• Argan oil - properties and uses. Argan oil - Unique properties and applications in cosmetology Argan oil application


    This article discusses argan oil. You will learn the composition, useful properties and options for using the product. We will tell you what cosmetic products based on argan oil exist and what effect they have on the condition of the skin and hair. You will also learn how to distinguish natural oil from a fake and what to look for when buying.

    Only in the south of the African continent on the territory of the Kingdom of Morocco grows a rare argan tree. From its fruits, argan oil, which is useful in its composition, is extracted by cold pressing.

    The fruit of the argan tree, no larger than a plum, contains 2-3 seeds, which are shaped like an almond.

    The argan tree bears fruit only once every two years, and the oil production process is long and laborious: to obtain 1 liter, up to 50 kg of fruits are manually harvested and processed. The bones are cleaned of pulp and dried in the sun, then with the help of a stone they break a strong shell and clean the kernels from which oil is extracted.

    Argan is considered one of the most expensive oils. The high cost of the oil is due to the limited area of ​​​​growth of argan and the consumption of a large amount of resources for the manufacture of oil, and the high value is due to the composition with many useful properties.

    The composition and beneficial properties of argan oil

    1. Vitamin E - improves metabolism, has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and slows down the aging process. Compared to olive oil, the content of this vitamin is three times higher.
    2. Sterols - prevent the absorption of cholesterol into the blood and contribute to its removal from the body.
    3. Fatty acids - exhibit anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, regulate the functioning of the central nervous system, prevent the development of cancer and stabilize blood sugar levels.
    4. Carotenoids - strengthen the immune system and have a wound healing effect.
    5. Phytosterols - reduce cholesterol levels, prevent the loss of collagen by skin cells.

    Argan oil is useful for strengthening blood vessels, normalizing the work of the endocrine and reproductive systems, as well as for normalizing the functioning of the organs of vision.

    Despite the obvious benefits of argan oil, you should not abuse its use in food, as it is a fairly high-calorie product - 900 kcal per 100 g.

    Application of argan oil

    The benefits of argan oil are highly valued in cosmetology, medicine and even cooking. Having gained popularity quite recently, at the end of the last century, argan oil has been widely used.

    Depending on the method of production, argan oil is divided into food and cosmetic. Food is widely used in cooking. Cosmetic is used for medicinal purposes.

    In cooking, argan oil is valued for its pleasant nutty aroma, so it is often used to dress salads and make desserts.

    Cosmetologists value argan oil for its high nutritional and regenerating properties. The oil is used to strengthen the skin, hair and eyelashes both in its pure form and as a component for cosmetics.

    For face

    Argan oil is often used as a face mask, as a makeup base, or as a day or night cream. Unlike most oils, argan oil is less oily and absorbs quickly without leaving a greasy residue.

    This product is suitable for any type of skin.

    For body

    Body massage with argan oil improves skin elasticity and helps to eliminate stretch marks. To raise the tone, argan oil is used while taking a bath, adding 5 drops to the water.

    Argan oil has a high degree of UV protection, so it is often used in the hot season.

    For hair

    Argan oil is often used as a hair mask, either alone or in combination with other oils.

    The high nutritional properties of the oil help to quickly restore dry and damaged hair, strengthen the hair structure and get rid of split ends.

    For eyelashes

    Argan oil can be used to strengthen eyelashes.

    A couple of drops of liquid are enough to add shine, and you can lengthen and curl the hairs using a mascara brush with argan oil.

    Argan oil producers

    Despite the fact that argan oil is a rare and unique product, there are many manufacturers of this product and it is very important not to stumble upon scammers. Consider some of the most famous manufacturers of argan oil and products based on it.

    1. Botanika is a domestic manufacturer of natural argan oil. The company is a member of the International Federation of Trade in Essential Oils and Aromas (IFEAT), and is also a member of the Russian Perfume and Cosmetic Association (RPKA).
    2. Aspera is a Russian company that has been producing natural oils, including argan oil, since 2006. The company cooperates with more than 30 countries of the world to supply high-quality raw materials for oils, since 2013 a member of IFEAT.
    3. Laikou is a Moroccan argan oil manufacturer called Hair Salon Essential. This brand is considered one of the most affordable argan oil.
    4. Kapous is an Italian brand that produces natural hair cosmetics. Kapus offers a wide range of products, including a line of professional cosmetics. Kapous “Arganoil” is a specialized argan oil based hair care line suitable for dry and brittle hair.
    5. The French company Londa has released a series of professional hair cosmetics with argan oil - Londa Velvet Oil. The company has established itself as a manufacturer of high quality products since the middle of the 20th century.

    Cosmetics with argan oil

    As we said earlier, due to its unique properties and ability to quickly absorb, argan oil is popular with cosmetologists. Oil is added to various cosmetic products for hair, face and body skin care.

    Cream with argan oil

    Argan oil cream is suitable for all skin types and can be used during the day for nourishment and hydration, while the use of the product as a night cream helps to eliminate signs of fatigue after a day's work.

    The cream is perfectly absorbed and does not leave marks on clothes.

    Serum with argan oil

    Argan oil is often added to eyelash serum, which is used to strengthen them. The product is similar in shape to mascara, but without coloring pigment.

