• After 3, it's too late. Masara Ibuka - after three it is too late. Motor abilities also need training


    Each mother wants to see his child with intelligent and creative, open and confident. But, unfortunately, not every know how to contribute to the careful development of the intellect of his baby.

    The book Masara Ibuki "After three is already late" talks about the need and importance of the early development of children. After all, the first three years of life is a unique period in the formation of the child's intellectual abilities when every day can become an important stage Stormy and comprehensive growth.

    This book turned my life. She helped correctly and consciously approach the development of my own children. And I have not met a single mother who, after reading this book, would not penetrate the idea of \u200b\u200bearly development. We are confident that now there will be more such moms and dads.

    Initiating the reprint of the book Masar Ibuki, we want to deliver the parents of young children with pleasure from her reading. And even greater pleasure they will receive from the future success of their kids. We really want more smart children and happy parents in our country.

    Evgenia Beloneoshchenko,

    founder and soul of the company "Babi Club"

    Masaru Ibuka.

    Kindergarten IS Too Late!

    Masara Ibuka

    After three too late

    Translation from English N. A. Pernova

    Studio Publishing Artemia Lebedev

    Entry to the English publication

    If for the kindness and benevolence, with which this book is written, you will feel and the importance of what it tells about, then it may, together with other similar books, it will make one of the greatest and kind revolutions in the world in your ideas. And I sincerely wish this goal to be achieved.

    Imagine a revolution that will bring the most wonderful changes, but will cost without bloodshed and torment, without hatred and hunger, without death and destruction.

    This very kind of revolutions have only two enemy. The first is encouraging traditions, the second is the existing position of things. It is not necessary that the rooted traditions are crashed into smithereens and ancient prejudices disappeared from the face of the earth. Do not destroy what can still bring at least some benefit. But the fact that today seems terrible, let it gradually disappear as unnecessary.

    The theory of Masar Ibuki makes it possible to destroy such realities as ignorance, illiteracy, insecurity, and who knows maybe bring, in turn, reducing poverty, hatred and crimes.

    Masar Ibuki does not give these promises, but the insightful reader will have all the time before his perspective before his eyes. At least such thoughts were born in me while I read this book.

    This surprisingly good book does not make stunning statements. The author simply assumes that small children have the ability to learn anything.

    He believes that what they absorb without any effort in two, three or four years, in the future is given to them with difficulty or is not given at all. In his opinion, the fact that adults are working with difficulty, children learn playing. The fact that adults are absorbed with the speed of snail, children are given almost instantly. He says that adults are sometimes lazy to learn, while children are always ready to learn. And he approves it unobtrusively and tactfully. His book is simple, straight and crystal clear.

    According to the author, one of the most difficult classes for a person is to study foreign languages, learning reading and playing a violin or piano. Such adult skills are painted with difficulty, and for children is an almost unconscious effort. And my life is a vivid confirmation of this. Although I tried to learn a whole dozen of foreign languages, because I worked as a teacher on all continents, teaching children from both the most privileged sections of society and from the lowest, I truly know only my native language. I love music, but I do not know how to play any musical instrument, I can not even remember the melody.

    So that our kids, grow up, freely spoke in several languages, knee how to swim, ride the ride, write with oil, play on the violin - and all this is at a high professional level - you need to love (what we do), respected (what we We are rarely done) and provided at their disposal all that we would like to teach them.

    It is not difficult to imagine how much the world will be richer, healthier, safer, if all children know languages, art, science bases before adolescent age achieved, to then use subsequent years to study philosophy, ethics, linguistics, religion, as well as art, Science and so on on a more advanced level.

    It is not difficult to imagine how the world would be if the great desire of children did not go to toys and entertainment, but encouraged and developed. It is not difficult to imagine how much the world would be, if the hunger of knowledge of a three-year-old child was satisfied not only by Mickey Mouse and the circus, but also works by Michelangelo, Mana, Rembrandt, Renoara, Leonardo da Vinci. After all small child It has an infinite desire to learn everything he does not know, and he does not have the slightest idea that he is bad and what is good.

    What are our foundations to trust the advice of Masar Ibuki? What does speaks in his favor?

    1. He is not a specialist in the theory of education, therefore, does not know what it is possible, but what is impossible: a necessary condition for committing a significant breakthrough in a well-established area.

    2. He is definitely a genius. Starting its activities in 1947, when his country was devastated, he was with three young companions and 700 dollars in his pocket founded the firm that Sony called. He was one of those pioneers who raised Japan from Ruins and despair to the level of the world leader.

    3. He not only says he does. As an acting director of the Association of Early Development and the Director of the Organization "Training Talents" in Matsumoto, he currently makes it possible to study thousands of Japanese children for the program that described in this book. Masara Ibuk offers to change not the content, but a way to teach a child.

    Does all this or are it pink dreams? Both. And I witness. I saw the newborn children of spouses Timmerman float in Australia. I heard four-year Japanese kids spoke English with Dr. Honda. I saw very small kids performed complex gymnastic exercises under the guidance of Jenkins in the United States. I saw how three-year-old children played on a violin and on a piano with Dr. Suzuki in Matsumoto. I saw a three-year-old child who read in three languages \u200b\u200bunder the leadership of Dr. Versa in Brazil. I have seen two-year children from Siusz ride on adult horses in Dakota. I received thousands of letters from moms from all over the world with a request to explain to them those wonders that occur with their children when they are taught to read on my book.

    I think the proposed book is one of the most important books ever written. And I think she should read all parents living on Earth.

    Glen Doman,

    director of the Development Institute

    potential human capabilities

    Philadelphia, USA

    Preface of the author

    Since ancient times it is believed that outstanding talent is primarily heredity, nature whims. When we are told that Mozart gave his first concert at the age of three years or that John Stewart Mill read the classical Latin literature at the same age, the majority reacts simply: "Of course, they are genius."

    However, detailed analysis early years Life and Mozart, and Milla says that they were strictly brought up fathers who wanted to make their children outstanding. I assume that neither Mozart nor Mill was born by geniuses, their talent developed as much as possible due to the fact that they were created from early childhood favorable conditions and gave excellent education.

