• Topic mother week middle group of recommendations for parents. Recommendations for parents on the topics of the week. Topic: "Animals of hot countries."


    28.05.2017 - 31.05.2017


    Software content:

    1. Formation of ideas about oneself as an active member of the team through project activities involving younger children age groups and parents, participation in the life of preschool.

    2. Involving children in creating a developing environment for a preschool institution (mini-museums, exhibitions, libraries, design workshops, etc.).

    Consider with children different forms of backpacks, briefcases;

    Tell about family traditions, relics;

    View a family album;

    Watch a video about the life of loved ones;

    - to talk about the existing relationship (warm, friendly, attentive) between family members and other relatives;

    Walking around the city with children, visiting attractions;

    Create a tree of life for your family;

    Talk about the rules of conduct in public transport;

    Compose a story about your craft "What can I do", "How I draw, sculpt";

    Compose a story together with the parents "Hobby of our family";

    Compose a story (drawings + story) on the topic "My best friend»;

    Visit the exhibition of children's works "This is how we grew up!" or "Our friendly group";

    To learn with children poems: A. Barto "To school", Z. Alexandrova "Light";

    Visit the school.

    22.05.2017 - 26.05.2017


    Software content:

    1. Formation of elementary ecological concepts in children, expansion and systematization of knowledge about mammals, amphibians and reptiles, insects.

    2. Consolidation of children's knowledge about trees, shrubs, herbaceous plants (meadows, gardens, forests).

    3. Consolidation of skills to generalize and systematize ideas about the seasons. Strengthening the skills to establish cause-and-effect relationships between natural phenomena (if insects - pollinators of plants disappear, then the plants will not give seeds, etc.).

    4. Attraction of children to feasible work on the site of the kindergarten, in the flower garden. Strengthening the skills to behave correctly in nature (do not break bushes and tree branches, do not leave garbage, do not destroy anthills, etc.).

    5. Expansion of children's knowledge about inanimate nature, properties of sand, clay, stone. To form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe transition of substances from a solid state to a liquid, and vice versa.

    6. Leading children to understand that human life on Earth largely depends on the environment: clean air, water, forest, soil have a beneficial effect on human health and life.

    View and discuss cartoons about animals ("A Gift for the Weakest", "Mushroom Teremok, etc.);

    Visit the circus;

    Visit the city zoo;

    Prepare various dishes for baby food, using honey, eggs, milk, sour cream, cottage cheese;

    Take a walk in the park, dream up on the theme “What did the tree see?”, “What does the tree think about?”, “Who lives in the tree?”;

    Visit the local history museum;

    Visit the exhibition of spring landscapes "Trees look into the water",

    Walk to the reservoir of Chelyabinsk and pay attention to the reflection of trees, buildings in the water.

    10.05.2017 - 19.05.2017


    Software content:

    1. Systematization of children's knowledge about the properties and characteristics of water, about its importance in human life and wildlife, about the use of water and water resources by humans.

    2. Development of the cognitive interest of children, the desire to actively learn and act with natural objects.

     organize a walk on the pond, expand children's ideas about ice drift;

     organize an excursion to the city aquarium, observe the color of fish, behavior patterns;

     collecting, creating albums "Healthy drinks", "Health charms", "Our kind helpers" (senses), "What is personal hygiene";

    02.05.2017 - 06.05.2017

    "Victory Day"

    Software content:

    1. Consolidation of children's knowledge about the Great Patriotic War, about the army - the defender of our country, about the feat of the people who stood up to defend their homeland.

    Chat with children about natural resources, about the peoples inhabiting Russia, famous people, about the exploits of people during the war;

    Watch TV programs "Parade on Red Square" - to show the power and strength of the Russian Army;

    Visit the historical sites of your hometown;

    Watch the festive fireworks with children;

    Visit the Victory Park at ChTZ, the Museum of Military Equipment;

    Lay flowers at the monuments of military glory;

    Pick up images of military equipment, soldiers, etc. to the theme of "Victory Day" from newspapers, magazines to create a collage;

    Take part in the publication of the photo - the newspaper "Fatherland Defenders";

    Design an album with photos, drawings, a child's story;

    Contribute to the book of useful recipes "Soldier's porridge";

    Watch films about war heroes, discuss together;

    Consider stamps, badges on the theme "Victory Day";

    Listen at home: “Great-grandfather. Victory Day ”muses. A. Ermolova, "Victory Day" muses. Trubachev, "Alexander Garden" muses. E. Tsibrova, "Katyusha" muses. M. Blanter, "Three Tankers";

    Watch film: "Cornflower" Soyuzmultfilm 1973, "Soldier's Tale", "Grandfather's Binoculars" Soyuzmultfilm 1982, "Partisan Snow Maiden" Kievnachfilm 1981;

    Take part in the competition for the best model of military equipment.

    24.04.2017 - 28.04.2017


    Software content:

    1. Consolidation of children's knowledge about the holiday of Spring and Labor as a social event in Russia.

    2. Expanding children's ideas about the work of adults, about the importance of their work for society.

    3. Fostering respect for working people.

    Take part in the exhibition of drawings "Who I want to be";

    Consider the city's festive decoration;

    - to congratulate the great-grandfather and great-grandmother;

    Take part in the publication of the photo - newspaper "Professions in my family";

    Tell the child about the professions of relatives;

    Watch the cartoon "Cinderella";

    Create a drawing "What is spring?"

    Discuss the proverbs about work: "At work and time is running faster." "A person is known in labor";

    Observe the festively decorated streets of the city;

    Observe spring changes in nature;

    To participate in creative work on the theme "Blooming Spring";

    Talk with children about the role of work in human life;

    Attract to feasible help at their summer cottage;

    To learn the poem about the holiday of spring and labor by E. Blaginina "Do not bother me to work."

    17.04.2017 - 21.04.2017


    Software content:

    1 Clarification of children's ideas about the Cosmos, the planets of the Solar System (elementary ideas about the Earth; about the continents, seas and oceans, about the poles and the equator, the frequency of day and night, the alternation of the seasons with their cyclicity and dependence on the position of the planets in the starry sky)

    2 Development of interest in human activities for the exploration of Space (an idea of \u200b\u200bthe cosmonaut's profession, his personal qualities, its social significance: the use of satellites for human economic activity).

     view and discuss information from films and television programs: about astronauts, moon rovers, space travel, star wars;

     organize a long reading (K. Bulychev "Girl from the Earth", "Alice and the Crusaders", etc.);

     to involve children in creative artistic activities on themes ("Aircraft", "Stars and Planets", "Outer Space", etc.) using a variety of unformed material;

     observe the different phases of the moon (new moon, narrow crescent (month), half moon, full moon).

    10.04.2017 - 14.04.2017


    Software content:

    1. Generalize children's ideas about spring (the sun shines brightly, there are rains, thunderstorms; the earth and water are warmed up by the sun, become warm; snow, icicles melt; buds appear on trees, bushes, plants grow and bloom, children are lightly dressed), about birds in spring (birds arrive, begin to build nests and hatch chicks)

    2. Fostering a respectful attitude towards birds (consider without harming them, feed only with the permission of adults, do not frighten, do not ruin the nests).

     organize a walk to the spring park, square, drawing the child's attention to the bright spring sun, puddles, streams, birds of the immediate environment;

     organize family trips to art and local history museums, galleries, exhibitions of fine arts;

     involve the child in feeding birds, observing their behavior;

     discuss with children the meaning and content of proverbs, sayings, riddles about natural phenomena, folk signs, information from the folk calendar;

     play educational games aimed at introducing children to changes in nature: "Find a mistake", "Group ...", "Find the differences ...", etc .;

     to draw on the impressions of the read works, the observed natural phenomena.

