• Man and woman first date. First date with a man: How to please a young man. Proposal to a man


    Feel free to talk about yourself. If the girl agreed to come on a date, it means that the young man is at least not indifferent to her. Rather, she likes him. But if a girl remains disappointed with the first date, she is unlikely to want to date this guy further. Therefore, if a young man does not want the first date to be the last, he must immediately make a good impression on the girl, demonstrate that he is an intelligent, serious, well-mannered person. To do this, you need to tell about yourself - where he studies or works, what plans for the future, what has already been achieved. You can also talk about your hobbies, hobbies, for example, what kind of music he likes to listen to, how he spends his free time.

    Don't exaggerate your strengths, but don't underestimate them either.

    You can also start a conversation with her hobbies, hobbies. If she was vacationing abroad, the young man may ask about the most liked sights of the country. You need to speak in a confident, calm voice. You should not consider the girl point-blank, otherwise she may be embarrassed, "closed." But periodically meeting her gaze is not only possible, but necessary.

    What to talk about with a girl?

    Talk about what is interesting to a beautiful person. In order for the conversation to proceed in a friendly, relaxed atmosphere, it would be good to first make inquiries about the interlocutor. After all, if a guy knows what a lady is fond of, what her tastes are, it will be much easier for him to interest a girl. Especially if it turns out that they have some common hobbies, hobbies, preferences.

    To do this, you can visit her pages on social networks, talk about the girl with mutual friends.

    You can ask her tastes, hobbies directly on a date. But one should not be too persistent in inquiries. The girl should not get the impression that this guy is not very tactful.

    In no case should you ask a girl about her ex. In the same way, you should not remember your ex-girlfriends, much less compare her with them. If the first date makes a good impression on the girl, she will almost certainly want to continue dating the guy.

    Valeria Protasova

    Reading time: 9 minutes

    A A

    The first date is always exciting. Especially for a girl. What to wear, how to behave, what topics are forbidden for conversation - all these questions are mixed into one mess in the head and do not give rest. Our advice: don't panic! Be yourself and enjoy the meeting.

    And we will tell you how to behave correctly so that the chosen one does not run away from you after the 1st date.

    Typical mistakes of women on the first date and not only - what can not be said to a man?

    Girls make a lot of mistakes on first dates. A young man can be frightened off by his appearance, and an inappropriate phrase, excessive swagger and ambition, etc.

    To avoid annoying mistakes, you should remember the most common mistakes.

    So, taboo topics for the 1st date - what is absolutely not worth talking about with a gentleman?

