• Rejuvenating mask with olive oil. Olive oil face mask at home. Olive oil honey and yolk mask


    Many women suffer from problems that plague their skin. These can be irritations of various kinds, acne, excessive dryness of the skin, or improper functioning of the glands. With all these problems, daily care will help to cope, which includes the use of creams, tonics, lotions, scrubs and masks. A homemade olive oil face mask is an ideal remedy that saturates, moisturizes the skin and promotes its natural rejuvenation.

    Benefits of olive oil

    Olive oil is used as an independent component for skin care, and as an auxiliary ingredient that is added to various types of cosmetics.

    The composition of the olive includes a large amount of a moisturizing substance called squapen. For the preparation of masks, it is best to use virgin oil, it is it that contains the greatest amount of useful substances.

    Olive oil is ideal for all skin types. It is best to use it as an additional tool in the mask, and select the rest of the ingredients for the individual skin type.

    Benefits of olive oil:

    • Fights skin aging with vitamin E.
    • Strengthens the skin and protects it from external influences thanks to vitamin A and D.
    • Renews the epidermis, cleansing the skin.

    Many women are afraid to use pure olive oil for facial skin care. This is due to the misconception that oil will cause her skin to become more oily. This is wrong. The oil cleanses the skin of excess fat, thereby contributing to its balanced work.

    Effective face mask with olive oil

    Effective face masks with olive oil are famous for their unique properties. They help to maintain the water balance of the skin, tighten it, make it supple and smooth.

    It should be remembered that in order for the mask to have the desired effect, it is necessary to perform procedures aimed at internal care of the body. For example, keep track of the amount of fluid intake (drink 8 or more glasses a day).

    Masks with the addition of olive oil have a strong nourishing and moisturizing effect. This should be taken into account when caring for different types of skin.

    Olive oil face masks:

    • For silkiness. Rub the skin with olive oil applied to the swab. Then wash with a tincture prepared from 400 g of rose petals, 500 ml of olive oil. Leave the solution for a week.
    • Nutritious. It contains methane and olive oil.
    • For freshness. Mix a small spoonful of mint, liquid honey and olive oil. Apply the composition to the skin. Keep the mask on for 10 minutes. Wash off with summer water.
    • For oily skin. Grind 50 g of a cabbage leaf, mix with two large spoons of olive oil. Apply a mask for a quarter of an hour. Rinse your face with summer water.

    Different skin conditions require different care. Olive oil can be the pine tree of effective masks that can help solve individual skin problems.

    Special masks with olive oil

    Olive oil masks can have a variety of effects. First of all, you need to make sure that the correct preparatory procedures are in place. Without this, the mask will not give the desired effect.

    There are mask formulations that saturate and moisturize dry skin, clear oily skin, and maintain normal skin.

    Properly prepared masks can rejuvenate the skin, soften and whiten the skin, relax it, restore its strength and shine.

    Recipe for relaxation

    Finely grate fresh cucumber and dilute with grated banana. Add to olive oil mixture. The mask is applied to the skin of the face and neck and kept for half an hour.

    Whitening mask

    Mix grated cottage cheese, milk or low-fat sour cream, grated carrots and olive oil. Apply to the skin of the face in a thick layer. The mask will not only whiten, but also nourish and moisturize. Wash off the mask with summer water. You can also use lemon oil for whitening.

    Each mask has a different effect, so their use should be alternated. It is important not to overdo it with a long use of one mask, and to prevent the skin from getting used to the same ingredients.

    How to make an olive oil and fruit mask with egg

    It is very easy to prepare a fruit-based mask with olive oil. You can choose the type of fruit yourself, depending on their properties and effects on the body.

    A rejuvenating mask based on fruits and olive oil is suitable for face and neck skin care. It will restore their youth and relieve the skin of wrinkles.

    Fruits for the mask:

    • Peach;
    • Banana;
    • Apple;
    • Persimmon;
    • Strawberry;
    • Raspberries;
    • Grape.