    03.04.2017 - 07.04.2017


    Software content:

    1. Systematization of children's knowledge about circus art (circus professions - clown, equilibrist, acrobat, tightrope walker, magician; about animals working in the circus).

    2. Development of interest in cognitive entertainment, interest in the circus art form, expansion of the emotional and sensory experience of children.

    3. Expanding the emotional and sensory experience of children, meeting the needs of children in creative self-expression.

    R advice to parents:

     organize a visit to the circus;

     to acquaint with the professions of an actor, director, artist, costume designer, usher, etc .;

     discuss the festive atmosphere, theatrical costumes, decorations ...

     to talk about the benefits of humor, laughter for the health of the child;

     stage familiar fairy tales;

     to make together with the child dolls, tickets, posters, attributes for games.

    27.03.2017 - 31.03.2017


    Software content:

    1. Formation of generalized ideas about spring, the adaptability of plants and animals to changes in nature.

    2. Expansion of knowledge about the characteristic features of spring: the relationship between the phenomena of animate and inanimate nature and seasonal types of labor; seasonal changes in nature.

    3. Supporting children's initiative in independent observations, experiments, to develop independence in cognitive and research activities.

     organize a walk to the spring park, square, drawing the child's attention to the bright spring sun, puddles, streams;

     collecting “Useful objects and things”, “Health charms”, “Our good helpers” (sense organs);

     family travel to art and local history museums, galleries, exhibitions of fine art;

     involve the child in feeding birds, observing their behavior;

     discussion with children of the meaning and content of proverbs, sayings, riddles about natural phenomena, folk signs, information from the folk calendar;

     observe the habits of animals familiar to children in the immediate environment;

     draw the child's attention to the clothes of adults and children in accordance with weather conditions;

     attracting a child to seasonal work in the garden;

     educational games aimed at introducing children to changes in nature: "Find a mistake", "Group ...", "Find the differences ...", etc .;

     Involvement in drawing based on the impressions of the read works, observed natural phenomena.

    20.03.2017 - 24.03.2017


    Software content:

    1. The upbringing of the value attitude of children to health and human life, the development of motivation to preserve their health and the health of people around.

    2. Enrichment and deepening of children's ideas about how to maintain, strengthen and maintain health;

    3. Education of independence in the implementation of cultural and hygienic skills, enrichment of children's ideas about hygienic culture;

    4. Ensuring the preservation and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children.

    Visit the pool, sports club;

    Make a poster "Protecting health";

    To issue "baby books" about health;

    Chat about healthy way family life;

    To prepare a family newspaper "I and my health";

    Talk: "Sport is the key to health."

    Draw sketches on the topic “We want to be healthy”;

    Talk with your child about medicinal plants, “If you want to be healthy, be tempered”, “Bad habits of a person”, “Where do diseases come from”, “What is the daily routine, how to keep it healthy and sick”, “Getting rid of bad habits”, “ My family's traditions and hobbies

    Reading A. Ampilov "Teeth got sick", V. Lanceti "It all begins ..."

    13.03.2017 - 17.03.2017


    Software content:

    1. Fostering friendly relationships between children (the habit of playing together, working, following a positive example).

    2. Formation of qualities such as sympathy, responsiveness, fairness, modesty, collectivism.

    3. Expanding children's ideas about their responsibilities in the future (go to school, take care of the younger, help the elderly and disabled).

    Conversation with children about the animals that inhabit our planet and their careful treatment, assistance;

    Visit to the city zoo;

    Observing the work of the zoo staff;

    Project activities (drawing up a memo on the careful attitude to animals, plants);

    Conversations “How to help the elderly”;

    Participation in the photo exhibition "About our younger brothers";

    Album design with photos, drawings, a child's story about good deeds;

    Reading to children: K. Ushinsky "The Blind Horse";

    Viewing family photos of parents - schoolchildren;

    Drawing on the topic "When I become an adult";

    01.03.2017 - 10.03.2017


    Software content:

    1. Formation of value ideas about the family, family traditions.

    2. Expansion of ideas about women's work.

    3. Fostering a careful and sensitive attitude towards the closest people (mother, grandmother), the need to please loved ones with good deeds.

    Show children how to safely use household appliances, do not allow children to use objects that require careful handling. To teach to use these objects in the presence of adults.

    Give a task to parents , relying on the experience of children and taking into account their preferences, select visual materials for independent perception, followed by their discussion with an adult.

    Encourage the development of skills necessary to help a mother with household chores in family traditions (collect toys, water flowers, dust, etc.)

    Maintain the traditions of family holidays, leisure activities.

    Organize an exhibition of family photographs "Moms are needed differently"

    (about the professions of mothers)

    Instruct children to carry out permanently assigned household chores.

    Learn holiday poems with children.

    20.02.2017 - 28.02.2017


    Software content:

    1. Consolidation of children's knowledge about the army - the defender of our country.

    2. Development of interest and respect for the heroic events of the past, the military glory of the Russian people.

    3. Education of moral feelings (love, responsibility, pride) for the people of the older generation, respect for the defenders of the Fatherland.

    Prepare a photo report and arrange an album for the competition of recipes for healthy dishes "Cabbage soup and porridge - our food";

    Take part in the design of the newspaper: "My dad (grandfather, uncle) served in the army." "My dad (grandfather, uncle) is a military man."

    To teach children to help dads and grandfathers.

    Learn to use sharp instruments under adult supervision.

    Reading poems by Y. Drunina.

    13.02.2017 - 17.02.2017


    Software content:

    1. Formation and development of communication of a cognitive and research nature and means of communication

    2. Development of figurative thinking, imagination, ability to establish patterns.

    3. Expansion of ideas about the world around.

    Organize a series of conversations with the child about the rules of safe life (at home, on the street - communication with strangers, animals).

    Living room for children and their parents "Know-it-all" - to tell about your own idea, a way to solve the problem, using the form of a descriptive and narrative story;

    Use elementary forms of speech-reasoning for planning activities, proof of explanation

    Maintain a joyful, emotionally positive family environment.

    Maintain the traditions of family holidays and leisure activities.

    Think over a joint visit to theaters, parks, zoos, museums, etc. on weekends

    06.02.2017 - 10.02.2017


    Software content:

    1. Introduction to the rules of behavior that is safe for humans and the surrounding world of nature.

    2. Consolidation of ideas about the basics of the safety of their own life.

    3. To form the initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle (characteristics of the human body, about rational nutrition and physical activity).

    Conversation with children: "About good manners and etiquette";

    Situational conversations about how to behave at home if you are alone;

    Pedestrian surveillance;

    A selection of illustrations of transport to the topic from newspapers, magazines to create a collage;

    Participation in the photo - exhibition "Car seat - the guarantee of safe movement";

    Album design with photos, drawings, a child's story about dangerous situations from personal experience;

    Reading for children: G. Ostera "Harmful advice";

    Watching the film "Home Alone", joint discussion;

    Participation in the competition for the best poster "ABC of Security".

    30.01.2017 - 03.02.2017


    Software content:

    1. Systematization and expansion of knowledge about the family.

    2. Expansion of gender representations, the formation of the desire in boys to be strong, courageous, to instill in girls respect for boys as future men.

    3. Formation of a careful and sensitive attitude towards the closest people, the need to please loved ones with good deeds.

