• Keira Knightley's dietary rules. Keira Knightley: nutrition and training. Secrets of harmony What keira knightley eats


    Skinny Kira is on everyone's lips. It seems that the figure of the 29-year-old actress will never cease to be a topic of conversation about whether she is on diets, whether she has anorexia or, on the contrary, cannot get better.

    Indeed, the actress looks too thin. Her boyish figure sometimes loses even teenage angularity. The ribs, collarbones and femurs, which begin to bulge, make us suspect that the actress has anorexia, although Kira herself sharply refutes such assumptions. And she even refers to the genealogy: the girl's grandmother and great-grandmother suffered from this disease, so she knows perfectly well what it is, and would never want to repeat the fate of her relatives.

    Keira Knightley's slenderness is the subject of much controversy

    Now you can be happy for Kira - it seems that her figure will no longer be discussed in such an unpleasant way for a while. Kira is expecting her first child with her husband, Klaxons frontman James Righton, whom she married in 2013. Her figure is noticeably rounded, and it seems that now the actress does not exactly limit herself in nutrition, taking care of the health of the unborn baby. But until recently, things were different.

    Anorexia or genetics?

    For the first time, the public started talking about the unhealthy thinness of the actress in 2006. Then the second part of the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise was just released, where Knightley played along with Johnny Depp. In July, Kira appeared in front of the lenses in an open golden dress from Gucci, and the audience was horrified. The almost complete absence of breasts (later the actress said that on the set of "Pirates" make-up artists simply painted a bust on her skin), protruding ribs and collarbone, thin arms - Kira, are you really sick ?!

    The actress answered all the questions the same thing: this is a genetic predisposition, she inherited her figure from her dad, who was thin. But I didn't really believe in it. In 2002, the movie Bend It Like Beckham was released, in which Kira got the lead role. She did not look plump and looked organically in the role of a teenage girl. Yes, the actress was thin, but by no means skinny ... In short, rumors could not be avoided. But then Kira could not even think that soon she would have to prove the reasons for her own thinness in court.

    It was a high-profile scandal, the beginning of which was laid by the British tabloid The Daily Mail. In January 2007, the newspaper published an article about a 19-year-old girl named Sophie Mazurek. Sophie dreamed of getting a "Hollywood" figure, sat on various diets, brought herself to complete exhaustion and died of anorexia. In a conversation with a journalist from The Daily Mail, the girl's mother talked about how dangerous the example of stars can be for impressionable teenagers.

    Keira Knightley in Bend it Like Beckham: shortly before the scandal

    The newspaper illustrated the article with two photographs: Sophie Mazurek and Keira Knightley. The pictures were placed on one newspaper page, and they were accompanied by a quote from the mother of the deceased girl: “ If photos like this carried a health warning, my dear daughter might still be alive.».

    Kira could not stand such a comparison and filed a lawsuit against the newspaper. During the consideration of the case, representatives of the actress claimed that she did not suffer from any eating disorders, including anorexia. The court considered the arguments sufficient and Knightley won the process. The newspaper was forced to apologize and paid Kira £3,000 in compensation. The actress donated this money to the foundation for the fight against diseases caused by eating disorders.

    The trial ended, but the attention of the press and the audience continued to haunt Knightley and her figure. Already at the premiere of the film "Atonement" in the same 2007, Kira's thinness seemed so painful that the name of the actress in newspaper texts again began to appear, accompanied by the word "anorexia".

    "Kira Eats Horse Portions"

    Thinness almost interfered with the career of an actress. She was approved for the role of Queen Guinevere in the film "King Arthur". The director really asked the actress to get at least a little better - they even developed a special diet for her. The result was disastrous for the director and, apparently, expected for Kira. She not only did not get better, but also lost a couple of kilograms. It turned out that usually the actress eats much more than the nutritionist calculated. The director waved his hand, and Knightley's missing volumes were completed using image correction technologies.

    Keira Knightley as Queen Guinevere

    Excessive media attention to the contents of Kira's refrigerator was commented even by the mother of the actress, Sherman McDonald. " It's kind of a stupid situation.' complained Mrs MacDonald. - " We say one thing, but the media says something completely different. We seem to be intimidated, but what can we do?"And added:" Kira has to eat horse portions to maintain her normal weight. She has always been thin. All in your daddy».

    What's on the actress's menu?

    And yet, many women around the world dream of having a figure like Keira Knightley and are desperate to learn the secrets of her regime. Alas, very little is known about this. So, there is a version that Kira adheres to the “lunchbox” nutrition system, which literally translates as “lunch box”. Its essence is as follows: leaving the house in the morning, you should take a bowl of food with you. The food in it consists of proteins, fiber and carbohydrates, combined in the following proportion:

    • 60% fiber (most often it is vegetables),
    • 30% proteins,
    • 10% carbohydrates.