    1. About children. This topic is taboo. You should not shock the chosen one by talking about the fact that you want a dozen beautiful girls from him and dream of sitting at home after giving birth and maintaining the hearth. Children are a serious step for any man, and such a revelation will be a “taser” for him before you part.
    2. About marriage. Even if you decide that he is the one, the prince, your half and one of a kind, you don’t need to immediately tell him about your dreams - “together to the grave in sorrow and joy.” And you should not drive him past shops with wedding dresses either. No hints! Including stories about the wedding of a girlfriend (brother, sister, etc.). Do not scare the gentleman with your pressure.
    3. Cohabitation and other plans for the future. It is not recommended to ask him about "What's next?". This is your first date, not their anniversary. Forget about questions like - "how do you see our future relationship." Don't hint that he might move in with you (or vice versa). This is an exclusively male initiative, otherwise your chosen one will simply decide that he is being yoked.
    4. "And how many women did you have before me?" One of the most taboo topics for your 1st meeting. Everything that was before you does not matter and applies only to him. It is unlikely that your gentleman will appreciate excessive curiosity. If you are asked a similar question (“how many men did you have before me”), leave the conversation or delicately “fulbolte” the gentleman, showing that your past life does not concern him.
    5. "My ex was such a bastard!" Of course, this is not a 1st date topic (see above). A categorical taboo! In addition, impartial statements about the former soul mate will show you in a completely unfavorable light. What if you will “water” him like that if you suddenly part? So the topic is banned. And if they still “push you to the wall” and ask about your ex, then with a smile tell him that he was a good guy, but your paths diverged.
    6. Do not complain and do not cry in the vest! Forget about your problems: no need to dump them on the chosen one. For a man, the complaints (and tears) of a girl are a reason for decisive action (to help, support, solve all problems). And your "petitions to keep the conversation going" can scare away a young man who is not yet ready to take responsibility for you.
    7. Career and financial situation. You still do not know who, in fact, your man is, where he works, what is his financial situation. Your involuntary boasting of a successful rise up the career ladder can frighten off a guy who cannot even pay for dinner at a restaurant yet. You should also not torture the gentleman with questions of this kind. If he earns little, he will be embarrassed in front of you, and if he earns a lot, he will decide that you are a mercantile person who should not be messed with. However, so he can decide in the first case.
    8. Do not torment the gentleman with your neuroses. Yes, you have an unsustainable loan. Yes, the last pantyhose were torn. Yes, the cat tore your exchange paper to shreds, etc. But this is not a reason to dump your depression on your chosen one. Maybe he had a day much worse than yours, and he just wants to relax in your company with jokes of humor and light flirting. And here you are with PMS, a stolen purse or a flood in the apartment.
    9. Diet. Also a taboo subject. Firstly, if he paid attention to you, it means that everything about you suits him. Secondly, a man is not interested in how long you can survive on kefir, and, of course, a woman who, dejectedly chewing broccoli, is looking greedily at his mutton skewers, is not happy.
    10. intimate relationships. You should not talk about them in any context: neither hint that you are already "not against it", nor warn that "before the wedding - no, no", or report between times that you are not interested in sex at all, because "only soul matters! In the first case, he will consider you too loose, in the second, he will simply run away, in the third, he will be surprised at first, and then run away anyway.
    11. “I am a staunch vegetarian!” It's great, and it's your right. But you shouldn’t immediately frighten a man with the fact that you can’t even stand the sight of a poor, killed chicken, and you generally faint from pork. The man is a predator. Rare men are vegetarians. And the idea that a potential wife will stuff him with cabbage and spinach, of course, will not add optimism.
    12. "Come on, I'll introduce you to my parents!" Don't offer it and don't do it. Not the time! Even if he does not mind, and your parents are very nice - refrain. It's still too early.
    13. Future plans. It seemed like an innocent topic. But if your boyfriend has serious plans for you, and your plans include, for example, a trip abroad for permanent residence, then this is a reason not to make more dates.
    14. Criticism. No criticism! You should not generally give any assessment of his appearance, preferences, tastes, etc. Be as careful as possible in expressions.

    What should not be done?

    • First of all, be late.
    • Constantly look at the clock.
    • Write SMS, go online and interrupt a date with phone conversations with girlfriends.

    Also remember that a girl should be a mystery - do not reveal all the cards at once.

    Just don't overdo it! You must be a riddle, not a Japanese crossword puzzle.

    What and how is it better to talk with a guy on the first date - and on the next ones too?

    The ideal option is to be silent and listen. Let him speak. Your role is an appreciative listener. Nod, agree, smile mysteriously, admire (not at full strength).

    And remember the unspoken rules of communication:

    1. Be as natural as possible.
    2. Avoid taboo topics. Discuss new movies, books read, etc.
    3. Don't stress. Both you and the gentleman should be easy and comfortable.
    4. Don't be rude. Femininity, tenderness and kindness are your pluses. They are always decorating.
    5. When choosing a romantic look for a date, give up vulgar makeup - only naturalness and lightness in soft pleasant colors. Do not overdo it with accessories, and give preference to a classic French manicure. We dress elegantly feminine.
    6. Do not hide your eyes from the gentleman. It is one thing to look away at a moment of particular embarrassment, and quite another to constantly look to the side or, even worse, above the eyes of the interlocutor (on the forehead, bridge of the nose, etc.).
    7. Being interested in the life of the chosen one, do not arrange an interrogation. Your curiosity should cause a smile, not the feeling that you are an investigator.
    8. Plan your itinerary in advance. Take the gentleman to the places you have something to tell about.
    9. Positive emotions always bring together. Offer him an active pastime - rollerblading or ice skating. Or “accidentally” remember that today they are showing the very film that you have been waiting for. Do not wander around the streets for nothing - topics will quickly be exhausted, and an awkward pause will certainly arise. Therefore, be active and use every opportunity to look at the gentleman from different angles.
    10. Take money with you. It is not known whether your young man plans to pay the entire bill for dinner at a restaurant (cafe), so make sure in advance. Suddenly, he is a supporter of the 50/50 scheme? And try not to visit places where the gentleman will have to seriously empty his wallet - you can put him in an awkward position.
    11. Do not agree to a date in unfamiliar places from which (in which case) it will be difficult to get out. Especially if you met this gentleman through the Internet. Insurance doesn't hurt either.
    12. If a man tried to surprise you (for example, a date place, a romantic dinner, etc.), do not forget to thank him for a pleasant evening and praise him for a well-chosen place.
    13. Do you give compliments? Of course, men love to be praised. But don't overdo it. Artificial feigned praises and theatrical delights will only push him away from you. You can praise only "in between times", delicately and briefly noting, for example, his excellent taste or a perfect action.
    14. Saying goodbye to the gentleman, do not ask - "when will we see each other?" or “will you call me?”. Pride is above all. This role is your chosen one. He will decide for himself - when, whether it is worth it, and where. He will call, he will call for a meeting. It's up to you to agree or disagree. But you need to behave in such a way that the gentleman understands that you do not refuse to continue, but you are not going to immediately jump into his arms.

