• Secrets of seduction: the best pickup tips from the master. Pickup lessons for guys: basic rules, original dating Pickup master with a girl


    What factor has the biggest influence on your success in your personal life?

    The pursuit of various seduction chips will succeed only 1/3 of the time. In the rest, even despite the presence of these very chips, you do not get any result.

    Because the most important thing is understanding and seeing the big picture. For example, you can try to somehow respond to “minor” obstacles from the girl (which, in your opinion, interfere), and the real reason for failure may be completely different.

    And what else can give the right understanding, except for the right pickup lessons?

    There are a lot of lessons. But there are those without the knowledge of which any of your attempts will end in failure. It is about them that we will talk today.

    Lesson #1 The mood is changeable!

    If a girl refused you, then she acted not at all stupid. Stupid is when you start to take her refusal seriously and leave without salty slurping.

    For example, when meeting, she may say that she is not, or that she has a boyfriend.

    How to respond to rejection?

    Banal perseverance does not work!

    This has already been verified hundreds of times: even those guys who show banal persistence and still get a phone number, then still fail (she does not pick up the phone, does not agree to a date, and so on).

    The fact is that a girl can succumb to such perseverance because of the desire to get rid of him as soon as possible. Or he hopes that he will show himself from an attractive side (and he continues in the same spirit).

    But if you respond to failures correctly, then the situation can change even with a bad start.

    Most effective, positively and freely, regardless of whether there was a refusal on her part or not. Perhaps she managed to tell you that she has a boyfriend. And you, instead of saying “Not a wall - it will move”, try to switch her attention to something else. For example, sharply. Ask her how long it took her to match colors to clothes. Or offer to go and drink coffee right now.

    Realizing that you are not even paying attention to her refusal, she will allow you more than if you were trying to logically convince her that she should come to the meeting.

    Or, even better, start teasing her openly. When she understands that you are not dependent on her rejection, and that you remain confident and positive despite the obstacle, your attractiveness will skyrocket.

    Flexibility also plays a big role.

    Lesson number 2. Do it contrary!

    Heard information from a girl about what kind of men she likes?

    Start behaving the opposite way!

    In the understanding of a woman, a man who does not behave naturally, but adapts to the tastes of a girl, is weak and has little potential in life.

    You must have observed situations in life when a man tried to 100% meet the expectations of a girl, but always met some problems. Or how a guy ran after an offended girl, promised to improve or gave gifts as a reconciliation, and then again saw discontent, resentment, and even attempts to break off relations. And all why? Because I tried to live up to her expectations.

    On the other hand, there is a certain percentage of guys who do not try to adapt to the girl at all and set their own conditions. And most importantly, they show that they are ready to lose her if she does not agree to accept their rules.

    Do you want me to tell you the main secret, what is holding you back from success the most?

    You're just afraid that she won't like you.

    For example, you start a conversation with a girl not the way you want, but the way it should be. You call not when you want, but when it is written in the pickup lessons. You kiss a girl not when you have a desire, but when it is “right”, so as not to frighten off and not seem like a sexual maniac.

    And throughout the seduction, your behavior is 100% dependent on her reaction. The fear of losing a girl just leads to the fact that you end up losing her.

    This dependence on the result is very well felt by ALL girls.

    And, perhaps, the main (and very powerful) pickup lesson that I can give you is this: challenge her!

    Don't be afraid to take risks. Don't be afraid to be so fun and provocative that the girl may want to end the conversation. On the contrary, it will create the right impression for her about your confidence and demand from the opposite sex.

    Lesson number 3. Keep a Seduction Diary!

    Every word, every action and every reaction of the girl you must write down on paper.

    The fragmentation of theories and a huge number of pickup lessons can simply confuse all your thoughts. When you think about exactly how you should act in each situation, uncertainty in actions is born.

    And when you don’t know how it should be right and don’t see practical confirmation of the theories you read, there can be no question of any effectiveness in learning.

    Therefore, your task is to write down EVERYTHING in the diary of seduction! Even your own feelings. This way you can see more accurately what mistakes you are making.

    And in the end, this will lead to the fact that you will completely stop making these mistakes. And most importantly - you will have an understanding.

    And the correct understanding, as we have already found out, is any girl.

    In all my articles, I always focus on how it happens in life. Thanks to this, my readers quickly capture the essence of articles and video tutorials. And get results!

