• Reagents for the nobles quest. Reagents for the quest nubles How to cook reagents for the sub


    We read the description of the quest, take it, run for a long time and beat the reagents (well, or buy them), cook Pure Silver (cook at the first temperature - the condition of the quest) and again go to Ladd.

    Now he needed the True Gold item, go to the 3rd floor of Ivory Tover to the NPC Joan (this is the beast whose memory is knocked out).

    In this quest, everything seems to be ok with her head, so we go to the location, right there we catch the nearest heaps with mobs and beat the tigers. As soon as the Sage's Stone quest item drops out, we refer it to Joan, instead of it she gives out True Gold.

    We return to Ladd again, now he gives us Magister's Mixing Stone, and informs us that it remains to get the last reagent for preparing Mimir's Elixir - this is Blood Fire from the location. The mob lives from the middle of the location, how to get to it, see the description of the location, it's best to be summoned to Kariki, but if it doesn't work out, you'll have to walk. It even happens that not the first time it turns out to pass.

    In, I even caught paralysis, and kirdyk ... True, I managed to knock out the item.

    Having received Blood Fire, we immediately fly to Ivory Tower to the basement of Alchemist's Mixing Urn. We insert Magister's Mixing Stone into it, and we begin to load reagents for brewing Mimir elixir into the cauldron:

    It is necessary to cook the elixir at the third temperature - this is a prerequisite for the quest.

    Having brewed the Mimir Elixir, we again go to Ladd, he will offer to drink the elixir (no need to click on the bubble), just in the dialogue with the NPC, select the item (he is there alone, without options) "Drink the elixir". All quest items for this quest will disappear, you will be rewarded with one A-grade weapon, and you can now add sub-classes to yourself.

    We download the sub to the 75th level and you can do quests for a nobleman (link to the description below).

    What's the matter, in the quest for the sub you need to cook 3 ingredients in a pot, namely: True Gold, Pure Silver, Blood Fire, and in the pot there is only room for 2.
    Where to put 3?

    As a result of the experiment, it was not possible to cook Mimir's Elixir from 2 ingredients, both disappeared into nowhere. (It's a shame..)

    11. Return to Ivory Tower to Cauldron. Mix Pure Silver and True Gold with Blood Fire to get Mimir's Elixir. Boil the reagents to 3 degrees. They say that there is a chance of failure, but this is not confirmed data.

    Attached files

    #2 Guests

    • pure="" silver="" style="float: left; margin: 0 10px 5px 0;">)
    • 984 B-grade crystals (buy or break B-grade weapons/armor)
    • 1 PC. Top B grade weapon
    • Reagents: 2 Quicksilver , 10 Volcanic Ash , 100 Moonstone Shard

    Let's start the quest for the sub-class:

    Sub Quest Part 1: Fate's Whisper

    You can take this quest at level 75. In this part of the quest we will need - 984 B crystals and a TOP B cannon (BOP, Demon dagger, Sword of Damascus, Samurai*Samurai or any other)

    1. We fly to Oren, in its vicinity we will find Reorin, run up to him and take the quest and do soy.

    Quest for sub class interlude:

    3. We fly back to Reorin, give him the sphere with RB Cabrio. Then he gives us a new task - to bring 3 scepters (you can get them by killing 3 RB in TOI)

    • We don't have to kill RBs, we want the chests that spawn after they die. RBs have different rep, so it doesn't matter in which order the RBs are killed.

    4. The first RB can be found on the 3rd floor of the Tower of Insolence - Death Lord Hallate (we'll get it from the chest - Hallate's Infernium Scepter)

    The second RB can be found on the 8th floor of the Tower of Insolence - Kernon (we get Kernon's Infernium Scepter from the chest)

    And the third RB is located on the 11th floor of the Tower of Insolence - Longhorn Golkonda (we get from the chest - Golkonda's Infernium Scepter)

    After we get 3 scepters from all the chests, we return to Reorin and press the quest, and then SoE.

