• How to bathe a child in an adult bath. Bathing a newborn in a bath Bathing a baby in a bath


    One of the first questions about bathing newborns - is it possible to bathe a baby in a large bathtub, or is it necessary to buy a baby bath?

    When to start bathing your newborn in a large tub

    Let's start with the fact that, in general, the baby needs to be bathed every day, starting from the day of arrival home from the hospital. If the baby was vaccinated against tuberculosis on the day of discharge, start bathing the next day. This means bathing, not washing with soap and shampoo. It is enough to use children's hygiene detergents a couple of times a week, you do not need to soap your baby every day.

    There are several opinions about bathing in an "adult" bathroom.

    Some advise not to bathe the baby in a shared bathroom until it heals. umbilical wound... It can take about a month to heal. At this time, the baby is advised to bathe in boiled water to avoid infection. Agree that it is difficult to boil water for a large bathroom, moreover, to do it every day.

    Another common belief is that you can start bathing your baby in a large bathtub after he learns how to do it on his own. sit.

    In addition, some experts do not set any restrictions for water procedures in a large bathroom from the very first bath baby.

    Rules for bathing a baby in a large bath

    Firstly, before each bathing of the crumbs, you need a bath wash... You should not use various chemical cleaning agents for this, the usual one will work well. soda and a brush.

    Boiling water for a large bathroom, of course, will not work, but the water should be as large as possible. clean... Therefore, if you do not have a water filter installed, you will have to get one with the appearance of the baby.

    It is not necessary to take a full bath of water, the shoulders and the head of the baby should be visible above its surface.

    When bathing in a large bathroom, you need to use various devices that simplify the process and increase its safety: a slide for bathing, a hammock, a circle, special hats, etc.

    It is better for the baby to be bathed by two adults - one should hold the baby, the other should wash it.

    How to prepare your baby's bath

    As mentioned above - before each bathing of the crumbs, the bathtub must be washed with soda.

    Prepare a large soft towel made of natural material, as well as things to put the baby in after bathing, baby cream or oil, powder.

    You can start swimming.

    What should be the temperature of the room air and water

    When bathing the baby, it should be warm in the bathroom - about 23 degrees. But at the same time, there should not be a large temperature difference between the bathroom and the rest of the apartment. In no case should there be drafts.

    The temperature of the bathing water for babies should be about 37 degrees. It can be checked with a water thermometer. Over time, it is recommended to gradually lower the temperature to 30 degrees.

    How to hold your baby correctly

    If you are bathing your baby alone, take it so that the head is on your forearm, and with your palm hold the baby by the shoulder located on the opposite side from you. The bottom line is that if the baby is still very young, you should support his back and hold his head. With the other hand, wash and soap the crumbs.

    How long should the bathing procedure take

    The first bathing should take only a few minutes, then the time can be increased up to 10-15 minutes, and longer, provided that the water does not become too cold.

    Accessories for bathing in a large tub

    • plastic slide or hammock - help to secure the process and free mom's hands;
    • a circle for swimming - does not allow the baby to dive with his head under the water;
    • hat - keeps your head afloat;
    • rubber mat on the bottom of the bathtub - prevents the baby from slipping.

    Bathing a baby is of particular interest to responsible parents. After all, this is an essential part of childcare. Hygiene is the basis of bathing, it must be accompanied by certain rules. Approaches to water treatments have changed over time. How does a newborn baby bathe in a large tub?

    When to carry out water treatments

    In the process of bathing, the baby spends a lot of strength and energy, which allows him to quickly fall asleep. Therefore, this is done before the night's rest. If the newborn is too overexcited, then bathing is postponed to the morning or afternoon. You should not feed the baby before water procedures. After all, this can lead to regurgitation of milk.

    When can I bathe my newborn in a large tub? Until the navel wound has healed, the baby takes water procedures in a small bath with boiled water. After that, it is allowed to bathe the baby in a shared bath. This happens after 14 days. In some cases, water procedures are postponed up to a month. Much depends on the condition of the navel.

    Bathing your baby in the tub gives you plenty of room to be active. With the healing of the navel and the observance of the rules of hygiene, water procedures will bring him only pleasure.

    How to treat a bath before bathing

    The whole family uses the bathroom. Dampness and rust are excellent conditions for the reproduction and development of pathogenic microflora. A simple rinse is not enough here.

