• When does the second trimester begin in pregnant women? All trimesters of pregnancy by week, indicating the most dangerous periods. What risks can arise


    In the second trimester, the main organs and systems of the fetus are already formed. During these 3 months, there is a further improvement and development of functional systems:

    • Development of the brain and nervous system. At the same time, there is an active development of the sense organs, first of all, it concerns hearing and tactile sensations.
    • The formation of the genitals and the reproductive system (ultrasound can already determine the sex of the unborn child).
    • Formation and strengthening of the skeleton, bone tissue. Muscular system development. The formation of subcutaneous fat.
    • The development of intestinal functions - the formation of villi, the first muscle movements (peristalsis).
    • Full launch of the functions of the kidneys and urinary system.
    • The beginning of the work of the endocrine glands and the functioning of the endocrine system.

    Features and dangers of the second trimester of pregnancy

    In conventional obstetric management of pregnancy, the 2nd trimester begins at 13 and ends at 26 weeks. At this time, the fetus grows rather slowly and gradually. In the middle of pregnancy, which is 21 weeks, the size of the fetus can be compared to the average apple. Subsequently, the unborn child will begin to actively build up subcutaneous fat and gain weight.

    As a rule, in the middle of the term, the size of the abdomen begins to noticeably increase in volume. The changes concern not only an increase in the waist of the expectant mother, but the bone structure of the pelvis. Gradually, the expansion of the pelvic bones begins, as one of the stages of preparation for labor. The important features and symptoms of the 2nd trimester of pregnancy include the first sensations of the baby's movements, which occur in the period from 18 to 20 weeks. This standard indicator is considered arbitrary, since much depends on the size and activity of the fetus, the sensitivity of the mother's nervous system, and the sequence of pregnancy. In the second and subsequent pregnancies, the first movements can be felt, starting from the 16th week.

    All expectant mothers are interested in the question of how dangerous the 2nd trimester of pregnancy is. In the first trimester, the threat of miscarriage occurs in the very first weeks, it may arise due to problems with the movement of the ovum through the tube and implantation into the uterine endometrium. Having successfully passed this period, and protecting herself from increased emotional and physical stress, a woman can calm down. The next dangerous stage begins from 18 to 22 weeks. It is during this period that there is a risk of the so-called "late miscarriage".

    The threat arises for the following reasons:

    • ICN (isthmic-cervical insufficiency). A dangerous condition of the muscles of the uterus, in which the muscles cannot support the weight of the growing fetus and relax. As a result, there is a pathological premature dilatation of the cervix, which can lead to the threat of early birth. It should be noted that such a violation is extremely rare and is most often due to individual malformations and aspects of a woman's health. The reason for the development of this pathology is most often the problems of hormonal balance (lack of progesterone, excess of androgens), trauma to the pelvic organs, complications of a postoperative nature (dilation of the cervix), with high water or multiple pregnancies. The main problem of ICI is the fact that it proceeds practically without symptoms, only a doctor can suspect it during examination, and confirm it with the help of a special study - hysterosalpingography. It is possible to prevent premature labor with ICI by suturing the cervix or by using an obstetric device to support the uterus (press).
    • Incorrect placement of the placenta. This type of pathology manifests itself in cases where the placenta is located too close to the pharynx of the uterus. Depending on the type of violation, there are complete, partial, lower central, lateral, posterior, anterior, marginal placenta presentation. The cause of presentation is various factors:
      • changes in the lining of the uterus caused by inflammation or surgery (uterine factor);
      • enzyme deficiency provoked by the transferred salpingitis or hormonal imbalance (fetal factor);
      • underdevelopment of female genital organs (congenital factor);
      • tumor neoplasms, abortion, inflammatory diseases of the endometrium, cervix, ovaries. Placenta previa is detected by the doctor when listening to the fetus, the symptoms of this pathology are spotting (extreme case - bleeding), high position of the uterus. For an accurate diagnosis, it is enough to do an ultrasound scan in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy (planned or urgent if indicated). The danger of presentation is the threat of intrauterine fetal death or the risk of premature birth. Treatment, usually medication, is developed individually.
    • Sexual infections. The danger of genital infections is that they can disrupt the protective functions of the placenta. Untimely identified infectious and inflammatory diseases can lead to intrauterine infection and fetal death, partial or complete leakage of genital fluids. That is why it is very important to undergo a full examination at the very beginning of pregnancy and to pass repeated tests in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy. This need is due to the fact that many infections are latent, causing chronic inflammation. If the infection has entered the woman's body immediately before conception, then during the first examination the pathogen may not be detected, since the pathogen is in the state of the incubation period. Most genital infections are successfully treatable, which excludes the development of a threat to the unborn child.

    Normal and Anxiety Conditions During Pregnancy

    The state of health of the expectant mother in the second trimester of pregnancy is usually good and calm. The toxicosis of the first months by this time is already over, the body is fully adapting to the new state, the emotional background is leveled. However, some problems do occur. Some of them fit into the accepted norms, others require attention from specialists, additional research and correction.

    The most common physiological factors that can disturb a pregnant woman in the 2nd trimester include:

