• Congratulations to my daughter for 2 years. Touching congratulations on the birth of a daughter


    Is your child 2 years old? Or a 2 year old child of your friends? Congratulate your child on his birthday by giving him not only an interesting toy or a cute outfit, but also cute good poems.

    The eyes are shining with the sun, words are ringing like a stream, he greets everyone with a smile - after all, today the baby is two!
    Let him always laugh loudly, filling the house with happiness, remaining the happiest child day after day!

    Congratulations to the child for 2 years

    There is a holiday in the heart and in the soul:
    You are two years old already!
    And we all together declare:
    Grow, smarter, step forward
    Eat more and do not get sick!
    On your three year anniversary!

    The eyes are shining with the sun
    Words are ringing like a brook
    He greets everyone with a smile -
    After all, today the baby is two!

    Let him always laugh loudly
    Filling the house with happiness
    The happiest child
    Day after day remains!

    Prettier than a child
    You simply cannot find it in the world!
    Have fun and laugh loudly
    And go ahead boldly!

    Many discoveries await you
    And friends, and magic,
    And goodness and happiness in life,
    After all, you are only two!

    Toys, cake, candy mountain!
    Everyone is clapping their hands!
    You are 2 years old! Hurrah!
    And the day is so good!

    Let it be fun, funny
    Let there be adventure -
    Every desire must
    Come true on your birthday!

    Happy anniversary barely congratulating,
    Remembering candy and cola,
    Congratulations again: you are already 2 ...

    In the meantime, you grow up healthy,
    Kind and smart, my friend,
    Like daisies around!

    This is the law of nature:
    You are growing, you are 2 years old!
    It just delights
    And a little surprising!

    On the day of everyone's fun
    Happy Birthday!
    Make your life enjoyable
    Interesting and entertaining!

    Two years old is a wonderful age
    And there is no better holiday!
    The world is joyful and interesting
    Let him reveal a secret to you

    So that every moment of life
    I was happy and bright!
    Grow up, smile, baby
    I wish you health and warmth!

    Congratulations to the child for 2 years

    One plus one makes two
    You grow by leaps and bounds!
    You play well, you know the words
    Especially necessary "myself"!
    Grow, healthier, good and smarter,
    May there be many friends next to you!

    Why is there fun around.
    Songs, dances, laughter and jokes?
    Because it's birthday
    Have a wonderful baby!

    You're older now, older
    As many as two - not a year!
    Grow up baby and on and on
    In happiness, joy, care!

    There is a holiday in the heart and in the soul:
    You are two years old already!
    And we all together declare:
    Congratulations on the "huge" date!

    Grow, smarter, step forward
    Eat more and do not get sick!
    We are waiting - you will call us in a year
    On your three year anniversary!

    You have grown noticeably, baby!
    Already serious, you know something.
    And only today you are awake ...
    You accept poetry and gifts.

    Two years - although your term is short,
    But you already understood a little
    Already at least something, but I learned
    And he touched all of us with joy ...

    Congratulations to the girl for 2 years

    Toys, balls, fun,
    Sweets in a small palm.
    Today is a holiday: Birthday,
    Two years old baby.

    What can I wish you, kitten?
    In such a big and bright hour,
    You are a wonderful child
    There is no girl more beautiful for us.

    Let these eyes laugh
    The face shines with happiness
    Our angel, a girl from a fairy tale,
    Own best holiday notes.

    Two years old is a wonderful age
    And there is no better holiday!
    The world is joyful and interesting
    Let him reveal a secret to you

    So that every moment of life
    I was happy and bright!
    Grow up, smile, baby
    I wish you health and warmth!

    Congratulations to a girl for 2 years - a comic rhyme

    Here's what happened recently -
    Mom suddenly left the room.
    What's wrong with that? Out and the point.
    But ... my daughter remained in the room.
    I didn't waste time, baby
    She threw off the books from the lower shelves,
    Climbing on a chair, pulling up a little,
    a doll's spoon climbs into a flower pot
    Pupsika feeds with malasha porridge -
    Our girl turned two years old.

    Congratulations to my daughter for 2 years

    Our daughter is 2 years old,
    From behind the chair is barely visible
    But fine weather
    She does it in the house.