    Can I bathe my newborn in a large bathtub? Regular cleaning agents will not work for cleaning, because babies have very sensitive skin. If the parents do not completely wash them off the surface, then the likelihood of an allergy is high. Baby washing powder or baking soda will do a great job of cleansing. After the procedure, you need to rinse the bath with hot water. Good quality laundry soap works well for this.

    Bathing equipment required

    Water procedures performed in a large bath can initially cause discomfort for inexperienced mothers. Modern manufacturers have taken care of this and offer many different devices for bathing newborns in a large bath. These include:

    1. Swimming circle. It is attached to the baby's neck.
    2. Hammock. Attached to the bathroom. Made from soft mesh. The baby lies in it, the head is slightly raised.
    3. Slide. Able to insure the baby in the water. The slide has several modifications: removable, anatomical, etc.
    4. Bath support mattress. Designed for babies weighing 3-8 kg. Anatomically correct shape suitable for all types of baths.
    5. Spongy form for bathing. The deepening takes the shape of the child's body and does not allow sliding along the bottom of the bath.
    6. Seat. Available models: conventional, rotating and suspended.
    7. Universal folding chair. For water procedures, it is attached with suction cups, and the legs are removed. Can be used for indoor feeding.
    8. Anti-slip mat. It is made from foam rubber or rubber. Available in various configurations, sizes and colors.
    9. Slip applique. Attached with suction cups. Includes anti-slip figurine stickers.

    A variety of fixtures allows you to choose the most suitable one.

    Accessories for water treatments

    Bathing newborns in the bathtub takes place with game elements. For a child to have fun, toys are needed. The choice of such accessories for water treatments is huge.

    For the first bath of a newborn in a large tub, rubber toys will come in handy. Later you can increase their variety.

    After each bath, toys are washed and wiped dry to prevent mold from forming on them.

    To prevent water from getting into the baby's eyes, use a bathing visor. It has an elastic band or push-button fasteners to fix it on the baby's head.

    When carrying out water procedures, it is not recommended to wash the baby with a sponge; it is best to treat his skin with soapy hands or a soft cloth. It is best to boil it after bathing. A sponge or mitten, a washcloth, is used later, when the baby grows up.

    Water temperature

    How to bathe a newborn baby in a large bathtub? Carrying out water procedures brings great benefits to the health of the baby, he is tempered, and the risk of colds is reduced. The water temperature must be monitored with a thermometer. It should be located on the side of the tub or float in the water. You need to control the temperature by adding cold or hot water.

    There are certain rules governing its readings. Bathing temperature should be between 27-38 degrees. With each subsequent session, it decreases by 1 division. When you first swim, the temperature should be 37 degrees. Gradually, lowering it, they bring it to 27. If during the water procedures the child starts to be capricious, the water is made warmer. When it calms down, then cool gradually to the desired temperature.

    To harden the child, it is necessary to draw water from the tub into the jug before bathing. While the baby is taking water treatments, it will become colder by a few degrees. Before taking out from the bath, the child is poured with water.

    How much water is needed

    How to bathe a newborn in a large tub? Water procedures for the first time can scare the baby. To avoid this, it is placed in a diaper. As you get used to the water, it is removed.

    At the first bathing, the body should be immersed in the water, and the face should be left open. In subsequent procedures, the water is collected up to half. If a circle or other device is used, then the bath is poured full.

    First bath

    Water procedures in a large container after a small one have their own characteristics.

    How to properly bathe a newborn in a large tub? First, immerse the baby in the water, gently wetting the arms, legs and body. It is necessary to hold the child with a hand in such a way that the mother's little finger is under the neck, and the rest of the fingers are under the back of his head. If water gets into your eyes, it’s not scary, it’s dangerous to get it into your mouth or nose. The body does not sink to the bottom of the bath; on the contrary, it floats up and stays on the surface so that the chest and abdomen are above the water.

    When the baby is in the bathroom, he will move easily without the risk of hitting the walls.

    Parents need to observe the behavior of the child. If he is not active, then he does not like the bathing process. Then the baby can be walked from one side of the bath to the other. Thus, it is activated. This should not be done the first time, because the child needs to adapt.

    For bathing in a large bathtub, it is enough:

    • lying on the back with support for the head;
    • swimming on the stomach, the chin is in the hand of an adult;
    • sitting posture.