    • Toxicosis of the 2nd trimester of pregnancy is one of the pathological conditions, it is considered a threat to the normal development of the fetus. As a rule, toxicosis is accompanied by a general deterioration in well-being, weakness, edema, which threatens the development of gestosis.
    • Edema in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy is not uncommon; not in a critical condition, they are within the normal range. The appearance of a slight swelling of the legs (legs and feet) at the end of the day is caused by the growing uterus, which presses on the vessels of the internal organs and the urinary tract. Swelling of the face and body may indicate disturbances in the work of the cardiovascular system and in such cases, a doctor's consultation is necessary. What to do with edema during the 2nd trimester of pregnancy? To improve the separation of fluid, experts recommend drinking herbal preparations, periodically resting the body, raising the legs above the level of the body, and doing light, simple exercises. Severe swelling combined with other symptoms and poor health is a serious reason to see a doctor.
    • Tonus in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy is part of the norm, if its manifestations are not critical and not prolonged. Symptoms of uterine tone during the 2nd trimester of pregnancy are a characteristic tension of the abdominal muscles, which is manifested by a feeling of hardness and petrification of the uterus. Short-term seizures are due to hormonal changes that continue to occur in the body. A dangerous sign is prolonged or very frequent manifestations of uterine tone during the 2nd trimester of pregnancy. In this case, there is a need for examination in order to exclude the threat of the development of hypertonicity.
    • Hypertonicity of the uterus in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy is characterized by a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen, strong pressure on the groin and pubic area, pain in the lower pelvis. If the lower back hurts in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, this can also be one of the signs of hypertension. The danger of hypertonicity is the risk of developing oxygen starvation of the fetus (due to impaired blood circulation in the placenta) and the threat of premature birth (due to increased stress on the muscles and cervix). Therefore, frequent and prolonged pain during the 2nd trimester of pregnancy is important and needs to be paid attention to. The cause of hypertonicity is most often emotional upheaval, complications after suffering from acute respiratory infections in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, hormonal disorders, inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs. To identify the causes and eliminate threats, it is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner and undergo an examination.
    • Abdominal pain during the 2nd trimester of pregnancy can be quite safe and understandable. Often in women in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, the stomach hurts on the right, the cause of this may be intestinal squeezing. The enlarging uterus, to one degree or another, affects the organs located in the immediate vicinity in the abdominal cavity and small pelvis. As a rule, if the stomach hurts on the right during the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, then this symptom is also accompanied by constipation. When the stomach hurts in the lower right during the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, the cause may be hidden in the load on the round ligament that supports the body of the uterus. If the stomach pulls during pregnancy for 2 trimesters, then this type of pain syndrome is explained by stretching of the smooth muscles of the uterus. In general, pain in the right and lower abdomen during pregnancy of the 2nd trimester is considered the norm, if it does not differ in strong intensity and is not accompanied by other pathological symptoms.
    • Headache in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy is due to a number of reasons. The main reason is natural hormonal changes - an increase in progesterone and estrogen levels, which affect vascular tone. In the background, there will be changes in the work of the cardiovascular system and posture disorders caused by an increase in the abdomen. If you have a headache in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, then you need to be careful to stop the headache. Of the approved drugs, paracetamol and medicines based on it are considered the safest.
    • Pressure changes can also be caused by a change in the hormonal balance of a pregnant woman. A slight decrease in blood pressure is considered normal, but if the pressure drops below 90/60 mm Hg. Art., it is worth contacting the leading pregnancy gynecologist. With a strong decrease in blood pressure, there is a threat of oxygen starvation of the fetus (hypoxia), the risk of developing placental insufficiency increases. What to do during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy? Hypotension during pregnancy is dangerous, so you should not endure the ailments associated with it. Experts advise resorting to non-drug methods of increasing blood pressure - eating more fruits and vegetables, drinking green tea, hibiscus, infusion of viburnum berries, taking in limited quantities tincture of Eleutherococcus, radiola rosea, zamanihi.
    • Discharge in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy can vary significantly. Most often, women in this period have clear, watery discharge without color and odor. They can have a slightly slimy consistency and a whitish tint. No irritation or soreness should be observed with discharge. If there is blood in the discharge or they acquire an unpleasant bluish tint, you should immediately consult a doctor.
    • Hemorrhoids during pregnancy of the 2nd trimester are common, but not a normal condition. The occurrence of hemorrhoids can have many reasons - poor circulation in the small pelvis, increased stress and pressure on blood vessels, heredity, stress, unhealthy diet, frequent constipation. For the safe treatment of hemorrhoids, many pharmaceutical preparations are suitable for pregnant women - suppositories with propolis, heparin ointment, suppositories and Relief ointment.
    • Iron deficiency anemia of pregnancy is a condition in which the level of red blood cells and hemoglobin is low in the blood. With a decrease in hemoglobin below 110 g / l, there is a risk of developing preeclampsia, complications in the fetus, premature leakage of amniotic fluid, and weakness of labor. The hemoglobin level during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester should normally be 110-140 g / l. With a decrease in this indicator, you need to undergo drug therapy and develop a diet based on foods high in iron.
    • Allergy during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester, like other health disorders, is caused by an increased load on the immune system of the expectant mother. The factors that increase the risk of developing allergic reactions are stress and emotional experiences, the consequences of toxicosis of the first trimester, improper unbalanced nutrition, frequent contact with chemicals (household chemicals, cosmetics), and the environmental situation. Treatment of allergies in the second trimester is broader than at the initial stage of pregnancy, since the placental barrier has already been formed and the fetus is protected from the effects of many drugs. When treating allergies, you can use the antihistamines Diazolin, Feniramine, Prednisolone. A special diet and vitamin complexes reinforced with B vitamins and ascorbic acid will help to strengthen the immune system.

    Diagnostics and research in the second trimester of pregnancy

    Pregnancy management involves routine examinations, examinations and diagnostic procedures. Before each visit to the doctor, a woman takes a general urine test, which acts as a control study along with a routine examination and measurements. At 20-23 weeks, that is, in the middle of pregnancy, scheduled screening is prescribed, which includes laboratory and instrumental studies.

    List of tests for the 2nd trimester of pregnancy:

    • a general analysis of urine allows you to identify the threat of the development of preeclampsia (in the traces of protein), infection (in bacteriuria), as well as to see other deviations in a timely manner;
    • a general blood test - an assessment of the work and condition of internal organs and systems, the level of hemoglobin;
    • ESR during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester shows the number of blood particles and makes it possible to assess the rate of blood renewal, this indicator changes during pregnancy.

    In addition to laboratory tests, an ultrasound scan is prescribed in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy. According to the approved obstetric plan, this happens at 20-24 weeks. The study evaluates:

    • fetal condition;
    • conformity in its development;
    • the ratio of the bones of the skeleton;
    • inter-parietal dimensions of the head;
    • the amount of amniotic fluid;
    • condition of the placenta;
    • check of physical activity;
    • the location of the umbilical cord;
    • determination of the sex of the child.

    Thanks to the second planned ultrasound, serious abnormalities in the development of the fetus and conditions that threaten the further successful course of pregnancy can be detected. This information helps to take timely measures to correct and eliminate possible risks.

