• How to choose a wife. How to choose a wife so that your family life is long and happy? The girl will become the wife of the one chosen by her parents


    Many men do not quite correctly imagine what their future wife should look like. The main qualities of an ideal companion are not beauty, breast size and sexual liberation. Wise advice on choosing a girlfriend for life.

    A man's view from those who are about thirty, on what qualities to choose the right wives for. The potential spouse must be...

    How to choose the right wife?

    The other day in the bathhouse, the men touched upon the topic of choosing a future wife. And since our team consisted of people of different generations, the dialogue, without unnecessary preludes, moved into the stage of beating babies.

    Those who were about thirty made their rating as follows. The future wife must be:

    1. Beautiful in face (so that every morning you get up to admire her features).
    2. Long-legged. They say that short-legged women look like a Yorkshire terrier, they mince like cockroaches. Total shame.
    3. Breast size three (two plus allowed). It’s this kind of chest that’s comfortable to sleep on, and it’s this kind of volume that fits well into the hard-working hands of a hipster or a cracker.

    4. Good education. Preferably institutes in St. Petersburg or Moscow.
    5. From a good, intelligent family.
    6. Lead a healthy lifestyle.
    7. Sexually liberated.

    This approach can cause nothing but homeric laughter in an adult man. And this is what we gave in response.

    The potential spouse must be:

    1. Silent. As our ancestors, the Aryan Slavs and Finno-Ugric people said: the word is silver, silence is gold. It's better if she's mute. Or at least stutter a lot, especially when nervous. Silence in the family is the main condition for marital happiness.

    2. Rich. Thanks to feminists - men and women now have equal rights. If a girl is from a rich family, then firstly, she is greedy and will not allow herself to squander the family budget. And secondly, the main financial burden of shopping and luxury goods will fall on the shoulders of her father.

    3. Be able to cook well. Yes, office plankton and effective managers love to eat in cafes and fast food restaurants, acquiring, in addition to scoliosis and flat feet, stomach ulcers by the age of thirty-five. They don’t realize that a gadget like a wife has the most useful skill - preparing delicious and healthy food: dumplings, rare steaks, pancakes, potato pancakes, jellied meat, sour cabbage soup, pies and other delicious things.

    4. Don't mind drinking and smoking. Imagine that after a hard shift at the machine you return home late at night and buy a bottle of vodka from the store. Here's a question for you to ask the pioneers: who will support the company? Yes, you could call Petya, but he has high blood pressure and is being treated for hypertension. Vasya has a stomach ulcer and doesn’t drink anything stronger than lemonade. Seryoga will not be let go by his rabid fury. Vitka is on a drinking binge. There is only one option left - to drink with your wife, vigilantly making sure that she does not drink more than two glasses, because a normal guy after a shift needs about 400 grams to restore mental harmony.

    5. Short-legged. Women with long legs were bred artificially, like hound dogs. Only those hunt for hares, and these hunt for lop-eared men. In harsh everyday conditions, in a fight with wolves or goats, this breed is absolutely useless. The girl should have a big ass and short legs. She must stand firmly on her feet and give birth to children in the same way that our great-grandmothers gave birth. Women with such shapes, according to a study by British scientists, adore sex, in its traditional and non-traditional forms.

    6. Breast size doesn't matter, because plastic surgery in this area has achieved significant results. Therefore, by agreement with your wife, you can choose any breast size. As the old-timers say: you can never have too many tits. At this point, the desire to breastfeed a child for as long as recommended by doctors and science should rather be considered a virtue.

    7. Beauty is the final criterion by which you should choose a wife. We would even say that the word “beauty” is synonymous with the word “danger.” Have you seen any crazy people catching cabbage butterflies? But there are more than enough people who want to plant a swallowtail butterfly on a jade rod.

    That is, if you want to decorate your head with antlers more beautiful than those of a reindeer, maybe you should take care to marry one of the current long-legged, busty and big-lipped predator models, but if you are a supporter of a strong family, get married on a girl who has the previous six virtues.

