• Speech development corner in kindergarten. Speech development corner in the first junior group 2 ml speech corner in kindergarten


    One of the most important conditions for the successful upbringing and teaching of children is the developmental environment (subject-spatial) in the group and at the site of the kindergarten. In order to find out what the subject-spatial environment should be in the 2nd junior group, what toys, didactic material, zones (corners) you need, you can refer to the following documents:

    1. SanPiN, where you will find the sanitary requirements for the placement of equipment.
    2. FGOS DO, requirements for the protection of the life of pupils, principles of constructing PRS, comprehensive equipment of the educational process, accounting for ZPD.
    3. The program according to which your preschool institution operates.

    Subject-spatial environment in the 2nd junior group, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard

    Board game "Patch up the rug"

    The game "Patch up the rug" is very easy to make. Glue white geometric shapes on sheets of colored paper and pass through a laminator (once we just glued the cardboard with tape), make holes with a hole punch and make a fringe, cut out geometric shapes of the same color separately.

    Children are happy to patch up rugs.
    The carpet is an indispensable item for the second junior group. In addition to the theater, any textbook can be placed on it. In our case, these are geometric shapes and multi-colored droplets (you can work individually).

    And here is the modern version of the game "Collect the flower". If you disassemble a flower, then from knitted circles you can assemble a caterpillar, a tumbler, etc.

    Touch panel "Underwater world"

    Also in the sensory area, we have equipped a panel "Underwater World", using which you can develop fine motor skills of the hand in different ways. The panel is attached to the back wall of the shelf, which separates the training area from the play area. For the background, we used an ordinary shower curtain with a marine pattern, but you could find an oilcloth, self-adhesive film, or just paint and varnish.

    Different materials were used to create the underwater world: we made fish from sandpaper, dishwashing sponges, knitted fish and starfish with beads look great. Algae are made from pieces of felt with ribbons for tying sewn on, pebbles - simple cotton pads. Lots of tactile sensations, right?

    An interesting underwater inhabitant is the octopus. To make it, you only need different ribbons and cardboard. Try to make a great manual for children.

    In the corner of mathematics, kids are greeted by a cube, a cone and a cylinder. By the way, there should still be manuals like "Many, one, none", handouts, various nesting dolls, cubes, inserts, etc.

    In the active speech area, you will find breathing simulators, lexical card indexes, a mini-library and games that broaden the horizons of children, for example, "Who eats what?"

    The natural area has everything you need for experimentation, plant care and nature observation.

    The model "Babushkino Compound" allows you to expand the knowledge of children about the features and benefits of pets.

    Our kindergarten uses a multicultural education program in its work, according to which in the 2nd junior group we introduce children to a folk toy. Therefore, we put together a mini museum of wooden toys and designed it like this:

    Hope you have an idea already! Fine!

    Nadezhda Nikolaevna Nekhorosheva

    In order to create effectively developing subject-spatial environment, in group formalized cognitive and speech corner, which provides an opportunity for a child to act individually and in conjunction with adults. In our speech there are many educational games in the corner, manuals for speech development, fine motor skills. These are massage balls, a breeze for development of speech breathing, soap bubbles, balloons, windmill. In our corner a lot has been done by parents' hands, this is a tactile book, where there is a butterfly with a zipper inside which hides a string with movable beads, children learn to open the zipper and set the beads in motion with their fingers. Velcro with different shapes, red apples with rivets and worm-beads. My children and I use the book with great pleasure, each time discovering something new for the children. We also have a magic box with various lids that stimulate the motor skills of the fingers, which leads to the activation of the speech center, a string and a sleeve that helps children to consolidate the ability to put on a blouse .. Pillow meadow, where we collect a bouquet of flowers using Velcro , with their help, children pronounce and memorize colors. It is with great pleasure that we play "Cloud"that helps us develop speech breathing, evokes positive emotions, we also use a stand with which we fix the seasons, i.e. there are snowflakes in winter, green leaves in spring, flowers in summer, yellow leaves in autumn.

    For development fine motor skills we have containers with different cereals, with which we play in the d / and "Find a toy" and a tray of semolina on which we draw with our finger. For development auditory attention we have noise instruments for development breathing there are bottles with fillers, for development speech breathing there are also homemade breezes "Blow on the butterfly", "balloons".

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    The changes taking place today in the field of preschool education are aimed primarily at improving its quality. A positive result can be achieved only when all participants in the pedagogical process are united into a single educational space, which implies interaction, cooperation throughout the child's preschool childhood.

