• The volume of the abdomen at 8 months. The belly is small during pregnancy: the main reasons. What determines the size of the abdomen during pregnancy


    During pregnancy, it is the stomach that is the part of the body that undergoes the greatest changes. When the pregnancy proceeds well, without any complications, then the size of the belly of the expectant mother directly depends on the growth of the baby inside the uterus. What should be the belly at different stages of pregnancy?

    The size of the abdomen is determined by two parameters: directly by the circumference of the abdomen and the height of the fundus of the uterus. Both values ​​are measured by doctors during regular examinations in the antenatal clinic. The indicators are compared with the previous ones, and, depending on the observed dynamics, the doctor may assume the presence or absence of pathologies. To exclude pathologies of pregnancy, ultrasound is prescribed.

    If the size of the pregnant belly is significantly smaller than normal, this may be a sign of oligohydramnios, which means that the fetus is developing too slowly. With polyhydramnios, the stomach will be larger than necessary, in such a situation, nearby organs are infringed, and the woman experiences more discomfort, and in addition, there is a risk of premature birth and improper placement of the fetus in the uterus.

    What should be the height of the uterine fundus?

    The height of the uterine fundus is measured starting at 20 weeks.

    The height of the fundus of the uterus is 20-21 cm.

    The height of the fundus of the uterus is 22-23 cm.

    The height of the fundus of the uterus is 24-25 cm.

    The height of the fundus of the uterus is 26-27 cm.

    The height of the fundus of the uterus is 28-29 cm.

    The height of the fundus of the uterus is 30-31 cm.

    The height of the fundus of the uterus is 32-33 cm.

    The height of the fundus of the uterus is 34-35 cm.

    The height of the fundus of the uterus is 36-37 cm.

    After 36 weeks, the fundus of the uterus reaches the level of the sternum and no longer grows.

    What should be the circumference of the abdomen?

    “The “fullness” of the tummy depends on the characteristics of the pregnant woman. Very often, this parameter is influenced by the constitution of the expectant mother: the tummy will be much more noticeable in women with a narrow pelvis than in lush-thighed expectant mothers. But most of all, the change in the size of the abdomen is associated with an increase in the total weight of the pregnant woman. Therefore, attention should be paid to it,- says obstetrician-gynecologist N.I. Muravyova. The circumference of the abdomen changes by a centimeter at the level of the navel of the expectant mother.

    The average parameters of the norms for measuring the circumference of the abdomen:

    32 weeks of pregnancy - the average size of the abdominal circumference is 80-85 cm.

    36 weeks of pregnancy - the average size of the abdominal circumference is 90 cm.

    The average size of the abdominal circumference is 90-95 cm.

    Will there be stretch marks?

    The appearance of stretch marks on the abdomen depends on the rate of its growth. Stretch marks are more likely to occur if the fetus is large and gains weight quickly, or if the pregnant woman has polyhydramnios. However, the determining factor is the condition of the elastin fibers of the skin of a pregnant woman.

    To prevent stretch marks, you can use products that improve skin condition. There are special cosmetics with a high content of vitamins and substances that improve skin circulation. In addition, you can avoid the appearance of stretch marks with the help of a special massage. The massage technique is simple: you need to stroke the stomach in a circular motion and pinch the skin along its periphery. Consult with your doctor about the possibility of such a massage (If there is a threat of termination of pregnancy, massage is contraindicated).

    Usually, by the eighth month of pregnancy, a woman already loses her ability to work a little. It affects fatigue, which accumulates gradually. At 30 weeks, working women are sent on maternity leave. It is no wonder that this period is established by law.
    Many pregnant women note that everything was in order until 30 weeks. And as soon as they stepped over this line, numerous complaints immediately appeared. This is quite natural, so you should not be afraid. Sitting at home, time will run even slower, so you need to come up with a lot of important things for yourself. This will help to distract, and at the same time prepare for the upcoming birth.

    Changes that occur in a woman at 8 months of pregnancy

    The volume of the abdomen is growing every day, as there is an increase in the mass of the fetus. The size of the abdomen also depends on the volume of amniotic fluid. Sometimes their number is more or less than the permissible norm. This indicates a malfunction of the placenta, since it is she who is responsible for the formation of amniotic fluid. Sometimes a similar condition occurs in the presence of intrauterine infection, so it is important to find out the cause of the deviations.

    It often worsens during pregnancy in women. This is a disease that is accompanied by intense itching, swelling and redness of the labia. For thrush, discharge of a curdled nature is characteristic, by the appearance of which it is already possible to make a diagnosis. Candidiasis is typical for pregnant women, as a change in the hormonal background contributes to the reproduction of fungi of the genus Candida. As a result, some women suffer from thrush throughout their entire pregnancy.