    Conversely, if the newborn is brought up in an environment, initially alien to its nature, he has no chance of developing completely in the future. The most vivid example is the story of the "Wolf Girls", Amala and Camala found in the 1920s in the cave south-west of Calcutta (India) by a missionary and his wife. They put every effort to return to children, pupil wolves, human appearance, but every effort turned out to be in vain. It is customary to be taken for granted that a child born by man is a man, and the young wolf is a wolf. However, these girls and in human conditions continued to show wolf habits. It turns out that education and the environment in which the baby gets immediately after birth, most likely determines who he will become - a man or wolf!

    Reflecting on these examples, I am increasingly thinking about how enormous influence on the newborn has education and the environment.

    This problem has gained the greatest value not only for individual children, but also for the health and happiness of all mankind. Therefore, in 1969, I was engaged in the creation of the Japanese Early Development Association organization. Our and foreign scientists gathered to study in experimental classes, to analyze and expand the use of the Dr. Shinichi Suzuki method of teaching the toddler game on a violin, which attracted the attention of the whole world.

    As we advanced in our work, it became completely clear to us how much the traditional approach to children is deposited. We are familiar to believe that we know everything about children, then we know very little about their real possibilities. We pay a lot of attention to the issue of what to teach children over three years. But according to modern research to this age, the development of brain cells has already been completed by 70-80 percent. Does this mean that we should send their efforts on early development of the children's brain to a three-year-old age? Early development does not invite the violent breastfeeding facts and figures. The main thing is to introduce a new experience "on time". But only the one who cares for the child every day, usually this is a mother, can recognize this "on time." I wrote this book to help these moms.

    Masara Ibuka

    Part 1
    Potential child opportunities

    1. Important period

    Kindergarten is late

    Probably, each of you remembers from school years that in the classroom there was a particularly gifted student, who was becoming a class leader without visible effort, while the other stretched in the tail, no matter how hard he tried.

    In my years, the teachers encouraged us something like this: "Smart you or not, this is not heredity. It all depends on their own efforts. " Nevertheless, personal experience clearly showed that the excellent student is always an excellent student, and the dual man is always a dude. It seemed that the intellect was predetermined from the very beginning. What was done with this inconsistency?

    I came to the conclusion that the abilities and character of a person are not predetermined from birth, but mostly formed in a certain period of his life. Disputes have long come: whether heredity is formed or the education and education that he gets. But until today, no more or less convincing theory laid an end to these disputes.

    Finally, the study of the physiology of the brain, on the one hand, and child psychology, on the other, have shown that the key to development mental abilities The child is his personal experience of knowledge in the first three years of life, that is, during the development of cerebral cells. No child is born in a genius, and not a single fool. It all depends on the stimulation and the degree of development of the brain in the decisive years of the child's life. These are years from birth to a three-year-old age. In kindergarten to raise it too late.

    Every child can learn good - it all depends on the training method

    The reader may be surprised why I am an engineer by profession and now the president of the company, engaged in issues of early human development. The reasons for partially "public" are: today's today's young jams are not indifferent to me, and I ask myself how modern education is guilty of dissatisfaction with the life of these young people. There is a personal reason - my own child lagged behind mental Development.

    While he was quite small, I did not occur to me that the child born with such deviations could develop in a normal educated person, even if he was correctly trained from birth. Eyes opened me Dr. Shinichi Suzuki, who claims that "there are no backward children - it all depends on the training method." When I first saw what a stunning results gave the method of "Education of the Talent" of Dr. Suzuki, the method of teaching the kids to the violin, it was very regretted that as a parent could not do at one time for his own child.

    When I first engaged in the problem of student unrest, I thought deeply about the meaning of education and tried to understand why our system creates so much aggressiveness and dissatisfaction. At first it seemed to me that the roots of this aggressiveness in the system of university education. However, deepening in the problem, I realized that it is already typical for high School. Then I studied the system of medium and younger school and in the end came to the conclusion that in kindergarten to influence the child it is too late. And unexpectedly, this idea coincided with what Dr. Suzuki and his colleagues did.

    Dr. Suzuki practices his unique method for 30 years. Prior to that, he taught in junior and high grades using traditional learning methods. He found that the difference between capable and unable children is very large in high school, and therefore decided to try to engage in children of older age, and then with the smallest, gradually continuing to reduce the age of children who were taught. Dr. Suzuki teaches a violin game, because the violinist itself. When I realized that this method could be successfully used in any field of education, I decided to seriously study the problem of "early development".

    Early development does not aim to raise the geniuses

    I am often asked if the early development helps to bring up geniuses. I answer: "No." The only goal of early development is to give a child such education so that he has a deep mind and a healthy body, make it cleaned and kind.

    All people, if they do not have physical disadvantages, are born approximately the same. Responsibility for the separation of children in smart and stupid, scored and aggressive falls on education. Any child, if he is given what is needed and when necessary, should grow intelligently and with a solid character.

    From my point of view, the main goal of early development is to prevent the emergence of unfortunate children. The child is given to listen to good music and learn to play a violin not in order to grow out of him an outstanding musician. He is led by a foreign language not in order to raise a brilliant linguist, and not even to prepare it in a "good" kindergarten and primary school. The main thing is to develop his infinite potential in the child, so that it becomes more joys in his life and in the world.

    The underdevelopment of the human young herself speaks of his huge potential

    I believe that early development is associated with the enormous potential of the newborn. Of course, the newborn is absolutely helpless, but it is precisely because he is so helpless, so great his potential opportunities.

    The human child is born much less developed than young animals: he can only shout and suck milk. And the young animals, such as dogs, monkeys or horses, are able to crawl, cling or even immediately get up and go.

    Zoologists argue that the newborn baby lags behind the newborn baby animal for 10-11 months, and one of the reasons for this is a human pose when walking. It was worth a man to take a vertical position, and the fruit could no longer be in the womb until a complete development, therefore the child is born even very helpless. He has to learn to use his body after birth.

    Similarly, he learns to use the brain. And if the brain of any young animal was practically formed by the time of birth, the brain of the newborn baby is like a blank sheet of paper. From what will be recorded on this sheet depends on how giving a child.

    Brain structures are formed to three years

    The human brain, they say, has about 1.4 billion cells, but the newborn has most of them have not yet been involved.

