• Why the child is shot by nightmares. Causes how to overcome. What are there for night fears in children and how to get rid of them how to save the child from the night


    The absorption of breast milk is one of the main "tasks" of the newborn. For about six months, the child needs a constant reception of food, since its body requires a huge amount of energy.

    But if the "daytime" appetite kid nursing a woman delivers only joy, then night feedings are not always associated with something pleasant. Mom, who had time to take care of the closure for a day, fulfill home duties, often he feels irritation and annoyance, having heard hungry crying at night.

    Soviets of specialists will help to learn how and when to stop feeding the infant at night.

    Freshing at night for some young mammies is becoming a big problem. For the sake of a strong sleep, women even move to a convenient routine of feeding, but this step does not cause delight in infants. So is it necessary to stop night testes?

    For the natural source, the night feeding is the necessary element of normal growth. For a child under the year (and especially the newborn), it is extremely important to constantly contact the mother as day and night.

    Babes under the age of 6 months cannot withstand long-term pauses between feeding. Waking up and crying at night with the goal to eat - do not whit, but the natural needs of small children.

    In addition, feeding at night is important both for infant and for the newly minted parent. Hormone prolactin, regulating the allocation of dairy secretion, is produced precisely in the pre-understanding hours. If the child does not eat at night, very soon the amount of breast milk will decrease.

    HB experts warn that overly early termination of night snacks will violate the optimal allocation of dairy secretion, with the result that the child will remain on the "hungry soldering" and will switch to the mixture, and the mother can expect breastfeeding.

    Baby, in the diet of which the dairy mixtures dominate, most often fed by the clock. Mama is a little easier to establish at least approximate time of food receptions. However, up to 6 months, artificials should eat at night, like children who are breastfeeding.

    Some parents, especially experienced, with ease carry feeding a newborn at night. Others try to cancel night snacks as soon as possible for various reasons. It is recent and actively interested, from what age is better to teach a child from feeding in dark time day.

    There is still no unified opinion on this issue of experts on HB, pediatricians, psychologists and lactating women.

    If a nursing woman normally refers to night feeding, this process can last until the fourth year of life. However, usually the newly minted parents get tired of the lack of sleep already a year, therefore, the advice of experts on the GW will come out as if the way.

    How to understand that the child is ready?

    The choice of ways to teach is better to exercise better after women define whether babies are ready to abandon breast milk or a mixture. Pretty often after 6-7 months, when additional products are introduced, the child ceases to wake up at night, allowing her mom to get enough sleep.

    The main symptoms of the readiness of the kid to the abandonment of night snacks appear in about 11 months or a year and look like this:

    • infants get the most diverse feeding;
    • the amount of breastfeeding or preparations of the mixture is significantly reduced;
    • breastfish has a good weight gain;
    • the child is absolutely healthy;
    • at night, the children get up at a certain time;
    • the child does not force to eat the latter portion, it can often be distracted.

    In the presence of such symptoms, it is possible to make an assumption that the night reception for a child is not a vitality, but a habit formed. In this case, we will learn the baby, most likely will succeed without any problems.

    Slowly or instantly?

    Canceling snacks at night is gradual or instantaneous. Each of these methods has positive and negative features. That is why a woman, a nursing newborn breastfeeding or using a mixture, should decide on the choice of preferred techniques.

    The essence of the technique - breastfeeding at night is stopped gradually due to the more dense food receptions during the daytime. For example, before bedtime, the baby is additionally quicted with a pot or vegetable puree so that he does not wake up in the middle of the night.

    Simultaneously with the introduction of a larger amount of dust, the total amount of breastfeeding should be reduced. In this case, the woman will decrease and the amount of dairy secretions.

    The main advantage of this method - the infants fall asleep and satisfied, and the mother will not need to be, which reduces the likelihood of cracks of nipples and lactostasis.

    There are also disadvantages from this technique:

    When mommy starts to cancel the night snacks, the experts on HB recommend it in every way to demonstrate their love to the child - caress, talk and kiss. Similar attention in breast is vital!

