• Biography, personal life and children of Svetlana Loboda. Biography of Svetlana Loboda Loboda autobiography personal life


    Svetlana Loboda is a famous singer and actress of Ukraine and the post-Soviet space. For several years now, since her creative activity in Viagra, she cannot leave anyone indifferent.

    She is loved, admired and amazed at her sex appeal and extravagance.

    Height, weight, age of the singer. How old is Svetlana Loboda (singer)

    Admirers of her talent want to know all the details about the famous artist and actress. Height, weight, age of Svetlana Loboda is not a secret with seven seals. By her own admission, her height is 174 cm, but is it so. This question torments everyone: both fans, and journalists, and ill-wishers, the latter of whom assure the falsity of this fact. You can check it by comparing it with the height of a person, the authenticity of which no one doubts.

    In one of the pictures of the Viagra group, the soloists standing next to each other are Svetlana Loboda and Nadezhda Granovskaya, whose height is 168 centimeters. Looking at the photo, you can be sure of the veracity of the words of the singer, since in the picture she is not much taller than her friend.

    The weight of the singer is known with great accuracy. Most recently, a project with her participation took place on Ukrainian television, where the stars shared their secrets. Svetlana Loboda during the project was told that she had recovered a little, her weight had increased from 49 and at the moment it is 52 kg, which was confirmed during the tests.

    The age of the singer is no secret to anyone. She doesn't rip it off. In addition, everyone knows the date of her birth: 10/18/1982, therefore, in 2017 the singer will celebrate her anniversary. She will be 35 years old, which, looking at her, cannot be said: she looks younger than her years.

    Biography of Svetlana Loboda (singer)

    The biography of Svetlana Loboda has no dark spots. It is common for show business stars.

    The birth of Svetlana Sergeevna Loboda was a long-awaited event for her entire family. It happened in the middle of October 1982 (on the 18th), although she was supposed to be born at the beginning. She spent her early childhood in the capital of the Ukrainian SSR (Kyiv). Parents were far from music lessons. But at her 3-year-old age, they noticed the musical and creative talent of young Svetlana and took her to study music in a special school to study the piano. She later began walking for conducting and vocal lessons.

    Parents and friends were amazed at the talent of the young talent during impromptu home concerts arranged by her, during which she managed to break the ovation and now and then hear exclamations: “Bravo! Bravissimo! Bis!"

    After graduating from a music and regular school, Svetlana decided to enter the Variety and Circus Academy of Kyiv for classes in pop-jazz vocals, where she entered without any problems. Soon, the young student was invited to sing in the Cappuccino group, which is popular in Ukraine. Literally in a few performances, Svetlana becomes popular, but suddenly the group curtails its concert activity, so it was decided to leave its composition. But under the terms of the contract, she had to work in the group for two years. Here they tried to stop all the creative undertakings of the young singer. Not wanting to come to terms with this state of affairs, Loboda had to radically change his image in order to secretly go on tour throughout Ukraine from the production center, taking on the creative pseudonym AlisiyaGorn. Here she is gaining invaluable creative experience.

    2003 becomes a milestone for a talented artist. She was taken to play the main role in the Ukrainian musical "Equator". She, having become a wild Miranda, caused a sensation with her performance. Thanks to this, "Equator" has become insanely popular. It was original, created by Ukrainian directors. In addition, general producer Alan Holly contributed to the success. Svetlana Loboda danced, wanting to seduce Miklukho-Maclay, one of the main characters. In 2004 due to difficult economic conditions in Ukraine, the musical closed.

    At the same time, the Ketch group was organized by the singer. She herself thinks out the song repertoire, stage costumes, which she had to sew herself. The group was invited to perform in one of the Ukrainian clubs during all the New Year holidays. Here the young singer was noticed by the producer of the VIAgra group Dmitry Kostyuk, who invited her to the casting in his group.

    The girl, with absolutely no doubt, goes to the casting in mid-May 2004, where Konstantin Meladze selected her for his project. Svetlana became the leader, beating more than five hundred competitors and standing out with excellent vocal, choreographic and external data. So Svetlana Loboda managed to become a member of the cult group, which was VIA Gra.

    Svetlana Loboda first appeared as a soloist of the group at the Russian Star Factory competition, which was led by Igor Krutoy. The release of the first clip of "Biology", in which she took part, was called by the public "the show of the most erotic blockbuster." With her participation, the entire repertoire of the group was rewritten within a week, which included 21 songs. Since then, she begins to go on tour, participates in rehearsals and concerts.

    But even then she begins to think about solo performances. The contract prescribed the restriction of the rights to improvisation and privacy. Producers expressed dissatisfaction due to excessive visibility and sociability with the media.

    In November 2004, the filming of the "Sorochinsky Fair" took place, which should be shown on the screens of the post-Soviet space for the New Year holidays. Svetlana decided to leave VIAgra and embark on a free solo voyage.

    After rumors spread about the singer leaving the group and starting a solo career at the end of 2004. through the media, the girl experiences psychological pressure from ill-wishers who talk about the agony of the singer and her imminent death as an artist. Close people have no doubt that she will achieve fame.

