• Menstrual function during lactation or everything is decided by prolactin. Menstruation during breastfeeding: when do they start and go When do periods appear after childbirth during breastfeeding


    Behind 280 days of worries and expectations, the most difficult and exciting process of childbirth, the solemn day of discharge from the maternity hospital. Mommy with baby at home.

    The questions that arise in the first days of being at home mainly concern the newborn: why does he sleep for a long time, why does he not sleep, does not take the breast, why is he crying, why is he not crying, are the gaziki and a lot of others tormenting.

    Some time passes, mommy gets used to daily worries. And then the question arises, when do menstruation begin after childbirth while breastfeeding?

    With menstrual function before the onset of pregnancy, everything was clear. In the hypothalamus, under the general guidance of the cerebral cortex, there was a cyclic production of releasing factors, at the command of which the pituitary gland released the corresponding hormones into the blood. In the first phase of the menstrual cycle, they stimulated the growth and maturation of the follicle and the production of estrogens. In the uterus at that time, the processes of regeneration and proliferation of the endometrium after the previous menstruation were going on.

    In the middle of the cycle, the mature follicle at the peak of estrogen levels burst, ovulation occurred. Phase 2 has begun. In the ovary, a corpus luteum forms at the site of the ruptured follicle, releasing the hormone progesterone. It in turn causes secretory changes in the uterine cavity. Everything is ready to accept a fertilized egg.

    If pregnancy does not occur, the corpus luteum regresses. The secretion of progesterone falls, the inner layer of the uterus is rejected, menstruation occurs. During the first 4 months of pregnancy, progesterone protects her from termination. The cyclic creation of hormones is blocked, menstruation stops.

    There were births. Nature triggers another physiological mechanism - lactation. The pituitary gland begins to produce the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for the function of milk formation. The cyclic production of FSH, LTH and LH is blocked for the period of breastfeeding. The people called this situation "replacement", doctors talk about lactation contraception.

    Important! The physiological significance of the replacement is to ensure the full feeding of the baby, not to "distract" the mother for a new pregnancy, not to deplete her body.

    When do periods come after childbirth while breastfeeding

    The process is designed by nature for about a year. This is the established norm. By one year, the child can be fed a variety of foods. The end of breastfeeding leads to the removal of the prolactin block, the cyclic production of sex hormones begins and the cycle is restored.

    In reality, the onset of menstruation after childbirth during breastfeeding can occur earlier, after two or three. six months after the birth of the child.

    Note! The restoration of menstrual function has its own individual characteristics for each woman.

    The current opinion about the influence of the method of delivery on when menstruation occurs in women after childbirth during breastfeeding is erroneous, as is the dependence on the method of conception. IVF, caesarean section do not lead to early menstruation.

    Reasons why menstruation after childbirth occurs while breastfeeding

    Contrary to the laws of physiology, menstruation comes against the backdrop of continued secretion of prolactin and lactation. The reasons lie in the decrease in the production of prolactin. The formation of prolactin cannot be influenced by anything other than the emptying of the mammary glands.

    The following factors reduce the secretion of prolactin:

    • mother can violate the feeding regimen;
    • breast alternation for feeding is not observed, which leads to incomplete emptying;
    • the child is given early complementary foods through the nipple;
    • empty is used.

    Additional Information! The pacifier and pacifier impair oral motility.

    Menstruation can go 3-4 months after childbirth with mixed feeding.

    If breastfeeding is impossible or refused, menstruation occurs on average 2 months after childbirth.

    Menstruation does not come after breastfeeding

    The absence of menstruation after the end of breastfeeding can occur for the following reasons:

    • a nursing mother, being confident in the reliability of lactational contraception, does not use other methods of protection, as a result, the first ovulation after childbirth leads to the fertilization of the egg and the onset of pregnancy;
    • after childbirth, a woman has hormonal disorders (preservation of a high level of prolactin with a benign tumor of the pituitary prolactinoma, decreased thyroid function in hypothyroidism) or other pathology;
    • Sheehan's neuroendocrine syndrome against the background of massive blood loss during childbirth, septic complications with high fever or severe gestosis, leading to the death of pituitary cells.

    Irregular periods after childbirth while breastfeeding

    A decrease in prolactin secretion due to delayed emptying of the mammary glands or other violations of breastfeeding can lead to irregular menstruation. In addition to disrupting the cycle, the amount of blood lost from abundant to scarce, the duration of menstruation can change.

    If the issue of contraception is not resolved, you should consult a doctor to exclude pregnancy. Menstrual disorders are a reason for examination for the presence of gynecological pathology.

    The advice of the famous doctor E.O. Komarovsky are based on the program of modern perinatal technologies.

    Basic provisions:

    • attachment to the breast in the first minutes after birth;
    • joint wards;
    • prohibition of drinking, nothing but breast milk;
    • prohibition of nipples, pacifiers (sucking reflex is extinguished, the breast is poorly emptied, the amount of milk decreases);
    • feeding not by the clock, but at the request of the baby, including at night;
    • early discharge from the hospital. In Russia, it is carried out no earlier than the 3rd day after childbirth.
    • continue breastfeeding for at least 6 months, the optimal period is up to a year;
    • prevention of hypogalactia frequent feeding, including nighttime, pumping;
    • psychological support for a nursing mother, taking care of her rest;
    • switching to artificial feeding with milk mixtures only as prescribed by a doctor;
    • comfortable temperature and humidity for the baby;
    • plentiful drink to mother;
    • increase in the duration of suckling.