    Serum gives curl and lengthens eyelashes.

    Shampoo with argan oil

    Shampoos with argan oil moisturize and nourish the hair, so they are not entirely suitable for oily hair types, as they can provoke an oily sheen.

    This product effectively fights dry or split ends and protects hair from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.

    Mascara with argan oil

    Mascara with argan oil carefully cares for eyelashes, nourishes, strengthens and prevents frequent hair loss. In addition to the main functions, mascara with argan oil provides protection from the harmful effects of the environment.

    How to choose argan oil

    To choose high-quality argan oil, pay attention to the country where the oil was produced, the company and the rating of the product.

    There are many online beauty resources that collect real reviews and make truthful ratings about cosmetics.

    How to distinguish a fake

    In order to distinguish natural oil from a fake, pay attention to the texture of the oil, smell and appearance.

    Argan oil has a pleasant golden hue and a perceptible smell with herbal and nutty notes. If there is no smell, then the oil has been subjected to steam treatment, as a result of which it has lost its beneficial properties. If the smell is too strong, then the oil is spoiled. This is also evidenced by a too dark shade of oil. A light shade indicates excessive filtration.

    If you do not have the opportunity to try the oil in action, then carefully study the composition. The inscription on the packaging of Argania Spinosa Kernel Oil means that you have natural argan oil. The presence of other components suggests that this is not pure argan oil, but with additives.

    Sediment is allowed at the bottom of the bottle.

    Where can I buy

    You can buy valuable argan oil in a pharmacy or in a specialized store, including on the Internet.

    Keep in mind that this oil is one of the most expensive, so it’s better not to pay attention to too cheap offers, as it is most likely a fake.

    Depending on the manufacturer, the price for 10 ml of oil ranges from 380 to 500 rubles.

    Argan oil - pressed from the kernels of the kernels of the evergreen relict argan tree (Argania spinosa), which grows mainly in the arid regions of Morocco - is 2.5 times more expensive than grape seed or macadamia oil, 11 times more expensive than jojoba oil and 15 times outweighs the cost of peach oil (derived from the kernels of peach pits).

    Obviously, the cost is determined by the limited region of growth of the source of this oil, the complex technology of its production, as well as the very short shelf life of the product - from three to six months (and with a decrease in temperature, the oil thickens irreversibly).

    Let's see what argan oil is valued for in cosmetology.

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    The composition and benefits of argan oil

    Endless competition among cosmetics manufacturers constantly forces them to release new products of their brands: face creams, body, hair and nail care products. And rather exotic argan oil quickly became a fashionable ingredient. Moreover, the composition of this oil convinced experts of its considerable benefits for skin and hair.

    The composition of the unsaponifiable part of argan oil includes mono- and polyunsaturated omega fatty acids (oleic, linoleic, alpha-linolenic, stearidonic), as well as saturated fatty acids (palmitic, stearic, myristic). The composition of fats is similar to olive, sesame or peanut butter. The unsaturated fats in oils help the skin retain moisture and remain supple.

    Carotenoids (argan oil contains about 0.4% provitamin A) can protect keratinized skin from sun damage. Compared to olive oil, argan oil contains almost twice as much tocopherol (vitamin E), specifically α- and γ-tocopherol. The benefit of this vitamin is that it increases skin elasticity, promotes nutrition and regeneration of damaged epidermal cells, reduces inflammation and strengthens capillary walls. Tocopherol has been proven to help reduce scarring from wounds and prevent the appearance of stretch marks on the skin.

    Argan oil polyphenols (vanillic and ferulic acids, tyrosol, quercetin and myricetin) inhibit lipid peroxidation and provide an antibacterial effect. The benefit of polyphenols is that they fight photoaging, as they are able to absorb ultraviolet rays and thereby protect the skin from their destructive effects. The most valuable phenolic compound in argan oil is ferulic acid, which counteracts free radicals more effectively than vitamins E, A or C.

    Argan oil contains squalene, an organic compound involved in the production of cholesterol, steroid hormones and vitamin D in the human body. Our skin contains 12% squalene, which softens, moisturizes the skin and protects its cells from oxidative processes. It is largely due to this component that argan oil from wrinkles helps so effectively, stimulating the growth of new cells and reducing the appearance of age-related skin changes.

    Argan oil also contains rare plant D-7-sterols (phytosterols) shottenol and α-spinasterol, which were found only in the seed oil of the cactus Senita cactus growing in Mexico. These phytosterols not only reduce any inflammatory processes, but also stimulate the production of new collagen lost due to sun exposure and aging.

    Allergy to argan oil

    Cases of allergies to argan oil do happen, although most dermatologists believe that the real culprits are the ingredients used to preserve cosmetics containing this oil ...

    However, if you're allergic to nuts or peanuts, use argan oil with caution: researchers have found an allergenic 10 kDa protein in it that may belong to the oleosin family, a powerful allergen.

    Due to the presence of this protein, an allergy to argan oil can develop - according to the type of contact dermatitis (in the form of skin roughness, acne on the face and a rash on the scalp).

    Therefore, before using argan oil, you should test the reaction to it on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin.

    Many manufacturers claim that these proteins have been removed from their product. But for this, the oil is exposed to high temperatures and chemicals, that is, it is no longer a 100% natural product.

