• Whitening skin at home quickly. How to whiten the skin in intimate places at home. Tomato mix


    While many people make an effort to achieve a darker complexion, some choose to lighten the skin to hide scars, blemishes, over-tanned skin, or simply to look fair-skinned. To have fair skin, try the following tips and tricks.


    In your fridge

      Squeeze out the lemon juice. Lemon juice is commonly used to lighten hair and can also be added in the wash as an alternative bleach. You can apply lemon juice on darker areas of the skin, but keep in mind that citric acid can irritate the skin. If you want to use lemon juice on a regular basis or on large areas of skin, dilute it with water or make a soft paste by mixing it with honey or yogurt.

      Apply plain yogurt. In addition to being a very gentle whitening agent, yogurt contains lactic acid, which moisturizes, zinc, which protects against sunburn, and active crops, which attack harmful bacteria and fungi.

      Use baking soda. Baking soda is commonly used as a household cleaner and teeth whitener, but it can also lighten the skin. Although relatively mild, it can dry out the skin if overused. For a more skin-friendly paste, mix the baking soda and honey, apply as a mask, and let sit for at least ten minutes.

      Creams, exfoliants and powders

      1. Wash and exfoliate your skin. This will help remove the sun-damaged top layer of your skin. Avoid excessive exfoliation, as this can interfere with the production of natural, sebum oil and lead to greasiness.

        Apply powder. This will not only brighten your skin but also hide blemishes.

        • You can also use baby powder. It's light enough to fill your pores like a powder, but heavy and white enough to change your skin tone. Don't use too much to avoid looking like an 18th century geisha.
      2. If all else fails, use a skin lightening cream. Keep in mind that the active ingredient (hydroquinone) in many whitening creams has been banned in many countries as research suggests it is carcinogenic.

      For body

      1. Stay out of the sun. If you exercise, go to the gym or work out outside before dawn or after dusk. Wear a hat when needed and remember to reapply daily sunscreen even if it's cloudy outside. Up to 80% of the sun's rays can pass through the clouds.

        • Don't forget your lips! Spread a thick layer of SPF 15 lip balm on your lips, in addition to your daily moisturizer.
        • Try natural ways to lighten your skin first, as the effects of creams are usually reversible.
        • Be smart. If your natural skin color is chocolate brown, then be happy with what you have. Many people would give anything for tanned skin.
        • Hydrogen peroxide can be found in many brightening creams, so if all else fails, you can mix a very small amount into a mask at your own risk. However, be careful. Hydrogen peroxide has many side effects.

    Hello dear readers. How can you tan effectively to attract the attention of the opposite sex and cause slightly envious glances from the side? This question worries many. But, no fewer people are looking for answers on the topic: how to whiten your face from sunburn. The fact is that the skin on the face, especially among the fair sex, is very delicate and sensitive to the effects of sunlight and ultraviolet radiation propagated by them. If you go this fine line located between beautiful tan and skin burns of an initial degree, you can earn yourself a lot of problems. And in general, not everyone likes too much “burnt-out” - a dark face. So they are trying to whiten it in affordable ways.

    And there are many of them, including those that can be prepared and used at home. Let's talk about them today: about the most effective ways after sunburn.

    How to whiten your face from sunburn - TOP-5

    We all want to whiten our face quickly and effectively from tanning at home, but first make sure that you have no contraindications.

    1. Lemon juice

    This method is known to very many. In general, legends can be made about the whitening abilities of lemon. This is a really worthwhile fruit that deserves special attention. Do not forget that it is not recommended to use pure citrus juice.

    After all, he, instead of the desired effect, or in addition to it, can provoke allergies. To avoid unpleasant side symptoms, mix the juice with another equally effective whitening ingredient: chicken egg white.

    Prepare the product: until fine foam, in any way available and convenient for you, beat one chicken protein, add two tablespoons of tablespoons of juice freshly squeezed from lemon to the foam, mix everything well again until a homogeneous consistency is formed. Can be applied!

    How to do it - how to use this recipe in practice?

    Apply the resulting mass in an even layer, as thick as possible, on your face (avoiding direct contact with your eyes), leave it there for 9-11 minutes.

    During this time, most likely, it will have time to dry, or partially dry out. Then it will need to be washed off. This is not difficult to do.

    You will need a clean cotton pad and room temperature water, or even better - a decoction of wildflower: chamomile.

