• What laws create beauty. Does beauty have its own laws - Hypermarket of knowledge. b) evening tea


    « Does beauty have its own laws?


    · Study the material provided.

    · Additional materials (video, audio and presentation for the lesson) you can view here http:///id24051581

    · Answer questions in writing

    · Complete creative homework

    An architectural structure (a temple or just a house, a hut), a painting or a work of graphics, a sculpture or a product of folk craftsmen, a church chant or a folk song, a performance, a film or a large composition for a symphony orchestra - all of them are created according to the laws. And these are the laws of beauty. What are they?

    Let's try to find the first law in the statements of various people.

    1. "Faith in yourself and the search for truth form ..." (Nicholas Roerich, artist, writer, philosopher).

    2. "Everything is good and beautiful in ..., in accordance with itself" (V. Belinsky, Russian thinker, writer, literary critic, publicist, philosopher).

    3. "Out of diversity arises the perfect..." (Heraclitus, ancient Greek philosopher).

    I suggest you find a word (concept) found in all statements

    What is harmony? Harmony(Greek harmonia) is consonance, harmony, proportionality, subordination of parts of the whole. In ancient Greek philosophy - the organization of the cosmos, as opposed to chaos. So, the main laws, common to all types of art, which determine beauty, are based on harmony.

    The ancient Greeks, who discovered the concept of harmony, closely associated it with the concept measures. “Respect the measure in everything,” the wise men of Hellas advised.

    https://pandia.ru/text/80/111/images/image002_18.jpg" alt="Description: http://licey1matem.at.ua/_fr/0/0677044.jpg" width="223 height=167" height="167">!}

    What interesting things did you notice?

    Truly symmetrical objects surround us literally from all sides, we are dealing with symmetry wherever there is any order. Symmetry(from the Greek symmetria - "proportionality") - resists chaos, disorder. It turns out that symmetry is balance, orderliness, perfection, beauty. “Symmetry is the idea through which man has tried for centuries to comprehend and create order, beauty and perfection”, spoke the German mathematician and physicist Hermann Weyl.

    Who knows what a palindrome is? This is a flip, a symmetrical word or phrase that reads the same from left to right and from right to left. For example: Anna, Cossack, etc. Try to collect a palindrome phrase from several words

    days soon forty cat

    milk near Misha

    he's been in hell for a long time

    The whole world can be viewed as a manifestation of the unity of symmetry and asymmetry, but even a structure that is asymmetrical as a whole can be a harmonious composition of symmetrical elements.

    Let's try to find another law of beauty. Tap out different rhythms. Rhythm in art determines the nature of the composition. But rhythm is also a characteristic property of any living organism. Biorhythms are the condition of its existence. Rhythm conveys movement. It is a kind of measure of time. Name what in nature is subject to rhythm?

    A typical sign of rhythm is a certain regularity in the repetition of phenomena, forms, elements. In music, for example, a dotted rhythm is characteristic of a march, it is convenient to step along to it, and a measured alternation of even durations is convenient for singing a lullaby. And what instruments convey the rhythm best? Drums.

    https://pandia.ru/text/80/111/images/image010_1.png" alt="Description: http://www.abc-people.com/data/leonardov/pic_z-2.gif" width="341 height=78" height="78">!} a:b = b:c

    The golden ratio is obtained by dividing a segment into two unequal parts in such a way that the smaller part is related to the larger one as the larger one is to the entire length of the segment. The golden ratio inspires at the same time feelings of peace and vitality and therefore is perceived as beautiful. It is believed that the concept of the golden division was introduced into scientific use by Pythagoras, an ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician in the 6th century BC. e. Leonardo da Vinci coined the term "golden section".

    Shell (Spiral of Archimedes)

    The golden ratio in nature

    And the human body is subject to this law!

    And architecture.

    And painting...

    According to modern concepts, the golden division is an asymmetric symmetry. The best works of art - architecture, music, painting, literature - are built according to the rules of the golden section.

    Watch the video "Fibonacci number. The Golden Ratio".

    Anchoring(plot break)

    - So, name the laws of beauty.

    They are the basic concepts in nature, and in art, and in science.

