• Baby skills at 1 month. A child in the first month of his life - important features of development and proper care. How often does the child poop and piss


    The first month in a baby's life drags on for an incredibly long time! In any case, this is exactly how it seems to mothers who are next to the baby every minute, and often do not leave the house because of the cold or, conversely, the heat on the street. But this period is over and your baby has already changed. Have you noticed? What should be the correct development of a baby at 1 month old, and what useful skills should be developed today?

    Every day your baby becomes more and more beautiful. The puffiness has already gone from the face, thanks to which its features became clearly visible. Now you can compare who the baby is more like, although this similarity may change several times.

    Features of the physiology of the baby

    A newborn baby 1 month no longer experiences the discomfort of muscle hypertonicity, which clenched the crumbs' fists and forced them to press the arms to the body. They move freely and unconsciously, since the baby has not yet learned to control them.

    The umbilical wound has completely healed, turning into a real navel. And the baby's sleep at 1 month is so long that it allows the mother, finally, to feel a little more freedom in doing household chores. During the day, the baby will sleep at least 6 times, the total rest time will be 6-7 hours. For another 8-10 hours, the baby will sleep at night, perhaps without even disturbing you for night feeding. Even the most active crumbs of one month old are awake only 6 hours a day, and real sleepyheads rest all 20 hours.

    Stool for a 1 month old baby is very individual. Some crumbs can please mom with a dirty diaper even after each feeding, up to 10 times a day. On average, the number of pooping is 4-6. There are also very restrained kids who empty their intestines every other day (this is especially true for artificial people). But if the baby is feeling well, he is not worried about the tummy, which is absolutely soft, then such rare bowel movements are normal for him.

    The weight of a child at 1 month is also individual, as are the indicators of growth, head circumference.

    The first weighing in the pediatrician's office at 1 month of the child's life will show the dynamics of weight gain and growth. Its indicators are growing, which means that the physical development of a child of 1 month of life is proceeding normally.

    Basic skills

    What should a baby be able to do at 1 month old? Eat and sleep? Not at all! The skills of a 1 month old baby are much more varied! The crumb is able to:

    Features of care for proper development

    Proper care of a 1 month old baby will ensure its correct development. What do you need to do? Just be there for all the time you can afford and respond to your baby's requests "at the first whistle." More often take him in your arms, talk, play. And do not pay attention to the advice of grandmothers and neighbors, who believe that such behavior will make the child an egoist. Just the opposite. Babies deprived of their mother's care are more likely to start screaming for no reason just to get her attention. The kid, who knows that mom will come at the first call, will not cry again.


    To develop the child's attention and tactile skills will help:

    • large contrasting figures and bright toys of those colors that the baby can already distinguish;
    • black and white pictures with large spiral patterns or in the form of a checkerboard;
    • air balloons;
    • a mobile - or a children's carousel with large figures and music. Let the number of these figures be small, 3-4 pieces are enough;
    • developing mat or arch - you can play with the latter just in the crib.


    For a 1 month old baby, development may well include baby swimming in a pool with mom and an instructor. You can also swim in your home bath. Buy an inflatable donut around your baby's neck and fill the bathtub with water at a comfortable temperature. Dip the baby into the water and help him get comfortable by holding it under the handles. For 3 times already, the child will gladly splash himself, moving in the water. And you can just be there.

    Starting from 1 month of life, the development of the baby will be very active. Capture every moment armed with your camera. In a year you will be happy to look at the pictures, wondering how much your child could do!


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    Baby development in the first month happens imperceptibly, he is still too small to fix his gaze, recognize faces and respond to voices. But he can already show his emotions, express his anger and joy through crying and smiling.

    Height and weight

    The height and weight of a child at 1 month may differ depending on his gender, so, for example, a boy's weight should be in the range of 3.6-5.1 kg, and a girl's - 3.6-4.7 kg. The growth of children in the first month of life: for a boy - from 51.2 cm to 56.5 cm, and for a girl - from 50.3 cm to 56.1 cm.


    The first vaccinations should be given to a child immediately after birth, literally during the first day of his life, the second - three to four days after his birth. This should be a vaccine against tuberculosis and hepatitis B.

    What a 1 month baby can do

    A baby at 1 month old should be able to keep his head in a prone position. In the first month of a child's life, his adaptation to the outside world takes place, and his parents - to the baby. That is why eye and body contact with the mother, as well as her responses to all his needs, is so important for the child at this time.

