• Is it possible to fully live with. Can Asthma Be Cured? How to live a full life with asthma? Pregnancy with one kidney


    How do you feel about your life? It is filled with meaning, bright and interesting events are present in it, or you feel hopelessness and emptiness, unwillingness to act or change something. We have a limited life span and at the end of it we will summarize the results, allowing either to experience deep disappointment with the years lived, or to feel that the time was not wasted in vain. If you want to live a full life, be active in society, solve problems, then the following tips are for you.

    A fulfilling life - what is it like?

    First you need to figure out what is meant by this term. Do you have a feeling of happiness, the desire to dream and fulfill your dreams, the desire to create and develop? Are you active on a daily basis, or do you prefer to work the allotted time in the office and then come home and spend the evening on the couch? If the answer to most of the questions is “no,” then life cannot be considered full.

    In addition to the desire to do something, there should be active actions that help to move forward, and this requires energy. Conventionally, 4 types of energies can be distinguished:

    • Mental - the ability to think, solve specific problems. Many people are too lazy to think, they prefer to count on a calculator, use template phrases, pointlessly watch TV shows, read the feed on social networks. As a result, the ability to think effectively decreases.
    • Physical - how quickly a person gets tired, how he can withstand stress, how quickly the energy level is restored.
    • Emotional - we experience many positive and negative emotions every day. The predominance of negative moods leads to conflicts with the outside world and people, the appearance of depressive thoughts, emotional burnout.
    • Spiritual - the ability to improve your inner world, to exist harmoniously with the people around you and to adequately respond to what is happening. Spiritual energy is also a certain level of culture that allows you to be in harmony with yourself.

    How to change yourself and improve your quality of life

    Before you start changing your life, you should study your character, ways of reacting to external influences, the strengths and weaknesses of the individual. A person should know what he wants to get in the end and what results to achieve. An indefinite goal is useless, because there is no vector, which means that the ways to change are not clear.

    1. We designate the goal. There may be several of them, but they must all represent something specific. Making a lot of money is an uncertain task, but buying an apartment in a year or making 200 thousand in two months is more specific. The goals are best written down on paper and hung on the wall. In addition to the task itself, it is desirable to indicate the date of its completion.
    2. Live in the present. What happened yesterday has already passed, it cannot be fixed. We often return to past events, reliving them over and over again. Yes, comprehending what happened is important from the point of view of not avoiding a repetition of the event, but it is advisable to remember it with neutral emotions. There is no future yet, and although it is necessary to plan it, it is also important to understand that circumstances may appear that may change the movement towards the goal. or the goals themselves will change. Hence the following advice follows.
    3. Be able to adapt to change. Unexpected events unsettle us, we get scared, worried, withdrawn into ourselves. In severe cases, prolonged depression occurs, which greatly complicates life. To adapt is to accept and act in accordance with new circumstances.
    4. Let go of the habit of complaining. Nobody cares about your problems, each person is only interested in his person. Moreover, if someone suddenly begins to feel sorry for you, this violates the harmony of the inner world, reduces the desire to do something and change in your life. Avoid people who try to complain about their problems - you don't need someone else's burden.
    5. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. You can think as much as you like about how unhappy you are, but that will not change anything. The only thing you can get your friends to turn away from you is that nobody needs your problems.
    6. Think positively. Joy, sparks in the eyes, a smile - attract the people around you. If you are sad, you cannot live a fulfilling life, you cannot enjoy every moment and give others happiness, and people prefer to communicate with positive personalities.
    7. Take action. No matter how much you would like to lie on the couch, happiness and success will not come by itself. Only action will help to achieve the goal, to become the center around which interesting events revolve.
    8. Take responsibility for your actions. If you promised - do it, the fate of a person depends on you - help. A lot of divorces happen for the simple reason that people are afraid to be held accountable. Each of our actions entails some kind of result, and it is important to understand what is worth doing and what is not.
    9. Have life principles. Decide how you relate to the world, why you react in this way and not in another way. If you have a certain opinion, then it would be good to know what led you to understand that this is so and not otherwise.
    10. Stop doing meaningless actions. Much of what we do every day fills our time, but does not carry any load. How many hours a day do you watch TV? Chatting on forums, uselessly browsing the Internet? Take some time to check and reply to messages in your mail, and you will see how many minutes are available. They can be spent on work, self-education or full and active rest.
    11. Start doing what you like. How long have you put off going to the theater, traveling, or buying the thing you need? Every moment we lose seconds from our life, and it is no longer possible to return them. Start doing what you have wanted for a long time, and life will sparkle with new colors.
    12. Climb the corporate ladder, but do not forget about the rest. Hard work is good, but too much work makes life one-sided, leads to emotional and physical overload. Know how to alternate between professional activities and good rest.
    13. End a relationship that is both burdensome and unhelpful. We often communicate with a person out of habit or because we have known each other for a long time, but if this person is the cause of problems in your life, if he brings negativity into it, if you feel addicted, then you need to get rid of such relationships. Surprisingly, if you stop communicating with this person, you will feel freer and happier.
    14. Be sincere. A lie is revealed sooner or later, sometimes many years later. Family, career, friendship should be built on honest and sincere relationships.
    15. Strengthen social bonds. Help people, be genuinely interested in their accomplishments, and praise and reward positive things. It is believed that friends appear only at school, and then they are just acquaintances, but you can make friends at any age, the main thing is to find a commonality of interests and suit each other in character.
    16. Educate yourself. Now you can attend various psychological and business trainings that allow you to gain new knowledge and experience, as well as learn better about your abilities, learn to control yourself, set and achieve goals.
    17. Change jobs. If the chosen place brings little income, does not satisfy morally or there is an unstable relationship in the team, then such a job is not suitable for you and it is better to change it.
    18. Travel. Even a trip to a nearby town will reveal many new things. You don't have to go abroad, there are many interesting and unusual places in your home country.
    19. Be spontaneous. Sometimes it is helpful to act on a sudden idea. The most unusual adventures happen when you suddenly decide to do something.
    20. Create your image and act as if you are who you would like to be.
    21. Decide to take action now, without delaying a second.

