• Men's advice to women. What to do to drive guys crazy: advice for girls Guy's advice for women


    Any representative of the strong half of humanity can do wrong or make some mistakes. Below we will present useful tips for men that will help avoid them and significantly improve their quality of life. So let's get started.

    1. Win the best women. You will be surprised, but it is not that difficult to do.

    2. Never have sex with someone who doesn't want it as much as you do.

    3. Every action must serve a purpose.

    4. Never hit someone unless there is an immediate threat.

    5. Learn to wet shave.

    6. Never take her on a first date to the movies.

    7. A poorly fitted suit always looks terrible. Sew clothes to order.

    8. Shave the stubble in the direction of hair growth.

    9. When you talk to a person, always look him in the eyes.

    10. Buy a pump. It will always come in handy on the farm.

    11. Exercise makes you happy. So run, lift weights and exercise.

    12. Brush your teeth before putting on a tie.

    13. Contribute a small portion of your salary to a savings account each month.

    14. Visit your parents every week.

    15. Never put a clip on a tie.

    16. Shake hands firmly and confidently.

    17. Compliment your lady's shoes.

    18. Always finish your beer from your mug.

    19. If you are not confident in yourself, then just pretend to be confident. Over time, this quality will develop in you.

    20. You can tell about the globality of a person’s thinking by the scale of the things that bother him.

    21. Listen to your body's signals.

    22. A gun should only be pointed at someone if you are actually going to shoot.

    23. Always stop to shake hands.

    24. Never risk what you are not prepared to lose.

    25. Listen more, rather than ask questions. People love to talk about themselves.

    26. Keep a set of spare clothes in the office.

    27. Buy only high quality tools. This will only need to be done once.

    28. Masculinity is the ability to take care not only of yourself, but also of others.

    29. Even for the most difficult situation there is an optimal solution. You just need to find it.

    30. When you walk, look straight ahead, not at your feet.

    31. Funny guys don't take the last roles. This is typical only for boring people.

    32. Find something that sparks your passion, and then figure out how to get paid for it.

    33. Do not shift from a sore head to a healthy one.

    34. Every person, regardless of work and social status, deserves your respect.

    35. Personal responsibility is very important in life. Everyone has problems, and it is worth learning to solve them yourself.

    36. The one who gets angry first loses.

    37. Do what you need to do and don't complain. This will not help speed up the process.

    38. Never stop learning.

    39. Always go out dressed well, as if you are going to meet the love of your life.

    40. Luck is the result of good preparation.

    You shouldn't change yourself to make someone else happy, unless it's yourself.

    On their deathbeds, people regret that they spent most of their time at work. So don't forget to enjoy your own life!

    Basically, communication problems between a man and a woman occur due to different views on life and behavior, especially in extreme situations. On ordinary days, men use shorter words and phrases in conversation, and women vice versa. Girls' expressions are more pleasant and refined, while men's speech is clear and precise, they use concrete definitions more than conversational speech.

    The main factors include: the emotional factor or sensitivity - this is one of the main criteria for describing the weaker sex. Girls perceive what is happening very subtly and react to it very sharply, and this is precisely where the main difference between women and men can be traced.

    The next thing is the so-called “proud” factor - girls live here and now, do not look into the past and rarely regret the mistakes they have made. Most often they do not show their weakness in front of strangers. Most men don’t like this type of girl, they feel superior to themselves, and as everyone knows, the stronger sex is strong because any dominance is repulsive.

    The third most important factor when describing a woman or girl is sensuality and femininity. Sensuality implies love and respect not only for yourself, but also for your man. It is in a woman that hidden sexuality is hidden, to which poems are dedicated, novels are written and films are made.

    Perhaps these are the factors that can be highlighted when describing the fair sex.

    The inconsistency of girls lies in the conflict with themselves and comparison with other objects of their own kind, and they get rid of this by attracting other people, who, in turn, will talk about her peculiarity and uniqueness. Girls love with their ears, and men love with their eyes. Give them more compliments, the main thing is not to overdo it.