    Do you want to receive effective pickup lessons that will give you the right understanding in a short time? Then subscribe to my newsletter, and lessons will begin to come directly to your mail, which will quickly give you skills and the right direction in development.

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    It so happened that the popular word "pickup" is first of all identified with the male art of seducing women. This "prejudice" was, at least until recently.

    Today, women are more confidently taking over the baton in this simple matter, developing their own ways of easily seducing men and developing and improving the technique of the female “pickup”.

    Long gone are the days when, seeing a handsome man, women waited for him to dare to approach and speak. Now the fair sex, without hesitation, is increasingly taking this initiative into their own hands.

    Women's pickup truck: goals set

    What is a women's pickup truck? Whereas the men's pickup only aims to seduce more and more members of the opposite sex, the women's pickup is aimed at "collecting" dating men with the prospect of further developing more serious relationships.

    A female pickup rather involves creating conditions for dating. After all, seeing a beautiful girl, a man does not always dare to approach because of self-doubt or, for example, a previous unsuccessful experience of dating. This is where female pickup methods come to the rescue.

    To become a "successful" or "pikaper", a woman does not need to have chic external data. Naturally, you need to adhere to a neat, well-groomed look, but the most important role in success is played by a rather feminine look addressed to the man you like.

    Learning the technique of a female pickup truck, you need to develop a sense of self-confidence. Do not be afraid not to please a man, because the essence of a pickup truck is just to seduce as many of them as possible.

    Female pickup truck: tricks and techniques of seduction

    As already mentioned, a women's pickup does not imply direct acquaintance with a man who is interested in a woman, but rather the creation of conditions for this. A man must subsequently be sure that he was the initiator of the acquaintance. There are a huge number of secrets and tricks for any occasion of life and for any circumstances.

    The look of a woman

    The first signal that can interest a man is a look. It does not imply constant monitoring of a person. It is enough to throw a few slightly lingering glances. This will indicate that the woman is interested in the man, and will give him self-confidence to take the next step.

    If a man, having caught the eye, began to actively show interest, without taking his eyes off the woman, then other methods can be introduced into the game.

    Having met a man's gaze, you do not need to start drilling him. Men are scared off by women who are too self-confident, so it’s better, a little embarrassed, to look away. The appearance of a light blush in this case will serve as an indisputable plus.


    Don't be afraid to show yourself. You can do this, for example, by slightly playing with your curls or by slowly putting your foot on your foot, while not forgetting that the actions being played do not look vulgar.

    In addition to the latter, it should be noted that for seduction it is also not necessary to use too revealing sexual outfits, because the girl should remain a mystery, and not give the impression of an easily accessible person.

    Style should be neat and restrained. It is better to focus on one detail, for example, a slit on a skirt or neckline. Any reproducible movements should be free and not create the appearance of a constrained woman playing learned roles.


    To make it easier for a man to decide to approach, a woman can show that she is bored and not busy with anything. So he will not be afraid that his attempt to get acquainted will be out of place and at the wrong time.

    More experienced and self-confident women can also use cardinal methods and, without waiting for the first man to decide to finally approach, talk to him. This, again, does not imply a full-fledged acquaintance, but only the creation of prerequisites for it.

    Start of communication

    So, one of the most popular and easiest ways is to ask for help. This technique is very successful, because rarely any man refuses to help a pretty girl and, for example, show her the way or carry heavy bags to the car.

    Moreover, this is an open path to further acquaintance without much effort on his part. If the action takes place in a store, you can ask for advice on buying male attributes for your brother / dad / grandfather.

    All women are actresses to one degree or another, and this means that they can use their acting skills for the purpose of dating. One way is to make a name for yourself and then immediately sweetly apologize. From the same series and the question: “Tell me, have we met anywhere before?”.

    The car will help to fall in love with a man

    As practice shows, women driving a car are given a greater choice of men and higher chances of meeting the person they like. In a competition with female pedestrians, autoladies undoubtedly win, because they can choose their own goal from a huge number of applicants and actively get to know each other, and not be chosen. For brave women, there are a number of tricks and tricks for the implementation of such a road pickup.

    When it comes to finding your chosen one, most women act stereotypically. Many mistakenly believe that you can find your love in a nightclub, restaurant, shop, at work. Of course, many couples met in these places, who later were able to create a stable serious relationship, but sometimes you need to spend a lot of time and spend more than one night in nightclubs before a fatal meeting with the man of your dreams.