    The center of everyone's attention,
    Admiration and worries,
    This gentle creature
    It grows in front of everyone.

    Loves to listen to a fairy tale at night,
    After he sleeps almost all night,
    Loves songs, loves affection -
    Here is such a daughter!

    So that you are always healthy
    Delighting father and mother;
    I hope everyone is ready
    Raise a toast to my daughter.

    There is no girl more charming
    There is no star clearer
    We are dear to our daughter
    We wish you bright days.

    Today she is already two years old,
    Have fun from the heart
    And wish you a happy birthday,
    We are in a hurry for the dear crumbs.

    Our daughter has grown up
    She is already two years old
    How lovely a little mermaid
    Like a kind fairy.
    Like a princess from a fairy tale
    She is pretty.
    We kiss her cheeks
    Like scarlet flowers.
    And congratulate from the bottom of my heart
    Happy birthday we are in a hurry!

    Happy Birthday 2 years (boy, girl)

    Guests came to the house today,
    I sincerely congratulate you.
    Two years of life is an anniversary
    Pour juice into mugs soon

    And even though the years are still few,
    And life is just the beginning.
    May happiness await you on the way
    You please everyone, grow faster.

    Was just recently a year old -
    You are growing day by day!
    Two turned today -
    Happy Birthday to You!

    Let them shine in the clear sky
    Sun's bright rays
    And come true, like in a fairy tale,
    All your desires!

    Congratulations to my daughter for 2 years

    I love my daughter
    I'll give her a fairy tale
    Happy birthday, congratulations
    Your sweet little one.

    May always, for my daughter,
    Flowers bloom
    The stars in the sky are burning
    Happiness is promised to my daughter.

    She is two years old already,
    And a wave of warmth in my soul
    Everything overflows me
    Daughter wishes kindness!

    Biennial birthday
    I wish you joy and songs
    And life is sweet as jam
    Day by day more and more interesting.

    Good health, fun;
    Good books and girlfriends,
    Sweets, toys, carousels -
    Everything you need in life!

    Where is your hero of the occasion?
    From under the table you can hardly see
    But he is in charge today -
    This glorious boy,
    More important than mom and father,
    The young man looks serious.
    Today he has as many as TWO,
    And he's determined to celebrate
    Your holiday the way it should -
    Pour in the lemonade!

    Yes ... Happy anniversary barely congratulating,
    Remembering candy and cola,
    Congratulations again: you are already two ...
    So, you won't notice, and - to school!

    In the meantime, you grow up healthy,
    Kind and smart, my friend,
    To bloom smiles on their faces
    Like daisies around!

    Who is two years old?
    To whom today are round dances,
    Toys circle endlessly
    And with whom are all the stars in the world friends?

    Of course to our son,
    Funny sweet bell
    A holiday came to him today,
    The same mischievous prankster!

    He has a cake and candles today,
    May the joy be endless
    Balls, gifts, loaf,
    And congratulations, over the edge!

    Congratulations to the boy for 2 years

    You are two years old! Hurrah!
    Stretch out your palms to us,
    It's time for us to celebrate your holiday
    Our sweet and adorable baby.

    Oh, how did you grow up
    And you already know how
    You always keep your nose in the wind
    You are not shy in front of an obstacle.

    Let there be a bright star from the sky
    Your path illuminates all the time
    And not a step away,
    It fulfills your desires.

    The kid is already two years old.

    He recovered, grew up.

    A bunny galloped up from the forest

    and brought a present.

    A sparrow flew through the window

    chirped congratulations:

    Chick-chirp! Grow faster!

    Happy Birthday!

    Why is there fun around.

    Songs, dances, laughter and jokes?

    Because it's birthday

    Have a wonderful baby!

    You're older now, older

    As many as two - not a year!

    In happiness, joy, care!

    Congratulations to the child for 2 years on the site ALL ABOUT CHILDREN

    Happy Birthday 2 Years on the site title \u003d "(! LANG: Happy Birthday 2 Years" href="http://www.bezdatu.ru/2-goda.html" target="_blank">bezdatu.ru - Ни дня без даты!!}

    Congratulations to 2 years old on the site title \u003d "(! LANG: CONGRATULATIONS. 2 YEARS OLD" href="http://www.tostik.ru/14-pozdravleniya-s-dnem-rozhdeniya/2-godika?page=1" target="_blank">Поздравления и тосты!} (Only the best toasts and congratulations selected by the author of the site personally!)