    5. In the oren's bank we find - Cliff, he will give us Infernium Varnish. We attribute it to Reorin.

    6. We fly to Aden and head to the forge, there we speak with the chief blacksmith Ferris. He will give us Maestro Reorin's Hammer - we take it to Reorin and make soy.

    Quest for sub class interlude:

    7. In Oren's weapons shop we find - Zenkin, press the quest.

    8. We fly to Hardins Private Academy. Near the TP there will be an entrance to the cave, we go down there, Kaspar is waiting for us there, we start a dialogue with him. He will give us a knife - Pipette Knife, with which you need to scribble Baium.

    9. Here we need to pass through the Blooded Fabric to get to Baium. Who hasn't - do a quest for Baium and get it.

    Climb to the very top of TOI (wait for Baium to respawn, usually it takes 5 days +/- 8 hours, depending on the server settings) We put on a knife and beat Baium - we get Red Pipette Knif.

    10. We attribute the knife to Kaspar (item 8). From him we get Maestro Reorin's Mold.

    11. Fly to Oren to Reorin with quest mold, B crystals and top B gun. We give him the quest item, after that we speak again and select low A weapons from the list:

    Pure="" silver="" style="float: left; margin: 0 10px 5px 0;">Star of Destiny, this completes the Fate's Whisper quest.

    Part 2 of the sub-class quest: Mimir's Elixir

    For this part of the quest, we need the quest item Star of Destiny, as well as reagents (2 Quicksilver, 10 Volcanic Ash, 100 Moonstone Shard (or ready-made 1 Lunargent, 1 Quicksilver)

    Quest for a sub class in pictures:

    3. Now we will cook Pure Silver. Consider the option when there is a ready-made lunargent:

    We approach the urn (Alchemist's Mixing Urn).

    We put Mixing Stone + 1 Lunargent + 1 Quicksilver => mixing temperature 1 (1 Degree-Salamander) we get Pure Silver.

    The option when we don’t have a lunargent on our hands, but we have moonshards:

    4. We return to the 4th floor to Ladd, give her Pure Silver.

    5. We go down to the 3rd floor to Joan, start a dialogue on the quest.

    Quest for sub class:

    Quest for a sub class in pictures:

    7. We take Sage's Stone - Joan to the 3rd floor in Ivory Tower, we get True Gold. After we rise to the 4th floor to Ladd.

    8. Now there will be one of the difficult parts - knocking out Blood Fire. We fly to Giran, then to LOA (Lair of Antharas) And we run deep into the Karikas, there will be Bloody Guardian (they are paired with 2 mobs) Solo will be very difficult there, the chance of dropping the quest item is small, more precisely Korean random (someone with 1 will knock out, someone with 100 mobs)

    So I advise you to go there in a pack and with a good buff.

    9. After we knock out the Blood Fire - we fly to the Ivory Tower -> basement -> we start a dialogue with the Urn.

    Let's start cooking, bed: Pure Silver + True Gold + Blood Fire . At the very end of the quest dialogue, select #3 and get Mimir's Elixir

    10. We rise to the 4th floor to Ladd, press the quest.

    Congratulations, the sub quest is complete. Now you can take a sub available to you from any grand master.

    Let me remind you that you can not take a sub to Over and Crafter. Also, Dark Elves cannot take a sub to Light Elves and vice versa.

    Don't forget to check out the new l2 interlude servers, openings happen almost daily.

    The Star of Destiny changes the fate of everyone in whose hands it is! But what is the secret of the ancient giants?

