• “Methods, techniques and means for the development of fine motor skills in preschool children. Modeling as a means of developing fine motor skills in preschool children A means of developing fine motor skills


    There are traditional and non-traditional means of developing fine motor skills.

    The traditional ones include: drawing, weaving, applique, tracing along the inner and outer edges, making beads, modeling, the simplest types of origami, different kinds mosaics, collecting pyramids, large constructors, various inserts, books with reusable stickers, finger games, etc.

    Recently, there has been a growing trend towards using unconventional means for the development of fine motor skills.

    Taking into account the interest of children in modern toys, such non-traditional means as a children's synthesizer and a Barbie gymnast doll are used in the classroom. A doll with movable joints has been made, which allows children, by manipulating it, to develop fine motor skills. To help children, a table has been developed with a list of exercises for Barbie gymnastics.

    The possibility of using non-traditional means for the development of children's speech was revealed as a result of observing the communication of children. So it was noted that many children at different age periods have a desire to create their own language system, which is understandable to them alone. Children come up with gestures, signs, denoting certain letters with which they communicate.

    This fact prompted the idea of \u200b\u200busing the language of the deaf in working with children, since they communicate with their hands, using two different systems - sign speech and dactylology. The term fingerprint is used in two basic meanings. (from the Greek dactilos - finger, logos - word, teaching) Firstly, this is the name of the alphabet reproduced by the fingers of the hand. Secondly, it implies communication using the manual alphabet, i.e. dactyl speech.

    First of all, children are introduced to the terms - dactyl letter and dactylum, then they study the alphabet, which is reproduced with the fingers of the hand. This work is being carried out in parallel with the main work on familiarization with the usual Russian alphabet. In the classroom, children, getting acquainted with the graphic image of a particular letter, learn to show the letter - dactylum with their fingers and at the same time pronounce the sound corresponding to it.

    Clothespins are of particular interest to kids. The use of clothespins is the development of not only fine finger movements, but also speech. Children love to do tasks with clothespins. They are attracted by the uniqueness and novelty of each exercise.

    One of the most effective ways to develop fine motor skills is the Maria Montessori lacing game.

    Almost a hundred years ago, she gave her children pieces of leather with holes and laces - she develops her hands, teaches them to concentrate, and will come in handy in life.

    Currently there are three types of lacing: simple lacing, where you need to lace up something, for example: a shoe, buttons, and other solid items. Subject, when the kid is invited to connect various objects. And the third type of lacing - stuffed Toys, where with the help of a lace it is proposed to sew parts to get a toy or a whole picture.

    For the development of fine motor skills of the hands, you only need desire and a minimum set of cereals at hand! There are a lot of games with cereals and they all have a very positive effect on the development of fine motor skills. After all, cereals, pasta are small enough and in order to keep them in your fingers, you need a certain skill. To begin with, just let the child get to know the cereals (pasta, beads). Let the baby drop his hands into the rump, feel its consistency, squeeze it in his fists, and then try to shake off his hands. The next step is full freedom for your imagination.

    Games with natural materials are very interesting for children. It is always available, does not require large financial costs, and helps relieve emotional stress in children. Exercise can be done with walnuts, pine cones, chestnuts, apricot or peach pits.

    Also, for self-massage of the pads of the fingers and palms of the hands, you can use Lyapko needle mats and Kuznetsov's iplikator.

    The use of Su-Jok balls and rings can be attributed to unconventional consequences of the development of fine motor skills.

    It is considered very useful to massage the tips of the fingers and nail plates of the hands and feet. These areas correspond to the brain.

    The ball can stimulate the zones on the palms, and the massage rings are put on the fingers. They can massage hard-to-reach places. The use of su-jok massagers contributes to the creation of a functional base for the transition to a higher level of motor activity of muscles and the opportunity for optimal speech work with a child, increases the physical and mental performance of children.

    The therapeutic effect of playing with sand was first noticed by the Swiss psychologist and philosopher Carl Gustav Jung. Partial transfer of speech therapy classes to the sandbox gives a greater educational and educational effect than standard forms of education. Firstly, the child's desire to learn something new, experiment and work independently increases. Second, in the sandbox, tactile sensitivity develops as the basis for "manual intelligence". Thirdly, in playing with sand, all cognitive functions (perception, attention, memory, thinking) develop more harmoniously and intensively, and most importantly for us - speech and motor skills. Fourthly, the subject-play activity is being improved, which contributes to the development of the role-playing game and the child's communication skills.

    Relying on the techniques of working in the sandbox, the teacher can make the traditional methodology for expanding vocabulary, developing coherent speech, forming phonemic hearing and perception in children more interesting, exciting, more productive.

    Game tools set 3 (Diskrimnation) Pertra Psychologist's Kit allows you to help identify signs and classify objects, which is an essential prerequisite for any activity. When sorting beads, children determine their similarities and differences in color, size and shape. Classes with a set contribute to the development of:

    • - ideas about the shape, size, color;
    • - the ability to correlate the sizes of objects visually and with the help of practical actions;
    • - ability to classify;
    • - directly to the development of fine motor skills

    Recently, an interactive whiteboard has occupied a special place in speech therapy work. The use of an interactive whiteboard helps to make the educational process exciting, dynamic, colorful, and to get feedback from students.

    A variety of ways

    development of fine motor skills

    in children preschool age

    Novotroyanovsk educational complex

    "Comprehensive schoolІ-ІІІ steps - lyceum -

    preschool educational institution "

    Psychologist: Konstantinova M.I.

    Speech therapist: Derevenko N.N.



    Introduction. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3

    Section I

      1. The essence of the problem of fine motor skills of hands in the context of modern educational tasks. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .7

        Features of the development of movements of the hand, fingers and hands

    child. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... eleven

      1. Health-preserving components as a means of developing fine motor skills in preschoolers. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 13

    Conclusions. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 22

    Bibliography. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 24

    Section 2 Didactic aids using traditional and non-traditional ways to develop fine motor skills. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 26

    Annotation. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 27

    Game "Dasha's doll outfits". ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .29

    Game "Smeshariki Balls". ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 34

    Game "Kapitoshka". ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .38

    Game "The Adventures of Kolobok". ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 41

    Game "Toys Hidden". ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 42

    Applications. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 45

    Electronic version of work

    "It was not intellectual advantages that made man the master over all living things, but the fact that we alone own our hands is this organ of all organs."

    Giordano Bruno


    At the present stage of development of knowledge about early childhood, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe value of the first years of a child's life as the foundation for the formation of his personality has been confirmed. During this period, the foundations of such qualities as competence, independence, creativity, etc. are laid.

    The social conditions of his life are decisive in the development of the child's personality: communication, educational influence, organization of life in general, the influence of the environment, etc. Moreover, it is the pedagogical influence that largely determines the level of the child's development.

    The main task of the pedagogical process is the enrichment of development, the implementation of the principles of humanization and democratization - the transition to pedagogy of a new quality, focusing on the individuality of each child.

    As you know, emotional communication between an adult and a child (up to one year old) lays in him a feeling of trust (or distrust) in people and the world around him. In the future, this communication determines his friendliness, communication. After all, knowledge is formed as a result of the interaction of the subject (child) with this or that information.

    One of the important directions of the modern development of society is the humanization of the educational system. This direction provides for increased interest in the child and sets tasks - the development of a holistic personal worldview.

    In the Basic Component of Preschool Education in Ukraine, the integral development of the child as a person is considered as the main goal of modernizing preschool education at the present stage of state development, and this, in particular, provides for taking care of the health of the preschooler - a state of complete physical, spiritual and social well-being.

    Life always presents more difficult conditions not only to adults, but also to children. The amount of information that children must learn not mechanically, but meaningfully is constantly increasing.

    Since the learning process is based on the physiological activity of the brain, then, of course, the success of pedagogical work depends to a large extent on the extent and how correctly the physiological capabilities of the brain are used in it.

    Today, the question of the conditions in which these possibilities would be realized, possibly to a greater extent, and at the same time without overloading, overworking the brain, is especially acute.The need for movement is one of the main physiological characteristics of the child's body, being a condition for its normal formation and development.

    Fine motor skills are one of the sides of the motor sphere. Which is directly related to the mastery of objective actions, the development of productive activities, writing, speech of the child. The formation of the same motor functions. Including subtle hand movements, occurs in the process of the child's interaction with the objective world around him.

    Relevance - increasing the effectiveness of complex work on the development of fine motor skills and coordination of finger movements in preschool children.

    The remarkable teacher V. A. Sukhomlinsky wrote that the origins of the abilities and talents of children are at the tips of their fingers, from them, figuratively speaking, there are the finest streams that feed the source of creative thought. The more confidence and ingenuity in the movements of the child's hand, the more subtle the interaction of the hand with the instrument of labor (pen, pencil ...), the more complex the movements necessary for this interaction, the brighter the creative element of the child's mind, the more skill in the child's hand, the child cleverer.

    Studies by Russian physiologists also confirm the relationship between hand development and brain development. The works of V.M. Bekhterev proved the influence of hand manipulation on the functions of higher nervous activity, speech development. Simple hand movements help to remove tension not only from the hands themselves, but also from the lips, relieve mental fatigue. Research by M.M. Koltsova proved that each finger of the hand has a fairly extensive representation in the cerebral cortex. The development of fine movements of the fingers precedes the appearance of articulation of syllables. Thanks to the development of fingers, a projection of the “scheme of the human body” is formed in the brain, and speech reactions are in direct proportion to the fitness of the fingers.

    The child's ability to voluntary regulation of muscle activity and the formation of the correct way to capture various objects.

    The ability to distribute muscle effort as required when working with the hands and sufficient functional mobility of the thumbs in relation to the rest provide the child with high plasticity in the field of fine motor skills.

    In addition, the very development of fine motor skills occurs in the process of mastering the indicated types of activity (their operational and technical side) and the subject means necessary for their implementation.

    It is also important that the level of speech development in children is in direct proportion to the degree of formation of fine finger movements. Unfortunately, in recent years there has been an increase in the number of children with poorly developed speech.

    The leading pedagogical idea is in the creation of additional conditions that contribute to an increase in the efficiency of the development of fine motor skills of the hands of preschoolers.

    Section I Theoretical foundations of the problem of the development of fine motor skills of the hands of a child

      1. The essence of the problem of fine motor skills of hands in the context of modern educational tasks.

    Fine motor skills are a set of coordinated actions of the nervous, muscular and skeletal systems, often in combination with the visual system in performing fine and precise movements of the hands and fingers and toes. The term dexterity is often used when applied to motor skills in the hand and fingers. Fine motor skills include a wide variety of movements, from primitive gestures such as grasping objects to very small movements, on which, for example, a person's handwriting depends.

    Fine motor skills are a necessary component of many human actions: objective, tool, labor, - developed in the course of the cultural development of human society.

    The development of fine motor skills is important in several aspects that have determined the existing directions of scientific research:

    1) in connection with the development of cognitive abilities;

    2) in connection with the development of speech;

    3) the development of one's own hand movements for the implementation of object and tool actions, including writing.

    The development of cognitive abilities in connection with the development of hand movements, is especially active in infancy and early age due to the fact that the movement of the hand examining various objects is a condition for the child's cognition of the objective world. "Direct practical contact with objects, actions with them lead to the discovery of more and more properties of objects and relationships between them" (DB Elkonin). The development of fine motor skills is closely related to the development of speech. If you look closely at the image of the brain, it becomes clear that the motor speech area is located next to the motor area, being part of it. About a third of the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe motor projection is occupied by the projection of the hand, located close to the speech zone. The training of fine movements of the fingers has a great influence on the development of a child's active speech. Conducted by M.M. Koltsova, L.F. Fomina's studies and observations showed that the degree of development of finger movements coincides with the degree of speech development in children. Thus, until the movements of the fingers become free, it is not possible to achieve the development of speech in children.

    1. Hand movements are the basis for the formation of self-care skills in children.

    2. The level of development of fine motor skills is one of the important indicators of a child's readiness to study at school.

    3. The movements of the fingers affect the development of the motor function of speech and stimulate the development of other mental functions - thinking, memory, attention. The function of the human hand is unique and versatile. Sukhomlinsky wrote in his memoirs that “the child's mind is at the tips of his fingers. The more skill in a child's hand, the smarter the child is. It is the hands that teach the child precision, accuracy, clarity of thinking. Hand movements excite the brain, forcing it to develop " According to M.M. Koltsova, the level of speech development is in direct proportion to the degree of formation of fine movements of the fingers: if the development of finger movements corresponds to the child's age, then his speech development will be within the normal range; if the development of finger movements lags behind, the development of speech is also delayed. M.M. Koltsova notes that there is every reason to consider the hand as a "speech organ" - the same as the articulatory apparatus. From this point of view, the motor projection area of \u200b\u200bthe hand can be considered another speech area of \u200b\u200bthe brain. According to the observations of researchers, the development of a child's verbal speech begins when the movements of the fingers reach sufficient subtlety. The development of digital motor skills, as it were, prepares the ground for the subsequent formation of speech.

    It turns out that most modern children have a general motor lag, especially in urban children. Remember, now even kindergartens are asked to bring Velcro shoes so that teachers do not take the trouble of teaching a child to tie shoelaces. Even 20 years ago, parents, and along with them and children, had to do more with their hands: sort out cereals, wash clothes, knit, embroider. Now there is a car for each lesson. A consequence of the poor development of general motor skills, and in particular of the hands, the general unpreparedness of most modern children for writing or problems with speech development. With a high degree of probability, we can conclude that if everything is not in order with speech, this is most likely a problem with motor skills. Work on the development of fine motor skills of the hands and fingers has a beneficial effect not only on the formation of speech and its functions, but also on the mental development of the child. In Japan, for example, targeted hand training in children is carried out in kindergartens from the age of two (according to experts, this stimulates mental development child), and in Japanese families children develop fingers from the age of one. You need to start work on the development of fine motor skills from a very early age. Already infant you can massage the fingers (finger gymnastics), thereby acting on the active points associated with the cerebral cortex. At an early and junior preschool age, you need to perform simple exercises, accompanied by a poetic text, do not forget about the development of elementary self-service skills: buttoning and unbuttoning buttons, tying laces, etc.

