• Where is Anatoly Chubais now: latest news. What A.B. Chubais has already done for Russia Chubais is doing something useful for the first time


    The question of where Anatoly Borisovich Chubais is now, in 2018, again interested the public. The odious liberal leader of the 90s became famous as the main state swindler. He is one of the leaders of the collapse of the Russian economy under Boris Yeltsin. The politician almost sold out all the energy complexes of the country. But the latest scam with Rosnano may well send Chubais to jail at last.

    Why is the politician still at large

    Even Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin told the press in 2013 that he considers Chubais a spy for the United States of America, whose activities only harm the state. But the famous privatization and loans-for-shares scams cannot be imputed to politics. From the point of view of legislation, at that time Anatoly Borisovich did not do anything reprehensible. He did not violate a single article of that time.

    But this is not the only reason for impunity. Under Yeltsin, he was at the pinnacle of power, with enormous influence and the ability to directly lead the country.

    Under these conditions, the new president at the beginning of the millennium could not practically oppose anything to the red-haired politician. Chubais gradually began to be ousted from the leading positions, which continues in 2018. This is the reason for where Anatoly Borisovich is now.

    Back in 2003, the politician headed RAO UES, practically destroying the structure during his reign. This was the last state appointment of Chubais. At the moment, he is actually completely removed from the government of the Russian Federation. In 2008, Anatoly Borisovich was approved as the head of the commercial state enterprise Rosnano, which has become a financial hole for Russia. But even former subordinates and followers from the liberal parties are gradually turning away from the odious politician.


    The enterprise became, in its own way, legendary under the strict guidance of Anatoly Borisovich. The organization became famous among the people as an exemplary example of corruption. Every year, Rosnano squeezes billions out of the state. But a commercial organization does not make a profit. In recent years, the annual net loss exceeded 15 billion rubles, which was almost completely spent on the purchase of goods and the payment of bonuses to the top management of the organization.

    Moreover, 1% of the budget of "Rosnano" belongs entirely to Chubais (about 50 million rubles).

    At the same time, the leader of Russian innovations did not achieve any special achievements. As an example of one of the "technological breakthroughs" can be a folding electric moped. The price of unique equipment is 600 thousand rubles. But it has not received much distribution.

    Latest news 2018

    In connection with the March elections, many analysts expected that Anatoly Borisovich Chubais would fall under investigation in 2018. Now these assumptions have been confirmed, and the politician is under the close attention of the FSB. It all started with the fact that Chubais was not invited to the new government, having finally lost power at the state level.

    Instead, after Putin's election victory, the red-headed head of Rosnano decided to privatize the state-owned enterprise, as he did earlier with RAO UES. Officially, the documents were issued as a legal share buyback transaction by managers with the permission of senior management.

    Anatoly Borisovich Chubais- Former Minister of Finance, Head of the Presidential Administration and First Deputy Prime Minister. Chubais is a remarkable person in Russian politics. Many economic reforms are associated with his name, in particular the global privatization in Russia, which Russians still have a negative attitude towards. Since 2008, Anatoly Chubais has been the CEO of the state corporation Russian Corporation of Nanotechnologies, and since 2011, he has been the Chairman of the Board of JSC Rusnano.

    Childhood and education of Anatoly Chubais

    Father - Boris Matveyevich Chubais(1918−2000) was a soldier, a veteran of the Great Patriotic War. Since 1970, he taught at the Lvov Higher Military-Political School, and after his retirement he taught students of the Leningrad Mining Institute of Marxist-Leninist philosophy.

    Mother - Raisa Efimovna Segal(according to other sources, Raisa Khaimovna Sagal, 1918-2004) was an economist by profession, she was engaged in raising children.

    Chubais is the real name of Anatoly Borisovich. The surname Chubais is of Latvian origin.

    Anatoly was the second child in the family. His elder brother is Igor Borisovich Chubais(b. 1947) - Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Social Philosophy at PFUR.

    Anatoly's childhood was filled with the hardships of the life of military children, although, as his brother Igor said, Chubais's father, a lieutenant colonel, had an above-average salary. “They didn’t die of hunger and they never lived in poverty,” Igor Chubais said in an interview with KP.

    He began his studies in Odessa, where his father then served, then continued his studies in Lvov, and in the fifth grade, little Chubais went to school No. 188 with a military-political education already in Leningrad. As Anatoly Borisovich admitted, he hated his school.

    Despite the fact that Anatoly Borisovich Chubais in childhood often listened with interest to the conversations of his father and brother about politics and philosophy, Chubais was more inclined towards the exact sciences, and therefore entered the Leningrad Engineering and Economic Institute. In 1977, Anatoly Borisovich Chubais graduated with honors from the institute. In 1983, Chubais became a candidate of economic sciences. Anatoly Chubais began his career at the same university, working first as an engineer, then as an assistant, and finally as an assistant professor.

    Anatoly Chubais - a career in politics

    Anatoly Chubais became a member of the CPSU in the late seventies, and in the mid-80s Anatoly Borisovich and his supporters created the informal Perestroika club, actively conducting economic seminars. Chubais was attracted by democratic ideas, which the future politician dreamed of spreading among the broad masses. At these seminars, Anatoly Borisovich met Yegor Gaidar. This acquaintance played a role in his future career as a politician.

    The biography on Chubais's website also notes that in 1979-1987, Anatoly was the leader of "an informal circle of" young economists ", which was created by a group of graduates of economic universities in the city."

