• Days of the week consolidation in the senior group. Abstract of the lesson topic research of the concept of days of the week, month of their number and types. "When does this happen?"


    Synopsis of directly educational activities on the formation of elementary mathematical representations in the senior group

    Topic: № "Days of the week"

    Program tasks:

    Form children's ideas about the days of the week;

    To consolidate ideas about triangles and quadrangles, their properties;

    Improve the skills of ordinal counting within 10 using various analyzers;

    Develop logical thinking, memory, attention;

    Cultivate interest in math studies.

    1. Organizing time.

    Purpose: to attract the attention of children.

    Objective: to create a positive attitude towards the upcoming activity, to arouse cognitive interest.

    The melody "Magic" is heard and, under its accompaniment, gradually an animated image of Dunno appears on the interactive board, which looks around for 30 seconds. Interested children walk up to the screen. If not all the children paid attention to the screen and approached it, the teacher says: “Guys, who is our guest? Look at the screen. Let's get closer and find out what Dunno wants? " The teacher and the children come up to the screen. Dunno waves his hand, smiles and asks: "Oh, where have I got to?" Children answer. Dunno: "You guys know, we have no kindergartens in the Sunny City, could you tell me what you do in kindergarten?" Educator: "Well, guys, let's tell Dunno about our life in kindergarten?" Children answer.

    1. Preparation for mastering program material through updating basic knowledge.

    Purpose: to update the basic knowledge of children in the field of quantity and counting.

    Tasks: to consolidate the skills of ordinal counting within 10, to consolidate the ability to establish a correspondence between the number of objects and the actions performed, to develop auditory perception, attention.

    Educator: "Guys, what do we do most of all in kindergarten?" Children answer. Educator: “That's right, we play a lot. Want to teach Dunno how to play Happy Triangles? Let's remember the rules of this game with you. You need to jump on two legs as many times as the triangles shown on the card (4,6,10) ”. The game is played with small subgroups of children. Educator: "Well done, guys, do you still want to play the game" Count and bang "? Look, I have a box of acorns, I propose to get the acorns, count them, and then clap your hands as many times as there are acorns in the box (3,5,8) ”. For the game, 2-3 children are called in turn. Checking the correctness of the implementation of the rules of the game is carried out by counting the acorns by all children, and comparing the correspondence of the number of claps to the number of acorns.

    1. Acquaintance with new material.

    Purpose: to acquaint children with the names of the days of the week.

    Tasks: develop thinking, memory, attention, teach consistently naming the days of the week, form ideas about working days and days off, consolidate ideas about parts of the day.

    Dunno: "What are your interesting games, tell me, what else do you do in kindergarten?" Children come up to the screen.

    A slide appears on the whiteboard showing the parts of the day (morning, afternoon, evening, and night). Educator: “Guys, you see different pictures on the screen, find the picture on the slide with the image of“ morning ”. How did you know that the picture shows exactly "morning"? What do you do in the morning? Now select the picture with the image of the "day". What helped you determine that it was "day"? Please determine which picture shows "evening". What helped you determine that it was evening? What do you do in the evenings? And the last picture on the screen that we didn't name is ..? That's right, night. Tell me, how did you guess that it was night and not day? " Further, the teacher proposes to designate the parts of the day: morning, afternoon, evening, night in one word - day. Educator: “Adults often replace the word“ day ”with words - all day. Seven such days make up a week. Moreover, every day has its own name. Do you want to know what they are called? And you, Dunno, want to know what the days of the week are called? Let's go to the table where the doll house is located. Unusual dolls live in this doll house. Each doll has its own name - the day of the week. " The teacher takes turns taking out the dolls from the box - the dollhouse. The teacher explains “This doll with a blue cap is called Monday. It represents the first day of the week. The second doll with a pink cap is called Tuesday. It denotes the second day of the week. The third doll with a purple cap is named Wednesday. It marks the third day of the week. Do you want to meet the fourth doll? Look at her. What color is her cap? That's right, red. Meet this doll called Thursday. The fifth doll with a brown cap is called Friday, which marks the fifth day of the week. But this doll with a yellow cap is called Saturday, it means the sixth day of the week. There is another resident in the dollhouse. Look at her. What color is her cap? That's right, orange. Her name is Sunday. Please tell me what day of the week does it represent? " If children find it difficult to answer this question, then I invite them to come to the conclusion that Sunday is the seventh day of the week by means of ordinal counting. Then the children, together with the teacher, repeat the sequence of days of the week from Monday to Sunday. Educator: “Guys, look, I’m now the last two dolls with yellow and orange caps, whose names are Saturday and Sunday, I will place a little apart from the other five dolls. Why do you think I am doing this? (Presumptive answers of children). Actually, I put these two dolls aside because they represent the weekend. A week consists of working days and days off. In one week (look at the dolls) there are five working days, they are located at the beginning of the row: what are these days? Let's remember? And there are two days off. Let's call them. What do you do on weekdays? What about the weekend? Guys, you see that within a week, in seven days, you can accomplish a lot of good deeds and have a good rest. I know one interesting game called "What day of the week is lost?" Do you want to play with me? For this game we need a magic screen, which I will use to close the dolls. When the screen opens, determine what has changed, what day of the week was lost? " The teacher closes the dolls on the table with a screen, removes one of them, opens the screen and asks the children to determine which day of the week is missing. If children find it difficult to determine the name of the day of the week in the answer, then I propose to define it by naming the names of each of the dolls that are located before the lost one. Educator: “Guys, you and I did a good job introducing Dunno about life in kindergarten. Want to get some rest? Let's play the Days of the Week game. The physical minutes "Days of the week" is held.