    Features of the treatment of diseases in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy

    During pregnancy, the treatment of even the simplest diseases must be approached with special attention. Many drugs and treatment methods are not recommended or even strictly prohibited for pregnant women. However, often, despite all the efforts and precautions, a woman still gets sick with acute respiratory infections or influenza, so at least general information about acceptable means and methods of therapy should be known.


    A cold during the 2nd trimester of pregnancy is a common occurrence, often caused by a decrease in the immunity of a pregnant woman. With a decrease in the protective functions of the body, ARI and ARVI can cause a lot of trouble. The treatment of colds during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester should be approached carefully and comprehensively, not forgetting about caution in the selection of medicines and therapeutic methods. Many drugs for the treatment of colds during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester are strictly prohibited.

    How can you treat a cold during 2 trimester pregnancy? Depending on the symptoms and the nature of the manifestation of the disease, sparing pharmaceutical and folk remedies can be used to treat acute respiratory infections:

    • A cough during pregnancy can have very unpleasant and dangerous consequences, therefore, treatment and prevention should be started at its first manifestations. For the treatment of cough, you can use herbal preparations and herbal medicine. It is useful to drink warm herbal teas (linden, chamomile, sage) with honey and lemon (in the absence of allergies), warm (but not hot) inhalations with medicinal plants and essential oils (tea tree, fir, mint, eucalyptus) are recommended. Compresses on the bronchial area will help speed up the excretion of sputum (you can use a solution of Dimexide in a ratio of 1: 5 or a cabbage leaf with honey). It is better not to take cough medicine without a doctor's recommendation or choose herbal remedies - Mukaltin tablets, Bronchipret, licorice root syrups, marshmallow, sage.
    • Runny nose. Pregnant women are not recommended to use vasoconstrictor drugs for the common cold; it is better to use drugs based on essential oils and sea water.
    • Temperature. If a cold is accompanied by a temperature, it should be knocked down at rates above 37.5-37.7 degrees. It is possible to reduce the temperature during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester with drugs based on paracetamol (Panadol). In extreme cases, at high temperatures or if paracetamol is ineffective, ibuprofen-based products (Nurofen) can be used.

    What is the danger of a cold during 2 trimester pregnancy? The danger of acute respiratory infections is that a strong cough causes increased muscle tension, including the muscles of the abdominal and uterus, which can lead to tone and hypertonicity. And these conditions are fraught with the threat of late miscarriage and premature birth. In addition, a cold during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester can have consequences in the form of abnormalities in the development of the fetus, especially with a strong bacterial infection. It is better not to treat acute respiratory infections on your own, but to see a doctor right away.


    Angina in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy carries a high danger for the unborn baby. This is due to the fact that angina in most cases is of an infectious nature. The migration of purulent secretions can cause inflammation of other internal organs, intoxication of the body and the penetration of infection through the placenta into the uterine cavity. If the throat begins to hurt during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester, treatment should be started immediately and comprehensively in order to avoid possible consequences and complications.

    Sore throat during 2nd trimester pregnancy can be treated with antibacterial aerosols and topical antibiotics. Gargling with medicinal plants, not hot inhalations, and abundant warm drinks are recommended. Antibiotics are prescribed to pregnant women with great care in cases where other methods do not give a visible effect. Antibiotics of the tetracycline series are strictly prohibited; if necessary, drugs based on penicillins and cephalosporins are used.

    SARS and flu

    ARVI during the 2nd trimester of pregnancy with timely and adequate treatment can pass without consequences and complications. There is no reliable medical evidence that ARVI during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester has a serious impact on the development of the fetus. Viral infections are more dangerous at the beginning and end of pregnancy. However, with the first symptoms of influenza during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester, it is necessary to begin complex treatment aimed at suppressing the viral infection and strengthening the protective functions of the body.

    Treatment of ARVI during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. The complex of therapy should include:

    • antiviral drugs approved for 2 trimester pregnancy (Oscillococcinum, Anaferon, Aflubin, Ergoferon, Grippferon);
    • means that strengthen the immune system (Beres plus drops, Limontar, Viferon candles);
    • vitamins to maintain general tone and body resistance (Magne B6, Elevit pronatal).

    ARVI often accompanies fever, so a woman is faced with the question of how to bring down the temperature during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester. As already mentioned, the temperature up to 37.5 degrees during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester is considered safe, it does not need to be lowered. If the temperature rises, then it can be treated with Paracetamol, Ibuprofen (or drugs based on these substances). From folk remedies, vinegar rubdowns (a solution of table vinegar with water in a 1: 1 ratio), warm tea with raspberry jam, berry fruit drinks are recommended.

    What are the consequences of ARVI during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester? With timely and high-quality treatment of a viral infection, in most cases, it is possible to avoid any complications, both for the expectant mother and for the fetus. The threat arises in the absence of treatment for a long time. In this case, fetoplacental insufficiency, oxygen starvation of the fetus, disturbances in the development of the nervous, endocrine systems and pathology in the formation of bone tissues in the unborn baby may develop.


    The development of thrush during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester is due to several factors - changes in hormonal balance, a decrease in immune function, exacerbation of chronic diseases, endocrine disorders. The characteristic signs of candidiasis are abundant cheesy discharge, itching and irritation of the mucous membrane of the external genital organs. When the first symptoms of thrush appear in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, treatment should be started immediately, since a fungal infection can cause a number of complications. These include infection of the ovum, premature flow of amniotic fluid, infection of the baby during childbirth.

    How to treat thrush during 2 trimester pregnancy? It should be noted right away that taking pills for thrush during pregnancy is not recommended. You can use topical preparations in the form of vaginal suppositories, tablets and ointments. The most effective means are Pimafucin, Geksikon, Terzhinan, Clotrimazole. In addition to drug treatment, it is necessary to follow a diet with the exception of overly sweet and spicy foods, bakery products. And eat more fermented milk products, vegetables and moderately sweet fruits.


    A decrease in the functions of the immune system leads to the frequent appearance of symptoms of herpes on the lip during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester. Once the herpes virus has entered the bloodstream, it is in the body in a latent state and manifests itself in the weakening of the immune system and increased stress on the body. The appearance of a cold on the lip during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester can be caused by hypothermia, emotional and physical fatigue.