    An old acquaintance of the musician Taras Demchuk writes a composition in a fatal stele called "Black and White Winter". The famous video maker Alan Badoev starred in the video for this song. The video becomes the most shocking and erotic video filmed in Ukraine in 2004.

    In 2005, the video for the song "I will forget you", where Svetlana becomes a courtesan, becomes the winner of the video festival that took place in Portugal.

    In 2005, the debut album "You will not forget" causes a sensation among all fans and ill-wishers of Svetlana Loboda. She walks in her chosen style, shocking and astonishing everyone around. Soon the singer becomes a star, they talk about her as one of the brightest on the stage.

    In 2006 the video “Black Angel” is released jointly with Nadezhda Meikher, which raises both singers to unprecedented heights.

    In addition to playing music, the singer tries herself in different directions. She opens the travel agency HappyVacations, an exhibition of her own photographs that are dedicated to India. She donates all the funds received from the implementation of these projects to orphans and small patients with oncology.

    After the release of the Macho album, Svetlana began to produce her own designer clothes. In September 2008, the video "For what?" was filmed, where the singer acted as a screenwriter and director.

    From the same time, Loboda was offered to become the face of TM AxeJet on the territory of Ukraine, to which she agreed. At the end of the autumn of the same year, Lyuboda began to produce a new collection of clothes.

    Winter 2009 Svetlana submitted an application for participation in the Eurovision Song Contest 2009 with the single "BeMyValentine", and on 8.02.2009. she won in the final round from Ukraine. The song evoked a response in the hearts of the audience and the jury.

    May 2009 in the final performance at Eurovision 2009, Svetlana Loboda takes 12th place. During the entire summer period, she makes a tour of Europe.

    January 2010 becomes a milestone for her career: she comes out of depression, shocking the public with her weight of 98 kg. In the spring, the singer celebrates the 5th anniversary of her solo activity.

    In 2012, the artist made a tour of the United States.

    In 2013, Svetlana Loboda received the title of "People's Artist of Ukraine".

    At the end of 2014 the singer receives a prestigious award for "Song of the Year 2014", which was given for writing the single "City Under Ban".

    And in 2016 - the statuette "Golden Gramophone" in Moscow for the song "To hell with love."

    Today, the singer continues her creative activity, participating in various projects. She is also artistic, outrageous and original, as in the beginning of her career.

    Personal life of Svetlana Loboda (singer)

    A Hollywood blockbuster is the personal life of Svetlana Loboda. It has a place for dizzying success, high-profile novels, and media persecution. The personal life of Svetlana Loboda has always been a secret to others. She met with many men, but for a long time none of them managed to make her happy.

    According to rumors, Spaniard Enrique Lopez, and Mikhail Yasinsky, and Alexander Shirkov (the last two were producers), and TV presenter Gennady Popenko are also called her sexual partners.

    In 2009, Svetlana became the beloved of the dancer Andrei Tsar. The meetings were held in secret from others, in 2010 they stopped hiding and began to live, not hiding from outsiders, in a civil marriage. Soon the couple became the parents of a daughter named Gospel. The lovers have now separated.

    Attempts were made by the press to link the break with her husband to her new romance. Another dancer, Nazar Grabar, was named the new lover of the singer, but also Svetlana, and this fact is refuted by him. Svetlana herself recently said in an interview that she is not dating anyone today, being in an active search.

    The singer herself has repeatedly said that she is trying to follow the advice of Alla Borisovna Pugacheva given to her. If the artist is not talked about, then he is dead. The singer fully agrees with the words of the famous prima donna and is trying to provoke rumors about various provocative stories with her participation.

    For a long time, rumors circulated in the press about an unconventional connection between Svetlana Loboda and Nadezhda Meikher. It seemed that the singers themselves were trying to add fuel to the fire, constantly appearing together in public and posting their photos on the Internet in a provocative way.

    But now Nadezhda Meikher is in Russia, having married Valery Meladze, so these rumors have ceased to appear.

    But on the other hand, every now and then there are rumors about the presence of a connection with other girls, which the singer, although she does not confirm, does not deny.

    Family of Svetlana Loboda (singer)

    The family of Svetlana Loboda is numerous. Svetlana is proud of her grandfather - Vasily Loboda, who worked for a long time as a policeman, then as an employee in the KGB. He has been abroad for work many times. In 1958 traveled to the island of Cuba, helping to develop plans for Fidel Castro and Che Guevara to seize power and prepare a revolutionary uprising.

    The singer claims that she went to her grandmother, Lyudmila Loboda, who worked as a singer in the opera.

    Father and mother had nothing to do with creativity. Father, Sergei Vasilyevich Loboda (born 1957), worked for a long time at the plant. Nothing more is known about him.