    And don’t forget what our glorious ancestors, the Tatar-Mongols, said: you need to marry beautiful people only so that you will be quickly delivered from your wife.

    How to choose the right wife.

    You may or may not marry. If you're planning to get married, read on. We will not discuss whether it is necessary to get married at all. Let's talk about how to choose a normal wife.
    Choosing the right wife is an extremely important matter. Marriage involves lifelong consequences, everything needs to be thought through carefully and in advance. Otherwise, it will be bad.

    Marriage is an agreement between two entities. The decision to get married should be viewed as an impartial business decision.
    You need to choose a wife just like choosing a company to invest in. This is not a matter of chance (“love”), it is necessary to clearly understand what is required and how to achieve it.

    Marriage has nothing to do with love or the joining of soul mates. All this is imposed by the TV box and films. Marriage is an exchange of resources. The wife suggests "A", and you suggest "B". If the wife does not want or cannot, then she is deprived of the privilege of being married.

    Marriage is an agreement, it must be fulfilled, control lies with you. You are not able to make the right decision when you, like a sixteen-year-old schoolgirl, are in a state of emotional love sickness. Just as no businessman who is not going to go around the world with a bag will sign an agreement out of emotion, so no man who does not want the marriage to break up will sign all his resources to her, simply because he is in love.

    There are only 2 reasons why a man should even think about getting married:

    1. He wants to start a family.
    2. His career or political ambitions require married status. There is no point in discussing this option, since in this case the wife and family are just decorations.

    Let's look at the first and only reason to get married. Love is not a reason. When you get married, you assign all your resources to your spouse. For what? In order to grow old in the family circle.

    Purposes and conditions of marriage:

    1. Minimize the chance of robbery through divorce.
    2. Maximize your spouse’s feeling of happiness by giving her the opportunity to realize herself as a mother and wife (the absolute opposite of everything you see and hear). This is not about emancipation or women's full rights (or any similar false concept that destroys the institution of the family), the wife must devote herself completely to the family. A woman's true happiness is family. Not a career, not “independence” and not gender freedom of judgment.

    Be honest:

    Most men don't want an "independent, liberated" woman. This is a euphemism for a scandalous bitch who thinks everyone owes her.
    Fools will foam at the mouth to prove the opposite; that’s why they are fools, so as not to understand the essence of the phenomena taking place. Men! Women love those who achieve what they want; those who do not take women’s quirks seriously, and see a woman as a woman, and not as a man in a skirt.
    Women treat nerds like dog shit stuck to their soles. For a woman, a nerd is not a person at all.

    It is clear that marriage in itself is a very bad agreement. When you get married, you give your wife control of resources and children. "Divorce by mutual consent" actually means "divorce due to his fault." If the wife decides she wants a divorce, she essentially retains all the benefits of being a married woman while freeing herself from all the responsibilities. Divorce is the robbery of a man. This is a redistribution of resources from men to women. She can live on alimony with her children alone or with her new husband. With full support from the state. From a legal point of view, she is always right and you are wrong. There's nothing you can do about it. Therefore, it is so important to immediately choose a normal wife in order to significantly reduce the risks.
    It is necessary to approach this choice extremely carefully, with all precautions. This is the only way to try to avoid ruin and divorce.

    When to get married:

    It is best to get married after 30. By this age, a man has time to live, look around, earn something, think about his goals in life, and settle down a little. The third decade is a stormy time for many; after thirty, a calmer period begins. Most men under 30 are not mature enough to make informed decisions about marriage.
    At the same time, at 30 you just need to start thinking about marriage. You don't have to get married by age 30. 30-45 years old is the best time for marriage. A man’s value is at its maximum during these years.

