• Summary of speech therapist classes in dhow. Speech therapy classes. Physical culture minute "Curious Barbarian"


    Open speech therapy lesson at the preschool educational institution

    “Differentiation of sounds Ш-Ж in syllables and words.

    Based on the fairy tale by G.-H. Andersen "Thumbelina"

    (using ICT)

    Speech therapist: M.N. Omelchuk

    Tasks: automate and differentiate the sounds Ш-Ж in syllables and words; develop and activate the motor skills of the articulatory apparatus; develop general and fine motor skills; phonemic hearing, phonemic and visual perception, memory, imagination, to learn to determine the place of sound in a word, to form the grammatical structure of speech: to coordinate an adjective with a noun, in accordance with the gender of a noun, the formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes.

    Equipment: magic wand,cardboard flower, small doll (Thumbelina), toys: frog, mouse, cardboard swallow; cut picture "Beetle"; didactic games "Big-small", presentation for the game "Mysterious pictures", "Living-nonliving", presentation of pictures with the image of a gun, car, scarf, toad, spring, magician, chess, hedgehog, bumblebee, walrus, hat, beetle, giraffe, horse, cat.

    Course of the lesson:

    1. Organizational moment.

    Children, I know that you love fairy tales. I invite you to very interesting fairy tale G.-H. Andersen. For this I have a special magic wand. Now I will wave my magic wand "one-two-three" and ...

    2.The main part.

    The tale begins. In one magical land, an unusual flower blossomed, on which sat a little girl, who was named ... (Thumbelina). What happened to her?(Speech therapist takes out a toad).She was carried away by a toad. She agrees to let Thumbelina go if we teach her to do exercises for the tongue so that the toad can better catch mosquitoes.


    The tongue is familiar to us, children, (Open your mouth wide)

    We will meet him with a smile. He doesn't close the window

    (Smile broadly, Raises the tip up,

    Stretch lips) (The tip of the tongue reaches for the nose)

    This tongue came. He does not close the window

    (Stick out tongue) The tip lowers down.

    He went right now. (To the chin)

    (Stretch the tip of your tongue to the right) It does not close its mouth,

    All that is needed, he saw the Turkeys, he invites.

    And walked to the left. ("Turkeys")

    (Stretch the tip of your tongue to the left) Played our tongue

    Walked quite a bitHe lay down to sleep and was silent.

    He opened the window wide. (Close your mouth)

    The toad let the girl go. Thumbelina went on.


    An insect flew towards her and on the way it scattered. Collect it and we will find out who it is. Children collect the beetle.

    Yes, Thumbelina met a bug. Let's name the body parts of the beetle.

    (Children list: head, torso, back, wings, antennae, 6 legs).

    If a beetle can fly, then what kind of insect is it?(Flying). Let's listen to the beetles talking and repeat, first all together:

    sha-shi-sho zhi-zhu-zhi zhi-shi-zhi

    shi-shu-sha jo-zhu-zhu sha-zha-sha

    and now one at a time:

    zhi-shi-zh zhi-sho-zhu sha-shi-zha

    May beetle invited Thumbelina to the table. Let's see what kind of dishes. I will call the big dish, and you are the little one for the girl.

    cup-cup mug-mug ladle-ladle

    spoon-spoon knife-knife colander-colander

    Everything is correct. The beetle was very pleased. Invites us to warm up.


    Imitation of movements with speech

    On the lawn, on a daisy On a big daisy.

    The beetle was flying in a colored shirt. I do not want to hold in my hands

    Zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu, Let him lie in his pocket.

    I am friends with daisies. Oh, fell, fell my beetle

    Swaying quietly in the wind, My nose is stained with dust.

    I bend low, low. The green beetle flew away

    I found myself a beetle Flew away on the wings.


    Presentation (using a PC): didactic game "Mysterious Pictures".

    Thumbelina drew drawings as a gift to the May beetle, but it rained and washed away some of these drawings. Guess what she painted? What is the hissing sound in a word? Determine the place of the sound in the word. Images:fur coat, acorn, cup, hat, hedgehog, beetle.


    Beetle buzzes, buzzes, buzzes(With the fingertips of your right hand,

    And runs along a twig.

    Here a mosquito flies to him(With the pads of your left hand,

    And it rings, rings, rings.press the applicator again).