    This method is usually used in teaching a child up to a year, but it will come in handy for older kids. From 6-7 months, the infants can already receive lures. For children, younger than six months, even a similar "gentle" method is still not suitable.

    2. Instant fashion

    Such a technique is permissible if the newly minted parent is needed to wean the child as much as possible. Of course, the reasons must be weighty, for example, chronic lack of sleep, access to work or forced separation with a crumb.

    The main advantage of this method is a woman saves the time that would need for the gradual cancellation of night feedings. The deficiency is very significant - such a sharp refusal of milk and mixture can cause stress at the kid early age.

    Of course, there are different situations, however, most experts on HB does not advise to teach instantly infants under the year. The child and in 2 months, and at 11 months, and even a year, extremely painfully reacts to the deprivation of his mother's chest.

    To the question, from what age, the baby from the night feeding is worth a popular pediatrician answers - after 6 months. Komarovsky assures new mammies that the child of the seventh month of life is no longer needed to eat at night.

    Night breastfeeding baby older than this age is the usual habit formed because of the mothers indulging. Children's tears at night are not necessarily caused by hunger. If you feed the chest karapus for each squeak, he can break the digestion.

    The pediatrician advises to comply with the following rules that will help finish the Night Takes of Food.

    1. You can't give a child too many products in the penultimate reception. But before falling asleep, the crumb is needed pretty feed so that it will not wake up from hunger.
    2. With breastfeeding (and when using the mixture), a quick and strong sleep has a positive effect on a positive effect. Any additional procedures (bathing or massage) must be carried out to feeding so that the child is hungry.
    3. At an early age, the microclimate in the room is especially important. A cool and moistened air (up to 20 ° C) contributes to strong sleep. It is better to pull on the child a warm pajama, rather than lay it in a stuffy room.
    4. You can try if you do not remove, cut the daytime sleep. The kids of the third month of life are sleeping about 16-20 hours a day. After the sixth month, sleep duration is reduced to 14.5 hours. A child spends less in a crib per year. A woman can try to loosen the crumb to sleep too much.
    5. It is imperative to establish the mode for almost the first month. If the new parental will observe the routine of the day, then the child and at 11 months, and a year and in preschool age It will be firmly understood when you need to eat, and when not.

    The famous pediatrician is confident that when these rules are met, the child will be only in the afternoon, and at night sweetly and hard to touch, not forcing mom to wake up and apply it to his chest.

    The older generation of the family, which raised seven kids, argues that in the absence of any problems, night feedings should be kept. The child will decide, at what age refuse such snacks.

    If the kids and after a year do not cease to demand breast milk Either the mixture, nursing mommy can take advantage of the following recommendations.

    With excessively bright hysteries, a decrease in weight gain is better to correct the failure method. We can travel from night snacks and more gentle way.

    What can not be done?

    Stop doing something - a very hard lesson, especially for an early child's child. In which case, the parents do not get to teach kids from night snacks? If the mother does not take into account the main mistakes possible during the feeding process at night.

    There is also no need to deceive the child, explaining the change in the habit of the fact that the mother "milk brought" either "sick of the chest". Why lie to crumb even on such trifles?

    Many newly minted parents doubt, from what age to stop the night feedings of the child. Maybe in half a year? Or better at 11 months? Experts recommend to focus on the well-being infants and their own intuition.

    If you are sure that the crumb is ready for the change of food habits, proceed to failure. With any doubt, continue to feed the baby and at night, not forgetting that the use of a child from milk compensates all the moments of inconvenience and fatigue.

    Approximately 30% of preschool and junior children school age They suffer from nightmares and bad dreams, which not only interfere with children to sleep quietly, but also extremely negatively affect the faster psyche of the child.

    What is the child's nightmares, why do they arise and how to get rid of night fears?

    Nightmalls in children - why do they arise?