    Baby's day regimen at 1 month

    Menu and food for the child

    From the first day of life, the child needs water - less in winter and more in summer. Water should be given without sugar, 1-2 teaspoons between feedings. The kid must set the required amount of water on his own. In the event that a healthy child refuses water, this indicates that he has enough of it from mother's milk. If milk is enough, then complementary foods should be introduced, for this, for the first time, before breastfeeding, you need to give a tablespoon of liquid porridge (the consistency of thick sour cream), and then breastfeed it. On the second day, give two spoons, and on the following days gradually add its amount, replacing one breastfeeding.


    Feeding is an extremely important issue in the life of a newborn baby. Doctors recommend feeding a child in the first month of his life every 3-3.5 hours, in other words - 6-7 times a day. It will be very good if the night break is 5-6 hours. Thanks to this, from the very first days of life, the child will form a regime - an important condition for the subsequent correct psychological and physical development. You can also latch the baby to the breast in case of anxiety. In this case, you can get up to 10-12 feedings per day, but as it grows, such intervals will increase.

    How much sleeps

    The child spends the first month of his life almost entirely in a dream. He sleeps about 20 hours a day, at the same time his fragile body is undergoing a huge adaptation to life outside the womb. In most cases, newborns sleep on their backs, with their arms bent at the elbows and legs bent and apart. In newborns, three phases of sleep and two phases of wakefulness can be distinguished. Sleep is deep (the child breathes calmly and evenly) and shallow (hesitant breathing, twitching of the legs and arms is possible). It happens that the baby is napping, for example, while feeding. The period of wakefulness is characterized by active movements of the legs and arms. If the child lies quietly, it means that everything suits him and does not bother him.

    Stool norms

    Fully breastfed babies rarely have stool problems. A breastfed baby can have a chair from 10-12 times a day, but little by little, for example, with one teaspoon, and a large volume - about once a week. At the same time, both mushy stools and thin ones, like water, are within the normal range. Also, stool with mucus, pieces, lumps, in some cases with "green" is a variant of the norm. Just watch the baby's behavior, if he is gaining weight, looks healthy, then he has no problems with stool.

    Baby care at 1 month


    Until the baby's umbilical wound is completely healed, it is necessary to bathe only in boiled water with the addition of a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Then you can not boil the water, but change the drying potassium permanganate to a decoction from a string or chamomile. A healthy baby should be bathed every day, and preferably just before bedtime. The temperature of the bathing water should be +37 degrees, you can check this with a thermometer. For a 1 month old baby, 2-3 minutes of bathing is enough. After the bath, wrap him in a diaper and get slightly wet; you should not wipe him with a terry towel, as his skin is still very delicate. With soap, even baby, you should not wash the baby more often than once a week.


    In the first month of life, the baby is actively developing tactile receptors, therefore, all games should be tactile in nature. Train yourself and your baby to play from the very beginning, and in the next months of his life, games will become an integral part of his life. One of these games is Interesting Toy. The goal of the game is to develop in a 1 month old baby the ability to focus his gaze on one object. To do this, put the baby on the crib, move a luminous object or toy over the crib. Stop the object for a few seconds so that the child can focus on it. At the same time, it is recommended to stand in such a way that the baby does not see your face and is not distracted.

    What a 1 month old baby should be able to do - after all, he is still a tiny baby. The whole world is for him in food and sleep. Is it so important to monitor its timely development at this age? But the baby is acquiring certain skills. They determine the intensity of its further development. And the identified problems are compensated for quickly and painlessly. That is why it is so important to know the control points of the development of the monthly crumbs.

    These indicators for the first month of the baby's life change impressively. On average, a baby gains 1-1.2 kg. In this case, the weight norms are 4.2-4.5 kg. The crumb grows by 4-5 cm in one month of life. The average growth of the baby is 54-55 cm. The values ​​of indicators for boys and girls differ by 7-10%.

    How a child learns the world around him at the age of one month

    At this age, the development of the baby has its own characteristics. Knowing them, an attentive mother will always answer the question: how is her baby growing.

    Tactile sensations

    The baby is very sensitive. To form contact between mom and baby, it is recommended to create a comfortable environment for him:

    1. The crumbs should be touched with pre-warmed hands.
    2. Clothing worn should be dry and warm.
    3. There must be fresh air in the room.
    4. But drafts are excluded at the same time.
    5. The temperature in the room where the baby lives should be 20-22 degrees.