    The habits and character of a man - what and how does he talk about on a first date?

    Even without knowing anything about a man, you can understand a lot by his habits, gestures, casually thrown phrases, facial expressions.

    Don't jump to conclusions.

    The first date is a significant event in life.

    each person, and this is not at all surprising, because from this event in

    future relationships depend a lot. Therefore, one should single out the most

    common mistakes of

    how to behave on a first date

    not worth it. In addition, it should also include the

    how to behave to a woman after the first date, so as not to seem excessive to the gentleman


    Mistake number 1: a lot of emotions

    Many ladies, due to strong excitement on the first date, splash out

    his emotions left and right, because of which a man may misunderstand his

    learn to control emotions and respond to everything that happens in moderation.

    Mistake number 2: long stories about yourself beloved

    On the first date, you don’t need to immediately lay out all your

    life, because every woman should have a mystery, and if the gentleman reads the lady

    like an open book, he will quickly lose interest in it. It's best to stay

    unsolved and give ambiguous answers to some questions, which should

    warm up the interest of a man and make him want to know about his companion

    more. Mistake #3: smart lady

    Sometimes women think that a man can be conquered not only

    its beauty, but also its intelligence. But this is far from the case, because the representatives of the stronger sex

    should listen to them. You can talk on different topics, just do not put the emphasis on the fact that a man

    less versed in the subject matter. Great option to ask

    enlighten the interlocutor in a particular topic, listen carefully and ask

    questions. Mistake number 4: a strong and independent lady

    This applies not only to behavior, manner of speaking, but also

    the desire of a woman to choose a meeting place herself or pay a bill in a cafe. Such young ladies

    scare off potential suitors, tk. any man next to a lady wants

    feel self-sufficient and strong, and he wants to see his chosen one

    feminine and fragile creature that needs to be looked after. This indicates,

    that men prefer weak women who need them. Mistake number 5: declaration of love

    Even if there is love at first sight, but

    to confess to a companion on a first date in their feelings, even in sympathy

    conquered the woman. He must be in the dark, because all men are hunters and

    conquerors, so they like to seek the location of the lady on their own. Mistake number 6: alcohol helps to liberate

    It is true, but you still need to drink in moderation! Evening

    must pass under a couple of glasses of wine or champagne and no more, otherwise you can

    completely lose control over yourself, which will lead to unfortunate consequences. Plus

    In addition, a person who consumes a considerable amount of alcohol is most likely

    provoke antipathy. Mistake #7: Clowns are loved

    Do not overdo it with a sense of humor, because.

    you can acquire the status of a frivolous person. Plus, great feeling.

    humor is a purely male prerogative. If, nevertheless, it occurred to me to joke,

    neutral topics should be chosen as the object of jokes, because knowing the interlocutor little,

    you can inadvertently hurt the painful area for him. Mistake #8: When we meet again

    The most common mistake women make is rushing a man and, moreover,

    not completing the first date, asking for a second. Such behavior can

    to seem intrusive to the companion, and men love freedom and cannot stand when they are leaned on or forced to do something. This can also include

    inappropriate talk about a shared future. Mistake number 9: there will be no sex

    There is no exact proof or refutation of this error,

    after all, there are a lot of arguments on this topic, among which it is worth highlighting the emerging

    passion. Therefore, few people will condemn sex on a first date, just as

    abstaining from it. Mistake #10: He's mine

    Such an erroneous opinion appears after a date with

    most ladies, so they start doing what is strictly forbidden - ringing

    As practice shows, a woman, in order to interest and not

    to frighten off a potential groom, it is necessary to behave correctly not only in

    during the first date, but also after it. According to psychologists, the entire initiative

    it’s better to leave it to a man who will definitely show interest himself,

    if he really liked the girl.