    A comparison of the cells of the brain of a newborn and adult person shows that in the process of brain development between its cells, special processes are formed. Brain cells, as it were, stretch each other's hands to, hard at each other, respond to information from the outside, which they get through the senses. This process is very similar to the operation of transistors in the electronic computer. Each individual transistor cannot work in itself, only connected into a single system, they function as a computer.

    The period when communication between the cells are formed most actively, is the period from the birth of a child up to three years. At this time, approximately 70-80 percent of such compounds are born. And as they develop, the possibilities of the brain increase. Already in the first six months after the birth, the brain reaches 50 percent of its adult potential, and for three years - 80 percent. Of course, this does not mean that the brain of the child after three years ceases to develop. By three years, the back of the brain mainly ripens, and already by four years this complex process includes that part of the frontal shares.

    The fundamental ability of the brain to receive a signal from the outside, to create its image and remember it and there is a base, the same computer that keeps all the further intellectual development of the child. Such mature abilities, as thinking, needs, creativity, feelings, are developing after three years, but they use the base formed to this age.

    Thus, if a robust base was not formed in the first three years, it is useless to learn how to use it. It's like trying to achieve good results, working on a bad computer.

    Toddler's timidity in the presence of unfamiliar people - proof of the development of the ability to recognize images

    I would like to explain the special use of the word "image" in my book.

    The word "image" is most often used in the value of the "scheme", "sample device", "model". I suggest using this word in a wider, but special sense to designate the process of thinking, with which the core brain recognizes and perceives information. Where an adult grabs information, mainly using the ability to think logically, the child enjoys intuition, its unique ability to create an instant image: a method of thinking of an adult is not available to a child and will come to him later.

    The most striking evidence of this early cognitive activity - Baby ability to distinguish people people. I especially remember one kid whom I saw in a children's hospital. They said that he was able to distinguish 50 people aged when he was just a little more than a year. Moreover, he not only recognized them, but also gave each his nickname.

    "50 people" - the figure may not be very impressive, but even an adult is hard to remember 50 different persons for one year. Try to record more accurate features of all your friends and see if you can distinguish one person from another analytical way.

    The recognizable abilities of the child become apparent about half a year when shyness appears. His little head can already distinguish familiar faces, such as mom or dad, from strangers, and he clearly gives it to understand.

    Modern education makes a mistake by changing the period of "strictness" and the period "everything can be"

    Even today, many psychologists and teachers, especially those who are considered "progressive", believe the wrong conscious learning of a small child. They believe that an excess of information adversely affects the nervous system of the child and more naturally provide it to himself and allow you to do everything he wants. Some are even convinced that at this age the child is an egoist and does everything only for his pleasure.

    Therefore, parents around the world under the influence of such ideas deliberately follow the principle of "leave alone".

    And the same parents when their children go to kindergarten or school, instantly refuse to this principle and suddenly become strict, trying to raise them and teach their children. With that neither of these "affectionate" mothers turn into "Terrible".

    Meanwhile, it is clear from the above that everything should be on the contrary. It was in the first years of the life of a child who needs to be with him and strict, and affectionate, and when he starts to develop himself, it is necessary to gradually learn to respect his will, his "I". Expressing more precisely, parental influence should stop up to kindergarten. NEW NEW early ageAnd then the pressure on the child later can only destroy talent in it and cause resistance.

    According to Glen Domana - Director of the Institute for the Development of the Potential Man's Possibilities, who wrote the preface to the book Masar Ibuki "After three is already late," she is one of the most important books that were ever written in general, and read it every person who is Parent.

    The author of the book is confident in the ability of young children to learn anything, and leads their arguments on how affects the newborn environments. The fact that adults are mastering with great difficulties, children learn easily - you only need to use special techniques that are also discussed in the book. The most important thing is the ability to start helping the child to develop a new experience, and it can only do it next to him.

    This work is addressed to all parents who wish to show their small children the world of new amazing opportunities.

    About Masar Ibuk

    Masara Ibuka is a Japanese entrepreneur and manager, a co-founder of the Sony corporation, a person whose engineering ideas helped to become Japan with one of the leaders in the field of electronics and technologies, and the creator of innovative children of early age.

    Ibuk's children's development issues occupied due to the fact that his own baby I delayed in mental development. Having gained experience in the process of its upbringing and training, as well as resorting to the help of specialists, the author created several organizations - the "Association of Early Development" and the School "TAILATES". Then the book "After three is already late" was written, which became a bestseller and found a response in the hearts and minds of many readers worldwide.

    Brief content of the book "After three is already late"

    The book consists of joining, preface and five parts. The first part is devoted to the potential features of the child. The second part talks about the impact of early experience. The third tells about what is useful for the kid. In the fourth part, the principles of education are revealed. And from the fifth part you will learn about what you should not avoid in the process of upbringing.

    Of course, we will not retell you all the book (it will be much better if you read it yourself), but still let yourself tell us about some of the interesting and important points that seemed to us.

    Part 1. Potential Child Capabilities

    Thanks to the research and physiology of the brain, it was possible to find out that his own cognitive experience in the first three years of life is the key to the development of the mental potential of the child, the brain cells develop. No children born in geniuses, and no fools born. The main importance is the stimulation and the degree of brain development at the initial stage of life, and this is the period of up to three years. Education in kindergarten is already becoming late.

    The sole purpose of early development is to provide a child of such education, which will allow him to have a deep mind and a healthy body, and will also make it smart and kind.

    Many parents and specialists believe that it is incorrectly to teach a small child to consciously, because Informational oversupply negatively affects the children's nervous system. However, sending children to kindergarten, they immediately refuse their position, become strict and attempts to teach children to something. But it should be done otherwise, namely: to do with the child in the first years of life and have a parent influence.

    Part 2. Influence of early experience

    The surroundings of the child, not the genes, are the greatest importance. Even twins will differ dramatically if different parents raise them.

    If the decisive factor in the process of forming the abilities was origin, then the children would admonish the profession of their ancestors, but life is much mysterious, and the child can get a completely different profession than his parents.