    The contents of the box should be eaten throughout the day in small portions. This diet is convenient, because you do not have to calculate the caloric content of the diet: it is known for sure. The actress herself has repeatedly said that she loves to eat very much:

    “I am a real glutton! In our family, it is customary to celebrate all pleasant events with food, we roll up sumptuous dinners. There is nothing better than a crispy slice of fried potatoes!”

    However, there is a diet that the actress allegedly uses if she needs to lose a few extra pounds. This diet is designed for 10 days.

    Day 1

    • Breakfast: 250 g fat-free cottage cheese with 1 teaspoon honey, small rye toast.
    • Dinner: cabbage salad seasoned with lemon juice, and any fruit.
    • Afternoon snack: 2 carrots.
    • Dinner: 2 baked potatoes and a tomato.

    Day 2

    • Breakfast: 200 g fat-free yogurt without filler, medium banana.
    • Dinner: boiled potato salad with grated radish, dressed with olive oil and lemon juice.
    • Afternoon snack: 150 g stewed cauliflower.
    • Dinner: coleslaw and small rye toast.

    Day 3

    • Breakfast: small rye toast, 100 g boiled or baked chicken or turkey, medium banana.
    • Dinner: baked potato, 100 g mushrooms stewed in chicken broth.
    • Afternoon snack: rye toast with 1 teaspoon honey.
    • Dinner: 150 g wheat germ, a glass of milk or low-fat yogurt, 1 tablespoon of honey.

    Day 4

    • Breakfast: 200 g low-fat yogurt, rye toast, a glass of milk or low-fat yogurt.
    • Dinner: 100 g boiled rice with mushrooms and spinach.
    • Afternoon snack: 3 medium tomatoes.
    • Dinner: 250 g of boiled or baked chicken fillet with a salad of any green vegetables.

    Day 5

    • Breakfast: 150 ml yogurt without filler.
    • Dinner: 100 g oatmeal boiled in water or milk.
    • Afternoon snack: 3 medium baked potatoes.
    • Dinner: 250 g baked or grilled fish, 200 g stewed or grilled vegetables.

    Day 6

    • Breakfast: 150 g oatmeal boiled in water or milk.
    • Dinner: 100 g of boiled or baked chicken fillet, 50 g of broccoli or spinach cooked in the same way.
    • Afternoon snack: medium banana and apple.
    • Dinner: baked potatoes and 100 g of mushrooms stewed in chicken broth.

    Day 7

    • Breakfast: 150 g fat-free yogurt without fillers, fresh orange.
    • Dinner: fruits or berries.
    • Afternoon snack: 150 g of yogurt with fruit.
    • Dinner: 250 g vegetables (can be baked or eaten raw).

    In the remaining three days, repeat the menu of any of the seven days. The next course of the diet can be arranged no earlier than 20 days after the first.

    Without fitness

    But the actress ignores the training. She admitted that she hates to do fitness. True, once she still had to turn to the coach. As Kira herself says, she did this because she realized that such a lifestyle is harmful to her health. " I signed up for the gym only when I realized that I could hardly climb the stairs without an elevator to my apartment on the top floor.', Knightley said.
    However, this assertion can be doubted. Once again, answering a question about her thinness, Kira said: “ I've been working at a frenetic pace for the past few years... Lost a lot of muscle mass and started to look bony". Maybe this was her main motivation for playing sports?

    British actress Keira Knightley was often accused of anorexia by both the press and fans. From the outside, it may seem that she really has problems with nutrition, because the girl is particularly fragile and thin. With a height of 170 cm, she weighs 45-48 kg. However, no matter how it was, the actress herself assures that she is in good health and has no illnesses, and her appetite is wolfish, so there is nothing to worry about.

    Kira's thinness first began to be discussed at the premiere of the film "Pirates of the Caribbean", where she appeared on the red carpet in an open dress from Gucci. The golden outfit revealed many parts of the body, including protruding collarbones, thin arms, protruding ribs and the almost complete absence of breasts. Journalists began to write articles about Kira exhausting herself with diets and generally suffering from anorexia. Of course, the actress resented this as much as her parents. Her family began to refute these rumors with statements that it was actually all a matter of genetics. Since Kira's parents are also thin, she, of course, cannot be plump.

    But the last straw that overflowed the cup of patience was the accusation of the death of 19-year-old Sophie Mazurek. Newspapers actually blamed Knightley for the death of the girl (who died of excessive dieting), placing on the same page a photo of Kira in a bikini on vacation and the words of Sophie's heartbroken mother: "If such photos contained a health warning, my dear daughter could stay alive".