    And the workaholic ant(With the pads of both hands,

    The load is carried for all friends.press the applicator again).

    Flew to us yesterday

    Striped bee.

    And behind her is a bumblebee(The fingers of the right hand are "running").

    And a cheerful moth,(The fingers of the left hand are "running").

    Two beetles and a dragonfly (With the pads of the fingers of both hands,

    Like flashlights eyes.tactile pressure on the applicator).

    Buzzed, flew,(Fingers of both hands "run").

    They fell down from fatigue.(Drop your fingers on the applicator).

    While our fingers were practicing, Thumbelina met someone. Whom she met you will find out by guessing riddles:

    Millet porridge-in a spoon, On a plate with an iron lid.

    A spoon, in a wide bowl, On the lid, hungry ...


    That's right, Thumbelina met a mouse.(Speech therapist shows the mouse).

    And one more riddle:

    Guess what kind of bird: Belly white,

    She is dark and small, the tail is spread apart into two tails.


    Presentation (using a PC): didactic game "Living-non-living".

    The mouse and the swallow, examining the pictures, argued that the picture was drawn: alive or inanimate. They are completely confused. Let's help them, distribute the pictures in the right pockets. Let's define the place of hissing sounds in words.Children are doing the task.

    3. The final part.

    Tell me, who did Thumbelina meet today?Children list: toad, beetle, mouse and swallow.

    In which of these words is the sound Sh. Determine the place of the sound in the word? And in what words is there the sound Ж? Determine the place of the sound in the word. Are there hissing sounds in the word swallow?Not.

    It's time for the swallow to fly to hot countries. Thumbelina climbs onto her back and they fly away. It's time for us too. Returning from the magical land with the help of a magic wand: "one-two-three".

    4. Homework.

    Work on cards.(Cards are given to children).Name objects with hissing sounds in their names and determine the place of sound in a word.

    Victoria Maigurova
    Abstract open class teacher-speech therapist "A journey to the land of sounds"

    Abstract of the GCD of the teacher-logopedist Maygurova V.V.

    Topic: "A journey to the land of sounds"

    Objectives: To acquaint children with the concept of "sounds", their variety, ways of education; to give the concept of "letter", to form phonemic perception, to develop the skills of sound analysis and synthesis, to enrich and clarify the vocabulary of children on the topics: "Transport", "Organs of speech", to train children in the selection of words - antonyms, to form the skills of correct speech breathing, to improve fine and articulatory motor skills, coordination of movements with speech pronunciation, develop prosodic components of speech. To develop a psychological speech base (attention, memory, logical thinking, imagination, to foster a benevolent attitude with peers in joint activities, to activate the cognitive interest of children.

    Material: multimedia equipment, screen, sound doll, individual mirrors, according to the number of children. bell, set of cards with vowel letters, vowel symbols, carpet, circles with numbers from 1 to 10

    Activity progress:

    Speech therapist: - Guys, Zvukovichok came to visit us. Children, do you like to travel? Would you like to go on a trip? I invite you to a magical land.

    Guys, what types of transport do you know?

    Children's answers: ground, air, water, magic.

    Speech therapist: - And we will go on the carpet by plane.

    Children, take tickets, with numbers seats... Go through and take seats according to your ticket number.

    The music of the wind sounds.

    Speech therapist: - To get us quickly to the magical land. and during the flight we were not scared, we will perform relaxation breathing exercises.

    "Deep breath through the nose" (Left hand control on the abdomen)

    "Long exhalation through the mouth" (Right hand control at the mouth)

    Children, we close our eyes, open them. When we hear the sound of the bell.

    Physical culture minute "Curious Barbarian"

    Speech therapist: - Children, so we flew to a magical land. Let's see where we ended up.

    Curious Barabara

    Looks left

    Looks to the right

    Looks up

    And looks down

    Neck muscles tensed

    We go back

    Relaxing is so good.

    (We return to the starting position).

    Speech therapist: - Children. Was it quiet on the way or did you hear something? How do we distinguish sounds?

    Children's answers: - We distinguish sounds with the help of our ears - the organs of hearing.

    Experimental work

    Children, look at the screen (letters appear on the screen).

    And now let's come up to me, close our eyes (at this moment speech sounds sound).