    It is rarely possible to cure it completely, since special antifungal drugs cannot be used. They have a negative effect on the fetus, therefore, are prohibited for use during pregnancy. There are other remedies, but for the most part they help only during treatment. Therefore, there are practically no effective methods. You can resort to various methods of traditional medicine for exacerbation of thrush. It is important that the vagina is sanitized before childbirth. It should be treated so as not to pass the infection to the child.

    In the eighth month of pregnancy, more attention should be paid to the breasts. The mammary glands have already significantly increased in size due to the growth of glandular tissue. You should choose your underwear well, as squeezing the chest can lead to undesirable consequences. Nipples should be prepared for the active sucking of the baby. To avoid cracks during the first month, special events are carried out. During the shower, you need to do contrast pouring with cold and hot water. Also, the nipples themselves are wiped with a hard towel or washcloth. As a result, a rough tissue forms on the nipple, which will prevent the formation of cracks.

    If the nipples are flat, then during pregnancy it is worth pulling them out with the help of special exercises. This must be done daily to get the effect of childbirth. A flat nipple is a big problem for an infant as he cannot latch onto it. As a result, the child is hungry, and the mother has lactostasis due to the accumulation of milk in the breast. Therefore, it is better to take care of this in advance.

    Changes in the fetus

    The fetus in the womb is already large enough, so it no longer has enough space for active movements. By this month, he should assume the correct position with his head down, as then it will be difficult for him to roll over. The rapid formation of adipose tissue begins, so the fetus does not seem very thin on ultrasound. The limbs become longer, because of which the child becomes proportional. Bones and cartilage will complete their development after birth, which allows the baby to go through childbirth with the least damage.

    The skull of the fetus consists of bones connected by cartilage. This is necessary for an easier delivery of the head. During the first year of life, the fontanelles overgrow, and the bones of the skull become tightly fastened together. The internal organs are sufficiently developed to exist outside the womb. Therefore, if the child appears in the eighth month of pregnancy, then the prognosis is good. The only thing that has not yet reached full development for normal life is the lungs. But with appropriate treatment, the respiratory system matures faster.

    The weight of the child by the end of 8 months is approximately 2500 grams, and the height is about 44 cm.

    Necessary examination at 8 months

    At the end of the 7th or beginning of the eighth month, the woman is sent for an ultrasound scan. Most often, this is the last study, which determines the position of the child, the formation of his internal organs, the presence or absence of developmental anomalies. Also evaluate the degree of maturation of the placenta. This is important, because in this way the gynecologist assesses her condition.

    During this period, a pregnant woman is re-assigned tests for blood group, Rh factor, markers of viral hepatitis and AIDS. They also prescribe a general blood test, a biochemical blood test, a smear, a urine culture if necessary. If a woman is concerned about heart problems, then an ECG and Echo-KG can be done. If there is a suspicion of kidney problems, then an ultrasound of the kidneys is prescribed. Examination depends on what complaints the patient makes.

    The size of the abdomen during pregnancy largely depends on the individual structural features of the woman's body. In some expectant mothers, the tummy appears extremely late, while others notice manifestations of roundness in the initial stages - 15-17 weeks.

    The tummy increases during the gestation period due to the planned growth of the fetus in the womb and the addition of volumes. Slight changes in the size of the abdomen can be noticeable for the mother herself already from, while others can only guess about the position from the 20th week. At this point, the belly becomes quite noticeable, but still women with large forms can hide it much longer.

    Specialists in the course of measurements are guided by generally accepted standards, but at the same time they take into account the fact that indicators can differ significantly in each case.

    Among the list of factors that affect the change in the circumference of the abdomen, the following are distinguished:

    • physique of the expectant mother;
    • speed of weight gain - many pregnant women have an increased appetite;
    • fruit size;
    • presentation;
    • amount of anatomical fluid.

    In mothers who are prone to fullness, roundness may not be noticeable until the very moment of childbirth, while girls with a narrow pelvis and a fragile physique face a change in the volume of the abdomen at the very beginning of the second trimester. The volume of the abdomen during multiple pregnancy increases quite quickly, because an interesting situation can become noticeable to others much earlier.

    The size of the abdomen may not increase systematically, but in jumps. Specialists begin to track the dynamics of adding centimeters in the circumference of the abdomen not immediately, but, as a rule, from 17-20 weeks of pregnancy.