    The court sided with the star and ordered the publication to pay her 3,000 pounds for moral damages. The actress transferred this amount to one of the funds to combat eating disorders.

    Kira rarely talks about how she eats, but states that she hates gyms and sports in general. Maybe this is true, but her muscles say otherwise. The actress still works out in the gym and even hired a personal trainer after she realized that she could not walk up the stairs without shortness of breath. Her mother, playwright Sherman McDonald, says that "her daughter has to eat a special diet high in protein and carbohydrates because she took after her father and has always been thin."

    The actress does not eat fast food at all, but she can drink half a bottle of wine in an evening. Her favorite dish is pasta with meat bolognese sauce and lots of parmesan cheese. In fact, Kira is still that glutton. But she doesn't always manage to eat well.

    There are repeated rumors that Kira adheres to the “box” diet, the essence of which is to take a box of groceries with you in the morning for a small lunch. It should contain a little more than half of the total mass of vegetables, a third of protein foods, which may include meat, eggs, nuts, and also some porridge. This is done in order to eat a little food during the day and not count calories at the same time, because the number of calories is known from the morning when this box is packed.

    Another variation of Keira Knightley's mysterious diet is the weekly menu, which includes cottage cheese, boiled rice with spinach, boiled chicken, fish, fresh or stewed vegetables and fruits, yogurt, oatmeal and skim milk. You can eat these foods in different sequences in small portions for seven days and still lose enough weight to look like a thin actress. Whatever it was, these products are very suitable for any diet, as they are low-fat and healthy.

    Keira Knightley amazes fans with her slenderness. Many girls look for inspiration and motivation during their diet. Someone finds it in literature, someone in films, and someone in the examples of stars. One of these girls, for example, can be called Keira Knightley.

    Secrets of harmony from Kira

    To constantly be in a beautiful and elegant form, Keira Knightley adheres to some rules. By nature, the actress is not inclined to be overweight. But if you eat what you want for a couple of days, you can gain a couple of kilograms.

    Kira's main rule is no fast food. It is better to eat pasta with meat than potatoes and a burger, although in terms of calories it will be almost the same. Food should be beneficial - that's the main idea of ​​the actress.

    She can make her favorite dish - pasta with bolognese sauce and eat it throughout the day, dividing it into small portions. Another important point of being thin is to eat only when you feel hungry.

    Keira Knightley does not like sports, but she specifically hired a coach to make her devote an hour and a half to shaping her figure. In addition to this, she also To be in an athletic and stretched shape, after training you need to drink protein shakes (see). They will help to build graceful forms and relief.

    Keira Knightley - exemplary star diet

    When a couple of extra pounds are gained, the actress immediately goes on her favorite diet, which lasts 10 days, unlike the diet of Elena Malysheva (read about the system), designed for a week.

    Vegetables form the basis of the diet. Keira Knightley makes salads with cabbage and avocado, beans with tomatoes, carrots with asparagus, loves to dine on assorted steamed vegetables. A small part of the diet is devoted to proteins.

    The actress likes to eat steamed trout, chicken and cottage cheese as proteins, and only a small part is given to carbohydrates.

    To get them, you need to eat dietary ones, such as rice, buckwheat or millet. Rarely for breakfast, the actress allows herself a sandwich of whole grain bread and feta cheese.

    To diversify cereals, you can use spinach, lightly fried in olive oil. Kira does not like to starve, so she often eats all day. She believes that in this way the metabolism is accelerated and the process of losing weight lasts much faster than from strict diets. Even on diets, the actress does not give up alcohol, but only if it is red wine.

    Knightley's Nutrition Rules

    Buy only quality products. For this, the actress specially buys vegetables and fruits at the farmers' market in London. Her good metabolism was passed down to her from her father. But still, Keira Knightley does not forget to drink green tea and plenty of water when she is on a diet.

    Sometimes she allows herself to eat what she wants. The weaknesses of the actress are fried potatoes, meat in a creamy sauce, fatty pasta. The Knightley family is often accustomed to gathering for a festive dinner with an abundance of food. Therefore, such breakdowns are not rare, especially since her mother cooks very tasty.

    With her, the actress always takes a box in which she puts everything that can be consumed during the day. The advantage of this method is that you can immediately calculate the calorie content for the day and not sort it out. This will save you from analyzing the calorie content of products for the whole day, if you spend a little time on it in the morning.

    Keira Knightley prefers to combine raw vegetables and some rice. This combination will help you get full, but not gain a lot of calories. It is best, according to the actress, to eat foods that are not processed with steam or cooking. After all, then the value of useful elements in them will remain the same.

    After fatty foods, you do not need to drink ordinary water for an hour, or even more, so that it is easier for the body to process it. You don't need to eat a lot to feel full. It is necessary to stretch the process of eating food, thus deceiving the brain.