    When purchasing any products, including those containing argan oil, carefully read its label and study the composition.

    By the way, the harm from natural Moroccan argan oil, hand-produced in local cooperatives, may be associated with the presence of organic peroxides in the finished product, which are unsafe for the skin. Where do these substances come from in oil?

    From goat manure. Cooperatives employ women who pick argan pits from the dung of goats that feed on the fruit of the tree. The bones are extremely hard, but after passing through the intestines of animals, the shell becomes less strong, and it is much easier to extract the kernels - the raw material for butter.

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    Application of argan oil

    Today, argan oil in cosmetology is recognized as one of the most effective means of solving many problems with different skin types.

    So, the use of argan oil for dry skin helps to retain moisture, reduce itching and flaking.

    Sensitive and problem skin perfectly perceive the antioxidants and vitamin E contained in this oil. Dermatologists recommend using it for dermatitis, eczema and even psoriasis.

    To compensate for the lack of moisture, oily skin produces more sebum, causing acne. Applying argan oil can provide the necessary moisture for oily skin, which will reduce sebum production.

    Combination skin is characterized by the fact that some areas of the face are oily and the rest dry, and argan oil is able to balance the production of sebum in all areas of the face.

    There are no particular difficulties when using this oil. However, it must be applied correctly.

    Argan oil for face

    For maximum benefit, the oil should be at body temperature. It is also important that the skin is clean and slightly damp before applying to the face. Two drops of argan oil are enough, which is applied to the face and neck in circular motions. It is useful to lightly massage areas with wrinkles with pressing movements of the fingers.

    This oil, thanks to fatty linoleic acid, surprisingly easily penetrates the skin, which in just a few minutes becomes smoother and silkier.

    Argan oil can be applied to lips if they are chapped and chapped. But cosmetologists warn that oil should not be used before or during sunbathing.

    Argan oil for hair

    Argan oil can act as a moisturizer for dry, dandruff scalps, and can help promote healthy, strong hair growth if split ends, dull hair from frequent coloring or blow-drying.

    To use argan oil as a hair conditioner, place a few drops in the palm of your hand, rub between them, and work into slightly damp hair, starting at the ends. For very dry hair, you can leave the oil overnight (wrapping your head with a towel), and wash it off with shampoo in the morning. If you suffer from dry scalp and dandruff, the oil should only be applied to the hair roots and then massaged into the skin with your fingers.

    When you need to quickly style unruly curly hair, argan oil (literally a couple of drops) is applied to dry hair (evenly distributing along the entire length), and then they are easily combed, becoming smoother and more voluminous.

    Keep in mind that argan oil is also very useful for eyelashes, so you can apply a little oil to them twice a week at night (for example, with a clean mascara wand).

    Argan body oil

    With the help of this wonderful oil, you can exfoliate dead dead cells. It is enough to mix a few drops of argan oil with water and massage the body with this emulsion using a gauze cloth, and then take a regular warm shower.

    The benefits of argan oil for the body are in moisturizing, and it is recommended to apply it on the skin of the body after a bath or shower. For oily skin, use the minimum amount of oil so as not to clog pores.

    Massage with argan oil is considered the best option for the prevention of skin stretch marks. Stretch marks (stretch marks) are a problem for many pregnant women, so argan oil during pregnancy is very useful. Using a few drops of argan oil and massaging it into the skin on your chest, thighs, and abdomen can help reduce the chances of developing an unsightly blemish during pregnancy.

    Argan oil is also ideal for nails, especially brittle and exfoliating ones. When caring for your hands with argan oil, try massaging your cuticles with 1-2 drops of oil (every night before bed) and your nails will be stronger and healthier in ten days.

    Argan oil: what do cosmetic manufacturers offer?

    Get to know which brands of argan oil are produced today, as well as which cosmetic products contain it.

    Eveline Cosmetics (Poland) produces a series of Argan Oil, consisting of anti-wrinkle day and night anti-aging cream; mask for face, neck and decollete; anti-wrinkle cream in the eye area, as well as anti-cellulite serum - Slim Extreme 4d Argan Oil Thermo Slimming Cellulite Serum.

    Garnier (France): oil for frizzy, dry and unmanageable hair Garnier Fructis Sleek & Shine Moroccan Sleek Oil.

    Belita (Belarus): argan oil for eyelashes in Belita-Vitex Luxury Argan Oil mascara; Professional Hair Repair hair series, which includes ARGAN OIL for dry, porous and damaged hair, Professional HAIR Repair shampoo based on argan oil, and a moisturizing mask with argan oil.

    Kapous (RF): ArganOil oil for all hair types; moisturizing hair serum Fragrance free; Fragrance free hair mask with argan oil.

    Proffs (Sweden): argan oil for hair of all types Proffs Argan OiL.

    Hair Vital (Italy): Oil Infusion2 40+ day moisturizer with argan oils, tsubaki (from winter Japanese rose seeds), Peruvian Inca Inchi oil and South African marula tree oil.

    MoroccanOil (Israel): Moroccanoil Treatment argan hair oil; Moroccanoil Intense Hydrating Mask.

    Redken (USA): All Soft Argan-6 Multi-Care Oil hair oil.

    Magic Glance (France): Magic Glance argan hair oil.