    12 main rules for choosing the right wife:

    1. Youth
    The woman must be at least thirty years old. 25 years is better. 20 is best. The female body does not cope well with the years. It's natural to want your wife's body to be young and firm for as long as possible. After thirty, youth and beauty quickly end.
    This is a kind of deal: she gives you her years of beauty, and you support her further in life. Never get involved with a woman who gave her youth to someone else.
    Once again: women age ugly. "Panthers", older women who supposedly attract younger males, are fiction from movies. Single women in their thirties wasted their best years fucking a bunch of different guys, and now they want to find nerds who will take care of them. You don't have to be such a nerd.
    A young body is especially important for bearing offspring. Older women cannot and will not have healthy children. The thirty-year-old woman is already fifteen years late on this issue.
    -But I want to communicate with an intelligent woman. Twenty year old girls are stupid!
    Her intelligence doesn't really depend on her age. A stupid twenty year old is a stupid thirty year old. The difference is that a thirty-year-old is much more dull and has little to offer a man.

    2. Her family should be complete, with her mother and father
    No stepfathers or mothers. Children who grew up without a father cannot be normal. A mother alone cannot raise healthy children. You need an emotionally healthy wife. Girls who grew up amid divorce have a lot of cockroaches, often get used to dubious ways of attracting attention, and have no idea how to behave in a normal family.

    3. The concept of “divorce” should not exist for her.
    If she knows the word "divorce", knows what to do in case of divorce, refers to a divorced friend, or considers divorce as a possible scenario, you don't need her. Throw it back into the water and calmly continue fishing.

    4. She should naturally have a figure that you like.
    Any woman gains a little weight after marriage. It's unavoidable. It is unacceptable for it to be inflated to the size of a killer whale. If she was once overweight, then lost weight through dieting and fitness, all the weight (plus a little more on top) will return as soon as she finds a husband.
    If she is constantly on diets and is afraid of getting fat, then she will get fat immediately after the wedding.
    Her weight should be approximately the same throughout her life.
    She must have a pretty face. Over the years, little will remain of the beauty of the body, but the face will not go anywhere, and besides, you see it every day.

    5. She needs to take care of herself.
    A woman who turns into a pig after marriage is a disgrace to the family. She must take care of herself and keep herself in shape. Women gain weight slightly after marriage, but 5 and 50 kg are two different things. Take a closer look at the women in her family, if they are all fat, it is best to quickly retreat. You will see your wife every day. It's bad if looking at her makes you think about bacon for breakfast.

    6. She should think about her family, not her career.
    You choose a mother for your children and a homemaker. The guy doesn't need a second salary, he can earn it himself. He needs the rear, at home and in the heart.
    In families where both work, children are raised by nannies and in paid institutions, and the mother goes to work to pay for all this.
    -I don't want children.
    Then don't get married. The only reason to get married is to start a family.
    -But I want a successful woman.
    It does not matter. Even if she is concerned about her career when you met, she will not care about her career later. Women don't want to work, but many of them realize it too late. They waste their youth playing a career, later realize the mistake and leave work to care for children (who, quite possibly, have developmental disabilities - this is typical for late-birthers). Do you know many 45-year-old married professional women?
    Working women only do it out of necessity, they whine about it every day. They would give anything to leave work and focus only on their family.
    In fact, no woman wants to work. Work is a man's world and always will be. Women's work is home and children.

    7. She must be "good"
    She shouldn't have problems with alcohol, smoking and tattoos. She should not have a club background or regular drinking. A whore cannot be turned into a wife. The more sexual partners she had, the higher the likelihood that it would end in divorce.
    -So you're saying that all club girls who smoke and drink are whores?
    The fewer partners she had, the better. Ideally, a virgin. Remember: the more partners you had, the higher the likelihood that you will get divorced in the next 6 years, and you will lose your money, resources and children.
    If you think that she needs help, or that you help her and she will change, then you are a fool and you are being manipulated. With such a woman, everything will end in tears for you.
    Choose a good girl. A virgin (or with a small number of partners), family-oriented, pleasant to talk to, helpful, smiling and patient.