    Dr. Komarovsky warns against thoughtlessly offering a breast to a baby for every cry. If the child ate less than 2 hours ago, and now cries, you need to understand the true causes of anxiety.

    Postpartum lochia, causes of prolonged irregular discharge

    During childbirth, after separation of the placenta, an extensive wound surface remains in the uterine cavity. In the postpartum period, the uterus involutes, it contracts, and the cervical canal is formed. This process is accompanied by the release of lochia.

    Normally, lochia undergo changes:

    • the first 3 days after birth they are bloody, but different from bleeding;
    • the next 3-4 days are bloody;
    • from 8-10 days light yellow serous, continue until 5-6 weeks after birth.

    Abnormalities, profuse bleeding with clots may be symptoms of lochiometers or indicate remnants of the placental tissue of the uterine cavity. Bloody discharge, subinvolution of the uterus, rise in temperature, pain in the lower abdomen indicate inflammation of the uterus.

    When to see a doctor

    With a favorable course of the postpartum period, it is imperative to go to the doctor at 5-6 weeks after childbirth, when the involution of the uterus ends.

    Normally, menstruation after childbirth may have distinctive signs from those that were before pregnancy:

    • the cycle changes, the duration of menstruation, the volume of blood lost;
    • previously painful ones occur without pain due to the elimination of the bending of the uterus after childbirth;
    • the first menstruation may be irregular;
    • anovulatory cycles are possible.

    If the cycle is not restored in 2-3 months, you should go to the obstetrician-gynecologist.

    Once the period started, it disappeared. This is a reason to start worrying about a possible pregnancy, especially if you want to give birth. Early registration will help prevent complications.


    Does menstruation affect milk supply?

    Some mothers note a slight decrease in the amount of breast milk on the days of menstruation. According to their own reviews, everything will be back to normal in a short time. There are no objective data that speak of a decrease in the volume of milk.

    Does the taste and smell of milk change during menstruation?

    Does not change. You can easily verify this by tasting and smelling it.

    Does the resumption of menstruation mean the end of lactation?

    Living conditions, ecology, chronic stress, eating disorders, taking OK (oral contraceptives) make the resumption of menstruation against the background of breastfeeding a variant of the norm. Menstruation may come earlier, but this will not affect lactation.

    Can the sensations of feeding during menstruation change?

    When breastfeeding during menstruation, a woman may experience severe painful uterine contractions. This is due to the reflex, irritation of the nipple causes contraction of the muscles of the uterus. There may be pain in the nipple area when sucking.

    Is it possible to get pregnant while breastfeeding if there is a period?

    The answer is yes. If menstruation, having come, suddenly disappears, you need to go to the doctor to find out how many weeks of a new pregnancy. Many make the decision to give birth, which is probably why there are so many children of the same age.

    During pregnancy, a woman gets used to the fact that there are no periods in her life. With the birth of a baby, the newly-made mother, having heard and read about the recovery processes in the body after childbirth, begins to wait for the resumption of the monthly cycle. And often the absence of menstruation, due to increased emotionality, is attributed to pathology, it starts to get nervous, which, of course, negatively affects both the woman herself and her child. Therefore, this physiological aspect of the return to the pre-pregnancy state requires detailed consideration.

    The female body after childbirth

    For a woman's health, childbirth is stressful and takes time to recover.

    The resumption of menstruation is an important indicator of recovery after childbirth.

    What is lochia

    The female genital organ after the birth of a baby naturally or by caesarean is a wound surface formed after the rupture of many vessels that connected the child's place with the body of the uterus. Like ordinary mechanical tissue damage, such an injury bleeds for some time during the healing process. In addition, during the bearing of a child, the uterus stretches, and after childbirth, due to the action of the hormone oxytocin responsible for uterine contraction, it begins to restore its previous size, rejecting some of the fibers, which is also accompanied by bloody discharge from the vagina. All this leads to the fact that up to 40 days after the birth of a baby, a woman observes discharge of varying degrees of intensity with lumps - lochia, gradually fading away.

    This is interesting. Lochia allows the uterus to quickly and quite significantly “lose weight”: about 700 grams per 1 kg in the first week, and in a couple of months the organ will return to its weight norm - 70 grams.

    What is menstruation

    Regula (menstruation, menstruation) is a physiological process that is characterized by the rejection of part of the mucous surface of the uterus, caused by cyclic changes in the hormonal background of a woman. Thus, despite the fact that both menstruation and lochia are characterized by bloody discharge, about 1.5 months after the birth of a baby, a young mother observes exactly lochia, which has a more mucous texture and an unusual smell.

    And since it is with the work of the endocrine system that the resumption of menstruation after childbirth is associated, it is worth dwelling on the hormones that determine the process of the onset of menstruation.

