• Ten ways to painlessly lose weight. What diet pills really help? Diets for fast weight loss


    Of course, it is difficult to keep your appetite in a tight rein. But there are little tricks that will help you in this necessary and noble cause. So, there are only 31 days left before your slimness... Forward!

    Psychologists say: in order to solve this or that problem - including being overweight! - you need to start at least take it into your head. Thinking about how to change your shape for the better, you give the body a kind of technical task: it's time to lose weight!

    And if you daily reinforce the mental attitude with specific deeds, you can lose from 2 to 4.5 kg in a month. Well, are you ready? Then turn on!

    Next to each day, it is indicated how many kg of plumb line the method of losing weight will give if you adhere to this method daily.

    1 day on the way to harmony: minus 140g

    The fat cell holds water. To get rid of excess fluid, drink in the morning before meals tea with a slight diuretic and diaphoretic effect: herbal based on horsetail, mint, lime blossom, corn stigmas, bear's ears. Take 1-2 components and brew at the rate of 1 table, a spoonful of herbs per glass of boiling water. You can lose not 140, but up to 0.5-1 kg per day.

    Day 2 on the way to harmony: minus 280g

    Go to the shop for blue dishes. Nutritionists testify: on it we absorb 15% less food - cold colors perfectly reduce appetite. The main thing is that cups and plates are not too big (buy dessert ones): the American fashion introduced to put food on airfield-sized dishes is one of the main reasons for the obesity epidemic that has broken out on the planet.

    Day 3 on the way to harmony: minus 420g

    Have a heartier breakfast to calmly perceive the vicissitudes of fate (when we are worried on an empty stomach, we sweep everything off the table) and make dinner as easy as possible. It is advisable to time it to 18.00. Did you eat later? No problem! The main thing is that at least 3 hours pass between the last meal and sleep.

    Day 4 on the way to harmony: minus 280g

    Do not put anything on the plate: limit yourself to the portion you originally stopped at. When the hand habitually reaches for the additive, change the trajectory of movement by grabbing the earlobe. It is for the earlobe, and not for any other part of the body - in its center is a point that reduces appetite and stimulates metabolism.

    Day 5 on the way to harmony: minus 850g

    Eat in proud solitude. When we dine in the company of relatives, friends and colleagues, we eat 44% more and at the same time do not feel full. Meet your friends for a cup of tea, a glass of juice or an oxygen cocktail - the latter is good for your figure! Make exceptions only for traditional Sunday dinners with your family.

    Day 6 on the way to harmony: minus 560g

    Physical inactivity is another scourge of modern society: eight hours of sitting in front of the computer at work, we get home by personal transport, and there we also sit in front of the TV. Take 10 thousand steps during the day. If you follow this rule constantly, the figure will noticeably tighten. And you don’t need any diets - if only there was a pedometer at hand!

    Day 7 on the way to harmony: minus 1kg

    Binding excess carbohydrates without allowing them to turn into fats will help green tea, as well as an infusion of rowan fruits with rose hips (1:1) or with leaves of dioecious nettle (7:3). Brew 1 table, a spoonful of herbal mixture with 2 cups of boiling water, hold for 10 minutes on fire, let it brew for 4 hours, strain. Take half a glass between meals 2-3 times a day.

    Day 8 on the way to harmony: minus 1kg 700g

    To lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you get from food. Force your body to burn fat with aerobic exercise. Twelve minutes a day regularly - and the weight will begin to melt! The result will be more noticeable if, half an hour before training, take fat burners - L-carnitine or coenzyme Q10 as catalysts for this process.

    Day 9 on the way to harmony: minus 1kg 280g

    Unloading days are preferably carried out twice a week.

    Boil 0.5 kg of rice in lightly salted water. Buy 1.5 kg of grapes, preferably black. Divide into 4 doses, and in between meals, drink 2 liters of warm alkaline mineral water such as Borjomi, Smirnovskaya or Essentuki-4 to neutralize gastric juice and reduce appetite.

    Day 10 on the way to harmony: minus 1kg 420g

    Let's have a fish day. Eat sushi, and if you don't like it, then mussels, crabs (natural meat, not sticks!), mackerel, other marine fish (but not too fatty) and kelp (seaweed) are sources of iodine, which is necessary for the thyroid gland to increase the level of energy metabolism: burn excess fat.