    Herpes during pregnancy of the 2nd trimester is treated with external preparations based on acyclovir. In severe forms and acute symptoms, antiviral drugs are taken orally as prescribed by a doctor.

    Preparations in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy

    Medicines and pills during pregnancy of the 2nd trimester should be taken exclusively after consulting a gynecologist who is observing the woman's condition. Among the most demanded funds are noted:

    • Sedatives - during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester, many women experience strong emotional experiences, therefore, if necessary, they can be prescribed drugs to relieve stress. Of the approved drugs, the leading ones are based on medicinal plants (motherwort, lemon balm, valerian). These include Persen, Novo-Passit, Magne B6. On the recommendation of a doctor, you can take homeopathic remedies (Glycine).
    • It is undesirable to take painkillers during 2 trimester pregnancy. If necessary, you can take No-shpa, Ibuprofen in limited quantities and one-time. Analgesics should be completely excluded.
    • Vitamins during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester are best taken in their natural form, that is, eat more vegetables and fruits. If you need to support the immune system and exclude hypovitaminosis, you can use special vitamin and mineral complexes. To determine which vitamins to choose during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester, you need to consult your doctor. Studies have shown the effectiveness of drugs such as Elevit Pronatal, Vitrum Prenatal, for allergy sufferers, the best option is AlfaVit Classic.

    It should be understood that any medication during pregnancy is best taken after the consultation and approval of a doctor.

    Nutrition and diet in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy

    The diet during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester should be based on the most useful foods. The menu for pregnancy in the 2nd trimester should contain a sufficient amount of proteins (eggs, lean meat and fish, seafood), fresh vegetables, herbs, fruits and berries, cereals, dairy products. When drawing up a menu during pregnancy for the 2nd trimester (especially if a diet is prescribed), the use of bakery products, sweets, desserts, and fatty foods should be limited. Completely exclude smoked meats, pickles, marinades, fatty sauces. In addition to the composition of the diet, you should pay attention to the methods of cooking, it is better to give preference to safe methods - cooking, stewing, baking, steaming.

    From drinks it is worth choosing still mineral water, green, fruit and herbal teas, fresh juices, diluted in half with water. It is not recommended to drink coffee during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester; in extreme cases, you can drink a cup of a weak drink with milk to raise the pressure. You should also exclude carbonated drinks and factory juices.

    Risks of the 2nd trimester of pregnancy

    Most diseases during pregnancy can be successfully treated with safe medications. Dangerous pathologies include chickenpox during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester. This disease is easily tolerated in childhood, and in adults it is accompanied by high fever and severe skin rashes. In addition to chickenpox, dangerous pathologies include genital infections not detected in time - toxoplasmosis and chlamydia.

    The result of these infectious diseases can be a missed pregnancy in the 2nd trimester. It is in the middle of pregnancy that intrauterine fetal death occurs most often. It can be triggered by infectious, autoimmune and hormonal factors. You can prevent a frozen pregnancy if you regularly visit a doctor and carry out the necessary examinations. By the characteristic changes in the results of laboratory tests, a specialist can determine in advance the presence of a threat and take measures to eliminate it.

    The middle of pregnancy is a very comfortable period for the mother, when there is still no need to radically change her habits. The most frequently asked questions are the following aspects of life:

    • Sex during pregnancy 2 trimester. Most married couples expecting the birth of a child are interested in the question - you can have sex in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy. According to experts, intimate life does not harm the development and well-being of the future baby. For a mother-to-be, sex is even beneficial, since with arousal, the blood circulation of the uterus increases, and pleasure hormones improve the emotional state of a woman. Male hormones and enzymes give elasticity to the genital tract and the walls of the uterus, which during labor will facilitate tissue stretching. An important aspect is the choice of a sex position during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester. In the first half of pregnancy, almost all positions are still available to a woman, except for complex positions with pressure on the abdomen and lower pelvis. The most optimal positions for sex during the second trimester of the second trimester are behind, on the side, reclining.
    • Dental treatment in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy. Oral cavity sanitation is one of the most important requirements of pregnancy management, therefore, dental treatment must be carried out at the initial stage. If there is a need for dental treatment during the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, there are no contraindications to this. Often the dental treatment procedure requires an X-ray, which raises many questions during 2 trimester pregnancy. Blind treatment is associated with a certain risk, therefore, during pregnancy of the 2nd trimester, it is better to do an X-ray of the tooth. The risk of negative effects of X-ray radiation increases in the last stages and before childbirth.
    • Flights during pregnancy 2 trimester. Mid-pregnancy is considered the safest time to travel, including by air. In the first trimester, inconveniences for a woman may be associated with toxicosis, in the last weeks there is a risk of premature birth due to the stresses of the flight. In the second trimester, these problems either have already passed or have not yet arrived.

    Attention! This article is posted for informational purposes only and under no circumstances is scientific material or medical advice and can not serve as a substitute for an in-person consultation with a professional doctor. For diagnostics, diagnosis and treatment prescription, please contact qualified doctors!

    Number of reads: 2029 Date of publication: 29.11.2017

    Pregnancy is a joyous event in the life of every woman who wants to have a baby. In addition, this is also a very responsible and difficult period, which can bring not only joy, but also anxiety.

    Pregnancy is known to last 9 months or 40 weeks.

    For convenience, the division of this entire period into trimesters is accepted, of which there are only three. We publish a convenient table of pregnancy trimesters by week in this article.

    You will learn how the weeks and months of pregnancy are divided into trimesters and what to expect from each trimester, all this should be known to any woman preparing to become a mother.

    Very often we are asked - "the first, second, third trimester is how many weeks?" let's figure it out in order.

    The beginning of pregnancy is counted from the last menstruation.... Thus, it turns out that the first month of pregnancy begins even before conception. What happens in the first trimester of pregnancy:

    • At 1-2 weeks of pregnancy, ovulation and fertilization of the egg occurs. How to calculate this day, read in a separate section.
    • At 3-4 weeks, the egg is lowered into the uterus through the fallopian tubes and implanted into its wall.