    Good speech is the most important condition for the full development of a child. The richer and more correct a child's speech is, the easier it is for him to express his thoughts, the wider his possibilities in cognizing the surrounding reality, the more meaningful and full-fledged relations with peers and adults, the more actively his mental development is carried out.

    Throughout the preschool period, the child's vocabulary continues to grow. Compared to early childhood, the vocabulary of a preschooler child, as a rule, increases threefold. At the same time, the growth of vocabulary, according to V.S. Mukhina, directly depends on the living conditions and the environment in which the child lives. The development of speech proceeds more successfully in a favorable speech environment. The speech environment is the family, kindergarten, adults and peers with whom the child constantly communicates. A subject-developing environment is important for the development of young, not yet reading children, especially in their independent activity. A favorable speech environment develops where there is a great interest in the book, in reading, where intellectual needs arise and are satisfied.

    The speech environment should facilitate the implementation of the following factors:

    • perception of speech of adults;
    • observation of the language;
    • involvement in an active speech environment;
    • dialogue between adults.

    The speech environment is a specially organized environment that most effectively affects the development of different aspects of each child's speech.

    The filling of the speech environment is determined by the priority line of speech development of children of every age and reflects all areas of work on the development of speech.

    Work tasks:

    • development of the child's vocabulary;
    • work on the grammatical structure of speech;
    • the development of coherent speech;
    • education of the sound culture of speech;
    • preparation for learning and literacy training;
    • development of fine motor skills;
    • acquaintance with fiction;

    Early age group

    • portraits of writers with biographies (Barto A., Tokmakova N., Marshak S. Ya. and others);
    • aids for the development of breathing;
    • games for the development of coherent speech;
    • object pictures depicting natural phenomena, vegetables, fruits, trees, pets and birds, seasons, insects, transport and others;
    • various types of theaters;

    Second junior group

    • portraits of writers with biographies (K. Ushinsky, S. Mikhalkov, E. Moshkovskaya and others);
    • selection of children's fiction (4-5 titles of books, 2-3 copies each, screen books.);
    • aids for the development of breathing;
    • manuals for the development of fine motor skills;
    • games for the development of coherent speech (subject pictures for composing a descriptive story, plot pictures - the plot is simple);
    • didactic games for the formation of a vocabulary, ZKR, grammatical structure of speech, coherent speech;
    • subject pictures depicting natural phenomena, vegetables, fruits, trees, pets and birds, wild animals, traffic rules, seasons, insects, transport, dishes, flowers, professions and others;
    • various types of theaters;
    • card index of finger games, poems, nursery rhymes, sentences.

    Middle group

    • portraits of writers with biographies (V. Mayakovsky, A. Pushkin, K. Chukovsky and others);
    • selection of children's fiction (5-6 titles, thematic exhibitions are arranged - once a quarter);
    • aids for the development of breathing;
    • manuals for the development of fine motor skills;
    • games for the development of coherent speech (subject pictures for compiling a descriptive story based on a diagram, plot pictures, a simple plot);
    • didactic games for the formation of a vocabulary, ZKR, grammatical structure of speech, coherent speech;
    • object pictures depicting natural phenomena, vegetables, fruits, trees, pets and birds, wild animals, traffic rules, seasons, insects, transport, dishes, flowers, professions, berries, mushrooms, space, inhabitants of reservoirs and others;
    • various types of theaters;
    • card index of pure phrases, riddles, word games.

    Senior group

    • portraits of writers with biographies (Gorky M., Zhitkov B, Tolstoy L., Bianki V. and others);
    • selection of children's fiction (7-8 books of various topics and genres, thematic exhibitions with children's drawings on a given topic are arranged - once a quarter);
    • portraits of illustrators (Charushin E.I., Rachev E.M.)
    • aids for the development of breathing;
    • manuals for the development of fine motor skills;
    • games for the development of coherent speech (subject pictures for compiling a descriptive story based on a diagram, plot pictures, a multifaceted plot);
    • didactic games for the formation of a vocabulary, ZKR, grammatical structure of speech, coherent speech;
    • various types of theaters;