    Menstruation is a cyclic phenomenon, and lochia is exceptional, occurring only after childbirth

    Hormonal background after childbirth

    It is determined by the presence or absence of breastfeeding. If in the latter case everything is quite simple: the background, and hence the cycle, begin to return to normal after the completion of lochia, that is, 1.5 months after childbirth, then during lactation, the balance of hormones is completely different. During breastfeeding, a woman's body releases prolactin in large quantities - a hormone responsible for milk production and at the same time suppressing hormones necessary for the preparation and onset of ovulation, the completion of which, in turn, is marked by the onset of menstruation.

    Video: a month after childbirth - features of the recovery process

    Menstruation during lactation

    It would be logical to assume that while a woman is lactating, that is, a lot of prolactin is secreted, menstruation does not occur. However, the restoration of the cycle is greatly influenced by factors such as:

    • heredity (between the periods of restoration of the menstrual cycle of different generations of women of the same family, of course, there will be a run-up, but not too large);
    • the presence of pathologies (if a young mother has inflammation, infection, then it is very difficult to predict the timing of the restoration of the menstrual cycle);
    • type and duration of breastfeeding period.

    The resumption of the monthly cycle is determined, among other things, by the characteristics of lactation in a woman

    The timing of the arrival of menstruation during lactation

    It is the last factor associated with the peculiarities of the feeding regimen that in most cases has a strong influence on the resumption of regulation. To begin with, you should pay attention to this dependence: prolactin is produced in large quantities when the baby does not receive additional food and drink. Accordingly, when complementary foods and supplementation appear in the diet of the crumbs, less prolactin is produced, which means that a gradual restoration of the balance of hormones responsible for ovulation begins.

    Average rates

    In the past few years, pediatricians have recommended the introduction of complementary foods and supplements after 4-6 months, so these dates have become benchmarks for the starting point for the resumption of menstruation. It should be noted that even after complementary foods have been introduced, with partial breastfeeding, menstruation may not come. Breastfeeding specialists, in addition to the hereditary factor and the presence of pathologies, include the practice of feeding at night and in the early morning as the reasons for this delay. The fact is that more prolactin is produced at night, and this allows you to maintain its content in the body at a high level.

    This is interesting. If a woman practices a combination of breastfeeding and artificial feeding, periods on average come 3-12 months after birth. Such a large run-up in terms is associated with the peculiarities of reducing the number of feedings: if the baby has stopped receiving breasts at night and in the morning, then menstruation will come sooner.

    Recovery of the monthly cycle after childbirth can take a long time

    Table: options for the norm and deviation of the timing of the resumption of menstruation after childbirth

    TimingNorm or deviationWhen is it possible
    in a month (30 days)DeviationThe growth of the endometrium, which is rejected during menstruation, occurs gradually. 30 days after the birth, when the lochia has just ended, this is impossible. But increased postpartum discharge due to a clot that provokes inflammation is the most likely cause of heavy bleeding, similar to menstruation. In such a situation, you should immediately contact a gynecologist. Perhaps a woman will be prescribed curettage to remove the clot.
    after 3–4 months (90–120 days)NormSuch terms are determined by the individual characteristics of the organism, as well as the transition to mixed feeding or refusal of lactation.
    Doctors define this situation as a good work of the pituitary gland in a woman.
    in a yearNormThe child switches to an “adult” diet, the number of feedings, including night ones, is reduced - lactation is reduced, the cycle is restored.

    My critical days began exactly one year after I gave birth)))) Normally, they don’t go plentifully. I don’t even feel pain (beauty!))))


    I started exactly 6 months later, and immediately regularly every month, as before pregnancy. And nursed up to 1 year 4 months.

    First menstruation: symptoms, discharge and duration

    During the period of pregnancy and lactation, a woman weaned from the "menstrual" state. And since it is impossible to predict the exact dates for the start of menstruation, most new mothers fear that critical days will begin unexpectedly. Meanwhile, in most cases, it will not be possible to guess the symptoms of the onset of labor regulation, since they will appear:

    • pain in the lower abdomen of a pulling nature;
    • abrupt mood swings;
    • recurrent headaches.

    It is worth preparing yourself in advance for the fact that, perhaps, the nature of the discharge will be different:

    • more abundant or, conversely, poorer than in the pre-pregnancy period;
    • accompanied by more intense pain sensations;
    • with lumps (as a rule, this feature is inherent in the event that menstruation began shortly after the completion of lochia, which means that the endometrium is still in the recovery stage).

    The duration of the first menstruation after childbirth may differ from the usual ones in the direction of increasing or decreasing the terms. On average, in the absence of deviations, menstruation lasts 7–8 days, and the terms vary within 21–30 days. Gradually, these indicators will return to normal.

    The first period is usually preceded by a range of symptoms.

    How does menstruation affect breast milk?

