• Alexander Strizhenov - the secrets of the actor's weight loss. How did Alexander Strizhenov lose weight? How Ekaterina Strizhenova's husband lost weight


    Recently, it became noticeable how Alexander Strizhenov, the famous Russian theater and film actor, director and screenwriter, lost weight. Such colossal changes helped him look younger, prettier, and even forced him to change his style. Now Alexander prefers fitted shirts, clothes that successfully emphasize the harmony of his figure. Thanks to his efforts, he said goodbye to 50 kg of excess weight.

    Not all problems associated with being overweight are visible to the naked eye. After the director's weight reached 142 kilograms, doctors began to fear for his health. Heart disease and type 2 diabetes could become a reality for Alexander if he continued to lead a sedentary lifestyle. Within a year, his wife persuaded him to take care of himself and start losing weight.

    Like many overweight people, Strizhenov has tried many different ways to lose weight. During the first attempt, Alexander drank practically only water for 3 weeks, and he managed to lose 30 kg. But as soon as he returned to his usual diet, the weight quickly recovered. He was looking for a diet that would restore his slimness. Finally found the perfect way for me. In addition, he purchased a subscription to the pool and began to visit it regularly.

    The secret to losing weight. For his complexion, Alexander Strizhenov lost weight amazingly. The diet lasted longer than usual so that the burden on health was minimal. After all, I had to work with a lot of extra kilos. To begin with, he chose a low-calorie fractional diet. This helped speed up the metabolism. At the same time, such harmful foods as carbonated drinks, smoked, fatty, flour dishes, and fast food were excluded from the diet. In addition, Alexander made it a rule to consume 3 grapefruits per day. As you know, it has the ability to quickly break down fats.

    The principle of the fractional diet is based on frequent meals, but Alexander made it more strict for himself. He only ate one food per meal. That is, only meat, only vegetables or only fish. And grapefruit can be eaten between meals or completely replace a meal with it. Alexander Strizhenov lost weight thanks to just such a diet. This mode of eating is quite simple and accessible to everyone. The results can be verified by testing it for yourself.

    During the diet, the following foods are allowed: chicken, vegetables, fruits, and almost all cereals. Among vegetables, only legumes are prohibited. Chicken is allowed only in boiled or baked form, vegetables and fruits can be eaten boiled, raw and baked. Salt intake should be reduced as much as possible, this will remove fluid from the body, reduce pressure and normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system. When cooking, salt is not necessary to add, only to cooked food. Thus, the salt will not be absorbed into the product deeply, but by salting the dish itself directly, you can deceive your taste buds.

    An example of nutrition for a week by Alexander Strizhenov


    • a few boiled chicken eggs (they can be replaced with porridge without oil with the addition of raisins or nuts, or lean ham);
    • a cup of natural coffee without sugar;
    • half a grapefruit or natural juice from it.
    • low-fat cheese (can be replaced with a salad of fresh vegetables or a vegetarian soup);
    • half a grapefruit;
    • a glass of tea without sugar.

    You can have a snack with a whole grapefruit.

    Dinner (no later than 3-4 hours before bedtime):

    • 200 grams of fish, chicken or lean steak;
    • vegetable salad dressed with lemon juice;
    • a cup of herbal tea, to which it is useful to add ginger root;
    • half a grapefruit.


    • a couple of boiled eggs or porridge;
    • natural coffe;
    • half a grapefruit.
    • a small piece of low-fat cheese (about 50 gr);
    • half a grapefruit.

    Grapefruit snack.

    • fish baked on the grill or in the oven;
    • vegetable salad seasoned with lemon juice or olive oil;
    • Herb tea.


    • a mixture of natural yogurt and 2 tbsp. l. muesli and raisins;
    • half a grapefruit.
    • vegetable soup with a few black bread croutons;
    • half a grapefruit
    • 200 gr chicken (boiled or baked);
    • 2 baked tomatoes;
    • Herb tea;
    • half a grapefruit.


    • fruit salad, which includes a green apple, orange and grapefruit (if you want to change at least one of the ingredients, remember that not all fruits are combined with each other). You can fill the salad with a teaspoon of natural yogurt;
    • natural coffe.
    • baked potato;
    • cabbage salad;
    • half a grapefruit
    • 200-250 grams of boiled skinless chicken or 200 grams of lean beef steak;
    • a glass of tomato juice or a baked tomato.