    Night fears from time to time arise from all children, they can be caused by nervous overvoltage, fatigue or some event that traumatized the child's psyche in reality.

    Periodically emerging nightmares should not cause special concern among the parents, the psyche of the child thus tries to get rid of the oversupply of emotions, experiencing and "digesting" the occurrence. Such nightmares are due to excessive impressiveness, the immaturity of the child's nervous system and to distinguish it imaginable from real.

    Another thing, if they regularly repeat and torment the child, because of them, he is afraid to fall asleep, shouts and crying every night, and in the day it looks tired and intimidant.

    The roots of the problems are always lifted in real life.

    Most often, the causes of nightmares have a child:

    • Excessive demanding and too high child requirements - if the baby constantly hears: "You must be the best", if you score and shame for the slightest mistake and impose too many requirements for him, his psyche is not always able to cope with this and nightmares become one From the first manifestations of child neurosis. Please note: how often do you criticize the child whether he is experiencing fear when getting a bad assessment, any failure or simply if it turned out to be on the "height";
    • Aggression from the surrounding - the dreams, in which the terrible monster chasing the child, most often testifies to the fear that the child is experiencing in front of someone. And the more "terrible" seems to sleep for a child and the more often the nightmares are repeated, the closer to him the aggressor and the more hopeless the situation is presented to him. This may be caused by an aggressive attitude from classmates, teachers, some close relatives or even fear of parents;
    • The intense setting in the family is obsessive nightmares, repeating almost daily, in which the child is trying to escape from fires, floods, earthquakes, floods and other cataclysms, talk about problems that are brewing in the family. Quarrels, disagreements between parents, scandals and clarification of relationships always negatively affect the psyche of the child, most often finding reflections in nightmares;
    • The obsessive phobias and fears - monsters, monsters, terrible animals and the like characters are pursued in a dream of children who are very afraid to be afraid. The obsessive fear may arise due to some dangerous situation in which the child was revealed or due to the strong shocks of the experienced. A child may not be aware of his fears or not to speak to parents about their origin, but according to his behavior and conversations, it is possible to easily determine the cause of fears.

    How to get rid of children's nightmares

    In order to ever get rid of the nightmares in the child, you have to make enough effort. In no case should you scold or draw a child or try to "raise" his courage, closing one in the bedroom and forbidden to include light or resort to parents. Such behavior may lead to the neuroticization of the child, developing various complexes, as well as to loss of confidence in parents.

    What can be done if the child is tormented by nightmares:

    • Keep calm, turn on the light and is located near the child;
    • Normalize day and rest mode - often the cause of nightmares and fears in children becomes excessive nervous excitement, overwork and incorrect day of the day. In this case, in order to get rid of them, it is enough to stay a child to sleep enough, watch it to spend daily for a few hours in the fresh air, did not eat heavy food for the night, and also did not watch TV and did not play moving games before bedtime;
    • Leave the opened night light or projector next to the baby's bed;
    • To carefully listen to him - you need to ask him in detail about what was so terrible in a dream and try to apply one of the popular methods of deliverance from fears: to lose them with the help of dolls and toys, giving the child the opportunity to defeat your enemy; Draw a nightmare on paper and turn terrible into funny and allow the child to squeeze and break your drawing.
    • Once again, carefully analyze what is happening in the family and adjust your behavior so that the child felt that everything is in order, his parents love him and will never be offended.
    • If fears do not pass for a long timeBe sure to invite a psychologist for advice and assistance.

    No matter how much way you choose to combat children's nightmares, remember that the most important thing is the most important thing - attention and care of the parents, only with their help you can completely get rid of terrible dreams and other problems.