    I went swimming on Monday (pretend swimming)

    And on Tuesday he painted. (depict drawing)

    On Wednesday I washed my face for a long time, (we wash)

    And on Thursday I played football. (running in place)

    Friday I was jumping, running, (jumping in place)

    I danced for a very long time. (spinning in place)

    And on Saturday, Sunday (claps)

    I rested all day. (we squat down and fall asleep).

    If the children wish, then the physical minute is repeated.

    1. Primary comprehension and consolidation of the material in practice.

    Purpose: to help children to comprehend and consolidate the program material in practice.

    Tasks: to consolidate the names of the days of the week, to consolidate the idea of \u200b\u200ba square and a triangle, to develop attention, memory, thinking, to cultivate perseverance, to contribute to the formation of prerequisites for educational activity, to consolidate spatial representations "before", "after"

    The teacher invites the children to go to the tables and pay attention to the handouts. Educator: “Guys, there is a set of cardboard dolls in front of you, they are exactly the same as in the dollhouse. Do you want me to teach you and Dunno to play the game "Lay out the days of the week." The rules of the game are as follows: whoever puts out a sequence of days of the week from dolls faster will win. The main thing is to lay out not only quickly, but also correctly. Remember what color the dolls have caps with the names of the days of the week. " During the game, the teacher monitors the correct laying out of plane dolls by each child, if there is a need, he provides help and support with leading questions. Invites the children, if they wish, to carry out an introspection of the actions performed: to assess their activities, to explain why he completed this task in this way. At the end of the game, the teacher with the children sums up the results, the winner is encouraged with a chip. Educator: “Guys, please remind me what day of the week is before Wednesday? What is after Wednesday? What day of the week before Saturday? Which one comes after Saturday? What is the first day of the week? And the last one? Well done! " In the event that children find it difficult to answer these questions correctly, then I propose to remember together the sequential naming of the days of the week. Educator: “Guys, do you want to play more? There are 2 trays on the table in front of each of you. Please tell me what geometric shapes are in the trays? They are identical? How do they differ from each other? (one square is made up of small squares and the other square is made up of triangles). Line all the triangles in front of you, how many are there? (four) Place all the squares in front of you, how many are there? (four). Now try to make a house out of these geometric shapes. " Individual work of a teacher with children. The teacher approaches each child and asks: “What geometric shapes did you use? How many houses have you laid out? " For children who completed this task faster than others, then I invite them to help those who find it difficult.

    1. Summing up the results of the organized activity.

    Purpose: to facilitate the generalization of the program material studied during the lesson.

    Tasks: to consolidate children's ideas about parts of the day, days of the week, about geometric shapes.

    Educator: “Guys, what a great job you are! So we introduced Dunno to our fun life in kindergarten. Let's remember what we did today in class? What new have you learned? What game did you like the most, why? " An animated image of Dunno appears on the interactive whiteboard. Children come up to the screen. Dunno: “How good and interesting you live in kindergarten. My friends and I decided to open a kindergarten in the Sunny City too. Then we will live happily! Can you teach my friends to play some game too? Please send it to us by mail. Until then, see you again! " Children say goodbye to Dunno. Educator: “Guys, will we teach Dunno's friends to play the game“ Compare objects ”? Let's draw after class how we play this game. "

    MADOU "Kindergarten of the combined type" Rainbow "

    Games and game exercises for acquaintance

    children with days of the week

    Compiled by: Educator

    Alexandrova L.A.