    On Saturday and Sunday, the menu of any day of the week is repeated. Snacks can be done at least an hour after eating, it can be an apple or low-fat kefir. Waking up in the morning, you are allowed to eat 1 tsp. honey. And in the evening before going to bed, you can refresh yourself only with grapefruit. Such a nutrition system will help you lose 3-5 kg ​​per week without harm to the body. But still, before starting a diet, it is recommended to seek the advice of a doctor or nutritionist.

    The famous Russian actor, screenwriter, director and producer Alexander Strizhenov gained a lot of weight by the age of 40. The weight of the popular artist reached 140 kg, and this greatly worried his beautiful wife, actress and TV presenter Ekaterina Strizhenova.

    The actor implemented the decision made quite quickly and in a short time managed to get rid of more than 30 kg. Subsequently, he not only did not lose the achieved result, as is often the case with rapid weight loss, but reached a new record - as a result, Strizhenov lost 45 kg. The actor has changed so much that he was hardly recognized by acquaintances and friends. Seeing the actor in a new image, in a strict suit instead of the usual wide sweaters, everyone began to wonder - how did Alexander Strizhenov lose weight?

    How Strizhenov lost weight - two attempts

    Alexander made his first attempt to lose weight, deciding to take drastic measures, he experienced one of the hungry methods of losing weight. Fasting on mineral water helped the actor lose 15 kg in three weeks, but this method can not be attributed to a healthy and dietary-based method. The disadvantages of starvation diets are factors such as stress and shock to the body, as a result of which the weight lost during fasting quickly returns.

    Strizhenov's second test turned out to be more successful, effective, based on a healthy diet and increased physical activity. This approach to the problem of excess weight justified and exceeded expectations - Alexander Olegovich Strizhenov lost weight, rejuvenated, changed his image and wide hoodies for stylish fashionable suits.

    The nutritionist advised the actor to start losing weight with fasting days, the purpose of which was to reduce the volume of the stomach and the size of portions of food intake. The first stage of weight loss included two unloading days a week - one on apples, one on kefir. This approach served as a preparatory basis for a complete change in the diet and diet of the actor.

    The next step was to adjust the diet and select the optimal diet for Strizhenov. First of all, sausages, fatty meats, sweets, desserts, carbonated drinks, bananas, and grapes disappeared from the actor's diet. Strizhenov's diet was based on the Japanese geisha weight loss system, in which seafood and vegetables are preferred.

    In addition to changing the diet, Alexander Strizhenov applied several tricks that helped him effectively cope with excess weight:

    1. Half an hour before any meal, the actor drank a glass of slightly warmed water with lemon juice. This technique helps to get rid of overeating and reduces a single serving.
    2. Half an hour after each meal, Strizhenov ate one grapefruit. This approach allows the body to burn extra calories, since grapefruit has a unique property called negative calorie content. That is, much more calories are spent on the processing of this fruit than it enters the body.
    3. Breakfast is the most satisfying in the diet, in the morning lean ham, boiled eggs, low-calorie cheese, yogurt, oatmeal, coffee are allowed, at lunch preference is given to a vegetable menu - boiled or baked potatoes, rice, fresh vegetable salads.
    4. Alexander reduced the consumption of carbohydrates as much as possible, after 16.00 he took exclusively protein foods. This aspect is due to the slowdown of the pancreas in the evening. For dinner, the actor ate steamed, boiled lean meat (chicken, beef) or lean fish.
    5. During the day, the actor drank a lot of water, which significantly reduces appetite, you can add lemon, orange, mint leaves, vanilla to the water.
    6. Cooking also has one secret - it is salted directly on the plate, and not during cooking, thus reducing salt intake.

    Using this diet, actively swimming in the pool, Alexander Strizhenov quickly put himself in order, which made his fans very happy.

    The famous actor and film director Alexander Strizhenov was finally able to say goodbye to his excess weight and become a worthy companion for his fair half - Catherine, who always followed her diet and lifestyle, and received her beautiful appearance as a reward.

    Once Alexander was already losing weight, it was several years ago. Using only one water, he was able to part with 30 kilograms in a short time, but returning to his usual diet, he gained weight again just as quickly.
    This time, he firmly decided to get rid of the hated luggage, and the beginning health problems only added to the desire. How did he manage to lose weight?

    Grapefruit miracle in weight loss

    Many articles have been written about the benefits and effectiveness of this tropical fruit, and almost every diet includes it in its menu, it is one of the only natural fat burners in nature. The artist's nutritionists did not invent something new, but resorted to the classic method of losing weight, the result of which has already been demonstrated more than once. Fractional nutrition in conjunction with the use of grapefruits once again did their job.