    Speech therapist: - What did you see on the screen?

    Children's answers: - We saw letters on the screen. But they didn’t. The letters are the visible image.

    Speech therapist: - And what did you hear?

    Children's answers: - We heard sounds, but did not see.

    Speech therapist: - Children, we are going to the city of Zvukograd. The sounds of our speech live there.

    “We are in the city of speech sounds

    We go and we are waiting for a meeting

    With the sounds of relatives

    They live there

    And we have a desire

    Speak beautifully

    And all without exception

    Surprise today "

    Guys, people have an invaluable gift - Speech. Animals can make sounds, but this is not speech, they cannot talk to each other.

    Working with mirrors (acquaintance with the organs of speech)

    How do we make sounds? Guess riddles.

    You can pull them with a pipe

    Or just open them

    Even our teeth are asking

    Open wider - (lips)

    When we drive, they work

    When we are not eating, they rest,

    We will not clean them. They will get sick - (teeth).

    He's used to jumping in his mouth

    Our playful (language).

    Game "What sounds are there" (selection of words of antonyms)

    Sounds are:

    high - low,

    quiet - loud

    rough - gentle

    long - short,

    And there are also sounds:

    warm - cold

    Bring the back of your hand to your mouth and blow on it while singing the "Snake" song:


    Children, what kind of air jet?

    Children's answer: The air jet is warm

    Now put your palm up and sing the "Pump" song.

    What is the air jet?

    Children's answers: The air jet is cold.

    Finger gymnastics.

    I rub my palms hard

    I'll twist each finger

    (Rubbing the palms; grab each finger at the base and rotate to the nail phalanx.)

    I say hello to him strongly,

    And I'll start pulling.

    I'll wash my hands then

    (Rub your palm on your palm.)

    I will put my finger in my finger,

    I will close them with a lock

    (Fingers in the "lock".)

    And I will keep warm.

    I will release my fingers

    (Disengage the fingers and touch them.)

    Let them run like bunnies.

    Speech therapist: - Children. to speak beautifully and clearly, we need to train our organs of speech. Let's do articulatory gymnastics (gymnastics is carried out at a table in front of a mirror)

    1) - Name the first sound in words:

    “I open my mouth wide, I hum a cheerful sound” - aaaaaaaaa.

    2) - Name the first sound in words:

    "Lips our wheel sound turn out" - oooooo.

    3) - Name the first sound in words:

    "I pull my lips with a trumpet and sing a sound" - uuuuuuu

    4) - Name the first sound in words:

    AND - AND - AND

    "Pull your lips to your ears and you will get a sound" - iiiiii

    5) - Name the first sound in words:

    E - E - E

    “Hey, gay! The sound is screaming, the tongue sticks out of the mouth "- eeeeeeee

    6) - Name the last sound in words: cats, tables,

    S - S - S

    "Well, show your teeth and sing soon" - yyyyy

    Speech therapist; - The sounds were all different, but very friendly, as they all loved to sing. Their voices sounded beautiful, sonorous.

    Let's try to sing like them. (Children sing along with a speech therapist, who accompanies the singing of vowels by dragging their hands in the air along a horizontal line).

    Sounds went around the world and sang loudly. For this they began to be called VOISES and presented them with red shirts. If the sounds were put on these shirts, then they became visible and turned into letters. But as soon as you took off your shirts, the sounds became invisible again.

    Match each symbol - a sound, its letter.

    Children match letters to sound symbols.

    Speech therapist: - Guys, our journey ends. What have we learned about sounds?

    Children's answers: - We hear and pronounce sounds, but we do not see.

    Speech therapist: - What have we learned about letters?

    Children's answers: - We see and write letters, but we do not hear.

    Speech therapist: - Children, let's say thank you to Zvukovich for an educational journey. And now we take our places, close our eyes, count to 10 and back.

    So we returned to kindergarten! Did you enjoy our trip?

    Children's answers.

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    Disturbances in the pronunciation of sounds are found in many children. The most common problems are the distortion of the sound of a letter (burr, lisp, etc.), its replacement with another, the skipping of difficult sounds in pronunciation. Speech therapy classes - whether on their own or under the guidance of a professional - will help eliminate an existing problem.

    If speech therapist lessons are not available to you for any reason, then you can deal with the child on your own, but adhering to certain recommendations.