    Day 11 on the road to slimness: minus 1kg 560g

    Heed the advice of long-lived Japanese doctor Shigeaki Hinohara - get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger, filling the stomach by only 70%. The feeling of fullness is a little late - after all, nutrients are absorbed in at least 20-30 minutes. All this time, the appetite still reminds of itself, but if you follow its lead, it will end in overeating.

    Day 12 on the way to harmony: minus 1kg 850 g

    Never load anything into the stomach by force - for example, out of respect for the hosts who invited you to visit. Those who were taught by their mothers in childhood to eat up everything to the last crumb are paying for this habit with a dimensionless stomach and excess weight. Another trick: try eating with chopsticks or use dessert forks and coffee spoons.

    Day 13 on the way to harmony: minus 1kg 700g

    Arrange a holiday for yourself! Preparing for it and conducting it in terms of energy costs are equivalent to visiting the gym.

    Calculate for yourself: 150 kcal for cleaning before and after the holiday, 350 kcal for cooking and decorating the table, 290 kcal for washing dishes before and after. Well, how many ran there? And you were afraid to get fat!

    Day 14 on the way to harmony: minus 2kg 140 g

    Go to the bath! The ancient Roman physician Galen claimed that the cause of obesity is weak sweating. After steaming in the sauna (and for lack of time to visit it, taking a hot bath), drink a few cups of diaphoretic tea with honey, raspberry jam and strawberry leaves or juice - preferably apple, grapefruit or orange.

    Day 15 on the way to harmony: minus 2kg 280 g

    Oatmeal, lady? It cleanses the body of the end products of metabolism formed during the breakdown of fat, and promotes its replacement with muscle tissue. To lose weight and get rid of toxins, you need to eat 3-5 tables daily, spoons of oatmeal - in the form of porridge for breakfast or slimness salad with the addition of various fruits for dinner.

    Day 16 on the way to harmony: minus 2kg

    Tune in for a weight loss aromatherapy session. The olfactory centers are located next to the subcortical areas that activate metabolism and fat burning. Essential oils of orange, grapefruit, cypress, lemon help to get rid of it without much effort. Add a few drops to your incense burner and get busy!

    Day 17 on the way to harmony: minus 2kg 420g

    Spin the hoop. This fitness machine, forgotten by many, will help you burn fat from your waist, abdomen and hips. You can do these exercises even while watching the next part of your favorite series. By twisting the hoop for only 8 minutes, you will burn 110 kcal. And to lose 0.5 kg, you need to do about four hours.

    Day 18 on the way to harmony: minus 2kg 560 g

    Another option for a fasting day is to sit on the soup on Saturday. Eat it not only for lunch, but also for breakfast, or even for dinner: as you like! The trick is that the body spends more calories to digest liquid food than it contains, but you do not feel hungry - because the soup fills the stomach.

    Day 19 on the way to harmony: minus 2kg 700g

    Don't starve - just try to eat less, but more often(6-8 times a day). Strict diets make people fatter - in 9 out of 10 women who have lost weight with their help, body weight returns to its original positions within a year, and with an extra weight. This applies even to such a well-known nutrition system as Atkins protein. Extra pounds are less dangerous to health than such a diet.

    Day 20 on the way to harmony: minus 2kg 850g

    Make your menu right! In the morning, increased activity of lipase, a digestive enzyme that breaks down fats (lipids), have breakfast with cheese, sausage, bread and butter, scrambled eggs. Set aside meat, fish until lunch, when protein foods are digested. At 16.00 the body is tuned to carbohydrates (bitter chocolate, jelly). In the evening, eat vegetable stew or salad.

    21 days on the road to harmony: minus 3kg

    Slowly swirling leaves in a dance known only to them are conducive to meditation.

    Close your eyes often and imagine yourself slim and beautiful in the not too distant future. Thought is material: you will definitely become one! Scientists have found that just by imagining how your waistline shrinks, you can reduce its volume by 10%!

    Day 22 on the way to harmony: minus Zkg 140 g

    Count your time and energy! The math behind the art of keeping fit is simple. To lose a pound, you need to burn 3500 kcal. This is 4 hours of running at a fast pace (12 km / h), 5 hours of swing exercises with 5-kg dumbbells, 6 hours of breaststroke or crawl swimming, 7 hours of jumping rope, 7.5 hours of active waist-deep movements in water.