    In 1991, Anatoly Chubais was offered the position of chief economic development adviser at the Leningrad mayor's office. Anatoly Borisovich created a working group to create an economic strategy for the development of the Russian economy. Further, the career of Anatoly Chubais developed rapidly in an extremely difficult period in the history of Russia. In November of the same year, Chubais became the head of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for State Property Management, and in 1992 he was appointed Deputy Prime Minister of Russia under the President Boris Yeltsin.

    In 1993, Anatoly Chubais became a State Duma deputy from the Russia's Choice party.

    As deputy prime minister, Anatoly Chubais, together with his team, developed a well-known privatization program. As a result, 130,000 state-owned enterprises ended up in private hands. Despite the fact that it is recognized in society as unsatisfactory (December 9, 1994, the State Duma adopted a resolution in which it described the results of privatization as unsatisfactory, according to Wikipedia) and still causes a lot of criticism, this did not prevent Chubais from making a career and occupying more and more significant posts in the political arena.

    Pictured: Moscow. At a press conference by Chairman of the State Property Committee of Russia Anatoly Chubais on the topic "People's privatization: shares, checks" (Photo: Valentina Sobolev / TASS)

    However, Anatoly Chubais was convinced that the transfer of control over enterprises with hundreds of thousands of workers to the oligarchs helped them acquire the administrative resource that prevented the opposition Communist Party from winning the 1996 presidential election: “If we had not carried out mortgage privatization, the communists would have won the elections in 1996 ”, Chubais admitted in an interview with the Financial Times in 2004.

    However, the voucher, which, according to Anatoly Chubais, had the price of "two cars", rapidly depreciated. Speculation in vouchers began in the country, and people sold them for next to nothing, as they were completely impoverished. Chubais himself later wrote in a book about the importance of the "propaganda component" in the privatization story.

    In 1996, Anatoly Borisovich headed the election campaign of Boris Yeltsin. The campaign was successful, and Yeltsin appointed Chubais the head of the presidential administration, and a few months later he was awarded the rank of a real state adviser of the Russian Federation, 1st class.

    In the photo: Russian President Boris Yeltsin (right) and head of the presidential administration Anatoly Chubais (left) before the meeting at the central clinical hospital where Boris Yeltsin is being examined (Photo: TASS)

    During 1997-1998, Anatoly Chubais was the Minister of Finance in the government Viktor Chernomyrdin, but then, together with the Cabinet, resigned. The biography of Chubais on his website emphasizes that in 1997 he was "recognized as the best finance minister of the year by Euromoney magazine."

    In 1998, Anatoly Chubais was elected head of the board of RAO UES of Russia. And again Anatoly Borisovich started a reform - he found it possible to restructure all the enterprises of the holding and transfer most of their shares to private investors.

    In 2017, the former head of RAO UES of Russia, Anatoly Chubais, announced at the Eastern Economic Forum that the reserve of energy capacities would be exhausted by 2023-2024.

    “Decommissioning obsolete capacities is a fundamental task of the electric power complex, while there is an opportunity for this, because the reserve will run out by 2023-2024. It is necessary ... to sharpen completely new mechanisms for contracts for the supply of capacity for global modernization, for which, God is weak, we have another 5-7 years in order to properly use the capacity reserve that the energy reform has created, ”Chubais was quoted in the news.

    The company "UES of Russia" was liquidated in 2008, and Anatoly Borisovich was appointed general director of the state Russian corporation of nanotechnologies. In 2011, under the leadership of Chubais, the state-owned company was reorganized and re-registered as an open joint-stock company, and also became the leading innovative company in the Russian Federation.

    Anatoly Chubais combined work as an official with political activities, participated in the creation of the electoral bloc "Russia's Choice", the party "Union of Right Forces". On January 24, 2004, he resigned from the post of Co-Chairman of the Union of Right Forces party.

    Assassination attempt on Anatoly Chubais

    In 2005, an attempt was made on Anatoly Chubais. On the route of Chubais's car, a bomb was blown up, in addition, the cars of the cortege were fired upon. But Anatoly Borisovich was not injured. Retired GRU Colonel Detained in Assassination Case Vladimir Kvachkov and paratroopers of the 45th Airborne Regiment Alexander Naidenov And Robert Yashin.

    In 2008, a jury of the Moscow Regional Court delivered an acquittal to the defendants. Then the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation overturned the acquittal and sent the case back for a new trial. In October 2008, the case of Kvachkov, Yashin, Naydenov was merged with the case Ivan Mironov, detained in 2006 on charges of attempt.

    On December 4, 2008, the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation satisfied the cassation appeal on the illegal detention of Ivan Mironov. Mironov released under guarantee signed by State Duma deputies Ilyukhin, Komoyedov, Starodubtsev And Baburin. In the summer of 2010, a panel of jurors of the Moscow Regional Court finally acquitted the three suspects.

    Criticism of Anatoly Chubais

    In 2009, after the accident at the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station, the disaster investigation commission named Chubais among six senior leaders of the Russian energy industry involved in "creating conditions conducive to the accident."

    The activities of Anatoly Chubais at the head of RAO UES and Rosnano, as well as the privatization he carried out, are perceived very negatively by the people. Chubais is one of the most unpopular politicians in Russian society. At the same time, some note his business qualities: efficiency, good organizational skills, energy.

    According to the results of a 2006 VTsIOM opinion poll, 77% of Russians did not trust Chubais. In a 2000 FOM poll, Chubais was characterized as "a person acting to the detriment of Russia", "a discrediter of reforms", a "swindler", etc.

