• Fortune-telling by months on the sex of the child. Gender of the child by date of birth of the parents. Thread ring


    Today, many of the signs may seem ridiculous: it is unlikely that the sex of the child depends on the cats on the roof and the wind outside the window. But some may still be useful to answer the question: how to determine the sex of the unborn child?

    To determine the sex of the unborn child, it is worth knowing the mechanism of its formation. The gender of the baby depends on the father: which chromosome the fertilizing spermatozoon will have (female X or male Y), the organs of the fetus will develop in this way. However, something still depends on the mother. Young women are more likely to give birth to boys, and the second pregnancy usually brings a girl.

    Boys are born more often than girls (105 versus 100), but die more often. Therefore, the total number of men is inferior to the number of women.

    Gender is determined immediately after fertilization, because, as a rule, only one sperm enters the egg: either female or male. It is believed that after a female orgasm, there are more chances for the fertilization of Y-sperm, because after an orgasm, secretions appear that help the male cell to penetrate the uterus more easily and prolong their life.

    At the stage of formation, all embryos have only female signs, and male ones begin to appear later. Only then the Y-chromosome begins to influence, purely male organs and body parts are formed. Given all this, it can be argued that sex is determined only by the activity of certain spermatozoa, and it is no longer possible to influence the development of the baby after conception.


    Today you can influence the gender of the unborn child. To do this, consult with doctors, adhere to special diets, have sex on certain days. There is a high probability if the egg is fertilized 2-3 days before ovulation. In order to give birth to a boy, you need to fertilize a woman the day before or at the time of ovulation.

    Blood type

    There is a version that the future sex of the child depends on the combination of blood types of partners. It is not difficult to calculate gender from this table, but the accuracy is not high. You can simply compare the results according to the table or find a calculator that will determine the probability of an event based on the parents' blood counts.

    Thus, the combination of mother and father gives such results.

    It is believed that women with group I are more likely to have girls, and with group IV, boys.

    Chinese calendar

    There is a Chinese sex determination table based on the age of the mother and the month of conception of the baby. The Chinese table is quite simple. According to one legend, she was found in an ancient Chinese burial and copied so that future mothers could determine the sex of their baby.

    Versions about what the creators relied on dispersed. The most popular version says that the Chinese calendar is based on the Lunar calendar. Other researchers talk about the relationship between sex and age of the mother, as well as the influence of the month of conception.

    Beijing scientists conducted research and proved that the accuracy of the ancient calendar is 98%, which is quite high for the old scripture. However, to determine the sex of the child according to this calendar, a woman must have a regular menstrual cycle. The Chinese calendar will help those who are just planning to conceive a baby.

    Japanese calendar

    The Japanese table is more complex. She determines the sex by the months of birth of both parents. The table consists of three parts: the age of the spouses and the interpretation of the result. You need to find the number where the ages of the spouses intersect and find it in the third part of the table. The months of conception will be marked there, for which you need to check. The probability of the appearance of a boy or a girl is determined by crosses: the more there are, the more chances.

    The first table, we determine the number by the months of birth of the parents.

    The second table, we look at the resulting number in the top line and determine by the number of crosses in which month it is better to conceive a child.

    What the people say

    As soon as the test shows two cherished stripes, I want to know who lives under the heart. This is a well-founded desire, but ultrasound will only be able to show the sex at 2-3 months, when the Y chromosomes can fully manifest (or not appear at all). Signs may seem stupid and absurd, but absolutely everyone will still think and remember grandmother's advice. To satisfy your curiosity, you can check out some of them. Even if the ultrasound shows a different picture, it is unlikely that this will upset future parents too much.

    Appearance and nutrition of the expectant mother

    How to determine the sex of the unborn child by the appearance of a pregnant woman? The girl allegedly takes the beauty from the mother. A pregnant woman observes the appearance of acne, her hair loses its luster, the skin becomes flabby. Bearing a boy, a woman, on the contrary, becomes prettier. It cannot be said that this sign is 100% useful, because such changes depend on the hormonal background and the lack of vitamins that the fetus takes from the mother.

    I also often attribute a desire to eat salty and meat to a pregnant boy. The desire to eat something specific can appear in each person with a lack of any substance. Pregnant women are drawn to salt only because with the active production of the pregnancy hormone, blood vessels expand and pressure rises, and salty foods contain sodium, which thickens the blood. Thus, the pressure returns to normal even with dilated vessels. Desire usually subsides by the 2nd trimester when the placenta matures and progesterone levels drop.