    Children preschool age games for the development of speech are recognized as the most effective method elimination of various speech defects.

    Play, aimed at improving speech abilities, not only attracts the child with its fun, but is also the most useful of all methods of developing this most important skill. Speech therapy classes for children, conducted in a game format, contribute to the development of speech, the consolidation of new words, the formation of the correct pronunciation of sounds. In addition, the future foundation is laid for cognitive activities and the development of mental abilities.

    Here are examples of basic activities aimed at developing children's speech richness:

    • Supplementing the offer: in summer the leaves on the maple are green, and with the onset of autumn ...; we collect mushrooms in ..., and tomatoes - in ... and so on.
    • Completion of the sentence: I want to… .; I can…; I will draw ... etc.
    • Item description: pen - new, beautiful, colored ...; chamomile - white, beautiful, summer ...; river - deep, wide, transparent ... etc.
    • The names of domestic and forest animals with cubs: rooster, hen, chickens; hare, hare, hare, etc.
    • Large - small (the child needs to choose a diminutive for the proposed word): a vase - a vase, a mouse - a mouse, a leaf - a leaf, etc.
    • Catch the ball (the speech therapist throws the ball and names the noun, the child's task is to transform it into an adjective): autumn - autumn, birch - birch, etc.
    • Expression of disagreement / agreement (the task of the lesson is to form the child's ability to affirm or challenge the proposed thought with the ability to substantiate his opinion): It will rain soon - No, because there are no clouds in the sky.
    • Word formation (in the proposed word you need to replace a specific sound): squirrel - roll, itself - catfish, give - blow.

    Try to do the exercises using pictures, kids love them very much.

    Speech therapy classes at home

    Speech therapy classes with a child may include:

    • gymnastics for the development of articulation;
    • games for the development of hearing, onomatopoeia, logo rhythm;
    • recitation of poems and tongue twisters.

    It is necessary to deal with the child every day, carefully thinking over the course of the lesson, captivating him. If he is not interested, then the baby will not acquire the necessary skills.

    Starting out speech therapy classes at home, you need to remember the following rules:

    • The duration of the lesson should be increased gradually. The first one can last no more than 3 - 5 minutes.
    • The activity should be interesting and make the child want to learn. You should not force the baby to do something against his will, otherwise he may refuse to do the exercises altogether.
    • You can have short sessions, but several times a day.
    • If the child does not succeed in something, you cannot yell at him. You need to try to find the cause of the "naughty tongue" and fix it.

    Finger games

    Speech therapy classes for children should include finger games, as they contribute to development fine motor skills... Scientists have long proven a direct connection between the hands and the part of the brain responsible for the development of speech skills.

    Learning texts in combination with finger gymnastics helps to develop skills such as:

    1. the ability to think spatially, to express your emotions;
    2. imagination;
    3. attention.

    In addition to improving speech, the child has an acceleration in the speed of reactions. Classes held in game form, help to memorize the text better and make speech more expressive.

    To obtain the desired result, you need to deal with the child every day, spending about 5 minutes on this.

    Exercises for the development of finger motor skills:

    • A flower. The palms are folded together with the fingers pointing up. We fold a flower bud from our palms, pressing them together. The child says aloud the quatrain:
      The sun is rising
      The flower opens, (fingers need to be spread apart, but palms remain pressed)
      The sun is setting
      The flower goes to sleep (fingers must be returned to their original position).
    • Kitty. The palms are on the table, gathered into a fist. The child says the words “Fist is a palm. I walk like a cat ”and spreads his fingers without lifting his palms from the table surface, and then squeezes again. Repeat the exercises three to five times.
    • A bird is flying. Arms crossed in front of you, palms to face. You need to hook your thumbs together. This will be the "head", and the palms will act as wings. You need to wave them without separating your fingers.
      The bird flew (flapping our wings)
      Sat down - turned gray (the child separates his palms and presses them to his chest),
      Then she flew.

    Finger games can be used as moments of relaxation during the speech therapy session itself, helping to distract the child and allow him to shift attention.

    Articulation gymnastics

    Before starting to perform speech therapy exercises, it is necessary to carry out an articulatory warm-up. Specialized gymnastics helps to strengthen the muscles of the articulatory apparatus and prepare it for speech therapy sessions.