    You can add cocoa or coffee to the mixture, this will help cleanse the skin. The mask with yolk perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin. The finished composition is applied to the skin of the face and neck for a quarter of an hour. Reviews say that the effect of the masks is noticeable after the first application: the skin becomes smooth, soft, velvety and elastic. These masks are suitable for oily, normal and dry skin.

    Mask For sensitive skin faces with olive oil (video)

    An olive oil mask is easy to make on your own. The oil can be used as an independent component for nourishing and moisturizing the skin, or it can be added to various formulations that affect the skin in different ways: moisturize, nourish, tighten and cleanse. Each woman chooses the composition of the mask depending on the skin problems that cause her problems.

    Since ancient times, olive oil has been considered an excellent remedy for body and face skin care, as well as hair. Today it is widely used in cosmetology: creams, emulsions and face masks with olive oil are very popular among women of all ages, with all skin types. Cosmetologists recommend using olive oil for making homemade cosmetics, in fact, which we will talk about today.

    What is the value of olive oil

    First of all, it is a unique composition. It contains two main vitamins - E and A. Vitamin E is responsible for firmness, softness and elasticity of the skin, while vitamin A takes care of providing it with hydration and nutrition. This is a complex double effect on the epidermis.

    In addition, olive oil contains other equally useful vitamins - B, K and D - which, in combination with monounsaturated fats, provide deep nourishment to the skin, preventing premature aging.

    This is a complex of useful substances, trace elements, vitamins and minerals, which are primarily suitable for dry type skin, which most needs good hydration. By retaining moisture in the epidermis, olive oil softens the skin and smoothes wrinkles without clogging pores. In addition, cell regeneration is accelerated, that is, their ability to quickly recover, which manifests itself in a rejuvenating effect.

    This product is also unique in that it is hypoallergenic - feel free to use it even in the care of the most sensitive skin.

    How to apply olive oil at home?

    Let's take a look at the best way to use olive oil in skin care for different skin types.

    First of all, it is a cleanser that can be used both in the morning and in the evening. Lightly heat the oil by placing the container with it in hot water for just a couple of minutes. Now soak a cotton pad in warm oil and gently wipe the skin. If you perform this procedure before going to bed, then you can safely leave the remedy for the whole night. It is suitable for those who suffer from excessive dry skin. If you cleanse in the morning, then leave it on your face for 20 minutes, no more, and then do not forget to blot your face with a napkin.

    It is worth noting that olive oil is considered a quality makeup remover. It perfectly removes even waterproof mascara or eyeliner - a good alternative to expensive products.

    It is also used to nourish the skin around the eyes, which, as you know, is the most sensitive and prone to early wrinkles. Just lubricate the skin around the eyes, tapping lightly with your fingers for better absorption. You can, as in the first case, leave the product overnight.

    Olive oil masks

    Of course, valuable olive oil is most often used to make masks, the recipes of which we will consider below.

    • The first way, the easiest

    This is exactly the method that was mentioned earlier. Just warm up the oil and apply it on the skin for 25-30 minutes. It is suitable for those who suffer from increased skin flaking and dryness.

    • Recipe for combination skin
    • Fruit and olive oil

    In case you want to get rid of excessive dryness, prepare masks based on olive oil, adding fruits / vegetables or the pulp of fresh berries.

    For example, you can mix one large spoon of gruel of fruits and vegetables with the same spoon of oil. Leave the mixture on your face for 15-25 minutes.

    Note that fruit-olive masks are suitable, in general, for any skin type. The only difference is in the composition of the masks.

    What fruits and vegetables are best? Here we pay attention to the type of skin. Banana, melon, gooseberry, lingonberry or persimmon are good for dry skin. Potatoes, radishes, peppers and carrots will show themselves no less effectively here.

    But in the case of a combination or normal skin type, it is best to mix the oil with kiwi, orange or grapefruit, apple or peach. Raspberries, mountain ash or currants are also suitable.