    Craving for sweets, which supposedly speaks of a future girl, may indicate a lack of other nutrients.

    Many people judge gender by the size and shape of the belly. It is believed that a round, wide belly indicates that a girl has settled inside a woman. With an acute, oval abdomen, it is customary to talk about a boy.

    Thread ring

    There is another very entertaining way to determine the sex of the unborn child. It helps to find out what kind of children and in what order a person will have. The method works on men and women. To check, you can do everything on parents and grandmothers who will no longer give birth. You need to take a ring or any other object with a hole, thread a thread into it. It is necessary to lower it three times between the fingers of the left palm and hold it over the fret. If the ring is spinning, it will be a girl; if it walks in a line, then it will be a boy. You can repeat the procedure and find out the sex of the second child. The last time the ring will clearly stop.

    The probability according to these signs is no more than half, which is a finger in the sky.

    True omens

    1. Men who work in hazardous environments are more likely to have daughters. The fact is that Y-spermatozoa are weaker than X-spermatozoa, so they die in such conditions.
    2. You can find out the gender of the unborn baby from the family. The sign is relevant only for those who grew up in a large family. If you have more than four siblings, you can easily match their number. The predominant sex will prevail in all children.
    3. What parents, such and children. It is noteworthy that strong-willed parents who are busy with important, serious matters usually have boys. Gentle, patient families are more likely to have daughters.
    4. Bad habits. It was also noted that in families where they smoke, there are more girls. The fact is that those very Y-chromosomes die, and stable X-chromosomes prevail. The same applies to men with various diseases.

    Calculation Formula

    There is a simple formula that can determine the sex of a child. It is based on the age of the mother and the date of the future birth. It is necessary to subtract from the age of 19 and summarize with the date of birth. If the result is odd, you should count on the boy, and if the result is even, on the girl.

    Another formula involves using the age of the mother and the day of conception. The formula looks like this: 49 \u003d (3 × Zh \u003d M + 1)

    The day of conception is here denoted as Zch, and the age of the mother as the symbol M. The result can speak of a boy if it is even, and a girl if it is odd.

    You can check the probability with both formulas and compare the results.

    Blood renewal

    In women, blood is renewed every 3 years, and in men every 4. By the one whose blood is fresh at the time of conception, we can say who played a key role in the issue.


    If sex determination is not critical and the couple is just happy about the pregnancy, it is worth waiting up to 2-3 months to undergo an ultrasound. This is the most accurate way to determine the sex of a child, although it can be erroneous. The baby may lie in such a position that it is difficult for the doctor to see the genitals. He can remain in this position until the very birth to be a surprise for parents.

    Ultrasound also helps to diagnose malformations in a timely manner.

    Examination of amniotic fluid and cord blood

    The analysis of amniotic fluid is called amniocentesis. The procedure is performed through a puncture in the amniotic sac - fluid is taken, and its composition is later examined.

    The method is considered risky, so it is resorted to only if there is a serious suspicion of genetic abnormalities. The laboratory assistant first of all determines the state of the chromosomes. The sex of the child is important because some diseases are transmitted only to boys and only to girls. Amniocentesis is 99% correct.

    Cordocentesis - analysis of cord blood. The procedure is identical to the previous method, but cord blood is taken for research. With its help, various anomalies and pathologies (hemophilia) are also diagnosed. Cordocentesis is effective from the 14th week of pregnancy.

    Gender test

    A gender test allows you to determine the sex of a child by the state of urine. In the process, reagents are used, into which morning urine is added. Substances are mixed and the color change is monitored. Orange color indicates a girl, and green indicates a boy. The test is valid after 9 weeks of pregnancy. The accuracy is 90%. A gender test is possible only because the mother's urine contains a lot of fetal hormone.

    The DNA test is more complex, but allows you to find out the sex as early as 6 weeks. The laboratory assistant determines the presence of fetal DNA enzymes in the mother's blood. The accuracy of the test is 99.9%, which is quite a lot. Research is expensive.

    Gender can be determined by heart rate. A competent gynecologist can accurately determine the sex of the baby by listening to his heart rate. Boys usually have less than 140 beats per minute, while girls have more.


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    Baby Gender Test: Boy or Girl?