    Everyone has their own type of guy that they like: special facial features, a certain smell, clothing style, behavior and interests. But if you unite all the girls and ask, you can identify the main criteria by which they choose men for themselves. The first is attentiveness and punctuality - the fair sex loves a lot of attention, you can make a jealous remark to her so that she does not forget about her need and importance. Give compliments about her appearance and smell, as stated earlier: “Women love with their ears.”

    The second is intelligence and communication skills. An educated guy will be happy to support any topic of conversation. To no one who can’t put two words together, his stories don’t go further than how he watched TV and what he ate for breakfast.

    This leads to advice: read more books!

    The third criterion is generosity towards the fair sex. Of course, everyone likes it when people pay for them and treat them, the main thing is not to abuse this, otherwise she will sit on your neck and dangle her legs from there.

    If we talk about the first impression, then a pleasant cologne and well-groomed appearance can give a positive assessment. Nobody likes bad-smelling and dirty people.

    The main thing is to be yourself and do not hide behind the mask of an “alpha male” and conqueror of women’s hearts.

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    10 observations from practicing psychologist Natalya Belousova on how to love a man. No theory, only practical working advice.
    Over the past six years of practice, I have communicated with more than two hundred couples, and this experience allows me to question Lev Nikolaevich’s beautiful phrase that every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. Given the finite number of factors that shape personality, it is much more like mathematics than you think. And there are certainly things that can be factored out of most equations.

    Naturally, everything is individual, but on average a woman is a more emotional being who takes more time to come to logical conclusions. During the interval between feeling and thought, she manages to mess things up and ruin communication. In light of their inexperience and the peculiarities of their upbringing, some girls live exclusively in this interval; they never have time to reason, because the next emotion or fantasy overtakes them, and the cycle begins from the beginning. Boring men by nature are not inclined to build castles in the air within themselves, and live in a geometrically simple world of outwardly obvious realities. To get out of the darkness, a woman should learn to slow down her emotional processes and speed up her mental processes, and at first, at least mindlessly follow the rules from her aunt-psychologist.

    1. Remember every minute what the purpose of your relationship with a man is.

    For normal people, the goal of a relationship is to provide maximum comfort for a long time, that is, to make themselves and their partner happy. So repeat this to yourself every time you want to teach, treat, criticize your boyfriend, take it out on him during PMS, be violently jealous, inquire about his leisure time, express an opinion about his friends, argue about politics, religion and the color of his pants. Is your rightness or interest in a particular situation worth the peace and joy that you deprive your partner of? During therapy sessions, I listen to the couple and each individual separately, and so, without going into anti-ethical specifics, but in keeping with the spirit of freedom, I can say: approximately two-thirds of the sources of conflict are described by the scheme “the woman came up with a problem out of the blue and inflated the man’s lack of response to it to scale.” tragedy."

    2. Praise him

    If he is not worthy of praise and does everything crookedly, what the hell are you doing next to this loser? Leave, do not prolong the agony for each other, see point 1. Do not be a grumpy mother, a strict boss, a capricious daughter for him - from all these hypostases take only positive components: constant but unobtrusive care, interest in his growth, admiration for him steepness. Many in childhood heard the expression “over-praise - spoil”, but this is a myth; it is impossible to over-praise an adult sane person, he has a self-esteem bar. And praising does not mean flattering, it means looking at him with the desire to see the good. Praise is pleasant for everyone; if you don’t take it into account, there will be smarter people with whom he will begin to communicate.

    3. Don’t humiliate him or make trouble in public

    In public places it is taboo, because the public image of respectability and reliability is much more important for a man than for a woman, who, under the current social system, can still afford to be a beautiful, frivolous dummy. When the “other half”, the most trusted person, begins to undermine a man’s authority in front of his friends, colleagues or the crowd in the subway, it is perceived as a knife in the back. This is often forgiven, but never forgotten. Making a man lose face is one of a woman's biggest strategic miscalculations in a relationship. This will come back to haunt you, no doubt about it. So wait until you get home with your complaints, and at the same time cool down and comprehend them, see point 1.