    8. She should be okay with the prenuptial agreement.
    While this won't help you conserve resources much, it is a good indicator that she is serious about saving the marriage.

    9. She should adapt to you
    A loving woman will change and adapt to you. Her new favorite dish will be steak and fried eggs, she will be happy to watch all 6 parts of “Rocky” with you, and also do things that she has never loved or done before.
    -But I don’t want a wife who bends!
    A woman who doesn't "bend" is a woman who doesn't respect you.
    Women are not men and should not be held to male standards. A man who changes his views for a woman is a slug. A woman who changes her views for a man is a loving woman. She should not be belittled for this because it is proper behavior.

    10. She should admire and respect you
    A man looks down at a woman. It has been this way since time immemorial. If it’s the other way around, she will leave you along with your money and children. You need to be a man whom she will love, respect, and admire.

    11. She shouldn't have children
    Do you know what the main lion in a pride does? Kills the cubs of other lions.
    Raising other people's children is the lot of a cuckold, who knows everything and agrees to everything.
    If you raise someone else's offspring, there will always be another man somewhere nearby.
    Think about yourself, your wife and children should be yours and no one else's. There is no need to take responsibility for what is left of another man.
    Women with children look like this:
    They get pregnant by a strong male and find a nerd to raise the bastard.
    They live in marriage with children, then get divorced and leave.
    In any case, such a woman is not suitable for starting a family.

    12. She should be smiling
    She smiles when she sees you. Her eyes are burning. She is happy to see you and gives you her beautiful smile.
    The radiant smile of a beautiful girl is worth more than the education or position she may have, such a smile is worth more than any other nonsense that a modern woman thinks makes her attractive to men.
    You need a happy woman. You don't need a sad and whining pessimist.
    Choose a cheerful, smiling, lively girl.

    American women are raised from birth in a system that encourages divorce. They believe that their femininity is bad. This is a mess in their heads; many of them are not suitable for starting a family. Be especially wary of women who are taking psychiatric medications or seeing specialists. This only makes them madder and blame men for all their problems.

    Club girls for clubs, good girls for families.
    If a woman cannot or does not want to cook every day, how will she take care of the children? To raise healthy offspring, you need to marry a woman who knows how and will cook.

    A man's capabilities only increase over the years. A woman's capabilities are the opposite. Men age like wine, and women age like milk. Therefore, choose a beautiful and young one. It is not advisable for men to get married at a young age.

    Never listen to women's advice on how to please them. Being a nice and polite gift buyer will put you in the friend zone. And rightly so, with such pathetic behavior.
    Avoid lazy, selfish women who consider everyone to be their due.

    Don't let your wife have complete control over how your home looks. A man should not live in a boudoir, with frilly pillows, napkins and flowers around.

    Men are not women, and women are not men. Double standards exist. That's life.
    You are the leader. She's a follower. Lead her.

    When she loves and respects you, she will love everything about you. She won't nag and whine trying to change you. If you smoke a cigar and you smell like tobacco, she will like the aroma. She will sleep in your shirts because they smell like you. You must have this power over her, for her own happiness and peace of mind.

    If she whines even before the wedding, write her a wolf ticket.
    Nothing improves after the wedding, everything only intensifies.

    Marriage should be conservative. Choose a “modern woman” and you will get a creepy modern “family”, with modern results: alimony, Sunday dad.
    Don't get married just because everyone is getting married. All actions must have reasons and consequences.

    Marriage is a dangerous undertaking. First learn to swim, and then dive.

    What to do with the one who left:
    More than 3 billion women on the planet. The average age is 29 years. Millions of women could be your wife. “She” is not a soul mate, not “the only one” and other nonsense. There are millions like her. And if she was the one, you would be together. Forget and move forward. There are many more where you found it.

    Personal recommendation:
    Choosing a woman from your own country and culture is the best decision. Unfortunately, given the systematic destruction of family values ​​and the institution of family in Western countries, especially in America and England, the ability to choose is severely limited. You can probably look for a wife in other countries, where family values ​​are still highly valued. But, think very long and hard before taking a wife of another race and being the father of half-breed children.