    During the bathing period, parents are required to follow certain rules and monitor the baby's behavior. If he begins to cry, then it is not recommended to take water procedures forcibly. Therefore, parents should definitely tune the child to positive emotions before bathing: smile, talk to him affectionately.

    Be sure to monitor the temperature of the water in the bathroom. Within 15 minutes, it can drop by several degrees.

    Rules for conducting water procedures

    Swimming of a newborn in a large bathtub should be carried out in compliance with the recommendations:

    1. Water temperature control. To do this, use a thermometer or use the folk method. One of the parents lowers the elbow into the water, if it is not hot, then you can bathe the child.
    2. If the child has diaper rash or redness on the skin, then decoctions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, string) can be added.
    3. Bathing your baby immediately after feeding is not recommended.
    4. It must be washed from top to bottom.
    5. Baby bath cosmetics should be labeled "No Tears".
    6. The umbilical wound should be treated after water procedures.
    7. It is not recommended to bathe your baby often and keep him in the bathroom for a long time.
    8. If the child is crying, naughty, you need to set him up in a positive way or postpone the procedure to the next day.
    9. Parents should not leave the baby alone for a minute.

    These tips will help your baby and his health benefit from bathing.

    Bathing a toddler with a circle

    To diversify water procedures, you can use various devices. Bathing a newborn in a large bath with a circle is a special exercise in water. It is designed in such a way that the baby cannot slip out of it and dive. Swimming with a circle is a prophylaxis aimed at preventing muscle hypertonia. As a result, coordination of movement develops, and the child ceases to be afraid of water.

    For the first time, the baby needs to be introduced to the circle. He must get used to it, touch or play. This should happen at 3 months, when the baby is confidently holding his head.

    When starting water procedures, it is necessary to open the fasteners, slowly spread one part of the circle up, and the other down and pass the baby's neck into the formed opening. The chin should be in a special notch. The circle is put on together in advance, but not in the water.

    Systematic water procedures with it will cause positive emotions, strengthen the respiratory, nervous and cardiovascular systems. The circle has a positive effect on sleep, appetite.

    How to bathe a newborn in a large tub? It is necessary to start swimming in 2-3 weeks, when the wound on the navel is completely healed. The main advantage is the child's ability to swim on the back and stomach.

    Bathing together

    For a toddler, the bathtub seems huge. So that he is not afraid, you can practice joint water procedures with your mother.

    How to bathe a newborn in the bathroom? The joint procedure provides for compliance with certain recommendations:

    • it is not recommended to be in the same bathroom with a child if the woman has not completely cleansed herself after childbirth;
    • before bathing, mom should take a shower;
    • everything you need for water procedures must be placed side by side;
    • it is necessary to put a rug near the bathroom so that the woman does not slip;
    • bathing is ideal if dad helps the child and mom.

    The main benefits of bathing together include:

    1. Possibility of accustoming to regular water procedures.
    2. The ability to quickly overcome the fear of water.
    3. Maintaining a close emotional bond.
    4. Provides ample space for collaborative play and entertainment. After all, the child will not be afraid to swim and dive with his mother.

    Despite the advantages of swimming together, there are also disadvantages:

    • When bathing with a parent of the opposite sex, a child over one year old may have a violation of sexual development.
    • Infection if adults do not follow the rules of personal hygiene.

    Bathing with parents together has not only positive aspects, but can also harm the child.

    Benefits of bathing in a large tub

    Water procedures have positive properties:

    1. The possibility of hardening.
    2. More active movement.
    3. The child forms a healthy relationship with water. He does not feel fear of her.
    4. After swimming in a large bathtub, the baby gets more tired.
    5. Water treatments stimulate appetite and lead to sound sleep.

    Bathing a newborn in a large bathtub is accompanied by the following disadvantages:

    • The need for constant monitoring of the mother for the child. When bathing together, the adult is involved in the bathing process and is therefore relaxed.
    • The child may or may not enjoy water treatments.

    Bathing in a large bathtub can give a child not only positive emotions, but sometimes negative ones.


    Bathing a newborn in a large tub is a pleasure for the baby. If you organize it correctly, taking into account the characteristics of the baby, then you can strengthen his health and bring him a lot of benefits.

    Bathing babies has always been of particular interest to conscientious parents. Times are changing, the approach to hygiene and water procedures is also undergoing changes.

    The era of boiled water with potassium permanganate is over, but there are still many questions about bathing. Bathing a newborn, especially the very first one, is a real event, joyful and exciting for all family members.