    Who will be - a girl or a boy? Everyone is waiting for an answer to this question. And to determine the sex of the unborn child, you probably resorted to various "folk" methods. Of course, you can try to uncover this secret ... but here's hoping for a 100% hit - it's not worth it. After conducting research, summarizing all available information on determining the sex of a child, we summarized it in our test. Is he accurate too? According to statistics, this is the most accurate determinant of the sex of the unborn baby.

    Answer the following questions

    Keep in mind
    How nature works and why certain natural phenomena occur is the biggest mystery on Earth. And, despite the fact that in our test we have collected the most reliable information, we still should not hope for a 100% hit. A positive answer only increases your chances of becoming the parent of a boy or girl.

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    Want a more accurate forecast? Read other ways to determine:

    Who you have to be born is already known at the very moment of conception, when the egg and sperm merge. As you know, only the sperm is responsible for the sex of the unborn child. If conception occurred with a sperm cell that is a carrier of the X chromosome, then congratulations: you will have a girl. If a spermatozoon, a carrier of the Y-chromosome, participated in the fertilization, then a boy will be born soon. The egg initially carries only the X chromosome.

    Now let's move on to the date of conception, which falls exclusively on the period of ovulation. Spermatozoa, carriers of the Y chromosome, are always much more mobile and agile than carriers of the X chromosome. Therefore, if a close relationship between a woman and a man fell directly on the period of ovulation, then the carriers of the Y chromosome get to the egg faster, as a result of which a boy is born. If during this period there was no ovulation yet, then the spermatozoa responsible for the birth of a boy will die very soon, without having fulfilled their mission. The spermatozoa responsible for the birth of a girl will wait a few more days for the right moment. And then, after nine months, a girl will appear in the family.

    How to find out the sex of a child by heartbeat

    There are many different ways to determine the sex of an unborn child. One such technique is a method for determining the sex of a child by his heartbeat. Already at 12-14 weeks of pregnancy, if desired, you can hear the heartbeat of the unborn baby. To do this, you can contact the diagnostic laboratory and do an ultrasound, during which it is too early to determine the sex of the child, but the number of beats per minute of the baby's heart can already be fixed. You can also use a regular obstetric stethoscope to read the baby's heart rate through the abdominal wall.

    According to this method of determining the sex of the unborn child, girls' heart beats much more often than boys. If your baby's heart rate exceeds 140-150 beats per minute, then you can expect the birth of a girl. If the number of beats per minute is less, then most likely a boy will be born. If the value is 140, then it is worth resorting to other methods.

    It is worth noting that this technique is rather controversial and most modern doctors reject it. If you want to know who will be born to you, wait another 6-8 weeks and do a second ultrasound, on which the doctor will definitely tell the gender of your unborn child.

    How to find out the gender of the baby by the shape of the belly

    For a long time, village midwives accurately determined the sex of the unborn child by the shape of the belly of a pregnant woman. Although for modern obstetricians such methods of determining the sex of the unborn child are more likely to be a sign than an accurate method of diagnosis, many still resort to it, often disputing the results of ultrasound and, oddly enough, they are right.

    But still. Midwives predicted the birth of a boy if the belly was pointed, a girl if the belly was round. This also includes the appearance of the mother from the back. The belly is considered pointed if it is not visible from the back of the woman, and at the same time the waist is clearly visible, that is, in other words, from the back it cannot be said that the expectant mother is pregnant. In this case, you must definitely wait for the birth of a boy.

    It was also believed that the belly, in which the boy develops, will bulge sharply to the right, in which the girl - to the left.

    The location of the abdomen is also a very important characteristic. If the belly is high and wide enough, then you should prepare for the birth of a girl. A low position of the abdomen predicts the birth of a boy.

    It is worth recalling that, according to doctors, the shape of the abdomen depends on the anatomical features of the woman in labor, and not on the sex of the unborn child.

    By blood renewal/blood type

    Many believe that the sex of a child can be determined by the degree of "rejuvenation" of the blood. If the father's blood is younger, a boy will be born, and if mother's blood is a girl. It is believed that the renewal of male blood occurs once every four years. Women's blood is renewed every three years. Blood renewal is also influenced by events accompanied by blood loss: transfusion, surgery, childbirth, and others. This must be taken into account when determining the sex of the baby. The calculation itself using this method is quite simple. If mom is now 24 years old, and dad is 27 years old, then we get:

    • 24/3=8,0;
    • 27/4=6,75

    Now look at the rest of the received values. Mom has 0, dad has 75. Accordingly, mom has younger blood, and a girl should be born. It is also believed that there is a relationship between the blood type of the parents and the gender of the unborn baby. In particular, the following dependence is assumed:

    This statement is considered rather reckless and is easily refuted, in the case of the birth of two children of different sexes by the same parents.