    4. Do not use diminutives when addressing him.

    Vitenka, chick, kitten, hare, Masya and lapulya - this is not what your boyfriend sees himself in his dreams. It's as if he started calling you "mother", "girlfriend", "Private Jane" or "supertits". Introduced? Forget about diminutive suffixes forever, save affectionate ones for particularly successful sex.

    5. Support his endeavors, even the most idiotic ones

    When he takes away your wedding rings to play the slot machines a little more, that's one thing. When he is interested in ice fishing, playing the trombone, cross-stitching, biathlon, collecting garden gnomes, selling his own adjika over the Internet - this is completely different. The desire to meet new initiatives with hostility is inherent in the nature of every person, because any system strives to maintain balance, but here you will have to be smarter than nature. Start from a realistic assessment of the maximum possible damage to you personally and to the well-being of your family. Do you feel sorry for a couple of thousand dollars for the happiness of your loved one with Pisces, and after that you are surprised how fiercely he hates your trips to shoe stores? Well, the gnomes have cluttered up the hallway and two loggias, and is it really so terrible? And again: if you don’t appreciate and support, someone else will do it, and at that moment you will move away.

    6. The most stunning look is for him, not for a meeting of classmates

    The syndrome of a victorious hunter losing interest in the game he has caught is no less common in women than in men. The fact that you got him into cohabitation or tied the knot does not mean that now he is forever in love with you. Yes, it’s vulgar, mean and banal, but about half of my male patients complained about facts of a girl’s neglect of her appearance after the relationship had become stable. If he fell in love with a physicist with gray hair, a brown checkered vest and worn-out boots, he knew what he was getting into. But since in your wedding photos you are a blonde in curls and roses, and now you are a cropped woman in a comfortable jumpsuit, then don’t blame me if they stop perceiving you as an attractive lady. Moreover, when at corporate events you put on makeup and buy a new dress, and at home you walk around a la naturel in the same delicate pastel things (which the male eye perceives as faded and asexual). It's very simple, but women don't stop making this mistake.

    7. He's in charge, period.

    Seriously, this is so convenient. The main problem of feminists is trying to, figuratively speaking, unload the cars when they can dance instead. Whether by evolution, social attitudes or upbringing in most families, a man is raised to be a problem solver, leader, captain, and so on. This does not humiliate you in any way unless you decide that you want to be humiliated. One girl perceives the offered hand as she gets off the bus as gallantry, the other as a hint of her inability to jump over a puddle due to the physical weakness of her short legs. It is clear which of them enjoys communication with the opposite sex, and which suffers from the oppression of chauvinists. And it’s up to you to decide which girl to be. Give him the joy of being strong, acting, thinking and playing first violin. Let the man lead and the dance will work. Even if he is not always right, you can then quietly correct the situation: even when in fact you do the lion’s share, if you love your partner, it will not be difficult to imitate the picture “you are my hero, I am just in the wings.” Carry out your will to power in other places. For example, with gays, they don't care.

    8. Talk about important things directly, without hints

    Men understand hints, but more often these are hints from other men or those hints that are beneficial for them to understand. It is not customary for them (except perhaps the Japanese) to talk about the essence of the matter in Aesopian language. When your husband wants to sell a batch of motorcycles to a client, he says: “We have a well-known brand, the warranty period is average in the market, and for wholesale we will discount you 7%,” and not: “The autumn leaf has withered on the lonely elm that grew on the sad hill , and it’s time to harness the iron horse to the intelligent creature and quickly run south from these places.” Therefore, state it simply, but not globally, not “tell me straight, you stopped loving me, right?”, but “I’m tired of collecting your worms for ice fishing all over the house, this is not what my mother raised me for, hire a housekeeper.”