    This mask is very good for leveling skin tone, whitening, relieving stress and eliminating inflammation. Pleasant bonuses from it: reducing the appearance of acne and cleansing the skin pores.

    This mask is especially effective in the case of its regular use (every other day for 10 days) in relation to oily skin, or its combined type.

    2. Herbal decoctions

    Whitening of the skin can help and, as has been repeatedly proven in practice, simple washing helps. Chamomile has already been mentioned above.

    But did you know that linden color has no less striking effect, and plus to that - also nourishing and moisturizing?

    Mix a spoonful of each color and pour 300 milliliters of boiling water over it, and then simmer over very low heat for about 2-3 minutes.

    Let it brew for up to 10 minutes, strain, cool a little more (to a comfortable temperature) and you can use it for pleasure and health.

    The remedy should be used like this

    They can wash themselves like plain water, or make lotions with cotton pads.

    You can use it every other day on a regular basis, taking a break for 4-6 days every month.

    3. Milk

    Everyone knows that it is white. No one doubts this fact. And this natural whiteness can be transferred to your skin.

    It will strengthen it, nourish it with valuable vitamins and minerals, protect it from further negative environmental influences, and so on.

    Lightening your face with milk or milk-based products is not so difficult. If you use them, then remember that these products, like milk itself, must be extremely fresh, of high quality and natural.

    The cream can be applied to the face daily for 2 weeks. With milk or yogurt, which, as you know, are thinner, weeks of cream, this will not work.

    From it can be mixed, to the desired consistency, with oatmeal or white flour. Such components are applied for a period of time that is up to 25 minutes. After that, the face can be washed with water at room temperature or the same decoction of chamomile.

    4. White clay (cosmetic)

    Take the amount you need (usually 2-2.5 tablespoons are enough). Clay will need to be mixed with milk already known to you, from the recipe above.

    You need to mix thoroughly until a homogeneous clay-milk consistency is formed. Then, evenly apply this mixture on your face, keeping it like this for about 13-14 minutes.

    You need to apply clay in a day or two, the average rate can be about one month. You can buy it at a pharmacy or a beauty salon. There (in the salon) you may be offered to go through the appropriate procedure.

    You can of course do this. But, be aware that with no less bright pronounced result you can carry out all similar manipulations at home - with your own hands. The choice is yours.

    5. Cabbage

    On guard of your beauty, youth and white attractive face! This is a very affordable tool. And very effective.

    To prepare the preparation for whitening according to this recipe, you can take the most common white cabbage. It is necessary to take fresh green leaves of this vegetable crop, preferably from the second row: clean and strong.

    Cabbage can be chopped using a blender or a more technically sophisticated household appliance - a food processor. The result will be almost identical.

    You need to use the mask every third day, for 1-1.5 months. Apply for 10-12 minutes. After - wash off with chamomile broth or plain water at room temperature. After the procedure, a high-quality moisturizing cream can be applied to the face.

    These are the TOP-5 home "preparations" for improving the condition of the facial skin and lightening it. However, pay attention to the fact that they can be used not only in relation to the face, but, in principle, any other part of the body (except for mucous membranes).

    There are also special cosmetic and even pharmaceutical products that can whiten your face.

    But firstly they tend to be expensive (the ones that are really effective).

    And secondly - they have much more contraindications and side points. Better, nevertheless, to dwell on folk natural methods, some of which have been tested by whole generations.

    Why is skin whitened?

    This question may concern, mainly, those who have not encountered problems over-sunburned from exposure to direct sunlight.

    This is the main, but not the only motive that prompts hundreds of people to look for the ways that we talked about above.

    And it's very good if you decide to stay on one of them, since they are affordable, natural and have practically no contraindications.

    And with those precautions that should, nevertheless, be known, we will acquaint you below.

    Whitening Precautions and Contraindications

    Of course, before you quickly whiten your face from sunburn at home, it is advisable to first familiarize yourself with the contraindications and take precautions. The most important thing is to achieve results, not harm.

    In fact, no matter how natural, high-quality any of the means used in relation to your body, no matter how correctly and scrupulously it is used, there are always moments that need to be paid special close attention.

    This is necessary in order to insure yourself as much as possible against the possible manifestation of potential side effects.

    Precautionary measures

    So, what precautions should you know if you make the right decision and start using one of the tools presented for you above - in the TOP-5:

    1. Use only high-quality and fresh, natural products when preparing this or that product.
    2. Never use pure lemon juice, always mix it with another ingredient (chicken egg white, for example).
    3. If this is your first time using one method or another, remember to test it on your wrist (highly recommended!).
    4. Do not exceed the recommended doses, norms and terms.