    Children should understand the question: "What day of the week is it today?" Explain that Monday is the first day of the week, Tuesday is the second day of the week, Wednesday is the third day, mid-week, Thursday is the fourth day, Friday is the fifth day, Saturday is the sixth day, and Sunday is the seventh. There are seven days in a week. When the child has learned the order of the days, ask the child to name the days of the week in reverse order, from Sunday to Monday. Explain the words yesterday, today, tomorrow using the names of the days of the week. For example: "Today is Monday, what day was yesterday?" - "Sunday". - "Let's once again remember what day it is." - "Monday". - "What day will it be tomorrow?" - "Tuesday". Ask the child what he did today, yesterday, what he is going to do tomorrow. For example: "Tomorrow I will go to visit", etc.

    1. "Live week".

    The numbers from 1 to 7 are shuffled and laid out on the table, face down. The players choose any card, line up in order in accordance with the number. They turned into days of the week. The first child on the left steps forward and says, “I am Monday. What day is next? " Etc.

    Children who do not participate in the game give assignments to the "days of the week":

    Name the days of the week that adults work.

    Name all the days off.

    Guess the riddle, etc.


    There are exactly seven brothers,

    You all know them.

    Every week around

    Brothers walk one after another.

    The last will say goodbye -

    The front appears.

    (Days of the week)

    There are seven brothers

    Equal for years

    Different names.

    (Days of the week)

    Complicated option: On the table, there are upside-down numbers (two sets) lying in disarray. Children move to the music, taking numbers from the table upon a signal. The teacher invites them to line up "from Tuesday to Tuesday." "Weeks" line up in order one opposite the other. Children left without cards ask the players questions:

    Wednesday, name your neighbors.

    Friday, what day of the week is in front of you?

    Saturday, what day of the week is after you?

    Monday, what days of the week are you between? Etc.

    The children return the cards to the tables and the game continues.

    2 . "Name the days of the week."

    Children stand in a circle. The teacher throws the ball to the child, naming any day of the week. For instance:

    −Friday. Name the next day of the week. (Or name the previous day of the week.)

    The child names the day of the week and throws the ball back to the caregiver. The teacher calls the next day of the week, etc.

    You can suggest that you name all the days of the week in order. Children throw the ball to each other.

    The teacher calls a number within seven and throws the ball to the child, who calls the day of the week accordingly.

    Exercise "House of Days"

    The goal is to consolidate ideas about the present, past, future tense (the concept of "yesterday", "today", "tomorrow").

    Material: a house with three windows, multi-colored stripes, a selection of poems.

    The course of the game: The teacher invites the children to look at the house and says that this is the “house of days”.


    What is the name of the day that has already passed? (yesterday) He settled in the lower window. (insert the blue strip into the bottom pocket)

    What is the name of the day that we have now, at the moment? (Today). He occupied the middle window (insert a blue strip)

    What is the name of the day that is coming soon? (tomorrow) He settled in the upper window (insert a purple strip).

    The teacher reads a poem to the children and invites the children to "put the poem" in the appropriate window.

    Days of the week

    Working with the "DAYS OF THE WEEK" watch:

    The goal is to give an idea that 7 days make up a week, to fix the names and sequence of days of the week.

    Material: clock "Days of the week" with numbers 1-7.

    Course of the game: The teacher shows the children a circle, which depicts the days of the week. Says that this circle is called "week", there are only seven days in a week, each day has its own name. Each day of the week in a different color (rainbow color), when naming the day, rearranges the arrow and draws the attention of children to the number:

    Monday is the first day, it starts the week.

    Tuesday is the second day.

    Wednesday - this day of the week in the middle of the week, middle.

    Thursday is the fourth day.

    Friday is the fifth day.

    Saturday - work is over, on this day mom and dad are resting, do not go to work.

    Sunday is the very last day of the week, the seventh.

    Then the teacher invites the children to name the days of the week in order, rearranging the arrow. Children name the number and the corresponding day of the week.


    1. The teacher asks the children to name the days of the week in different order.

    (What is the name of the first day of the week? What is the name of the fifth day? Etc.

    On what days do mom and dad not go to work, and you go to kindergarten?)