    The ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras and his followers claimed that everything is beautiful thanks to the number. They created the doctrine of the harmony of the spheres, arguing that the distances between the planets correspond to the numerical ratios of the musical scale, which determines the integrity and harmony of the Cosmos. And not only the ancients thought so. "Even in the smallest musical elements, we feel the manifestation of the same forces that set in motion the most distant stellar nebulae,"- said the composer Paul Hindemith. The composition of our lesson ends ...


    But have people always understood beauty in the same way?


    Write a mini-essay on the topic "Beauty for me is ...".

    Art lesson for the 8th grade on the topic: "Does beauty have its own laws."

    Emelyanenko Yulia Vitalievna, music teacher

    Lesson type: deepening lesson.

    Target: development of the experience of emotional and value attitude to art as a form of exploration of the world


    To expand the scope of cognitive interests in the field of art and to form in students a holistic view of the world in all its diversity and unity;

    To give a general idea of ​​the specifics of the expressive means of various arts;

    To form the experience of emotional-figurative perception;

    To deepen the concepts of expressiveness and figurativeness in music, painting, architecture, literature;

    To identify and consolidate students' understanding of the terms "harmony", "symmetry", "rhythm", "composition", "golden proportion (golden section)".

    To create conditions for the development of the culture of oral speech among students, the expansion of vocabulary;

    Activation of creative abilities of students.

    Equipment: computer, media projector, screen, music center, quotes text.

    During the classes:

    An architectural structure (a temple or just a house, a hut), a painting or a work of graphics, a sculpture or a product of folk craftsmen, a church chant or a folk song, a performance, a film or a large composition for a symphony orchestra - all of them are created according to the laws. And these are the laws of beauty. What are they?

    Main part

    Let's try to find the first law in the statements of various people.


    1. “Faith in oneself and the search for truth form…”(Nicholas Roerich, artist, writer, philosopher).
    2. "Everything is good and beautiful in ..., in accordance with itself"(V. Belinsky, Russian thinker, writer, literary critic, publicist, philosopher).
    3. “Out of diversity arises the perfect…”(Heraclitus, ancient Greek philosopher).

    I suggest you find a word (concept) that occurs in all statements. (For children, these can be the words “order”, “harmony”, “combination”, “consent”, “balance”. I write these words on the blackboard. We call the desired word - harmony.It should be noted that all authors put somewhat different meanings into the concept of "harmony".)

    What is harmony? (children's answers) I give a definition. Harmony (Greek harmonia) is consonance, harmony, proportionality, subordination of parts of the whole. In ancient Greek philosophy - the organization of the cosmos, as opposed to chaos. So, the main laws, common to all types of art, which determine beauty, are based on harmony.

    The ancient Greeks, who discovered the concept of harmony, closely associated it with the concept measures . “Respect the measure in everything,” the ancient Greek sages advised.

    Let's find another law of beauty. Let's see some images.

    What interesting things did you notice? Symmetry! Truly symmetrical objects surround us literally from all sides, we are dealing with symmetry wherever there is any order. Symmetry (from the Greek symmetria - "proportionality") - resists chaos, disorder. It turns out that symmetry is balance, orderliness, perfection, beauty.“Symmetry is the idea through which man has tried for centuries to comprehend and create order, beauty and perfection”,spoke the German mathematician and physicist Hermann Weyl.

    Who knows what a palindrome is? This is a flip, a symmetrical number, a word or phrase that reads the same from left to right and from right to left. For example: Anna, Cossack, etc. Try to collect a palindrome phrase from several words(words on the slide separately):

    the cat will soon be forty days (the cat will soon be forty days old)

    milk near Misha (near Misha milk)

    he's been in hell for a long time (he's been in hell for a long time)

    The whole world can be viewed as a manifestation of the unity of symmetry and asymmetry, but even a structure that is asymmetrical as a whole can be a harmonious composition of symmetrical elements.

    Let's try to find another law of beauty. Repeat after me(clapping a few beats).What did we do? Various rhythms were tapped out. Rhythm in art determines the nature of the composition.

    A typical sign of rhythm is a certain regularity in the repetition of phenomena, forms, elements. In music, for example, a dotted rhythm is characteristic of a march, it is convenient to step along to it, and a measured alternation of even durations is convenient for singing a lullaby. And what instruments convey the rhythm best? Yes, drums.

    Let's listen to the melody.