    1 Scroll: Enchant Weapon (A-grade)
    Subclass Reward

    • Magic Trader Wesley (Mage Wesley Equipment Merchant)
    • Master Joan (Master Joan)
    • Master Ladd (Master Ladd)
    1. Pure silver
    2. Target: Mage Equipment Merchant Wesley
    3. Magister Ladd tells you how to make Mimir's Elixir. You can learn the basic technique of mixing reagents from Mage Equipment Merchant Wesley of the Ivory Tower. The formula for making Pure Silver is Moonstone and Mercury in equal proportions.
    4. True Gold
    5. Target: Master Joan
    6. You also need True Gold to make Mimir's Elixir. Ladd tells you that he once gave some of the True Gold to Master Joan of the Ivory Tower. He advises you to talk to her.
    7. Looking for the Stone of Wisdom
    8. Target: Valley of Silence
    9. Magister Joan tells you that the Stone of Wisdom is needed to make True Gold. She asks you to follow him to the Valley of Silence.

    Hunting Target: Shard of Illusion.

  • Stone of Wisdom
  • Target: Master Joan
  • You have found the Stone of Wisdom! Return to Magister Joan at the Ivory Tower.
  • true desire
  • Target: Master Ladd
  • Now you have True Gold. Return to Magister Ladd.
  • Blood Flame
  • Target: Watcher's Tomb
  • Pure Silver and True Gold can only be smelted with Blood Fire. You can get it from the Blood Guard at the Watcher's Grave. After that, use the Blender in the Ivory Tower and craft Mimir's Elixir.
  • Elixir of Mimir
  • Target: Alchemy Blender
  • The Blood Flame is in your hands! Now you can make Elixir of Mimir by mixing Flame with True Gold and Pure Silver. To do this, use the Ivory Tower Mixer.
  • beyond destiny
  • Target: Master Ladd
  • You have received Mimir's Elixir! Magister Ladd will tell you how to use it.
    1. Pure Silver, Silvery Light of Purity
    2. target: Magic Trader Wesley
    3. Magister Ladd tells you how to create Mimir's elixir. Magic Trader Wesley under the Ivory Tower will teach you the basic technique of mixing reagents. Magister Ladd tells you that the formula for pure silver is equal parts Lunargent and Quicksilver.
    4. True Gold, Sublime Stone (Stone of Supremacy)
    5. target: Master Joan
    6. The second ingredient you'll need to make Mimir's elixir is true gold. Magister Ladd tells you that long ago, he gave his colleague, Joan of the Ivory Tower, some true gold. He suggests that you to go see her.
    7. In Search of a Sage's Stone
    8. target: Silent Valley
    9. Magister Joan tells you that in order to make true gold you will need the sage's stone. She asks you to go to the Silent Valley and find it for her. According to her, one of the chimera pieces is carrying it.
    10. Return the Sage's Stone to Its Owner
    11. target: Master Joan
    12. You have obtained the sage's stone! Return to Magister Joan of the Ivory Tower in Oren.
    13. What is Your True Wish?
    14. target: Magister Ladd
    15. Magister Joan made true gold for you. Now, return to Magister Ladd.
    16. Blood Fire, the Flames of Purgatory
    17. target: Watchman's Grave
    18. Blood fire is hot enough to meld true gold and pure silver. Slay the bloody guardian in the Watchman's Grave and obtain blood fire. Use the urn in the basement of the Ivory Tower to create Mimir's elixir mixing.
    19. Mimir's Elixir - Last Stage
    20. target: Alchemic Mixing Jar
    21. You have obtained blood fire! It is said that if you mix it with pure silver and true gold, Mimir's elixir will be created. Use the urn located in the basement of the Ivory Tower.
    22. Beyond the Fate
    23. target: Magister Ladd
    24. You've obtained Mimir's Elixir! Magister Ladd will tell you how to use it.
    Mimir's Elixir
    Elixir of Mimir Type: Level:75+ Requirements:Star of Destiny Required Items:Star of Destiny Start:Master Ladd (Ladd) ( master Ladd)
    Oren Territory () (Oren Lands) Id:235 Added in:Chronicle 3 Removed at:Glory days Before working on a quest (correction, addition), read the reference information on quests

    Attention! To start this quest, you must have in your inventory the item Star of Destiny (Star of Destiny), which can be obtained as a reward for completing the quest Fate's Whisper (Whisper of Fate).