    Very often, the starting point for future relationships is the first date. As a rule, the initiator is a man, and a woman carefully prepares for it and makes a lot of efforts to make a favorable impression.

    Many girls on the first date with a man are prevented by excessive nervousness, stiffness and fear of not being liked. About what else can overshadow the first date and what mistakes should not be made girl can.

    The tips that are given in this article will help the girl prepare for the first date, develop the right tactics of behavior and arouse in the partner an irresistible desire to continue the acquaintance.

    Preparing for the first date

    If a man called a woman on a date, it means that he likes the way she looks, speaks, moves. At the first personal meeting, he will already evaluate her demeanor, intelligence, habits, and ability to communicate. If possible, find out what the future chosen one is interested in so that you can keep up the conversation. For a girl, preparing for a first date begins with her appearance. You need to choose clothes, hairstyle and makeup in advance, but the most important thing is a positive attitude and the ability to find positive moments in any situation.

    where to go

    To choose the right image and prepare for the exit, you need to find out in advance where the man will take you, or at least find out the approximate theme of the evening. Clothing and hairstyle should be appropriate for the meeting place. There is no need to adopt past stereotypes and be late - a woman should come to the first meeting at the appointed time. Being late suggests that she does not value time and shows disrespect for the person she made waiting.

    If your partner offers you the first choice, give preference to such a pastime, during which there will be an opportunity to calmly communicate. A noisy karaoke bar, a cramped pizzeria, a concert or going to the movies are not suitable for a first date. If a guy invites you to a place you don't want to go, don't say no. Firstly, with your whims, you can cool off interest in yourself, and secondly, once you are in the environment that attracts him, you can get to know your companion better.

    Dress appropriately

    When choosing what to wear on a first date, stay natural. If in everyday life you are not used to wearing high heels or short skirts, you do not need to suddenly change your preferences and transform into a socialite. However, there is a number of restrictions, which should be observed when choosing clothes for the first acquaintance.

    • A girl should not look vulgar or untidy. You can not wear mini-skirts, transparent blouses and dresses with a deep neckline.
    • It is out of the question that the clothes were wrinkled, shapeless, with stains or torn off buttons.
    • Likewise, sportswear is inappropriate on a first date, unless the meeting takes place in a gym.

    The image should be modest, elegant and feminine. You do not need to buy new clothes for the first date - it is better to wear proven things that will not rub or cause discomfort. All men, without exception, like tender and feminine girls. According to the results of sociological surveys, more than 90% of them at the first meeting want to see their chosen one in a dress and shoes.

    Makeup and fragrance

    Preparing for a new acquaintance, the girl thinks through everything to the smallest detail: clothes, accessories, makeup, perfume. To create a feminine look, you need natural colors. Naturalness is preferred in everything: discreet makeup, pastel varnish, modest accessories, delicate aroma. Most men are attracted to grooming and naturalness.

    Away with fears

    When going on a first date, a woman should understand one simple thing: she should not regard a man as a potential husband and father of her children.

    The purpose of a first date is not to please at any cost, but to get to know your date to see if you're the right fit for each other. Tune in to the conversation, ask questions, act natural. There is no need to panic, because the first meeting is only an acquaintance and pleasant communication.

    Due to self-doubt, many girls are very nervous when they first meet, behave stiffly, tensely and cannot open up. Or they rush to the other extreme - without ceasing, chatting and giggling. You need to calm down and relax. Treat the first meeting like a game of chess and enjoy this challenging and interesting game.

    Remember, the first date is not the last train, and your counterpart is not the only man on earth.

    How to behave on a first date with a guy

    Try to be natural and positive - do not be capricious, do not complain, do not be offended. Show your upbringing - do not forget about the elementary rules of behavior. You can not laugh out loud, swear, talk to people rudely and dismissively. Read more about How should a lady behave around a man? can be read by going through .

    To charm a man already on the first date, a woman must be different: modest, smart, sociable, funny, serious, flirtatious. Be sure to praise your counterpart for a great evening. Overall, the main weapon of a girl at the first meeting is interest and compliments. Ask your partner's opinion on various issues, consult with him, admire his mind and do not forget to praise him from time to time.

    If you understand something better than your interlocutor, there is no need to rush to demonstrate it. You are not at a meeting in the office, but on a date where the degree of your competence is of no interest to anyone. At the same time, you don’t need to go out of your way to please – men like to conquer, because only in this case they can feel like winners.