    Day 23 on the way to harmony: minus 3kg 280 g

    Get enough sleep, that is, sleep at least 7 hours! Scientists say: fat burns in a dream. When not getting enough sleep, energy metabolism is disturbed, and one cannot dream of weight loss. It is enough to spend 6 hours a day in bed for a week instead of the prescribed eight to negate the result of losing weight and provoke an increase in body weight.

    Day 24 on the road to slimness: minus 3kg 420g

    Eat with your eyes and chew... mentally: the founder of the well-known health system Katsuzo Nishi insisted on this rule. After chewing imaginary food 36 times, switch to real food. Each piece needs to be ground with your jaws 50 times if you just want to eat; 100 times if you want to improve your health, and more than 150 times if your goal is to get rid of fat.

    Day 25 on the way to harmony: minus 3kg 560 g

    We overeat not only when stressed, but also when we are happy and satisfied with life. Most of the lucky people, for joy, prefer high-calorie foods: steak, scrambled eggs, pizza. However, taste preferences depend on age: in the period from 18 to 34 years old we seize the euphoria of ice cream, from 35 to 54 years old we lean on pasta, and after 55 on mashed potatoes.

    Day 26 on the way to harmony: minus 3kg 700g

    "Out of sight, out of mind" is the proverb. This statement is also true of daily bread. Keep food away from your attention zone! Do not leave snacks, sweets, nuts and other food on the table, especially at arm's length. They provoke the intake of additional calories in the body.

    Day 27 on the way to harmony: minus 3 kg 850 g

    Make your life difficult! In this case, you will not act as an enemy to your beloved. If you want to lose weight, give up foods that do not require cooking. Your house should not have sausages, wieners, buns and fatty sour cream. You will fall in love with healthy, low-calorie foods faster if you put in the effort to prepare them.

    Day 28 on the way to harmony: minus 4kg

    At dinner, do not read or watch TV - this is a direct path to overeating! Being distracted by extraneous things, you lose control over the quality and quantity sent to the stomach, and as a result, each next swallowed piece can be considered a feasible contribution to the formation of a fatty membrane on your thighs, stomach and chin.

    Day 29 on the way to harmony: minus 4kg 140 g

    Is it time to do a general cleaning in the apartment? Bringing shine, polishing furniture throughout the house for only an hour, for example, you will burn 309 kcal! In addition, when you fight for cleanliness and order and clear the blockages accumulated in the house, the body takes an example from you and begins to put itself in order, eliminating excess fat!

    Day 30 on the way to harmony: minus 4kg 280 g

    We live in fertile Russia, not in hungry Africa; in the XXI century, and not in times of all sorts of deficits. Do not fill the refrigerator to capacity and do not stock up for a month in advance!

    And most importantly, eat before you go to the store. On an empty stomach, buy a lot of products harmful to the figure, and then you will be forced to absorb them.

    31 days on the road to slimness: minus 4kg 400g

    Don't be impulsive! If you suddenly feel like eating, and the time has not yet come for this, you should not immediately run to the refrigerator. Take a break for 15-20 minutes. Lost appetite? So he was inspired by kitchen smells coming from the neighbors, or a commercial!

    Be slim and healthy!

    Easy weight loss tips that you can apply every day

    Painless weight loss? Since many of us perceive weight loss as a painful rejection of our favorite foods, it is always very painful for us.

      Painless Weight Loss Tips: Eat all family and lose weight

      Your favorite products can be "lightened"

    The truth is that eating healthy and exercising doesn't require heroic effort on your part. You need to make a few simple lifestyle changes and you can easily lose weight.

    The site talked to weight loss experts and regular people alike and found simple and painless ways to lose weight. Below are 10 tips on how to lose weight without stress.

    1. Lighten up the food you love

    One of the easiest ways to lose weight is to replace fatty foods with their low-fat counterparts. For example, you can put low-fat varieties of cheese on pizza and it will be just as tasty. You can also eat the fat-free version of your favorite ice cream.

    The key is that you should find a "light" version of your favorite food that is high in fat and sugar. Buy light mayonnaise, sour cream, salad dressing; Eat less sugar and unsweetened frozen fruits.

    Drink light cola and beer.