    Not only those who have sunburned badly, or overdone it, want to whiten their skin, but also those who, for example, have too pronounced pigmentation of the skin, small scars and other defects associated with the skin of the face.

    This is quite justified, because, without exception, every person wants to be beautiful and attractive, self-confident.


    But, do not forget, in pursuit of your goal, there is also one more thing: about contraindications! About them - right now:

    • Allergic reactions.
    • A clearly pronounced decrease in immunity.
    • Pregnancy (as recommended by a doctor).
    • Age up to 14 years.

    Each of the methods should not be combined with others that have the same goal as the end result.

    But, finally, we want to offer you a bonus recipe, which, in a day, can be combined with others! We are talking about hydrogen peroxide (3%).

    It is better to dilute it with distilled water in a ratio of 1/1. Apply in the evening (no more than 7 times): moisten cotton swabs and wipe the skin.

    I wish you success, beauty and health!

    Face whitening is a demanded salon service, however, it is possible to lighten skin tone, get rid of hyperpigmentation at home, using such folk remedies as masks, scrubs, lotions, lotions, etc.

    Whitening of the face at home can be carried out using a variety of folk remedies and procedures based on natural ingredients:

    Lightening the face from tanning by 1 tone

    Lighten facial skin when too dark color tanning will help simple and affordable means:

    Whitening freckles and age spots

    Pigmentation on the face often becomes the primary reason for contacting a beautician and an indication for whitening procedures.

    It is possible to get rid of spots and freckles at home with the help of easy-to-prepare masks and lotions:

    1. Sour cream mask with parsley. To prepare the product, you must thoroughly grind a small bunch of parsley (20-30 g), add 20 g of sour cream and 5 drops of orange juice to the resulting gruel, mix. Apply the mask on the face with a thick layer, leave for 20 minutes;
    2. Lemon lotions. Lemon juice must be mixed with mineral water in equal proportions. Moisten a cotton swab or bandage with the resulting lotion, apply for 3-4 minutes on problem areas. The procedure can be performed up to 5 times during the day.

    Smoothing the tone from redness

    Masks with a calming effect will help smooth out the tone of redness.

    Lemon products

    At home, it is possible to whiten a face using lemon in just a few procedures, since its juice contains vitamin K, helps to smooth and brighten skin tone:

    Hydrogen peroxide products

    Hydrogen peroxide (peroxide) cleans the skin from impurities, has a brightening and disinfecting effect. A few drops of this pharmacy the preparation in the composition of home masks can significantly enhance the whitening effect:

    Means with kefir

    Kefir is rich in nutrients. When used for cosmetic purposes, it nourishes, moisturizes, whitens the skin and saturates it with important microelements:

    1. Kefir-lemon mask: mix kefir, lemon juice and white clay in a ratio of 2: 2: 1. The composition is applied to the skin with a thin layer for 15 minutes;
    2. Cucumber-kefir mask moisturizes and cleanses the skin, helps to get rid of strong pigmentation. It is simple to prepare it: chop a small cucumber, squeeze the liquid. Add 30 ml of kefir to the pulp, mix. The gruel is applied to the face for 15 minutes, then washed off.

    Parsley products

    Our grandmothers knew how to whiten their face at home with parsley. Girls with freckles squeezed juice out of it or made a decoction, wiped problem areas with it. The fact is that the carotene contained in parsley greens helps to whiten the skin, and also protects it from the effects of ultraviolet rays.

    Essential oil products

    Essential oils that have a whitening effect when applied to the skin:

    • orange;
    • grapefruit;
    • lemon;
    • tea tree;
    • patchouli;
    • rosemary.

    For a whitening effect, a few drops of any of these oils are added to cosmetic masks and lotions, or mixed with a small amount of olive oil and applied to the face, washed off after 5-10 minutes.

    Fruit products

    Berries and fruits contain a large amount of acids that have a whitening effect on the skin.

    Currants, cranberries, green apples, grapefruits are ideal for preparing brightening masks:

    Vinegar remedies

    Vinegar for skin whitening was used in ancient Rome and Greece.

