• Raising a twin according to the zodiac sign. General characteristics of a twin child. Mono-or double-faced

    by The Wild Mistress's Notes

    What are Gemini children?

    The Gemini zodiac sign speaks for itself - the disposition of such children is extremely restless: now they are happy, and after five minutes they fall into melancholy. This is a minus, because you always need to "catch" their mood and try not to find fault if suddenly your Twin child seems to you sad for no reason. These children are very vulnerable, and the strictness of the parents can lead them to withdraw into themselves. This should not be allowed - the more open you are to the child, the happier his life will be.

    Gemini and school

    Gemini is doing well. Knowledge is easy for them, they are born logics. What parents need to do is to make sure that the child does not cool down for school. You should not allow your child to get involved in computer games, let him play in real life - sports, communication with peers and parents, personal desire for knowledge - these are the main facts that are worth remembering, raising Gemini children.

    How to Raise Gemini Children?

    The Gemini child starts talking early, he needs communication, so try to communicate with your child as much as possible. They grasp everything on the fly, this should be taken into account, so as not to teach the child something bad. You can not use foul language in his presence, use harsh words. Try to keep your speech flawless.

    You should not communicate with him as with a baby, even if he is really very small. Tell him about adult things. At first it may seem to you that he does not understand you, but this is not so. Gemini children are interested in everything unknown, fabulous and fantastic. Due to their curiosity, Gemini begins to read early, while they are more interested in scientific literature than fiction.

    Your Twin is a lively, agile and noisy child. He needs a lot of space to go about his business. However, one should not think that Gemini is attached to any one business. They are addicted to nature, but quickly cool down and lose interest in classes.

    Do not be surprised if toys, albums, paints are scattered in his room, and he, meanwhile, reads a book. This is their plus and minus at the same time. They are inquisitive - Gemini can do everything, i.e. they grab onto everything, but, nevertheless, rarely bring the work started to the end. This is especially true for boys. Still, girls are by nature more disciplined. Patience should be your main trait in raising these agile children.

    Gemini children are creative natures. They draw well, dance well, play musical instruments. Boys are attracted to sports, and this should not be denied to them. If with early age send the Gemini child to some section, he may well achieve high results and even become a famous athlete. The main thing is not to encourage his laziness, always keep him busy with something. Ask him for help even when he does something imperfect.

    Features of raising Gemini

    It is very important for the father to take part in the upbringing of the child. For girls born under the sign of the Gemini zodiac, dad should pamper with his attention, show tenderness, read books to her and watch cartoons together.

    A father for Gemini children is almost an ideal and reliable rear, therefore it is especially important for fathers to be exemplary. Boys and dads need to take with them on a fishing trip, talk about car repairs and their work. Yes Yes! From birth, a Gemini boy needs his father to be with him and communicate with him like an adult man. Then such boys grow up to be real gentlemen and men, always ready to stand up for their girlfriend, to help her.

    Gemini girls grow up a little moody and stubborn. They believe that the whole world should lie at their feet, and they should not do anything for this. Girls are selfish and willful. Mom should pay more attention to such a girl. Gemini boys are more reserved and serious, they strive to be adults. They also like to be praised.

    It is not worth punishing the Gemini child, it is enough just to talk to him, explain what he is doing wrong. It is categorically impossible to beat and even more so to ignore the Gemini children, they cannot stand silence. They always need to know that they are loved. They only understand dialogue, so from childhood it is important to teach children to communicate in two ways. Always listen to your baby, and he himself will certainly tell why he behaves badly.

    Get ready for the Gemini child not wanting to swim. They are terrified of water, especially when it pours on their heads. You don't need to be rude or forceful to take your child to the bathroom, just talk about hygiene and what will happen to the body if it is not washed. Gemini are shy and squeamish, so they can suppress their fear in themselves.

    The Gemini child can be compared to the breath of the spring wind. He brings positive, light and happiness into the life of parents.