    To lose weight, Alexander first of all abandoned harmful carbohydrates, which have recently been the basis of his diet:

    • all kinds of fast food;
    • sausages;
    • so any sweets and desserts to them;
    • sugary drinks.

    By replacing them with slow (healthy) carbohydrates in the form of cereals and proteins (cheese, eggs and lean meat), he significantly reduced the total daily calorie intake. In addition, he tried to eat every 2-3 hours, but the portion size did not exceed 200 grams.

    His second step was the regular use of grapefruits in the amount of 3-5 pieces per day. As he got used to the new life, Alexander was even able to replace dinner with a whole fruit and remain full at the same time. Of course, he had to completely forget about eating before bed, but it turned out to be not so difficult.

    Physical activity

    The next component of Alexander Strizhenov's successful weight loss is physical activity. Among the available sports, he chose swimming and did not regret it, visiting the pool is considered one of the most effective and gentle methods of getting rid of excess weight, and there is nothing to say about the health benefits.

    Thus, Alexander's three new habits only benefited him, in addition, he tried to consume at least 2 liters of water per day, and chose green tea as his main drink. Strizhenov himself is pleased with his victory over excess weight and advises everyone to use his method, considering it the most reliable, proven and safe weight loss, and he has something to compare with.

    Secular people are used to shocking the public with their appearance. However, it is believed that this is the prerogative of the beautiful half of humanity. And when it comes to a drastic change in the appearance of a respectable and respectable man, it immediately becomes the main news and a constant subject of discussion. Not so long ago, the broad masses were surprised to see an actor, director and successor of a famous dynasty who “suddenly” lost several tens of kilograms. And everyone had only one question on their lips: “How did Alexander Strizhenov lose weight?”

    Critical mark

    In fact, men are also very concerned about the appearance of extra pounds, it’s just that, unlike women, their struggle with this problem does not look like a constant run in a vicious circle or an obsession. When a person reaches a mark approaching one and a half centners in his weight indicators, it becomes difficult for him to exist in society, especially if he is quite intensively loaded. So Alexander Olegovich Strizhenov lost weight because the weight became excessively tiring and interfere with fruitful work.

    Stimulus 1. Wife Ekaterina

    A wise woman, a beauty, wife Ekaterina did not put pressure on her husband when he started having problems with weight. She patiently waited, hinted at the fact that obesity was never synonymous with health, and offered to contact a familiar nutritionist. But the acting couple often have to go out to people at various events, and photojournalists regularly record such exits. The director understood how a perfectly built, young-looking wife could be awkward next to him in the light of television cameras and paparazzi flashes, and he took control of the situation. Thanks to love for Catherine, Alexander Strizhenov lost weight.

    Stimulus 2. Offer from Hollywood

    It is not at all necessary for directors to demonstrate the presence of press cubes, but the requirements for actors and their appearance are somewhat different. When a rather flattering offer from Hollywood loomed on the horizon and shooting in tandem with Til Schweiger loomed in the future, the Russian actor had to come to terms with compliance with the terms of the contract. Alexander Strizhenov lost weight (you see the photo as a visual illustration), because the producers of the Hollywood picture demanded this. I must say that a few years earlier, Alexander had problems with the creators of the Good Morning program, where he worked for several years as a presenter and was subsequently fired due to the inconsistency of the screen image with the requirements of the producers. Then he did not want to change something in appearance, fruitfully taking up his own projects. But the offer from overseas made the hero reconsider his position in the fight against obesity.

    How Alexander Strizhenov lost weight: several stages in achieving the goal

    Rumors are leaking to the press that the hero managed to lose weight using the method of multi-day health fasting. How can you imagine a person who is used to not denying himself food, and then suddenly decides to put himself in a state of hunger for 21 days? This is a completely utopian and unrealistic situation. It is a completely different matter when the fight against excess weight is carried out systematically, purposefully, in several stages. Usually, therapeutic fasting is used when the bulk of body fat has already disappeared, and the stomach has shrunk. So Strizhenov Alexander Olegovich lost weight gradually and in stages. How exactly? Now we'll tell you.