    This powerful remedy can lighten the face by several tones at once, as well as get rid of hyperpigmentation:

    Means from baking soda

    Baking soda gently cleanses pores, dries up inflammation and whitens the skin of the face:

    Whitening masks

    Whitening masks are applied to the face, avoiding the sensitive area around the eyes, left for the recommended time, and then removed with non-hot water. Before the procedure, it is advisable to steam your face over a basin of hot water, this is will allow you to better cleanse the pores and get the skin a maximum of useful substances:

    1. Curd mask. Add ½ yolk and 3-5 drops of hydrogen peroxide to 30 g of low-fat cottage cheese, mix well. For dry skin, it is recommended to add 15 g of sour cream to the composition. The product is left on the face for 15-20 minutes;
    2. Turmeric mask. 10 g of ground turmeric must be ground with a little sour cream or natural yogurt (you should get a cream-like consistency). The tool is applied for half an hour.

    Whitening compresses

    For the compress, you need to prepare a napkin, gauze or cotton wool.

    They are soaked in a special composition and applied to the face:

    Whitening lotions

    At home, lotions are used if you need to whiten a certain area of ​​the facial skin.
    For lotions, the same compositions are used as for compresses - vinegar with glycerin and lemon juice, chamomile broth, lemon juice with mineral water, etc. A cotton swab or disc is soaked in the product and applied to the problem area for 10-15 minutes.

    Whitening cosmetic creams

    In modern stores, there is a fairly large assortment of ready-made products intended for skin whitening, however, an effective cream can be made at home using any available:

    Whitening lotions

    Whitening your face at home using lotion is convenient and simple, since the product is easy to prepare and store long time in fridge:

    1. Cucumber lotion. Wash a medium-sized cucumber, remove the peel, chop the pulp. Place the resulting mass in glass container, pour 50 ml of vodka, close the lid and leave in the cold for 3 days. Strain the product, add to it a similar amount of boiled cold water... The resulting lotion is rubbed onto the face twice a day, stored in the refrigerator, sealed;
    2. Calendula lotion. The finished pharmaceutical alcoholic solution of calendula must be diluted with purified water in equal proportions. The resulting product is used to wipe the age spots during the day (up to 5 times), the course of therapy is 7 days. If during this time it was not possible to get rid of the spots, it is recommended to take a week break, and then repeat the course.

    Whitening scrubs

    Scrubs allow at home to effectively cleanse the skin of impurities and dead cells, make it smoother, fresher, more pleasant to the touch, and the use of certain components will also add a whitening effect:

    Precautionary measures

    To avoid harm during home bleaching procedures, it is important to follow certain precautions:

    1. Before applying any funds with new components, you must make sure that there are no allergic reactions, for this, a test is carried out: a small amount of the agent is applied to the elbow, the reaction is monitored for an hour or two;
    2. Almost all whitening products dry the skin, so the procedures should be carried out strictly in the recommended quantities;
    3. After skin whitening, avoid direct sunlight to avoid burns.
    4. Do not use bleaching products on damaged skin or on the sensitive area around the eyes.

    Contraindications for home face whitening

    In some cases, home whitening may be contraindicated. These include:

    • Availability skin diseases(melanoma, dermatitis, eczema, etc.);
    • the presence of open wounds and abscesses on the skin;
    • tendency to allergies;
    • excessive skin sensitivity.

    The harm of lightening the face at home

    When whitening your face at home, you need to take into account your skin type, be careful, follow the recommendations for the time and frequency of procedures.

    Otherwise, some damage to the skin may be caused:

    • burns;
    • allergic reactions;
    • excessive dryness.

    The opinions of cosmetologists

    Professional cosmetologists respond both positively and negatively to whitening the skin of the face at home. On the one hand, most of the procedures are absolutely safe and tested by time and many people.

    On the other hand, experts believe that they have a negligible whitening effect. In addition, products that include quite aggressive components (for example, vinegar) require special care, otherwise the procedure may end with burns and skin trauma.

    Video on how to whiten your face at home

    How to whiten your face at home:

    How to quickly whiten your face at home:

    A gray complexion, the appearance of pigmented areas, freckles, post-acne and even an unsuccessful tan often spoil appearance... You can also lighten unsightly areas and even out skin tone yourself by using homemade whitening products (masks, lotions, creams, etc.) prepared on the basis of dairy products, lemon, cucumber, berries, parsley, etc. Pharmacy preparations specially designed for this purpose should be used after consultation with a dermatologist / cosmetologist.