    When the parents in the middle of the night wakes a cry of a child or his unexpected visit with tears in his eyes, this, of course, frightened. You shouldn't panic, the baby just dreamed nightmare - The terrible dream, which made a strong impression and frightened. Despite the fact that nightmarish dreams are not the most pleasant memories in the morning, they are even useful for a person. The dreams are a consequence of thoughts, experiences, analysis of occurring events, and metaphorically (or straight) communicate the necessary information and help to realize it. Nobody is insured against nightmares, such a dream can be dreamed of both at 5, and at 15 years old. Experts note that frightening dreams usually arise in children no earlier than a three-year-old age. In order to cope with the problem, you need to deal with its causes and find out whether you need to fight nightmares at all.

    Why do children dream nightmares?

    Scary dreams are shot and adults, but a man with age begins to clearly understand where the boundaries between the dream and reality, so fear due to bad sleep quickly passes. Children are more difficult - they are aware of the unreality of the events that occurred in a dream, for a long time remember their dream and worry about it. When a child dreams of a nightmare, he behaves restlessly, constantly spinning in bed, may wake up in a cold sweat from fear.

    Photo Gallery: Possible causes of nightmares in a child

    The first thing to suspect parents is the presence of physiological reasons. So, nightmares can be a consequence:

    • feverish condition (high temperature);
    • organic brain lesions;
    • some mental diseases;
    • helminthosis.

    Often, when removing the root causes, it is also a symptom himself, and nightmares in such a situation is not an exception.

    Next, the reasons should be considered in the context of the types of terrible dreams. So, if it is a single nightmare, then it may be a consequence of over-excitation due to watching a terrible film or cartoon, militant with scenes of violence, etc. Such pictures are dangerous for the psyche of the child, so parents should protect their baby from watching them. Such nightmares are usually fairly quickly forgotten and do not cause serious injury.

    More dangerous nightmarish dreams that are repeated. They may also be a consequence of the experienced or seen an unpleasant event, which strongly affected the child.

    Sometimes even a randomly spied scene from a terrible film can be a serious problem. If the child is very impressionable and sensitive, she can pursue him in dreams not one night. Working with such a deep impression will be more difficult, but it is necessary to do it.

    Often frightening dreams are a consequence of the unhealthy environment in the family. Causes may be as follows:

    • the emotional needs of the child in contact with parents remain not satisfied. This is due to the cold attitude of adults, their desires to raise a child in rigor and without caress;
    • the tension in the kindergarten can create a constant change of roles between mom and dad, that is, inconsistency in their behavior (for example, the mother is evil today, and the dad is good, tomorrow, on the contrary);
    • parents demand from their child too much;
    • frequent scandals and quarrels in the family, tough clarification of relationships. Parents who quarrel with a child make a big mistake - except nightmares, it can cause more serious psychological problems;
    • if one of the parents manifests itself very disturbingThat is constantly afraid and shows it, then the child can adopt such moods.

    How to save a child from nightmares

    In order to save the baby from nightmares, first of all, it should be applying not only to their reasons, but also to the content. Regarding the causes of the organism tied on violation of the internal processes, its health should be restored, as a result of which nightmares will come. Regarding the rest, here you need to work with the contents of dreams and the investigative connections of the calling night discomfort.

    To save the kid from nightmares, you need to eliminate the cause

    Sleep is a product of our unconscious, which reflects all experiences that are relevant at the moment, regardless of how long ago they touched us. To analyze dreams, it is useless to use formal logic, since the unconscious is not systemically and the images that are enclosed in it have a metaphorical manifestation.

    If the dreams are systematic and no funds do not help, then you should contact a psychologist who could work with this request. This practice in most cases is universal, as well as becoming a favorable factor in the formation of the identity of the child and premature preventing possible neurosis and other violations.

    There are a number of tips that would help prevent nightmares arising from the kid:

    • it should not be eaten a few hours before sleep, since as a result, a large amount of energy is produced in the body, which is not consumed and during sleep can lead to strong brain activity expressing in the form of nightmares. This is especially true of saham-containing products that stimulate the intensive work of the brain;

    Sweet before bedtime is not recommended
    • fight from strong emotional experiences. This applies to emotionally loaded games and films that are rapid and terrible scenes. Experiences may not be fully conscious at the time of viewing the film and return at night for re-scrolling in the subconscious, where the baby involuntarily becomes the chief participant in the events;
    • the day should be observed, it applies to a clearly set time when you should go to bed and wake up. Walking on the street should be daily, and physical activity is proportional to the age for consumption need quantity Energy.