    Lakme (Spain): Bio Argan Oil hair oil.

    Diar Argan (Morocco): Cosmetic Argan Oil 100% Pure & Natural organic cosmetics with argan oil; face balm Baume with argan & cactus; massage argan oil for the body. All products are Ecocert certified.

    Constant Delight (Italy): Constant Delight maschera ristrutturante con olio di argan regenerating facial skin mask; Constant Delight siero ristrutturante con olio di argan hair serum and Constant Delight shampoo ristrutturante con olio di argan regenerative shampoo based on argan oil.

    BB Gloss (Brazil-Morocco): argan oil for all hair types BB Gloss Argan oil.

    Confume Argan Treatment Oil (Welcos, Korea) - argan hair oil.

    Orly (USA): Orly Argan Oil Cuticle Drops with jojoba and avocado oils.

    RICH (France): RICH Hair Care Argan Oil - argan oil for moisturizing hair; RICH Pure Luxury Argan De-Frizz & Shine Mist - Rich hair spray with argan oil; RICH Pure Luxury Argan Oil is an elixir for restoring hair structure.

    Lee Stafford (UK): Lee Stafford Arganoil from MoRocco.

    Londa (Germany): VELVET hair oil with argan oil (Londa Professional VELVET OIL with Argan).

    Seliar (Italy): Echosline line includes Seliar Argan Beauty Secret hair oil; shampoo based on argan oil Seliar Argan (with the addition of linseed oil and silk proteins); hair mask Seliar Argan Mask.

    Reference (Sweden): Ref Argan Oil hair oil.

    Salerm (Spain): Salerm Arganology nourishing and moisturizing treatment for unruly hair with argan and cottonseed oils.

    Planeta Organica (Russia): ORGANIC ARGAN OIL shampoo based on argan oil for colored hair with betaine, vanilla and mallow extracts.

    Gaincosmetics (South Korea) argan hair oil Lombok perfect argan oil.

    Almost 20 years ago, the Arganeraie Biosphere Reserve was established in southern Morocco. The Moroccans call this tree iron or goat: its deep roots help slow down the advance of the desert into the populated areas, in the shade of these trees you can hide from the scorching sun, the leaves and fruits provide food for animals, the production of argan oil employs more than 2 million local residents. And argan oil in cosmetology helps to care for the skin and hair.

    Argan oil, whose properties are unique, is the main component in the manufacture of cosmetics aimed at rejuvenating the skin and preserving its youth. Due to its component composition and ease of use, argan oil can be used to prepare cosmetics with your own hands. Before using, it is necessary to study in detail its composition and properties in order to be sure that the cosmetics will turn out to be useful and will not cause allergic reactions.

    Composition features

    Argan oil has a unique composition, thanks to which it has become the main component of many anti-aging and antiseptic creams. The oil contains important vitamins and acids:

    • Oligo-linoleic acid - has protective properties, prevents premature aging of the skin;
    • Tocopherol. Vitamin E has unique properties, it helps to remove toxins from the skin, normalizes metabolic processes at the cellular level, brightens age spots, reduces age-related manifestations of hydrophilicity. Tocopherol stabilizes the half-life of vitamins A and C, which allows you to use the beneficial properties of these vitamins as efficiently as possible;
    • Polyphenol - has anti-cancer properties. Polyphenol creams reduce the risk of skin cancers. In addition, it increases the protective properties of the skin, accelerates cell renewal and helps maintain water balance;
    • Sterol is one of the most powerful natural antiseptics, which has desensitizing properties, that is, it reduces the sensitivity of the skin to external harmful factors;
    • Vitamin A - used in cosmetology for rejuvenation, restoration of elasticity, for moisturizing, as well as in the fight against problem areas of the skin;
    • Vitamin C - activates collagen synthesis, which leads to rejuvenation and restoration of the natural radiance of the skin.

    Advice! Before you start using cosmetics with argan oil, you need to check for allergies to its main components.

    Useful cosmetic properties

    Cosmetics must be chosen not only on the basis of properties, but also taking into account your age group.

    Argan oil has unique anti-aging properties that make it the main component of many cosmetic products aimed at maintaining youthful skin.

    Useful properties for the skin

    The main useful properties include:

    • restoration of the natural protection of the upper layer of the epidermis;
    • deep nutrition of cells at the level of the dermis;
    • visual reduction of mimic wrinkles;
    • restoration of skin elasticity;
    • smoothing deep wrinkles;
    • normalization of lipid metabolism;
    • normalization of water exchange;
    • reduction of pigmentation;
    • alignment of skin color;
    • stabilization of vitamins A and C.
    Advice! In winter, argan oil can be used to prevent frost damage to the skin. To do this, it is enough, before going outside, to apply a thin layer of oil on the face and hands.

    Useful properties for hair

    The beauty of a Russian woman in her luxurious braid!

    Argan oil is an indispensable assistant in restoring the structure of the hair. In cosmetology, it is used as the main component in therapeutic shampoos and masks.

    With oily hair, the use of oil eliminates shine and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, which leads to the restoration of the structure of the hair follicles.

    In cases where the hair has suffered from low-quality dye or drug treatment, argan oil will help restore its structure and restore a healthy glow.