    No, if we are talking about quality indicators. Therefore, the conviction of some women that after the resumption of the regulation, the child should be weaned from the breast, has no basis. Moreover, it is harmful to the health of the baby, for whom breast milk is the key to strong immunity and proper development. The only possible consequence of the onset of menstruation that affects the characteristics of milk is a decrease in its quantity. The remaining changes concern, to a greater extent, the "relationship" between the breast and the baby:

    • the sensitivity of the nipples increases, the baby’s touch can be painful (breastfeeding experts recommend that before giving the baby a breast, attach a warm napkin to the nipples, and with unbearable pain, express milk during menstruation and feed the baby from a bottle);
    • increased work of the sweat glands during menstruation can cause the baby to not like such a change in smell (therefore, the importance of hygiene procedures increases even more).

    2 days before my period, my milk really sharply decreased, then, when it ended, it came back with more force, so 5 days in total, my daughter was capricious at that time, she sucked and threw her breasts, cried, she didn’t have enough, apparently, then everything is fine. Experienced such moments.



    If the baby hurts when sucking, then during the period of menstruation it can be fed from a bottle with expressed milk

    Violations of the monthly cycle

    Some differences in the course of 2–3 monthly cycles after childbirth from those to which the woman is accustomed (slightly more painful, prolonged, etc.) are not pathologies. Although with any concerns, it is still better to consult a gynecologist.

    This is interesting. With heavy bleeding and unbearable pain, there can be no other options: a woman definitely needs urgent help.

    And also there are a number of violations that indicate pathological conditions and require specialist advice.

    Abundant and prolonged menstruation

    Periods are periods that last longer than 8 days. As a rule, they are characterized by abundant secretions. You can determine the intensity of the discharge at home: if one pad is enough for 2.5–3 hours, bleeding is considered intense. Usually, women who have survived a caesarean are faced with such a problem. In any case, long-term and may be evidence that:

    • particles of fetal membranes in the process of lochia did not completely come out;
    • inflammation develops in the genitals;
    • the woman is or was in a stressful situation;
    • a young mother had anemia while carrying a child.

    After carrying out diagnostic procedures and studying the history, the woman is prescribed either conservative treatment (drugs that stop blood loss, vitamins, and iron-containing drugs), or, if there is no dynamics, curettage to stop blood loss and exclude the possibility of developing a tumor in the endometrium.

    My first periods were the same and went longer than usual. The doctor said that the norm, the body is rebuilt to a new rhythm.

    Erase the PAST


    Long periods are usually accompanied by copious discharge.

    Accelerated menstruation

    This disorder is usually caused by:

    • strong and sharp weight loss of a young mother;
    • large blood loss during childbirth;
    • a strong increase in prolactin - hyperprolactinemia.

    Meager regulations

    Spotting more than three cycles in the absence of hormonal contraception can be caused by:

    • imbalance of hormones;
    • endometritis, that is, inflammation of the mucous surface of the uterus;
    • Sheehan's syndrome (neuroendocrine disorder, provoked by the death of part of the pituitary cells due to complications in childbirth).

    This is interesting. Since even in the absence of menstruation, after the completion of postpartum discharge, a woman can become pregnant, the choice of a method of contraception should not be postponed. However, one should not forget that when an intrauterine device is established, menstruation can become more intense and painful, and when taking birth control pills, on the contrary, more scarce.

    Scanty periods are common if a woman takes birth control pills

    Unstable cycle

    Such a violation (including a break of more than three months) can be diagnosed no earlier than six months from the moment the cycle is resumed. Deviation can be caused by:

    • pathological processes occurring in the ovaries;
    • depletion of the body;
    • complications in childbirth (the consequences of epidural anesthesia also apply here);
    • the development of neoplasms in the pelvic organs;
    • deviations in the work of the endocrine system.

    If monthly more than three cycles come twice a month, then there may be a malfunction of the pituitary gland.

    The cessation of menstruation after 1-2 cycles requires, firstly, the exclusion of a new pregnancy, and secondly, specialist advice for the possible onset of early menopause. Despite the fact that this is a rather rare occurrence, it is impossible to completely reject the possibility.

    I started at 8 months. That is, no. That 2 days that 2 weeks!!! I didn't notice how I got pregnant!!



    Many new mothers are faced with the problem of an unstable cycle.

    Itching, uncharacteristic odor and color

    Sverbezh and curdled discharge are characteristic signs of thrush, and a pungent odor, scarlet color and accompanying chills with unbearable pain in the lower abdomen require urgent diagnosis, as they can be symptoms of serious infections or oncological diseases.

    Video: cycle disorder during breastfeeding - expert explanation

    Ways to normalize the cycle

    All questions regarding the restoration of the monthly cycle must be discussed with the gynecologist in advance. This is especially true in cases where there were complications in childbirth. And the general list of recommendations regarding the stabilization of the monthly cycle is reduced to the following points:

    This is interesting. If a woman has postpartum depression, then she needs to drink a course of sedatives on a natural basis, introduce herbal teas into the diet, and in the absence of dynamics, seek professional help from a psychologist.

    During lactation, the restoration of the monthly cycle has its own characteristics, which you need to know about in advance. This will help to avoid health problems for both mother and baby. But in any case, if a woman has any fears or suspicions, then the surest way to resolve them is to contact a gynecologist. Only a specialist can conduct a competent diagnosis, prescribe the right treatment, or simply dispel doubts and reassure.