    Want to go swimming without a hitch? You can read everything parents need to know about bathing their precious crumbs here.

    Together with mom or separately?

    Joint bathing has features:

    • An adult is in the same container with a newborn.
    • Bathing is accompanied by direct body contact.

    Benefits of bathing together:

    1. This is the best way to teach a baby who doesn't like swimming but loves to spend time with mom or dad to regular water procedures.
    2. It will help to overcome the fear of water.
    3. Helps maintain a close emotional bond.
    4. Restore attention deficit if the mother is away from the baby during the day.
    5. Provides room for games and maneuvers that are only possible when swimming together - you can dive and play actively with your mom.

    Disadvantages of bathing together:

    • When taking baths together with a parent of the opposite sex, an older baby (over 1 year old) may have a violation of sexual development.
    • Infection (if the adult is sick or does not follow the rules of hygiene).

    Separate bathing means that the baby is in a large bath alone under the supervision of an adult.

    Benefits of a separate bath:

    Disadvantages of separate bathing:

    • The need for close attention (when bathing together, the adult is involved in the process and is more relaxed).
    • The child may be afraid of water and not enjoy the procedure.

    When can i bathe my baby in an adult container for the first time?

    There are two fundamentally different opinions about when it is permissible to completely immerse a newborn in water. Supporters of early bathing believe that the child should be bathed immediately after discharge from the hospital, without waiting for the umbilical wound to heal. Wherein it is necessary to use boiled water, disinfected with potassium permanganate(with potassium permanganate).

    Fans of the alternative position (including E.O. Komarovsky) believe that the first bathing is carried out after the navel is completely healed. This prevents infection and regular blotting of the wound.

    In addition, as the pediatrician says, potassium permanganate is not able to provide an aseptic state of water in the concentration that can be used when bathing a baby. If you add a few crystals to the water to make a pink solution, there is no sense in it. And here a more substantial "strength" of manganese solution will cause chemical burns.

    Dr. Komarovsky insists that it is possible to bathe a newborn for the first time in a large bathtub.

    Bathing rules for babies from 6 months

    Consider the rules regarding water temperature, water quality, and safety precautions for bathing a 6 month old newborn in a large tub.

    Temperature regime

    The temperature of the water depends on the goal pursued by the parents. If this is a hygienic cleansing procedure, then the temperature is maintained within 35-37⁰С. Warm water will wash away sweat and secretions from your skin. If the temperature is higher, there is a high risk of overdrying thin skin. There is no need to steam the baby - there is neither sense nor necessity in this.

    If a family practices a hardening evening bathing according to Komarovsky, then by the age of six months, the baby is already bathed in cool water at a temperature of 21-26⁰С.

    The less capacity and room for maneuver, the warmer (but not hot) the water should be. In a small bath, you should not practice hardening - the baby simply has nowhere to move. The child will freeze if there is only room to lie down.

    Water quality

    If you adhere to the position that you can bathe the baby immediately after leaving the hospital, use boiled water with potassium permanganate. Since the umbilical wound has not yet healed, you need to make the water as harmless as possible.

    When bathing a baby with a healed umbilical wound, you do not need to boil water... Of course, the water must be clean, so it is advisable to use filtered water. Running from the water supply is fine. You do not need to additionally disinfect the water.

    Safety engineering

    • Do not, under any circumstances, leave your child unattended in the water.
    • Prepare everything you need and place in the bath and on the changing table in advance any items that you need during bathing and after water procedures.
    • Do not measure the temperature of the water "by eye" - the baby has thin and sensitive skin. Use a special thermometer.
    • During the first month of life, the baby does not need active "washing". Hot water, soap, and a washcloth will destroy the lipid defenses.

      If you bathe your baby often, you may experience dermatitis - inflammation of the skin.

    • Do not overheat the water to avoid overdrying the skin.
    • Do not pour water on the baby's face - the baby will get scared. Perform face, eye and nose hygiene separately from bathing.

    Other rules

    Bathing rules:

    How to organize the process correctly?

    Cleaning the container

    Before water procedures, the container in the bathroom must be carefully prepared. If during the day someone has already bathed, washed or washed someone in the bath, be sure to wash the inner surface with cleaning agents. Rinsing is not enough.

    Suitable for washing the bath:

    • soda;
    • lemon acid;
    • vinegar;
    • powder for washing baby clothes;
    • gel for washing toys;
    • detergent for baby dishes.