    • Mask based on cottage cheese and eggs

    This recipe is perfect for dry skin. Here you will need: fat cottage cheese - 1 large spoon, olive oil - 2 large spoons, egg yolk - one.

    Literally immediately after you wash off such a mask, you will notice how great your skin feels. This tool is considered one of the best!

    • Save aging skin
    • We clean normal and combination skin

    Here we use butter in combination with flour. Mix one soup spoon of flour (rice or wheat) with a spoon of olive oil. You will get a paste-like mass. Apply to the skin for fifteen minutes, then rinse with water.

    • Oily skin

    It would seem, how can you use oil, which is oily in itself, in order to care for skin prone to excessive secretion and acne? This is quite possible, because the olive is indispensable for irritations, rashes and inflammation.

    Take the following ingredients: starch - a teaspoon, olive oil - a teaspoon, tomato juice - a little. Initially, mix tomato juice, preferably freshly squeezed, with starch. Ideally, you should get a fairly thick slurry. Now add the olive here and mix well again so that the mass is homogeneous.

    This olive-starch mask allows you to reduce pores, smooth the skin, and also prevent the appearance of hated comedones or blackheads.

    • Relieve irritated sensitive skin

    In this case, we use a banana (one quarter) and a cucumber (a teaspoon) in combination with an olive. First of all, mash the banana, then mix the mass with gruel made from cucumber. Now add olive oil and mix again. Apply the mixture on the skin for half an hour, then rinse with cool water.

    You will immediately notice how prettier your face is: there are no irritations, dryness has disappeared, a healthy glow has appeared.

    • Cosmetic clay and olive for all skin types

    Everyone knows about the amazing properties of kaolin, cosmetic clay. Why not combine it with equally healthy olive oil? So, let's take the following components: kaolin - a teaspoon, olive oil - a large spoon, water - a little to dilute the clay.

    First, dilute the kaolin in water. Stir until the mixture is as thick as sour cream. The water must be warm. After that, add the olive, mixing everything again. Keep the mask on your face for about fifteen minutes.

    This is a great option for problematic skin that needs to dry out and improve its overall appearance. In general, this recipe is quite effective - wrinkles are reduced, and blackheads and pimples are not so noticeable.

    • For fresh and radiant skin

    An excellent mask based on honey (a couple of teaspoons), pureed apple and olive oil. Preparing the mixture is very simple - mix all the ingredients. Now, in a circular motion, spread the mass on the skin of the face and rinse literally after 10 minutes. That's it - you look perfect!

    The mask recipes presented above have repeatedly managed to prove their effectiveness. They are no less useful than expensive cosmetics of well-known brands. Why not take advantage of what nature has given us? Take care of yourself and be beautiful!

    Today we will talk about how to use olive oil for the face against wrinkles and other age-related skin changes. The beneficial properties of this product were known in the ancient world. It is no coincidence that the Greeks called it "liquid gold" and "elixir of longevity." Today, olive extract is widely used in cosmetology. Based on it, leading companies create prestigious lines of cosmetics for the care of mature skin. However, anti-wrinkle olive oil can be used to heal and rejuvenate facial skin at home, preparing all kinds of masks, scrubs, peels, lotions and compresses on its basis.

    Cosmetic properties of olive oil

    The product is a storehouse of vitamins, acids and nutrients that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, as well as hair and nails.

    • It contains a large amount of vitamin E, which has antioxidant properties. Tocopherol slows down the aging process of the skin, smoothes fine wrinkles, helps maintain the contour of the face.
    • Vitamin A relieves inflammation, promotes rapid healing, and has regenerative properties.
    • Iron enhances blood circulation, enriches epithelial cells with oxygen, so that the skin of the face acquires a fresh and rested appearance.
    • Vitamin D speeds up metabolism, strengthens the protective functions of the skin against external factors such as sunlight, cold, wind, frost.
    • Monounsaturated fatty acids, in which olive oil is the leader among other products, have a moisturizing effect, which mature skin needs.