    The child is affected by such things about which we do not even suspect. What we may seem deprived of meaning, children can perceive completely differently, and this can even become the basis of their longer life. Those impressions who receive a person in childhood form how in the future there will be a child.

    Part 3. What is useful to the baby

    It is important to say that there are no finished babes on learning schemes. The tips offered in the book are only ideas, guided by which any mother can either accept, or reject any kind of education.

    It is necessary to carry a child as often as possible on hand, because It gives him a lot of positive emotions.

    No need to be afraid to take a baby to bed, because This is extremely favorable on his mental and mental development.

    Do with your child at least an hour a day, and you will notice that the degree of his intellectual and noticeably increases.

    In no case do not need to cry with a child, because Using during communication with the baby "Children's" language significantly slows its development.

    It is necessary to develop in the child the ability to reasoning, evaluation and perception. This is done only through how to interact parents than they do, as they feel, as communicate with the child, etc.

    As soon as possible, the father must communicate with the child, because it is he who is able to play the role of both a friend and an assistant, both for the spouse and for a child. Remember that only maternal efforts are not able to help achieve in the family of harmony.

    The child must praise, and not scold, even if the punishment seems to you the most effective method. The punishment can cause the opposite reaction. But even the praise should be approached very carefully.

    Part 4. Principles of Education

    Among the principles of education, the following can be distinguished:

    • You must stimulate and guide the child to order. Here it is necessary to take into account that the best motive for the child will always be an interest; Interesting will always seem the child right, and the uninteresting is wrong; Repetition is the best way to stimulate interest; Fantasies and imagination of the child develop. Also keep in mind that you need to develop from a child and always tell the truth on the topic of sex.
    • You must raise the child's character in infancy. This can be achieved by learning a violin game, memorizing poems and the cuddle environment only the best that you have. Remember that early development forms features, and successes in one then add confidence in other endeavors.
    • You must develop skills and creative thinking in your child. Let's get the baby pencils as often as possible, buy toys selectively and do not allow them to overstruit so that the child's attention does not dissipate. It is not necessary to remove away everything that may be dangerous for the child (observing caution, naturally). Let your kid engaged in modeling, cuts patterns from paper and folds various figures; Play in - All this develops the deposit of creativity. Do not forget that the children are extremely useful to walk, and you need to train as much as possible.

    Part 5. What should not be avoided. A look into the future

    The main ideas of the last chapter we will only give the thesis:

    • Early development is not a preparation for kindergarten
    • Nothing can be more important than the education of children
    • Do not make the child do something against his will
    • Children are not the property of parents

    You will find a detailed explanation of the above abstracts in the book.


    In the Afterword, the author expresses his sincere hope that the book "After three is already late" will become pleasant for readers, but also useful, as well as the fact that readers will be able to experience the importance of the timely development of their child.

    Unfortunately, parents do not always have the opportunity to create the most better conditions For the development of their children, but this should not become a problem. Today, there are more than 40 specialized professional baby clubs on the territory of Russia, where children are developing fully, and the ideas of Masar Ibuki are taken as the basis. Although, of course, to give your child to such a club is quite optional, but then you will need to make a maximum effort, if you want the process of developing your child to be a full, harmonious and high-quality. And the first step towards this is to read this book.

    Each mother wants to see his child with intelligent and creative, open and confident. But, unfortunately, not every know how to contribute to the careful development of the intellect of his baby.

    The book Masara Ibuki "After three is already late" talks about the need and importance of the early development of children. After all, the first three years of life is a unique period in the formation of the child's intellectual abilities, when every day can become an important stage of violent and comprehensive growth.

    This book turned my life. She helped correctly and consciously approach the development of my own children. And I have not met a single mother who, after reading this book, would not penetrate the idea of \u200b\u200bearly development. We are confident that now there will be more such moms and dads.

    Initiating the reprint of the book Masar Ibuki, we want to deliver the parents of young children with pleasure from her reading. And even greater pleasure they will receive from the future success of their kids. We really want more smart children and happy parents in our country.

    Evgenia Beloneoshchenko,

    founder and soul of the company "Babi Club"

    Masaru Ibuka.

    Kindergarten IS Too Late!

    Masara Ibuka

    After three too late

    Translation from English N. A. Pernova

    Studio Publishing Artemia Lebedev

    Entry to the English publication

    If for the kindness and benevolence, with which this book is written, you will feel and the importance of what it tells about, then it may, together with other similar books, it will make one of the greatest and kind revolutions in the world in your ideas. And I sincerely wish this goal to be achieved.

    Imagine a revolution that will bring the most wonderful changes, but will cost without bloodshed and torment, without hatred and hunger, without death and destruction.

    This very kind of revolutions have only two enemy. The first is encouraging traditions, the second is the existing position of things. It is not necessary that the rooted traditions are crashed into smithereens and ancient prejudices disappeared from the face of the earth. Do not destroy what can still bring at least some benefit. But the fact that today seems terrible, let it gradually disappear as unnecessary.

    The theory of Masar Ibuki makes it possible to destroy such realities as ignorance, illiteracy, insecurity, and who knows maybe bring, in turn, reducing poverty, hatred and crimes.

    Masar Ibuki does not give these promises, but the insightful reader will have all the time before his perspective before his eyes. At least such thoughts were born in me while I read this book.

    This surprisingly good book does not make stunning statements. The author simply assumes that small children have the ability to learn anything.

    He believes that what they absorb without any effort in two, three or four years, in the future is given to them with difficulty or is not given at all. In his opinion, the fact that adults are working with difficulty, children learn playing. The fact that adults are absorbed with the speed of snail, children are given almost instantly. He says that adults are sometimes lazy to learn, while children are always ready to learn. And he approves it unobtrusively and tactfully. His book is simple, straight and crystal clear.

    According to the author, one of the most difficult classes for a person is to study foreign languages, learning reading and playing a violin or piano. Such adult skills are painted with difficulty, and for children is an almost unconscious effort. And my life is a vivid confirmation of this. Although I tried to learn a whole dozen of foreign languages, because I worked as a teacher on all continents, teaching children from both the most privileged sections of society and from the lowest, I truly know only my native language. I love music, but I do not know how to play any musical instrument, I can not even remember the melody.