    But after all, if you look, then most often men go to the same nightclubs with a girl or friends, and simply with a specific goal - to relax and have a good time. Therefore, luck can often smile only in the form of meeting a drunk visitor looking for a girl for one night. Such a search tactic is wrong, because the place of hunting for men should be their usual “habitat”.

    The search for men needs to be moved to the very environment where they feel most comfortable. This is a kind of men's paradise, consisting of football, weapons and, of course, cars. Attending football matches is not difficult, but it takes time and patience, especially if football is in the last place of a woman's possible interests. With the purchase of a gun and further full involvement in the world of hunting on weekends, the situation is much more complicated. But as for cars, we need to talk about this in more detail.

    Where and how to look?

    You need to start with gas stations, because it is here that a woman can, leaving the car, show herself in all her glory. Of course, the presence of natural data does not solve the issue of guaranteed dating. In addition, you still need to be able to interest a man and pretend to be stupid in the right situation.

    But after all, everyone knows that every woman is essentially an actress, so there should be no snags with the latter at all. And some women do not need to play any role at all, since nature endowed them with such characteristics from the very beginning. But that's a completely different story. The main thing is that men do not really like smart women and often bypass them. And if a man observes the manifestation of the female mind in automotive matters, then it is rare that further acquaintance can be discussed.

    So, the situation with the gas station. You need to remember one little rule: before you stop at the gas station, you need to stop and touch up your makeup, because no one knows who you can meet in line at the checkout. Here you already need to turn on all your acting abilities to the fullest, using shooting eyes and innocent smiles, which can quickly interest a man who likes you. You can get used to the role of a lost girl and, coming up with a map in your hands, ask to show the route.

    Or ask to listen to the rumble of the car, which seems disturbing to a woman who does not understand these matters, or to see if the tire really went flat, or it just seemed. Men tremble in the knees love to feel needed and useful, especially when it comes to an attractive stranger in trouble. These are just general ideas, but intricate ladies can create and act out a variety of scenes, as long as acting skills allow.

    But if you don’t have your own car, this is not a reason to be upset, because no one has yet canceled an acquaintance in a taxi. You can write whole stories about the predilection of drivers for talking about bad roads, car brands and the difficult situation in the country. Here it is enough just to start a casual conversation, showing genuine interest.

    Again, one should not forget about the need to pretend to be a fool, because with a woman who gives out advice and teachings all the way, the driver will only want to leave as soon as possible. But a girl who asks questions on automotive topics and listens carefully to the answers of an experienced driver who is ready to talk about it at least for hours, on the contrary, is able to interest him very much.

    Of course, the above does not mean that all girls should only get acquainted with taxi drivers. After all, you can catch not only taxis, but simply passing cars. But in our time of criminal rampage it is not entirely safe - you can run into some kind of maniac or madman. Men are different after all.

    But dating in a traffic jam is not only the easiest way to start communication, but also a way to pass the slowly dragging time. Again, it all depends on the woman and her initiative. It can be smiles, and the same request for help, as in a situation at a gas station. The easiest way is to just start a conversation, complaining about standing in a traffic jam.

    In any case, success depends only on the woman and her ability to interest a man, regardless of the situation and mode of transportation.


    Today, this area of ​​dating and seducing men is so popular that there are many trainings where every woman who wants can learn the technique of a female pickup truck. But visiting the latter is not at all necessary, because all that is needed to successfully seduce men is a little self-confidence and possession of the above simple techniques.

    And you need to remember one thing: no matter what method is used, a man must be sure that the acquaintance is his idea. Men choose not women they like, but those who sent the necessary signals to make this choice.

    In other words: the choice is always with the woman.

    Pick-up and pick-up methods for men that will make it easy to put girls to bed. How to communicate with chicks, make them vulnerable, and then take advantage of their weaknesses? Dirty girls pickup methods. She will beg for mercy in erotic lace lingerie.

    For successful communication with the fair sex, you should sometimes use methods that are popularly called pick-ups. These are dirty tricks, but they work. It will be much easier for you to break female resistance if you resort to them. You can play fair with women and lose. And you can play dirty, but win. What will you choose?