    Proper use of olive oil

    • The first and most important rule is that for the preparation of masks, scrubs and compresses, you must use only a natural product of the first cold pressing.
    • The oil is considered a hypoallergenic product, however, a simple test is recommended before using it for the first time. Put some oil on your wrist and wait 15 minutes. If there is no allergic reaction on the skin in the form of redness, itching, burning, then the product can be safely used in cosmetic procedures.
    • Masks with olive extract should be kept on the face for a certain amount of time. It all depends on the type of skin. For normal and combined, 30 minutes is enough. For owners of oily skin, 10 minutes will be enough. But for women with dry skin, the time for using masks can vary from half an hour to 6-8 hours.
    • Masks based on olive oil should be applied in a course, which is usually three weeks. This is due to one property of the product: when it is applied to the skin, a protective film is formed, which reduces the amount of oxygen supplied to the epidermis and clogs the pores.
    • For women with oily skin, cosmetologists recommend using oil in combination with lemon juice or fermented milk products.
    • Be sure to rinse the mask off your face with warm water, and then wipe with a damp cloth. Only after that you can apply the cream.

    Masks with olive oil for wrinkles around the eyes

    As usual, the first wrinkles on the face appear in the corners of the eyes, where the skin is thinnest. Often they are also called "crow's feet". To make them less noticeable will help olive oil from wrinkles. Recall that it is rich in antioxidants that stop the aging process of the body. To do this, you need to heat the product to a comfortable temperature, soak a cotton pad in it and apply it to the skin of the eyelids for a quarter of an hour. At the end of the procedure, carefully remove the remaining oil.

    Below are recipes for masks for the skin around the eyes, where olive oil is combined with other ingredients.

    1. For skin rejuvenation, a mixture of olive oil and vitamin E is ideal. A tablespoon of the product should be thoroughly mixed with a few drops of vitamin E and applied to the skin around the eyes. You can gently massage so that the mask is better absorbed. It is advisable to repeat the procedure every day.
    2. Add lemon juice to preheated oil, 2-3 drops will be enough. Spread the mixture around the eyes with light patting movements. After a quarter of an hour, remove the remnants of the mask with a damp cloth. This recipe will help to visually remove dark circles under the eyes.
    3. Olive oil with lemon juice and yolk perfectly tightens the skin of the eyelids, makes crow's feet less noticeable and effectively fights pigmentation around the eyes.
    4. One of the age-related changes in the skin of the face is the appearance of a feeling of dryness and tightness around the eyes. This problem can be easily eliminated with the help of an olive extract product with the addition of melted lard. It will be enough to soften the skin with this mixture every other day.

    You can use olive oil against wrinkles around the eyes, not only for the preparation of masks, but also for cleansing tonics and lotions.

    For this you will need:

    • a tablespoon of fresh cucumber juice;
    • a quarter glass of mineral water;
    • a couple of drops of rose oil;
    • a tablespoon of olive extract.

    Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Since the product consists only of natural products, it must be stored in a refrigerator. Use every day to remove eye makeup.

    Rejuvenating face masks based on olive oil

    There are a great many recipes for the care of aging skin, where one of the ingredients is olive oil. Here are just a few of the most acclaimed ones.

    1. With yogurt and yeast. All components are used in equal proportions. Yeast is preliminarily bred in a fermented milk product, after half an hour the remaining ingredients are added: butter, carrot juice and lemon juice. The mixture is thoroughly mixed and applied to the face, paying special attention to the skin around the eyes. After a quarter of an hour, the mask can be washed off with warm running water.
    2. With white clay. To prepare a cosmetic product, you need 2 tbsp. spoons of clay, the same amount of olive oil and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. The mixture is thoroughly mixed and applied to the skin. Rinse thoroughly after 20 minutes. After that, you can use a moisturizer or wipe your face with a cotton pad soaked in low-fat milk, paying special attention to the skin around the eyes.
    3. Curd mask. A lot has been said and written about the anti-aging properties of this fermented milk product, which instantly removes wrinkles. In a deep bowl, lay out 2 tbsp. spoons of cottage cheese, add 30 ml of the main component and the yolk. It is important that the mixture has a homogeneous consistency. Therefore, you can wipe it through a fine strainer or beat with a blender. Like any mask, apply to the skin, after 15 minutes, rinse with water. You can use a contrast wash, which will give the face a fresh, rested look.
    4. Banana. This tropical fruit is often used to make masks for wrinkles on the face. Grind half a banana thoroughly, add 5 ml of olive extract, egg white and a little freshly squeezed carrot juice. After mixing, apply the product to the skin. The mask will give the face a healthy radiant look, make wrinkles less noticeable. To tighten the contour of the face, this procedure must be repeated in courses.