    Excursion with children "Sports palaces, stadiums of our city";

    Skiing, ice skating;

    Make a collage with the children "Daily routine in my family";

    Examining family photo albums - developing interest in the history of your family, family traditions, pedigree;

    Continue the family tradition of daily conversations about the day lived. (What made you happy today? What upset you? What surprised you? Etc.); discuss and plan all joint activities with your child;

    Together with the child, draw a plan of your apartment (house) and mark the most dangerous places on it.

    Achieve the conscious implementation of the basic rules of safe behavior in standard dangerous situations (cross the street in the indicated places in accordance with traffic light signals, do not walk on the carriageway and do not play near the road, do not play with fire, do not use electrical appliances in the absence of adults, do not touch without permits sharp, stabbing and cutting objects);

    To teach, if necessary, to dial the phone number of the rescue service;

    Talk with children about the structure and functioning of the human body, about the benefits of food and the presence of nutrients and vitamins in them;

    Read: "Snow Maiden", "Do not spit in the well - it will be useful to drink water", V. Oseeva "Why?", B. Zakhoder "Nobody", V. Berestov "Chitalochka", Y. Yakovlev "Mama", U. Rajab " How to get to my father ”, J. Segel“ How I was a mother ”, L. Voronkova“ What would my mother say? ”, B. Emelyanov“ Stories about Mom ”, etc .;

    Writing riddles about family members.

    23.01.2017 - 27.01.2017


    Software content:

    1. Techniques for improving cultural and hygienic skills (dressing, undressing, washing, etc.).

    2. Development of volitional qualities: the ability to limit their desires, obey the requirements of the teacher and fulfill the established norms of behavior, follow a positive example in their actions.

    3. Formation of responsibility for the implementation of labor orders.

    Recommendations for parents:

    Involve the child in the performance of labor assignments;

    While walking with a child, pay attention to how people behave in public places: rightly or wrongly;

    Encourage the child to try to compose fairy tales and stories. Beat children's compositions with theatrical means;

    Visit the theater, museum, library;

    Play games "Ask politely", "Kind words";

    Expand and clarify children's ideas about safe and ethical behavior in public places.

    16.01.2017 - 20.01.2017

    "Visiting a fairy tale"

    Software content:

    1. Expansion of opportunities for children to show independence and creativity in various types of artistic and creative activities on the basis of literary works.

    2. Education of the reader who is able to feel compassion and sympathy for the heroes of the fairy tale, to identify himself with the beloved character.

    4. Improvement of artistic and speech performance skills of children.

    5. Explanation of the main distinctive features of the tale as a literary genre.

    Exercise children in restoring sequences in familiar fairy tales (in what sequence the heroes appeared, events or actions unfolded);

    To stage a fairy tale at home;

    Compose with a child winter's tale, sketch;

    Visit theaters (puppet theater, youth theater, chamber, etc.);

    Draw illustrations based on the books you read;

    Visit the library; book Shop;

    To make a little book;

    Make a layout for any fairy tale;

    Read: "Ilya Muromets and Nightingale - the robber", "Vasilisa the Beautiful", "The wolf and the fox", "Dobrynya and the Serpent", "Snow Maiden", "Sadko", "Seven Simeons - seven workers", "Sonko-Filipko", "Puss in Boots", "Ayoga", "Everyone Got His Own", "Blue Bird", "Belyanochka and Rosoch", "The Most nice outfit in the world ”,“ The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs ”,“ The Little Humpbacked Horse ”,“ Bread Voice ”,“ Blind Horse ”,“ Salt of the Earth ”, etc .;

    Excursion with children to the winter forest, park, games, entertainment with children, skiing, ice skating.

    26.12.2016 - 13.01.2017


    19.12.2016 - 23.12.2016

    "New Year's Eve"

    Software content:

    1. Acquaintance with the history of the New Year celebration.

    2. Fostering a sense of responsibility for the quality of making gifts and jewelry.

    3. Formation of the ability to rejoice at the successes of friends, to feel satisfaction from participating in collective pre-holiday activities. Arouse the desire to congratulate loved ones on the holiday, to present gifts made by yourself.

    Participate in the preparation for the New Year holidays (recommendation for the safe design of children's costumes)

    Talk with children about the traditions of celebrating the New Year and Christmas in Russia.

    Give children at home (under the supervision of adults) to cut with scissors, sew with a needle with a large eye, sculpt, sort out cereals, etc.) - for development fine motor skills.

    Visit the Ice Town on Revolution Square in the evening;

    Bring photo materials for the design of the newspaper "Our New Year's Entertainment"

    Pick up old christmas toys for a mini-museum.

    Take a walk with children in the park;

    Play outdoor games with children.

    Come up with a story with the children " The new kind sports for the Olympic Games "; (creation and presentation of sketches of a tracksuit for the Russian national team, medals for champions);

    12.12.2016 - 16.12.2016

    "New Year's Eve"

    Software content:

    1. Acquaintance with the traditions of celebrating the new year in different countries.

    2. Fostering a sense of satisfaction from participation in collective pre-holiday activities.

    3. To induce the desire to congratulate your loved ones on the holiday, to present gifts made by yourself.

    4. Creation of an emotionally positive attitude towards the upcoming holiday, the desire to actively participate in its preparation

    Learn poems: A. Pushkin “Winter! the peasant triumphant ... "V. Kudlachev" New Year's Guests ".

    Compose a poetic greeting for children and kindergarten staff.

    Taking a hike in a winter park: forming an idea of \u200b\u200bmeaning motor activity In human life.

    Choose New Year's ditties for the competition.

    Make an article for participation in the "New Year's Miracles" competition.

    Prepare for the entertainment "Miracle boots" (decorated by parents).

    Make attributes for the puppet theater and design a poster.

    Go sledding, ice skating, skiing with children.

    Chat about New Years celebrations in different parts of the world.

    Make bird feeders.

    Write a letter to Grandfather Frost.

    Prepare attributes, costumes for the New Year's performance.

    Participate in the preparation for the New Year holidays (recommendation for the safe design of children's costumes);

    05.12.2016 - 09.12.2016


    Software content:

    1. Continuing acquaintance of children with folk traditions and customs, folk arts and crafts.

    2. Expansion of ideas about art, traditions and customs of the peoples of Russia. Acquaintance of children with folk songs, dances.

    3. Formation of ideas about the diversity of folk art, art crafts (various types of materials, art of peoples different countries).

    4. Fostering interest in the art of the native land; education of respect for works of art.

    Visit an exhibition of folk art in the local history museum.

    - to make a New Year's toy animal of the coming year from various materials for an exhibition in a group.

    Bring loved ones christmas decorations to create a collection in a group.

    To draw the attention of children to the decoration of city streets with Kasli cast products (Kirov street)

    28.11.2016 - 02.12.2016


    Software content:

    1. Enrichment of children's knowledge about the peculiarities of winter nature (frost, rime, frost, blizzard, etc.), the peculiarities of the activities of people in the city, in the countryside; about safe behavior in winter.

    2. Continuation of acquaintance with winter sports (biathlon, alpine skiing, speed skating, cross-country skiing, figure skating, bobsleigh, snowboarding, short track, freestyle, hockey).

    3. Formation of ideas about the peculiarities of winter in different latitudes and different hemispheres of the Earth.

    Walk in the park and admire the winter landscapes, evoking a positive emotional response in children.

    Learn a poem about winter with your child.

    Visit the exhibition of children's works on the theme "Winter-Winter".

    Go to the park, admire the beauty of the snow-covered trees

    Go sledding, skiing, skating with your child, get an emotional response from communication;

    Experiment with water and ice to determine their properties.