    How to please a man

    It is very important to behave naturally and openly. If you came to a meeting for the sake of a serious relationship, give up hypocrisy and posturing. It is not customary to give a gift to a man on a first date, although he can present flowers to a woman.

    If you owe an invitation to a first date to your appearance, then the continuation of the acquaintance depends on skill. Talk less about yourself and listen to your partner more. During the conversation, you do not need to criticize, condemn and impose your point of view. You came to the meeting to get to know the guy, not to change him. Ask him questions, showing interest in what he has to say.

    If you are unhappy with something, you do not need to snort, curl your lips and roll your eyes. You must be attentive, friendly and tactful so that the interlocutor can relax and speak frankly about himself. Representatives of the stronger sex are no less afraid of criticism than women and reveal their inner world only when they feel safe. Men stay with women they feel comfortable and safe with.

    Let me take care of you

    The guy carefully looks and evaluates what kind of behavior the girl has on the first date - how independent, calm, restrained she is, or vice versa, clamped and timid. Give him the opportunity to be gallant and let him court you. Show your femininity and insecurity. Protecting and taking care of the girl, the guy feels more courageous and strong.

    What to talk about with a man

    Conversations at the first meeting should relate to neutral topics: work, hobbies, hobbies, vital interests and preferences. It is desirable that a man speaks more - a woman should show interest, be friendly and dispose to communication. No need to reveal your soul on the first date - remain a mystery that your chosen one wants to solve. When talking about yourself, limit yourself to general questions about work and hobbies.

    Do not try to discuss past relationships and former fans. There is no need to touch on topics such as salary, position, own housing, past relationships of your counterpart, plans for a joint future. So you give the impression of a mercantile person who is only interested in financial matters. What men will talk about on a first date is no different from ordinary conversations - it's themselves and what interests them.

    Topics not to be discussed at the first meeting

    • past relationships and the number of "former";
    • your awards and achievements;
    • your problems;
    • the financial situation of your chosen one;
    • joint plans for the future;
    • children, both their own and others.

    What to ask on a first date

    By asking a guy questions when you meet, you will encourage him to talk and you will be able to learn more about your chosen one. Questions to ask a man on a first date, This:

    • his job,
    • life interests,
    • hobby,
    • How does he like to spend his free time?
    • where he goes on vacation.

    Be interested in his hobbies, ask for advice, get an opinion. Ask to talk about successes and achievements, praise and admire. Guys need recognition and approval.

    No need to ask your interlocutor about his friends and relatives - this topic is not suitable for a first date. When making the first compliments, observe the measure - all your words must be sincere, but the look can be a little enthusiastic.

    Look and touch

    If during the first communication with a guy there is mutual sympathy, then light physical contact is quite appropriate. You can, as if by chance, touch him, and he, in turn, will hold your hand in his for a little longer. The first touches are always very exciting, and they promise more than they deliver. If your counterpart is looking at you, don't be embarrassed and don't look away.

    Kissing on a first date

    The first kiss can happen at any time - both on the first date and on the tenth. It depends on upbringing, life values, how quickly attraction between a man and a woman arises. Even kisses can be different: passionate in the twilight of a bar or gentle goodbye. The main thing is to think soberly, not to build illusions and not to give a kiss on the first evening with a non-existent meaning.

    Sex on the first date: to be or not to be

    Intimacy is a purely individual issue - there is no single rule on which date you can sleep with a partner. But, as practice shows, if a girl wants a long-term relationship, sex on the first night is unacceptable. Even for security reasons, you should not go to bed with an unfamiliar partner.

    If a guy wants quick sex, he goes to a club and finds a girlfriend there. If he invited the girl on a date, planned a program, booked a table in a restaurant, then he is looking for a serious relationship. Men are by nature conquerors, they are not interested in easy prey.

    If your date makes explicit allusions to the intimate continuation of the evening, you must understand that the date was a prelude to a one-time sex.

    End date

    After spending a few hours with a man, you will feel whether an attraction has arisen between you and whether you want to continue dating. If the evening has come to an end, and your companion does not invite you to a second meeting, this is not the end of the world. You had a good time, met a new person, had a pleasant conversation. After all, you were not going to go to the registry office the next day.

    Saying goodbye to a guy, thank him for a wonderful evening. Don't refuse if he wants to walk you home. Gladly accept the invitation to, but do not agree on a date. Let your companion know that you like him, but you are not ready to put aside all your business for the sake of meeting him. You must be desirable and a little inaccessible. Let a man conquer you and enjoy his own victory.