    Scrub for face and body with olive oil

    As mentioned above, the product contains calciferol (vitamin D), which has exfoliating properties. Because of this, olive extract is often used to make all kinds of scrubs. Here are just a couple of recipes.

    1. In 200 ml of olive oil, add lemon zest and 200 g of sea salt.
    2. Mix two or three tablespoons of liquid honey with a glass of the main ingredient and a glass of cane sugar.

    The product can be used while taking a shower. It is applied to the face, except for the skin around the eyes, and the body is distributed with light massaging movements. The scrub has a tonic and cleansing effect, effectively fights wrinkles, and can also be used as an anti-cellulite agent.

    Olive oil facial compress

    This procedure is perfect for aging and withering skin. Compresses cleanse the skin, moisturize, relieve inflammation, remove small wrinkles and help smooth out deeper wrinkles. For the procedure, you will need a tissue cosmetic mask, which is pre-soaked in olive oil with the addition of other components. What ingredients can be added? This is a mixture of essential oils, almond oil, lemon and carrot juice, herbal decoctions.

    Before starting the procedure, the skin of the face is thoroughly cleansed in order to absorb all the beneficial microelements of the compress as much as possible. A fabric mask with slits for the eyes and lips is soaked in olive extract, heated to a comfortable temperature, and applied to the face. To create a thermal effect, it is recommended to put a terry towel on top. After 15 minutes, the compress is removed, and the remaining oil is removed with a napkin.

    A compress with olive oil gives an instant effect, so you can use it on the eve of important events. The skin of the face quickly becomes elastic, fresh and radiant.


    As already mentioned, the product itself is considered hypoallergenic and rarely causes an allergic reaction. However, in the manufacture of multi-component masks, it is necessary to make sure that none of the ingredients will have a negative effect on the skin.

    It is not recommended to use masks based on olive oil for problematic skin types. It will not help improve the appearance of the skin, but most likely will exacerbate the situation. The product clogs the pores of the skin, which leads to the abundant appearance of acne and blackheads.

    Cosmetologists advise using olive oil for wrinkles, age spots, dark circles under the eyes, to protect dry skin from the negative effects of ultraviolet rays.

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    Every woman wants to remain desirable and beautiful for as long as possible. But for this you need to have beautiful hair, silky eyelashes and healthy skin. How to prolong youth and keep the skin clean? What is needed for this? What means is better to use so that the effect is more noticeable? In the article we will talk about how with olive oil.

    How olive oil is obtained

    This is what olive oil looks like

    Previously, the entire process of obtaining oil was carried out manually in oil mills. In a kind of stone mill, the collected olives were transformed into puree by millstones. The ground mixture flowed through the hole into the tank. Then the olive porridge was put into bags and placed under the press.

    The sacks were pressed against a sheet, which was poured over with boiling water. When heated, olives give off oil and juice well, which drain into a special container for settling. The oil went up and the water went down. From above, the oil was collected by hand and then filtered.

    Now all processes, except for the picking of olives, are automated to prevent damage to the trees. Quality olive oil is yellow-green to dark green in color. The color of the finished product depends on the degree of maturity of the olives, on their variety and does not affect the quality of the oil.

    Properties of olive oil

    Olive contains almost all the useful substances that a person needs and at the same time is completely absorbed by the body. A high concentration of oleic acid promotes good processing and absorption of fats, so this oil is considered a dietary product.