    2. The teacher names the day of the week. And the child must name the day that was at first (yesterday) and will be later (tomorrow) - thus, the following temporary concepts will still be consolidated - yesterday, today, tomorrow.

    "Colorful week"

    Material: colored circles, numbers from 1 to 7.

    Course of the game: The teacher on the demonstration circle indicates the color and names the day of the week, the children show the corresponding number.

    Option. The teacher shows the numbers from 1 to 7 in order, the children show the corresponding color on their circles and name the day of the week.

    Game "Live week"

    The goal is to fix the names and sequence of days of the week, their color correlation.

    Material: pictures - gnomes in clothes of different colors.

    Course of the game: The teacher tells the children that gnomes have come to visit them. They are called as days of the week. Exposes a picture with the first gnome: “I am Monday. Who is next?" Children call, the teacher puts the next gnome: “I am Tuesday. Who is next?" etc. At the same time, the teacher draws the attention of children to the color of the clothes of the gnomes.


    1. The teacher asks the children to put the gnomes in order and give their names.

    2. The teacher asks the children to name the names of the gnomes:

    What is the name of the gnome, which is between Tuesday and Thursday, Friday and Sunday, after Thursday, before Monday, etc.

    "Week, build"

    Material: numbers 1-7.

    Course of the game: On the table, there are inverted number cards in a mess. Children, on a signal, take cards from the table. They are looking for their partners, that is, they line up in order in a row and name their day of the week (“The first is Monday, the second is Tuesday….).


    1. The teacher asks to leave the day, which means Monday; ... Wednesday, etc.

    2. The teacher asks to leave the day of the week that is after Monday, before Saturday, between Tuesday and Thursday, etc.

    3. The teacher asks to leave the days of the week that are after Thursday (children come out with numbers five, six, seven); before Wednesday (children with numbers one, two) and call their days of the week.

    Ball game "Catch, throw, name the days of the week"

    The goal is to fix the names and sequence of days of the week.

    Material: ball.

    Course of the game: Children form a circle. The teacher stands in the middle of the circle. He throws a ball to one of the children and says: "What day of the week is today?" The child who catches the ball answers: "Tuesday." Then the teacher throws the ball to another child and asks a question like: "What day of the week was yesterday?"

    Options for questions:

    Name the day of the week after Thursday. Name the day of the week between Thursday and Friday, etc.

    If someone finds it difficult to quickly give an answer, then the teacher invites the children to help him.

    Game-task "Dunno week"

    The goal is to fix the names and sequence of days of the week.

    Material: doll or picture "Dunno".

    Course of the game: The teacher tells the children that Dunno has come to visit them.

    Help Dunno name the days of the week. Dunno called it this way: “Sunday is a day of fun ... Then Wednesday - but this is nonsense .. Then Saturday - a hunt for a walk. That's all!" Correctly Dunno named the days of the week?

    Children correct Dunno's mistakes.

    Days of the week

    When introducing children to the days of the week, it is important to explain that each day of the week

    has its own name. In order for children to better remember the name of the days of the week, we marked them with circles of different colors. We carry out the observation several

    weeks, circling every day. It was necessary to tell the children about

    the fact that in the name of the days of the week, which day of the week is guessed:

    monday is the first day after the end of the week, Tuesday is the second day,

    wednesday is the middle of the week, Thursday is the fourth day, Friday is the fifth.

    After the conversation, she suggested games to fix the names of the days of the week and their sequence (using a visual model of the clock of the week).

    Children should understand the question "What day of the week is it today?"

    Explain that Monday is the first day of the week.

    tuesday is the second day of the week,

    wednesday - third day, middle of the week,

    thursday is the fourth day,

    friday - the fifth day,

    saturday is the sixth day,

    sunday is the seventh.

    There are seven days in a week.

    When the child has learned the order of the days, ask him to

    name the days of the week in reverse order - from Sunday to Monday.

    Explain the words yesterday, today, tomorrow using the names of the days of the week.

    For example: "Today is Monday, what day was yesterday?" - "Sunday".

    - "Let's once again remember what day it is." - "Monday". -

    "What day will it be tomorrow?" -"Tuesday". Ask the child

    what he did today, yesterday, what he is going to do tomorrow.

    For example: "Tomorrow I will go to visit", etc. Explain the words early, late:

    "In summer, the sun rises early and sets late."

    Also explain the words always and never with examples:

    "In summer, the leaves on the trees are always green",

    "I always brush my teeth before bedtime", "A cow never eats meat",

    “Dogs never fly.” (Ask the question, “Why?”)