    When changing diapers, dressing for a walk, mother should gently stroke the baby and talk to him.

    Cognitive skills

    A one month old baby has impulsive reflexes. They are formed automatically when exposed to a stimulus. For a monthly baby, these skills include:

    • the ability to short-term fixation of the gaze;
    • difference in contrasting colors;
    • focusing gaze on the mother's face;
    • the ability to distinguish the loudness of sounds;
    • the ability to distinguish and highlight the voice of the mother.

    Subsequently, the grasping reflex develops in the baby. The baby is able to connect the face and voice of the mother, that is, to create an image.

    Basic reflexes of the baby

    During the first month of life, the baby shows basic reflexes. Some disappear with further development. The rest are transformed into conditional ones and remain until the end of their life. The baby can:

    1. Grab the put finger of an adult and squeeze it firmly.
    2. Turn the head towards the cheek that mom will stroke. This is how the baby finds food.
    3. Make sucking movements when the object comes into contact with the sponges. This is how the baby reacts to the appearance of food.
    4. Spread the handles to the sides and unbend the fingers with a single blow on the plane on which the baby lies. This is the Moreau effect.
    5. Turn the head and open your mouth when you press the tubercle of the palm under the thumb. The head will turn towards the handle with which the manipulation is carried out. This is Babkin's reflex.
    6. Spread the toes to the sides while stroking the back of the foot. This is Babinsky's reflex.
    7. Push off from the palm of an adult tightly pressed to the legs while lying on the tummy.
    8. Push off with your feet from a horizontal surface with support from the armpit.

    Developing the last 2 points, you can ensure that the baby crawls faster and starts walking.

    Taste and olfactory reflexes

    During this period, the baby discerns the taste of food. He distinguishes salty, sour and sweet: frowns and grunts. If the mother eats something inappropriate, the baby refuses breast milk. Pungent odors cause grimaces and crying in the baby.

    What a one-month-old baby can hear

    The baby hears perfectly in one month. He distinguishes between the emitted sounds and turns the head to search for their source. The baby already recognizes Mom's voice. It is her affectionate persuasion that helps him calm down. The voices of other family members do not have this effect.

    Vision in the first month of life

    The baby has not yet learned to focus his vision. All surrounding objects seem blurry to him. Most of all he is interested in faces.

    At this time, it is useful to show the baby a bright rattle: the toy will help him focus his gaze.

    Emotional and social development

    A one month old baby perfectly feels the emotional state of her mother. If she is calm, he is happy. When mom is upset, she starts crying loudly. The baby reacts to conversations with him. He begins to make joyful sounds when affectionately addressed to him. At this time, during periods of wakefulness, it is recommended to talk with the little one as much as possible: this will establish contacts with the mother and help to socialize later.

    Mental development

    Inexperienced parents believe that in the first month the baby is still unable to do anything. However, the baby is capable of:

    • to distinguish the voices of the family, to highlight the mother's voice;
    • focus on bright objects for a few seconds;
    • flinch at harsh sounds;
    • distinguish between contrasting colors.

    The calm atmosphere in the family contributes to the acquisition of a sense of security in the baby: the baby begins to develop faster.

    Physical and physical activity

    The baby is still lying down. But he already knows how:

    • turn the head to the side while lying on the tummy;
    • rotates the neck in search of the source of the sound;
    • during wakefulness, moves the arms and legs (while these movements are involuntary);
    • tries to raise and hold the head while lying on the tummy or standing upright in a column.

    At the end of the first month of life, the baby will learn to simultaneously raise its head and butt while lying on its tummy.

    What does normal development depend on?

    Without the active participation of family members, the baby will not be able to develop at a normal pace. Relatives must follow the simple rules of caring for the little one.

    Correct care

    A newborn needs competent care for rapid and successful development. It consists in following simple rules. Recommended:

    • perform hygiene procedures: washing, washing, cutting marigolds, combing (if necessary), moisturizing the skin;
    • do gymnastics and massage;
    • walking with a baby in the fresh air;
    • to bathe the little one;
    • feed correctly;
    • play educational games with your baby;
    • adhere to the daily routine;
    • talk to him affectionately.

    It is important to understand: the whole complex of caring for a baby should be performed constantly.

    Healthy prolonged sleep

    A month-old baby spends most of his life in a dream. This is necessary for proper development. The baby is awake ¾-1 hour. The rest of the time the baby sleeps. During the day, the baby should have up to 8 sleep periods. The duration of each is up to 2-3 hours. The night's sleep lasts 8 hours. For a rash, the baby needs to create comfortable conditions:

    • fresh air in the room;
    • comfortable bed;
    • temperature 20-22 degrees;
    • muffled light.