    Compared to animal fats, olive oil vegetable fats:

    • do not contain cholesterol in their composition, which makes it possible to lower its level in the blood;
    • prevent the development of atherosclerosis;
    • strengthen bone tissue;
    • support the digestive organs in good shape;
    • improve the functioning of the liver, intestines;
    • are a prophylactic for the heart and blood vessels, prevent the occurrence of heart attack and stroke.

    Olive oil has a mild laxative and choleretic effect and is often used to treat hemorrhoids. It also has a wound healing, immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory effect.

    The use of olive oil in cosmetology, its benefits

    olive oil

    Even in ancient times, this oil was called "liquid gold", "blood of the earth", for the trace elements and vitamins that make up its composition. The fatty acids of olive oil, as well as, create a protective film on the skin of the face, which protects it well from the harmful effects of the external environment, protects it from dehydration, chapping and frostbite, and normalizes the nutrition of the skin.

    Face masks with olive oil, as well, can be used for any type of skin, but they are the most effective. In cosmetology, it is used both in its pure form and in various means: lotions, scrubs, shower gels and soaps.

    All cosmetic products containing olive oil are very popular, versatile and have a truly magical effect, because. They:

    • nourish, soften and moisturize the skin;
    • restore the oxygen balance of the skin and nourish the cells of the epidermis;
    • promote cell regeneration, thanks to this, you can prolong the youthfulness of the skin and prevent its withering;
    • make the skin firm and smooth;
    • have a mild effect on the skin, do not clog pores, dissolve oil and dirt. Treat,;
    • hypoallergenic, suitable even for very sensitive skin.

    With regular use of the face mask with olive oil, the skin of the face is moisturized, becomes velvety and radiant. It is well suited for use at home, because. With the help of this oil, you can take care not only of the face, but also of hair, nails, and also apply it internally for general healing of the body.

    Applying olive oil to the skin

    Olive oil

    Let's see how to use it correctly:

    • washing - heat the oil in a water bath, apply on the face, hold for 10-15 minutes and then rinse;
    • care - as a remedy for wrinkles, lubricate the face twice a week (you can add juice or). Olive oil for facial skin, with regular use, makes mimic wrinkles less noticeable and smoothes the skin. With flaky skin, problem areas can be lubricated with a cotton pad dipped in a small amount of olive oil;
    • cleansing - well removes cleanses the skin and removes decorative cosmetics. Apply a little oil on a cotton pad and massage the skin of the face with massage movements;
    • protection of the skin from external influences - in the winter season, to prevent chapping and frostbite, you can apply a small amount of oil on your face. Wipe lips at night to nourish and protect against cracking;
    • as a scrub. For this you need to take: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of freshly squeezed 3 tbsp. tablespoons of oil, 1 teaspoon of ground coffee. Mix everything, apply the composition on the face, massage for 5 minutes, rinse. The oil can also be used as a peeling: 2 tbsp. spoons of bran and 2 tbsp. tablespoons of oil. Massage the mixture into the skin for 2-3 minutes, rinse.

    With the constant use of olive oil for the face, the skin will look healthier and more well-groomed.

    Rules for making a mask at home

    Applying a face mask with olive oil

    There are specific for the face with olive oil:

    • before applying the mask, you need to test, apply a few drops to the skin, wait 20-30 minutes, if there is no redness or allergies, you can make a mask;
    • keep the composition on the face for at least 30-40 minutes. To achieve maximum effect, apply 1-2 times a week;
    • the mask is applied to the pre-cleansed skin of the face, this allows the pores to open and nutrients can penetrate deep into the epidermis of the skin;
    • An olive oil face mask is more suitable for dry skin. If you use it with mixed or oily skin, you need to add a few drops, orange or juice from these citrus fruits, low-fat kefir;
    • Rinse off the composition very carefully, avoiding stretching the skin.

    Any mask should be prepared in accordance with the instructions and match exactly to your skin type, so you need to be very careful when choosing ingredients.