    Signs and folk wisdom.

    There are many folk signs that allow you to determine the sex of the unborn child by the behavior of a pregnant woman and the baby itself.

    One of them is a change in the appearance and taste preferences of the expectant mother. If a pregnant woman has severe toxicosis, skin problems: acne, stretch marks, pigmentation appear, then, according to popular signs, a girl should be born. Many believe that girls, as it were, take away all the beauty of their mother. Regarding taste preferences: they change for all pregnant women, but mothers of girls tend to eat more sweets, mothers of boys prefer meat products and fish.

    1. The gender of the unborn child can also be judged by the age of the future mother. If she is young - a boy should be born, if the age of the parents is more than 30 years - a daughter.
    2. Also, the boys' mothers tend to go to bed on their left side, with their heads to the north, and are in an excellent mood for almost the whole day.
    3. The period between the birth of two children also affects the sex of the child. If it is minimal, then the next child will be of a different gender.
    4. The baby himself can “say” about his field. If he is active and moves a lot, then most likely a boy will be born.

    Numerology - the magic of numbers

    Many, seeking to find out the gender of their unborn child, turn to numbers, to numerology, in particular the Pythagorean numerological system, for help.

    In this method, a table is first created to determine the numerical value (from 1 to 9) of each letter of the alphabet. In the first line we write the numbers from 1 to 9, and in the second and subsequent letters in alphabetical order.

    The result is the following table:

    Now we write in the line the full name of the expectant mother and her maiden name. You also need to write the full name of the pope and his last name. Opposite the names and surnames are the numbers corresponding to them from the table. Add up the given numbers.

    Now write the month when your unborn child was conceived. Write the numbers again and add them up.

    Sum up the previously obtained values ​​\u200b\u200band divide the sum by 7. Do not pay attention to the remainder, only the integer value. If it is an odd number, then a boy should be born. If the number obtained as a result of division is even, expect the birth of a girl.

    If, as a result of dividing the numbers obtained by adding the corresponding numbers of the name and surname of mom and dad, a comparable remainder is obtained, then the birth of twins can be expected.


    Many pregnant women want to know as early as possible who will be born: a boy or a girl. There are signs that predict the sex of a child: divination with the help of a wedding ring, locks of father's hair and even soda. Nowadays, medicine has reached a level where the gender of the baby can be known with almost 100% accuracy, so there is often no need for folk methods.

    Genetic testing methods

    It is possible to accurately calculate who will be born in the family using amniocentesis and the study of chorionic villi. These are invasive methods when the doctor takes material from the fetus through the vagina or abdominal cavity of the pregnant woman. They resort to such analyzes in extreme cases, if a genetic disease is suspected, since they can provoke a miscarriage, infection of the mother and fetus.


    This is one of the most accurate methods for identifying a child. During the procedure, the doctor gently inserts a needle through the abdomen into the uterus and the amniotic sac. To avoid injuring the baby, the doctor monitors the process with the help.

    The medic takes amniotic fluid, which contains genetic material. The sex of the child is determined after chromosomal analysis: XX indicates a girl, XY indicates a boy. In rare cases, it cannot be determined, this happens with atypical genetic disorders: Klinefelter's syndrome, Turner's syndrome.

    The study is rarely prescribed only to determine the sex of the baby, since the probability of miscarriage is 35% - it depends on the experience of the doctor and the gestational age (the earlier the test, the higher the risk). Amniocentesis is done between 15 and 20 weeks of pregnancy if the woman is over 35 or other tests indicate a serious hereditary disorder. If you had to undergo this procedure, you can request to have the sex of the fetus determined. Deciphering the results takes up to 10 days.

    Chorionic villus sampling (CVS)

    The procedure involves taking the tissue of the placenta for analysis. This is done in two ways:

    • inserting a thin plastic tube through the cervix;
    • by inserting a needle into the abdomen so that it reaches the placenta and captures tissue for analysis.

    CVS allows you to find out the sex of the child from the 10th week of pregnancy. The method is 99 percent accurate, but is associated with a risk to the fetus (miscarriage 1 in 100). For this reason, samples of the chorionic villi are taken only if there is a suspicion of chromosomal abnormalities (Down syndrome), genetic problems (cystic fibrosis) in the baby. If you have passed the study, ask at the same time to determine the sex of the unborn child. Deciphering the results takes 2 weeks.