    Children love to wave a pen, clap their hands, play "Magpie - white-sided, show a" horned goat. "All these games are very useful, as they train their hand. Also in early childhood games with cubes, pyramids, nesting dolls are useful. Later - with various type by constructors, for example, "Lego", when a child has to assemble and disassemble small parts, put together a whole from separate parts, and for this it is very important that the fingers obey and work well, thereby stimulating the child's speech development.

    The most effective is to use the influence of physical activity and positive emotions that tone the brain.

    It is reliably known: the more small movements are subject to the hand, the better the development of mental activity progresses.

    The movements of the fingers and hands of the child have a developing effect.

    Regular finger exercises improve memory, mental capacity child, relieve emotional stress, improve the activity of the cardiovascular and digestive systems, develop coordination of movements, strength and manual dexterity, maintain vitality.

      1. Features of the development of movements of the hand, fingers and hands of a child

    In children, the ability to cognize surrounding objects is largely associated with the development of hand actions. From the outside, it seems that reaching out a hand to an object, reaching and taking it is so simple and easy for a child that it does not require attention. However, no matter how simple the actions may seem for us, adults, we note: in a child of the first months of life, these actions are still absent, since a newborn child cannot perform them in a coordinated and purposeful manner. Indeed, in the first months of his life, all movements of the baby, including the movements of the hands, have an unconditionally reflex character, i.e. arise without a purposeful, volitional effort - they are not special.

    The ontogeny of the development of child's hand actions is interesting. I. Sechenov was one of the first scientists who criticized the theory of the hereditary conditionality of the development of child's hand movements as a result of the maturation of certain nerve structures. He wrote that human hand movements arise in the process of education and training as a result of the creation of associative connections between visual, tactile and muscular sensations in the process of active interaction with the environment.

    The motor, speech functions of the child, like other higher mental functions, go a long way, starting with intrauterine development. This path is individual and uneven. At a certain period, all processes are synchronized in order to create together a holistic ensemble of speech activity, which is able to adequately respond to the requirements that society presents to the baby.

    It is important enough that adults know the norms of the child's motor and speech development, track the stages of skills development. The necessary measures taken in time can provide the baby with full development.

    The movements of the fingers and hands are of particular developmental importance, since they affect the development of speech and all higher nervous activity of the child.

    Age features of the development of fine motor skills of the hands and hand-eye coordination:

    At the age of 1-2 years, the child holds two objects in one hand, draws with a pencil, turns over the pages of books, puts cubes on top of each other, folds a pyramid.

    At the age of 2-3 years, he opens a box and turns its contents over, plays with sand and clay, opens the lids, draws with his finger, and string beads. Holds a pencil with her fingers, copies shapes with a few strokes. Builds from cubes.

    At the age of 3 to 5 years, the child draws with colored chalk, folds paper, sculpts from plasticine, laces up shoes, identifies objects in the bag by touch. The hand begins to act as a purely human organ.

    However, it takes a long time before the child's hand begins to act like the hand of an adult.

      1. Health-preserving components as a means of developing fine motor skills in preschoolers.

    With the help of simple methods, one can stimulate intellectual potential, promote the development of brain functions in order to eliminate disharmony with the predominance of the functions of individual sensory organs. For this, special exercises, games, etc. are used.

    Fine motor skills of the hands are developed:

    - various games with fingers, where it is necessary to perform certain movements in a certain sequence;

    - playing with small objects that are inconvenient to handle (only under the supervision of adults);

    - games where you need to take or pull out something, squeeze - unclench, pour - pour, pour in - pour out, push through holes, etc .;

    - drawing with a pencil (felt-tip pen, brush, etc.);

    - fastening and unfastening zippers, buttons, dressing and undressing, etc.

    Exercise also develops fine hand motor skills. This is a variety of hanging and climbing (on a sports complex, on a ladder, etc.). Such exercises strengthen the palms and fingers of the baby, develop muscles. A toddler who is allowed to climb and hang is better at mastering exercises aimed directly at fine motor skills.

    At present, a lot of attention is paid to the problem of the development of fine motor skills. But every creative teacher tries to introduce into his correctional work both traditional and non-traditional methods and techniques for the development of fine motor skills in children with physical development problems.

    Forms of work on the development of fine motor skills of hands:


    - self-massage of the hands and fingers (stroking, kneading);

    - finger games with speech accompaniment;

    - finger gymnastics (special exercises without speech accompanimentcombined into a complex);

    - graphic exercises: shading, picture completion, graphic dictation, connection by points, continuation of a series;

    - objective activity: paper, clay, plasticine;

    - games: mosaic, constructors, lacing;

    Various types of fasteners;

    - puppet theaters: finger, mitten, glove, shadow theater.

    To develop fine motor skills, along with traditional methods and techniques, andunconventional. Non-traditional include:

    Games and exercises using a dry pool;

    Self-massage of the hands and fingers with walnuts, pencils, massage brushes, chestnuts, balloons;

    - using natural material (cones, nuts, cereals, plant seeds, sand, stones;

    Massage with a Su-Jok ball, Kuznetsov's applicator or Lyapko needle mats;

    The use of various household items (clothespins, grates, brushes, combs, curlers, pencils, hair bands and much more);



    Unconventional material provides ample opportunities for training small hand muscles in various activities that are playful. In addition to the development of fine motor skills and fine differentiated finger movements, exercises using non-standard equipment, accompanied by poetic text or performed to music, are aimed at solving the following tasks:

    - the formation of cognitive activity and creative imagination of children;

    - development of visual, auditory perception, creative imagination;
    - development of mental processes: attention, memory, thinking, imagination;
    - development of the prosodic side of speech: a sense of tempo, rhythm, voice strength, diction, expressiveness of speech.

    Such games contribute to the creation of a positive emotional background, educate perseverance, and form positive motivation in the classroom.

    From the features follow the tasks that are solved in correctional classes. The use of health-preserving technologies helps to solve these problems. It is no coincidence that correctional pedagogy is also called curative. The selection of elements of various health-preserving technologies depends on the age and psychophysiological characteristics of children.

    In our practice we use the following health-preserving components:

      Japanese finger gymnastics.

    Japanese physician Namikoshi Tokujirro has created a healing technique for influencing the hands. He argued that the fingers are endowed with a large number of receptors that send impulses to the human central nervous system. There are many acupuncture points on the hands, massaging which you can act on the internal organs that are reflexively connected with them.

    In terms of saturation with acupuncture zones, the hand is not inferior to the ear and foot. Oriental doctors have found that massage of the thumb increases the functional activity of the brain, massage of the index finger has a positive effect on the state of the stomach, middle finger - on the intestines, ring finger - on the liver and kidneys, little finger - on the heart.

      "Health balls"

    The well-known Chinese balls, rolling in the palms with a quiet tapping, are actually one of the powerful tools of qigong training. The history of "Health Balls" goes back many centuries. However, the most numerous and useful in application are wooden, stone, metal balls. "Health balls" serve as a means of developing concentration and attention, regulating the human energy base.

    Today balloons have become very popular both in China and around the world. It was found that they improve blood circulation, memory and normalize blood pressure. According to modern medicine, the healing effect of ball exercises is due to the closest connection that exists between the hand and the central nervous system. According to Chinese traditional medicine, the balls act on the meridian points located on the fingers and palms, thereby improving the functioning of all organs and systems of the body.


    Psycho-gymnastics helps to create conditions for the successful learning of every child. The corrective orientation of classes involves the correction of motor, speech, behavioral disorders, communication disorders, and insufficiency of higher mental functions. These tasks are successfully solved in the classroom of theatrical activity, logo rhythmics, during dynamic pauses in the classroom and in role-playing games.

      Su-Jok therapy.

    Most often, in our practical work with children, we turn to the innovative technology of Su-Jok therapy.

    The method of Su-Jok therapy has found wide distribution and successful application in speech therapy and psychological practice. In the studies of the South Korean scientist Professor Park Jae Wu, who developed the Su - Jok therapy, the mutual influence of individual parts of our body is substantiated according to the principle of similarity (similarity of the shape of an ear to a human embryo, a person's arms and legs to a human body, etc.). These healing systems were created not by man - he just discovered them, but by Nature itself. This is the reason for her strength and security. Stimulation of points leads to healing (see Appendix 1). Misapplication never harms a person - it is simply ineffective. Therefore, having identified the necessary points in the correspondence systems, it is possible to develop the child's speech sphere. On the hands and feet, there are systems of highly active points of correspondence to all organs and parts of the body. By acting on them, we can regulate the functioning of internal organs. For example, the little finger is the heart, the ring finger is the liver, the middle is the intestines, the index is the stomach, the thumb is the head. Therefore, by acting on certain points, one can influence the human organ corresponding to this point.

    In corrective work, we actively use Su - Jok therapy techniques to develop fine motor skills of the fingers, as well as to strengthen the body in general.

    Thus, Su - Jok therapy is one of the effective techniques that ensure the development of the child's cognitive, emotional and volitional spheres.

    Tasks :

      Affect biologically active points according to the Su - Jok system.

      Stimulate the speech areas of the cerebral cortex.

    Su - Jok therapy techniques :

    1.Massage with a special hedgehog ball. Since there are many biologically active points in the palm of your hand, effective way their stimulation is a massage with a special ball. By rolling the ball between their palms, children massage the muscles of the hands. Each ball has a "magic" ring.

    2.Massage with elastic ring, which helps to stimulate the work of internal organs. Since the entire human body is projected onto the hand and foot, as well as onto each toe of the hand and foot, massage of fingers, hands and feet with an elastic ring is an effective way to prevent and treat diseases. The ring should be put on the finger and massage the area of \u200b\u200bthe corresponding affected part of the body until it becomes red and warm. This procedure must be repeated several times a day.

    With the help of balls - "hedgehogs" with rings, children like to massage their fingers and palms, which has a beneficial effect on the whole body, as well as on the development of fine motor skills of the fingers, thereby contributing to the development of speech.

    3.Manual massage of hands and fingers. Massage of fingers and nail plates of hands is very useful and effective. These areas correspond to the brain. In addition, the entire human body is projected onto them in the form of mini-correspondence systems. Therefore, the fingertips need to be massaged until they feel warm. This has a healing effect on the entire body. It is especially important to work on the thumb, which is responsible for the person's head.

    During corrective activities, active points located on the fingers are stimulated with the help of various devices (balls, massage balls, walnuts, prickly rollers). I do this work before completing tasks related to drawing and writing, for 1 minute.

    4.Massage of feet ... The impact on the points of the feet is carried out while walking on ribbed paths, massage mats, rugs with buttons, etc.

    For speech therapy purposes, su - jok therapy, together with finger games, mosaics, lacing, shading, modeling, drawing, activates the development of children's speech.

    Consider someshape work with children while normalizing muscle tone and stimulating speech areas in the cerebral cortex, correcting pronunciation (sound automation), developing lexical and grammatical categories, and improving spatial orientation skills.

      Su - Jok massage with balls (children repeat words and perform actions with a ball in accordance with the text)

    1, 2, 3, 4, 5!

    I'll roll the ball.

    I'll pump it in the palm of your hand

    And I'll tickle her.

    I roll the ball in circles

    I drive it back and forth.

    I will stroke my palm with it.

    It's like I'm sweeping away a crumb

    And I will squeeze it a little,

    Like a cat squeezes its paw

    I will press the ball with each finger

    And I'll start with the other hand.

    2. Massage the fingers with an elastic ring (Children alternately put on massage rings on each finger, reciting a finger gymnastics poem)

    One, two, three, four, five,(unbend fingers one at a time)

    Came out your fingers for a walk

    This finger is the strongest, thickest and largest.

    This finger is for showing it.

    This finger is the longest and stands in the middle.

    This finger is nameless, he is the most spoiled.

    And the little finger, though small, is very dexterous and daring.

    3. Using Su - Jok balls when automating sounds (the child alternately puts on a massage ring on each finger, while reciting a poem to automate the delivered sound Ш)

    On the right hand:

    This baby Ilyusha(on the thumb)

    This baby Vanyusha(pointing)

    This baby Alyosha(average)

    This baby Antosha(nameless)

    And the smaller baby is called Mishutka friends(little finger)

    On the left hand:

    This little Tanyusha,(on the thumb)

    This baby Ksyusha(pointing)

    This baby Masha(average)

    This baby Dasha,(nameless)

    And the smaller one is called Natasha(little finger)

    4. The use of Su - Jok balls in the improvement of lexical and grammatical categories

    Exercise "One-Many". The speech therapist rolls the "miracle ball" on the table to the child, naming the object in the singular. The child, catching the ball with his palm, rolls it back, naming plural nouns.

    Similarly, we carry out the exercises "Name it affectionately", "Say the opposite"

    5. Using Su - Jok balls to develop memory and attention

    Children follow the instruction: put the ring on the little finger of the right hand, take the ball in the right hand and hide it behind the back, etc .; the child closes his eyes, the adult puts the ring on any of his fingers, and he must name which finger of which hand the ring is put on.

    To develop memory, perception and attention, children follow the instructions: “Find two identical balls, arrange the balls by color, find all the blue ones (red, yellow, green), make colored balls (blue-red, green-yellow).