    Growing old alone and without children may seem like a worse prospect than thoughtfully choosing a future wife, taking into account the stated criteria.
    If you are going to get married, marry with your mind.
    If you're not going to get married, go get a beer.
    Good luck!

    Probably, many men are racking their brains about choosing the woman with whom he will live the rest of his life, because how can he limit himself? How to give up everything for one? How to give up all the wild nights with friends, freedom and independence? But in fact, you can choose a woman with whom you want to live more than one life, with whom you can fly even to the edge of the universe! But to do this you will need to know how to choose the right wife for a long and happy marriage. This problem is not new and is always relevant. Men have been tormented by this issue for a long time. Choosing a wife is a responsible and important step for everyone. Here you need to approach the issue very scrupulously, because you choose your wife, the mother of your future children, the grandmother of your dear grandchildren.

    You shouldn’t give in to emotions and fuss about choosing, and if you already have a candidate, then take a closer look at it not through the prism of feelings, but soberly. Look at a number of characteristics that can help you decide.

    • Meet her parents and close relatives. Look at the behavior of your parents, at their habits - these are the characteristics that are inherent in the behavior and character of your future wife. If there is a minimal amount of irritation in communication, and you would like your children to have such genes, then everything is in order. The first stage of choosing a companion has been completed.
    • Pay attention to the friends she is surrounded by. Here you need to observe their behavior, because after the wedding, people you don’t like won’t just disappear or dissolve, so try to influence the choice of friends. If everything is categorical, then think, do you need your wife to communicate with such people? Then draw your own conclusions: accept it or change the girl.
    • Check the personal qualities of your chosen one, for example, shopping. This way of solving the problem of how to choose a wife is very effective. If your companion can control herself when she sees various bright and fashionable things, and also not buy everything she sees, this is a big plus. But when she went into the store and began to choose everything for herself, and then criticize every blouse and tell you about fashion, then try to run away from such a girl faster and further.
    • If, after the terrible shopping test, you are still together, then go on vacation together. Look at her behavior on vacation; if she is passive, this means that she will always be tired. But if she is the initiator of excursions and hikes, then this is exactly the option that will suit you. After all, with such a wife, everyday life will not be gray and monotonous.
    • Think about living together. Figure it out with yourself in this dilemma, are you ready to endure it 24 hours a day? Will she be able to fit into your lifestyle, will you be pleased at the moment when she opens the doors in the evening? It is very easy to decide how to choose a good wife. Many psychologists advise taking this step: move the girl to your place, hand over a certain amount for expenses and leave home for 3-4 days. If you come back and see your apartment clean, comfortable, a refrigerator with fresh food and lunch on the table, then this is a huge plus. And if a girl comes out to meet you with makeup and neat clothes, then this is an argument in her favor. These are all the factors in choosing her as your wife. Well, if there is still the remaining amount of money on the table in the hall, grab the girl and run to the registry office. You shouldn't give someone such a beloved treasure!

    Men, remember that a wife is a state of heart and soul, and not stamps in passports. You should think about the advantages and disadvantages of your companion. Remember that she will also need to turn a blind eye to your shortcomings, because we are all imperfect. Only you should think about which wife to choose, and not your parents, psychologists and friends. Family life is based on many aspects, so take a closer look at the chosen girl - can she become a support in problems, solutions, and simple support in difficult times. Do not choose a wife according to rules or canons, choose her with your heart. There is one little truth: when you have something to talk about with a person, if you are not tired of him, then you should already think about a serious step in your relationship.

    In fact, choosing a wife is not an easy task, thankless and weakly amenable to rules. Here, both a complete rejection of the arguments of reason and an overly thoughtful approach are equally dangerous.

    And yet, before choosing a wife from many (or two or three) potential contenders, it is useful to slightly structure this important process. That is, take a number of useful steps.

    • Step one. Who's the bride?