    Explain the words to your child long and fast.

    For instance:

    "Building a house from cubes takes a long time, but you can destroy it quickly."

    Come up with your own examples with all these words.

    Game "Live week"

    Seven children lined up at the blackboard and counted in order.

    The first child on the left steps forward and says:

    “I am Monday. What day is next? "

    The second child comes out and says: “I am Tuesday. What day is next? "

    The whole group gives a task to the "days of the week", makes riddles.

    They can be the most

    different: for example, name a day that is between Tuesday and Thursday,

    friday and Sunday, after Thursday, before Monday, etc. Name all

    weekend days of the week. Name the days of the week that people work on.

    The complication of the game may be that the players line up

    from any day of the week, for example from Tuesday to


    Game "Happy Week"

    Children form a circle. The teacher is in the center of the circle.

    He tosses the ball to one of the children and asks for the days of the week.

    The child should name the days of the week while throwing

    Ball up for every day of the week. When completing a task or difficulty,

    child passes the ball to the next child who must

    continue the correct sequence.

    The game "Build a week!"

    Seven children are called, each of them is given a circle,

    which color corresponds to a specific day of the week.

    At the command "Build a week!", The children must quickly line up in order,

    starting Monday.

    Game "Every gnome find your house"

    Seven circles are laid out. Children in gnome caps of the week are looking for

    every house.


    To assimilate the seasons, the seasons clock model

    In the 10th century, with the adoption of Christianity, a week came to Ancient Russia. A week is a seven day period of time. In Russia, a week was called a week (seven days). Sunday got its name in honor of the resurrection of Jesus. Although in all Slavic languages, except for Russian, Sunday is called "week", i.e. the day when nothing is "done". Monday is the day after the week (doing nothing), Tuesday is the second day, Wednesday is the middle of the week, Thursday is the fourth, Friday is the fifth, Saturday is from the Hebrew word "sabat" (sabbath) - rest, end of business.

    To make it clearer and more interesting for the child to study the names of the days of the week, various manuals can be made at home.

    Circle with an arrow. A circle cut out of cardboard, divided into 7 parts. We number each part (or draw 1 - 7 points), sign it, you can draw some special thing that you usually do on this day (Monday - we go to the store - we draw the store, on Tuesday - we visit the pool, etc.). In the middle of the circle we make a rotating arrow so that you can move it around the days of the week.

    Train with windows. Each carriage is numbered, signed and painted in its own color. Various animals are glued in the windows. The shutters at the windows are opening - closing. What day of the week - those shutters are open.

    A poster with Velcro and pockets. Sew seven (according to the colors of the rainbow) multi-colored pieces of fabric or fleece one after another, making pockets of thick polyethylene or Velcro. Every day, a sun or a cloud is attached to pockets or Velcro and, depending on the day, a card with one dot, two, three, etc.

    The flower is seven-flowered. This flower can be made from cardboard or fleece. It is advisable that the petals are removed and attached back (with Velcro, buttons, zippers, paper clips, etc.). The child needs to attach a petal every day, and the next week, on the contrary, "open". At the same time, the days of the week and concepts such as yesterday, today, tomorrow are spoken out.

    Ladder. We cut out a staircase of seven steps from cardboard, number, sign. Every day some fairytale hero or a child himself (cut from a photograph and pasted on cardboard) will "climb" the ladder. If this week there is some interesting event, for example, a Sunday trip to the circus, then on the very top step you can place a picture with a picture of a clown or a protruding lion.

    Tear-off calendar. Prepare a pack of leaves of different colors and the same size, number them, sign, fasten them on top. Every day, the child will need to tear off a leaf and put it in a box. When you have 7 leaves, explain that this is a week. Such a tear-off calendar can be made from a spring-loaded notebook.

    There are many ready-made ones on sale. You can purchase them for your child and practice with them.

    Playing with visual material

    With the help of the prepared manuals, we not only state the name of the coming day, but also play up and discuss the following points:

    • Arrange the cards in order, Monday through Sunday, listing the days of the week.
    • What day of the week do we have red, blue, yellow?
    • List the days of the week in reverse order from Sunday to Monday.
    • Name and show weekends and weekends.
    • Name and show the days of the week, starting Monday, Wednesday, Friday, etc.
    • Name and show 1st, 4th, etc. day of the week starting on Monday.
    • Name and show what day it was today, what it was yesterday (the day before yesterday), it will be tomorrow (the day after tomorrow).
    • What day is to the right of the blue card? To the right of the blue?
    • Is this day a day off? Is this day after Tuesday?