    The largest abdominal circumference is on. By this time, all the most important stages of the formation of the fetus are completed, and the bottom of the uterus reaches its peak. You should not panic if the tummy has become smaller at 38 weeks, most likely the baby has taken a different position, because he is preparing for an early meeting with his mother. Immediately before the date of birth, the height of the uterine fundus decreases and “abdominal prolapse” occurs.

    How to measure the belly correctly?

    It is important to measure the tummy correctly, because a pronounced error can be a serious reason for panic.

    Women during pregnancy are especially sensitive, and this is natural. A deviation of a couple of centimeters may be a cause for concern. Of course, in this case, you need to calm down. Because all indicators are individual.

    Measurements are made with a centimeter tape as follows:

    1. The expectant mother needs to stand up straight.
    2. Place the tape at the level of the navel.
    3. It is better to take measurements at the same time.

    You can not measure the circumference of the abdomen at the most protruding points - this is wrong.

    If the values ​​obtained are slightly different from the norm, there is no reason to panic. This is due to the fact that many factors influence the change in coolant, for example, the amount of anatomical fluid. This volume can change significantly throughout the entire period of gestation.

    A cause for alarm may be a significant change in parameters immediately before childbirth. Such deviations may indicate that something has changed, and difficulties may arise during childbirth. A gynecologist will be able to accurately determine the position of the baby, who, if there are contraindications to self-delivery, will be able to determine the need in a timely manner.

    In any case, serious deviations of the abdominal circumference from the norm are a reason to visit a gynecologist. The doctor after the examination will be able to refute the presence of reasons for concern.

    belly growth

    The question of what caused the growth of the tummy in a future mother during pregnancy seems to be very simple. Of course, the planned development of the fetus, but this is only one of the factors. The tummy grows in all pregnant women, but not at the same rate. It is this factor that can tell a lot to the gynecologist.

    The volume of the abdomen during pregnancy begins to change at different times. Such changes are associated with the structure of the woman's body, the functioning of the intestines and the existing layer of subcutaneous fat. The change in the circumference of the abdomen in the first trimester of pregnancy is not associated with a change in the size of the uterus, the fetus is still very small.

    The following factors influence the change in the size of the tummy:

    • increased gas formation - the course of the process of digestion of food changes in pregnant women;
    • tendency to overeat;
    • edema formation.

    The change in the size of the uterus occurs in all pregnant women in almost the same way. The fetus begins to grow slowly a few weeks after conception. At the same time, the uterus itself increases, as well as the volume of amniotic fluid. The rate of change of these indicators at each examination is evaluated by a gynecologist. Based on these data, the specialist gives a conclusion about the regularity of the course of pregnancy.

    In the first trimester, the uterus is located inside the small pelvis and does not rise above the pubic bone, which is why the stomach is not visible to others. Up to 12 weeks, the doctor assesses the size of the uterus during the examination, and after this period, the organ crosses the border of the pubic bone and can be palpated through the abdominal wall.

    The height of the fundus of the uterus in most cases is proportional to the gestational age in obstetric weeks.

    From about 12 weeks, the doctor will control the height of the uterine fundus using a special measuring tape. These are important indicators, since any deviations may indicate the presence of serious problems with pregnancy.

    The uterus begins to grow rapidly from pregnancy. At this time, mom's belly becomes noticeable, and after 21-22 weeks it begins to protrude even more. The severity of the manifestation of the tummy largely depends on the structural features of the pelvis, the extensibility of the abdominal walls and the presentation of the fetus in the uterine cavity.

    Among the list of main factors affecting the growth rate, there are:

    • the state of the muscles of the press;
    • structural features of the pelvic bones;
    • hereditary factor.

    Strong and dense abdominal muscles are difficult to stretch, and therefore the tummy of mothers who are fond of sports manifests itself much later. For the same reason, when the stomach becomes noticeable earlier - the muscles are already stretched. The tummy may be less noticeable in women who tend to be overweight, with a wide pelvis.

    The genetic predisposition factor also affects the timing of the appearance of the tummy in the expectant mother during pregnancy. A late increase in body fat is often observed in succession in several generations, while women give birth to healthy children.

    Abdominal circumference

    Abdominal circumference during pregnancy by week is one of the important and monitored indicators. It is calculated according to the gestational age and compared with tabular indicators. Abdominal circumference is measured starting at 20 weeks.

    Such values ​​allow us to estimate the rate of intrauterine development of the baby.

    During each scheduled examination, the doctor determines the regularity of the development of the fetus in the uterus. For this, a woman must lie on a couch. The gynecologist, using a centimeter tape, determines the length from the edge of the pubic joint to the protruding section of the fundus of the uterus. Thus, the height of the fundus of the uterus is measured.