    It is important to remember: a hungry baby will not sleep soundly and for a long time.

    Baby food at 1 month

    The ideal food for a month old baby is breast milk. At one time, it sucks up to 60 ml. It is recommended to feed the crumb at the first sign of anxiety. This process is called free-feeding. A mother can have up to 12 feedings per day. Frequent latching of the baby to the breast stimulates an increase in lactation. Milk is produced in the quantities required by the baby. If milk is sufficient, complementary foods should not be given in one month. It is not recommended to add water to the baby.

    If there is a lack of milk, the problem should be reported to the local pediatrician. He will prescribe an adapted mixture.

    What is characteristic of the behavior of a newborn

    A month-old baby sleeps most of its life. But during a short wakefulness, he improves the skills he acquired at birth:

    • actively moves arms and legs;
    • willingly listens to songs, nursery rhymes, chants;
    • briefly fixes the gaze on the mother's face and bright objects;
    • trying to raise the head.

    It is important to encourage such activities of the little ones.

    Physiological indicators by the end of the first month

    Physiological indicators differ from those recorded when a baby is born:

    1. By the end of the first month, the baby stops sleeping in the fetal position.
    2. Even when sleeping on his tummy, he turns his head to the side (a protective instinct is manifested).
    3. A normally developing baby can lift the head and butt at the same time.
    4. The baby's blood circulation is being rebuilt: the brain, kidneys, liver are supplied more intensively.
    5. The immune system is being formed.
    6. The fontanelles begin to grow.
    7. The umbilical wound is tightened.
    8. The skin ceases to be too dry, but still needs to be moisturized with special products.
    9. White spots (milia) disappear from the baby's face.
    10. The kidneys serve their purpose, but they are still immature.

    During this period, parents are required to ensure proper hygiene. This will help the physiological characteristics to form faster.

    What to do if there are deviations

    If several indicators do not meet the standards, it is recommended to report the problem to the local pediatrician. He will examine the baby, appoint a consultation with specialized specialists. Based on the results, corrective procedures will be carried out.

    Medical examination of the child

    In addition to a follow-up examination with a local pediatrician, the baby will need an examination:

    • surgeon;
    • orthopedist;
    • ophthalmologist;
    • neurologist.

    How to help your baby develop

    It seems to inexperienced parents: at 1 month, the child is too small for games. But for successful development, it is recommended to know how to play with a one-month-old baby.

    Games in 1 month

    For the development of hearing and speech, you should talk to the little one more often. In response to the words of his mother, he pronounces his "agu". To develop color vision, you should hang multi-colored rattles over the bed. It is recommended to change the garlands. The crumb should often be taken on handles, ironed, tender. This creates a sense of security.

    Activities in the water

    Starting from 3-4 weeks, the baby can be taught to swim. Such activities strengthen the body. In addition, they are still natural for the crumb: after all, he lived for a long time in a liquid environment. All exercises are required to be accompanied by a voice: this contributes to the development of hearing and speech.

    In the first month after birth, the child undergoes adaptation to a new life outside the mother's body. This is an important time for both the baby and his parents. Let's look at the main features of the first month of a baby's life.

    Calculate the vaccination calendar

    How much weight does a baby gain in the first month?

    In the first month, the baby gains an average of 600 grams of weight. Note that normally in the maternity hospital, the baby loses up to 10% of the weight with which it was born, but even before discharge begins to gain weight back and after that only weight gains are considered the norm. The growth of the baby in the first month increases by about 3 centimeters.

    The indicators of babies at 1 month look like this:


    The health of a newborn baby is always checked by the presence of reflexes that an infant should have. Many of these reflexes disappear over time, but their presence in the newborn is an important sign of the infant's health.

    The following reflexes are determined in a newly born baby:

    1. Sucking. This is the main reflex that provides nutrition for the infant.
    2. Prehensile. By touching the baby's palm with your finger or a toy, you will see how the baby will reflexively grab it.
    3. Search. When stroking or touching the cheek, the child turns his head.
    4. Swimming. Putting the baby on the tummy, you will see that the child makes movements similar to swimming.
    5. Babinsky. If you run your finger along the crumbs' foot (along its outer edge), the foot turns, and the fingers diverge on it.
    6. Walk. By supporting the baby's body so that its legs touch a solid surface, you will notice how the baby will begin to perform movements similar to walking.
    7. Mora. In case of a sudden loud sound, the baby will bend and spread the legs and arms.
    8. Babkina. Press the baby on the palm and see how the baby opens his mouth and turns his head.