    The birth of a child is the most significant and joyful event in any family. However, along with great happiness, parents bear a great responsibility for the health, physical, mental, emotional development and upbringing of the baby. Taking care of a new family member requires a lot of effort, time and patience, and this is if one baby is born, and when there are two of them, the whole load doubles.

    The birth of twins is a double celebration for the family, but at the same time, it is also a double effort to raise them.

    In the case of twins, it's not just about increasing the hassle associated with the needs of the little ones. Any side of the development and upbringing of twins has a lot of features and nuances that are due to certain external factors.

    Psychological and physical development of twins

    Even before birth, a close relationship is established between twins, which is an order of magnitude stronger than between brothers and sisters of different ages. Separation from your twin, for example, if he is in the hospital, even on short term, causes an acute reaction from the second baby, as if he were separated from his mother. These bonds have a huge impact on the cognitive, emotional, social and personal development of twins. However, in addition to the positive aspects, they also have their negative consequences.

    The psychology of a twin couple is influenced not only by genetic and hereditary factors, but also by other factors, such as:

    • intrauterine development of twins;
    • the attitude of the people around;
    • the attitude of the parents;
    • their relationship to each other.

    People around them, including parents, most often focus more on the similarities of children, while they want to be individuals. The formation of their own personality takes place in them in specific conditions, since they communicate almost continuously and spend most of their time together. In all twin couples, one way or another, there is a dominance of one child over the other. One of them becomes the leader, the other the follower. Initially, such dominance can manifest itself in physical parameters at birth or in the position in the mother's stomach, in the future in school performance and success in life.

    Features of the development of twins in the womb

    Even in the womb, the twins feel that they are not alone, a connection is being established between them, understandable only to babies

    The developmental features of twins begin to appear even during the gestation period. Quite a frequent occurrence with multiple pregnancy is the lag in perinatal development. First of all, this concerns physical parameters, namely body weight. Usually, up to 34 weeks, the weight in twins does not go beyond the normal range, but then a certain difference arises. The longer the pregnancy, the more it becomes.

    Many doctors cite placental insufficiency as the cause of this phenomenon, as a result of which the twins do not receive enough nutrients and oxygen. It can also be associated with the condition of the woman's uterus. However, the slow pace at which twins develop is not always due solely to bearing 2 babies. This deviation from the norm may be due to the following factors:

    1. Limited movement. Carrying out twins is an incredible load on the female body, as a result of which future mom moves less.
    2. Unfavorable emotional state. Life situations are different and do not always give joy and tranquility. For 9 months, a woman is exposed to stress, breakdowns, and mood swings. All those emotions that a pregnant woman experiences, including negative ones, are transmitted to the baby or babies, creating a negative background for them.

    Twins are much more likely to be born early. Plus, in terms of physical parameters such as weight, height and other indicators, they can also vary greatly.

    Unfortunately, weaker babies, with less weight and size, are more prone to death in the last months of pregnancy, during childbirth or in the first year of life, which is why they need more careful attention. They also have worse and slower development fine motor skills and coordination of movements than that of its larger brother or sister.

    Neonatal period and up to one year of age

    Twin babies up to a year are everywhere together, but they need to be given attention separately.

    The developmental lag in twins is especially noticeable in the first months from the moment of birth (we recommend reading :). Compared to their singleton peers, the period when twin children begin to crawl, try to sit and walk shifts to a later time (we recommend reading :). They also have delays in speech. In addition, baby teeth in twins often do not erupt according to the normal schedule, but later. However, all differences with age gradually decrease, and by the age of seven, many indicators return to normal.

    From the point of view of psychology, already during the first 2 months after birth, children can observe signs of close emotional contact, which was laid in the womb. Doctors believe that the realization that the baby is not alone comes to him even at a gestational age of 1.5-2 months. In the future, at times, there may be a feeling that twins need each other more than their parents.