    Anatoly Wasserman noted that “Chubais heads one of the state corporations, the regular failures in whose activities do not affect the state of the country as a whole. So he was taken to a safe place for others.”

    In the photo: Chairman of the Board of RAO "UES of Russia" Anatoly Chubais (in the center) at the starting console of the first power unit of the Kaliningrad CHPP-2 (Photo: Fedor Savintsev / TASS)

    The activity of Anatoly Chubais now and then raises questions from the deputies. In 2014, a request to Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika with a request to investigate the activities of the state corporation Rosnano was sent by the First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Budget and Taxes Oksana Dmitrieva, in her opinion, the activities of the head of Rosnano and other managers of the state corporation for the development of nanotechnologies have signs of at least nine elements of crime.

    Later, the news reported that the financial director and members of the board of the state corporation Rosnano were involved as suspects in a criminal case on suspicion of misappropriation and embezzlement, as well as abuse of power.

    In the summer of 2015, Svobodnaya Pressa reported that the former head of the Rosnanotech state corporation, which was later transformed into Rosnano OJSC, Leonid Melamed was arrested on suspicion of embezzlement of more than 300 million rubles. An associate of Anatoly Chubais is suspected of committing a crime under part 3 of article 33 of part 4 of article 160 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Organization of large-scale embezzlement”). On July 10, the head of Rosnano, Anatoly Chubais, testified in this case to the Investigative Committee of Russia.

    In the photo: Anatoly Chubais (center), chairman of the board of Rosnano Management Company LLC (center), summoned to testify in the case of the former head of Rosnano, Leonid Melamed, at the Cheryomushkinsky court. L. Melamed is accused of embezzling 220 million rubles (Photo: Sergey Savostyanov /TASS)

    Entrepreneur Dmitry Lerner wrote an appeal to the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation addressed to the head of the department Alexandra Bastrykina, demanding to initiate proceedings against Chubais.

    A lot of noise was made by Chubais' statement in December 2015 that they simply had "a lot of money." “The first thing I wanted to say is that we have a lot of money! There are quite a lot of them. That is why we have the opportunity not only to “roll” big money, but also to invest it in our long-term strategy! She completely solved all problems, including the problem of potential financial failure, ”Chubais said at the New Year’s corporate party, and this speech hit the news of most media and caused a sharp reaction in society.

    Then the news reported that a commentary published on the website of the state corporation states that the members of the board of the Fund for Infrastructure and Educational Programs "Rosnano" decided to pay for the New Year's Eve event for the group's employees from personal funds. The total cost was 2 million 238 thousand rubles, and a total of 415 people attended the event. Nevertheless, it became known that the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation is checking the spending of Rosnano funds attracted under state guarantees in the period from 2010 to 2015.

    Vice Prime Minister for Social Policy Olga Golodets invited the head of Rosnano, Anatoly Chubais, who announced at the corporate party that the corporation had a lot of money, to donate funds to those who need them.

    In March 2016, information appeared in the media that the head of Rosnano was asking for 89 billion rubles from the National Welfare Fund (NWF) to launch a Russian-Indian fund worth $2 billion. Press Secretary of the Head of State Dmitry Peskov then declared that he knew nothing about this request of Chubais. But the head of Rosnano confirmed that he had indeed applied to the Russian authorities with a request to allocate 89 billion rubles to the state-owned company. with the aim of establishing a Russian-Indian fund.

    In March 2017, Chubais complained on social networks about the persecution by the former manager Ilya Suchkov and other persons, and announced his appeal to the police about this. “I can’t stand legal squabbles, but in the end I decided to file a complaint with the police about initiating a criminal case against Ilya Suchkov and a group of Chechen comrades working for him for extortion and slander. Ilya was once a hired manager of my company, but then I sold it to him, ”the words of Anatoly Chubais were quoted in the news.

    Statements of Anatoly Chubais

    Quotes by Anatoly Chubais, of course, deserve attention, and in addition to the phrase that has become a meme, “We have a lot of money! There are quite a few of them." Anatoly Borisovich often frankly explained the motives of his activities.

    “Privatization in Russia before 1997 was not an economic process at all. She solved the main task - to stop communism. We have solved this problem."

    "I'm a normal person. I know it's hard to believe, but trust me."

    “If you are an assistant professor, professor, head of a department in a specialized field and you don’t have your own business, why the hell do I need you at all?”.

    “I re-read Dostoevsky. And I feel almost physical hatred for this man. He is certainly a genius, but his idea of ​​the Russians as a chosen, holy people, his cult of suffering and the false choice that he offers, make me want to tear him to pieces, ”AiF quotes Chubais.

    “I have an atypical attitude towards the Soviet regime. Moreover, it will cause, I think, quite a sharp negative reaction. The fact is that I hate Soviet power. Moreover, I hate few things in life as much as the Soviet regime. And especially its late stage. In my life, nothing more disgusting than the late Soviet regime did not happen, ”Chubais said in an interview.

    In January 2017, Anatoly Chubais, having visited the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, spoke about the horror of the approaching global political catastrophe: “The most accurate description of the current Davos is a feeling of horror from a global political catastrophe. And, mind you, nothing catastrophic is happening in the economy, the global economy grew last year, growth is expected in 2017,” he said. Chubais noted that the degree of horror among the forum participants now, in 2017, is equal to the degree of horror in 2009, when the global financial crisis was unfolding. As the head of Rosnano stated, against the background of the upcoming inauguration of the elected US president Donald Trump"all this is expressed in formulas: the world built after the Second World War is collapsing, it is no more."