    9. Don't put him at the center of your universe and don't demand that he put you at the center of his.

    I don't mean sincere concern for each other's needs or depth of love, but demands for attention to small things. Half-hour conversations on the phone five times a day about nothing irritate almost any man. Psychological dependence on his opinion flatters him, but also irritates him. Therefore, do not try to officially devote your life to him, this is very frightening, and reproaches for inattention, coupled with meaningless emotional manifestations, will very quickly tire him, and you will be left crying and exclaiming “ungrateful, I gave him all of myself.” You don’t even need all of you, let’s be honest. And it is clearly reasonable for him to offer the most delicious parts.

    10. Learn to cook deliciously

    And cook. This is not discussed. The equivalent of “she doesn’t cook” for your understanding is “he brings less money into the house than she does.” Well, we have equality, isn’t that what you wanted?

    I think that this article will satisfy the curiosity of readers about what adviсe can give man to woman who wants to become charming and attractive to the male half of humanity and will find useful secrets of charm for myself.

    How to give your essence, I emphasize, essence charm? Believe me, this does not depend on your physical parameters, and as they have said since the times of our Slavic antiquity, “do not drink water from your face.” I am not Carnegie, but over time, when youth played in me like a good accordion player, making me look at the world with enthusiastic eyes, and I followed with my gaze any slender female figure, not at all caring about the question. What is it like inside? What exactly is her heart?

    This article also applies to women, the so-called workaholics, but not those of a creative nature. They know very well how to activate such an effective mechanism - personal charm, on which everything actually depends. Remember, from charm and nothing more.

    I will say in advance that if you are trying to charm some man, take all the steps, and you will smile at his every joke, but there will be at least some self-interest in your soul - you will not achieve success. Remember that you need to cleanse yourself spiritually every day so that your heart remains open, and I am very happy for you if this is already the case.

    In addition, there are several examples how to charm a man, if you are already beaming with kindness, but, unfortunately, this is not enough. Remember, the stronger sex is also partial to compliments, like that woman, and maybe even more. I remember studies by German scientists who placed a mirror and a camera in one place, and imagine that within a few hours, among the passers-by, men wanted to see their image more than women. Moreover, men, as scientists have shown, are gradually losing their status as the most powerful beings compared to women. Don't let this fool you. The man remained the same warrior as in the days of the Roman Empire, but to awaken these feelings in him, frankly speaking, is not easy now. Use your charm; you can’t do without internal psychotherapy.

    Try, even for a day, no matter what the circumstances, to say a rude word to anyone in response, even to rudeness, smile more. Just not to empty space, but by remembering any funny incident from your life. Coquetry contributes little to charm, and this instrument must be used as a surgeon uses a scalpel during an operation. You are walking on the edge, remember this, affectation and excessive coquetry will not help.

    Pride within moderate limits, here, too, women’s intuition and the circumstances in which you find yourself will help you determine this limit - this is your terrible weapon, but only backed up by charm. You should never say: “I’m proud and that’s all.” Most likely, a man will be repulsed by such a confession. Never talk about it, a man himself will understand your spiritual essence when you are ready to open your heart completely. You see, here too without charm there's no way around it.

    The salvo fire weapon for the conquest of foreign territory, excuse the comparison, will be yours. ability to feed a man. Remember, no one has yet refuted the centuries-tested truth - “the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.” Cooking in a bad mood is doomed to failure. There is no need for any frills - remember this. A man, if he really is a man, loves good food, therefore, just like at work, he has enough snacks. First think about what you want to surprise with, this is also an important part. Stop at the golden mean.

    Now let's talk about your appearance. If you wear your best dress to dinner, you can never go wrong. Simple, but elegant, this will only make a man feel that you are a woman who does not waste millions and has impeccable taste. No pants. In no case should you put on ten rings and rings; one, modest, but attracting attention with its severity, is enough. And use your charm, and you have it, like any woman, that’s the whole secret.