    Olive oil face masks: types

    Facial skin after mask

    The oil is very helpful in the treatment of acne.
    Olive oil, as it has been used for a very long time and has a positive result. Take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of oil, dip your fingertips into it. Massage your face in circular motions, paying special attention to problem areas.

    Remove the rest of the mask with a tissue. After 10 minutes, normal makeup can be applied. When carrying out the procedure for 5 days in a row, there will be a noticeable improvement in the condition of the skin, acne will dry out, the appearance of new rashes will stop.

    Here are examples of masks for facial skin of various types.

    Mix 1 teaspoon of starch with 1 teaspoon of oil, add tomato juice. Apply the resulting slurry to the face for 25-30 minutes. Wash away.

    Mask for normal skin
    The pulp of one fruit: kiwi, apple, peach, mixed with 2 tbsp. spoons of olive oil. Apply to cleansed face for 30 minutes. Wash away.

    Olive oil face mask for dry skin
    Take any vegetable: beets, carrots, cucumbers, peppers, zucchini, grate, mix with butter. The mixture is applied to the face, aged for 25-35 minutes. Rinse with water at room temperature, treat the skin with cream.

    Mask for sensitive skin
    Grind half a banana, cucumber, add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil. Apply to face for 30 minutes, rinse with warm water.


    Christina, 45 years old:

    Tell me, please, how can I take care of my skin in winter using olive oil?

    Expert answer:

    Hello Christina! In the winter season, to prevent chapping and frostbite, you can apply a small amount of oil on your face. Wipe lips at night to nourish and protect against cracking.

    Masha, 20 years old:

    Please tell me a good mask with olive oil for normal skin.

    Expert answer:

    Hello Maria! Effective mask: finely grate 1 medium carrot, combine with 1 egg yolk, 1 tsp. olive tree oil, mix the ingredients thoroughly until smooth; Apply evenly to the skin, after half an hour remove the remnants of wet gauze.

    Now you know how useful olive oil is for facial skin, so do not forget to pamper and nourish your skin from time to time and you can stay beautiful and young for a long time.

    You have probably heard more than once about the unique healing properties of olive oil, which can often be found among the ingredients of diet recipes for weight loss, as well as in natural hair care products. But olive oil is also used to prepare effective rejuvenating face masks. At home, masks are often made from olive oil with egg white or yolk, with liquid honey, with gelatin, with lemon juice and aloe juice. With the help of these procedures, you can quickly restore a toned face, get rid of wrinkles, cleanse problem skin from small pimples and acne.

    What is important! The incredible effect of facial rejuvenation and the restoration of elastic, clear skin without wrinkles can only be achieved if you use high-quality extra virgin olive oil to prepare homemade masks. How to choose the right oil in the store? Most importantly, an oil suitable for anti-aging procedures cannot be too cheap. In a dark glass bottle there should be a liquid of a delicate greenish-yellow color with a pleasant grassy smell and a hint of ripe olives. Extra Virgin Olive Oil products have proven themselves well. If you did not find such an oil among the assortment presented in the store, then you can easily check the quality of other options. Put the purchased oil in the freezer for fifteen minutes. In the cold, it will become cloudy and thicken, and at room temperature it will again become transparent and liquid.

    Why is olive oil so often found in various recipes for anti-aging, face-lifting homemade masks? The fact is that cold-pressed olive oil contains squalene, sterol, cartoids and other useful substances that stimulate the synthesis of elastin and collagen, improve the regeneration of connective tissue. But most importantly, this unique product is rich in unsaturated fatty acids such as palmitic, oleic, stearic, linoleic (which protect the skin from photoaging and wilting). Olive oil contains a high concentration of vitamin E, which effectively neutralizes the action of free radicals, which leads to a slowdown in the aging process of the skin and protects against the appearance of wrinkles on the face. And phospholipids, phosphatides and other compounds containing phosphorus molecules in their structure will help speed up metabolism and strengthen the membranes of skin cells.

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