    So that our kids, grow up, freely spoke in several languages, knee how to swim, ride the ride, write with oil, play on the violin - and all this is at a high professional level - you need to love (what we do), respected (what we We are rarely done) and provided at their disposal all that we would like to teach them.

    It is not difficult to imagine how much the world will be richer, healthier, safer, if all children know languages, art, science bases before adolescent age achieved, to then use subsequent years to study philosophy, ethics, linguistics, religion, as well as art, Science and so on on a more advanced level.

    It is not difficult to imagine how the world would be if the great desire of children did not go to toys and entertainment, but encouraged and developed. It is not difficult to imagine how much the world would be, if the hunger of knowledge of a three-year-old child was satisfied not only by Mickey Mouse and the circus, but also works by Michelangelo, Mana, Rembrandt, Renoara, Leonardo da Vinci. After all, a small child has an infinite desire to learn everything he does not know, and he does not have the slightest idea that he is bad and that is good.

    What are our foundations to trust the advice of Masar Ibuki? What does speaks in his favor?

    1. He is not a specialist in the theory of education, therefore, does not know what it is possible, but what is impossible: a necessary condition for committing a significant breakthrough in a well-established area.

    2. He is definitely a genius. Starting its activities in 1947, when his country was devastated, he was with three young companions and 700 dollars in his pocket founded the firm that Sony called. He was one of those pioneers who raised Japan from Ruins and despair to the level of the world leader.

    3. He not only says he does. As an acting director of the Association of Early Development and the Director of the Organization "Training Talents" in Matsumoto, he currently makes it possible to study thousands of Japanese children for the program that described in this book. Masara Ibuk offers to change not the content, but a way to teach a child.

    Does all this or are it pink dreams? Both. And I witness. I saw the newborn children of spouses Timmerman float in Australia. I heard four-year Japanese kids spoke English with Dr. Honda. I saw very small kids performed complex gymnastic exercises under the guidance of Jenkins in the United States. I saw how three-year-old children played on a violin and on a piano with Dr. Suzuki in Matsumoto. I saw a three-year-old child who read in three languages \u200b\u200bunder the leadership of Dr. Versa in Brazil. I have seen two-year children from Siusz ride on adult horses in Dakota. I received thousands of letters from moms from all over the world with a request to explain to them those wonders that occur with their children when they are taught to read on my book.

    I think the proposed book is one of the most important books ever written. And I think she should read all parents living on Earth.

    Glen Doman,

    director of the Development Institute

    potential human capabilities

    Philadelphia, USA

    Since ancient times it is believed that outstanding talent is primarily heredity, nature whims. When we are told that Mozart gave his first concert at the age of three years or that John Stewart Mill read the classical Latin literature at the same age, the majority reacts simply: "Of course, they are genius."

    Today I would like to start with the statements of A.S. Makarenko: "Our children are our old age. Proper upbringing is our happy old age, poor upbringing is our future grief, these are our tears, it is our wines before other people, in front of the whole country. "

    Why did I decide to devote a medical problem today's article, but a book for parents? Because the book Masar Ibuk "After three is already late", it has become a real revolution for me, "bomb" in the views on the upbringing. This is not another work on children's psychology or pedagogy, this is, in my opinion, a bestseller for the education of harmonious and inquisitive children.

    The author of the book Masar Ibuk is the creator of the Japanese Association of Early Development and School "TAILATED TAILTS". He is one of the founders of Sony, a young innovator, who in 1947 with three companions and 700 dollars in his pocket created a firm that raised Japan from Ruins and made it the world leader in electronics. Masara Ibuk is not a teacher and not a specialist in the theory of education, but in practice he proved that for the early development of the child, it is necessary to change not the content, but a way of learning.

    We are accustomed to assume that the development of a child mainly depends on his heredity, but the author of the book approves absolutely reverse. The genius of the child is determined by the conditions for its development surrounding the educational environment. At the same time, the decisive years of development for the child - from birth and up to three years.

    The main goal of the early development of the child is not to grow a genius from him, but to develop its infinite potential.

    The brain of the child can accommodate a limitless amount of information, but the baby is well absorbing only the knowledge that is interesting to him. It is in early childhood that the foundation of the future development is laid, the skills that are very easily absorbed. adult life It is very difficult to purchase. The child develops at a huge speed and physically, and mentally. Therefore, it is important to properly stimulate this development at each stage. The main role in this is given to parents who are closest to him.

    Masara Ibuka gives his recommendations on the upbringing of the child, the basic principles of the formation of the nature in infancy, the methods of development of creative skills.

    The most important occupation for parents is the upbringing of children. The best upbringing for the child is mother's love. But "before bringing up children, you must first raise parents" - the main thesis of the book.

    The name of the book "After three is already late" is so widely known to young parents, which has long been winged expression. But at the same time, not everyone read the book itself, which the Japanese entrepreneur, one of the founders of Sony Corporation Masar Ibuk wrote back in 1971. Meanwhile, the principles of education, promoted in the book, and today have not lost their relevance. To help parents who want to receive an idea of \u200b\u200bthe content of the book, but do not have time or desire to read it entirely, the maternity portal publishes the artistic abstract, provided by the SmartReading project.

    Part 1. Potential child opportunities

    1. Important period

    Kindergarten is late

    Studies of the physiology of the brain, on the one hand, and children's psychology - on the other, have shown that the key to the development of the child's mental abilities is his personal experience of knowledge in the first three years of life, that is, during the development of cerebral cells. No child is born in a genius, and not a single fool. It all depends on the stimulation and the degree of development of the brain in the decisive years of the child's life. These are years from birth to a three-year-old age. In kindergarten to raise it too late.

    Early development does not aim to raise the geniuses

    The only goal of early development is to give a child such education so that he has a deep mind and a healthy body, make it cleaned and kind.

    All people, if they do not have physical disadvantages, are born approximately the same. Responsibility for the separation of children in smart and stupid, scored and aggressive falls on education. Any child, if he is given what is needed and when you need, will grow intelligently and with a solid character.

    From my point of view, the main goal of early development is to prevent the emergence of unfortunate children. The child is given to listen to good music and learn to play a violin not in order to grow out of him an outstanding musician. He is led by a foreign language not in order to raise a brilliant linguist, and not even in order to prepare it in a "good" kindergarten and primary school. The main thing is to develop his limitless potential in the child to make more joy in his life and in the world.