    If everything went well, the fertilized egg is entrenched in the uterus, then the pregnancy develops further.

    Therefore, 2-3 weeks of pregnancy are considered an important moment for its further course..

    • In the following weeks, the embryo grows and develops.
    • Important systems of the body begin to form: nervous, bone, muscle.

    • By week 6, the heart, arms and legs are formed.
    • The embryo is about 6 mm long.

    • At 7-8 weeks, the rudiments of the eyes, chest, belly appear in the crumbs.
    • The first senses appear.

    • 8-10 weeks - the child has a face, fingers and toes.
    • The fetus begins to move, but the mother does not feel it yet. The embryo is about 12 mm long.

    • By the end of the first trimester, by 13 weeks, the baby's eyelids have formed, the baby's genitals are distinguishable, and the sex of the baby can be determined.

    The first trimester lasts three months or 12-13 weeks. This period is very important for the development of the unborn child. Sometimes at this time, an abortion may occur if there are any abnormalities of the embryo or abnormalities in the mother's health.

    Let's figure it out together: and why is it being done? Is this examination really necessary?

    A great device for relieving the load from the back is a bandage, and how are they different?

    Therefore, it is very important in the first trimester to lead a healthy lifestyle, get rid of bad habits, exclude the use of drugs and any substances that can harm the health of the future crumbs.

    The body of a woman during this period is actively being rebuilt. The hormonal background is changing. Breasts swell, nipples become sensitive. A pregnant woman becomes more emotional: she is quickly irritated or cries.

    Frequent urge to use the toilet appears, because the growing uterus presses on the bladder. Toxicosis may begin.

    Immunity is reduced so that the mother's body does not reject the embryo. In the first trimester, a woman should be especially careful about her health.

    Get more rest, sleep, walk, eat well, avoid overwork and stress. The health of the unborn child depends on the health of the mother.

    Duration 2 terms

    At 13 weeks, the main organs and systems of the fetus are already formed, and the fetus takes on the appearance of a little man.

    Borderline week 28 can be in the second or third trimester. At 28 weeks, the fetus is already mature enough to survive with proper care.

    By the fifth month, the fetus has formed the rudiments of teeth, and a downy head grows. Cilia and eyebrows grow, but they are still colorless, the melanin pigment is not yet produced. Individual convolutions appear on the fingers of the pens - prints.

    At 6 months (22-25, 26, 27 weeks), the child's bone marrow is functioning, and the intensive development of the brain continues. The crumbs' nervous system is already sufficiently developed. He hears sounds from outside. Loud sounds frighten him, calm music has a beneficial effect.

    In the second trimester, about 18 weeks, a woman first begins to feel the movement of the baby (many already at 16). This period usually proceeds quite well. Toxicosis passes, hormonal changes are completed and with it sudden mood swings and other early troubles.

    The woman's belly becomes more and more noticeable and by the end of the sixth month, back pain may occur due to the increased load on the spine. In this case, the doctor may advise you to wear a special bandage.

    In the second trimester, it is important to undergo an ultrasound scan in order to assess the development of the child, to identify the existing pathologies.

    Choosing a gift for a newborn? Do help you in your work.

    All mothers must know: - how many weeks do they do it, and is it really necessary?

    3 trimester. Its dangers

    The final stage of pregnancy is the last three months or third trimester.

    What week does it start with? Usually it is considered from 28 to 40 weeks of gestation.

    Starting at 28 weeks, the baby's lungs are so formed that they are able to inhale normal air. The child is asleep and awake, is able to close and open his eyes.

    By the end of 32 weeks, the child's weight reaches 2.5 kg, and the length is 45 cm From 33 to 37 weeks, the lungs have fully developed, the skin smoothes, it becomes pinkish.

    Muscle tone increases, the child can raise his head and turn it.

    Reacts to bright light.

    From 38 weeks, the baby is fully formed and ready for childbirth.

    Labor begins at 40 weeks. However, this does not always happen. Sometimes labor can begin 1-2 weeks earlier or later than the prescribed period.

    Prolonged pregnancy can have unpleasant consequences, so you need to go to the hospital if the deadline has come and there are no contractions.

    Termination of pregnancy in this period can occur with some complications, although it would be more accurate to call it premature birth. After all, a child after 28 weeks is already quite viable, although it requires special care. Complications of pregnancy during this period include:

    • Problems with the function of the placenta
    • High blood pressure in a pregnant woman (pre-eclamsia)
    • Abnormalities of the uterus and cervix
    • Bad habits in a pregnant woman

    This period is often the most difficult for the expectant mother. The discomfort from the growing abdomen increases, the internal organs located in the neighborhood are squeezed. In the third trimester, the following problems may arise:

      Is your pregnancy going easy?

      EasilyNot good

    • Difficulty breathing due to compression of the diaphragm
    • Back pain
    • Swelling and heaviness in the legs
    • Varicose veins in the legs
    • Increased urination
    • Pressure rise
    • Late toxicosis
    • Other ailments

    You need to tell your gynecologist about any problems of your body, you need to visit him weekly from now on. Most of these problems resolve after childbirth, but may require supportive care during pregnancy.

    Thus, pregnancy is conventionally divided into three periods - trimesters. The table for the trimesters of pregnancy looks like this:

    1 FIRST 1-4
    SECOND 5-8
    THIRD 9-13
    2 FOURTH 14-17
    FIFTH 18-21
    SIXTH 22-27
    3 SEVENTH 28-31
    EIGHTH 32-36
    NINTH 37-40

    This table shows the trimesters of pregnancy by week and month.

    Trimester analyzes

    Throughout the pregnancy, the expectant mother and child are under the supervision of a doctor.

    The plans for the management of pregnancy include regular examinations, weighing, measurements of the abdomen by an obstetrician-gynecologist; consultations of other specialists, analyzes and research.

    They will help determine if everything is in order with the mother and child, and if problems are found, prescribe treatment on time.

    Most of the examinations and tests will have to be done in the first trimester, when registering for pregnancy with your gynecologist.