    With the advent of a child, a woman's life changes, and her body experiences numerous stresses and changes. Gradually, the reproductive system is restored and again becomes capable of bearing and giving birth, as signaled by the appearance of menstruation. During breastfeeding, it frightens many mothers, so it is important to understand what exactly is the concept of the norm, and whether the restoration of the cycle can harm the established breastfeeding.

    The first menstruation after childbirth while breastfeeding - norms and terms

    After the birth of a normal baby, after 4–6 weeks, most young mothers stop excreting and the reproductive system begins to rest. At this time, the egg in the ovaries does not mature, therefore, menstruation does not occur. Breastfeeding plays an important role in this process, during which there is a significant production of the hormone prolactin. It stimulates the production of milk, inhibits ovulation. There is no clear concept of the norm in terms of the timing of the resumption of menstruation, but there are boundaries, and they are very stretched - from 4 weeks (1 month) to 18–20 months (1.5 years).

    Some mothers confuse postpartum discharge (lochia) and menstruation, but these are completely different things. Menstruation is a rejected endometrium in the absence of a fertilized egg in the current cycle, and lochia is the exit of all excess from the uterus that remains after bearing a child and childbirth.

    The restoration of the cycle depends on the organization of the breastfeeding process itself:

    • frequent attachment to the breast on demand causes the maintenance of a high level of prolactin in the blood, and ovulation does not occur longer;
    • with long breaks between feedings, the use of pacifiers and mixtures as supplementary feeding for infants and supplementation, menstruation occurs earlier, because due to infrequent sucking, hormone production decreases. However, even with mixed feeding, the boundaries of the norm do not shift - it will be quite natural to resume menstruation in a couple of months, and a year after childbirth;
    • if the child is actively breastfed for two years, then the absence of critical days for all 24 months is considered a variant of the norm.

    Often, with regular lactation on demand, the first ovulations occur after six months, because just at this time the introduction of complementary foods begins, and the frequency of breastfeeding is reduced. If menstruation began early, then a young mother should, just in case, consult a doctor to rule out the following problems:

    • decrease in prolactin levels due to reduced immunity;
    • taking medications;
    • transferred diseases.

    Reviews of women about the appearance of the first menstruation after childbirth

    I feed on demand, only guards, without even water, supplements and bottles, day and night. And menstruation has come, small only 5 months.



    After the first birth (and even before the birth, she hung herself, everything hurt so much), and after 2 births I don’t even notice that the menses are coming, only I change the pads. After the first birth, they came exactly at 4 months, in the sense of the daughter was. After the second came in 7 months. There were no complementary foods either, but they are hello!

    Plotnikova Veronica


    It was 11 months later. after childbirth. More painful and more profuse than before. The next 4 months also poured out of me incredibly - it had never happened before. Now it seems to be easier, a year has already passed.



    Features of menstruation during breastfeeding: nature, symptoms, regularity

    During the recovery cycle during breastfeeding, the nature of menstruation may differ from the usual for a woman, and may not bring any surprises at all. Consider the main parameters of menstruation after childbirth:

    • quantity. Usually the first menstruation is scanty (volume up to 80 ml) and not long, but over several cycles the picture approaches the one before pregnancy. An exception may be a particularly abundant discharge - after childbirth, the volumes are often reduced, and this becomes the new norm for a woman;
    • the consistency and color of the discharge. They usually do not have any features when breastfeeding. The first day - smearing bloody mass, the following days - blood with possible inclusions of clots;
    • the smell of menstrual blood. It should not be unpleasant, putrid and pronounced.

    The symptoms of the first and subsequent periods after childbirth remain typical - pulling discomfort in the lower abdomen, some general weakness are allowed. Itching, fever, severe pain, large amounts of discharge should be the reason for going to the doctor. The cycle is restored gradually, and normally its duration should reach the accepted values ​​- from 21 to 34 days.
    Painful sensations during menstruation can greatly overshadow the condition of a nursing mother, therefore, medications can be used to stop them.

    If the soreness causes significant discomfort, it must be stopped, since the stress associated with pain is a direct threat to breastfeeding. With the permission of the doctor, painkillers are allowed, for example, Ibuprofen (Nurofen), No-Shpa (Drotaverine), Paracetamol (Panadola, Efferalgan).

    Cycle recovery nuances

    The cycle in a woman after childbirth is restored gradually. Usually, discharges acquire normal volumes and frequency within six months. The situation is considered normal when, after the resumption of menstruation, they disappear again for a while - this is possible in the following cases:

    Irregularity of menstruation: norm or problem

    The regularity of the first few cycles after childbirth, regardless of the timing of their onset, should not be expected, since it takes time to fully restore the woman's reproductive system. Usually 2-3 periods are irregular. If the interval between discharges has exceeded 3 months, then you should consult a doctor, as this may indicate an inflammatory process, hormonal failure, or a new pregnancy.