    To treat dry hair, you can use a very simple nourishing mask:

    • Heat 50 ml of cold-pressed argan oil in a water bath, add 50 ml of mineral water, mix thoroughly and remove from the bath.
    • Let the mixture cool down a bit. Apply evenly to hair and scalp.
    • Then wrap your head in cling film. Keep for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm running water.

    Advice! After applying the mask, it is not recommended to use cosmetic shampoos for 3 hours, as they will wash away the beneficial substances obtained during the procedure.

    To achieve a lasting result, it is necessary to make a mask 2 times a week for 1–1.5 months.


    Argan oil is considered hypoallergenic, so there are no obvious contraindications for its use. However, despite the absence of restrictions for use, it should be used carefully.

    Due to the high content of vitamin C, with frequent use, the oil can provoke the development of allergic reactions and the appearance of urticaria.

    Advice! Before using argan oil or cosmetics containing it, conduct a test: apply a small amount of oil or preparation on your wrist and wait 20 minutes. If the place of application is reddened, then it is necessary to choose another cosmetic product.

    Many women believe that allergies can only occur through contact with strong household chemicals or when eating allergens. However, this is not the case, human skin has conductive properties, all the nutrients that are applied to it, through the cells and pores, enter the body. Therefore, if one of the components of cosmetics is intolerant, its use can cause anaphylactic shock.

    Home cosmetics with organ oil

    The best cosmetics are those that are made with your own hands!

    Argan oil is available to everyone, it can be purchased at a pharmacy or a specialty store. Due to this accessibility and ease of use, it can be used as the main component for the preparation of home cosmetics.

    homemade soap

    Doing it yourself, you always know what's inside.

    Depending on the type of skin and the desired result, various variations of soap can be prepared, which will have the desired therapeutic effect.

    Soap recipe "away from greasy shine"

    Soap "away from oily sheen" is suitable for young problem skin. Its use normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, reduces pores and reduces redness.

    For manufacturing you will need:

    • 150 grams of transparent soap base (if there is no special base, you can use shavings of laundry soap)

    Advice! For soap chips, you need to use the most ordinary soap, without additives. Best suited for children's or household.

    • 1 teaspoon argan oil;
    • 4 drops of tea tree essential oil;
    • 2 drops of lemon essential oil;
    • 2 drops of chamomile essential oil.

    Melt the soap base or shavings in a water bath or in the microwave, add the oils, in the order indicated in the recipe, and mix. In cases where a microwave oven is used, after stirring, put the mixture in it for 20 seconds, at a minimum temperature. If the soap was heated in a water bath, the mixture, after mixing, must be put back for 2 minutes. Do not bring the resulting mixture to a boil, this will deprive the soap of many of its useful properties.

    After the mixture warms up, it must be poured into molds and allowed to harden.

    Advice! Do not put the resulting soap in the refrigerator, it should harden gradually at room temperature.

    This soap should be used daily in the morning and evening. With constant use, a lasting improvement in the structure of the skin is achieved within 2 months.

    Face masks

    The mask is the best way to restore the structure of the skin.

    Many women are very worried about black circles under the eyes, which take a lot of time and effort to mask. It is quite difficult, expensive and time-consuming to deal with the reasons why they arise. However, you always want to look good.

    In order to prevent dark circles and puffiness from clouding life in the morning, you can use a simple mask with argan oil, which is easy to prepare at home.

    This will require:

    • 10 drops of argan oil;
    • 5 drops of almond oil;
    • 4 drops of olive oil;
    • 1 drop of rosemary essential oil.

    The preparation of the mask is very simple: mix all the ingredients and warm the resulting mixture a little.

    It is best to heat the mixture in a refractory dish on a burner or the flame of a large candle. It is difficult to heat small volumes of mixtures in a water bath.
    Apply a warm mixture to the area around the eyes with a cotton swab for 25 minutes. After the time has elapsed, wipe off the remnants of the unabsorbed mask with a napkin.

    Advice! After applying the mask, it is not recommended to use cleansers on the same day, as they will wash out the nutrients.

    Body Scrub

    When using a scrub, microcracks remain on the skin, into which the nutrients contained in the oil can easily get.

    To make a scrub you will need:

    • 1 teaspoon of argan oil;
    • 4 teaspoons finely ground coffee;
    • 1 teaspoon olive oil or wheat germ oil
    • 200 ml, liquid soap base. If there is no base, it can be replaced with baby shower gel, which does not contain perfume additives.

    Method of preparation: in a water bath, heat the liquid base or shower gel, add oils and mix thoroughly. Remove the mixture from the water bath, add coffee to it, mix thoroughly and let cool. Transfer the cooled mixture to a jar with a tight lid.

    It is necessary to use a scrub 3-4 times a week on problem areas.

    Using a scrub with argan oil will reduce the visual manifestations of cellulite, restore skin elasticity and put lipid metabolism in order.

    Its use in various home cosmetics will help restore the natural shine of the skin and hair, restore elasticity to the upper layer of the epithelium and nourish the dermis with vitamins.

    However, it is worth remembering that even the most useful substances in the body should be in moderation. Do not abuse argan oil, using it in all cosmetics. An excess of components can lead to a serious allergic reaction and increase the oiliness of the skin.