    2. Share food

    In US restaurants, portions are quite large, so it's so easy to get better.

    "When we dine at a restaurant, I often share with my wife," says David Anthony, a consultant from Atlanta. "We always take one dessert for two."

    You can share more than just food. Can you ride a bike together? Go in for sports in half with a personal trainer? Sharing a pool pass for two?

    "When people do things together, they support and inspire each other," says Lorinda Nagel, an Oregon manager who shares a gym membership with a friend.

    3. Forget about workouts

    If the phrase "exercise" makes you sad, don't use it. Never call it "exercise," says Anlanta consultant Brian LaRose.

    For example, "Many people enjoy having sex, but they don't always know that it can burn calories," says LaRose. And sex can be a serious physical burden.

    So burn calories, pump muscles, roller-skate, ski and skate, play frisbee, have sex and lose weight.

    4. Add, don't exclude

    Try to add foods to your diet instead of eliminating them. Eat healthy foods like fresh frozen fruits and vegetables. Choose your favorite products.

    Eat them for breakfast or lunch, as a snack; add vegetables to lean meats.

    Do this and you will realize that you no longer want to eat at fast food, because you enjoy a new fresh taste.

    5. walk

    Writer Carol Schmidt says healthy eating, walking and partner support helped her lose 68 kg.

    Now, instead of going somewhere by car, go on foot, walk from 2 to 7 km a day.

    Our tips will help you walk more:

      Shop in your area.

      Buy yourself a lawn mower.

      Sweep your yard instead of using a pneumatic leaf blower.

      Get off the bus a few stops early.

      Go up the stairs, don't use the elevator.

      Walk after dinner.

    6. Tune in to your favorite wave and tone up

    Move while watching your favorite TV show or listening to music. Dance to the music while watching Star Factory or your favorite music program.

    Pick up bottles of water instead of drinking it. "Use water-filled bottles to train your biceps.

    It doesn't matter what exactly you do. The main thing is that you stay active and move. Spend at least 15 minutes a day doing this.

    7. Skip meals

    So tempting to dine in a restaurant! But this way you can gain more kilograms than you planned.

    "If someone invited me to dinner, I always went," says LaRose. This went on until a friend told him that he had gained a lot of weight.

    Then LaRose realized how many calories were in these free meals. "Now I always refuse," he says.

    If you can't refuse a business lunch, just choose healthier foods - grilled chicken, stewed vegetables or just a salad.

    8. Size matters

    We often eat without feeling hungry. When a small portion is on a large plate, we always want to take a supplement. If we take a small plate for the same portion, then vision will send a signal to the brain that we have enough food.

    "That way you'll eat less food," says Dr. Powell. "You don't put a lot of food on a small plate."

    Remember to bring small spoons and cups. Eat ice cream with a baby spoon. So you prolong the pleasure and your body will receive a signal of satiety.

    9. Get busy with something

    When losing weight takes all your thoughts, you need to switch your attention to some activity. "When I'm not doing anything, I eat more than I need," says Florida inventor Kenneth Fry.

    He advises: Get off the TV and the magazine and do something interesting and useful that has nothing to do with food.

    Get involved in politics, discover yoga, start painting. Help your child with homework, make repairs in the bedroom, organize a camping trip.

    Key: Have interests other than losing weight.

    10. Reset today, support tomorrow

    Be patient. Maintaining weight can be much easier than losing weight.

    In a study by the National Committee on Weight Control, about 42% of 784 people who lost weight and maintained weight admitted that maintaining weight was much easier for them than losing weight.

    Therefore, if you want to consolidate the results of losing weight, be patient. And you will consolidate the success of losing weight.

    Before the New Year -2016, almost everyone dreams. How to fulfill this dream without stress for the body? Is it possible to save the results of express weight loss for a long time? Our consultant, nutritionist Vera Kronovskaya, answers questions from MedPulse readers

    How much can you lose as much weight as possible in a short time - for example, in a week?

    - Of course, a lot here depends on the initial weight and characteristics of the body. But according to medical standards, the loss of 400-500 g of adipose tissue per week is considered safe and physiological. Please note: this is about fat. Because due to the withdrawal of excess fluid, a person can lose much more weight. In addition, weight can also decrease due to a reduction in mass, which also suffers from starvation diets. There is one more point. Many people think that it is enough to go to the clinic every day for procedures and eat whatever you want. The result, perhaps, will be, but far from being so noticeable and persistent.

