• How to use a pediatric urinal for girls. Urine bag for newborns. How to put on a urinal for a girl


    ABOUT I found out about the existence of a urinal at the stage of collecting a bag for the maternity hospital. I bought three pieces and thought that I provided the next first year of my life for a child. What was my disappointment when it came time to take a urine test, but I couldn’t collect it. It takes a long time to tell all the reasons, but in the end, the first time we gave urine, when we were in the hospital with a 1.5-year-old child.

    ° ☁● ° My mistakes in the method of attaching the urinal:° ☁● °

    P since there are no instructions in the pictures (I found pictures on the Internet, pasted them - and nothing happened to collect), I considered it right to simply remove the protective coating from the sticky mug and stick it to the girl’s large labia, while the elongated part of the urine collection bag was directed towards the child's buttocks. That is, the child was lying on his back and the urinal, glued to his lips, fell to the mattress in the crib and, due to the fact that it was long, bent in half. From above, I still easily threw on the diaper and slightly glued the Velcro. All this was done 2 hours before the child wakes up. Bottom line: when it came time to get up and go to the laboratory, the baby had 2-5 drops of urine in the urinal, and the rest flowed past the pope onto the diaper. I resigned myself to having crooked hands and scored.

    ABOUT However, they didn’t let him score in the hospital. Bought two again. On the first day, I again glued the urinal in the same wrong way and was severely disappointed. Despite the fact that the urinal was already put on a significantly grown child, it was not possible to collect urine in the same way. The doctor and nurse shrugged - collect! And the last purchased urinal remained ... It was necessary to get together and do everything right. At that time, we had not yet gone to the potty, so there was no choice - only a urinal for girls!

    ° ☁● ° Instructions: how to properly glue a urinal for girls:° ☁● °

    1. At In the morning, when the baby wakes up, unfasten the diaper on the tummy in the crib, carefully wipe all the wrinkles between the lips and then the priest area with wet wipes.
    2. IN carefully hide the bag with the urinal with scissors, take it out and peel off the protective yellow circle from the adhesive surface.
    3. T Now throw the legs on the baby's tummy, and spread them wide apart.
    4. ABOUT let the hole down and the collection bag up.
    5. T now tightly and tightly without gaps, start gluing the sticky round part of the urinal starting from the area between the girl's anus and vagina - that is, from the perineum (remember that the bag itself is at the top).
    6. T Now spread your baby's labia majora apart and continue sticking the urinal under the labia majora, around the labia minora, finish gluing the sticky circle over the urethra.
    7. D It must adhere absolutely tightly and hold perfectly.
    8. P I congratulate you if you were able to glue the urethra in this way from all sides and not a single gap turned out. Now it remains to wait a bit.

    E if you glued a urinal for girls like that - she no longer needs a diaper, because even if you still have a baby who can’t sit and crawl, then all she pee will be either on the skin around the urethra (just take the baby in your arms and she will flow into the transparent collection), or if you take the child in your arms and walk around the house with him, all the urine will immediately be collected in a transparent bag.

    And now important! you need to carefully remove the urinal, not with a sharp movement, but slowly peel off the adhesive surface and pour into a tiny sterile cup for collecting urine prepared in advance, bought at the pharmacy. Roll it up quickly and put it in a warm place. Then wipe the baby with a napkin, put on a clean diaper and get ready for the clinic as soon as possible.

    ° ☁● ° Urine transportation:° ☁● °

    L aborants say that "in half an hour the urine becomes sterile." Therefore, it is in your interests to run or go to the laboratory for a reliable result. If possible, it’s better to ask your husband, grandmother to take the jar as soon as possible and be sure to keep it warm next to the body (if it’s not summer outside). Do not forget to also write the name of the child and the time of the test on the sticker that comes with the sterile cup. If you suspect an infection, then do not press the money, pay a few rubles to the laboratory and ask for an urgent analysis. Then the result will really have a reliable result, because the laboratory assistant will not do it in a few hours over cold urine and will not write "from the lantern", but will be motivated and after 15 minutes you will receive an answer.