    Mother, Natalya Vasilievna Loboda, is an energy conservation specialist. For a long time, my mother was constantly elected as a deputy to the Rada. But in 2016, she had to leave this post because of the good relationship between her daughter Svetlana and the family of the former President of Ukraine Yanukovych in the past. Members of the Right Sector blocked her activities in the Rada, which forced her to leave there and devote her time to raising her granddaughter.

    In addition to Svetlana, the parents also raised their youngest daughter, Ksenia, who was born in 1992.

    The singer remembers both her great-grandfather and great-grandmother, visiting whom she spent all the summer and autumn time in her childhood. They lived in the small village of Lukashovka, which is located in the Cherkess region. The young girl was proud of her great-grandfather, who saved all the villagers by hiding grain from the Germans and distributing it to all those in need.

    Children of singer Svetlana Loboda

    For a long time, many fans and journalists have been wondering where are the children of Svetlana Loboda? To her, this information was secret for a large amount of time. The singer neither confirmed the rumors nor debunked them. And just recently, in 2015, she was made a confession about the children.

    So far, Svetlana Loboda has only a daughter named Evangelina. She was born in 2011 from Andrey Tsar. For a long time, the girl was hidden from the public eye and was raised by her grandparents. Most recently, Svetlana Loboda appeared with her daughter at a fashion show dedicated to children with oncology. Currently, every now and then Svetlana posts photos of her daughter, telling interesting things about her.

    The son of Svetlana Loboda (singer) - Sergey

    For a long time, the singer said that the main dream of her life was to give birth to a son for her husband, Andrei Tsar. She dreamily said that she wanted to see a smaller copy of her beloved man.

    At the moment, although the singer does not have a permanent partner, she has not stopped dreaming about her son. On Andrey Malakhov's program “Let them talk,” Svetlana Loboda said that her most important desire at the moment is to raise a daughter and give birth to a husband from her beloved man, whom she is actively looking for.

    Currently, the singer has a daughter, but she plans to give birth to a son and name him after her father - Sergey.

    Daughter of Svetlana Loboda (singer) - Evangelina Tsar

    The girl was born in 2011. For a long time, Svetlana Loboda hid her daughter from strangers, but in 2015 she showed the matured Evangelina to the public.

    The girl was brought up by her mother's grandparents, but since 2016, the grown-up Eva has been living with her mother and dreams of becoming a figure skater, visiting a skating rink in Kyiv. Studying at school does not give her any difficulties. The girl looked like a boy at first, but now she begins to imitate her mother. The girl, according to her mother, is inquisitive, smart.

    Gospel is very fond of classes in literature, mathematics, dance and song art with playing the drum power plant.

    The girl is very proud of her mother and dreams of becoming just like her. When meeting her, she is told that her mother is a great, rich and famous artist, whom she considers Svetlana Loboda.

    The ex-husband of the singer Svetlana Loboda - Andrey Tsar

    Svetlana Loboda's husband, Andrei Tsar, was a civilian. He became the father of the singer's daughter. It was Andrei who became the choreographer who takes part in the creation of all the artist's videos.

    Born in 1984. Participated in the work of the popular ballet "Freedom", in collaboration with famous Ukrainian artists, filming clips and Russian pop stars. He considers his cooperation with Dmitry Hvorostovsky to be his most important project.

    He was a choreographer at the project "Star Factory" in Ukrainian.

    Due to mutual misunderstanding, the couple broke up in 2015, remaining friends. Andrei takes part in raising his daughter.

    During the period of her creative activity, Svetlana changed dramatically several times, which gave the right to compare photos of Svetlana Loboda before and after plastic surgery. The singer does not comment on the fact of surgical intervention. Fans, on the other hand, consider the fact real, comparing the lips before and after a possible plastic surgery. When comparing the nose, nothing indicates a cardinal solution to the issue. The same bend and hump.

    Over time, she began to be suspected of often undergoing plastic corrections that she needed to hide age-related changes. But even these guesses are not commented on by the actress, which gives rise to even more speculation and rumors.

    Instagram and Wikipedia of the singer Svetlana Loboda

    Instagram and Wikipedia Svetlana Loboda is striking in its popularity. Many residents of Russia, Ukraine and other countries who are fans of the singer's work are regular visitors to her pages. The singer constantly shares news with fans, however, hiding the details of her personal life.

    On the artist's Instagram page, numerous pictures are posted, which show the working moments of her creative activity, sometimes diluted with touching shots of her daughter.

    Fans of the singer's work, looking through her photos, are amazed by the beauty, sex appeal and attractiveness. The singer herself indicates the reason for this state of appearance in the use of taboos on drinking alcohol, everyday fitness activities, as well as a special citrus secret.

    The actress has special feelings for yoga classes, learning from the best experts in this ancient occupation, including the Indians - its founders.

    The girl is not afraid to get better. She loves delicious, not trying to limit herself in anything. She loves Ukrainian cuisine with the inclusion of all kinds of sweets.

    The actress loves sports very much, but due to her great employment, she often replaces them with walking on a treadmill.

    Svetlana Loboda loves films with the participation of Marilyn Monroe, who has become a model for which the singer strives. Currently, she has decided to make a film dedicated to this outstanding figure in world art.