    Do not underestimate the importance of the first date, because the impression you make on a girl will last for a long time. Therefore, try to make your words sound like music to her, and not like the screeching of brakes.

    Of course, there are no universal recipes that will help you immediately win a woman's heart - your behavior and topic of conversation depend on the circumstances, but it will not be superfluous to find out what most girls want to hear from their companion on a first date.

    What started...?

    Showing sincere interest in a girl's life, her work, career or hobby (in a word, in what she talks about most) is a prerequisite for a successful first date. Yes, women talk about themselves the most, and they can do it for hours, but they want a man to also show interest in this topic of conversation. They want to see a man's interest in himself, in his personality, to see that a man seeks to understand and get to know them better. To show your interest, it is enough to ask a couple of simple questions, for example: "How did your passion/hobby/career start?"

    You know I dream about...

    Contrary to popular belief, women do not want to talk only about themselves. They want to know what is happening in a man's life, about his plans, aspirations, hobbies. In a conversation with a girl on a first date, mention your dreams - this will spur her interest, help you understand what kind of person you are. And she will also be pleased that you trust her enough to tell her about the dream (you must agree, this is a rather intimate thing).

    My friend told me about...

    The mention of friends, friends, about what interesting people they are, will raise your shares in the eyes of a girl, because your circle of friends, your company can tell a lot about your character and lifestyle. But be careful not to get too carried away talking about your wonderful friends. Firstly, your image may fade against their bright background. Secondly, the girl's attention can switch to your wonderful friends, and it will not be easy to turn it back to you.

    Ha ha ha!

    Perhaps this is the simplest and most easily implemented tip on our list. A man's sincere laughter is a sound that a girl is always pleased to hear, especially on a first date. This is evidence that a man is easy with her, he understands her sense of humor, and he likes to spend time in her company. But do not try too hard, otherwise the laughter will turn out to be strained and unnatural, which will have the exact opposite effect. After all, if by your behavior you convince a not-so-witty woman that her jokes are funny, you will have to deal with the consequences for a long time and listen to her "witty" comments on future dates. So don't pretend if it's not funny to you.

    This reminds me of a story that happened to me...

    Sometimes it's a case of life that helps you get to know the other person better. Therefore, do not hesitate to talk about funny, interesting or unusual cases from your life that you especially remember.

    I had a great time

    As the first date draws to a close, there is often an awkward pause in the conversation. The girl cannot understand whether you are satisfied with how the meeting went and whether you want to repeat it (by the way, the same can be said about the man). If you had a good time and liked the girl, tell her directly. Believe me, any girl will appreciate your directness and unwillingness to torment her with expectation. This way you will spare her the painful (per-minute!) analysis of a date - many girls do this to understand how the date went if the man remains silent.

    Have you ever been to...?

    Directly asking if a girl enjoyed spending time with you is impolite, but you can set the stage for the next date without alienating her with your obsession. For example, tell her about a cool sushi bar or Italian restaurant you recently visited and ask her if she has been there. So you will gently ask if a second date is included in her plans, and at the same time demonstrate your own interest in continuing the acquaintance. It's also a great way to smoothly transition the conversation to food and hobbies - it's almost the perfect topic for a first date.

    I will call you

    According to centuries-old tradition, an active role in relationships is assigned to a man. He can "take the bull by the horns" and state his intentions directly. Of course, a promise to call is not yet a marriage proposal, and women who have learned from bitter experience have little confidence in such promises. But they still like to hear the phrase "I'll call you." Just don't make such promises if you're not going to keep them - if you don't plan to date the girl anymore, just say goodbye and thank you for a nice evening.

    I like...

    Tell the girl about yourself, about your tastes and hobbies. She will be interested to know how you live, where and how you like to relax, what you do in your free time. This information will help determine whether you are on the same wavelength with her or not. The commonality of interests is a great thing. Also, not all girls like (and dare) ask personal questions, and will be grateful if you take the lead.

    Bill, please

    It's perfectly fine to split the bill or pay only your share of the order on the first date, but is that what real gentlemen do? But next to her, the girl wants to see exactly the gentleman. So when she reaches for her purse, tell her that you will pay the bill yourself. If you are afraid of objections or embarrassment, leave the credit card to the waiter in advance. The girl will be pleasantly surprised by this gallant gesture, and your chances of seeing her again will increase significantly.

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