    6. Using balls for sound analysis of words

    To characterize sounds, massage balls of three colors are used: red, blue, green. On the instructions of the speech therapist, the child shows the ball corresponding to the sound designation.

    7. Using balls to improve the skills of using prepositions

    There is a box on the table, according to the instructions of the speech therapist, the child puts the balls accordingly: red ball - in the box; blue - under the box; green - near the box; Then, on the contrary, the child must describe the action of the adult.

    9. Using balls for syllabic analysis of words

    Exercise "Divide words into syllables": The child names a syllable and takes one ball from the box, then counts the number of syllables.

    10. Fairy tale "Hedgehog for a walk" (Appendix # 2)

    These are just some examples of the use of Su - Jok therapy in our work (see Appendix # 3)


    The indisputable advantages of Su - Jok therapy are:

    High efficiency - at correct application a pronounced effect occurs.

    Absolute security - misapplication never hurts - it is simply ineffective.

    Versatility - Su - Jok therapy can be used by both teachers in their work and parents at home.

    Ease of use - to obtain the result, stimulate biologically active points with the help of Su - Jok balls. (They are freely available in pharmacies and do not cost much)

    Thus, Su-Jok therapy is a highly effective, versatile, affordable and absolutely safe method of self-healing by acting on the active points located on the hands and feet with special massage balls, the use of which in combination with exercises to correct sound pronunciation and develop lexical and grammatical categories promotes an increase in the physical and mental performance of children, creates a functional base for a relatively quick transition to a higher level of motor activity of muscles and the opportunity for optimal purposeful work with a child, providing a stimulating effect on the development of speech, thinking, attention, memory.

    The combination of exercises such as finger gymnastics, self-massage with exercises to correct sound pronunciation, the formation of lexical and grammatical categories, the emotional-volitional sphere can significantly increase the effectiveness of correctional activities in a kindergarten.

    Working on the development of fine motor skills of fingers in children, we have achieved certain results. During the observation, the children improved the fine motor skills of the fingers, and thereby: attention, thinking, observation. The coordination and accuracy of hand and eye movements, general motor activity improved. Thus, as a result of the work done, we came to the conclusion that purposeful, systematic and systematic work on the development of fine motor skills of the fingers in preschool children contributes to the formation of speech, intellectual abilities, and most importantly, contributes to the preservation of the child's physical and mental health. And all this prepares the preschooler for successful schooling.


      Bardysheva T. Yu. Hello, finger. Finger games. - M .: "Karapuz", 2007.

      Bolshakova S.E. Formation of fine motor skills of hands: Games and exercises. - M .: TC Sphere, 2006.

      Bot OS Formation of accurate finger movements in children with general speech underdevelopment // Defectology. - 1983. - N1.

      Bugaeva Z.N. Entertaining games and creative tasks for the development of oral speech and diction - Donetsk: LLC PKF "BAO", 2004.

      Vorobieva L.V. Developing games for preschoolers. - SPb: Ed. house "Litera", 2006.

      Vorobieva T.A., Krupenchuk O.I. Ball and speech. - SPb: Delta, 2001.

      Ermakova I.A. We develop fine motor skills in babies. - SPb: Ed. house "Litera", 2006.

      Krupenchuk OI Palchikovye igry. - SPb: Ed. house "Litera", 2007.

      Kryazheva N.L. Development of the emotional world of children. - Yaroslavl, 1996.

      Lopukhina I.S. Speech therapy - speech, rhythm, movement: A guide for speech therapists and parents. - SPb: IPHP "Hardford", 1996.

      Melnikova A. A. We hunted a lion. Development of motor skills. M .: "Karapuz", 2006.

      Pimenova E.P. Finger games. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2007.

      Sokolova Yu. A. Games with fingers. - M .: Eksmo, 2006.

      Timofeeva E. Yu., Chernova E. I. Finger steps. Exercises for the development of fine motor skills. - SPb: Korona-Vek, 2007.

      Chistyakova M.I. Psycho-gymnastics. - M., 1990.

      Tsvyntarny V. V. We play with fingers and develop speech - SPb: IChP "Hardford", 1996.

    Section 2

    educational aids

    using traditional

    and unconventional ways


    fine motor skills


    A creative approach, the use of alternative methods and techniques contribute to a more interesting, varied and effective developmental activities and exercises.

    The presented didactic manuals are aimed at the development of fine motor skills of the child's hands, cognitive processes, the emotional-volitional sphere of preschoolers with the help of health-saving technologies and are created on the basis of a holistic approach to the personality of the child, taking into account the natural dynamics of his development.

    The main emphasis of the benefits:

    - intensive development of finely coordinating hand movements (fine motor skills), improvement of visual perception and visual memory child;

    Formation of ideas about color, fixing sensory standards;

    Improving memory, attention, thinking, speech development;

    Usingthe poetic form of presentation of the material affects the coordination of speech and movements, evokes an emotional response in the child, encourages him to voice his actions;

    Conscious attitude to your emotions, inner world, mood, feelings;

    The use of modern health-preserving components in the teaching of preschoolers in order to form a careful attitude towards their physical and psychological health.Thus, the presented developmental manuals are aimed not only at solving a particular problem - the development of fine motor skills, but also solving a number of important general pedagogical problems that allow the future first grader to create a comfortable educational environment, positive motivation for learning. The manuals "Smeshariki Balls", "Kapitoshka", "The Adventures of Kolobok", "Toys Hidden", "Dasha Doll" are addressed to speech therapists, psychologists and preschool teachers educational institutions and developmental centers, as well as parents of preschool children.

    The traditional way of forming fine motor skills

    Game "Dasha's Doll Outfits"

    Junior preschool age

    Objectives: introducing children to the types of fasteners; to consolidate the basic colors and enrich the vocabulary in accordance with the topic; develop fine motor skills of hands, visual perception and memory; educate respect to clothes.

    Game progress:

    A funny doll Dasha comes to visit the children, who is going to go to her friend's birthday party. But mom bought a lot of elegant dresses for Dasha and she cannot decide what kind of dress she should wear for the holiday. Children help the doll to try on and choose an outfit. The teacher draws the attention of children to the color (red, blue, yellow, green) of the dress and to the fastener (buttons, buttons, Velcro, zipper). After trying on each dress, the Dasha doll ask the children to evaluate the outfit:

    “What dress I am in today!
    Don't you like it?
    Am I very nicely dressed?
    The dress is red (blue, green, yellow) in color ... "

    The satisfied doll Dasha neatly folds the rest of the dresses, thanks the children for their help and goes to the party.

    Unconventional ways of forming fine motor skills

    Game "Smeshariki Balls"

    Junior preschool age

    Goal: consolidate children's knowledge of color; develop fine motor skills of the hands; develop the ability to play together, adhere to the instructions of an adult; to acquaint children with play material: panels, rubber balls.

    Rules and course of the game:

    I hold him by the leash

    Although he's not a puppy at all,

    And he fell off the leash

    And flew away under the clouds.

    After the children guess the riddle, the teacher lays out the play panel, the children examine the rubber balls, find paths by color. Each child rolls a rubber ball towards a balloon of the same color. The child rolls the ball with the palm of his right hand from the end of the thread to the balloon, and in the opposite direction rolls with the palm of his left hand.

    Middle and senior preschool age

    Goal: consolidate children's knowledge of color; exercise in the coordination of a noun with an adjective; develop fine motor skills of the hands; develop the ability to play together, adhere to the instructions of an adult; development of associations;development of the emotional and volitional sphere in children,to acquaint children with play material: panels, rubber balls.

    Game progress:

    Before the game, the teacher makes a riddle:

    I hold him by the leash

    Although he's not a puppy at all,

    And he fell off the leash

    And flew away under the clouds.

    After the children guess the riddle, the teacher draws the children’s attention to a play panel with an assignment from Smeshariki.


      GAME EXERCISE "Roll the ball"

    Each child rolls a rubber ball towards a balloon of the same color. The child rolls the ball with the palm of his right hand from the end of the thread to the balloon, and in the opposite direction rolls with the palm of his left hand.

      GAME EXERCISE with pronouncing the text.

    rules : rolling the ball with the saying: "1,2,3,4,5 I will roll the ball" or "I will roll the yellow ball to the yellow ball"


    Rules: children have cards with images of objects of different colors. The speech therapist names the color. Children find an object of this color on the cards, then name the object and its color and roll the ball to the ball of the corresponding color. For example: I have a green leaf, a green hat ...


    Rules: a speech therapist, a psychologist names a color, children choose words: for example, pink (th, th, th). Pronunciation and addition of sentences with rolling a ball:

    I colored in red ...

    Sell \u200b\u200bme, please ... (pink, - oh, oh)

    I'm going to give a friend ...

    I drew on the picture ...

    Walking along the green path ...

    Game "Kapitoshka"

    Goal: to expand the knowledge of children about natural phenomena. To consolidate concepts:

    "Clouds", "rainbow", "rain", "lightning", "hail", "thunderstorm", "snowfall", "wind". To enrich and activate the vocabulary of children in accordance with the theme "Phenomena of Nature". Learn to pronounce the name of a natural phenomenon clearly; select appropriate verbs for nouns (it is raining, thunder is thundering, lightning is flashing, clouds are floating, etc.). Develop coherent speech by teaching children to compose stories about natural phenomena. Develop fine motor skills of the hands. To educate observation, independence.

    Game progress :

    The teacher's story about a small raindrop - Kapitoshka.

    “Kapitoshka is a small raindrop. Once Kapitoshka appeared in the house of the little Wolf. The wolf cub is kind and affectionate, and this is exactly what upset his parents. He is a loving son, and in order to please mom and dad, he decided to reform and become real - Right! - a wolf, ferocious, evil, cruel and cunning. This is the way it should be according to wolf laws, and so it is written in the self-instruction manual for real wolves. The wolf cub intensively learns the rules from the textbook and trains scary poses. However, it is so difficult to turn from good to bad, because the evil Fairy has bewitched him. Let's help Kapitoshka to disenchant the Wolf. And for this we need:

    Psychologist's option.

    Roll the ball along the path to the magic cloud, which shows a picture with the corresponding emotion. I propose to name and show emotions with the help of facial expressions.

    (The child rolls the ball in the opposite direction).

    Thus, Kapitoshka helps the Little Wolf to get rid of these complexes, to realize himself and becomes his great friend.

    Speech therapist option.

    At the beginning of the game, children receive balls. Each child must roll the ball over the panel to the corresponding natural phenomenon, which the teacher calls, from bottom to top with the fingers of his left hand and return the ball from top to bottom along the panel with the fingers of his right hand.

    Game options:

    rolling the ball, the child clearly says the name of the natural phenomenon.

    Rolling the ball, the child first together with the teacher, and then independently says a poem about this phenomenon.

    The panel can be used to consolidate the ability of children to select a noun - the name of the phenomenon is the corresponding verb. For example, rolling a ball to lightning, he says: "Lightning shines, radiates." Before the game, the teacher can offer children to choose for themselves any phenomenon that is located on the panel; remember what they know about this phenomenon and, rolling the ball, talk about it.

    Completeness: A game panel on which you can attach natural phenomena, pictures of emotions, 4 rubber balls on an adhesive tape.

    Game "The Adventures of Kolobok"

    Goal: roll a yellow massage ball along the paths, develop fine motor skills of the hands, coherent, dialogical speech (make up a simple sentence of 2-3 words), intonation.

    Game progress:

    The teacher invites the children to take a walk with Kolobok. During the game, the child discusses his movements with the teacher. “Gingerbread man is rolling along the path, and a bunny, a wolf, a bear, a fox is coming to meet. Hello Kolobok! Where are you going? "

    Completeness: game panel, pictures of a bunny, wolf, bear, fox, yellow rubber ball.

    Game "Toys Hidden".

    Tasks: teach children to move in accordance with a given direction "right", "left", "forward", "back", "in a circle", "straight", "in a circle"; develop fine motor skills of the hands; develop attention, auditory perception; develop the ability to play together.
    Game progress:

    The teacher tells the children a little story: “The animals were walking in the meadow, basking in the sun, but suddenly it started to rain. Everyone quickly ran away from the clearing, hiding in all directions. But then the rain stopped and the sun came out again. It called all the animals back to the clearing, but they forgot their way back. " The teacher invites the children, with the help of instructions, to find the animals and help them return to the clearing (toys lie at the ends of the paths, covered with handkerchiefs). If the child follows the instructions correctly, then he approaches the toy, finds it.
    You can target the child at the beginning of the game that he must find some specific toy, for example, a tiger cub. At the end of the path, it will be clear whether the child has coped with the landmarks given by the teacher, and whether he was able to find the hidden toy, or lost his way and found, for example, a dog.


    Middle preschool age

      We put the ball at the beginning of the blue path and start moving straight to the blue ring, turn left, go around in a circle, turn right and along the blue path we move straight along the path until the intersection with the yellow path, turn right and move straight to the end of the yellow path.

    Senior Preschool Age

      We put the ball at the beginning of the yellow path and start moving. Roll the ball along the yellow path until it intersects with the blue path, turn right and move straight to the yellow ring, turn left and move in a circle. We leave the circle, turn left along the path up to the beginning of the red carpet. Then we move to the right along the red carpet, turn left and move straight to the end of the red carpet.

      We put the ball at the beginning of the orange path, which is to your right, and move straight along the winding path to the beginning of the blue path; turn left and move straight to the ring; turn right in a circle and move straight along the blue path to the beginning of the red one and move straight to the intersection with the yellow path; turn right and move straight along the yellow path to the intersection with the white one; we move along the white path straight to the end.

    Completeness: game panel, toys of animals, handkerchiefs, rubber balls.