    To begin with, it is very important to identify for yourself a list of possible candidates for future wives. For if there are none, then there is nothing to talk about yet. The very first criterion by which you should determine whether a given girl is suitable for the role of a wife for you is the presence of cravings and expressed interest in her. After all, in the absence of a desire to at least be nearby, all further steps lose all meaning. Some are right for you and others are not. This also needs to be taken into account.

    • Step two. Who's mom?

    So, the circle of girls who are not indifferent to you, interesting and pleasant, is indicated. But how to choose a wife among them? Now you need to focus not on the strength of attraction to each, but on some distinctive features. Getting to know the girl’s parents and family is the second important step.

    It is worth taking a special look at the mother of the bride. How does she look, how does she behave, how does she behave with her husband, how does she treat her daughter? At an introductory lunch, it is better to talk less and observe more. The information collected can be invaluable to you. Another informative indicator is the attitude of the future bride to her father.

    Does he love, respect, or experience a lack of care and love on his part? Does it happen often or is there peace in the house? Similar relationships will develop between you. True, not only orphans with a living father should be wary, but also overly affectionate daddy’s daughters. In the latter case, you simply risk never reaching their ideal man. The image of your beloved daddy will always stand between you.

    • Step three. Disadvantages of a Bride

    The thesis that there are no ideal people is useful to keep in mind in any form of human interaction. Therefore, in our business, before choosing a wife, it is useful to take a closer look at her negative aspects. After all ? Because they can't stand each other's shortcomings.

    Psychologists argue that the common interests of marriage partners are less important than the compatibility of their negative traits. Everyone has flaws, and your wife will have them too. Which of them are you willing to put up with, and which ones will you not accept under any circumstances?

    • Step four. Common interests

    A husband and wife should have a minimum of uniting attitudes and interests. Find out her views on what a wife should be like (from her point of view), and what a husband should be like, how many children it is desirable to have in a family, what kind of wife she will be, what areas of life are interesting to her. There is too much difference in intelligence, temperament and life attitudes - a reason to think about whether such a union will be durable?

    Although, as E. Yevtushenko wrote: “...it’s just as scary to understand each other in everything...” So a certain difference in potentials must be present. It invigorates, excites, forces you to act, grow, change yourself and influence your other half. But this difference should not be critical.

    • Step five. Pause before choosing your wife

    Psychotherapist A. Poleev believes: in order to avoid a wrong choice, it is useful to get rid of excessive idealization of the object of your passion. That is, time must pass. The veil of love will fall, and it will be possible to take a more sober look at the one with whom you plan to connect your life. There is no need to rush in any matter. And especially when choosing a life partner.

    And finally, a light lyrical digression. Leo Tolstoy said that getting married is the same as dying. That is, “when it is impossible otherwise.” But

    Many men are interested in a burning question that becomes a lifelong dilemma: “How to choose a wife?” The stronger sex is filled with endless criteria regarding their future halves, and therefore we present to your attention the most used list of qualities of an ideal beauty.

    Age limits

    In order to determine the most popular age range for representatives of the fair sex, often chosen as wives, it is necessary to turn to a survey of gerontologists and psychologists. The best age for a beautiful wife is considered to be between twenty-three and twenty-seven years old.

    If she is a little younger than the established limits, then it is considered that the fair sex does not have sufficient property, social status, or useful character traits. If her age is significantly less than the established criterion, therefore, the young person needs to know by heart all the articles of the Criminal Code relating to the corruption of persons under 16 years of age. Therefore, you should keep in mind that eighth-graders with huge and beautiful eyes do not fit into the category of “ideal and young wife.” Whether it is good or bad to adhere to this point of view is up to you to decide, but life experience shows that maturity of character comes only with years and experience.

    Education and education

    If, while analyzing all the qualities of your wife, you touched on education, then you cannot do without the help of highly qualified teachers, the Ministry of Education, heads of personnel departments, or, in extreme cases, grandmothers from the entrance! This, of course, is a lyrical digression, but education should be present as a personality trait in every self-respecting girl!