    Passage of the quest

    1. Talk with Master Ladd (Ladd) on the 4th floor Ivory Tower (Ivory Tower), he will tell you to bring pure alchemical silver Pure Silver (Pure Silver).
    2. We go down to the basement (Undegraund floor) Ivory Tower.
    3. If you have not taken the quest, then we speak with Magic Trader Wesley (Wesley), take the quest and get what we need Wesley's Mixing Stone.
    4. If the quest is accepted, then Wesley's Mixing Stone you already have.
    5. We will also need:
    6. 100 Moonstone Shard
    7. 10 Volcanic Ash
    8. 2 Quicksilver (Mercury)
    9. All this can be knocked out on the quest Supplier of Reagents (Supplier of reagents) V Blazing Swamp. Need to beat Hames Orc Shaman (Level 74)(imposes a negative effect - root / roots). From shamans falls Quicksilver (Mercury) And Reagent Pouch.
    10. From Reagent Pouch randomly when expanding, we get Moonstone Shard, or 2 Volcanic Ash, or 2 Quick silver, or Lava stone.
    11. Near Wesley(Undeground floor Ivory Tower), the central column has a large urn Alchemist's Mixing Urn (Alchemical Mortar). In it we will make various alchemical preparations.
    12. The principle of operation is as follows: first we put in it Mixing stone, then the right amount of reagent, then the right amount of catalyst. Then we set the heating temperature of the mixture and start the device. The higher the temperature, the more things you can make, but the higher the risk of losing (burning) all the reagents. Therefore, in all cases we will use the first temperature (salamander). In this case, the success rate is 100%. Only in one case will you need to set the temperature to 3 when brewing Mimir's Elixir itself, which is determined by the quest.
    13. Gotta do it first 10 Moon Dust For this we put Mixing stone, 10 Moonstone Shards, Volcanic Ash moon dust. Repeat 9 more times to make it 10 Moon Dust.
    14. Next, we have to do Lunargent For this we put Mixing stone, 10 Moon Dust, Quicksilver, temperature 1, mix. We get Lunargent.
    15. Now we cook Pure Silver We put Mixing stone, Lunargent, Quicksilver, temperature 1, mix. We have what we need.
    16. We go up to the 4th floor Magister Ladd. We show Pure Silver and find out that we need another piece of pure alchemical gold True Gold (True Gold).
    17. We go down to the 3rd floor and look for Master Joan (Joan). Zhenya will ask you to go to and hunt (under the bridges The Giant's Cave, social).
    18. Due to change of location The Giant's Cave in update epilogue monsters Chimera Piece (Illusion Shard) (Level 73) will need to be searched for Silent Valley, and the monster itself has become lonely, passive, asocial and looks not like a saber-toothed tiger, but like a luminous ball. You can beat in a party to get Philosopher's Stone (Stone of Wisdom) the final blow matters.
    19. Come back to Ivory Tower to the 3rd floor Master Joan and give it to her Philosopher's Stone in return, you will receive a piece of pure alchemical gold True Gold.
    20. Show True GoldMagister Ladd On the 4th floor Ivory Tower and get Magister's Mixing Stone(on some servers they may not give anything at this point in the quest).
    21. We need another reagent Blood Fire (Blood Flame), which can only be obtained in the Dragon's Lair Antharas' Lair (Antharas' Lair). Let's go and hunt. For getting blood fire be sure to deliver the final blow to Bloody Guardian.
    22. Due to the complete change of location Dragon Valley (Dragon Valley) in update high five, monsters Bloody Guardian (Level 75) will have to search in Watcher's Tomb (Watcher's Tomb).
    23. Come back to Ivory Tower as soon as you receive blood fire.
    24. Go to Alchemist's Mixing Urn (Alchemical Mortar) (Underground floor) and use all collected reagents Pure Silver, True Gold, blood fire... When you have these three items in your hands, there will be a separate item in the quest in order to put all the reagents, or you will be given to put them one by one. For the brew, we use the 3rd degree, this is the condition of the quest. We get
    25. Magister Ladd(On the 4th floor Ivory Tower) will tell you how to use Mimir's Elixir. And just talking to her Mimir's Elixir (Mimir's Elixir) should disappear from inventory and the quest will be completed. As a reward you will receive Scroll: Enchant Weapon (A-grade) and the ability to change your character's class.