    Svetlana Loboda designs clothes that are incredibly popular. If at first the design changes concerned only T-shirts, then in 2017 it is possible to purchase various types of clothing. In Moscow and Kyiv, there are representative offices of the singer, from which you can order everything you need: from dresses to underwear.

    In her house, the singer collects items of clothing that were important at any stage of her work.

    The actress is constantly involved in fundraising events for children with cancer.

    She is fluent in English and Hindi. He dreams of learning to speak French, but now he does not have free time for this.

    Svetlana draws and photographs beautifully, as the public has recently seen.

    Svetlana Loboda has repeatedly regretted that at the beginning of her career she relied on sexuality. What once seemed the most simple and obvious, brought her a lot of problems in the end.

    Not made for the team

    Kiev resident Sveta Loboda has been singing since childhood. Grandmother - a failed opera singer - encouraged her granddaughter's passion in every possible way, insisting that she graduate from a music school. At the age of 17, Sveta finally established herself in the idea that she wanted to become an artist.

    From the very first year of study at the circus variety academy, Loboda began to work. The Cappuccino group, where she was taken as a soloist, toured nightclubs in Kyiv, Ukrainian villages and villages. The conditions are not the best, but Sveta appreciated the experience and for the time being did not complain. Thanks to Cappuccino, she met her first serious love - host Gennady Popenko. For some time, she even forgot about her dream of singing on stage: she wanted to marry him, give birth to a child. But Gennady did not rush things. After four years of marriage, they still had not been painted. And soon professional experiences were added to personal experiences: the very modest popularity of Cappuccino began to completely tend to zero.

    Bound by a contract with a group that everyone forgot about, Loboda decided to take a bold step: she learned the repertoire of the little-known Austrian singer Alicia Gorn and began to portray her in nightclubs. When the Cappuccino producer found out about this, Sveta was asked to go out - and she only achieved this. There was a lot of work, she rarely appeared at home. Gennady didn't like it. Hearing his conditions - either he or the stage - Sveta did not think for a moment, although the decision was hard for her. Long after their separation, she broke down and came to a familiar apartment. The next morning she left in tears - only to return again two days later.

    This went on for several months, until Loboda found out about the casting of Konstantin Meladze.

    "VIA Gra"

    The singer was sure that the producer was looking for a soloist for his new project. When she was left alone out of a hundred applicants and Meladze announced: “Congratulations, you have been accepted into Viagra,” Loboda was shocked. She wanted to finally start a solo career, she even found a producer who was ready to take on her. Konstantin asked what his name was. “Alexander the Gray,” answered Sveta. Then Meladze uttered a phrase, after which she temporarily abandoned her solo ambitions: “Svetlana, gray is not your color.” Loboda recalls with pleasure about cooperation with Konstantin and the soloists of that composition of Viagra: Meladze was a real professional, and Vera Brezhneva and Nadezhda Granovskaya warmly received the 19-year-old newcomer. Problems arose only with Dmitry Kostyuk - another producer who accompanied the group on tour.

    Despite the tight schedule, he forbade the soloists to somehow relax after the concerts: he didn’t let him go for a walk, he forced him to sit in hotel rooms. Unable to withstand such an attitude, Loboda complained to Meladze. He let her go despite a five-year contract. She did not change her dream anymore: solo means solo.

    Fight for a name

    While working at Viagra, Svetlana met businessman Alexander. Their personal relationship eventually developed into a working one: he agreed to finance the recording of her first songs and the shooting of the video. It turned out that this was a good investment: the song "Black and White Winter" quickly got into the rotation of radio stations, Loboda began to give many concerts and bring a good income to the businessman.

    Then Alexander decided to pay her a salary. Absorbed in recording new songs, she did not pay attention for a long time to the fact that there were more and more performances, and her income did not change. Their romance had come to naught by that time, but the businessman continued to treat Sveta as an owner: if it seemed to him that the customer wanted something from the singer, besides performing, he refused even the most lucrative offers. In this state, Loboda approached the performance at Eurovision in Moscow. Tired of the showdown with Alexander, she happily responded to the advances of the leader of her corps de ballet, Andrei Tsar. The businessman, having learned about their romance, was completely furious and even tried to challenge the singer's rights to her songs and her own surname in court.

    The victory remained with Svetlana Loboda. In 2010, she officially renamed her musical project and registered the brand and trademark "LOBODA"

    In searching of love

    Relations with Andrei were initially happy. In 2011, the couple had a daughter, Evangelina - the singer dedicated the song and video “Thank you” to this event. The child divided her life into “before” and “after”: Svetlana understood that she now bears personal responsibility for the little person. And she worked like a damn, giving 300 concerts a year.