    Undermine the girl's confidence

    Many girls turn up their noses unnecessarily in front of men. She is a princess that only a handsome millionaire deserves. Now we will lower it to the sinful earth. The following pickup method will come in handy for this. It is necessary to plant a seed of doubt in her beauty and qualities. Use jokes, jokes and dubious compliments. Say you've already seen a similar skirt today, her hairpin looks like your grandma's jewelry, and her blouse is funny. A slight irony and she is no longer so sure of her attractiveness. You can hurt her personal qualities, intelligence or character. This should be done with humor and ease. Now the girl is not so good and no longer feels like a princess. Therefore, more vulnerable and accessible. It's a dirty pickup method, but it works with a bang.

    Make the girl compete with others

    Another good way to interest a girl is to compete with other members of the fair sex. Even if they are imaginary girls. Mention other girls you know at ease, receive messages from them on social networks and calls. To do this, ask your familiar girls or friends. Let the girl know that you are in demand, even if this is not entirely true. Let the girl join the competition with mythical enemies. So it will be easier to break her resistance and fix it yourself.

    Talk about feelings and program the girl for sympathy

    This dirty pick-up method is the imposition of emotions and programming of the girl. Women are sensitive, so tell her about your love for animals, travel or hobbies. When a person is passionate about something, it is contagious. The girl involuntarily imagines herself in the place of this hobby. Ask, jokingly, if a girl fell in love with you? Does she think about you before bed? More conversations about relationships, emotional topics and feelings.

    touch the girl

    This is one of the main and main methods of pick-ups. Touch the girl as early and often as possible. Let her get used to your hands and become less shy. Give her a hand, touch different parts of her body, touch with your feet or shoulders. Touch the girl, and she will give you faster.

    Unravel the girl's nerves

    If you play dirty, then to the end. The girls are very emotional, which is good for you. A very effective method for a pickup truck is to build up the nerves and emotions of a girl. Angry or offend the girl, but not much. Now apologize and comfort her. Be kind and gentle. Such emotional swings will make the girl weaker and more vulnerable. Make a girl suffer periodically, and she will be yours.

    If you've read this far, then you're ready to play dirty. Fair tricks don't work with girls, and good guys sleep alone. So play dirty and beat the prettiest chicks, bad boy.

    Of course, every woman wants to bathe in compliments and not lack male attention. However, unfortunately, not everyone can boast of an inborn gift of seduction. In achieving success with the opposite sex, a pickup truck will help - the art of seduction. Previously, only men were interested in secret methods, and now the fair sex also wants to know how to get their way on the love front.

    What is all this for?

    Pickup female pursues its goals. If men, as a rule, want to get to know a girl and drag her into bed as quickly as possible, then beautiful ladies have other aspirations. So, it is important for women to understand the following:

    The answers to all these questions are contained in the women's pickup truck. The tips below will help you become a true seduction expert.


    What to strive for?

    A female pickup implies polishing certain qualities that primarily attract men. Among them are the following:

    Some lucky women are rewarded by nature with the ability to attract male attention. However, not everyone can use the innate qualities correctly. This is exactly what a female pickup truck teaches. Seduction tips are important not only to memorize, but also to apply effectively.

    Success Secrets

    Elena Gamayun. "Women's Pickup"

    In collaboration with Alisa Andreeva, Elena Gamayun released a kind of pickup code. The publication has an unprecedented popularity, because it contains practical advice based on a decade of experience in studying the field of seduction. "Female Pickup" is a book that describes proven dating methods, allows you to understand the psychology of men and reveals the secrets of how to attract a worthy chosen one.

    Elena Gamayun reveals ways to succeed on a first date. Secret number one: A woman doesn't have time to impress. Everything is decided by the first minutes, and sometimes even seconds of acquaintance. Secret two: a lot is determined on the first date. It is at this - initial - stage that a man decides in which direction the relationship will develop. And if you seem, for example, an accessible person, you should not count on a serious romance.


    Various life situations will help you understand whether your chosen one is a worthy person. One option is to test for generosity. This in no way implies thoughtless devastation. But, as a rule, a very greedy person will not part with even a hundred rubles just like that. Go to a cafe. When paying a bill, carefully observe how a man manages money. A scandal over miscalculated change or a thorough check of the score should give you pause.

    If something in the behavior of a man alarms you, do not waste time in vain. Treasure yours, do not give it to an unreliable person. In the event that it is wasted, irritability, hysteria and tearfulness will not keep you waiting.

    Interference within us

    Elena Gamayun claims that many women have attitudes that program them for loneliness. Her unique development is a female pickup truck, the techniques of which will allow to remove the installed barriers. So, what prevents us from being happy and loved?