    This is a new technology that has been developed to determine such chromosomal disorders as Down's syndrome, trisomy 13 and 18. The method is safe for a child because it does not involve interference in its tissues: mother's blood is taken for analysis. It contains embryonic DNA, which is released from the placenta into the bloodstream.

    The laboratory assistant is looking for chromosomal abnormalities, but he can be asked to find out the sex of the baby. If he finds the Y chromosome, it will be a boy; if not, it will be a girl. A sex test cannot tell if you are expecting twins, it can only confirm or deny if there is a boy in your belly. A blood test is rarely wrong: deviations are possible if the test is done in the first days of pregnancy.

    Ultrasound Scan

    The procedure is performed between 18 and 22 weeks. It helps the doctor and parents to find out that everything is in order with the baby, and in parallel - to determine the gender. the reliability of the information at this time is 99%. An error is possible if the examination was carried out before 14 weeks, in the presence of genital anomalies. Sometimes the child turns so that his genitals cannot be determined.

    Ramsay method

    Fans of this theory argue that the sex of the child depends on which side the placenta is in the uterus. This is determined by ultrasound, which can be done in the early stages. If the placenta is on the left, there will be a girl, on the right, a boy. There is no evidence of the accuracy of this method, so it is better to wait until the beginning of the second trimester, and get the results.

    Home testing kit

    Analysis of urine

    Such tests can be purchased online, but none of them are reliable. Some manufacturers directly write on the box that the product is intended for entertainment purposes only: in the instructions you will find the seller's disclaimer for the accuracy of the results.

    Blood analysis

    There is a variant of NIPT that can be done at home. It is more reliable than a urine test, but the risk of error is high due to the quality of the sample taken. For example, if a woman draws blood from a finger after touching a man, his DNA can get into the sample and give incorrect results. For this reason, before piercing, you need to thoroughly wash your hands, take care of disinfection.

    How to determine the sex of a child according to folk signs

    A pregnant woman listens to many ideas about how to find out who the baby will be. Friends advise divination, cling to various signs. People who read such advice may mistakenly take them for medical facts, but all signs are unreliable. If you really want to tell fortunes about the unborn child, use methods that will not harm either you or the baby.

    Fetal heart rate

    They say if a child's heart beats faster than 140 bpm. is a girl, although a 2006 scientific study showed no gender differences in 1st trimester heart rate. The difference is visible later, just before the birth, when many already know who they are waiting for.

    The shape and size of the abdomen

    Another theory says that if the stomach is low, there will be a boy, high or wide in the middle - a girl. This is pure myth. The type of abdomen depends on the position of the child, as well as on the tone of the mother's muscles, the shape of her body, weight, and the number of previous pregnancies.

    soda test

    There is also an option to mix the powder with urine: if the mixture bubbles, you can expect a boy, if there is no reaction, a girl. This is a useless test as it all depends on the acidity of the urine. The indicators may vary depending on the diet, physical activity, but the gender of the child does not affect it.

    morning sickness

    Belief says that if a girl feels terrible after sleep, there will be a girl. There may be some truth in this, since women who are expecting a daughter have slightly higher hCG levels. Nevertheless, the difference in sensations is insignificant: a pregnant woman can have severe toxicosis, even when she is carrying a son.

    Divination on the ring

    Some people advise cutting off a section of mother's or father's hair and threading it through the ring, bringing the ends together. When the pregnant woman lies down, you need to lift the hanging ring over the stomach and wait until it starts to swing. Movements back and forth, left and right will say that there will be a boy, and circular ones indicate a girl. Such fortune-telling cannot be taken seriously: the person holding the ring subconsciously makes micro-movements, depending on who he wants to see with the woman in labor.

    Distribution of excess weight according to the figure of the expectant mother

    Many argue that you can find out the sex of the baby just by looking at the pregnant woman. If fat is deposited on the hips and buttocks, there will be a girl, and if on the stomach, a boy. In fact, everything depends on the characteristics of the mother's body, the type of figure, the sex of the child has nothing to do with it.

    Legend has it that Chinese gender charts are over 700 years old and are 90% accurate if applied correctly. The gender of the child is predicted based on the month of conception and the mother's birthday, the values ​​​​are indicated in the lunar calendar. The reliability of the technique is doubtful, but fortune-telling often comes true, since you only have to choose from two options.