    By the age of six months, a fairly close bond is usually established between mother and child, and they seem to become one whole. It is very important not to miss this moment with twins and to establish contact with both children. For this, the mother should find time to devote her attention to each of the kids tete-a-tete. At this stage, the mother can already distinguish the twins and even recognize them by their voices.

    At the age of 10 months, the behavior of twins begins to resemble the behavior of two different children, which are characterized by resentment and quarrels, reconciliation and consolation. At 11 months, unlike their peers, the twins develop the ability to conduct a dialogue with each other, which is understandable only to them.

    The main nuances in development after 1 year

    After about a year of life, twins try to get as much attention from their parents as possible.

    After a year, the nature of the relationship in a twin couple can change dramatically. In some couples, close communication continues between children, while in others the kids stop noticing each other and try to do anything. possible way to draw the attention of parents to themselves. It also happens that twins choose exclusively other people's children for communication. However, regardless of the style of communication in a couple, by the age of one and a half years, the kids are aware and, accordingly, deeply emotionally perceive both separation and reunion with their twin.

    As a result of the fact that children spend a lot of time together, often copy and repeat one after another, and parents perceive them as one whole, some of them develop the so-called couple effect. It lies in the fact that the child experiences certain problems with the awareness of his own I. In this case, the baby:

    • often confuses the pronouns I and We;
    • hardly distinguishes himself in the mirror and in photographs;
    • does not distinguish its own name, especially if it sounds similar to the name of the twin.

    This problem affects the further development of each of the twins. They become highly dependent on each other and are practically unable to exist separately.

    Any deviations or abnormalities in the development of twin children become noticeable much earlier than in a normal child. This effect is explained by the fact that in a couple, when one of the twins starts to lag behind, it immediately catches the eyes of the parents. As a result of timely consultation with specialists, diagnosis of early stage makes it possible to provide the desired treatment.

    The couple effect can leave a heavy mark on the fate of twins. It will be difficult for them to enter adulthood as individuals.

    Diverse pairs of twins, which consist of a boy and a girl, have their own developmental characteristics. First of all, it should be noted that heterosexual twins are always heterogeneous. Otherwise, if they were from the same egg, their genes would match, and they, as a result, would be of the same sex. Children from different eggs have 40-60% of common genes, just like regular brothers and sisters. As for the external similarity, it is not always present. Some heterosexual twins can be like two drops of water, while others are completely different.

    When children of different sex are born, not only everyday problems arise associated with the fact that you need to buy different clothes and toys. In heterosexual twins, taste preferences, sleep patterns, needs and rates of physical and mental development can be radically different. It is important to take this into account, and not try to fit them into each other.

    For example, although children in opposite-sex couples learn language skills earlier than in same-sex couples, boys may start talking later than girls. This does not mean at all that the crumbs have any violations. Until adolescence, girls develop faster than boys, and this is a general pattern.

    Very often, heterosexual twins have more in common. Unlike same-sex couples, they do not need to emphasize their individuality in a special way, they already have a different gender. In turn, they borrow a lot from each other. The sister strives to be bolder, stronger, like a brother, and he learns from her sensitivity and gentleness.

    Different-sex twins may be completely different from each other.

    Teenage years

    Separately, it is worth touching on the adolescence period. In heterosexual twins of adolescents, hormonal changes and associated psychological changes in character occur in different time... The girl grows up earlier, and her circle of interests changes. She moves away from her brother, she has her secrets. This can make your brother feel rejected and insecure.

    At this stage, the relationship between twins may become colder, and not so close, sometimes they even begin to conflict. However, if you provide them with the necessary support, gradually harmony in the relationship between them is restored.