    Happy birthday dad mom
    Your daughter has become an adult -
    She is two years old - no joke.
    Not a baby, not a baby.

    We see everything as grown up
    Your pride and beauty.
    Let it grow up and grow wiser
    Let dad cherish his daughter.

    Let mom indulge with affection -
    With a gentle word good fairy tale.
    May the family prosper
    Growing your sun.

    Happy birthday to the little and wonderful princess, on her second year of life. I wish you a happy fate, kind smiles and gentle words. I wish my mother's tenderness and father's care, fun fun and endless curiosity in knowing the world.

    Your baby is two years old today! Let her grow up as a healthy and happy girl! I wish that every moment would give her only positive emotions, pleasant surprises and new discoveries! Let the smile of the little princess make you happy every day!

    Today the doll is two years old,
    The baby is growing by the hour.
    She is beautiful by nature
    Smart beyond her years.

    We wish you a lot of surprise
    We are always pleasant to her.
    And so that every moment
    The world learned new places.

    We wish to live in a good fairy tale,
    Where dreams come true.
    And like a favorite coloring book,
    Make your days bright.

    Immunity to be strong
    We always wish to be healthy.
    And an angel to keep her
    Happy birthday to the princess.

    You are 2 years old, baby!
    And you are such a rascal
    Such a naughty baby
    A bit businesslike already!

    Be the cutest like a bird.
    Let your pigtails grow
    Eyes shine with joy
    Girl, baby golden!

    Two years old for your baby
    Favorite daughter in the family.
    We wish you, as in a fairy tale book
    Walk on the vast land!

    Let everything obey my daughter
    Let the clever, cute grow.
    We wish you happiness, health
    Brought a new year of life!

    Smiles, gifts, fun,
    Let childhood indulge in everything.
    The whole world is a surprise for her
    Let her be comfortable in it!

    For 2 years now
    The baby is turning.
    May her desires
    As in a fairy tale they are fulfilled.

    Let it grow up healthy
    Eyes shine with joy
    Pleases from year to year,
    She's growing big as a clever girl!

    Did not have time to look back,
    How 2 years have flown by!
    Here is your birthday,
    Our dear angel!

    You grow, our princess,
    Be sweeter and more beautiful than everyone!
    And today you sparkle
    And receive gifts!

    Little girl, fairy from a fairy tale,
    Pink cheeks, mischievous eyes,
    Sweetheart accepts congratulations,
    On your best holiday - on your birthday!

    Parents have been happy for two years now,
    Their daughter pleases them even in bad weather.
    Grow up, baby, just don't hurt
    Happiness to you, dear, and for the games of friends.

    Little Thumbelina, dear, dear,
    Be always good, glorious like that.
    May all your wishes come true easily
    And love and prosperity to your parents!

    Honey, congratulations on your 2nd birthday! I wish you to be healthy, cheerful, active and inquisitive. Let life be like fairy tale, in which you will be a real princess! Let the guardian angel protect you, and in the future only the brightest, most beautiful and positive awaits you!

    What could be more beautiful than the birth of a child. At first, the parents plan it for a long time, then they await with trepidation when it will be born in the womb. And the feeling that you became a parent cannot be conveyed with anything. Further, only better - choosing a name, planning a children's room. And after his birth, you can no longer think about anything else. The child becomes the most important person in life. Unfortunately for the parents, they grow up very quickly. And so I wanted them to stay as small and carefree for a longer time. Especially if it's a girl.

    A year passes, two passes. The time is coming when the second birthday is approaching. And on this day, you need to congratulate not only the birthday person. Parents also need attention and warm words that will let them know that they are not trying in vain. It is especially important to hear beautiful words from those people who are really dear and know what mom and dad had to go through. These sleepless nights, tantrums, quarrels, temporary despair. All this, of course, is present in the moment of a child's formation. Mention this to your parents, pointing out that the hardest part is over. Now my daughter understands you, and you understand her too.

    Parents should be caring and affectionate. or daughters of 2 years brought up in such a family, must necessarily have a mention of this. All subsequent life, character, successes and failures of the child entirely depend on how the parents will treat him. Therefore, love your daughter, and she will repay you in kind.