    Hearing Africa - Tam-Tam

    What continent do you think she came from, why? (Africa)

    But rhythm is also a characteristic property of any living organism. Biorhythms are the condition of its existence. Rhythm conveys movement. It is a kind of measure of time. Write what in nature is subject to rhythm(change of day and night, seasons, phases of the moon, etc.)

    We are also building our today's lesson in a certain sequence: introduction to the topic, problem statement, disclosure of basic concepts, summing up and conclusion. That is, we build the composition of the lesson. What is composition and where does it occur? (children's answers)

    Composition (from Latin compposito - composition, composition, connection, reconciliation) in art - the construction, the internal structure of the work, its integrity and proportionality of its constituent parts.

    The construction is again subject to measure, proportion. plays an important role in artgolden ratio- the proportion of the golden section, used since Antiquity. How many of you know what its meaning is?

    a:b = b:c

    The golden section is obtained by dividing a segment into two unequal parts in such a way that the smaller part relates to the larger one as much as the larger one to the entire length of the segment. The golden ratio inspires at the same time feelings of peace and vitality and therefore is perceived as beautiful. It is believed that the concept of the golden division was introduced into scientific use by Pythagoras, an ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician in the 6th century BC. e. Leonardo da Vinci coined the term "golden section".

    The golden ratio in nature

    And the human body is subject to this law!

    And architecture.

    And painting...

    According to modern concepts, the golden division is an asymmetric symmetry. The best works of art - architecture, music, painting, literature - are built according to the rules of the golden section.

    “Music is terrible when there is no tact or measure in it,” said William Shakespeare. Let's listen to one of the most harmonious composers. Who do you think it will be? (Children's answers) W. A. ​​Mozart!

    How do you think, how does the golden ratio manifest itself in music? We drew a segment of 8 cm on the plane, and the music sounds in time and the segment will be temporary. 8cm = 8 minutes. We will hear the 1st part of Mozart's Symphony No. 40, it lasts 8 minutes. Part 1 - these are two themes, two images, 2 heroes. One of them is excited (sing the main part), the other is refined, somewhat detached (sing). There is a clash between them, the development of images, but the author must come to the approval of the thought of one of the heroes. This return, should it occur at what minute? (on the 5th).

    Watch the video "Fibonacci number. The Golden Ratio".

    So, name the laws of beauty. (Children's answers) Yes, this is harmony, symmetry, rhythm, proportions, composition. They are the basic concepts in nature, and in art, and in science.

    The ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras and his followers claimed that everything is beautiful thanks to the number. They created the doctrine of the harmony of the spheres, arguing that the distances between the planets correspond to the numerical ratios of the musical scale, which determines the integrity and harmony of the Cosmos. And not only the ancients thought so."Even in the smallest musical elements, we feel the manifestation of the same forces that set in motion the most distant stellar nebulae,"- said the composer Paul Hindemith. The composition of our lesson ends ...

    D / C: write a mini-essay at home on the topic “Beauty for me is ...”

    The concept of "beauty", as you know, is abstract. About whether beauty has its own laws, people have been thinking for a very long time. This topic is still debated to this day. But still, are there any natural, unshakable laws of beauty that would be perceived as generally accepted? Or does this concept carry individual harmony? Symmetry or asymmetry? We will try to tell about this and many other things in this material.

    The laws of beauty in the art of the ancient world

    At the beginning of time, at the dawn of human society, both the Egyptians and the Chinese mathematically justified harmony using division and the ratio of segments according to the formula a / b = b / (a ​​+ b), where a is less than b. The Greeks associated harmony with the concepts of “measure” and “mode”, deriving from this the “consent of the discordant” and the principles of organizing music and sounds. In rounded form - division of any value in the ratio of 62% and 38% - the number is limited to 1.62.

    in art and architecture

    Whether beauty has its own laws, we can study on the example of the global history of art. The proportions of many pyramids in ancient Egypt correspond to the rule of the "golden section". This rule was also used in the manufacture of household items, jewelry, bas-reliefs (by the way, despite this, according to many, such proportions are considered excessively elongated).