    Income of Anatoly Chubais

    In 2010, Anatoly Chubais reported that in 2009 his income amounted to 202.6 million rubles, and his then wife Maria Vishnevskaya- 21.9 million rubles. Moreover, part of this money - about 12.8 million rubles - Chubais spent on charity.

    The official also declared an apartment in Moscow with an area of ​​175.8 sq. meters and two parking spaces for 30.6 sq. meters. Chubais and his wife Maria Vishnevskaya also own a land plot (1.5 hectares) in the Moscow Region, where buildings with a total area of ​​more than 2 thousand square meters are located. meters. The head of Rosnano and his wife also own the BMW X5 SUV, the BMW 530 XI car, the Yamaha snowmobile and the trailer.

    Personal life and hobbies of Anatoly Chubais

    Anatoly Borisovich Chubais was married three times. From the first wife Lyudmila, whom he married while still a student - he has two children: a son Alexei and daughter Olga. In the early 90s, Anatoly Borisovich married a second time to Maria Vishnevskaya. In 2012, the couple separated. The third wife of Anatoly Chubais was a well-known TV presenter, screenwriter and director Avdotya Smirnova. Chubais and Smirnova got married in 2012. The third wife of Chubais wrote scripts for films Alexey Uchitel She made her directorial debut with the film The Connection in 2006. Then Smirnova shot the films "Two Days" and "Cococo". From 2002 to 2014 Avdotya Smirnova together with Tatyana Tolstaya hosted the talk show "School of Scandal" on the NTV and "Culture" channels.

    In the photo: Anatoly Chubais with his wife Maria Vishnevskaya / Director Avdotya Smirnova and her husband Anatoly Chubais, Chairman of the Board of JSC RUSNANO (Photo: Anatoly Rukhadze / Valery Matytsin / TASS)

    Anatoly Borisovich loves to travel, ski, and is fond of water tourism. Chubais also loves to drive. In 2014, the chairman of the board of Rosnano, Anatoly Chubais, underwent an operation in one of the clinics in Moscow to repair injuries on his wrists. According to the portal LifeNews, Chubais received injuries during an expedition to the mountainous part of Jordan. Local doctors put him in plaster, but upon returning to the capital, the head of Rosnano began to suffer from severe pain, and he was forced to turn to doctors again.

    Of the musical affections of Anatoly Borisovich, the Beatles, Bulat Okudzhava And Vladimir Vysotsky.

    In 2018, the public was again interested in the question - where is Anatoly Borisovich Chubais currently located, and what is he doing now. In the 90s, the economist and politician earned himself a reputation as a fraudster. Not without his participation, during the reign of Boris Yeltsin, the Russian economy rapidly went to the bottom.

    Chronology of events

    Through the fault of Chubais, the country almost lost its energy complexes. He was going to sell them. In addition, everyone probably remembers the scam with Rosnano. For this, a politician could well deserve a real term, but for some reason this has not happened to this day.

    Why Chubais is still at large

    The public cannot understand why the politician who committed the crime has not yet been punished. This is at least strange, given the fact that the current President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, speaking with journalists in 2013, openly stated that he considers Chubais an American spy, emphasizing that his activities cause significant harm to the State.

    As it turned out, the trouble is that neither the privatization scam nor the loans-for-shares auctions can be imputed to politics. It is believed that in his actions, at that time, there was nothing illegal. He did not violate any article of the law.

    But impunity has another weighty reason. In the Yeltsin era, the politician had enormous influence, he practically led the country, being at the pinnacle of power.

    Later, Putin, the new head of state, could not oppose politics. But gradually, Chubais lost his leading position.

    Events in 2003

    RAO UES, which at that time was ruled by a notorious politician and practically destroyed the entire structure, was his last state appointment. In 2018, there is no exact information on where Anatoly Borisovich Chubais is.

    Then the state commercial enterprise, in the literal sense of the word, turned into a financial hole for Russia. This is a direct "merit" of Chubais, who was approved for the post of management of this structure in 2008. Today, even people who were part of his circle of subordinates turn away from the odious politician.

    The work of Rusnano

    Anatoly Borisovich, under whose leadership the enterprise was located, made it somewhat legendary. It is notorious for its corrupt practices. The essence of a commercial organization is to bring profit, in the case of Rosnano, everything turned out quite the opposite.

    Throughout the whole time, the enterprise was only engaged in squeezing fabulous money out of the State Treasury, the account went into billions.

    Studying the state of affairs over the past few years, it turned out that the loss of Rosnano amounted to more than 15 billion rubles. The amount is more than impressive. Especially considering where she went.

    Everything is very simple, these funds were used to pay bonuses to the higher management of this very commercial organization. And only part of the money was spent on the purchase of goods. By the way, 1% of the budget of Rosnano (and this is more than 50 million rubles) belongs to no one, but the red-haired politician himself.

      Do you know who Anatoly Chubais is?

    News 2018

    Analysts speculated that the March 2018 presidential election would bring Anatoly Borisovich Chubais under investigation. Judging by the fact that now the politician is under the close supervision of the FSB, their predictions come true.

    So far, no information has been disclosed regarding exactly where Chubais is located. Putin, when forming a new government, did not invite him, thereby showing that this figure of Russia is not interesting. Consequently, he can only dream about the former power at the state level.

    Immediately after the March elections, Anatoly Borisovich decides to privatize Rosnano, but makes a gross mistake. Documented, everything seems to be correct. Moreover, the transaction was formalized with the permission of senior management and looked like a buyout of shares by managers. Everything could have gone like clockwork, if not for one "but". The structure of the FSB suspected something was wrong, the attention of the employees was attracted by the amount, which was clearly underestimated, and many times over.