    Appendix # 1

    Bioactive points

    hands and feet

    Appendix # 2

    TALE "Hedgehog on a walk"

    Exercises with a ball of the Su - Jok massager

    Goal: to influence biologically active points according to the Su - Jok system, to stimulate the speech zones of the cerebral cortex.

    Equipment : Su - Jock ball - massager.

    There lived a hedgehog in the forest, in his house - a mink(hold the ball in your palm).

    A hedgehog looked out of his mink(open your palms and show the ball) and saw the sun. The hedgehog smiled at the sun(smile, open one palm with a fan) and decided to take a walk in the woods.

    The hedgehog rolled along a straight path(roll the ball with direct movements on the palm) , rolled - rolled and ran into a beautiful, round meadow(connect palms in a circle). The hedgehog was delighted and began to run and jump in the clearing(pinch the ball between your palms)

    I began to sniff flowers(touch the spines of the ball to the tip of your finger and take a deep breath) ... Suddenly clouds came up(hold the ball in one fist, in the other, frown) , and dripping rain: drip-drip-drip(tap the spines of the ball with your fingertips in a pinch) .

    A hedgehog hid under a large fungus(make a hat with the palm of your left hand and hide the ball over them) and sheltered from the rain, and when the rain ended, different mushrooms grew in the meadow: aspen mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, honey agarics, chanterelles and even porcini(show fingers).

    I wanted a hedgehog to please my mother, pick mushrooms and take them home, and there are so many of them ... how will the hedgehog carry them? Yes, on your back. Gently planted the hedgehog mushrooms on the needles(prick each tip of your finger with a spike of a ball) and happily ran home(roll the ball with direct movements on the palm).

    Appendix 3

    Exercises with a ball - massager Su - Jok:

    1. Take 2 massage balls and hold them on the child's palms(his hands are on his knees, palms up) , making one movement for each stressed syllable:

    Stroke my palms, hedgehog!

    You are prickly, but so what!

    Then the child strokes their palms with the words:

    I want to stroke you

    I want to get along with you.

    2. In the clearing, on the lawn(roll the ball between palms)

    Bunnies rode all day.(jump on a palm with a ball)

    And rolled on the grass(roll forward - backward)

    From the tail to the head.

    For a long time the hares galloped so(jump on a palm with a ball)

    But they jumped, tired.(put the ball on your palm)

    They crawled past the snake(lead on the palm)

    "FROM good morning! " - they were told.

    I began to iron and caress

    The mother hare will give birth to all of them.(ball each finger)

    3. The bear walked asleep,(walk the ball on the hand)

    And behind her is a bear cub.(walk quietly with a ball on your hand)

    And then the kids came(walk the ball on the hand)

    They brought books in portfolios.

    They began to open books(press the ball on each finger)

    And write in notebooks.

    The child rolls the ball between his palms while reciting a poem on the automation of the sound J.

    A hedgehog walks without tracks,

    Doesn't run from anyone.

    From head to toe

    All in needles a hedgehog.

    How do you get it?

    Poems and riddles


    Sunny playing

    In drops of rain

    It sparkles with a rainbow

    Leaving to the sky

    Ties together


    Celestial bridge -

    Rainbow arc!


    On a huge dark cloud

    Thunder has come to us.

    As thunder banged in the sky

    Everything around me trembled!

    But I won't hide from the thunder, -

    I heard from my mother at home:

    Thunder rumbled - it means it

    Summer is already knocking on us.


    Hush hush…

    You do not hear -

    Hail drumming on the roof?

    Water is falling from the sky

    In the form of ice beads:


    Everyone scattered around.


    Snowfall, snowfall!

    The garden is covered with snow,

    And swamps and meadows,

    And river banks

    And mountain paths

    And the fields are spacious.


    A fresh breeze is blowing

    Blowing straight east

    Drives clouds across the sky

    It will rain for dinner.

    The clouds

    If clouds are running across the sky

    It means that the wind blew them off the leash.

    Light feet, ears and tail.

    Every watchdog is lighter than a fluff.

    If you are so naturally light,

    It's great to run On pe-re-gon-ki!


    Lightning, lightning

    Scorched maple.

    Broken by a hurricane

    He bent down.

    People sleep and birds sleep -

    The silence is complete.

    Illuminated the dark garden

    Lightning! Lightning!


    Drops dripped.
    It's raining.
    It pours like a bucket!
    The hail has gone.

    Lightning flashes.

    Everyone quickly runs home.

    In the morning the sun shone brightly.


    It's raining,

    It's raining...

    Even the rain gets tired.

    It will go to the ground to rest ...

    It became quiet, quiet
    And from the rain grows


    rain, rain, drip and drip!

    You wouldn't drip on dad

    You wouldn't drip on mom -

    It would be better to come to us:

    Daddy - damp, mom - dirty

    We are with you - great!


    I ran along the meadow path -
    Poppies nodded their heads;
    I ran along the blue river -
    The river became pockmarked.


    In the morning, the beads sparkled
    We plugged all the grass with ourselves,
    And went to look for them in the afternoon,
    We are looking, we are looking - we will not find.


    Above you, above me
    A bag of water flew by
    I ran into a distant forest -
    Loose and disappeared.

    (Rain cloud)

    Sister and brother live:
    Everyone sees one,
    Yes he does not hear
    Everyone hears another,
    He doesn't see.

    (Lightning and thunder)

    What a wonderful beauty!
    Painted gate
    Have appeared on the way! ..
    They neither enter nor enter ...


    There is a commotion in the yard -
    White pea drops
    Right on your head - oh!
    He knocks the blossom off the apple trees
    And it does harm to the fields.


    What is that arrow
    Did you light up the black sky?
    Black sky lit up -
    She went into the ground with a crash.


    They ask him, they wait for him,
    And how will it come -
    They will begin to hide.


    Picture material for manuals


    2. Red


    8. Pink

    10. Blue

    Introduction ………………………………………………………………… 3-5

    Chapter 1 Development of fine motor skills in children with developmental disabilities ……………………………………………… 6-11

    Chapter 2 Means for the development of fine motor skills ……………………… ..12 2.1 Exercises with plasticine ……………………………………… ..12-13 2.2 Exercises with paper ………… ……………………… ……… ..13-14 2.3 Exercises with a pencil, cereals, beads, nuts ………… 14

    2.4 Exercises with natural material ………………………… ... 14

    2.5 Drawing ................................................ ............................... .......... 14

    2.6 Sewing, knitting, weaving ……………………………………… .15-16

    2.7 Cuclotherapy ………………………………………………. …… .16-17

    2.8 Exercises with counting sticks ………………… .. ……… .... 17-18

    2.9 Exercises with a rope ……………………………… .. ………… 18

    2.10 Massage of hands and arms …………………………………… .. ……… ... 18-20

    2.11 Finger gymnastics……………………………….…………..20-23

    2.12 Folk finger games …………………………. ………… ..23-24

    2.13 Exercises with a ball to correct fine motor skills ……. ... ... 24-32

    Conclusion …………………………………………………………… 33-34

    List of used literature …………………………………… 37-38

    Appendix ………………………………………………………… .. .39-63


    Sensomotor development is one of the leading factors in a child's development. Its active interaction with the environment (perceptual, kinesthetic, spatial, etc.) forms a system of perception.

    V.A. Sukhomlinsky wrote that “the origins of children's abilities and talents are at their fingertips. The more confidence in the movements of the child's hand, the finer the interaction of the hand with the tool, the more complex the movement, the brighter the creative element of the child's mind. And the more skill in a child's hand, the smarter the child is ... ”.

    The development and improvement of fine motor skills of the hand and fingers is the main stimulus for the development of the central nervous system, all mental processes, and speech.

    Analysis and synthesis in the processing of information in the central nervous system provides a conscious selection of the most refined motor functions. The child realizes that with the improvement of motor functions, he feels more comfortable in any situation, in any environment.

    L.V. Zankov, A.R. Luria, M.S. Pevzner, G.E. Sukhareva and other experts believe that disorders in the development of fine motor skills are one of the characteristic symptoms of mental retardation. These experts note that the movements of the fingers of mentally retarded schoolchildren are clumsy, uncoordinated, their accuracy and tempo are impaired.

    According to research conducted by L.V. Antakova-Fomina, M.M. Koltsova, B.I. Pinsky confirmed the connection between intellectual development and the development of motor skills. The level of speech development of children also directly depends on the degree of formation of fine hand movements.

    The entire history of human development proves that hand movements are closely related to speech. The first form of communication of primitive people was gestures. The role of the hand was especially great. Pointing, delineating, defensive, and other hand movements were at the heart of that primary language with which people expressed themselves. Millennia passed until the development of verbal speech.

    The fact that finger movements are closely related to speech has been known for a long time. Talented people from the people unconsciously understood this. Playing with small, not yet speaking children, they accompanied the words of the song, games with the movements of the child's fingers, hence the well-known "Ladushki", "Magpie-crow", etc. appeared from here.

    IP Pavlov brought great clarity to this issue. He attached great importance to tactile sensations, for they carry additional energy to the speech center, to its motor part, which contributes to its formation. The more perfect the cerebral cortex, the more perfect speech, and hence thinking.

    This concept is at the core of modern theories developed by scientists. In the cerebral cortex, the speech area is located very close to the motor. It is, in fact, part of it. The anterior central gyrus of the brain is the so-called motor projection zone, from here are the orders to make this or that movement. About a third of the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe motor projection is occupied by the projection of the hand, located very close to the speech motor zone. It was the magnitude of the projection of the hand, the proximity of the motor and speech zones that led scientists to the idea that the training of fine (fine) motor skills of the fingers has a great influence on the development of active speech in a child. The described data of electrophysiological studies already directly indicate that the speech area is formed under the influence of impulses coming from the fingers.

    As we can see, hand function and speech develop in parallel. Naturally, this should be used in work with children - both those whose speech development occurs in a timely manner, and especially with those who have various speech development disorders. Improving fine motor skills is improving speech.

    Children with developmental disabilities have very poor experience of practical activities with objects, a poor stock of knowledge about the world around them, impaired sensory perception, spatial representations. Some children did not attend preschool educational institutions, came to school not prepared for learning either psychologically or physically. Therefore, a great responsibility for preparing for schooling, adaptation, and the development of all psychophysical functions of children with disabilities falls on the primary school teacher.

    The relevance of the study is determined by the fact that the development of fine motor skills is associated with the development of the cognitive, volitional and emotional spheres of the psyche. In junior schoolchildren with intellectual disability, the level of development of fine motor skills determines the possibilities of cognitive activity and significantly affects the effectiveness of learning. The development of fine motor skills, as the main condition for the implementation of cognitive activities, provides opportunities for successful learning, carried out using not only traditional methods, but also using new information technologies. The solution to the problem in students with intellectual disabilities is most successfully carried out in various types of activities.

    Systemic development makes it possible to explain many functions and determine the mechanisms of development of motor functions in a child. The development of motor function improves the development of cognitive function, the perception of incoming information.

    Constant, painstaking work on the development of fine motor skills of hands in children with developmental disabilities has a beneficial effect on the development of speech, thinking, memory, enrichment of practical experience in practical activity.

    I... The development of fine motor skills in children with developmental disabilities.

    I. Kant wrote: the hand is the outward brain. In ancient times, there was a legend that people used to have eyes in their fingertips. Many people know that meridians pass through the hands, through the fingertips, that is, those mysterious channels through which energy flows, passing from one channel to another. And when there are some disturbances in the natural course of this internal energy, then the disease arises.

    The child's ideas about the objects of the surrounding world should be versatile, but integral. Impressions received on the basis of visual, tactile, motor sensations should merge into a single image. And the unity and versatility of ideas about a particular subject contribute to a more accurate understanding of the meaning of the word-name of the subject.

    A comprehensive idea of \u200b\u200bthe surrounding objective world in a person cannot develop without tactile-motor perception, since it is the basis of sensory cognition. It is with the help of tactile-motor perception that the first impressions are formed about the shape, size of objects, their location in space. After all, the first type of child's action with objects is grasping, during which the shape, size, mass, temperature, spatial location of the object are perceived by touch, and the hand teaches the eye.

    The famous Italian teacher, psychologist and doctor Maria Montessori noted that thanks to contact with the environment and his own research, the child forms a stock of concepts that his intellect can operate on. Without this, the ability to abstract is lost. Contact occurs through the senses and movements. Starting with exercises in the sensorimotor system, the child moves towards the development of intelligence. Moreover, this movement occurs in a certain logic, which is set by the teacher.

    In a child with developmental disabilities, it is difficult to form the coordination of the motor and sensory spheres, since each individual sense organ is not sufficiently developed. In order for the development of visual, tactile, and motor perception as close to normal as possible, it is necessary to systematically carry out special corrective work.

    The absence or inferiority of ideas about the environment affects the development of speech. A word filled with random, one-sided content is understood only under certain conditions and in relation to certain objects. At the same time, the lack of unity of visual, tactile, and motor images makes it difficult to acquire work skills, self-service skills.

    Maturity, readiness of his motor skills, especially the development of his hand, are of great importance in the development of the child's written and oral speech. After all, written speech requires the most complex small movements of the fingers, which are intimately connected with higher mental processes. It has long been proven that the level of speech development in children is constantly correlated with the degree of development of finger movements. As the function of the hand develops and improves, more and more guiding impulses enter the hemisphere associated with it and, therefore, its intensive development occurs.

    A number of modern researchers pay great attention to improving the methodology of manual exercises that help overcome psychophysiological disorders. On the basis of the identified links between fine motor skills of the hand and human mental activity, Russian scientists conducted a series of relevant experiments. For example, in his research B.I. Pinsky points out that the features mental development mentally retarded, expressed in impaired cognitive processes, structure and motivation of activity, and insufficient development of motor skills inhibit the formation of motor skills.