    It turns out that all these programs from the series "minus 5 kg in two weeks" do not work or are harmful?

    - Not at all. Properly composed, even if it is fast, it will not harm the body. And you can really lose 3-5 kg ​​in a week. But here it is important to observe a few points. Firstly, such a shock weight loss course should go under medical supervision. Secondly, in addition to professional procedures, nutrition correction is needed. Here are still relevant, which are made up of special foods high in protein. But the diet can also consist of familiar foods. The number and time of meals, the volume of products, their combinations will simply be carefully planned. In any case, it is the doctor who should prescribe nutrition. It will help identify possible contraindications and adapt nutrition to the characteristics of the body. And in order for the figure to improve more intensively and, most importantly, in the right places, professional procedures will be needed.

    - Many people think that it is more effective to do 10 sessions of one procedure - for example, LPG or massage, than to come the same 10 times, but for different procedures.

    “That's not entirely fair. Let's take the same massage on the LPG machine. If you have a massage or visit an infrared cabin before the session to warm up the body and prepare the adipose tissue, the body shaping will be more intense. After the procedure, the body needs to be helped to remove the decay products of destroyed fat cells. When 1 g of fat is destroyed, 4 g of water is formed. And if this water is not removed using, for example, lymphatic drainage, edema may occur. This applies to absolutely all procedures: the right combination is always better than monotherapy.

    There are also aesthetic problems of weight and weight loss.

    There is one more thing. Aesthetic problems almost always indicate that there are some disturbances in the work of internal organs. Ideally, in order to lose weight well and for a long time, you must first correct these "malfunctions". And here hardware procedures will also be very useful. After all, physiotherapy in its original version is aimed primarily at the rehabilitation of the body, and then at the correction of aesthetics. The same LPG in a certain mode helps to eliminate and strengthen the lymph flow. And this, in turn, contributes to the fight against cellulite. Therefore, when drawing up a program, not only weight and volume should be taken into account, but also the state of health.

    You can lose weight before the holidays. But be careful!

    - It turns out that losing weight quickly before the New Year is not very realistic and is it better to tune in to a long program?

    - It is quite possible to lose weight before the holidays. It is advisable to take at least three weeks for this, but the results will be after 7-10 days. Ideally, the program should be prescribed by a doctor, or better, by a team of specialists. First, a nutritionist or therapist will assess your condition, take all measurements and prescribe a diet and procedures. And then the physiotherapist will adjust the program and monitor the results. Then in a short time you can really lose weight, get rid of swelling and extra centimeters in problem areas.

    But remember that if after that you pounce on festive treats and alcohol with burning eyes, the body will get serious. Of course, you can deviate from the diet, but, as they say, without fanaticism. Otherwise, all efforts will be in vain.

    Extra pounds have never brought moral satisfaction to anyone and even, moreover, provoked depression. Most often, at the initial stage, when there is a realization that you need to eat less and a person immediately rushes to count the calories eaten, goes on a strict diet or maximizes physical activity. True, these techniques work only temporarily, bringing later even more disappointment and apathy. Thus, many are interested in how to lose weight quickly and painlessly, without stress and harm to the body and health in general? But everything is much simpler than it usually seems, and it is enough to follow some tips so that those extra pounds are gone forever and, as it were, by themselves.

    Proven methods for painless weight loss

    So, in order to understand how to lose weight painlessly, you need to remember that the human brain receives a satiety signal only after a certain time (usually 20 minutes) after any meal. And if you eat everything within 10 or 15 minutes? Everything is simple: the brain simply does not have time to notify the body of satiety and the amount of food eaten, naturally, exceeds what is necessary to satisfy hunger. Thus, there is an accumulation of excess calories, which become the basis for the appearance of excess weight. Therefore, chew longer and slower!

    The second important tip on how to lose weight quickly and painlessly is based on the complete rejection of snacks on the go, because this is how we gain a lot of extra and empty calories. Chips, soda, sandwiches, fast food ... all this does not bring any benefit to our body at all and only adds a few extra pounds in the end. Therefore, eat only sitting at the table!

    Help service...