    In the first trimester, tests are taken to assess the following indicators:

    • Blood characteristics
    • HCG level in blood or urine
    • The presence of sugar in the blood and urine
    • General urine indicators
    • Determine the blood group and Rh factor, in the presence of negative rhesus in the mother, it is imperative to determine the rhesus of the father
    • The presence of infections in the blood (HIV, syphilis, viral hepatitis, etc.)
    • Antibodies to ToRCH infections (toxoplasma, rubella, cytomegalovirus, herpes)
    • Determine the microflora of the vagina by smear and culture on PPI
    • For a period of 12 weeks, the first screening is carried out - a comprehensive examination, including an ultrasound scan and a blood test from a vein. The main task of screening is to identify genetic abnormalities in the fetus.

    This survey is optional. However, in some cases, or simply at will, a doctor may recommend it.

    In the second trimester, re-examine:

    • General blood analysis
    • Once a month, they donate urine for analysis
    • Second screening at 16-18 weeks
    • Second ultrasound at 18-21 weeks, if the second screening was not done

    The second screening includes a triple test. At the same time, the level of proteins is determined - AFP, hCG and estriol. This helps to rule out genetic diseases such as Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome and neural tube defects. An ultrasound scan looks for abnormalities in the formed organs and systems of the fetus.

    In the last trimester:

    • Repeated blood test for infections (HIV, hepatitis, syphilis)
    • A smear for microflora and genital infections from the vagina
    • A urine test is taken more often once every 1-2 weeks.
    • Blood chemistry
    • Last ultrasound and preferably dopplerography

    Such tests for trimesters are taken by pregnant women without fail during the normal course of pregnancy. However, when a woman has health problems or complications arise, the doctor will prescribe additional tests and studies, as well as specialist consultations, if necessary.

    Whatever difficulties a woman faces in different trimesters of pregnancy, there are always positive aspects.

    After all, it is so wonderful to watch how a baby is born, develops and grows. And such a miracle as the birth of a new life overshadows any difficulties that may arise during pregnancy and during childbirth.

    Useful video

    You can see how the baby develops in the next video. We recommend that you see it, this is something incredible.

    The second trimester of pregnancy is the time when the formation of the placenta is completed and the active growth of the fetus continues. During this period, the expectant mother should especially carefully monitor her diet. Proper nutrition is the key to the harmonious development of the child and the successful course of pregnancy from conception to the very birth.

    Fundamental rules

    The second trimester of pregnancy lasts from 12 to 24 weeks. During this period, the following significant events take place:

    • the formation of the placenta and the formation of the blood-placental barrier are completed;
    • there is an intensive growth of all formed internal organs;
    • the functioning of the endocrine glands begins;
    • there is an active development of the nervous system.
    • In the second trimester of pregnancy, the load on the woman's body increases. The need for oxygen, vitamins and minerals increases. If in the first trimester the lack of nutrients was compensated by the resources of the mother's body, then after 12-14 weeks this situation can adversely affect the condition of the woman and the fetus. It is no coincidence that it is in the second trimester that it is recommended to start taking multivitamins developed specifically for expectant mothers.

      The purpose of the II trimester diet is to provide the body of the woman and the fetus with all the necessary nutrients. Lack of vitamins and minerals during this period can lead to delayed fetal development and serious health problems in the future.

      The basic principles of the diet of expectant mothers in the II trimester:

    1. Rational distribution of proteins, fats and carbohydrates throughout the day.
    2. Increasing the proportion of protein in the diet.
    3. An increase in the calorie content of food (compared to the first trimester).
    4. Providing the woman's body with all the necessary vitamins and mineral compounds.
    5. Optimal drinking regime.

    In the second trimester of pregnancy, a woman's appetite usually increases. Toxicosis goes away, general well-being improves, a desire to live an active life appears. The need for essential nutrients increases, serving sizes and total food intake increase. All these factors must be taken into account when choosing a diet for an expectant mother from 12 to 24 weeks of pregnancy.

    An increase in appetite in the second trimester is not always good. Frequent snacks, addiction to flour, fried, fatty foods - all this leads to rapid weight gain. Normally, weight gain is from 300 to 500 g per week. Rapid weight gain can trigger the development of hypertension and other serious complications during pregnancy.

    1. Frequent fractional meals (6 times a day in small portions).
    2. Avoiding fried, spicy and spicy foods. Priority is given to food that is steamed or in the oven.
    3. The last meal should be 2 hours before bedtime.
    4. Limiting salt to 5 g per day.
    5. The volume of fluid is up to 1.5-2 liters per day (with normal kidney function).
    6. Refusal from semi-finished products and fast food in favor of homemade food.

    In the second trimester, a woman is advised to adhere to her usual diet. You should not abruptly switch to unusual and exotic dishes, as well as dramatically change your eating habits. If necessary, the change in diet should take place gradually, without sharp restrictions. Strict diets, including those for weight management, are prohibited during pregnancy.

    Nutrient balance

    The distribution of the main elements of food in the II trimester is as follows:

    • proteins - 100-130 g per day;
    • fats - 50-70 g;
    • carbohydrates - up to 300 g.

    The emphasis in the second trimester diet is on proteins - just like in the early stages. Compared with the first trimester, the amount of protein increases to 1.5 g per kilogram of a woman's body weight. At the beginning of the second trimester, the formation and differentiation of the main tissues of the fetus continues. It is very important that at this stage the baby receives protein - the main building material of cells - in full.

    The proportion of fat in the second trimester is reduced to 60 g per day. Pregnant women who are prone to rapid weight gain should limit their fat intake to 50 g.

    The volume of carbohydrates in the second trimester of pregnancy is reduced to 300 g per day. Complex carbohydrates should prevail in the diet of the expectant mother. Fast digestible sugars cause excess weight gain, which leads to the development of serious complications during pregnancy.

    The total calorie content of food in the II trimester is 2000-2200 kcal. When assessing the calorie content of food, one should focus on weekly weight gain, as well as the physical activity of the expectant mother. If a woman often walks, does yoga or gymnastics, leads an active lifestyle, the calorie content of food can be increased to 2500 kcal per day.

    It is important to remember that manifestations of toxicosis often persist in the second trimester of pregnancy. Nausea and vomiting can follow the expectant mother for up to 14-16 weeks. During this period, there will be no tangible weight gain. An increase in body weight is noted only after all symptoms of toxicosis have subsided and a return to the usual diet.