    How to whiten your face at home

    With the right choice of the right product, you can achieve effective skin whitening at home. You can find a lot of whitening recipes (lotions, scrubs, masks, creams, etc.), each of them has its own peculiarities of application, but it is important to choose your own and begin to put the skin in order, return it to an even and beautiful shade.

    It is advisable to carry out whitening sessions in the evening, when you know for sure that you do not need to go outside. Indeed, often in such formulations there are aggressive substances that lead to irritation and redness of the skin. Yes, and exposure to sunlight is fraught with the development of unpleasant consequences in the form of burns and the appearance of even more spots.

    Any cosmetic manipulations on the face are carried out exclusively after cleansing the skin. Whitening is no exception. This can be done with the help of a special product (lotion, foam, milk), suitable for the type of skin and a purchased or homemade scrub. The latter will not only remove impurities, but also polish the skin, removing dead particles of the epidermis, thereby preparing it for further care.

    To achieve an effective result, one whitening procedure will not be enough; a course of various procedures will be required, including the additional prevention of the appearance of spots in the future. After the whitening course, it is recommended to do a preventive procedure once a week.

    The condition of the skin and the chosen remedy affect the number of whitening procedures. So cucumber, honey masks, bleaching decoctions can be used every day, products with more aggressive components in the base (lemon, berry juices, cosmetic oils with a lightening effect) - every other day, if necessary, slightly correct any minor cosmetic flaws, two bleaching procedures are enough in Week. Whitening masks and scrubs based on hydrogen peroxide, etc., are used 1-2 times every 7-10 days. For preventive purposes, as mentioned earlier, such procedures are carried out once a week.

    To achieve a high effect from the whitening manipulations carried out, it is important to eliminate the influence of all harmful factors negatively affecting the complexion. This means constantly protecting the skin from the effects of ultraviolet radiation (sunscreen, wide-brimmed hats).

    Whitening masks and face compresses

    Berries, citrus fruits (lemon, grapefruit), parsley, fermented milk products, cosmetic clay, essential oils will help to whiten the skin of the face, they have an intense whitening effect. Masks, compresses and decoctions with these products, in addition to the brightening effect, will additionally have a moisturizing and nourishing effect, depending on the additional ingredients in the composition.

    Berry compress for the face.

    Fresh cranberry juice (currants, viburnum and other seasonal berries) - 100 ml.

    Fold the gauze cut into 2-3 layers, make holes for the eyes, mouth and nose. Moisten a napkin in the ready-made juice, squeeze it slightly so that nothing drips, and apply on the face, previously cleaned of make-up and impurities. Keep it on for 15 minutes, then rinse with water. The procedure should be done every other day until a persistent whitening effect is obtained, in the future, for prevention, a session should be carried out every seven days. The mask is suitable for all skin types.

    Berry honey face mask.

    Berries (viburnum, currants, cranberries) - 50 g.
    Honey - 50 g.

    Turn the berries into a mashed potatoes, to which add honey. Spread a homogeneous mixture on a clean face and leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with water at room temperature. This whitening session is indicated for daily use. The product can be used on any skin type, with caution on sensitive skin.

    Cucumber-lemon face mask.

    Chopped fresh cucumber pulp - 1 tbsp. l.
    Fat sour cream - ½ tsp.
    Lemon juice (grapefruit juice) - 1 tsp

    Add lemon juice and sour cream to the cucumber pulp. Stir everything thoroughly and apply to cleansed face. Keep the mask on for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. The procedure should be done once a week. The remedy is indicated for owners of dry skin.

    Cucumber and honey face mask.

    Fresh cucumber pulp chopped on a grater - 2 tbsp. l.
    Liquid honey - 1 tbsp. l.

    Combine the components into a homogeneous composition and apply on a clean face. After 15 minutes, wash with cool water. Do the mask every day until the result is achieved. Suitable for all skin types.

    Cucumber compress for the face.

    Fresh cucumber - 1 pc.

    Prepare a gauze pad with slots for eyes, mouth and nose. Grate the cucumber on a fine grater, distribute the resulting mass on a napkin, fold in layers and apply on the face. Remove the compress after 15 minutes. Apply daily for all skin types.

    Fresh cucumber juice can effectively whiten your skin if you rub it daily with it.

    Mask with parsley and lemon juice.

    Chopped cucumber pulp - 1 tbsp. l.
    Sour cream - 1 tsp.
    Lemon juice (grapefruit) - ½ tsp.
    Chopped parsley - 1 tsp.