    The state of lactational amenorrhea (absence of menstruation while breastfeeding) is quite insidious. The first ovulation can occur unexpectedly and without obvious symptoms, so relying on lactation as a method of contraception is not worth it. There are a lot of stories when a woman finds out that she is pregnant again 3 months after giving birth, and this is a big test for the body.

    The effect of menstruation on breast milk and child feeding

    Lactation and menstruation are compatible concepts, but many mothers worry that the appearance of secretions will negatively affect the feeding of the child. It is important to understand that when the cycle is resumed, the amount of milk will decrease slightly, and the baby may behave restlessly and linger at the breast longer. Such changes are associated with hormonal fluctuations. They do not pose any danger to breastfeeding - after 2-3 days the situation returns to normal.

    Most often, nursing mothers are concerned about the question of whether menstruation affects the taste and quality of milk. You should not worry about this, since there is no scientifically confirmed data on such a connection.

    Experts say that it is not only possible, but necessary, to continue breastfeeding with the resumption of menstruation - this combination does not create any contraindications.

    Reviews of women on the effect of menstruation on the composition of breast milk and its production

    Both my daughters and I got my period 2 months after giving birth. From the first milk from this did not become less. From the second - I notice that a day or two before the start and during menstruation, yes, less. But then it comes back to normal. About the taste - and you try it yourself, as for me, the taste does not change a single gram. It becomes bitter when you stop feeding - then, as they say, it “burns out”.



    I got my period too. It didn’t affect me in any way and my daughter sucks like she sucked))) So I calmed down and I think that there is nothing terrible here)))



    I, too, somewhere in 3-4 months began to disappear. In half a year it was gone, and the first menstruation came only after three months - so everything is individual. And to maintain lactation, there is Lactagon, I haven’t tried it myself, but they say it helps, and in the first months I had tea with milk (very warm, almost hot). In general, menstruation and milk are not related in any way. My friend fed the child up to a year and a half (!!!) and there was a lot of milk, she even expressed it, because a child at this age does not need so much anymore - there is other food, but her periods came much earlier! Also about half a year.

    Lion cub R-r-r-meow!


    Video: what to do if there is no menstruation after childbirth

    The restoration of menstruation during breastfeeding can last from one month to two years, and none of the extreme options is considered a pathology. It all depends on the specific conditions of the organization of the breastfeeding process. In most cases, the discharge returns with the introduction of complementary foods and in nature they are the same as before pregnancy. No changes in the taste of breast milk during menstruation were noted - its production may decrease slightly, but will soon recover again.

    Once upon a time, a woman who gave birth did not even think about the onset of menstruation with guards can either go or not go? , usually the menstrual cycle was restored after 2 years of natural breastfeeding.

    In a woman of the modern world, the situation is different, menstruation often comes 3-4 months after childbirth.

    It turns out that today lactation does not inhibit menstruation without fail, all this is individual.
    But still, the % of women with early menstruation is much higher than the % of women in whom menstruation begins a year after childbirth.

    Why did my periods come later than now?
    Firstly, the child was fed only breast milk for much longer than now. Today complementary foods are introduced much earlier and thus the child is transferred to “adult food”. And secondly, the psychological mood of the woman has changed. So you can not compare the circumstances of the past and the situation today.

    The restoration of menstruation is a hormonal process, its speed depends on how quickly the body recovers and the hormonal background is adjusted.

    The rate of recovery of this hormonal background again depends on how breastfeeding proceeds:
    - If it is completely natural and the baby receives mother's milk on demand at any time, then menstruation usually comes at the end of the first year of feeding. - When complementary foods are introduced or the baby is supplemented with formula, he consumes mother's milk less actively and menstruation can come in a period of up to seven months. - If the child, practically, from birth receives supplementary food in the form of a mixture, then, most likely, the mother's menstruation will come by the third month.

    Despite the fact that menstruation has come, the child must continue to be breastfed. It does not affect the health of the child in any way.

    The baby may be affected by mom's concern about this, so you need to remain calm and continue to feed the baby with healthy mother's milk.

    Yes, during this period, the amount of milk produced may decrease, but you should not panic, otherwise the amount of milk will decrease even more from stress.

    You just need to apply the baby to the breast as often as possible, which will provoke additional lactation.

    If, nevertheless, a woman feels that there is less and less milk, it is not restored, then you need to consult a doctor for advice. Perhaps they will prescribe some drugs that will contribute to the production of milk.
    When this does not help, the pediatrician prescribes "pre-food" for the child in the form of a mixture.

    Menstruation has no adverse effect on the composition of breast milk.

    There are many myths that milk becomes almost harmful to the child. Most likely, this was invented by mothers who wanted to abandon breastfeeding.
    In fact, there is nothing wrong with milk.

    In some cases, the taste or smell of milk may change, but this is all individual, and may be associated not only with the onset of menstruation, but also with mother's nutrition, her use of cosmetics ...

    Since women today are intimidated by the implausible "fact" that if menstruation has come, then lactation is over. Therefore, at the beginning of menstruation, they begin to get nervous, upset.
    This behavior will have a greater impact on both lactation and milk and, of course, on the child.