    The following foods should be present daily on the table of a pregnant woman in the second trimester:

    Meat and fish

    From meat products, priority is given to lean beef and veal. Red meats are considered a valuable source of iron, which is essential for normal pregnancy. All meat dishes are steamed or baked in the oven. After the symptoms of toxicosis have subsided, you can occasionally indulge yourself with fried meat (with good tolerance and no problems from the digestive tract).

    It is recommended to consume local vegetables and fruits during pregnancy. Exotic fruits can lead to the development of allergies and indigestion. Any fruits unusual for a particular region should be eaten with great care, starting with small portions. If well tolerated, exotic fruits can be included in the daily diet of the expectant mother.

    In the second trimester, after the symptoms of toxicosis have subsided, you can eat fresh vegetables and fruits. Any salads (preferably without the addition of mayonnaise), desserts, drinks will be beneficial. Steamed and baked vegetables can be a great side dish for meat, poultry and fish. Fruit can be used to make candied fruits, jam and preserves.

    Fermented milk drinks

    In the second trimester of pregnancy, priority is given to low-fat kefir, yogurt and cottage cheese. These can be both homemade products and store-bought (with or without fruit additives). Whole milk should be consumed with great care - individual intolerance is possible.

    Fermented milk products are a valuable source of calcium and phosphorus. In the second trimester of pregnancy, these elements go to the development of the musculoskeletal system of the fetus and tooth enamel. Calcium also helps to keep the skin, hair and nails of a pregnant woman in good condition.


    In the second trimester of pregnancy, the focus is on the following vitamins:

    • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) - activates the immune system, reduces the risk of developing infectious diseases. Source: fresh vegetables, fruits and berries.
    • Vitamin D (cholecalciferol) - ensures the normal development of the skeleton, increases the absorption of calcium and phosphorus. Source: liver, sea fish, sour cream, butter.
    • Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) - creates conditions for normal blood formation, prevents the development of anemia. Source: beef, pork, lamb, sea fish, chicken eggs, cheese.
    • Vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) - supports the adequate functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Source: sea fish, turkey, goose, rabbit, nuts, legumes, wheat.

    In the second trimester of pregnancy, it is recommended to take a multivitamin specially designed for expectant mothers. Complex vitamins are prescribed from 12 weeks daily until delivery. During breastfeeding, it is recommended to continue taking vitamins in the same way.

    Mineral elements

    Important compounds affecting the course of the second trimester:

    • Calcium and phosphorus - ensure the normal development of the skeleton, as well as tooth enamel. Source: fermented milk products, green vegetables, cheese, legumes.
    • Iron - participates in the formation of hemoglobin, provides the body of the woman and the fetus with oxygen. Lack of iron leads to the development of anemia. Source: red meat, spinach, nuts, legumes, corn, wheat, buckwheat, oatmeal.
    • Potassium - regulates blood pressure, provides full conduction of impulses along nerve fibers.

    From the 14th week, the 2nd trimester of pregnancy begins, which is considered to be the most calm and pleasant. You have not recovered much yet, you can afford to walk a lot, do physical education (swimming, gymnastics), go to theaters and exhibitions.

    In the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, many changes occur in the body of the expectant mother. For example, everyone finally understands why you suddenly recovered so much: the uterus leaves the pelvic area, is now above the pubic joint and looks like a small slide. Because of this, your figure is rounded, your waist becomes larger. Under the influence of hormones, the breast increases in size, the skin of the areola darkens, and colostrum begins to gradually release from the nipple. To prepare your breasts for breastfeeding, rub them with a towel every day and then take an air bath.

    Special attention in the 2nd trimester

    • By the sixteenth week of pregnancy, the laying of the internal organs of the unborn child and the formation of the placenta ends. Now it will be she who will be responsible for the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the baby, and remove waste metabolic products. In addition, the placenta will begin to produce hormones necessary for the normal course of pregnancy and will try not to let harmful substances from the external environment to the baby.
    • Starting from the 20th week of pregnancy, doctors advise expectant mothers to wear a bandage that supports the enlarging abdomen, thus preventing the threat of termination of pregnancy and the appearance of stretch marks. By the way, stretch marks on the abdomen and chest can be fought by making massage with light superficial tingling of the skin.
    • At about 18 weeks of age, begin to listen especially closely to what is going on inside you: it is usually at this time that the baby's movements become noticeable. If you are expecting your first child, you will feel his movements in the 20th week. Remember this number and tell your doctor.
    • After the 24th week of pregnancy, the baby's activity can cause short-term uterine strains, reminiscent of contractions. Usually they do not cause unpleasant sensations to the expectant mother, they last 1-2 minutes and are repeated 10-15 times a day. What is the reason for the appearance of "contractions"? The uterus begins to prepare for childbirth, learns to contract and relax. Lie on your side for a while and wait for the tension to pass. If it makes you feel uncomfortable, be sure to tell your doctor about it.

    How to behave in the 2nd trimester?

    The main thing is not to consider yourself sick and lead a normal life, just spare yourself a little. If possible, live outside the city in the summer, in addition, try to devote more time to outdoor activities: move, walk in the fresh air (not shopping!), Do gymnastics, physical education for expectant mothers at home or in a special group. Try to avoid noisy companies, smoky or stuffy rooms, and celebrate the holidays with your family.

    If you really want to drink a little champagne - drink it: from the pleasure received, the body will release the hormones of joy - endorphins. And to avoid digestive problems, take two tablets of activated charcoal before the festive table. Do not get carried away with treats, eat more fruits and vegetables, and go to bed as soon as you get tired.

    Is it okay to have sex during pregnancy? If it is proceeding normally (there is no threat of interruption, the placenta is located normally), then yes. Sexual life does not harm either pregnancy or the unborn baby. Moreover, in the 2nd trimester, unpleasant sensations, ailments, which are often found at the beginning of a 9-month wait, pass, and the spouses can experience amazing moments of love. And one more pleasant moment: now you do not need to think about contraception and worry about the consequences!