    From the report of the Prosecutor General, it becomes clear that thanks to the coordinated actions of the Federal Security Service, theft in the amount of 147 billion rubles was prevented. Now Chubais is under investigation.

    It is not clear why the politician, who repeatedly breaks the law, has not yet been arrested and what his future fate will be. The people still have many questions, and not a single clear answer. First of all, of course, I'm interested in: how privatization will turn out for Chubais and why he has not yet answered for his deeds, given that all the facts are in the face.

    Successor: Valentin Borisovich Yumashev June 1, 1992 - November 5, 1994 Prime Minister: Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin ,
    Egor Timurovich Gaidar (acting),
    Viktor Stepanovich Chernomyrdin The president: Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin November 10, 1991 - November 5, 1994 Prime Minister: Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin ,
    Egor Timurovich Gaidar (acting),
    Viktor Stepanovich Chernomyrdin The president: Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin Predecessor: Mikhail Dmitrievich Maley Successor: Vladimir Pavlovich Polevanov The consignment: CPSU, SPS Education: 1. ,
    2. Academic degree: PhD in Economics Profession: economist Activity: top manager, politician, statesman Birth: June 16 ( 1955-06-16 ) (54 years old)
    Borisov, Minsk Oblast, BSSR, USSR Father: Boris Matveyevich Chubais Mother: Raisa Efimovna Sagal Children: Son: Alexei
    Daughter: Olga Awards:

    Anatoly Borisovich Chubais(June 16, 1955, Borisov, Minsk region, BSSR, USSR) - Soviet and Russian political and economic figure, general director of the state corporation Russian Corporation of Nanotechnologies (c).

    Education and degrees

    In 1984-1987 he was the leader of the informal circle of "young economists".

    In March 1990, Chubais and a group of supporters proposed to Mikhail Gorbachev a project of market reforms, which provided for the option of forcible restriction of political and civil freedoms (freedom of speech, the right to strike, etc.)

    First appointment to the Russian government

    From November 15, 1991 - Chairman of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for State Property Management - Minister of the RSFSR.

    Under the leadership of Chubais, a privatization program was developed and its technical preparation was carried out. In addition to the law "On the privatization of state and municipal enterprises in the RSFSR" of 1991, with the participation of acting. Prime Minister Yegor Gaidar and Chubais in 1992 issued a decree of the President of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin "On accelerating the privatization of state and municipal enterprises", which led to the creation of a state privatization program and gave rise to reform.

    On July 31, 1992, Chubais, by order No. 141, created the "Department of Technical Assistance and Expertise", in which American economists-advisers worked. The head of the department, Jonathan Hay, according to the former chairman of the State Property Committee Vladimir Polevanov, was a CIA officer. In 2004, Jonathan Hay and Andrey Shleifer were put on trial in the United States on charges of fraud and financial abuse to embezzle American taxpayers' money. Polevanov noted about the activities of Chubais' advisers: “Having raised the documents, I was horrified to find that a number of the largest military-industrial complex enterprises were bought up by foreigners for next to nothing. That is, factories and design bureaus that produced top-secret products got out of our control. The same Jonathan Hay, with the help of Chubais, bought a 30% stake in the Moscow Electrode Plant and the Graphite Research Institute, which worked with it in cooperation, the only developer in the country of a graphite coating for stealth-type stealth aircraft. After that, Hay blocked the order of the military space forces for the production of high technologies.

    Later, in November 2004, in an interview with The Financial Times, Chubais said that privatization in Russia was carried out solely for the purpose of fighting for power against "communist leaders": "We needed to get rid of them, but we did not have time for this . The bill was not for months, but for days. Chubais also considers it right to hold loans-for-shares auctions, when, as the newspaper writes, "the most valuable and largest Russian assets were transferred to a group of magnates in exchange for loans and support for the then seriously ill Yeltsin in the 1996 elections." According to Chubais, the transfer of control over enterprises with hundreds of thousands of workers to the oligarchs helped them acquire the administrative resource that prevented the victory of the opposition Communist Party in the 1996 presidential election: "If we had not carried out mortgage privatization, the communists would have won the elections in 1996."

    It is widely known that Chubais promised in 1992 that subsequently one voucher would be equal in value to two cars. Later in society, this promise began to be perceived as a fraud. In his book in 1999, he wrote that propaganda support was important for the initiators of privatization at that moment: “it was necessary not only to come up with effective schemes, write good regulatory documents, but also to convince the Duma of the need to adopt these documents, and most importantly, to convince 150 million people of the population to get up from their seats, leave the apartment, get a voucher, and then also invest it meaningfully! Of course, the propaganda component was fantastically important.”

    About 130 thousand enterprises were privatized in Russia in 1991-1997, thanks to the voucher system and loans-for-shares auctions, a significant part of large state assets ended up in the hands of a narrow group of individuals (“oligarchs”). Through the purchase of vouchers for a pittance from the impoverished under the conditions of reforms and the crisis (price liberalization and non-payment of wages), the lost savings and poorly informed population, redistribution through financial pyramids, the implementation of corruption schemes for loans-for-shares auctions, large state property was concentrated among the “oligarchs”. Chubais was subsequently called the founder of oligarchic capitalism in Russia.

