagnosing clients, developed by psychologist Yulia Vladimirovna Shchedrova, which allows you to identify the client's difficulties and harmonize his personal life. The preliminary wheel of marriage is calculated on the basis of the method of numerical psychoanalysis. The final wheel of marriage is formed by the methods of positive psychology and the Gestalt approach.

    "94% of women cannot get married because they have an uneven "Wheel of Marriage". If your WHEEL OF MARRIAGE is perfectly even, you have absolutely nothing to worry about, you will have no problems with marriage. But if your WHEEL OF MARRIAGE is uneven and inharmonious, then even if you are three times beautiful, and you have two higher educations and a diploma of graduating from a geisha school, successfully marrying for you is problematic.And I know how to fix it!

    Answer your questions:

    Have you had a relationship that ended for unknown reasons?
    Only inappropriate men with whom it is impossible to build a serious relationship pay attention to you: married, old bachelors, gigolos, drinkers, losers or not reciprocating?
    Are there women in your family who did not have female happiness (old maids, single mothers who remained single for the rest of their lives after a divorce, etc.)?
    Are you tired of fighting for your happiness? Still nothing happens, as if some mysterious forces are interfering?...


    1. YOU HAVE…

    Already have a good man, but he refuses to ask you the main question of life? He says, "Come on, I'll get my MBA first." Or: “I need to save up more money, buy an apartment.” Or some other excuse why he is not yet ready to tie the knot.

    2. OR YOU…

    The girl who gets asked out all the time? Your first meetings are a real explosion, and then you experience a complete fiasco when he no longer calls? Are you attaching too much and too fast?

    Did you start dating again after breaking up with your ex? A breakup after which you are constantly tormented by the question of why your relationship did not work out? Or what's wrong with the men you choose? Or even worse, do you look at your girlfriends who are already married and think: “What is wrong with me”?

    4. Oh, MAYBE...

    Your life revolves around work and home. You are firmly convinced that fate will find it behind the stove. But you are still alone - you have not met for a long time and have not been invited on dates. And you begin to think that some unknown forces prevent you from being happy.
    If at least one of the above points is about you, I highly recommend that you check out your "Witch of Wisdom"

    A woman who is equally well developed in all six areas marries quickly and happily.

    In reality, “distortions” often take place, for example: a woman lives with past grievances and treats men with distrust, instead of sorting out the past and engaging in dating and building relationships.

    Or a woman spends all day chatting on dating sites, and after another date she is left with nothing, because she has not figured out herself and her goals ... and so on.

    Of course, such “distortions” need to be corrected, but before correcting them, it is necessary to find out exactly where the balance was disturbed. Determine which areas need to be worked on the most intensively.

    Which Wheel of Marriage are you riding at the moment of your life

    In order to deal with all this, I want to offer you one extremely useful exercise. So:
    Draw a circle. Divide it into 6 sectors. There will be a reference point (0) in the center of the circle, and 10 points at any point on the circle.

    2. Imagine that this circle is a reflection of your personal life. Fill in all the quadrants with the following areas: Forgiveness (the ability to forgive), Self-love, Self-confidence, Femininity, Sexuality and Understanding the male nature.

    3. Rate how satisfied you are with each of the areas of your life today by rating from 0 to 10, where 0 is complete dissatisfaction with the area, when you can say: “I am absolutely dissatisfied!”, And 10 is “everything is perfect, It just doesn't get any better!" Place 0 in the center of the circle, 10 on the circle.

    4. Shade each sector according to its score.

    Now you can see which Wheel of Marriage you are riding at this moment in your life.

    Write down how you rate each area of ​​your Wheel of Marriage, or - better - attach a picture of the Wheel:

    The smoother your Wheel of Marriage, the greater the balance of all spheres of the Wheel, the faster and easier you will build a happy relationship with a man and get married.

    If your Wheel is uneven, then no dating and marriage technologies will help - anyway, from time to time you will step on the same rake and build relationships with inappropriate men. Like attracts like.

    But you, like any person on this earth, have a choice - to leave everything as it is, or to eradicate the cause of loneliness and finally build a happy relationship.

    I will listen to Yulia and check whether this mysterious wheel of marriage is harmonious with me

    I go to the site http://koleso.hochu-zamuj.ru/koleso1.php.
    I enter my name and date of birth. I see a picture of my Marriage Wheel I take a test, I build my Marriage Wheel
    I get a response:
    "You are all right with sexuality and femininity. But the area of ​​understanding of men, lightness and self-love needs to be increased. And I, Yulia Shchedrova, the founder of the Internet club "I Want to Marry", will help you with this."

    Slightly defective wheel turned out. Not ideal - but where did you see an efficiency (efficiency factor) equal to 100%? But still, on such a wheel, I got somewhere (I'm 66 years old, I'm married, it's scary to say, 46 years old).
    And if a woman in marriage "Wheel of Marriage" is bent, adultery and even divorces begin. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain your “Wheel of Marriage” in an even state all your life.

    I have a friend who is 46 years old - beautiful and smart, not married. I'll check - I'm behind her back, what she lacks. I would characterize the answer as follows: "Oh - oh - oh": self-confidence, self-love, understanding of men is almost zero. Nearly half of the Wheel of Marriage is not working.

    You won't get far on this wheel...