    Enjoy every moment of life, use every minute with benefit, completely surrender to what you are doing, and then you can say that this life is full and not lived in vain.

    The kidneys play an exceptional role in the human body, being a paired vital organ. Many people wonder if it is possible to live with one kidney. Surprisingly, without a kidney, life is quite possible.

    Is it difficult to live with one kidney? This is another question. Many people do not even realize that one of their kidneys is absent or does not function, and live like this all their lives until this fact is revealed by doctors.

    Can humans live with one kidney? What is the difference between the existence of a person who has only one kidney since birth, or if he has one kidney removed? Many experts argue that the absence of a kidney has practically no effect on the lifestyle and performance of people.

    It is worth noting that such a pathology is observed in approximately 0.05% of people, while they are not assigned any degree of disability. Very often, a person does not observe kidney problems at all and does not suspect that he has only one of the paired organs or is not functioning properly.

    Life without a kidney is as fulfilling as with two organs. This pathology does not even affect the duration of a person's existence, since the body of all people is endowed with the ability to adapt to different conditions.

    It happens that the kidney could not form while the fetus was in the womb. But why people are born without one organ has not yet been thoroughly clarified.

    Despite this, the remaining organ is able to normally perform the functions assigned to it. It develops much faster and sometimes grows to twice its normal size. This is due to the fact that one kidney has to cope with a double load.

    With one kidney, it is possible to live quite normally on, even if a person had an organ removed during nephrectomy, for example, if the patient had a cyst or injury.

    Again, the kidney that remains, begins to function twice as actively, and the entire body adapts to increased stress. After a year, one organ is capable of fully performing a dual function.

    A person who has lost a kidney may not even resort to any special measures. However, if nephrectomy was required due to concomitant tuberculosis or pyelonephritis, then such a patient, of course, will need to adhere to certain rules so as not to deteriorate his health.

    Such people are assigned dietary food. For the normal functioning of the body of a person who has undergone surgery, a mandatory rule is the control of loads and limited fluid intake. It is possible to live without a kidney, and such a life can be quite fulfilling.

    How long do people with one kidney live?

    As noted above, without a kidney, you can live with dignity, work, have fun, and so on. This applies to people who were born without one organ and even those who had to undergo a nephrectomy.

    However, the latter must monitor the state of the body, be careful with overloads and eat right. And, despite this, they can live fully.

    Pathology in no way interferes with a normal healthy life, family creation, career and the like. The use of alcoholic beverages is not recommended, even just a little. But in general, it is quite possible to live a long time without one kidney.

    Actually, every person with a similar pathology (without the presence of another disease) can live a long and happy life.