    see also

    • Subclass system
    • Nobility
    Lineage II on 75 level Quests from level 75Level 75 monstersRaid bosses level 75

    Elixir of Mimir this is the second sub quest Class. To complete this task, you must first complete the first sub quest Whisper of Fate.

    We take the quest in the Ivory Tower, from Master Ladd, which is waiting for you on the fourth floor (the floor of the dark elves).

    For cooking Elixir Mimir he will need a piece of Pure Silver. You can make it according to the quest "Supplier of reagents" from mercury and moonstone. You can take this task from Wesley on the trading floor in the Ivory Tower.

    Here's what we need:

    We mix these ingredients in the Alchemical Urn, which is located on the same floor of the Ivory Tower.

    All this must be cooked at a temperature salamander, according to the following principle:

    Moonstone Shard x10 + Volcano Ash x1 = Moon Dust

    Moon Dust 10pcs + Quicksilver 1pcs = Moonstone

    Moonstone 1pc + Mercury 1pc = Pure Silver

    You should be very careful when choosing and mixing reagents, they will disappear forever if you make a mistake and click something wrong. When everything is ready, we take the Pure Silver to Magister Ladd. He will send us to the floor of the light elves to Master Joan.

    We need to get a piece of True Gold from her, but in order to prepare it, she will need a Wisdom Stone. We go in search of him to the Valley of Silence (teleport from Aden), where we have to hunt Furious Sabretooths.

    Having knocked out the item we need, we return to Joan, she will prepare Pure Gold from it. We go back to the floor to the dark elves, where Master Ladd, already familiar to us, is waiting for us.

    If you thought that sub quest so easy, then do not rush to rejoice, now we have the hardest part of it. We need to go to the very depths of Antharas' Lair and hunt the Blood Guards. This is a social monster, two other monsters run with him as guards, each of them has an increased health parameter. Dealing with this alone is very difficult, so I advise you to bring friends with you who can help you. If you do not have such an opportunity, you can try to pull them out very slowly and carefully, but remember, you can die by spending interest and time running around. We need to kill the Blood Guards until we get the Blood Flames.

    When the desired item is in your inventory, we again go to the Ivory Tower, to the trading floor, where the Alchemical Urn stands.

    Now we need to mix the extracted ingredients:

    True Gold

    Pure silver

    Blood Flame

    For mixing, select the Phoenix temperature. We get the yellow jar we need called "Mimir's Elixir". We return it to Master Ladd, on this one of the most interesting tasks in lineage - sub quest, ends. As a reward, we will be given a Rank A Weapon Upgrade Scroll, and the actual opportunity to take a subclass.

    Do not forget that for some races there are a number of restrictions on the sub class, namely:

    Light and Dark elves do not have the opportunity to take subs for each other's professions;

    You cannot take a sub class similar to your main profession, for example, a Sniper cannot take a sub to the Silver Ranger;

    No race can take on a sub crafter or overlord;

    You can always cancel the taken sub class if you are tired of it or simply no longer need it, but remember that the class that you take to replace the existing one will have to be downloaded again from level 40;

    You can take the next sub only when the first one reaches level 75;

    Changing the sub-class during the quest "Repentance" (see Quest for laundering a PC) will automatically end your quest, and the imp's collar will disappear forever.

    For the Kamael race, a separate quest for a sub class is required

    Reagents for the quest Nubles and Sub

    Reagents for Nubles' quest

    The quest is taken from Trader Wesley in the basement of Ivory Tower (trade area).
    Future Nouble needs 1 Hellfire Oil and 5 Lunargent to give to the blacksmith in Gotthart at the end of part 1 of the Nouble quest.