    ° ☁● ° And more important information for your home introspection:° ☁● °

    M A healthy eye of a child will be pale straw-colored, absolutely transparent, that is, without impurities, suspensions, mucus, turbidity. Should have a rather pleasant, non-repulsive smell. If you have just such urine in a glass, you can already be sure that your baby does not have infections in the kidneys and urinary tract. And the laboratory assistant will also measure biochemical parameters to find out if other organs of the baby are healthy.

    ° ☁● ° Where to buy and price:° ☁● °

    I I bought in a regular pharmacy, the price is now on the Internet 8 rubles per 1 piece. Take a few things at once, in case you can’t assemble the first time.

    . °*”˜˜”*° . . °*”˜˜”*° . . °*”˜˜”*° . . °*”˜˜”*° . . °*”˜˜”*° . . °*”˜˜”*° . . °*”˜˜”*° . . °*”˜˜”*° .

    • Panadol - excellent suppositories for temperature from birth + which suppositories should not be bought in any case.

    Collecting urine for analysis from boys and girls who are not yet able to control their body urges can be a lot of trouble. With the help of urinals for babies, this process has been significantly simplified. If everything is done correctly, it will be possible not only to significantly reduce the time spent on preparing the desired material, but also to ensure its high quality.

    These moments are very important in the first weeks and months of life of newborns, when their condition is monitored due to the timely assessment of tests, and not the symptoms characteristic of certain diseases.

    What is a urinal and what is it for?

    A modern urinal is significantly different from the traditional jars for working with adults. A small soft plastic container with a skin attachment is very easy to use and allows you to meet all the requirements for product sterility. True, practice shows that the instructions attached to the product are not drawn up in the most convenient way. For this reason, many parents again experience trouble before they work out the skills to work with a children's urinal.

    Some parents prefer to use a urinal not only to accumulate fluid for analysis, but also to prevent unnecessary accidents while taking air baths. Of course, it is not recommended to glue such products on the skin too often, because even the most environmentally friendly fixative can cause irritation. But from time to time to use the accessory is quite acceptable. It does not hinder the movements of the child, does not cause diaper rash, allows the baby to be completely without clothes for a long time and not risk diapers and blankets.

    Features of the use of urinals

    Today in pharmacies you can find universal devices for newborns, but it is better to give preference to more expensive products designed specifically for boys and girls. They differ only in the shape of the inlet, which takes into account the anatomical features of the body and prevents the flow of material during manipulation. This is especially true in the case of girls, whose parents often complain that the universal urinal does not allow to avoid unpleasant accidents and achieve the desired degree of sterility.

    Tip: After the end of the manipulation, the collected product for analysis should be correctly poured into a sterile jar; for fidelity, it is recommended to boil it. It is strictly forbidden to use a urinal for transporting material, and it will not be accepted for analysis.

    It is worth considering that some experts do not accept urine for analysis, which was collected using a urinal. In some cases, this is argued by the distortion of the results, in others - by the peculiarities of the laboratory study. Despite the fact that manufacturers of specialized products are constantly improving devices, it is better to check with the doctor in advance about the features of assembling the product or warn the laboratory assistant during its delivery. It happens that parents are required to assemble the product in two ways at once, this should not be surprising either.

    How to collect urine from a baby with a urinal?

    It is not difficult to use a urinal for newborns correctly; instructions and elementary logic will help with this. But in order to obtain clear results, it is not enough to stick the device and remove it after some time, the following points must be taken into account:

    1. Thoroughly wash the baby with warm water, dry his skin. You do not need to use antiseptics and disinfectants, unless it has been announced by a doctor. After that, wash your hands several times with soap and dry with a clean towel.
    2. Only after such preparation can you open the package with a sterile urinal and take out the device.
    3. If the product collection bag is rolled up, it is better to unfold it before attaching it, this will reduce the risk of leakage. You need to act carefully and quickly. During manipulations, do not touch the inner walls of the container!
    4. We lay the baby on his back and slightly push the legs apart. Given the fact that urine for most tests is collected in the morning, there should be no problems with whims. Remove the protective tape from the retainer. Now you need to carefully put the product on the boy or just attach it if you are working with a girl. It is necessary to glue the urinal so that its lower border is between the genitals and the anus. So the liquid will be collected completely and the ingress of feces into the sample will be excluded. Fastening is carried out from the bottom point and gradually reaches the pubis, otherwise the tightness is not guaranteed.
    5. It is better to initially attach the urinal for newborns in the crib, then you will not have to transfer the baby, which increases the risk of the product leaving. It is recommended to lay a diaper under the baby, especially if the manipulation is performed for the first time. When everything is ready, cover the child with a blanket, he should be warm, but not hot.
    6. Then we wait until the baby copes with natural needs. According to the rules for maintaining sterility, the device will need to be changed after an hour, if by this time the material has not yet been collected.
    7. We remove the product very carefully so as not to spill the contents, pour the liquid into a pre-prepared container and send it for analysis as soon as possible. After manipulation, it is recommended to wipe the baby, even if there are no traces of product leakage.

    The necessary skills for using a plastic urinal are developed very quickly, but this does not mean that you need to rush or neglect the listed recommendations. All steps in the process are mandatory. Ignoring them can distort the results and lead to an incorrect diagnosis. If during operation the sterility or tightness of the product was violated, it must be replaced, so initially you need to purchase several product packages at once.

    With the birth of a baby, the life of parents is turned upside down. Mom learns and practices something new every day. And sometimes there comes a moment when you have to do seemingly simple things, but how to apply them to the baby remains a big question.

    Just such a type of problem is the collection of urine in babies. The first thought that pops into a mother's head is that it's unrealistic how to get a tiny baby to pee for tests? Of course, in the 21st century, medicine does not stand still, and the methods of our mothers and grandmothers have not been canceled either.

    Let's get acquainted with the methods of solving this seemingly impossible task together.

    Advantages and disadvantages of urine collection devices

    How to collect urine from a newborn baby boy and girl? There are three ways to collect urine, and each of them is difficult in its own way:

    • In the urinal;
    • In a plastic bag;
    • In a sterile jar.


    It is a dense plastic bag with a urinal opening.

    This product is attached to the skin with an adhesive strip. There are two types of urinals: urinal for newborn girls, and for boys.

    The advantages include:

    • The sterility of this product;
    • Adhesive tape is hypoallergenic and does not cause skin irritation;
    • Ease of access;
    • This product has a measuring scale;
    • budget cost.


    • Not every mother will complete the process successfully the first time (if the adhesive is incorrect or weak, the liquid may leak).

    Plastic bag

    The usual new package with the obligatory presence of handles.


    • Always at hand, is in the house of any hostess;
    • Ease of use.


    • Lack of complete sterility;
    • There is a high probability of leakage, especially if the child is already mobile;
    • Often babies poop and pee at the same time, and you may not get the desired result at the scheduled time;
    • A little uncomfortable for the child himself.

    Sterile urine jar

    The jar itself is made of ultra-pure polypropylene, with a hermetically sealed lid.


    • Can be purchased at any pharmacy;
    • Absolutely sterile, hermetically sealed (this excludes contact with air).


    • It is difficult to catch the right moment;
    • For girls, it's harder to use.

    Helpful advice! Many laboratories do not accept urine for analysis in glass jars, as there is no guarantee that it has been properly sterilized. Incomplete sterility will lead to an unreliable result. Therefore, check this point in advance.

    Note! It is very important to collect urine correctly, do not underestimate the clinical analysis of urine, it characterizes the metabolism in the body. And according to its results, a sufficiently large number of dangerous diseases can be diagnosed. Therefore, properly collected urine and delivered to the laboratory within 1.5 hours will give you the opportunity to get an accurate result.

    Now you understand that the collection of this biomaterial must be approached very seriously and judiciously. Consider the technology of collecting urine in each of the three ways.

    Method number 1: urinal for newborns

    As we already know, there are two types of urinals. There is a slight difference between them. It lies in the shape of the product, and how to use a children's urinal for a newborn girl and boy.