    Motility deficits of mentally retarded children are expressed in slowness of movements, clumsiness, as well as in the uneven nature of movements due to instability of attention. They have extremely undeveloped motor images. This also entails an underdevelopment of kinesthetic self-control. Disorders of finger movements in mentally retarded children cannot but affect the control and regulation of movements during the formation of motor skills. Defects in the movement of the fingers have not only a direct negative impact on the formation of motor skills, but also an indirect one, because they lead to impaired coordination of movements, thereby making it difficult to control when performing an action.

    When exercising a motor skill, the signals for self-control are sensations, perceptions, representations, and thought processes... Based on the idea of \u200b\u200ba goal, a person controls his movements so that they contribute to its implementation. Of decisive importance for the regulation of movements at one time or another are visual, motor, auditory and other sensations that arise during work. Based on these sensations, the strength, speed, direction of movement, as well as the coordination of movements of the right and left hands are regulated.

    If we turn to the psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of using manual activity in oligophrenopedagogy, we can systematize exercises and play tasks according to the nature of manual activity into 4 groups:

      a group of exercises related to object recognition;

      the group is aimed at developing coordination of movements;

      the group develops dexterity of the fingers;

      the group aims to general development fine motor skills.

    Investigating the importance of manual contacts in the development of an abnormal child, scientists turned to the historical and pedagogical experience of raising children. This experience contained:

      application of elements of manual activity to enrich the child's sensory experience (I. Pestalozzi);

      sensory education of a child through manuals and "gifts", which involves familiarizing children with the color, shape, size and other properties of objects through the integration of manual manipulations (F. Frebel);

      education and training of mentally retarded children through exercises of motor activity of the hand (J. Itard, E. Seguin, M. Montessori).

    Montessori theory is significant for us because for the first time it drew attention to the activation of the child's hand in play. “In contrast to the artificial psychometric instruments that drastically drain the child's energy, these exercises did not tire the children, but occupied them. And this feature of activation of the hand in games stemmed from the concentration of attention on the education and exercise of feelings ... ”The logical part of the Montessori methodology is didactic material, without which play activity is inconceivable. When working with this material, the activity of the child's hand acquires special significance ... The materials that Montessori provided for the game had a qualitative originality - they made it possible to activate fine motor skills, tactile sensations, and the kinesthetic apparatus of the player. This technique organically included "educational gymnastics", which contributed to coordination of movements to develop dexterity in the fingers; the goal of this gymnastics is "to prepare children to serve themselves, to develop skills that give rise to the need to apply the acquired dexterity to business." The orientation of the pedagogical organization of the manual aspect of the child's activity was reduced to Montessori's "education" of feelings and " exercise "them . Therefore, in his practice, Montessori, for the purpose of diagnosing and subsequent pedagogical correction of the child's fine motor skills, uses the didactic material in which the children showed interest.

    It is known that Montessori claims that the methods she applies to abnormal children can be applied to normal children. She wrote: “The unusual success in the exam of the mentally ill seemed to everyone present as a real miracle. In my opinion, handicapped children survived the competition with normal children only because they were taught differently. Their psychological development was facilitated in every possible way, and in normal children it was drowned out and detained. It occurred to me that if a special pedagogical method, which had such a wonderful effect on weak-minded children, is ever applied to normal children, then this miracle, which amazed everyone, will disappear, perhaps completely ... "The teacher must" look on the psychology of childhood not through dogmatic views, but to enable the child to develop complete freedom. Only then will we be able to observe the direct manifestations of his individual nature and build on them the conclusions of the true scientific psychology of the child. Therefore, to establish it (psychology and pedagogy of the child), a number of victories of the experimental method are needed. The chosen method was applied by Montessori to children from 3 to 6 years old in orphanages.

    The difference in the reaction of abnormal and normal children to didactic material was that, when applied to the former, it makes upbringing possible, to the latter, an impetus to self-education. For example, among the didactic material there is a bar with inserted geometric bodies. In Montessori practice, these were 10 cylinders, the diameter of each subsequent one, of which decreased by 2 mm. The cylinders were removed from the nests and mixed. The student's task is to insert them back correctly. The aim of this game is to train the eye to perceive different sizes. A child without much preparation begins to play, focuses only on the game. Inspired, refuses to help, carefully examining the relationship between the holes and the size of the object. He corrects mistakes himself, feels the cylinders, weighs them in his hand to find out which one is bigger. If the child, with obvious confidence, puts each cylinder in the appropriate nest, then he has already outgrown this exercise. The educational value in this case is the activity of the child himself, the ability to independently correct his mistakes.

    Noting the peculiarities of the upbringing of an abnormal child, the scientist A.I. Gastev said that “such a student appears to us as if with deliberately turned off reactions. Its physical and spiritual sphere appears to us simplified, and we can fix our attention on that defective side, which sharply distinguishes the subject and the normal. " And further: "Biologists have found evidence that a number of reactions in abnormal people are no different from the reaction of normal people and, moreover, the very abnormality of certain reactions shed light on the reactions of normal people."

    Thus, it can be argued that the development of the hand is closely related to the development of speech and thinking of the child. Therefore, work on the development of fine motor skills should begin long before the child enters school. Parents and teachers who pay due attention to tasks, exercises, games containing the manual aspect of activity, solve two problems at once: firstly, they indirectly influence the general intellectual development of the child, and secondly, they prepare him for mastering the skills of writing, drawing, manual labor, which in the future will help to avoid many problems of schooling.

    II... Fine motor skills development tools

    Now almost every class in primary school there are corners with games, materials aimed at the development of fine motor skills. But often teachers use in their work such activities in which only the first three fingers are involved - the big index and middle. These are weaving, stringing beads and rings, mosaic, paper cutting, shading drawing, contouring. The first three fingers, as well as the adjacent part of the palm and the corresponding field, are designated as the social zone of the hand. The last two fingers - the ring and little fingers - are outside the social zone and are usually passive in everyday activities. Without using these fingers in exercises, we reduce the effectiveness of all work on the development of fine motor skills by a third.

    It is very useful to carry out exercises with sand, water, with various natural materials (cones, chestnuts, pebbles, shells, acorns), with buttons, work with plasticine, paper, etc. during correctional classes and after school hours.

    2.1 Exercises with plasticine

    Plasticine provides unique opportunities to conduct interesting games for the benefit of the child's overall development. Show your child all the wonders of the plasticine world, interest him, and you will be surprised how quickly children's fingers begin to create first clumsy, and then more and more complex figures.

    One plasticine house will appear on the table, and then a whole city. During exercises with plasticine, you can read a fairy tale, and a young sculptor can create the characters he likes most.

    For children with impaired coordination of movements, hyperkinesis, with weak arm muscles, it is very useful to carry out modeling exercises from plasticine. Working with plasticine is preparatory to working with other materials and mastering different tools. Children warm the clay in their hands, break it, pinch off the desired piece, roll it out in their palms or on the board, give the plasticine mass the necessary shape and can at any time make changes to the work and correct mistakes without fear of spoiling the material, which gives them confidence in their actions.

    2.2 Exercises with paper

    This set of exercises will help your child learn how plain paper turns into fun. bulky toys... Have the child crumple up the sheets of white paper and then wrap them with colored thread. So the balls are ready to play: try throwing them into a box or a painted target. By sewing, gluing or simply tying balls together, you can get fancy volumetric toys.

    Children will love making characters for the puppet theater themselves. You can make shadow theater, finger puppets and paper mitten puppets. While performing performances in their theater, children increase the range of motion with the brush and each finger separately.

    The development of precise movements and memory is helped by the weaving of rugs from paper strips, classes in the origami technique: folding boats, airplanes, flowers, animals and other figures. Origami helps to develop not only fine motor skills, but also spatial representations, attention, coordination of movements, speech, to acquaint with many geometric concepts.

    Paper (especially colored paper) can be the basis for many interesting and useful exercises. For example, cutting out various shapes will teach your child to use scissors confidently and introduce the concept of symmetry.


    I'm holding a piece of paper in my hands

    I will fold it four times,

    I will peel back one more time

    It turned out to be a corner.

    I cut evenly, slowly,

    How good the snowflake is!

    2.3 Exercises with a pencil, cereals, beads, nuts

    Suggest that your child regularly engage in croup: sort, guess with closed eyes, roll between thumb and forefinger, press down alternately with all fingers of both hands to the table, while trying to make rotational movements.

    Teach the child to roll two walnuts or pebbles with the fingers of one hand, with the fingers of one hand or between two palms - a hexagonal pencil.

    All this has an excellent tonic and revitalizing effect.


    I'm picking up the groats

    I want to help Mom.

    I closed my eyes

    I can tell the difference between rice and buckwheat.

    2.4 Exercises with natural material

    Walking with children in the yard, in the park, in the forest, pay attention to how generously nature can bestow an observant person. From pebbles and sticks, you can create interesting creative compositions, from snow and clay to sculpt large and small figures. All this makes it possible to develop the child's tactile-motor perception.

    2.5 Drawing

    Drawing is an activity loved by all children and very useful. And it is not necessary to draw only with a pencil or a brush on paper or cardboard. You can paint on snow and sand, on a sweaty window and asphalt. It is useful to draw with your finger, palm, stick, make prints with a piece of cotton wool, crumpled paper. Invite your child to hatch various shapes with straight lines, trace the drawings along the contour, sketch according to the sample, continue the given pattern, complete the second half of the image - develop creative imagination, visual memory and color perception in children.

    Drawings in the snow

    I draw a wolf in the snow

    I draw a spruce in the snow.

    How did it become a splitting

    This white blizzard.

    All the drawings fall asleep,

    Snow throws in my face

    Sweeps, sweeps

    Both the walkway and the porch.

    Let the blizzard rage on itself.

    I will go and rest.

    I'll draw again tomorrow

    Wolf, Christmas tree and pine tree.

    Drawings in the sand

    I draw mountains on the sand

    A dense forest, and then

    I'll draw the clouds above

    The house in which

    We are living.

    2.6 Sewing, knitting, weaving

    Sewing, knitting, weaving from thread, rope and wire are very beneficial for children with severe motor disabilities. Children really like to tie sea knots, weave from ropes using the macrame technique, learn and show games with a rope. Such exercises strengthen the muscles of the arms, help the child to concentrate on the task, calm down, teach patience and accuracy in work.

    Tie knots

    No problem for sailors.

    I will knot the rope

    If I become a sailor.

    2.7 Puppet therapy

    Children with psychophysical and mental underdevelopment are characterized by motor awkwardness, emotional immaturity, significantly reduced cognitive activity, and low ability to imitate. Children find it difficult to understand the speech addressed to them. Obviously, an intermediary is required to successfully interact with these children. The doll becomes such a mediator.

    The dolls are specially made by the hands of teachers and parents. This moment is especially important, since the doll, created by the hands of loving adults, has a special appeal for the child and produces a significant therapeutic effect.

    In puppet therapy with "special" children, dolls are used that match the child's capabilities and develop them. The following types of dolls have been developed and used: parsley dolls, knitted finger puppets, soft movable "mitten dolls", combined dolls, "I am dolls", puppet dolls.

    The peculiarity of the "doll-mittens" is that a mitten-holder is sewn on the back of the doll. It is necessary so that a child who is unable to fix a hand can easily hold the doll.

    The combined doll consists of several parts: a glass-stand with a stick, on which the head is attached; doll clothes; doll heads. The doll is designed with limited movement in mind. If the child cannot hold the doll in his hands, he passes his hand into a plastic cup-holder. This is how the hand is fixed.

    For the development of small coordinated movements, you can use finger puppets made of paper, fabric, knitted, from different materials.

    "I-doll" is designed in such a way that the child's arms become her hands (the arms are passed into the arms-sleeves), and the child's legs become the doll's legs. Additional fastening - a garter at the waist of the child.

    Puppets are the most difficult type of dolls for this category of children. Puppets require reasonably good motor coordination. However, holding the doll in his hands and guiding it, the child learns self-regulation on an unconsciously symbolic level.

    It is very useful to make folk dolls together with children. Children learn new information about the role of the doll in the life of our ancestors, learn to work with different natural materials - fabric, thread, fiber, wood, birch bark. After making dolls, they are used in conducting ancient holidays and rituals.

    Thanks to the variety of dolls, different activities can be changed, so the guys do not get tired for a long time.

    2.8 Exercises with counting sticks

    In these exercises, ordinary counting sticks, pencils or straws, twigs will become good helpers. Simple tasks will help the child develop attention, imagination, get acquainted with geometric shapes and the concept of symmetry.

    It is very interesting and useful to lay out drawings of various objects on a flat surface made of sticks. Better to start with simple geometric shapes. In the course of the exercise, it is necessary to explain to the child what the name of this or that figure is, how to fold a house from a square and a triangle, the sun from a polygon, etc. The child can show his imagination and lay out his picture from sticks. You can "draw" with sticks a figure you like from a book (AE Belaya, VI Miryasova "Finger games for the development of speech of preschoolers", M., Liszt, 2000, etc.) and accompany the game with simple verses.

    2.9 Rope Exercises

    In 1997, the Kristall book publishing house (St. Petersburg) published a book by E.Yu. Afonkina, A.S. Afonkina. "Games with a rope". This is the first book published in Russia dedicated to rope games - drawing various figures and compositions using a rope ring - includes thirty of the world's best games of varying degrees of difficulty. Among them are fairy tales, magic tricks, games alone and with a partner. The book is useful for the development of fine motor skills of hands, the development of spatial imagination and memory. For parents, teachers, educators, as well as all lovers of magic tricks and family entertainment.

    Many children and adults know the curious fun with a rope. It is tied with a long loop that is put on the hands. Then, with the help of simple manipulations, something like a hammock appears in the air. The second partner removes it from his hands, and another combination of lines appears between his palms.