    Such manipulations allow you to control the addition of centimeters in the abdomen. On average, starting from the 20th week, the pregnant belly increases by 1 centimeter per week. The circumference of the abdomen by weeks of pregnancy must be compared with the height of the fundus of the uterus. Normally, these indicators should correspond to the established period.

    Fundal height

    The increase in the size of the uterus occurs during the entire period of gestation:

    • In the 1st trimester of pregnancy, through the 12th week inclusive, the entire uterus is in the small pelvis, despite the fact that already at this stage its dimensions are proportional to the head of the newborn.
    • Starting from the 12th week, the uterus is palpated in the lower abdomen, a couple of centimeters above the pubic bone. As time goes on, it goes up.
    • At week 16, the bottom of the uterus is localized in the middle part of the gap between the pubic bone and the navel.
    • At week 20, the tummy often becomes noticeable to others, the bottom is 2 cm below the navel.
    • At 24 weeks, the bottom of the uterus falls at the level of the navel.
    • At week 28, the fundus of the uterus is 2 cm above the navel.
    • At 32 weeks, the bottom of the uterus is centered between the navel and the extreme part of the sternum.
    • The highest level of standing of the uterine fundus at 38 weeks of pregnancy. The uterus rises to the level of the costal arches. The navel protrudes.
    • By week 40, the height of the uterine fundus becomes smaller because the fetus turns over and prepares for the birth process. The uterus passes into the pelvic area and goes down.

    Belly shape

    The shape of the abdomen during pregnancy can be not only standard - rounded, but also asymmetric.

    With the transverse position of the child, the shape of the abdomen becomes a transverse oval, and with polyhydramnios it becomes spherical.

    In any case, much depends on the rate of development of the fetus. As the child grows, he constantly makes movements in the uterine cavity, turns over, straightens his limbs, respectively, the shape of the tummy can change even throughout the day.

    If you believe folk signs, then the shape of the abdomen during pregnancy with a boy and a girl is different and helps determine the sex of the child. However, doctors do not give confirmation of this. It is believed that the shape of the abdomen when carrying a boy is special. The tummy is collected and bulges forward a little. When a woman stands with her back, it is difficult to suspect pregnancy even after 30 weeks.

    The shape of the abdomen during pregnancy as a girl is less accurate, the tummy “spreads to the sides”, looks quite large. There is another belief - the daughter takes away the beauty of the mother, mothers often gain weight when carrying girls.

    Deviation from the norm

    An increase in the size of the abdomen occurs individually, in contrast to a change in the height of the fundus of the uterus. This value changes in almost all expectant mothers in the same way. That is why doctors trust these indicators more.

    The discrepancy between the parameters of the uterus and the gestational age may indicate serious deviations, such as

    Pathological conditions are often detected precisely in the early stages, so the need to register in gynecology as early as possible should not be neglected. In the early stages, indicators that do not meet the standards may indicate an ectopic or genetically defective pregnancy.

    A rapid change in the size of the uterus may portend the presence. The discrepancy between the indicators in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy may be associated with a change in the volume of amniotic fluid. Such a deviation also requires diagnosis and establishment of causes.

    The shape of the tummy of the expectant mother can change throughout the entire period of pregnancy. The abdomen can be rounded, convex, have an asymmetric shape - these indicators do not indicate the presence of pathology. Doctors rarely attach importance to the lag in the growth of centimeters in the abdomen, they are concerned about another indicator - the height of the uterine fundus. These values ​​cannot be called individual, they change at the same pace in all pregnant women.

    Useful video about the size of the abdomen during pregnancy

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    Is the growing belly. Why and how does it grow? It would seem that the answer is obvious: the belly grows because the child grows in it, and this happens in all expectant mothers in the same way, because any normal pregnancy lasts 9 months. In fact, everything is much more complicated, and the features of the growth of the abdomen during pregnancy can tell a specialist a lot ...

    What causes the belly to enlarge during pregnancy? Due to the growth of the fetus, uterus and an increase in the amount of amniotic fluid - the habitat of the future baby. Let's talk in more detail about each of these components.

    Fruit size

    The dimensions of the ovum first, and then the fetus, are determined by the results of an ultrasound examination (ultrasound). With the help of transvaginal ultrasound (the sensor is inserted into the vagina during this study), the fetal egg can be detected already after 2-3 weeks of its development, the gestational age, which is counted from the first day of the last menstruation, is at this time 6-7 weeks. The diameter of the fetal egg at this time is 2-4 mm.

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