    What could not be said about Andrew. Having once declared that for her sake he sacrificed his career as a dancer, he became interested in the ideas of yoga, raw food and spiritual enlightenment, urging his beloved to stop worrying about trifles. But having worked three concerts in the evening, she did not listen well to her beloved - and in the end they broke up. “I can say this: I have not yet met the ideal man for myself. But, like any normal woman, of course, she would very much like it. The main problem is that I'm not looking for it. I don’t meet strangers, I don’t go out after concerts to rendezvous with customers ... I’m a fairly conservative person and I rely on fate, ”Loboda admitted in an interview. Fate overtook her. After the ZHARA music festival in Azerbaijan, the press was full of headlines about the novel by Svetlana Loboda and the 55-year-old soloist of the German band Rammstein Till Lindemann. In the photographs, the couple communicated nicely, but neither he nor she commented on the rumors about their rapprochement.

    In the spring of 2018, fans noticed the rounded belly of the singer. At one of the concerts, Loboda confirmed that she was expecting a second child, but she did not say a word about her father. And only after leaving for the United States to prepare for childbirth, she allowed herself a little hint: the paparazzi photographed Loboda in a T-shirt with the image of Till Lindemann. On May 24, 2018, Svetlana gave birth to her second daughter. She is happy to share her maternity days, creative plans and even pictures of a newborn with fans. He is silent about only one thing - who is the father of the child? And we can only guess if the singer has found her true love.

    In March 2018, all the media started talking about Loboda's pregnancy. The singer was already in her seventh month when she was first seen with a rounded belly. Before that, the artist skillfully concealed her interesting position. Rumors about the father of the child excite the public: many journalists believe that this is none other than the lead singer of the Rammstein group. Now the singer left the stage for several months and settled in America.

    The future popular singer was born in Kyiv in 1982. She began to sing from an early age. She studied at a music school in vocal class, also studied piano and conducting.

    In her youth, the girl gained confidence in her artistic future. She began to study at the vocal department at the Kyiv Variety and Circus Academy. Studying was very easy for Svetlana, the teachers never complained about her. Already in the first year of study, the young artist decided that it was time to become independent and need to work. Sveta began her first work in the Cappuccino group, which toured Ukraine with a jazz repertoire. Soon the singer decides to leave the group due to vague prospects.

    After the release of the musical Equator, the girl was talked about as a new rising star. Soon Sveta begins to perform in her created group "Ketch". At one of the concerts, Loboda was noticed by the head of the VIA Gra group, Konstantin Meladze.

    The singer passed the selection and in May 2004 began performing at VIA Gre. The producers greatly limited the singer's creative life and her self-expression and individuality, therefore, after not having worked for even six months, Loboda leaves the team and decides to pursue a solo career.

    In 2004, the first video was released as a solo artist called "Black and White Winter". She acted as the host of some music programs on television.

    In 2009, the Ukrainian singer represented her native country at the Eurovision Song Contest. She took only 12th place. The jury considered such a composition "non-format". Critics also did not appreciate the singer's attempt. A year later, Svetlana officially issued a brand called LOBODA, and also radically changed her image. Now the solo career of the artist began to gain momentum.

    Loboda took part in A. Pugacheva's "Christmas Meetings". In 2012, the artist recorded a composition for the European football championship. In 2014, she became the laureate of "Song of the Year" for the single "City under the ban".

    In 2016, Loboda released a hit track called "Your Eyes", which raised herself to the top of the music charts. She was nominated for many awards of rating music channels. After she released several more popular songs, for example, "To hell with love" and "Random". Svetlana wrote many of her songs herself.

    The singer is full of creative plans. She continues to actively record new songs and release videos. In March 2018, she announced a short break due to the birth of her second child. From a civil marriage with choreographer Andrei Tsar, Svetlana already has a 7-year-old daughter.

    news about pregnancy

    In early March, reports began to appear in the press that Loboda was pregnant in 2018. At one of the music awards, the singer, who usually prefers to dress in tight-fitting outfits, appeared in a loose blouse and an oversized jacket. During the performance of the composition, Svetlana moved very calmly, without sudden movements.

    By the way, before going on stage, Nikolai Baskov revealed the secret of the star and announced that a pregnant Svetlana Loboda would now enter the stage. The singer herself did not comment on this news. The question of who is the father of the child also remained open.

    After some time, at one of the performances in mid-March, the artist turned to the audience. From the stage, she announced that she was leaving the stage for several months to prepare for a happy event - the birth of a child. The singer noted that she was extremely happy about the replenishment, for her it was a gift from heaven. Svetlana also assured fans that she would slowly prepare for her new concert show, which will premiere in October.

    Who is the child's father?

    After a pregnant Loboda announced at one of her speeches in March 2018 that she was going on maternity leave, the press began to publish information about the possible father of the unborn baby.

    Increasingly, there is evidence that the lead singer of the German rock band Ramstein, the infamous Til Lindeman, is Loboda's new lover and, accordingly, he is the baby's father. However, there is no reliable evidence for this.

    The artists met last summer at the Heat music festival. Sympathy immediately arose between Svetlana and the 55-year-old rock musician. They, not embarrassed by the cameras, showed their hugs and kisses. Some considered it an ordinary PR move, a game for the public. Other journalists noted that the romance between the stars took place. Loboda did not give any comments on these rumors, she only said that she became very friends with the wonderful man Til Lindeman.