    There are certain nuances in raising twins that should not be forgotten. Below are a number of recommendations on how to properly raise twin children so that they grow up to be worthy people:

    1. Individual communication. It is important for each crumb to allocate time for personal communication only with him.
    2. Avoid comparisons. No matter how similar they are, it is important to see them as unique, independent personalities.
    3. Independent communication. That is, every child needs to be given the opportunity to communicate with other people and children without his brother or sister.
    4. Various things and toys. It's good if each kid has his own bed, high chair, and locker. Better, if not all books, clothing will be the same. Different toys help prepare for communication with other children, teach to share and interact with each other. Plus, different things will emphasize the individuality of each of the children.
    5. Personal space. Each of the children should have their own place where they can be alone.
    6. Lack of general punishment. Each child should be punished separately for his specific misconduct.
    7. Do not impose roles and do not single out someone. There is no need to separate children as mom's or dad's. Parental love should be felt by both equally.

    As for the opinion of some psychologists about separate education, then it should be understood that such an approach is relevant only in emergency cases, if the kids are very different in temperaments and the speed of perception of the material. Otherwise, according to Komarovsky, healthy rivalry is only beneficial.

    Clinical and perinatal psychologist, graduated from the Moscow Institute of Perinatal and Reproductive Psychology and Volgograd State Medical University with a degree in clinical psychology

    The birth of twins is the discovery of a wonderful world of double adventures, double joys ... and double worries. However, all the worries of parents will pay off a hundredfold with the correct upbringing of each twin, skillful support of his self-esteem and affection. Our goal is to be patient, develop flexibility of thinking and optimism.

    Identical or double-faced?

    There are 2 types of twins. Fraternal twins are babies that evolved from two different eggs. They can be of different sexes, have a different set of genes and external differences. Identical twins develop when an egg splits into two parts after fertilization. Identical twins will always be of the same sex, they will have an identical set of genes and even similar fingerprints. Outwardly, they will also have no differences.

    You and me - we are so similar, similar in appearance and soul ...

    From birth, a special bond develops between twins that is different from the normal relationship between siblings. You can see how the twins look out for each other's emotions: if one laughs, the second will laugh too. And if one cries, the other will show attention and care to him.

    Growing up, twins spend more and more time in joint activities. This is good for mom, as it allows her to take care of the house and take some time for herself. Twins develop a sense of confidence and security earlier than other children. They are more empathy and competitive than other children. However, due to constant communication only with their own kind, they are also distinguished by a delay in cognitive sphere and insufficient development of social skills.

    Every child is different

    Often, parents treat a twin couple as one child. They feed them from the same bottle, dress them alike, put them to sleep in the same bed and always keep them together. Thus, they make it difficult for children to develop an individuality and identity. Treat children as individuals with their own needs and desires. Provide them with privacy if possible. Toys, dishes, clothes: each twin should have their own.

    The pursuit of similarity and difference in twins will change with age. In childhood, twins often repeat after each other, play with the same toys and willingly wear the same clothes. In adolescence, there is a sharp denial of their similarity, a change in the structure of relations occurs, and the desire for difference begins to prevail.

    Rivalry and quarrels

    During the growing up period, quarrels between twins are inevitable. This is completely normal, be patient and give them the opportunity to resolve the conflict themselves. It is believed that in a pair of twins, one always takes on the role of leader, and the other becomes the follower. This dominance sometimes takes on a situational and alternate character, and yet you should not provoke them into rivalry.

    Twins also tend to reinforce each other's behavior. That is, if one twin suddenly wants to climb on the table, talk with a mouthful or sing loudly, the other will try to shout down or copy him. This behavior literally drives elders crazy. What can parents do in such cases?

    The best thing is to divide the twins into rooms. Use the rule of punishment time: 1 year old child = 1 minute apart from each other.

    You and me, yes, you and I - together to school and home ...

    Should I send twins to the same class? It is best to consult with the children themselves. If you define twins in different classes, they will have less rivalry, they will be able to make friends of their own, which is very important in establishing their identity. The same goes for additional circles. Different experiences will help them get closer and discuss each other's interests.

    I wanted to have a brother, but twins were born ...

    IN difficult situation turns out to be the eldest child when two babies are born. Before that, accustomed to being the only one, the older child may feel forgotten and abandoned. How can I help him?