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    The second trimester of pregnancy is called the "golden time", since the toxicosis has already passed, and the stomach is rounded, but still small. This period begins from the 13th week and differs in that a pregnant woman can do yoga, walk freely in the fresh air, while not suffering from headaches and nausea.

    At this time, experts recommend starting think about a bandage, as the figures of the expectant mother begin to gradually round out, and the breasts increase. It is best to start wearing a bandage from 20 weeks, so you will save yourself from stretch marks and termination of pregnancy.

    The second trimester in the development of the fetus is considered one of the most important, since during this period the internal organs are laid, and the placenta is also formed.

    Nutritional features of the expectant mother in the second trimester of pregnancy

    This period differs in that the uterus increases in size, so overeating can lead to unpleasant sensations. Experts recommend switching to fractional meals, 5-6 times a day and in small portions.

    Nutrition in the second trimester has the following features:

    How much liquid should you drink?

    Doctors claim that lack of fluid in the body of a pregnant woman can lead to serious consequences. So, metabolic problems may arise or anemia may occur. Therefore, pregnant women should especially carefully monitor their water balance.

    How does the second trimester feel?

    The mood of the expectant mother during this period is stable, and the level of anxiety drops significantly. This is due to the fact that a woman by this time is gradually getting used to the status of a future mother.

    Pregnant women in the second trimester are very difficult to tolerate sudden changes in temperature and physical activity. Therefore, the pregnant woman should be provided the most comfortable conditions... In the middle of the second trimester, the woman feels the first movements.

    How correctly to this period, toxicosis has already passed, and a strong appetite can replace it. But for each, these processes take place individually, so some mothers suffer from toxicosis, even being in the second trimester.

    Regarding discharge at the beginning of the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, then they are no different from the discharge in the previous trimester. But closer to the middle of the trimester, they begin to increase. Since hormonal changes in the female body continue during this period, the discharge becomes white with an unexpressed sour smell.

    Pain in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy

    Often, during this period, pain in the lower back and pelvis occurs. This is because the uterus gradually begins to enlarge. But abdominal pain is not typical for the 2nd trimester of pregnancy. Therefore, if you experience pain in the abdomen, you should immediately consult a doctor, as there is a very high risk of termination of pregnancy.

    The second trimester of pregnancy is characterized by the appearance of heartburn, since during the growth of the uterus the stomach is compressed, therefore the digestion process is disrupted. To ease heartburn, you should eat fiber or prunes, baked apples or dried apricots.

    During this period, there may also appear cramps in the feet and calves... This may indicate the presence of problems with mineral metabolism. They can lead to congestion in the legs.

    Throughout pregnancy, you should lead an active lifestyle, monitor nutrition, and periodically do massage. This is the only way to ensure the well-being of the expectant mother.

    Features of fetal development in the second trimester of pregnancy

    From the 13th week, the fetus begins to grow and change. So, The 4th month of pregnancy is characterized by the following changes:

    The fifth month of pregnancy has the following features:

    • the fruit begins to move more and more;
    • the endocrine system functions at full capacity;
    • the baby's skin is covered with a special lubricant.

    In the sixth month of pregnancy, the following changes are observed:

    • the duration of fetal sleep is 16–20 hours;
    • lung tissue is still not open, but the baby is trying to breathe;
    • the mass of the brain is actively growing;
    • the higher parts of the cerebral cortex develop.

    What tests and examinations are needed in the second trimester of pregnancy?

    In the second trimester of pregnancy, the following tests are prescribed:

    • blood and urine tests;
    • analysis for antibodies;
    • hormone tests.

    Ultrasound and hormone analysis - this is an integral part of the second prenatal screening, which helps to find out the presence of abnormalities in the development of the baby, as well as various defects.

    Often, perinatal screening is scheduled between 16 and 18 weeks of gestation. If the results show any abnormalities, then the woman will have to undergo a detailed examination by a geneticist. The examination involves tests such as a chorionic villus sampling or history to help determine if there are chromosomal abnormalities.

    The main hazards and risks of the period

    In the second trimester, the following situations may arise:

    • Premature termination of pregnancy - abortion or premature birth. If a child was born before 22 weeks, then he will most likely be unviable, but after that the chances of survival increase.
    • Development of pathologies of the cervix. Often, such pathologies are expressed in the development of isthmic - cervical insufficiency. This condition increases the risk of miscarriage. The optimal time to eliminate this pathology is 18-22 weeks.
    • The onset of gestosis, which is accompanied by high blood pressure, as well as edema. The first signs of this disease appear after 20 weeks.
    • An intrauterine infected fetus is possible due to the fact that pathogenic bacteria can be in the mother's body, it can even be bacteria of sexually transmitted diseases.

    There are critical periods during each trimester. He considers it most dangerous period from 18 to 22 weeks... This is due to the fact that during this period, pathologies associated with the cervix, as well as defects in the placement of the placenta, may appear.

    The risk of termination of pregnancy increases due to the fact that during this period the growth of the uterus increases significantly, and this can lead to a number of complications.

    The second trimester is a favorable period in pregnancy, however, do not forget to adhere to the basic advice of doctors. They are as follows:

    Is sex possible during this period?

    Doctors say that if pregnancy is proceeding normally, and there are no contraindications, then intimacy in the second trimester is not only possible, but also necessary. In the middle trimester, women experience a "surge" of sexual energy, doctors explain this by the fact that the organs of the small pelvis begin to intensively fill the blood.

    Colds and other ailments

    All medications should be taken only after a doctor's approval. Please note that most drugs are contraindicated for pregnant women, as they can have a negative effect on the fetus.

    In the period from February to March, when flu epidemics begin, doctors recommend that she visit public places and avoid hypothermia.

    What are the signs of a frozen pregnancy during this period?

    The worst thing that can happen in the second trimester is the fading of pregnancy, which implies the termination of the development of the embryo and, as a result, death. The most dangerous in this regard is the interval between 16-18 weeks. Signs of a frozen pregnancy are as follows:

    What is forbidden to do in the second trimester?

    • smoking and drinking alcohol;
    • wear tight and uncomfortable clothing;
    • lift weights;
    • take a steam bath for more than 15 minutes;
    • independently prescribe and take medications.

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