    Like any exercise that requires concentration, rope exercises have a psychotherapeutic effect, allowing you to disconnect for a while from the worries of everyday life. Physiotherapists find that rope exercises help to recover faster finger motility after hand injuries. Mathematics teachers find them useful for explaining some abstract concepts and terms. In this regard, playing with a string is a bit like the Japanese art of paper folding - origami. Both here and there from simple material - paper, rope - rather complex spatial forms are created.

    2.10 Massage of hands and fingers

    Children with disabilities sometimes find it very difficult to move the most seemingly simple movements. They get tired quickly. Therefore, it is useful to teach children self-massage techniques to relieve muscle tension or to prepare hands and fingers well for the work ahead.

    Massage is a type of passive gymnastics. It has a general strengthening effect on the muscular system, increasing the tone, elasticity and contractility of the muscles. The performance of a tired muscle under the influence of massage is restored faster than with complete rest. It has a positive effect on joints and ligaments. With a systematic massage, the functions of receptors and pathways are improved, reflex connections of the cerebral cortex with muscles and blood vessels are enhanced. Under the influence of massage, impulses appear in the receptors of the skin and muscles, which, reaching the cerebral cortex, have a tonic effect on the central nervous system, as a result of which its regulatory role in relation to the work of all systems and organs increases.

    Techniques for massage and self-massage of hands and fingers:

    Self-massage of the back of the hands - stroking from the tips of the fingers up to the elbow, rubbing with the edge of the palm in all directions on the back side, pinching, tingling, patting with the edge of the palm.

    Self-massage of the hand from the palm side - Move the knuckles of fingers clenched into a fist and move up and down and from right to left along the massaged palm, twisting movements with the phalanges of fingers clenched into a fist.

    Self-massage of fingers - rubbing each finger from the nail to the base (rectilinear movement - "put on gloves"), spiral stroking movements from the tip to the base. In this case, we use different nursery rhymes: "Finger-boy, where have you been?", "This finger is the thickest, strongest and largest", "This finger is grandfather, this finger is grandmother", etc.

    While performing massage, children sit at the table. The hand and forearm are on the table. All massage techniques are performed in turn with each hand, so both hands are massaged and massaged.

    After the hands and fingers have been massaged, the children perform several exercises with round spiked rubber massagers, wrist bands and small rubber balls. The function of gripping with the whole hand and three fingers - thumb, forefinger and middle one - is being trained. Children learn to perform "screwing" movements using small balls, tapping, clicking each finger separately on the ball, rolling the spiked massager between the palms and on the table, squeezing and unclenching it with one or both hands.

    2.11 Finger gymnastics

    The inclusion of finger games and exercises in any lesson, a corrective lesson causes revival in children, an emotional uplift and has a specific tonic effect on the functional state of the brain and the development of speech.

    The teacher introduces children to these exercises in sequence. They can be divided into three groups.

    1 group. Exercises for the hands:

      develop imitative ability, are quite simple and do not require differentiated movements;

      teach you to strain and relax your muscles;

      develop the ability to maintain the position of the fingers for some time;

      learn to switch from one movement to another.

    These are the exercises "Lanterns", "Wash hands", "Prepare cabbage", "Bake pancakes" and others. Their children learn to perform in kindergarten, first and second grades.


    Alternately squeeze and unclench your fingers on the count “one - two”.

    On "one": the fingers of the right hand are straightened, the fingers of the left hand are clenched.

    On "two": the fingers of the left hand are straightened, the fingers of the right are clenched.

    Perform the exercise slowly at first, then accelerate the pace. The exercise can be performed first on the count, and then - accompanying the movements with rhythmically spoken lines:

    We'll light our lanterns

    And then let's go for a walk!

    Here the lanterns are shining

    They light our way!

    Group 2. The exercises are conditionally static:

      improve previously acquired skills at a higher level and require more precise movements.


    The bunny is hiding under a pine tree.

    Initial position. The left hand is a bunny. Pull the index and middle fingers up, press the little and ring fingers to the palm with your thumb. Right hand - a straightened palm covers the top of the "bunny" - this is "pine". Then change the position of the hands. The right hand is "bunny", the left hand is "pine". Change the position of the hands 3-4 times.

    This bunny is under a pine tree

    This bunny is under the other.

    Group 3. Dynamic finger exercises:

      develop precise coordination of movements;

      teach to bend and unbend fingers hands;

      teach you to contrast the thumb with the rest.

    "On a visit"

    On a visit to the big finger

    (clench your fingers into fists, raise the thumbs of both hands up.)

    Came straight to the house

    (close two palms at an angle - "roof")

    Index and middle,

    Nameless and last

    (called the fingers of each hand in turn connect to the thumb)

    And little little fingers

    (all fingers are clenched into a fist, little fingers put up)

    He climbed onto the threshold himself.

    (Knock your fists against each other.)

    Together fingers are friends.

    (Rhythmically clench your fingers into fists and open them.)

    They cannot live without each other.

    (Put your hands together in a "lock".)

    Exercises are taken from Elena Kosinova's book "Gymnastics for fingers", Moscow, 2001. Interesting games and exercises for the development of fine motor skills can be found in the books by O. Uzorova, E. Nefedova "Finger gymnastics" Ruzina and S.Yu. Afonkina "Country of finger games", E. Sinitsina "Smart fingers", E. Sinitsina "Smart activities".

    Any exercise will be effective only with regular exercise. All exercises are done slowly at first. The teacher makes sure that the child correctly reproduces and holds the position of the hand or fingers and correctly switches from one movement to another. Assistance is provided if necessary. Exercises are practiced first with one hand (if the fate of both hands is not provided), then with the other hand, then with two simultaneously.

    When the children memorize a sufficient number of exercises, you can perform the following play tasks:

    1. Memorize and repeat a series of movements according to verbal instructions, starting with two movements and ending with three, four or more.

    For example: "Goat" - "Snail". The child switches from the "goat" position to the "snail" position (3-4 times). First, the exercise is performed according to verbal instructions, then on the count “one-two”.

    2. “Telling with your hands” little stories, fairy tales and poems. First, the teacher comes up with a story, then invites the child to compose his own story.

    For example: “In one forest there was a river ( depicting a "river"). A small fish lived in it ( depict a "fish"). Once a steamer sailed along the river ( exercise "steamer"), it hummed strongly, and the fish got scared and swam away. And on the river bank ("river") the tree grew (exercise "tree") etc.

    You can use picture cards to help you memorize the exercises. The teacher puts three pictures in front of the child and offers to remember the sequence of exercises. Then the pictures are removed, and the child performs the exercises in the correct order. Then the teacher gives the children some cards and asks them to come up with their own story, using pictures instead of a plan. Then the story must be told with the hands. Such tasks are best given in individual and group remedial sessions.

    2.12 Folk finger games

    Previously, there were many folk finger games, nursery rhymes that accompanied the childhood of our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers, games that are now forgotten or half-forgotten. Recently, specialists have been searching for and reviving such games, seeking help from ethnographers, folklorists, philologists, conducting surveys in various regions of Russia. Many of the newly found games are not outdated and are naturally accepted by modern children.

    The child met with folk finger games already in infancy. These were not games yet, but nursery rhymes and little dogs - the fun of an adult with a child. Today, there are very few such fun left, and those that exist are often truncated. Few people know that everyone's beloved "Magpie-Crow" did not end with the wiggle of a bum pinky:

    “You didn't chop wood,

    did not carry water. "

    The game had a sequel. The adult said:

    “Know in advance:

    The water is cold here. "

    (and stroked the child at the wrist);

    "It's warm here"

    (stroked at the elbow);

    "Hot in here"

    (stroked at the shoulder);

    "And here - boiling water, boiling water!"

    (tickled the child under his arm).

    Another variant:

    “Know in advance:

    Here is the yard

    Here is krynitsa,

    Cold water here! "

    After all, the meaning of this nursery rhyme is not only in the development of fine motor skills. It allows the child to feel the joy of bodily contact, to feel his fingers, elbow, shoulder; to realize oneself in the system of bodily coordinates, to form a body scheme. This prevents the occurrence of many neuroses in the future, gives a person a sense of self-control.

    2.13 Exercises with a ball to correct fine motor skills.

    In elementary grades, children are introduced to vowel and consonant sounds. On this topic, children are offered a wide variety of exercises. Vowel sounds are the foundation on which all work on the development of phonemic processes in children is based. Having mastered this topic, children, as a rule, master sound analysis and synthesis of words well, and, therefore, in the future it is easier to learn material on teaching literacy. All work on vowel sounds is consolidated in ball games, while training fine motor skills.

    In exercises number 1, 2, and 4 children are trained in the clear pronunciation of vowel sounds and highlighting them from the vocal series. Smooth, prolonged chanting of vowel sounds is fixed in exercises No. 3 and 5. It is interesting that in these exercises children correlate the duration of rolling the ball with the duration of chanting of vowel sounds. All these exercises contribute to the development of a smooth exhalation, which is very important in working on sound pronunciation. We reinforce the ability to master the power of voice in exercise No. 7. In a group, children can be observed with impaired prosodic speech components. These defects are very diverse. The child may speak very softly, almost in a whisper, or have a deaf, often nasal voice.

    K.S. Stanislavsky, characterizing the sound of the Russian language, figuratively said that the vowels are the river, and the consonants are the banks, and without them our speech is a swamp. In our daily work on correcting the speech of children, we strengthen these "shores". Strengthening the correct pronunciation of sounds and the development of phonemic processes can be carried out in exercises with a ball, while developing fine motor skills.

    In exercise number 8, children select words for a given sound, pronounce the words clearly. The guys are very fond of exercise number 9, which requires attention, a good level of development of phonemic representations, the ability to highlight the sound at the beginning and end of a word. Exercise number 10 is fun, since the child can give answers to all the teacher's questions, starting with only one and the same specific sound. In the lesson on the differentiation of sounds, it is advisable to include exercise with a ball No. 11. This exercise can be used to differentiate any sounds (s-w, w-w, r-l, z-z, etc.). Children with phonetic-phonemic speech underdevelopment may have difficulties with dividing words into syllables, mastering words of complex syllabic structure. Of course, to solve this problem, we use traditional techniques: slapping off a rhythmic pattern, slapping and tapping off the number of syllables in a word, and building up syllables. The ball also plays a positive role in such activities.

    In exercises number 12, 16 and 17 children learn the syllable structure of the word, consolidate the ability to divide words into syllables. So, in exercise number 13, the children, as instructed by the teacher, reproduce the reverse syllables (AP, UT, OK), and then this syllable is laid out from the balls. In exercise number 14 children make words out of balls, read, analyze them.

    Ball exercises to correct fine motor skills.

    Exercise "We knock the ball with our palm, we repeat the sound together"

    Purpose: development of phonemic perception, speed of reaction, consolidation of knowledge of vowel sounds.

    Teacher: When you hear the sound "A", hit the ball on the floor. After catching the ball, repeat this sound. A - U - O - U - A - A - O - U

    Exercise "The vowel sound will be heard by the ears, the ball flies over the top of the head"

    Purpose: development of phonemic perception, speed of reaction, selection of a given vowel from a number of others, correction of fine motor skills.

    Teacher: I will name vowel sounds. Toss the ball when you hear the "E" sound. A - E - U - S - E - A - U - O - A - E - S - E

    Exercise "Sounds of vowels we sing with the ball together"

    Goal: development of a long, smooth exhalation, consolidation of vowel pronunciation, correction of fine motor skills.

    Option 1. The teacher asks the children to sing a vowel sound while rolling the ball on the table. The child takes a breath, smoothly rolls the ball to a friend, singing a vowel: A - A - A - A - A - A

    Option 2. The exercise can be carried out sitting on the floor - in a circle or in pairs, singing the vowel sounds set by the teacher and rolling the ball. The teacher draws the attention of the children to the fact that the ball needs to be rolled smoothly, the sound must be chanted long.

    Exercise "Stuchalochka".

    Sounds I want to say

    And I knock on the ball.

    Purpose: training of clear pronunciation of vowel sounds, development of phonemic perception, correction of fine motor skills.

    Game progress. Children and the teacher sit in a circle. The ball is squeezed between each knee. The teacher makes vowel sounds by tapping the ball with his fist. Children repeat individually and in chorus. Sounds are practiced in isolated pronunciation with a gradual increase in the number of repetitions per exhalation, for example: А АА ААА, E EE EEE, O OO LLC,

    UU UUU. Then you can pronounce various combinations of sounds: AAE, AEO, AAU.

    Exercise "Singing balls".

    First I hit the ball

    And then I swing it.

    Purpose: consolidation of short and long pronunciation of vowels, development of phonemic perception, consolidation of prolonged oral exhalation, correction of fine motor skills.

    Game progress. Children are distributed in pairs and sit facing each other at a distance of three meters. Each pair has a ball. The teacher pronounces combinations of vowel sounds. The last sound is pronounced for a long time, sung. For example: A A E-E-E-E-E, U E A-A-A-A-A.

    The first two sounds are accompanied by a fist hitting the ball; singing the third sound, the child rolls the ball to the partner. The rolling of the ball is markedly smooth, prolonged, as is the pronunciation of a vowel sound.

    Exercise "Multi-colored balls".

    Red is a vowel.

    Blue is not.

    What's the sound?

    Give me an answer!

    Purpose: consolidation of the differentiation of vowels and consonants, development of attention, speed of thinking, correction of fine motor skills.

    Equipment: balls in red and blue.

    Exercise progress.

    Option 1. The teacher throws the ball to the children. The one caught calls a vowel sound if the ball is red, a consonant if the ball is blue, and throws the ball back to the teacher.