    Ask for help from loved ones. Highlight a day that you can fully devote to your eldest, while grandmothers will sit with the twins at this time. Go to the movies, to the zoo, to the museum - spend time so that younger children cannot distract you.

    Choose different sounding names for the twins. When choosing similar names, it can be difficult for twins to separate their own identity.

    Teach children to have one schedule. Sleep and eat at the same time. Involve your father and other family members in caring for the twins.

    Don't buy the same toys for twins if you don't want them to fight all the time. Come from everyone's individual tastes and interests.

    Teach children to distinguish theirs from others. If children are twins, this does not mean that they have to constantly share something. Every child wants to have something personal: their own bike, their own bed, their own toy, etc.

    Avoid rivalry between twins. Teach them to wait their turn and listen calmly to everyone.

    Take time to chat with each of the twins in private.

    Emphasize and encourage differences between children. Praise them more often, but for different actions.

    Tell them how great it is to be twins! Watch together films about the mutual help of twins, come up with a fairy tale about what exciting adventures await twins in our world.

    Elnara Agaeva, family psychologist

    The birth of a baby is always a great joy, and the birth of twins is a double joy. Of course, twin children are also double chores, so it is very important that parents know how to raise them. Although mental development such babies are subject to the same laws as the development of other children, but it has some peculiarities.

    Twin children are together from birth, and this constant contact has a great influence on the development of their personalities. On the one hand, they are never alone, on the other hand, parents often raise twins as one whole, and this is absolutely wrong.

    If in families where ordinary sisters and brothers grow up, they try to emotionally bring children together, then with twins it is the opposite: mental balance depends on their separation. After all, it is very difficult for them to live and develop as two different individuals. It turns out that each of them sees next to a person who is physically similar to him, and who is occupied with the same problems. Such children need to learn to distinguish themselves from others.

    Therefore, the most common adult mistake is the desire to raise twins as one. Parents believe that such children should resemble each other, and not only outwardly. And they are dressed the same way, they buy the same toys, they even give consonant names: Masha - Dasha.

    Of course, while they are small, the same clothes and daily routine are appropriate, but when children grow up, they begin to realize their individuality, it is necessary to change the approach to their upbringing. Individuals should be encouraged, and less generalized. However, it also happens that parents begin to endow the child with some traits that do not correspond to reality. For example, one smiles more often, while the other gets angry. You should not impose your opinion on the kids, since in the future they will have to develop in accordance with these imaginary traits. It is better to take a closer look at the children, and you will find distinctive features that are really inherent in each of them.

    It is better to choose toys for twins not the same, but so that they complement each other, and the children can change them. But this does not apply to bicycles, skates, otherwise one twin will ride, and the other will wait for his turn, and this is very unpleasant.

    When it comes to clothing, try to come from the tastes of each child. For the holidays, never give children one gift for two, the same applies to a birthday cake, it is better to have two small cakes than one large one. Then each child will feel their importance.

    When working with twins, consider the characteristics of each. For example, one understands the humanities better, and the other - the exact ones. Do not force the children into one circle, because it may be that one of the twins likes drawing, and the other likes singing or volleyball.

    But these children should not be bred in different classes or schools. After all, a first grader is already experiencing tremendous stress, and if the twin is also deprived of the closest person, then the stress will only be stronger.

    Another mistake parents make when raising twins is that parents often provide children to each other. It seems to adults that babies communicate with each other and that is enough. However, such children, on the contrary, need communication with adults and other children. Otherwise, over time, they will become not only complementary, but also interdependent. After all, the excessive rapprochement of the twins leads to the fact that it will be difficult for them to adapt in a team, it is difficult to get a job and even start a family.

    It is necessary to talk to such children as much as possible, read and tell them, they must necessarily retell what they have heard or seen. After all, twins, who mostly communicate with each other, have an extremely meager vocabulary and incorrect pronunciation. A lag in speech also entails a lag in the development of intellect and psyche.