    However, many fans are sure that the singer is pregnant precisely from the lead singer of the German group. What the “happy father” himself thinks about this is still unknown. It is also unclear whether the continuation of this romantic story will follow.

    Svetlana Loboda's father told reporters that her daughter had not yet introduced her new chosen one to her parents.

    “Sveta tried not to advertise the pregnancy, she wanted everyone to know as late as possible. But now there is no point in hiding, the term is already long. We are very happy, and the daughter dreamed of a second child. We already have a granddaughter, Evangelina, who is now 7 years old, now we dream of a grandson! Sveta has not yet introduced us to the father of the child, but I approve of any choice of my daughter! The artist will not be on maternity leave for a long time. He will last a maximum of two months without work, then he will again rush to the stage. - continues the father of the star. - She is a hard worker, she constantly wants to surprise, perform, in general, do something. And in the upbringing of the child, we will help in every possible way - and feed, and walk, and nurse. Moreover, there is already experience, ”the singer’s father told reporters.

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    Svetlana Loboda (LOBODA) who is she?

    Real name— Loboda Svetlana Sergeevna

    Hometown- Ukraine, Kyiv

    Nickname- LOBODA (Loboda)

    Family status- Single

    Height- 174 cm


    Svetlana Loboda before fame

    The singer's grandmother was a soloist. She performed at the opera house, worked in Kyiv, but abandoned her musical career for the sake of her family.

    The girl was not calm, she screamed a lot. Then she began to speak, and soon began to sing. Parents supported creative endeavors Svetlana, sent to study vocals, the art of conducting, playing the piano. Loboda tired of a busy life, because she combined studies in a regular school and a music school. She ran away from lessons more than once, but her grandmother helped her cope with the difficulties of learning, providing moral support, prophesied that she would be a singer.

    Loboda diligently studied music, invented costumes for performances. Then she entered the Kyiv Variety and Church Academy. In this institution, the girl studied vocals with an emphasis on jazz. She studied well, so in the 1st year she decided to start earning a living on her own.

    The beginning of the creative path of the singer Loboda

    Loboda in the Cappuccino group

    Svetlana's musical career began with "Cappuccino". The group was formed in Ukraine, and the team traveled around the country with concerts. They performed with jazz repertoires. Concerts were held in various institutions - casinos, restaurants, small clubs. At this time, Svetlana was still recording solo programs together with classmates. The programs had a Brazilian theme. Svetlana performed in dark glasses, having a stage name Alicia Gorn, thereby earning the image of an incognito singer. Under this nickname, she performed several times, then abandoned the project, as she got bored with it.

    Loboda has a small number of fans. But, she did not like the work itself, although it brought money. Svetlana left Cappuccino and thought about the future.

    She got the lead role in the musical " Equator”, successfully passing the casting. This project was large-scale and costly to design. After the presentation of the musical, Loboda received reviews, they started talking about it in the press. The musical itself was not paid off, and the troupe was disbanded.

    Loboda decided to create a new project - " ketch". For three days she thought over and decided on the concept of the group, wrote the repertoire, prepared the costumes. Participants performed in clubs. At one of these performances, Svetlana met with. He was the producer VIA Gra».

    The popularity of Svetlana Loboda

    Loboda in the Viagra group

    Loboda became a member « VIA Gra"In May 2004. 500 candidates took part in the selection at the casting, but Svetlana was able to pass it. She began working with Nadezhda Granovskaya And . The trio toured constantly. Svetlana realized that while she is a newcomer to the team, she has a lot of strength, but soon they may end, like her colleagues. As far as she had the strength, Svetlana performed as part of a trio.

    The girls played roles in the New Year's film " Sorochinskaya Fair". The leading role was Loboda. After, there was a difficult conversation between the management of the trio and the singer. She left VIA Gra.

    Solo career Loboda

    Svetlana worked in clubs when she started her solo career. In 2004, she presented the video " Black and white winter". He entered the rotation of TV programs in Ukraine and Russia, was recorded together with Taras Demchuk.

    In 2005, she presented " I will forget you". The work was awarded a prize at a festival in Portugal. Then, the 1st solo disc followed - “ You will not forget».

    In 2006, came out " Black Angel". Then, the singer went to Japan. Returning, presented wait man", further " Happiness". And, in 2007, she presented a video for the second track.

    In addition to music, she took up photography, organizing an exhibition with her works, which were dedicated to India. But, Svetlana presented the exhibition not for fame, but to help children with cancer and donate money for their treatment.

    loboda before popularity in youth

    After, she was noticed by many people in the field of show business.

    Svetlana released a collection of things for young people in 2008, then the 2nd disc - “ Not macho", became the laureate" National Olympus for original songwriting and style.

    She was chosen to represent Ukraine at Eurovision with the song "Be My Valentine!" (anti-crisis girl)" in 2009, but ranked twelfth on the list. The jury expressed a negative opinion about the song, rating it low. But, despite this, her video was the third in the rating of views from the official website of the competition on YouTube, and according to Google queries, her work took the 4th position.