    For boys, its opening has an oval shape, and for girls it is more rounded with small branches on the sides.

    How to use a children's urinal for boys?

    • Wash your hands well;
    • Make sure the child is calm, try to glue the urinal the first time;
    • Remove adhesive tape;
    • Place the penis inside the bag, and stick the tape on the pubis and testicles (do not try to put the testicles inside);
    • If you are not sure that you have glued the urinal with high quality (for example, a wrinkle has formed somewhere), you can take the child in your arms so that the urine does not leak in the supine position;
    • After the job is done, carefully remove the bag, cut its corner and pour the urine into a sterile container;
    • Wash your little one again.

    How to use a urinal for newborn girls?

    • Wash your hands well;
    • Wash the baby thoroughly with a small amount of baby soap (note that we wash in the direction of the anus);
    • Open the bag with the urinal itself and gently straighten it;
    • Make sure the girl is calm, try to glue the urinal the first time;
    • Remove adhesive tape;
    • Fix the adhesive strip on the labia and pubis (do not grab the anus area);
    • Do not wear diapers, it will squeeze the urinal;
    • You can hold the baby in your arms so that urine does not leak in the supine position;
    • After filling the bag, it must be removed, cut the corner and pour the urine into a sterile container;
    • Wash your child again.

    Method number 2: package

    • Wash your hands well;
    • Wash your baby thoroughly with baby soap;
    • Be sure to take a new plastic bag with handles;
    • Cut the handles and tie them around the baby's hips (this system looks like a homemade diaper);
    • Check that the edges of the bag fit well against the skin, this will save you from leaking;
    • Do not wear diapers;
    • Try to captivate the baby so that he is less active for some period;
    • After the child pees, carefully pour the urine into a sterile container;
    • Wash your baby.

    Method number 3: a jar

    How, in this embodiment, to collect urine from a newborn baby and a boy and a girl?

    For a boy, the following sequence of actions is suitable:

    • Wash your hands well;
    • Wash your baby thoroughly with baby soap;
    • Lay the child on a previously prepared surface;
    • Bring a sterile container to the genitals, without touching them;
    • It remains to wait (to speed up the process, you can do a small pubic massage in the form of strokes, or create the sound of water);
    • Wash your baby after emptying.

    If you settled on this method of collecting urine for a girl, you will need a pre-sterilized shallow plate. Everything is very simple:

    • Wash your hands well;
    • Wash the girl thoroughly with a small amount of baby soap (note that we wash in the direction of the anus);
    • Put the girl on a previously prepared surface, and place a plate under the ass;
    • As soon as the baby pees, carefully remove the container and pour into a sterile jar;
    • Wash your child.

    If you decide to send urine to the laboratory in a glass container, then follow these guidelines:

    • Wash the container with soda (powder or detergent is not suitable for such an important matter);
    • Sterilize for 5-7 minutes;
    • Pour urine into a chilled container;
    • Close tightly so that there is no contact with air.

    Features of collecting tests in newborns

    • For analysis, use only morning urine;
    • When collecting urine, do not use a pot, it is not sterile;
    • For analysis, it is forbidden to use urine squeezed from diapers;
    • The container for transporting urine must be hermetically sealed (upon contact with air, urine becomes cloudy);
    • The collected biomaterial must be delivered to the laboratory within 1.5 hours.

    How to collect urine from a baby - video

    The video below will help you become more familiar with the process of collecting urine from newborns. With its help, you will form an understanding of how to put on (glue) a urinal for a girl or a boy. After reviewing it, you will eliminate possible errors in the actions.

    Modern knowledge and methods in child care make life easier for young parents. Check out "how to properly handle the navel of a newborn." Taking advantage of such privileges, from time to time you wonder how our grandmothers and mothers lived, not being able to easily obtain the necessary knowledge.

    We hope that the information provided has helped you choose the most convenient way for you. We will be grateful if you share your experience in the comments, it will definitely help someone. Take care of yourself and your kids.

    Hello dear readers! I am glad to welcome you to the pages of this blog. Ever since I had a baby, I have become more and more interested in devices and devices that make life easier for us mothers. And today I want to tell you about one of them. It is called simply: a urinal for newborns. Have you heard of this? If not, be sure to read this article.