    • “A rich man is certainly dishonorable. Money is evil! A man in a nice car? Just a bandit! Get rid of such thoughts. Successful businessmen are hardworking, responsible and smart people.
    • "You can't meet first." Excessive modesty is a dead end, but do not confuse courage with obsession.
    • "I `m ugly". Love yourself with all your flaws. Believe me, only you notice most of your shortcomings!
    • “Time is running out, I would like to get married quickly.” You should be protected from rash acts at least by the fact that a woman is responsible to her future children for what kind of dad they will have. Prioritize personal happiness, not the opinions of others.


    Remember: the main thing in any business is constancy. Work on yourself, you will succeed!

    Today, many people already know what a men's pickup is (thanks to various media or the Internet), but what a women's pickup is is of interest to many. Another question is even more interesting - how to learn a female pickup truck, what is needed for this.

    In itself, such a concept as a pickup truck originated in the West. It means nothing more than "remove" or "use", and initially the very idea of ​​​​a pickup truck came from the calculation of "removing a woman for the night for sex." It was later that the concept of a pickup truck expanded. Now it already includes not only flirting followed by a joint “overnight stay”, but also the coveted wedding ring on the finger, along with Mendelssohn’s march.

    How should a woman behave so that a man who liked her so much would not only pay attention to her, but also want to continue acquaintance? How can a woman charm a man?

    Pickup lessons for women

    To do this, there are several pickup rules for women:

    1. Stunning pickup look. We must learn to emphasize every “zest” in ourselves and hide the flaws in our appearance. To do this, you need to use makeup, clothes, hair, a kind of aroma. But here it is important not to overdo it. Too revealing attire seems seductive only in the first minutes of meeting, then it can cause bewilderment and put a woman in the unsightly role of a prostitute.

    When a man looks at you, there should always be room for seductive fantasies and a little understatement. But if the dress hides a lot, and even the hair is loose - this is always an association with femininity, mystery, intrigue. Such a female seduction pickup of men should play its part.

    2. Behavior that can evoke friendliness and understanding. You need to work on your posture and gait. Elusive grace always attracts male glances. But it is better to avoid closed poses, only lightness, smoothness and self-confidence.

    You can smile at a man, look him straight in the eyes, tilt your head slightly to the side, as if inviting him to a conversation. But already when talking, it is best to use the mirror effect.

    To do this, you need to easily, as if unconsciously, repeat his movements and manners, lightly touching him when talking with your hand. But here the main thing is not to overdo it, so that he does not think that you are just teasing him! In no case should a woman pikaper give herself away.

    3. Learn how to properly communicate with a man. A conversation with a man should be easy, so you should not be smart and "crush him with your intellect." Try to be not just nice, but also friendly. You need to listen carefully to the interlocutor, smile approvingly, but you should not dump all the information about yourself at once.

    Every woman should have an elusive mystery and a little bit of mystery. If he immediately finds out everything about you, he will not be interested later! The halo of mystery that envelops a woman will make a man again look for meetings with you in order to solve this riddle. It is better not to sit opposite your interlocutor, but to sit next to him, slightly sideways.

    The peculiar techniques of a female pickup in the form of “sexual” signs work well - rarely and slowly run your hand through your hair, stroke your neck or wrists. Such "stroking" is very exciting! And you can’t touch on topics such as ex-partners, children or previous marriages - something very easy, understandable to both.

    4. Femininity in a women's pickup is above all. And here it is not only about appearance, although this is very important. Gracefulness in demeanor, beautiful speech (no swearing or unpleasant words), a little languor in the look and movements.

    The intonation of the voice during the female pickup should be soft, laughter should be the murmur of a stream, not thunder. The tone should be lowered a little from time to time, as well as sometimes speaking more quietly, so that the partner tries to listen to every word. The quieter a person speaks, the more closely they listen to him!

    Before you decide to take on a women's pickup, it's best to get rid of all the habits that are more typical of men - not smoking, not drinking drinks in one gulp, not interrupting a conversation with an interlocutor when calling on a mobile phone. Having such habits, you are more likely to become "his boyfriend" for him than a desirable woman.

    5. Calmness and patience in a women's pickup truck is the most important weapon. It is quite difficult to keep all this when talking with a man you like - the blood rushes to the face, the nerves are so naughty that it is impossible to connect two words. But you need to work very well on yourself so that these “enemies” do not appear during your communication.