    Previously, argan oil was especially popular in Morocco - it was a significant component in cooking and cosmetics for the care of appearance. Its properties have also been appreciated by modern global cosmetic companies using it in hair and face products. A drop of this miracle elixir can do more than the best expensive cream, thanks to its composition and the minerals and vitamins it contains, which are completely preserved by the oil production technology. Learn about the uses and benefits of this natural product at home.

    Argan oil is one of the most expensive products in the world and there are several reasons for this. The argan tree grows exclusively in Morocco and reaches an age of more than 400 years, but begins to bear fruit only at the age of 40-60 years - a rather long time. To get 1 liter of a precious product, you need to use about 30 kilograms of argan fruits from 6-7 trees.

    Argan oil is a liquid volatile aromatic substance found in the secretory cells of plants. Its name is usually understood as a mixture of vegetable and a small amount of valuable and expensive oil. It is obtained from the bones of the fetus, of which there are only 2-3 things. A small growing area and a labor-intensive manufacturing process directly affect the price of the finished product.

    Oil from the seeds of the argan tree fruit is quickly absorbed - oleic acid in its composition promotes the penetration of active ingredients and rapid rejuvenation. In addition, Moroccan essential oil has anti-inflammatory properties and protects the skin before and after tanning.

    Chemical composition

    There are two types of argan oil - food and cosmetic. The first is made from roasted argan seeds. It usually has a dark golden color and an original nutty taste. The oil used in cosmetics is made from the unroasted seeds and is usually much brighter. Nature seemed to have specially created such a unique composition, ideal for skin, nails and hair. It contains:

    • Palmitic, ferulic and stearic acids;
    • Selenium;
    • Manganese;
    • Iron;
    • Zinc;
    • Calcium;
    • Iodine and the previously mentioned vitamin E.

    Application in medicine

    The use of this magical product is not limited to the kitchen and cosmetology. Argan oil also has therapeutic healing properties, which are manifested in:

    • Accelerated healing of wounds and various skin irritations;
    • Anti-inflammatory and soothing action;
    • Activating and maintaining cell regeneration and at the same time replenishing the required level of fatty components (acids and squalene);
    • Removal of rheumatic pains;
    • Fight against cancer cells;
    • Fight against fungal diseases;
    • Improvement of blood circulation;
    • Strengthening the immune system;
    • Reducing to normal levels of bad cholesterol in the blood;
    • Use in pure form and in medicines for the treatment of eczema and psoriasis.

    Argan oil in cosmetology will make your skin shine, remove wrinkles, quickly restore its elasticity and healthy color due to restored blood circulation. It shows its properties in the care of hair and nails, strengthening them, nourishing and restoring a healthy appearance.

    Creams, tonics and lotions, which are based on precious oil, are today considered the most effective natural anti-aging remedies. They are suitable for any type of skin, protect it from age-related changes.
    It is used both in pure form and in combination with other cosmetics. For example, add a few drops to your favorite cream or lotion. Based on it, homemade face or hair masks are made. The results of using this gift of nature are simply amazing.

    Argan oil for hair

    Finally, argan oil is the best friend of neat, shiny hair. Moroccan women rubbed in like a conditioner. Applied to the ends, it prevents splitting, while massaging into the scalp improves vitality and condition of the hair. You can apply oil to the hair before, after, or during washing, but remember that not every hair type likes a greasy, oriental remedy. First, make sure that your hair responds well to it - try smearing it on the ends on a separate strand. If the hair normally perceives it, you can use any method of care convenient for you:


    1. Warm a little oil in your hands (just a few drops), then gently massage into the scalp and ends of the hair, moisten them with water (preferably from a spray bottle).
    2. Apply a little oil to your hair 1.5-2 hours before washing, then rinse. At this time, it is desirable to wrap the hair with a film and a towel. During this time, the oil will give them all its beneficial properties, nourish and strengthen them. Then wash your hair with warm water and a neutral shampoo. If you don't mind oily hair, apply it on your hair and rub into the roots before going to bed, wrap your head in a towel. Wash your hair in the morning with a gentle shampoo. After three such procedures, you will clearly see an amazing result.
    3. You can also rinse your hair (after washing) with a mixture of water and argan oil. Such home cosmetics will act as an air conditioner.

    Argan oil for face

    Argan oil for the face can be used daily and applied in its pure form, massaging and rubbing a few drops into the skin. It is allowed to use it in a day cream and even as a makeup base. The oil is light, absorbed into the skin quickly, leaving no oily sheen or stain on the skin and clothes.

    It can also be used as a nourishing face mask. Just mix 2 tbsp. spoons of natural yogurt with 1 tbsp. tablespoon oil and 1 teaspoon lemon. Leave the mask on your face for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water. For a quick and noticeable effect, it is better to do this at night, on clean skin.