    Quickly memorize the names of the days of the week helps physical minutes "Days of the week" .

    We don't clap on wednesday

    You name any days of the week, the child claps his hands (1 time). But you can't clap your hands on Wednesday!

    Be careful

    You name different words, including the days of the week. If the baby hears the name of the days of the week, then he should clap his hands: fox, bread, Tuesday, Wednesday, book, Sunday, shorts, bike, etc.

    Weekends - weekdays

    If you name a weekday of the week, then the child pretends that he is doing something: playing with toys, writing, drawing. If it's a day off, clap his hands or pretend to be asleep, or something else at your discretion.

    We throw the ball

    Stand opposite, throw a ball to each other and take turns naming the days of the week. You can complicate the game by naming the days of the week in reverse order.

    Matryoshka - days of the week

    Line up the 7th height with your child and ask them to name each matryoshka on a specific day of the week. All seven is a week.

    Toys and days of the week

    The fly is clean

    Once upon a time there was a clean fly.

    The fly was swimming all the time.

    She bathed on SUNDAY

    In excellent strawberry jam.

    MONDAY - in cherry liqueur,

    TUESDAY - in tomato sauce

    WEDNESDAY - in lemon jelly,

    THURSDAY - in jelly and pitch.

    ON FRIDAY - in yogurt,

    in compote and semolina ...

    SATURDAY, washed in ink,

    Said: - I can no longer!

    Terribly, terribly tired

    But, it seems, has not become cleaner!
    (Jan Brzehwa)

    Seven days of the week

    It's a pity, only seven days a week -

    Emelya has a lot to do:

    MONDAY on the stove

    Rubs bricks.

    Doesn't get bored on TUESDAY -

    He weaves a muzzle for an elephant.

    Tongue threshing on Wednesday

    And he beats his neighbor.

    After the rain on Thursday

    He launches fireworks.

    FRIDAY is a tough day:

    The shadow leads to the fence.

    AND SATURDAY is not Saturday:

    He's hunting for flies.

    But the seventh day will come -

    Move the hat to one side ...

    Because SUNDAY is

    This is a celebration and fun:

    And, lying down on the stove,

    Emelya eats rolls!

    In general, it is difficult for Emela to live ...

    There would be eight days a week -

    Then he would have time

    Do a lot of important things!
    (A. Usachev)

    Here is a week, it has seven days.

    Get to know her as soon as possible.

    First day for all weeks

    It's called MONDAY.

    TUESDAY is the second day,

    He stands in front of Wednesday.

    Middles Wednesday

    The third day has always been.

    A THURSDAY, the fourth day,

    He wears a hat on one side.

    Fifth - FRIDAY - sister,

    A very fashionable girl.

    And on SATURDAY, the sixth day

    We rest with the whole crowd

    And the last one, SUNDAY,

    We appoint a day of fun.

    There are exactly seven of these brothers.

    You all know them.

    Every week around

    Brothers walk one after another.

    The last will say goodbye -

    The front appears.
    (Days of the week)

    Folk about the days of the week

    You sneeze on Monday - a gift for the week.

    Give money on Monday - expenses all week.

    Tuesdays and Saturdays are easy.

    Leave for the road on Tuesday or Saturday.

    That God will not give, and on Wednesday not to spin.

    Whoever starts a business on Friday will have it back up.

    Don't start anything on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

    I will go away from Saturday massacre - I will survive Sunday.

    Wednesday and Friday Thursday is not a pointer.

    Summary of the lesson on the topic "Days of the week" for children of the older group

    (Compiled by: O. Vlasova, educator of a group of general developmental orientation from 5 to 6 years old)

    Purpose: give children an idea that 7 days make up a week, each day of the week has its own name, and the sequence of every 7 days is always the same; exercise counting by ear, learn to establish connections between many sounds and many perceived objects; learn to recognize a pattern made up of geometric shapes by description.

    Demo material: pictures illustrating the activities of children on different days during the week, a hammer, a screen, a set of paired cards. There are 5 geometric shapes on the cards: a circle, an oval shape, a square, a rectangle and a triangle. One of the figures is located in the center, the second is at the top, the third is at the bottom, the fourth is on the left, and the fifth is on the right. A pair is made up of cards with the same set of shapes. You need to have 3 - 4 sets of cards, provided that each set is 8 pairs.