    Leonardo da Vinci and many other artists consciously used these "divine proportions" and ratios. Modern scientists have established that the entire universe, from the microcosm to the galaxies, in general, corresponds to this law of beauty. Living organisms also have a "golden ratio". This law is universal. The proportion is a kind of standard, a matrix. And deviations from it are rather an exception to the rule, confirming the law (caused, for example, by adaptation to the environment).

    Symmetry and asymmetry

    Whether beauty has its own laws, we can also observe by studying the phenomenon of symmetry. This concept is found in many areas of human activity. Particularly in art and architecture. What is it?

    Translation from Greek - proportionality or immutability. And also - orderliness, proportionality. These are the main characteristics of this concept. In this phenomenon is quite developed, and it can often be observed. A striking example is the wings of a butterfly or the design of a human face. However, it is never complete, absolute. And parts that are similar to each other will not coincide with one hundred percent accuracy.

    In mathematics and geometry, on the contrary, this concept reaches absolute values. So, in geometry, symmetry is the ability of figures to display, which preserves their shape and properties. Roughly speaking, a figure is considered symmetrical if it transforms into itself during a linear transformation.

    Symmetry in art

    The idea of ​​the absoluteness of linear representation permeates the art of ancient Greece. Remember the strictly symmetrical forms of ancient monuments, household items (for example, Greek vases). This phenomenon is most clearly reflected in the ornaments of many peoples of the world. In various eras, the idea of ​​symmetry in images - consciously or unconsciously - was used by many artists and sculptors. The uniformity of repetitions is characteristic even for oral and song creativity, starting from ancient times. Thus, to the question: “Does beauty have its own laws?” you can answer that one of them is symmetry. By the way, the asymmetry in the works of some artists (Picasso, Dali and some others), as an exception to the rule, only emphasizes the effect of the basic law.

    Grade 8 Date__________________ Lesson topic: Does beauty have its own laws Lesson objectives: continue to form the concept of "laws of beauty", find out the meaning of the concept of "proportion", "rhythm"; develop a sense of beauty, a sense of beauty; develop conscious and emotional perception of works of art; educate love for art, aesthetic taste Equipment: textbook, notebook, laptop, projector, screen, presentation, reflection cards Course of the lesson I. Organizational moment Greeting, checking readiness for the lesson II. Checking homework Frontal survey: What is harmony? Give a definition of composition - this is ... What is symmetry, asymmetry? Checking and evaluating the composed compositions III. Presentation of the topic and purpose of the lesson Tell me, please, did we consider all the laws of beauty in the last lesson? (No) What are we going to do today? (Continue to study the laws of beauty) Who can say what is the topic of today's lesson? Slide 1 What should we learn today? Today in the lesson: Slide 2    We will continue our acquaintance with the concept of “beauty” We will find out what proportion, rhythm are We will find out what biorhythms are and with the help of psychological tests we will find out what kind of “birds” (larks, owls, pigeons) we belong to IV. Learning new material. Let's try to find another law of beauty. Slide 3 The construction is again subject to measure, proportion. The proportions of the structure of the human body in Antiquity determined the beauty and proportionality of Greek architecture. A particularly important role in art is played by the golden ratio - the proportion of the golden section, which has been used since antiquity. How many of you know what its meaning is? Slide 4 a: b = b: c If you divide the segment in half, it will seem too frozen, lifeless. If the place of division of the segment is too close to one of its ends, then the impression of imbalance, anxiety will be created. Only the golden ratio inspires at the same time feelings of peace and vitality and therefore is perceived as beautiful. Slide 56. It is believed that the concept of the golden division was introduced into scientific use by Pythagoras, an ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician in the 6th century BC. e. Leonardo da Vinci coined the term "golden section". Shell (Spiral of Archimedes)

    The golden ratio in nature And the human body is subject to this law! And architecture. And painting ... According to modern ideas, the golden division is an asymmetric symmetry. The best works of art - architecture, music, painting, literature - are built according to the rules of the golden section. Watch the video "Fibonacci number. Golden Ratio” Let's try to find one more law of beauty. Slide 7 Repeat after me (clapping a few rhythms). What did we do? Various rhythms were tapped out. Rhythm in art determines the nature of the composition. But rhythm is also a characteristic property of any living organism. Rhythm conveys movement. It is a kind of measure of time. Name what in nature is subject to rhythm (change of day and night, seasons, phases of the moon, etc.) A typical sign of rhythm is a certain pattern in the repetition of phenomena, forms, elements. The musical rhythm has its own characteristics. Slides 89 In a narrow sense, the word "rhythm" means a rhythmic pattern - a sequence of sounds of different duration, which determines the nature of the melody. For example, dotted rhythm is typical for marching,