    5 facts about argan oil

    1. Argan oil is produced only in Morocco. Despite numerous studies, it has not been explained why this species does not occur naturally in other countries. Currently underway experimental planting argan trees in Algeria and Israel, however, the trees do not always bring fruit. In the region of Morocco where argan trees grow, a UNESCO biosphere reserve has been established.
    2. Argan oil loses its properties at high temperatures.It can be used as salad dressings or meat marinades, but should not be heated as it loses its medicinal properties at high temperatures.
    3. Moroccan essential oil takes many hours of work to produce. Do you know how long it takes to get 1 liter of argan oil? All day ! The seeds from which the oil is obtained have a very hard shell. Traditionally, they are ground in hand mills, which makes the process not only laborious, but also requires a lot of effort.
    4. Argan oil is one of the most attractive cosmetic products in the world! His advertisement is anti-aging product has done its job : natural argan oil is now a highly desirable and relatively expensive product . Even if you regularly buy this beauty product from a pharmacy, make sure that it is not mixed with other oils. Most often, only a small addition of pure argan oil is present in cosmetics.
    5. Natural argan oil is not at all clear! If you think that the "liquid gold" of Morocco is a completely transparent liquid - perhaps you have refined product. Unrefined and unfiltered cloudy oil. However, you should know that refining does not refine it. You can get used to the specific aroma of a natural product - it will take some time.

    Where to buy, price

    I note right away that real Moroccan argan oil is an expensive product, and the price for it will be higher than for similar products. It is affected by the limited number of products produced and shipping from Morocco. Prices depend on the type and volume.

    For example, a 50 ml glass bottle costs from 900 rubles. Premium argan oil - from 2600 rubles per 250 ml.
    Cosmetic argan oil for hair - from 1200 rubles for 90 ml, and for skin - from 1100 for 125 ml.

    You can buy it in specialized stores of natural natural cosmetics or via the Internet. Natural oil is packaged only in dark glass containers.

    The amazing properties of argan oil became known not so long ago, almost "at sunset" of the last century. Meanwhile, the Berbers have used it for centuries in the care of the skin of the face and body, as well as in the treatment of various skin diseases and other ailments. Today, this product with a lot of useful and medicinal properties is widely used in medicine, cooking, as well as in the field of cosmetology and dermatocosmetology.

    Benefits and uses of argan oil.
    This herbal product is included in the list of the most expensive, rarest and most valuable oils in the world. No wonder it is considered the "Liquid Gold of Morocco". Due to its unique composition, this natural product has a variety of beneficial properties. It is obtained from the seeds of the fruit of the argan tree, also known as the Iron Tree or Argania Spinosa. The main place of its distribution is the south-west of Morocco, the region of the Atlas Mountains. The fruits of this tree are harvested and dried, and then manually cleaned of fibers and shells. Edible or cooking argan oil is obtained by pressing the pre-roasted seeds of the argan fruit. It has a pleasant aroma of nuts. Cosmetic argan oil is produced in the same way, only the seeds are not fried during the pressing process, due to which vitamins, minerals and biologically active substances are preserved in the product to the maximum. It is practically odorless, which is why it is widely used in the treatment of various diseases, not only skin, but also in skin, nail and hair care. By the way, it is recommended to use it for owners of damaged, brittle and split ends. It perfectly restores damaged hair structure, restores shine, health and silkiness. This product is used in the complex treatment of oily dandruff, alopecia and seborrhea.

    The specific composition of this unique product determines its popularity and widespread use in the field of cosmetology. In particular, it is used by well-known cosmetic companies in the production of natural cosmetics (for example, Galenic, Yves Rocher, Dr. Hauschka), in beauty salons as a component of effective face and body skin care products, as well as food and medical purposes. Argan oil has exceptional benefits for the skin, especially for dry skin types. It has a nourishing, moisturizing effect, preventing dehydration, chapping, excessive dryness, flaking and tightness.

    Such popularity and effectiveness of the oil is due to its composition, namely the content of unsaturated fatty acids (mega-6, omega-9), including linoleic acid (by the way, our body can only get it from the outside, it does not synthesize it itself). These acids inhibit the aging process of the skin at the cellular level, reduce blood cholesterol levels, and also reduce the likelihood of developing diseases of the cardiovascular system and significantly increase the effectiveness of the treatment of this group of diseases. Due to the huge number of vitamins (especially vitamin E), polyphenols, tocopherols and stearins, argan oil has pronounced antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and protective properties (protection from ultraviolet radiation).

    It is impossible not to mention the wonderful restorative, tonic, regenerating and rejuvenating properties of argan oil, which have a beneficial effect on fading, wrinkled and sluggish facial skin, increasing its elasticity and firmness, leveling the relief, “erasing” shallow wrinkles, age spots and slowing down further aging processes. In addition, the light composition of this oil makes it possible to use it in the care of particularly sensitive skin of the eyelids and décolleté. It also gives a positive effect when systematically used as a treatment for acne and acne, and in general when caring for problem skin, due to its anti-inflammatory effect, as well as the ability to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. With the systematic use of this unique herbal product, the lipid balance of the skin is restored, and the body's natural production of collagen and elastin is stimulated.

    Among other things, argan oil is able to soothe, restore and heal wounds, so it is often recommended in the treatment of various diseases and skin lesions (abrasions, dry eczema, psoriasis, cuts, fungal dermatosis, neurodermatitis, acne, urticaria, neurodermatitis, burns and etc.), as well as their consequences (scars and scars). In addition, it is an excellent prophylactic for postpartum stretch marks.

    When used externally, this healing product helps to accelerate blood circulation, rapid healing and restoration of the epithelium, perfectly relieves pain in muscles and joints, providing an analgesic effect. Experts often recommend it as a massage tool in the treatment of gout, osteochondrosis, arthritis, arthrosis, and cellulite.