    A great way to work out the already dreaming nightmare - together to discuss it. The role of a parent here comes down to show the difference between the real and dreamed. In such a situation, it is important to make it clear that there is nothing to be afraid to be afraid, while you need to do everything extremely gently so that the child does not solve that you do not need his experiences. The main task is to give a sense of security, as well as teach to cope with fear in principle.

    When my child was 6 months old, I, read on the Internet of smart articles, came to my pediatrician and asked: "Is it normal that my child still sucks his chest at night? After all, the semi-annual baby is no longer so necessary round-the-clock meal.. To which our children's doctor, an old hardening specialist, looked at me with surprise and said: "You know, we have children who and in 2 years wake up for night feedings". Then it seemed to me that she smells, because two years - this is so much! As a result, before the year he ate once at night, and now two is still a child waking up at night once to drink. And I do not see anything terrible in this.

    Therefore, let's drop all prejudices, and let's not try "Combat" All children under one comb. If you decide that your baby is time to break from night feedings, then here are the basic principles of this process.

    1. We change food for water

    The first thing you need to do is reduce the amount of food consumed by your child. Does it eat 5 times at night? Give 4 times breasts (or mixture), and try water once. Happened? Well, the next time replace another feeding. If the kid is protesting, it requires that eating, do not insist. However, never offer him juice, or compote, or something else delicious. Otherwise, this is absolutely accurately entering the habit and adds problems, and not save them.

    2. Filty child - a calm child

    At the eye, children often fall asleep on the chest from the mother, not the time to eat enough milk. If it seemed to you that the baby sustally sucked the chest during the last evening feeding and fell asleep, slightly crushed it. It's easy to do, indulging it is lightly for the cheek. Listen - If there are sounds of smoothing food, then the child eats. With respect to children, older is easier, tighten the child with a sufficient number of food, do not overflow and do not lay down immediately after the meal.

    3. Previously - no better

    It is necessary to immediately be that all measures to reduce night feedings should be started not earlier than 6-7 months, since it is at this age that specialists are recommended to enter adord, as well as this time a certain mode of the day has already been formed.

    4. Increase breaks between feeding

    Do not hurry to give the baby what he demands. Of course, for you he will always stay small, but in half a year the child can already wait. Stretch breaks between meals, thus reducing their quantity.

    5. Try to sleep separately

    If before that you safely slept together, then after deciding to wean a child to wake up at night, put it in. Perhaps it is the proximity of the food source (chest) worried about the baby and does not give him to sleep all night.

    6. The principle of Dr. Komarovsky

    Night feedings, according to the doctor, not at all a special case and not pathology. But in case the six-month, for example, the child eats at night 3 or more times, attempts to reduce the amount of feedings should be taken. The doctor advises to take advantage of the possibilities of the late Bath - to pay a baby in cool water after 23:00 with dense feed after. This leads to the fact that the child after that sleeps deep enough and firmly. The penultimate meal should not be too dense, rather a child must be slightly incurred. But immediately before falling asleep, you need to feel it well. The doctor suggests that the child must have a birth regime for him to understand the sequence of actions. And, of course, he opposes feeding on demand.

    Also, not the first time and not in one topic, Komarovsky mentions that the air in the room, where the child is sleeping, should be cool (18-20 degrees), wet, the room must regularly venture.

    The child sleeps badly at night: how to improve the sleep of kid and sleep? (video):

    7. Availability

    An older child can put a bottle with water next to the bed and explain that he can re-reach her and drink. If the child does not do it and still wakes up mom, then, most likely, it's not in the thirst here.