    Option 2. The child names a word beginning with a vowel sound if the ball is red. And if the ball is blue, then the child names a word that begins with a consonant sound.

    Exercise "Quiet - Loud"

    We rode the mountains

    We sang here and sang there.

    Purpose: correction of fine motor skills, consolidation of articulation of vowel sounds, development of phonemic perception, work on the strength of the voice.

    Equipment: small balls.

    Exercise progress. Singing a given sound as demonstrated by the teacher. The strength of the voice is measured against the direction of movement of the hand. As the hand with the ball moves up (up the hill), the strength of the voice increases, down (down the hill) it decreases. With the horizontal movement of the hand with the ball (the ball rolls along the track), the strength of the voice does not change. In the future, children independently give tasks to each other.

    Exercise with passing the ball "Pass the ball - call the word."

    Purpose: correction of fine motor skills, development of phonemic ideas, speed of reaction.

    Exercise progress. Children line up in a column. Those who stand first have one big ball (25-30 cm in diameter). The child calls a word for a given sound and passes the ball back with two hands over his head (other ways of passing the ball are possible). Next child independently comes up with a word for the same sound and passes the ball on.

    Exercise with passing the ball "Sound chain".

    We will link a chain of words.

    The ball will not let you finish.

    Purpose: the development of fine motor skills, the development of phonemic representations, the activation of the dictionary.

    Exercise progress. The teacher calls the first word and passes the ball to the child. Then the ball is passed from child to child. The ending sound of the previous word is the starting sound of the next. For example: spring - bus - elephant - nose - owl ...

    Exercise with throwing the ball "One hundred questions - one hundred answers from the letter A (I, B), and only with this"

    Purpose: correction of fine motor skills, development of phonemic representations, imagination.

    Exercise progress. The teacher throws the ball to the child and asks him a question. Returning the ball to the teacher, the child must answer the question so that all the words of the answer begin with the given sound, for example, with the sound I. Example:

    What's your name?

    Ira (Ivan).

    And the last name?


    Where are you from?

    From Irkutsk.

    What's growing there?

    What kind of birds are found there?

    What gift will you bring to your family?

    Toffee and toys.

    11. Exercise "Syllable and syllable - and there will be a word, we will play the game again"

    Option 1. Purpose: to consolidate the ability to add a syllable to a word.

    Exercise progress. The teacher says to the children: - I will say the first part of the word, and you will say the second: sa - har, sa - no. Then the teacher alternately throws the ball to the children and says the first syllable, the children catch and throw it back, calling the whole word. You can throw the ball on the floor.

    Option 2. Purpose: correction of fine motor skills, differentiation of sounds, development of attention, quick thinking.

    Exercise progress. The teacher throws a ball to the children, calling the first syllable: "sa" or "sha", "su" or "shu", "so" or "sho", "sy" or "shi". The child finishes the word. For example: Sha - balls, sa - sled, sho - rustle, so - forty, shu - fur coat, su - bag, shi - tires, sy - cheese.

    Exercise with tossing the ball “Let's catch the ball - one! And two - we will untangle the words! "

    Exercise progress. Throwing the ball to the children, the teacher pronounces the words, and the children, returning the ball, repeat them: plate, cave, room, showcase, well.

    The teacher then confuses the words by rearranging the syllables. And the children must untangle them.

    Teacher: reltaka, wood chips, nakomta, supoda, trivina, lokodets.

    Children: plate, cave, room, showcase, well.

    Exercise "Sounding toys"

    Perk up your ears:

    The sounds will tell you toys.

    Purpose: analysis and synthesis of reverse syllables and consolidation of fusion syllables, correction of fine motor skills.

    Equipment: red and blue fabric balls with letters embroidered on the edges for vowels and consonants.

    Exercise progress. The teacher calls two children: "These are sounding toys, they can sing and speak." Tells the children to hear sounds that they will have to sing or say. “Now I will press the button and our toys will speak” (touches the children in turn). "Toy children" reproduce their sounds, and the rest of the children "read" the resulting syllable orally. Children determine which sound they heard first, which second, and reproduce the syllable together with the "sounding toys". Then the reverse syllable is laid out from the balls with letters and read.

    Exercise "Catch the ball - make up the word"

    We caught three balls

    We will say the word now.

    Purpose: correction of fine motor skills, compilation of three-sound words and their analysis.

    Equipment: balls of fabric with vowels and consonants embroidered on them.

    Exercise progress. The teacher throws a ball to each child, calling the sounds of the conceived word: M - A - K, D - O - M, K - O - T. Children find on their ball a letter corresponding to the named sound, and make a word out of the balls, read, analyze it ...

    Exercise with throwing the ball "Catch the ball and throw the ball - how many sounds, name it."

    Purpose: correction of fine motor skills, determination of the sequence and number of sounds in a word.

    Exercise progress. The teacher, throwing the ball, pronounces the word. The child who caught the ball determines the sequence of sounds in the word and names their number.

    Three-sound words: MAK, SON, KIT.

    Four-sound words with open syllables: RAMA, MAMA.

    Four-sound words with a confluence of consonants: KROT, TABLE, DISPUTE.

    Exercise with throwing the ball "Change the word, change it - lengthen it"

    Purpose: correction of fine motor skills, expansion of vocabulary, development of attention, quick thinking.

    The course of the exercise: the teacher throws the ball to the children, while pronouncing a monosyllabic word: garden, bush, knife, nose, table.The child who catches the ball, before throwing it back, changes the word so that it becomes two-syllable (nose - noses) or three-syllable (house - houses). The number of syllables is determined.


    The development of fine motor skills and tactile-motor perception in children with disabilities, the correction of their motor disorders allows children to better adapt in practical life, learn to understand many phenomena of the world around them. Maria Montessori was convinced that almost any child is a normal person, capable of discovering himself in active activity. This activity, aimed at mastering the world around him, at entering the culture created by previous generations, led to the realization of the potential inherent in the emerging personality, to full-fledged physical and spiritual development.

    Fine motor skills in life and activities, students with intellectual disabilities perform many different functions. It activates the necessary and inhibits the currently unnecessary psychological and physiological processes, contributes to an organized and purposeful selection of information entering the body in accordance with its actual needs, provides selective and long-term concentration on one object or activity.

    The gross violations of fine motor skills inherent in younger schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities impede the formation of purposefulness in their behavior and activity, sharply reduce their working capacity and thereby significantly complicate the organization of the educational process in a correctional (educational) institution of type VIII. In this regard, the search for ways and methods that contribute to the correction of defects in the development of fine motor skills in students with intellectual disabilities is relevant.

    Nevertheless, the problem of the development of fine motor skills in primary school students with intellectual disabilities remains relevant today. Therefore, I think that the selected exercises aimed at developing fine motor skills will help teachers, parents, educators in eliminating these violations in younger students of a special (educational) institution of the VIII type.

    As a result of a lot of work on the correction of fine motor skills of the hands, my students showed great dynamics. They have learned not only to hold a pencil and a pen, but also understand the ruler of notebooks, distinguish a cell from a ruler, notebooks are kept “good” and “satisfactory”.

    Pupils of the 1st group learn the program material: they write, paint, without going beyond the outline (which was very difficult in the 1st grade).

    Anya Efimova (Group II) learned to write well with a pencil, and writes the letters "A" and "H" independently.

    At the beginning of the year, Akhmed Hasanov held the pen upside down, and then he learned to circle numbers, letters, and began to scribble less in notebooks.

    This suggests that exercises for the correction and development of fine motor skills of the hands are needed, and they give certain results.

    List of used literature

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      G.V. Alferova New approaches to correctional and developmental work with children suffering from cerebral palsy // Defectology. - 2001. - No. 3.

      Afonkina E.Yu., Afonkina A.S. Rope games. - SPb, 1997.

      Bezrukikh M.M. Left-handed child at school and at home. - Yekaterinburg, 2003.

      Belaya A.E., Miryasova V.I. Finger games for the development of speech in preschoolers. - M., 2000.

      Wenger. Didactic games and exercises for the sensory perception of schoolchildren. - M., 1973.

      Voydinova N.M. Dolls in the house. - M., 1998.

      Voilokova EF. Andrukhovich Yu.V., Kovaleva L.Yu. - Sensory education of preschoolers with intellectual disabilities. - SPb., KARO, 2005

      Vygodskaya I.G., Pellinger E.L., Uspenskaya L.P. Elimination of stuttering in preschoolers in game situations... - M., 1993.

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    {!LANG-132fa10e67f8eb7299d97252454f33c2!} {!LANG-c84fc7b83c7ed6aa774debb74e1e6f95!}{!LANG-77820ac3b02d7dba7b7e661479591a00!} {!LANG-83be8fe1a87ffaa1f0576eea1ff31328!}.


    {!LANG-0db2cd76b037fb192e6e810e3c3740d3!} {!LANG-4bde6a0d5f7e50ec567e1c3835fbae8c!}{!LANG-8061c462a071bc81a4cb50fca4b0e041!}

    {!LANG-b398cce8fde2924ed71a2c2bc6b0ecf5!} {!LANG-13aff482034db38f0ad8ec7c6073a107!}.

    {!LANG-510135541ac478557222d6cbe102f8bb!} {!LANG-13aff482034db38f0ad8ec7c6073a107!}{!LANG-2517f90f1e2087cd675730cabc0876ec!}

    {!LANG-cf5cfbbe9a9beae7e94f96be1c06c9c8!} {!LANG-1510ed1f6e1d0b7533f727d10631825e!}


    {!LANG-6409fe97b65f42174b7e0e98480b49d0!} {!LANG-b260ed684edd25b5f3b0e1fdda994b09!}{!LANG-7fcfc9a5dc3a185e15a2500ea5b76bef!}

    {!LANG-6076812336875311cd80bd704a734c94!}{!LANG-1b9191965879e7669bfa05d55c719238!} {!LANG-3225c2aec87b1f302f66d6b0e3bc4597!}.



    {!LANG-90c1c64916cf8ca29492e379bbd8b1fb!} {!LANG-ac4d2daa017eb3bcee219bfc5835d4cd!}{!LANG-e9372c326edb54f4e76ad2a070c0438e!} {!LANG-b2a7cfae670c1c07cc2264fb99d71021!}.



    {!LANG-40890a9c1a2a0d1b7089e810e1b828d4!} {!LANG-489470549c3b5b5c60357a1407b34b85!}

    {!LANG-81ac299e2603ae3a277bbf9ed7e44ede!} {!LANG-489470549c3b5b5c60357a1407b34b85!}{!LANG-f5ef4d7d9a5a66c011d11e5c667dd2c7!}




    {!LANG-8c8de6d15ab7fa79ef4e845bce9908cf!}{!LANG-45885e82676d6102fa7dc112d62c0f7e!} development of fine motor skills{!LANG-d53394e47105052960f714c776f48a6f!}






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    {!LANG-6dde0fa9978273bc35e608fd37659e31!} {!LANG-407e82498eba49764cf16e574719bb8e!}{!LANG-9d57fcc59086cca85b4f9b5e196a9dfb!} {!LANG-668ef47b6a9b0a013395b1164c3a4f4e!}{!LANG-8ed80f8dca21cc596ae8881c351997b5!}

    {!LANG-6e5685a24282264609c751e0f6ca8a52!} {!LANG-a236b55ab4c842031e639301d0713cd6!}

    {!LANG-afdbad43a8f730aa15ca2cd1476f7ae9!} {!LANG-c84538083cbd56485bd9a0aadb2a8484!}{!LANG-b165586a2f44d22b0951b8b5a4a60012!}

    {!LANG-5cc784f747fe3bd8aa10cb0ffe1db65d!}{!LANG-3c3120e183091facb5d4fc069109d02a!} {!LANG-1ec62a0288f700dacda286c9f5f235f2!}{!LANG-c0e150747692f5ad04d16590fc12349e!}

    {!LANG-8a0e0b9675bd4eb5194c3ca893918a46!} {!LANG-657675dbaa3441637f5b05791d4b3496!}{!LANG-33598432b5ed91e65edecbdf23b6cba1!} {!LANG-4c79861fc7c85510f1fa1ba6ecdb9822!}.

    {!LANG-df30073d1256a6833edae062932b6ea5!} {!LANG-3cc1aaca3c06fe3e1025004d04f9185d!}.

    {!LANG-6b5434b4a2b94bb8e2e113e854db0604!} {!LANG-7075896e7d00a7405db5313a070a8cd2!}:

    {!LANG-0c9d02382381d0a32542601a426ec7d6!} {!LANG-0ea3d7961b055f8fd19742f26cc39d42!}.

    {!LANG-07ac0baf0d33e3898e5da9575b7a4cc5!} {!LANG-121f36b9e85a661fa3402c659dce5a3b!}{!LANG-524b616187a3795c9fe32a3fe3832341!}

    {!LANG-21e59e0f9440b17d93283278aa45baf6!} {!LANG-e97cb5c000f27730e1aadb004ad76dfd!}.


    {!LANG-d6a5eeb84f48c524d8f26db7ff6d7f1d!} {!LANG-0841bb56b0146e2a27cf507bb407bd03!}:


    {!LANG-3a45250368ddcfccdccfc9012da065de!} {!LANG-3b28821a0bd94e4ced3f6f5d510a7d09!}:




    {!LANG-f81871eb834e02464cb63a9c527a9603!} {!LANG-775b0f41eecac9d8073e6e2cbc6327bb!}.