    Toys, balls, fun,
    Sweets in a small palm.
    Today is a holiday: Birthday,
    Two years old baby.
    What can I wish you, kitten?
    In such a big and bright hour,
    You are a wonderful child
    There is no girl more beautiful for us.
    Let these eyes laugh
    The face shines with happiness
    Our angel, a girl from a fairy tale,
    Celebrates her best holiday.

    Baby girl is growing up fast
    She pleases her parents with a ringing laugh.
    You look into her eyes - joy blooms,
    Confidently speaks words with success!

    Girl 2 years old - the holiday is coming,
    Happy Birthday to her.
    Let the baby girl catch happiness
    Congratulations, dear, and accept from us!

    Two years old for your baby, she has already become big -
    She flips through books with pictures, and, of course, is very smart.
    Her wonderful voice for parents warms hearts,
    And the tenderness of the lovely embrace will warm both mother and father.

    I congratulate parents, I want to wish you on a holiday,
    So that, embracing their daughter, they strive to teach everything.
    So that your sun shines, and so that it grows beautiful,
    So that everything in life is simple for her, so that she brings joy!

    What a wonderful day you have
    No, it's not time for you to go to first grade
    And not even five more
    And by the time you are three, you will grow for a whole year.
    Believe me, your adorable age,
    Two years is a very wonderful century.
    Gifts, dancing, entertainment,
    Everything for the baby on her birthday!

    Another lovely birthday
    This is the second time you're celebrating your daughter!
    Congratulations today,
    Let everything come true, what you dream about!
    Let the baby grow smart and obedient,
    Let him always live in affection and love,
    And let her have everything that is needed,
    So that she can always give everything in her life!

    2-year-old (name) on her birthday
    I wish you joy and songs
    And life is sweet as jam
    Day by day more and more interesting.
    Good health, fun;
    Good books and girlfriends,
    Sweets, toys, carousels -
    Everything you need in life!

    My precious daughter
    I congratulate you with all my heart!
    Health, love and luck
    With all my heart I wish you!
    Fun, play and success
    May life be overflowing
    When the house is noisy with laughter
    There is no happier moment for us.
    Live a long, long time, dear!
    Dad and I love you very much.
    Congratulations on your second birthday
    Let the whole life be cloudless!

    Mom's and Dad's princess!
    Swallow, kitten, light in the window!
    You live carelessly and wonderfully
    Like a fairy in a fairyland!
    Happy birthday, daughter, dear!
    Always be a creation of beauty!
    What to give you, alas, we do not know,
    And for us the best gift is you!

    My precious daughter
    I congratulate you with all my heart!
    Health, love and luck
    With all my heart I wish you!
    Fun, play and success
    May life be overflowing
    When the house is noisy with laughter
    There is no happier moment for us.
    Live a long, long time, dear!
    Dad and I love you very much.
    Congratulations on your second birthday
    Let the whole life be cloudless!

    Two-year-old daughter on her birthday
    I wish you joy and songs
    And life is sweet as jam
    Day by day more and more interesting.
    Good health, fun;
    Good books and girlfriends,
    Sweets, toys, carousels -
    Everything you need in life!

    Baby daughter is growing up
    Like a flower on a sprout
    Blooms without a doubt
    Daughter-joy, happy birthday!
    May desires, dreams,
    Come true without fuss
    Happiness awaits you great
    Joy, sea of \u200b\u200bdiscoveries!

    Happy birthday, daughter, dear,
    Beloved by all of us!
    Smile, dance, have fun
    And fight for happiness all the time!
    Queen, princess, queen!
    Beauty golden firebird!
    Be the same lovely baby
    In a gray world with the brightest flash!

    And not a lot, and not a little,
    Exactly two years old!
    Birthday girl today
    Tiny daughter!
    May she grow beautiful
    Strong, kind and cheerful
    Picture girl.
    Let them walk top and top
    Legs along the path
    Let them fall in love later
    Petka and Earrings!