    Brain structures are formed to three years

    Already in the first six months after the birth, the brain reaches 50 percent of its adult potential, and for three years - 80 percent. Of course, this does not mean that the brain of the child after three years ceases to develop. The fundamental ability of the brain to receive a signal from the outside, to create its image and remember it and there is a base, the same computer that keeps all the further intellectual development of the child. Such mature abilities, as thinking, needs, creativity, feelings, are developing after three years, but they use the base formed to this age.

    Easy to make a mistake by providing a child to yourself

    Even today, many psychologists, teachers and parents believe the wrong conscious learning of a small child. They believe that an excess of information adversely affects the nervous system of the child and more naturally provide it to himself and allow you to do everything he wants.

    And the same parents when their children go to kindergarten or school, instantly refuse to this principle and suddenly become strict, trying to raise them and teach their children.

    Meanwhile, everything can be done differently. It was in the first years of the child's life that it is necessary to be with him and unobtrusively and gently offer various classes, and when he begins to develop and grow up, it is necessary to gradually learn to respect his will, his "I". Expressing more precisely, parental influence should stop up to kindergarten. Nebidity at an early age, and then the pressure on the child later can only destroy talent in it and cause resistance.

    2. What can a little child

    For a child easier to remember the "Pigeon" than "nine"

    The child is endowed with a remarkable ability to recognize objects that has nothing to do with the analysis, this child will learn how much later. An excellent example confirming this hypothesis is the ability of the baby to recognize the face of his mother.

    As an experiment, Mr. Isao Ishiya gave the lessons of Chinese writing in our Early Development Association. Three-year-old children easily remembered such complex Chinese hieroglyphs as the "dove" or "giraffe". Unlike abstract words, such as "nine".

    Even a five-month kid can appreciate Bach

    A study was conducted which music loves children. The results turned out unexpected. The most exciting music for kids was the 5th Symphony of Beethoven! And in the last place was children's songs.

    Babies found the most interesting classical music that we, adults, often keep from them at a sufficient distance. Do children endowed with the birth of a musical taste necessary in order to evaluate a complex symphony?

    Six-month baby can even swim

    A child who has not yet started walking, tries to keep on the water just as trying to crawl on the ground. And it is not important that a small child can swim, but what he swims, because he is a child. Swimming is only one of the ways to develop the child's ability: it improves sleep, promotes appetite, exacerbates reflexes and strengthens the muscles.

    Ability to absorb information The children's brain is much higher than in an adult. Just do not be afraid to "reconse" or transporting it: a children's brain, like a sponge, quickly absorbs knowledge, but when it feels that it is filled, it turns off and stops perceive new information. We should not bother not what we give to the child too much information, but the fact that it is often too little to fully develop a child.

    Part 2. Influence of early experience

    The main thing is the environment, and not genes

    Studies have shown that even twins, if they grow in different conditions and are raised by different people, will be very different from each other and in nature, and by abilities. The question is what formation and environment is best developed by the potential abilities of the child.

    The child born from the father-scientist will not necessarily become a scientist

    If the origin was the determining factor in the formation of abilities, then the children of the generation would inherit the profession of fathers by the generation. But life is much more interesting, and not so rare cases when the child of the scientist becomes a violinist, and the doctor is a writer.

    The child is influenced by the most unexpected things.

    Karl Friedrich Gauss, one of the greatest mathematicians of the XIX century, opened the formula of the sum of arithmetic rows when he was only eight years old.

    Gauss's father did not differ by the scholarship. He was a simple bricklayer, revenge the walls, fences, fireplaces and often took her son to work with him. Gauss filed bricks and counted them. Apparently, Gauss's mathematical abilities were formed under the influence of this habit in early childhood.

    The fact that parents seem unimportant and meaningless, the child can perceive with such sensitivity and strength that this experience can be the basis of his life of his future life. Early childhood impressions determine the further image of the thoughts and actions of the child.

    Part 3. What is useful to the baby

    There are no finished recipes for learning babies

    Detailed advice that I am going to give you should be perceived only as ideas on the basis of which any mother can make their decision and take or reject one or another advice in accordance with a certain nature or step of the child's development.

    Take the child more often

    The baby is offended, but his mother takes him on his hands, and he stops crying and smiles. Who is not familiar with this situation, every parent experienced such hundreds of times.

    So the child can work out the habit of achieving the execution of their desires - scare parents. Is it so?

    For a baby who does not know another way of self-expression, crying is the only means to attract attention. When he cries, it means that he asks about something, and leave his request without an answer - it means to deprive him from the very beginning of communication. Common sense It proves that communication of a child with mother, and especially tactile communication, it is very important for his mental development.

    Do not be afraid to take a baby with you in bed

    You can find a new meaning in the habit of sleeping next to the child, if you think about his mental and mental development. For example, a mother who has worries on the throat all day and not enough time to communicate with the child, may at least lie next to him until he falls asleep. During this short time, the baby is completely calm and very susceptible. Therefore, if you do not just lie next to him, but we will sing a song to him, it will have a positive developing influence on the child.

    Even the hour of classes per day leads to amazing results

    The book "Revolution in the Education of the Baby" published in America describes an experiment on learning in poor areas of 30 kids aged 15 months. Every day, except Sunday, the teacher spent one hour with a child, playing and talking to him.

    The results of the tests obtained when these kids have already turned two years and three months, showed that the "level of intellectual development", and especially the level of speech development, these children were explicitly higher than their peers who did not participate in the experiment.

    We sometimes do not even suspect that all the most common words and actions of his mother are already imprinted in the baby's brain, so the mother, many talking to the child, have a huge impact on his intellectual development.

    Do not suck with a child

    Probably, in all countries, people often speak with children on their "childish language". Communicate with the baby on the "adult" full-fledged language, and you will make an invaluable contribution to its development.

    The newborn feels when parents in a quarrel

    According to the face of the kid, it is very easy to determine when his parents swear, quarrel, conflict: the expression of his face is depressed and restless.