    You can rub the container with a soda paste from a mixture of sodium bicarbonate and after 15 minutes wash off the active ingredients with hot water.

    Acrylic bathtubs cannot be cleaned with soda paste. because the abrasive can damage the delicate material. In this case, you can apply a strong soda solution to the walls and rinse off after a quarter of an hour.

    A vinegar solution or a mixture of water and citric acid also perfectly cleans and disinfects the surface. In this case, there are no restrictions on use. The solution is applied to the bath, and later thoroughly removed with hot water.

    Instead of baking soda, you can clean the tub with baby powder. The principle of application is similar. Liquid products (toy gel and baby dish detergent) contain foaming agents. Rinse the container after washing..

    To wash the bath before bathing your child, do not use aggressive cleaning agents based on chlorine, acids and alkalis. Such substances are poorly washed, forming a film on the surface of the material, which, when bathing, comes into contact with water and the epidermis. Chlorine vapors irritate the respiratory tract during water treatment.

    If the bath has not been used for its intended purpose during the day, it is enough to rinse the container with warm water before bathing the baby.

    What do you need?

    What you need for your bathing procedure:

    • a large soft-bristled bath towel (or a special baby bath towel);
    • a small towel or cloth to get your face wet;
    • slide or bath stand;
    • decoction of the string (optional);
    • cotton pads (for washing);
    • cotton wool (for turunda);
    • cream or oil;
    • powder;
    • soft baby bathing product (not earlier than 1-2 months);
    • clean diaper;
    • a container with warm water for facial hygiene;
    • a set of clothes for changing clothes.

    Other organizational points

    Place all the necessary items near the bathtub at arm's length.... During water procedures, the baby cannot be left unattended, therefore it is important that everything can be taken and taken out without leaving the place. Place the items and things that will be needed for hygiene procedures on the changing table before bathing. Lay out your clothes in the same place, unfold a clean diaper.

    Bathe only a child who is calm and satisfied with life. If the baby is nervous, bathing later will cause unpleasant associations. It is recommended to carry out water procedures before feeding.

    Was there a "surprise" under the diaper? Wash your baby before bathing under running water or use wet wipes.

    What does the process consist of?

    Water procedures

    1. Undress your baby.
    2. Place the baby with its back on the forearm of the right hand.
    3. Lower the baby into the bath, supporting the little body under the shoulder blades and placing the head on the forearm.
    4. In the process of bathing, gently and calmly communicate with the baby.
    5. With your free hand, pour water on the chest, rinse the neck.
    6. Do not spray your face or pour water, so as not to scare the baby.
    7. Gently dampen the hair, gently massaging the head.
    8. Rinse carefully any wrinkles where water does not naturally enter.
    9. Finish bathing after 7-8 minutes.
    10. Move your hand deeper under the body and take the baby out of the bath.
    11. Wrap the baby with a towel.
    12. Blot your face with a small napkin or towel.
    13. Move to the hygienic treatment room.

    Hygienic treatment of the child

    What does the hygienic treatment of the child include?:

    We offer you to watch a video on what hygiene procedures need to be carried out after bathing:

    Tips for Parents for a Successful Bathing Process:

    Evening water treatments are good for children, because they allow you to tire the baby before bedtime and induce appetite. This is a great way to get the whole family a good night's sleep.

    Useful video

    We offer you to watch a video about how the process of bathing a baby in a large bathroom takes place and how it is useful:

    Children, even the smallest ones, love to swim. Doctors have long talked about the health benefits of early swimming. There are many baby bathing accessories on the market. There was even a special circle to make it easier for the child to keep his head above the water. It must be chosen and used correctly so that it is comfortable for the child and parents.

    Bathing novelty

    The circle around the neck for small children is an inflatable tube. It consists of two non-communicating circles, shaped like a horseshoe. The parts of the inflatable horseshoe are connected with special fasteners - Velcro. Good manufacturers have reliable fasteners, they do not open in water.

    There is a special notch for the chin of the child, it allows you to comfortably position the head while bathing. The water accessory itself is usually bright, with drawings, rattles, bells, balls, some models can be musical. It can be used from the first days of life up to 2 years. Often parents are afraid, they prefer to keep the baby in the bathroom in their arms, and they begin to put on the circle at 1 or 1.5 months. Doctors advise to teach babies to swim constantly after the umbilical wound has healed, this is approximately at the age of 3 to 4 weeks.