    The privatization program outlined 7 main goals: the formation of a layer of private owners; improving the efficiency of enterprises; social protection of the population and development of social infrastructure facilities at the expense of privatization funds; assistance in stabilizing the financial situation of the country; promotion of demonopolization and creation of a competitive environment; attraction of foreign investments; creating conditions for expanding the scale of privatization. When he was the head of the State Property Committee, V. Polevanov, having analyzed the results of privatization in a document addressed to the prime minister, concluded that of the seven goals of privatization, only the seventh and formally the first were fully implemented, while the rest were failed. Although formally there were several tens of millions of shareholders in Russia, only an insignificant part of them actually disposed of property; the desire for demonopolization at any cost led to the destruction of many technological chains and contributed to the deepening of the economic downturn; foreign investments not only did not increase, but even decreased, and those that came were directed mainly to the raw materials industries.

    On December 9, 1994, the State Duma adopted a resolution in which it described the results of privatization as unsatisfactory.

    In general, the population of Russia has a negative attitude towards the results of privatization. As the data of several opinion polls show, about 80% of Russians consider it illegitimate and are in favor of a complete or partial revision of its results. About 90% of Russians are of the opinion that privatization was carried out dishonestly and large fortunes were acquired dishonestly (72% of entrepreneurs also agree with this point of view). As the researchers note, a stable, “almost consensus” rejection of privatization and the large private property formed on its basis has developed in Russian society.

    Head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation

    On July 15, 1996, he was appointed head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. In 1996, he was awarded the qualification category Acting State Councilor of the Russian Federation, 1st class.

    Second appointment to the Russian government

    On March 7, 1997, he was appointed First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, and from March 17, at the same time, Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation.

    On November 20, 1997, he was dismissed from the post of Minister of Finance, retaining the post of First Deputy Prime Minister. In 1997, five leading reformers from the government and presidential administration received $90,000 in advance each from a publishing firm for an unwritten book, A History of Russian Privatization. The story was publicized as a "writing business". Among the authors of this book was A. Chubais, who at that time held the positions of First Deputy Chairman of the Government and Minister of Finance. In connection with the accusations, President B. Yeltsin removed him from the post of Minister of Finance, however, the post of First Deputy Prime Minister was retained by him. See Book Scandal (1997).

    In 1997 he was named by the British magazine "Euromoney" on the basis of an expert survey of the world's leading financiers - the best finance minister of the year (with the wording "for his contribution to the successful development of the economy of his country").

    In April 1997, he was appointed Governor from the Russian Federation at the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency.

    May 1997 - May 1998 - Member of the Russian Security Council.

    ... use of the RAO UES system to achieve goals not related to energy supply tasks, including political ones, incompetence and lack of professionalism, major miscalculations in the reform of the electric power industry, selfish tariff policy pursued by the state under the dictates of energy monopolies, self-confidence and negligence.

    Boris Fedorov, a member of the board of directors of RAO UES, said in 2000 that the restructuring of RAO UES was carried out in the interests of the company's management, as well as affiliated oligarchic and political structures, calling Chubais "the worst manager in Russia, who is trying to become a major oligarch at the expense of the state and shareholders."

    On July 1, 2008, RAO UES was liquidated, the unified energy complex was split into many companies involved in generation, maintenance of power grids, and energy sales.

    Chubais himself assesses the results of the reform of the energy industry in the following way: “The approved program foresees in 2006-2010 the volume of capacity commissioning, unattainable in Soviet times - 41,000 megawatts. Only in 2010 we will introduce 22 thousand. At the same time, the maximum volume of annual inputs in the USSR was 9,000 megawatts.”

    Russian corporation of nanotechnologies

    Political activities and beliefs

    In December 1998, he joined the organizing committee of the Just Cause coalition and was elected to the coordinating committee of the organizing committee of the coalition. He headed the commission on organizational work of the coordinating council.

    In May 2000, at the founding congress of the all-Russian political organization "Union of Right Forces", he was elected co-chairman of the coordinating council. On May 26, 2001, at the founding congress of the Union of Right Forces party, he was elected co-chairman and member of the federal political council. On January 24, 2004, he resigned from the post of co-chairman of the party. Elected to the federal political council of the party.

    Chubais believes that capitalism is the only way for Russia, despite opposing opinions: “You know, I have been rereading Dostoevsky in the last three months. And I feel almost physical hatred for this man. He is certainly a genius, but his idea of ​​the Russians as a chosen, holy people, his cult of suffering and the false choice he offers make me want to tear him to pieces.

    According to Chubais, subsidiaries should be created at each university, and "a teacher who is not able to create a business calls into question his professionalism." In November 2009, he stated, “If you are an associate professor, professor, head of a department in a specialized field and you don’t have your own business, why the hell do I need you at all?” .

    Criticism of Chubais' activities

    Anatoly Chubais is one of the most unpopular statesmen in Russia. So, according to the results of the VTsIOM opinion poll in December 2006, 77% of Russians did not trust Chubais. In a 2000 FOM poll, the vast majority negatively assessed Chubais's actions, he was characterized as "a person acting to the detriment of Russia", "discrediter of reforms", "thief", "swindler". The respondents also negatively characterized his work at the head of RAO UES: "leaving children without electricity is very cruel: hospitals, kindergartens, schools", "he cuts off electricity - children die in the maternity hospital." At the same time, an insignificant part of the respondents noted his business qualities: efficiency, good organizational skills, energy. In a Romir poll in August 1999, Chubais was named as one of those whose political and economic activities do the most harm to the country. 29% of voters (44,000 people) voted for an officer running for the State Duma Vladimir Kvachkov, accused of organizing an assassination attempt on Chubais (and no longer known), in one of the electoral districts of Moscow.