    21.11.2016 - 25.11.2016


    Software content:

    1. Consolidation of knowledge about autumn, about the seasons, the sequence of months in a year.

    2. Formation of generalized ideas about the adaptability of plants and animals to changes in nature.

    3. Expansion and enrichment of knowledge about the peculiarities of autumn nature (observation of such natural phenomena as frost, first snow, strong winds, rain, frost, hail, fog).

    4. Expansion of knowledge about the relationship between the phenomena of animate and inanimate nature and seasonal types of labor.

    Graphically depict the path from home to kindergarten;

    Help with the design of the exhibition "Writers about Wild Animals";

    Prepare for the design of the project "How to behave in the forest";

    To complete work for the picture gallery "Migratory and Wintering Birds";

    Explain and show the children the preparations for the winter, what they are made of., Draw an algorithm for performing labor actions;

    Together with the child, observe the work of people in parks, fields, vegetable gardens;

    Read: "The Magic Ring", "The Soldier and the Tsar in the Forest", I. Bunin "The First Snow", P. Voronko "There is a hut in the forest under the tree ...", A. Pleshcheev "Autumn has come", "Boring picture! .. ", A. Pushkin" A sad time! Charm of the eyes! .. ", A. Tolstoy" Autumn, our entire poor garden is crumbling ... ", I. Krylov" Dragonfly and the Ant ", V. Bianchi" Sinichkin Calendar ", S. Kozlov" Hedgehog's Violin ", K Korovin" Squirrel ", D. Mamin-Sibiryak" Medvedko ", R. Pogodin" Where do the clouds come from ", Ya. Sladkov" Colorful earth ", GK. Andersen "The Ugly Duckling", "Wild Swans", V Dal "The Old Man-Year-Old", K. Paustovsky "Warm Bread", encyclopedias about animals, etc .;

    Composing riddles about animals.

    14.11.2016 - 18.11.2016

    Topic: "Healthier."

    Software content:

    1. Development of knowledge about the features of the structure and functioning of the human body.

    2. Expansion of ideas about rational nutrition (variety in nutrition, food volume, sequence of meals, drinking regimen).

    3. Expansion of understanding of the role of sunlight, air, water in human life and their impact on health.

    4. Consistent training in the use of special exercises to strengthen the organs and systems of your body.

    5. Formation of ideas about active rest.

    Involve the child in the performance of labor assignments

    Talk with the child about the behavioral rules on which his personal well-being and communication with peers and adults depends;

    Prepare for the exhibition of family newspapers and albums "Chamomile of Our Health";

    To teach children to keep their room and play corners in order and cleanliness, to form the desire to observe the hygiene of the room;

    Together with the child, prepare a vitamin dinner (consolidate the idea of \u200b\u200bhealthy foods, talk about a healthy lifestyle);

    Read: encyclopedic literature, albums and books about health, a selection of printed literature about sports, G. Zaitsev "Lessons Moidodyr", "Lessons of Aibolit", A. Mityaev "A bag of porridge", K. Chukovsky "Joy", R. Pogodin "How foal Misha broke the record ”, I. Sokovnya“ Neboleika ”;

    Keeping a family health diary.

    07.11.2016 - 11.11.2016


    Software content:

    1. Consolidation of knowledge about the types of transport and its purpose (ground, underground, water, air).

    2. Expanding knowledge of the rules for using public transport. Enrich the vocabulary with words denoting the professions of people associated with transport: driver, pilot, machinist, etc.

    3. Acquaintance with the evolution of transport and its classification according to the tasks and conditions of transportation.

    4. Development of skills to establish causal relationships between the situation, transport and natural conditions.

    - During walks, observation of transport (land, air, water).

    Clarification of traffic rules, transportation of passengers during walks, observation of transport (land, air, water).

    Clarification of traffic rules, carriage of passengers in a car, rules of conduct in public transport.

    Excursion to the railway station, to the Airport.

    31.10.2016 - 03.11.2016


    Software content:

    1. Expanding children's ideas about their home country, about public holidays; arouse interest in the history of your country; foster a sense of pride in their country, love for it.

    2. Acquaintance with the history of Russia, the coat of arms and the flag, the melody of the anthem.

    Friendship stories using your own examples;

    Visit to the Revolution Square;

    Viewing video films about friendship, about Russia.

    24.10.2016 - 28.10.2016


    Software content:
    1. Expanding children's ideas about the features of objects of material culture that surround him in everyday life at home, in kindergarten, on the street.
    2. Deepening of ideas about the types of production, service labor and its value.

     examining subject pictures, coming up with a fairy tale based on key words (guests, mother, dishes, etc.);

     conversation "Family Holidays". What kind of holidays are there?

     visiting a children's cafe;

     play sports games. Develop an interest in sports games and exercises (towns, badminton, basketball, table tennis, hockey, football);

     a task for parents, to make crafts made of natural material, which are appropriate to decorate the interior of a childcare institution or their room;

     explain to children what electrical appliances are in the house, how they facilitate the work of the family, (coffee grinder, mixer, meat grinder, etc.), create comfort (sconces, paintings, carpet, etc.), about how how they have changed since their childhood, which are now added, (vacuum cleaner - broom, washer - basin and washing board, etc.);

     make from waste material any household appliance for an exhibition;

     observation of the mother's work at home, helping her during the wash, reading the story of A. Kardashova "Big wash", "Alyonushka" by E. Blaginina, "Grandma had a granddaughter" by L. N. Tolstoy, "Mishkina porridge" , "Our skating rink" by I. Nosov, as well as pictures and illustrations for books. N. Polyakova "For which they say thanks to mom."

    17.10.2016 - 21.10.2016


    Software content:

    1. 1. Introducing children to a fairy tale, aphorisms, folk signs, heroic epic; give information about the ditty, collection and composition.

    2. 2. Expansion of ideas about art, traditions and customs of the peoples of Russia.

     talk about folk festival To the veil, relying on the sayings: "October is cold, but well fed", the October day is quickly melting - you cannot tie it to the fence "

     visit the regional museum of local lore with children;

     play sports games; Develop an interest in sports games and exercises (towns, badminton, basketball, table tennis, hockey, football);

     visit an exhibition of arts and crafts with children, pay attention to the beauty of works of art;

     tell children about “ Family traditions»;

     to make a model "Russian Village" for an exhibition of joint creative works of children and parents

     Townships. Throw the bats from the side of the shoulder, taking the correct starting position. Know 4-5 figures. Knocking out towns from a half-turn and a horse with the least number of throws of bits;

     reading fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin's "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish", "The Tale of Tsar Saltan";

     visit with children the historical places of their native city (settlement, village, village);

     For entertainment "Russian Fair", cook any dish of Russian cuisine at home and arrange a page with a recipe for its preparation for a group cookbook;

    10.10.2016 - 14.10.2016


    Software content:

    1. To develop in children positive self-esteem, self-confidence, awareness of the growth of their achievements, self-esteem, self-control and responsibility for their actions and deeds;

    2. To form an idea of \u200b\u200boneself as a person - a representative of life on Earth.

     reading works of art: K; I Chukovsky "Doctor Aibolit", "Barmaley", "Cockroach"; N; Nosov "On the Hill"; AND; Turichin "The Man Sick"; IN; Oseeva "The Magic Word"; Russian folk tales: "The Snow Maiden", "Masha and the Bear", the Belarusian fairy tale "Zhikharka" and others;

     talk with children about the rules of good manners at a party, in public places;

     personal example of parents in consolidating the norms of behavior from the position gender education children and familiarization with family values \u200b\u200band traditions;

     Observe the homework of your family members, together with the children draw an album "My Family" by any visual means for an exhibition in a group;

     task: to invite parents together with the child to participate in the holiday entertainment "My Hobby".