    Method Martha and William Sirs

    This famous the large family Children's experts give some recommendations how to wean a child to wake up at night:

    The kids fall asleep before the parents, try to wake a child before going to bed for the last evening feeding. This will help get rid of at least one night feeding;

    Change the child's habits, let it now fall asleep in a separate bed. In children, a change in one habit is often changed in other areas;

    Hide chest. If they still decided to sleep together, make sure that the baby himself could not get to the nipple, so you can control the meals themselves;

    The child will still cry when depriving his night snacks. In this case, mom and dad wake up. Try to shift the duties to calm down to your husband, he will not be able to give him what the baby asks him. If a child is artificial feeding, let him give him a little cloth. At first, the baby can protest against such a substitution, but still it will soon understand that it is better to cry in the hands of any parent than alone in the crib;

    Increase the number of tactile contacts in the afternoon, the baby up to a year just need to permanently feel. Often night snacks are only a lack of attention during the day;

    The extreme method of teaching a child to wake up at night is a categorical ban on night snacks. Of course, this method is suitable when the rest do not act. Tears will end after 2-3 weeks of hard labor;

    Watch for the behavior of a child in the afternoon, he, like a barometer, will show, in the right direction you go. If during the day it remains calm and cheerful, then continue to gradually cancel night feedings. If, on the contrary, it begins to whine, go for you everywhere, then let the toddle, then, is not ready yet.

    What can I do?

    1. Not going to children's hysteries. Children older year Already know how to manipulate. At the same time, you can agree with them. Explain to him the words that he will not eat anymore at night, as it is incorrect and harmful.

    2. Do not give to this period a child grandparents / aunts, etc. For a child, this is in any case stress, it will not understand the connection.

    3. Experts by breastfeeding They do not advise to pass the baby from night feedings with other annoying factors - climb their teeth, you move, you yourself are in a state of stress. Postpone the process for a couple of weeks.

    How to teach to sleep all night without feeding (video):

    4. Do not deceive the child. Do not smear the chest with green, mustard, do not need to say that "Milk processed" etc. Why lie crumb on such trifles?

    5. Less comparisons. "But the Mashki daughter from birth does not eat at night" does not work. All children are different, always need to remember this.

    If you see that your baby has become an aggressive, restless, capricious day, then maybe he is still not ready to stop eating at night.

    It has long been not a baby, it does not feed on breast milk, does not suck the nipple and even started talking, but your child wakes up at night, often, combine pedagogical methods of exposure with changing sleep mode.

    Pedagogical impact includes an explanation to the child that it is bad for eating a bad thing that my mother also needs to sleep, to play a lot with him the next day. Tell me some story about the boys (girls) who slept badly, and they had no strength to play in the morning. Here it is limited only to your fantasy.

    As for sleep mode, pediatricians advise to reduce day sleep time. Try wake up the baby after an hour of resting in the afternoon, and in the evening to lay when the child it will be noticeable that he is tired.

    Perhaps someone will suit the late or, on the contrary, early stacking. Again, different children are a different approach. On a personal example, I was convinced that my child is not suitable option "Looking forward". He gets very early since birth (6-7 in the morning, up to 1 year - 5 in the morning) and for anything dumping it will not sleep even even a bit of sleep. And anyway, the child wakes up at night time. However, I noticed such a regularity that if you put it, on the contrary, early, until 20:00, then he rises closer to 8 o'clock in the morning and sleeps calmly at night! On the contrary, our friend of the same age sleeps from 23:00 to 11:00, without waking up.

    Adjust your child, creating a convenient wakefulness and sleep mode, spend more time on the street, even in bad weather. Look at our neighbor Finland. Their clothes for walking, very popular and our homeland, is designed to ensure that the child can walk in the rain, and in the cold, while remaining dry and warm. Do not be lazy to leave the house, besides that you will quickly head your friends and your baby will sleep better.

    In addition, the technique of teaching a child to wake up at night differs by their pace. You can use a gradual or instant method.