    Cravings for sweet or salty foods

    They say that if a pregnant woman constantly wants to eat sweets, there will be a boy, sour food - a girl. This is an unsubstantiated version: food addictions are formed due to an unstable hormonal background and can be absolutely anything.

    mood swings

    Folk wisdom says: if a woman has mood swings, there will be a girl. When she can't control her emotions, you have to wait for the boy. Fans of the theory say that estrogens and testosterone play a significant role here. In reality, a higher concentration of hormones may be in the amniotic fluid, but this does not affect their level in the mother's blood.


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    How to determine the gender of the unborn child

    Pregnancy ... Such an exciting wonderful period of experiences, dreams of the future ... And also this time - who lives in mom's tummy? Probably, this question is one of the first that arises among future parents, as soon as they find out about pregnancy.

    Although most scientists agree on the relationship between the sex of the child and the age of the pregnant woman (the older she is, the more likely it is), many couples still try to plan the birth of a son or daughter themselves.

    Planning the sex of the child by the date of ovulation

    Many couples, even before the conception of a child, try to independently “program” his gender using scientific methods. So, it has long been proven that the sex of the baby is laid at the time of conception (fertilization of the egg by the sperm). The egg cell has only the X chromosome, so everything depends on the spermatozoon, or rather on the chromosome that it “brings” to it. If it was an X chromosome, expect a girl; if Y, it will be a boy.

    But how to guess the right one for you in this case? Perhaps this is only during ovulation, which usually occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle. Spermatozoa carrying the Y-chromosome are faster than their "colleagues" with the X-chromosome, but their ability to "live" in the female genital tract is much less. If you guessed right with ovulation, you can be sure that the sperm with the Y chromosome will be the first to “get” to the egg and fertilize it. And that means you're having a boy. But if ovulation has not yet occurred during the conception period, these spermatozoa will die, "giving way" to spermatozoa with the X chromosome, which are "responsible" for the birth of a girl. That is, the moment of ovulation is very important for planning the sex of the child. With a great desire, it is advisable to refrain from sexual intercourse for a couple of days before the onset of ovulation.

    French diet when planning the sex of the child

    A popular method of planning the sex of a child is to follow the so-called "French diet", the main requirement of which is to use foods containing potassium and salt if the spouses want a son, or magnesium and calcium if they want to conceive a daughter. A strict diet is recommended for both spouses for 3 weeks before conceiving a child, after which the pregnant woman must adhere to it for another seven weeks.

    Updating the blood of spouses and determining the sex of the child by it

    A method based on the calculation of blood renewal in spouses is considered quite interesting. It is known that the process of blood renewal in women occurs every 3 years. For men, it takes 4 years. Following this method, it turns out that the sex of the child depends on the parent whose blood is “fresh”. If it will be mom, then wait for the birth of a girl, if dad - a boy.

    This method is simple. Let's give an example of how to calculate the sex of a child in a married couple in which a man is 35 years old and a woman is 27:

    That is, the blood of a man is younger - this couple will have a son.

    Gender of the child and blood type of the parents

    It is possible to determine the sex of the unborn child by the blood type of the parents, but this method is far from accurate, because many couples have children of different sexes. For this method, tables are used with the indicated blood types of men and women vertically and horizontally, respectively. At the intersection of the blood groups of the spouses, the gender of the unborn child is “hidden”. Following these tables, we can state the following:

    • with blood type I, both parents are expected to have a girl;
    • with group I in the mother and group II in the father, expect a boy;
    • if a woman has group I, and a man has group III, there will be a girl;
    • there will be a boy with I blood type in a woman and with IV - in a man.

    With the II blood group in the expectant mother, the plate is repeated exactly the opposite (that is, the boy should start). The same thing happens when calculating for III and IV blood groups - accordingly, in the first case, you need to “start” with a girl, in the second - with a boy.

    Also, when determining the sex of the child, the Rh factor of the spouses is also taken into account. For example, if it is the same for both, the birth of a girl should be expected. If the future parents were "of different rhesus", there will be a boy.

    Determining the sex of a child using an ancient Chinese table

    Ever since ancient times, future parents have tried to find out the gender of their unborn child. One of the simplest known methods that have come down to us is, in which you just need to indicate the month of conception of the baby and the age of the mother at that moment.