    Handout: trays with small toys (10-11 toys for each child, cards with 5 geometric shapes, paired cards, one for each child).

    Course of the lesson: 1st part

    Educator: children we have today a lesson in mathematics. Day, evening, night will pass, and we will say that we had this lesson in mathematics yesterday. We have a music class tomorrow. A new day will come, and we will say that we have a musical lesson today. So days go by. To know what and when to do, to tell what was done and when, people came up with a name for the days. 7 days (days) make up a week. Try to remember the names of the days of the week. I will name them in order: Monday, Tuesday ... today is Wednesday. We always have a math class on Wednesdays. Repeat which days we have a math class. Now I will name the days of the week again; to make them easier to remember, we will remember the poem:

    Crocodile at the zoo
    I went to visit every day:
    Monday to the bear
    And on Tuesday to the mouse,
    Wednesday to the lion, Thursday to the beaver,
    Friday to two kangaroos,
    I went to the buffalo on Saturday
    On Sunday - to the hippopotamus.
    And a neighbor came to him -
    The crocodile is not at home.
    (Olesya Emelyanova)

    Educator: Misha, please name the days of the week. (Misha repeats the days of the week)

    Educator: One week will pass, another will come, and again the days of the week will go in order. Every morning we will now determine which day of the week has come. Let's all together again name the days of the week in order.

    Physical education:

    One, two, three, four, five,

    We all count until five

    We lift the weights with the force.

    How many times will I hit the tambourine

    We will chop the wood so many times. (Leaning forward, hands in the "lock", sharply down.)

    How many points will there be in the circle

    Let's raise our hands so many times. (Relaxed raising and lowering of the arms.)

    Bend over so many times

    How many vents we have. (Bends to the sides, hands on the waist.)

    How many cells to hell

    Jump so many times. (Jumping in place.)

    2nd part (work with handouts):

    The teacher invites the children to count the sounds. Reminds you to do this without missing a single sound or looking ahead.

    Educator: Listen carefully to how many times the hammer strikes. (7-9 sounds are extracted, 2-3 such tasks are done in total).

    Next, the teacher explains the new task.

    Educator: Now we will count the sounds with our eyes closed. When you count the sounds, open your eyes, silently count the same number of toys and place them in a row. (The teacher taps 6 to 9 times) Children complete the task.

    Educator: How many toys did you put in and why?

    Children's answers.

    3rd part:

    Game exercise: "Find a paired card." A leader is appointed. He takes one of the cards on the teacher's desk and, without showing it, describes it orally. The one with the same card raises his hand. The winners are the children who recognized the card by the verbal description and made a pair. Each card is described once.

    Lesson topic: "Div-week"

    Patter of the day: "Divide the week into seven days."

    Lesson objectives: help children remember the names of the days of the week; discuss issues related to outdoor activities, interesting things that can be done on a weekend with the whole family.

    Equipment and materials: Pochemuchkin doll, etymological dictionary or computer with Internet access.

    Preliminary work

    Preparing for the generalization of children's knowledge on this topic, in conversations with them we will focus on the concepts of "day off", "weekday", "working days", the names of the days of the week. It will also become an organic part of getting to know the calendar. If the wall calendar is equipped with a movable date display, the children are usually interested and responsible in the task of marking the current day.

    Creative work "My day off". We will pay special attention to discussing with the children the impressions they received over the weekend. Teaching children various types of creativity, organizing games, supporting the natural processes of developing the corresponding abilities, one of the tasks is to organize the accumulation of experience in children and the formation of a desire to spend leisure time productively and interestingly.

    We will offer the children at home with their parents or in kindergarten (in a drawing class or in their free time) to make a drawing on the theme "My day off". It can display one of the most vivid impressions or make a series of pictures. Children easily master the genre of comics, which meets the desire of many children to collect several events in one drawing.

    The most important condition of work, which should become a law for adults, is that the plot of the drawing is determined by the child.

    Part I. What day is it?

    Objectives: the formation of the ability to identify the semantic basis of words; development of word-creation skills; using the ability to convey concepts and mood using pantomime.

    Pochemuchkin comes to visit the children. He made friends with Buka - the hero of A. Usachev's book. Pochemuchkin is worried about the same questions as the curious alien from the planet Buk.

    Pochemuchkin. Hello guys! Today I again visited my friend Ani and talked with our new acquaintance from the planet Buk. As Buka told us what the days of the week are called on his planet, explained why they have such names. But Anya and I were not able to tell As Buke about the names of the days of the week adopted in our country.