    Articulatory gymnastics is a set of exercises designed to strengthen the muscles of the lips and tongue. They are responsible for the pronunciation of sounds. If the muscles of the tongue are not sufficiently developed, then speech will sound indistinct.

    It is necessary to do gymnastics in front of a mirror. Then the child will be able to control the correctness of the movements. It is very important for him to observe the movements of the lips and tongue. So the baby will quickly understand what position they must occupy in order to pronounce the sounds correctly.

    Articulation exercises should be done twice a day. The duration of the lesson is 5 ... 7 minutes. As a result, the child will be able to learn to speak not only correctly, but also as clearly and understandably as possible.

    Articulation complex:

    • Stretch the lips into a smile, but the teeth should not be visible. Fix the position for 30 seconds.
    • Smile broadly, teeth open. Fix for half a minute.
    • Open your mouth a little, put your relaxed tongue on the surface of your lower lip. Spank them, pronouncing the syllable "PYA". In this case, the upper lip touches the tongue.
    • The mouth is open. The tongue must be pulled forward and try to roll it up in the form of a tube. Fix the position for half a minute.
    • At a slow pace, lick your lips from corner to corner with your tongue, without lifting your tongue from the surface of the lips. He must go full circle. Clockwise first, then counterclockwise.
    • There is a wide open-mouthed smile on his face. The tip of your tongue should touch one corner, then another.
    • A smile on the face with an open mouth. Press the tip of the tongue to the surface of the teeth and, with little effort, carry it along the back wall of the lower dentition. Repeat 10 times. Repeat the exercise, but you need to pass the tongue along the inner surface of the upper teeth.
    • A wide smile on his face. On the count of "one" we touch the lower teeth, on the count of "two" - to the upper ones. Repeat the exercises 5 times.
    • The mouth is open. Have the child quickly stick out and hide the tip of the tongue. But it should not touch the teeth and tongue.
    • A wide smile on his face. The tongue is relaxed and rests on the lower lip. Exhaling air, the child must blow on the cotton ball lying on the table so that he can move.

    Games for the development of hearing, onomatopoeia, logo rhythmics

    You need to supplement articulatory gymnastics with other exercises. These should be exercises for the development of hearing, onomatopoeia and logo rhythm.

    Speech hearing helps your child understand, distinguish and reproduce sounds. If he is not well developed, then the baby's speech is fuzzy and contains errors.

    Examples of exercises for developing speech hearing:

    • The child needs to demonstrate objects that can make sounds. These can be spoons, drum, ratchets and others. Then you need to let the baby listen to the sound of each. Then he turns his back and guesses which of the objects sounded. The purpose of the exercise is to improve speech hearing and consolidate the skill in the difference of sounds.
    • An adult picks up a bell. The child stands against the wall with his eyes closed. An adult moves around the room and periodically rings a bell. The task of the kid is to point at the sounding bell with his hand, without opening his eyes.

    The development of onomatopoeia is another part of speech therapy classes. For the exercise, a plot picture is used in accordance with age group child. This can be, for example, an image of a girl rocking a doll. Have the child begin to play motion sickness and lull the imaginary doll. It is important to control his articulation.

    Games based on imitation of the voices of the animal world give good results. Such speech therapy exercises will be more interesting if during the lesson images of animals / birds, their figures and figurines of cubs are used.

    An example is the game of mosquito. The picture should be a mosquito. “Let's get to know the mosquito. His name is Arseny. He flies a lot and often sings his favorite song - "Z-Z-Z". Let us also sing it along with Arseny! "Z-Z-Z".

    Then invite the kid to catch the mosquito and listen to him sing his song. We grab the empty air with our fist, listen and sing a mosquito song - "Z-Z-Z".

    Logorhythmics are speech therapy exercises that combine movement, music and speech. All children really like such classes, because they always take place in a fun atmosphere.

    An adult reads a poem aloud and reproduces the movements described in the work. It is very important to select the appropriate musical accompaniment... Then the children repeat what they saw.

    For the lesson, you can use, for example, the following poem:

    On a narrow path (the child walks in one place)
    Our legs walked (begins to take steps in place, raising their knees high)
    On pebbles, pebbles (marking time)
    And boo into the hole (the baby jumps up and sits on the floor).