    Now this table is in the Beijing Institute of Sciences, and before that it had lain in a crypt near Beijing for more than 700 years. Institute scientists claim that the data obtained with its help are correct with an accuracy of 98% (almost like ultrasound).

    The table consists of vertical and horizontal columns. Firstly, you need to choose your age, and secondly, the month of conception. Where they intersect, the gender of your unborn child will be indicated.

    If you are at the stage of planning pregnancy and the sex of the child, in the row of the table, select your age and the month in which the sex of the child you need will be indicated. Then, counting down 9 months, you will get the date of conception.

    Japanese table when determining the sex of a child

    For this table, you need to know exactly the dates of birth of both parents and the month of conception.

    It is a kind of table consisting of two tables, in the first of which you need to indicate the month of birth of dad and mom and find a number at the place of their intersection, with the help of which the child's gender will be planned. This figure must be remembered and found in the second table at the intersection with the month in which you plan to conceive. The gender of the child will be indicated in the cell at the intersection of both columns.

    Amniopuncture or chorionic biopsy

    Both the first and the second mean a genetic study of the amniotic fluid (or chorion - tissue, which at a later date is called the placenta). This procedure is not safe and rather difficult, because during the procedure, the doctor needs to take a small sample of uterine tissue. Not all pregnant women are prescribed it in order to identify genetic disorders in the child. It is unlikely that any of the doctors will undertake to conduct it only in order to determine the sex of the baby.

    Examination of the blood of the expectant mother

    This method is called the most correct in determining the sex of the child, because the blood of a woman from early pregnancy contains fetal DNA. So, if Y-chromosomes are found in it, it can be argued that a boy will be born. If they are not - wait for the girl. But it is worth noting that, despite all the accuracy of the method, it is very expensive and far from affordable for every family.

    Determination of the sex of the child using ultrasound

    It is possible in the second trimester of pregnancy, and then on condition that he does not decide to play pranks and turn his butt to you. The accuracy of determining the sex of the child largely depends on the duration of pregnancy and the experience of the doctor. According to experts, the most accurate identification of the sex of the baby is possible from the 15th week of pregnancy.

    Folk signs when determining the sex of a child

    And you can try to "solve" this "problem" and with a smile, trusting the age-old observations of our ancestors. Here are some of them:

    • if the expectant mother, who is on a long gestation period, has a waist (when you look at her from behind), a boy will be born;
    • boys are more active in the womb;
    • women suffering from toxicosis are more likely to give birth to girls;
    • if a pregnant woman is constantly drawn to sweets, there will be a girl, but if meat is a boy;
    • the shorter the interval between births, the more likely the birth of a child of the opposite sex;
    • with a round belly, like a ball, which grows forward and is slightly pointed, you will have a son;
    • when waiting for a girl, the stomach becomes spherical, round and wide;
    • if pregnancy has not changed your appearance, this is also for the boy (after all, according to popular wisdom, a girl takes beauty from her mother. By the way, it should be noted that many doctors agree with this belief).

    You can use one of the above methods to determine the sex of the child (or pass all the proposed "tests"). You can completely trust the results of ultrasound, which is also sometimes wrong. And you can compare all the results obtained using various methods and tables with ultrasound indicators and draw your own conclusions, which may be needed when planning your next pregnancy. But it would be best to calmly wait for the birth of a child, because, you see, the main thing is not to become him, but that he be healthy.

    Especially for Anna Zhirko

    As soon as a couple learns that in the near future they will become parents, the first desire that arises in them is to find out who will be born to them. The most accurate and commonly used method, of course, is ultrasound. However, there are situations in which even this technique, when determining the possible sex of a child, can give erroneous results.

    There is a good alternative - to determine the sex of the child according to the table. This method can be used for up to 20 weeks, when ultrasound cannot yet show reliable information, but you want to know who it will be - a son or a daughter.

    Popular tables for determining the sex of a child

    The first table for determining the sex of an unborn child dates back several centuries. The most ancient is Chinese, which, according to legend, was discovered at the burial place of one of the Chinese emperors. Many residents of China still use these data today, however, the probability of getting really reliable information regarding the future baby is no more than 50%.

    If you are interested in the question of how to determine the sex of a child using a table with a 100% guarantee, then you can adopt another method. This is a technique that is based on the blood type of biological parents, since, according to scientists, the blood type affects the formation of sex. In men and women, after a certain time period, the blood in the body is completely renewed. For women, this process takes 3 years, for men a little more - 4 years. Depending on whether the biological father or mother at the time of fertilization will have "fresh" blood, the baby will be born of that particular gender.