    It is very important to develop the ability to reason, evaluate, perceive. For this there are no special programs, and only the parents behave, what they do and feel, as talking to the baby, can form a child's identity.

    Father must communicate more often with his child

    Often, already becoming adults, our children are glad, as about the holiday, remember those nice hours that they spent with the Father, because, as a rule, in many families it was not so often.

    To be a real friend and assistant wife - isn't this the role of a husband in home education? The harmonious atmosphere in the house cannot be achieved only by maternity efforts.

    You can not bring up a truly good person in the family, where work on the upbringing and development of the child completely lies on his mother, and dad only sometimes at her request is included in these concerns. No lack of time or fatigue after work should not interfere with dads as much as possible communicate with your children.

    Communication of children among themselves should be encouraged

    The kid will win even more if it has physical contact not only with mom, dad, brothers and sisters, but also with other children. This stimulates his mind, develops a sense of competitiveness, sociability, desire to be first.

    Now people have become less to communicate with each other. And this can not but affect the level of development of intelligence in children. Considering this, it would be nice if at least for the sake of their own children's moments trying to gather together.

    Quarrels develop communication skills

    It is often said that a person is a product of society and that he cannot live outside it. In about two years, the child becomes uninteresting only with himself, he begins to play with others, and then he will first find out how to interact in the group. When he plays peacefully with others and when he quarrels, he learns to live in the team. Quarrels are important because they are developing a personal initiative.

    Children have their own logic, and they communicate with each other in their own way. There is no place for adult logic. If you consider children's quarrels from the point of view of adults, trying to persuade them that it is impossible to fight and that the one who quarrels with others is bad, your child will only clict in himself and turn out. Quarrels are the first lesson of life in the team.

    Child must praise, not scold

    Of the two methods - promotion and punishment - the latter seems more effective, but it is not quite so. Punishment can cause a child the opposite reaction - open disobedience. The fact is that both praise, and the punishment you need to use very carefully.

    Imagine your mother, carrying a glass of juice. Her baby, who already wants to imitate his mother in everything, is trying to do the same. And mom says: "It is impossible!" "And rushes to him in horror that he sheds juice." It is not right. She will also reproach the child when he under-grows, that he does not help her. Even if the child wants to do something that he is still difficult, it is better to praise him: "What a big thing you have become!" - Then cast a little juice and give it a glass to convey. This approach is very important.

    Part 4. Principles of Education

    1. Stimulation and desire for order

    Interest - the best motive

    Cause the child's interest in the subject of learning is the best pedagogical method. Therefore, the main task of parents, if they want to teach something a child, - awaken interest.

    To cause this interest, it is important to create and the necessary conditions. For example, in order for the child to appear the desire to draw, there should be enough pencils and paper around it. It is useless to wait for the kid to have a desire for something if the conditions for this are not created.

    Interesting children are considered correct, and uninteresting is wrong

    Will you scold a child for torn off the wallpaper? How do you explain to him that it is not good? For you "good" or "bad" depends on your personal experience, from generally accepted moral norms. But a small child has no experience, he has nothing to rely on to decide, good or badly tear wallpaper.

    If it is controversial, he may not do it anymore to avoid unpleasant consequences. At the same time, this episode can kill in it the emerging desire for creativity.

    Repetition - the best way Stimulate the child's interest

    Repetition is very important for those connections that are formed into the brain of the child. Repetition is preferably not only because it can not bother, but mainly due to the fact that infancy does not know boredom, it is best time To form the right schemes in the brain of the child, determining all its subsequent intellectual life.

    Curiosity gives rise to interest, which in turn brings up will, so necessary for growing up. The will to action does not appear on scratch.

    Children's imagination and fantasy develop creative abilities

    Many parents would like to raise a child creative personality. There is no doubt that the success of creativity is rooted into the subjective emotional perception and experiments of early childhood. In other words, children's fantasies, seemingly adults such far from real life, are in fact embrying creativity.

    Develop an intuition in a child (sixth sense)

    To speak seriously, intuition is an important condition for any significant achievement. All the great inventors relied on their intuition, despite their huge knowledge and experience. Intuition overlaps all five senses and, thus, is the most ancient and fundamental feeling. Intuition is also called the "animal instinct", going beyond the logic and common sense.

    A child up to three years is rarely able to think logically and mainly relies on his instincts. It is very important to remember this and encourage the development of his instincts, and in any case do not suppress them, putting him skills and trying to act on it the logic and arguments of the mind.

    Tell the child the truth for sex topics

    Sex life is the sphere of instincts, why should I hide from the child the truth to a certain age, and then suddenly start talking about it. Do not fuck or lie to him. An embarrassment and missing parents will make this topic for the forbidden fruit and only displeasure his curiosity, unnecessary fantasies are breeding. Sexual topics should be discussed calmly, in a friendly tone, so that from the very beginning he treated naturally to this issue.

    2. Education of character in infancy

    Violin's game learning develops the ability to concentrate attention

    Of course, the child must remain a child, alive and curious. But the liveliness and nonsense is not the same thing. The one who is not able to focus on something one for a long time is wasting a mass of time and energy for each task. The one who has developed a high degree of concentration of attention has enormous advantages.

    Early development develops the features of the leader

    The quality of the leader is beginning to develop much earlier than many think. The same qualities are brought up with various classes with children. Therefore, there is nothing surprising that children, whose parents paid attention to their intellectual development from the earliest childhood, are cheerful, energetic children with a tendency to leadership, and not a pale genius at all.

    Memorizing poems

    In our experimental school of talent talent, Haiku is taught to train memory. Haiku is very suitable for this purpose, because they are short, rhythmic - they are easily remembered. In addition, they meet the requirements that make children's poetry: "Poems for memorization should raise noble feelings in the child, and they should be beautiful, refined and deserving them to remember all their lives. And at the same time, they must like the child. "

    Envail the little children best that you have

    If a child in a brain, which is still as a clean sheet of paper, is captured by true art, it will remain there for life. His brain will refuse to perceive the fake when he becomes adults and parents will not be able to influence his tastes.

    It is not necessary to give a child only books with primitive pictures, because allegedly he will not understand a more complex language of painting. If parents enjoy the music of Beethoven and Mozart, even if the child listens as much as possible.