    However, as practice shows, educated girls with developed intelligence strive in all ways and means to obtain a higher education. In any case, if there is nothing to talk about with your friend, or she does not understand basic life issues and problems, you should think about her role in your life.

    Family status

    How to choose a good wife? While searching for an answer to the question posed, you need to sneak a look at the passport of the chosen person. If there is a column about divorce, upon closer acquaintance you should find out about all the circumstances of what happened.

    As a rule, smart and self-respecting girls do not make rash, serious decisions in the form of a quick marriage. However, situations in life are different, so it is worth unobtrusively understanding the drama that happened in her life about family life.

    And, of course, a girl should not be in the status of a married woman, since this not only creates obstacles to the further development of the relationship, but also exposes her to a lie. And even if such an unpleasant incident occurs, then even the most beautiful wife will not be able to turn out to be a faithful companion, therefore, the status “ideal” is not assigned to such a lady.

    Question of nationality

    The problem of nationality is the most pressing today, since young people of various ethnic groups experience some difficulties in communicating with their parents. If there are no barriers of this kind in your head, you will easily find your life partner.

    However, rich wives of modern men, as practice shows, will never wear a hijab, burqa or kimono unless there is a special theme or occasion in a modern European state. Thus, modern men, when asked: “How to choose a wife?”, answer the following: “She must have a European appearance, have luxurious long hair, cook well and wear skirts - these are the main selection criteria.”

    Height: short or tall?

    The question of ideal growth is largely decided by purely individual preferences. But there are also several opinions on this matter:

    1. If you prefer a girl of standard height, you will never be able to experience unusual sensations in communication, intimate life, the spiritual sphere, everyday life, and so on. As practice shows, women of very small or large stature have exceptional character traits, instilled by the amazement of those around them at the features of the meter mark on the wall.
    2. Since choosing a wife is not easy, giving preference to the option of “average or short height” is prudent and correct. In any situation, you can look down on your companion and not deprive her of the opportunity to wear her favorite heels. But, again, your decision depends on your own preferences and characteristics of your own growth.

    Weight and figure

    The issue of weight is directly related to the figure of the fair sex. In this situation, the scale arrow can be deceiving, since the structural features of the body speak for themselves.

    As for the figure, now girls with an athletic build are especially popular and receive everyone’s attention. This does not mean at all that you need to settle in the gym and start gaining weight under a pile of iron. No! You simply need to keep yourself in good physical shape, sometimes “get dry” and regularly give your body physical activity. This way you will not only become the owner of a chic and alluring body, but you will also meet one more criterion when answering the question: “What should an ideal wife be like?”

    Flying gait

    When wondering how to choose a wife, pay attention to the gait of all the fair sex who make up your inner circle. When determining this criterion, it is also useful to simply observe those around you.

    What does “perfect gait” mean? Men describe this phenomenon in the following words: “The ideal and attention-grabbing gait is a blurry silhouette on the horizon, evoking a passionate desire to get to know a lady without even seeing her face.” Unforced ease, natural movements, a certain rhythm - this is not something they teach in a modeling school. One of the above-mentioned gestures or qualities by themselves will go unnoticed, but together they give an amazing result and attract men like a sweet piece of pie. It is worth noting that Russian wives have the most flying gait in the Universe, since their men are the most courageous, capable of inspiring the lady of their heart every day!

    A few words about appearance

    How do millionaires choose their wives? Many men and women ask a similar question, since it is believed that all options are open to rich men, but this opinion is considered erroneous.

    If, seeing a woman walking down the street, the first thing you think is: “Gorgeous breasts!”, You are looking at a far from ideal wife. The issue of appearance is not determined only by body dimensions, since this is a wide field for women’s work. As the magnificent Coco Chanel said: “There are no ugly women, only lazy ones.” The seductive bulge of one part of the body undoubtedly looks like the dignity of a beautiful lady, but appearance is always judged as a whole. Here you should definitely pay attention to the condition of your hair - clean and neatly styled; nails - decorated manicure; faces - beautiful and discreet makeup; figures - a slightly pumped up body will not be left without male attention; clothing style - no non-standard solutions, only if any element fits well into the gamut of the image as a whole.