    Recitation of poems and tongue twisters

    Speech therapy classes with a child should include reading aloud various children's poems. It is not worth teaching complex poems with a child; it is better to start with simple quatrains.

    Excellent results can be achieved if speech therapy classes for children include tongue twisters. They are short rhymed sentences. They help to make speech clear, well-delivered, and also expand the child's vocabulary and improve diction.

    Six mice rustle in the reeds.
    Sasha knocked bumps with a hat, got a bruise on his forehead.

    You can also come up with your own tongue twister, read how to do it correctly in the "Speech development" section on our website.

    Independent speech therapy classes with children will help solve problems with simple defects. Speech correction should be done by a professional if there are serious violations.

    The first sounds and words of the little man are quite funny and make adults smile. However, no one will smile if they hear inverted words and incomprehensible phrases from an adult. Communication is important element our life. The ability to correctly and competently express their thoughts, the ability to clearly formulate the answers to the questions posed, as well as the ability to pronounce all the sounds are what not only children, but also adults need to strive for.

    Speech therapy classes for children at home are constant communication with the child in a playful way. Once your child is interested, you can engage with them by playing speech-development games such as

    • finger games (games for the development of fine motor skills)
    • articulatory gymnastics
    • games for the development of hearing, games for sound generation and logo rhythm (poems with movements)
    • verses for the development of speech and replenishment of vocabulary

    The most difficult thing is to get the child interested. And this is a very serious task. After all, it is not so easy to seat a little fidget. In general, it is not necessary to sit down, you can deal with the child when he plays in his hut or jumps on the sofa. Classes should take place in a playful way. Then it will be easier for you, and the child will learn the material without hysterics and whims.

    Are you looking for speech therapy classes for children 2 - 3 years old?

    A few tips before starting classes with children at home:

    • classes should be initially short (2-3 minutes). Then we gradually increase them. Maximum 15-20 minutes one time.
    • the child should like the classes. Do not force or insist, this way you can completely discourage the child from hunting for something.
    • it is better to study more often, but little by little. By doing the same exercise often, the child develops a skill.
    • use laughter during class. Do not scold for incorrect pronunciation or if the child is unable to do something. Better, together with your child, find out why he has such a naughty tongue and how to fix it. Better to be an ally and friend to the child than a strict teacher. How to praise a child correctly.

    I would like to dwell in more detail on each of the types of games that you need to play with your child.

    Finger games are one of the types of development. A close relationship has been established between the human hand and the speech center of the brain.

    Learning texts using finger gymnastics stimulates the development of speech, spatial thinking, attention, imagination, fosters quick reaction and emotional expressiveness. The child remembers poetic texts better; his speech becomes more expressive.

    You need to do it every day for 5 minutes, then such exercises will be effective.

    Articulatory gymnastics is gymnastics for the tongue and lips. The tongue is the main muscle of the organs of speech. The language must be trained and developed so that it can correctly perform certain specific movements, which are called sound pronunciation. The lips and tongue must be flexible and strong.

    To perform articulatory gymnastics, you need a mirror. The child should see how his tongue works, where it is located. In order to bring the exercises to automatism, you need to constantly exercise. It is important to do the exercises correctly, carefully monitor the position of the tongue.

    You need to exercise every day for 5-7 minutes. Preferably 2 times a day. The result is correct and clear speech.

    For correct sound pronunciation, it is also necessary to complete tasks that are aimed at developing voice, breathing and speech hearing.

    • Sound generating games, hearing development and logo rhythmics

    Speech or phonemic hearing Is the ability to hear, recognize and distinguish sounds correctly.

    Hearing games

    1. "Ears - hearing"

    Purpose: consolidate the ability to differentiate sounds, develop auditory attention.

    Speech therapist shows wooden, metal spoons, crystal glasses. Children call these items. The teacher invites you to listen to how these objects sound. Having installed the screen, it reproduces the sound of these objects in turn. Children recognize sounds and name the objects that make them.

    2. "Who said" Meow? "

    Purpose: improve the ability to distinguish by ear the voices of pets.

    Material: tape recorder, audio recording with sounds of voices of pets.

    3. "Who is standing at the traffic light?"

    Purpose:develop auditory attention, recognize and name modes of transport.

    Material: tape recorder and audio recording with street noises.