    03.10.2016 - 07.10.2016


    Software content:

    1. Formation of elementary ecological concepts in children, expansion and systematization of knowledge about mammals, amphibians, reptiles and insects.

    2. Acquaintance with the climatic conditions of different continents. Consolidation of knowledge about animals living in other countries (elephant, monkey, camel). Expanding the idea that seals, leopard seals, penguins, walruses live in Antarctica.

    3. Systematization of knowledge about wild animals. Consolidation of knowledge about the differences between wild and domestic animals.

    4. Education of respect for nature. Improving skills in caring for pets.

    5. Expansion of children's ideas about the protection of animals by humans and the state, about the significance of the Red Book.

    Consider illustrations depicting natural phenomena, animals;

    Come up with riddles about an animal, pick up illustrations for a group album;

    Watching birds and animals on the street;

    Visit the circus;

    Visit the city zoo, observe animals, form elementary ideas about the correct ways of interaction;

    Prepare a variety of dishes for baby food using honey, eggs, milk, sour cream, cottage cheese;

    Prepare a story with a child about a pet;

    Involve in caring for a pet (pour milk, put food in a plate, etc.);

    Prepare photos of your pets for the exhibition "Our Pets";

    Pick up illustrations for a group album;

    Visit the local history museum.

    26.09.2016 - 30.09.2016


    Software content:

    1. Expansion of children's ideas about autumn, the sequence of autumn months (the importance of leaf fall for plant life in winter, the influence of seasonal changes on the life of plants, animals, humans).

    2. Consolidation of knowledge of the rules of safe, environmentally sound behavior in nature.

    3. Formation of ideas about the reflection of autumn in works of art.

    Walk around the city, park, noting the signs of autumn;

    Visit an art gallery, focusing the child's attention on the depiction of autumn in the works of artists;

    Take part in the exhibition of joint works "Golden Autumn";

    Make a herbarium of autumn leaves;

    Take part in the family photo exhibition "Autumn in our city";

    Prepare a book of stories and drawings about autumn;

    Discuss the skills of safe behavior in nature.

    19.09.2016 - 23.09.2016


    Software content:

    1. Familiarization of children with the natural communities "Garden", "Field" (cause-and-effect relationships within the natural community).

    2. Expanding children's ideas about the types of gardens, about plants, their varieties, about the harvest in the forest.

    3. Fostering respect for the work of adults in the garden, in the fields, in the garden.

    Take part in the exhibition of handicrafts from vegetables and fruits "Rich Harvest";

    Conducting conversations about the rules of culture of behavior in nature;

    Compose a fairy tale about vegetables and fruits;

    Take a walk in the children's park, collect natural material for the manufacture of works on " Autumn fair»;

    Talk with children about edible and inedible mushrooms and edible and poisonous berries in the forest;

    Take part in the photo exhibition "In Our Garden";

    Prepare a juice or vegetable dish with the children.

    12.09.2016 - 16.09.2016


    Software content:

    1. Expansion of children's ideas about the Motherland (coat of arms, flag, anthem of Russia, ideas about the President, the Government of Russia).

    2. Formation of ideas about the sights of the native city, country.

    3. Expansion of children's ideas about home, family (knowledge of the child's patronymic, names and patronymics of parents, grandfathers, grandmothers, ideas about kinship).

    Walk around the evening city, pay attention to the evening illumination;

    Draw a diagram of movement from home to kindergarten;

    Consider the map of the Chelyabinsk region and mark the resort areas of the South Urals;

    Compose a story about the hero of the country.

    01.09.2016 - 09.09.2016


    Software content:

    1. Development of cognitive interest, interest in school, books.

    2. Consolidation of children's knowledge about school, about school supplies, the profession of a teacher (who teaches what at school, subjects studied at school).

    3. Formation of friendly relationships between children (the habit of playing together, working, doing an independently chosen business, negotiating, distributing responsibilities, helping each other).

    Together with the child, draw up a daily routine and introduce him to the implementation of the daily routine at home;

    Observe flowers, fruits, pay attention to their variety, color, shape, fix names;

    Together with the child, compile a selection of drawings, photographs "My kindergarten" to replenish the child's portfolio.

    Topic of the week "Hello, kindergarten!"

    During the week we talked with the guys about the past summer, about what changes have occurred in our group (renovations, new furniture, new toys), about the need to take good care of our group. We learned that now we average group, became a year older ...

    We talked with the children about the people who work in the kindergarten (nurse, cook, janitor).

    Ø Encourage the child to tell stories about how the day went in kindergarten, with whom and how he played, what interesting things he learned;

    Ø Consider, together with the child, photographs taken in the summer, choose and bring the ones you like for the exhibition in the group "This is what it is, our summer ...";

    Ø To teach the child to carry out the simplest work assignments at home - to keep order in his room, in toys, in clothes;

    Ø Tell the child about how they went to kindergarten when they were little (from personal experience), how they played there, what they liked most in kindergarten, strengthen the child's desire to attend kindergarten.

    Topic of the week “My home, my city,

    my country, my planet "

    During the week, the guys and I talked about our hometown, consolidated its name. We got acquainted with the concept the outside,remembered the names of some city streets, learned to recognize familiar parts of the city of Chelyabinsk from illustrations. We found out on which street our kindergarten is located (Communy street). one-storey and multi-storey building.

    Repeated the rules of conduct on the streets of the city, in public places.

    We got acquainted with the rules of behavior in the situation “if you are lost”. They consolidated their knowledge of traffic rules (which traffic signal to cross the street to, where you can cross the street).

    Ø Take part in the photo exhibition "My hometown"

    Ø Learn your home address with your child, repeat and reinforce the rules of safe behavior at home and on the streets

    Ø Observe with the child the construction of a new building (what material is being built from, how many floors have already been built, why or for whom this house is being built)

    Ø Visit with your child a recreation area (theater, park, zoo, cinema), paying attention to the architecture of the buildings

    Ø To go with a child to a festive fireworks dedicated to the birth of the city of Chelyabinsk

    Theme of the week "Harvest"

    This week, the guys and I continued to get acquainted with vegetables, fruits and berries, learned to identify them by touch (the game "Wonderful bag"), learned to recognize and distinguish them by taste. They reinforced the idea of \u200b\u200bwhat grows on the ground and what is underground (the game "Tops and Roots"). We talked with the guys about what is tasty and healthy. They guessed riddles, drew and sculpted vegetables and fruits.

    We also got acquainted with the harvest that we collect in the forest - mushrooms. We clarified the names of the mushrooms, found out which are edible and which are poisonous, remembered the rules of behavior in the forest.

    Ø Take part in the exhibition "Autumn Fantasy" (crafts from vegetables, fruits, natural materials ")

    Ø Fix the names of vegetables, fruits, berries, mushrooms at home

    Ø Together with the child, prepare a vegetable salad at home, discuss its benefits

    Ø Together with your child, learn a riddle about vegetables or fruits

    Ø During a trip to the garden (to the dacha, to the garden, to the grandmother in the village), involve the child in all possible assistance in harvesting

    Theme of the week "Colors of Autumn"

    Throughout the week, we expanded and consolidated children's ideas about autumn changes in nature. We got acquainted with the changes that are taking place in the forest. We got acquainted with such a natural phenomenon as leaf fall, watched him ... Find out why they say "golden autumn". Established rules of safe behavior in autumn forest (you cannot burn dry leaves).

    We remembered “what autumn brought us”, fixed the names of vegetables, fruits, mushrooms.

    During the walk, they paid attention to how people were dressed - establishing the relationship between the weather and people's clothing. Reinforced the idea of \u200b\u200bdressing for the weather. Compared autumn and summer rain.