    A gradual way is to the more dense daytime meals by reducing night snacks. For example, for dinner, the baby can be performed to peer in addition to the mixture or breast milk. The main disadvantage of this method is that breast child May refuse new food, sometimes the failure can last up to the month. This option to teach a child to wake up at night is considered gentle, but even it is unlikely to work, if your baby is less than six months.

    The second, instant, method is suitable for those who need to wean from night feedings as quickly as possible. The reason may be going to work, human health problems, forced separation with the baby. A sharp cessation of night feedings will cause a much more negative and strong reaction in a child, and mom will not be easy to keep the defense. However, it will significantly save time. Nevertheless, experts in the field of pediatrics do not advise using this method without acute necessity.

    In conclusion, we can say the following - we all want to stop to wash the diapers faster, changing diapers, wake up at night. But this time is so short in the life of the child and in your life, that later, when everything ends, we begin to miss a lot of things to the tears. Appreciate these moments!

    To great unfortunately nightmares They are constant sleep satellites for most of the kids aged from 1 to 3 years, and that is why we decided to tell you how you can defeat the children's fears and make a baby's sleep calm and joyful.

    And for this, you do not need to go to a psychologist, since the tips of the latter can confuse, forcing you to take completely unnecessary actions. It is best to armarate not any "modern knowledge", but with love, patience and confidence in your victory, and initially refuse words: "You're already big and you have nothing to fear" and "good boys / girls should not be afraid," because This is the right way to develop in a child of all kinds of inferiority complexes.

    We advise you to start the struggle for a calm dream of the kid from the most important thing - with a careful study of the bed on which he sleeps. After all, it is a baby cot that is often the cause of your child's bad sleep.

    Children's bed is the cause of nightmares in the following cases:

    - if it is too tough;

    - if it is narrow and uncomfortable;

    - if it creaks at the slightest movement;

    - if raised too high above the floor;

    - Bad illuminated or stands next to the window.

    Also, the sleep of the baby may be disturbing because of too hot bed (warm, not appropriate season blankets, feather, pillows) or, on the contrary, - children's fears can be the reason that your baby is cold.

    It is considering all the above facts that the children's bed must be carefully studied, and, if necessary, replaced with a more appropriate. But, sometimes a children's bed can be fixed by buying an orthopedic mattress, selected under the weight and growth of your child. True, such a mattress should be changed every 2 years, but we believe that you will go on it if you do not want children's child fears to grow into more global problems.

    So, the crib has been changed and easily suited bed linenBut the baby's sleep was not calmer and stronger. Then we advise you to use the following methods that will help the child once and forever overcome all his children's fears.

    Transformation of a nightmare in a fairy tale

    Teach your baby, waking up after a terrible sleep, immediately run to you. Firstly, it will calm it much faster and rather, than in the case when he will call you, not knowing, you wake up or not. And secondly, then you can give him an ambulance psychological help, immediately turning the nightmare at the beginning of a fascinating fairy tale.

    To do this (if the baby is already saying) Teach him to tell you about the terrible thing that he dreamed. Helling, half the story, turning his story, turning everything terrible in fascinating story. The child dreamed of an evil dog - in your history, the kid became a hero who won or tamed the dog, making it his friend. The child dreamed of a fire - make the baby firefighter, which heroically stew fire.

    Always make your story end on a bright or cheerful note, and your baby was able to feel like a hero, not a victim. We assure that very soon the kid will forget about terrible dreams and, for sure, will not take them as something terrible.

    Toy protector

    An excellent means of overcoming children's fears can be the most ordinary toy. But not just a toy chosen at random, and the one that the baby really loves. And it does not matter that it is a doll or machine, a ball or plastic kinogery, or a little man from the "Lego" constructor. Before you wish the baby good night, take his favorite toy, and tell us a little fairy tale about how this toy wins all the "night baubles", and how now she will defend the sleep of the kid.

    Then leave it next to the bed or give the baby to take a toy with you bed. It has been proven that this simple method can help in 75% of cases.

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