    Most recently from the hospital
    We were brought home with you.
    Leafing through children's albums:
    How my child has matured!
    Strives for the goal and will achieve
    She is benevolent, intelligent.
    Just like dad, he doesn't give up
    As a mother, she is feminine!
    Today, daughter, is a special day:
    On your birthday to wish
    We want you so capable
    Get a star of your dreams!

    Today is a holiday: Birthday,
    Two years old baby.
    What can I wish you, kitten?
    In such a big and bright hour,
    You are a wonderful child
    There is no girl more beautiful for us.
    Let these eyes laugh
    The face shines with happiness
    Our angel, a girl from a fairy tale,
    Celebrates her best holiday.
    What a wonderful day you have
    No, it's not time for you to go to first grade
    And not even five more
    And by the time you are three, you will grow for a whole year.
    Two for you today, baby
    Celebrate the joyful holiday!

    Congratulations for your beloved daughter for 2 years

    Our daughter is two years old
    From behind the chair is barely visible
    But fine weather
    She does it in the house.
    The center of everyone's attention,
    Admiration and worries,
    This gentle creature
    It grows in front of everyone.
    Loves to listen to a fairy tale at night,
    After he sleeps almost all night,
    Loves songs, loves affection -
    What a daughter we have!
    So that you are always healthy
    Delighting father and mother;
    I hope everyone is ready
    Raise a toast to my daughter!

    Today is a holiday - a couple of years to you,
    Perhaps it is very little
    But you believe that we are in destiny
    You missed you terribly!
    Baby know, dad and I live
    You alone: \u200b\u200bbreath and smile,
    Thank you for coming to our world, to our home,
    Our princess, bird, bunny, fish.
    May your childhood be without worries
    (We will make an effort to this),
    May the Lord save you
    Do not let misfortunes bother you.

    Our daughter is disobedient -
    Everyone does not sleep until one in the morning,
    And then, how not to try
    In the morning daughters do not get up.
    But today our Nastya
    Everything is full of warmth and happiness;
    Away from anxiety, away from doubt
    Our daughter's birthday!
    This evening with dad, with mom,
    We will be the most beautiful;
    We will all eat the cake together,
    We will listen to congratulations.
    Congratulations, wishes,
    So that all dreams come true
    To live for her hundreds of years
    No loss, no tears, no troubles.
    We wish her good luck
    In the summer, relax in the country;
    Be healthy and loved
    Kind, wise and beautiful!

    There is no girl more charming
    There is no star clearer
    We are dear to our daughter
    We wish you bright days.
    Today she is already two years old,
    Have fun from the heart
    And wish you a happy birthday,
    We are in a hurry for the dear baby.
    Please further mom and dad,
    Grow up, run forward
    Always be happy yourself
    All victories are ahead!

    Did not have time to look back,
    How 2 years have flown by!
    Here is your birthday,
    Our dear angel!
    You grow, our princess,
    Be sweeter and more beautiful than everyone!
    And today you sparkle
    And receive gifts!

    May all worries and doubts
    They will leave your path forever
    Let in bright holiday birthday
    The smile will not leave the face.
    Be my daughter always happy
    Don't let yourself be sad
    Be more beautiful than everyone and everyone, beloved
    Be able to live with dignity, brightly!
    Daughter! Sweet blood!
    You, like an angel, are good!
    You are like a doll in a new dress
    So beautiful and fresh!
    Happy Birthday dear!
    May your dreams come true!
    Among all your girlfriends
    You are the beauty queen!

    Beautiful congratulations for a 2 year old daughter

    You are exactly two today.
    Even though you barely speak
    We are in a hurry to congratulate everyone.
    May success await you in life.
    Our daughter is two years old
    Loves songs, loves affection -
    Celebrate the joyful holiday!
    The eyes are shining with the sun
    Words are ringing like a brook
    He greets everyone with a smile -
    After all, today the baby is two!
    Let him always laugh loudly
    Filling the house with happiness
    The happiest child
    Day after day remains!

    To our little baby
    We want to wish -
    Be a lovely girl
    And dream about the best.
    To our lovely baby
    Let it be on your birthday
    Sweet songs are pouring
    To caress her ears!

    Today our doll
    2 years old!
    May all her desires
    Always, always come true.
    The world will be full of joy
    Miracles and beauty.
    Let it be easy
    Cherished dreams.
    Fun and enthusiasm
    May it please us all.
    And in life without fail
    Let her be successful.