    Combine the components and mix thoroughly. Apply the resulting mass to a clean face and leave for 25 minutes, then wash with water at room temperature. Use the product with caution in case of increased skin sensitivity.

    Video: Recipe for a mask that evens out skin tone.

    Whitening parsley face mask.

    Parsley juice - 1 tbsp. l.
    Liquid village honey - 1 tsp
    Lemon (grapefruit) juice - 1 tsp.

    Mix the ingredients and apply on the face, after cleansing it of make-up and impurities. Keep the mask for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water. The procedure is done twice a week. Suitable for mixed and oily skin.

    Lemon juice can be used pointwise on areas of pigmentation, as well as wipe the skin with an oily type.

    Whitening mask with lemon and protein.

    Egg white - 1 pc.
    Lemon (or grapefruit) juice - 1 tbsp. l.

    Mix the components and apply to cleansed skin, wash after 15 minutes with water at room temperature. The mask is suitable for oily skin, you can do it once a week.

    Whitening mask with olive oil.

    Fresh chopped cucumber pulp - 1 tbsp. l.
    Olive oil - 1 tsp
    Sour cream - 1 tsp.
    Lemon juice - 1 tsp

    Mix the components. Apply the mixture on your face and stand for 15 minutes, wash with warm water.

    Potato-lemon whitening mask.

    Lemon - ½ citrus.
    Chopped fresh potatoes - 3 tbsp. l.

    Combine the pulp and juice of half a lemon with the potato mass, apply the mixture on the face and wait 15 minutes. Do the mask while lying down so that nothing drips. Rinse off the mixture with water at room temperature. Use the product with caution on dry skin.

    After procedures with lemon juice, so as not to dry out the skin, moisturize your face with a cream.

    Whitening clay mask for the face.

    White clay - 1 tbsp. l.
    Cucumber juice (parsley juice).
    Chopped lemon pulp with juice - 1 tsp.

    Add cucumber juice to the clay so that a sour cream-like mass without lumps is obtained. Then add lemon mass, stir and apply on a clean face. Keep the product for 15 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

    Hydrogen peroxide mask for face whitening.

    Sour cream 20% fat - 1 tbsp. l.
    Soft cottage cheese - 1 tbsp. l.
    Hydrogen peroxide - 1 tsp

    Mix the ingredients together and apply on the face. After 15 minutes, wash off the composition with cool water.

    Video: Recipes for face masks for age spots in the program "Everything will be good"

    Essential oils for face whitening

    You can whiten your face at home using essential oils lemon, grapefruit, patchouli, mint, rosemary, sandalwood, tea tree, eucalyptus, orange. Just 2-3 drops added to whitening mask recipes will greatly enhance their effectiveness. Lemon oil is recommended to be mixed with a little olive or almond oil.

    Whitening decoctions for the face

    A decoction of herbs can be applied to the face, as well as to areas of the skin that you need to whiten, or you can lubricate the whole face with the decoction. Also, in a decoction of herbs, you can moisten gauze and apply it to your face for 15 minutes.

    Parsley broth.

    Chopped parsley - 1 tbsp. l.
    Steep boiling water - 1 glass.

    Pour greens with boiling water, put on fire and cook for 5 minutes after boiling. Remove the finished broth from heat, leave for 20 minutes and filter. Pour into a clean bottle with a lid and use to wipe your face 2 times a day. The same broth can be poured into an ice mold and frozen. Use every morning to wipe your face. For the same purposes, you can prepare decoctions of yarrow, dandelion, licorice, bearberry.

    Rice broth.

    Pour the washed and sorted rice with water and put on fire, cook until tender, cool and strain. Wipe skin twice a day. The product can also be frozen in ice cube trays. Has a brightening effect.

    Ice cubes made from decoctions of parsley, chamomile, mint, taken in equal amounts and mixed with the same amount of cucumber and lemon juice will help whiten the skin of the face.

    Soda to lighten unwanted stains

    Perfectly brightens stains (in particular after acne) soda. It is diluted with a small amount of water to a thick gruel, and applied directly to the stain. After 5 minutes, the funds are washed off. Around five daily treatments will help get rid of small blemishes.

    Dairy products for face whitening

    Fermented milk products (kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese, yogurt) will help to effectively whiten your face.

    Kefir and honey mask.

    Kefir - 2 tsp
    Honey - 1 tsp

    Mix the ingredients into a homogeneous liquid mass. Using a brush, apply the composition to a clean face and leave for 15 minutes, then wash with warm water.