    Also, in order to ensure painless weight loss, it is necessary to take into account a certain psychological moment. For example, the size of the plates used. And what does this have to do with it? On a small plate, even a couple of tablespoons of porridge seems like a huge amount, which means that the brain will perceive them as a sufficient portion to satisfy hunger. At the same time, the same amount on a large dish will seem so insignificant that an additive will definitely be required. Consider this psychological feature when you pour food into a plate!

    Serving is also not the last detail in the fight against boring fat reserves. After all, it is quite difficult to control the amount of food eaten if it does not lie on a plate, but is taken out of a bag or a common bowl. Therefore, eat only from a personal plate! This fully applies to pots and pans, which quite often turn out to be guests at the dinner table. Their place on the stove - this also needs to be remembered!

    When I eat...

    According to nutritionists, the most painless diet for the body is fractional nutrition, which involves minimal portions, but multiple meals. So eat at least every two hours, but a little bit. Thus, there is no painful feeling of hunger inherent in any diet, which means that the amount of food will be minimal.

    Also, remember what your grandmother told you - you need to eat with food. Only eat! Instead of watching TV, reading a newspaper, playing on the phone. All this only distracts from the very process of eating, which means it makes it difficult to control the amount of food eaten.


    In search of an answer on how to lose weight painlessly, you can, of course, not attach much importance to the above tips and try newfangled and radical methods, but it is these little tricks that will help you achieve the desired result quickly and, most importantly, absolutely safe for health.

    Read also:

    Painless weight loss? If you're working out desperately to a sweat or denying yourself your favorite high-calorie meals, you probably think that it can't be painless.

    And, although proper nutrition and getting used to physical exercises require some effort, in reality, this does not have to move mountains. A few simple lifestyle changes can lead to significant weight loss over time.

    We discussed with nutrition experts and ordinary people a few simple ways to lose weight, and wrote them down. Here are the best tips for losing weight without pushing yourself too hard.

    1. Add, don't exclude

    Forget about no-go diets - try adding foods to your diet instead of cutting them out.

    Add healthy foods that you really love, like dark red cherries, juicy grapes, or crispy peas in pods. Put your favorite foods in your lunch box for work or breakfast cereal, or add vegetables to soups, stews, or sauces.

    Addition, unlike elimination, always works, according to qualified nutritionists; but do not forget about the total number of calories. And also, add some physical activity: it can be dancing before dinner, or throwing a basketball hoop, or a brisk walk.

    2. Forget about workouts

    If the word “exercise” only inspires you to invent ways to avoid it, then stop exercising. Perhaps the best way to enjoy your workouts is to never call them workouts.

    Once you start implementing your don't-call-it-workout plan, you'll find that feeling good removes the barriers that previously prevented you from exercising.

    So burn calories and build muscle while roaming the winter park or summer beach looking for shells, biking or skiing, making snowmen, walking to work, washing your car, playing with a frisbee, chasing your dog around the yard, or even while having sex. In the end, a rose by any name remains ... right.

    3. Go for a walk

    Walking in good weather is the easiest way to keep fit. Enjoy nature and even if you don't have time, you can walk for a few minutes. Even a five-minute walk is a five-minute walk.

    Is there anywhere to walk in your area? Try these ways:

    - park the car on the top floor of the parking lot or far enough from the office;
    – get out of the office and hold meetings on the walk;
    - sweep the path near the entrance or remove the snow;
    – get off the bus a few stops earlier;
    – walk around the mall, making sure that you have entered all levels;
    - go up the stairs every time you come across it;
    - turn on the groovy music the next time you mop the floor or vacuum.

    It's all useful. If you walk twice a day for 10 minutes, and try some of these tips, you may find that you just had a 30-minute workout that has a quick effect on reducing waist size.

    4. Lighten up the food you've always loved

    One of the easiest ways to lose weight without going through a ban is to switch to low-calorie versions of the foods you love. Whole-wheat pizza with low-fat cheese will be just as delicious, and if you top low-fat ice cream with a little dark chocolate or two grated almonds, who cares about the calories lost?

    And when leveling calories from fat, don't forget fiber. Fiber helps you feel fuller for longer, so if you're making lighter versions of family meals, you can get a fiber boost by simply adding a cup of whole wheat flour to your pizza dough, or tossing a little red bell pepper into your pie.