    What rules should be followed by people with pathology

    What should be done by a person who has one kidney since birth, or has he lost this vital organ for some reason? The answer is simple: nothing special. All such a person needs is to lead a normal life, give up addictions, adhere to a diet and, if possible, play sports.

    If we are talking about a child who has lost or was born without a kidney, he will, of course, have to visit doctors from time to time. It should be understood that in such people, a single kidney is the main organ that performs a dual function.

    In some cases, pathology can make itself felt in adulthood. Problems can manifest in the form of high blood pressure or abnormalities in the functioning of the remaining kidney. Therefore, regular examinations are extremely important. Difficulties may arise in women during gestation.

    In the event that the organ was removed according to medical indications in order to avoid complications, patients should be examined at least once a year. Such people should not drink a lot of fluids. And the lifestyle needs to be adjusted in accordance with the recommendations of a specialist.

    Particular attention should be paid to the diet. It is contraindicated to eat too salty and fatty foods. If the remaining kidney is working normally, then the person is allowed to eat fried foods, but without unnecessary spices.

    Many people with this pathology love sports. It should be noted that living with one kidney and playing sports is quite real. The only thing to beware of is too much physical exertion, overstrain.

    You don't have to exhaust yourself with grueling workouts. Morning exercises, fitness, swimming - this is just what is best for people with one kidney. Physiotherapy exercises - even more so. It is useful to do bends to the sides, circular movements of the body. Naturally, weightlifting must be forgotten forever.

    Pregnancy with one kidney

    Pregnancy is dangerous for women after kidney surgery. If the expectant mother has one organ, she must be regularly examined by her doctor.

    The thing is that a woman with pathology will not be able to bear a fetus and successfully give birth to a child without harming her body. One organ may not be able to handle a large volume of fluid and may fail. For a woman, this is fraught with death.

    People without one kidney can live well only for themselves. But a pregnant woman wastes energy for two. Therefore, in the presence of pathology, it is worth thinking carefully about the consequences of pregnancy.

    How people should eat with one kidney

    If you stick to a certain diet, people with one kidney can feel great and live for many years without experiencing absolutely any health problems.

    It would be nice to completely eliminate fried foods from your daily diet. If you really want something tasty, then it is best to stew or bake meat or fish. Cooked meals are not prohibited. But in general, it is necessary to think about the load on the kidney, that is, about the content of individual components in food.

    Protein intake should be limited. For example, portions of lean meat or fish should be 150 grams per day.

    As for carbohydrates, complex carbohydrates should be present in the diet. They are found in all fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as cereals. It is necessary to limit the consumption of foods containing carbohydrates such as flour and sugar.

    People with one kidney should not overuse dairy products, as they contain calcium, which will subsequently be deposited in the kidney as sand. If you really want to, then you can drink milk no more than 2 times a week.

    You need to eat in moderation, without overeating, and then there will be no complications with the kidney.

    How to live without one kidney

    The main function of the kidneys in the human body is the elimination of fluids and metabolic products. More precisely, this process is called ionic acid balance adjustment. In addition, this paired organ also performs the following functions:

    • endocrine, that is, it produces hormones that regulate blood pressure;
    • metabolic - participates in the metabolism;
    • ion-regulating - normalizes the acid-base balance;
    • osmoregulating - helps to maintain water-salt balance.

    The presence of only one organ, of course, provokes certain disorders of the functions of the human body. Because of this, there may be some health problems with their consequences.

    Despite this, it is possible to live with one kidney, and long and happily enough, if you follow a diet and do not abuse physical overload. There is only one conclusion: you can live, work, play sports with one kidney, but you need to be extremely careful.

    In articles and books on psychology, self-development and personal growth focused on women, the following advice can be found more and more often: "Live for yourself." This phrase is heralded as a recipe for a happy life and the best way to get rid of both personal and professional problems.

    What does it mean to "live for yourself"?

    Put your interests ahead of everyone else (parents, spouse, children, friends)? More often indulge yourself with beautiful clothes, going to a restaurant or going to the movies? To spend more time in splendid isolation?

    Many women, once fully feeling a strong resentment and disappointment, do just that. They start spending a lot of money, forget about cleaning the house, looking for more and more new entertainment. At some point, it really becomes easier for them. But the feeling of relief is deceiving. This is not true happiness, but only temporary satisfaction from a "little" revenge. “Ah, so you don't give a damn about me? Well, okay! I will live for myself, and you go where far away! ".