    Video: Recipe for a whitening oatmeal face mask.

    Egg and curd mask.

    Soft cottage cheese - 2 tbsp. l.
    Egg yolk (dry skin) or white (normal) - 1 pc.
    Sour cream - 2 tsp

    Mix the components to get a homogeneous mixture without lumps. Spread the mass on the face and leave for 25 minutes. Rinse off the mask with warm water. With fading skin, cottage cheese should be mixed with honey (1 tbsp. L. Cottage cheese and 1 tsp. Honey).

    Whitening creams

    Such products will help at home to effectively whiten your face after sunburn and get rid of freckles. You can use the product up to 3 times a day.

    Glycerin cream.

    Almond oil - 3 tbsp l.
    Glycerin - 1 tsp
    Chamomile decoction - 2 tsp
    Lemon juice - 5 drops.
    Tea tree essential oil - 3 drops.

    Heat sweet almond oil in a water bath, add glycerin, chamomile broth. When the mixture is at normal temperature, add lemon juice and essential oil and beat well. Transfer to a jar with a lid and store in the refrigerator.

    Lanolin cream.

    Lanolin - 15 g.
    Grape seed oil - 50 g.
    Chopped fresh cucumber - 1 tbsp. l.

    In a ceramic bowl, mix the indicated components, put the mixture in a water bath for 60 minutes, cover with foil on top. Then remove the cream from the bath, beat thoroughly until it cools completely, transfer to a jar with a lid, store in the refrigerator.

    Whitening lotions

    In addition to brightening, lotions are excellent at eliminating oily sheen.

    Milk lotion.

    Sour milk - 3 tbsp. l.
    Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.

    Mix the ingredients. Use to wipe your face 2 times a day. The product (if there is a lot of it) can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days.

    Whitening scrubs

    Such products perfectly cleanse pores from impurities, additionally helping to whiten the skin of the face.

    Scrub with parsley.

    Chopped parsley - 2 tbsp. l.
    Fine salt (preferably sea salt) - 1 tsp. without a slide.

    Cover the green mass with salt and leave until liquid is released. Then rub the mass into the skin with massaging movements for 1.5 minutes, paying special attention to problem areas. Wash with cool water and apply a nourishing cream.

    Lemon scrub.

    Natural yogurt - 4 tbsp. l.
    Liquid honey - 1 tbsp. l.
    Lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.
    Wheat flour.

    Mix yogurt, honey and lemon juice, add flour so that you get a thick mass. Apply the finished product to your face and let stand for 15 minutes, wash your face with cool water and apply a moisturizer according to your skin type.

    From all the variety of home remedies with a whitening effect, choose your own and use it in the fight against acne, freckles, pigmentation and other troubles that negatively affect the appearance of the skin. Good luck!

    Complexion is very important to the overall well-groomed impression and lightness of appearance, but it can be so difficult to achieve. Bad habits make it yellow, diseases internal organs- gray, excessive tanning - chocolate red, problems with blood vessels - spotty.

    Therefore, at a certain moment, the problem arises of how to whiten the skin of the face so that it acquires an even, healthy, beautiful color. It turns out that this can be easily done even at home.

    The reasons for the deterioration of complexion can be different - at what point do you need to sound the alarm, how can you whiten your skin quickly and effectively? You need to think about lightening the face if:

    • number age spots(freckles, chloasm, lentigo) is too large and spoils the appearance;
    • it so happened that you did not calculate the time of your stay in the sun and the tan turned out to be too dark, up to painful beauty, as if the skin was scalded;
    • the skin is very dark, as if you have just arrived from the South;
    • if the complexion has turned gray or yellow;
    • if after some definite cosmetic procedures(not necessarily even salon) traces do not go away for a long time: it can be small purple scars, reddish nodular formations.

    All this greatly spoils the appearance of the face and makes you seriously think about how to whiten the skin and make it look more presentable and well-groomed. Before you rush to a beauty salon, you can start with home remedies and methods.

    Recently, letters have begun to come to our editorial office more and more often asking how to choose safe washing cosmetics. For many it is no longer a secret that 95% of shampoos contain very harmful components, such as sodium lauryl sulfate, parabens, silicones, hydrogenated oils, etc.

    Many articles have been devoted to the harm they do. Molecules of these substances are able to penetrate the scalp, thereby entering the bloodstream and being deposited in the organs. This entails the development of various diseases, skin and hair problems. With all the many brands, it is very difficult to find quality cosmetics.