    In 2008, opposition politician Garry Kasparov was highly critical of Chubais. Kasparov, in particular, stated: “The ‘liberal reformers’ did not develop the achievements of perestroika, but, on the contrary, they buried them”, “Chubais is definitely not disingenuous in one thing - he and his associates did not lose the country. This country has lost”, “the liberals of the 90s do not like their people and are afraid of them.” According to Kasparov, "the hardships of the early 90s" turned out to be in vain.

    Assassination attempt on Chubais

    On March 17, 2005, there was an attempt on Chubais. At the exit from the village of Zhavoronki, Odintsovo district, Moscow region, a bomb was detonated on the route of Chubais's car, in addition, the cars of the cortege were fired upon. Chubais was not injured. Three people were detained in the case of the assassination - retired GRU colonel Vladimir Kvachkov and paratroopers of the 45th Airborne Regiment Alexander Naydenov and Robert Yashin.

    Kvachkov, while in prison, entered politics; he ran for the State Duma from the Preobrazhensky district, and took second place; then he was denied registration as a candidate from the Medvedkovo district. He stated the following:

    From the military-political point of view, this action is one of the forms of the national liberation war. The destruction of any foreign invaders and accomplices of the invaders, including in the economic field, is the duty and sacred duty of every officer, soldier, any soldier, regardless of whether he is fighting in an open armed struggle at the front or operating in the territory of his country occupied by the enemy

    Anatoly Chubais in folk culture

    For his ambiguity, Chubais became the hero of jokes. For example, like this:

    Participants in the assassination attempt on Anatoly Chubais received a suspended sentence under the article "negligence and inattention."

    Chubais himself, apparently, refers to his image in the eyes of the people with irony - on his personal website there is a special section of jokes about himself.


    Married for the second time, his wife is also an economist. From the first marriage - son Alex and daughter Olga.

    Awards and titles

    Books about Chubais

    • A. Kolesnikov - Unknown Chubais. Pages from the biography:: Moscow, "Zakharov", p.158, 2003, ISBN 5-8159-0377-9
    • M. Berger, O. Proskurina - Cross of Chubais :: Moscow, Hummingbird, p.448, 2008, ISBN 978-5-389-00141-1
    • A. Kolesnikov - Anatoly Chubais. Biography: Moscow
    • David Hoffman - Oligarchs. Wealth and power in the new Russia:: Moscow, Hummingbird, p.624, edition 10000, 2007, ISBN 978-5-98720-034-6

    see also


    1. Tombstones of the parents of A. B. Chubais
    2. Chubais Igor Borisovich. Personal page
    3. Gelman V. The Dead End of Authoritarian Modernization // polit.ru, February 23, 2010.
    4. "Hard course ...". Analytical note of the Leningrad Association of Socio-Economic Sciences // Century of the XX and the world. 1990. No. 6. P.15-19.
    5. Barsenkov A.S., Vdovin A.I., History of Russia. 1917-2007 "- M.: Aspect Press, 2008 - p. 683

    Readers asked to make a separate post. I am fulfilling their request by slightly expanding and clarifying these comments, as well as accompanying them with a few quotes.

    What happened the day before (before the turn of 1991-1992)?
    1. There was a huge rise in the liberal democratic movement in the country. Hundreds of thousands of people came out to anti-communist rallies in Moscow. A broad democratic coalition won the elections of the Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of Russia on June 12, 1990, in the elections of the President of Russia on June 12, 1991, under its leadership they defeated the organizers of the GKChP putsch on August 19-21, 1991.

    2. The key task of the transition period (along with the development and strengthening of the democratic political system and legal order) was the transfer of state-owned assets to Russian citizens (either free of charge or in exchange for their accumulated savings and/or borrowed funds, or in some proportion between free transfer and paid privatization).

    3. The vast majority of production assets (“factories, newspapers, ships”) in Russia were state-owned and owned by the so-called. "to the people's state", i.e. potentially - to all Russian citizens.

    4. The majority of Russian citizens had significant savings (in Sberbank, in commercial banks that appeared the day before, in securities, in cash on hand); at the end of 1991, citizens' savings amounted to approximately 40% of GDP.

    What did Gaidar and Chubais do?
    5. In 1989-91 E. Gaidar became a voluntary consultant and author of the economic program of the imperial-conservative group of deputies of the Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR "Soyuz". One of the leaders of this group, V. Alksnis, wrote: “ E. Gaidar was a consultant to the Soyuz group on economic issues and was one of the authors of our economic program ... I can confirm once again that E. Gaidar ... was a supporter of a market economy regulated by the state, and regulated quite strictly «.

    6. In November 1991, E. Gaidar and A. Chubais became members of the Russian government and were given the opportunity not only to advise the authorities and deputies, but also to put into practice the model of social structure that they had previously developed and promoted, in in particular, S. Kugushev, E. Gaidar's closest friend and adviser in 1987-91: "... it is the bloc of real entrepreneurs and the army, special services, relying on broad popular support, that is able to stop the further plunder of the country and carry out privatization in the interests of the whole people ... if we leave emotions and turn to the historical experience of various countries that have emerged from the horrors of totalitarianism to the market; then it should be admitted: in any case, the reforms relied, if not on military force directly, then on very tough power» ( Kugushev S. Until the Kremlin is privatized. - "Komsomolskaya Pravda", February 6, 1991).