    According to the table below, you can determine in advance who will be born to you - a girl or a boy. It is necessary to indicate the blood group of both parents and at the intersection to see the sex of the baby.

    Blood type father
    mothers I II III IV
    I Female Husband. Female Husband.
    II Husband. Female Husband. Female
    III Female Husband. Female Husband.
    IV Husband. Female Husband. Female

    You can find out the sex of the child from the table at the stage of pregnancy planning. It is worth remembering that all the above data cannot give a 100% result, and this is rather a technique for checking already precisely established data.

    The Japanese table of conception of the sex of the child has a long history. The production of X chromosomes and Y chromosomes by the male body depends on the time period, so even at the planning stage, you can determine the sex of the baby and choose a month that will be favorable for conceiving a child of the desired gender.

    This table for determining the sex of a child consists of two parts, on the basis of which it is possible to identify the most probable period of conception. The first is created to determine a special code number, and the second is used to determine the gender of the child based on this number.

    In order to identify the code number, the months of birth of the biological parents are indicated. The code is the number located at the intersection of data about a man and a woman. For example, the biological father was born in April, the mother was born in December, the code number is 4.

    After the code number is determined, it's time to move on to the second component of this technique.

    The second table assumes the use of data such as the exact month of conception (or estimated). The top line has code numbers. From the previously received individual code number, a vertical line is drawn down. The more crosses indicated in the "boy" or "girl" column, the more accurate the result will be.

    An example shows that this couple is most likely to give birth to a girl at conception in June, and a boy in August.

    According to the table, it is quite difficult to find out the gender of the child with a 100 percent probability, but in practice the Japanese technique has shown itself to be a way that allows you to find out as closely as possible what gender your baby will be born.

    The Chinese table is one of the most ancient methods. Its basis is the age of the girl at the time of fertilization and the exact month of this event. In order for the Japanese table of conception of the sex of the child to show one hundred percent results, it is important to determine the month of fertilization as accurately as possible. To calculate the date of fertilization, you can use a simple formula: the first day of delayed menstruation + 14 days. This formula is suitable for girls whose cycle is 28 days (that is, divided by two). If the cycle is more or less than 28 days, then the number of summed days is calculated individually.

    The ancient Chinese method includes two main columns. The first column indicates the age of the mother at the time of fertilization, the second column is the month of fertilization. From the specified data, a vertical and horizontal line is drawn, which will converge on the variant with the intended gender.

    Important: when using the Chinese table, the actual age of the mother must be increased by another 9 months.

    When determining the sex of a child, the Chinese table in practice in many cases showed really reliable results, despite the fact that scientists claim that the sex of the child does not depend on the age of the mother.

    Folk methods for determining the sex of a child

    For a long time, a large number of folk signs have been used, which make it possible to find out who will be born to you - a boy or a girl:

    1. Taste preferences. If a girl in a position begins to consume meat products, salty foods in large quantities, but the craving for sweets, on the contrary, decreases, then a boy will be born. If the expectant mother actively leans on fruits, sweets, she may want completely non-standard things, for example, chalk, then future parents can prepare for the appearance of a girl.
    2. Appearance. There is an opinion that a girl takes away all the beauty from her mother. In practice, indeed, one can note the fact that when carrying a girl, a woman feels bad, she suffers from toxicosis, indigestion, from which she begins to look bad outwardly. If a boy is to be born, then during pregnancy the woman looks great, feels good. However, relying only on these facts is not worth it, since each of the fair sex has an individual body.
    3. Belly shape. If the belly of a pregnant girl has a rounded shape, slightly expanding from the sides, then a girl is developing inside the belly. If the stomach, on the contrary, is “sharp”, convex, then expect a boy.

    Important: you can use numerology to determine gender. To do this, you need to divide the full age of the father by four, and the age of the biological mother by three. If the remainder of the division of the female age is less, then a boy will be born, if more, then it is worth waiting for a girl.


    How to calculate the gender of the child according to the table by 100 percent? Really accurate results can only be shown by ultrasound. There are many techniques that have been used for more than one century. However, you should not trust 100% only these methods and prepare for the appearance of a boy or girl, because even a table and folk signs cannot take into account individual characteristics.

    The main thing is the health of the unborn baby, so it is better to direct all your efforts to preparing health for this period in order to give birth to a healthy baby.

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