    Today you are exactly two
    You have become an adult baby
    And mom's nerves more than once,
    I checked for strength
    Do you like new outfits
    Hairstyles, nail polish and shadows,
    And changeable at times
    There is a mood
    Be happy, darling
    My coquette,
    Know that parents are crazy
    Long ago from you!

    Happy birthday dad mom
    Your daughter has become an adult -
    She is two years old - no joke.
    Not a baby, not a baby.
    We see everything as grown up
    Your pride and beauty.
    Let it grow up and grow wiser
    Let dad cherish his daughter.
    Let mom indulge with affection -
    A gentle word, a kind fairy tale.
    May the family prosper
    Growing your sun.

    » Happy birthday greetings to daughter 2 years old

    Happy birthday greetings to 2 years old girl

    Happy birthday dad mom
    Your daughter has become an adult -
    She is two years old - no joke.
    Not a baby, not a baby.
    We see everything as grown up
    Your pride and beauty.
    Let it grow up and grow wiser
    Let dad cherish his daughter.
    Let mom indulge with affection -
    A gentle word, a kind fairy tale.
    May the family prosper
    Growing your sun.

    Happy birthday to the little and wonderful princess, on her second year of life. I wish you a happy fate, kind smiles and gentle words. I wish my mother's tenderness and father's care, fun fun and endless curiosity in knowing the world.

    You are 2 years old, baby!
    And you are such a rascal
    Such a naughty baby
    A bit businesslike already!
    Be the cutest like a bird.
    Let your pigtails grow
    Eyes shine with joy
    Girl, baby golden!

    Two years old today for our baby -
    Growing up, growing up little by little.
    And runs, and the minx runs,
    Such a fidget bouncing!
    Happy birthday to you.
    We wish you smiles and joy,
    Be healthy, skillful and obedient,
    Like a rose, beautiful and blooming!
    Help for mom and dad,
    Learn to clean, wash and cook.
    Be an affectionate and gentle girl
    To be cheerful, to laugh very loudly!

    Today our doll
    2 years old!
    May all her desires
    Always, always come true.
    The world will be full of joy
    Miracles and beauty.
    Let it be easy
    Cherished dreams.
    Fun and enthusiasm
    May it please us all.
    And in life without fail
    Let her be successful.

    Your baby is two years old today
    And I want to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.
    I wish her good and good luck.
    And I didn't lose faith in the dream.
    So that she enjoyed her childhood,
    To grow obedient, good.
    To make dreams and desires come true,
    So that she never be sad!

    Firstly, on this wonderful day, you need to congratulate the parents who managed to give birth to such an indescribable miracle. You have tried! I wish your girl to grow up healthy and wise. So that she learns about love and kindness by looking at her wonderful mom and dad. Happy birthday, dear birthday girl!

    Beautiful girl
    Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts.
    2 years old - it's cool!
    Kids are walking.
    Eyes sparkled
    There are many, many gifts.
    Happy birthday princess!
    And a fabulous road.
    Smile often
    Grow up and do not hurt
    Stay active.
    And may you be lucky!

    Happy Birthday Baby,
    Be smart and simple
    A kind, affectionate girl,
    With unearthly beauty
    Be adorable and gorgeous
    Sweet, bright and wonderful,
    Please everyone with your smile
    Sincere and mischievous!

    Happy second year to the little princess. I wish you beautiful platyushes and delicious sweets, many chocolates and small victories, daily joy and great happiness, more sweets in life and protection from bad weather.

    Happy birthday poems 2 years for parents of a daughter / son

    You parents today
    I congratulate you,
    2 years old
    To the prankster kid.
    Let your child grow
    It makes you happy every day
    Happiness is in your house
    Let it shine like a rainbow.
    Let your love become
    Guardian angel
    Happy birthday to you
    I wish you, parents.

    Two years of your happiness
    Today is being fulfilled,
    And your baby, your baby
    He smiles so sweetly
    Parents, we wish you
    More strength, patience,
    For joy, let the baby grow
    He is the best, without a doubt!

    You are happy parents
    Already 2 years old baby!
    This holiday is delightful
    I hasten to congratulate you!
    Let the honey grow healthy
    The huge world will learn
    Loves dad and mom
    And it just goes to success!