    Ø Take a walk with your child in the autumn forest or park, paying attention to the beauty of the autumn landscape. Reflect your impressions of the walk in the drawing

    Ø Pick up and introduce the child to proverbs and sayings about autumn

    Ø Compose, together with the child, a story "What I like in autumn" ("Why I love autumn", "What season do I like best")

    and etc.)

    Theme of the week "Animal world"

    During the week we talked with the children about domestic and wild animals (about appearance, mode of movement, nutrition, their cubs), about birds, about insects. Clarified how the life of domestic animals differs from wild ones. The names of the cubs were repeated. We learned the poem "The Deer" by Y. Kushak. We talked about pets. They said that “we are responsible for those whom we tame.” They formed elementary ecological ideas about the protection of animals.

    We got acquainted with the number 1; clarified how the ball differs from the sphere; recalled that it looked like a ball and a sphere.

    Ø Consider toys depicting pets and wildlife;

    Ø Involve a child in caring for a pet, photograph him for an exhibition;

    Ø Watch birds while walking, make a feeder for them;

    (E. Charushina, V. Bianchi, S. Marshak, K. Chukovsky);

    Ø Visit the city zoo, explain to children the rules for interacting with animals: observe animals without disturbing them or harming them; feed only with the permission of adults;

    Topic of the week: "I am a human"

    During the week, we talked with the guys about people (they communicate with each other, think, see the beauty of nature, work, take care of other people, plants, animals, environmental conditions, show kindness). They consolidated ideas about people and about themselves (features of appearance, differences and similarities in appearance with peers and parents). We got acquainted with the human sense organs and their purpose: they see with eyes, distinguish the color, shape of objects; ears are listening; the nose breathes, distinguishes smells; the tongue distinguishes taste and helps in the pronunciation of sounds. The main parts of the body were repeated, the concept of right and left (arm and leg). They said that a person should take care of his body and health.

    Ø Encourage the child to talk about their experiences of the past day;

    Ø Play the game "Show your right (left) hand (leg)" with your child;

    Ø Talk about the work of adults at home, involve children in housework;

    Ø Tell about your profession;

    Ø Consider a family album, remember what your child was like, what you were like as a child.

    Topic of the week: "Folk culture and traditions"

    During the week we talked about household items in Russia, their names and purpose (rocker, bast shoes, Russian stove). They told how they used to wash their faces, why they need to save water. Clarified what the toys were made of before (wood, clay, pieces of fabric). We considered illustrations for fairy tales of wooden houses and clothes. We introduced children to the works of folk arts and crafts and fine arts (Dymkovo, Filimonov toys, wooden nesting dolls). We learned the Russian folk song "Grandfather decided to cook some fish soup ...", the Russian nursery rhyme "About rain".

    We continued to get acquainted with the number one, with the number 1, repeated the count from 1 to 10. We played the game “Where did the bunny hide?” Using the prepositions: on, above, below, about, in, behind, in front.

    Ø Consider illustrations for Russian folk tales; subjects on the theme "Russian hut";

    Ø Draw illustrations for your favorite fairy tales;

    Ø Tell what outdoor games they played in childhood;

    Ø Show the child handicraft items that are at home (knitting, embroidery, dishes, toys).

    Ø Visit the Museum of Decorative and Applied Arts on weekends.

    Topic of the week: "Our Life"

    During the week we talked about household items. They taught children to consider and examine objects, highlighting the features of their structure, linking their qualities and properties with their purpose. Generalizing concepts were repeated: dishes, clothes, furniture, electrical appliances, toys. We got acquainted with the natural material - clay. Clarified what household items are made of: metal, clay, wood, plastic, rubber, paper. They talked about the dangers of the house (sharp objects: knives, scissors; electrical appliances; glassware; matches ...). They guessed riddles about household items.

    Ø Involve children in feasible household work;

    Ø Play the game “1, 2, 3, what can be dangerous at home? Show me! ";

    Ø Do not forget about the traffic rules, show road signs: pedestrian crossing, underground crossing, footpath;

    Ø Show the dishes to the children, explain their purpose (kitchen, dining room, tea room);

    Ø Consider the furniture, clarify what it is made of;

    Ø Read "Fedorin's grief" by K. I. Chukovsky.

    Topic of the week: "Friendship"

    During the week we talked about friendship. Clarified that Russia is a multinational country. We talked about friends who can be called a real friend. We remembered "polite words", proverbs and sayings about friendship. We learned new "measurements", N. Pikuleva's poem "Friend". We read the fairy tale by V. Kataev "A flower - seven-flower", the story by V. Zernovaya "How Anton fell in love with going to kindergarten."

    We got acquainted with the number two, repeated the parts of the day, their sequence. We examined the map of Russia, clarified how rivers, seas, oceans are depicted on the map, why we should conserve water.

    Ø Listen to songs about friendship with your child: "Friendship begins with a smile", "A friend in trouble will not leave ...";

    Ø Consider a family album, show photos of your childhood, tell about your friend;

    Ø Use proverbs, sayings about friendship in conversations with children;

    Ø Watch the cartoon "The Biggest Friend", "Mitten", "Flower - Seven-Flower", "Chunya", "Little Raccoon" ...;

    Ø When crossing the street, remind the child which traffic signal can be crossed, which means each traffic light color.

    Topic of the week "Transport"

    During the week we talked with the guys about transport, about types of transport (freight, passenger, land, air, water), about special vehicles ("Ambulance", "Police", "Fire" and other specialized equipment). They analyzed various situations on the roads in a game form, repeated what road, sidewalk, pedestrians... Consolidated knowledge about traffic lights, pedestrian crossing, underpass... We repeated the rules of conduct in public transport and at city stops.

    Ø Observe the traffic with a child at the intersection, remember and clarify the meanings of traffic lights;

    Ø Clarify the name of the city in which we live, repeat your home address, clarify with the child why we need to know our address;

    Ø Observe passing cars on the street, clarify which of them are special ”, what they are for;

    Ø Play construction games with your child ("Airplane", "Ship", "Car") and role-playing "Drivers";

    Ø Watch with your child animated films about equipment ("The Little Engine from Romashkovo", "Cars", etc.);

    Topic of the week: "Healthier"

    During the week we talked about health and a healthy lifestyle. Clarified body parts, the meaning of the senses in human life. Talked about the importance of sleep hygiene procedures, movements, hardening for health. We looked at pictures depicting products that are good for children. We got acquainted with the profession of a doctor (dentist, ophthalmologist, pediatrician). We talked about a home first-aid kit, clarified that it is impossible to take medicines and vitamins without the permission of adults.

    We continued to get acquainted with the number two and the number 2, learned to find the number 2 among others. Compared two groups of objects in terms of quantity. They sculpted the number 2.

    Ø Strengthen cultural and hygienic skills at home. Consider photographs of a child from an early age, note how the baby has grown;

    Ø Watch cartoons "Moidodyr", "Queen - Toothbrush";

    Ø Go to a preventive appointment with a dentist, let the doctor tell the child how to brush his teeth correctly;

    Ø Show healthy and harmful products for our body in the store.

    Topic of the week "Who prepares for winter how"

    During the week, the guys and I consolidated the knowledge about late autumn, learned to establish the simplest connections between the phenomena of animate and inanimate nature, observed seasonal changes in nature. They expanded their ideas about animals and birds, learned about their adaptation to life in winter conditions. We fixed the names of the forest dwellers, clarified who lives where (a bear in a den, a fox in a hole, a wolf in a den, etc.)

    We have fixed the rules of safe behavior on the street during icy conditions, when icicles appear on the canopies.