    In the future, you will be able not only to save precious time and save your, no less precious, nerve cells, but also to easily solve another problem that the baby throws up to young parents.

    Probably, one name has already prompted you to think about what a urinal is. It's comfortable and amazing simple urine collection device.

    It consists of a sterile polyethylene container, similar to a bag, with markings and a hole. An adhesive tape is applied to the edges of the latter, thanks to which the urinal is held in the right place.

    At the same time, the baby does not feel the slightest discomfort, but his mother experiences a feeling of deep satisfaction, anticipating a quick outcome of the work begun. By the way, you can carefully examine this device and personally verify its usefulness thanks to the photo.

    I want to note right away that urinals purchased in pharmacies are absolutely safe for the baby. There is nothing in their glue that could cause irritation or an allergic reaction, and it is easily washed off with warm water.

    On the modern market, there are both urinals for girls and boys, taking into account their physiological characteristics, as well as universal options.

    It will not be difficult to understand them, especially since they differ only in fittings:

    • Oval are considered universal and equally effective in the case of boys and girls.
    • Egg-shaped nozzles, somewhat pointed on one side, are designed for babies.
    • Nozzles with branches on the sides - for babies.

    A nice bonus when using a children's urinal is its price. With a pure heart, you can call it "penny" and, without hesitation, buy not one, but two urinals at once. Just in case you don't get it right the first time.

    2. Urine bag: instructions for use

    Sounds impressive, doesn't it? In fact, it is not difficult to use it at all. The main thing is to follow certain rules so as not to cause inconvenience to yourself or your baby.

    So, let's begin?

    1. Personal hygiene. Before you figure out how to use the urinal, you need to thoroughly wash the baby. It is extremely important to remove the remains of powders and creams, which can cause unreliable analysis results. Then you need to wash your hands with soap, after which you can proceed directly to the procedures. It is undesirable to neglect this stage. It allows you to maintain sterility - the key to the most accurate result of clinical studies.
    2. Removing the urinal. Everything is simple here: we opened the package, took out a plastic bag and straightened it.
    3. Removing the protective film. Most often, this is waxed paper, which is pasted over a sticky layer, along the hole. It just needs to be taken off.
    4. Fixing the urinal. Due to the fact that this stage is the most responsible, it should be carried out as calmly as possible. And if for boys this procedure is not difficult, since the penis and scrotum are simply inserted into the hole, and it itself is fixed along them with Velcro. For girls, it's much more difficult. They have Velcro glued to the labia. And everything would be fine, only babies, like babies, can jerk their legs, squeal, and sometimes try to snatch and throw away the treasured bag. Don't forget about it. By the way, that is why, at first, experienced mothers advise buying 2 urinals at once.
    5. Waiting for the result. In order for it to come faster, you can give the baby some water or breast milk. And in order for the urinal to remain in its place, it is advisable to carefully put a diaper or panties on the baby.
    6. Preparation for the delivery of the analysis. After filling the urinal, it's time to remove it, cut a corner and pour the contents into a sterile jar, which, by the way, can also be purchased at a pharmacy.
    7. Personal hygiene. After completing all the procedures, you need to wash the child again to remove the remnants of Velcro from his skin.

    Important! If after an hour it was not possible to collect urine, you need to replace the urinal in order to comply with the main condition - sterility.

    After we figured out what a urinal looks like and how it is used, it's time to summarize. As for me, this is an excellent device that greatly simplifies life, especially if you have to take urine for analysis regularly.

    Be sure to tell your friends about it by sharing our article. And don't forget to subscribe to our updates! There is still a lot of interesting things ahead!

    And here you can watch a video instruction on how to use the urinal:

    On this I wish you good luck and say: “See you soon”, which will again be my guest, on the pages of this blog!

    Modern medicine suggests that a child from birth to a year is recommended to take a urine test to monitor the functioning of the kidneys and urinary system. If the newborn has any abnormalities, then the task becomes more complicated, and urine must be taken several times.