    Quite big today
    Your beloved child.
    You give your love
    Him for a long time, from the cradle.
    Two years old
    To my own baby.
    I wish you great happiness,
    I hasten to congratulate you soon!

    I congratulate you, happy parents, on the 2nd birthday of your wonderful child. I wish you a friendly and strong family, prosperity in the house and understanding, happy Holidays and have a wonderful time together. Let the child be your bright ray of light on the way, great hope and real pride.

    Two years, today, your child,
    This wonderful, sweet look.
    We wish you happiness: the child and you,
    And your future babies!
    Your family - great love,
    In my soul, let the nightingales always sing
    Always smile to your beloved child
    Difficulties of life - do not give in!

    Mom and Dad are very happy
    Party in the house, noise and laughter,
    The kid is already 2 years old,
    He conquered everyone for a long time.
    Will be the darling of fate
    May the child be cute
    Will become pride for you,
    She believes in herself.
    I wish you health
    The whole family is beautiful
    To be friends, mom, dad,
    With the baby, you are cool.

    For two years now, baby,
    Time flies so fast.
    I wish mom and dad
    Remember every glorious moment.
    May the baby be healthy
    Gives you a promise of goodness.
    Do not skimp on hugs
    Enough in the heart, let the warmth.

    The baby is already two years old
    My congratulations.
    May it grow healthy
    And I wish you patience.
    Let it be smart and glorious
    And handsome, just like mom.
    Well, strong and reliable,
    Brave, loyal, just like dad.

    Already two years old for your child,
    We are very glad to congratulate you on this!
    Let the baby be lucky in everything
    Whatever he starts doing:
    Drawing, dancing and sports -
    He will find recognition in everything!
    Only the main thing is health,
    And, of course, peace in your family!
    Give your child love
    So that everyone is happier on earth!

    Happy birthday greetings to parents

    Your family has a holiday today -
    The princess grew up quickly
    And she became a real lady
    Although small so far.
    The flower is affectionate and gentle
    May he live in happiness and love.
    Good will be with her, but good luck,
    Let your daughter wait for life.

    Happy birthday daughter
    Our congratulations.
    Let her grow beautiful
    All for a feast for the eyes,
    Clever, assistant,
    In old age, a support.
    Let it be happy
    Strong and healthy.
    Well, you, parents,
    Happy days
    Long years and pride
    For the success of my daughter.

    Happy birthday to your daughter! We wish her good health, a lot of joy in life and great achievements. May she always illuminate your life with bright happiness and give an endless number of joyful days to all close people! Let only goodness and beauty surround her and protect her from any misfortunes.

    I hasten to congratulate you on the fact that once
    The family has a joy for mom,
    For dad, delight in the family appeared -
    And the world changed overnight.
    Wonder girl, fairy tale girl ...
    Laughter and smiles, tenderness and affection.
    Her birthday is a holiday for you,
    And I want to wish you at this hour:
    May there be no more beautiful girl in the world
    May all your best develop in it,
    May she boldly walk through life,
    Let happiness do not know its limits.

    Your daughter has grown older
    More amazing and more beautiful.
    Let it grow even sweeter
    Healthier and kinder.
    Happy Birthday.
    All wishes of fulfillment
    Best of all
    Let a lot be given.
    Smiled so that more often
    Life seemed to be sweeter.
    Every moment was beautiful
    Brought adventures.

    Daughter's birthday -
    A holiday for parents.
    You ask today
    Guardian angel
    So that he takes care of his daughter
    From trouble, bad weather
    And pray to God
    For her, you are happiness.
    The way of the parents' word
    Heaven will hear
    May fate be happy
    Will be given from above.
    It will be bright, even
    May her road
    To make you always her
    They were waiting at the doorstep.

    By your flower
    Native angel
    Birthday today -
    Merry moment!
    We wish her happiness
    Do not be upset forever
    To be a beautiful girl
    Playful, kind, sweet!

    On this day so beautiful
    Happiness has appeared to you forever -
    Your daughter was born
    Another life has begun.
    Happy birthday baby!
    Let it not be a playful
    Will be smart and beautiful
    Charming and sweet.
    So that she grows healthy
    And, like a rose, it blossomed.
    I respected mom and dad,
    I never forgot!