    Tender voice

    Many Russian wives complain that a loving man does not pay attention to them and does not say kind words. Not understanding the reason, many leave the issue without investigation, leading to terrible quarrels and, ultimately, to divorce. But the point is the absence of a trembling and tender image.

    Judge for yourself: at the moment, the parody of a screaming woman in the kitchen, scolding her husband for minor flaws, does not surprise anyone. Moreover, the audience laughs infectiously at the images presented, understanding the inevitable reality. But every man, searching for an answer to the question: “What should an ideal wife be like?”, wants to hear compliments addressed to him every day from the lips of an angelic being with an angelic voice.

    As a rule, men are attracted to a thin voice. The words of such a woman sound quietly and tenderly, forcing you to catch every sound and listen to every phrase. This does not mean that you need to whisper pleasantly... Not at all. This fact only shows that if you want to receive the status of an ideal wife, you need to work hard not only on your appearance and character, but also on the timbre of your voice.

    What should an ideal wife be like and her sense of humor?

    Remember: the woman you love should not perform an entertainment function, but a sense of humor is a necessary selection criterion. In the presence of a representative of the fair sex with a good sense of humor, you can always show off your bright erudition, compatible with wit. Having made a good joke, you can be sure that it will not go unnoticed!

    Moreover, someone who has a good sense of humor is able to not only understand your jokes in any situation, but is also able to laugh at herself. And if she can let out a bright phrase in the company of your friends - immediately lead her down the aisle! It’s extremely easy to understand whether a woman has a sense of humor; you just need to joke a couple of times on the first date.

    What should the salary be?

    An ideal wife, even if her age varies between two and a half decades, should have a useful profession that is welcomed in society. Her salary should be enough to take care of the comfort and well-being of a man, as well as allow him to create an ideal wardrobe and devote several pleasant procedures to his body and face.

    However, keep in mind that such a criterion will be present only in the process of developing the relationship “young man - beloved girl.” In the event that you, as a couple, enter the stage of marriage, all expenses will fall on the common family budget.

    Health: quality, without which you can’t go anywhere!

    The first and most important reason for the presence of this criterion is that the ideal companion never has a headache. If you look at how millionaires choose their wives, you will see next to them only loving and caring representatives of the fair sex, at least in public.

    Only your charm and charisma can put such a woman into bed, but certainly not severe attacks of the flu. Of course, everyone has the right to catch a cold once a year, but constant illnesses and complaints show the inadequacy of the female body, and therefore the least ability to bear a healthy child - after all, this is what attracts males.

    The most important thing is character!

    “A woman with character” is exactly the expression that men will not always like! An ideal wife should always shine and be irresistible. If you are accustomed to numerous reproaches, dreary whining or despondency, the image does not fit in with your personality, because men love affectionate, caring and obedient people.

    A wonderful character lies not only in radiant smiles and a good mood, but also a bit of discontent. The only condition that must be observed in this situation is that your man must immediately find out the reason for his bad mood! Moreover, instantly, and not after several months during a quarrel!

    Another feature that distinguishes the ideal character from the temperament of an ordinary modern woman is that she not only knows how to carry on serious conversations, but also starts them at the right moment and at the right time. This means that after a tense meeting or in the process of resolving work issues, you should not distract a man from his work, since it is terribly difficult for representatives of the stronger sex to quickly switch from one problem to another. You probably won’t get a practical solution to the problem, but you can spoil your mood considerably. At home, you can always turn to your loved one for help, as well as solve all the issues that concern you.

    By observing all the above criteria, you can appear before a man as an ideal wife, but the most important condition is to have real and sincere love for him!

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