    As such, a child does not have a regime in the first month of life - the baby sleeps for several hours, then stays awake for up to 30-60 minutes, eats and falls asleep again. A certain daily routine, individual for each baby, is formed only in the second month of life, and during the newborn period, the child does not care whether it is night or day.

    About what you need to do in the first weeks after the birth of a baby, see the TV show "Baby Boom".


    The newborn is in a dream most of the day, while the baby's sleep is represented by three phases:

    1. Deep sleep, during which the baby breathes calmly and deeply, and the baby's eyes are closed.
    2. Shallow sleep, during which the baby's breathing is inconsistent, and the legs and arms may twitch, as well as the eyeballs covered by eyelids.
    3. Drowsiness, which often occurs during feedings or while falling asleep. The eyes of the crumbs are half-closed during this phase.

    During wakefulness, the baby can either lie quietly or report its discomfort by crying.


    The food considered ideal for a newborn baby is colostrum. This is the name of the milk that is released from the female breast immediately after childbirth and is extremely rich in substances useful for the crumbs. Breast milk is rightfully called the best nutrition for a baby who has just been born, because even the best formula manufacturers cannot reproduce its unique composition.

    It is advised to feed a newborn baby on demand, applying the baby to the breast when the baby is anxious. At first, there will be a lot of feedings, but as the child grows, his own diet is formed with pauses between feedings.

    In situations where breastfeeding is impossible, it is important to choose the right mixture for the baby. To do this, you should consult a pediatrician and take into account all the nuances so that nutrition does not harm the still immature digestive system of the newborn.

    When breastfeeding, it is important to ensure that the baby is properly gripping the nipple - along with the areola. However, the baby will still swallow some of the air, so after feeding, you need to help the baby to release the air (regurgitate).


    A newborn baby can do very little so far. During the period of wakefulness, the baby randomly moves its arms and legs, and to any stimulus, whether it be a wet diaper or a feeling of hunger, the baby reacts by crying. When a child hears a harsh sound, he freezes, blinks often and may burst into tears.

    By the end of the first month of life, the baby is able to:

    • Smile in response to an adult's speech.
    • Raise your head when lying on your stomach, holding it for up to five seconds.
    • Watch out for stationary objects and the face of the mother, as well as for moving large objects of bright color.
    • Walk. The sounds made by the baby are similar to "gy", "ga", "gu", therefore such a "conversation" of the crumbs is also called gagukan.

    About what happens to the baby in the first month of his life, see the video of Larisa Sviridova.

    What does a child need?

    • First of all, after birth, a baby needs tactile contact with the mother, so the baby needs to be hugged, held, and stroked more often.
    • Smile at the baby more often, then the baby will sooner delight you with a conscious smile.
    • In order for the child to develop better, during periods of wakefulness, talk with the baby and often change the position of the baby - lay it on the tummy, turn on the side, carry it upright, supporting the head.
    • For better development of hearing, you can not only talk with the baby with different intonation and timbre, but also turn on the crumbs of classical music. Have the child listen to it for about ten minutes every day.
    • Proper care of the baby is also important, which includes daily hygiene (washing, washing, cleaning the eyes, nose, ears, combing, cutting nails), bathing, walking, massage, air baths.

    Possible problems

    During the neonatal period, the following problems may arise:

    • Colic. They appear in most babies as a consequence of insufficient intestinal maturity. You can help your baby with a light massage of the abdomen, body contact, a gas tube, or drugs that help get rid of gas.
    • Poor healing of the umbilical wound. For it to go well, the navel of the newborn needs to be treated with brilliant green daily. In cases of the appearance of discharge from the wound or redness of the navel, the child should be shown to the doctor. You also need a pediatrician's consultation if the baby is already 2 weeks old, and the crust has not disappeared and the wound has not healed.
    • Jaundice. This is a physiological condition common to most babies. It is associated with the process of replacing hemoglobin, which was in the baby's blood during intrauterine life, with ordinary hemoglobin. It usually goes away in the first 2 weeks of a baby's life.
    • Restless sleep. Although a baby sleeps a lot in the first month of life, due to the peculiarities of his brain, the baby's sleep is easily disturbed. So it is worth taking care of the optimal sleeping conditions for the baby - let the baby sleep in a quiet and warm room with dim lights.