    7. The factor of the initial (during the reforms) distribution of property and power played a key role in the creation of this “model of social order”. Even in the article "Private property - a new stereotype" in "Moscow News" dated October 8, 1989, E. Gaidar noted that the main thing in the course of the upcoming reforms is not the maximum spread of free market relations, private property and freedom of entrepreneurship, but "the correct distribution property and power": " Market relations are by no means the same for all countries and peoples without exception ... the market does not give an unambiguous answer to the question: who should appropriate the results of production - it can serve a variety of social structures. Everything depends on the distribution of property and power."

    8. Having become the head of the economic bloc of the Russian government, and then heading it, Y. Gaidar radically increased government spending and the state budget deficit, catastrophically weakened monetary policy. E. Gaidar described his actions to destroy the financial system in the following way: “... demands to loosen monetary policy intensified and the budget deficit increased seriously. When we could no longer withstand the pressure, we lost the ability to pursue tight monetary and financial policies. «.

    9. As a result of Y. Gaidar's deliberately weakened budgetary and monetary policy, hyperinflation was unleashed - compared to the price increase in 1991 by 2.7 times (which, against the background of the practically price stability of the Soviet era, until the end of the unprecedented) cumulative rise in prices only in 1992-94. amounted to 775 times.

    10. Hyperinflation destroyed almost all the accumulated private savings of citizens and the funds available in the accounts of enterprises.

    11. A. Chubais transferred the production assets inherited from the Soviet "nationwide state" mainly to the following social groups - bandits, the communist nomenklatura, red directors, the military-industrial complex elite, and special services. A. Chubais: " What is the political construct? The political construction is that we gave property to those who were closer to it. Bandits, secretaries of regional committees, directors of factories. They received it...". A. Gaidar: "... other groups, for example, military personnel, employees of the MGB [sic. - A.I.]... also could not be ignored «.

    12. Largely on the initiative and with the active participation of Y. Gaidar, the country's most important democratic institution, the parliament, was destroyed. A. Shokhin: “ As a result, Yegor's scheme was tough. Boris Nikolayevich must understand that the only "his" candidate is Gaidar. If not Gaidar, then to hell with the entire Supreme Soviet, and the congress needs to be dispersed". A. Kokh: “Petya, do you remember my theory about October 3, 1993? About who came up with it? Pavel Aven: I remember, of course. Alik believes that it was Yegor who persuaded Yeltsin to dissolve the Supreme Soviet. And in which case, do not be afraid of a power confrontation. Alexander Nechaev: I admit, by the way. E. Gaidar: " For a very long time, throughout 1992, I resolutely rejected any ideas of confrontational, forceful resolution of contradictions with the parliamentary opposition. But in 1993 I was convinced... Having embarked on the path of direct, open confrontation, one must be ready to use force if necessary. » ( Gaidar E. Days of defeat and victory. S. 276).

    13. E. Gaidar and A. Chubais played a key role in subordinating the power of the Russian democratic movement and in its further destruction. L. Ponomarev: " He [E. Gaidar. - AI] told me directly that he was not satisfied with the broad, uncontrollable democratic movement, he intended to create a compact party. “We must take the best from the communists - discipline,” he said. Creating a party of power with strict discipline, Gaidar poached cadres from the "Democratic Russia" «.

    The main results of the Gaidar-Chubais reforms.
    14. The legal order, albeit imperfect, but operating in the USSR, was destroyed, the ideas of justice that prevailed in society, the hopes that in Russia the state could make legal decisions, were destroyed. A. Chubais: " We recognized that privatization gave property to those who are most influential, which determined its injustice, but at the same time we gave it away in a legitimate way, and legitimacy comes from the state". A. Chubais: “ We broke the idea of ​​justice among the people with voucher privatization «.

    15. The liberal democratic movement that dominated the country in the late 1980s and early 1990s was crushed. The independent middle class, which in the late 1980s and early 1990s had shown a steady demand for the creation of a liberal democratic political system, was destroyed.

    16. The ideas of liberalism, democracy, the rule of law have been discredited. In particular, E. Gaidar himself recognized his authorship in this matter: “ Associating with my name the hopes of those who want to build a truly functioning democracy in Russia seems to me a mistake. » .

    17. As a result of the provision of budgetary assistance, state loans, the distribution of property inherited from the USSR, a new Russian oligarchy was created, basking in luxury, politically absolutely servile, completely dependent on state power in its social activities.

    18. In the conditions of a destroyed legal order and a discredited democratic political system, a strong demand arose from the non-coercive oligarchy for the services of special services to protect property illegitimately acquired by it from the claims of the deceived and robbed.

    19. The seizure of political power in the country by special services, begun in November 1991 by Y. Gaidar, continued by the defeat of parliament in October 1993, the financial crisis of 1998, was crowned in August 1999 by the appointment of a direct representative of the special services to the post of heir to the Russian president .

    20. Having received the highest power in the country, the special services put the state apparatus, the representative and judicial branches of power, the media, large and medium-sized businesses, public organizations, and regions under their control. Any noticeable opposition parties, movements, media, businesses were crushed. In practice, the model of a corporatist state was embodied, in which all power belongs to the KSS - the Corporation of Special Service Officers, a model that was developed in the late 1980s and the foundation of which was created in the 1990s by E. Gaidar and A. Chubais.

    21. Unlike the fate of many leaders and activists of the Russian liberal democratic movement - G. Starovoitova, S. Yushenkov, Yu. Shchekochikhin, A. Politkovskaya, M. Salie, B. Nemtsov - the fate of E. Gaidar and A. Chubais was different . KSSS did not lay a finger on either one or the other. Moreover, she appreciated the work of the "founding fathers" of her regime: Y. Gaidar received from the KSS

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