    But as I understand it, the preliminary Wheel of marriage shows what was given to you from birth (since the initial data is by date of birth). And life teaches a lot. So, if I were compiling the Wheel now (as Yulia recommends doing), then in the place of my friend, I would increase her current understanding of men. But I would work hard on two areas of the Wheel of Marriage: self-confidence and self-love. And a little would - over the understanding of men.

    But what exactly to do?

    Julia advises:
    "Enter your email below and I will send you free step-by-step instructions on how to align the wheel of marriage and get married in 2 months"
    A letter arrived in my mail. I print out (pdf format) a template of the wheel of marriage and begin to follow Yulia's recommendations.
    I watch a video in which Julia talks in detail about each area of ​​the Wheel of Marriage:

    "Rate how satisfied you are with each of the areas of your life today by scoring from 0 to 10, where 0 is complete dissatisfaction with the area, when you can say:" I am absolutely dissatisfied! ", And 10 is" everything is perfect, better it just doesn't happen!” Place 0 in the center of the circle, 10 on the circumference.

    4. Print the resulting Wheel of Marriage and shade each sector of the Wheel in accordance with its assessment.

    5. Hang your Marriage Wheel on the wall.

    Now you can see which Wheel of Marriage you are riding at this point in your life and what areas you need to work on to get married happily. You can improve these areas all your life, but with my help you can do it in 2 months. This is what I teach in my Marry in 2 Months program.

    While I was drawing my Wheel of Marriage, I received the next issue by e-mail.

    Great! I like it. Not only did Yulia help me deal with my problems, she also does not leave me to the mercy of fate - she will help me solve my problems.

    Do you want Julia to help you too?

    YOU are beautiful, but your strategy DOES NOT WORK!

    You are a charming woman, regardless of your age and appearance. Like any of us, you want to love and be loved. But for some reason, you just can't get into a serious relationship with the opposite sex. It's just that your strategy of behavior with men DOES NOT WORK, and after breaking up with another candidate for a hand and heart, you torment yourself with questions:
    Maybe there is something wrong with me?
    Why did he leave without explanation?
    Why is another woman better than me?
    How am I going to live without him now?
    Where can I find another cavalier?
    How can I impress this gentleman?
    How can I win his heart?
    Can good sex make him propose to me?
    Maybe I should learn how to cook?
    Why is he eating my salads and not proposing?
    Maybe we're not right for each other?

    Not only young ladies who have experienced "unhappy love" for the first time, but also experienced women in love relationships, who, nevertheless, step on the same rake with every new man, plague themselves with such questions ...

    Imagine for a moment that you have in your hands a rare book with unique techniques and practices (not only sexual!) and a well-honed harmonious program to attract a worthy man into your life. Now think how much easier it would be for you to communicate with the opposite sex if you knew the unique technique of conquering men's hearts, revealed in this book! Do you think you would feel shy when meeting young people? Would you be afraid to lose someone you like? Would you doubt your feminine attractiveness and irresistibility? Of course not! You would have experienced confidence in your feminine strength and endless drive!

    "Marrying is not difficult,
    It's hard to get married."
    Folk wisdom.

    If you have repeatedly been disappointed in the men with whom you were going to build a serious relationship, and came to the conclusion that you need to approach the search for a husband more thoroughly, this training book is for you.

    I propose an algorithm for finding a soul mate, which was invented and tested by me, my girlfriends, girlfriends of my girlfriends, and so on. The main advantage of my development is that it works 100% if two important conditions are met.

    First, you must follow the sequence of the algorithm for attracting a partner into your life. In no case should you swap two-week tasks in places or ignore any of them. In secret: if you consider any task to be superfluous, it is precisely this task that you need most of all, therefore this is your problem. Secondly, you must trust what is written here, and then the result will not be long in coming.

    Please note that tasks for every two weeks consist of several Actions. You can apply all the proposed options for Actions, but, as practice shows, three or four of them are enough to achieve the goal - your choice.

    And one more thing: from the first day of the program, keep a diary, codenamed "Marry in 2 months." Write down there all your discoveries and insights, successes and doubts, questions and answers that will come to you during the two months of the program.

    If you like to spend time at the computer, you can start an electronic diary, or a blog in LiveJournal. The main thing is not to miss a single day. Written reflections will help you better understand yourself, separate the "wheat from the chaff" and move far in the field of interpersonal relationships.

    1st and 2nd week. DISCOVER YOURSELF
    "A perfect man seeks everything in himself, an insignificant man in others."


    As much as you would like to start looking for a potential husband this very second, I advise you to wait a little longer.

    I have been waiting for so many years - but two weeks is a lot? No, dear, you have to be patient! Trust me - the result obtained at the end of this program will exceed your expectations. But for this you need to try. Do you remember the saying “Without labor you can’t even take a fish out of the pond”? And without difficulty to force a man to take lifelong responsibility for you and your children (present and future) - all the more it will not work.

    This week you are accumulating your efforts in the direction of self-knowledge. And this is the most important part of the program.
    First of all, you must find... yourself. You must understand what kind of husband you need, for what purpose (many discoveries can be made here!), why right now and what you need to change in yourself in order to meet him. A special test will help you figure this out. Answer the following questions with the utmost honesty, because your happiness depends entirely on this. Write your thoughts in a diary. So…

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