    {!LANG-53365bc64fdd2772f9d9b2fdb9090777!} {!LANG-752ce0696db54316f8d91c4267160a05!}{!LANG-a6c26c9d1d84d7ed5e6cf0a301324ef1!} {!LANG-aeb790493cd4a965123c5cddc0ff670b!}{!LANG-d0bd1561f89ad779688bee7d6c91e7bc!}

    {!LANG-fb5a033d1f4ddef1ee0fc64df916fd01!} {!LANG-6f7df9557b475b939e9f9c5b7b7f1bf4!}:




    {!LANG-2d4d4b110bf965808d36327d933eaec6!} {!LANG-191fb292d317ba62f9543eb0e62c0d36!}{!LANG-e0e559c193c8421334971350c45b8872!}

    {!LANG-8fea3021ea852b46f395d1f602c27e9b!} {!LANG-f3f47c9597c28e991d069779e45b8d5f!}{!LANG-5117e8c3a730a6b9cce38216b3b4a6aa!} {!LANG-73729d569a958bacfdd7446494a1f296!}{!LANG-5b58ec553e4d1665898ec60ec9b091f0!} {!LANG-72e05b3df9e99ca9d8ff4f8e67cce496!}{!LANG-bfcd2721b9d35a821bac16d17de2c2fe!}

    {!LANG-73cdd5387c571d8affceac485c173e25!} {!LANG-549dba8fc983fbce28a72c7062989702!}:


    {!LANG-d43731027dd2114b8cae6b2e87539276!} {!LANG-6f2e3d6ebc0dc783ab39b53bc6639c70!}{!LANG-c26e0a3794fc081dd130d618d16cf843!}




    {!LANG-50829c69aaea9a4e4fa2d081338c5e95!}{!LANG-153584a2a225b80b3d781102414a0a77!} {!LANG-a8390b42e7ffb975cd33cdd47838f89f!}{!LANG-231a84519b0a41edca717f8caf24b6f7!}

    {!LANG-c93fe59ec643bca07d35355aa9021933!} {!LANG-84d581fbe5f530c59a0ff4ea0d86f727!}{!LANG-4f9a65fa2a209742ca94738f1a0b2c01!} {!LANG-63538dc87e9430425d05c4f70239c100!}{!LANG-ea4201d4b7f08a407d66a519d5060d4e!} {!LANG-63538dc87e9430425d05c4f70239c100!}{!LANG-e32a2299c6ecd25c12ba5c80e58040bb!} {!LANG-f5c53d9a636aca1859d184ff5f6a531c!}{!LANG-8a3e2f7b061ba798ab310f4817e32be8!} {!LANG-c43d2979af8c6ab6a497b5f3563e413c!}{!LANG-cc5d924c3bb3833e36e11aea03ea05a2!}




    {!LANG-528a9b3d558ca36179b9e7ba1a047530!} {!LANG-699f89abe5f5342b98cd5b203e7ca464!}.

    {!LANG-ef504f63daab68904bfe1645e0acdd5c!}{!LANG-d833a79ac8df0877ff3a2d29ff3dc892!} {!LANG-1c56619dfb1f30407273d31bce1ec553!}{!LANG-19db07b105968783eb49dd12a14153c1!}


    {!LANG-920a6f1fd75502b44009e2e2174234ed!} {!LANG-92f48ad80ca58aba051d59918246314f!}{!LANG-2b071a1d1c0e968113e51dd1ca527e73!}



    {!LANG-22128581d55cab6022feec4fd3c98040!} {!LANG-29e847fffb26b6c585a7ff27ddbb7718!}{!LANG-2344b937941cb21882d44cad5937da62!}








    {!LANG-5588d6e65065e8224b9b272796b8d713!} {!LANG-093faa5b00ee93eaa29f360a2da662ea!}{!LANG-e042296bbb6632bccf58ca9bfe862f3f!} {!LANG-ac2858dd9a54f2d12170aec8ea529edd!}{!LANG-017f1e8fad44032d5b1627392d136567!} {!LANG-d4c469f437e06a7b156a773a7168100a!}{!LANG-5325b2a3b4bbeacebd677ae5f9edb38c!} {!LANG-16f55f3a268c76a475bea4195b51a834!}{!LANG-b4f00f4798020a3643d8a02b36893084!} {!LANG-8e69f9e48e7df322e0fbd5a58648d3e1!}.







    {!LANG-24d6abf03ec73db2bdaadef8614424a6!} {!LANG-523534ab7597ec3b348adf62407ba691!}.

    3. {!LANG-50f03f82407c12ea7135d878b1f8d4df!}{!LANG-b329ae2a2643b1ec6a8bf149c9696577!} {!LANG-2083f6ef7856dc9d6c18f29b701d731c!}:

    {!LANG-471e0fd8c70bf70546f4b6cdc6b041da!} {!LANG-a2832f1265b9e3cd76a40e4c791f9303!}.

    {!LANG-389255ba88a59bbed3f5774f8f2acbb4!}{!LANG-8e737bd066eb460ec38fe77db1bd74a5!} {!LANG-e4676dd36771ad71ef8394d088b5868e!}:


    {!LANG-23f27bfe2a54e85d9a38bffd8dea6f09!} {!LANG-3b50719791cda47625e9165ebdd76f14!}{!LANG-253e428a5fd17af0e5f6a3a4a41f57b2!}

    - {!LANG-12bac16acb2798649b1e56c8e2ac68aa!}{!LANG-287e6a888664b8d7284368188e37980e!} {!LANG-ca716d6e61175971d1d37011064e5ff7!};

    {!LANG-ea37861f7747bd97515379dab1109d0e!} {!LANG-83be8fe1a87ffaa1f0576eea1ff31328!}{!LANG-47d1a8b3dcb0670b407bca4b63b6cd3a!}

    {!LANG-5e3a953f37a1e48c5b29ac637d406217!} {!LANG-ff870d9b6d9bdc0432e3212415fb11c1!}{!LANG-20511c668542dc9a00c4e2a7df230825!}


    {!LANG-294dd28f8d5dcbdf9522105cad7b8f2c!} {!LANG-5b7bfa36c5a7b06ac3c2d637ed85632f!}{!LANG-73365e38bf2b65234d77914e34d9fae0!} {!LANG-65d118a2389b4de440682cfb59a01f11!}{!LANG-d0732a8ffe73a63620eaba1a64bd65f9!} {!LANG-a76b16e2328d67af38f196b213005265!}{!LANG-883efc3abfcfe35c95c7460cf8506a78!}


    {!LANG-d3335f349e0dd55a04583e730e0348f3!} {!LANG-4216bac7d0635ed8826e49f468a45640!}{!LANG-82f18a3b9c243e46e5cd03c0eaeb3048!} {!LANG-0f4486258a6fca03ce4ce936357df8b9!}{!LANG-bad074756a7b6aae32096541b1b2c1f7!} {!LANG-88487f1527dbb6b1ce728734d1cb2f20!}{!LANG-fc772dd7d541eccde7d09bb4d50945c7!} {!LANG-e4676dd36771ad71ef8394d088b5868e!}{!LANG-27d3cfe98780ee0cb1cb4e80e33629d0!} {!LANG-0fce5e8817d0585b45315547111ec9e1!}{!LANG-e0cd747c4f11fc7be4c538f421506fb8!} {!LANG-908ad3e75f4634e978992574d06039be!}, {!LANG-3ac60effef46e7f1f23b29d30bf34304!}{!LANG-be0cdee1cad67d288bd10c02bd6aacfa!}
























    {!LANG-fbb962336a9a2a91ac028de849fea8e6!} {!LANG-bfcaabc69a592cd29d62bd61d06f7213!}{!LANG-8bac1cc6a05018e3762d12a0f3d5e568!}




    {!LANG-538c2cb6c0219c5d36559569cfcff377!} {!LANG-0ed325f3275170f4385c490c0b4e6484!}{!LANG-4a052f70c25ba1876ff406622d1bc224!}

    {!LANG-ceb28278c1d5a205ef32e6db782a663f!} {!LANG-d0bf70e95e4e1fcd1ac61e9774816bb7!}{!LANG-27224b6068e61ebb91a3da17eef03c85!}

















    1.2 {!LANG-c8d48eaa66c5d3705076bedc2ff834f0!}{!LANG-28fb944f11914bdeaea47a709a0d6348!}






















































    Finger gymnastics -






































    {!LANG-15e2ae4a1b36c81939dad1502aab6cf1!} {!LANG-2600ed5fbf047efe87450b86873f882e!}

    {!LANG-ac5cb2933d10b0df029bc36b5291674a!} {!LANG-b7698ac2fbaf4139fefed96ec3095643!}


    {!LANG-cb41522da9694cab83afaa22150dbd8c!} {!LANG-41b9908f5574bbaccdab8cd697ebbf3c!}

    {!LANG-abae9c8609b4310a0deb4bfce2133270!} {!LANG-5dcecc1ddb0051437b9a0e397d060e66!}












    {!LANG-0f2152bc0f0724e52935950f55cfdb0c!} {!LANG-03e3c0e6f93630d488c61cffc34ab81e!}


    {!LANG-02d1f7b2ac1f720a293a7313ea7f2ad2!} {!LANG-244ddf315f30e233eeb7c6aed6ed2546!}






















    {!LANG-cf3a4251cb49a65b1291dd0f7867ee06!} {!LANG-9db769feae22726ac6cda9c4391ae744!}

    {!LANG-8d760c24f3f6b81f6afe24e751f9ff4f!} {!LANG-e04b5118d867ef5b7bc4584a3dd7ca0f!} {!LANG-519f2f01688711d15c1498fc9111be81!}

    {!LANG-25d8cc11f63270e6e0411ec406d47577!} {!LANG-b459f34a0cf355754959ddfe8e92faa7!}












    {!LANG-09eef7e641051e70a6f38342b90be459!} {!LANG-e85dd202f1c54f8f9008bd44b448b577!}

    {!LANG-05ba5512f91fe6bcc49b03f62ce5a328!} {!LANG-3d33119b3e2fb57b49e8c7ef0ef19006!}

    {!LANG-1965ae4b77dd7d4626cee34b7ec1aa40!} {!LANG-54fe95c89d7d49bb2e0fc6370993098a!}


    {!LANG-8c3abfd5e4544ee85fc70bc6c5f5ab38!} {!LANG-0d740d14dfb0ea089ca8bd421fc5d2ac!}

    {!LANG-666f47b4b39b88dde0f6afcecc11d37d!} {!LANG-37fe1d720fcba8f2bd36d1ac4a33f94d!}

    {!LANG-10f45fd6bd0b22e329ac4cf9d72525c8!} {!LANG-1558a451b2ef8295584774ea17486fe4!}











    {!LANG-9486c9aa7f75bd8d32cde8dae90daf0c!} {!LANG-70e8d7e79663d6c95fe619e0590f0a0e!}

    {!LANG-d2178c5ca8db3ed764a06ee8ecbe5f80!} {!LANG-b4134bd4429033a74aab50bd1eea0085!}

    {!LANG-a1f9b92f2722d7b91b7c808af1b2b170!} {!LANG-7927628e8005b5413a8f8899c082418a!}

    {!LANG-8f3048d223275a8d24a0c4a5af7cff27!} {!LANG-290ee5cfdb76fe8936c48474a0a49b2c!}









    Finger gymnastics - {!LANG-4650a828281e47b867460f5cd1b51faa!}

    {!LANG-ad4ca3bbcb54a8808e5c278c021d8bef!} {!LANG-29b6ac80ecaef942b49cca4b69cb19ec!}{!LANG-610bdef9f7697904abb24ddb695a79ad!}


    1. {!LANG-002a6417aada4c963db18aa0cb4fdf00!}
    2. {!LANG-77058862bd185b6cac1cc50902ee54d4!}
    3. {!LANG-08591b5f6d73c1f0531c23804f5bc03b!} {!LANG-5a379eb174cb82fdffc6742b2f847e7a!}{!LANG-e64850c21ca62c521e9148b1ef6cfdee!}
    4. {!LANG-59d66e1e9dc481075bfcb6ac187d4fb6!}
    5. {!LANG-fa198b7c9e8f91e7a1f7f74e37f667ae!}
    6. {!LANG-a01f47c9486975d428ac4c2c964a60bd!}
    7. {!LANG-f80be004756c8ed79662e0b84e1d8cc5!}
    8. {!LANG-5e9883e2c70fca9a1465c81060637dde!}
    9. {!LANG-8f83019cc8f3e0ed738b294aed460f36!}
    10. {!LANG-d5000017080a346f2be18f3165f767bc!}
    11. {!LANG-778a8961af5e7059f098091b7600f976!} {!LANG-8173ba7fe5c1eb8b19caca5fa0e1e099!}{!LANG-06c3f94d7022c8edfe892a057b08dca0!}
    12. {!LANG-2792ae281103f6d1363f0fbc6557ab72!}
    13. {!LANG-ff9c588bf74dbfb9f4254d260971f6df!}
    14. {!LANG-76fa2d2c1b92efdc4a1a48481ae3588b!}
    15. {!LANG-9abeac5da1338fe033ed4cc8413c25c4!}
    16. {!LANG-c5e443e2ecb7815df6d6d68a41b7f964!}
    17. {!LANG-3a1718a0294a369671a3e9a6587452f4!}
    18. {!LANG-5db0b83d869f48b8715acb0d63b3e2fb!}
    19. {!LANG-fd1eec9babb66b4b672ca6508c640bb4!}
    20. {!LANG-95de2e382e840b843cb60443a41cb998!}
    21. {!LANG-6a55a898e530725145efb9a182c69650!}
    22. {!LANG-9228d6a7640d02e603bbccd8a8ea2d0f!}
    23. {!LANG-ffdd0e7db7d2f6d8d8cce0e57254b8a6!}
    24. {!LANG-4e9eb81754cfd775bd077d06ab1f2511!}
    25. {!LANG-195b55cf120bd4bcc15d2c8d0dcfba2b!}