    When a stereotype of true art is formed in the brain, it will be the basis for evaluating works of art in subsequent life.

    Successes in one case give confidence in other cases

    As we have already argued more than once, the lessons of playing the violin or classes in foreign languages \u200b\u200bare not needed to grow a genius from the child, but mainly to contribute to its common intellectual development. For a child, it is useful to try their strength in a variety of classes, with a wider range of objects, than to focus on something one.

    3. Creativity and skills

    Give your child pencils as early as possible

    Many parents involuntarily suppress this striving for self-expression. They impose her ideas: "Keep a pencil like that!", "Apples should be red," "Draw a circle like that", "do not go to the book", "do not throw paper on the floor", "do not write on the table." Is there too many prohibitions on one small child?

    Everything that the child does hands - draws, scatters toys, tears paper, - develops its intelligence and creative deposits. The sooner you give a child pencils, the better the results will be. But if at the same time you will remember it to stop, then you will prevent the development of his creative abilities.

    Standard drawing paper - standard person

    Before you start painting a picture, the artist decides what format it will be. The child gives a standard sheet of paper and thus already deprive its choice.

    We observe the same relation in other matters. For example, it is believed that only special children's songs and fairy tales are suitable for the child. Such a lack of imagination by an adult in turn limits the imagination of the child.

    I would give the child a huge sheet of paper so that he crawl over him, drawing. Standard sheet contributes to the upbringing of a standard person, deprived of creativity and sufficient resilience.

    Excess toys dispels the child's attention

    Many psychologists believe that when there are too many toys around the child, it suppresses him and it is difficult for him to focus on something one. The child best plays with one toy, coming up with a variety of games with her. In his imagination, a piece of wood or a broken lid from the kettle can be transformed into a fabulous house or a wonderful lake and will be much more interesting than a dear toy from the store.

    Thus, if you want to develop non-standard thinking and ingenuity from the child, do not buy him all that he asks. This will achieve the opposite effect.

    I have already mentioned the benefits of tactile sensations for the development of the child. Madame Montessori recommends deliberately offer to the child's hard and soft, coarse and gentle, stupid and sharp, heavy and lungs. The child is wondering all that surrounds it. He touches and feel it, and sometimes overturns or tear them into parts, and this is evidence of its growing curiosity and creative potential.

    Toys should be valuable

    Sets of details, of which children can collect the toy themselves, is a great educational reception. It includes the "joy of achievement", which is deprived of a child who has only ready-made toys.

    Modeling, cutting patterns from paper and folding paper figures develop creative children's deposits

    Look back around - you will be amazed how much simple toysused for centuries. This is clay, cutting paper, colored paper For folding figures.

    These materials possess one overall characteristic - They do not have a certain form or destination. In other words, they can be given any form. That is why they are the perfect toys for a child of early age when intelligence develops faster.

    Games on roles develop creative childcabins

    The main goal of such classes as music lessons or foreign languageAs we have already emphasized more than once, it is not so much to teach the child to something, how much to develop its limitless potency. The same goals are the role-playing games. The most valuable in these games is the possibility of direct and free self-expression in relations with other members of the group.

    Children are useful walking

    Before you begin to complain that you do not have time to drag at the speed of your child, think how to walk to him.

    Every body participates in walking. Of the 639 muscles of our body 400 participate in walking. Unlike other physical exercises in walking, tension and relaxation are rhythmically alternate.

    It is not by chance that many writers say that when their work will stop, they make a walk, in the process of which new ideas appear. In all likelihood, walking stimulates the thought process.

    Motor abilities also need training

    Our physique and coordination of movements are inherited. But how you will be able to develop the deposits that you received from nature depends on the workout. You can have excellent data from swimming or gymnastics from birth, but without an appropriate training, these deposits will not be implemented.

    For a child, work and the game is the same

    I would like to give you the following advice: Let your child work as much as it can, but under one condition that the result of his work is not important for you.

    For a child, it is not the result of his activity, but the process itself. We, adults, want every work to be finished. And in this we see the difference between entertainment.

    No matter how simple was the work, the child should show how to do it. Work often requires caution and concentration of attention that is not needed in the game.

    Part 5. What should not be avoided. A LOOK INTO THE FUTURE

    Early development is not preparing for kindergarten

    Unfortunately, many consider early education as preparing for kindergarten or how to upbringing talents.

    Precisely because of the imperfection of the educational system I will give this value early Development. With proper intellectual development at an early age, the child and school studies better. It makes it easier to transfers the system of "extraction of assessments" at school. If good seeds were sown in the most critical period of his early childhood, the child will grow strong enough to resist any difficulties.

    There is nothing more important than the education of children

    "I'm so busy with the child that I do not have time for his education. Theory theories, but where to take time on their embodiment? " Mothers often react to my advice in this way. I am convinced that you should not separate the care of the child from its upbringing. This is the same thing. Your attitude towards him has an impact on it.

    Some mothers believe that they should work for the sake of a child, others believe that the main thing is to feed it. The best upbringing for a child is maternal love. The most important occupation for parents is the upbringing of children. If they disagree with it, why did they get children?

    Do not raute the will of the baby

    Education is often associated with violence over personality, with ignoring the child's desires. Of course, the baby can not express his desires yet, but the mother should be able to recognize them. This consists of one of its main tasks.

    Forcing him to do something against the will, you undermine his faith in yourself. Personally, I believe that in this sense, the best training is just outside the fact that we call education.

    Children are not the property of parents

    It's amazing that many parents do not part for a long time with the illusion that, while the child is on their care, they can do everything with him that they are pleased.

    This is a sense of property towards his child is very common. It is the reason that the will of the child himself is ignored. If the child goes to such an attitude towards himself, before his own will, he can then doubt his power all his life.

    XXI century will build those who trust others

    In today's world, the first thing that rushes into the eyes is a shortage of confidence between people, which causes chaos in society, violence, environmental problems. No wealth and ease of life will bring us peace and happiness, if there is no confidence between people.

    A modern education system attaches too much importance to exams and marks, but ignores and does not encourage confidence in people. Therefore, it is even more important that this quality is brought up at an early age. This is the main task of pre-school education.

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