    To brew the above reagents, there are 7 reagents: Demon Blood, Blood Root, Moonstone Shards, Lava Stones, Volcanic Ash, Sulfur and Quicksilver.

    We knock out.
    For us, the first 3 reagents are important, the rest will fall along the way.
    1. Demon Blood=100. It beats on the 5th floor of the Tower of Insolence at Hallate's Guardian 59x4. We cheerfully run up to the 5th floor and stand in the passage between the first room and the hall and agrim. They fall in the form of light green test tubes.
    2.BloodRoot=10. We rush through the crowd of aggro-mobs to the 7th floor even more vigorously) Reagent Box - packages (in the form of bags) will fall to you - double click on it and reagents will appear.
    3. Moonstone Shards=500. The most boring part (. Run to the upper right side of Blazing Swamp (TP from Aden) and thresh Hames Orc Shaman 74. Gray Reagent Pouch will fall - packages (in the form of bags) - double click on it and reagents will appear.

    We lay a stone by clicking on the first line Insert Mixing Stone, the stone will disappear for the time that you are cooking (just when you cook all the ingredients by pressing Retrieve Mixing Stone the stone will appear in your quest inventory).

    For the Noble Quest you will need the following ingredients:

    Moonstone Shards 500
    Volcanic Ash 60
    Quick Silver 5
    Lava Stones 100
    Sulfur 2
    Demon Blood 100
    Blood Root 10

    So we start cooking in order (TEMPERATURE EVERYWHERE SALAMANDER !)

    Cook firstLunargent
    We put:
    10 Monstone Shards;
    1 Volcanic Ash;
    Temperature SALAMANDER (1);
    Click Mix Ingredients.

    Get 1 Moon Dust
    We make 10 of these.

    Next, put in the urn:
    10 Moon Dust;
    1 Quick Silver;
    Click Mix Ingredients.

    We get 1 Lunargent.
    We make 5 of these.

    Then we start brewing Hellfire Oil, which consists of 1 Fire Essence and 1 Demonic Essence.First brew Fire Essense

    We put:
    10 Lava Stones
    1 Volcanic Ash;
    Temperature SALAMANDER (1);
    Click Mix Ingredients.
    Get 1 Magma Dust
    We make 10 of these.
    Next, put in the urn:
    10 Magma Dust;
    1 Sulfur;
    Temperature SALAMANDER (1);
    Click Mix Ingredients.

    We get 1 Fire Essence.
    Let's put it aside for now.

    Next brew Demonic Essense
    We put:
    10 Demon's Blood;
    1 Blood Root;
    Temperature SALAMANDER (1);
    Click Mix Ingredients

    We get 1 Demonplasm.
    We make 10 of these.

    Next we put:
    10 Demonplasm;
    1 Sulfur;
    Temperature SALAMANDER (1);
    Click Mix Ingredients.

    Get 1 Demonic Essence.

    Now we make the final ingredient of Hellfire Oil:
    1 Fire Essence;
    1 Demonic Essence;
    Temperature SALAMANDER (1);
    Click Mix Ingredients.

    We get Hellfire Oil.

    Reagent for the quest on the sub.

    Halate's Maids on the 3rd floor of the Tower of Insolense
    Hames Orc Shaman in Blazing Swamps
    Halate's Maids and Hames Orc Shamans
    100 Moonstone Shards
    10 Volcano Ash
    2 Quick Silver
    We put:
    10 Monstone Shards;
    1 Volcanic Ash;
    Temperature SALAMANDER (1);
    Click Mix Ingredients.

    Get 1 Moon Dust
    We make 10 of these.

    Next, put in the urn:
    10 Moon Dust;
    1 Quick Silver;
    Temperature SALAMANDER (1);
    Click Mix Ingredients.

    We get 1 Lunargent.
    We make 1 of these.