    My daughter has a birthday!
    We are in a hurry to congratulate you.
    You, parents, luck
    We wish you from the bottom of our hearts!
    Happiness, joy of our children -
    This is the main thing for us.
    Your daughter - happy birthday,
    Happy birthday girl - you!

    For parents today
    The best day of the year
    Happy birthday to your daughter
    Guests will come to congratulate.
    Generous, affectionate and kind
    Let fate be to my daughter.
    May your love go through life
    She always walks next to her.
    Together with my daughter, congratulate
    I want you today
    And I wish you happy
    Your whole family was there.

    Parents today
    I send congratulations
    On their happy holiday -
    Daughter's birthday.
    May the happy one grow
    Pleases with health
    Surrounded by warmth
    Caress and love.
    Her good fate
    Will be your reward
    Except for the happiness of the daughter
    You don't need another.

    Happy birthday greetings to daughter from mom, dad

    Happy birthday to my daughter
    We want to wish
    Good health,
    Joy and strength.
    Let my daughter not know
    No grievances, no troubles.
    Life is happy
    For many, many years.
    May love be mutual
    Will last forever.
    There will be a strong one nearby
    Strong hand.
    You are our treasure
    Pride and love.
    Happy birthday daughter
    We are always with you!

    My girl, my dear daughter.
    Happy birthday to you
    Congratulations today.
    May the sky be clear
    And the sun is shining brightly
    May fate be generous
    Will be for gifts.
    I wish you bright days
    And a night of good dreams
    Let it be a talisman
    To you my love.

    Daughter, happy birthday. No matter how much you perform, you still always remain small for me and the same beloved and dear. I want to wish you all the very best: health, beauty, luck, wisdom, and happiness. Although the list is endless. I also really want you to achieve all your goals, and all your dreams come true. Happy Holidays!

    Happy Birthday, sunny.
    Happy birthday, daughter.
    So it grew up big
    From a warm lump.
    So playful, fun
    And you look with cunning,
    Rose bright bloomed
    Picture girl.
    And I hasten to wish
    Sunny happiness
    So that you never know
    The bitterness of bad weather.
    So that you are always lucky
    In life and in study,
    So that, in spite of difficulties,
    Mountains conquered.
    I want to wish flowers -
    A lot and brighter
    The warmest, tender words
    Good luck.
    And let your smile
    The cloud will not touch.
    Happy birthday, daughter.
    Happy Birthday Sun.

    Congratulations on your birthday
    And I look at you with admiration
    I love you, dear daughter,
    And I pray that you are happy.
    May your health only grow stronger
    Beauty will never fade
    In personal life, everything will go smoothly,
    The house will always be full of prosperity.
    Never be sad, never sad
    Don't be upset in vain
    Have fun, travel, love
    Live for a very long time.

    My dear daughter,
    Happy Birthday to You!
    Shine with a clear sun
    Expect only joy from life!
    You will be happy, I know
    I only wish you well
    Many smiles and warmth
    So that you smell and bloom,
    May luck await you all around
    And everything that means a lot in life:
    Love, health, money, friendship,
    All that you really need!

    Our young princess
    Grew up a little more
    Charming, lovely -
    It blossomed like a flower.
    Happy birthday congratulations
    And we wish that always
    You were surrounded in life
    Tenderness, affection, kindness.
    May fate always bring
    Only joyful days
    Let it be executed simply
    All your desires.
    Let the sun shine brightly
    Over your head
    And illuminates with love
    Peace in your family is dear.

    Beloved daughter,
    My little angel.
    Beloved happiness
    I live with you.
    And today is a festive
    Your birthday
    I wish you happiness
    Always be yourself.
    Let dreams come true,
    Things are going well.
    Be healthy girl
    My dearest.

    Today you are like a ray of sunshine
    After all, it's your birthday.
    I wish you, daughter,
    Happier to be day by day!
    You are worthy of everything in the world:
    I want to wish you
    Wealth, joy, success.
    And so as not to dare to lose heart!
    There is no better you in the world,
    And you always remember this.
    I wish you pure love
    Let the trouble pass you.
    I want that, my dear,






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    Happy Birthday to You!












    Daughter's birthday -






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