    In 2010, Svetlana takes the pseudonym LOBODA, radically changes the image and registers its brand. She begins to perform solo, writes songs.

    Loboda presented the video " Living is easy"In 2010. She is presented in the form of a fat woman who failed at Eurovision. She released a duet composition with Max Barskikh - “ heart beats". The video for it is considered an expensive masterpiece.

    In the summer of 2010, the singer presented the song " Revolution". Sang a new song - " Thank you» on VIVA. The video for it was filmed in 2 stages - before the birth of her daughter and after.

    Loboda sang " In the world”, and then a video for it was released. This composition kept on the first lines for several months on the charts.

    The singer performed with Alla Pugacheva on " Christmas meetings". After, released " 40 degrees».

    Svetlana moved to the USA. There she gave choreography and vocal lessons, and at the same time recorded new compositions. Then she released a song and a video " Clouds". Filming took place in Miami. In addition, she worked as a trainer for Voice. Children».

    In 2013, Svetlana presented the compositions " Tenderness" And " Under the ice". After, " Kohana” is her first work performed in Ukrainian. And her composition "City under the ban", presented in 2014, received the award of the year. Further, the singer went on a tour of Ukraine, recorded together with EMIN– « You look into the sky". A remake followed.

    Svetlana presented a new song " Need not", also in 2014. And in 2015 -" Time to go home". In the same year she performed and opened the concert " Inter”, which was dedicated to the 71st victory in the Second World War. She sang at the opening and closing of the concert.

    In 2016, the singer presented " Your eyes”, and after the clip. For these creations, she was nominated for 2 awards. Ru.TV but did not win. But, for 5 weeks this composition was on the first lines in iTunes according to the rating of the CIS countries. In the same year she won Gramophone Gold at a performance in Moscow.

    Loboda now

    In 2017, Svetlana presented a new product - " H2Lo". The performance took place in Kyiv and lasted about three hours. Above this album Loboda worked 5 years. The disc consisted of both old tracks and seven new ones. After this album was presented on iTunes, it hit the first lines among seven countries.

    After, she became the host " Eagles and tails". Worked on the project in 2017 Alexander Revva.

    Svetlana Loboda Personal life

    The singer does not talk about her life outside the stage. Previously, she lived with Andrey Tsar. He is a choreographer by profession. Loboda hid this civil marriage, including her first pregnancy. She continued to work, and almost immediately after the birth of her daughter, she returned to creativity. evangelina was born on April 11, 2011, and after a while, the singer broke up with the Tsar.

    Sveta Loboda and her daughter

    She "presented" her daughter to the public when her age was already four years old. Evangelina and her mother took part in the filming, and their joint photo graced the cover of the magazine.

    Natella Krapivina considers Sveta's child her own

    At the center of another scandal was the Ukrainian singer Svetlana Loboda, who recently moved to Russia, in the past - one of the soloists of VIA Gra. The reason was the video for Svetlana's new song "SuperSTAR", directed by her producer Natella Krapivina. It turned out to be so provocative that it brought the wrath of church representatives to the singer.

    I learned about this clip quite by accident from an indignant message from a friend, - the priest said in his video blog Svyatoslav Shevchenko, chairman of the commission on family issues of the Blagoveshchensk diocese. - The thing is that his eldest son comes out of his Youtube account, and so that he does not come across any vulgarity, the cautious parent prudently set a filter - limiting materials "for adults".

    And what was his surprise when he saw a clip in the recommendations Loboda"SuperSTAR", which was marked "0+". From the very first minute, frames of debauchery appear before the viewer. First - a half-naked lady in underwear. Then - an old man who paws some woman and undresses her. Next, we see a close-up of some girl imitating masturbation. Do you think kids should watch this? I strongly doubt it. And that's just 40 seconds of the clip.

    Lessons from Loboda are just beginning. From the second minute, an episodic heroine appears in the frame, who slowly throws a noose around her neck and tries to make a suicide attempt. I'm sorry, but this is direct suicide propaganda. Where is the guarantee that the child who has watched the clip will not try to repeat the "trick"? The further into the forest - the more firewood. Further, according to the plan of the author of the video - propaganda of homosexuality. Close-up on the beach, two men in sun loungers openly kiss. And Loboda herself kisses a girl in a bathing suit - a friend of one of these men. I understand that the creators of the video wanted to be original. But in our country propaganda of homosexuality for minors is prohibited. Violation of the law - there is!

    Sveta almost never parted from Natella. Image: Instagram.com

    Licked Lily

    In fact, this is far from the first scandal with a homosexual odor that Loboda provoked. In Ukraine, she shocked the public for many years with her unhealthy predilection for same-sex relationships.