    Living for oneself implies a sincere sense of joy. To understand its nature, one must turn to the opposite state of the soul - living for others.

    Living for others is a common mistake many women make that leads to dissatisfaction. It does not matter whether the woman is married or not, whether she has children. Life for others is a dependent existence.

    Do you often have such thoughts in your head?

    1. "I must take care of my husband, respect him, then he will begin to treat me well."

    2. “My husband pays little or no attention to me. I will also start to treat him like that, then he will feel himself in my skin and regret it. "

    3. “I like to cross-stitch landscapes. But who needs them? I'd rather go and learn something useful. "

    4. “A woman looks more feminine and attractive in a dress or skirt. Many people think so. Okay, while I put my pants in the back drawer. "

    5. “A normal mother devotes enough time to her child. A career can wait. "

    Perhaps there is a touch of common sense in the thoughts listed above. But most often they arise unconsciously, as a reaction to external pressure, and completely put a woman's life under control.

    Living for others means refusing to make your own choices and weighing all your future actions with the reaction of the environment.

    It turns out that living for yourself means not giving a damn about the opinions of other people? Not at all. After all, relatives can suggest something useful, calmly assess the situation from the outside. And some of the generally accepted opinions are well founded. Living for yourself means simply making life choices for yourself. Why? Because no one will live your life instead of you.

    Living for yourself means knowing that you are the most valuable person to yourself. Other people come and go. Even husbands can change, even children and parents drift away over time. And you stay. You can be deceived and betrayed by anyone. But not yourself.

    You are the very person who will love you unselfishly, endlessly and sincerely. Take care and protect. Living for yourself means always remembering this.

    Then you will not need to run for another item at the moment when your mood deteriorates. You can just mentally calm yourself down, cheer yourself up. But if you really want to buy something, why not? Not to harm another person, not as an escape from the problem, but simply for the soul.

    What is she like, “living for herself”?

    In conclusion (to finally clarify the picture), we will describe the qualities of a woman who actually lives for herself.

    1. She doesn't need to get praise from someone to feel confident.

    2. Does not squander money (she already has a good life), but also does not seek austerity.

    3. Looks after his health, because he values ​​life and well-being.

    4. It is difficult to offend and disappoint her.

    5. Engaged in favorite things, regardless of whether it is in demand or not. Can make money from it (but not necessarily).

    6. Easily changes her previous opinion if she sees that it spoils her life.

    7. Does not sacrifice himself for the sake of her husband, parents or even children. Nevertheless, he maintains a good relationship with them, if he draws energy from this.

    8. Quickly breaks off destructive relationships (for example, if the husband is a tyrant or alcoholic, she will definitely divorce him).

    9. Seeks to diversify his leisure time to make life more fun. But it does not make it a panacea.

    10. Doesn't overwork at work.

    The kidneys are a paired organ that performs the filtering function in the human body. Every day, up to 2000 liters of blood rushes into them, in need of getting rid of toxins, salts, toxins. The nephrons, the functional units of the kidneys, are responsible for cleansing. Their number ranges from 800 thousand to 1.3 million. Considering the burden of organs, it is difficult to imagine how you can survive without one kidney? In practice, there are many such cases. People who have lost an organ due to illness or who were born with such a feature are no different from others and can lead a fulfilling life, observing some restrictions in nutrition and sports.

    There are congenital pathologies and acquired reasons why people have only one kidney. Congenital include:

    1. Renal agenesis is a congenital anomaly in which one of the kidneys is absent or, due to underdevelopment, cannot perform its functions.
    2. Dysplasia is a pathology in which one kidney is rudimentary (up to 3 cm), that is, underdeveloped and has dimensions that are not suitable for normal functioning, or dwarf (up to 5 cm), consisting mainly of connective tissue and having an insufficient number of nephrons.

    Acquired reasons:

    1. Damage in which it is impossible to restore functionality.
    2. Diseases requiring removal of the organ: malignant tumors; large benign formations; the formation of large coral oxalates; inflammatory processes, accompanied by the release of pus; an advanced form of polycystic disease.
    3. Voluntary provision of a healthy organ to a recipient by a donor.

    As a result, one kidney takes over all the functions that both organs should perform.

    Is it possible to live fully without one kidney?