    Speech therapist includes audio recording with street sounds. Children listen to sounds and name a vehicle that stops at a traffic light (car, truck, tractor, motorcycle, cart, tram).

    4. "Where is the ringing?"

    Purpose: develop auditory attention, the ability to navigate in space with closed eyes.

    Children stand with their eyes closed. A speech therapist with a bell silently moves around the group and rings. Children, without opening their eyes, point their hand in the direction of the sound source.

    5. Thunderstorm finger game

    Purpose: coordinate the movement with the text, taking into account changes in dynamics and tempo of sound.

    The speech therapist reads the words of the game, and the children perform movements according to the text.

    Dripped drops (knock on the table with two index fingers).
    It's raining (softly knocking with four fingers of both hands).
    It pours like a bucket (loudly knocking with four fingers).
    The hail has gone (knocking with the bones of the fingers, knocking out a fraction).
    Thunder (banging your fists on the table).
    The lightning flashes (we draw a lightning bolt in the air with our fingers, we make a sound w).
    Everybody quickly runs home (clap your hands, hide your hands behind your back).
    The sun shines brightly in the morning (describe a large circle with both hands).

    Speech imitation or onomatopoeia

    This is the reproduction of the sounds, words, phrases pronounced by the speaker after the speaker.

    Use figures or pictures of animals to play. Moms and their cubs. After all, the frog mom is screaming KVA, and the frog is Kwa. Remember the tale of the three bears, the daddy bear growls loudly, the mommy bear is quieter, and the bear cub squeaks.

    Household noise imitation games:

    • The clock is ticking - TIK-TAK
    • Dripping water - CAP-CAP
    • Kid stomping - TOP-TOP
    • The hammer knocks TUK-TUK
    • Scissors cut CHIK-CHIK
    • We swing on a swing KACH-KACH
    • We eat carrots CRUM-CRUM
    • The car is going BI-BI

    Speech therapy rhythm or logo rhythm - a combination of movement, speech and music. An adult reads a verse and shows movements, a child repeats. Nothing complicated. Children are fun and interesting. Of course, an adult needs to read and learn the necessary rhymes in advance and learn the movements to them. You also need to pick up musical accompaniment for the verses in advance. It is advisable to practice in the afternoon 2-3 times a week.

    Walk game (development of general motor skills)
    On a narrow path (walking in place)
    Our feet are walking (raising his legs high)
    By pebbles, by pebbles (shift from foot to foot at a slow pace)
    And into the hole ... boo! (sit on the floor on the last word)

    • Poems for speech development - tongue twisters and vocabulary

    Tongue twisters are short rhymed phrases. Tongue twisters are the best exercises for improving speech clarity and literacy. Tongue twisters increase the child's vocabulary, improve diction, and also develop speech hearing.

    In order for a child to be able to speak competently, to be able to express his thoughts and feelings, he needs his own vocabulary.

    Your child's vocabulary consists of:

    • passive vocabulary (those words that the child understands)
    • active vocabulary (those words that the child speaks)

    Initially, the child's active vocabulary is small, but over time, the words that were in the passive vocabulary the child will transfer to the active one. The larger the passive vocabulary, the better.

    To increase your vocabulary, look at pictures together, read books, comment on your actions.

    For lessons with my child, I use various aids, one of the latest successful acquisitions is the "Big Album for the Development of Speech" and "Lessons from a Speech Therapist. Games for the development of speech ".


    This book consists of 3 sections, each section contains detailed instructions on how to deal with

    • finger gymnastics
      • 1 group. Hand exercises (pp. 8-29)
      • Group 2. Conditionally static finger exercises (pp. 30-47)
      • Group 3. Dynamic finger exercises (pp. 48-57)
    • articulatory gymnastics. Presented with the help of fairy tales with verses, there are additional cards plus there are images of the correct result of the exercise. (pp. 64-110). Also in this section there are games for the development of speech hearing, auditory attention.
    • tongue Twisters. They are grouped according to "difficult" sounds to help your child practice specific sounds. (pp. 111-169)

    I bought this book here... If you have questions about the book, ask.

    There are 3 blocks in this book, each for a specific age:

    • Developing the baby's speech (pp. 6-89)
      • development of understanding of speech
      • development of general motor skills
      • breathing exercises
      • finger games
      • articulatory gymnastics
      • onomatopoeia
    • We develop the speech of a younger preschooler (pp. 92-183). For children 3-6 years old
    • We develop the speech of the older preschooler (pp. 186-277).