    Ø Read at home with your child stories and poems about animals and birds: A. Yashin "Feed the birds in winter", A. Barto "A nimble tit is galloping", V. Bianchi "Forest bun - a prickly side", "The first hunt", N. Sladkov "Why is November piebald", fairy tales "Winter animals", "Little fox sister and the wolf "

    Ø Watch the cartoon "Gray Neck" at home with the child, talk about the content of the cartoon

    Ø Together with the child, make a bird feeder, add food daily, observe the birds arriving at the feeder. Clarify with the child which birds what kind of food they like (titmouses - fat, seeds; pigeons, sparrows - millet, bread crumbs; bullfinches, waxwings - rowan berries and ranetka berries)

    Ø At home with a child to play didactic games to use adjectives, verbs, adverbs in speech (description of animals, birds)

    Ø In conversations with the child, talk about what needs to be done to prevent colds during the cold period. Teach the child to dry wet clothes after a walk.

    Topic of the week: "Hello, Winter - winter"

    During the week we talked with the guys about winter. They talked about the geographical zones where it is always winter, about the animals of the Arctic and Antarctic. They learned to establish the simplest connections between the phenomena of animate and inanimate nature. During the walk, children were drawn to the beauty of winter nature. We talked about winter sports: figure skating, skiing, sledding, hockey ... We talked about the difficult life of birds in winter, that we must help them. We made bird feeders out of paper (we learned to bend a square sheet of paper, divide it into 16 squares, make cuts). We learned the poem by I. Chernitskaya "Winter has come". We looked at reproductions of paintings by great artists.

    Ø Make a bird feeder with your child, hang it in the yard;

    Ø Learn the poem by I. Nikitin "Winter" or I. Surikov "Winter";

    Ø Take a walk in the park, admire the snow and the beauty of winter nature;

    Ø Visit the "snow town", admire the snow buildings;

    Ø Tell about winter sports, purchase skis, skates, sledges;

    Topic of the week: "City of Masters"

    During the week we talked with the guys about folk toys, got acquainted with folk crafts. We looked at the albums: "Dymkovo Toy", "Filimonov Toy", "Golden Khokhloma". They learned to make a paper box by folding a sheet in different directions. They decorated it with colored paper, plasticine, and foil. We read Russian folk tales: "Kolosok", "Zayushkina hut", " Swan geese"," Tereshechka ".

    Familiar fairy tales were dramatized, made a whistle bird (applique), decorated a sweater (drawing).

    We continued our acquaintance with the number "three", learned to make a triangle from counting sticks.

    Ø Find at home and look at objects of decorative and applied art (boxes, toys, cutting boards, trays) with children, tell about these things.

    Ø While walking around the city, park, square, pay attention of children to the beauty of the winter landscape.

    Ø Talk with your child about family members, make a simple family tree. Consider family photos.

    Ø Play at home with the child the game "Who needs what?", Consolidate the knowledge of children about different professions, about helping subjects.

    Ø Read the fairy tale "Snow Maiden" by Odoevsky.

    Topic of the week: "New Year's Kaleidoscope"

    For two weeks we talked with the guys about the upcoming New Year's holiday, fostered a desire to take an active part in it. They talked about the traditions of celebrating the New Year in Russia and other countries. We watched the winter phenomena of nature while walking. Opened in the group "Workshop of Santa Claus". We examined New Year's toys, clarified what material they were made of. We read "The Snowman-Mailer" by V. Suteev, "Ded Moroz" by M. Klokov, Russian folk tale The Snow Maiden. We learned a poem by E. Tarakhovskaya "If the frost ends".

    Ø Observe with children how it snows; tell how the shape of snowflakes changes depending on the weather.

    Ø Examine old toys while dressing up the Christmas tree. To cultivate a respectful attitude towards them, to clarify what material they are made of.

    Ø Visit a snowy ice town, see ice figures and buildings.

    Ø Prepare a carnival costume with the active participation of the child. Get hold of a photo album to show a photo of where you are little on the New Year's holiday.

    Topic of the week: "Visiting a fairy tale"

    During the week we talked with the guys about fairy tales. We recalled the familiar fairy tales “Teremok”, “Three Little Pigs”, “Little Red Riding Hood”, “Three Bears”, “Zayushkina's Hut”, “Snow Maiden”, “Kolosok”, “Geese Swans”. They learned to find good and evil heroes in fairy tales. They came up with their own fairy tale using various small toys. We remembered the tales of K.I. Chukovsky.

    We got acquainted with the number "four", clarified the sequence of the seasons, parts of the day. We remembered the names of geometric shapes: square, rectangle (how they are similar, how they differ).

    Ø Introduce the rules of safe behavior with the help of familiar fairy tales ("The Wolf and the Seven Kids", "Little Red Riding Hood", etc.).

    Ø Compose your own fairy tale.

    Ø Encourage the child's desire to describe the objects and toys he liked, and retell the fairy tales he liked.

    Ø Consider the books of K.I. Chukovsky, read your favorite fairy tales.

    Ø Visit a theatrical performance of any children's theater in the city.

    Ø Drama passages of fairy tales at home

    Topic of the week: "Etiquette"

    For two weeks we talked with the guys about the rules of behavior that help us in life. They formed primary gender perceptions (boys are strong and courageous; girls are gentle and feminine), taught children to distinguish good from bad, and continued to consolidate hygiene skills. We continued to learn how to set the table; clarified how to behave in different public places so that moms and dads would not be ashamed. Remembered good words... We read the story of L. Tolstoy "The Stone", V. Kataev "The Flower-Seven-Flower", the fairy tale "About the boy who growled at the tigers", E. Moshkovskaya "A Polite Word", D. Samoilov "The Elephant has a Birthday". We learned a poem by A. Barto “I know what to think of”.

    We got acquainted with the number 4.

    Ø Involve your child in simple work assignments.

    Ø Discuss with the child the rules of behavior in kindergarten, on the street, in public places.

    Ø Take part in the photo exhibition How I Help.

    Ø Compile and replenish "Dictionary of polite words".

    Topic of the week: "My family"

    During the week we talked with the guys about the family, formed initial ideas about family relationships (son, daughter, grandson, granddaughter). The children strengthened their knowledge of their name, surname, age, name and patronymic of their parents. We talked about caring attitude towards elderly relatives and kids. We learned a poem by M. Lermontov "Sleep, my beautiful baby ...". Read: N. Sladkov “Neslukh”, E. Uspensky “The Defeat”, A. Usachev “Papavoz”, V. Suteev “A Bag of Apples”, V. Kataev “A Pipe and a Jug”, a Nenets fairy tale “Cuckoo”.

    We got acquainted with the number “five”, practiced counting the required number of small objects.

    Ø Introduce children to safe behavior when using household appliances at home, when crossing the street, when moving in an elevator or car.

    Ø To involve children in labor orders at home, providing all possible assistance to adults. Take a look at your childhood photos with your child, tell about your friends and hobbies.

    Ø Start creating a family tree, look at a photo album, tell about your great-grandfather, great-grandmother.

    Topic of the week: "ABC of Security"

    During the week we talked with the guys about the dangers that lie in wait for us. We remembered the rules of the road, familiar road signs, how to cross the road correctly. Clarified the rules for safe behavior in kindergarten (in outdoor games, when using sports equipment, scissors). They told the children about poisonous plants, about the dangers of meeting stray animals, about the rules of behavior on the rink and slide, how to behave in case of fire. We read M. Fisenko "About the Chicken", S. Marshak "Cat's House".

    We got acquainted with the number "five", the number 5, with the pentagons.