    Such a water device will help parents, they will not need to hold the baby. You can use it even if the baby does not hold the head yet. The child will be able to freely move the arms, legs, move around in the bath. With such a device, you don't have to buy small baby baths, the baby will be comfortable in a large bath with a circle. Water procedures will be easier, easier, they will please everyone.

    Purchase and fitting

    It is advisable to choose such a kind of water collar in a large store, where you can return it in case of a marriage on the product. Particular attention should be paid to the material from which it is made. You need to carefully examine the purchase, the seams should be soft, but tight. There should be no damage, holes, strong chemical smell.

    Before trying on, the collar must be inflated, but so that it is not too elastic. Often the circle has two or three valves for air supply, all of them must be "drowned" inward before putting on. The baby should be seated in front of him, facing him, if he already knows how to sit. If he is not sitting yet, then one of the adults must pick him up vertically. The free ends of the circle must be stretched, put on the neck and fastened.

    It is important to monitor the child's reaction - it will be visible if the collar is tight or uncomfortable. To avoid squeezing the blood vessels, a gap of 2-3 mm should be left between the neck and the inner edges of the circle. The child's chin should be in a special recess. In this position, he will see everything, move freely, but he will not be able to press his chin to his chest and drown in water.

    Who is not allowed

    In some cases, neck circles cannot be used for newborns. It is a good idea to consult a pediatrician before using.

    Contraindications are:

    • high intracranial pressure;
    • recovery period after birth injury;
    • congenital epidermolysis bullosa, in which a little friction causes a large wound;
    • high or low muscle tone;
    • colds and infectious diseases;
    • skin inflammatory diseases of the neck.

    After the treatment has been carried out, the doctor may authorize the use of the bathing collar. It allows you to spend a lot of time in the water, which is very beneficial for your health.

    Bathing safety

    Even with such a reliable collar for babies, it is necessary to ensure safe swimming for newborns. The circle is not a lifesaver; when using it, you do not need to weaken your attention.

    Bathing behavior rules:

    • Do not leave your child unattended;
    • Do not use the circle at a depth of more than 1 meter;
    • The baby's feet should not touch the bottom of the bath;
    • Do not pull on the circle.

    Care must be taken when inflating. It is better to do this not with a pump, but with your mouth. This makes it easier to control the degree of inflation. Do not inflate too much, the collar should not be too stiff.

    Dressing and taking off the circle is not easy, it is better to resort to the help of a second person. To prevent the baby from freezing while adults are fiddling with water accessories, the bathroom needs to be heated. It is necessary to wash the baby without a collar, it is designed only for free swimming.

    Exercises in the water with a circle

    For a healthy bathing, you need to properly organize this time. With water devices, it is better to organize the bathing of the newborn in a large bath. The space will allow you to move freely, even do exercises in the water.

    Before bathing a newborn, you need to show him the bathing collar, let him touch, play with balls, rattles on it. The child must get used to the adaptation so as not to be frightened when putting it on.

    While swimming, you need to play, talk with the baby. If he is very small, then you can go behind him and call him to turn. Then go behind the back again, call. This will help your baby to turn around faster. Then you can stretch out small toys to him in the water so that he touches them with his fingers or takes them in his hand. Then move away so that the baby has to get to the toy, flailing with legs and arms.

    When the baby gets older, then the games can be complicated.


    Pour floating toys into the water. Ask the child to collect them in a small bucket, to begin with, show how to do this.

    "Funny ball"

    Put a ball in the water in front of the baby, show how he will swing on the waves. Help the child to splash legs, arms, creating waves.


    Pull the baby up to the side, put baby feet on it, show the child how to push off. Such a swim should be carried out along the length of the bath.


    Using the circle in the bathtub for babies is convenient for adults, fun for children. Swimming with such a device develops coordination, promotes physical development, and normalizes the mental state. It is necessary to choose a water accessory by size and weight, use it correctly, then everyone will enjoy water procedures.

    Immediately after birth, the baby is not yet fully adapted and cannot exist without the help of parents in a new environment. Mom should learn how to properly take the baby in her arms, change clothes, feed and play. She will also have to face the question of how to bathe a newborn baby in a bathtub. In the future, the procedure will have to be performed every day. If the parents in their arsenal have all the necessary knowledge, then the ritual will turn into entertainment.