    Keira Knightley sample menu

    The actress does not like monotony in food, so her diet changes every day. But there is a basis on which it relies.

    For breakfast, she prefers to eat proteins in the form of cottage cheese with a spoonful of honey and dried fruits. Sometimes she allows a sandwich. For lunch, the actress chooses a salad. The basis of any of her salads is cabbage. It allows you to quickly get enough.

    Sometimes she has a coleslaw dressed with olive oil and lemon juice. For dinner, Kira can choose baked or steamed vegetables. It is worth noting that she rarely adds salt to her food. A carrot or an apple can serve as a snack.

    In addition to these products, Keira Knightley adds meat. She only eats poultry or lean fish. It is better to eat it in the morning. Vegetable soups can also be present in the diet, but the actress is not fond of them.

    The beautiful figure of Keira Knightley is basically given to her by nature. No one is safe from extra pounds, but they will not be visible on the actress.

    Sometimes Keira Knightley allows herself to relax and not think about maintaining her weight, but in order not to grow into a size L, you need to take care of yourself. Even if you do not like sports, even if you have a beautiful figure, you should not forget that any figure should only get better, not worse.

    Fans of the Hollywood star Keira Knightley do not cease to admire the figure of a celebrity. After all, most women around the world dream of having the same elegant figure.

    In May 2016, Kira became a mother for the first time and noticeably gained weight. But, in 2017, Knightley looks slim again, thanks to a balanced diet and fitness training.

    Kira's slimming secrets

    According to Kira, a carbohydrate-free diet has a positive effect, as well as drinking plenty of water, with the calculation of 2 liters per day.
    Kira is indifferent to sports, but in order to return to ideal proportions, she visited a fitness center, where she spent 1.5 hours. In addition to fitness training, the actress did yoga.

    She was helped to maintain an athletic and lean figure for a long time by protein shakes consumed after physical activity.

    Approximate actress diet

    When extra kilos appear, the actress immediately goes on a diet lasting 10 days. Strictly observing the rules of eating, you can lose up to 8 kg of excess weight. Repeat the process of losing weight, so you can not earlier than 20 days off.

    • The main components of the diet are vegetables. Kira makes her own salads, which include cabbage, beans, carrots and asparagus. Dietary dishes are steamed, with a complete absence of salt.
    • A small part of the diet is reserved for proteins. In order for the body to receive them in sufficient quantities, steamed trout, chicken breast and cottage cheese should be included in the diet.
    • A small percentage of the diet menu is given to carbohydrates. Their greatest number is found in rice, buckwheat or millet porridge. In rare cases, for breakfast, the actress allows herself a sandwich of rye bread and feta cheese.

    Knightley's Nutrition Rules

    • For proper nutrition with the greatest amount of nutrients, it is recommended to buy only fresh products. Kira prefers a combination of raw vegetables with a small portion of rice.
    • The way of combining products contributes to the saturation of the body, without a set of extra calories. It is necessary to eat food in small portions -150-200 gr. The diet should be planned by the hour, for better absorption and processing of food.

    Despite some prohibitions, Keira Knightley's diet is recognized as one of the most effective, allowing you to achieve the desired results in such a short time.

    Many women envy and dream of being the same as Keira Knightley, this is not surprising, the popular actress has an amazing figure. As her mother says, Kira received such refinement from her father and her figure is the result of good genetics. The actress herself does not deny this and claims that she eats whatever she wants.

    Before the start of filming in the film "King Arthur" the actress even had to go on a high-calorie diet in order to put on weight at least a little, but this did not happen. Nutritionists just shrugged. Thus, Keira Knightley's diet is just natural data. Of course, the actress has her own secrets that she shares with her fans.

    As you know, the actress is very fond of the popular diet, which is called the "box of lunch." The essence of this technique is very simple and clear from the name. For lunch, it is recommended to take a box of prepared products with you. This is great for keeping in shape.

    Contents of the "lunch box":

    60% vegetables;

    30% proteins;

    10% carbohydrates.

    Throughout the day, you need to eat the contents in small portions.

    Approximate nutrition of Keira Knightley

    The duration of the diet is 10 days, during which time you will get rid of excess weight and do not harm your body. You can re-enter this diet only after a 20-day break.

    The fast diet includes:

    1. Breakfast, consisting of 200g. fat-free cottage cheese and 1 teaspoon of honey + a small toast;

    2. for lunch, you can make a salad of fresh white cabbage with lemon juice and pieces of fruit;

    3. afternoon snack - two grated carrots;

    4. dinner - 1 sweet pepper and 2 tomatoes + 2 baked potatoes.

    This diet is approximate, it can be slightly adjusted for yourself and replace products with equivalent ones. To improve results, it is recommended to engage in physical exercises.

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