    Ø While walking around the city, pay attention to road signs (underpass, pedestrian crossing), traffic signals, city transport;

    Ø Watch cartoons with your child: "Lessons of Aunt Owl: safety on the street", "Smeshariki - the alphabet of safety";

    S. Ya. Marshak "Fire";

    Ø Talk with your child about dangerous situations that can occur at home and in kindergarten;

    Ø Explain the dangers of using household appliances.

    Topic of the week: "Defenders of the Fatherland"

    During the week we talked with the guys about the soldiers of the Russian Army. We looked at illustrations with military equipment, learned to define and name the types of troops (tankers, pilots, rocket men, gunners, sailors, paratroopers, sappers, etc.). We talked with the guys about the life of the soldiers of the Russian army (they live in the barracks, eat in the soldiers' canteen, do exercises in the morning, go in for sports, learn to shoot from military weapons, etc.), about what character traits a soldier should have. Reflecting on the topic "Is war good or bad?" They consolidated their knowledge of the professional professions that require courage and courage from people (military, police, firefighter, rescuer).

    We learned with the guys the poem "We always play together ..", learned to sculpt a tank out of plasticine, prepared a postcard as a gift for dads, issued a numerical frieze (consolidated the idea of \u200b\u200bthe number 5).

    Ø Tell about great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers who took part in the war, look at photos in family albums;

    1. Try to talk to your child in good mood (Your mood plays a huge role in communication with your child).

    2. Have a conversation with your child about your hometown, specify the name of the street where you live, tell and, if possible, visit city attractions. Remind us that our country is our homeland - Russia. The country is run by the president, remind the child of his name. Each country has its own flag, anthem and coat of arms. Tell us what the colors of the Russian flag mean ( white color means peace, purity, purity, perfection; blue colour faith and loyalty, constancy; red symbolizes energy, strength, blood shed for the Fatherland). Show the picture of the coat of arms of Russia, explain the meaning (The two-headed eagle personifies nobility, wisdom, power, courage, protection from evil. The rider personifies the victory of good over evil). Listen to the hymn together. Tell us that our homeland, Russia, is governed by the president. Remind us that the homeland is called the native place, the place where a person was born and raised.

    3. Invite your child to answer the questions:

    What country do we live in?

    How can you name the people who live in Russia? (Russians)

    What city do we live in?

    Capital of Russia?

    How can you name the people who live in Moscow? (Muscovites)

    What sights are there in our city? (Kremlin, Bolshoi Theater, Tsar Cannon,….)

    What is our country rich in? (Forests, fields, minerals (gas, oil, coal), water and biological (plants and animals) resources) (What are many in our country? (Forests, fields, animals, plants, rivers, ...)) Tell the children more about resources of our country.

    What are the colors of the Russian flag? (What do the colors of the Russian flag mean?)

    What is depicted on the coat of arms of Russia? (What is its meaning?)

    What street do you live on? (Repeat your address with your child)

    4. Review the poems:


    If we fly on a plane for a long, long, long time,

    If we look at Russia for a long, long, long time,

    Then we will see both forests and cities,

    Ocean expanses, river ribbons, forests and mountains ...

    We will see a distance without an edge, Tundra, where spring rings,

    And then we will understand how big our Motherland is, an immense country!

    (Vladimir Stepanov)


    What do we call the Motherland? The house where you and I live

    And the birches along which we walk next to my mother.

    What do we call the Motherland? A field with a thin spikelet

    Our holidays and songs, a warm evening outside the window.

    What do we call the Motherland? All that we cherish in our heart

    And under the blue-blue sky, the flag of Russia over the Kremlin.

    (Vladimir Stepanov)

    5. Invite your child to share what these poems are about?

    6. Ask if the child understood what the Motherland is?

    7. Find related words to the word Motherland.

    8. Invite your child to color the flag. (If it's difficult for a child, help)

    Children should know the names of two or three plants, name their parts: flower, leaf. Know the main plant groups: tree, grass. Be able to talk about plants by noting characteristic signs flowers (one or more, their color, smell), leaves (large or small, wide or narrow, their color). Find the same plants. Know that you need to take care of the plants - water, wipe the leaves.

    What plants are recommended to acquaint children with. Similar to a tree, grass; unpretentious, blooming (primrose, begonia, geranium, violet, balsam, clivia); with wide, dense leaves (aspidistra, sansevier, ficus, etc.); contrasting (tradescantia, reinekia, dracaena). There are 4-5 species in total, 2-3 specimens of each species.

    Observe the houseplants in your home with your child. Pay attention to leaves, stems, flowers. Ask questions: “What color are the leaves, flowers? What are they? (big, small). How many are there?

    Tell that the plants are alive, they need to be looked after (watering, wiping the leaves.) They need a lot of light. In these conditions, they feel good, do not get sick (their leaves do not dry out or wither). It's nice to look at them, you can admire them.

    What children should do to care for plants.

    At three years old, a preschooler himself is able to perform elementary actions to care for plants. You use a brush to remove dust from the fluffy leaves of the uzumbara violet, and your little helper wipes a dense sansevier leaf with a damp cloth. And now you can proceed to the main thing: you have measured out the required amount of water and water the plant along the edge of the pot with your child's hands. Do not forget to say what you and your child are doing: “Now let's give the plant some water, the way it likes. Take the watering can in the right handle, and help with the left. That's it, well done! "

    At four years old, children can independently, but under your supervision, water and loosen several plants (so that the roots breathe better).

    At five to six years old, they are quite capable of determining whether a plant needs watering, loosening, dust removal and taking necessary care.

    Communicating with adults, the child learns: that plants need not only water (some more, others less), but also air, as well as feeding; that the leaves should be clean so that it is easier to absorb light, etc.

    The preschooler is encouraged to communicate the biological name of the plant and reinforce it with folk. Even a 3 - 4-year-old child is able to understand why balsam is called "fire", and 5 - 6-year-old children are interested to know why ziferanthus is called "upstart",

    and Coleus - "nettles", and sansevier - "pike tail".

    It's great if caring for plants has become a pleasant duty, and not a bothersome business. To prevent this from happening, do not make work a punishment ("you were naughty, fields are better than plants"), do not take your child away from the game, an interesting activity for the sake of a cause, albeit a very important one. It is better to plan the work in advance. And one more piece of advice. To make communication with the plants a joy for the child, teach them to observe them: give him the task to notice the appearance of a new leaf, flower, an increase in the stem, the first signs of trouble, etc.

    Of the same interest for children is the cultivation of a vegetable garden on the window in the winter. It is recommended to grow something that grows quickly and can give visible results: onions, parsley, dill, oats and other crops. The benefits of this are twofold. First, what the child has raised can be used for food; but the main thing is to study how a plant develops, what conditions are necessary for its growth and development, how its condition depends on care ..

    Game "yes-no"

    PURPOSE: Improving the grammatical structure of speech - the use of nouns on the topic in the genitive singular case.

    An adult names the plant: cactus; the child must say: - There is no cactus.

    Geranium - no geranium.

    Violet - no violet.

    Begonia - no begonia.

    Balsam - no balsam.

    Game "Finish the sentence"

    I begin a sentence, and you compose the second part of it, and begin your answer with the words in order to.

    Houseplants need to be watered (... to keep them from wilting).

    Leaves on houseplants need to be wiped clean (... so that they can breathe).

    Houseplants need sunlight (... to grow well).

    Indoor plants are necessary for a person (... in order to decorate his house).

    Why else houseplants needed by man (... in order to purify the air).

    Houseplants need to be fertilized (... for the plants to grow beautiful and healthy).

    Offer your child indoor plants coloring pages.

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