    Stage one. Fasting days

    Before you start a conversation, you must immediately make a reservation. Independent radical ways of losing weight can lead to gastritis and stomach ulcers. That's what advice, recommendations and supervision from nutritionists are for. So, our hero turned to a nutritionist, who, having assessed the situation, developed the first stage of the diet. To begin with, the stomach should contract, so the hero was recommended to spend fasting days 2 times a week, one of which was apple and the second kefir. Such fasting days make adjustments to the usual diet, forcing the body to gradually wean from the predominance of starchy carbohydrate foods in the diet. Also, kefir and apple days build a good solid foundation for the formation of a new way of eating in the future. Conclusion: Alexander Strizhenov lost weight, properly preparing his body for a new healthy diet.

    Stage two. Finding the optimal diet

    Together with a specialist, based on personal preferences, our hero made a new daily diet. Alexander loves seafood and vegetables, so it was decided to take the so-called geisha diet as the basis for the menu. The nutritionist said that the body should receive the bulk of the calories in the morning. The body also needs daily cleansing, which is facilitated by regular consumption of water. Do you want to know how Alexander Strizhenov lost weight? In addition, he developed a useful habit: drink a glass of warm water with lemon daily. Also, the director was asked to introduce healthy grapefruit snacks into the menu in order to avoid deviations from the diet. This is due to the fact that the stomach, according to old memory, will always remind you of food until it is completely rebuilt. Based on the recommendations, our hero had to eat one grapefruit half an hour after each meal.

    Menu excerpt

    For breakfast (except for a cup of coffee), you can choose from oatmeal or low-fat yogurt with low-calorie cheese, or boiled eggs with low-fat ham.

    For lunch, you need to eat vegetable salads with rice or baked potatoes.

    For dinner, a piece of lean meat (chicken fillet) or lean fish is offered. These foods need to be steamed.

    Stage three. Subscription to the pool

    So, we learned about how Alexander Strizhenov lost weight by reviewing his diet. However, in order to keep the body, muscles and skin in good shape, general strengthening physical exercises are also necessary. So that sagging skin on the body does not create the impression of baggy, our hero chose swimming as a strengthening exercise. The pool charges with positive emotions, and during training, all muscle groups are involved at once.

    As a result, having gone through all the stages of recovery and the fight against obesity, the famous director not only achieved good intermediate results, but also consolidated them, and also continued to develop success. Ultimately, Alexander Strizhenov lost 50 kg.

    The famous Russian actor, screenwriter, director and producer Alexander Strizhenov gained a lot of weight by the age of 40. The weight of the popular artist reached 140 kg, and this greatly worried his beautiful wife, actress and TV presenter Ekaterina Strizhenova.

    The actor implemented the decision made quite quickly and in a short time managed to get rid of more than 30 kg. Subsequently, he not only did not lose the achieved result, as is often the case with rapid weight loss, but reached a new record - as a result, Strizhenov lost 45 kg. The actor has changed so much that he was hardly recognized by acquaintances and friends. Seeing the actor in a new image, in a strict suit instead of the usual wide sweaters, everyone began to wonder - how did Alexander Strizhenov lose weight?

    How Strizhenov lost weight - two attempts

    Alexander made his first attempt to lose weight, deciding to take drastic measures, he experienced one of the hungry methods of losing weight. on mineral water helped the actor get rid of 15 kg in three weeks, but this method cannot be attributed to a healthy and dietary-based method. The disadvantages of starvation diets are factors such as stress and shock to the body, as a result of which the weight lost during fasting quickly returns.

    Strizhenov's second test turned out to be more successful, effective, based on a healthy diet and increased physical activity. This approach to the problem of excess weight justified and exceeded expectations - Alexander Olegovich Strizhenov lost weight, rejuvenated, changed his image and wide hoodies for stylish fashionable suits.

    The nutritionist advised the actor to start losing weight with fasting days, the purpose of which was to reduce the volume of the stomach and the size of portions of food intake. The first stage of weight loss included two unloading days a week - one on apples, one on kefir. This approach served as a preparatory basis for a complete change in the diet and diet of the actor.

    The next step was to adjust the diet and select the optimal diet for Strizhenov. First of all, sausages, fatty meats, sweets, desserts, carbonated drinks, bananas, and grapes disappeared from the actor's diet. Strizhenov's diet was based on the Japanese geisha weight loss system, in which seafood and vegetables are preferred.

    In addition to changing the diet, Alexander Strizhenov applied several tricks that helped him effectively cope with excess weight:

    Using this diet, actively swimming in the pool, Alexander Strizhenov quickly put himself in order, which made his fans very happy.

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