    So to educate harmonious personality, it is necessary to form individual psychological traits in twins, so they can avoid excessive dependence on each other. Do not constantly emphasize the similarity of twins, pay attention to their individual desires and needs, because they are different from birth, you just need to be able to notice these differences. It is necessary to expand the circle of communication of such kids with adults and other children.

    When raising twins, try to give each one the same amount of attention and affection. After all, an unequal attitude can lead to adverse consequences. For example, parents distribute roles between children according to the type of "leader-follower" and these roles are imposed on children by the parents. The stronger or "older" twin often becomes the leader, and the follower must obey him unquestioningly.

    All this can lead to a complete suppression of the follower by the leader or cause the follower to be aggressive towards the leader. Even if there is no open protest, internal dissatisfaction often develops neurosis in the follower, and the leader is acutely experiencing excessive parental care. Therefore, it is imperative that the twins feel equal and equally loved.

    Twins may develop competition for parental love so train them to share your attention with each other. Do not compare one twin with another, when you scold or praise one of them, then do not compare his achievements with the achievements of the co-twin, but only with his own. Try to intervene less in fights and quarrels of such children, the less parents pay attention to this, the less the twins fight.

    It is very desirable that one of the twins is closer to the father, and the other to the mother, then each of the parents tries to build his personality in his own image. The recognition of the uniqueness of the personality of the twins is a prerequisite for ensuring the good mental development of everyone.

    It can be difficult for parents to bring up such children, because the twins, although they value the support of adults, are ready to sacrifice it if mutual approval of each other's actions pushes them to pranks. The twins "tease" each other. It should be remembered that such children will become more susceptible to exposure if they are separated in different rooms. Many parents note how difficult it is sometimes to punish such children, because one of them stands between the mother and the co-twin and stands up for him, even if the punishment followed a misdemeanor in which the child was the victim.

    However, do not despair, try to influence the twins as follows:

    - Switch your attention. If you see that a conflict is brewing, distract the children from an exciting activity for another, interest them in other activities;

    - Give children a choice, let each child decide for himself what he likes best. For example, suggest choosing between porridge and cornflakes. The child will show independence, and you will spend less energy on persuasion;

    - Try to make decisions together. Plan the events that are about to happen with the children. Listen to their opinion;

    - Try to observe the regime moments. If the child knows that he needs to brush his teeth before going to bed, then he will be less capricious. The result will be a habit;

    - Praise even minor positive actions. This leads to an improvement in the child's behavior in general. And don't forget to find different praises for each twin;

    - Let the children choose their own punishment. Children have a very developed sense of justice;

    - In raising twins, the coordination of actions of parents is especially important. Try to define certain boundaries of behavior, and always adhere to the rules you have established;

    - Try to avoid being overprotective. One child is initially weaker and smaller than the other. If you overprotect him, then he will grow dependent, in addition, by your actions, you will cause jealousy and displeasure of the other twin;

    - It is very important to set aside a “special” time for each child. Of course, this is not easy, but necessary. This provides children with emotional support that will help them feel more confident.

    Of course, it will not be easy to show restraint and calmness in any situations, if you feel that you will "explode" now, it is better to leave the room and count to ten, calm down a little. If you give up today, start over tomorrow.

    At the same time, as in the upbringing of any children, one must remember that the family is a model of the world. Therefore, the style of communication and relationships that exist within the family, children will then transfer to contacts with other people. And if you are trying to cope with children's whims by force, then do not be surprised later at the manifestations of aggression in grown-up children. Try to resolve all issues in a peaceful way.

    Material illustration: Melissa King (1), Dmitriy Shironosov (2), Alena Ozerova (3), shutterstock.com

    The birth of a child always delivers great joy parents, and the birth of a baby in the period from May 22 to June 21 under the constellation Gemini is a double joy. The Gemini sign is dual, which begins to be reflected in the character of the baby from the age of six months.

    Kid Gemini never has enough communication only with mom, in her company, he quickly begins to get bored and cry, and it will be possible to calm him down only after the arrival of dad or other family members from work. Sitting in one place for a long time, playing with a toy, or being in the arena, adorable little Gemini babies will not, they need constant movement. All Gemini hate monotony and restrictions on their freedom.