    A pikaper woman needs to do everything clearly, even calmly, in order to avoid embarrassment and unpleasant redness of her cheeks when talking. To do this, you need to rehearse in advance a few “duty” phrases in front of the mirror in order to literally memorize them, and with them your manners.

    With this approach, "pronunciation" of these phrases will also entail learned mannerisms or movements, and this will save you from embarrassment at the very beginning of the conversation. But when this very conversation is already tied up, it will become much calmer and easier for you to communicate further.

    6. Before you go to the women's pickup, leave your girlfriend at home. Not many women know that the best friend becomes the main rival in finding and attracting the attention of a man.

    Yes, yes, it’s the very best friend who will give you a new dress for the party awesome, and make-up, if anything, and always help with advice. Out of a desire to help you, she can provide the very “disservice” that will nullify all your efforts.

    It is best to pretend to be “unburdened loneliness” - you are alone at a table leafing through the pages of an interesting book or browsing the Internet news. Any man will fall for the woman who is not looking for anyone, but simply spends time for her own pleasure.

    7. Your look should not be inviting. If you simply beckon a man with your eyes and constantly turn your attention to him, he may find you available. You need to look once straight into the eyes, smile, then look away. Let the man have a “hunter instinct” - you didn’t choose him, but he chose you! Then your chances of attracting his attention will increase rapidly.

    Sometimes in a women's pickup, such a “hunter-prey” combination works especially well if there is one (or even several) men you know in the same company with you. We talked with the man you “needed”, then kindly apologized to him and explained that you need to leave for a couple of minutes to say a few words to your friend.

    Just do not try to immediately explain during the pickup process that this is just your colleague or housemate - let him suffer questions. Give him a charming riddle in your face! Believe me, while you are talking with your friend, he will not take his eyes off you. After all, all men are terrible owners!

    8. Don't become a "yoke around your neck." Even if you have already made a small contact, do not try to “stick” to a potential boyfriend. It is better to communicate with everyone a little, but sometimes pay a little more attention to him than to the rest.

    For example, in a general conversation, turn to him with a question, or ask him to express his opinion. Obsessive women just scare men to horror! Therefore, you should not impose yourself on him from the very first meeting, it can (and most often it happens!) Become your last.

    9. The three-date rule of a real pickup truck. When a book appeared in the last century about the first male pickup truck, it clearly described (for men, of course) how this pickup should be carried out.

    The first meeting is to attract attention, the second meeting is a date in a romantic style, but without sex, but the third meeting already implies sex. But these rules are specifically for men - there a pickup truck means only high-quality "eating", nothing more.

    For women, the purpose of a pickup truck is completely different - it is to please the “right” man, and then life will show whether he is for her or not. Therefore, here the “rule of three dates” looks a little different: the first date is also aimed at attracting attention, but the second one is more surprising for its potential boyfriend.

    For example, set up the next meeting in the theater, in the circus, in any interesting place, but without a subsequent trip to a restaurant (cafe, bar), and even without seeing you home. We can say that you urgently need to go to a friend (mother, sister). The third meeting can already take place in a restaurant (cafe, bar) and here he can already see you off, but only to the entrance! Not to bed or to your house, but only to yours!

    10. Keep your distance while picking up. After those three dates mentioned above, you need to take a little time out! But do it in such a way as not to offend a potential boyfriend, otherwise your whole idea will fail. You can come up with a good reason why you cannot meet in the next week (no more). Only the reason must be thought up beautiful.

    For example, telling him that you are leaving for relatives, while staying at home yourself, will not work at all. After all, he already knows where you live and can simply come under your house in the hope of meeting you. And here you go from work or from the store!

    In his eyes, you will look like a liar, and this for men is like a knife in the heart. It is better to either really go to relatives, or ask for a business trip, or come up with some other reason. By the way, telling him that you are sick is also not worth it - you still have not the same relationship! This can ruin everything.

    11. Love yourself, then he will notice you. In order to attract attention with the help of a female pickup of a man you like, you first need to like yourself! If you have an uncertain look, awkward movements, any man will quickly understand this, but such women are not interesting. But if you internally feel like a queen, if you have the right self-esteem, then for him you will appear in the role of this queen.

    Love yourself, start taking care of yourself, your new image - and then not a single man can resist you! And then you will only need one thing - to keep it and become the only one. After that, the treasured engagement ring will definitely be on your finger! You don't need a pickup truck for women anymore!

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