    Don't forget to lighten up your drinks as well, since you're doing it with food. Try switching from high-calorie drinks to a diet cola or light beer, or even adding some mineral water to your wine.

    Hate low calorie drinks? Mix your favorite drink with a small amount of low-calorie drink, then adjust the proportions as you get used to the taste. And don't forget to drink the best drink - water!

    5. “Moisture” really helps!

    Drink some water before eating, and you will not feel such a strong feeling of hunger. This will help you see what you're eating so you don't have to swallow food to fill yourself up.

    For "unconscious eaters," it's a good idea to have calorie-free drinks on hand as a way to keep your mouth busy and not pounce on "junk food."

    Are you going to a party? Take a low-calorie drink in your hand and hold it. This will not only make it difficult to rob the buffet, but also prevent you from continuously pulling cocktails.

    Finally, drinking plenty of water will help your body in training. This means you can exercise harder and longer than those who don't drink water.

    6. Division and the like

    With portions as large as most restaurants serve, you can order for two, for example with your wife. You can share desserts or large hot meals. Thus, you will not overeat - and save money.

    You can share more than just food. Why not ride a bike together? Or split the cost of a personal trainer? Or a club card at the gym?

    When you try to eat better or exercise more, you are more likely to succeed if you do it with a partner or even in a group. Community, partnerships, both online and in person, really help.

    Doubling your motivation without doubling your effort is the deal of the century.

    7. Adjust the program, the sound is louder

    What do we all love? A television. We also know that we need more exercise. So nutritionists are asking, why not put it together?

    Try dancing to the music when you turn on your favorite music show, or try stress-relieving boxing when the nastiest reality show contestant is on.

    During the commercial, pedal an exercise bike, walk on a treadmill, or do a strength workout like bicep curls using cans of your favorite drink as weights. Or try a real trick: put on an energetic exercise disc and get inspired by watching the pros on the screen.

    It doesn't really matter what you do, as long as you're moving. Aim for at least 15 minutes. But who knows, if you really get into it, you might outlive the last hero.

    8. Size matters

    Eating less without inhibitions is as real as your dinnerware.

    Because a small portion on a large plate can increase hunger, while a small plate makes us think that we already have a large portion.

    People are guided by physical signs while eating. We know we've eaten enough when we see the bottom of a plate or bowl. A small plate full of food looks bigger than a large plate full of food.

    And don't forget to bring smaller salad bowls, bowls and spoons. For example, try eating a scoop of ice cream with a coffee spoon. Not only will the pleasure last longer, but your body will get enough time to feel what you are eating.

    9. Turn on, or at least sit down at the table

    If your attempts to lose weight only lead to boredom or self-obsession, do something else. Many people eat more when they are bored, especially in front of the TV.

    So take a break from the false promises, and do things that have nothing to do with food.

    For example, it could be something related to local politics, yoga, or painting. Or maybe you want to help your child with homework, or repaint the room, or take a class. Hint: start a life beyond losing weight.

    Already busy enough? Then at least eat at the table. TV is distracting and you can't focus on food. When you sit at the table, you are much more aware of what exactly you eat.

    10. Reset Today and Save Tomorrow

    Finally, be patient. And while getting used to these habits is not painless, it can help you realize that the task of not gaining weight becomes easier with time.

    Research confirms that for people who have lost at least 12 kilograms and maintained the weight for two years, maintaining the new weight requires less effort over time.

    So if you want to achieve the same results as these losing weight - increased self-esteem, mood lift, better health - be patient. You can find a way to easy (and almost painless) successful weight loss.

    11. Bonus

    If 10 tips for painless weight loss (or maintenance) are not enough for you, how about a few ideas from members of our online community:

    – Eat at the same time every day (including breakfast). Of course, you can't always do this, but some people find that knowing when their next meal is due helps them avoid biting. Our body appreciates rhythms in everything from the seasons to the tides, so why not give it what it needs?

    - Make only one dish. Instead of cooking something high-calorie for the family and low-calorie for yourself, eat the same healthy food together. Losing weight and maintaining weight is easier when everyone eats the same food and you don't feel like trying someone else's high-calorie food.

    – remember that small amounts add up together. So keep eating small amounts of fruits and vegetables and taking 10-minute walks between meetings. Losing weight is a path based on your own needs, so find out what works for you - and do it!

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