    Most people who have one organ instead of two from birth sometimes find out about this already in adulthood after an ultrasound examination, because they do not feel discomfort. This is due to the launch of compensatory mechanisms. One kidney begins to almost double in size due to an increase in the number of cells or their size. The same mechanisms are triggered after removal or transplantation of an organ, but at least 1.5 years must pass before the organism is fully adapted.

    The kidneys in the body have several functions:

    • filter blood, the volume of which is about 1800 l / day. (1.25 l / min.);
    • normalize the water-salt balance in the blood;
    • are responsible for the production of certain hormones: erythropoietin, which affects blood viscosity and blood pressure; thrombopoietin - a catalyst for platelet production; calcitriol, which affects calcium metabolism.

    Interesting! One kidney, working only 20%, is able to ensure the normal functioning of the whole organism.

    A full life with one kidney

    Life without a kidney

    For people forced to live with one kidney, regular examinations by a nephrologist, adherence to the rules regarding nutrition and physical activity are important.

    Performance indicators

    To understand the state of the urinary system, you must:

    • measure blood pressure regularly;
    • take general blood and urine tests;
    • take a biochemical blood test for kidney tests.

    If there are deviations, their cause is identified and treatment is prescribed. In case of significant damage to the 2nd kidney, a transplant from a donor may be required.


    Can you live with one working kidney and eat a balanced diet? This and many other questions concern people after nephrectomy, parents of a baby with a special structure of the urinary system. The daily diet should be complete, balanced, but with restrictions.

    The peculiarity of nutrition after nephrectomy is the absence of food of protein origin and the consumption of no more than 1 liter of liquid per day, taking into account soups, juices. Fruits and vegetables are used in grated, stewed form.

    The basic principles of the "kidney" diet number 7 - restriction of dishes with hot spices and spices, protein foods, salt.

    All products must be steamed or boiled, and if you want to give the dish a more appetizing look, you can lightly fry it.

    All food is prepared with a severe salt restriction. With high blood pressure, it is completely excluded.

    The diet should not contain:

    • broths on mushrooms, meat and fish, beans;
    • fatty meat dishes without preliminary boiling, canned food;
    • fatty fish (the most fatty - salmon, sturgeon);
    • cheeses;
    • chocolate;
    • onions and garlic, spinach, radish, sorrel, pickled vegetables and mushrooms;
    • coffee, drinks based on cocoa beans, mineral water with a high sodium content.

    What you can eat with one kidney:

    • flour products baked without salt;
    • light vegetable soups;
    • boiled lean meat: veal and beef, turkey, rabbit, chicken;
    • boiled fish (you can fry after boiling) of low-fat varieties: cod, pollock, pollock, blue whiting, flounder, hake;
    • dairy products;
    • eggs (no more than 2 per day), subject to a decrease in other protein foods in the diet;
    • cereals and pasta;
    • fresh vegetable salads, potatoes;
    • fruits and berries in any form;
    • sweets (except those containing cocoa);
    • natural sauces: tomato, sour cream, plum);
    • juices, rosehip broth, tea.

    The habit of adding salt to food is not easy to defeat, but it is possible. Adding a small amount of pepper, coriander, caraway seeds and other spicy herbs and seeds will help to feel the pungency of taste.

    It is important to observe the drinking regime, and the amount of water drunk should not exceed 1.5 liters per day.

    You should eat fractionally, 5-6 times a day in small portions, avoiding consumption of more than 3500 kcal / day.

    Physical exercise

    Without physical activity, the immune system will weaken, which is fraught with the addition of infectious and other diseases. But the only kidney must be protected, so it is necessary to choose sports activities where there is no increased risk of injury and the need to eat protein foods. The most traumatic are contact sports (for example, boxing, martial arts), football, basketball, hockey, figure skating. You can not limit visits to the pool, tennis court.

    When choosing a sport, it is necessary to compare the risks and consequences, and in case of an irresistible desire to engage in non-recommended sports, use a protective vest as a remedy for bruises of internal organs.

    Pregnancy with one kidney

    How can the absence of one of the kidneys affect pregnancy? It is desirable to predict the situation at the planning stage. What matters is whether the pathology is congenital or is a consequence of a disease.

    In case of congenital absence of an organ, additional diagnostics are not required. It is enough to pass a standard set of tests, consult your doctor and start conceiving.