    Gemini child can become real problem for a mother who is slow and inattentive. We do not recommend leaving the Gemini child at home unattended, you need to be on the lookout with this baby even when he is sleeping. Gemini has an amazing ability to be in two places at the same time. And Gemini children sleep very sensitively, even in a dream they are afraid to miss something interesting. The slightest noise in the room can scare a sleeping baby, so someone needs to be with him all the time. But it is not necessary to restrict the child's freedom and force him to engage in a monotonous activity, this will destroy the child's inherent abilities.

    Variety of abilities and interests- the main distinguishing traits of the character of the Gemini child. Clever people with excellent memory, reliable friends and associates, erudites and experts who speak several languages, witches and favorites of noisy companies - these are typical representatives of the Gemini sign. With the right upbringing, the Gemini child grows up as a scientist who pleases his parents with discoveries not in one, but in several areas at once. Gemini children are very restless and sincere, so they do not accept relationships with unofficial parents who like to embellish events. The loss of trust in parents and the restriction of Gemini's freedom make him an insecure person with low self-esteem.

    Unfortunately, not everyone parents under the power to understand a restless child and choose the right approach in his upbringing. Gemini are lively, curious, lively and adorable children. Only taking into account their character during upbringing, it is possible to raise successful and talented people from these cute Twins. From a young age, the kid will constantly ask: "Mom, what should I do?", Despite the fact that he has a lot of toys. It is not necessary to leave his question unattended, this is a signal that it is time to send the child to a circle where he will not be bored.

    Radio engineering mugs, circles of young naturalists, astronomers, art studios and music schools suitable for the development of Gemini's talent. Be sure to go with your child to the library, all Gemini are lovers of reading books, and especially they like science fiction and adventure.

    Do not force baby to play alone, he does not know how to do this. With great interest, Gemini babies play only when parents or other children keep him company. Lego constructors, logical educational games, chess and computer games fascinate the Gemini child more than playing with dolls and cars. Gemini should have a huge number of books and toys in childhood, only then they will be able to please you during adulthood new discoveries.

    Gemini child asks everyone: "Why does snow fall from above in winter? How does the sun shine? What will happen if you mix salt, sugar and vinegar?" The underwater world is also very fascinating for them, so many Gemini raise fish in aquariums all their lives. Dads play a great role in the upbringing of Gemini children, who patiently and competently know how to answer all his questions. In the absence of a dad, it is advisable to have a mentor, which can be a relative or a school teacher.

    Gemini child copies adults, noticing the slightest features of their character and behavior. “Mom, why have scientists already thought of everything, but they didn’t leave me anything?”, The little Gemini will ask you. No need to laugh at his naive question, patiently explain to him that today there are many ideas and topics for new discoveries. It will be ideal if you point him in the direction. The Gemini child is very charming and gentle, he feels the environment well and can easily control the attention of his parents.

    When raising Gemini parents are required to constantly stimulate, develop and train their child's inquisitive mind. You got a sociable and inquisitive child by nature, his inexhaustible interest in the life around him prompts him to constantly ask you questions. Do not ignore them, and even more so do not scold the child for excessive talkativeness. So the Gemini accumulates the knowledge that he will need to choose the right path in life.

    A wonderful trait Gemini is their ability to sympathize and willingness to always come to the rescue. They do not know how to be indifferent. All Gemini radiate intelligence and ingenuity, but they will never show arrogance and indifference to other people's grief. Even after growing up, Gemini children do not lose their naivety. They are like little children, looking at the world around them with an open smile and love in their hearts.

    In childhood Twins most often they suffer from bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheitis, laryngitis and other diseases of the respiratory tract. They are more susceptible to colds and the risk of developing tuberculosis. Gemini children should be protected from injuries and diseases of the upper limbs, especially the area of ​​the shoulders and forearms.

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