    For information on what to do with a newborn baby, see the program "School of Doctor Komarovsky".

    • Plantar reflex: if you run your finger over the foot, the child will pull back the leg;
    • Sucking reflex: lightly slide your finger over the lips of the crumbs, and he immediately folds his lips into a tube;
    • Grasp reflex: Place your child's fingertip in the handle and he will squeeze it tightly.

    In addition to these, other reflexes are distinguished in the newborn: proboscis, Bauer's crawling reflex, support and automatic walking reflex, and others.

    1 month old baby: sense organs

    If you think that newborns are helpless and completely stupid, you are very mistaken, because already in the first few days of life, all their senses begin to work actively.

    1. The kid holds a stationary object in the field of view. Can focus on him. If you slowly carry a bright object (for example, a rattle) in front of your baby's face, he will begin to smoothly move his gaze following the movement of your hands. Best of all, the baby focuses at a distance of 25-30 cm. This is the distance at which the baby often sees the face of the mother.

    2. The baby reacts to a loud sound (pop, bell) - shudders. When you lay the baby on his tummy, he tries to lift and hold the head.

    3. The baby begins to recognize his mother's voice, and when the child is 1 month old, he perceives high voices faster. So talking to the baby at this time in a "lisping" tone is by no means stupid.

    Baby 1 month: communication

    The child is 1 month old, and he is already trying to communicate with his mother, and not only with the help of crying during hunger. The baby responds to the mood of the mother - if she bends a frowning face to him, he will cry, and if she smiles at him, he will smile too. And although this smile is still unconscious, many call it "angelic". And the child will begin to smile consciously only from the second month.

    Baby 1 month: sleep

    When a baby is 1 month old, he often wakes up because he wants to eat every 2-4 hours. His stomach is still very small, so at first the baby eats very little and sleeps in between meals. In general, it takes a newborn from 13 to 20 hours a day to sleep. During these periods, the mother can also rest and make up for the lack of night sleep a little. For more information on this topic, see our article Your Baby Learns to Sleep.

    Baby 1 month: breastfeeding

    Breastfeeding immediately raises many questions: How to properly attach the baby to the breast and wean from it? how long to feed the baby? You can find information about this and much more in the corresponding section of our portal, for example, how often you should feed your baby, and what postures for HV are most popular with mothers.

    Baby 1 month: baby care

    After birth, the baby looks fragile and weak. But, believe me, the baby is stronger than you think, so do not be afraid to take him in your arms, change clothes and bathe him. You can find tips on caring for a child in the corresponding section of our portal.

    • Hang toy rattles or bright rotating mobiles above the bed (at the level of the baby's chest) at least 50–70 cm.
    • In moments of wakefulness, it is useful for the crumbs to turn on gentle music for a short time (just not loudly, babies have very thin hearing).
    • Sing funny and lullabies to your baby more often, make funny grimaces (wink, stick out your tongue or make big eyes). You will be surprised - the child will try to imitate you!
    • Talk to your baby. You can comment on what is happening around and your actions, or you can even just ... lisp. Don't worry, your babbling and cooing is the most important preparation for correct speech perception.

    Note! The tone of your speech is very important - try, even if you are tired, did not get enough sleep or irritated, not to raise your voice or shout at the child. Now the baby will not understand you anyway, but it will be very frightened and cry even more. Therefore, it is better to settle intra-family conflicts in another room: the baby is very sensitive to such irritants.

    Rest after childbirth

    The postpartum period is divided into two stages: the so-called early and late periods. During the first 14 days (early postpartum period), a woman needs rest to recuperate, and during the late postpartum period, it is already possible to start performing the first exercises of special postpartum gymnastics.

    Rehabilitation gymnastics

    During childbirth, the female body experiences a very strong stress. With the help of restorative gymnastics, you can not only strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, but also speed up the recovery of the uterus. In addition, many exercises will improve posture, which is disturbed by feeding and holding the baby frequently. On our website you will find a description of special exercises that can be started at the end of the postpartum period.

    Postpartum discharge

    For several weeks after giving birth, a woman will have a small amount of so-called postpartum discharge, consisting of blood, mucus and the remnants of the fetal membrane. They can last up to eight weeks, stopping and then renewing. At this time, proper hygiene is especially important so as not to get inflammation of the genitals or uterus.

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