    If the mother calmly continues to feed the baby with breast milk, then little will change with the advent of menstruation. You just need to be patient and not get annoyed over trifles.

    Menstruation does not last so long, they will pass, and the condition of the mother and baby will return to normal. Therefore, the arrival of menstruation is not a reason to stop breastfeeding.

    For example, I have months with my daughter (first natural birth) for breastfeeding:
    Before Ber-ti, the months went in a month (the menstrual cycle was 65 days), for 5 days and without clots, moderately, they always passed without pain.

    The first months came after 6 months. after childbirth, went 2 weeks. and with clots, very copious and painful for the first 2-3 days. Then they disappeared for 3 months, they came again and went for 10 days, there were few clots, plentiful and again without pain.

    The next months came after 2 months. and walked for 7 days, without clots, moderately and without pain.

    After that, the months began to go every month (the menstrual cycle was set at 35 days), for 4-5 days, without clots, moderately and without pain - the cycle fully recovered and became better than before the ber-ti ...

    At the same time, there were never any problems with breastfeeding, she fed as usual - on demand, until complete natural self-weaning at 4.6 years, and there was always a lot of milk.

    Months with a son (second birth - EX) for breastfeeding:
    The first months came when my son was 1 year and 6 months old. Ovulation was very good. But the months themselves were very meager, they went for 5 days in drops. Even the usual daily routine was enough for me. They passed painlessly, a few days before the months, the stomach pulled a little.

    The next months came after 28 days (son 1 year and 7 months). Ovulation was as good as in the previous cycle, but the periods were already wonderful, as before pregnancy: without pain, moderately and without clots. Approximately 2 days before the month, the stomach pulled a little.

    Just like the daughter, the son continues to eat the breast with pleasure and did not spit on the breast for the period of menstruation.

    GW so far. I plan to feed my son, like my daughter, until natural self-weaning.

    All the best!

    A healthy pregnancy that ends with the birth of a healthy baby at the appointed time is a reason for a woman to be proud of herself and her health. After childbirth, periods do not become regular immediately, especially during breastfeeding. How to understand whether this period is normal or there are pathological abnormalities, you need to understand and prepare, preferably even before childbirth.

    The body of a woman, without exception, participates in the normal menstrual cycle. Its regularity, the nature of bleeding, the absence or presence of premenstrual syndrome - all these are characteristics of hormonal processes that regulate the activity of the female genital organs and glands.

    Menstrual bleeding is nothing more than a rejection of the hypertrophied uterine mucosa as a result of the absence of a fertilized egg. In other words, pregnancy did not occur. It is known that the monthly cycle proceeds as follows: at the first stage, the mucous membrane of the uterus is prepared for the introduction into its thickness of the egg fertilized by the spermatozoon. The endometrium intensively proliferates, that is, it thickens, becomes loose, and the area of ​​the vascular network increases.

    Next, the egg matures in the follicle, the rupture of the ovarian follicle and the release of the egg into the lumen of the fallopian tube. The epithelium of the tubes is villous; with the help of the movement of its villi, it advances the egg to the exit into the uterine cavity. It is in the tube that the egg meets the sperm. Then the fertilized egg moves into the uterine cavity and attaches to the endometrium. There comes a pregnancy. But this is not always the case.

    Therefore, in the absence of pregnancy, the overgrown endometrium is expelled from the uterine cavity, while the entire surface of the uterus bleeds inside - this is menstruation. This is how a normal menstrual cycle proceeds. All these processes are regulated by hormonal mechanisms that activate or inhibit certain phases of the cycle.

    Pregnancy stops regular bleeding and starts the mechanisms of regulation of the preparation of all organs for childbirth and breastfeeding. This means the following changes in a woman's body:

    • an increase in body weight due to the growth of the uterus, fetus, amniotic fluid, mammary glands;
    • softening of the pubic joint to facilitate the release of the fetus;
    • creating a hormonal background to stimulate the birth process.

    The increase in the mass of the organs of childbearing and mammary glands is due to the fact that for normal gestation and subsequent breastfeeding, a supply of body fat is needed for energy supply, muscle mass to move the fetus through the birth canal. The mammary glands increase due to the growth of lobules containing milk-producing ones during the lactation period.

    The pubic joint is motionless. The two pelvic bones are connected in the middle by hard cartilage. During the preparatory period for childbirth, this substance becomes more elastic, softer. The need for such a metamorphosis is caused by the passage of the child through the pelvic ring during childbirth. If the pelvic bones were not supple during this period, then it would be difficult for the fetus to pass the birth canal without damage.

    Hormonal prerequisites are created in the body long before the process of childbirth and subsequent breastfeeding. The entire system of hormonal regulation of processes is being rebuilt to ensure the normal course of pregnancy, childbirth and feeding the child - the lactation period. The corpus luteum, which is formed at the site of a burst follicle in the ovaries, provides a signal with hormonal substances for the pituitary gland and all other glands to produce the necessary biologically active substances for this period in a woman's life.

    Pregnancy in women lasts 38-40 weeks. It is this period that is recognized as optimal for normal, term delivery. It takes a certain amount of time to normalize the menstrual cycle in the postpartum period.