    Educator. Guys, how can we help Anya and Pochemuchkin?

    Educational task (based on the results of the discussion): together with Pochemuchkin, find out where the names of the days of the week that we use come from.

    What do we need for this? Our ability to listen attentively to the sound of words, to highlight their semantic basis. You will also need dictionaries that can tell you about the meaning of words, their origin.

    The teacher invites Pochemuchkin to tell about their conversation with Buka.

    Reading ... A. Usachev "As Buka, or A Handbook for Young Children and Elderly Aliens", chapter "D-Day":

    “- What day is it today? Anya asked.

    “Good,” Buka said.

    - I mean the day of the week.

    - What WEEK? - Buka did not understand.

    - You see, the week is divided into seven days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

    “Wrong,” said Buka. - This DELYA is divided into seven days. A WEEK is not divided!

    Anya decided not to argue.

    - And you have seven days in a week, that is, in BUSINESS? She asked.

    - And of course, - said Buka. - DELNIK, WEEK, STRENGTH, READER, (FRIDAY, GOD'S SOUP, SHAKE. "

    Let the children guess what the beeches do on each day of the week. Drawings will serve as a hint if necessary.

    Let's check our guesses - let's listen to what As Buka told about the days of Delhi: “In DELNIK, beeches do business, on WEEK, no one does business, at SIDU beeches sit at home, in CHITVERG they read, in SP YASHINA they sleep, in SOUP BOTU they cook soup and go to visit, and in SHOOT YENYE they shake out carpets and guests and clean the house.

    - And when do they go to work? - Anya was surprised.

    - IN THE DELNIK. We only have one day off, ”Buka said, yawning.

    - And we have five days to go to work! - Anya sighed with envy and thought that it would be nice if dad and mom, like beeches, went to work one day a week.

    - Do you have any holidays? Anya asked. But in response, she heard a quiet snoring.

    Here Anya guessed even without a calendar that it was FRIDAY ”.

    Warm-up game "Div-week". We will try to remember and show with the help of pantomime what the beeches do on each day. Then we will invite the children to take turns "turning" into Buka and show what he did into a doorkeeper. The rest of the children need to guess what this Buka was doing? All children undertake to help him - they perform similar movements.

    Another task in this game is to show what children can do around the house, how they can help their elders.

    Didactic game "Who does it" ... Players receive cards with images of people engaged in various activities. In turn, they will name the appropriate actions, and the rest of the players will say who usually performs the named action. For example: sings - singer, removes snow - janitor, teaches children - educator, teacher, etc.

    Part II. Ask the word

    Purpose: the formation of the ability to identify the semantic basis of words, to highlight the necessary information in the text.

    Finding out how and why the days of the week are called on the planet Buk, we learned to work with the meaning of words.

    Educator. Let's listen to the names of the days of the week. Using pictures with the image of Buki on different days of the week for orientation, we will reason.

    Monday- the first day of the week, he starts it. They used to say - "will fix the week", therefore - Monday. There is another opinion about the origin of this word. Sunday used to be called "the week" and the word "Monday" meant "after the week."

    Tuesday- the second day of the week. To find out where the name of this day of the week came from, it is enough to count the days in order.

    Wednesday... To understand what this word means in the name of the days of the week, we will select similar words: middle, middle (this is how the word “middle” was pronounced earlier). Wednesday - midweek.

    Thursday. Again, we select similar words, focusing on the ordinal number of this day of the week, we get the "fourth day".

    Friday... Arguing along the lines of the fifth day.

    Saturday. The word denoting this day of the week sounds similar for many peoples and originates from the word “Shabbat” - “rest”, “rest”.

    Sunday - the seventh day of the week. The name has a religious origin: the day is named so in memory of the resurrection of Christ.

    Lesson summary... Together, we will compose a story about the names of the days of the week. Pochemuchkin thanks the children for their help and goes to Anya to tell As Buka about how and why the days of the week are called here.

    Follow-up work

    Following the project "Our Calendar", the project "Great Week" can start. Opposite the name of the day of the week, there is a drawing, photograph or information recorded by the teacher about the wonderful events that happened that day with children or in nature. At the end of the working week, a summary is made.

    Festival of ideas "My day off" and "We help". Using their drawings, the children talk about how they spent the weekend. Pochemuchkin, the educator and the children exchange ideas on how to spend the weekend interesting and beneficial for themselves and others.

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