    School preparatory group

    • portraits of writers with biographies (A. Kuprin, K. Paustovsky, S. Yesenin and others);
    • selection of children's fiction (the presence of a library of books by sections: about nature, about animals or by authors, 10-12 books are exhibited, different in genre and topics., thematic exhibitions with drawings of children are arranged);
    • portraits of illustrators (Bilibin I., Vasnetsov Yu.)
    • aids for the development of breathing;
    • manuals for the development of fine motor skills;
    • games for the development of coherent speech (plot pictures, the plot is multifaceted);
    • didactic games for the formation of a dictionary, ZKR, grammatical structure of speech, coherent speech, teaching children to read and write
    • a set of letters of different colors, sizes, materials;
    • didactic material for the image of letters (strings, pebbles, etc.)
    • blanks for shading, stencils, punched cards for preparing the hand for writing, games for the development of manual skill;
    • illustrations about monuments and museums of the city, country;
    • map of Russia, where cities are marked;
    • subject pictures depicting natural phenomena, vegetables, fruits, trees, shrubs, pets and birds, wintering and migratory birds, wild animals, animals of hot countries, animals of the North, my city, my country, Defender of the Fatherland Day, traffic rules, seasons, insects, household appliances, transport, dishes, flowers, professions, berries, mushrooms, space, inhabitants of reservoirs and others;
    • various types of theaters;
    • card index of phrases, calls, sayings, proverbs, word games.

    An integral attribute of the speech corner should be a toy - an “animated character” that helps to solve such important tasks as overcoming insecurity, shyness, achieving emotional stability, self-regulation, arousing speech interest in children, and encouraging speech activity.

    The corner of speech development should correspond to the general design of the group. You can think of a name for it, for example, “Speech”, “Learning to Speak Correctly,” or just highlight a place. The selection of material must meet the program requirements, age and individual characteristics. In its design, it is necessary to show individuality, creativity, so that children would like to use the presented materials and manuals.

    One of the main conditions for the quality of the speech corner is the teacher's sincere interest in its results, the desire to help the child, the constant readiness to provide him with the necessary help and support in cases of difficulty. If an adult wants, so does a child.

    Thus, the use of the speech corner allows you to expand the speech environment in the group, create emotional responsiveness in children and the desire to participate in speech communication with adults and independently, during the game, easily and naturally develop and improve their speech skills.

    R corner 2 of the junior group "Pchelka"

    In our group, a corner for the development of speech is designed, in accordance with the age and interest of the children.

    The corner is located next to the theater, music and book corners, which perfectly complement each other.

    The main characters of the corner are "The Magic Snake". "Merry Parsley"

    The speech corner is based on play and didactic material aimed at developing:

    Articulatory motor skills"The Magic Snake" , album "Merry tongue" with a card index of articulation exercisesobject pictures-support, mirrors for a subgroup of children,)

    In the corner, for the development of correct breathing, we have created didactic games: "Butterfly on a Flower", "Autumn Leaves", as well as "Windmills", "Soap Bubbles",

    For the development of coherent speech, we use mnemonic tables and schemes - models: tell a fairy tale, tell about a vegetable and a fruit, tell about an animal, seasons. Sets of subject and subject pictures: "Mothers and Children", "Furniture", "Tools", Wild Animals, "Pets", "Birds", "Insects", "Vegetables", "Fruits", "Berries", " Mushrooms "," Professions ", Seasons"; didactic games and manuals: "Professions", "whose tail?", "Vegetables and fruits", "Animals and birds", "a train for animals", "pair pictures", "Forest dominoes", "Fairy dominoes", "Find a shadow", "Who what he eats "," Tell a fairy tale ", as well as baby books and works of art according to the program, cut pictures,

    Lotto cubes. A highly versatile game aimed at enriching and consolidating vocabulary. It is accompanied by a guide with riddles of different difficulty levels, tongue twisters and much more.

    For development motor skills created a card index of finger gymnasticsand, everyone knows a game"Wonderful pouch "when the child is asked to lower his hand in pouch and get a certain item. The aim of this game was mainly to develop tactile sensations. We decided to diversify this game a little and instead of a simple bag made "Merry Parsley" You need to stick your hand into the sleeves of parsley and find the proposed item, find two identical toys, just feed parsley only fruits or only vegetables, find an object of a certain geometric figure, get an object and describe it, get a character from a fairy tale and determine where he is from, describe his character, guess an object that is gone, etc. D.

    Games with clothespins, animal finger walkers and mouse winders.

    Sound automation games and tutorials: an album on the automation of sounds, phrases, tongue twisters, poems and nursery rhymes, different types of theater: finger, table, theatrical masks.

    Onomatopoeia material: "Sound Discs", "Noise Instruments", children's musical instruments, did. Game "Whose Voice?"

    We actively use in the speech corner is the subject of theatrical and musical corner, since dramatization contributes to the development of coherent speech.

    Thanks for attention!

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