    Reasons for the slow recovery of the regular cycle

    The timing of the return of monthly hormonal fluctuations to the previous schedule varies for all women. There are a number of reasons for this that affect the body in the postpartum period:

    • features of an individual hormonal background;
    • hereditary factors;
    • the nature of the generic process;
    • features of the recovery of the uterus.

    Restoration of the former periodicity of menstruation during breastfeeding of the baby in all women is very individual. This is determined by the activity of the production of hormones of the sex glands, the pituitary gland, the state of the immune and reproductive systems as a whole.

    With the birth of a child into the world, mechanisms begin to work that restore the size and condition of the mucous, muscular membranes of the uterus and the birth canal. This is necessary in order to prevent bleeding from the uterus. If it is not in the appropriate tone, then the vessels damaged by the discharge of the placenta will continue to bleed. Such a development of events is fraught with extensive blood loss and the most gloomy consequences. It is for this reason that the early postpartum period is under the close attention of doctors. Especially carefully monitor the process of involution of the uterus, that is, the return of its size to the physiological age norm.

    The birth canal: the cervix, the vagina also require a fairly long time for their recovery. After all, they are traumatized. Cervical and vaginal ruptures often occur and require surgical repair and follow-up. For systematic and complete healing, a certain period is required. This also does not contribute to the early onset of menstrual bleeding.

    Restoration of the size of the uterus - involution, takes place in all women individually. In addition to returning to prenatal size, it is necessary to return the previous muscle tone. Otherwise, the onset of menstruation can be fatal.

    Concomitant individual characteristics of the postpartum period and breastfeeding are determined by the following factors:

    • the presence of complications in childbirth;
    • the status of the immune system;
    • the presence of psychological complications of the postpartum period;
    • poor-quality diet for the puerperal;
    • a large number of births in history.

    All of the above factors lead to a delay in the restoration of the menstrual cycle after the birth of a child. The waiting period for the onset of regular menstruation is delayed and if a woman is concerned about this, then she should consult a doctor.

    Restoration of the menstrual cycle

    In order to correctly assess the course of the postpartum period in the presence of normal lactation, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the characteristic features of discharge in the early and subsequent postpartum periods.

    During the first or second day after the birth of a child, vaginal discharge has a bloody, dark brown color. This is normal, since a large area of ​​the endometrium has been damaged, many small vessels may continue to bleed for some time after childbirth. This is not bleeding, but normal, physiological discharge. They are called lochia.

    After three to four days, the lochia becomes like a slightly bloody, spotting discharge. Clots and abundant presence of blood should no longer be. Such a course of the early period after the birth of a child indicates a good rate of uterine involution. Simultaneously with this process, the arrival of milk to the mammary glands begins. Thus, we can conclude that the hormonal background is set up correctly for normal lactation and uterine contraction. If a woman begins to breastfeed her baby, especially immediately after giving birth, apply to the breast, then this is an additional stimulant for the contractile movements of the uterus and the production of oxytocin.

    Over the next two weeks, the discharge is completely cleared of bloody impurities, becomes transparent, their number gradually decreases. This is the period of establishing active lactation. Breastfeeding after childbirth is necessary not only for the child to form normal digestion and immunity, but also for the puerperal woman herself in order to naturally stimulate the menstrual cycle.

    Two weeks after childbirth and until the end of the first month of this period, normal lochia is absolutely transparent, mucous, odorless. By the end of the fourth week of the postpartum period, they should practically stop. A different nature of the course of the postpartum interval should alert the woman and force her to see a doctor.

    Breastfeeding and menstrual regularity

    While breastfeeding a baby, regular menstruation is usually absent. This is normal, because prolactin, which is necessary for milk production, suppresses the activity of hormones that ensure the menstrual cycle. The egg does not mature, therefore, there are no preparatory processes in the uterus with subsequent rejection of the mucosa to the outside.

    Many women think that breastfeeding completely can protect against the next pregnancy. The lack of regular menstruation during lactation weakens attention to contraception.

    The first period after childbirth, even if a woman is breastfeeding, can occur about two weeks - a month after reducing the number of feedings or completely stopping breastfeeding. The cycle does not immediately return to a regular state. Bleeding may take longer or, conversely, shorter than the usual schedule. The period without bleeding also varies from a few weeks to two months.

    Restoration of the regularity of menstruation occurs within three months. A longer period indicates a delay in the regulatory function and requires specialist advice. But during the recovery period, there should be no fear if the bleeding is of a short duration, does not exhaust the woman in terms of the amount of blood released, and ends without spotting.

    You can influence the recovery of the cycle by refraining from using hormonal contraception. It is necessary to use mechanical means for this purpose: caps or condoms. The beginning of sexual activity after childbirth is recommended only if the birth canal is fully restored, there are no infections of the genital organs and not earlier than two months after the birth of the child.

    A woman who, after giving birth, began breastfeeding, should also remember the rationality of physical activity. Excessive weight lifting, exhausting workouts or physical labor do not contribute to a regular cycle and recovery after childbirth.

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