    Especially for you, a team of our specialists has tested popular brands. The result was disappointing. Only one manufacturer has been approved by our experts. It was Mulsan Cosmetic. She specializes only in the production of shampoos and balms. We analyzed the composition, all the ingredients were completely natural.

    That is why the shelf life of products (10 months) was significantly lower than that of other manufacturers. For those who have contacted us with questions, we recommend the Mulsan Cosmetic brand. Official online store mulsan .ru

    Home remedies for lightening facial skin

    To whiten your skin at home, you will need herbs (both fresh and dried), essential oils, and regular foods. There are a number of time-tested tools and methods on how to tidy up the complexion and make it bright, even and beautiful. You can try different ways and focus on the one that will have the most satisfying effect for you.

    • 1. Compresses

    A whitening compress is a gauze cloth abundantly moistened with an active ingredient (yogurt, herbal infusion, lemon juice, etc.), applied to the face for 10-15 minutes. Compresses can be done 2 times a week.

    • 2. Herbal lotions

    Do you want to know how you can whiten your skin specifically? Make infusions of herbs such as yarrow, licorice, dandelion, parsley or bearberry, wipe your face with them twice a day - the result will not keep you waiting.

    • 3. Lotions

    From the same herbs that were indicated for the preparation of infusions, but only necessarily fresh, as well as some products, you can make very effective lotions if you need to whiten a certain area of ​​the face (for example, the forehead or post-acne). They can be used every other day.

    • 4. Brightening masks

    If you do not know how to quickly whiten your skin in record time short time, it's time to turn to home masks for help, which effectively solve this problem. They are easy to prepare, have almost instant action and amazing results.

    • 5. Essential oils

    In whitening products, you can add 3-4 drops of antipigment essential oils: birch, oregano, turmeric, mint, patchouli, black pepper, rosemary, sandalwood or eucalyptus.

    Choose the methods that you can use regularly, which will be available to you at any time, to refresh the skin, tone it and get rid of brown spots, which often become an eerie complex.

    Best face whitening recipes

    Sometimes there are situations when you urgently need to put yourself in order, but there is not enough information and knowledge on how to whiten your face quickly at home. Now you will not have such a problem: study the recipes for brightening agents, remember, try and enjoy the achieved effect.

    • 1. Berry compress

    Squeeze juice from viburnum berries or currants (red or black), moisten cheesecloth in it, apply for 15 minutes.

    • 2. Berry-honey mask

    Mix the pulp of red currant (2 tablespoons) with honey (a teaspoon).

    • 3. Parsley mask

    If you do not know how to whiten your skin from sunburn, which is uneven and spoils the appearance of the face, use such a wonderful mask. Chop parsley, mix (2 tablespoons) with natural honey (a tablespoon) and lemon juice (a teaspoon).

    • 4. Masks from dairy products

    They have the ability to lighten the skin with kefir and sour cream, which can be used to make great masks. For 2 tablespoons of the product, you will need a tablespoon of lemon pulp.

    • 5. Cucumber mask

    Grate the cucumber, mix (2 tablespoons) with the same amount of chopped parsley, sour cream (a tablespoon), add lemon juice (a teaspoon).

    • 6. Lotions

    Squeeze horseradish juice, dilute with cold water in a 1: 1 ratio. In the same way, you can lighten the skin with hydrogen peroxide (3%) or lemon, from which you need to squeeze the juice. These lotions are contraindicated for sensitive and dry skin.

    • 7. Multi-component lotion

    Mix lemon juice (a tablespoon) with milk (half a glass), vodka (2 tablespoons) and sugar (a teaspoon).

    • 8. Lemon-vinegar lotions

    Another recipe that will tell you how to whiten your skin after sunbathing in just 20 minutes. Squeeze the juice out of the lemon, mix with table vinegar and glycerin in equal amounts.

    • 9. Soda lotions

    Food baking soda also brightens the skin as part of lotions: dissolve a pinch of soda in 4–5 tablespoons of water, moisten a cotton swab in the solution and apply to the problem area.

    • 10. Wine lotions

    Mix a solution of wine vinegar (a tablespoon) with sour milk (2 tablespoons) and wheat flour (a teaspoon).

    Now you know how to whiten your skin quickly, even at home, from pigmentation, and from an unhealthy color, and from uneven or unsuccessful tanning. After applying effective brightening products, your skin will shine with a porcelain whiteness, which, by the way, is always in fashion.

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