    With the systematic use of food, argan oil leads to normal blood pressure and heart rate, restores the rheological properties of the blood, and prevents the occurrence of inflammation in the vessels. As a rule, this type of oil is recommended as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent for hypertension, varicose veins, thrombosis, coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, etc. Also, just a couple of tablespoons of it during the day prevents the development of infections of a bacterial and fungal nature. It should also be noted that argan oil, when used systematically, several times reduces the likelihood of the occurrence and development of malignant tumors, increases the body's defenses, and also stimulates the excretion of harmful substances accumulated in it from the body. Eating this oil significantly alleviates the condition of women in menopause, helps patients with obesity and those suffering from type 1 diabetes.

    Not everyone knows about the ability of this oil to favorably affect the state of the female and male genitourinary spheres (including the synthesis of sex hormones and spermatogenesis), improve the functioning of the visual apparatus, preventing the development of diseases of the organs of vision (glaucoma, cataracts, night blindness, etc.). P.). In addition, one cannot fail to note the beneficial effect of argan oil on the functioning of the liver and digestive system (in particular, it increases the production of insulin by the pancreas).

    In addition to medicinal and cosmetic purposes, argan oil is quite popular in cooking, used as a product for frying, salad dressing, an additional component in the preparation of delicious and nutritious breakfasts.

    How to use argan oil for skin.
    By the way, I will say that argan oil is considered universal, so it can be used by owners of any skin type. It can be used as an independent product, as an additional component to various cosmetic formulations (day and night creams, balms, masks, make-up remover milk, sunscreens, hygiene products, etc.), as well as in combination with essential oils. In addition, it is very popular in aromatherapy. It can also be used as a base vegetable oil in the preparation of various oil masks and homemade creams.

    This oil in its pure form or in combination with other cosmetic vegetable and essential oils should be applied with a cosmetic cotton swab to the skin, including the eyelid area, after which it should be lightly patted (preferably in combination with massage) into the skin for several minutes. After about thirty minutes, remove the remnants of the product by slightly blotting with a paper towel.

    In the treatment of problem skin, argan oil is mixed in equal proportions with black cumin oil and this mixture is used twice a day, lubricating the problem areas.

    With existing external skin lesions, to accelerate healing and relieve inflammation, argan oil is applied pointwise to the affected areas.

    Homemade recipes for using argan oil.

    For body.
    With a decrease in tone, elasticity of the skin of the body, massage with argan oil should be done. The oil is rubbed until completely absorbed.

    For a tonic effect while taking a bath or shower, it is recommended to add eight drops of argan oil to the gel or foam.

    If you mix this oil (a tablespoon) with the essential components (for example, five drops of neroli or tangerine), you will get an excellent remedy for stretch marks. Massage the problem areas with the mixture until it is completely absorbed. For the same purposes, you can use another composition: mix 50 ml of the base with lemon and tangerine oil, taken in three drops.

    This unique plant pomace is good to use as a face and body skin protectant from harmful UV radiation. Before going to the solarium booth, as well as after it, it is recommended to apply argan oil to the skin.

    Hair masks.
    This mask has a nourishing and regenerating effect for dry and damaged hair: beat an egg yolk with a teaspoon of argan oil, then add two teaspoons of olive oil and five drops of lavender and sage essential oils to the mixture. Distribute the composition through the hair and massage into the scalp forty minutes before washing, wrap with a plastic bag and a towel.

    To nourish and moisturize the scalp and hair, make a mask with a mixture of castor oil (a teaspoon), argan oil (two teaspoons), ten drops of lavender oil and five drops of sage oil. Spread the mixture on the scalp and hold for half an hour.

    This mask recipe can strengthen weakened and brittle hair: combine a teaspoon of argan oil with the same amount of burdock oil. Leave on for half an hour, then rinse with shampoo.

    To give elasticity and shine to the hair, mix two teaspoons of argan oil and an essential component (this can be shea, macadamia, hazelnuts). Mix the composition thoroughly and distribute through the hair. Keep the mask for forty minutes, then rinse.

    Face masks.
    You can moisturize and nourish dry skin with this mask: grind the whites of two chicken eggs with two tablespoons of chopped oatmeal, add half a teaspoon of argan oil, 30 g of liquid honey (otherwise melt in a water bath). Mix everything thoroughly and apply on a pre-cleansed face, excluding the area around the eyes. After twenty minutes, rinse with warm and then cool water.

    Masks based on argan oil and cosmetic clay help to improve complexion. Dilute a tablespoon of clay powder suitable for your skin type with warm water to a state of non-liquid sour cream and enrich with five drops of argan oil. Spread the mass on the face and hold for fifteen minutes, rinse with warm water.

    For hands and nails.
    To eliminate brittleness and delamination of nails, a massage oil mixture is recommended: mix five drops of argan oil with the same amount of lemon juice. Rub the mixture into the nail plate overnight.

    Massage mixture for beautiful hand skin. To prepare it, mix equal proportions of argan, chamomile and hazelnut oils. It is advisable to heat the mixture in a water bath to a warm state. Massage the skin of the hands, paying attention to the nail plate and

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