    First bath

    For all new parents, bathing a newborn is a responsible and exciting process. All pediatricians insist that the procedure must be performed in a special baby bath. The water should be warm, but not hot. Otherwise, the baby will not feel comfortable in such conditions.

    The first few days after giving birth to a baby, you should rinse under running warm water. During this period, the navel will be able to heal and fall off. Immediately after discharge from the hospital, the baby can already be bathed. However, in the process, you should follow the basic rules of personal hygiene for babies, which are somewhat different from adults.

    The positive impact of water treatments

    For children, bathing can be fun and exciting. It plays an important role in hygiene, normalizing the immune system and raising the infant's mood. Thanks to the water, he feels the following positive aspects:

    • Necessary care and cleansing of the skin.
    • The baby will be able to calm down and have a good rest.
    • Thanks to the water, the baby receives the hardening necessary for his age, which improves the process of thermoregulation.
    • Swimming allows the baby to get to know the world around him in more detail.
    • The procedure gives the baby positive impressions and emotions.

    In the first month of life, you can bathe your baby no more often than once a day. During this period, his skin is still too sensitive and may suffer from water. When the baby is six months old, the frequency of procedures can be reduced to once every two days.

    Criteria for choosing the time for the procedure

    It is correct to bathe your child in the evening. Thanks to the water, he will be able to relax and calm down. The procedure completely relieves colic. Water helps your baby to get ready for sleep.

    However, in some cases, the bathing process, on the contrary, makes the child too vigorous and active. In this case, you should adjust to the temperament of the baby and perform the action in the morning. The process should be beneficial and enjoyable for toddlers and their parents.

    Newborn bathing device

    Preparatory procedures

    You can proceed to bathing the baby in the bathroom only after the end of all the preparatory measures. Parents must take into account the following nuances of the process:

    For bathing, it is advisable to use a special bath for children. Before starting the process, it is poured over with boiling water and washed with soap. This will eliminate all harmful viruses and bacteria.

    The water temperature is measured with a baby thermometer. If such a device is not at hand, then mommy can lower her elbow into the liquid. The optimum temperature range is from 37 to 38 degrees.

    Medicinal herbs help to care for the delicate skin of the crumbs. Before using them, it is advisable to consult a pediatrician. Plants have a calming and anti-allergenic effect.

    It is allowed to use detergents that have been specially developed for children. Even such a soap is advisable to use only a couple of times a week. Shampooing is done once a week.

    You should also choose a loofah in a children's store. Only natural fabrics should be used for its manufacture. Otherwise, the risk of injury to the skin of the crumbs increases.

    If the child is afraid to swim in the bathroom, then several special toys should be put in it. They should be bright and attract the attention of the crumbs. In this case, washing will turn into an exciting game.

    At the end of the procedure, the body of the crumbs must be rinsed with clean water from a previously prepared bucket.

    After the bath, the baby should be wrapped in a clean diaper. It is also allowed to use adult terry towels.

    After bathing, your baby's skin should also be properly cared for. This will require tampons, sticks, diapers. You should also have hydrogen peroxide and brilliant green on hand. They are used in case of detection of wounds on the skin.

    After wiping off, a clean child is dressed in a fresh set of underwear.

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    Combination of bathing and feeding

    The baby is bathed only after he has eaten well. Thanks to this, the further process will take place in a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere. If the baby is breastfeeding, then no additional breaks should be taken between feeding and bathing. Mother's milk will be absorbed quickly, so you can safely proceed to water procedures.

    Medicinal plants

    Bathing a newborn in a large bathtub is beneficial with medicinal herbs. They form a protective barrier and leave the skin soft and silky:

    • A series and calendula will help to quickly get rid of rashes.
    • Thanks to chamomile, the baby will be able to forget about colic.
    • Motherwort is used to calm the baby.

    Bathing process algorithm

    After preparing everything you need, you can start bathing the newborn in a bath with a slide.