    Next, put in the urn:
    1 Lunagent;
    1 Quick Silver;
    Temperature Select 1 degree to avoid unnecessary risk.
    Click Mix Ingredients.
    We get 1 Pure Silver.
    We make 1 of these.

    Passage of the quest

    1. Talk with Magister Ladd on the 4th floor Ivory Tower, he will tell you to bring pure alchemical silver Pure Silver.
    2. We go down to the basement underground floor) Ivory Tower.
      • If you have not taken the quest, then we speak with Magic Trader Wesley, take the quest and get what we need Wesley's Mixing Stone.
      • If the quest is accepted, then Wesley's Mixing Stone you already have.
      • We will also need: 100 Moonstone Shard, 10 Volcanic Ash, 11 Quicksilver. All this can be knocked out on the quest Supplier of Reagents V Blazing Swamp. Need to beat Hames Orc Shaman (Orc Shaman Hames) (Level 74). From shamans falls Quicksilver And Reagent Pouch.
      • From Reagent Pouch randomly upon opening (double click on the picture in the inventory) receive Moonstone Shard, or 2 Volcanic Ash, or 2 Quicksilver, or Lava stone.
    3. Near Wesley (Underground floor Ivory Tower), the central column has a large urn Alchemist's Mixing Urn. In it we will prepare various alchemical preparations.
      • The principle of operation is as follows: first we put in it Mixing stone, then the right amount of reagent, then the right amount of catalyst. Then we set the heating temperature of the mixture and start the device. The higher the temperature, the more things can be made, but the higher the risk of losing (burning) all the reagents. Therefore, in all cases we will use the first temperature (salamander). In this case, the success rate is 100%. Only in one case will it be necessary to set the temperature to 3 when cooking the Mimir's Elixir, which is determined by the quest.
      • First you need to do 10 moondust: For this we put Mixing stone, 10 Moonstone Shard, Volcanic Ash moon dust. Repeat 9 more times for 10 moon dust.
      • Next, we have to do Lunargent: For this we put Mixing stone, 10 moon dust, Quicksilver, temperature 1, mix. We get Lunargent.
      • Now we cook Pure Silver: We put Mixing stone, Lunargent, Quicksilver, temperature 1, mix. We have what we need.
    4. We go up to the 4th floor Magister Ladd. We show Pure Silver and find out that we need another piece of pure alchemical gold True Gold.
    5. We go down to the 3rd floor and look for Master Joan. She will ask you to go to Field of Silence and hunted for Chimera Piece (Furious Sabertooth)(lvl 73) (lvl. 72×1/2, under the bridges leading to The Giant's Cave, social). Until you get a stone Sage's Stone. Mobs are light, even their buffer is able to score one.
    6. Come back to Ivory Tower to the 3rd floor Master Joan and give her a stone in return you will receive a piece of pure alchemical gold True Gold.
    7. Show me a piece of gold Magister Ladd On the 4th floor Ivory Tower and get Magister's Mixing Stone(on some servers they may not give anything at this point in the quest).
    8. We need another reagent blood fire, which can only be found in the dragon's lair Antharas' Lair. Let's go and hunt Bloody Guardian(Level 75). Here you may need a party, since the mobs are social, next to dwarfs and other evil spirits. The easiest way to get there is through the Nobles-teleport. For getting blood fire it is not necessary to deal the final blow to Bloody Guardian, this can be done by any member of the party. Come back to Ivory Tower as soon as you receive blood fire.
    9. I go to the urn ( Underground floor) and use all collected reagents Pure Silver, True Gold, Blood Fire. When you have these three items in your hands, there will be a separate item in the quest in order to put all the reagents, or you will be given to put them one by one. For the brew, we use the 3rd degree, this is the condition of the quest. We get Mimir's Elixir.
    10. Magister Ladd(On the 4th floor Ivory Tower) will tell you how to use Mimir's Elixir. And only after talking to her, the elixir should disappear from the inventory, and the quest will be completed. As a reward you will receive Scroll Enchant Weapon (A) and the ability to change your character's class.
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