    If the kidney has been removed, then the second takes on the additional burden to which adaptation is required. The period of adaptation of the body to new conditions is approximately 1-1.5 years, therefore, pregnancy can be planned after 1.5 years, but after having undergone examinations. If the results are negative, you will have to wait another 1-2.5 years. Otherwise, renal failure may develop, significantly increasing the risk of stillbirth, fetal growth retardation. But this is not a reason to despair. Regular assessment of the fetus by a gynecologist allows timely measures to be taken to preserve its life. In most cases, an early delivery by caesarean section is required.

    During pregnancy, constant monitoring is necessary: ​​blood pressure, body weight, residual nitrogen levels, creatinine in the blood.

    If a child was born with one kidney: prognosis

    One kidney is not a reason for gaining disability, since the functions of filtration, hormone production and normalization of water-salt are replaced. Such a pathology among newborns, according to statistics, occurs in boys 2 times more often than in girls. If a child was born with one functioning kidney, it is necessary to educate him from birth about the importance of healthy eating, and in adolescence to inform about the consequences of alcohol consumption.

    People living without a kidney are full-fledged members of society who can create families and choose work according to their interests, use culinary delights, play sports, and travel. At the same time, they need to constantly remember that only caution and self-control in relation to nutrition will help them live a long and happy life.

    Unfortunately, we begin to appreciate something only when there is anxiety that we may soon lose it. So it is with breathing. Inhale-exhale, inhale-exhale…. This process seems so natural to us that we do not pay attention to it until we feel difficulty breathing.

    Normally inhalation duration should be equal to exhalation, if there is inflammation in the airways, the bronchi are sharply narrowed, and a person cannot make a full exhalation. Such a symptom may already be a signal of the onset of bronchial asthma - chronic inflammation of the bronchi. However, you cannot make this diagnosis yourself, even a doctor cannot be sure of this without performing spirography, a clinical analysis of blood and sputum.

    By official statistics in our country, there are about 1.5 million people with bronchial asthma, but as the results of recent studies have shown, in fact, their number is 7 times more. The study involved patients who underwent various examinations in their polyclinic for shortness of breath, shortness of breath and painful cough. Every 4th person had asthma symptoms, but less than 7% of the surveyed had such a diagnosis in the outpatient card.

    Diagnosis " bronchial asthma“we put it too late, when the disease has already“ gained momentum. ”The reason for this is not at all that asthma patients should receive preferential medicines, but in the fact that many polyclinics currently do not have pulmonologists and allergists, and therapists most often patients who complain of shortness of breath, wheezing and coughing are diagnosed with obstructive bronchitis.

    AND problem here not only in the qualifications of the district therapist, but in the absence of incentive. Indeed, today doctors of this specialty are so loaded with writing, running around on calls and receiving patients, each of which is given to them no more than 15 minutes, that they simply do not have time to think about the effectiveness of treatment. And the size of their salary does not contribute to this in any way ...

    We do not treat ourselves very well either. attentively to your health, hence many problems. Bronchial asthma does not always begin with asthma attacks; at the beginning of the development of the disease, only shortness of breath, cough, a feeling of congestion in the throat and wheezing may be disturbing. Most of us do not attach importance to these symptoms and go to the doctor only when there are sharp manifestations of suffocation.

    Accepted distinguish between three types of asthma: atopic, infectious-allergic and medicinal. The most common is atopic asthma caused by the body's reaction to allergens. Infectious-allergic asthma develops against a background of chronic infection in the respiratory tract. It can be complications after bronchitis, sinusitis and tonsillitis. Drug-induced asthma occurs after prolonged use of certain drugs. For example, aspirin or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

    So before prescribe treatment, the doctor must identify the root cause of asthma and make the correct diagnosis, and only then recommend avoiding contact with allergens, treating a respiratory tract infection, or stopping taking medications that contribute to coughing and asthma attacks.

    At atopic asthma it is imperative to do a special blood test to identify the body's sensitivity to "suspected" allergens. Diagnosing asthma by blood test is one of the most reliable ways. If an increase in the level of immunoglobulin E (IgE) or immunoglobulin G (IgG) is detected in the blood, then the first indicator indicates the presence of an allergic reaction, and the second indicates intolerance to a particular food allergen.

    Bronchial asthma- the disease is incurable, but manageable. This means that asthma cannot be cured, but a person with asthma can live a full and long life if he keeps the disease in check. To do this, he must monitor his condition every day, take medications prescribed by a doctor and lead a normal life. In this case, asthma patients can even go in for sports, their life will be no different from the life of healthy people.

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