    To do this, perform the following manipulations:

    1. The bath should be installed in such a way that in the process the woman's back remains straight and there is no unnecessary load on her. Thanks to this, during the process, the woman will not get tired, which means she will always feel cheerful.
    2. A slight tilt will help to avoid immersion of the newborn's head in water. It should be organized by placing several books under the edge of the tub.
    3. Next, boiled water is poured into the vessel and diluted cold to 37 degrees. The two compositions should be carefully moved between each other, only in this case it is possible to obtain uniform heating.
    4. The herbal decoction is added only after straining.
    5. A vessel with hot water should be placed next to you. It will need to be added if the rest of the liquid cools down. This should be done from the edge of the tub so as not to burn the crumb.
    6. A towel roll should be placed under the head of the crumbs in the bath.
    7. The body of the crumbs must be immersed slowly. Only the head should remain above the water, which fits comfortably on the pillow. Mom is recommended to keep her pen on the baby's tummy all the time.
    8. After procedures in the bath and thorough wiping, air baths will be useful to the baby.

    The baby should be watered with a small ladle. Periodically, the liquid should flow down the woman's hand. Thanks to this, it will be possible to additionally control its temperature.

    You should buy a bathtub at least 65 centimeters in length. In this case, the baby will feel as comfortable as possible in it.

    At the first stage, you should carefully rinse the legs and arms of the crumbs. At the same time, he must remain wrapped in his diaper. Mom must make sure that the baby does not freeze.

    Some pediatricians advise giving up soap the first time you bathe. However, if the parents decided to take it, then the foam after the procedure should be thoroughly washed off with water.

    After bathing, the baby should be wrapped in a towel or diaper that absorbs moisture well.

    After the end of the procedure, the baby should be thoroughly dried with a towel

    Key rules

    Bathing a baby in a large bath should be in compliance with all the rules and regulations of the process. Throughout the procedure, the baby should be as comfortable, warm and cozy as possible. Only then will he be able to enjoy swimming. Parents should know how much and how to properly handle the child in the water:

    • The head should always be on a surface or cushion. It should be washed from the forehead to the back. It will need to be rinsed with clean water. To prevent it from getting into the mouth and ears, a woman can put her hand on them. In this case, children are not afraid to swim.
    • It is most convenient to bathe the baby with a washcloth or cotton swab. It is convenient to apply the required amount of soap to them. It is important to thoroughly rinse all wrinkles and the space between the fingers. If there are places with irritation or redness, then they can additionally be wiped with a decoction of medicinal herbs. Thanks to him, it will be possible to get rid of diaper rash, prickly heat and other unpleasant manifestations on the skin.
    • While the baby is completely immersed in water, you should rinse his genitals. After the end of the procedure, they should be rinsed with clean water.
    • Cotton pads are also used to wipe the peephole. Movements should start from the outside and end at the nose. The ears are washed in the same way.

    Mom should observe the change in the baby's reaction during the bathing process. If his nose or lips turn blue, then he is cold. If the cheeks or face are reddened, one can judge about the excessively high temperature of the water. The baby always reports his discomfort by crying or screaming, so it is not recommended to ignore him.

    Features of bathing at different ages

    As they grow older, the child begins to like water procedures more and more. This is why parents need to be patient and make the habit more enjoyable.

    Up to 6 weeks, it is advisable to bathe the baby every day. He will feel as comfortable as possible throughout the entire process if you first wrap his body with a towel.

    For a period of up to three months, when bathing, it is advisable to use a special bath in which the baby will lie comfortably.

    At the age of up to six months, the baby can already take water procedures with her mother in a large bath. Thanks to this, the baby will be able to swim and learn about the world around him.

    At six months, the baby should already be sitting. As a rule, during this period, he begins to show a genuine interest in water and games in it. Parents can use either a special tub or a plastic chair. It is fixed on the sides with the help of special velcro. At the same time, the most comfortable conditions are created for the crumbs.

    Bath time

    It is advisable to prolong bathing if the baby likes to wallow in the water. If he is already two months old, then the procedure can be continued for about 20 minutes.

    After six months, water procedures may well last forty minutes a day. It is important that the child has enough warm water during this time. Otherwise, he may catch colds and get sick.

    After bath procedures

    When the baby has already bathed well, he should be wrapped in a soft towel. Most likely, he will want to sleep, so a woman can perform the following manipulations:

    • Slightly wiggle or feed the crumb.
    • The infant should also be placed in a supine position and thoroughly wiped off all wrinkles with a clean towel.
    • If necessary, they should also be treated with hygiene products.
    • Put on a diaper.
    • To protect the ears from colds, you should immediately put on a cap on the baby.

    After all the manipulations performed, the baby will fall asleep sweetly. When bathing, you should follow the basic recommendations of the pediatrician. In this case, they will become a pleasant pastime for the child and his parents.

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