    At all times, “catching pee” crumbs was a difficult task, our grandmothers and mothers came up with a variety of ways to do this. Today, everything has become easier, you just need to use a special children's urinal, put it on correctly and pour the contents into the required container. Therefore, today we will talk in detail about what kind of device it is and how to collect urine from a baby (boy or girl) using a urinal.

    This is a special polyethylene elastic container, the use of which helps to collect urine from a newborn. This is a sterile, pleasant to the touch and quite convenient device that greatly simplifies the collection of urine:

    • Mom does not need to wait and catch the moment when the child pee.
    • Proper use of such a urine collector guarantees a reliable result in the end, due to the fact that urine enters immediately into a sterile container.
    • Such a device has a low price and is available to everyone.
    • It is convenient and easy to use.

    Design and characteristics

    • By design, this is a plastic bag that is able to withstand a certain amount of liquid inside. There is a marking on the bag itself, the maximum mark is 100 ml.
    • It has a hole for the genitals, which can be universal (has an oval shape and is suitable for use by all children) or separately for boys (the hole is ovoid and pointed at the bottom), or for girls (there are small branches at the bottom and sides of the hole).

    • There is a special strip along the perimeter of the hole, which is glued to the skin of the newborn. With proper gluing, urine enters the container, which is then easily removed from the skin, without causing any inconvenience or discomfort to the baby.

    Preparing for urine collection

    Before putting on a urinal for a baby, regardless of whether it is a boy or a girl, and using it, it is necessary to wash the external genitalia with baby soap and dry it with a clean towel. The boys do not need to open anything, just wash everything on top well.

    Such a procedure is necessary so that various bacteria and microorganisms do not get into the urine, the presence of which can give an unreliable result and the analysis will have to be retaken again. Therefore, it is very important to properly prepare before using the urinal and do the above procedure to the newborn.

    How to use a urinal

    1. First you need to prepare the newborn, as described above, and wash your hands with soap and water. Any analysis must be carried out in the highest possible purity. Some even suggest that mothers use sterile gloves when putting such a bag on a newborn.
    2. Now open the package, take it out, straighten it and remove the protective layer from the Velcro, which is attached to the baby's skin.
    3. The girl needs to attach it over the labia, and the boy so that the genital organ and testicles completely enter it. It is very important to stick this device correctly, otherwise the urine will simply leak out. It is better to stock up on not one, but several collections. If you can't put it on correctly the first time, you will be able to use a new container and pick it up correctly. Indeed, the main difficulty that almost all parents face when using a urinal for the first time is the ability to properly attach the pouch. And in most cases, the first gluing is unsuccessful, so you should stock up on such devices.
    4. After you put on the device, it is advisable to swaddle the baby or put on, for example, panties or a diaper, so that nothing has shifted. The child is constantly in motion and can easily remove the Velcro.
    5. As soon as the baby pees, the container must be peeled off, the place where it was glued should be washed with clean water, wiped with a towel and greased with baby cream. It is advisable not to leave glue residue on the skin so that the crumbs do not have allergies.
    6. Make an incision at the bottom of the bag and pour the contents into a sterile container. It is imperative to transfuse, because the laboratory will not accept the material for analysis if it is in this form.

    If the material cannot be collected within an hour, further use of the urinal is unacceptable, so it must be removed and a new one glued, otherwise the analysis results may be unreliable.

    Video: how to use a urinal for newborn girls and boys

    To clearly see how to use such a simple and quite useful device, we recommend that you also familiarize yourself with this video. You can also learn some useful tips to help make the process of collecting urine more comfortable for mom and newborn.

    Helpful information

    After childbirth, almost every woman faces. For some, the question even arises and involuntarily arises: what to do with it? For some mothers, the question of whether or what to do with the arisen becomes relevant? This information may be useful to you, so you can easily read it on our website.

    How did you cope with the difficult task of collecting urine from your newborn baby? Have you used such a device for these purposes? We will be glad if you leave your feedback about the urinal for babies and possible useful tips in the comments. And also do not forget to leave your feedback about the article you read.

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