    This book is great for increasing a child's vocabulary, developing logical thinking, attention, memory and imagination.

    I have not found the same book (on Ozone appeared), but there is a separate books for toddlers children from 3 to 6 years old and older preschoolers... Which is also very handy if you need a book for a 4-year-old child. I found this book when my son was 3 years old. But I was not worried, my daughter is growing up, and we will study with her in the first block.

    Work with your child only in good mood, believe in your child, rejoice in his successes, help to overcome failures. Speech therapy classes with your child at home will help you become even closer and dearer. Patience and good luck!

    How do you work with your child? What do you use for this? Do you like the child to study? Please share in the comments your methods of developing speech in a child and how much time you spend doing certain exercises.

    How to teach a child to say what to do and what not.

    An article from work experience. In a lesson with a speech therapist.

    teacher - speech therapist, Klokova Svetlana Vyacheslavovna, MBDOU d / s. No. 39, Arzamas, Nizhny Novgorod region.
    Description:this article describes what a speech therapist does in class with children. Designed for parents, teachers - speech therapists, senior students (for choosing a further profession).
    Purpose:acquaintance with the components of speech therapy classes.
    - to acquaint children with the work of a speech therapist;
    - to increase interest in the profession of "speech therapist";
    - help young professionals in planning classes.

    What are the parts of speech therapy classes?
    Any speech therapist, after a comprehensive examination of the child, begins his work in different directions.
    Development of articulatory motor skills in children:

    - massage and self-massage of the organs of articulation (tongue, lips, cheeks, forehead, ears, cervical collar zone);
    - articulatory gymnastics to strengthen and develop the accuracy of movements of the muscles of the tongue, lips, soft
    palate, lower jaw.
    Development of speech breathing:

    On inhalation - we inflate the tummy, on exhalation - we deflate;
    - learning to breathe deeply through the nose and mouth;
    - the development of a correct elongated exhalation through the nose and mouth;
    - training for a long, strong exhalation in the “tube” position of the lips;
    - training for a long, strong exhalation into the protruding tongue.
    Development of phonemic functions:
    - recognition of non-speech sounds;
    - recognition of speech sounds;
    - selection of a sound from a number of other sounds, syllables, words;
    - distinguishing between vowels and consonants;
    - selection of words for a given sound;
    - determining the place of sound in a word;
    - analysis and synthesis of words.
    Development of mental functions:

    - perception;
    - auditory and visual attention;
    - auditory and visual memory;
    - thinking;
    - imagination.
    Development of fine and general motor skills:

    - finger gymnastics;
    - grapho-motor skills;
    - speech with movement;
    - constructive praxis;
    - orientation in the scheme of one's own body and in space.
    Enrichment of vocabulary:
    - various parts of speech (nouns, adjectives,
    verbs, numerals ...);
    - prepositions;
    - generalizing concepts;
    - antonyms;
    - synonyms;
    - homonyms.
    Formation of the syllabic structure of the word:
    - rhythm reproduction;
    - laying out chips by the number of syllables;
    - repetition of different syllables (direct, reverse, with a confluence);
    - repetition of words of different syllabic structures;
    - repetition of sentences of different syllabic structures;
    - repetition of phrases and tongue twisters.
    Development of the grammatical structure of speech:

    - change of nouns, adjectives, verbs by gender,
    numbers, cases;
    - coordination of nouns with adjectives, numerals;
    - enrichment of speech with prepositions, prefixes;
    - the formation of relative, possessive adjectives;
    - the formation of nouns with diminutive - affectionate
    The development of coherent speech:
    - preparation of proposals;
    - retelling according to mnemonic tables;
    - retelling short stories;
    - drawing up descriptive stories;
    - composing stories based on a plot picture, a series of plot pictures;
    - inventing riddles, stories, fairy tales independently (parts);
    - learning poems, dialogues;
    - learning to ask and answer questions.
    Reading training:

    - familiarity with letters;
    - fusion of reverse syllables;
    - fusion of direct syllables;
    - composing and reading words;
    - preparation and reading of proposals;
    - reading small texts.
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