    Remember, a man, unless he is a gigolo, does not care at all where you work, he is more interested in how you feel about your work. Under no circumstances should you talk about how tired you are of her. No. This cannot be done. Even lying will be useful, from heaven this lie will be forgiven for your salvation, rest assured. Then the man will understand that you are not some kind of jumper, but a woman capable of having children and so on.

    Remember man's logic, developed by genes and centuries, involuntarily tells him about your usefulness, forgive the figurativeness. And here charm in conversation, where you have to smile at the right time, and sometimes make a thoughtful face. But it is better to give the initiative into the hands of a man, each of the men is a born undisclosed speaker, and here you too must remember the saying - sometimes it's worth keeping quiet. This will reward you handsomely, although you are eager to talk about your girlfriends, beware. They are not at all interesting to him.

    The article is intended to be normal in all respects women, but for reasons known to her, life has become lonely. You are a woman and your destiny is to give birth to children. Now about the little things, which are not little things at all. That is, flowers, animals and so-called bad habits.

    A man will even forgive you for smoking, but only if you follow the previous tips.

    And remember - now I will focus on the main thing, if a man does not respect you, and you will certainly feel it, then it’s the end. Run away from him, your charm In that case, save it for someone else.

    So let's get started!

    1. If a man wants you, nothing can keep him further from you.
    2. If a man doesn't want you, nothing can force him to stay with you.
    3. Let your intuition save you from suffering. Trust and value your own feminine wisdom.
    4. Stop trying to change yourself for relationships do not do this. And don't try to change your partner either, it just doesn't work. The only person you can change is yourself. No matter how painful it may be, sometimes it is better to get out of a bad relationship and take a step towards your own happiness.
    5. Slower is better. Some of the greatest love stories of all time took years to develop. Sure, "love at first sight" may be romanticized in movies, but just like Rome, eternal love isn't built in a day...
    6. Never live your life for a person before you find what will make you truly happy. (This means you need to find your own happiness first). And remember: happiness is a journey, not a destination.
    7. If the relationship ends, because the person hasn't been to you the way you deserve to be, then hell no, you can't "stay friends." Friends don't torture each other.
    8. Don't stay in a relationship hoping "it will get better." You will be angry with yourself in a year when the situation has not changed for the better.
    9. The only person you can control in a relationship is you.
    10. Avoid men who have fathered a bunch of children with a bunch of different women. A man like that didn't take responsibility when he got those women pregnant, so why would he treat you any differently?
    11. Always have your own set of friends, separate from him.
    12. Maintain boundaries in how a man treats you if something is bothering you, tell him about it.
    13. Remember that healthy relationships are built on trust, and it takes time for trust to develop. It would be unwise for you to share too much, either of or about yourself.
    14. You can't change someone's behavior. Change comes from within.
    15. Never let him feel like he is more important than you. even if he has a higher level of education or a better job. And never make him feel less important than you.
    16. Don't make a god out of a man he is a man, no more and no less.
    17. Never let a man define who you really are. Be a queen filled with your own power and glory!
    18. Never borrow someone else's man! If he cheated with you, he will cheat with you.
    19. A man will treat you the way you allow him to treat you.
    20. In a relationship, you don't have to do everything alone. The best compromise is a two-way street.
    21. You should never look for someone else to complete you. A relationship is made up of two WHOLE individuals. Look for someone who is complementary, not complementary.
    22. Dating is always interesting... even if he doesn't turn out to be Mr. Right...
    23. Let him miss you sometimes. If a man always knows where you are and you are easily accessible to him, he may take you for granted. Remember that you have your own life, which may not always include him.
    24. Don't commit yourself completely to someone who doesn't listen to you. and does not try to satisfy your needs. Keep him on your radar and don't stop meeting other men.
    25. First of all, love yourself!
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