    There are no stories about Loboda's love affairs, but her romances with girls are heard, - the Kiev tabloid Blik stated in 2009. - Soloist of "VIA Gra" Nadya Granovskaya-Meikher at one time she participated in the video "Black Angel" Loboda, who had just begun her solo career. The video played out the plot of same-sex love between girls. And when Nadia left the team, she even lived with Sveta for some time, getting out of depression. The fact that the girls had an affair has been whispered on the sidelines of secular parties for a long time.

    The young ladies, in turn, only grinned at frank questions about their orientation. And recently, Sveta again noted herself and made potential suitors and fans nervous. At a social event on Trukhanov Island, the singer appeared with her longtime girlfriend, designer Lilia Litkovskaya. About this girl on the sidelines for a long time there have been rumors about orientation. At the party, the girls behaved easily and naturally, and at one point Sveta approached Lily and licked her with her tongue. The public was a little stunned by such behavior of celebrities.


    Rumors have repeatedly appeared in the press that the singer Svetlana Loboda is a lesbian, the Ukrainian TV channel TSN recalled in 2013. - Everything changed when a new dancer appeared in Svetlana's ballet. Andrey Tsar became the civil husband of the singer and the father of her daughter Evangelina. Together on stage, side by side in clips - but not a single common photo outside of work. At all social events, Loboda appears without her husband. They also rest separately. She is at a concert in a club with friends, he is flooded with loneliness in another club. Instead, with Loboda is always Natella Krapivina- producer, girlfriend, godfather, close person.

    “About three years ago, we met Natella and at first we began to be friends. Then a girl was born to us, my treasure is great, and I realized that I don’t have a closer person than Natella. I trust her very much and I want her to be the godmother of my child. In connection with this event, we became even more related, ”said Loboda. In the party they say that the producer and the singer are even closer than they say. They even write that for the sake of Loboda, Krapivina is going to change sex.

    Having abandoned the ex-Viagra, Andrei Tsar began to “produce” a certain Yana Klim in every possible way. Image: Instagram.com

    Daughter of an oligarch

    If you believe the Ukrainian media, Svetlana's producer is not a girl from the street, but the daughter of one of the richest people of the "square" - a construction oligarch of Azerbaijani origin Vagif Aliyeva. Which in Kiev owns the shopping centers "Mandarin Plaza", Ocean Plaza, Lavina Mall, Blockbuster Mall, the highest skyscraper - the Parus business center, the most trump residential building - Diamond Hill residential complex.

    Vagif Aliyev has 4 daughters, the Ukrainian Internet portal skelet-info.org reported last year. - The elders, Natella and Alina, are engaged in business. Natella Vagif-kyzy Aliyeva is better known to Ukrainians as Natella Krapivina. This is the producer of Svetlana Loboda and the creator of the large-scale television project Eagle and Tails. Natella married Dmitry Krapivin- son of Vagif Aliyev's partner in Mandarin Plaza Vladimir Krapivin. After the divorce, the girl left herself a sonorous surname. Together with her younger sister Alina, she owns the chain of beauty salons Aldo Coppola.

    The birth of Loboda on May 24 of this year, her second daughter, whom she named Tilda, only fueled rumors about her closeness with Krapivina. The fact is that with her common-law husband - Andrey Onishchak, acting under the pseudonym Tsar, the singer broke up a long time ago, and she did not have another man who could become the father of her child. True, the Russian media spread information that Svetlana was impregnated by the leader of the German group Rammstein Till Lindemann, with whom she hung out last July at the Heat festival in Baku. But cunning fans calculated: more than 10 months have passed since their communication until the birth of Tilda. And they put forward another version about the paternity of Loboda's child.

    People, are you coo-coo? What Rammstein! - the website allwomens.ru quoted one of the users of Instagram as saying. - Sveta has actually been living with a girl Natella, her producer, for a long time. And, apparently, she just did IVF to have a joint child. And all this nonsense with Rammstein is a window dressing for the audience and all sorts of money.

    Previously, the singer was delighted with the designer Litkovskaya. Image: tochka.net

    Complete family

    The singer and producer carefully avoided questions on this slippery topic. However, some of Krapivina's statements suggest that the version about a joint child and artificial insemination is not without foundation.

    I was during childbirth with Svetlana in a clinic in Los Angeles, - Natella admitted in a recent interview with KP in Ukraine. - I arrived literally two days before. Everything happened quickly, easily and somehow harmoniously. We just walked around the hospital, drank tea, talked, the doctor came and said: it's time. After 20 minutes we went in - and already the baby was washed. A real miracle! I really want more kids! And even before Sveta I wanted to, but she got ahead of me.

    Of course, I could have done this a long time ago - now many give birth with the help of artificial insemination. And I see no reason why a woman who does not have a man cannot have a child if she wants to. For example, I gave birth to a child in love, marriage, everything was just wonderful in my family. But today, my husband and I are essentially strangers. And the fact that we have a daughter, Sophia, does not affect our relationship with him. I admit that I can meet a person with whom I may not create a full-fledged family, but if, looking at him, I understand that it is possible to give birth to a child from such a man, and I feel that he also wants this, then everything will be! And I don't want to get married. I've been there and to be honest, it's nothing special.

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