    energetic music, and the dimensional alternation of even durations - for a lullaby. Each era brings its own musical rhythms associated with human activities. Along with the rhythms of running machines, the sound of wheels of running trains, all kinds of signals, music can also convey the “frozen time” of the cosmos, the Universe, the element of twinkling stars. There are no borders in the world ether. And often it is rhythms that become messengers of cultures. The rhythms of the peoples of Africa, the indigenous peoples of America have become the property of all mankind. Under their influence, the rhythms of classical, modern music became richer. Biorhythms are the condition of its existence. Human biorhythms are a certain cyclicity of processes in a living organism. Human biorhythms greatly affect his performance, reaction rate, strength, metabolism, creativity, cheerfulness, logical, abstract thinking, ability to learn and perceive information, concentration and much more. Human biorhythms are influenced by external natural phenomena, such as the moon, sun, etc., social ones, for example, work schedules, flights, internal ones that are in the head and heart. Practically any person noted the tides of working capacity, their declines and other changes in their condition and degree of activity. Many factors influence this: weather, food, etc. And far from the last role in this is played by human biorhythms. Biorhythms are able to change, adapting to external influences such as time of day, room illumination, etc. Despite the fact that human biorhythms adjust to various factors, this does not mean that the natural daily biorhythm should be neglected. Human biorhythms were formed in the course of evolution and are ideal for him. Failure of natural biorhythms can lead to health problems. For example, people who lead a nocturnal lifestyle are more prone to heart disease, liver problems, as they eat at a time when the body should rest and cleanse itself and sleep when organ activity occurs. In this regard, according to the dynamics of working capacity, all people can be conditionally divided into three categories: "pigeons", "owls", "larks". Slides 1014 Now I suggest you take a test to determine the biological rhythm. This quiz will help you determine which category you fall into. Select one of the answer options available for each question that best characterizes you. Psychological test: Who are you: Owl? Lark? Pigeon? Questions: 1. Do you find it difficult to get up early in the morning: a) yes, almost always; b) sometimes; c) rarely; d) extremely rare. 2. If you had the opportunity to choose what time you would go to bed: a) after 1 o'clock in the morning; b) from 11:30 p.m. to 1:00 a.m.; c) from 22:00 to 23:30; d) until 22:00. 3. What kind of breakfast do you prefer during the first hour after waking up: a) hearty; b) less dense; c) you can limit yourself to a boiled egg or a sandwich; d) a cup of tea or coffee is enough. 4. If you recall your last disagreements at work and at home, then mainly at what time they occurred: a) in the morning; b) in the afternoon. 5. What could you give up more easily: a) morning tea or coffee;

    6. How easily do your eating habits break during holidays or holidays: b) from evening tea a) very easily; b) quite easily; c) difficult; d) remain the same 7. If you have important things to do early in the morning, how much earlier do you go to bed compared to your normal routine: a) more than 2 hours; b) for 1-2 hours; c) less than an hour; d) as usual 8. How accurately can you estimate a period of time equal to a minute? Ask someone to help you with this challenge:. a) less than a minute b) more than a minute. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A 3 3 3 1 2 0 3 0 B 2 2 1 0 0 1 2 2 C 1 1 2 0 D 0 0 0 2 1 3 0 If in total you scored: from 1 to 7 points , you are a LARK. From 8 to 13 points - "DOVE" From 14 to 20 points "OWL". V. Summary of the lesson. Reflection. Slide 15 The great Russian writer and philosopher F.M. Dostoevsky was convinced: "Beauty will save the world." We all strive for beauty, but in order to understand it, you need to know its laws. What laws of beauty did we talk about today at the lesson? But have people always understood beauty in the same way? (Children's answers) We will talk about this in the next lesson. Be sure to read the article in the textbook. And to understand this issue, write a mini-essay at home on the topic “Beauty for me is ...” VI. Homework Slide 16 Page 8385. Write a mini-essay on the topic “Beauty for me is ...”

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